The Broadview Feb. 19, 2021

Page 1

2 food bank

Food insecurity increases due to COVID-19

Friday, February 19, 2021

5 brady riding

Volunteers assist in horseback riding therapy

9 surf’s up

Surfing is a socially-distant quarantine activity

11 period pain

Extreme period symptoms should not be normalized

Convent of the Sacred Heart HS | San Francisco, California

12 outdoor art New art exhibition comes to Golden Gate Park

Vol. 26, Iss. 3

Let's talk about race

Marisa Donovan | THE BROADVIEW

POCSU discusses insurrection, Black Lives Matter

Olivia Rounsaville & Adele Fratesi

In light of the attempted insurrection at the Capitol and Black History Month, The Broadview sat down with the People of Color Student Union to talk about recent events and living as a person of color. The discussion has been edited for space, but a more complete transcript is available at The Broadview: What went through your mind during the insurrection at the Capitol? Robin Tsai, junior When I first looked at the news of the insurrection, I was not only terrified, but definitely very angry. There’s definitely a massive difference in how they treated the domestic terrorists there as opposed to peaceful protesters in the BLM protests this summer. This isn’t just white privilege at play — its definitely white power. Frankly, I remember being at the verge of tears. Just watching that. It was honestly, something I never did. It was something we expected would happen. Given how much the flames are fed by President Trump, over the past few years, but like, it’s still terrifying. Erandi Arciga Duenas, senior: I think it’s a commentary on America, how prevalent white supremacy is and how much it still exists today. Even though lots of people think we put a stop to all of this years ago, it’s still happening today. It’s very scary for minorities and people of color.

TB: You kind of just touched on this a little bit, Robin, but I'm talking about the police response and your parents or anyone in your family talk about police violence and on the fact that people of color are disproportionately affected by the police. Anthony Sharp, senior: I was taught at a very young age from my father that it is a dangerous thing to be a Black man in

It’s empowering to see someone that may look like you stand up and comment on large topics.

— Erandi Arciga Duenas

America. It is something that you have no control over and you have to learn to deal with when you’re in public. Beimnet Lesanework, senior: My parents always wanted me to not talk back to any form of authority or express my opinion — just to be cautious of what you say and how you say it. I was taught that I don’t have the same privileges as someone with lighter skin or someone that’s white and I can’t really express

my opinions and feelings the way that I want to. I’m always very wary of how I say things and who I say them to because of that. Anthony Sharp: I’m thinking about that question and how I need to be cautious around people of authority and especially police officers. Kids have parties, almost every weekend, out in the park in Pac Heights. This is not a thing that Black kids really do. They can’t go out at midnight and have the police officers, if anything, walk through the park and ask people to leave. That is not the same thing that happens in Black neighborhoods. I live in the Bayview. There are police cars patrolling all hours of the night. There’s no privilege of being able to be out at night and not being scared of a police officer handcuffing you. It’s kind of crazy to think about the things I’ve seen and the things that my classmates have gotten away with because they’re white in these neighborhoods. TB: We live in a very liberal place and we saw a lot of social media activism, like in the summer months surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement. What is your opinion on social media activism? Robin Tsai Social media activism only goes so far. I think one thing that a lot of white allies should ask themselves is: “What am I actually doing to benefit BIPOC?” There’s a lot of things that



“A Most Beautiful Thing” written by author Arshay Cooper and director Mary Mazzio will hold a virtual panel discussion about the story for faculty and students in Grades 7-12 on Feb. 24 at 9:30 a.m. Students watched the first part of the documentary during Feb. 10 assembly, and were encouraged to watch the entire film over President’s Day break for free on Vimeo.

they could do as an ally to benefit BIPOC: donate to bail funds, donate to rental assistance, or participate in grassroots communities that help fight against disenfranchisement. TB: What kind of changes can BLM help bring about? D'angelo Flores, senior: I've been doing research on like the inequalities within education for people of color, and I found

As much as I love to educate people and tell them right from wrong, I am so tired of being responsible.

— Beimnet Lesanework

a lot of, I found a lot of information but I think what struck out. What struck out the most to me was just simply the fact that students of color, starting from like kindergarten all the way to like eighth grade had a very understaffed and under-resourced schooling. And I think one way that BLM could help with that is by hopefully offering more resources to those under-resourced schools. Roberto Parris, Wellness Counselor and Academic


In-person instruction will resume on Feb. 25 following a 10-day quarantine period designed for families who traveled outside of the Bay Area over the President’s Day Break to quarantine.


Grades 9-12 will end their Session 2 classes on March 12. A Session Transition Day and Alternative Student Programming is scheduled

Coach: What does the Black Lives Matter movement do for people of color? Erandi Arciga Duenas: With the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, we saw several voices of young leaders that were people of color. Seeing that representation, their work and bringing that into light inspires people like us. It’s empowering to see someone that may look like you stand up and comment on large topics such as white privilege in America. TB: What has your minority experience in school been like? Erandi Arciga Duenas I’ve had an encounter with one teacher in particular where he kept saying my name was Sonia. Everyone’s name represents an aspect of their identity and when teachers or administrators or your own classmates fail to recognize that it’s like, “Does my existence not matter here at all?” Beimnet Lesanework As much as I love to educate people and tell them right and wrong, I am so tired of being responsible for telling people that it’s wrong — I am exhausted. I want them to take responsibility. Don’t wait for it to happen once a year and then don’t address it until it happens again. I think it just needs to be a thing that needs to get addressed no matter if it happened or not. This is wrong and people need to take responsibility. I’m tired of having to be the one that stands up to that.

for March 15 before Session 3 begins the next day.


In-person strength and conditioning will resume on March 1. By signing up for strength and conditioning, students must attend inperson learning and not participate in outside club programs to ensure that there is limited mixing of cohorts. This session will last for three weeks.

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The Broadview Convent of the Sacred Heart HS Schools of the Sacred Heart San Francisc 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115

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2 | Friday, February 19, 2021

Food bank need increases


The Broadview

Volunteers use safer methods to distribute food Nina Gutierrez & Darcy Jubb


s the country shifts in and out of various levels of lockdown, certainty is rare, especially economic certainty as workers who thought they had stable jobs suddenly do not have one. Food banks have become a necessity for many families who find themselves struggling to pay for everyday needs. “We started seeing 50% more people and then 100% more people coming to our distributions,” Second Harvest of Silicon Valley CEO Leslie Bacho said. “We usually get about 180 calls a day and we started getting 1000 calls or getting 1200.” Pre-pandemic, the food bank focused on a client-choice model, allowing clients to select fresh produce and staple supplies but it has altered this process to maintain safety, according to Bacho. “We started boxing all of the food in our warehouse, creating mixed boxes of both refrigerated items and dry goods,” Bacho said. “We now have 130 drive-throughs, which is a really convenient way to serve people and reduce that kind of interaction.”

With an influx of new clients needing its services, Second Harvest and SF Marin Food Bank is welcoming volunteers to help package and deliver boxes of food. “I think it's really important to give back to the people in our community, especially during this challenging time,” senior Audrey Pinard said. “Volunteering is a nice way to not only give back, but connect with other members of the food bank.” The food banks distribute food to other locations such as the Richmond Community Center, allowing its resources to assist a wider range of people in need. The food is then picked up by volunteer drivers and delivered to clients’ homes. “We usually pick up between 10 to 20 bags of groceries on Tuesdays and Thursdays,” junior Olivia Williams, who is a volunteer driver, said. “We then go to different buildings across the city to deliver groceries to older people who cannot go out due to coronavirus.” SF Marin Food Bank volunteers organize foods such as pasta or rice into boxes along with a list of different types of

Jocelyn Pinard | WITH PERMISSION SERVING COMMUNITY Senior Audrey Pinard, her sister Isabelle Pinard (CSH ‘12) and mother Jocelyn Pinard help pack 18,000 pounds of grocery bags to be distributed around the city. Volunteers filled bags with pork loin, beef patties, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, celery, pears, apples, yogurt and rice.

meals that can be made with the ingredients inside the box. The food bank also offers fruit and vegetables that are sorted by volunteers. “People can drive up to the food bank and pick them up, where we load the boxes in the back of a car,” Pinard said. “If they can't drive over to the food bank, we deliver them ourselves to their houses.” Volunteering as a driver requires less contact with others, making it a safer way to help those who are more vulnerable

during the pandemic. “This is important because it helps the members of our community who are more at risk,” Williams said. “Even though it is a small part of my day, it is something that makes a huge impact on their lives.” The food bank does not require volunteers to have been tested for the coronavirus but verbally lists out precautions that they must meet in order to enter the facility. “Due to COVID-19, fewer people are allowed to volunteer,”

Pinard said. “The food bank also spends a lot of time sanitizing the area, which means that there is less time for volunteers to attend shifts.” Volunteers must change their gloves often and sometimes work outside of the warehouse when their numbers cannot ensure social distancing inside. “We’re going to continue at this high level of service for some time because we know it takes low-income families a much longer time to recover from this devastation,” Bacho said.

California broadens vaccine distribution Vaccine rollout is an important first step in restoring a sense of normalcy

Gabrielle Guido & Ella Noblin


year after the discovery of the first COVID-19 case in the United States and over 2.4 million COVID-19 related deaths worldwide, California began distributing vaccines in December, allowing several community members who are healthcare workers or 65 years of age to be vaccinated. Both of the current COVID-19 vaccinations must be administered in two doses, two to four weeks apart. Those not in high-risk and essential groups may not have access to the vaccine until summer and fall, but residents can sign up for a notification system at the California Department of Public Health website that immediately communicates eligibility. “I definitely feel more comfortable after seeing my mom get the vaccine,” junior Donnalie Yap said. “Since she was one of the first people in the Bay Area to receive it, I initially was a little concerned about any adverse side effects, however, after her two doses, she has been perfectly healthy. Once it is widely available, I plan to get the vaccine.” Although vaccines like polio, chickenpox and measles are required to attend school in California, some families opt out with medical exemptions, although they can be difficult to acquire. “In order to protect everyone else — including students and teachers, — we should all get

vaccinated and continue wearing masks, wash hands, social distance and avoid crowds,” Dr. Josephine Yap, junior Donnalie Yap’s mother, said. “While the vaccines are not available for all ages as of now, I hope that it will be soon so that in-person learning will be safer.” Whether or not Convent & Stuart Hall will require faculty, staff and students to be vaccinated has not been decided, according to school nurse Katie Coleman. “Policy and protocol are still being created around the everchanging nature of this pandemic,” Coleman said. “For those who choose not to get vaccinated, it may be the case that those individuals are asked to wear masks.” In addition to wearing masks, vaccinated faculty and staff members will likely follow protocols that are currently in place, such as hand hygiene and weekly testing, according to Coleman. “I would say 99% of the people I’ve spoken with are very much wanting to get the vaccine,” Coleman said. “Many people are contacting their physicians, and completing city and county sponsored surveys in order to be placed on waiting lists to receive the vaccine.” In order to provide visibility and ease anxiety around individual vaccinations, The New York Times worked with the Surgo Foundation and Ariadne Labs to create “Find Your Place

in the Vaccine Line.” This interactive graphic uses age, health risks and county of residence to calculate where each individual fits within this path towards vaccination. “I highly recommend that all who can receive vaccines to do so as fast as possible,” Dr. Alexander Levy, who works in internal medicine at Kaiser Permanente said. “We do not have a legal framework to require vaccination, but ethically, we should encourage everybody to get vaccinated to protect people around us.” Mass vaccination sites opened in the Bayview neighborhood, City College of San Francisco and the Moscone Center. Due to vaccination shortages, distribution at the Moscone Center will pause for a week depending on access to supplies, and City College will only reopen for second dose vaccinations on Feb. 19, according to the City and County of San Francisco. “It’s been a month and the only side effects I experienced on my first day were muscle pain, tiredness and back ache, and now I can say that I feel more comfortable for my family members to get vaccinated as soon as possible,” Dr. Yap said. “I found the process to be no different than if I were to get a regular flu shot.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expanded Tier 1 of Phase 1-B to include those working in education. Even though teachers in Califor-

California COVID-19 vaccine distribution PHASE 1A (Approx. 3 million people) Healthcare workers Residents of long-term care facilities

PHASE 1B (Approx. 8.5 million people) Tier 1

Individuals 65 and older Employees in jobs with higher risk of exposure Food and agriculture Emergency services Education and childcare Tier 2 Employees in jobs with higher risk of exposure Transporation Important manufacturing Industrial, commercial and sheltering facilties/services Places of high occupancy that may have increased risk of outbreak Incarcerated Homeless

PHASE 1C (Approx. 8.5 million people) Individuals 50-64 years of age Individuals 16-49 years of age who have an underlying health condition Employees in jobs with higher risk of exposure Water and wastewater Energy Defense Financial services Chemical and hazardous materials Communications and IT Government operations/community-based essential functions Source: Ella Noblin | THE BROADVIEW

nia should be receiving the vaccines in the next few weeks, neither vaccine has been approved for children under the age of 16. While California has established general guidelines for administering the vaccine, individual counties may enforce their own protocols. “I would feel safer if a majority

of us were vaccinated,” Donnalie Yap said. “I haven’t been using any of the notification apps as of now, but as the vaccine starts becoming more available to the public, I most likely will. I think they can be helpful for teens to stay informed about when they can receive the vaccine and plan with their families.”

The Broadview


Friday, February 19, 2021 | 3

Network schools reopen campuses Pandemic forces adaptation to new learning models Gabrielle Guido, Grace Krumplitsch & Madeline Thiara


uch like their San Francisco sister school, Sacred Heart schools around the country are finding new ways to continue educating students while meeting challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. In-person, distance learning models emerge Sacred Heart Greenwich in Greenwich, Connecticut is currently in Scenario 2 of its fourphase reopening plan that allows all students to learn on campus with a social distancing protocol in place and a regular class schedule due to low COVID-19 case rates in Fairfield County. “I was a little bit nervous when we first came back to school last fall with all of the changes with masks and social distancing,” Morgan Wilkens, Student Body President at Greenwich said. “I thought about how I could set a

I was a little bit nervous when we first came back to school last fall with all of the changes

— Morgan Wilkens

good example as a student council member.” Greenwich’s Health and Wellness Center has isolation rooms with hospital-grade ventilation systems and extra personal protective equipment to ensure that all students are safe and preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus. “This year we underwent a bunch of facility upgrades in order to bring back every girl, every day,” Communications Director Haley Sonneland said. “We did a lot of upgrades to the HVAC systems in our oldest buildings, including the areas of the school that used to be boarding areas for RSCJs and students.” Unlike Greenwich, students at Sacred Heart Schools in Atherton, California are still distance learning until the school receives approval from San Mateo County Public Health officials to resume in-person instruction. “Online learning has been pretty emotionally draining as we can’t banter or joke in class, and what made school so enjoyable is gone,” senior Alexandra Szczerba said. “We have two intense two-hour classes every day, meaning we have to concentrate and then spend a ton of additional time on homework.” Similar to Convent & Stuart Hall, Sacred Heart Schools adapted its schedule to an education model resembling the four-week J-term format while

Greenwich kept a regular school schedule. “The moments in between

This year we underwent a bunch of facility upgrades in order to bring back every girl, every day. — Haley Sonneland

classes, like walking in the halls with friends, eating lunch together, and being able to play sports makes all of the rulefollowing worth it for students,” Sonneland said about cohort policies and social distancing protocol. Athletes begin modified seasons Although in-person classes at Sacred Heart Schools have yet to resume, the school has proposed a back-to-school protocol in which students will be placed into small cohorts for modified sports seasons, and all students and faculty will be required to take a weekly coronavirus test. “I play water polo, so we have distanced practices and our season was postponed,” Szczerba said. “We don’t play games or play contact, and we have to take COVID tests, wear masks on deck and stay 6 feet apart all times. The sports environment is there, but distanced.” Atherton plans to offer outdoor activity areas for sports and will allow indoor sports only if athletes can be socially distanced. These safety measures will take away from the excitement of the athletic season, according to Szczerba. “Volleyball, which has been one of my favorite things I have done in upper school, was really hard because we had to play outdoors, which was very abnormal,” Wilkens said. “We only got to have four to five games where in a normal season we have 12 to 15.” Like its sister school with modified sports seasons, the Academy of the Sacred Heart in New Orleans has plans to offer reduced basketball, volleyball and soccer seasons while streaming matches online for fans. “When I go running with my cross-country team, we take off our masks as we remain distanced,” Emily Leblanc, a senior at Rosary, as the New Orleans school is commonly called, said. “At track and field tryouts, the coaches didn’t require masks as it is hard to run in one, but some people wore them out of preference.” Sacred Heart schools around the country have different COVID-19 policies as each institution is under the public health

Haley Sonneland | WITH PERMISSION

OUTDOOR ED A Spanish IV class at Sacred Heart Greenwich have an outdoor class. The school has reopened a renovated campus for students with new health and safety modifications.

guidance of its county or parish. The Orleans Parish requires everyone to wear masks in public unless they are seated at a restaurant or actively exercising. School traditions adapt to circumstances The 200-year-old network of schools is rich in tradition, and students say they're missing some of the rituals that they look forward to. Sacred Heart Schools canceled Spirit Week and prom. “As a senior, all these activities are cherished much more because it’s our last year and the final time we get to do them,” Szcezerba said. “That being said, I know that Sacred Heart is trying their hardest to make this year fun for us and I appreciate their hard work but it’s really difficult.”

Szcezerba, Leblanc, and Wilkens all said they feel sad about missing senior year milestones, but they are grateful for their Sacred Heart experience.

We don’t play games or play contact, and we have to take COVID tests, wear masks on deck and stay 6 feet apart all times. — Alexandra Szczerba

“One of the advantages of being a safe space and having the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria is that we talk about the value and importance of community and students understand that wearing a mask not only protects themselves, but it also protects others,” Sonneland said. “Every student has signed a social contract to abide by the new rules.” Although the pandemic has placed many restrictions on school activities, school spirit remains strong at Greenwich. “The dynamic of the upper school has kept its same spirit and students have been handling the changes really well,” Wilkens said. “Even if we are feeling down about it, we student representatives have to put up a strong front and be positive.”

Sarah El Qadah | THE BROADVIEW

IN-PERSON BUT DISTANCED Senior Cecilia McQuaid reviews the guidelines for her oral exam in IB Spanish at the Pine/Octavia campus. Convent & Stuart Hall has resumed in-person indoor learning for students with social distancing rules in line with the San Francisco Department of Public Health guidelines.


4 | Friday, February 19, 2021

College enrollment shifts amidst pandemic Variations in testing, college visits prompt change in applicant outlook Amelia Froyd Kamrath & Kassie DeJean


ith the cancellation of college visits and the introduction of optional standardized testing, the Class of 2021 is finding new strategies for exploring colleges and gap-year programs after graduation. Over 900 top-tier colleges and universities have de-emphasized the importance of test scores, some making standardized tests optional or even opting to be test blind, according to Forbes. This change has some students now applying to highly selective institutions that they may not have considered pre-pandemic. “Colleges know that tests are just a one time thing,” college counselor Thomas Esponnette

said. “The tests are just a very small piece of it.”

When the pandemic became part of life, I felt even more sure that I wanted to take a gap year. — Arlena Jackson

The pandemic prompted many college freshmen to take a deferral year, rather than to start college this past fall. Some mem-

What to do on a gap year Do I want to take a gap year?




fter arriving home from school, senior Madison Lerseth often finds herself binge watching TV

Sometimes binging makes me lose track of how much time I’m spending inside

— Siena Stenzler

shows for hours, prompting her to put off her homework and responsibilities until late at night. “I usually spend about a couple hours watching shows on Netflix and Hulu on weekdays,” Lerseth said. “Sometimes I binge watch to the point where I have to cram on my homework, and it makes me exhausted the next day.” Many teenagers find themselves hooked on their screens so much that they feel too drained to continue the rest of their day. U.S. teens spend an average

Take classes on a subject that interests you at a local community college.


Volunteer in your local community.

Pack it up and go to college. Improve language skills by living or working in another country.

bers of the Class of 2021 may choose a similar path in order to explore non-academic and academic interests, according to Forbes. “When the pandemic became a part of life, I felt even more sure that I wanted to take a gap year,” Arlena Jackson (’20), who chose to do her gap year in Israel exploring her Jewish heritage, said. Some students are concerned that an increased number of applicants will lower their chances of acceptance, however, gap

Spending excessive time on screen decreases teen health, productivity Clara Bonomi & Tala El Qadah

Stay home


Binge watching traps teenage attentions of seven hours a day on their computers, tablets and phones, excluding screen time intended for schoolwork, according to CNN. “After binging a show, I feel exhausted even though I haven’t done anything physically strenuous,” sophomore Samantha Calvin said. “It’s hard to motivate and get back to whatever I have to work on after that.” Spending a large amount of time on screens can prevent watchers — especially teenagers — from focusing on beneficial mental and physical health habits like exercise, nutrition, sleep and self-care. “If screen time is preventing someone from doing all that they want and need to do, then it’s a problem,” Dr. Mary Steele, who practices pediatrics said. “This could be an hour a day for some people or five hours a day for other people.” Although binge watching can result in negative habits, it can help relieve stress and form connections with others through a mutual love of shows, according to junior Jennifer Surjadi. “Whenever I feel overwhelmed and need an escape

The Broadview

from reality, I watch my favorite show and it always helps me relax,” Surjadi said. “I like that I can talk to not only my friends, and people I don’t know about my favorite characters and scenes.” But binge watching can also be a mental block, and Calvin

If screen time is preventing someone from doing all that they need to do, then it's a problem. — Dr. Mary Steele, M.D.

has found the habit to be an obstacle when trying to accomplish schoolwork. “I get distracted by watching shows when I should be doing homework,” Calvin said. “I have a lot of trouble focusing when my phone or computer is right there and I could just pick it up and watch something.” Some students try to avoid giving into distraction by

Visit famous landmarks and historical sites.

Register for an offical gap year program.

Get a job or an internship. Source: UCAS Tabitha Parent | The Broadview

year applicants are around 4% up from— 2% pre-pandemic— so they should not have a significant impact on those accepted this year, according to Esponnette. The national average acceptance rate is roughly two-thirds of all applicants so there is room for everyone, according to the Concord Monitor. All indications suggest that this year’s deferrals will not have a noticeable impact on the high school Class of 2021. Many colleges and universities

chose to shift to virtual learning for the current academic year, so, many prospective students unable to visit in person some students have been struggling to figure out if a school they tour virtually would still be a fit when they get campus, according to senior Kate Baker. “I did a few online tours, which I know isn't the same, but it still gives you a perspective,” Baker said. “I think the most valuable college information comes from the counselors and just word of mouth.”

Rethinking binge watching Instead of …

Consider …

Watching multiple episodes in one sitting

Taking stretch and walk breaks between episodes

Keeping devices readily accessible while studying

Putting devices P tti d i in a different room during work time

Spending hours randomly flipping through shows

Implementing a screentime limit on your devices Going outside or making plans with friends

Canceling plans to watch a show

Source: Northwestern Medicine Clara Bonomi and Tala El Qadah | THE BROADVIEW

implementing screen-time limits on their devices with Apple Screen Time settings or third-party applications that can be applied to specific applications or the entire device. “I didn’t know how much time I was spending on my phone until my screen time notifications told me I was spending over an hour on some apps,” freshman Siena Stenzler said. “Sometimes binging makes me lose track of how much time I’m spending inside.” Binge watching can cause adolescents to become antisocial and to choose to stay at home rather than to spend

time with friends and loved ones, according to WebMD. “When I start watching a really good show, I sometimes cancel plans and don’t hang with friends until I finish it,” Surjadi said. “It’s a bad habit that I am trying to quit.” Many teenagers, including Lerseth, have been noticing the results of binge watching and are trying to modify their habits. “Binge watching has definitely had some negative effects on my mental health and productivity,” Lerseth said. “I want to get out of the habit of spending so much time on a screen and spend more time being social.”

The Broadview

Get on your high horse


Friday, February 19, 2021 | 5

Volunteers lead horses, help children ride


Alina Kushner Senior Reporter

n a Saturday morning, sophomore Natalie Posner takes a deep breath through her mask as she briskly walks on a dirt path surrounded by eucalyptus trees and alongside a horse and its 4-year-old rider. Posner volunteers with the James S. Brady Therapeutic Riding Program, a non-profit that serves children who have a physical and cognitive diagnosis such as cerebral palsy or autism, or who have suffered displacement due to finances or domestic violence. The program is named after James S. Brady, press secretary for President Ronald Regan, who became disabled after a nearfatal shot during an assassination attempt on the president. Brady also turned to horseback riding for physical therapy. “My favorite part about Brady Riding is making connections with clients and horses,” Posner said. “I really love seeing how kids are improving and it makes

me happy that I can be part of it.” Volunteers lead the horse, help prepare and clean after the sessions, walk alongside children while they are riding, and sanitize the helmets and saddles after use. Horses can be therapeutic for volunteers as well the clients while they spend time cleaning, walking and handling horses. “The horse is applicable globally to the human, which means it’s not only beneficial to the physical, it's beneficial to the emotional, and to the mental health of a human,” Sarah Meakin, director of Brady Therapeutic Riding, said. “It's beneficial for the human, whether it's an adult or a child.” Horseback riding can be an emotional and physical outlet for children with disabilities and can establish a sense of balance and peace, according to Meakin. Riding evokes a relaxed state in children and makes them to focus on rhythmic breathing and promotes blood circulation throughout the body. “Gavin has a lot of sensory

Alina Kushner | THE BROADVIEW

GIDDY-UP Sophomore Natalie Posner holds the horse as Gavin Scola, 4, waits for riding instruction from director Sarah Meakin at the James S. Brady Therapeutic Riding Program. Volunteers help children learn to ride horses as a form of physical and emotional therapy.

processing things, it's a part of his autism and sensory processing disorder but he's always moving,” Gina Scola, whose son rides at Brady, said. “He does a lot of jumping and flapping, but you can observe when he's on the horse he is a completely different kid.” Since many clients are unable to attend school in-person or other therapeutic programs,

Brady Riding can establish a sense of balance and security in a child’s and family’s lives, according to Meakin. “It's actually been a lifesaver because we don't do anything else,” Scola said. “I love the people, they are so good with my son. He’s been coming here since he was 4.” The program was founded by Hugh Meakin in 1987 and works

with 4 to 18 year old children from the Bay Area. Brady Riding partnered with the San Francisco Zoo in 2019, where it is currently located. “I enjoy seeing the impact that my time has made on people,” Posner said. “When the clients are noticeably happier and are excited to see me each week, it feels like I’m really making a difference in some people’s lives.”

Balancing through uncertainty

Dance companies adjust to survive during pandemic


Darcy Jubb & Ada Linde

fter months of dancing in her living room, San Francisco Ballet School student Lily Peta returned to the studio in October. Much of the scene was familiar to Peta with the exception of the scent of sanitizer and rubbing alcohol seeping into the fabric of her mask as she sat, warming up, 6 feet away from the others in the studio. “One of the happiest days I can remember was when we went back into the studio,” Peta said. “The energy of learning and working alongside real people is irreplaceable in an online environment.” Although the SF Ballet studios had been open to in-studio dancing since October, it closed again on Jan. 20 after a member of the community tested positive for the coronavirus. Company members, school levels seven, eight and trainee returned to the studios a week later when medical professionals ruled the test was a false positive. Lauren Pschirrer was dancing her fourth season with San Francisco’s Smuin Contemporary Ballet, about to perform a work by Osnel Delgado, an internationally renowned Cuban choreographer and director of Malpaso Dance Company, when stay-at-homeorders were put in place last

March. “We found out that we were going into shelter in place and I was devastated because Osnel Delgado had just come to San Francisco from being on tour with his company,” Pschirrer said. “I was gutted, devastated, shocked.” As performing arts companies and schools closed their studios to dancers and audiences, living rooms became theaters and studios. Dancers used marley, a roll out vinyl dance floor, and portable barres and equipment to recreate a dance space. “I moved a slice of marley, a wooden barre and a body size mirror into my living room,” sophomore Maya Lewis said. “It does the job, but is nothing like being in a real studio.” While many dancers like Lewis are still anticipating a safe return to a studio, Smuin has begun using a pod system to bring a greater level of safety to dancers and choreographers. The 14 dancers in the company are divided into three groups that rotate between dancing at home and in the studio. Each pod has two designated choreographers that work within the group, according to Pschirrer. The shift in who can safely work together has impacted how Smuin composed its digital fall and winter seasons repertoire. Performing arts companies like SF Ballet and Smuin have been

releasing pre-recorded, digital performances online during their spring, fall and winter seasons, which has allowed a wider range of viewers to see their pieces. The performances have been an inspiration for aspiring dancers, according to Peta. “Smuin has reached a broader audience by the virtual performances,” Pschirrer said. “I think Smuin will be different in the fact that there might be a whole virtual aspect to the future seasons in some way.” Sharing company updates on social media and posting performances online has helped companies reach audiences and raise funds as well as make the companies themselves more accessible to the public. “It is ironic because when live performances are shut down, they become more accessible through social media and online,” Peta said. Performing for a camera instead of an audience can change how dancers approach choreography, giving them the luxury of a retake to make the performance as perfect as possible, but it eliminates spontaneity that comes from performing live, according to Pschirrer. The upside ends there. Smuin downsized by two dancers from the 16-person company before the end of last year's season.


FINAL STRETCH Junior Lily Peta balances in arabesque in San Francisco Ballet School’s Franklin Studio. SF Ballet studios were opened to company members school levels seven, eight and trainee in October after being closed since March.

“I want the audience to know that the arts are very much still alive — we just need the support from our fanbase to keep us going,” Pschirrer said. “If you want to continue to see Smuin, please keep supporting us because it motivates us to try and continue to do new and different things.” The arts are bringing a light into a time many people are finding as dark, according

to Lewis, and they need the community's support to remain viable. “It is nerve wracking for me to be making so many sacrifices for a career that has such an uncertain nature,” Peta, who plans on pursuing a career in dance said. “I find comfort in the fact that the dance industry is collectively experiencing all this upheaval, even though it is scary for me.”


6 | Friday, February 19, 2021

The Broadview

The third wav Over 120 women elected to Congress

AMY KLOBUCHAR has been serving as a senator in Minnesota since 2007 and was the first woman elected to represent Minnesota in the United States Senate.

ELENI KOUNALAKIS was the first female lieutenant governer elected to office in California. Kounalakis was not included in the caluclation as not all states have this position.

NANCY PELOSI was the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House and was one of the few speakers to be reelected after having lost the speakership during the Trump Administration.

Percentage of women in Congress and governors in states 0





Women pave the road to brighter, more inclusive future Glass ceilings break as the country reaches new heights of gender parity Mackenna Moslander & Madeline Thiara



rom the minute Vice President Kamala Harris placed her hand on the Bible and took the oath of office, she made history by breaking down yet another barrier towards gender parity. Women have made substantial strides in politics since gaining the right to vote, and recent events have also proven newsworthy, having 126 female representatives in Congress, the highest number yet. Eleni Kounalakis shattered one glass ceiling when she assumed the position of Lt. Gov. of California, taking office in 2019 af-

ter formerly serving on the San Francisco Port Commission as well as the U.S. ambassador to Hungary under the Obama administration. “It is a great honor to have been the first woman elected Lt. Gov. of California, and with the honor comes a sense of obligation that I should speak out frequently about how important gender parity and equal representation are,” Kounalakis said. “The more that we can talk about this issue and raise awareness, the more likely that we will achieve the goal of eventually getting to gender parity in our representation.” Whether they like it or not, women in power often have a large magnifying glass on them, and they can sometimes be seen as

a reflection of all women. If a woman does hold a position of power, it is her duty to be a role model, according to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (’51). “I think women in power still have the spotlight on them, which means we all have a responsibility to show young girls that it’s possible to be successful in whatever we set our minds to do,” Feinstein wrote in an email. “A career in public service is a worthy pursuit, and I hope more young girls aspire to that.” In the divisive field of politics, discussions surrounding controversial topics can become heated. Holding herself in a respectful manner as a strong woman in politics is important to approaching discus-




sions, according to San Francisco District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani. “Right now our country needs to unify after such division, and I think women are good at that,” Stefani said. “I walk into a room and I never think I have all the answers. It’s really important to be openminded and to listen to other people’s opinions.” As the country elects more women for positions of influence, the more potential role models there are. Seeing part of themself in the people in power can be especially inspiring for young people, according to Kounalakis. “If all women leaders dressed and looked and sounded alike or talked about the same issues, you would only have one model,” Kounalakis said, “but when you have many women in office, you have multiple models for young women to find which of those best represents her own ambitions.” There have also been instances where the media and general public have primarily focused on the appearances and clothing of prominent female politicians rather than

The Broadview


Friday, February 19, 2021 | 7

ve of feminism and with state leaders, break records

ELIZABETH WARREN was one of the leading Democratic candidates in the presidential primaries last year. She has represented Massachusetts as a senator since 2012

KAMALA HARRIS is the first woman to serve as Vice President of the United States. Harris was also the first female Attorney General of California as well as the first Indian-American woman in the U. S. Senate. Her first elected position was as District Attorney of San Francisco.

STACEY ABRAMS State Representative Abrams was the first woman to lead any party in the Georgia General Assembly as well as the first African American to lead in the House of Representatitves.

Caricatures by Alia Mogannam THE BROADVIEW Map: Madeline Thiara | THE BROADVIEW

the substantive aspects of their campaigns. When Stefani worked as a prosecutor directly out of law school in 1995, her superiors had unspoken dress code rules — solely for women. “The women were told — it wasn’t written down anywhere — that we couldn’t wear pantsuits to trial. I started a jury trial and picked a jury in a pantsuit, and one of my male colleagues in my office said, ‘You’re wearing that?” Stefani said. “This was a nice, conservative navy blue pantsuit, and they were telling us what we could and couldn’t wear because of our gender.” Women can be especially valuable in local government as they can directly address issues that affect women in their communities, according to Feinstein, who began her political career on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. “Local government is the launching pad for many politicians, male and female,” Feinstein wrote. “Today’s women mayors and supervisors are tomorrow’s senators and presidents. But it’s not always about

climbing. Women can have a profound effect on their local communities by staying in local politics.” Decisions have a better, more wellrounded outcome when women are at the table, according to Stefani whose district includes Pacific Heights, where Convent & Stuart Hall is located. “We see on the state level and on the federal level all these men making decisions about what we can do with our bodies,” Stefani said. “It’s important more women are at these discussions because they have intimate knowledge about these issues that affect them and their families.” Politicians can also be more humanized when they are seen as a local figure, according to Kounalakis. “There is a lot more female representation at the local level, because very often people get to know women and see their hard work and activism on display,” Kounalakis said. “They forget about gender and just see a hardworking member of the community. That’s different than when we look at a national figure and think about elect-

ing a president, where most people never meet that woman, and it’s much easier for her detractors to use sexist tropes in order to disparage her.” Stefani says women need to be part of solving issues at a local level, including childcare for after birth or adoption, maternal health, healthcare for children, school districts and reproductive health. “I’m a mother — I have two kids — and there are so many issues that touch women and families that mothers really know about,” Stefani said. “We need women at the local level who have direct experience and intimate experience with those issues to be involved in the decision making process.” On a national scale, Harris is the most recent woman to make history. The role of vice president is not Harris’s first time opening a previously locked door, as she served as the first female Attorney General of California as well as the first Indian-American woman in the U.S. Senate. “I am very hopeful that Senator Harris’s election as vice president will be the first of many women and hopefully will help one day for us to elect the first woman President

of the United States,” Kounalakis said. Emerge, an organization that recruits and organizes democratic women to run for office, counts many prominent San Francisco alumnae, including Kounalakis and Mayor London Breed. The organization reaches out to women of all backgrounds to establish strong women in politics. “I work with Emerge to encourage more people to run, and I hope this election especially helped to inspire women,” Stefani said. “When you look at the historic election of our vice president, it says to women — and young girls of color especially — that they too can do this.” Although a lot has changed for women since the country’s founding, there are still leaps to make in terms of gender parity in politics. Women make up 23.6% of Congress, the largest number of elected women to date. “We have a lot of work to be done — even in this state,” Kounalakis said. “California is very progressive, but even here we only have just over 30% women represented in our legislature — and we’ve never had a woman governor.”


8 | Friday, February 19, 2021

Modified goals can help reduce 'dropping the ball'


The Broadview

Making SMART goals










Answer the 5W’s

Measurable goals help track progress, boost motivation.

Goals that are achievable will challenge without being impossible.

Ensure goals are significant and align with other relevant goals.

Create a sense of urgency by setting a target date.

Questions to Consider

Questions to Consider

Questions to Consider

Questions to Consider

Adapting resolutions allows for more achievable goals


Tala El Qadah & Tabitha Parent

ome February, many students find that the New Year’s resolutions that they committed to at the beginning of the year have petered out due to unrealistic self-expectations, but there are still ways to realign those goals and carry them out. Approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions are deserted in February, according to U.S. News & World Report. By the end of the year, only 8% of people actually follow through with their resolutions, according to University of Alabama Birmingham Medicine. “I always made super unrealistic resolutions like having one hour of screen time or reading two hours a day,” sophomore Ella Woods said. “It got too hard to commit so I always ended up giving up.” Resolutions often fail due to vagueness, an unrealistic achievement plan, or having set that goal based on external pressure or expectations, according to Business Insider. In order to overcome these traps for failure, sticking to a

resolution may require changing it throughout the year to better accommodate your lifestyle, according to life coach Kristin Hoover. “If you look at your life as a landscape, there's always these shifts,” Hoover said, “With that, your resolutions will more than likely shift as well.” As the year has gone on, Woods has found that changing her resolution to fit her routine has made continuing it much easier. “In the beginning of the year my resolution was to be vegetarian and to exercise daily,” Woods said. “I found that too hard so I changed it and made it more realistic; now I am pescetarian and I try to exercise four to five times a week.” For those looking for a definitive date to reset their resolutions, the start of the Christian liturgical season Lent can present that opportunity. “Having Lent near the beginning of the year is super helpful and allows people to change up their resolution into a better and more practical goal,” freshman Charlotte Lyon said. “I kind of gave up on my resolution two

What to to expect expect What duringaafirst first during gynecologist gynecologistvisit visit Questions about medical history

It is important to be honest with the gynecologist as it can affect treatment or diagnosis

A blood test or internal exam

Doctors will typically use a smaller speculum at an initial exam

Bimanual exam

The doctor will insert two gloved fingers to examine internal organs in a quick, one-minute exam

Source: Dr. Mindy Goldman, Simple Health Paige Retajczyk | THE BROADVIEW

1. What do I want to accomplish? 2. Why is this goal important? 3. Who is involved?

1. How many or how much?

4. Where is it located?

2. What is my indicator of progress?

5. Which resources or limits are involved?

3. How will I know when I have reached my goal?

1. How can I accomplish this goal?

1. Does this seem worthwhile?

1. Does my goal have a deadline?

2. How realistic is this goal?

2. Is this the right time?

3. Are necessary resources available?

3. Am I the right person to reach this goal?

2. What can I do X weeks from now? 3. What can I do today? Source: MindTools Tabitha Parent | THE BROADVIEW

weeks ago but the start of Lent has made me motivated to start over and try again.” Lent, which began this year on Feb. 17 is a 40-day period for Christians to reflect and prepare for the celebration of Easter. Many Christians view this season as an opportunity to give alms and practice self-discipline through fasting, or giving something up. “I really enjoy Lent because it is a great opportunity for me to work on what I need to improve

about myself,” Woods said. “It is also helping me stay consistent with my resolution because I am giving up red meat and continuing to exercise for Lent too.” Many individuals find that their resolutions cause them to be disappointed and unsatisfied in themselves when they find that their goal is too hard to achieve in a short amount of time. “Something many people tend to do is beat themselves up about breaking their goals,” senior

Naia Urruty said. “Staying positive and knowing that it is okay to mess up every once in a while will help people follow through and accomplish their goals.” Remaining aware of obstacles that may hinder progress can help individuals stay on track with their goals in a healthy way, according to Psychology Today. “I think that this will be the year I follow through with my resolutions,” Woods said. “It will be hard but I am up for the challenge.”

Don't just 'deal with it'

Menstruation should not be 'abnormal'


Nicole Klein & Paige Retajczyk

very girl gets her period — but from bloatedness, to cramps, to extreme period pain, she experiences and deals with her menstruation differently. “It is very common to have painful periods, especially if your flow is heavy,” Dr. Jane Fang, who practices gynecology and obstetrics, said. “It isn’t normal to have debilitating pain. If

If you are having to miss school or your activities because you are in a lot of pain, then you should see your doctor.

­—­­Jane Fang, MD

you are having to miss school or your activities because you are in a lot of pain, and taking ibuprofen or Aleve doesn’t help, then you should see your doctor.” For those whose pain doesn’t affect their school work or activities, basic pain medication is recommended, according to Fang. Hydrating and eating prior to taking medication will help relieve cramp pain. “Normally I get really bad stomach pains, it feels like I’m

being stabbed in the stomach and it's almost impossible to get more comfortable and focus especially when I’m in school,” sophomore Sophia Davis said. “To help reduce the pains I have to find a position where it doesn’t hurt a lot and I normally take either ibuprofen or Advil.” Severe menstrual cramps may not have a specific cause. It is often diagnosed as dysmenorrhea, or pain with menses, or another condition such as endometriosis, which can also cause menstrual cramping to be severe, according to Dr. Mindy Goldman, who practices gynecology and obstetrics. “Endometriosis is a condition where the cells that line the lining of the uterus don’t all shed, like with a menses, and back flow through the tubes and implant in the pelvis,” Goldman said. “These implants get inflamed at the time of the menstrual cycle and cause pain. The symptoms of endometriosis are painful periods, deep pain with intercourse, and infertility.” If pain is bad enough, doctors who suspect endometriosis can recommend a laparoscopy into the fallopian tubes. The procedure can diagnose as well as treat the condition, which can be resolved by cutting away, lasering or burning tissue, according to Goldman. Physicians often recommend birth control pills for painful periods to take over the hormonal functioning in the cycle even if they do not suspect endometrio-

sis, according to Goldman. The pill can also be an option for those with larger flows of blood, as it helps less build up of the lining of the uterus and typically causes less cramping pain. There are many reasons to consider the pill that have nothing to do with contraception. “We will typically recommend birth control pills to regulate the cycles or when a girl is bleeding more often,” Goldman said. “Pills are very safe, however

Just because girls may have irregular or painful periods when they are younger, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they always will

­—­­Mindy Goldman, MD

there are people who shouldn’t take them but in teens the pills are very safe.” Often in teens it may take time for the brain, ovary and uterus to communicate appropriately and the cycles to be regular. “Just because girls may have irregular or painful periods when they are younger, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they always will,” Goldman said.


The Broadview

Friday, February 19, 2021 | 9

Teams (finally) begin practice BCL decides on three short seasons for 2021

Keira Blattberg & Nicole Klein he Bay Counties League’s sports season proposal for 2021 allows studentathletes to start in-person practice and prepare for any upcoming games, depending on county guidelines. The new BCL schedule is made up of three shortened seasons; Feb. 8–March 19, March 22–April 30 and May 3–June 4. Girls tennis as well as girls and boys golf and cross-country began team practices on Feb. 8. “There have been a lot of obstacles for this year's cross-country season,” sophomore Sydney Mountain said. “It's much harder to run with a mask on and stay socially distanced because we usually would run in a pack formation. I’m really excited to get back to running and focusing on some specific skills I need to work on.” Each sports season is governed by the COVID-19 California health tiers. BCL has chosen tennis, golf and cross-country for the first season because they are non-contact sports that allow for social distancing. Volleyball and badminton, which require closer distancing and have some contact, will only be able to play in late March if San Francisco moves into moderate transmission, or the Orange Tier. “Because of COVID, we separate into three cohorts for tryouts and rotate throughout practice to do a variety of playing and conditioning while hav-

Olivia Rounsaville


Senior Reporter

Return to in-person athletics reflects inequity in education resources Nicole Klein | THE BROADVIEW

RACKETS READY Junior Eliza Spaht and freshman Brennan Damond practice on the Alice Marble Courts on Greenwich Street on Feb. 12. Athletes must be a part of only one sports cohort in order to comply with BCL guidelines. games against other schools. In ing our masks on at all times,” come up with guidelines, the order to do so, both schools will junior Sloane Riley said. “We get Athletics department is trying to have to take extra precautions to to play competitive games durtroubleshoot these problems on ensure the safety of players, acing practice, and I believe we will its own. cording to Mountain. be playing against other schools Despite these obstacles, the “Our teams practicing now once tryouts are over.” school is still encouraging stushould be able to compete Each of the three seasons will dents to try new sports for physiagainst other schools,” De Santis range from five to six weeks, and cal and social purposes. said. “Once a game arises, we will any academic school breaks that “The one thing I am sad about still have to take into account conflict with the season will be is that there are not a lot of freshhow we would travel and if all taken into account, according to men coming to the practices this players would have to be tested, the Athletics Director Elena De year,” Mountain said. “I want but we really want our athletes to Santis. them to join the team because have at least one game.” Although the seasons are last year it really helped me Since the BCL West has not short, plans are to have some branch out.”

Surfers catch waves Girls pick up surfing during pandemic


Paige Retajczyk & Ella Noblin

eens looking to catch a monster wave are lining Northern California’s beaches on any given weekend has taken an uptick during the coronavirus pandemic as it has become an outlet for exercise while still socially distancing with friends. “I picked up surfing because I love being at the beach and it’s something I’ve always wanted to start,” junior Bridget Mills said. “Especially during the pandemic, I have a lot more time to practice.” Junior Shelby Low took her first surf lesson during the sophomore class trip to Costa Rica, where she took her first lesson. Low said she decided to pick up surfing again during quarantine when she found she has a lot of time on her hands. “I started to really like surfing when I tried it for the first time on the trip,” Low said. “Being out on the ocean was super pretty and relaxing, so I continued to practice even outside of the trip.” Some students have grown up with the sport, and surfing is something they can do with

family as well as with friends. “I love surfing because I can enjoy it with my sister and my dad,” sophomore Callie Akel said. “My dad taught me how to surf when I was young, but it wasn’t until a couple years ago that I picked it back up again.” Even if surfers are not advanced, surfing can be a new activity to do when hanging out with friends, according to senior Eloise Lalyuyaux, who surfs at Ocean Beach. “I started surfing with my friend from St. Ignatius College

Especially during the pandemic, I have a lot more time to practice.

— Bridget Mills

Preparatory, we both got into it at around the same time,” Laluyaux said. “It’s just a good way for


SURFS UP Sophomore Amaliya Sypult looks out to catch a wave at Rodeo Beach in Marin County. Since the beginning of quarantine, Sypult has surfed twice a month on the weekends.

us to connect and stay in touch.” The sport, however, is not without risks. Undertows, rip currents and water temperature in the low 50s are common in Northern California waters. A number of surfing accidents in the Bay Area have occured over the last few months. In late December, a surfer from San Francisco, Haruwn Wesley, died from a surfing accident at Fort Point under the Golden Gate Bridge. “I usually practice water safety by knowing the tide, wind and wave period before I get into the water,” Akel said. “I also make sure I am never in the water alone and that the currents are not too strong.” It is important to make sure

to surf either with a friend or when there is a lifeguard present as well as obey any warnings or signs, according to Mills. “I only surf at Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica because they have waves that are my level and I’m still learning,” Mills said. “The waves are pretty mild, but occasionally we are told to look out for riptides.” Bolinas and the Princeton Jetty in Half Moon Bay are other good spots for beginners, according to Bay Area lifestyle magazine 7x7. “I definitely recommend that other people learn how to surf,” Mills said. “It is a great way to get outdoors, connect with friends and exercise.”


ocially distant, masked, bumping and setting from 6 feet apart, junior Bridget Mills in her volleyball cohort of 12 have renewed and adapted their practices to fit into COVID-19 safety measures. The school in conjunction with the San Francisco Department of Health permitted the typical fall season sports, which include cross-country, girls volleyball, golf, and girls tennis to begin practice beginning February 8. While we are certainly fortunate to have these opportunities, the return to athletics is a stark representation of our privilege as a private school in Pacific Heights. San Francisco public schools and many other schools in the Bay Area lack the resources our community has and are still struggling to reopen to in-person instruction. Our school’s ability to continue life semi-normally is a reflection of how COVID-19 disproportionately affects lower income communities. With our privilege, we also have a responsibility to stay masked, socially distanced and minimize contact with groups of people because our actions have a larger impact on poorer communities. Preventing the spread of coronavirus is not only important for our own safety but for the safety and livelihood of others. While Goal 3, “a social awareness that impels to action,” is most often linked to a guideline for our school community’s commitment to service projects, it can be implemented in our personal responsibility help stop the spread of the coronavirus because the wellbeing of the community and the country is affected by our decisions — especially considering that some people are more likely to develop COVID-19 than children and teens are. Those small precautions at mealtimes and in the classroom may feel frustrating and frivolous, but the health and prosperity of the Bay Area community relies on our community continuously following them.


The Broadview


Friday, February 19, 2021 | 10

Waste not, others want not Throwing less food away leaves more for others


he age-old phrase of “Don't bite off more than you can chew” applies to many aspects of life, but in the midst of a global pandemic, it should be taken literally, and as food insecurity skyrockets during the COVID-19 pandemic, we should be more conscientious about limiting personal food waste. From the start of the pandemic, both widespread economic instability and farmers' destruction of crops due to lack of demand has resulted in a surge of food insecurity, according to Foodtank. The number of people experiencing acute food instability has doubled from 135 million in 2019 to 265 million in 2020 due to the economic impact of the pandemic, according to the United Nations World Food Program. Before the pandemic, food insecurity resulted from a combination of factors including inefficient transportation and handling of products, chang-

es in the supply chain due to weather shifts, and consumers’ lack of accessibility to nutritious food. American consumers waste about a pound of food per day, about 225-290 pounds a year — enough to feed 2 billion people each year Less waste could drastically shift the scope of food insecure individuals, as it makes more food available. It is easy to toss a partiallyeaten Sage hot meal or prepackaged sandwich in the compost bin, but we should be also thinking about those who do not have the privilege of nutritious and plentiful food at their disposal. Placing a conscious effort to reduce one’s food waste by taking only what we know we will eat can result in less food being purchased, and more food available for distribution. Convent & Stuart Hall provides students with two nutritious and comprehensive meals when attending school in-person, and this privilege should

Kate Loomans | THE BROADVIEW

not be taken for granted. We should take advantage of this opportunity and yet still be aware of the many struggling with food instability. Over 30 million children nationwide depend on free or reduced cost school lunches through the National School Lunch Program, a federal meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools, but children who are still taking classes remotely do not have

access to meals that were a reliable source of nutrition. As members of a community with ample access to food and resources, we should divert energy to providing for those who are not as fortunate. Aside from wasting less food, we can donate shelf-stable or non-perishable dry or canned food, or make a monetary donation to a local food ban or pantry.. Food banks across the nation have increased food distribu-

"I can limit my food waste by taking less for the first helping, and then going back if I still want more food." ­ ­— Anoushka Dadlani, sophomore

"I always eat what I put on my plate but if I don't finish everything for dinner, I’ll give it to my dog." ­­— Natalie Kushner, junior

tion 50% over the last year, and provided more than 4.2 billion meals since the start of the pandemic last March, according to Feeding America, a non-profit organization that supports 200 food storage centers and 60,000 pantries nationwide. The issue of food scarcity may seem daunting and difficult to tackle, but small steps made by individuals can add up, and we can help lessen the crippling effects of food insecurity.


"I’ll start with a smaller portion of the amount of food that I’ll need and get more if I’m hungrier." ­­— Catherine Fox, freshman

"My family and I pack leftovers from our dinner the night before to eat as lunch to limit waste." ­ ­— Audrey Roomian, sophomore

"I’ll use excess food to make a broth for soup and I’ll give my steak bones to my dogs." ­­— Fiona Settles, senior




Patience is a virtue

check the California coronavirus case count every day. For the past 11 months, I’ve watched the curve of cases climb and decline as my hope for a glimpse of normalcy comes and goes in waves. This pandemic is slowing, but our personal precautions cannot. If social distancing measures are eased in late February, 29 million additional infections will take place nationally before the pandemic is considered “over,” according to The New York Times. California has already recorded over 25 million coronavirus infections in total, and if we ease up now, this number will continue to grow. While statistics almost seem numbing at this point, that is 29 million American lives – brothers, sisters, parents and grandparents – that will succumb to the illness in the next couple of months. The total number of infections may continue to rise with new variants of the virus that is now attributed to 25% of California infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . With a faster transmission rate, these mutations pose a threat to Californians waiting on vaccine doses that do not yet have protective antibodies against the virus. Even with one shot of either Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines distributed to less than 15% of the

population — only healthcare workers and those 65 and older making up this figure — a large percentage of the general population remains at risk. Indeed, the risk has never been higher. It may seem harmless to scoot your chair closer to your deskmate in class to watch a video on their computer, or to take off your face shield in class to rub your eye and forget to put it back on again. I find that it’s very easy to eat with my friends in the Pine/Octavia courtyard and keep my mask off for that extra minute or two after eating because I’m so engaged in your conversation. San Francisco plans to vaccinate 10,000 per day with an end goal to ensure its almost 900,000 citizens and workers are immune by the end of June, provided it can obtain adequate doses. Gov. Gavin Newsom lifted the stay-at-home order for all regions on Jan. 25 due to increasing ICU capacity state-wide, and Mayor London Breed allowed outdoor dining and limited personal care services to open on Jan. 28. The city and state opening up is an encouraging sign. This pandemic will end. That end date all depends on how we act now, and that we assume personal responsibility. Even with eased government restrictions, we must remember if we want this to end sooner, it will take a village. The health of our communities depends on it.

1. Both Pfizer and Modera are testing COVID-19 vaccines for children. 2. President Joe Biden’s plan to administer 100 million vaccines by April 30 is on track. 3. The average number of new COVID-19 diagnoses per day in San Francisco has dropped by more than 60% from its peak. 4. High school sports seasons started on Feb. 8. 5. Facebook is creating an Android smartwatch.

1. Neither will likely be available before fall 2021. 2. Around 231 million Americans need to be fully vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. 3. San Francisco is in California's Purple Tier. 4. Competitions are still pending San Francisco Department of Public Health approval. 5. Facebook will have one more way to collect users’ personal information.


The Broadview

Friday, February 19, 2021 | 11

Push back against pushing through Extreme menstrual pain should not be disregarded


Mackenna Moslander


Web Editor

aking notes throughout long block periods can be difficult enough, and coupled with menstrual cramps it can feel virtually impossible. Period cramps should not have to reach the level of incapacitation to be treated, and the use of medication should be normalized so teens and women do not have to work through the pain in addition to working on their normal responsibilities. On average, females have their first periods between the ages of 11 and 14, and they last until around the age of 51, when menopause sets in. On average, menstruation occurs every 2428 days for three to seven days, making periods a frequent aspect of women’s lives. More than half of women experience pain from their menstruation cycle, and 32% to 40% experience pain so severe they have to miss work or school, according to the Office on Women’s Health. It is not compassionate to ask anyone with a serious medical issue not to speak up about pain, yet most females sit idly by, too fearful to speak up about their discomfort. Because periods are natural and most women experience them in their lifetimes, the pain is normalized since it is so frequent. The time to call a doctor is when the pain persists for more than three days, when you’re experiencing nausea or diarrhea in addition to the pain, or one has heavy or irregular periods.

“I wrote a letter to the heads of the middle school asking for racial diversity.” ­ ­— Jalysa Jones, freshman

“I discuss relevant issues and I try to sign petitions.” ­­— Samantha Calvin, sophomore

Kate Loomans | THE BROADVIEW

The reality of it is, is that we have been conditioned to pretend our periods don’t exist. Premenstrual Syndrome is not something that makes us “crazy” and “sensitive”— it is a hormonal process our bodies experience every month. We have been taught that acknowledging symptoms to the full extent is weak and dramatic, and that

Convent of the Sacred Heart High School 2222 Broadway St. | San Francisco, California 94115 |






STAFF Charlotte Ehrlich Editor-in-Chief Grace Krumplitsch Editor-in-Chief Tabitha Parent Managing Editor Gabrielle Guido Web Editor Mackenna Moslander Web Editor Marisa Donovan Art Editor Senior Reporters Adele Fratesi, Nina Gutierrez, Darcy Jubb, Alina Kushner, Paige Retajczyk, Olivia Rounsaville, Madeline Thiara Reporters Claire Abel, Keira Blattberg, Clara Bonomi, Kassie DeJean, Tala El Qadah, Amelia Froyd-Kamrath, Nicole Klein, Elizabeth Klimek, Makenna Kramer, Ada Linde, Ella Noblin, Annabel Roubinowitz Cartoonists Kate Loomans, Alia Mogannam

2020 CSPA Gold Crown, Hybrid 2019 NSPA Pacemaker Finalist 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014 JEA First Amendment Press Freedom Award 2019 CSPA Gold Crown, Hybrid 2018 CSPA Silver Crown, Hybrid 2018 NSPA Print Best of Show, 3rd place 2018 NSPA Pacemaker Finalist 2017 NSPA Online Pacemaker 2016 Print NSPA Pacemaker 2016 Online NSPA Pacemaker NSPA Hall of Fame | Inducted 2016

Tracy Anne Sena, CJE Adviser

“Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom,” (Goal 5), therefore The Broadview operates as an open forum for free speech and student expression without prior review. Unsigned pieces are the opinion of the editorial board. Reviews and personal columns are the opinions of the individual author and are not necessarily those of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School or Schools of the Sacred Heart. We encourage letters to the editor. The Broadview may publish independent opinion pieces 300 words or fewer. The editors may work with writers for clarity and to meet space limitations. All letters must have a means for verifying authorship before publication. Corrections and letters may be addressed to the editors at

sanitary products are something to borrow from another woman secretly. Most girls have mastered the technique of slipping the tampon up her sleeve to be inconspicuous. It is almost a teen right of passage to approach the school’s administrative assistant and ask in a hushed voice if they have any Advil to ease the cramps.

This is a dangerous mindset, because when pain becomes unbearable, it needs to be both openly addressed and treated. Reaching out for help does not make a woman weak or dramatic — it is quite simply obtaining necessary professional assistance. We need to push back against the concept of pushing through the pain.

“I read news articles to educate myself on current issues.” ­­— Bridget Mills, junior

“I stay informed, participate in protests and donate whenever I can.” ­­— Kate Baker, senior

STATE OF GRACE Grace Krumplitsch Editor-in-Chief


‘#NeverAgain’ will not keep us safe

hen hundreds of rioters stormed our nation’s Capitol Building on Jan. 6 in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election, many liberal and conservative lawmakers alike feared for their lives as they sought out shelter amidst the violence. While I watched these terrifying events unfold on my living room television screen, I could not help but think to myself, “Will this atrocity finally be the tipping point that teaches lawmakers to sympathize with victims of violence and change their minds to pass more strict gun control laws?” Three years have passed since the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida on Valentine’s Day that killed three faculty members and 14 students, and not a lot of gun control legislation has been passed since to prevent future mass shootings. The majority of Americans believe that there should be stricter gun laws. Fifty-two percent reported they felt the need for more gun control in 2017, and this figure has increased to 60% since the Parkland shooting, according to Pew Research. Thorough background checks and safety training for each gun owner and policies that prevent the average civilian’s possession of military-grade assault rifles should be the absolute minimum level of gun control in all 50 states. Sen. Diane Feinstein initiated the Federal Assault Weapons ban following the 101 California Street mass shooting in San Francisco in 1993, however, that legislation was temporary and no

comparable federal gun control measures have been passed since then. As I scroll through “In memoriam” Instagram posts that commemorate the lives lost in mass shootings such as what happened in Parkland or at Sandy Hook Elementary, School where 28 were killed in Newton, Connecticut, the hashtag “#NeverAgain” is almost always looming at the bottom of a caption. Saying “Never Again” is not good enough. A hashtag will not prevent another school shooting, but calling on our lawmakers to take action and pass legislation to keep dangerous weapons out of the wrong hands will. Although posting on social media is a safe and convenient way to speak one’s mind due to the pandemic’s social limitations, it is not the most effective way to enact change. Instead of sharing posts with friends and family who very well might hold similar viewpoints about gun control, researching specific policies, calling legislators’ offices and emailing local congresspeople demanding change are ways we can take steps towards creating a safer America. Teenagers and young adults are not just becoming increasingly more participatory in politics — we are change makers fighting at the frontlines to combat some of our society’s deepest issues. It is imperative that we go beyond honoring victims of gun violence with “#NeverAgain” on our social media accounts by taking impactful steps to ensure America’s gun violence epidemic comes to an end. Our lives depend on it.


12 | Friday, February 19, 2021

The Broadview

Whimsical art exhibit brings fantasy to GG Park Clara Bonomi & Elizabeth Klimek


ith the statues’ array of colors, towering figure and whimsical setting, the new Golden Gate Park exhibit in Peacock Meadow, “Entwined,” has easily become one of the most unparalleled attractions the park has to offer. San Francisco artist Charles Gadeken created the exhibit as a tribute to the 150th anniversary of Golden Gate Park. The installation opened in December and will host visitors through February with a possible extension to June 1. “I definitely thought it was cool to visit,” junior Sara Ramelot said. “It was also nice that it was available to the public with free admission.” The exhibition was supposed to be a holiday light experience that ran down John F. Kennedy Drive, but park administrators had to modify its plans in order to comply with public health and financial reasons, according to Lillian Archer, the Golden Gate Park 150th Anniversary Project Lead. “Our idea was to bring a piece of public art to Golden Gate Park while maintaining social

distancing and safety measures,” Archer said. “There are very few things that you can do safely and outdoors and this exhibit was meant to be something for people to look forward to.” The exhibition comes to life at night with the trees that range from 12 to 20 feet tall and each sculpture’s flowering section is composed of 2,000 multicolored LED lights, according to San Francisco Recreation & Parks “I like how it is set up so that you can see all the lights at night,” freshman Frida Cruz said. “It is nice to have something that everyone can go and see, especially during the pandemic.” The exhibit is lit up daily from dusk to 8:30 p.m. daily with safety ambassadors stationed at the exhibit during peak operating hours to ensure social distancing. Some students, however, find the exhibit safety precautions lacking. “It was pretty crowded when I went with my family,” senior Sofia Houts said. “Even though it was outside, there were more people than I would have wanted.” Temporary installations celebrating the 150th anniversary of Golden Gate Park, including the

Elizabeth Klimek| the BROADVIEW

GLOW IN THE PARK The Entwined lights turn on daily at dusk and turn off promptly at 8:30 p.m. The Peacock Meadow exhibit is part of the Golden Gate Park 150th Anniversary celebration and has free admission to all visitors.

SkyStar Ferris wheel, have been highly popular among tourists and locals, although the Ferris wheel was required to shut down as of Nov. 29 “I’ve always loved Golden Gate Park, so I feel like there is no reason not to visit,” sophomore Virginia Cross said. “That

area is just so beautiful and nice to be around and these types of exhibits add something more fun to do while you’re in the area.” The exhibition is adjacent to John F. Kennedy Drive, which has been closed off to automobile traffic since the beginning of

the pandemic, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to roam along the road and view attractions like these at their leisure. “It'sdefinitely worth visiting if you live in the City or happen to be nearby,” Ramelot said. “It's also just nice that anyone can visit it as well.”

Gap year helps musician’s career thrive during pandemic


Charlotte Ehrlich & Tabitha Parent

ophie Egan (’19) was well known in high school for her resonant singing voice that filled chapels and starred in musicals. Two years later, Egan has shed the dress uniform, wiped off her stage makeup and taken to the recording studio as a self-made artist. “The first time I played a song of mine for anybody other than my family was at school,” Egan

said in a phone interview. “It was the first time I thought, ‘Okay, I'll just do this,’ and that was a big step that happened at Convent.” Even before songwriting and music production came onto Egan’s radar, she was performing and singing with her brother, Harry Egan (SHHS ’16), at a young age. “With Sophie, we always just sang together with no purpose,” Harry Egan said. “She started


MUSICAL TALENT Sophie and her brother Harry Egan produce a song in their makeshift recording studio. As the pair currently live at home, they transformed Harry’s old attic room into a music space while professional production studios are unavailable.



uffers, or jackets filled with down feathers, have been around since the 1930s and were introduced to the market after inventor Eddie Bauer nearly died of exposure when his wool sweater froze from rain on a fishing trip in Washington state around 1936. Not anxious to knock on death's door a second time around, Bauer came up with a waist-length quilted puffer coat

with a knitted collar. Today’s puffer jackets, though, are filled with down insulation between the stitching, creating a “puffed” appearance. These materials provide warmth and comfort, while also being extremely lightweight. Puffers, sold in both vibrant and neutral colors, have become a fashion staple year-round. — Nina Gutierrez & Ada Linde

singing early on and I started singing a few years later. It was great because whenever I would do a show or she would do a show, we’d always just be like, ‘Oh, let’s sing together.’” Sophie Egan took a gap year in 2019 before enrolling at the University of San Francisco in the fall of 2020, saying her focus on schoolwork was a roadblock to furthering her music career. “I wanted to take some time off to work on music, but there's this pressure to immediately go to college,” Sophie Egan said. “When you're a senior, it's the most important thing and it's talked about all the time so I thought, ‘I can't take a gap year, I have to go to college.’” As a result of the pandemic and her time off from school, the brother-sister pair transformed Harry’s attic bedroom into a studio, ditching the bed and the closet for recording equipment and a chalkboard wall, where Harry says that many chords and lyrics are drafted. “It's definitely helped that I'm at home,” Sophie Egan said. “Since my brother finished college and he's working from home, we're both living here. We write my songs together and he

produces them.” Egan released her first single, “Start the Fire,” in October 2019 onto Apple Music and Spotify, followed by three other songs released in the past year and a half. “Normally, I'll start with a lyric idea,” Egan said. “Then I’ll hear a melody idea in my head and then I’ll bring it up to my brother and we'll either write it out on piano or guitar and then we'll start working on it on his laptop.” Basic production, like adding in instruments, happens on the laptop, according to Egan. In order to get on to streaming services. Music has to be mixed and mastered as all songs on streaming services have to be at a certain volume. “Since my brother went to a music college, he knows many people who will [mix and master] for a reasonable price — some people in the industry will charge thousands for that,” Egan said. “I post my songs to a website called CD Baby, a website for artists who aren’t working with a record label, so they can be released onto Spotify and Apple Music. With a plan to release a new single every six weeks, Egan says she plans to travel to Los Angeles this summer — if COVID-19

cases decline — to attend songwriting sessions with other artists and perform live at various venues. “I love doing this event called Sofar Sounds, where people sign up to go to a show and they don't know who the artist is and I would be the one performing,” Egan said. “I always met a lot of amazing people through that, but it’s much, much harder to connect with somebody online.” The disconnect has only fueled Egan to work harder. “Keep doing it and don't feel you need somebody,” Egan said. “If there's somebody you can write with, that's great, but if you're the only one doing it, it's still an important thing and you should keep working.” While a select few of Egan’s supporters have stuck with her since she began writing, her platform continues to grow. Reaching out to music blogs and promoting on social media has helped to boost her recognition. “I think, to me, music is the biggest thing in my life,” Egan said. “I am always thinking about a song I just heard. I know other people have other ways, but to me, it's just the best way to understand things and express emotions.”

Puffers become popular

Stylish jackets provide warmth

Aritiza $225.00 Super Puff Black Puffer Jacket

Urban Outfitters $120.00 Light Blue Puffer Jacket

The North Face $250.00 Glade's Short Down Jacket

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