The Black Family Magazine: JUNE 2022 EDITION

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VISION The Black Family Magazine has a mission to break generational cycles and healing from generational hurts and building generational wealth.

MISSION We are dedicated to bringing solutions to families in the black community. The platform is designed to expand your awareness, uncover truth, redefine life, renew strength, and help you to build a new legacy of health and wealth for families with intentions of changing the narrative one family at a time.



















Dear Black Man, As I reflect on your greatness, did you know that even before the control/alt/delete/ button function was created, it was alive and operating in the United States? Through the decades, there have been laws, movements, and countless discriminatory acts launched against you. The purpose of that function was to erase, eradicate, and ultimately delete you and subtract all your credibility, endeavors, and paramount contributions you’ve made to shape & mold societies. Well, as you continue to leave an indelible mark on this earth, hold tight to these 3 unwavering milestones: you have and will continue to make a significant impact in your communities & world, the family will always need you, and stand firm in your faith & abilities. You have power over your life’s turnaround. Continue to seize every moment & appreciate the monumental magnitude of being given an opportunity. Three key components will always give you a life advantage and are the perfect elixir for success: • Vision • Preparation • Hope Learn how to correctly differentiate a “Window of Opportunity” & “Door of Opportunity”. There’s a distinct draft & airflow that shifts the atmosphere when a door is opened as opposed to a window. The way an opportunity is perceived is

a direct correlation to the intensity level of pursuit. I’m reminded of how Jacob wrestled with an angel in the bible. When the angel demanded Jacob to let him go, Jacob replied, “I’m not going to let you go until you bless my soul!”. When you become that relentless, that’s when you refuse to lose. Don’t become bankrupt from bitterness, there’s growth in adversity. Two things guaranteed to bring pain in life: growth and development. Celebrate and embrace your dualistic multiplicity. As you meditate on your life’s next moves & transitions, be strategic and consider the following: Where art thou? What are you doing? Why are you pursuing it? Who’s on your T.E.A.M. (Time, Energy, Attention, Money) and in your support system? Protect the eyes and ear gates of your heart because what they absorb, shape & create your perceptions. Success takes strategic insight, planning, execution, and a lifetime of maintenance— which by the way is often forgotten, yet one of the most vital elements to success. Weapons were formed, and they prospered for a miniscule moment with the goal to make you obsolete. However, even during pandemics and historical revolutions, you’ve thrived. Beloved, the world is watching, keep showing up. Be encouraged and know… It is working for your good. Your Faithful Supporter, Tamika L. Blythers


ABOUT National Black Man Day™ is an annual holiday created by Dash Consulting Group, a boutique consulting firm that provides human resources and leadership development services to a diversified client base. It was first hosted virtually on August 8, 2020 from Japan by Dr. Ashley Dash. The mission and purpose of this event is to provide 5,000 black men safe spaces to thrive.

VISION To become the Premier Event for the Development & Economic Empowerment for Black Men. - August 8 -

BELIEF STATEMENT We believe that Black Men should be: Loved Supported Appreciated Celebrated


MEET ASHLEY DASH Visionary + Founder + Host of Black Man Day™

“I believe Black men are the salt of the Earth and light in the darkness, and only God Himself could persuade me otherwise. I am firmly convinced that a whole and healed Black man will change the world.” - Dr. Ashley Dash


Dr. Ashley Dash is a Career Branding Expert™, Speaker, and International Bestselling Author who teaches black business professionals how to increase their confidence so they can create the life they love. She believes knowledge is power and encourages her clients to take action TODAY. Currently living in Japan and working in Global HR Development for Yamaha Headquarters, Dr. Ashley Dash now leverages her 10+ years of international experience working with Fortune 500 companies. Dr. Ashley Dash has a BS in Business Administration from Winthrop University, an MBA and a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership from Regent University. Dr. Ashley Dash inspires action through her lived experiences in person and online. She often shares her most significant life challenges, including how she went from being an unemployed college graduate to landing a $100k+ job in Human Resources with Mercedes-Benz. Or revealing how years later, she restarted her life after facing foreclosure and unemployment, shifting back to six figures with an international move to Japan. Dr. Dash is known for her ability to help individuals identify the patterns that keep them stuck and move them into action. She is determined to create safe spaces for brilliant business professionals in Corporate America through speaking, coaching, and courses using her high energy and direct approach. Her mission is to help people overcome personal circumstances, rebuild confidence to gain control of their lives, and find purpose through career freedom. Dr. Ashley Dash has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, an MBA, and a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership from Regent University. She is also a Certified Job and Career Development Coach and Job and Career Transition Coach. However, celebrating and loving Black men remains her favorite superpower. As the founder of National Black Man Day®, her mission is to create safe spaces for 5,000 Black men so they can thrive, celebrated annually on August 8. Additional Resources Follow Me on Facebook: Join the National Black Man Day® Movement: Need help making your resume profitable? Register for a resume review at



Black Family Magazine: What changes do you hope to see or things you wish to see happen amongst Black Men in the community? Dr. Ashley Dash: One change I wish to see happen amongst Black men in the community is more personal time for self-reflection. I have seen Black men move from a place of doing to a place of being; it allows them to ask deep questions, investigate their own stories, and challenge inherited belief systems and the status quo. Men who have taken the time for personal and professional development lead to better mentors, influencers, and fathers. Black Family Magazine: What makes you so passionate about assurring Black Men get the resources they need? Dr. Ashley Dash: My passion definitely comes from personal experience and transformation. I have benefited from countless Black men in my life who have literally helped me become successful. I have memories of my deacon asking me about my grades in college because he understood the importance of education. I recall my pastor and uncles giving me the “secret handshake” that would leave me with money for gas or grab food during my travels when funds got low. My godfather whose counsel I have come to rely on personally and professionally. And I cannot forget about my work brother who has become my executive coach. He


single-handedly helped me negotiate and prepare for my transition to Japan. However, I know these deeds did not happen by accident. These men paid attention, took time for self-development, and not only did it make them successful in their own lives but in my life as well. I simply want to return the favor of Black men, who have always poured so much into me. Black Family Magazine: Les Brown’s Quote: “CHANGE is difficult but often essential to survival” - What does that mean to you? Dr. Ashley Dash: Change is essential to the soul and for success. We are constantly learning and taking in new information. So we have two choices, we can either choose to be overwhelmed or choose to move forward into action positively. I have decided to use the tools of personal and professional transformation from self-development, so constant change is happening. Whether I move to the Greater NYC area, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Atlanta, or even my current home here in Japan, movement causes change and massive internal growth for the better. Using my simple four-step DASH framework, I show individuals how to achieve the dreams in their hearts. Everyone has hope for the future. Unfortunately, they just lack a plan to make it a reality. I teach them how to: 1. Design the life they want, not just the

one they are settling for and think they can have (typically these are six-figure jobs) 2. Assess the gap, so they can create a foolproof plan to get what they truly want 3. Shift their mindset so they can finally say goodbye to fear, doubt, and negativity 4. Heal the parts of themselves that cause self-sabotage and replace them with habits built for success Black Family Magazine: As a pillar of the Black community, what are you currently doing to shift the narrative for Black Men? Dr. Ashley Dash: After discovering that: -

almost 40% of Black college graduates are underemployed,


there has been nearly no change in the level of hiring discrimination among Black people over the past 25 years, and


that racial wealth disparities are more significant for more highly educated Blacks and Whites than for those with less education according to jec.senate. gov, I decided to create a platform designed to educate, encourage and empower.

Thus, National Black Man Day®, an annual holiday created to celebrate Black men, was formed. It was first hosted virtually on August


8, 2020, and the celebration was streamed from Hamamatsu, Japan. This celebration is a conference with speakers from all over the world dedicated to helping Black men succeed in all areas of life. The mission and purpose of this event are to provide 5,000 black men safe spaces to thrive Black Family Magazine: As a resource of the black community, how can our audience get connected with you and International Black Man Day™? Dr. Ashley Dash: The best way to join the National Black Man Day® movement is by registering to celebrate with us on August 8 at Folks can also follow us online on Facebook and Instagram @NatlBlackManDay.



“Life in one word is love and the best way to show love is to give. I live to give.” - Andre Notice


With serial entrepreneurship on an impending rise, experts must rely on the intangible qualities found in relatability, integrity, and ingenuity, while facing today’s vast consumer base. Encompassing these traits, innately, is the effervescent professional, Andre Notice. Andre is a meritorious realtor, orator, poet, and certified life coach, bringing a sui generis experience to the world of business. Having more than 17 years as a licensed real estate agent and over a decade in reputable entrepreneurship, Andre helps clients to master their highest potential, through the power of exhortation, enlightenment, and personal excellence. His mantra is clear: Life in one word is love, and the best way to live is to give. Coined as the “Rhyming Realtor”, Andre couples an undeniable talent with a sincere regard for education, achievement, and character development. He holds certifications in real estate management and life coaching; and is a part of the Top 25 Realtors of Houston; via the Black Real Estate Association. His unyielding propensity for excellence has been recognized on diverse platforms, as Andre has been featured in four magazines, an array of speaking and media engagements, and more than eight communal awards; including Top 40 under 40 real in real estate 2019, Top 20 Influential professional entrepreneurs, and the Real estate “Ruby” award, for exceeding sales expectations, in his market. Enthused by life’s infinite possibilities, Andre is inspired most by the personal growth of others. His success came only after being homeless for 3 years including sleeping in his car for 3 months, while chasing his Entrepreneurship dream. Now, he is able to introduce a benevolent approach in public speaking and coaching; leaving an undeniable impression on the lives he touches daily. When Andre Notice is not out motivating the masses, he is a deliberate asset to his local communal body, and a loving member of his family and friendship circles. Andre Notice. Leader. Motivator. Energizer.


Black Family Magazine Exclusive Interview with Andre Notice Black Family Magazine: What changes do you hope to see or things you wish to see happen amongst Black Men in the community as a mentor, influencer and/or father? Andre Notice: I would love to see more men step up and be the change by leading by example. Having more discussions about the past and their struggles. Being open, honest and vulnerable that the younger generation may learn from their mistakes. I’d love to see us being more concerned with education over entertained. Teaching principles of generational wealth building, credit, real estate acquisition, health, chasing purpose over pay, keeping God first as the source, staying humble, how to treat ladies, financial education, power of our minds and words, mediation, learning to listen more the you speak, power of a strong network and others life changing subjects to change the trajectory of our community for generations to come. Black Family Magazine: What makes you so passionate about helping Black Men?


Andre Notice: I believe that we were all placed here for a specific purpose and that purpose is not about us. It’s about others and what you can do to build them up and love them with what you have to give. Your gifts, experience, talents, knowledge to benefit another... God alone gets the glory. Black Family Magazine: Les Brown’s Quote: “CHANGE is difficult but often essential to survival” - What does that mean to you? Andre Notice: Nothing in life stays the same. Change is the only constant. Even if you try to stay the same, the world is moving, progressing and passing you up. It is better to learn to grow WITH the changes. Learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Black Family Magazine: As a pillar in the Black community, what are you currently doing to shift the narrative for Black Men?

Andre Notice: My purpose is to help others find theirs. I am living my purpose so I am constantly placing myself in positions to edify, educate, empower and enlighten others. I do this through poetry, speaking engagements, my books, a coaching program i devised and just working to be a pillar in my community by BEING the change i want to see and staying consistent Black Family Magazine: As a resource of the black community, how can our audience get connected with you and International Black Man Day™? Andre Notice: All of my website and info can be found here My IG is @uwillnoticeme


World Renowned Motivational Speaker Les Brown Receives Honorary Doctorate Degree along with

Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award DR. LES BROWN ATLANTA, Ga. – “Too many of us are living our fears and not our dreams. Live full, die empty”. Motivational speaker Les Brown echoed those words as he addressed the Trinity International University Ambassador class of 2022 during its summer commencement on June 4, 2022. He reminded students to honor their journey and accomplishments despite the circumstances they encounter along the way. “You are here because you decided no matter how bad it gets I’m going to make it.” Brown said During the ceremony, Brown received the LifeTime Presidential Achievement Award honoring him for his lifetime commitment

to building a strong nation and an honorary Doctorate of Philosophy from TIUA. In addition to these awards, Rep. Dr. Billy Mitchell (Ga-D) also honored Brown for his contributions to the state of Georgia. “I am so honored and I’m humbled by this experience, “ Brown said During the ceremony, the former Politician and renowned Motivational Speaker shared childhood memories, the importance of family and putting dreams into reality. “If you died today, what dreams, talents and leadership parts would die with you?” Brown asked. “Remember you are a masterpiece and someone paid a debt for you. “You are made in the image of God and it doesn’t get any better than that.”





“MR. ENTHUSIASTIC!” Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM – Known As “Mr. Enthusiastic!” encourages you with this Bonus From Jonas, “If You Cheat Yourself In Your Preparation It Will Show Up In Your Presentation!” “Take A Chance! Take Charge! And Take Control of Your Life!”


Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM, known as “Mr. Enthusiastic!” is an Expert Communication Coach, Corporate Trainer, International Motivational Speaker, Four Time Amazon Best Selling Author and Radio Personality. He worked 30 years for two Fortune 500 companies, Xerox Corporation and Eastman Kodak Company. At Eastman Kodak he trained over 8,000 employees from 69 countries and earned “Trainer of the Year” Award! In 2020, he spoke at the Women Tech Virtual Summit in London, England and the Multi-cultural Worldwide Summit reaching professionals from six continents! He spoke at these virtual conferences: Speakercon Conference, Building Wealth Together and Women Entrepreneurs Conference in 2021. He is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a graduate of Dale Carnegie and earned a Doctorate Degree in Theology. He was inducted into the Beaufort High School Alumni Hall of Fame for distinguishing himself in profession, leadership and service! He was featured in the following publications: Powerhouse Global Magazine in London, England, Tap IN online magazine, Beaufort Lifestyle Magazine, Pink Magazine, and Speakers Magazine Corporate Edition 2022. He is the author of his book, “How To Fly Like An Eagle With Wings Like A Wimp!” It teaches you how to “Take A Chance! Take Charge! And Take Control of your life!” And he has a chapter in the following Amazon 2021 Best Selling books: Make It Matter, I Am A Victor, You Are Enough, Unleash

Your Undeniable Impact and Dare To Rise Above Mediocrity! His Motto Is: “Since Greatness Is Possible Excellence Is Not Enough! Go For Greatness!” (585) 703-9547. You will get A FREE Gift when you go to: www.


Black Family Magazine Exclusive Interview with Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM - Known As “Mr. Enthusiastic!” Black Family Magazine: What changes do you hope to see or things you wish to see happen amongst Black Men in the community as a mentor, influencer and/or father? Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM: I want to be able to help Black men to learn how to communicate more effectively. To be able to express our thoughts. And realize that we are important, and our voices must be heard. This will help us all to develop into the positive leaders that we were created to be. I want to encourage Black men to learn how to work together in harmony through mastering effective communication skills. And that way we can make a positive impact, have great influence and increase our finances. We can become the legacy learners, livers and leavers! We must Master Our Self, Master Our Subject and Master Our

Specific Audience. We need to be able to come and sit down and solve our challenges through effective communication. And a Day focusing on positive connections for Black Men is a great start! Together we can achieve more! When we master effective communication skills the benefits are positive leadership and lessons. We learn to manage our emotions. We learn to master ourselves. We learn to respect one another; our similarities and our differences. I bring HOPE – Spelled in Acrostics: Having Only Positive Expectations for YOU! And I use the four principles that I base all of my communication on: Education, Inspiration, Transformation and Motivation! Black Family Magazine: What makes you so passionate about helping other Black Men?


Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM: I am so passionate about effective communication and personal and professional development because I know and have experienced that the #1 fear in America in business is public speaking! Learning how to be an effective communicator eliminates fears and doubt. Instead, it creates confidence in what you can achieve! You will be able to articulate your thoughts, you can increase your salary, you can present your business to investors and customers! Learning how to speak effectively brings endless possibilities. It can help tremendously in your personal and professional lives. It helps you to become a good interviewer, and a better negotiator! When you master effective communication skills, you learn to “Stand Up To Be Seen, Speak Up To Be Heard, and Sit Down To Be Appreciated!” Using effective communication skills helps you to create more meaningful relationships and increases your positive influence at work, at home, in the community, and at church. I was not always an effective communicator. When I was a younger man and I moved from the South to Rochester, NY people used to laugh at how I spoke: My subject and verbs did not agree, my participles were always dangling, and I had a heavy southern accent. But here is what I did: I invested in my personal and professional development; I was coached in how to become an effective communicator. I invested time and money and made many personal sacrifices to develop my speaking skill and talent! We are not born with effective communication

skills but we can learn them! Everything stands and falls on communication! An African Proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, get a coach!” When we can communicate effectively, we make greater impact on others, we increase our sphere of influence and we increase our income! If you are married, it helps you interact with your spouse. If you are a parent, it helps you relate to your children. People do business with people that they know, like and trust! I am passionate to share effective communication skills with other Black men because of how this knowledge and skills have positively impacted my life! I am committed to share the value of effective communication skills so that we as Black men can live our dreams, goals and aspirations! Black Family Magazine: Les Brown’s Quote: “CHANGE is difficult but often essential to survival” - What does that mean to you? Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM: I believe that we must move away from change to transformation: Change is temporary, but transformation is permanent!” “It doesn’t matter how many legs a caterpillar has, or how fast it can run! It can never fly until it is transformed into a butterfly!” An African proverb says: “If there is no enemy within, the enemy without can do you no harm!”


Bonus From Jonas: “Don’t focus on what you have lost, focus on what you have left, because what you have left is enough to get the job done!” Every communication I deliver is based on my four principles of: “Education, Inspiration, Transformation, and Motivation.” I have invested over $ 100,000 in my personal and professional development. Because I have learned that you can always Better your Best! You must work harder on yourself than you do on your job! I encourage Black men, Bonus From Jonas: “You Must Invest In The Most Important Person On The Planet, YOU!” Black Family Magazine: As a pillar in the Black community, what are you currently doing to shift the narrative for Black Men? Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM: Over the last forty years, I have invested my time, talent and treasures in mentoring, coaching and training professionals and businessmen and women in public speaking, presentation skills, leadership skills, and teambuilding. I trained in corporate America: At Eastman Kodak Company I trained over 8,000 employees from 69 countries and earned the “Trainer of the Year!” Award. At Toastmasters International,I taught others how to compete in oratorical contests and win! I taught leadership as a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) , the highest level of

achievement in this three hundred thousand, member worldwide organization. At Dale Carnegie I was requested to help teach and train two concurrent classes for 16 weeks of professionals from a variety of industries in how to give a powerful presentation! The messaging in my books and in my speeches are based on personal and professional development, leadership and based on my principles of “Education, Inspiration, Transformation and Motivation!” My business, Partners For Purposeful Living LLC specializes in “Speaking, Training and Developing Greatness!” I provide high level one-on-one coaching and group training to help my clients to “Master Their Message!” I am certified in diversity, and I am a certified coach with the John Maxwell Team. I help people to grow personally and professionally through training and coaching in effective communication skills. I do retreats, I write articles and books on communication and personal and professional development. In coaching and training I show my clients how to take years off of their learning curve. I don’t believe in working on your weakness, I focus on your strength. I train clients in how to use their voice and how to tell their story. I help them to deal within the dynamics of the corporate culture. My training and coaching is in the form of Master Classes, Boot Camps, and individual and group coaching. My classic book, “How To Fly Like An Eagle With Wings Like A Wimp!” is the foundation upon which all of my writing and speaking is based. I am a


four time Amazon Best Selling Author and have two more books coming out this year in 2022. And I am working on my book for Black men, entitled, “Wanted, A Man To Stand In The Gap!” I always give more. That is what my Bonuses From Jonas are about! I bring value. I continue to learn and to grow. And clients want to know, “What’s in it for me?” I do a needs assessment for each client so that we can learn more about them and how I can help them to get where they want to go. I never do canned speeches or training. The needs assessment helps us to custom design our presentations to meet the needs of each unique audience. I bring value. The more skilled you are, the more value that you bring to the marketplace. Bonus From Jonas, “When your value is clear your decision is easy!” I encourage my clients to develop growth goals. You want to be in the stage of growth...You want to be green and growing. To increase your opportunities, increase your value. To increase your value, continue to Better-Your-Best! Black Family Magazine: As a resource of the black community, how can our audience get connected with you and International Black Man Day™? Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM: You can contact Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM Known as “Mr. Enthusiastic!”

Telephone: (585) 703-9547. Email address: jonaswiththebonus@ Get your Free Gift “Mastering Your Message: How To Give A Powerful Presentation!” at partnersforpurposefulliving


WAYNE HINDS There are many paths on the journey of life; choose patience, kindness, and truth while learning from experience, and seek wisdom as your guide. - Wayne Hinds


Wayne is a technology specialist with over 20 years experience in the data and analytics field. He is passionate about technological innovations, especially those driven by data, analytics, AI, and their impact on the future of business. He is the founding Director of 2020 Insight Consulting & Marketing, which provides digital services such as business analytics, insight-driven consulting, and digital marketing to assist businesses in making better business decisions by leveraging their valuable data resources. He also founded and serves as President of TRUTH Communications Media & Publications. Wayne spent four years at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) completing the bachelor’s degree program in computer science. In 2015, he upgraded and broadened his academic portfolio by enrolling in the “Big Data Analytics” program at his alma mater. For over ten years, he has served on the board of directors of MissionFest Toronto, one of Canada’s largest event-based organizations focused on missions. He also served as interim executive director just prior to the pandemic. In addition, Wayne has held several leadership positions at his church, including Men’s Leadership.


Black Family Magazine Exclusive Interview with Wayne Hinds Black Family Magazine: What changes do you hope to see or things you wish to see happen amongst Black Men in the community as a mentor, influencers, and/or fathers? Wayne Hinds: I would like to see more visible Black Men in positions of leadership and mentoring the next generation, particularly in technology and business. The sages of our society have the extensive life experience to impart. Today’s culture is ready for change, and there are several platforms and opportunities to connect, speak, share, and mentor. It is time for our voices to be heard. It is time to reclaim the narrative of what a Black Man is or should be. In the past, the media and society’s historical racial inequalities influenced the message, which conveyed a very negative image of what a Black man or father is supposed to be. Unfortunately, these stereotypes are often

perpetuated. To borrow a line from a wellknown song … “It is time to make that change. We are the people who can do it” Black Family Magazine: What makes you so passionate about helping Black Men? Wayne Hinds: I am passionate about the Black Man’s leadership and influence in technology and business because of the limitless and untapped potential that this demographic has to offer our society. Sports, music, and entertainment, in general, are areas where Black men have been shown to excel. However, the mainstream media portrays very little of the successful and accomplished Black Man in technology and business. That limited image, in my opinion, needs to be changed. It has the potential to influence the next generation when they see themselves represented in Technology and Business, in addition to what we have accomplished in sports and music.


Black Family Magazine: Les Brown’s Quote: “CHANGE is difficult but often essential to survival” - What does that mean to you? Wayne Hinds: I believe that change is the catalyst for what could be or what is desired. My book delves into how our personal data is being used to effect change in our world, particularly as it relates to new business models powered by our “Digital Gold”. However, I wonder how we, as Black Men, are contributing to this change and driving technological innovations, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Knowledge is powerful, but it is how and by whom that power is applied that causes change. Black Family Magazine: As a pillar of the Black community, what are you currently doing to shift the narrative for Black Men or to bring awareness to your community? Wayne Hinds: As a Black business owner and technology entrepreneur, I try to set a good example. My book “Reclaiming Your DIGITAL GOLD - It Is Your Power” sheds light on how our personal data is being used to change business in this fast-paced, technologydriven society. It is fascinating to see how technology is influencing every aspect of our lives and driving innovations that change our world by increasing efficiencies, connecting us, and causing rapid shifts in societal habits. However, I am concerned about the

consequences as we become increasingly reliant on these systems and technologies. As a result, my upcoming book will investigate the significance of personal data and how it is used to shape the future of business and society. It also suggests ways for us to regain control of our data. Today’s Black men have an incredible opportunity to demonstrate technological leadership and leverage their data assets (aka digital gold) to shape our future in ways that benefit our community and the world at large. Our society is at a crossroads, with technology driving change in every way. To ensure that our demographic is not excluded or underserved given the inherent inequities, we must support and encourage Black business leaders in technology and raise awareness of the technological contributions among our youth. Black Family Magazine: As a resource of the black community, how can our audience get connected with you and International Black Man Day™? Wayne Hinds: Email: or IG: https://www.instagram. com/2020insightconsulting/ FB:


NOBLE S. EVANS “The most important armor I’ve ever put on was the ARMOR OF GOD!” -Noble S. Evans


Ephesians 6:11-18 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

Born in rural Louisiana, Noble S. Evans is one of 7 children. Noble is a full time entrepreneur and author. Though a standout athlete throughout preparatory school and college, Noble struggled academically and succumbed to his self-imposed limiting beliefs. Noble has since shed these limitations and put on the full armor of God to play his royal position as King of his household and upstanding and impactful member of his community. Noble pivoted from his dream of becoming a professional athlete, to later finding his passion and purpose in life and has powered forward to build several

successful businesses alongside his wife Dr. Kim Carter Evans. Noble and Kim have two beautiful daughters, Tori & Lexi. Noble desires to be a catalyst to enable men to put on the armor of God, shed limitations and play their royal position! “Men, it’s time to go to war for our marriages, our families and our communities. The next generation and generations to come are depending on what we do RIGHT NOW!” ~ Noble S. Evans


Black Family Magazine Exclusive Interview with Noble S. Evans Black Family Magazine: What changes do you hope to see or things you wish to see happen amongst Black Men in the community as a mentor, influencer and/or father? Noble S. Evans: My hope is men will stand up and be who we are called to be. I had so many limiting beliefs and fears of failure for so long. This fear crippled my progress and prolonged the impact that I was called to have; not only in my family, but also on so many around me and in my community. Violence among young African American men is at an all time high across the country and these young men are crying out for guidance and for someone to show them a better way. Also, many of these young men enter relationships without knowing how to navigate the relationship due to not having had a strong male role model. Sometimes due to so many different factors like what we believe about ourselves or even what we were told about ourselves growing


up limits our ability to have the vision to impact the world. Black Family Magazine: What makes you so passionate about helping other Black Men? Noble S. Evans: I am so passionate about this because if I can help just one young man not waste so much precious time, it would have been well worth my time. Like so many other young men, I dreamed of becoming a professional athlete as my way to get out of the rural community I was raised in. When this dream was altered due to a sports injury, I was lost. I had not really given much thought to what I would do outside of basketball. I left college and went from one dead end job to another. Although for years, my wife Kim encouraged me to go back to school, there was something deep inside me that didn’t believe I was capable. At the age of 46 I have just received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology & Religious Studies and have entered a Master of Arts program. I now know and believe that I have a purpose to impact my community and I will continue to power forward doing so.. Black Family Magazine: Les Brown’s Quote: “CHANGE is difficult but often essential to survival” - What does that mean to you? Noble S. Evans.: This quote is so true! One of the very things that held me back for so long was my unwillingness to shed old beliefs, behaviors,

and habits and to embrace the necessary changes that had to take shape in my life in order for me to grow to where God wanted me. Let’s keep it real for a minute. As an athlete and coming from a family of athletes, I was no stranger to the wandering eye. Living a life that was not pleasing to God and succumbing to the peer pressure of “doing what men do...” did not serve me well. I was honestly exhibiting the same behaviors I had grown up around and witnessed since I was a child. It wasn’t until I began to surround myself with men who exhibited loving “one woman,” taking care of their families and impacting the community, did I know there was a different way, a better way. I have even received a lot of push back from “those who knew me when,” on my choosing differently now. This quote from Les Brown couldn’t be more timely as CHANGE is difficult, but it WAS and IS essential to MY survival. Once I chose to make the necessary changes, I began to see my life shift onward and upward. Black Family Magazine: As a pillar in the Black community, what are you currently doing to shift the narrative for Black Men? Noble S. Evans: Coming from a divorced household, I made a promise to myself that I would only get married once and divorce would not be an option. Even though I made this promise to myself, I was not living the covenant of marriage the way God intended. Men... WE have to do better. The growth of our families, our legacies, our communities and society is on our backs and it begins with


our relationship with the creator and the marital relationship. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy and does not want us to know who we are. Why else do you think the enemy is working overtime to tear down black men? We can choose to do what it takes, make the necessary changes and choices and live a life according to the word of God. As an athlete, I suited up thousands of times prepared to get in the game and win...but the most important armor I’ve ever put on was when I consciously made the choice to put on the armor of God. Does this mean I am without struggle, stain or temptation...NO! I have to make the choice to die to self daily....sometimes by the second (you know it is rough out here in

these internet and social media Together, my wife Kim and I have declared WAR ON DIVORCE! It is our mission to have a great impact on marriages, families and communities through the restoration of the marital relationship as the core to the family unit second only to each individual’s relationship with God. Black Family Magazine: As a resource of the black community, how can our audience get connected with you and International Black Man Day™? Noble S. Evans: Please stay connected @WarOnDivorce or @NobleandKim on all social media outlets.



Progress is a process and every day is an opportunity to take a step forward. - Robert Wilson Jr.


Robert Wilson Jr was born in Augusta, GA. He spent his early childhood growing up in Spartanburg SC and his teenage years in Philadelphia PA. Upon his graduation from high school, he returned to South Carolina where he attended Claflin University and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. From there he was blessed with the opportunity to work for Dorchester school district 2 as a teacher in Summerville S.C. After 7 years in education, he transitioned into a career in real estate. During his 3-year career in real estate, he met his lifelong friend and mentor Mr. Corwyn J. Melette who helped him aid numerous clients in achieving the American Dream of homeownership. In 2017 Robert decided to utilize some of his spare time to delve into the world of podcasting. After a few years of learning from his mistakes, he rebranded and repurposed his podcast which is now known as “From My Experience Podcast”. The objective of his podcast is to candidly share opinions on a variety of topics including personal life experiences, entertainment, & cultural climate. Robert also invites people from diverse walks of life to share their stories and unique life experiences on the show. In 2019 he moved to northern Virginia where he decided to resume his career in education. During his transition, he continuously documented his journey through his podcast and continued to share his experiences. Today, his show podcast has over 230 episodes and is still going strong.


Black Family Magazine Exclusive Interview with Robert Wilson Jr.

Black Family Magazine: What changes do you hope to see or things you wish to see happen amongst Black Men in the community as a mentor, influencer and/or father? Robert Wilson Jr.: I would love to see black men in the community collaborate and share resources more often. We all have goals and aspirations, and life has taught me that we are stronger together. I too have fallen victim to the “ Self-Made” “ Got it out the Mud” mentality. For some reason we think that working with others or receiving help diminishes our accomplishment when in reality, it shows that you know how to work with others and utilize the resources that are available to you. Black Family Magazine: What makes you so passionate about helping other Black Men? Robert Wilson Jr.: I am passionate about black men collaborating

and sharing resources more often because I would not be where I am today without the connections I have made. All of the major accomplishments I have achieved thus far in life had the backing of friends, family, and mentors. No one person has all the answers, and it helps to have people around you with different levels of experience and knowledge to aid you in this journey we call life. Black Family Magazine: Les Brown’s Quote: “CHANGE is difficult but often essential to survival” - What does that mean to you? Robert Wilson Jr.: As a podcaster, one of my main goals is to “ Promote Positivity”. Our people are often depicted in a negative light, and I am tired of seeing it. Various outlets only speak about us or promote our stories to perpetuate drama and negativity. I want all of our creativity, beauty, uniqueness, knowledge, and accomplishments to have the spotlight instead. For me to be able to advocate for


positivity, I had to make some changes within myself. I had to manage what I was consciously and subconsciously consuming each day to change my own mentality and to balance my own energy. One of the best ways to get your message across to others is to be the example. Black Family Magazine: As a pillar in the Black community, what are you currently doing to shift the narrative for Black Men? Robert Wilson Jr.: The personal changes I have made over the past 5 years have allowed me to take my show “ From My Experience Podcast” to the next level. I invite people from all walks of life as guests on the show to share their experiences with a worldwide audience to help those who may be dealing with similar situations and circumstances. I also use it to allow others to promote their businesses, services, and positive messages. It is my way of letting the people who look like me and share similar experiences know that we have meaningful stories and experiences to share. I am also making a conscious effort to personally connect black men with one another. My sphere of influence is wide, and I understand that by connecting the dots together, we can grow and help one another reach new heights. I am also an educator and I refer to my students as the same thing I was referred to by coach Singletary in high school, “ Future Leaders”. I always let our young black boys know that they are capable of anything that they can dream of if they are willing to put in the work that is required to achieve their goals.

Black Family Magazine: As a resource of the black community, how can our audience get connected with you and International Black Man Day™? Robert Wilson Jr.: Instagram : fme_podcast - https://www. From My Experience Podcast Facebook Page: frommyexperiencepodcast From My Experience Podcast Facebook Group: groups/277103755967951



Society doesn’t teach us, being made an example teaches us. Therefore, as a Black Man, we must be a positive example that society can learn from. - Bryan Ghant


Bryan Ghant, an International Best-Selling creative writing author, was born May 11th, 1973, raised by his mother and step-father, and educated in the Hamilton and Trenton, New Jersey school district. Bryan grew a passion for writing and entertainment with now over 40 years of experience. As a creative writer, his best works come through topics such as African American Urban Literature, politics, and the historical genres including sports and poetry. While incarcerated, Bryan tapped into his creative writing skills to stay focused on his release. After 18 years of holding onto his manuscript, Bryan finally released his book titled; Cut Throat: Only One Can Win. His book hit Amazon’s best-sellers list in two categories, Urban Fiction and African American Fiction the first day of its release in the United States, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. In addition to writing, Bryan enjoys artist development, music production, urban photography and podcast hosting, and content creation. He has participated in many urban entertainment outreach efforts and continues to raise awareness on many topics that affect the urban community. He is currently working on several writing projects and plans to bring more content to his readers. As a continuation to his best-selling book, Bryan anticipates bringing his book “Cut Throat: Only One Can Win” to the filming industry.


Black Family Magazine Exclusive Interview with Bryan Ghant Black Family Magazine: What changes do you hope to see or things you wish to see happen amongst Black Men in the community as a mentor, influencers, and/or fathers? Bryan Ghant: As a father and mentor, I wish to see more education and solutions for “Unjustly Incarceration” within the black community. As a mentor, influencers, or male figures we are responsible to get educated and bring awareness to our community about the way the justice system works. As a way to be more proactive about understanding the law. Once black men are aware that the “deck is against us” we have to be four steps ahead of the game. Black Family Magazine: What makes you so passionate about helping Black Men? Bryan Ghant: As a Black Man who has experienced unjust incarceration, I now know the importance of educating other black men about the

justice system. Because of the controversy around my incarceration I also see now that we must be proactive about protecting our children’s future by teaching our children the law. I hate to see men who are unaware find themselves in the same battle. Black Family Magazine: Les Brown’s Quote: “CHANGE is difficult but often essential to survival” - What does that mean to you? Bryan Ghant: As I think of this question, I can only think of a quote from out of my book. “You have to change in order to get it.” As a father who mentors his sons, we must let him know, “As a child I played with childish things, as I grew I put childish things away.” In order to get what I have for you, you must live to see it. Black Family Magazine: As a pillar of the Black community, what are you currently doing to shift the narrative for Black Men or to bring awareness to your community?


Bryan Ghant: It’s important for me to continue speaking, educating, and continue to write on taboo topics within the black community to continuously bring awareness. As Black Men, we have to be accountable and all come to the table as a unit to learn more so we can help more. Once we get our power structure together in our homes, we can teach our children. We have to be accountable for what we are teaching our youth.

Black Family Magazine: As a resource of the black community, how can our audience get connected with you and International Black Man Day™? Bryan Ghant: For more information about my latest endeavors, stay connected on social media. For booking or speaking opportunities, contact or follow me on all social media platforms under my Facebook page: Bryan Ghant or private Facebook group: Cut Throat Conversation


Dr. H. Jean Wright II

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. - Mark Twain


H. Jean Wright II, PsyD, is a transformational, highly experienced and professionally trained Clinical and Forensic Psychologist with over 20 years of experience in behavioral health, government, private practice, and academia as adjunct professor and clinical faculty for Temple University. Dr. Wright currently serves as Deputy Commissioner for the city of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services. Dr. Wright is CEO of Mental Health Success Boost, LLC, which focuses on research in human behavior, developing content for training(s) and programs using a holistic approach to health and wellness across the lifespan. As a consultant, facilitator and trainer, Dr. Wright utilizes his ground-breaking approach—The Wright Method (sm) to solve problems that adversely impact individuals, organizations, and communities. Dr. Wright’s skill in delivering mission-critical results have added to his success in contributing as a subject matter expert for media programs providing content on health and wellness. Dr. Wright is a regular contributor to journals, educational newsletters, and faith-based magazines, where his focus is on the connection between psychology, faith, and spirituality. Dr. Wright is the author of the book: Find Strength in Your Struggle: Discover The Miracle in You, which highlights his concept of “spiritual depression” and how it impacts the spiritual core of people from all walks of life. He conducts interactive and highly charged seminars, workshops, and training on a variety of topics related to behavioral health and wellness, population health education, and trauma-informed care for a diverse group of clientele throughout the United States.


Black Family Magazine Exclusive Interview with Dr. H. Jean Wright II Black Family Magazine: What changes do you hope to see or things you wish to see happen amongst Black Men in the community as a mentor, influencers, and/or fathers? Dr. H. Jean Wright II: What I hope for and work towards is for black men to recognize and embrace their individual value to themselves, their families, and to their varied communities and networks of influence. Self-recognition and self-appreciation are a springboard for community service and supporting initiatives that ultimately impact the greater good. As black men we have an awesome responsibility and privilege to be role models for children and youth, whether male or female, to teach, explain, and demonstrate what it means to be a positive contributor to our families and communities. Positive black men are a catalyst for highlighting the collective strength of the black community when black men model a wholistic approach (i.e. mind, body, and spirit) to living our best lives. Black men that are healthy and well

in mind, body, and spirit lift up the black community to the benefit of all. Black Family Magazine: What makes you so passionate about helping Black Men? Dr. H. Jean Wright II: My passion for black men as role models in our community and beyond stems from my own father, who was a “servant-leader” and raised his four children to be servantleaders. Watching my father serve our communities, both in the United States and in Africa, provided me a “front-row-seat” to the power and effectiveness of positive impact coming from black men that are prepared and committed to service to others that need it most. Because of my exposure at an early age to empowered, committed, and prepared black men; I knew my passion to serve and lift up my community was not only my calling, but also an obligation one must take seriously. The challenges are there and so are the rewards when coupled with perseverance, humility, and gratitude. Black


men united are assured of success when success is not just individual but collective. Black Family Magazine: Les Brown’s Quote: “CHANGE is difficult but often essential to survival” - What does that mean to you? Dr. H. Jean Wright II: As a clinical and forensic psychologist I have a keen understanding of how difficult it is for people to change, especially when it is most needed and required. Because of past and current unresolved traumas most of us find ourselves doing things (behaviors) and believing things (cognitive processing) that take us far from who we truly are and who we were meant to be. Those of us that do not embrace change when it is most needed and required will find ourselves either extinct like the dinosaurs or irrelevant like BlockBuster Video. We need to embrace change not just to survive, but also to thrive! Black Family Magazine: As a pillar of the Black community, what are you currently doing to shift the narrative for Black Men or to bring awareness to your community? Dr. H. Jean Wright II: Because I am a servant-leader; my professional and personal activities overlap quite a bit. I sit on several Boards that are community-focused such as: Community Forgiveness and Restoration, which focuses on recruiting faith communities to “adopt” individuals that are incarcerated with two (2) years or less before release so that those individuals can be paired with life coaches to ensure resources and supports are available

long before returning to the community. This organization stays connected to returning citizens long after release for as long as the returning citizen wants to remain connected. I also sit on the Board for New Options More Opportunities (NOMO Foundation), which caters to the children of incarcerated parents making sure that children are able to visit their incarcerated fathers by providing transportation. As part of this program behind the walls of the prison; we provide training and support for incarcerated fathers to learn parenting and life skills, as well as connect incarcerated fathers with the schools where their children attend so that the father can “co-parent” even while serving their sentence. We have found that when fathers are involved in their children’s lives, especially via the education system; children’s grades improve, behavioral issues decrease, and the children exhibit more self-confidence and motivation toward achieving individual goals. Another Board I sit on is Helping Our Families (HOF), which focuses on single mothers with children that are struggling financially, emotionally, and otherwise as a result of systemic racism, trauma, and disparities in access to resources and supports that can lift them and their children out of poverty. It is because of my life-long participation in these type community-focused activities that I developed the idea for my first book: “The Cure for Spiritual Depression,” where I share research on depression in the black community and how it manifests individually and collectively. This academic contribution lead me to share my concept of spiritual depression in a format more accessible to


the general population in the publication: “Find Strength In Your Struggle: Discover The Miracle In You,” which highlights the everyday challenges we experience in this world and how one can not just survive those experiences but thrive because of one’s lived-experiences. My theory is that “Life Happens! And, when it does, God does the greatest work in each of us!” Another quote from the book: “Struggle is inevitable! Do not waste time trying to avoid struggle. That is a lesson in futility. Instead, Find The Strength In Your Struggle and Discover The Miracle In You!” What I hope to achieve with this latest book and all the writings, workshops, and trainings I do is to empower people to recognize the miracle in themselves so that they not only survive and thrive, but then take that lesson of triumph and share it with their individual families, communities, and networks so that a positive ring of support and strength can reverberate throughout the black community like the rings formed in a still lake when one throws a single rock into the water. That single contribution of a rock in calm waters reverberates out, not in. This is the action I believe can happen when black men throw themselves into the “lake of systemic racism” and impact our communities by reverberating out, not in, for the betterment of our communities. Black Family Magazine: As a resource of the black community, how can our audience get connected with you and International Black Man Day™? Dr. H. Jean Wright II: For more information email: drjean2@;; Social Media: LinkedIn/Dr. H. Jean Wright II; FB/Dr. H. Jean Wright; Instagram/drjean2



“Adopt a Role Model” Featuring Jestine “Tina” Dennard: Rebuilding Families One Child at a Time


Jestine “Tina” Dennard: Rebuilding Families One Child at a Time

between the ages of 9- 13 due to disturbing statistics.

If you ask Macon Businesswoman Jestine “Tina” Dennard what her purpose and passion is in life, her response is simple: “To raise children to fulfill “THEIR” purpose in life. It’s just that simple. That’s my assignment in life.” Dennard

“At the inception of my program in the mid 90’s research showed one out of four black males in their 20s was in jail or headed towards some kind of destruction including unwed fatherhood, criminal activity and unemployment,” she said. “I would read studies that indicated that pairing a child with a positive role model is one of the most effective ways to reduce these statistics. I wanted to provide a solution to the problem before the children hit their 20’s and so I started addressing the problem right in my backyard.” She added.

For more than 30 years, the Co-Founder of the Adopt a Role Model Program (ARM) has nurtured and mentored thousands of African-American children from Macon, Georgia and the surrounding cities. The program’s objective is to provide young black males with a conscientious and positive role model in an effort to steer them towards meaningful employment and good citizenship, while serving as a reference source group for other agencies, groups and organizations. The ARM identifies proteges in the program, recruits, screens, selects, trains and identifies role models. Proteges then choose their life-long role models based on similar interests, in turn the proteges commit to returning to the program as a mentor or by giving back to the community in some form or capacity.

Brandon Jones was one of the first students to join Adopt a Role Model Program. “This program provided structure and an outlet for me,” Jones said. “I was introduced to a world of computers, different trades and technology. The way the world is moving it was a perfect set up for where I am today. Ms. Dennard took us on field trips as well. it was simply access to things I hadn’t seen before,“ he said. Jones now owns his own trucking company and spends his time giving back to the community.

The program’s activities include but are not limited to; literacy camps, weekly tutoring, reading and etiquette classes, field trips, annual career days.

“I now coach football and that’s important to the youth and I became a mentor to them as well. Most importantly, I am still in contact with my mentor Ronald Thrower.”

The Twiggs County native says she focused her program primarily on young males

Dennard says she developed the model for her business after seeing the blueprint in her own childhood home.


“I grew up with parents that taught us about helping and giving back,” Dennard said. “I grew up with 14 brothers and four sisters, so this was a no brainer for me.” She said “You never know what’s going on in a child’s home. We all know it just takes one wrong decision to disrupt a person’s life. My purpose and goal are to keep them on track.” Dennard says the program is key to building life-long relationships. “Please understand none of us got we’re we are today without someone’s help or

mentoring -none of us “It’s important to have a guiding force or mentor that will help that student make wise choices.” she said. “There’s an old adage that reads: Train up a child in the way he should go, so when he is old, he will not depart from it.” For more information on the Adopt a Role Model Program: Call (478) 738-0616 or Visit the Website @ http://adoptarolemodel. org/.





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