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Nothing is quite as alluring as a nice and spacious backyard. This is the place where we can spend some time with the ones we love most and simply revel in the beauty of nature, especially during warmer and more pleasant months. For that reason, homes with wonderful backyards tend to sell particularly well in general.

But if you want to increase your home’s appeal and possibly attract the right type of buyer that is willing to make a higher offer, there are several unique features you can implement to upgrade your outdoor area. Here are some of the most interesting aspects you should focus on:


Upgraded Fencing

Although often overlooked, fencing is one of the most important aspects of a backyard. It helps to ensure safety and privacy in a home, and it will provide prospective buyers with a sense of security in the space, which can be quite significant for a sale.

Refreshed Landscaping

While it might be a more labour-intensive task, upgrading your landscaping can significantly increase your chances of a successful home sale. This can mean adding a natural walkway, installing stone planters, planting some flowering shrubs, or even planting a couple of larger trees. No matter how you decide to upgrade your backyard, luscious landscaping is bound to make your home more attractive and bring in more prospective buyers, but it might turn out to be a wise investment with a good return as well.

An Irrigation System

Houses that already come with a buried sprinkler system tend to be particularly popular. Irrigation systems effortlessly keep lawns healthy and green, adding to the overall appeal of your backyard at the moment, and ensuring the future homeowner’s lawn will look just as beautiful. While irrigation systems might be a bit more costly to install, especially concealed ones, they generally have a great return on investment, and they may even affect the appeal and the price of your home.

Outdoor Lighting

Good outdoor lighting is one of those classic features no backyard can go without. Not only can it aid in deterring potential intruders, but it can also create a warmer and more enjoyable ambience in your backyard, all of which are aspects that attract homebuyers. The right exterior lighting might also increase the curb appeal of your home, particularly when it comes to motion-activated lighting and low-voltage landscape solutions. Effective and pleasant outdoor lighting may end up increasing the home’s value as well, so consider implementing a wise and attractive lighting option in your backyard.

An Entertainment Area

People love having a designated area in their backyard where they can relax, unwind, and even entertain guests. A simple and affordable way you can provide this benefit to prospective homebuyers is by installing a patio or deck. Depending on how this area is styled, it can serve as an outdoor dining space, a seating area for entertainment, or simply a cosy nook for relaxation. Other entertainment features that could appeal to buyers include a fire pit with surrounding seating, a good sound system, interesting water features, and a larger pool with outdoor showers if the budget, space, and neighbourhood permit.

An Outdoor Kitchen

Although this might be more suitable for higher-end houses and homebuyers, due to the high costs, outdoor kitchens are another brilliant feature to consider. They are a rising home trend that can be quite effective at drawing in buyers and increasing the value of a home, especially in warmer climates and higher price ranges. However, they can be an unreasonably large investment for non-luxury homes. In that case, an outdoor bar area and/or a barbecue space combined with appropriate seating might have a similar effect in terms of attracting the right homebuyers.

A Space For Kids To Play

If you’re selling a family home, attempt to make it even more family-friendly for future owners. Decorate your backyard with a sandbox, a fort, a swing set, a playhouse, or even a pool, if you have the space for these upgrades. This will make the space more suitable and appealing to kids, and it will make your backyard more enjoyable for children of all ages. Not to mention that any parent will be delighted with numerous opportunities for their kids to play outside instead of spending their time in front of a screen, thus adding to the homebuyer appeal even more.

Additional backyard features can drastically affect the number and the height of offers that are made for your home. Consider implementing one of the effective changes mentioned above to attract the right homebuyers and successfully sell your home.

Moreton Bay Regional Council has honoured four of the region’s most selfless locals for their achievements and efforts to support the community, as part of the annual Australia Day Awards ceremony held at the Redcliffe Museum.

“Let’s all raise a toast to our four award winners this year and I wish everyone a great 2023.”

• Nick Steiner received the Citizen of the Year Award in recognition of his outstanding charitable work at The Mini Farm Project, which donates fresh produce weekly to Meals on Wheels, OzHarvest, and other charities providing meals to people in need. Find out more about The Mini Farm Project online: https://www. mfp.org.au/

• Michelle Gilchrist is the face behind the busy dayto-day operations of The Breakfast Club Redcliffe. The Breakfast Club has become a haven for people of all ages in our community, providing over 1,500 free meals each month to people experiencing