1 minute read

Alternative Health

In today's society, we seem to want a quick fix for all our problems. A pill to take to cure some ailment and a fast answer. Part of the yoga path is to see the person comprising of as many different elements to make the whole being. You have body, mind, breath and soul. Some of our ailments are to do with today's way of life. Here are some simple techniques to use daily to help our overall health

• Getting enough sleep 6 to 8 hours a night gives our body time to heal and rejuvenate.


• Getting enough water is another thing that is simple but often overlooked.

• A little sunshine every day (of course being SunSmart) is good for a vitamin D and a mood booster.

• Keeping as Mobile as possible is also important and stretching helps with mobility.

• A balanced diet and gut health are so very important but often overlooked with today's fast food.

• Mental time out to take a second to reground and stress less with daily meditation is also important.

• Be kind to yourself don't put too much pressure on yourself with unrealistic goals and expectations.

• Lastly, try to spread kindness it not only helps others but your emotional health.

I know all of these seem simple and you have heard them all before, but do you actually do them? It is not a quick fix, but the results will far out way the effort. It is often brought home to me when talking to people with ailments, trouble sleeping or is overloaded with stress, after discussing their lifestyle, just how many of the above mentioned techniques are not used.

When things are out of whack with myself, I can often pinpoint the problem using these techniques as no one really knows your body better than yourself. Give it a try, what do you have to lose? Sending love and light your way.

Namaste, Karyn