The American Black Hereford - Fall 2022

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ABHA POBox2607 BowlingGreen,KY42101 RETURNSERVICEREQUESTED Non-Profit USPostage PAID Boelte-HallLLC
IPSEN CATTLE COMPANY BLACK HEREFORD • ANGUS • HEREFORD IPSEN CATTLE COMPANY Dingle, Idaho Mark & Becky Ipsen – 208-681-4794 Save the Date: March 7th, 2023 Online Production SaleThe Difference Is In The Dam. OnlineHosting:
Fall 2022 The American Black Hereford 3 Polled Black Herefords KT Gordon, Nebraska Tim & Kim Campbell – 308-760-2580 GREAT DISPOSITION FERTILITY LONGEVITY HETEROSIS FEED EFFICIENCY 2-YEAR-OLD BULLS, YEARLINGS & BRED HEIFERS AVAILABLE SPRING 2023
Features In Every Issue On the Cover Photo taken by Kaitlyn Haynes. Have a cover photo? Send to The American Black Hereford is published quarterly by the American Black Hereford Assoc. Executive Director, Ernie Dominguez 512-567-7840 Communications Coordinator, Sierra Franks Reg, Membership, DNA & Supplies Jennifer or Stephanie 833-501-4750 opt. 2 Graphic Design & Advertising: Leanna McGuire & Carey Brown 6 Executive Summary 7 ABHA Bulletin 8 President’s Report 12 Breeder Spotlight 20 New Members 21 Junior Corner 28 Upcoming Events 30 Ad Index Fall 2022 Volume 7, Issue 3 Scan the QR code above to visit the ABHA website Members of the Livestock Publications Council Sierra Franks Joins the ABHA Page 10 Gut Health in Cattle Page 13 Top 12 Things to Consider Before Building a Cattle Handling Facility...Pages 22-23 The Breeding Bulls: Your Herd’s Ultimate Athlete...Page 27
VISIT THE BIRTHPLACE SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER 7, 2022 12:30 PM • AT THE RANCH Birthplace of Black Hereford Cattle SELLING 90 LOTS 15 Heavy Service Bulls 35 Bred Heifers 27 Bred Cows 13 Cow-Calf Pairs This sale will be broadcast live on the internet. Real time bidding & proxy bidding avaialble. Office (913) 727-6446 • Dirck Hoagland (816) 225-1246 25332 Wolcott Road • Leavenworth, KS 66048 • JN Baldee 1832JN Balder 805H JN Baldee 1789 JN Balder 859H Watch a video of sale cattle on our website. JN Balder 653H Reference Sire LOT 32 LOT 85 LOT 70LOT 1 LOT 6

Executive Summary

Welcome to the American Black Hereford Fall Issue!

Thissummer brought many challenges for those in the cattle business. From drought in many parts of the country to high feed and fuel costs, many cattlemen have had to make difficult decisions. I, for one, kept saying each day that goes by is one day closer to a new season (and hopefully one with better weather). Like I’ve said before, our resilience is our greatest strength. We can and will overcome the biggest of obstacles. That is simply the way in which the backbone of this great industry, the people in it, live their lives. We also have a lot to be excited for because with great challenges also come great opportunities. I remain optimistic and believe we have an abundance of oppor tunity that awaits us this upcoming year.

As we roll into the fall season, I always look forward to this time of year. Cooler weather, crop harvest, cattle sales, and football. Does it get any better than that? We have a lot to look forward to before 2022 comes to a close. Our annual member meeting and A Royal Affair sale will again be held in conjunction with the American Royal event in October in Kansas City. This sale has historically featured some of the very best herd sire prospects and females that our breeders have to offer. This is an excellent opportunity to market your program to a large, national audience or to find that next impactful bull or female.

We will also be kicking off our first National Open Point Show at the American Royal in Kansas City; National point shows at the North American International Livestock Exposition and Cattlemen’s Congress and other ABHA member sales are all right around the corner. Events like these are a great opportunity for you to meet other ABHA members, share information on your programs and learn more about how to take advantage of all the things ABHA has to offer. I hope to see you at one of these events!

I believe that we must continue to advocate and educate the industry on what Black Hereford genetics have to offer. You will see that the Association is making a conscious effort to get the word out about our breed and what it has to offer to the industry. We recently hired a new Communications Coordinator, Sierra Franks, who we believe will make a significant impact in helping us tell the story of the Black Hereford breed to all in our industry. That said, it takes a village to realize the potential and opportunity we have with this great breed. Your one-on-one interaction with your neighbor or customer is often more effective and valuable than any social media post or literature that we can produce. So, folks, take the chance to tell our story and sell the breed that you believe in!

Please reach out if you have any questions or ideas for how we can continue to make a positive impact for the breed and this industry. We are all in this together, we will continue to work together to keep the ABHA strong, and American Black Hereford proud. We truly have some of the most dedicated, selfless people in the cattle business that support Black Hereford and its members.

I hope to see you at a future event this fall. Let’s show the industry what the American Black Hereford has to offer.

The American Black Hereford Fall 20226


• All registrations and testing fees are billed through DigitalBeef and should be paid on that platform.

• All membership, association and sponsorship related fees are billed through the association via QuickBooks and will be sent to your email address.

Upcoming Events

North American International Livestock ExpoNov. 15-17, 2022 Louisville, KY

Cattlemen’s CongressDec. 29-Jan. 1, 2023 Oklahoma City, OK

ABHA annual memberships run January 1 to December 31 each year.

Now is a great time to renew your membership for 2023. Membership forms on pg. 28

Genetic Testing Requirements

• Before registering a calf the sire must test free of AM, DD, IE, MSUD and NH. These testing kits can be ordered off of Digital Beef or by calling the office.

• Tests for other defects are not required but are also available.


Inputting performance data is free on digital beef and helps keep accurate records!

Hereford and Angus Nominations

Any proven defect free American Hereford Association bull may become a Nominated Herd Sire. These nominations must be sent to the office. There is a $50 nomination fee.

Foundation Females, including Hereford and Angus cows, must also be handled through the office for a fee.

Fall 2022 The American Black Hereford 7

President’s Report

Rod Garman

ABHA President

ABHA Officers

President: Rod Garman 497.957.2068

Vice President: Matt Marsh 912.425.0365

Treasurer: Don Hardin 515.313.8982

Secretary: Jacob Moreno 417.763.4233

Board Members:

Darrell Selby 270.566.2624

Logan Hill 970.629.8807

Chad Jones 913-731-3428

Brock Johansen 435.749.1543

Jeremiah Malone 931.309.6805

ABHA Executive Director

Ernie Dominguez 512.567.7840

ABHA Communications Coordinator

Sierra Franks


it’s that time again. We are just a few days aways from our next Annual meeting in Kanas City and that is always an exciting time. I know I enjoy getting a chance to see other ABHA members and talk about what is happening in each other’s lives.

This year, I’m very excited about all the good news we have to share at the Annual meeting. I’m going to save most of it for the meeting, but all I can say is there is a lot of great things happening in the ABHA right now. One thing that I want to share is something that was a goal of mine when I became ABHA president. We have hired a Communication Coordinator, Sierra Franks, and her job is going to be to help promote the ABHA through marketing and communication. We are also going to have her available for you as a member to help you market your animals. So, if you need help with a new website or refresh the one you have or take videos or pictures of animals you want to put in a sale, or just ideas on how to help you sell your animals, she will come to your farm and take pictures and can take drone footage of your farm. In other words, anything you need to help promote YOUR cattle she can do. We will have a complete list of service offerings available very soon.

Our goal is to make Sierra available to our members as a tool to help you sell your animals and have professional pictures. I acknowledge we as a breed as a whole need help with this. Remember sometimes your picture is all your buyers will see. So, with a little more experience and a little more investment, it will pay off. What we put out there for the world to see is a representation of our entire breed. So, we want to help you all we can to sell your cattle for top dollar and you are ready to make more the next year. Believe me it is a lot more fun selling out your calf crop than feeding them until they are three years old or taking them to the sale barn. We as a board and as your president, are here to help promote you and your farm. If we can make that happen, we all win in the end.

Sometimes to grow, we must outgrow things, which means we must relook at how we do things, so we can grow to what God has intended us to be. As kids, we outgrow our clothes, we outgrow our beds we outgrow many things. As an adult, I have learned we continue to outgrow things (other than my clothes that seems to still be an issue), but we outgrow our actions, the way we speak, the way we think and if we are truly growing, we outgrow people. Many times, we are held back because of the people we are around telling us we can’t or shouldn’t do something. The word says, “when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child.” That means we need to outgrow our ways. And today, as I look at where we are as a breed and where we have come from, I can see outgrowing is exactly what we are doing. We are going from where we were to where we are to where we are going. It is a very exciting time to be in the ABHA!

I know our EPD journey has been a long and bumpy road, but there are a lot of moving parts to make this work. I am happy to report that we are making great progress with our EPD service offering. We will be making an announcement at the meeting in Kansas City, so I hope you will be there in attendance. As of today, we are waiting to see our third run and we expect them to look even more accurate. Sorry, this has taken as long as it has, but we will get there I promise.

Well, I hope to see you all in Kansas City at the National meeting this year. We have a lot of great news to share and things we plan to roll out for our members. Until then may God Bless you and the ABHA. See you soon!

The American Black Hereford Fall 20228
Mountain Fork HEREFORD FARM Registered Black Hereford & Registered Polled Hereford RICHARD & EARLENE BOONE 3341 West Rodeo Crossing | Natural Dam, AR 72948 479-650-8906  479-414-7718  MFHF HIGH NOON 1804 CED BW WW YW MK TM 2.98 2.34 49.06 81.31 18.60 43 JN BALDER C193 X JN BALDEE 1102 HOMOZYGOUS BLACK HOMOZYGOUS POLLED REG#: HB012240 DOB: 3/18/2018 HEIFERS AND YEARLING BULLS FOR SALE PRIVATE TREATY 1804 OFFSPRING Find us on Facebook

Sierra Franks Joins the ABHA

TheABHA is excited to welcome Sierra Franks as Communications Coordinator. Sierra is responsible for leading the com munication efforts for the Association including overseeing the production of the official ABHA publication, The American Black Hereford; press releases, membership communication, and lead the development of a cohesive communications and member education strategy across all print and digital communications.

Sierra will work with members of the ABHA Board and members of the Association on developing a comprehensive marketing and national advertising campaign. The ABHA will also offer creative services available to ABHA members for sale catalog, picture, video, ad design, etc.

Sierra is from Follett, Texas. She is a fifthgeneration agriculturist, and no stranger to the industry. She grew up raising and showing cattle while being heavily involved in FFA. Her family own and operate Born Ranches. The ranch headquarters is located just south of Darrouzett, TX along the Kiowa Creek and they run a commercial herd of Hereford females.

Still being involved in her family’s operation keeps her busy, while also photographing livestock around the country, and world! She enjoys mentoring strong willed, kind individuals within the agriculture industry through promoting the idea of “Make Kindness Loud”.

With almost 10 years of experience in the professional side of the cattle industry, Sierra has been able to learn from many of the most influential and brilliant minds in the industry. Sierra was the Media and Marketing Coordinator for ShowChampions USA where she was responsible for producing social media campaigns, building audiences, and promoting ShowChampions globally. She then joined Legacy Livestock as the Southern Regional Director where she was responsible for growing their business into the Southern Region of the country. Mostly recently, Sierra founded Uplift Imaging to grow her business and expand her offering of services focusing on new developments and trends within our industry.

Sierra has a deep love and knowledge for quality cattle and promoting them in their best light. She believes in the American Rancher, and the story each has to share about their livelihood and passion. “We are excited to have Sierra join our ABHA staff and look forward to having her help us with our national campaign to reach all members of the cattle industry and those interested in taking advantage of everything Black Hereford cattle have to offer. I’m looking forward to having her assist our members on how to market and put their cattle up in the best light when promoting their programs,” said Rod Garman, ABHA President.

Feel free to reach out to Sierra for any of your communication, marketing, and advertising needs. Sierra can be reached at

We are excited to welcome Sierra to the ABHA family! ABHA

The American Black Hereford Fall 202210

Walters Cattle Farms

WaltersCattle Farms is a multi-generational family farm that raises registered cattle, commercial cattle, Cutting Horses, Foundation Quarter Horses, corn and soybeans. The Walters’ farming history extends four generations and includes cattle, tobacco, row crop, and race horses. Robert and Sandy Walters Jr, along with Robert and Susie Walters Sr., produce F1s and Black Hereford cattle. In addition to farming and raising cattle, Robert Jr. and Sandy own Walters Plumbing & Mechanical. The Walters have four adult children, one foster daugh ter, and many grandchildren, most of which are involved in the family businesses.

In 2012, Robert expressed, to Sandy, a desire to develop a herd of cattle that would serve as a legacy for his kids, who were teens at the time. At that time they were raising commercial cattle. Robert began researching breeds of cattle and had heard of Black Hereford, but they had not yet hit his radar. Months later they were shopping at Tractor Supply and noticed a magazine had published an article about J&N Ranch and Black Herefords. After reading the article, Robert thought Black Herefords might be perfect for what he envisioned for the future of the farm.

Robert and Sandy attended the annual sale that fall and purchased their

first Black Hereford heifer. That heifer had the efficiency and docility they were looking for, but was not exactly the phenotype they desired. They began researching bulls that would cross well on that heifer. Robert discovered he truly enjoyed researching breeding stock and a new hobby developed.

Robert Sr. then got involved in the operation after seeing how well the Black Hereford bulls worked in his commercial herd. Robert Sr. enjoys creating F1s.

We’ve learned a lot since we began raising registered stock. We’ve learned the importance of developing cattle that you would want to buy, but also, create what your customers want to buy. Building relationships with your buyers is crucial to marketing your cattle.

Our advice to someone looking to purchase their first registered Black Hereford applies to any registered breed: evaluate the animal and the papers. Choose breeding stock that are of the phenotype you desire, research their lineage and analyze their papers. It’s easy to choose stock

based on one of those aspects, but looking at all will save time and money, putting you ahead of the game. ABHA

The American Black Hereford Fall 202212

Gut Health in Cattle


gut health can negatively affect overall cattle health status and performance. By maintaining ideal gut health, animal health and performance will be bettered.

What is gut health?

Gut health refers to how well nutrients from feed are absorbed and how well pathogens are contained within the digestive tract. Every portion of the digestive tract needs to have a secured barrier to keep microbes inside the tract. A strong barrier can be referred to as good gut health. When the barrier is weak, microbes or pathogens can exit the digestive tract and enter into the body/blood stream, which can cause numerous diseases3.

Digestive tract diseases, which can include, salmonella, cryptosporidium (crypto), and E. coli, can negatively affect the barrier to the digestive tract. Once damage occurs, a pathway for other bacteria, toxins, and pathogens is opened, causing the animal to be susceptible to diseases (Figure 1). For example, an animal that is under a crypto challenge potentially increases the number of pathogens that can pass through the digestive tract barrier6, 8, which opens the door to other diseases that can manifest in other parts of body. Proper prevention of digestive tract diseases, in combination with proper feeding strategies can improve animal health beyond the gut.

How do you prevent the gut barrier from being weakened?

How is the digestive tract barrier weakened?

Animal stress negatively affects the gut barrier, allowing pathogens to invade. Some periods of stress in cattle's lives are weaning2, 12, transportation18, feed restriction20, 19, acidosis4, 7, 11, and excess heat1, 15, 16. This period of stress compromises gut health and can result in some other diseases, including laminitis14, 17, liver abscesses17, 13, acute interstitial pneumonia10, and inflammation9 (Figure 1). If your animals have ever experienced these diseases, then your animals may have experienced compromised gut health. Maintaining proper gut health can help prevent these diseases and their resulting economic losses.

Is gut health only related to the rumen?

Many know that maintaining rumen health is a key for production success. The rumen, or the fermentation vat, is used for feed digestion and provides energy to maintain the animal and production. However, there is more to cattle digestive tracts than just the rumen. The entire digestive tract from start to end needs to be in in tip-top shape to prevent pathogens in feed from escaping from the digestive tract. The small and large intestine has drawn the attention of some researchers to further the understanding of how stress affects gut health in these regions of the digestive tract. The intestinal tract has just one cell layer protecting the body from the intestinal contents, compared to the multiple layers of protection in the rumen. Therefore, the intestinal tract relies heavily on the immune system to protect it from invading pathogens, which uses energy that the animal would otherwise use for production and performance.

Mitigation strategies include minimizing periods of stress. Ensure that proper handling procedures are used when handling cattle. Beef quality assurance (BQA) goes over methods to properly handle animals to minimize stress. If you have not been BQA certified, contact your local extension office about the next available training. In addition, do not let animals go for extended periods with no feed. A short-term feed restriction can have negative effects on gut health, and thus allow pathogens to escape and cause disease. Acidosis occurs when cattle are fed high-grain or rapidly fermented diets, which cause a pH drop in the digestive tract. The drop in pH can cause the gut barrier to weaken, so proper feed transitioning will help maintain gut health. A good rule of thumb is to keep animals comfortable. Quick changes or extreme heat/cold could alter the gut health status, causing disease and economic losses.

How is gut health related to respiratory disease?

The diseases discussed can be related to the respiratory tract. Researchers have shown that the body communicates through lymphatic tissue. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system, and it helps stop invading pathogens from causing disease. Fluid within the lymphatic system can be used as a pathway for pathogens to move from one location in the body to another. If a pathogen is not stopped in the lymphatic system these pathogens can reside in other locations in the body. More specifically, lymphatic tissue in the gut can communicate to lymphatic tissue in the lungs5 through the lymphatic pathway. Therefore, pathogens from the gut can reach the lungs via the lymphatic system and cause respiratory disease (Figure 1).


Gut health is a key component to a successful operation. Stress can weaken the gut barrier. If pathogens pass through the gut barrier, these pathogens can become opportunistic and cause numerous diseases at the cost of the operation. By maintaining ideal gut health, animals should experience fewer immune challenges, which allows more animals to grow efficiently.

Fall 2022 The American Black Hereford 13
Healthy cattle eating TMR. Image courtesy of Tara Felix, Penn State

25.19 40.42

26.69 50.23

No. NAME % DOB BW WW YW MM TM SIRE DAM SIRE 1J 89.38% 05-16-2021 75 Homozygous Black -3.06 34.31 61.57 27.96 45.12 8008 727 HB023674 1K Jo Jack Flash 1K 89.38% 05-17-2021 79 Homozygous Black -3.06 34.31 61.57 27.96 45.12 8008 727 HB023672 1L Jo Captain Jack Sparrow 1L 81.50% 05-16-2021 79 Homozygous Black -1.69 39.33 67.86 30.34 50.01 4217 344 HB023675 1M Jo General Patton 1M 89.38% 05-18-2021 75 Homozygous Black -3.06 34.31 61.57 27.96 45.12 8008 272 HB023677 2D Jo New Edition 2D 74.90% 04-02-2022 80 Homozygous Black 0.74 42.08 73.01 26.2 47.24 7B 724 HB023741 2016 Jo Encore 2016 86.50% 02-13-2022 72 Pending Test -1.53 42.18 70.77 28.7 49.79 0516 016 HB023742 2019 Jo Natural 2019 88.01% 02-05-2022 62 Homozygous Black -6.3 32.38 59.48 27.46 43.65 D411 019 HB023743 2024 Jo Big Expectation 2024 69.88% 03-24-2022 80 Homozygous Black -3.36 30.47 58.93
8008 024 HB024478 2028 Jo Diggity 2028 87.88% 06-15-2022 75 Homozygous Black -3.14 47.08 77.51
0516 028 NA 2043 Jo Lucky Hybrid 2043 25.00% 03-06-2022 79 Heterozygous Black 043 NA 2044 Jo Full Hybrid 2044 25.00% 03-18-2022 73 Homozygous Black 044 HB023744 2048 Jo Signature 2048 87.63% 02-01-2022 85 Homozygous Black 0.8 49.17 75.42 23.21 47.8 0832 048 HB023856 2063 Jo Hytech 2063 94.13% 02-02-2022 95 Heterozygous Black 0.15 47.19 75.96 26.14 49.74 0832 063 HB023745 2082 Jo Mo Class 2082 87.20% 02-03-2022 75 Homozygous Black -0.69 46.9 78.6 26.08 49.53 0832 082 HB023746 2083 Jo Grand Domino 2083 82.20% 02-05-2022 72 Homozygous Black -1.21 49 79.7 29.51 54.01 0832 083 HB023822 2093 Jo Barracuda 2093 90.88% 01-20-2022 67 Heterozygous Black -2.08 36.69 64.38 22.74 41.08 504C 093 HB023747 2113 Jo Trojan 2113 85.65% 02-01-2022 76 Homozygous Black -0.63 40.7 61.03 34.63 54.98 7B 113 HB023748 2122 Jo Armour 2122 67.25% 01-31-2022 85 Heterozygous Black -1.07 33.2 63.36 26.04 42.63 8217 122 HB023749 2201 Jo Hector 2201 89.14% 02-05-2022 75 Heterozygous Black -3.03 30.3 58.54 23.04 38.19 0612 201 HB023750 2208 Jo Ares 2208 85.14% 02-02-2022 61 Heterozygous Black 1.2 37.27 59.96 25.6 44.23 0612 208 HB023751 2211 Jo Zodiak 2211 84.63% 01-28-2022 91 Heterozygous Black 0.08 46.27 75.93 21.54 44.68 0832 211 HB023752 2213 Jo Protege 2213 82.64% 03-07-2022 79 Heterozygous Black -3.09 34.41 63.41 22.32 39.52 0612 213 HB023753 2217 Jo Ultimate Finalli 2217 91.63% 04-11-2022 71 Heterozygous Black -1.65 40.91 62.47 29.5 49.95 0516 217 45 FEMALES FOR SALE Castle Dale, Utah WWW.JOBULLS.COM





Edge 2319 76.63% 02-13-2022

Revolution 2321 76.83% 01-29-2022

Evolution 2325 81.63% 04-29-2022

Advantage 2329 84.25% 02-07-2022

2337 Jo Redemption 2337 82.75% 03-13-2022

HB023762 2343 Jo Rio Blanco 2343 67.65% 03-01-2022

HB023763 2406 Jo Cougar 2406 77.88% 04-08-2022

HB023764 2408

HB023765 2416

HB023766 2417

Solid Rock 2408 87.88% 02-06-2022

Double Shot 2416 91.88% 02-25-2022

Crossover 2417 88.25% 02-11-2022

2509 Jo Apollo 2509 83.25% 03-06-2022

HB023769 2517 Jo Power Up 2517 86.14% 02-10-2022

HB023770 2519 Jo Rangar 2519 76.88% 02-06-2022


89.63% 05-07-2022

King Titus 2546 86.25% 01-31-2022

Red Man 2553

Heterozygous Black

32.34 51.36

64.79 26.73 44.06

49.63 85.21 26.75 51.56 8008

30.7 59.78 27.23 42.58 0612

-2.31 31.01 58.51 28.36 43.86 9506

39.17 65.82 20.69 40.27 0516

41.02 63.06 29.31 49.82 8217

44.72 72.57 26.32 48.68 8217

Homozygous Black -1.8 40 69.01 29.92 49.92 7B 343

Homozygous Black -2.72 33.61 59.05 27.66 44.46 8008

Heterozygous Black -1.34 39.74 71.8 25.52 45.38 8008 408

Heterozygous Black -2.78 31.32 59.25 25.98 41.64 8008 416

Homozygous Black -2.46 45.92 75.02 25.13 48.09 D411 417

Black -2.55 29.37 59.79 26.43 41.12 8217 509

Heterozygous Black 0.15 47.73 77.05 27.05 50.91 0612 517

-2.98 36.12 68.86 28.43 46.48 8008


47.53 71.17 25.57 49.34 0516

53.44 74.43 31.49 58.21 8217 546

2228 67.25% 02-03-2022 91 Heterozygous Black -0.34 38.03 64.19
8217 228 HB023756 2304 Jo
02-12-2022 100 Heterozygous Black -2.34 34.68
0612 304 HB023757 2305 Jo
Option 2305 85.30% 02-20-2022 78 Homozygous Black 1.8
305 HB023758 2319 Jo
90 Homozygous Black -2.51
319 HB023759 2321 Jo
90 Heterozygous Black
321 HB023809 2325 Jo
78 Homozygous Black -3.44
325 HB023760 2329 Jo
91 Heterozygous Black 0.32
329 HB023761
102 Heterozygous
84 Heterozygous Black
519 HB024479 2540 JO
78 Pending
540 HB023771 2546 Jo
86 Homozygous Black 2.86
NX024481 2553 Jo
85.63% 05-09-2022 70 Red 9325 553 HB023772 2601 Jo Disrupter 2601 89.38% 03-26-2022 72 Homozygous Black -2.02 35.98 59.02 30.7 48.69 8008 601 HB023773 2602 Jo Encore Jet 2602 83.75% 02-05-2022 95 Heterozygous Black -0.03 39.24 67.1 31.56 51.18 8217 602 HB023774 2606 Jo TwentyTwo Domino 2606 81.63% 02-02-2022 95 Heterozygous Black 0.33 39.37 71.76 27.57 47.26 0832 606 HB023775 2611 Jo Protector 2611 87.40% 03-31-2022 84 Homozygous Black -0.64 33.09 60.42 27.81 44.36 7B 611 HB023776 2612 Jo Legacy 2612 83.65% 03-01-2022 80 Homozygous Black -3.47 41.01 75.07 27.91 48.41 D411 612 HB023777 2613 Jo Groot 2613 86.14% 02-06-2022 80 Heterozygous Black -3.02 29.54 58.74 26.54 41.31 0612 613 HB023778 2627 Jo Pounder 2627 76.13% 03-28-2022 100 Homozygous Black -2.01 38.47 65.48 25.99 45.22 627 HB023779 2700 Jo Lucky Flash 2700 83.00% 01-24-2022 76 Homozygous Black -0.57 40.74 65.79 31.24 51.61 8217 700 HB023780 2712 Jo Bruno 2712 83.14% 02-11-2022 83 Heterozygous Black 0.62 53.05 86.08 33.18 59.71 0612 712 HB023781 2720 Jo Hometown Domino 2720 94.13% 01-29-2022 86 Heterozygous Black 1.99 53.49 85.53 29.75 56.49 0832 720R









Trusty Doc


King Cobra


Mighty Launch

Propel Forward


89.26% 02-23-2022

86.38% 02-06-2022

88.25% 04-29-2022

HB023789 2833 Jo Julius Ceasar 2833 78.25% 02-10-2022

HB023790 2846 Jo Shredder 2846 92.25% 02-11-2022

HB023791 2851 Jo Super Charge 2851 86.40% 04-25-2022

HB023792 2863 Jo Banker 2863 94.88% 02-27-2022

HB023793 2902 Jo Launch Buzz 2902 86.25% 01-31-2022

32.48 64.29 26.03 42.27

25.01 50.47 26.07 38.58 8217

40.56 70.68 32 52.28 9506

38.97 66.13 27.5 46.98 0612

41.92 72.97 27.12 48.08 0612

-2.23 38.77 69.19 26.56 45.94 7017 811

Test -4.01 37.41 62.8 23.66 42.36 0516 819

Black -0.21 34.85 55.98 34.08 51.51 8217 833

Heterozygous Black -0.41 43.38 73.39 29.8 51.5 8217 846R

Heterozygous Black -1.52 40.63 68.33 26.77 47.08 0516 851

Heterozygous Black 0.04 47.84 79.23 30.26 54.18 8008 863R

Homozygous Black -3.66 29.4 58.3 25.36 40.06 7017 902

HB024474 2903 Jo Tradition 2903 69.63% 08-04-2022 75 Pending Test -3.39 38.17 66 28.31 47.4 0516 903

HB024476 2907 Jo Contigo 2907 86.75% 05-17-2022 77 Homozygous Black -2.79 46.04 74.2 25.12 48.14 0516 907

HB023794 2912 Jo Rocky Revolution 2912 78.33% 02-05-2022 95 Homozygous Black -0.76 44.06 71.83 28.54 50.57 9506 912

HB023795 2916 Jo Archer Rex 2916 89.35% 02-12-2022

HB023796 2918 Jo Lucky Man 2918 80.75% 02-26-2022

HB023797 2923 Jo Tahonta 2923 90.50% 02-14-2022




Heterozygous Black 1.57 46.15 70.57 30.74 53.82 8217 916

Homozygous Black -1.14 40.33 70.39 26.58 46.75 8217 918

Homozygous Black -1.95 44.81 75.51 26.45 48.86 8008

40.37 64.68 31.3 51.48 8217

42.1 69.8 26.42 47.47 D411

2725 Jo
2725 82.79% 02-22-2022 80 Heterozygous Black -2.27
0612 725
2740 Jo
2740 82.50% 02-21-2022 65 Heterozygous Black -4.3
2801 Jo
Revolution 2801 78.32% 02-04-2022 81 Heterozygous Black -1.89
2805 Jo
2805 79.89%
71 Homozygous Black -3.54
2810 Jo
72 Homozygous Black -2.21
2811 Jo
89 Heterozygous Black
2819 Jo
90 Need to
88 Homozygous
923 HB023798 2931 Jo
2931 85.70% 02-20-2022 75 Homozygous Black -2.42
931 HB023799 2947 Jo
Rex 2947 89.08% 02-11-2022 76 Homozygous Black -3.42
947 HB023801 2966 Jo
2966 86.01% 02-02-2022 75 Homozygous Black -1.97 43.53 74.3 25.36 47.12 0612 966 HB023823 2981 Jo Ambush Domino 2981 94.13% 01-26-2022 96 Heterozygous Black 0832 981 HB023802 2983 Jo Sweet Revolution 2983 89.03% 02-19-2022 78 Homozygous Black 1.07 40.16 69.09 33.33 53.41 8008 983 HB024475 2986 Jo Complete 2986 96.63% 05-17-2022 72 Heterozygous Black -1.74 44.87 71.69 30.14 52.57 0516 986 HB023803 A2210 Jo Olympian A210 85.25% 02-05-2022 75 Heterozygous Black 0.74 42.08 73.01 26.2 47.24 8217 210 HB023804 B2210 85.25% 02-05-2022 75 Heterozygous Black 1.2 37.27 59.96 25.6 44.23 8217 210 HB020373 1506 Jo Atomic Revolution 1506 89.88% 03-03-2021 88 Heterozygous Black -0.34 38.61 68.6 28.61 47.92 8008 506


989 Lady

013 Lady

510 Lady

Jo 219 Lady

Jo 806 Lady

Jo 342 Lady Vadar

Jo 317 Lady Atomic

Jo 126 Lady Bar X

Jo 655 Lady Rev

85.63% 01-01-2022

76.64% 01-31-2022

83.25% 02-02-2022


91.88% 02-03-2022

67.65% 02-05-2022

90.83% 02-07-2022

HB023703 240 Jo 403 Lady Vadar 240 75.65% 02-07-2022


Jo 526 Lady Archer 241 86.25% 02-07-2022

HB023706 243 Jo 954 Lady Warrior 243 89.14% 02-09-2022

333 Lady Athena

622 Lady Patriot

603 Lady Light

76.64% 02-11-2022

89.14% 02-11-2022

81.54% 02-11-2022


27.41 47.48

48.08 74.53 28.81 52.85

46.06 73.53 25.56 48.58 0832

30.68 58.68 25.17 40.51 0612

41.04 65.63 26.9 47.42 0516 806

41.56 74.95 26.16 46.94

-1.98 29.99 55.05 27.46 42.46 8008 317

Heterozygous Black -0.04 47.07 79.1 30.7 54.24 7B 126

0.95 43.27 71.21 27.84 49.48 9506 655

Heterozygous Black -1.51 39.72 73.3 25.12 44.98 7B 403

Heterozygous Black 2.5 48.35 80.25 32.16 56.33 8217 526

Heterozygous Black 1.39 48.19 83.12 31.33 55.43 0612

29.07 56.4 24.32 38.85 0612

38.4 66.88 28.82 48.02 0612

39.43 74.82 27.53 47.24

28.17 55.45

59.22 21.95 36.73

No. NAME % DOB BW WW YW MM TM SIRE DAM SIRE 204 Jo 413 Lady Revolution 204 76.83% 01-23-2022 59 Heterozygous Black -0.01 40.13 73.32
9506 413 HB023819 212 Jo
Domino 212 94.13% 01-26-2022 70 Heterozygous Black 0832 989 HB023687 222 Jo
Domino 222 81.63% 01-27-2022 70 Heterozygous Black -0.73
0832 013 HB023690 225 Jo
X 225
85 Heterozygous Black -0.71
510 HB023692 227
Athena 227
66 Heterozygous Black -2.7
219 HB023695 232
Mocha 232
60 Homozygous Black -3.92
HB023696 233
233 67.65%
87 Heterozygous Black 0.73
7B 342 HB023697 234
HB023699 236
95 Red
954 HB023707 244 Jo
82 Heterozygous Black -2
333 HB023709 246 Jo
80 Heterozygous Black -0.06
622 HB023710 247 Jo
80 Heterozygous Black -1.56
0612 603 HB023711 248 Jo 737 Lady Advance 248 86.89% 02-11-2022 80 Homozygous Black 2.99 54.54 87.07
0612 737 HB023712 249 Jo 205 Lady Forta 249 85.14% 02-10-2022 79 Heterozygous Black -2.57 29.55
0612 205 HB023713 250 Jo 313 Lady Athena 250 82.64% 02-11-2022 83 Heterozygous Black 0.64 46.09 81.44 22.88 45.92 0612 313 HB023714 251 Jo 615 Lady Stella 251 85.89% 02-16-2022 111 Heterozygous Black 0.85 47.29 82.27 23.81 47.46 0612 615 HB023715 252 Jo 807 Lady Homegrown 252 79.75% 02-15-2022 76 Heterozygous Black 0.06 43.62 68.54 36.76 58.57 8217 807 HB023717 255 Jo 080 Lady Merriam 255 87.60% 02-14-2022 59 Homozygous Black -4.43 38.61 66.13 25.16 44.46 D411 080 HB023968 258 Jo 336 Lady Power 258 91.88% 02-17-2022 Pending Test -2.89 29.92 54.01 25.14 40.1 8008 336 HB023720 259 Jo 653 Lady Warrior 259 85.75% 02-25-2022 82 Homozygous Black -1.77 33.51 57.15 24.64 41.39 8217 653 HB023723 262 Jo 039 Lady Vanity 262 87.45% 03-01-2022 70 Homozygous Black 47.06 71.85 24.57 48.1 0516 039 HB023725 264 Jo 005 Lady Design 264 87.69% 03-06-2022 68 Homozygous Black -3.02 40.63 65.83 24.93 45.25 0516 005


609 Lady X

838 Lady Ivy

Jo 759 Lady Boom

88.08% 03-08-2022



Jo 885 Mootown

Jo 711 Lady Thunder

Jo 707 Straight Flush

94.25% 03-18-2022

83.25% 03-25-2022

86.25% 03-25-2022




Jo 415 Lady Zara

Jo 040 Lady Domino


959 Lady

87.14% 03-25-2022

89.25% 03-27-2022



964 Lady

70.92 27.66 48.64 D411

60.53 26.55 43.98 D411 838

68.65 22.82 43.3 D411 759

46 75.6 28.91 51.91 D411 885R

76.48 35.13 60.14 8217 711

64.37 26.97 44.93 D411 707

81.63 29.4 53 0612

62.34 28.94 48.01 0516 040

74.97 23.67 45.65 D411 919

75.24 27.36 47.59 0612 959

77.13 25.76 47.99 0612 964

265 84.75% 03-06-2022 77 Black 41.96
266 Jo
67 Black 34.85
HB023728 267
03-13-2022 80 Black 40.96
66 Black
HB023730 269
87 Black 50.02
HB023731 270
80 Black 35.92
80 Black 47.21
74 Black 38.15
273 Jo
Lady Easy 273 85.83% 04-03-2022 78 Black 43.97
HB023736 274 Jo
Perfecta 274 75.96% 04-02-2022 76 Black 40.47
277 Jo
Natural 277 84.39% 04-08-2022 80 Black 44.46
282 Jo 323 lady Mac 282 81.13% 05-17-2022 81 44.71 74.34 20.65 43 0516 323 HB017360 028 Jo Lady Flora 028 86.50% 02-06-2020 69 Black 49.69 85.75 27 51.84 D411 825 NR4329 042 Jo Lady Hybrid 042 50.00% 03-22-2020 80 Black 653 P44349376 063 Jo 863 Lady Hytech 063 100.00% HB020312 143 Jo 912 Lady Haland 143 78.75%% 02-07-2021 70 Black 48.14 75.12 24.72 49 D411 912 HX002228 145 Jo 126 Lady Endure 145 75.00% 02-08-2021 85 53.46 84.4 31.27 58.01 Endure 126 HB007257 501 Jo Black Online 1107 501 ET 89.00% 01-30-2015 83 Black 48.85 77 18.02 42.44 122L 1107 • (435) 749-1543
Fall 2022 The American Black Hereford 19 RCF J12 D45 3C’s D45 of Ribeye x JMCC Miss Lightning 77X 665 HB021317 Semen Packages Available Contact for Pricing • Homo Black • Homo Polled • Heifer Approved • Balanced EPD Profile • Slick haired, great footed, with a pigmented hooded eye set • Dam is moderate, easy fleshing, and efficient 336-957-3395 RANSOM RUGGED

New Members

New Annual Members






















North Carolina














The American Black Hereford Fall 202220


fall finally arriving, as producers, we are all scrambling to prepare for the coming winter. With the cooler temperatures that means many of us will start slowing down and try to take in all the accomplishments made throughout the year. I for one sit back and reflect on how far we have come as an association. At the first Junior Nationals I attended, there were only 40 head of cattle en tered - our past Junior Nationals had over 70 head entered. I hope and expect that number to keep growing year after year.

While looking back on the past, keep in mind the future. The spring calving season will soon be on its way, which will bring forth even higher quality cattle and growth than the previous years.

Although it’s been a tough year for everyone, especially in the cattle industry, I feel that despite the hardships the men and women of this great industry we are all a part of, will always find a way to pull up one another and look forward to another tomorrow.

I want to wish everyone safe travels as they make their way out to our national shows coming up such as the American Royal and the NAILE. I also want to say THANK YOU to all the folks who support all the Juniors. Every little bit makes an impact!

Fall 2022 The American Black Hereford 21
ABHA Junior Corner Friday, April 14, 2023

Top 12 Things to Consider Before Building a Cattle Handling Facility

cattle handling facility is at the heart of most every ranch. The quality of the facility and its ease of use can determine the enjoy ment or frustration of use and dictate how often you work cattle through it. Properly designed and thought-out facilities will be safe for the producer and animal, handle cattle with ease, require a minimal number of personnel and allow for cattle to be worked in a timely fashion.


There are multiple design principles that can be used, depending on the cattle-handling abilities of the personnel and their ability to understand “cow psychology.”

Here are the top 12 factors you should consider prior to building a new facility.


Consider the species and type or class of animal for which the working facility will be used. Will it only be used for cattle, or will you need to handle goats and sheep, or horses, in addition to cattle? If it’s only cattle, will it be used only for a stocker operation, or will you need to process cows, bulls and calves through the chute as well? The size of cattle worked will dictate how wide of a raceway you need. Finally, do you plan to rope and drag calves, or process through a chute? Roping and dragging calves will require an area large enough to do so.


Both Bud Box and solid-sided, curved designs are effective. In general, the curved, solid-sided-fence facility, in my opinion, allows the cattle

handler to make mistakes and recover without adversely affecting cattle flow. If you are in the wrong position yet the animal cannot see you because of the solid side, it may not affect the movement of cattle. A drawback to this style is it is more complicated and costly to build because of the curves and the added expense of the solid-sided fences.

The Bud Box system uses the animal’s instincts to your advantage. It works on the principle that animals will want to return to where they have been if they cannot proceed further. When they turn around and head back in the direction that they came from, the animal is diverted down another alley or raceway leading up to the working chute. The drawbacks to this system are that it is typically not recommended for novice cattle handlers, and if handlers are out of place, they can impede cattle movement.


It’s all about the location. The working facility should be central to most pastures and easily accessed, either using lanes or along adjoining fences that help funnel cattle into the facility. Having a corral situated where cattle have to routinely enter and leave on their own will facilitate penning them on working day. One example is a catch pen situated between pastures that cattle must walk through when rotating from one pasture to the other. It could be a central watering location or where feed and hay are fed to the animals. If you plan to use the facility to hold sick or freshly received animals for a few days, then having shade from trees along the fence might be beneficial.


There are numerous materials that a set of working facilities can be built out of: drill stem pipe, highway guardrails, cable, sucker rod, cattle panels, wood. All have their benefits and drawbacks. In general, metal building materials will probably outlast wood. Cable fences are not well-suited for working and crowding facilities. They flex too much and can allow calves to get through. Likewise, if you have to quickly climb a fence to get away from an aggressive animal, cable fences will not support your weight well enough to allow you to quickly escape. Make sure any drill stem you purchase is not magnetized, as it makes welding difficult. Also, make sure the drill stem is not radioactive or excessively rusty if it has been used in drilling activity. Graduated cattle panels have smaller hole sizes on the bottom of the panel, making them difficult to climb when in a hurry. If using sucker rod, consider welding a clip over the rod to the line post. Experience has proven that welding a sucker rod only to a post will result in a broken weld.


Having access to electricity and water is beneficial but not necessary. If you plan to use an electric branding iron, access to land-line electricity will eliminate the need for a costly and loud generator. If you have electricity available, you can have a small room located next to the chute to store medicine and vaccines in a refrigerator. Additionally, you can have hot water to help clean up the equipment after use.


It is beneficial to have cover over the working chute in case you have to work the cattle in extremely hot or inclement weather. Additionally, you may decide to have a portion of the pens covered in case you need to hold a quarantined or sick animal in the facility for a length of time.


The working facility should have a small degree of slope to allow drainage during and after rainfall events. The slope should not be so great that erosion or channeling will occur after the grass has been trampled down. Additionally, consider the degree and direction of the slope when planning where you will back up a trailer to the pens. Backing across a slope when muddy may result in the trailer sliding sideways. Trying to pull up a muddy slope when loaded may be difficult, too.


Buy a chute that is large enough to handle your largest animal, including your bull. It may be necessary to restrain the bull to treat a foot or to conduct a breeding soundness exam. Remember, bulls are longer and thicker than a cow. Many of the economy-type chutes are not designed to hold a bull. Also plan for a palpation cage at the end of the chute to allow a safe access area for a veterinarian so he or she doesn’t have to worry about getting run over by the next cow in line. The cage will also be handy if you have to treat a hind foot.

Design the facility with options. It is much easier to work 2- to 3-month old calves in a calf chute than in a large, cow-sized chute. Do not skimp on gates! Make sure they are heavy and well-built. Plan on gates between adjacent pens and from the alleys. Having gates between pens allows you to open up adjacent pens to create one large pen when needed. Use headers across the top of the gate to ensure it stays in line and does not sag, so it opens and closes as it should. Make the headers high enough that you can drive equipment or ride horseback under them.


You should plan to have all-weather road access to the working facility to enable you to load and unload cattle even in rainy conditions. However, placing a set of corrals right off a county road could enable cattle thieves to bait your cows into the pens and easily and quickly load out and steal animals, so keep that in mind.

10. SIZE

The size of the facility will be determined by the activities needed and how long you plan to hold cattle there. If you are just using the pens as a holding area while working the cattle, each cow-calf pair will require a minimum of 35 to 45 square feet. The larger the calf while on the cow, the more room that will be required.


One of the biggest design mistakes we see is a facility without enough holding pens. It is always good to plan to have at least one more pen than you think you need. At the minimum, three pens are needed. You will need one large pen to hold the cattle when they are first caught, and then preferably two more to sort calves and cows into. This will also allow you to have an open pen to catch the animals after they have been worked so that they do not get mixed with unprocessed cattle. Designing an alleyway alongside the pens that leads to the chute allows you to sort animals out of the alley and into the pens. Additionally, the alley can be used to hold cattle temporarily.


• Build with flexibility in mind:

• Design the facility so that expansion will not require a major overhaul.

• Make the design modular so more pens can be added alongside existing alleys.

• Make the raceway leading to the chute adjustable to enable it to be wide enough for cows, but can be adjusted down so that a calf cannot turn around in it.

• Do not design the facility so that the chute turns out into the pasture. If you miss a head catch on an animal, you cannot easily recycle it back around.

• Set all posts at least 3 feet down into concrete.

• If concrete is used under the chute, extend it at least 6 to 8 feet past the front of the chute. Make sure the concrete is heavily grooved to provide traction even when covered with mud and manure.

• Reduce shadows that go across alleys by running alleys east and west if possible. Cattle do not have depth perception and may view a shadow as a hole or trench, causing them to balk.


As you design your handling facility, go see as many other working facilities as possible in person. Talk with the people who use them, and ask what they like and what they would change. Draw your design out on paper, and then lay it out on the ground to scale. Use marking paint and survey flags to help you visualize the layout before building. Then walk through the layout as you would when working cattle. It is far easier to make adjustments in the planning stage than after everything is built.ABHA

Fall 2022 The American Black Hereford 23
The American Black Hereford Fall 202224 INDIANA Brian, Sharon Gilham & Family Sullivan, Indiana 812-564-2486 Legendary Livestock Black Hereford Heifers and Bulls For Sale Private Treaty u BREEDER DIRECTORY IDAHO COLORADO Flying Diamond K RanchDiamond K Ranch Ft. Collins, COFt. CO “Gems of the Rockies” FDK BLACK DIAMOND SELB The ABHA Bull that has it all. Conventional & Sexed Semen International Certification 96.5% Embryos Available REG# HB009240 HB009240 KEN PADILLA 970-204-1000 Basin Creek Farm REGISTERED BLACK HEREFORDS John & Phyllis Jackson 2694 Gourdneck Valley Road Malvern, AR 72104 501-844-7167 501-844-7168 ARKANSAS Mark and Becky Ipsen Dingle, ID 83233 (208) 681-4794 Annual Internet Production Sale -1st Tuesday in March. Visit IPSENCATTLE.COM for more information.CANADA
Fall 2022 The American Black Hereford 25 BREEDER DIRECTORYKENTUCKY sweet T farm Pete & Gayla Szak Cynthiana, KY 859-684-1509 OPEN & BRED FEMALES ALWAYS AVAILABLE OKLAHOMA JOHNNY & CAROL M c WHIRTER Office: 405-527-1513 Cell: 405-249-6925 or 405-249-8643 JLBM6@AOL.COM CLAY BANK RANCH Lexington, OK Registered Black Herefords - Bulls & Heifers NEBRASKA HI/ Cattle Co. Logan & Jennifer Hill · 970-629-8807 Stapleton, NE Get all of the latest updates online at OKLAHOMA SOUTH CAROLINA CLAYFORD RANCH Tommy Wilkes 843-307-0323 Patrick, North Carolina
The American Black Hereford Fall 202226 10324 West US 36 Ÿ Modoc, IN 47358 PH: 765-853-1246 FAX: 765-853-5886 EMAIL: A World-Wide Leader in Nutritionally Balanced Feed Ingredients for Livestock, Poultry and Pets Featuring Livestock Premixes and Cattle Mineral MARK NUELLE• Higginsville, MO 64037 Cell: 660-238-3207 • bulls for sale private treaty MARK NUELLE MARKFARMS View our bulls & semen at: WWW.MARKNUELLEFARMS.COM BREEDER DIRECTORY WEST VIRGINIATEXAS Lori Makarski Cavitt, MS, DVM, cVMA Justin Cavitt, MS, DVM Henderson, TX 903-657-9212 •

The Breeding Bulls: Your Herd’s Ultimate Athlete

LeBronJames. Tom Brady. Usain Bolt. These names bring with them a certain performance standard.

Each season, fans expect these athletes to be in top form, to perform and to achieve results no one else is capable of. You expect the same of your breeding bulls each season, but are you treating them like the athletes that they are?

Bulls need to remain sound and active for the duration of breeding season. One way you can help prepare them as athletes is by conditioning them.

If bulls are too thin at the start of breeding season they might not hold condition and perform. At the same time, too much condition could be detrimental. Excess weight can affect structure, soundness and the bull’s ability to remain in active form.

Gradually condition bulls

The ultimate goal should be to achieve ideal bull condition and start far enough in advance so it’s not a sprint to attain it. It’s ideal to have a body condition score (BCS) of 6 going into breeding but it should be achieved gradually.

A single point change in BCS equals 80 to 100 pounds of weight. That means for a bull to go from a BCS 5 to a BCS 6, it would require gaining 100 pounds. To achieve that score increase takes time and monitoring. Start monitoring bulls four to five months before breeding season.

Early monitoring allows for gradual changes to be made over time, versus trying to make drastic weight changes quickly. Allowing a bull to gain 1 pound per day over 100 days, as opposed to pushing him to gain 3 pounds per day over 30 days, will be much more conducive to the longevity and performance of the bull.

An early start to bull preparation also helps ensure bulls have high-quality semen going into breeding. Sperm production takes 60 days and is impacted by the nutrition a bull receives pre-breeding season.

Balancing BCS with nutrition

Yearling bulls and bulls up to 2 or 3 years of age are still growing and need a diet that meets those requirements. Young bull requirements differ from what more mature bulls need to gain or maintain condition and the two groups should be developed and fed in separate facilities if possible.

If you have multiple bulls in a group, ensure they have ample bunk space or free-choice supplementation to help reduce displays of dominance at the feed bunk. Supplements with intake control properties encourage snack eating, causing bulls to eat smaller meals more consistently throughout the day versus aggressively trying to consume all their feed in one meal.

Supplements can also help keep bulls in prime condition by maintaining or improving BCS and can help balance any nutritional deficiencies of forages.

Developing bulls on the range or in a pasture situation where they can exercise can be advantageous. Exercise and reducing the energy fed in the diet can also help over-conditioned bulls get closer to BCS 6.

Quality mineral nutrition is also essential because minerals support the development of a growing bull’s structure and feet. Minerals can support health and sperm quality as well. Consider using a highly available trace mineral source so that bulls get the most benefit from the minerals consumed.

Monitor during and after cattle breeding season

Once bulls are turned out with cows for the breeding season, continue monitoring their body condition. If bulls fall below a BCS 4, replace those bulls to ensure your cows are getting bred.

At the end of breeding season, bulls will need some extra attention again. Bulls often end the breeding season in a BCS 4 or 5. At that point, younger bulls that are still growing will need more than a maintenance diet to regain condition and allow for growth.

Purchasing bulls is a significant initial investment, but trying to cut corners during bull development won’t do your herd any favors.

To maximize your investment and use a bull to his full potential, continue developing him with a high-quality nutrition and animal health program.

Think of bull development as a marathon rather than a sprint. The goal is to optimize gain and maintain the structural and breeding soundness of a bull for as many years as possible.

Prepare bulls now for an all-star breeding season later. Prepare them for greatness. ABHA

Fall 2022 The American Black Hereford 27


October 2022

October 7 J&N Ranch Black Herefords Sale, Leavenworth, KS, See ad on pg. 5

October 8 A Royal Affair Sale, Kansas City, MO

October 8 ABHA National Meeting, Kansas City, MO

October 9 American Royal National Point Open Show, Kansas City, MO

October 15 Kentucky’s Finest Fall Black Hereford Consignment Sale, Nancy, KY

November 2022

November 5 Central States Select Black Hereford Sale, Lebanon, MO

November 15 Bennett Farms Black Hereford Bonanza

November 15-17 North American International Livestock Exposition National Junior & Point Open Show, Louisville, KY

December 2022/January 2023

December 29-January 1 Cattlemen’s Congress, National Junior & Point Open Show, Oklahoma City, OK

February 2023

February 4 JM Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale & Commercial Female Sale, Lawrenceburg, TN

March 2023

March 3-5 Kentucky Beef Expo Black Hereford Sale, Louisville, KY

March 7 Ipsen Cattle Company Online Production Sale, See ad on pg. 2

March 18 Triple T Farms Annual Production Sale, Nancy, KY

April 2023

April 1 Annual Tennessee Black Hereford Association Sale, Blountville, TN

April 14 Southern Classic Sale, Henderson, TX, See ad on pg. 21

June 2023

June 14-17 ABHA Junior Nationals, Hyder-Burks Agriculture Pavilion, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN

Join the American Black Hereford Association

Membership Fees:

Platte City,

Membership Privileges:

Only Life and Annual Members of the Association are eligible to register cattle in the American Black Hereford Registry.

Each Life and Annual Member shall have one (1) vote per animal registered with the Association. Life and Annual Members may not vote by absentee ballot.

3. Each Life, Annual and Junior Member will be informed by Association mailings on a routine basis of important matters for both the members and the ABHA.

Upon becoming a member and, in consideration of acceptance, I/we agree to conform to and abide by the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations

of the Association as Amended or Modified from time to time. Application is hereby made for membership (Life, Annual or Junior) in the American Black Hereford Association.It is requested that the Membership be entered as follows:

The American Black Hereford Fall 202228
Now! (Individual, Farm, Ranch, Partnership, etc.) Owner’s Name Mailing Address __________________________ ________ ________ - ________ City State Zip Home Phone # Cell Phone # __________________________ _____________________________ Business Phone # Fax # __________________________ _____________________________ Email Website (if you want it linked to ABHA) Birth Date - For Junior Members Only ___________________________________ ___________________ Signature Date
Life Membership fee is $1,000 Annual Membership Fee $100 per year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) New annual memberships are prorated based on quarter joined Junior Membership Fee $25 per year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Junior memberships are available to persons under 21 years of age and junior membership privileges expire at age 21. When you have completed the application, send it with the proper fee to the Association at: PO Box 857,
MO 64079

Advertiser Index

Bacica Farms 26

Basin Creek Farm 24

Burton Cattle Company 25

Clay Bank Ranch 25

Clayford Ranch 25

Flying Diamond K 24

Gaestel Family Farm 26

Gro-Tec Inc. 26

Ground Zero Farms 32

Henderson Animal Care Hospital 26

HI/ Cattle Company 25

Ipsen Cattle Company 2, 24

J&N Ranch 5

JL Legacy Black Hereford 25

Jo Bulls 14-18

KT Black Herefords 3

Legendary Livestock 24

Mark Nuelle Farms 26

McElroy Meadows Black Hereford 24

MKC Black Herefords 11

Mountain Fork Hereford Farm 9, 24

Peaceful Valley Ranch 24

Rancho Moreno 31

Ransom Cross Farm 19

Shannon’s Black Herefords 11

South Ark Cattle Co. 24

Southern Classic Sale 21

Sweet T Farms 25

The American Black Hereford Fall 202230
SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI CALEB & JACOB MORENO (417) 496-5338 RMBLACKHEREFORDS.COM Lot 7 Lot 15 REG# HB021755 | DOB: 10/13/21 | 89.2 %HB EXR BENCHMARK 8240 ET x IRON LADY 124T DCD BCC MARK OF A LADY J255ET REG# HB022329 | DOB: 8/31/21 | 94 %HB JN BALDER C245 x CLF 100W TURST Z16 RM Z16 TRUSTWORTHY J97 Lot 18 Lot 22 JN BALDEE 1217 EMBRYOS JN BALDEE 1217 x NJW LONG HAUL 36E ET OFFERING FOUR (4) IVF EMBRYOS RM CHULA E104 LONG HAUL H44 EMBRYOS IRA5200SOONER9115 x RMCHULAE104LONGHAULH44 OFFERING TWO (2) IVF EMBRYOS Watch for our consignments in the “A Royal Affair” Sale October 8, 2022 American Royal | Kansas City, MO
The American Black Hereford Fall 202232

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