6 minute read

Mind Management Through Holistic Healing Make 2023 Your Year For Change


1. I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.


2. I wish I had forgiven more

3. I wish I had worried less

4. I wish I had been more honest

5. I wish I had stood up for myself

As a Master Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Marcelle often found herself frustrated by the limitations of the traditional modalities of psychotherapy and coaching we are most commonly aware of. Many people feel they need medication when the thing they need most is knowledge. Wanting more for her clients— and for herself—she began a journey to develop a united philosophy of mental, physical and spiritual health that equips people with the tools & strategies necessary to heal themselves.

After experiencing these lifechanging results herself after her own journey with breast cancer 11 years ago, only a few years after her first husband passed away, leaving her the sole responsibility to raise their three young children, she knew she needed to share the empowering tools and strategies she had learned with others—and soon Mind Management Through Holistic Healing was born. “I knew how it felt to feel alone, lost, misunderstood, not listened to, even hopeless. Nobody should have to feel that way. We all need to feel supported and cared for”.

Marcelle offers private one-on-one Coaching and Hypnotherapy sessions from the sanctuary of her home.

“The tools I teach you are life skills. They help each of us to navigate through difficult times.” By dealing with our emotions in a healthy way, so we not only build resilience but can thrive and over time, feel our sense of growth, leading us to feel more peace and fulfilment.

Marcelle says, “if you learn these skills and techniques, then you will gain the tools and strategies to overcome feeling overwhelmed or ‘stuck in a rut’. Instead, you will learn how to self-regulate your emotions, and this means you will feel calmer and more peaceful, and in turn, create a more vibrant, authentic, and joyful life. Everyone wants that, but often we don’t know how to obtain it.”

Marcelle is also a Trauma Informed Coach. Drawing on the latest research from a diversity of scientific fields and healing modalities, Marcelle helps us recognize how adverse experiences and trauma in childhood live with us, resulting in whole-body dysfunction—activating harmful stress responses that keep us stuck engaging in patterns of co-dependency, emotional immaturity, and trauma bonds. Unless addressed, these self-sabotaging behaviours can quickly become cyclical, leaving people feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, and unwell.

“Past trauma can make us feel stuck. Often, we don’t even realise how much it is disabling us. If you release these old patterns, then you get to move forward because you free yourself from past burdens.” I look forward to supporting and empowering you to become your best version of you”.

With Love & Kindness Marcelle



90 MINUTE TRANSFORMATINAL COACHING SESSIONIncluding various techniques and tools from other disciplines including Positive Psychology & Hypnosis, so you can gain the outcomes you want.


• Empowerment & Mindset Coaching

• Releasing Trauma

• Releasing Stress & Anxiety

• Relationship Coaching

• Anger Management Coaching


60 MINUTE HYPNOTHERAPY SESSION –Hypnotherapy can be used to improve many different issues you may wish to overcome such as: the release of negative emotions, the feelings of stress and overwhelm. It is also used to gain more self-confidence, selfesteem so you can feel happier, healthier, more relaxed, and more empowered.

To Register your interest in Group Meditation & Hypnotherapy Sessions, Life Coaching Workshops - Please contact me via email, phone or SMS

BOOK NOW! Your Transformational Coaching or Hypnotherapy Session

P: 0404 882 203

(Please phone, email or text)

Appointments available: In Person at Banksia Beach; Zoom online or Phone

Email: marcelle@marcelleburrows.com.au

Website: www.marcelleburrows.com.au


Happy New Year! As we get into the swing of the new year it’s been great looking back on 2022 – we’ve had plenty of activity at Bribie Acupuncture during the year thanks to all our wonderful clients from Bribie Island and surrounds. We’re grateful to our beautiful community, all the referrals we’ve received, and all the connections we’ve made with other health practitioners on the island. We’re certainly looking forward to another great year.

Who is Bribie Acupuncture?

We’re acupuncturists Jessica Yung and Wendy Ryan, and receptionist Katherine Williamson. We’re so fortunate to live and work on Bribie Island and be a part of this incredible community who make our thriving clinic the lovely space that it is. Our clinic’s mission is to help people achieve the quality of life they desire.

We’ve had so many new clients come through our doors, many of whom are new to the area, so we thought it’d make sense for our first article in 2023 to be a brief introduction to acupuncture.


Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have grown in popularity in Australia, particularly in the last few decades. There are many reasons why people seek treatment with acupuncture and Chinese medicine, however our clients' reasons tend to fall in one or more of the following categories:

• They’re after a holistic treatment approach that addresses the root causes of their concerns, not just the symptoms.

• They're looking for a natural, non-pharmacological way to improve their health and wellbeing without the negative side effects that can sometimes come with drugs and surgery.

• They're looking for answers to their health concerns that conventional medicine has not yet been able to provide.

• They've been referred to us by other health professionals, such as doctors, physiotherapists, and midwives for adjunct treatment.

Chinese medicine looks at your health history, symptoms, diet, and lifestyle using a different lens than conventional medicine; this lens can often uncover the missing pieces of your health puzzle.

Who Gets Acupuncture

All walks of life! We see a wide range of people at our clinic with a variety of conditions. The youngest client we’ve treated on Bribie so far is four years old and the oldest is 92.


Chinese medicine works with the body’s natural ability to heal. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow and guides it to areas of our bodies that require healing to provide nourishment; blood contains all the nutrients vital to our existence, including oxygen, water, platelets, hormones, etc. Depending on where we put the needles, we can help increase circulation in specific parts of the body. Acupuncture essentially turns on the ‘ON’ switch to self-healing. It also increases blood circulation in areas where toxins have accumulated to decrease inflammation.


Though acupuncture is well known for its effectiveness in treating pain conditions, such as

• Back pain

• Bursitis, and

• Knee pain, acupuncture can also help in the treatment of countless other non-pain related conditions, including:

• Fertility, pregnancy support, and menopause

• Peripheral neuropathy

• Stress and anxiety

• Digestive health

Treatment styles can be adapted to suit your requirements; if you have limited mobility for example, treatments can be conducted whilst you’re seated on a chair with just your shirt sleeves and pant legs rolled up – there is no need to disrobe or climb on top of a treatment table. This style of acupuncture, where needles are placed only on the extremities (and not on the torso, for example) is known as "distal acupuncture". Much like how a switch on the wall is able to turn on a light bulb on the ceiling, acupuncture points located on the arm or leg are able to affect other areas of the body via the body's internal wiring. We also prescribe herbal formulas primarily in capsule form, which is often the most convenient form for clients – no need to boil up or drink strange smelling brews! The herbal formulas we prescribe are made from plant material, such as roots, bark, seeds, and flowers. If you've never had Chinese herbal medicine before, you might be surprised to know that you're already familiar with many ingredients; ginseng, licorice, cinnamon, goji berries, chamomile, and apricot pits for example, are all considered Chinese medicine herbs. The preparation, combination, dosage, and appropriate prescription of the herbs is what makes herbal medicine so powerful and effective.

If you’d like to make a booking or if you’d like to discuss whether acupuncture and Chinese medicine is right for you, please contact usJessica, Wendy, and Katherine - via our website www. bribieacupuncture.com.au or call 0423 160 228. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram @bribieacupuncture. HICAPS is available onsite. Pensioner discounts available.