Issue 49

Page 59



13th Avenue Pharmacy

Tip Top

Our staff’s credentials: To become a licensed pharmacist, seven to eight years of schooling are required, as well as an internship period (a year or two into schooling, students can start their internship working under a licensed pharmacist to gain experience). Pharmacist techs, who assist the pharmacists by preparing the scripts, do not need licensure.

We hire salespeople who are skilled at sewing and alterations and who have fine taste in clothing. Our busiest season is between Pesach and Shavuos, when our add-on station is turning out solutions for new summer wardrobes, followed by a busy jewelry season as graduation time rolls around.

The scripts we keep filling are those for diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol and asthma — and Amoxicillin! During flu season, Tamiflu prescriptions keep coming in. Over-the-counter items fly off the shelves before Pesach, when everyone’s buying at least one of every item; before camp, when every kid is getting at least one of each item and families are stocking up for the country; and then again at summer’s end, when it’s time to restock the house post-country.


Judaica Corner The best-going bar mitzvah gifts are sets of seforim and gift certificates. Trending for the Shabbos table is the lucite collection. The hottest items are the lucite bentcher sets (and for those willing to spend more, zemiros sets in lucite holders). Currently, lucite washing cups are also very popular gifts. The items most often exchanged are gifts bought by talmidim and students for their rebbis and teachers. The reading industry has changed drastically in the past few years. Whereas in the past 30% of reading material was comic books, and the rest novels and short stories, now the percentages have flipped, with 70% of the books we sell being comics.

August 26, 2020 / THE BORO PARK VIEW / 59 / 718.408.8770

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