BCOM Newsletter Autumn 2013

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@ The BCoM


Health And Wellbeing


Funeral And Bereavement


Children And Young People


Community Development


Interfaith Engagement


Mosque Directory www.thebcom.org


Welcome A Message from the Chairman Assalmo alaikum and welcome to the latest BCoM

provision of counselling (we now have both male and

There are always volunteering opportunities for members of

newsletter. I hope you will find it both informative ,

female counsellors). There has also been specific training

the community at BCoM and to explore how you can help

interesting and an inspiration to get involved with various

for our madrassah teachers ranging from creative teacher

contact the admin office who will be able to advise. BCoM

opportunities that are available to contribute towards

training, first aid skills and a hugely successful safeguarding

can only survive with the tremendous dedication of the

making life better for the Bolton family.

seminar delivered jointly with Bolton safeguarding team. The

many volunteers who spend their hours and days assisting

committed funeral team have also launched a single 24hour

the wider Bolton community. May Allah continue to give

There have been a few changes to the BCoM team in

contact number for all funeral enquiries (392919). This is

them the strength to continue their sincere efforts.

recent months. First of all I would like to express gratitude

only some of the activities BCoM is involved in.....it would

to Inayat Omarji for all his efforts at BCoM and wish him

be impossible for us to detail it all!

I hope you will enjoy reading the newsletter.

maternity leave after having been blessed with twins (Adam

We are grateful to Bolton at Home who recently disposed

Thank you

and Mohammed) and we hope and pray for their health

of unwanted furniture from a number of their offices which

Dr Kamran Khan

and happiness as a family. Ibrahim Kala (Chief Officer),

were closing down. BCoM has been welcoming students


Nilufar Patel (Female YW) and Said Mohammed Akuji (Malji)

of Bolton Muslim girls school, for their Khidmat programme

(Mosque and Madressa Liaison Officer) have come on

for the last few years. This programme encourages

board and will strive to continue the aims and objectives

students their age to get involved in voluntary work for the

of BCoM. I’m certain they will have the full support of our

community and also to prepare them for the world of work.

success in his future role. Khadija Patel (female YW)is on

mosques, partner organisations and wider community of Bolton.

Recent tragic events around the globe have again demonstrated that Bolton’s strong community spirit and

Once again in this newsletter we have tried to give a brief

statutory and voluntary partner agencies working together

overview of some of the activities and projects BCoM are

over the years has made us resilient (but not complacent)

involved in. These range from activities for youngsters

against any forces that may try to drive a wedge between

(watch out for our October half term activities on), the

our different communities. Our prayers and thoughts are

continued success of our over 40s group who enjoyed

with all those affected by these heartbreaking events.

a successful day out at Bolton Abbey, tremendous uptake at the Hajj vaccination clinics (many thanks to our dedicated volunteers in the Health forum), representation at various civic events in Bolton (see pg19) and the




14.00 Shorai Martial Arts





For more information on Function Rooms and Conference Hire, contact BCoM on 01204 363680.



Girls Youth Club

SDF Tutoring Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2


Deane Nursery


Deane Nursery

Deane Nursery


South Bolton Over 40’s Forum

Sewing Courses

Deane Nursery


Shorai Martial Arts


Bolton Shared Care Reading Group


Shorai Martial Arts

11.00 Sahara Women’s Drop-In


Deane Nursery

10.00 Sathi Men’s Drop-In


@ The BCoM Saturday



Health And Wellbeing Counselling

Health, Fitness & Relaxation Week

BCOM counselling service has been, successfully

Details of the counsellors can be read on the BCOM

October half term week 28th October to 3rd November

serving the needs of the indigenous population and

website under “staff”.

2013 will be Health, Fitness and Relaxation week.

the ethnic minority of Bolton, since 2007. Recently, the

There will be lots of different exercise taster sessions

service has recruited two female counsellors alongside

So give us a call, and don’t suffer in silence. Please feel

and health awareness/relaxation workshops. Be sure to

one male counsellor to enhance the service further. All

confident that your personal information will be kept

book on straight away as places will be limited. Details

our counsellors are dedicated professionals with, both

confidential and will not be disclosed.

to be given closer to the time.

experience and the appropriate qualifications for the role. We all face days of adversity and experience personal issues, wanting to talk out the frustrations, in a safe and confidential arena. BCOM counselling service will offer you that opportunity. Whether your issues are personal, religious, mental or domestic, we ensure to facilitate a process of a road to recovery in a friendly, professional and confidential manner. Our counselling service is designed to be aware of cultural diversities and sensitive to religious beliefs of our clients. Issues that are covered include depression, anxiety, anger, relationships, bereavement, stress etc. Referrals can be made through your GP or clients can telephone the office on 01204 363680. We offer counselling to both adults and children over the age of 12. For further details or if something is worrying you, contact BCoM on Tel 01204 363680 | Email admin@thebcom.org



Health And Wellbeing Vaccinations / Hajj

Circumcision Service

Since the last newsletter in May, BCoM have hosted 3

The BCoM has organised a new weekly Male Religious

Hajj and Umrah Meningitis Vaccination (ACWY) clinics at

Circumcision Service. The service will be run from the

our base on Vicarage Street, Bolton. These took place

Orient House Medical Centre on Wigan Road, and

on Friday 7th June, Friday 23rd August and Friday 6th

includes follow up care if required. Advanced payments

September. Over 400 people, men, women and children

and booking is required.

were vaccinated over the 3 days and we are indebted to all the doctors/nurses and volunteers who come to help in organising and arranging these events. The Executive and the Management of BCoM and the Health Forum would like to express their gratitude to all involved. On the 23rd August the Council of British Hajjis were interviewed by BBC News North West Tonight Programme re Hajj Fraud and bogus tour operators, to view this please follow this link: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-23858402



Funeral And Bereavement National Burial Conference

Islamic Literature Burial

BCoM representatives attended and shared some

On Saturday 28th September, the Bolton Council of

good practice at a National Burial Conference held

Mosques once again organised the burial of Islamic

in the City of Leicester on Sunday 25th August

literature at Heaton Cemetery. The burial was held in

2013. Officers and volunteers were at hand to share

accordance with Islamic principles, paying the proper

the Bolton experience of how over the years the

respect to these materials. The volunteers were already at

community have dealt with bereavement and burial

the cemetery by 9:30 in the morning, ready for the hectic

issues in the town.

flow of traffic that was to follow from 11:00am till 1:45pm. Dave and the team from the cemetery started digging form 8:00 in the morning and they still hadn’t finished by the time the first cars came at 10:30. The volunteers were allocated different duties and the day went very smoothly with hundreds of bags of Islamic literature being buried by the volunteers. A sincere thanks to Dave, John and Mark from the cemetery for their constant help and support and also to the burial volunteers coordinated by Suhel bhai and Khalids young helpers who are at the forefront when it comes to volunteering.



Funeral And Bereavement Bereavement Hotline The Bolton Council of Mosques started off as a burial

We will liaise with your mosque representatives to manage

service and was called BMCC – Bolton Muslim Cemetery

Ghusl, Kaffan, Coffin and other requirements.

Care. Over the years the BCoM burial service has grown

We strongly advise that our funeral service representative

and supported the burial requirements for the people of

should only communicate with one or two nominated family

Bolton, and is recognised as one of the best Burial services

members, to ensure that the process is managed efficiently

in the country.

and effectively.

Even then we have not stopped trying to improve and have

The funeral service is a free service - voluntary financial

now introduced a central number for the Bereavement and

contributions are welcomed to support running costs of the

Funeral service. At present, when a death occurs, some

funeral vehicle, and other associated equipment costs.

get in touch with their local Mosques; others contact the

Although our service is free, there are other associated

Funeral volunteers; whereas some have no idea who to turn

costs with a funeral (such as the cost of the burial which

to or what they need to do in what is always a difficult time

is to be paid to the council, and the cost of the coffins,

for the family.

ghusl shrouding etc. ( payable to the local mosque) that are independent of this service

If a death occurs, we urge everyone to call 01204 392919 and listen to the message and select the options at the end. You will be transferred to one of our volunteers who will take care of all your Burial requirements.


In the event of a death, please call our dedicated bereavement number

01204 392919

We will also liaise with your mosque representatives to manage Ghusal, Kaffan, Coffin and other requirements.


Children And Young People 11th Annual Inter Mosque football Competition 2013

Outdoor Learning

This year’s competition was targeted to encourage young

The competition year on year sees the teams becoming

On Wednesday 28th August, 32 girls went to High

people and parents to participate in sport (football). We

more and more professional in their approach. Madrasahs

Rid Reservoir to take part in canoeing, kayaking, and

had teams from Mosques around the whole of the Bolton

taking the time out to undertake football coaching, to team

sailing and raft building. The girls really got stuck in

borough that took part.

kits being sponsored to encourage the engagement of

and had a fantastic time. For those who couldn’t who

young people in sport.

couldn’t book on this time, there will be another very

Alhumdo lillah this year was the 11th Annual Inter Mosque


football competition which took place on Sunday 9th June

The top 4 teams in each group went through to play into

2013 at Essa Academy outdoor Pitches. This year’s we

the semi finals bringing together a fantastic finale. The

extended the categories to school children from years 3,

following teams went through to the finals with the winners

4, 5, 6, 7,8 and 9 to participate and also to encourage the

as follows:

parents to come and give their support. Over 350 young people and parents took part and made this year’s football

Year 3 and 4: Noorul-Islam vs Taiyabah Masjid

competition once again a huge success.

Winning Team: Taiyabah Masjid

Young volunteers helped to keep the scores, whilst the

Year 5 and 6: Ashrafiyah Masjid vs Taiyabah Masjid

apprentices and staff from Bolton Council’s ‘Sport Health

Winning Team: Taiyabah Masjid

and Inclusion team’ refereed the games and helped to facilitate on the day.

Year 7 and under: Taaleemul-Quraan vs Taiyabah Masjid Winning Team: Taaleemul-Quraan Year 8 and 9: Al-Falah Masjid vs Makkah Masjid Winning Team: Al Falah Masjid A presentation evening was held to present the trophies to the winners and runners up including awards being presented to the volunteers.



Children And Young People

Girls’ Youth Club

Girls Trip To Blackpool

Mums & Daughters Casual Swim

The youth club is now running every Saturday 11-1,

A girls’ trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach is taking

The ongoing Mum and Daughters Casual Swim at

only £1 per session. We have lots of exciting activities

place on Saturday 26th October 2013 from 9.00am

Bolton School has been a resounding success. Many

planned such as baking and cooking, arts and crafts,

to 6.30pm. The trip will cost £25, which includes

women have participated in the sessions, intended

sports and games and trips. So make sure you don’t

wristband and coach travel.

to provide a female and child friendly atmosphere in

miss out! The youth club recently went to the fire

which to swim and have fun! Places are no longer

station open day and even had the opportunity to sit in

Girls going on the trip should meet at the BCoM at

available for this event, but if you are interested in

a fire engine!

8.30am. Girls under 12 will need to be accompanied by

participating in future events similar to this one, please

a parent/guardian.

contact the BCoM to register your interest.

Mums & Daughters Casual Swim At Bolton School, Chorley New Road.

Sunday 18th August 2-4pm Sunday 25th August 2-4pm Sunday 1st Sept 2-4pm Sunday 8th Sept 2-4pm Sunday 15th Sept 2-4pm Sunday 22nd Sept 2-4pm Sunday 6th Oct 2-4pm Sunday 13th Oct 2-4pm Sunday 20th Oct 2-4pm Sunday 27th Oct 2-4pm


per session

• Children under 8yrs must be accompanied by an adult • Boys under 6yrs may attend (supervised by an adult) • Female Lifeguard • Access to floats and armbands Full commitment of £30 required prior to start of first session


For further information, please contact Khadija at the Bolton Council of Mosques on 01204 363680


Community Development

Creative Teacher Training

First Aid – Skills for life

This Ramadhaan, 40 female Madrassah teachers from 8

Subnum Hariff founder and trainer of Ilhaam explains,

As part of the ever increasing personal development

different mosques in Bolton came together to learn about

“the main ethos of the training is to empower teachers to

courses for the teaching staff in the Madrassah’s,

creative teaching.

be creative themselves and enjoy teaching. This in turn

Khadija organised a first aid training session on Sunday

will inspire and motivate the students to have fun whilst

7th July.

The course run by Ilhaam in Partnership with BCoM,


covered: • The importance of creativity in Madrassah education, • Learning experiences,

The training was aimed at the female teaching staff but Participants said of the training:

it was also opened up to community volunteers.

“I most enjoyed interacting with other Madrassahs and

The course was delivered by the Training Company

sharing ideas/techniques and the creative activities”

and covered:

• Learning styles, • Leadership skills, and • Behaviour management. Delivered over two morning sessions, the teachers got an opportunity to discuss and share their learning and

“The teacher was very enthusiastic and it was a fun environment to learn in”

• Dealing with the incident • Artificial Ventilations and CPR

“I will be implementing the eight learning styles into my lesson plans”

• Recovery Position • Shock

teaching experiences, as well as getting creative with practical hands on activities.

• The Law relating to First Aid

• Choking If you are interested in finding out more about Ilhaam courses please contact Subnum at Email ilhaamtraining@hotmail.co.uk

• Bleeding, Breaks • Burns • Epilepsy The women enjoyed a full day of training and each participant received a certificate which is registered with the First Aid Approvals and Monitoring Sections (FAAMS) and lasts for 3 years.



Community Development

The Council of British Hajjis - Hajj Advice 2013 The Council of British Hajjis is a national charity based

Approximately 20,000 people from the U.K. will travel to the

• Avoid direct contact with those showing symptoms of

in Bolton. It was setup in 2006 after concerns for pilgrim

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Hajj in October 2013. Many

welfare. Over the years it has become the UK’s leading

more go for Umrah throughout the year. While most will

charity in the Hajj & Umrah industry. The CBH is a founder

travel and return safely, Hajj may increase the risk of certain

• Wear facemasks, especially when in crowded places.

member of the British Hajj & Umrah Council and active

health problems; the Hajj cough, for example, is well-

participant at the World Hajj & Umrah Convention.


respiratory or other infections.

• Replace the facemask with a new one according to the

manufacturer’s instructions.

• Maintain good personal hygiene If you become ill while

performing Hajj, seek medical help early.

The Council provides pre-Hajj & Umrah support, health

Health at Hajj

& safety training, hajj seminars, travel vaccination clinics

The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has

and a voice for pilgrims. As early as 2008 it worked with

provided pilgrims with the following health advice to reduce

On your return

the Bolton Council of Mosques to offer Hajj pilgrims

the spread of respiratory infections:

If you are unwell, especially if you have a fever and

vaccinations and health advice. 5 years on, over 30 Travel Advice and Vaccination Clinics have been established across towns and cities across the UK with further growth planned for 2014 and beyond. Over 100 volunteers provide services for public benefit. Be it medical staff who will immunise the pilgrims or non-medical volunteers who help

• Wash hands with soap and water or disinfectant,

especially after coughing and sneezing.

• Use disposable tissues when coughing or sneezing and

dispose of them appropriately.

• Avoid hand contact with the eyes, nose and mouth.

respiratory symptoms on your return from Hajj, you should contact your GP as soon as possible. MERS-CoV is a rare disease and it is likely that any symptoms you have will be caused by other bacteria or viruses, but to minimize the risk of serious illness and to protect your family, you should discuss this with your GP.

coordinate the events, one thing motivates them all and that is serving the guests of Almighty.

Hajj Hajj is a Journey of faith and one which every Muslim aspires to fulfill at least once in their lifetime. For many Hajj and Umrah pilgrims their trip is thankfully a memorable and trouble free occasion. People come back spiritually rejuvenated and more conscious of their part in a multi-cultural society.

Hajj fraud



Community Development

Hajj Advice 2013 (...continued) In the past few years, there have been an increased

Changes to the Ministry of Hajj Rules

1 Book with a Tour Operator who holds an ATOL. Air

number of reports about some pilgrims who have suffered

Earlier this year the Ministry of Hajj announced a 20%

Travel Organisers License (ATOL). An ATOL ensures

at the hands of disreputable travel organisers and lost out

reduction in the 2013 Hajj quotas for all countries across the

that your prepayments are protected and also provides

world (50% reduction for domestic pilgrims in Saudi Arabia).

for getting you back home if necessary in the event

of the operator going bust. Check the Status of the tour operators ATOL at www.caa.co.uk or call 020 7453 6424.

financially. Whilst the majority of Hajj & Umrah tour operators in the UK

Furthermore, it has announced that pilgrims who had

deliver an excellent service year on year, guiding pilgrims to

performed Hajj within the past 5 years would not be granted

Hajj and back, there are however cases of people falling foul

the visas, enforcing an already existing law which was

to unscrupulous tour operators and have fallen victim to Hajj

2 Demand an ATOL Certificate. From October 2012, when

previously shown leniency. The reductions and enforcement


you book an ATOL protected holiday, you should be

has been as a direct result of the current Masjid Al Haram

given an ATOL Certificate by your travel company as

Expansion works which is due to be carried out over the

soon as you pay over any money for the holiday – even if

next 3 years.

this is only a deposit.

Note: Only those packages which include a flight, are

covered under the ATOL scheme.

There will be those who would have saved up thousands of pounds for Hajj, picked a tour operator who would have promised them the earth, accommodated all their requests

This Ramadan was extremely challenging due to changes in

for flights and accommodation but as soon as the payments

Ministry of Hajj rules, which has meant that those that had

have been made, are hard to track down, phone calls left

booked independently or late, lost thousands of pounds due

unanswered and simply un- contactable, leaving the would-

to lack of Umrah visas.

be pilgrims in a state of anxiety, anger and deep anguish.

Advice As the departure date nears, to get a sunken feeling that the

With some licensed tour operators already reporting Hajj

Journey of a Lifetime that they had dreamt of shattered into

packages as being sold out as early as July 2013, and

a million pieces. On the other hand some may be fortunate

the planned expansion of the Masjid Al Haram over the

by the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and deal directly with them.

Those who are listed with the Ministry of Hajj have the

allocated quotas and means to obtain the Hajj visa.

4 Visit the Tour Operator at their offices. Ask neighbouring

shops to see how long they have been operating. If

the tour operator has propped up over the last few

weeks, the chances are that they may be in it for a quick

profit, in which exercise caution. Reputable business will

reputable tour operator.

have been operating for many years and will have ATOL,

IATA and MoH licenses.

Here is a list of things you can do to ensure you select the

5 Check Companies House to seee how long the business

right tour operator and to avoid any issues:

to actually fly out, but on arrival the 5 star hotel that was

next few years, we want to make sure that you make the

promised turns out to be a 2 start bed and breakfast,

right decisions when booking a Hajj Package and select a

transportation issues and a total nightmare from start to

3 Check that your travel agent / tour operator is accredited



has been operaating.


Community Development

Hajj Advice 2013 (...continued) 6 Websites are cheap aand easy to setup, do not rely

British Hajj Delegation

Support in Saudi Arabia:

on them. Always check the above accreditation and

The British Hajj Delegation consists of a group of British

licenses and visit the operator at their offices.

Doctors who provide ‘on the ground’ medical support and

• British Connsulate-General, Jeddah:

7 Get everything in writing and ask for and read the terms

has been functioning for over a decade. The first Delegation

was sent in 2000 (Hijri 1420) and for the last thirteen years

and conditions of the trip.

8 Make payments by a Credit Card – this will ensure

a paper trail and protect any payments in the event

of non-deliverry of products or services. Make part

payment aand balance on receiving all the necessary

travel documentations (Passport, Visa, Airline tickets,

Hotel Vouchers etc.).

9 Talk to your friends aand relatives who may have

knowledge or used the services of different tour

operators and ask them for their recommendations.

has been led by Lord Adam Patel of Blackburn, a Peer in the House of Lords of the British Parliament, and includes a Chief Medical Officer along with eight other volunteer Doctors, usually including one or two female doctors.

Jeddah 21411 P.O. Box 3393

Tel: 022 622 5550

Fax: 02 622 6249

• Ministry of Hajj

email: info@haj.gov.sa

website: www.haj.gov.sa

freephone: 800 244 4480

The Council of British Hajis has been an active supporter

• Ministry of Hajj (Makkah):

of the delegation since its inception and fields its own

volunteers to be part of the delegation.

• Ministry of Hajj (Jeddah):

025586731 / 025587621 02 665 5811 orr 02 647 7551

• Emergencies in Saudi Arabia:

10 If there is an issue, try to resolve this with the tour

In Mina the British Medical Clinic is based close to the Mina

operator in the first instance, if this fails contact your

Al Wadi Hospital on the corner of 649 Street and 642 Street

local trading standards. If there is an issue whilst in

in the European ‘Red’ Tents Zone.

Saudi Arabia then you can contact the Ministry of Hajj

who have offices located in and around Makkah and in

The doctors will be active in Makkah from 4th October -

• UK FCO Consular Enquiries:

Jeddah (see below).

18th October 2013 and can be contacted on the following

numbers: +966 592 482 470 or +966 592 478 786.

• Action Fraud

11 Do not be swayed by last minute deals. If they look too

good to be true, then it usually is.

Ambulance 997 Police 999

Support in the UK: Tel: (+44) 020 7008 1500

Tel: 0300 123 2040



In case of problems:

If the tour operator has disappeared with your money then this is fraud and you need to contact your local Police

To become involved and volunteer with CBHUK

immediately and report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

please email your CV to: Email info@cbhuk.org




Community Development

Over 40’s Day Out The over 40’s enjoyed a sun filled out to Bolton Abbey and Skipton . 40 members from the group embarked on a coach journey to the heart of the Yorkshire Dales taking in breathtaking views and enjoying a picnic by the river. The weather played its part and gave those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience such excursions. The day started off in Bolton Abbey – a beautiful picturesque village where the pace of life is a world away from the hustle and bustle of day to day life. Some of the group sat by the river while others went to for a walk and discover the different areas. After lunch it was a short trip to Skipton where the group had the chance to explore Skipton Castle and take a walk around the market stalls. The day ended with a much deserved meal at the Asiana Restaurant in Dewsbury. The Buffet restaurant catered for all tastes and really was the icing on the cake to a brilliant day out!



Community Development

BCoM Quality Management System


Rumworth Tidy Up

As part of our Quality Management System, we

Recycling During Ramadan, was a big success with

Anyone interested in volunteering and helping to create

have organised a series of seminars for Masjids and

many Mosques requesting extra burgundy and beige

a cleaner environment, please contact Nilufar on 01204


bins. We hope that these remain a permanent fixture at

363680. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers, plus

• Safeguarding - Tues 10th Sept 2013

all Mosques. We are hoping to install a recycling site at


For all teachers in the madressas

• Health and Safety / Fire Risk

Assessment - Fri 8th Nov 2013

For All Mosque Committee Members

and Heads at Madressas

the BCoM Centre (see picture) and would then be keen on rolling this out to as many mosques as possible.

• Effective Teaching Techniques

Sat 11th Jan 2014

For all teachers in the madressas

• Finance and Accounts - Fri 14th Mar 2014

For All Mosque Committee Members and Heads

at Madressas

Cleaning & Getting Involved Is An Act Of Charity As part of the ‘love Bolton, Hate Litter...’ campaign, BCOM are supporting Bolton Council in their Rumworth Tidy Up. The event involves groups carrying out litter picks and clean ups in the Rumworth community. Litter grabbers, green tabards, gloves and refuse bags will all be provided, as well a certificate for everyone who gets involved. Lunch will provided at the end of the event.

Virtually all Madrasahs closed on Tuesday 10th

Support us in this noble cause on Wednesday 9th October 2013, from 10am till 1pm at the Bolton Council of Mosques.

September for the Safeguarding Children in Madrasahs

To register your interest, please call Nilufar Patel on 01204 363 680, or contact the Bolton Council of Mosques: 1 Vicarage St, Bolton, BL3 5LE info@thebcom.org www.thebcom.org

Seminar. The turnout was overwhelming with over 350 ustaads and aapas attending. Nearly 240 evaluation forms were completed and this feedback will be used to improve further training sessions. We are grateful to Jacqueline Parkinson, Bolton Council’s Safeguarding in Education Officer, who delivered the presentation. All participants who signed in will recieve a Level 1 Certificate in terms of the Competency Framework for Safeguarding Children.

We Want Your Old School Uniforms!

If you no longer need your old school uniform, please consider donating it. Your donation will help families who struggle to buy uniforms, particularly those who are new to Bolton.

Outgrown It? Left school? Changed School?


Please drop off your clean, good


Community Development

WAYS Volunteering WAYS is a fairly new community organisation focusing on

Successful candidates will be able to demonstrate:

• The ability to express the views of the whole

social inclusion, community cohesion, health and education

• A clear understanding of the current environment in

• The ability to support the support the vision, goals and

in Bolton. WAYS was set up almost 12 months ago and have had a few projects covering the focus areas aforementioned. We

which WAYS will be working is essential.

• A thorough understanding of the town Bolton is

• Self supporting IT skills and be used to working with


currently have projects working with children aged 11 - 18

• A high level of commitment to youths, the community

which include social and recreational activities (football

coaching, archery classes and a youth centre), and also

• The ability to think strategically and plan ahead,

intend on delivering an academic support project for higher

education, this includes careers advice. We recently ran an archery course and presented the


and especially to disadvantaged groups. balancing needs and constraints.

• The ability to accept accountability and probe and

principles of WAYS.

email and documentation in electronic formats with

access to IT equipment.

Given that WAYS is a community organisation serving the needs of all communities it is essential that successful candidates are able to demonstrate effective management.

challenge constructively.

participants with trophies and medals.

• Excellent communication, influencing and listening

Please note: The time investment in this role is 6-8 hours a

week. (flexible)

We are looking for an additional volunteer to assist in

• Be committed to working as a team member and to

controlling the work of the organisation and to ensure it is a

strong and effective community champion for local youths.

• Intellectual flexibility and the ability to think clearly and

sending your CV to Khalid

Email khalid@thebcom.org

This is a voluntary role, however out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed.

skills and to be able to influence and persuade others. supporting decisions made by a majority of the Board. creatively.


For an application pack please apply today by


Community Development

Locally Recycled Compost

Zakariyyah Open Day

From Monday 5 August, multi-purpose compost made from our food and garden waste

BCoM worked in partnership with Zakariyya

will be available for sale at Raikes Lane Industrial Estate, BL3 2NH.

Jaame Masjid on their annual Iftari event, which was held on Friday 2nd August.

All food and garden waste collected from Greater Manchester homes is processed at In-Vessel Composting facilities (IVC) in Rochdale, Stockport and Trafford. In vessel

BCoM assisted the Mosque by producing

composting is a 100% natural process and works the same way as a home compost

a flyer and publicising the event, inviting

bin does but on a massive scale. Up to 175,000 tonnes of food and garden waste is

guests to the event as well as taking

processed at the facilities a year. From meat and vegetables to grass cuttings and twigs

bookings of interested participants.

to tea bags, the whole lot is turned into compost in just 6 weeks.

Around 70 people attended the event.

To make the compost suitable to be used at home it is blended with forestry bi-products

BCoM staff were on hand on the day, with

such as sawdust and husks. The compost is produced to an approved British Standard

Management Officials of the mosque, to

and follows the Compost Quality Protocol, which provides reassurance for its use as a

ensure that the non Muslim guests needs

multi-purpose peat free compost. Revive compost is available in:

were catered for.

• 20Litre bags for £1.50

• 40Litre bags for £2.84

If your mosque would like BCoM to help you

• 4x40Litre bags can be bought for just £9.98

organise an “Open Day” type event, then please contact the Mosque and Madressa Liaison Officer, Saeed Malji on 363680.

For further information, please visit the Revive Compost webpage online at Web www.recycleforgreatermanchester.com/composting/revive


in partnership with

Zakariyya Jaame Masjid

IFTARI EVENT The Breaking of the Fast

For people of all faiths and no faith The event will take place at Zakariyya Jaame Masjid, Peace St, Bolton, BL3 5LJ On Friday 2nd August 2013 / 24th Ramadhan 1434. Registration and Mosque tour starts from 6.45pm onwards. great opportunity for community cohesion • AObserve •A recitationAsarofprayer • from Pakistan the Qu’ran by Syed Shah Abdul Aziz A short talk in English by Dr. Maulana Mahmood Chandia • (senior lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire) poetry (Nasheeds) in English • Islamic in the breaking of the fast at 9.07pm • Participate the Maghrib prayer (sunset) • Observe Q&A, networking and evening meal (for all of those • who have registered) Places are limited and must be booked in advance. Email admin@thebcom.org or call 01204 363680.


Interfaith Engagement

Interfaith Engagement

Genocide Memorial Day

BCoM representatives were present to say prayers and readings at the Genocide Memorial Day event which was held on Thursday 20th June 2013 in the Mayors’ Parlour and Festival Hall, Bolton Town Hall. Like usual BCoM were partners in the 6th Spirit of Bolton Event which took place on the 6th July 2013, Victoria Square, Bolton.In addition BCoM staff attended the Memorial Service for Fusliier Lee Rigby which was held on Friday 12th 2013 July in Bolton Parish Church. A statement was read and short reading was offered Hafiz Abid Yusuf. BCoM were invited to other key events in the community on the 12th August 2013 which were namely the opening of the refurbished Temple on Deane Road and an Eid Bazaar event organised by Inner Dimensions.

Spirit Of Bolton



Mosque Directory Mosque Aleef Mosque

Al Falah Mosque

Al Rahman

Masjid Al Aqsa


Darul Quran

Darul Uloom

Ghosia Mosque

Masjid Ibraheem

Jamiah Alavia Mosque

Madina Mosque

Address 8 Higher Swan Lane, Bolton, BL3 3EQ 17 Salisbury Street, Bolton, BL3 5DR 2-14 Randal Street, Bolton, BL3 4AQ Gilnow Road, Bolton, BL1 4LJ Cannon Street North, Bolton, BL3 5DN 458 Bridgeman Street, Bolton, BL3 6TJ Willows Lane, Bolton, BL3 4HE St Pauls mill, Caroline Street, Bolton, BL3 6SX 17 Carter Street, Bolton, BL3 2HG 29 Bromwich Street, Bolton, BL2 1JF 128 St Georges Road, Bolton, BL1 2BZ



Asif Patel

01204 655040

Ibraheem Patel Abdul Bux

01204 529 363

Ayub Bux Iqbal Pandor

01204 660 177

01204 771 918

Hanif Mohmed www.masjid-e-aqsa.org.uk

Maulana Hassan Dawood Kadva www.al-jamiah-al-islamiyyah.org.uk

01204 524 691


Asif Patel Maulana Suhail Bashir Shama

01204 650 583

01204 399 308

Arfan Ali

Imran Kotwal

01204 659 099

07715 049 652

Mubashir Khan

Altaf Limbada

01204 384 713

01204 626 22

BCoM Representatives

Mushtaq Chisti www.masjideibrahim.co.uk

Saqib Sheikh Hanif Kola Maulana Sabir Ali Tariq Mahmood Afzal Rasul Gulfam Hussain


Mosque Directory Mosque Makka Mosque

Makki Mosque

Masjid e Usman

Masjid e Noor

New Madina Mosque

Noor ul Islam

Salaam Mosque

Sughra Mosque

Taiyyabah Mosque

Zakariyya Mosque

Address Grecian Crescent, Bolton, BL3 6QU 110 Eskrick Street, Bolton, BL1 3EN 82 Astley Street, Bolton, BL1 8EY 329 St Helens Road, Bolton, BL3 3QD Gower Street, Bolton, BL1 4BG Prospect Street, Bolton, BL1 3QH 4 Ramsay Street, Bolton, BL1 7HX Granville Street, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 7LD 31a Draycot Street, Bolton, BL1 8HD Peace Street, Bolton, BL3 5LJ



01204 524 200


Ismail Adam Abdur Raouf

01204 524563

Qari Faruq Samni Rashid Nadat

01204 402806

Mohammed Iqbal Mogradia Khalil Ahmed

01204 520952

Sabir Khan www.noorulislambolton.com

Moosin Patel Yunus Moosa Imtiaz Ali

07809 557 418

Babu Bhai Haroon Rashid

01204 574 601

Anwar Raee

01204 535 997


01204 535 002



Sajid Malik Kamran Khan Gaffar Patel

01204 848 909

01204 535738

BCoM Representatives

Siddik Kamboli Mohammed Matadar Farook Chapti Zaheer Malek

1 Vicarage Street, Bolton,,BL3 5LE Tel 01204 363680 Fax 01204 363681 Email admin@thebcom.org Web www.thebcom.org

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