Young People’s Programme March - May 2022
Events Pro Along with the exhibition, the young people from the project have put together a public programme of events.
The Bluecoat’s Colonial Legacies Exhibition Launch At the Bluecoat. Wed 23 March, 5:30pm Enjoy some music, food and fun as we open our programme! Exhibition continues until Sun 29 May.
The Bluecoat Heritage Tour Online from Wed 23 March Digitally explore the Bluecoat’s colonial heritage through this hyperfiction artwork.
A Glitch in the System At Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse. TBC Our young people dramatise the events of 2020 with Tiber Events Group and Everyman in this ‘scene change’ performance.
Courtyard Poetry At the Bluecoat. Sun 24 April, 12pm Speaking out in Bluecoat’s outdoor spaces, featuring special guests! Part of Liverpool Against Racism festival.
The Mixed Race Experience Online. Tue 10 May, 12pm Join Naomi & Natalie Evans to explore the mixed race experience. Part of WoWFEST22.
Malik Al Nasir At the Bluecoat. Wed 25 May, 6pm A keynote speech connecting Colonial Legacies and Looked After Children themes. Part of WoWFEST22. To find out more about the events and to book your tickets, visit our website
The Bluecoat’s Colonial Legacies Over the last year, a group of young people from the Greenhouse Project in Toxteth, L8, alongside others from the city have interrogated the history of the Bluecoat building and its foundational links to British colonialism. These future leaders have bravely explored the transatlantic slave trade and its legacies through themes such as identity, Black Scouse experience, migration, commuity, equality and more. This is a glimpse into the project and their work.
The Blundells were key figures at Bluecoat; Bryan Blundell was co-founder and treasurer, his sons later inherited this role. Much of the money they donated to the institution derived from their transatlantic slavery exploits.
Jonathan Blundell 1723-1800
“This project, led by the city’s young people, decolonises and re-contextualises Bluecoat’s complex heritage, illuminating the echoes today of Liverpool’s past global maritime significance” Michelle Girvan, collaborative PhD award recipient with University of Liverpool
Bryan Blundell 1674-1756
Bryan Blundell Jr 1720-1790
William Blundell 1714-1766
Richard Blundell 1721-1760
“A precious opportunity to connect different ages and bring creativity to things that can feel hard to approach” Fabiola Santana and Will Dickie, dance artists
“This is a significant project which links the present to the past and demonstrates Liverpool’s connections to, and the impact of, the transatlantic slave trade” Philomena Harrison, Bluecoat Board Member
Thoughts on Colonial Themes Based on a freestyle by our Young Events Coordinators Ships came to shore vying for trade Innocent souls didn’t feel safe They were scared so they prayed Injustice turned people into slaves This history is rooted in hate It drips in blood from the whip That slashed the innocent aboard ships Where basic human rights were stripped The mercantile slavers were rotten Forcing their property to pick cotton People were being bought and sold They lost humanity and were controlled Now we hope to talk and understand For our beliefs we fight and stand Museums are returning their loot Addressing inequality from its root True freedom is really living Peacefully without war having The ability to act without trouble To rise in reparation from the rubble Believing in our value, our meaning Owning our identity and communally healing.
This Colonial Legacies project is part of a wider exploration into the Bluecoat’s Echoes and Origins, happening alongside another project focusing on Looked After Children. Get involved on Instagram Find out more on our website
Young Events Coordinators Kaidyn-Lee Morris-Browne, Nia Mensah, Selina Karaca, Shanti Deva Dubicki-Wild, Tia Hume-Jennings, Tyrah Torrible.
Colonial Legacies is a partnership with:
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