Inform Magazine - Enfield Edition - July 2021

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Keeping you “Inform”ed with all the news, products, services, events and opportunities available in Enfield!


Prepping for big school Businesses COMMUNITY

Issue 2- July 2021


What’s in store for you in this month’s Inform Magazine? Vacant Building Inspections 4 Prepping for Big School 6 The Importance of Community 10 10 Things about dance that make us smile


5 Questions We Asked An Enfield Business - The Brandit


Why TBC? 16 Top Tips from BT 18 Enfield News Round Up 20 Your Local Business Directory 22 Celebrate with Nightingale 24 Tell Us Your Story 26 Stress Free Success 27 5 Questions We Asked An Enfield Business - Bridgette Mansfield




Businesses COMMUNITY

It’s the second issue already!!!! Time certainly flies. In this issue Popdance share what makes them smile about dance, Jodie Webber gives us tips on going up to “big school”, and BT share their digital skills with us - making digital accessible to everyone. Grab a cuppa, sit back and have a read and don’t forget that it’s an interactive magazine, so you can click straight through to find out more and get in contact with local businesses directly making #ShopLocal even easier.

Do you have news or stories to share? Email us at - enfield@ thebusinessescommunity. com to be featured in the August or future issues And, if you would like to feature your business, find out more about working with us here

Have a super dooper July, The TBC Team

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Metropolitan Security

Looking for a new home and worried about the current condition of the property you want to buy? Looking for a professional’s eye in the matter? Metropolitan Security Services Ltd. provides one of the best, quick, and cheapest vacant building inspection (VPI) services available, we provide reliable services on short-notice and aim to satisfy our consumers with what THEY want.

Services Ltd.) provide VPI services for as low as £10 a visit which includes various services in the package whose reports will be forwarded electronically within 24 hours or less, providing our esteemed consumers with agile and reliable service. Following is the detailed information about our services in the VPI sector: External Inspection:

Many properties in London are prone to attract damaging elements to themselves such as deterioration, pipeline hazards from prolonged abandonment, oil and gas leakages, security issues such as deteriorated or improper fencing caused by non-existent maintenance and threats of invasion or breakins due to broken windows and unwanted entrances. Vacant Building Inspection is a process where we will check every single entity and element of the abandoned property you are willing to buy or even if it’s a regular-checkup, VPI service ensures that your properties are safe and secure before you decide to do anything with them or move-in with your family. Many reports have suggested that in the past, many home-owners reported severe damage to domestic services like gas and electricity connections and some had oil and gas hazards which can prove to be extremely dangerous for the tenants and the surroundings, we (Metropolitan Security


External inspections include all the elements that relate to the outside environment of the property. Threats/attempts of breach: Many properties are often prone to breaches by burglars and people with evil intentions to scavenge the abandoned property, we check the premises all around the house to ensure that there have been no attempts to breach the property by burglars or other entities. If any such case is identified, our professionals are required to report it immediately. This checkup also includes the threat of aggressive animals taking shelter in the abandoned property who may have gotten access via a broken window or an opening somewhere in the house, this is also checked and reported in the check-list provided to our consumers.


Rooms and Quarters:

Many properties are prone to vandalism in the form of graffiti art on private property, these are also marked and reported back to the owners of the property in a structured form.

Rooms and quarters in a property are individually inspected to mark out various elements that may depict signs of deterioration and/or non-existent maintenance, these include check-up of several elements such as intact walls, conditions of doors and windows, heating and air conditioning units, seepage from walls/roof and other general elements that may have an impact on the property.

Fencing/External doors and gates: Fencing is also observed to determine its state and the level of deterioration and if it may require maintenance or overall replacement, this is done because fencing serves as an essential part of the external surroundings of a certain property. Similarly, external gates are also checked to determine their condition similar to fencing and whether they require replacement or maintenance. Roof tiles/gutters and such openings:

Cellars/Basements: Cellars or basements alike are checked for water leakages and whether they are dry or not, either of the conditions are reported in the check list is then finalized and sent off electronically to the consumer of our service.

This area of inspection is inclined towards checking the roof tiles which can pose a risk of falling/sliding if not maintained over a long period of time, this is checked thoroughly throughout the roof. External gutters and drainage pipes leading from the roof downwards are inspected and examined for any sort of blockage that may be temporary or require professional cleansing.

Utility Services:

Meter Readings: All the concurrent meters of water, electricity and gas are observed and readings are jotted and delivered to the home-owners in the final report.

All the above services stated are performed by experienced professionals excelling in their field of work. We, Metropolitan Security Services Ltd. Ensure a bond of trust with our client based upon the quality of services we provide for as low as £10 per visit

Internal Inspection:

Find out more here

Making sure the utility services are off can save the owner of the property a ton of trouble, utility services like electricity, water, and gas are checked to identify whether they are off or not. Either of the cases are mentioned in the report and will be delivered to our esteemed consumer within 24 hours.

Chemical Hazards: Chemical hazards such as oil and gas leakages that may prove to be dangerous and/or fatal to the human life are thoroughly inspected around the house with stateof-the-art equipment and if found, they are marked accordingly in the house and reported as a higher-priority in the final electronic report. Chemical hazards include all sort of hazardous materials and are not limited to just oil and gas.


Prepping for big school Starting school is a crucial stage in any child’s development. At the best of times, it can be a daunting prospect for our little ones, but given the last 18 months has been a completely unprecedented and unsettling time for everyone, this year could be particularly tricky! I know as a parent myself that I’m starting to feel the anxiety creeping in too. I’m currently experiencing this with my own daughter, who will be starting reception this September. Normally a confident and outgoing little thing, she is in complete denial that she will be leaving the safety of her beloved nursery class and making that huge leap into reception.

I thought it would be helpful to share some additional tips of the things I’m doing with my own daughter, alongside reading her the book, to make sure starting school is the exciting adventure it should be!

This has been where the inspiration for my new book, ‘Mystic Bunny Boy Steps Out Of Time’ came from. The story is about ‘first day of school nerves’ and includes a simple calming technique that children can easily learn and apply to any situation that makes them feel anxious. I’ve been practising this with my little one, subtly giving her the tools to help calm her and prepare her in the best way I know how.

Visualising with your child what school will actually be like is a great place to start. Lots of schools offer a settling in sessions, so it’s a good idea to take your child then talk afterwards about the experience - it will give them a good sense of what might happen on their first day. I know this may not be possible at the moment due to social distancing, but if you can it’s really important to attend these so your child can meet the teachers, make friends and get a feel for the place. Talk about the journey to school and what they will need to remember to pack in their school bag. The more a child talks about the whole experience of being at school the more they will have practised it in their minds, and the more confident they will feel.

1. Get talking

2. Make friends Making new friends can often be a huge challenge. It’s good to remind your


child that others may also be feeling a bit unsure and so saying hello, smiling and asking another child if they want to play is a good place to start. Over the summer holidays, why not try to create opportunities to practice this in the park, or when going to summer social activities. It is also a great idea to connect with local community groups and find other families in the same situation that you meet up with to make sure your little one has a friendly face on their first few days.

3. Establish good routines

Remember, labelling clothing and equipment will also help children feel Creating good habits during the holidays that they know what belongs to them, will really help. It’s also a nice idea to and will help them feel organised. have a calendar that gives your child a visual reminder of how many weeks/ 5. Walk the walk days are left before they start school. A good night time routine is a great Get your child familiar with the morning example: bedtime routines that include routine and journey. Get up and ready, a chat about the day will help your child and ‘practise’ going to school, talking develop a way of reflecting on the day – to them about what they can see along which will be an important tool for both the way. You can turn this into a game, of you once they start school. perhaps making a map and getting your child to draw/find certain landmarks along the way. All of this preparation will help your child feel confident in the run up to their first day, and will help them feel that this new experience is one that they can manage and enjoy. I hope you and your child find these tips useful. And if you’d like a copy of the book as an additional settling in aid for your child, it can be purchased via

4. Get things ready Help your child to make a list of the things they will need for school – you can even make a game of finding some of them around the house. Then, plan a shopping trip to buy everything.

Wishing us all a smooth, calm and exciting transition.


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The importance of building your community Jodie Webber - Bob Marketing for The Businesses Community

Running your own business can be tough, it can be lonely, it can be exciting, it can be challenging, it can be rewarding... it can be soooo many things! Chuck into the mix the fact that you are also juggling the responsibility of bringing up a well-rounded little person (or little people) and there’s one hell of a lot of pressure, plate spinning (sometimes smashing!), juggling, prioritising, feeling amazing, feeling inadequate, feeling…. Well, the whole spectrum! In this day and age where we are told by the media we can ‘have it all’, it’s no wonder that many parents are rejecting the return to work and being bold… stepping out into the world of business for themselves. And if that is you – big


congratulations and well done! The problem (in my opinion) is, our media only seems to report the success stories, and it’s only once you decide to embark on your new journey into the world of running your own business, that you realise it’s not enough to have a fantastic idea and see the gap in the market. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to scare you! Having your own business is utterly fantastic (one of the best feelings in the world!). But in the same way as being a parent, it can also be daunting, exhausting, frustrating, over-whelming, throw you curve balls, and at times you might question what you are doing! There’s an African proverb that says ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ meaning that a community of people must interact with children for them to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment… And the same can be said of starting your business! As parents, we rely on a whole support network of people when we start out (and as we grow)… from family members, midwives, friends, neighbours, nursery teachers, baby groups – the list goes on! Why then, when you start your own business

do you think that you should be able to take everything on yourself? Networking, building business relationships, and being part of a ‘business community’ is such invaluable support when you are in the early days of business. It’s great to have a community to share, support, advise and celebrate with! And once you have a connection with other local businesses, you will find that you not only have a ‘village’ you can turn to for advice, help and support, but also a minimarketing team, that will shout your praises, offer you referrals, and promote you to others. There are so many networking groups and business forums out there, you will find one that suits

you as a person, and your business… you just need to find it! If you are thinking about starting out in business or are a relatively young business, I highly recommend looking for a group (or groups) to connect with. Much the same as parenting, we were all new to it once, and needed the help and guidance that the ‘village’ can offer – people are more than happy to share their experiences and expertise – you just need to ask! Join the Enfield Businesses Community via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and join in the conversations Find out more about our informal online monthly meets ups here


10 Things About Dance That Make Us Smile! 1. Number 1 has to be the music when Wham’s Wake Me Up Before You Go Go comes on – you’ve just gotta dance to it 2. The fact that dance will never date, be boring or run out of moves! 3.

me – being active, exercising and it’s such a fun way to do it.

The fact that everyone can dance! Even if they say they have two left feet – everyone has their own way of dancing.

Re-living my youth – dancing to tracks from the 80s, 90s and 00s – blasts from the past put a big smile on my face




makes me feel good.

I just love to dance – even though I am not a “dancer” – I feel like I am!



The fact I’ve made so many new friends through dance – it’s a very sociable experience.

Snuck an 11th in here – try a little dance move now – classics that spring to mind are “Gangnam Style”, Tiffany’s I Think We’re Alone Now, or how about a moonwalk – go on – I know you are contemplating it!

It’s fun – it makes me happy and

6. Being in a dance studio – I just want to run across the sprung floor and do a “fame leap” mid air (but I don’t)


7. It’s me time! Forget the phone, the kids tea and work – it’s just about me, the music and dancing! The fact that dancing is good for 8.

Get yourself down to your nearest Popdance class HERE or online HERE or if you are a dance teacher and you’d like to include Popdance classes, parties and workshops in what you do – then find out more HERE

Have a FREE Popdance Fit workout session for you and all the family - go on, give it a go

What makes you smile about dance?

Or why not book a Popdance party or workshop? Find out more HERE


5 Questions We Asked An Enfield Business We caught up with Gavin Wybrow of The Brandit to find out why he started his own business and what “floats his boat” in the world of graphic design Gav, we hear you’ve been a graphic designer for over 36 years? Yep, wow that sounds insane when you say that! Yep, I’ve loved graphics since I studied at Watford College. I come from a very creative family - my Dad is a retired graphic artist and worked with the likes of the Hilton Hotel, Lentheric and Pears Soap. My brothers are both in the printing industry, my niece is a graphic designer too and my cousin teaches art - so I guess it’s in the blood. What do you love most about your “job”? I have to confess that I love creating logos, branding and creative concepts - working with clients to understand what they want to achieve, and helping them to do just that through simple, yet effective, visual


communications. I also love the fact that I work with a diverse range of clients - so it never gets monotonous. What made you start The Brandit? Having worked with my wife, Sue Wybrow, on the creation of Enfield Businesses branding, which became The Businesses Community Enfield, Popdance and Dance News Worldwide, I knew that many start up businesses could not afford a lot of marketing agency’s fees.

THE I wanted to give all sizes of businesses the opportunity to present themselves in a professional way and to create the look and feel that interpreted what they offered and the solutions they gave to their clients. The Brandit works with lots of different sized businesses - from start ups to large corporates - and the journey is the same in terms of working together to create the perfect logo or communications for that company.

Businesses COMMUNITY

So what do you like to do when you are not designing? Ooh I’m partial to a local public house, We are very lucky to have so many to choose from in Enfield. I also love my 1958 Vespa Scooter - it’s great to get the wind in my hair every now and then (which is very difficult as I have no hair and wear a scooter helmet)!

And I love spending time with So, being a graphic designer, my gorgeous family (Sue told me what famous brands do you like to write that) that are out there? I really like Levi - the red tag, the simplicity of it, the fact that it’s grown to be a huge brand internationally. I like to keep things simple.

Find out more or get in touch with Gavin at


We are here to connect you with thousands of potential customers looking for services and products in the Enfield area


Health & Well-being

Food & Drinks


Business Services


Home & Garden

Whatever industry you are in, whether you provide products, services or events, we can help you engage with our network and increase your sales!

Access to thousands of potential customers via social media and email No more competing with Google – we will put your business in front of a readymade, active and engaged audience

We know how to reach the right audience An exclusive directory of professional businesses offering products and services in the Enfield Area. Inform Magazine goes to thousands of people in the Enfield Area - via social media as well as email

Join our monthly online meet up - make new connections, increase your network, chat with like-minded people, get ideas and support Inform Magazine goes to the inboxes of people wanting to hear about what’s going on in Enfield from consumers to fellow business owners! Make sure your business is featured every single month in Inform Magazine - from just £50 for the whole year for our starter package, £39/month for bronze which gives you a quarter page ad in every issue!

Find out more and book for the August issue here


Top Tips with Tania Bringing you tech tips from BT Skills for Tomorrow It’s been a tough time for small businesses lately, and with the world going digital, it can be difficult to keep up with the changing technology trends and tools. Once small businesses have the right support to understand the tech, platforms and develop their digital skillset – they’ll be raring to go. Our programme for small businesses is part of BT Skills for Tomorrow and offers a wide range of free advice, information, and support from webinars to free 1:1 mentoring to help owners of small businesses to grow.

You’ll learn:


• Tools that can help you save time when creating social posts

Social media strategy – run in partnership with Google Digital Garage

• How social media can help you reach new customers online • The building blocks of a simple social media strategy

Get started with analytics – run in partnership with Google Digital Garage Analytics can help you better understand your customers and support your digital marketing strategy. Explore the questions your customer data can help you answer, In this session you will learn: • The ways that data analytics can help your business strategy • Which tools can help you understand your audience • How to get started with Google Analytics

A social media strategy can help you measure the success of your online posts. Join us for a session to learn about building a social media strategy into your business plan.


Create engaging content for your business We focus on the steps required to create an effective content strategy, as well as top

tips for creating content and marketing it to customers. We’ll explore, discuss and cover: • Core components of an effective content plan from defining your target audience to crafting your brand voice. • Ways in which you can use written text, images and videos to connect with customers and boost levels of engagement across key channels. • Top tips for marketing your content and measuring its success. Design your own ecommerce website

Sign up for free 1:1 mentoring At BT, we’ve helped thousands of businesses to get growing. BT and Google are coming together to help you connect with more customers online via 1-to-1 mentoring and training with digital experts. We’ll help you discover how to grow your online presence, build your social media strategy, create engaging content and take your business to the next level for free. Head here for more on BT and Google free 1:1 mentoring and training with digital experts. Let’s Talk About..

In this webinar we explore the steps required to build an eCommerce website that will convert users into customers. The session provides attendees with: • A checklist of considerations when planning the design and build of an eCommerce website • Advice and guidance on the ways in which businesses can craft an engaging user journey, list products effectively, move users through the conversion pipeline, market their platforms and optimise their online offering for success. Find the full list of webinars, and details of how to join here

We’ve also created some short videos that give top tips to help small businesses along the way. Check out Grace Marshall as she talks about how to be more productive at work. You can view the full video here BT has lots of free resources to help you grow your business online at BT Skills for Tomorrow Tania Young leads on BT’s Digital Skills programme for older and vulnerable customers.


Business Services Struggle with content for emails? Check out Joolz Joseph’s online Compelling Content for Emails course for just £49: How are you feeling about your career and business strategy? Time for a rethink and refocus? Contact Kate at Kardooni Consulting for Executive and Business Coaching support ( A thoughtful HR consultancy focussed on helping your business with their people - Focus on the Balance Business Name Talia Zamora - I help determined self-starters to achieve success and become the expert in your field! Together we form strategies that align with your personal values and are therefore authentic; as a result, you’ll find your business flowing from a place of personal comfort and motivation that comes easy and you enjoy doing -

Events The Nightingale Birthday Weekend Walk. They say 19 is just a filler birthday, so let’s fill it with a celebration we won’t forget, over our birthday weekend of 21st August, we want you to walk 10k your own way with friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, the more the merrier. We can’t run from cancer but we can walk for it! The Nightingale Annual Charity Golf Day is back at Crews Hill Golf Club on Friday 13th August for a full day and night of golf, food and drink, this is the perfect opportunity to test your game amongst your friends and colleagues and find out who’s still got it with breakfast, refreshments, a two course dinner and auction, who could want more after a year of lockdown?

Hospitality Worried about booking a holiday and then changing your mind? Do the changes in government rules put you off booking your holiday? Not Just Travel - Keeley Brown has that covered. You can book your holiday today and change it tomorrow. Booking a holiday at the moment can be daunting for some, that’s why Keeley is making it easier for you! Contact Keeley to find out more -

Local Products and Services #ShopLocal Business DAT Electrical Ltd Retail and Commerical Electrician | Planned Preventative and Reactive Maintenance. North London Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Connecting Businesses, Generating Opportunities. The Virtual Marketeer Marketing Motivator and Email Marketing Consultant. UkBusinessBuddy Do you use card machines in your business? Let’s have a coffee to see if we can save you money like we do with thousands of businesses. JT Accounts JT Accounts are passionate about helping the small business, as specialists in accounting, taxation and certainty we offer a comprehensive range of accountancy support and taxation services. The Athena Network The leading international networking, training and development business club for female executives and entrepreneurs Talia Zamora A Business Strategy Coach, empowering entrepreneurs to grow an authentic business resulting in a consistent income and time with their family.


Charity The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre is an Enfield-based charity supporting adults affected by cancer, including patients, family members, friends and colleagues. Age UK Enfield Age UK Enfield has been offering services to those over 50 living in Enfield since 1985, starting with a Day Centre for those with dementia and an Information and Advice Service. Zebras Charity We support both children and adults with disabilities to live their life the way they choose.

Coaching Kardooni Consulting Executive and Business Coaching on a 1-2-1 basis specialising in performance and transition If you’d like to reflect on the future, contact me via to book an initial chemistry session

Fashion ME Ladies clothing boutique, specialising in the latest trends

Forever Living Una V1da Helping people I know and meet with how our aloe vera products can help make them look and feel better. We have a huge product range from 9 day cleanses, skincare, daily care, vitamins and supplements.

Health & Wellbeing Presence of Mind Presence of Mind offers Mindfulness training and coaching in North London. Keyajee Ayurvedic Clinic I support women in motherhood journey to keep their health optimum Popdance Fun dance routines to pop music from the 80s, 90s, 00 and current day - for all ages and abilities - online classes, on-demand classes plus birthday parties and workshops The Body Place Providing the most up-to-date therapies, in addition to all the traditional local salon treatments.

Home & Garden Utlity Warehouse Saving you time, money and hassle with your utility bill Find out more here Metropolitan Security Services Ltd Keeping people and properties safe and secure for over three decades Robbins Candle Company Ltd Co-Owner of Robbins Candle Co. where our kitchen smells like a fragrance store and wax is my new best friend! Making candles that are kinder to you and the environment!

HR/Business Focus on the Balance The HR Consultancy for small to mid size businesses that need a flexible HR solution Solutions HR We partner with small businesses to ensure their people and people systems are aligned

with their business goals. To find out more or book a free introductory call, visit

IT BLS Computer Solutions Complete managed IT services, support and security, designed around your business needs.

Jewellery Zoe White Designer-maker of fabulous inclusive jewellery and excitng creative workshops.

Leisure Crafty Cavy I help people relax by teaching the traditional skills of knitting & crochet. I create beautiful, original, handmade items and patterns for you to make your own.

Personalised Clothing ToGs by Emma Personalised Gifts and Clothing including print or embroidery, with a minimum qty order of 1!!!

Travel Not Just Travel - Gary Tansley - I am your FREE personal travel expert. I will create and design your perfect bespoke holiday. You have the dream, I do the research, I inspire, while you relax. Get in touch with me here Not Just Travel - Keeley Brown - I’m passionate about planning & booking memorable holidays & trips. I offer a FREE bespoke personal service & treat my clients holidays with the same care & attention as I would my own

Weddings Centrepiece Cakes by Kerry Beautiful bespoke wedding cakes


IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre is turning 19 and to celebrate our birthday, we’re holding a Birthday Weekend Walk! Over the weekend of the 20th – 22nd August we’re asking people to go on a walk and show their support for those affected by cancer. We’d love for you to take part and help us help all those that live with cancer and the devastating impact it can have on their lives.

WHERE? The short answer is; anywhere! You can walk wherever you’d like. In your favourite park, along your high street or even in your garden.

HOW FAR SHOULD I WALK? We’re suggesting a 10k walk, but if you would like to walk a shorter or longer distance, we don’t mind, as long as you’re comfortable and having fun.


Did you know that walking 10,000 steps per day means you walk roughly 8k?! We bet you didn’t think it would be that easy to walk that far. So if you don’t want to go for one solid walk, you could chose to dedicate your 10,000 steps over 20th-22nd August to The Nightingale. We even have some suggested walking routes around different parts of Enfield. You can find them here

WHY SHOULD I WALK? In the UK statistics currently indicate that one in two people will be diagnoses with cancer at some point in their lives, suggesting that most people will be affected by cancer in some way. We want to be here to help as many of them as possible come to terms with and deal with their changed lives. Through registrations, sponsorships

HOW DO I TAKE PART? You can take your first step today and sign up to our Birthday Weekend Walk, get a sponsorship form or donate to The Nightingale by visiting birthdaywalk/.

Calling 020 8366 9674 Emailing: fundraising@ Once you register we’ll be with you every step of the way. We’ll send you suggested walking routes, playlists to get you in the walking mood and a few surprises in the lead up to the big birthday!

and donations we’re hoping to raise £9,000 which could pay for two complementary therapists to come to the centre for a whole year, delivering nearly 600 massage and reflexology sessions to clients!


Our Birthday Weekend Walk is one of the most important events we will hold this year. The Nightingale relies solely on external fundraising and doesn’t receive any government funding, so it’s events like this that mean we can continue to provide all of our services free of charge. After a difficult year of no events or fundraising, we’re looking forward to our supporters and community helping us out in a big way!


Tell us your story! We want to know about what you enjoy about Enfield • What you like doing in Enfield? • Your favourite places in Enfield? • Your business in Enfield • Your entrepreneurs who have perhaps just started a business • And charities in Enfield (did you know that charities get free membership with TBC!) Send your story to


Simple Steps to Stress-Free Success Hi, I am Talia Zamora a Business Strategy Coach providing a one-to-one programme & group membership coaching. I help determined achievers to succeed & become the expert in their field!

Together we form strategies that align with personal values and are therefore authentic; as a result, you’ll find your business flowing from a place of personal comfort and motivation that comes easily and you enjoy doing! Contact me for a chat and see how I can help you

• •

Do you: Have a vivid mental image of where you want your business to go? Know how it will fit around your family? Know you want your business to become in the future?

Having goals, aspirations and building a vision will enable you to have a clear business focus and keep you on the track to success! This Vision Planner will help you make all of your dreams and visions become a reality! Forming a vision that you can commit to can support you to maintain a more balanced, fulfilling lifestyle! Download the planner now

07740647835 or book a video call via Building a vision! Free Vision Planner... I have created a very simple but creative vision planner to assist you to visualise and record your plan and clarify your life vision.


5 Questions We Asked An Enfield Business We caught up with Bridgette Mansfield, a hypnotherapist in Grange Park, to ask her our 5 “famous” questions: Hi Bridgette, so, what got you interested in hypnotherapy in the first place?

that if I can do it, everyone can do it. So I decided to train as a hypnotherapist and as a Hypnobirthing instructor. How has hypnotherapy affected your life, personally?

I am a much more positive person than I was before. It’s a very rewarding job After I gave birth to my second helping others to make positive son, I read about hypnobirthing. changes to their lives. I had never heard of it before but when I read it I realised What kind of clients do you that I had hypnotised myself work with? whilst giving birth without even realising it. I absolutely I help people to overcome loved giving birth, I had such anxieties, fears, negative a great experience, it was very thoughts, unwanted habits such empowering and I realised


as smoking, gambling etc. And most emotional issues. And pregnant ladies helping them to get rid of their fears around birthing.

By making sure you’re not tensing your jaw or clenching your fist for example will make you feel much more relaxed and in control. Also make sure that you are not holding your What would you say to anyone breath. Although breathing wondering what hypnotherapy comes naturally, we sometimes is like? hold our breath when we are anxious. Taking in nice deep Hypnosis is a very natural state breaths whilst relaxing your that we go in and out of every body will help. day without even realising. Everyone feels differently in hypnosis, some people feel light, others feel heavy. Some may get tingling in their hands or feet, some don’t, it is a wonderful feeling and extremely relaxing. Also, during this past year, we know that people have struggled with their mental health and increased anxiety, do you have any simple tips they could implement to help with that? Take time to make sure you are not tensing your body. Very often we are tensing a part of our body without even realising. This will increase anxiety.

Thanks, Bridgette. If you’d like to talk to Bridgette confidentially about any concerns, worries or goals you have - simply email her at or take a look at her website here to find out more


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