The Brandeis Hoot - 12-05-08

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VOL 5, NO. 13

DECEMBER 5, 2008

B R A N D E I S U N I V E R S I T Y ' S C O M M U N I T Y N E W S PA P E R


Community begins to heal after terror attacks in Mumbai, India BY JAMIE FLEISHMAN AND ARIEL WITTENBERG Editors

One hundred members of the Brandeis community stood in silence, eyes turned down in the late afternoon sun in front of the Goldfarb Library Wednesday, commemorating the victims of the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. The wind whipped the faces of the crowd that had come together and braved the cold to combat terror with love. The moment of silence was broken by students Avram Mlotek ’09 and Adam Ross ’10, whose voices rose toward the heavens in a Hebrew melody entitled “Lo Yisa Goy”—a prayer for peace whose words, had they been sung, would read “nation shall not lift up sword against nation. They will not learn war anymore.” Their humming was joined by the rest of the onlookers, as other students rushing to the library to study for finals slowed their gait and listened. Words, as Brandeis Protestant Chaplain Alex Levering Kern had said only moments before, were

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not enough to express the “gathering of hearts in solidarity” that took place yesterday afternoon, but silence and song were. In the week following the terrorist attacks in Mumbai that killed over 180 people and injured at least 300, the Brandeis community united behind a common cause of remembrance and resilience, trying to both pay homage to those killed in the attacks and help those affected to bounce back. Naman’s Story Naman Pugalia ’09, who is from southern Mumbai, was at Logan Airport on Thanksgiving on his way to Las Vegas with four other friends from his hometown when he first heard reports of the attack. Shortly after stepping on his Jet Blue flight, he learned from the inflight televisions (which he called a “blessing and a curse”) that his “close family friend, mentor and father-figure,” Hemant Karkare, had been killed in the attacks. “As you can imagine I was devastated,” remarked Pugalia. “Un-

fortunately Jet Blue did not have satellite telephones, so I couldn’t call.” As soon as his plane touched the ground, Pugalia said, he called his family. His parents were safe. Pugalia’s friends were not as fortunate – one friend lost a mother, one friend lost a father, and a third lost an uncle. Pugalia later found out that he had lost at least 10 people he knew in the attacks, including one of his teachers, who founded an NGO that he helped establish in Mumbai. He was “shattered.” His teacher, he said, “had a heart of gold and worked tirelessly just to provide basic amenities to all those who are not as privileged as we are.” Pugalia’s vacation, which had started out as a celebration among friends, took a sharp, somber turn. In the week that followed, Pugalia said, he struggled to prepare himself for what he will encounter when he flies back to Mumbai for winter break. “I have to now come to terms See MUMBAI p. 13

PHOTO BY Napoleon Lherisson/The Hoot

COMMEMORATION: Chabad Rabbi Peretz Chein encourages community members to commit acts of loving kindness in honor of those killed in the Mumbai terrorist attacks at a gathering Wednesday.

Academic expenditure cuts focus on faculty costs BY ALISON CHANNON Editor

PHOTO BY Max Shay/The Hoot

GIRL TALK: DJ Gregg Gillis, AKA ‘Girl Talk,’ performs at Brandeis on Nov. 24, to a full crowd in the Levin Ballroom. Check out The Hoot’s exclusive interview with Gregg Gillis at www.

Professor hiring freeze causes concern in affected departments BY MATT KIPNIS Staff

The hiring freeze recently instituted by the university in response to a $10 million budget shortfall for the 2009 fiscal year will impact both the courses and the nature of instruction students receive in the immediate future. As part of a package of cutbacks meant to deal with the university’s deficit for the current fiscal year, 10


or 12 of 16 ongoing faculty searches will be suspended. The departments affected by the hiring freeze include Biochemistry, History, Math, Politics, Romance Studies, and Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, according to an e-mail by Dean of Arts and Sciences Adam Jaffe. The Hornstein Professional Jewish Leadership Program was also affected. See FREEZE p. 12


University seminars will no longer be mandatory and fewer sections of foreign language classes will be offered next academic year in response to a predicted $5.8 million budget shortfall for fiscal year 2010. The Special Faculty Advisory Committee, formed by Provost Marty Krauss and chaired by Dean of Arts and Sciences Adam Jaffe, has been charged with considering possible academic expenditure reductions for fiscal year 2010. Jaffe explained that options for reducing academic expenditures are constrained because “we don’t have the ability to reduce tenured positions.” “The vast majority of courses are taught by tenured faculty,” Jaffe said, “we can’t reduce that cost.” As such, offering fewer sections of large introductory courses taught by tenured faculty would have little effect. “[the Committee was] really unable to identify…changes of that sort that would save enough money,” he commented. For that reason, efforts to reduce expenditures in academics have focused on direct and indirect ways of saving faculty costs in required course areas. “We were looking everywhere we could,” particularly at universal requirements, Jaffe said. “Non-Western doesn’t cost us anything,” he explained. Courses fulfilling university distribution requirements are not offered specifically for that pur-

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pose, differentiating them from USEMs, which are currently required, and foreign language, which some students take only to fulfill their requirement. In foreign language, an area that often hires part-time faculty, fewer sections of foreign language classes will be offered, Director of Language Programs Prof. Hollie Harder (FREN) said. The university will reduce “the number of total sections that would be budgeted,” Jaffe explained. Each language department will decide how to reduce the number of overall classes they offer in a given semester. Fewer sections will reduce the number of nontenured faculty required to teach language courses. Foreign language faculty had been presented with the option to reduce the language requirement from three semesters to two or to offer fewer language sections, Harder explained. The faculty chose to offer few sections because “a reduced requirement would be something that wouldn’t be reversible,” she said. In the romance languages, the enrollment cap will rise from 18 students to 25. Changing the enrollment cap “can change from semester to semester,” Harder added. Thus, there is a “way to respond again when [the economic situation] gets better.” Additionally, Harder commented, “with two semesters [of foreign language instruction], students really don’t have a basis to make progress…it doesn’t make sense for See ACADEMIC CUTS p. 12

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