Inform Magazine - St Albans Edition - August 2021

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Making your nursery marketing child’s play It all began with a chance phone call last April… ‘Can you help us? We need a way to showcase and market our nursery to parents as they aren’t allowed in anymore and we think you can help’...

For so many childcare settings, providing parents with the opportunity to come in and have a look around is a critical part of their marketing so not being able to welcome people in with open arms was a real problem. These unique virtual tours have provided them with a superb way to showcase their premises and market them to parents without the need for people to actually visit. You can see some examples here… And they are continuing to be a big hit too!

Little did we know then the impact of that call which has resulted in us travelling throughout the UK, from our base in St Albans and Harpenden, over the last 12 months to help a wide range of businesses create a unique way to showcase and market their businesses in a fully immersive and unique way. We’re Immersive Walkthroughs - a local family business and provider of unique 3D Virtual Tours - and it’s been fascinating over the last 12 months to see how technology has been fast tracked into all areas of our life. One such industry that’s really benefited from our unique technology and 3D virtual tours has been the nursery and childcare sector.


But will the trend continue? As we slowly start coming out of the pandemic, we thought that the demand for these may reduce but it’s not showing any signs of slowing down at this point. Indeed forward-thinking owners/managers of nurseries have recognised that their 3D virtual tours are giving them a marketing ‘edge’ over other nurseries that haven’t adopted this unique technology. In addition, it’s helping nurseries improve their conversion rate with new parents as the virtual tour is acting like a ‘first showing’ meaning that those that do then want to chat further are better qualified leads. And that’s giving them a ‘head start’ over other providers when it comes to parents short listing potential options for their children.

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