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A message from Cherry Good Day , We hope you had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. We're back at it at full speed in OS and look forward to 2015. This year we look to have TAW 3.0 launched as well as a newly revamped TAW Shop. As usual, please feel free to pop in and visit. More to follow as many exciting things are happening in TAW.....thanks to you all. Cherry, General

TAW on the Social Media Scene The community of TAW has been expanding outward by means of social media. We are involved in, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and also Twitch. (If you do not know what twitch TV is. it is a free place for people to stream games as they play them.) If you are interested in checking out any of these exciting progressions for TAW; all you need to do is click on the appropriate link on the TAW website. They are located on the top left corner of the TAW website.


DAYZ DAYZ: EU (22 members) and NA (47) battalions extremely fast expanding: New SO – (EU) Benizzle & CO – doomman (NA) and TuranArek (EU) CO RECENT UPDATES: more survivability outside towns and cities! You can fight to the death with teddy bears. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl73jnCu7Ar_qHkoO295TjA

CSGO (Juvix) Being the DO of CSGO must be challenging as well as rewarding, due to the ever grow community of players, this being said have you ever thought that the CSGO division would get this big in not just North America and Europe? Yeah well I mean the Counter strike name has been around since 2001 and it’s a game that has in my opinion survived for many years and it hasn’t changed much. Counter strike is what I call my home game because it really hasn’t lost its community and is kind of there for life and I think the there is a lot of the community that isn’t in Taw and I think with some recruiting and planning I can see both NA and EU being 120-150 members strong from the 80 members that it is now.

Being a massive competitive game with multiple Pro gaming teams s do you watch any of the Competitions that these teams compete in to get Strategies to help with your game plans: Yeah actually me specifically i haven’t done much of it in recent years but we have in CSGO been getting more into the competitive game play and not just through the competitive matchmaking in game but through competitive organisations such as ESEA and CEVO and there is defiantly a different feel to the game going through this option and is more of a challenge a a player. But too answer your question directly, Yes I have watched competitions more specially our competitive squad leaders are extremely focused in watching these video through Dreamhack and YouTube videos to incorporate stuff into our trainings

In a nut shell, what is a flexible strategy that not only works but is effective in most situations to bring to this One of a kind FPS that is more or less a pinnacle of gaming of the modern competitive scene

That is a hard question to answer. One of the best strategies is the general understanding that Counter strike is a game based on team work. You need to work together and be able to hold your spots and not become a hero, because once you go in to that mortality of “Hey ill just run after the guys and shot them myself that’s where a lot of deaths happen in game. If everyone takes down just one person each then that’s your job down and your team come out better.


CSGO (Juvix) Counter strike global offensive is the fourth game of the title that being said, while growing up did you ever play the earlier FPS games and if so which games and how were they different to the counter strike game we know today? one the games I grew up and played with Jankles and Doc were the Rainbow Six series of games. Rainbow six is in my opinion a phenomenal Fps game that existed for many years and had a pretty big community. It is what I call a true FPS. Then after Rainbow Six 3 it kind of became a console port which changed the gameplay a lot when the released Rainbow six Vegas. So I personally stopped playing after Rainbow Six 3.i think that CSGO is the next best Rainbow Six so to speak and that is a big step for FPS games.

To some more personal CSGO questions but what are some of your favourite maps and choice of the vast weaponry this game has to offer and why?

Well favourite maps has to be DE_Cache and DE_Season .those maps aren’t specifically the ones I am good at but I think there is a lot of strategies that can be played and they are maps that I would like to work on for i guess for personal growth and development. That is why they are maps I like not just because they are fun to play but because I feel there is a lot more I can learn from those maps. But in terms in choice of weaponry obviously my favourite weapon is the AWP.I am the dedicated AWPer for TAW. [Laughs] So you’re going to find me using the AWP more than any other weaponry in game.

Since you have joined the gang in the CSGO division what has been some of your highlights in the channels and where do you see the division going in not just the near future but also the long term plan that you and your Division Commander and your good friend Expoti have for the Division?

When I came to counter strike the second time and was appointed Division Officer, one of my duties was to A: Recruit and B: was to give the members more options in the division. And what I mean by that is the, When I first came over here a lot of the practises were sort of repetitive. I mean we had perfect battalion staff but I wanted there to be a broader range of activities for the membership and not just do competitive matchmaking which seemed to be the general norm here in CSGO. So what I wanted to do was to add an additional discipline for member and that was really to focus on a competitive squad and I have been pushing members to sign up to ESEA and CEVO as a premium member so that member interested in that next level of competitive game play can have that opportunity where they never had that choice in the past. Also we have been focusing of recruitment drive; we have recently changed our recruiting tactics to expand our horizons. And our long term goal is to give back to the community and to interact with it also and to get the taw name out there. Thanks for your time mate. Havoxa[NEWS] Juvix[CS DO]



In the Scope Interview with LTC Andrewki Let's get to know you - can you describe yourself in five words? Active, Dedicated, Conscientious, Perfectionist and Friendly. Tell us about your history in TAW. I joined TAW in February of 2012 in the early stages of the Tribes: Ascend Spin-Up team. At the time I was the second member to have been recruited into the team. From there I quickly ascended through the ranks, taking the positions of DI, SO, XO and CO, where I stayed for just under a year. After a year as CO in Tribes, I decided it was time to move on and considered spinning up my own game. After having been so deeply involved with the TA spin up, I thought "How hard could it possibly be". Oh how mistaken I was! I transferred back into Vanguard to spin up the Guns of Icarus Online division in May of 2013, and successfully launched into III Corps in October. At that time I was promoted to DC and held that position for the entirety of the life of the division. Sadly, in September of 2014 the division closed due to a lack of player base in the game community, and I moved on into Support Operations in OS. There I was working as a System Administrator for TAW.net, assisting people with any issues that they had with the site or teamspeak, and generally providing technical support for the community. I stayed in OS for 2 months before moving back into army, and once again into Vanguard as Vanguard Division Officer. Ive held that position for about 2 months now and am thoroughly enjoying it. What was your initial impression of TAW? My initial impression of TAW was one of slight awe. I had been in my fair share of online communities prior to being introduced to TAW, but nothing quite to the same scale or organizational structure. I was very impressed that there was a community out there that was this large, this open and that had lasted for as long as it has, and as such I thought that it would be a good place to settle myself, and how right I was!

Tell us about your current division, and what you do there. Currently I am the Division Officer for Vanguard. This effectively lists me as the DO for all current Vanguard teams (at the moment that consists of: ArcheAge, DayZ, Hearthstone, Insurgency and Guild Wars 2). As well as the standard role of DO for these units, I also provide support and training to the SULs for each team, attempting to ready them for the DC/DO role upon launch of their team into a Corps. Together with my DC and the Vanguard Commander/ Lieutenant, we also discuss and evaluate possible new games that will come into TAW. We look at the viability of each and every game suggested to us in great depth before coming to a decision either way, and hope to bring in as many successful games as possible. What would you like someone considering joining TAW to know? I would have only one thing to say to someone who is considering joining TAW, and that is to put your all into the division that you join. You put into the community, and you will get so much more out of it.

Tell us about some of the people you've met during your time in TAW. Through my nearly 3 years in TAW, I have met an uncountable amount of people, but none have had quite the same effect on me as Koto. He was the member that originally recruited me into TAW and he was my mentor for quite a while afterwards. He taught me how to be a leader within TAW, and those skills have since not only evolved within my career in TAW, but outside of it as well. As well as Koto, it would be amiss for me not to mention Eifer. Eifer was the SUL for Tribes Ascend when I was recruited, and we have stayed in steady contact since those days up till now. Currently I work with Eifer in Vanguard as he is the Vanguard Commander and I am the DO. What's your favorite thing about TAW? The people in TAW. I get sad every time someone disappears or transfers away from my battalion. If you could choose any TAW member to be stranded on a desert island with, who would it be and why? Havoxa, purely because of his never ending imagination, and ability to talk non-stop for hours!


In the Scope Interview with LTC EaglesStreet Let's get to know you - can you describe yourself in five words? Happy, Outgoing, Loud, Honest and Nice Tell us about your history in TAW. I started in TAW in StarCraft since my husband recruited me there. I soon learned i was not very good at StarCraft and left to Spin Up Hearthstone in Vanguard. After doing well there I was asked to step up into the DC position in Vanguard.

What's your favorite thing about TAW? Chatting, I love talking to anyone, so if you are reading this come say hello!

What was your initial impression of TAW? I really enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun playing games and getting to talk to people on daily basis. I also found it was an easy way to learn more about games and strategies.

What might our readers be surprised to know about you?

Tell us about your current division, and what you do there. I am the Division Commander of Vanguard. I basically boss Andrewki around, and take orders from Eifer. Seriously though, being the Division Commander of Vanguard means that i get to help all these new groups spin up into full fledged battalions. Its a great joy to watch these groups grow and to help them out in the process.

If you could choose any TAW member to be stranded There are so many, cause i feel like i get along with everyone. But I think i could be stranded with Doc, MrHeadshot or Redsword. The four of us spend so much time talking about random things that we could probably entertain ourselves for days.

What would you like someone considering joining TAW to know? I would want them to know that sometimes it seems intimidating but its like one huge family. It is a great group of people and always welcoming. And never to be afraid to talk to people no matter what their rank.

How does TAW affect your offline life? Oh it affects my offline life very little. My husband is a gamer, he goes in his mancave to play games and I sit in the living room to game and take care of Vanguard.

Do you have any special hobbies or activities outside of TAW? I'm a teacher, so i spend my time enjoying TAW and getting rid of some steam gaming.

If you could change one thing about TAW, what would it be? How intimidated people can be by ranks. We are all people and you should never hesitate to talk to people no matter what their rank.


Tell us about some of the people you've met during your time in TAW. There are far too many people to mention. I am mostly known for jumping up and talking to everyone including bravehardt, doc and texashillbilly, but i don't have enough room to name all the people that i have met because the list is far too long.

I'm a HUGE Philadelphia Eagles Fan, if you couldn't tell by my name. I love football and watch games religiously. I know far more about football then most men.

What's your favorite retro video game? Why? Duck Hunt from the Original Nintendo. I grew up playing that game and no matter how much i knew it didn't matter i would still hold the gun right to screen.

Razer supports VR and big-screen video games Video game tech company Razer has a new, two-pronged strategy to transform games: fuel the development of virtual reality games and transport your current PC games to your big-screen TV. Its new Open-Source Virtual Reality Hacker development kit ($199, out in June) aims to set a new VR standard that is compatible with current head-mounted displays such as the Oculus Rift. Its programming supports all major 3-D and VR devices and game development software "engines" such as Unreal 4 and Unity 3D. When it comes to VR development, "everybody is kind of doing their own thing," said Razer co-founder and CEO MinLiang Tan. "Our focus is really to push VR ahead so that anyone will be able to work with all the industry leaders." For those games already available on PCs, Razer is bringing to market the Forge TV, a high-performance Android TV micro-console that brings Android games from the Google Play store and hard-core PC gaming to the living room. The device ($99, due in 2015's first quarter), connects to your big-screen TV and, using Razer's Cortex: Stream software on your gaming PC, will zap your game to your TV. "No lag and no latency. It's full HD resolution from your bedroom gaming system to your Forge TV," Tan said. "You'll be able to stream your entire PC library right to your living room." You can play on the couch using two new Bluetooth game peripherals: the Razer Serval game controller ($79.99, due out by the end of March) and the Razer Turret ($129.99, second quarter of 2015), a keyboard and mouse that "brings the power of a fully fledged PC gaming keyboard and mouse in a sleek and ultra-thin form factor that has been designed to fit perfectly on your lap," he said. The Forge supports up to four controllers. Beyond games, the Forge TV also works as an Android TV device to let you access movies, music and apps from Google Play. If someone wants to watch a movie while you are gaming on the big screen, you can clip your mobile phone onto the Serval game controller. They can start the movie and you "continue your game on the mobile phone," Tan said.

Mike Snider, USA TODAY


Planetside 2 Planetside 2 is a FPS/MMO shooter of a very special kind. Ever wanted to play in a huge scale war for control of certain strategic aspects of a map? Well if so this game is exactly what you are looking for. With stunning gameplay and just as amazing graphics, Sony entertainment’s remake of the original Planertside really grasped the concept of alien worlds and made them a full-fledged warzone for three separate and equally dangerous factions. The main point of the game is to defend/attack bases all over the map/planet. Doing this will allow your faction to progress forward in controlling the whole map/planet and defend will safeguard you factions foothold so counter offensives will be easier to stage to swing the tide in battle. Terran: Terran are a happy bunch of people. But get on their bad side and they will ruin your day and then be happy about that. Very happy people. The Terran are earthlings looking to expand the human colonies and to preserve law and order by any means necessary. Vanu Sovereignty: The Vanu are abit of a secretive faction which are hunting down alien tech for there own need. This is actually why they are the most technologically advanced faction deploying floating tanks and Plasma rifles. They are also the faction of choice for the boys down in PS 8. New Conglomerate: A FPS game is never complete with the input of a rebel/freedom fighter groups. Most of the rebel groups in other games are not however packing Guass rifles and heavy tanks. That is why the Blue and Gold faction of the New Conglomerate is a force to be reckoned with and will hold their own against all enemy put in their way. World record attempt [Serversmash] Have you ever dreamt of being in a 100v100v100 deathmatch in a three-way battle for glory in a server with a array of different regions from around the world? Well if so this game isn’t really for you because that isn’t enough people, So lets cram some more people into this blender of destruction and bullets Planetside 2 battles is attempting not to get the 300 players needed out of your childhood dream but to get a record smashing 1100 people on a single FPS server with spot fights and skirmishes ranging into the hundreds. The current record is 999 held by Man vs Machine from 2012 when the game was still a young and untamed game. But this time the server has a very special difference. That is that the boys and girls from our very own Planetside 2 division will be suiting up, checking the weapons and heading out onto the battlefield and showing the world how passionate we are as a community. Signups aren’t over yet so if you feel like you want to be apart of this, Please contact Lokithelost[PS DC] in the Planetside 2 division to get your name onto paper. That wraps up this month’s look into a Fps with a strange but unique twist. I really enjoyed looking into Planetside 2 and seeing how much this game has to offer and how it is revolutionised that free to play FPS/MMO Havoxa


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