8-15-20 - Judah 1st Birthday

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BIG DAY Issue 20 - August 2020



AYear InTheLifeof





MONSTEROUS YEAR Judah wished farewell to fellow student Hanna, from the Python Nu Kappa sorority. After her graduation at the end of the fall semester, Hanna decided to move south to where the weather was warmer and the speed was slower. Only immediate family were in attendance of this event as a severe child security breach had hit Monstropolis. The infestation first broke out at the local sushi hot spot, Harryhausen’s. The Child Detection Agency (CDA) was notified by the local bartender. As the outbreak started the CDA reported “We can neither confirm nor deny the presence of a human child.” Eventually everyone was told to stay in their homes until all the children had been found. The decontamination period was unknown, but it was assumed that it would only take a couple months of sanitation. This quarantine didn’t hold Judah back. He attended multiple Zoom meetings for both Hanna and Luca’s birthday, where singing and joyous stories were shared. Once the CDA had control over the child Security Breach there were only random 2319 cases that would pop up from items left behind by the children throughout the city. For any new readers, a code 2319 (AKA White Sock) is when a decontamination method is needed because humans and their possessions are toxic.

Luca took a break from his online studies and decided to travel from the Omega Howl fraternity house to have a splash pad party with Asher and Judah off campus. During the middle of the Decontamination period, Eta Hiss Hiss threw an amazing birthday party for their president, Bea, who was rumored to have turned down a modeling job because she wanted to be a spokesperson for a crematorium or a taxidermist. The bash ended with a house full of visitors singing happy birthday. Bea, of course, couldn’t help herself and sang louder than everyone there. Judah attended multiple events at the Slugma Oozma Python fraternity house to celebrate Jeffrey’s 4th birthday. There was also multiple pool parties held by the EOP fraternity. Judah met Daniel for the first time at a fraternity mixer, located in between the fraternity houses. Plans are still in the works for Tyler’s 11th Birthday. Details are very hush, hush, at the present time. Judah’s fellow brother, Asher, celebrated his 2nd birthday. During the decontamination, Asher was potty trained and started to have full conversations, mostly about dinosaurs. Judah learned how to crawl and started to eat solid foods. He basically loves everything he can get his hands on. Though he hasn’t said any real words yet, he can make sounds that are almost words like da da. It was a very productive containment in the Gamma Roar Roar house. Judah experienced a year full of 90th birthdays. Both of his Great Grandmothers and his Great Grandfather turned the big nine zero. This monstrous year will end with a crazy monster mash and will be covered completely by Big Day. We will provide you with all the juicy details of this graduation event! Judah interned at his father’s company, Gretek Fright LLC, but was offered a job at Monsters Inc. which couldn’t be passed up.



DearestJudah, Our family is now complete. Words can’t express the love your mother and I feel for you. You filled a place in our hearts we never knew was empty. We cherish every moment with you – all the giggles, the smiles, the silly little grins. You started forming a bond with your big brother at an early age, and nothing is more heart-warming for Mom and I than seeing the two of you laugh and play together. We look forward to watching you grow and can’t wait to see the wonderful man you will become. You will always be Daddy’s little “Bud,” and Mommy’s little “Buddah.” We love you to the moon and back.

BAPTISTimM e Judah was welcomed into the Christian world on 11/02/19 at Transfiguration Church in Rome, NY. Members from the Getek and Woodard families were present. Godmother’s Lauren DeJong and Kim Woodard were at his side as he began his journey of faith. Overseeing the ceremony was Father Paul Angelicchio, assisted by Papa, Brian Woodard. Upon conclusion of the ceremony all who attended were invited to dine at The Savoy in Rome, NY. Judah wore a lace detailed christening gown that was inspired by British Royal family. This tradition goes all the way back to Queen Victoria. A Christening gown, also known as a baptismal gown, is a dress like garment that a baby of either gender wears when they are baptized into the Christian faith. Traditionally a Christening gown is a shade of white. This hue is meant to remind us of how Christ died to wash away Sin. It symbolizes not just purity, but a renewed innocence bought with an incredibly loving sacrifice. Judah’s gown was created completely from his Grammie Woodard’s wedding dress.


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NAME? The Lord knew what he was doing the day he led us to your name. You will be a strong leader one day; you will move mountains and have no fear. It was late in our pregnancy when we finally decided on a name. I wanted to name you Mason, but after one weekend out, we heard that name 4 times. I told your dad there was no way. So the search for who you would be started in full force. I went through over 10 lists of 100 or more names and compiled my favorites. It seemed that your father and I just couldn’t agree on a name. I kept getting drawn to names from the Bible and looking at Asher’s siblings and his children. Something told me you had to be somehow connected to Asher. Your father even said, I’d like the name to be biblical. We finally had agreed on something, and I knew it was time to dig deeper into those who were in stories with Asher. So a new list of names was made. From that list I figured out which names had blessings bestowed upon them, to help dwindle the list down. From there, I, with help from PaPa, looked into meanings, symbols, colors, etc., about your name. I think your name was the first one that your father picked out off the list. Shortly after the final list, we started to receive signs that Judah was the name we needed to bless you with. Lions kept showing up everywhere. It became the only name we could think about. The meanings that we kept finding, and descriptions were so powerful, that we knew it was meant to be your name.

InterestingFacts • David and Solomon came from the tribe of Judah.

• The tribe of Judah adopted the symbol of the lion to represent itself based on Jacob’s blessing. The lion is also wearing a purple robe that is soaked in the ‘’blood of grapes.’’ The color purple is symbolic of royalty, so Jacob’s use of this image further emphasizes the idea that Judah’s descendants will be kings.

• Even the words ‘’Judaism’’ and ‘’Jew,’’ used to describe the Israelites’ religion, came from its name.

• Jesus Christ is called “the Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Revelation 5:5).

• Judah means “Praise.”

• Lions are frequently symbols of leadership, as the lion is considered the king of the animals.

• Judah, 4th son of Jacob, by Leah.

At 7 months you were pulling yourself up to a standing position using laundry baskets as well as your little bath tub. You wanted to stand and sit up so badly, but wanted nothing to do with crawling. You’d watch Asher run around and you would kick your feet so fast in attempt to run and play. You wanted to grow up so fast even though I wanted you to take your time.

REDHEADDAY!! MAY26TH When you were born you had red hair. I absolutely loved that because it’s so rare; you were like a limited edition person. I hope you always keep your red hair, and if you do I hope you realize how special you are to have that shade. • Less than 2% of the world’s population has red hair. • Having Red hair and blue eyes is the rarest combination possible. The odds of a person having both of those recessive traits is around 0.17%. Most red heads have brown, hazel or green eyes. • Researchers believe redheads are more sensitive to pain because of a mutation in a gene MC1R that affects hair color. A 2004 study showed that redheads on average need about 20% more general anesthesia than people with dark or blonde hair. • A lot of redheads also wind up being left handed. Researchers believe one explanation is that both of those characteristics are recessive traits and those often come in pairs. • Redheads are less likely to go grey. • 30% of ads during primetime hours include someone with red hair. • Redheads produce more vitamin D in a shorter amount of time than people with other hair colors.

AYearof WEEK












Dr. Joe placed you in his January 1, 2020 newsletter. He called you his “STARPATIENT.” Colic / Reflux / Constant Crying / Mis-Shaped Skull / Tilted Head: A 2 month old infant started care on October 31, 2019. He had been screaming almost non-stop from birth. His parents also reported he has “Reflux”, loose stool, a Head Tilt (Torticollis) and his head was Mis-Shaped (Plagiocephaly) . The medical profession blames the crying on “Colic” and “Reflux”, but what causes it? He was quickly and easily assessed for subluxations. I adjusted his pelvis, upper neck and cranium. Drastic changes occurred by his second visit and by his third visit, he was a new baby. What would his life be like not only staying subluxated, but more than likely eventually put on medications?? Save a life and refer these kids in. Safe – Effective – Life Changing Specific Chiropractic Care.

I remember at your 2 week checkup hearing a baby cry in the waiting room and I laughed at how puny and weak it sounded. You had a roar since the day you were born. Your lungs were always strong and you were always able to make yourself heard and noticed. I’ve never heard a baby with as strong of a cry as you, or as powerful.

It’s hard to explain the feelings you go through as you watch your child grow, so please bear with me as I try. Every moment with you has been a bitter sweet, as I have enjoyed watching all of your firsts, but I also realize they’re my last. There’s a last time for everything – Your first time stepping on grass will be my last and it becomes a memory. So while I am enjoying everything you’re learning, I’m sad to think this is the last time I will get to witness how amazing those times are. The joy and pride you feel as you walk when we hold you up. You feel like you’re doing it all on your own, so proud. One day you won’t give walking a second thought. I look through my phone at the photos of my boys and just smile and I think about different things you do. I feel so lucky to have you boys in my life, like I’m the luckiest person alive. I know our lives won’t always be this way. There are going to be bad days. I don’t know what the future will hold, but when those days come I’ll think back on my life. The memories of days like today bring joyful tears to my eyes. I’ll always picture you as you are today, my little Buddha boy; who loves to give me big hugs when I pick him up; who cries when he sees me walk by because I’m not holding him tight; who lights up when Asher is near, and laughs so hard when Daddy tickles his neck. I wish I could keep you this way, you’d never grow up and I’d keep you safe forever. I realize this phase is going to fly by; I want to hold on for dear life, I know it won’t be this way for long. As I drive to work I think of you and the man you will become and I cry because I know one day you’ll be gone. Out of our home living your life, making mistakes and joyful discoveries. I look forward to the future, to seeing the man that you’ll become though. I cry as I pack up your baby clothes, knowing that I will never need to use them again. You have completed our family and our hearts grew the day we met you. And just like your brother I will repeat these words to you. There is no good way to explain this feeling, but one day you’ll know. You’ll have children of your own and you’ll reread this note and say, “Oh yes, I understand now!” You are everything I could have wanted and more. You’re perfect in every way. My Judah Buddha boy, I love you more than you know.

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