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As you all may be aware, Mayada Bazaar was up for sale, briefly! The team had so many enquiries regarding the sale of Mayyada Bazaar, it was astounding and a little overwhelming, to say the least! Along with that came so many mixed emotions and they concluded, as a family, that they just can’t bear to part with Leanne’s ‘baby’ and the ‘Mayyada Magic’ she has created

So, keeping with the Mayyada way, as things change (all the time!) the family have agreed that Liz, (Leanne’s youngest daughter) will take on the role of owning and operating the beautiful store, with the support of treasured family, friends and you, their valued customers. Liz has lived and breathed Mayyada for over 12 years, most of those years in a management role. ‘In a Nutshell’ Mayyada


Bazaar is off the market, and stays in the family, and I am pretty sure everyone is beyond happy that the Mayyada magic will continue with the family we know and love. There is something very special about this shop, it’s not just a business, it’s a part of Bribie. Mayyada Bazaar is built on beautiful people and relationships, by working hard together, side by side, creating a culture where people have a real sense of belonging, are happy, like you are walking into someone’s home. Making Mayada a place for people to feel a sense of well-being, contentment, and joy while shopping to find that perfect piece to complement their home. So come on in, have a look and bring some of the ‘Mayyada Magic’ home with you.

A Note From Liz

Many of you know me, but some of you won’t, so here is a little about me.

Starting all those years ago, with only one 4 hr shift a week, I didn’t realise that I would fall supportive husband and two beautiful children who have also been a part of the store from only weeks old. Some of you will remember them sleeping sweetly behind the counter … they were so little then! I am also blessed with having the most amazing sister and two brothers and of course, Jaynie (our valued staff member, who we consider to be part of the family), all of which I know will be by my side every step of the way.

Mum and I have journeyed overseas more than twenty times on buying trips, had many adventures and shared so many laughs during these times. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to continue this amazing business and I am excited to see what the future holds for Mayyada Bazaar. It only seems right in my heart to continue the magic that mum has created for all of us. Thank you for your ongoing support and positivity, we can’t wait to keep being ‘us’ in 2023.

Many blessings, Liz