The Astrological eMagazine - January 2013

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Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi

Four Stages of Human Life Cover Story



Janma Rasi Predictions for

16 Sanskrit through Ramayana - 5


Ramayana The Eternal Scripture


Astrology & 30 Successful Investing

Lagna Table for November 2012 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

19 The Next Prime Minister of India


The Power of Healing Music

49 Panchanga for the Month JANUARY 2013



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Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated. The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher Niranjan Babu Bangalore 101C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?

Contents YAJNAVALKYA Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi




DR. T. S. VASAN Planetary Combinations for Marital Happiness


GARGACHARYA Janma Rasi Predictions for 2013


DR. VAMSHI KRISHNA GHANAPATHI Sanskrit through Ramayana - 5


JAYASREE SARANATHAN The Next Prime Minister of India


DR. BANGALORE SURESHWARA Ramayana The Eternal Scripture


DR. PRAKASARAO VELAGAPUDI The Power of Healing Music*


HENRY WEINGARTEN Astrology & Successful Investing


PROF. N. S. MURTHY Denial of Marriage Jyotir - Vastu Remedies


DR. E.S. NEELAKANTAN Significance of Astrological Junction Points


DR. PRABHAKAR KASHYAP Jyotisha – A Beacon Light to Marital Happiness


GAURA NATARAJA DASA Pregnancy & Astrology – The Science of Garbadhana


SUCHITA SHAH Science of Vastu


REPORT BY PROF. N. S. MURTHY 4th International Astrological Conference


YAJNAVALKYA Will the World End in 2012?


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for January 2013


VARAHAMIHIRA This Month for You December 2012


Lagna Table for January 2013


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for January 2013


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 2





... Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi* p³eeself e<e ef®evlee efveefOe YAJNAVALKYA Navagrahas Mars ARS IS A RED PLANET, resembling our earth and it has seasons and polar caps. According to Padmapurana it was born out of the sweat of Vishnu (or to Vamanapurana, of that of the sweat of Siva) who could quench his thirst by drinking the heat generating blood of Andhaka suggests anything for sure that the planet stands as a final proof for the accretion theory bearing many scars of creation.


Though our earth is not a planet for our astrological purposes it is our 'graham' or the house where we live. 13000 km across with more than 6 billion people, it has faced threat to life extinction, according to astronomers, more than 20 times over the ages. Moving at a rate of 230 km per second, it also bears some scars of creation. The Arizona crater stands witness to a crash that occurred 49000 years ago when a meteor, 50 km across hit it to cause a cavity 1.2 km in diameter 200 metres deep. Recent history has recorded a crash of 1908 Siberia devastating forests. Astronomers say that a crash expected in 1972 by an object was averted when miraculously it changed its course and flew past, away from earth. Jupiter Jupiter is 100 times bigger than the earth and is a gas giant. With winds of more than 100km per hour sweeping on its surface, an earth-sized storm always whirls at its red spot. Radio emissions received from Jupiter are 10000 times more powerful than of the earth. It is a Solar system in miniature having many moons. Astronomers are sure that without Jupiter life on earth would be totally impossible. Jupiter has saved the earth thousands of times from crashes from erratic stellar objects like comets and meteors. With its powerful gravity, it draws the wandering objects and shields the earth from their attack even till today. In recent times, the whole world witnessed on the * continued from December 2012 issue of The AeM THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

16th of July 1994, the Shoemaker Levy comet plunging into the surface of Jupiter. Had it hit the earth instead, neither we nor this article would have seen the light of the day. That is why Jupiter is called Jeeva, the protector of life on earth. Saturn Saturn is peculiar with its rings and enhances its beauty as a celestial spectacle of a rare nature. It has the same gas as of Jupiter and gets less heat and light from the Sun. One of its moons, Titan has an atmosphere as well. Padmapurana says that Samjna, wife of Surya, who could not bear the brilliant lustre of Surya, is said to have created a shadow image of herself, Chaaya who through the Sun brought forth the child Sanaichara meaning slow moving. It is stated that the curse of Parvati made him cruel (can become ruinous), if he chooses to look straight. Perhaps it may be that the rings, for most of the time obstruct the full view of the planet. He is called Neelambara or one who dons blue garments. It will be interesting to note that Lino Piccardi, the Italian scientist proved that when the rays of Saturn were projected through a blue sapphire to a culture of bacteria, they could not grow or multiply. Is it perhaps why our texts prescribe the wearing of a blue sapphire, as a propitiatory measure, for those under the evil influence of Saturn? For the roles of Rahu and Ketu, especially as mathematical points, our Siddhantic literature have a lot to say that go in consonance with puranic allegorical descriptions. Each planet has its own adidevata and prayatidevata and the descriptions contained in our ancient texts require an incisive analysis for interpretation as to how they could be correlated with subtle scientific notions. Scholars can throw a lot of light on many of these points. John H. Nelson, an electronics engineer investigating the cause for magnetic storms which caused radio disturbances discovered that they are found to occur when two or more planets go in conjunction or at angles of 180° or 90°. What surprised him more was, that they JANUARY 2013



were inactive, when they were at 60° or 120° apart. Is it not this what traditional astrology also avers, when it tries to interpret the planetary positions in any nativity? Astronomy of Trisanku Before concluding I shall mention a few points, among the many, for reflection. We all know the story of Trisanku. Wishing to reach Swarga with his body and rejecting the advice of Vasishta, he persisted in his efforts and sought the help of Viswamitra who with his tapobala sent the king to Swarga. The king was hurled back, head downwards, to earth denying the entry to the heavens. Midway, down his trail, he appealed to sage Viswamitra for help, when the sage held him in the mid-space and created a heaven there for him - a Trisanku Swarga - an in-between Swarga, in the middle of the space between the earth and the real Swarga. Though the story is appealing and alluring to the devout, a student of astronomy can see something far beyond, more of an astronomical importance, shrouded in it. We know that the nearest star to our solar system is Proxima Centauri a member of the Alpha Centauri system. The two bright components of Alpha Centauri are only slightly farther away, all of them about 4.3 light-years from us. Is it not that Trisanku, or Alpha Centaurus is just half way to the nearest bright star Sirius which is 8.7 light-years away wherefrom real heavens can be deemed to commence? Does not this story explain a great astronomical fact, which this present scientific world knows only during the recent centuries of astronomical explorations? Sravana Nakshatra is deemed the birth star of Vishnu, the preserving and protecting force, according to mythology. Radio observations have identified, recently, the centre of our galaxy in Sagittarius A* which is Sravana. Is it not significant that the centre of our galaxy, as established by modern astronomy is shrouded in an allegorical anecdote and known to our ancients thousands of years ago? Antares is the glowing red heart of the Scorpion or Vrischika; is approximately comparable with the great Betelgeuse in the Orion. With a diameter of about 600 million miles Antares is as large as Betelgeuse with a colour index of + 1.83, slightly less red than Betelgeuse Aridra. The redness indicates the advanced evolutionary stage of a super-giant. Rig Veda says not even hundreds of earths or thousands of Suns can watch its birth. Is it by accident our ancestors called Antares as Jyeshta, the `Oldest'? Is it not a fact that they knew it for sure? Whether the puranic churning of the Milky Ocean is in anyway suggestive of the astronomical theory of a large 4


mass of gas which underwent a spinning motion, akin to churning, before the stars were formed in the Milky Way and whether the revolving Sudarshana disc in the forefinger of the God Almighty is suggestive of the spiral galaxy, which also is swirling, is for the scholars to probe and prove. Navagraha Incense Sticks For the reader’s information the latest gimmick is the advent of Navagraha agarbathis that is catching the fancy of believers. According to a media report of 3rd January 2007 an agency of Trissur has brought forth nine varieties of incense sticks, one for each planet. They are categorized as Senapathi, Kanakadhara, Vidyavati, Chandrama, Maharaja, Devaguru and Nilambari. The manufacturer says that the same ingredients used in Navagraha Pooja are included for each category of these sticks. He says that they can bring the same benefits as of a Homa. He adds that for Nilambari, neeranjanam, gingili oil and powder of Indiraneelam or blue sapphire stone are used. The brain behind this scheme is reported to be a reputed astrologer who for the time being wants to remain anonymous. At a time when we want to go into the scientific aspects of our ancient beliefs, it is unfortunate that there is always an effort to bring questionable beliefs into sway in the garb of astrological principles. It is told of the eccentric Duke of Devonshire that he once dreamt that he was addressing the House of Lords and woke up suddenly to find that he was actually doing so. If I have taken any one of you to a dreamland of the lore of cosmos through these explanations, it is time to wake up and explore the esoteric of our ancient wisdom. Planets and stars can, not only help the navigation of ships in high seas, but also help humans to steer through this Samasarasagara. Like our famous Kerala poet, when asked to describe the lamp-post at the temple, in a most descriptive way to earn a prize, described laconically: “Deepasthambham Mahaascharyam” let me also conclude by saying: "Navagrahas are simply magnanimous!" Subscribe to

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Four Stages of


THIS ARTICLE IS DEDICATED to my respected and revered father Dr. B. V. Raman whose birth centenary year is 2012. Dr. Raman passed away in December 1998. My reverential obeisance to the Jyotisha Pitamaha, the like of whom was never before and never again. The ancient masters divided human life into four parts. Let us try to understand the different stages of human life. Suppose we divide a life span of 100 years equally, the four stages viz., Brahmacharya - celibate, Grihasta householder, Vanaprastha - detached and Sanyasa – renunciation – each of which can be worked out to 25 years, in that order. The first stage of life is further split into two – Balya (upto 8 years) and Yavana (17 years).

Make the child sleep in a northeast room or in the northeast area of your room, in an independent cradle or bed, with its head to the east. Remove all mirrors from the child’s room. In this period of eight years, different activities of the child come into play beginning from naming of the child, cradling, first feeding (of solid food), ear boring, first hair cut, beginning of study, wearing of the sacred thread.



During the balya the child is a bundle of innocence and has to have all the love and affection of the parents and family. It is in a very sensitive phase of life and your chils should not be burdened with any chores, whatever. Nuclear families with both parents working should see the reality that at this age, a child badly needs its parental guidance, love and affection.

Matru Vatsalya

Matru Vatsalya, particularly is important. Sacrifice on the part of the mother, for the sake of the child, in being with the mother is necessary. Putting the children in the hands of maids could psychologically wash out the love (for the parent) in the child to the detriment of family harmony. Upto five years of the child, when it starts going to grade 1, the mother being just a housewife will indeed contribute positively to the child’s adult life. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

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The following table gives astrologically appropriate information for the various activities. Event



Naming Child

10th, 12th or 16th day from birth. If this is not possible another auspicious day – 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th and10th lunar days of the bright fortnight preferably with a compatible nakshatra can be selected.

Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Makha, Uttara, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Uttarashada, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra, Revati


10th, 12th , 16th or 22nd day from birth.

- do -

First Feeding

6th, 8th, 9th, 12th month

Ear Boring

12th /16th day of birth 6th, 7th or 8th month

Avoid day ruled by two nakshatras/thithis

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Avoid Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio as rising signs. The 8th house should be free

First Hair Cut

3rd or 5th year 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 10th, 11th and 13th lunar days

Aswini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chitta, Sravana, Dhanishta, Revati

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

When Jupiter and Venus are not combust. Avoid hair cut when mother is pregnant. Recommended rising signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. Avoid malefic in the 7th house

Beginning of study

5th day of 5th month of 5th year

Aswini, Aridra, Mrigasira Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Sravana, Revati

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces. The 8th house should be free. Mercury, Venus or Jupiter cancels negatives.

Sacred Thread

5th and 8th year in Uttarayana (Sun’s transit into Capricorn 4th January 2013)

Monday, Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Wednesday, Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttara, Thursday, Friday Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Anuradha, Uttarashada, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra

Tritiya in the bright half of Sun (father, east) in 3, 6 & 11, Moon (mother, northwest) and Jupiter (life force/progeny, northeast) well disposed

Yavana This is the phase in one’s life when the responsibilities of education and rightful living takes over. 15 to 20 years of life is in the pursuit of education – school, college, post JANUARY 2013

General 8th house should be unoccupied with Jupiter occupying a quadrant or trine with a malefic Saturn or Mars in 11th. Ascendant in a benefic sign with a malefic in the 3rd and Venus in the 12th is good. Pushya nakshatra is recommended.

- do -

Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Monday, Punarvasu, Pushya, Wednesday, Uttara, Hasta, Chitta, Thursday, Friday Swati, Anuradha, Uttarashada, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha,

Once the balya phase is over (the child perhaps will have reached 3rd grade/3rd standard), the Koumara or Yavana phase begins



- do Mercury, Mars and Venus should not occupy 7th, 8th and 9th houses respectively. Ascendant should be free from malefic. Primary importance is the month

graduation, job and getting ready for marriage. This is the phase of slowly entering adulthood with continuous evolution of body and mind. The child should be given independence, if possible a room of his own. This room should have the primary color as Green. Yellow (for memory improvement) and white (for calming the mind) can be mixed and matched in the form of room THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


colors, bed linen, clothes, indoor plants, paintings are also recommended. Colors have the strength to either depress or exhilarate. Color your son or daughter’s room innovatively and enhance the quality of their life. Boys/men can have their rooms in southeast, east or south rooms while girls/women can have their rooms in the northwest, north and west rooms – in that order. Let them sleep with their heads to the east if their health is good and heads to the south if their health is weak. This period of 20 years covers education and job hunting primarily. Event


Commencing 1st (dark fortnight), 2nd, Education 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th lunar days.

Concentration and proficiency can be had by selecting auspicious time that tunes the mental strength to be in harmony with the natural energies. Playing Vishnu Sahasranama at minimal volume, in the room your kids spend without disturbing their concentration assists in the better assimilation of what they study. When serious study is begun for a class, course, exam or, your son/daughter wants to apply for higher studies or jobs, the following guidelines will help.




Aswini, , Mrigasira, Aridra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Aswini and Pushya are the best. Rohini, Uttara, Uttarashada and Revati are neutral asterisms.

These nakshatras are recommended for the following activities : Learning Medicine

Dhanista is rising and the ascendant is Aries, Leo or Scorpio

Learning Science, Engineering, Computers

Wednesday with Hasta, at sunrise, when Mercury is in exaltation.

Learning Dance, Music, Animation, Fashion Designing,

Strong or exalted Venus with no affliction by malefics Rahu and Saturn. Aswini, Aridra, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chitta, Swati, , Anuradha, Jyeshta, Uttarashada, Sravana, Dhanista, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra, Revati are recommended. Mercury-Venus combination in ascendant is excellent.

Preparing for Job Interviews

The planet relevant to the job applied should be free of afflictions. If it occupies the 10th house and is aspected by benefics, possible success in the interview is indicated. The nakshatras mentioned for Dance and Music are suitable for getting ready for the Job Interviews.

Grihasta The second phase of human life is Grihasta. Once the youngster has finished his/her study and settled with a job, the next logical step is to get married. . Marriage is an institution of a sacred bond between a male and a female that understands the equality of the spouse in respect of each other. Marriage is not meant to be for meager sense gratification but is a tradition of responsibility between two individuals. It is not a live-in relationship (civil contract) where the couple end the contract at each other’s will and fancy. Marriage aims to THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

understand the sanctity of the relationship where the joys and sorrows of the family are shared equally to make the home a place of health, harmony and happiness. In the coming issues, we will speak about the sacred institution called marriage and its varied nuances and possible remedies for the imbalances that are likely to be caused. (to be continued)

Are you planning a ... Residential Layout? Business School? Hotel Complex?


shows you the way JANUARY 2013



Marital Happiness Planetary Combinations for


A research scholar in Vedic Astrology for many decades, Dr. Tirumale Srinivasan is the National Vice President of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences founded by Dr. B. V. Raman. With students spread globally, Dr. Vasan is also Director of Studies of ICAS, Bangalore Chapter 1. He has organized workshops and conferences and presented papers in national and international conferences on various aspects of Astrology. He has been invited to many countries abroad that include USA and UK.


E GIVE HERE IMPORTANT planetary configurations which make or mar one’s domestic life. Of course, in interpreting these combinations a holistic approach is needed. Venus in Cancer makes one sensitive and emotional that can cause stress and anxieties in family life. Saturn and Moon combination for Cancer and Capricorn ascendant are bad and can lead to disharmony and possible divorce. Two avayogis of the couple joining in one of their horoscopes can cause serious set back in their family life. Such results can also be due to mutual aspect and exchange. Two yogis of the couple joining in one of their horoscopes can bring in happiness and make family life a bed of roses. Mutual aspect and exchange indicate a similar result. Sun in ascendant or the 7th house brings hurdles in family life. Avayogi of one horoscope sitting in the ascendant of the other is not a desirable position for good family life. However the yogi of one horoscope sitting in the ascendant of the other is an indicator of good family life. Avayogi in the ascendant or in the 7th house is indicative of disharmony and disturbed family life. However Yogi in the ascendant or in the 7th house will bring harmony and happiness in family life. The afflictions of the 7th house or the 7th lord from the 10 th lord’s position also mean serious problems. The combination of Mars and Ketu, Saturn and Rahu is not good for marital happiness. 7th lord of any ascendant occupying Virgo will also create dissatisfaction, disharmony in family life. 7 th lord of any ascendant occupying Pisces gives happiness and well being in the family aspect. Compare the ascendant of the rasi with that of the navamsa ascendant and if they are in 6,8,12 they may not be congenial for happy family life. Cancer ascendant is a enigmatic. 7th house lord and the 7th house are of paramount important because 7th lord has 8th lordship and becomes powerful functional malefic 8


His position in dusthana and in neechasthana will give good results. When you superimpose one horoscope over the other you if Sun and Saturn join in a Rasi, it may not be conducive for good health and general well being. In case if one of them is yogi the rule gets cancelled. When two avayogis joining in a Rasi when superimposed will bring unhappiness. But with yogis it will bring happiness. Mars as avayogi in a female horoscope is not favorable and if it aspects Scorpio along with Saturn, the indications could be uterine problems and setbacks in menstrual cycle. Venus becomes avayogi in the male horoscope occupying the 7th house and is not good. However, if it is yogi it brings happiness. The 6th lord’s navamsa dispositor joining Moon or Venus may bring the possibilities of breast cancer with the intervention of Saturn as a karaka for diseases and for cancer disease. Saturn – Moon yoga is a more sensitive yoga which points to a confused personality, dual temperament and melancholic traits that can hamper family life. The Navamsa dispositor of the 7th lord, if in dusthana or afflicted in the Rasi chart, is not good. But if in a good house without affliction it tends to give prosperity and happiness. Venus in Navamsa ascendant of the male and Mars in the Navamsa ascendant of the indicates disharmony and family problems. Jupiter in the ascendant of D-7 chart hampers the children aspects. If 7th lord of any horoscope is Avayogi in good houses, distress is indicated while in dustanas they are said to do good. All the above dictums are to be considered for marriage compatibility. The last dictum is comparing sarvastakavarga bindus in the 5th and the 7th houses. If the 7th house has more bindus than the 5th it is bad while the 7th house having less bindus than the 5th is good. To sum up, marriages are made in heaven, but can be happy on earth with proper matching of the horoscopes.




Sun Mercury


Janma Rasi Predictions for


Planetary Position on 1.1.2013 at 0:00 hrs Venus



Saturn Rahu




Planetary Position on 1.1.2014 at 0:00 hrs Venus


Moon Mercury Saturn Rahu


The transits are as follows The Sun: The Sun enters Capricorn on 14th January, Aquarius on 12th February, Pisces on 14th March, Aries on 15th April, Taurus on 14th May, Gemini on 14th June, Cancer on 16th July, Leo on 16th August, Virgo on 16 th September, Libra on 17 th October, Scorpio on 16 th November and Sagittarius on 15 th December. Mars: Mars in Capricorn enters Aquarius on 25th Jan, Pisces on March 4th, Aries on 12th March, Taurus on 23rd April, Gemini on 4th July, cancer on 1st August, Leo on 5th October, and Virgo on Nov 26th. Mercury: Mercury enters Capricorn on 15th Jan, Aquarius on 2nd Feb, Pisces on 9th April, Aries on 28th April, Taurus on 13th May, Gemini on 27th May, Cancer on 4th August, Leo on 20th August, Virgo on 5th Sep, Libra on 24th Sep, Scorpio on Dec 1st and Sagittarius on 20th Dec. Jupiter: Jupiter in Taurus enters Gemini on 21st May. Venus: Venus enters Sagittarius on 4th Jan, Capricorn on 28th Jan, Aquarius on 21st Feb, Pisces on 17th March, Aries on 10 th April, Taurus on 4 th May, Cancer on 22 nd June, Leo on 17 th Jul, Virgo on 11th August, Libra on 6th Sep, Scorpio on 2nd Oct, and Sagittarius on 20th Oct, Capricorn on Dec 6th. Saturn: Saturn stays in Libra throughout the year. Rahu and Ketu stay in Libra and Aries respectively throughout the year.

MESHA (Aries) [Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1] The first part of the year will be very good and the second part mediocre. Many auspicious events decorate the house in the first part though in the latter some reverses disturb you. In January/February, rise in profession, improvement in technical skill, useful travels, and financial gains make you happy. Your personality develops and job seekers succeed in interviews. You also win disputes connected with property. In March/April, you get favourable results in general. But quarrels with friends and relatives and consequent disgruntlement disturb you. But you will be able overcome these by the end. In May/June, you feel dissatisfied at the turn of events. But the general trend will be good and you are THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

able to do the routine matters without difficulty. You acquire costly goods and succeed in romance. Your conjugal relation if strained may improve. Problems of health may also cause concern. Businessmen may be able to expand the organization. Success in ventures is also likely In July/August, you may be disturbed by unexpected dislocation and consequent difficulties. Still there may be improvement in position and finance. With the troubles due to rivalry and machinations of your antagonists, loss of wealth and possessions may cause troubles and nuisance created by your enemies may cause annoyance. This is not a very good period in general. In September/October, there may be success due to your technical skills. But the returns may not be in proportion to your actual skill. You should be careful while driving vehicles. New constructions may be started. Ventures give partial success. With all these things, some improvement in profession cheers you up. JANUARY 2013



In November/December, your construction work progresses. Troubles through enemies make you stripped of peace of mind. Professional activities at times turn against you and become detrimental to your interests. With all these things, you will be able to remove the currents against you. Your lethargy causes some obstacles, but the timely favour of your friends make you happy. Aswini : The first part will give you good results. You may be able to complete the task undertake without any difficulties. In the second part you face opposition. In the third part these get obliterated. Bharani : The first part causes impediments. In the second part things move towards your welfare. The last part is not good. Krittika 1 : In the first part there will be financial gains. In the second part many plans get subverted and in the third opposition slowly vanishes.

VRISHABHA (Taurus): [Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini, Mrigasiras 1, 2] On the whole the year is fairly good though good results are well pronounced in the latter half. Though dislocation and quarrels disturb the first half, the second fetches wealth, gives position and causes auspicious occurrences. The conjugal relations are also good. In January/February, there will be problems in profession. Likely to be sidelined and denied the claims to which you are really entitled. Still, after much effort you may establish your claims. Disputes on properties drag on for some time, but get finally settled. Some adversaries disturb you. In March/April, some of the problems get solved. You win in the disputes concerned and establish your lead. Moreover, your intelligent methods of tackling problems win the approbation of others. There will be financial gains and income from investment In May/June, There may be problems of health, injury etc. causing concern. For some time, your friends may bypass you and avoid you. You find it difficult to placate them, who are carried away by the false information given by antagonists. Later on they realize their mistakes and favour you. In July/August, things drastically change. You get your claims easily established. Auspicious occurrences occur. There will be flow of income and you get the loan and 10


financial help sought after. Your ventures bear fruit. You get the help of your wife in many important matters. On the whole, an encouraging period. In September/October, you feel quite cheerful. Many matters held in abeyance now begin to act in your favour. There will be the help from different sources. Your attempt for the expansion of the organization clicks. Your long-cherished desires get fulfilled. With all these troubles caused by women, disturb you. In November/December, you feel that things have blossomed to the extent you desired. You are respected in the official circles. Your lethargy at times causes the procrastination of some important plans. But, you correct yourself and act with prudence later. There will be many events which give you happiness. Marriage, childbirth etc. add to colour to your life. Krittika 2, 3, 4 : In the first part there will be financial gains. In the second part, your plans get blocked and in the third you feel quite comfortable. Rohini : There will be impediments in the first part. In the next part there will be financial gains and in the third there will be some hindrances. Mrigasira 1, 2 : In the first part, there will be auspicious events. In the second part, you face opposition and in the third, there will be flow of wealth.

MITHUNA (Gemini): [Mrigasira 3,4, Aridra, Punarvasu 1,2,3] This year is in general not good for you. In the first half, your inability to solve important problems, despite your influence, perturbs you. In the second half there will be quarrels, dislocation and numerous problems causing anxiety dominate your life. There will be some good results occasionally and these keep you in good spirits. In January/February, there may be some financial gains, but losses of different kinds disturb you. Those in service face problems in profession and others face situations upsetting their plans. You act with sagacity and there will be some benefits for children. Some troubles caused by women disturb you, but they vanish later. In March/April, There may be some auspicious occurrences. Marriage proposals may click with some difficulty. There will be some obstacles. The timely help of some higher ups helps you to wriggle out of tough situation. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


In May/June, your difficulties get temporary relief. Your travel plans may succeed. Some matter of great worry may get solved for the time being. Still the general threat continues. On the whole, there will be mixed results.

are respected and towards the close of April, you may face some setbacks. Opposition vanishes and the disputes regarding your property remain unsettled. You may marry a woman of your choice.

In July/August, there may by injuries. The financial position may improve. There will be income through investment. Some favours from higher ups or government is likely. Mental worry is likely to continue.

In May/June, there will be problems of health and loss of possessions. The relationship with friends may be strained. This is mainly because of scandalmongers. You acquire valuable goods and the investments give you handsome returns. You face sidelining at times.

In September/October, there will be some improvement. There may be failure in ventures, but some of the privileges aspired for are within your reach now. Troubles through your relatives perturb you. There may be reunion after some time. Though mixed results are indicated, some gains in wealth position etc. make you cheerful. In November/December, certain events make you happy. Some impediments vanish. You are able to get the materials aspired for. Disputes on ancestral properties may drag on. Travels may prove quite useful. There may be some financial gains. Yet you are likely to become lethargic for some time and act slowly. Mrigasira 3, 4 : In the first part, you get some favour of influential friends. In the second part, there may be currents against you. In the last part, you get gains of the different kinds. Ardra : In the first part, favourable currents make you happy. In the second you have gains. In the last part you face impediments and problems of health. Punarvasu 1, 2, 3 : There may be unpleasant happenings in the first part. In the second you have gains and favours of friends. In the last there may be events that make you happy.


In July/August, there will be some setbacks. Injuries are likely. Many domestic problems disturb you. You may face dislocation and your attempts to solve them become futile. Many disputes drag on without any solution. You are disturbed in various ways. In September/October, there will be some improvements in disputes. You are likely to win in the case and establish your legitimate claims. You wield power and influence. You succeed in your ventures and acquire a position of importance. In November/December, the period will be fairly good. If you have debts they will be cleared and the money lent by you will be returned with due interest. There may be troubles through women in general. Still romances are likely to succeed. With all these things you may become a bit indifferent to important things partly because of partial success and the difficulties concerned. Punarvasu 4: The first part causes setbacks in general. In the second part you find many favourable currents. The third gives you happiness. Pushya: In the first part many events favourable to you occur. In the second currents against you torment you. In the third you feel quite happy.

[Punarvasu 4, Pushya, Ashlesha] The first half of the year gives you position, health and wealth. You get many things due without difficulty. The latter half will be mediocre. You may face many problems by exercising influence.

Aslesha: In the first part you face impediments. In the second events leading to your welfare occur. In the third you face some setbacks.

SIMHA (Leo): [Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1]

In January/February, your skilful ways of executing things fetches you fame. You get benefits and privileges in official circles. Attempts for marriage click without difficulty. But trouble created by women disturbs you. Children make you happy. On the whole, an enjoyable period.

The first part of the year will be mediocre. Along with some good results some setbacks also will be experienced. The latter half will be good and give wealth, position and above all realization of ambitions.

In March/April, you get sudden financial gains. You vanquish the enemies and get elevation in the office. You

In January/February, financial gains and restoration of the early losses will be experienced. There will be wealth





due to the properties. Academicians will feel satisfied. Investment fetches wealth. Your higher ups will help you to achieve your ends. There will be some problems of health causing concern. In March/April, you will be able to get the help of your friends. Travels may fetch you some fame in office. You may undergo technical training which will prove useful in professional elevation. You may be able to get the woman of your choice though many odds have to be experienced in this regard. In May/June, there will be improvement on professional side. There will be success in the disputes. There will be happiness in the family. Birth of children/grandchildren is likely. Those who aspire for higher studies may get favourable news. In July/August, success in ventures is likely. Also a dispute which has been going on for a long time now ends in your favour. Towards the close there may be some setbacks. You get wealth from investments. In September/October, injuries are likely. Despite some sufferings, financial gains are likely. Travel programmes may get delayed. You will be able to dispose of/buy properties or houses. You may acquire new vehicles. You get the help of friends who after some gap enthusiastically help you. In November/December, those who are interested in pilgrimage may undertake that with pleasure. Chances of returning after travel abroad is also likely. Proposals for marriage click. Romances will be successful. On the whole a period which is beneficial in many respects. Magha: There will be happiness in the first part. In the second part many unfavourable currents disturb you. In the third part events leading to your welfare occur. Poorvaphalguni: In the first part, there will be impediments. In the second part you succeed in ventures. In the third, unfavourable currents disturb you. Uttaraphalguni 1: There will be financial gains in the first part. In the second part hindrances block your work. In the third part you feel happy.

KANYA (Virgo): [Uttaraphalguni 2,3,4, Hasta, Chitta 1,2] The first part will be good. You get many favourable results in office, importance in society and wealth. The second part 12


will be mediocre and causes losses of different kinds, affects health and puts you to hardship. In January/February, some success is indicated. The issue relating to ancestral wealth may be settled in your favour. Elevation in office after some fight is likely. You may undergo technical training or get deputed to other places leading to gains. You find that benefits are caused to you with a cakewalk. In March/April, this will be fairly good. Your negligence becomes the cause for some losses. There will be some gains in profession, but absence of proper care on your part leads to some underrating. With all these this period gives you reasonably good results. In May/June, you face some setbacks in the mist of success. You may face problems of health. Those facing interview or the public may find that their smartness is not enough. There will be some disappointment in matters relating to careers, marriage etc. In July/August, though things are not encouraging in general you acquire goods sought after. Those engaged in romance will be successful. Investments prove partly successful. In profession things begin to improve and aspirations though not fulfilled meet with satisfactory results. In September/October, there may be injuries and problems of health. You may quarrel with your kith and kin. Disputes with brothers also cause dissatisfaction. There will be financial gains and earnings through investments. Your work will be appreciated and fetches the praise of your higher ups. In November/December, there will be mixed results. There is likely to be flow of income. At the same time, some losses due to your carelessness and the machinations of your enemies. Your health also is likely to be affected. Those with chronic illness will have moments of anxiety. With all these the routine life moves on. Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4: There will be financial gains in the first part. In the second part you face obstacles and in the third there will be favourable currents. Hasta: In the first part you may face impediments. In the second, wealth from unexpected sources is indicated. In the third you may have problems of health. Chitta 1, 2: There will be favourable currents in the first part. In the second, there will be financial gains. In the third, many hindrances disturb you.


TULA (Libra): [Chitta 3,4, Swati and Visakha 1,2,3] The first half is mediocre and at times gives bad results. The problems of health and many hindrances disturb you. The second half will be fairly good and you get financial gains and position aspired for. In January/February, there will be many disappointments. If you are involved in property disputes you are likely to be the loser. In some cases purchase of a house is possible after facing many problems. There will be some financial gains though not to the extent you desire. In March/April, you may win competitions partially. Job seekers do fairly well though problems of health and domestic inconvenience may impede their progress. Problems created by women may upset the applecart at times. In May/June, there may by money from investments. You do well in social circles. There will be some change in the environments and you feel that you are blissfully extricated from the shackles that have been curtailing your freedom. Good signs of improvement give you happiness. In July/August, you improve to a considerable extent. You succeed in disputes. Your ventures remaining static now start progressing. You may win in sports if you are a sportsman. In profession also you make your mark. On the whole, a good period. In September/October, you enjoy domestic happiness. You may undertake travel with family and have enjoyment. Your children also make you cheerful. You improve your position in profession and overthrow your opponents with ease. Students perform well and win accolades. In November/December, you succeed in competitions. Young aspirants for good position win in competitive tests. Those interested in romance feel happy. People engaged in artistic ventures get recognition. There will be some worry about your health and that of your seniors. But these things can be sorted out.


Visakha 1, 2, 3: There will be problems of health and impediments in the first part. In the second there will be success. In the third realization of ambition is likely.

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) [Visakha 4, Anuradha, Jyestha] The first part will be very good. You earn money, position and fame. In the second part you face setbacks and many hindrances though occasional smear of good results, nevertheless, give you some satisfaction. In January/February, there will be tremendous success in profession. You become successful in disputes and those engaged in sports make their mark. In competition, you succeed and overthrow your opponents with might. You get the favour of your wife and you succeed in travel plans. In March/April, new ventures bear fruit. A change in profession is likely. Aspirants of a new job get it without difficulty. There will be happiness in the family. Success in completions is likely. There will be some impediments caused by women which gives concern. There will be flow of income. In May/June, there will be some setbacks towards the close. Those who have chronic illness may face problems. Confinement is likely in some cases. Unexpected failure causes dismay. In July/August, things in disputes remains unsettled. You are disturbed by the actions of opponents. Proposals for marriage do not click easily. But with some effort a settlement may be reached in some cases. Students do fairly well. In September/October, mixed results are experienced in general. Your relations with friends which was good may get strained. There will be some improvement in profession. The attitude of your colleagues and the indifference they show to your matters will be disgusting.

Chitta 3, 4: There will be favourable currents in the first part. There will be some impediments and problems of health in the second part. In the last, financial gains are likely.

In November/December, purchase of new vehicles, house etc. are likely. Women may get new ornaments of their choice, despite the odds against them. There will be success in profession and the impediments slowly vanish. The indifferent attitude of your earlier acquaintances will be a bit painful. Not a very good period, despite some successes.

Svati: There will be happiness in the first part. In the second part you get position and fame. In the last you face many impediments.

Visakha 4: The first part will be disappointing. There will impediments. The second part gives success. There will be favourable currents in the third part.





Anuradha: There will be favourable currents in the first part. There will be many impediments and problems of health in the second part. There will be success in the last part.

Moola: There will be many favourable currents leading you to success in the first part. In the second part you face impediments. In the third many ventures succeed leading to your welfare.

Jyestha: There will be unfavourable currents in the first part. You are successful in the second part. In the third you face complex problems.

Poorvashada: In the first part many impediments are likely. In the second part, there will be gains. In the third part, you face hindrances.

DHANUS (Sagittarius) [Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashadha 1] The first part of the year is mediocre but the second will be very good. Quite a lot of problems like isolation haunt you in the first half though you earn money. In the second overall progress and success in ventures are indicated. In January/February, though the start is not encouraging, you gradually succeed in ventures. You get elevation in office and enjoy power and influence. There will be money from investment and acquisition of useful goods. Many friends who turned against you gradually change their attitude and start helping you. In March/April, it is true that you succeed in financial ventures. There will be income from agriculture and ancestral properties. But you come across dissemblers who mislead you in many ventures. You have to exercise caution and your discretion in coming to conclusion. In May/June, you face many obstacles. Students do not get satisfied with the results. The returns you get are disproportionately low for your industry. Your health causes concern, but may become satisfactory later. You are disturbed in various ways despite financial gains. In July/August, you get rid of your ill health and gradually have a clean bill of health. You face some setbacks in disputes and uncertainty prevails over many matters. Your endeavour does not get any favourable response immediately. In September/October, you get the favour of higher ups and the government. The financial aid sought gets sanctioned. You may win in joint ventures. Your travel plans prove successful. You may acquire new houses, vehicles etc. Academicians win accolades. Students get scholarships. In November/December, the construction work if any, progresses and leads you to success. If you are a sportsman, success is indicated. You get valuable goods either as gift or you purchase them. There will be success in ventures and you feel quite happy. 14


Uttarashadha 1: There will be financial gains in the first part. In the second there will be unfavourable currents. In the third part many events lead you to success.

MAKARA (Capricorn): [Uttarashadha 2, 3, 4, Sravana, Dhanistha 1, 2] The first part is fairly good. There will be financial gains, and improvement in position. Proposals for marriage bear fruit. In the second part, there will be reverses and sideling. But some results occasionally cheer you up. In January/February, conjugal life will be happy. There will be gains from investments. Acquisition of costly goods, purchase of new vehicles etc. make you happy. At times injuries are likely. Moreover some estrangement of relations with friends make you unhappy. In March/April, there will be success in ventures. Construction of houses if impeded can now be revived. There will be financial gains. Marriage proposals succeed. Birth of child/grandchild makes you happy. You wield power and influence. In May/June, there will be some beneficial results at the start. You may start new ventures and succeed. But suddenly you find that your associates do not cooperate properly. You are left in the lurch. There will be routine financial gains. Be cautious while driving vehicles. In July/August, there will be some success. Your intelligent ways of attacking problems fetches fame and position. But you grow lethargic towards the end and neglect some important matters. There may be some financial problems, which will be solved with the help of your associates. In September/October, there will be some setbacks. Marriages settled may get delayed. There will be some gains, but many matters defy solution and you are put to hardship. Those trying for jobs abroad may be able to get them. Travel plans partially succeed. With all these, the cup of happiness is not full.


In November/December, there may be auspicious occurrences at the house. Matters which have been blocked may get revived and progress well. Health is likely to be affected. You will have to face powerful opposition from your opponents and you may have to waste money and drain your wealth. Uttarashadha 2, 3, 4: There will be favourable currents in the first part. In the second part your progress is impeded. In the third many events lead to your welfare.


to triumph. Things augur well. Good days are ahead. In September/October, there will be financial gains. There will be happiness caused by children. Your consort also offers whole-hearted cooperation. You will become enthusiastic and do things with fervour. Politicians develop their charisma and achieve their ends. Students win in competitive examinations.

Sravana: In the there will be problems of health and some impediments. In the second part there will be favourable currents leading to financial gains. In the third there will be unfavourable currents.

In November/December, you succeed in ventures. Those who are aspiring for good position or recognition see that things move as they desire. Travel plans succeed in general. But you may be forced to postpone the travel due to some technical reasons. With all these the period makes you quite happy.

Dhanistha 1, 2: There will be financial gains and help of influential friends in the first part. In the middle part, there will be problems of health and difficulties. In the third part there will be financial gains.

Dhanistha 3, 4: There will be favourable currents which cheer you up in the first part. In the middle part, there will be impediments. In the third there will be financial gains.

KUMBHA (Aquarius) [Dhanistha 3, 4, Satabhisha, Poorvabhadra 1, 2, 3] Mediocre results manifest during the first half. There will be some domestic problems and impediments. During the second half you can expect good results. There will be financial gains, acquisition of costly goods, position etc. In January/February, despite impediments you get some good results. You vanquish your enemies and settle disputes. There will be some good news about your profession. There will be re-union with friends and relatives and children make you cheerful. In March/April, some of the friends whom you approach turn deaf ear to your problems. They are misled by some mischievous people who try to damage your personality. But financial gains give you happiness. There will be good response from your opponents. In May/June, the period is a test for you. There may be much chaos created by the milieu. Some people try to befriend you with bad motive and derive the sadistic pleasure of seeing you in distress. To get over this you must avoid any kind of temptation. There will be false promises ultimately ending in breach. But there will be some financial gains from your kith and kin. In July/August, there will be some improvement. Many impediments vanish. There will be many tough problems which you solve with your ability. There may be situations in which you overthrow your enemies and have a feeling THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Satabhisha: There will be many successful ventures in the first part. During the second your plans are hampered. In the third you succeed in ventures. Poorvabhadrapada 1, 2, 3: There will be opposition to your plans in the first part. During the middle period, you succeed in ventures. In the third you face favourable currents leading to financial gains.

MEENA (Pisces): [Poorvabhadrapada 4, Uttarabhadrapada, Revati] This year cannot be considered good for you. The suffocating bitterness of the first part certainly vanishes in the latter half, and you have a sigh of relief. Still results do not transcend the mediocre level. In January/February, despite the odds against you, you will be able to dispose of a property and strike a good bargain. You may also buy some materials at cheap rate. There may be some news regarding your profession which gives you some excitement. In March/April, you may undergo dislocation and face some problems at home. You need to exercise proper care in doing the things. Things may fall short of expectations. There will be gains from investments, but you may feel that it is not a good venture. In May/June, you get the approbation of the higher ups. Some strong opposition will vanish. Though you find that continued on 25 JANUARY 2013



Sanskrit through


Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi is an academic of Indology, deeply interested in philosophy, music, literature and linguistics. He is associated with Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, a great spiritual leader of our times for the past 3 decades. He was awared a doctorate in Sanskrit by the Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad for his thesis “Philosophical and Pragmatic Critique on Rituals”

[As this is a Sanskrit Learning series, Devanagari Text is given for reference, apart from the transliteration and meaning along with bilingual questions and answers. – Editor, The AeM.]


NDERSTANDING RAMAYANA HELPS us learn Samskruta easily. In the previous article, we learnt the basic aspects of compound words and structure of words in the forms of subanta, tiEanta, avyaya. In this part, we learn the basics of metre (Chandas) before moving onto the next stanza of Ramayana.

Padyam is the common vehicle to expressly convey the spurt of an emotion, in ancient literature style. Padyam has a majesty, elegance, magnificence, ease, rhyme to please the ears, tongue and mind.

Literature, world over, has two types. 1) Prose and 2) Poetry. It is to be noted that Prose, how much ever great, does not match the elegance of prosody of Poetry. This is more prevalent in Indic Languages, especially Samskruta. Any sentence without any fixed arrangement of letters, words or sentences is Prose. which is termed as GADYAM.

the root word Heod Pad (meaning a foot or section); which

Contrary to this, a sentence with fixed set of letters, words and patterns is referred to as Poetry, known as PADYAM.

Padyam and Chhandas Padyam has its origin in Veda. Padyam derives from in turn owes its existence to the root verb Heo - ieleew Pada - Gatau. (Gati = Movement). Traditionally stanzas were formed in 2, 3 and 4 numbers. Number of letters (syllables) in each section determines the name of the metre, called chhandas. Based on the context and need, the poets will have varying number of section, usually not exceeding 4.

Let us understand some common metres (set of chhandas). Sl # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Name Gaayatree Trishtup Jagatee Anushtup Pankti Bruhatee Shakvaree

Number of Letters per Section (Paada) 8 11 12 8 8 12

There are number of variations, permutations and combinations altering the characteristics of each Chhandas. Some of them are just based on the number of padas (section). Minor alterations of excess or deficit of letters is connoted by a prefix word.



Number of Paadas (Sections)

Total Number of Letters in the Chhandas

3 3/ 4 4 4 5 3 7

24 33/ 44 48 32 40 36

For example, Gaayatree Chandas is supposed to have 24 letters. If the number is reduced by one letter 24 - 1 = 23; this would be called as Nichrud Gaayatree. Similarly, if the number of letters exceed 24, by one (24 + 1 = 25); it is called Bhurig Gaayatree.


Note However, the subsets of rules are specific to each of the veda shaakhas (branches of Veda) and subject to exemptions, compiled by our seers. Chhandas as a generic text is compiled by Rishi Pingala. Rigveda Pratishaakhyam and Naaradeeya Siksha of Rigveda and Samaveda respectively have compiled the patterns in those Vedic Texts. Vedas are called as Chhandas, for this precise reason of being framed in metres/Chhandas. Speciality of Ramayana Ramayana is known as Aadi Kaavya (First Literary work with attribution of authorship). Prior to the composition of Ramayana, all the Vedic Scriptures were just known as compilations of mantras and their explanations (samhita, braahmana texts). Never was there any suggestion that those texts were composed by an author and any attempt to fix authorship was scoffed at every stage. At the most, the point of concession, to justify the attachment of a name to a particular vedic text; was a particular seer - the fore most protagonist and propagator of the text. Hence, his name used to get attached with text of his teaching. Examples: Aitareya, Shaankhaayana, Kaanva etc. named after those Rishis. Even though Rigveda has many hymns (mantras), with the identification of certain rishis, along with their names as the extollers, those specific sooktas were acknowledged with their vision, but not the text in its entirety. However, the advent of Vaalmeeki was the game changer with the concept of authorship. He is the first and foremost pioneer to narrate incidents and stories in metres (chhandas) which was followed by many scholars and poets of generations to come. Hence, his work is acknowledged as aadi kaavya (first poetical work) and he is regarded is Aadi Kavi (first poet). Anushtup Chhandas The metre Anushtup is generally used as the principal Chandas, across the spectra of Literature, especially Puraanas and Itihaasa. The ease and flexibility of its composition and convenience of memorisation, along with its innate rhyme are the important reasons for its adoption. Anushtup has 4 Sections or padas. Each of them consisting of 8 syllables (aksharas) form each stanza of 32 Letters.



Akshara or Syllable Concept of syllable in the context of chhandas is different than western languages or other systems of grammar. In the context of Chhandas, one akshara is represented by a vowel (swara). Number of consonants (vyanjana) as prefixes does not alter the position. For example Ta1pa2sSvaa3dhyaa4ya5 Ni6ra7ta8m Ta9pa 10svee 11 Vaa 12gvi13daa 14m Va15ra 16m. Naa 17ra 18da 19m Pa20ri 21pa 22pra 23 chchha 24 Vaa25lmee26ki27r Mu28ni29 Pu30nga31va32m. Concept of Maatra Maatra is the unit of time, required to pronounce a letter. Typically, two comparisons are given by two texts for this measurement. 1) Lipta or 2) Chhutika. Lipta Kaala

= Time taken by the eye lid to close and open.

Chhutika Kaala = Time taken to produce a sound by the middle finger and thumb. (In Kannada and Telugu, chutika has deformed as ×sdê and ×sdâ respectively. Alternate measurement system is based on the comparison, that can be made with the sounds of birds and animals, in their natural flair. 1. Chaasha (Blue Jay/ Blue Necked Bird) 2. Vaayasa (Crow) 3. Peacock/ Peahen 4. Nakula (Mongoose)

= 1 Maatra (Hrasva) = 2 Maatras (Deergha) = 3 Maatras (Pluta) = 1/2 Maatra

It is relevant to point out the measurement of time is categorised as Hrasva (1 Unit/ Maatra), Deergha (2 Units/ Maatra) and Pluta (3 Units/ Maatra). The naming is also significant. Hrasva means short. Deergha means long. Pluta, usually deployed in Veda to connote a debate; means floating. (As you float on water, you feel light. Similarly longer duration of the vowel gives you similar feel. This is further improvised in music, when one letter is elongated to give the feel of the musical note.) Pluta is also deployed to call someone loudly, from a distant place. For example Raamaaaaa..... Raamaaa..... (loudly).




Music, especially the percussion system is entirely dependent on this concept of measurement (Taala and Maatra), though they have improvised to scientifically and ornately bring down the calculations to sub units of fractions. Thus we understand rhythm is based on this units of time measurement called Maatra. Guru and Laghu An Vowel (Swara) is categorised as Guru or Laghu based on the time required to pronounced it. Let us observe three thumb rules, given by the Doyen of Grammar, Sage Paanini.

An vowel requiring one Maatra (Hrasva) is LAGHU. Example: Ma in Raa Ma An vowel requiring two Maatras (Deergha) is GURU. Example: Raa in Raa Ma Any vowel (essentially Hrava) becomes Guru, if it is followed by a Samyoga Akshara (conjunct of two consonants.) Example: La in La kshmee. (Here two consonants K and sh are forming the conjunct Samyoga Akshara). Hence, La becomes Guru. Observe: Consonants (Vyanjanas) preceding the Vowel (Svara) are discounted in this calculation of Guru and Laghu, except of Samyoga Akshara. Consonants are given just to identify the particular Svara. English naming sequences and abbreviations also use this identification pattern, to avoid commonality of Vowels. For Example, Bengaluru is codified as BLR, Delhi is DL etc. Commonly followed rules in Anushtup Chhandas:

He_®eceb ueIeg meJe&$e meHleceb efÜ®elegLe&³ees: ~ ieg© <e<þvleg Heeoeveb meJex<eceH³evegäeg Yf e ~~

Each of the four paadas (Sections) of Anushtup will have these traits. 1) 5th syllable of all the paadas - Laghu 2) 6th syllable of all the paadas - Guru 3) 7th syllable in 2nd and 4th paadas - Laghu Other syllables can be set to the convenience of the composer. Analysis of First Stanza from Chhandas Perspective 1. Ta1pa2sSvaa3dhyaa4ya5 Ni6ra7ta8m 1 = Laghu, 2 = Guru, 3 = Guru, 4 = Guru, 5 = Laghu, 6 = Guru*, 7 = Laghu, 8 = Guru; 2. Ta1pa2svee3 Vaa4gvi5daa6m Va7ra8m. 1 = Laghu, 2 = Guru, 3 = Guru, 4 = Guru, 5 = Laghu, 6 = Guru, 7 = Laghu, 8 = Guru; 3. Naa1ra2da3m Pa4ri5pa6pra7chchha8 1 = Guru, 2 = Guru, 3 = Guru, 4 = Guru, 5 = Laghu, 6 = Guru, 7 = Guru, 8 = Laghu; 4. Vaa1lmee2ki3r Mu4ni5 Pu6nga7va8m. 1 = Guru, 2 = Guru, 3 = Guru, 4 = Laghu, 5 = Laghu, 6 = Guru, 7 = Laghu, 8 = Guru; * Exception to the general rule of 6th Syllable to be guru, shall be observed here. Anushtup has many variants, which will have different rule base, which shall be learnt in due course of lessons and observation. With this introduction to understand Chhandas, we proceed to the next stanza .. Konvasmin Saampratam Lokee... Subham

Muhurtha (Electional Astrology) DR. B. V. RAMAN Pages : 181; Price Rs. 65.00 or US $ 6.50 Forwarding Charges Extra Tel: + 91-80-65991845, +91-80-23313260 18




The Next

Prime Minister

of India



NE OF THE DAUNTING TASKS for the astrologer is how to predict the next Prime Minister of India. It is easy to predict the electoral outcome of the US Presidential elections but not so easy with the parliamentary elections of India where a plethora of parties with pre-poll and post-poll adjustments are ruling the scene. There are nearly a dozen leaders around, with ambitions for the Prime Minister’s chair, thereby making it difficult to predict who among them would be getting the Prime Ministership. Each of them will be capable of winning the election which can be made out from the running of the favourable times and Raja yogas in their horoscopes. But who among them will become the Prime Minister is something tricky to predict. There is also the problem of lack of reliable birth details of many of these leaders for astrological analysis. Though there is every chance that the date of birth available in the official records may be correct, the authentic information on the time of birth of most of the politicians is not available. In the absence of reliable birth time details, this article is written to explore other ways to identify the probable PRIME MINISTER among the aspiring leaders. This analysis is based on the premise that one who takes up the mantle of Prime Minister’s responsibility will have some connection with India’s destiny such that certain factors in the prospective Prime Minister’s horoscope must match with Indian Independence chart. The rationale for this is similar to how a man and a woman’s horoscopes are matched on the premise that the two share a karmic bond and are destined to carry out their actions in tune with a shared destiny. The Moon being the Manah karaka, it is taken as the mind of the nation and also the people of the nation. The 7th house from the Moon is the aspirant for the Prime Minister’s chair. The 4th house is the home of the people where people’s aspiration lie and the 10th house is the outcome of the 4 th house which shows whether the aspirations match with the charisma of the leader who would be propelled to lead the nation and influence the THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

With a Masters degree in astrology, she is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research in astrology. While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to Dr B.V. Raman whose books enriched her perception of astrology.

people’s destiny. In this mapping, Moon is central to all calculations. Saturn signifies people’s support. The presence of Sasa yoga ensures that a person leads the people or the nation. Of all the three positions of Saturn – in Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra – the exalted location of Saturn in Libra is a highly desired factor for winning the people’s heart in a democracy, for, the 10th (karmic) aspect of Saturn from Libra falls on the house of Moon in Cancer which is the 4 th house of home in the natural zodiac. Rama’s horoscope had this combination wherein Moon was situated in Cancer receiving the aspect of exalted Saturn. There is no need to elaborate how Rama was loved by his subjects and how his destiny was also shared by his countryman which is made out from the narration of how the people of Ayodhya grieved when Rama went on exile. Interestingly, Indian Independence chart has a predominant leaning towards the significances of Moon and Saturn. The Moon, signifying the mind of the nation and its people is positioned in its own house (Cancer). The 7th lord from Moon is owned by Saturn which is joining Moon in Cancer. People – leader connect is well made out in this combination and is seen to manifest as hero-worshiping tendency of the masses of their favourite leaders. Therefore it is deduced that anyone aspiring to rule the people must have Saturn well connected to Cancer (Indian Moon sign) and its 7th house (Capricorn). In addition, the Rahu – Ketu axis binds the destiny of such a leader to the nation’s destiny. This axis would favourably act between Cancer (Moon sign of the Indian Independence chart) and its 7th house, Capricorn. A simple statistical survey of the horoscopes of the Prime Ministers of India was done to check whether these two factors (Moon – Saturn connection to Cancer and Capricorn and Rahu – Ketu axis between them) were present in their horoscopes to see how far they influenced the country’s growth and stature. JANUARY 2013



Sl. No


Birth details




Jawaharlal Nehru

14-11-1889, Allahabad

Moon in Cancer

Saturn in CancerRa/Ke axis


Gulzarilal Nanda

04-07-1898, Sialkot, Pakistan


Lal Bahadur Sashtri 09-10-1904, Varanasi

Retro Saturn in Capricorn

Moon and Saturn in Cancer


Indra Gandhi

19-11-1917, Allahabad

Moon in Capricorn, Saturn in Cancer

Saturn in Capricorn Rahu/Ketu axis


Morarji Desai

29-02-1896, Bhadeli, Gujarat

Exalted Saturn (R) aspects Cancer

3rd aspect of Saturn Rahu/Ketu axis


Charan Singh

23-12-1902 Noorpur, Pakistan

Saturn in Capricorn



Rajiv Gandhi

20-08-1944 Mumbai

Rahu/Ketu axis

Rahu/Ketu axis


V.P. Singh

25-06-1931 Allahabad


Moon in Capricorn



01-07-1927 Ibrahimpatti

Moon on Cancer



Narasimha Rao

28-06-1921 Karimnagar





25-12-1924 Gwalior

Exalted Saturn aspecting Cancer

Rahu/Ketu axis


Deve Gowda

18-05-1933 Haradanahalli

Saturn in Capricorn

Rahu/Ketu axis


I.K. Gujral

04-12-1919 Jhelum, Pakistan


Rahu Ketu axis


Manmohan Singh

26-09-1932 Jhelum, Pakistan

Retro Saturn in Capricorn Moon in Cancer



This chart throws up some interesting information that does indicate that the Prime Minister’s destiny matches with the destiny of the nation. Foremost observation is that there were only 2 leaders who had Saturn exalted in their horoscopes casting the karmic aspect on Cancer, the moon sign of India. They were Morarji Desai and Vajpayee who were the only two leaders to reach the Prime Minister’s chair in a kind of wave like people’s support against the then existing governments. Among them Morarji Desai could not consolidate his leadership whereas Vajpayee could, which is perhaps linked to the retrograde motion of Saturn in Morarji Desai’s horoscope but a forward moving Saturn in Vajpayee’s horoscope. The presence of Rahu- Ketu axis with Cancer and Capricorn in both Rasi and Navamsa charts of Vajpayee shows that his leadership was written in the destiny of the nation. His emergence was indicative 20



of a difference and deviation from the existing type of politics and the status quo. In comparison, V.P. Singh, Narasimha Rao and I.K. Gujral did not have Saturn in Capricorn or Libra in their horoscopes showing their limited appeal with the masses. Gulzarilal Nanda had nothing of the basics we deduced in both Rasi and Navamsa thereby showing his role only as a stop gap arrangement. The importance of Saturn in connection to Cancer is well made out from Charan Singh and Deve Gowda who did have their appeal with their own constituencies which earned them a say in national politics. They were the only two Prime Ministers who had Saturn in own house in opposition to Cancer, the moon sign of India. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Jawaharlal Nehru and Chandrashekar come as ideologues basically and that can be seen in their Moon in Cancer, the Indian Moon sign which means their mind was on nation’s needs and they could grasp what the nation needed. Chandrashekar had only this feature of the basic features, whereas Nehru could go an additional mile by virtue of having Saturn (people’s support and adoration) in Cancer in his Navamsa. The Rahu- Ketu axis in his Navamsa ensured that he was capable of intruding into the nation’s destiny. The almost forgotten Lal Bhagadur Shastri was indeed the architect of India’s growth. He ushered in the Green revolution and Milk revolution (Operation Flood). In addition he handled the worst crisis after partition namely the Indo – Paksitan war and ended it with Tashkent declaration. One can see that he had a far stronger karmic bond with India than Nehru himself. He had Saturn in the 7th house from Indian Moon sign. Its retrogression shows reversal, meaning to say that he was not a darling of masses. But its aspect on Cancer gave him an inevitable role in nation building. His Navamsa having both Moon and Saturn in Cancer made him chart out plans that had people as the prime beneficiaries.

A similar trend, but to a limited extent can be seen in Manmohan Singh’s horoscope. He too has retrograde Saturn in Capricorn like Lal Bhahadur Shastri thereby making him catapult to power with less mass appeal. But with no combinations in the Navamsa, he is reduced to lesser role in nation’s positive growth though with his Moon in Cancer in mutual aspect with Saturn in Capricorn in the Rasi, he is able to push through where nation’s interest is concerned – like in the case of nuclear deal. Now we are left with only 2 dignitaries, Indra Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi’s connection to Indian destiny is completely karmic by having only Rahu – Ketu axis in Rasi and Navamsa. The powerful role that Indra Gandhi had in the Nation’s destiny can be made out from the exchange of Moon and Saturn between Cancer and Capricorn in the Rasi. In her Navamsa, Saturn in own house in the 7th from the Indian Moon sign shows her deep presence in the nation’s continuing destiny. To strengthen this bond, she had Rahu – Ketu axis in her Navamsa. With this kind of input, is it possible to judge the karmic connection to the nation, for the present day’s aspiring leaders? Let us first check the much talked about dynastic celebrities.

The family of Rajiv Gandhi. Sonia Gandhi Rahul Gandhi Priyanka Vadra

09-12-1946 Turin, Italy 19-06-1970 New Delhi 11-01-1972 New Delhi

Retro Saturn in Cancer


Saturn in debility

Rahu/Ketu axis

Retro Saturn’s 3rd aspect on CancerRahuKetu axis

The most visible feature is that Rahul Gandhi is nowhere in the reckoning. He has Saturn in debility in Rasi and there is no connection between Cancer and Capricorn except the Rahu – Ketu axis in Navamsa. His father had this axis in both Rasi and Navamsa but he has only in Navamsa. This shows the limited role he has in nation’s destiny. His sister Priyanka too does not have the benefit of Saturn except that she has retrograde Saturn in Taurus casting its 3rd aspect on Cancer. Due to retrogression, this 3rd aspect also is lost as a retro planet is supposed to have gone to the previous sign which makes her Saturn a debilitated one (in Aries). This indicates that there will be lack of popular support for both the siblings. Like her brother, she too has the Rahu – Ketu axis in only one of the two charts we have taken for analysis.


The only Prime Minister with this only feature (of axis) who managed to be in power was I. K. Gujral who was a Prime Minister for just 11 months. Going by this precedence, even if Rahul or Priyanka could get into the Prime Minister’s chair, it would be not on popular support but by number game as it happened with Gujral. They would not be in the chair for long, nor would they have anything to do with Indian destiny. This shows that the Nehruvian dynasty is no longer going to play a role in Indian destiny. This leaves us with Sonia Gandhi whose Saturn has gone to Indian Moon sign and regresses there. This shows that she does have a role connected to Indian destiny, but the retrogression shows that it will move away from the nation’s need and mind (Moon sign).




Pawar Family Sharad Pawar Supriya Sule

12-12-1940 Pune 30-06-1969 Pune

Saturn in debility and retrogression Saturn in debility

Both father and daughter have debilitated Saturn that shows that they can never have the requisite support to rise to Prime Minister’s position. But Supriya’s Rahu – Ketu axis in Navamsa with Saturn in Cancer shows that she would have a larger role than her father in her heydays.

Saturn in Cancer Ra/Ke axis

But Prime Minister’s chair is ruled out. Though some past Prime Ministers did not have favourable Saturn in Capricorn or Libra, none of them had debilitated Saturn is a point to be borne in mind.

Karunanidhi Family Karunanidhi M.K.Stalin Kanimozhi

03-06-1924 Thiruvarur 01-03-1953 Chennai 05-01-1968 Chennai

Exalted Saturn (R) aspecting Cancer Exalted Saturn (R) aspecting CancerRa/Ke axis -

Both father and son have exalted Saturn casting an aspect on Indian Moon sign. But its retrogression shows the negative or regressive nature of their role. Interestingly, Kanimozhi has exalted Saturn in her Navamsa which is suffering from retrogression. However the absence of other features (for Prime Minister) shows that Prime

Exalted Saturn aspecting Cancer

Minister’s chair does not wait for this dynasty. But what is present in their horoscopes show that they would have a role in regional politics which is absent in the other sibling namely Azagiri whose horoscope does not have any of the features we have taken for analysis.

Scindia Family Madahvrao Scindia Jyothiradhitya Scindia

10-03-1945 Mumbai 01-01-1971 Mumbai

Moon in Capricorn

Saturn in Capricorn

Retro Saturn in debility

Exalted Saturn aspecting Cancer

The Royal family had the father no more in existence. But this is taken up to see whether the factors we have deduced do play a role. The father had a perfect exchange of the two planets that show the appeal he enjoyed from

the people. The son’s Rasi position of Saturn is not too promising, but the exalted Saturn in Navamsa shows that he will rise in power but not necessarily to Prime Minister’s chair and not as popular as his father.

This leaves us with other Prime Ministerial aspirants from the Congress party, the BJP and other regional parties. Congress Aspirants P. Chidambaram Kapil Sibal A.K. Antony Jairam Ramesh



16-09-1945 Sivaganga 08-08-1948 Jalandhar 28-12-1940 Allepey 09-04-1954 Chikmagalur


Rah/Ketu axis





Exalted Satrun (R) aspects Cancer



S.K. Shinde Salman Kurshid

Pranab Mukerjee


04-09-1941 Solapur 01-01-1953 Aligarh 11-12-1935 Kirnahar

Saturn’s 3rd aspect on Cancer Exalted Saturn aspects Cancer Moon in CancerRa/Ke Axis -

Just by a cursory look, P.Chidambaram, Kapil Sibal and AK Antony are ruled out. Chidambaram’s Rahu – Ketu axis in Navamsa shows that he does have a karmic role in Indian destiny but not as a Prime Minister. Of the next three, Shinde has a limited role but Jairam Ramesh and Salman Kurshid have better chances. Even among them Salman Kurshid scores better with all the factors being present. He has excellent vargothtama positions of Saturn and Moon, has exalted Saturn both in Rasi and Navamsa,

Rahu/Ketu axis Exalted Saturn aspects Cancer Moon in CancerRa/Ke Axis Saturn and Moon in Capricorn aspecting Cancer

Moon in Cancer and Rahu - Ketu axis in both the charts. If the UPA wins or manages to gobble up enough numbers, Salman Kurshid stands a better chance to be the Prime Minister than anyone else among the Congress aspirants. Pranab Mukerjee’s horoscopic factors are also given to show how these factors limit a person’s role in nation’s destiny. He may be the First Citizen of India, but has less role in Nation’s destiny.

BJP Aspirants L.K. Advani Narendra Modi Sushma Swaraj Arun Jaitley Gadkari

08-11-1927 Karachi 17-09-1950 Vadnagar 14-02-1953 Ambala 28-12-1952 New Delhi 27-05-1957 Nagpur





Exalted Saturn (R) aspects Cancer Ra/Ke axis Exalted Saturn aspects Cancer Re/Ke axis -


L. K. Advani, Narendra Modi and Gadkari are ruled out. Only Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley stand a chance. Among them, Jaitley has more chances to play a role in

Exalted Saturn aspects CancerRe/Ke axis -

nation’s destiny as he has vargothtama Saturn in exaltation aspecting Indian Moon sign, besides having Rahu – Ketu axis in both Rasi and Navamsa.

Other Regional Leaders Mulayam Singh Yadav Mayavathi Mamata Banerjee Jayalalithaa Nitish Kumar


22-11-1939 Etawah 15-01-1956 New Delhi 05-01-1955 Kolkatta 24-02-1948 Mysore 01-03-1951 Patna

Saturn in debility

Saturn in debility

Moon in Capricorn aspecting Cancer Exalted Saturn aspecting Cancer Retro Saturn in Cancer

Ra/Ke axis



Saturn’s 3rd aspect on Cancer Ra/Ke axis -




Navin Patnaik Yeddyurappa Jagan Mohan Reddy

16-10-1946 Cuttack 27-02-1943 Mandya 21-12-1972 Pulivendla

Saturn in Cancer

Ra/Ke axis

Saturn’s 3rd aspect on Cancer Retro Saturn’s 3rd aspect On Cancer

Saturn in debilityMoon in Cancer Saturn in Cancer

Mulayam Singh cannot realise his Prime Minister dream as he has Saturn in debility in both the charts. The basic factors are absent thereby showing that he would not have any role in Nation’s growth. Nitish Kumar also is ruled out. Of the other aspirants, only Mamata Banerjee has an exalted Saturn to come in the group of Salman Kurshid, Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj. As a special note on Yeddyurappa, his popular support base is feeble as seen from Saturn in Taurus (3rd aspect on Cancer) and debilitated Saturn in Navamsa. However Cancer becoming important with Moon and Saturn influence has made him come so far in politics. Jagan Mohan Reddy’s role also is limited in national politics though in regional politics he will have his own support base as seen from Saturn in Cancer in Navamsa casting its aspect on its own sign. His is comparable with Priyanka

Vadra’s as she too has retro Saturn casting its 3rd aspect on Cancer. Concluding from what we have seen so far, a near perfect score is seen in the case of Salman Kurshid, Arun Jaitley, Sushma Swaraj and Mamata Banerjee. Interestingly all these four have exalted Saturn which worked only for two Prime ministers of India, namely Morarji Desai and Vajpayee. On both occasions, their rise was against the incumbent Government. The exalted Saturn gives popular support that pushes up the leader against the existing set up. If that rationale is true, then we may have to rule out Salman Kurshid. However analysis of individual horoscopes of these four leaders will give a better picture of who has the most favourable period for fructification of this ambition to become the Prime Minister of India. But what is revealed from this analysis is that the competition for the Prime Minister’s chair will be among these four leaders in the next general elections.

Janma Rasi Predictions for 2013 (continued from 16)

official problems have been solved, domestic problems create some disappointment. Relatives also trouble you for several things. In July/August, there will be some success in profession. Your wealth increases and there will be gains from paternal relatives. There may be injuries and problems of health relating to stomach. There may be obstacles caused by women who have been constantly troubling you. In September/October, you face some opposition from higher ups. Your associates who have been helping you enthusiastically may slacken and become indifferent to your matters. There may be benefits through women. Despite many problems, marriage proposals may suddenly click quite contrary to your expectations. There will be flow of income. In November/December, you will have some financial problems. But you may get financial assistance easily.



Travel plans may pose problems. You may postpone it and take up later. Those who are proficient in sports may get awards, though not to their complete satisfaction. Poorvabhadrapada 4: There will be unfavourable currents in the first part. In the middle part, there will be financial gains. In the third part, there will be success in the ventures. Uttarabhadrapada: There will be success in ventures and many favourable currents cheer you up in the first part. In the middle part, there will be impediments. In the third part, favourable currents lead you to financial gains. Revati: There will be impediments in the first part. In the middle part, many favourable currents lead you to success. The last part causes some disappointment.




The Eternal Scripture DR. BANGALORE SURESHWARA Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara has been involved in the study and the application of Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita and Vedic Astrology in modern life. His lectures and writings on Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Bhagavad Gita, Hinduism, Vedic Astrology, “Ramayana, and Management” have been well received. He has taught “Ramayana and Management” graduate course to MBA classes. Dr. Sureshwara studied Vedic Astrology under his illustrious father Dr. B.V. Raman. He was the principal speaker on Vedic Astrology at The Second Parliament of the World’s Religions held in Chicago in August-September 1993. Dr. Sureshwara successfully predicted the victories in the USA Presidential Elections of President Bush (2000 and 2004) and President Obama (2008 and 2012). He has been a distinguished contributor to The Astrological Magazine. Dr. Sureshwara obtained Master’s and Doctorate in Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, USA. He has taught various subjects of Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at various universities in USA. His varied and extensive industry experiences cover Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.


RI RAMA! The Eternal incarnation of God has been a household name, from time immemorial, around the world. Sages and saints have clearly emphasized that the very devotional repetition of HIS name on a daily or regular basis brings immense peace, happiness, pleasure and Bliss. Millions of people of all ages in each and every age of the human existence have experienced special magical moments in their lives when they devotionally and spiritually surrendered to Lord Sri Rama. Historical and Theological Events There has been a lot of discussion covering the date or period of Ramayana. Various archeologists, historians, Vedic-theologians and other scholars have attempted, centuries after centuries, to define the specific period around which Sri Rama ruled the Empire of Ayodhya, which encompassed a large and extensive areas of territories pivoted around Ayodhya in India. Although scholars have not yet correctly established the time period of Ramayana, it is believed that the events indicated in Ramayana happened thousands of years ago.

A single word can become a power of positive influence or effect on growing minds. The most powerful word that can positively and powerfully impact and influence any individual is Sri-Rama. The story of Sri Rama is the story of humanity from the eternal time. It is the story where even a most powerful person can pay a heavy price when letting one’s guard for a precious moment. Dasaratha’s promise of “boons” or gift to Kaikeyi ultimately created a situation where he found that his only choice was between THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

getting engulfed by a volcanic fire of immense heat or consumed by an earthquake of uncontrolled vibration or motion. In fact, the choice for Dasaratha was between death and dishonor. But, in reality there was no real choice for Dasaratha. Death was the only solution to the astronomical problem created in an instant by none other than his favorite queen, Kaikeyi. The once vibrant and dazzling Kaikeyi had turned into an uncontrolled destructive force. A tragic world history was developing when a man of immense honor was pitted against a woman of uncontrolled anger and greed. The resulting reaction emerging from the contact of the two diametrically opposite forces set of an infinite reaction that ultimately paralyzed the Empire of Ayodhya for a long time. The tragedy in this situation was that a very noble idea – promise made by a person with lofty ideals to repay gratitude – was turned into an evil desire to hurt all the loved ones. Here again, “boon” (or sacred-promise), a single word was manipulated for evil purposes. Yet in the midst of all the emotional volcanoes and earthquakes, there indeed were many shining stars. At this historical moment, it was our beloved hero Sri Rama, who matched the despicable level of behavior and performance of Kaikeyi with matchless divine behavior to salvage the dignity of the Empire at Ayodhya. The precious and auspicious moment of royal coronation turned into a precarious moment for the citizens of Ayodhya. The scene at Ayodhya shifted instantaneously from the heights of joy and happiness to the gory depths of sorrow and misery. Kaikeyi was the catalyst for igniting the turmoil and the resulting misery in Ayodhya and beyond. The divine plan to bring JANUARY 2013



Sri Rama face to face with Ravana, was manifested through the acts and actions of Kaikeyi. Nature versus Nurture Kaikeyi’s action is a classic example of how an individual’s nature was trampled by hostile nurturing. Nature is the quality that one inherits through his or her Karma. Nurture is the molding of the individual that starts from the very beginning of the birth, through the various stages of life, and concludes at the very end of the life. There is a continuous and regular interaction between the individual’s nature and the nurture. The type of the interaction between nature and nurture can be friendly, neutral or hostile. Sri Rama and Lakshmana experienced virtually identical nurturing as they grew up from childhood to youth and then to adulthood. Their individual natures were not identical but neither opposite of each other. One was calm, cool and patient. The other was somewhat restless, little impulsive and occasionally impatient. The natures or inherent qualities bonded one brother to the other. The remarkable thing is that they also nurtured each other. The relationship between nature and nurture in the case of Sri Rama and Lakshmana is a classic example of perfect affection and friendship. Talking about nature, Kaikeyi was a wonderful personality prior to the day she was manipulated and brain washed by her royal aide Manthara. Her affection towards Rama was as much as she had on her very own son Bharatha. Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra were all mothers to each of the four royal brothers. Nature had endowed Kaikeyi with limitless maternal love and affection for Sri Rama, Bharatha, Lakshmana and Shatrugna. Yet, one ordinary but wicked maid single handedly altered the destiny of the royal household and the world. Over a period of time, minuteby-minute, hour-by-hour and day-by-day, Manthara manipulated and brainwashed a gentle and kind soul into a human snake. This shows that the company one keeps can significantly and positively or adversely affect even a strong personality. Kaikeyi was not a push over but Manthara was the giant killer. She killed the positive emotions contained within Kaikeyi and then embedded evil thoughts and information into a gradually weakening personality. The fact of the matter is that negative nurture, through the medium of Manthara, had trampled upon an in-built lifelong positive nature of Kaikeyi. Unfortunately, in the case of Kaikeyi, evil nurture had momentarily achieved a victory of sorts over good. All this simply means that those whom we choose as our advisors, friends, and guides are more important than even the strongest of the known adversaries. In this regard, Kaikeyi failed miserably and paid a life-long price for the giant blunder she committed by listening to Manthara. At the other end of 26


the spectrum related to the effect of nurture on nature or the other way around, the example of Vibhishana stands as a shining example of how a strong and positive in-built nature can overcome the most adverse nurturing. Ravana, Vibhishana and Kumbhakarna, the three royal brothers at Lanka were three different personalities. However, one thing that is certain is that they all went through their education and military training required for warriors. Ever since Ravana ascended the throne at Lanka, his prime objective seemed to be expansion of the empire at any and all costs. Brute forces symbolized his personality and Dharma, when it was not brutally trampled upon, was mostly ignored, Virtually, ethics and morals had no place in Ravana rajya or empire. Although Ravana and Kumbhakarna had similar wicked personalities, it was a divine miracle that Vibhishana never accepted their arrogant and aggressive methods of ruling the people of Lanka or the territories that they had captured over the years. In a nutshell, Vibhishana was like an isolated island surrounded by death and destruction. Vibhishana had provided over the years some “checks and balances” in an empire that had completely lost its vision and values. Vibhishana’s nature acted like a well-seasoned rock to withstand the evil and destructive nurturing occurring under the direction of Ravana. Now, one can compare and contrast the extraordinary values based actions of Vibhishana to the disgusting actions of Kaikeyi. Horoscope and Freewill The word nature and nurture used in the above discussion are layman’s terms. In fact, a significant portion of what is commonly referred to as nature is embedded in an individual’s birth-horoscope. A skilled, knowledgeable and experienced Vedic astrologer can extract this information from it. Nurture is a component of what is commonly known as free-will. Free will is the ability of an individual to act and/or choose freely. Kaikeyi’s association with Manthara was through free will. It was again the free will of Kaikeyi that encouraged Manthara to keep on talking until her evil objective was achieved. In any case, Kaikeyi’s free will was vacillating, weak and ultimately it was no match to the power of Mantra’s ability to gain control over the emotions and mind of Kaikeyi. While the world today may have Mantharas, the individuals still have the in-built free will not to listen to them. Similarly, Vibhishana had the free will not to follow the evil ways of his brother Ravana. Unlike Kaikeyi, Vibhishana was able to assert his free will, regardless of the consequences and abuses that he had to face as result of his assertive decision. Ramayana gives us the magical courage and conviction, that if an individual feels that he or she does not possess continued on 48 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

The Power of Healing Music*




HIS IS MY GREAT FORTUNE to welcome His Holiness Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji to Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple on behalf of all the devotees across the globe. We are very fortunate to live at the time Sri Swamiji has taken his Avatara to help his devotees, more fortunate to have his darshan, more blessed to listen to his discourses and music, and even more privileged to sit in front of this mystical, spiritual and divine personality. Over the last twenty years, I have had the fortune to welcome Sri Swamiji describing him as Guru, Sadguru and God Himself. Talked about the importance of having a Guru, the significance of a Guru and how the scriptures extolled role of Guru in our lives. I also talked about how many people he guided, how many devotees he protected, and how many devotees he rescued from innumerable problems. Master Musician Today I want to introduce Sri Swamiji as a master musician, a celestial instrumentalist and a nada brahma. There is nothing technical about my presentation. It is purely a novice experience with no knowledge about music. Sri Swamiji talks about the interconnectedness between the planets, mathematics, astronomy, panchabutas, musical tones, ragas, colors, metals, days of the week, chakras, etc. that are basic to any healing and meditation music. Each concert is different. Each musical item will have a

* Welcome speech delivered at Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple, Frisco Texas on17th November 2012 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

different impact on the individual due to the interconnectedness. When I was sitting and listening to the Deva Mani Healing and Meditation Concert in San Jose on November 10, I felt that this particular concert was different than what I heard before. Ragas were different, instruments were different, sounds were different, and rhythm was different. It was exhilarating, amazing, extraordinary, exceptional, enthralling, and fast. His fingers were galloping, his hands were criss-crossing, his eyes were glistening, his looks were emitting vibrations, and his posture was divine – sometimes see as Sri Swamiji, other times as pure light. Vedas talk about Bindu, Brahmanda (cosmic egg), Hiranyagarbha (golden womb), Bindu Visphot (Dot or point explosion) and Nada. According to the Vedic concept of creation, it was sound and not light that appeared first.. Vedic sages stated that the evolution of the Brahmanda was caused as a result of an explosion of anu (atom) that produced infinite waves of sound, which were responsible for cosmic expansion. It can be described as Big Bang theory. The sound that caused the explosion was a monosyllable called Aum. Since Aum is related to the beginning of the universe (and also to the dissolution of the universe as well), Hindus consider it the most sacred syllable. Hence Vedic mantras commence and end with Aum. In fact Sri Swamiji observed based on Puranas that “Music even stimulates the flowers to give scent and also animals to give milk, and through music our diseases vanish… the melodious tunes and soft melodies are JANUARY 2013



especially effective; because each note corresponds to one nerve.” Shiva Samhita also states that: “There is nothing as effective as nada to merge the mind.” Sri Swamiji considers music as divine that is directed at the attainment of salvation. Listening with faith leads one closer to God. Then it brings peace of mind, happiness, joy and delight. Many Puranas describe the creation of this prapancha (universe) and it’s relation to the nada (sound). George Gordon Byron expresses amply the connection between cosmos and music as follows: There’s music in There’s music in There’s music in The earth is but

the sighing of a reed; the gushing of a rill; all things, if men had ears; the music of the spheres.

Sri Swamiji’s name is synonymous with music, both instrumental and vocal. The whole Ashram vibrates with music. Devotees are drenched in His music. Music Therapy is conducted daily. Yoga classes are the organized all over the world. First Ever In fact the Mysore Ashram contains the unique Saptaswara temple with seven columns representing seven notes of Music. Additionally, Sri Swamiji built one of the largest auditoriums known as Nada Mantapam signifying the importance Sri Swamiji gives to the music. Hundreds of musical stalwarts join Sri Swamiji in conducting numerous healing and meditation concerts and namasankeetanas. Ashram is Nada Mayam. Sri Swamiji recently concluded a historic recording session where he played 400 Indian music Ragas on Synthesizer. This is a historic first never accomplished before. Many of the 400 Ragas are very rarely or never used in concerts by musicians. There are many devotees who have experienced the healing of their ailments. Sri Swamiji’s music started twenty-five years ago with an experiment on a German devotee who was told that he had incurable cancer. Sri Swamiji started playing different ragas on Veena with different tunes directed at the root cause of cancer in his body. That devotee is cured of that decease and is alive even today. This musical unprecedented odyssey has taken him to more than 20 countries where He conducted more than 120 musical concerts to render healing music for the wellbeing of the listeners across the world. Devotees and non-devotees alike benefitted from the music. People with blood pressure, back problems, joint pains, migraine headaches,



stomach problems, Alzheimer’s decease, concentration problems, nervous tensions, arthritis, eye problems, and autism have reaped the benefits by listening to Sri Swamiji’s divine music. Healing Experiences Thousands of devotees and non-devotees alike have written about His music and how it helped them. We have a devotee who went into Coma in a hospital. Doctors advised her family members, that there was no hope of that patient’s survival. When approached, Sri Swamiji told the devotee’s family members to play the music in the hospital with their permission. They played Sri Swamiji’s music, lo and behold, to the doctors’ surprise, she recovered from coma and she is alive today, walking and talking attending her normal duties. Similarly we have a devotee who had kidney problem for the last 12 years and who is on dialysis. About a year ago when she was admitted to the hospital, doctors were not optimistic about her survival. With playing of Sri Swamiji’s music in the hospital 24 hours a day and with His blessings, she is alive and active more than ever before. There is another devotee who is a medical doctor and was suffering from stomach problem and taking heavy dosage of medicine. When she started listening to Sri Swamiji’s healing music; her ailment disappeared in two weeks. Incurable deceases were cured by listening to Sri Swamiji’s music. That is Sri Swamiji’s music, that is the power of His music, that is His grace, and that is Sri Swamiji’s Cosmic energy. Then how can Sri Swamiji cure so many ailments using the same instruments and playing the same ragas. It is because of the eight kinds of ‘siddhis’ Sri Swamiji possesses. Since He is endowed with these eight ‘siddhis’ He is called a Siddha Purusa. Because of these ‘siddhis’ He is able to heal through music. Sri Swamiji talks about the relation between the cosmic world, natural world and human world. His music is synchronized to bring balance into these three worlds. Hence we will hear his music sometimes soft and smoothing; and some times harsh and loud. This music encircles you, surrounds you, engulfs you, absorbs you, drenches you and soaks you. It penetrates into the pores of your body, permeates your body, elevates your mood, infuses you chakras, numbs your senses, inflames temperament, intensifies concentration, reduces your stress, creates an unknown ecstasy, generates numbness, and produces drowsiness.



To convey the divineness to the people, Sri Swamiji uses Nada, more specifically Nada Chikitsa to improve the health of the people, to cure incurable deceases, to bring harmony between humanity and nature, to balance the chakras in the human body, to bring unity among the body, mind and soul, and to purify the environment and elevate the spiritual realm. Also Sri Swamiji’s music is directed at reducing stress, lessen distress, minimize strain, decrease worries, lower anxiety, remove negative emotions, increase concentration, create positive vibrations, and finally calm the mind. Why would Sri Swamiji concentrate on calming the mind? “The mind, under the sway of the senses, is likened to a raging elephant confined within a garden. Nadam, is likened to a goad, because it draws and directs the mind toward internal absorption and union with its source. Just as music can calm and relax the mind, making one completely forget problems and worries, so absorption in the subtle nadam brings forgetfulness of the external world.” (Hatha Yoga Pradipika 4:91-94) Every time you listen, you hear different sounds, different ragas and different tunes. Along with many instruments played by the musicians, Sri Swamiji’s music produces sounds where one would hear the wind blowing, water flowing, thunder of a lightning, ocean waves gushing, trees blustering, animals roaring, birds chirping, forest trees moving, temple bells ringing and many other natural elements. Healing and Meditation Concerts Sri Swamiji conducts these Healing and Meditation concerts to increase the efficiency, elevate the mood, increase the memory, dispel the fear, create positive feelings, improve sleeping patterns, boost the immunity,

and improve the mood. Sri Swamiji’s music is no ordinary music; it is Para nada (transcendental, beyond or ‘the other side’ sound). His music is beyond the reach of perception, the mind, cognition, consciousness, nadis and chakras. His music is directed at super- consciousness level where the sound is heard in different dimensions and frequencies. A person sitting in the auditorium does not even know how the music is affecting his body, his mood, heart, chakras, nadis, and indriyas. Sri Swamiji takes to a higher frequency where the sound becomes inaudible and can only be perceived subjectively and silently. Once you are taken to Para or transcendental level, as many scriptures describe, Para sound has no vibration, no movements, no motion, no frequency and no reaction. Because, at certain level of frequency, Sri Swamiji’s music transforms one to experience silence, stillness and quietness. At this frequency of music, we hear what we hear but not what we need to hear, because the ears do not have the full capacity to capture all levels of sounds. Similarly, we see what we see, but not what needs to be seen because eyes cannot capture the panoramic view of the scene. Thus we are not aware of all the sounds that are present in the cosmos. Please do not miss the Hamsa Dhwani Raga Sagar - Healing and Meditation Concert scheduled for November 24 in Allen Performance Center. Let me offer the garland of words with these words. He is the embodiment of Satyam, Sivam, Sundaram, Soundaryam, Saubhagyam, Shubham, Saraswati ,Sadhana, Sashyshymalam, Samskriti, Sampradayam, Sahityam, Sangeetham, Srividya, Shanti and Sarvam Sinduram. Let us all join our hands and welcome our guru, Sadguru, and Nada Brahma to Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple. Dhanyavad

Telugu Association of Greater Chicago and Venkateswara Temple Aurora jointly arranged an interactive seminar on Vastu by Mr. Niranjan Babu, Chief Editor of THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE on Sunday, 16th December 2012. Mr. Babu explained the basics of astro based Vastu as relevant for construction in USA. He also spoke about the debilitated effercts of transit debilitated Rahu (with Mercury and Venus) and debilitated Ketu (with Jupiter) mutually aspecting each. Mr. Niranjan Babu related the Vastu aspects to the devastating Sandy Hurricane in New York and New Jersey in October 2012 and the Sandy School shoot on out where twenty children (and a few adults) were shot dead by a youth (who killed his school principal and his mother, a school teacher). The power point presentation was interactive with the audience putting in a lot of questions to the speaker. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE










Successful Investing HENRY WEINGARTEN


AM PLEASED to be part of this tribute issue to DR. B.V. RAMAN. I had the honor of sponsoring his second visit to the United States. Naturally his teachings added to my technical skill set as well as providing an inspirational role model. While I am personally bi-zodiacal (i.e. use elements of both Western and Sidereal astrology), I will here use Tropical time reference frames as well as modern solar system planets. Financial Astrology The use of financial astrology for both market timing and stock selection is an open secret among many successful investors. Fund managers and traders worldwide use it for both first and second opinions on global stock, bond and commodity markets. The reason is simple: forecasts made by experienced financial astrologers are often more accurate and precise than other economic modeling systems. I have been a practicing astrologer since 1967. For the first twenty years I was in “private practice” offering individual readings most of which involved equally around questions of Love or Money. The latter were mostly vocational or job related. However, that changed after the 1987 stock market crash which I knew about one year in advance to the day. I then switched to study and specialize my practice to financial astrology. I then began to primarily advise market professionals and investors in the global markets. Later I also THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Henry Weingarten has been a professional astrologer for forty years. He is Managing Director of the Astrologers Fund, which uses astrology as the primary analysis tool to manage money and advise clients on finance issues. He authored Investing By The Stars, and The Study Of Astrology and the newsletter: Wall Street, Next Week.

personally traded and managed money as well. My first three public forecasts were fortunately 100% accurate - all first given more than two years in advance: The Tokyo Market crash (within one day), The First Iraqi Gulf war (within 4 hours) and the US 1990 recession (within one month). Ironically, only two of these made money. Why? Because all the people that correctly forecast a US War were bearish and it turns out the markets rallied on what was perceived to be an easy war. I then learned my lesson – not to predict events but rather to predict ‘how’ markets would react to events. Today I often quip that thanks to astrology, 1/3 of market “surprises” are knowable. Hence its use allows investors to ‘make more money with less risk’. Horoscopes Galore Just as an astrologer can look to an individual’s horoscope to forecast his or her future, so too can a financial astrologer look to the heavens for stock market guidance. Markets have horoscopes, countries have horoscopes, stocks have horoscopes, investors have horoscopes, and financial advisors have horoscopes. Astrology, like Behavioral Finance, is the study of the psychology of markets. Astrology is defined as a “mathematical psychology based on astronomy.” Financial astrology, which includes market psychology and market timing, is utilized by an

analyst as a third tool, in conjunction with fundamental and technical factors that influence market behavior. An astrological analyst studies market behavior primarily by correlating planetary cycles with historical equities, bonds, futures and options pricing. It is a stock market tool that measures time and price and its indicators can be charted in a similar manner to other technical tools such as money flows, momentum indicators, support and resistance. I personally believe it is the single best market-forecasting tool. But it is important to remember that it is not a standalone tool. I generally use a top down approach: looking first to upcoming planetary themes and then to the horoscopes of countries, stock markets, sectors and finally individual stocks or market instruments. Then I will seek confirmations from various alternative information sources whenever possible. Alternately, a stock that has been first researched fundamentally and/or technically from either external sources or internal research may or may not be confirmed by astrological signals. Subscribe to

The Astrological eMagazine TODAY! and NOW!! Web : Email : JANUARY 2013



2013 Astrological Market Forecasts*


Big Picture Fundamentals We first begin with the Big Picture Fundamentals. All the three leading global economies, US/Euroland/China will have meager to poor growth in 2013. This is not news. Next we look to the US markets for leadership in more detail. The three pillars of which are 1) The Job Market 2) Housing 3) Credit. The US job market will remain subdued with long term unemployment trends yet to be addressed. Housing will continue to be challenged for the next two years due to an overhang of future foreclosures as well as limited credit and job improvement. Finally Credit for business and individuals is and will be slightly more available but not enough to fuel a meaningful recovery.


Note: While some forecasters are predicting as high as 3% US growth that is not our view. Also 1.5-2% of US “growth” numbers are due to under reporting of real inflation and should be subtracted from official GDP numbers for the true US economy! Finally we see corporate earnings growth slowing, although there is an abundance of cash and credit to continue to fuel Mergers & Acquisitions at a significant pace. Still, most US companies expect 2013 to be a tough year and little sales and earnings growth overall. Big Picture Astrology 2012-2015 We see an unprecedented seven Uranus-Pluto Squares: 1. June 24, 2012 – first global square at 8-degrees Aries/Capricorn 2. September 19, 2012 – second square at 6-degrees Aries/ Capricorn 3. May 20, 2013 – third square at 11-degrees Aries/Capricorn 4. November 1, 2013 – fourth square at 9-degrees Aries/Capricorn

April 21, 2014 – fifth square at 13-degrees Aries/Capricorn December 15, 2014 – sixth square at 12-degrees Aries/Capricorn March 16/17, 2015 – seventh square at 15-degrees Aries/ Capricorn

Also of concern to many financial astrologers is the last time Uranus and Pluto were square was 1932-1934, the depths of the great worldwide depression. All of the above suggests investment portfolios should carefully be risk adjusted and to seek protection from a wide variety of risks.

As astrologers know, these dates activate appropriate events plus or minus one year and need other astrological and mundane conditions to be fulfilled. For example we first stated in 2001 that in ten years, Americans would be “rioting in the streets”, reminiscent of the 1960’s rebellious youth (also a Uranus-Pluto aspect). This seemed an “unthinkable” forecast at the time and even in 2010. Yet came

Think Traditional Swiss and Preserve Capital: Focus on safety and protecting against downside risk.


Occupy Wall Street, the name given to a well known grass roots protest movement that began on September 17, 2011. Unfortunately due to a poor horoscope, I predicted in October 2011, that this particular movement would fizzle out which has been the case. But social unrest is global. We see it in the “Arab Spring”, we see with rioting in Greece & Spain and elsewhere. This is likely to continue for years to come. So what does Uranus-Pluto foretell? It shakes things up. Many elected governments worldwide saw and will continue to see a change of political leadership. But it also “shakes things up” not just politically and economically but geologically! Uranus is about “surprises” and the “unexpected”. Just recently we had hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey which was an “unthinkable” natural disaster. Many more such events can be expected over the next two to three years. This is why as in in 2001 before 9/11, we suggested investing in companies that deal with safety, security and protection (not as much defense stocks).

Where appropriate, hedge or trade more frequently as well as paradoxically use longer term time horizons. Be highly liquid to be able to take advantage of “unexpected” events and opportunities. Specifically, what and where then are we recommending in 2013 to invest in and avoid? Note: H1 is first half of the year. H2 is the second half of the year. Q is Quarterly. Five Trading & Investing Ideas For 2013 1. Weak Oil Prices Q1 2013 but Higher Oil Prices H2 2013 i.e. Summer/Fall Rally 2. Hold/Buy US bonds Q1 2013/Sell Q4 2013/Q1 2014. 3. US Large caps (DJIA) will outperform small caps. They should also outperform Nasdaq for much of H2 2013. 4. AVOID Germany and Australia; Buy Canada H2 2013. 5. Gold will be largely seasonal (Up Q1, Down Q2 and Up Q4). Silver is at great downside risk especially Q2 2013, and likely to underperform in 2013. Copper is positive and a buy H1 2013. Finally for the benefit of readers of THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE in India, I took a quick look. We expect a somewhat difficult and challenging year in 2013. Thereafter, happily, by as early as H2 2014, we believe India will become a welcome destination for global investment.

*While the majority of our annual forecasts are now reserved for clients and/or given in our newsletter Wall Street, Next Week (, each year we freely publish several major investment suggestions (Our recent Historical record) 32




Denial of Marriage Jyotir - Vastu Remedies PROF. N. S. MURTHY

Ripu, Runadipathi, debitated Jupiter, who is also on badaka, avayogi Sun’s – Uttarashada nakshatra. Has 4th aspect of malefic, marakadipathi Mars from dagda rasi Libra. In shadbala Saturn has ishtapala of 39.92 and kashtapala of 20.08.

Case Study



Ketu Jupiter (R)





Ketu - Dhanista

10-10-1961 5 Gulika - USh Jupiter – Ush Yogi Saturn - USh Dagda rasi

07:00, Cochin Age: 51 Yogi: Jupiter Avayogi: Sun Dagda rasi: Libra and Capricorn


10 Rahu – Mag Uranus – Mag Pluto – PPh Venus – Uph

In this horoscope 4th lord Saturn is posited in 4th house, he is on his dire enemy avayogi, badaka Sun’s nakshatra – Uttarashada. He is also dagda rashyadipati, is posited along with roga, ripu, runa adipathi debilitated Jupiter, who is also on avayogi, badaka Sun’s nakshatra – Uttarashada. The marakadipathi Mars, the dire enemy to Saturn is aspecting the 4 th house from ascendant. Hence the 4th house of the native is strongly afflicted, therefore causing sukhasthana dosha in the native’s horoscope.



Venus Mercury Rahu



Ascendant – Chitta Mars - Swati Mercury - Swati Neptune - Swati Dagda Rasi 1

Sun – Hasta – Avayogi Moon – Chitta Saturn

The ascendant is Libra, a dagda rasi. Her Moon sign is Virgo. Both Ascendant and Moon are on marakadipathi Mars’s Chitta nakshatra. Kutumbasthana adipati Mars is posited in ascemdamt along with12th lord, enemy Mercury. There is planetary fight in the ascendant. Both are on lord of venom Rahu’s - Swati nakshatra. Dagda rashya adipathi Saturn is aspecting Mars from Capricorn. In Shadbala Mars has ishta pala of 20.45 and kashta pala of 39.55. Kankanabhagyasthana is 3rd house, its lord is benefic Jupiter but in debility andposited in Capricorn, which is also dagda Rasi and also is posited with malefic Gulika indicating delay in marriage since Kankanabhagyasthana is afflicted. Sukhasthanadipathi Saturn, is a lord of dagda rasi, is on badakadipathi, avayogi Sun’s – Uttarashada nakshatra in his own house, posited along with Roga, THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Santhanasthana adipathi Saturn is posited in dagda rasi, chaturtha sthana, along with debilitated, roga, ripu, runa adipati Jupiter, both of whom are on badaka, avayogi Sun’s – Uttarashada nakshatra. Also malefic Ketu is posited in Panchamasthana, in marakadipati Mars’s Dhanistha nakshatra, and has 7th aspect of Rahu from badakasthana. In shadbala Saturn has ishtapala of 39.92 and kashta pala of 20.08. Hence santhanasthana has an affliction. Vivahastanaadipati Mars is in ascendant, but it is a dagda rasi. Posited and Conjuncted with Dwadasha adipati, vyayadipati, enemy Mercury, both in lord of venom Rahu’s Swati nakshatra. In shadbala, Mars has ishtapala of 20.45 and kashtapala of 39.55. Hence vivahastana has an affliction. mangalyastanadipati Venus is posited in badaka stana, is on badaka, AvaYogi, Enemy Sun’s – Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, along with lord of venom Rahu. Mangalyastana has 8th aspect of malefic Mars from dagda rasi Libra. In shadbala Venus has ishtapala of 18.45 and kashtapala of 41.55. Hence mangalyastana has an affliction. Shayanastanadipati Mercury is in ascendant, which is a dagda rasi, is posited and conjunct with dire enemy JANUARY 2013



Mars and defeated in grahayudha. There is a 10th aspect of dagda rashyadipati malefic, Saturn on Mercury. There is a 9th aspect of debilitated, rogadipati Jupiter who is papi to Libra ascendant, on 12th house. Shayanastana has badaka Avyogi Sun. In shadbala Mercury has ishtapala of 52.28 and kashtapala of 07.72. In ashtakavarga, shayanastana has 20 points. Hence shayanastana is afflicted. Kalatrakaraka Venus is posited in badakastana, he is on badakadipati, avayogi, enemy Sun’s Uttaraphalguni nakshatra and is hence afflicted. Mars is in ascendant and in second house from Moon, hence is mangalik from both ascendant and Moon Navamsa Neptune Gulika Jupiter Mercury Saturn Mars




Navamsa Chart1010-1961 07:00, Yogi: Jupiter AvaYogi: Sundagda rasi: Libra and Makara



Moon Pluto


Ascendant is Scorpio, ascendant lord Mars is in third house, exalted with Saturn. The 7th lord of D1 Mars is posited in exalted position with dire enemy Saturn. Sun is aspecting the ascendant lord Mars, third and fourth lord Saturn. Hence D1, vivahadipati Mars has an affliction.

The vivahastanadipati Mars’s maha dasa started at birth and was completed when she was 5 years 5 months old. Mangalyastanadipati Venus’s maha dasha will operate at the age of 82 years 5 months onwards. Ajanma Kumari Yoga 1. If the lord of the ascendant is posited in male rasi along with malefic – Venus is in Leo along with malefic, lord of venom Rahu. 2. When more planets are placed in male signs – (5 grahas in male rasi, 4 in female rasis) 3. When ascendant is in male rasi (ascendant is Libra rasi – male). 4. When male planets are strong – (malefic Mars is strongest). 5. Venus or Moon placed in 6, 8, 12 from vandhya (barren) rasis - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius) (Moon is in 6th house from Aries) 6. Saturn, Mars, Rahu placed in 1, 5, 7, 9. (Mars is in 1st House) 7. Lord of the ascendant and the Moon are posited in the male rasi (ascendant lord Venus is in Leo (male) rasi). The above indicate Ajanma Kumari Yoga.

Saptamsa ( Children ) Astamadipati Venus in 5th house, afflicted by papi Ketu. Putrakaraka Jupiter Venus Saturn Ketu in 11th house afflicted by Saptamsa Jupiter Rahu, Sun and Gulika. Mercury Sun Panchamadipati Saturn is Rahu, Neptune Gulika in 10th house, but aspected Moon by Vyayadipati Mercury. Mars Pluto Ascendant Uranus Rogadipati Jupiter, Sun, Rahu and Gulika are aspecting santanastana. So, native is not blessed with children. Trimsamsa (Misfortunes) Papi Rahu and Ketu in Ascendatn ascendant. ascendant lord Saturn Rahu Jupiter Mars in bhagyastana Ketu afflicted by dire enemy Uranus rogadipati Mercury. Trimsamsa Janma sukhastanadipati Moon in 8th and in Sun debilitation. Hence is Mars unhappy with minimal Mercury Moon Venus Gulika Pluto fortune that she is unable to Neptune benefit from. 34


Vastu Dosha This house has Southern direction road. The native is of Virgo rasi. Her directional strengths are South and East.

This house has a main gate in the south of south east – Suryastana, which is auspicious. The shape of the site is rectangular but shape of the constructed building is of L shape, has south east extension and there is a underground water sump posited in south-east segment. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Underground water sump is in front of main door below the portico, which is bad These indicate problems to females – both married and unmarried and will make them unhappy, their wishes unfulfilled with delays in settling in life. Venus is the Kalatrakaraka, the lord which provides domestic happiness, companionship. Since the Vastu imbalance is in the Agni stana (Venus area), the females of this house may not have companionship in their married life. The common toilet is situated in the north-east corner which is inauspicious to the inmates especially to the children, as this corner rules over children. The kitchen is also posited in the north-east corner instead of being in the Agni stana – South-East. Fire burning in the Jala stana (north-east), stunts the future and growth of the children of this house. The staircase in the north of north-east region also affects the evolution of the children. In the first floor the construction is made in the eastern side of the building while the western side is kept vacant - this suffocates the the father. The daughter’s bedroom is situated in the south-east corner of the first floor. The overhead tank is situated in the south-east corner which is on Agni stana and not suitable to this direction. The vastu doshas have added fuel to the fire in the life of the native and her sister both of whom remain unmarried. Remedial Measures Delay of marriage for female 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Aarka Vivaha Sri Swayamvara Parvati Homa Srinivasa Kalyana Girija Kalyana Kumbha Vivaha Gauri Pooja Recite Sri Mars Chandika Sthothram in front of Pancha Mukhi Deepa – For Mars Dosha nivarana. Pancha Ganesha Homa – To remove hurdles for the marriage.

Delay of marriage for male 1. 2.

Kadali Vivaha Ramba Vivaha



Santhana dosha for both male and female 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Sarpadosha Parihara Ashlesha Bali Narayana Bali Naga Prathistapana Kooshmanda Homa / Mahaprayashchittha Homa. Shri Santana Gopalakrishna (Purusha Sooktha) Homa Shri Gomukha Prasava or Gojanana Panchamarishta Shanthi.

Vastu Remedies 1. Shift the water sump from southeast to northeast 2. Have a main door in southeast 3. Shift the common bath from southwest to southeast of that unit 4. Move the staircase from northern direction to southern direction 5. Vasthu Homa/Rakshogna Homa – To overcome doshas in construction of the house. 6. Sudarshana Homa – To overcome errors in construction of the house. 7. Astadigbhandana Homa – To overcome evil Doshas at dwelling place. 8. Yantra Sthapana – In eight directions to overcome Vaasthu Doshas. 9. Shanku Sthapana – To generate the positive energy in dwelling place. Ancient treatises give remedies for various problems of life and we have to be intelligent to carefully apply them.

Price : Rs. 70.00 US $ 7.00 Forwarding charges extra Send your remittances by Bank Draft, Money Order, Postal Order or Bank Transfer in favour of

The Astrological eMagazine 101C, Sarathy Apartments, No. 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 003. Tel: + 91-80-65991845, +91-80-23313260 Web :; Email :




Significance of Astrological Junction Points DR. E.S. NEELAKANTAN

Dr. Neelakantan is a Chartered Accountant and an Information Systems Auditor. As his interest in Astrology grew by going through the books of Dr. B. V. Raman, he formally learnt the nuances of the subject from Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, a well known scholar of Astrology and Ayurveda. With a doctorate awarded by Sri Chandrasekharendra University, Kancheepuram for his thesis on Medical Astrology, he is a regular contributor to The Astrological Magazine and is proficient in Vedic chants too.


JUNCTION IS A POINT of intersection. It can be precisely defined as the place where two or more things come together .

by a weapon, by a human being or an animal or by a demigod or a demon or by a great snake from lower planets. Brahma confers the boon..

We see this term frequently used in railways. A railway station which lies in between two cities in different directions is termed as a junction. Trains travel in the same direction until they reach this junction and then move in different directions towards their respective destinations.

Vishnu assumes the form of Lord Narasimha to kill Hiranyakashipu. He sees the boon of Brahma is kept up by killing him:

In astrology these “junction points” assume enormous significance. Before we study them, we will get some insights from the following story from Bhagvata Purana. Hiranya Kashipu Brahma’s mind-born sons (manasaputras), Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara appear to be mere children (even though they are very old in age) and when they visit the abode of Vishnu (Vaikuntha) they are stopped at the gate by the gatekeepers Jaya and Vijaya. The four boys curse Jaya and Vijaya to be born on earth, (thus losing their divinity) and live as human beings. Vishnu, knowing about the curse says that the curse cannot be lifted but gives two options – to take seven births as devotees of Vishnu or to take three births as Vishnu’s enemy. After serving either of these sentences, they will re-attain their original stature and unite with Vishnu permanently in Vaikuntha. The thought of staying away from Vishnu for seven births appeared too long a period for Jaya and Vijaya (to remain separate from Vishnu ) and they chose to exercise the second option. They are born, in their three lives, as demons Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu (first life), Ravana and Kumbakarna (second life) and Sishupala and Dantavakra (third life) respectively. After obtaining a boon from Brahma, Hiranyakashipu asks for the gift of immortality which the lord refuses. As an alternate plea, Hiranyakashipu seeks that he should not be killed at daytime or night, on the ground or in the sky, 36



2. 3. 4.

On the lap (which neither is sky nor earth) in the threshold of the building (which is neither indoor nor outdoors) which is neither in ground nor in the sky. At Sandhya Kala (twilight) which is neither daytime nor night. Using nails satisfying the condition that no weapons are used. Partly as man and partly as lion which is neither human nor animal.

The inner significance of time is brought out by the fact that Vishnu chose to manifest as Narasimha - one of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu – at twilight, a crucial “Junction Point” in astrology. The “Sandhya Kala” is considered a favourable time for meditation for those who seek union with divine. Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu were born to Diti (daughter of Daksha Prajapati) and sage Kashyapa. It is said that the Asuras (demons) were to born as result of their union at the time of sunset, which is said to be inauspicious for performance of such a sexual act. This is another astrological principle which emerges out of this Puranic tale. Sex between couples at sunset probably results in bad progeny. This period around sunset is earmarked solely for spiritual. Brahma Muhurtha The word “Muhurtha” refers to a time interval lasting for about 48 minutes. A day has 1440 minutes (24 hours x 60 minutes). Dividing 1440 by 48, we get 30 muhurthas in a day. The 29th muhurtha which happens to be the THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


penultimate of the 30 muhurthas falls about an hour before sunrise and is termed as Brahma Muhurtha. If sunrise is at 6 am, Brahma Muhurtha operates between 4.24 am and 5.12 am. According to the Ayurvedic treatise “Ashtanga Hridhayam” one who is desirous of health and longevity should wake up during Brahma Muhurtha and perform his daily duties. It is the time which is highly conducive towards performance of spiritual activities.

One desirous of health and longevity should wake up during Brahma Muhurtha and perform his daily duties. Visitors to Puttaparthi might as well recall that the chanting of “Omkara” in the Poornachandra Auditorium commences at around 4 am. Perhaps His Holiness Sri Satya Sai Baba felt that the Brahma Muhurtha was good for awakening one’s spiritual powers. Below is a table of Muhurthas (table 1) Table1 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time 06:00 – 06:48 06:48 – 07:36 07:36 – 08:24 08:24 – 09:12 09:12 – 10:00 10:00 – 10.48 10:48 – 11:36 11:36 – 12:24

Name Rudra Ahi Mitra Pitr Vasu Varah Visvadeva Vidhi

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

12:24 – 13:12 13:12 – 14:00 14:00 – 14:48 14:48 – 15:36 15:36 – 16:24 16:24 – 17:12 17:12 – 18:00 18:00 – 18:48 18:48 – 19:36 19:36 – 20:24 20:24 – 21:12 21:12 – 22:00 22:00 – 22:48 22:48 – 23:36 23:36 – 24:24 24:24 – 01:12 01:12 – 02:00 02:00 – 02:48 02:48 – 03:36 03:36 – 04:24 04:24 - 05:12 05:12 – 06:00

Satamukhi Puruhuta Vahini Naktanakara Varuna Aryama Bhaga Girisa Ajapada Ahira Budhnya Pushya Asvini Yama Agni Vidhat Kanda Aditi Jiva Vishnu Yumigadyuti Brahma Samudram


Quality Bad Bad Good Bad Good Good Good Good – except Monday & Friday Good Bad Bad Bad Good Good – except Sunday Bad Bad Bad Good Good Good Bad Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Very good Good

Abhijit Muhurtha Just like junction point (around Sunrise) has the Brahma Muhurtha, the junction point between fore-noon and afternoon gives rise to the Abhijit Muhurtha. Abhijit muhurtha starts 24 minutes before local noon time and 24 minutes thereafter. An example of how Abhijit Muhurtha is calculated is given below: Sunrise (estimated time) = 7 am Sun Set (estimated time) = 6 am Duration of day time = 11 hours = 11 x 60 = 660 minutes Duration of each Muhurtha = 660/15 = 44 minutes Local Noon time = 7 am + 660/2 = 7 am + 5 1/2 hours = 12.30 pm Abhijit Muhurtha = (12:30 pm – 22 mts) to (12.30 pm+22 mts) = between 12.08 to 12.52 pm Abhijit Muhurtha is also used as an “Emergency Muhurtha”. Some times when auspicious days are not available and events have to happen at short-notice, Abhijit Muhurtha is usually recommended. Godhuli Lagna The period 12 minutes prior to sunset and 12 minutes after sunset is termed as Godhuli lagna and this period is considered to be extremely auspicious. Gandanthams Nakshatra Gandantham a) The last two ghatikas of Ashlesha and the first two ghatikas of Makha constitutes Nakshtra Gandantham. So also Revati – Aswini and Jyeshta – Moola give rise to gandanthams. (Please note that 1 ghatika = 24 minutes) Thithi Gandantham a) The last two ghatikas of Panchami, Dasami, Full Moon and New Moon constitute Thithi Gandanthams. Rasi Gandanthams The last navamsas of Cancer, Scorpio, Leo, and Saggittarius are Rasi Gandanthams. Nakshtra Gandanthams adversely affect the native, parents and brothers, while Rasi Gandanthams affect the family. Thithi Gandanthams affect parents. Solar Ingress While Gandantham is based on lunar ingress, Sankranthis are based on solar ingress. The most important of them are the ingresses of Sun into Aries, Cancer, Libra and




Capricorn. The solar ingress into Cancer is termed Dakshinayana punyakalam while the ingress into Capricorn is celebrated as Makara Sankranthi. It is said that japa, homa (havan) or charity done on these days fetches much merit compared to a normal day. We have heard of various lords such as lord of grain, lord of clouds, lord of paddy crops in the reading of almanacs undertaken at the time of Ugadi. All these portfolios are allocated to these planets on the basis of solar ingress into various signs. The planet which denotes the lord of the day on which Sun enters into first point of Aries is the King of the year. The day-lord on the day of solar ingress into Taurus becomes Minister. The complete significations can be comprehended from table 2 as follows. Table 2 Solar Ingress into sign Portfolio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Libra Sagittarius Capricorn

King Minister Fluids Paddy Crops Fruits & vegetables Corn Mineral Kingdom

Solar Ingress into Star Portfolio 1


Regent of Clouds

Auspicious Deaths In Hindu philosophy, death is also considered as an auspicious occasion when a person merges with the divine. There is an adage, “Ekadasi Maranam, Dwadasi Dahanam” (death on ekadashi day and cremation on dwadashi day). This is considered highly auspicious for the welfare of the departed soul. This is very rare but it would be beneficial to one and all if the phenomenon could be described elaborately here. According to Shastras, the corpse has to be cremated without time delay. So let us say a person departs on Monday (which has Ekadasi thithi for the full day), then it is not permitted by the Shastras to wait till Tuesday for cremation. Sometimes on a certain day Ekadashi may be there till, say, 10 am. Assuming the person dies at 8 am. Then the funeral rites are performed and by the time cremation starts (by say 38


11am), Dwadasi thithi would be operating. This according to Shastras is highly auspicious as Ekadasi is a special day for worshiping Lord Vishnu. However it needs to be emphasized here that the time of death will depend mainly on poorva janma karma as well as merits of deeds committed in present birth. Matching of Horoscopes The effect of a planet in Bhava Sandhi is said to be Nil. Malefics in Bhava sandhi lose their power to do evil and benefics lose the power to do good. Let us take the case of a girl in whose horoscope Mars occupies the 30th degree of Mithuna in the 7th house. Now the evil attributable to Kuja dosha stands nullified as Mars is in Bhava Sandhi. . Dasa Sandhi is a concept peculiar to horoscope matching. If the boy’s chart shows, that he ends Rahu dasa and commences Jupiter dasa in August 2009,and the girl’s chart shows a changeover from Sun dasa to Moon dasa in September 2009, then the two charts should not be matched. Between a boy’s chart and girl’s chart these dasa sandhis should not occur for both of them within a sixmonth interval. This is to ensure that simultaneously both do not run into adversities since it can also prove fatal. This example is intended to show that the period when a particular dasha ends and another commences is also a crucial junction. There are certain Homas like “ Rahu-Brihaspathi” Homa to ward off the evil due to Dasa sandhi – it is normally done at the fag end of Rahu dasa. Conclusion Among astrologers, there are many who have strong reservations about recommending girls born in Moola Nakshatra. As discussed earlier, the taboo associated with Moola nakshatra is mainly due to the “Gandantha” concept. The former Parmacharya of Kanchi Mutt has exhorted all astrologers not to perpetrate this taboo because it was leading to a situation where lots of girls born in Aslesha, Moola, Jyeshta and Visaka stars remained unmarried creating anxiety to parents. The evil yoga called Gandantham stands nullified if Moon is in its own varga, in friendly sign or in conjunction with benefics or aspected by benefics. Without assessing the various factors influencing the Moon, lots of doomsday predictions are being issued by astrologers in a superficial manner. The taboo is associated with Moola merely takes into account the asterism occupied by the Moon and ignores the strength of the chart as a whole which is based on the positions of all the nine planets. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Jyotisha A Beacon Light to Marital Happiness DR. PRABHAKAR KASHYAP Hindu Sanatana Dharma broadly divides human life into four ashrams or stages – Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa. Brahmacharya signifies enriching oneself with knowledge (called ‘Brahma jnana’ unlike the present worldly knowledge) to qualify before entering into Grihasthashrama or marital life. The third stage Vanaprasthashrama refers to renouncing all worldly attachments and to aim at Self-enlightenment or Self-realisation. Finally, in Sanyasashrama, one is expected to serve the Society by guiding the younger generation to a fruitful and noble life. Of the four stages of life mentioned above, ‘Grihasthashrama’ has a prominent role for the simple reason that every one of us generally spend a major part of our life in this ‘ashrama’. It therefore goes without saying that one’s happiness in life is inter-linked/interdependent on one’s marital happiness. The subject has gained momentum in the wake of increasing incidents of marital disaster we are witnessing around us. In order to check such an unhealthy and alarming situation, it is necessary to give a serious thought to this issue and highlight the significant role played by Jyotisha as a beacon light to the common man by affording timely advice, guidance and remedial measures when sought for. Determining factors Although one can attribute umpteen number of causes for martial discord, we may observe that the following factors generally account for marital unhappiness or marital discord. 1. Nature and Temperament 2. Health hazards – Physical or Mental stability 3. Tastes and Habits 4. Nature of Service or Profession 5. Influence of family environment and friends 6. ‘Sanchita’ karma -Runannu We shall now examine how the above factors exercise their influence in one’s marital life.



Dr. Prabhakar Kashyap, a research scholar with a doctorate for his thesis on Medical Astrology from Open international University for Complimentary Medicines, Sri Lanka, has conducted many workshops and annual seminars on Vedic astrology and allied sciences. Founder Chairman of Scope, an academy of integrated vedic sciences, he has trained over five hundred students spread over a period of ten years.

1. Nature and Temperament One should have an adaptable nature in the family. Couples should realize that they are the two wheels of a chariot. Each one should have the concern for the other. If there is lack of concern to the likings and feelings of the spouse, it leads to distress and disappointment. Mutual love, proper understanding, attitude of forgiveness, sharing one’s happiness or sorrow, taking the other into confidence without any suspicion all these go a long way in strengthening the marital bond. During marriage ceremony, the bridegroom will have to take an oath ‘dharmecha, arthecha, kamecha naaticharami’ meaning that while following dharma, artha (financial dealings) and fulfilling desires he will take wife’s consensus unfailingly. This is the grandeur of Hindu tradition. 2. Physical and Mental Stability Physical fitness is of course a primary requirement to enjoy marital bliss. When one of the couples is suffering from chronic ailments, it becomes a barrier in marital happiness. It may however be significant to note that if the early part of marital life is enjoyed by the couples and due to accident or chronic ailment occurs in the later part of life, it will not have a negative effect unless the other has a mental block. One should develop a strong will power and mental status to over ride physical weakness. 3. Tastes and Habits Tastes and habits developed by couples (if common in nature or complementary) promote mutual understanding. They may relate to participation in entertainment programmes, sports activities, visiting places, celebrating festivals and functions, visiting temples, offering prayers to god, socially moving with relatives, offering social service, following culture and tradition, watching TV programmes of common interest, showing reverence to elders and seeking their advice etc. If one’s tastes and habits are not mutually liked, marital happiness suffers.




4. Nature of Service or Profession If the nature of service of the husband pertains to night shift for a long time or if he has to undertake frequent outstation travels, it may cause feeling of loneliness to the spouse especially in the early part of marital life. Similarly, the profession relating to doctors, surgeons, engineers or auditors is time-bound and as such unless it is realized by the spouse, marital happiness is affected. It is suggested to choose life partners in the same line of service or profession. When both are employed, as is happening in majority of the cases, ego conflicts are likely to disturb their happiness unless they realize their commitment and responsibility towards one another. 5. Influence of family environment and friends It is aptly said that ‘the mother is the first school of thought’. The importance of mother in shaping the future of an individual needs no emphasis. The family environment in which a person is brought up has a say in his future life especially in marital life. Whether it is his/ her nature, temperament or habits, every thing is centered around the family environment. If there is too much of attachment to children, it downgrades love into ‘vyamoha’ thereby keeping their children ignorant of discriminating right and wrong deeds ultimately spoiling their life themselves. When the couples are brought up with healthy environment by their parents, they would enjoy marital bliss. The association of friends also influences one’s life. One should cultivate noble association which alone enhances one’s happiness in life besides supporting him in crisis. With evil association, one might fall prey to addictions to drinks, extra marital affairs ruining his life. Instances are not uncommon where the husband harassed the wife for bringing dowry which could be attributed to the influence of greedy parents or evil association of friends or developing greedy nature himself as a result of bad family environment. 6. Sanchita Karma Runanu bandha rupena Pashu, Patni, Sutaalaya // What ever is said and done, we can not rule out the role of destiny and hence it is truly said that one should have the runa to have a good spouse and children. Due to impotency or infertility, progeny may be denied which will also account for marital unhappiness. Jyotisha is based on the law of karma. Having realized this, one should accept what is in one’s fate. Although sanchita karma has to be experienced unfailingly, it is Jyotisha Sastra that educates an individual and offers proper guidance to the native to keep himself happy in his life and to maintain tranquility amidst destructive forces. 40


Role of Jyotisha With the background of the possible factors in determining marital happiness as briefed earlier and by having a friendly dialogue with the client, an astrologer will be able to sense the key problem being faced by the client to facilitate his to counselling. The birth chart indicates the native’s karma through the position of planets in different houses. The intelligence of a consultant lies in proper delineation of the horoscope. Each of the twelve bhavas is related to the other as seen in the following table. Bhava

Ninth Tenth Eleventh

Description of Bhava Tanu Bhava Kutumba Bhava Kankana Bhava Sukha Bhava Santana Bhava Roga, Ripu, Runa Bhava Kalatra Bhava Longevity/ Mangalya Bhagya Bhava Karma Bhava Labha bhava


Vyaya bhava

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth

Signification Physical health Expansion of family Prospects of marriage General Happiness Potency or fertility Diseases, conflicts in life Prospects of marriage, spouse Life after marriage House of second marriage House of mother-in-law Fulfillment of desires – prospects of marriage Bed comforts and house of separation

Let us go into the details 1. Tanu Bhava: (i) Lagna represents the body and hence its strength along with the karaka Sun’s strength determines physical health (ii) The primary element or Panchabhuta influencing the ascendant sign and the elements of planets related to it govern the temperament of the native. Fiery signs indicate execution capacity while earthy signs reflect practically oriented and sustaining abilities; airy signs give vision while watery signs denote emotional nature. (iii) Trigunas – Planets are grouped according to satwika, rajasika and tamasika gunas. Influence of satwika planets indicate timely response to activities; rajasika natives over react to situations while tamasika people do not. (iv) Longevity is based on the strength of lagna besides 8th bhava. While matching the horoscopes, analysis of Tanu bhava on these lines is a must to ensure compatibility of their nature and temperament besides longevity. (to be continued) THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Pregnancy& Astrology The Science of Garbadhana GAURA NATARAJA DASA


HE CHARACTER OF A CHILD depends on Samskara. The first samskara that we perform during the time of conception is called Garbadhana samskara. Garbadhana when performed according to an auspicious day day and time becomes the seed for the future of the child. It can instill intelligence, good behavior, wealth, success etc. in the child. In this article I wish to present some very important points from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s books from the spiritual and astrological perspective. Astrology, as we know, is about timing. Everything has to be done at the right muhurta and this includes the garbadhana samskara too. Garbhadhana samskara is recommended in the Vedic scriptures. Garbadhana keeps Family Tradition Pure The pious seminal succession in the twice born families (dvija) of the brahmanas and ksatriyas especially and the vaisyas also, must be kept very pure by the observation of the purificatory process (samksaras) beginning with garbhadhana samskara, which is observed before conceiving a child. Unless this purificatory process is strictly observed, especially by the brahmanas, the family descendants become impure, and gradually sinful activities become visible in the family. (Srimad Bhagavatam 4.14.42, purport) Timing Garbadhana Samskara After the marriage the newly wedded couple should observe brahmacharya for three days, sleeping on the earth. On the fourth day, the couple go to the husband’s house and caturthi homa is performed. After this, during the day time, the preliminaries for the first garbhadhana samskara may be performed, taking into consideration the suitable and forbidden times . It may also be performed after six or twelve nights, or after one year. The rules for time and the samskara should be observed whenever THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


H.G.Gaur Natraj Das (Nithin Bhat) is a disciple of H.H.Bhakti Raghava Swami. He completed his Mechanical engineering from Mangalore University 2001, Post Graduate in Yoga from the Department of Yogic Sciences, Mangalore University (2003-2005). He is a fulltime Hare Krishna preacher in New Vrindaban, WV implementing the principles of Krsna consciousness and yoga OM TAT SAT

the desire for sex and children arises. To say the least, each sex act must be carefully planned in advance, by use of intelligence, using the scriptural injunctions, and not determined by lust alone. Before engaging in sexual intercourse, both the husband and the wife must consider their mental condition, the particular time, the husband’s direction and obedience to the demigods. (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.14.38, purport) Forbidden Hours The union of man and wife should take place neither during the day nor during the sandhyas (daybreak and twilight). Daytime is of course the time when man should carry out his duties: waking, bathing, meditating, worshipping the supreme lord, studying scripture, chanting japa, serving the deity, carrying out household duties, welcoming guests etc. Sandhyas should only be utilized for chanting Gayatri mantra and meditating on the lord. Prasnopanisad tells us that a man reduces his life span by having sexual relations during the day. One who performs during the night is considered to be brahmachari (ie. he maintains his strength). Pranam Va Ete Skandanti Ye Diva Ratya Samyujyante // Brahmacaryam Eva Tad Ya Ratrau Ratya Samyujyante // - Prasnopanisad 1.13 Time permitted According to Asvalayana Smrti from the end of the evening sandhya up until midnight is allowed Upeyan Madhyaratrante Exception to this is when the wife is extremely lusty. To prevent her from going elsewhere for satisfaction the husband should concede to her demands according the scriptural recommendations of proper time. JANUARY 2013



Forbidden Days for the garbadhana samskara

Numbering the nights from the start of the menses of the woman, then at least the first four nights are forbidden for sexual activity. Kalaprakasika, states that the first day is fatal for the husband,the second day is fatal for the wife, the third day causes abortion and the fourth day impairs the power of the father and produces a short lived son bereft of good habits. Srila Prabhupad gives a slightly longer period. The recommended period is six days after the mensturation period.

themselves, and desire healthy, intelligent, spiritual children, should with knowledge choose an auspicious day, hour and moment for their union. Malefic planets (saturn, mars, sun) should not afflict the ascendent, kendras, or trikona, by occupation or aspect, and benefics, particularly jupiter should be strongly situated in rasi and navamsa charts. Kalaprakasika says it is better if the ascendent and eighth house are free of planets. If the above are considered when choosing a proper time pleasant union and good offspring are assured.

What Srila Prabhupada wrties

Other Forbidden Times

Shama dasi, Jan.18, 1969 The eleventh and thirteenth nights are also forbidden, as the offspring produced are of bad quality. The remaining ten days are permitted, and the later nights are favored. Even numbered nights favor male children, and uneven numbers favor female children. Sexual union after the sixteenth night is also forbidden. In the sequence below the starred days starting from 1 (beginning of menses) are forbidden for sexual intercourse. The remaining ten days (5-10, 12, 14-16) are suitable provided they do not fall on those lunar tithis which are forbidden.) Forbidden Lunar Tithis Sexual union must also be avoided on days of vrata and fasting, such as ekadasi, and on the parva days (full moon, dark moon, astami and caturdasi tithis, as well as sankranti, when the sun passes into a new zodiac sign) when the body is in weak condition, and the days when the moon passes throught the same naksatra as at ones birth. Forbidden Nakshatras Saturday, Tuesday and Sunday should be avoided being ruled by malefic planets saturn, Mars and Sun. Forbidden Naksatra: contact should be avoided when the moon is in the following constellations: bharani, krttika, ardra, aslesa, magha, purvaphalguni, visakha, jyestha, purvasada, purvabhadra Rising Sign or Ascendent Best signs are taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra and pisces according to Kala Prakasika. Proper Planetary Combinations In addition to the above strictures the man and woman who desire proper, harmonious, sexual relations between 42


As soon as the wife is pregnant, no more sex life until the child is born and is grown up at least for six months. After that one may have sex life on the same principle. If one does not want more than one or two children, he should voluntarily stop sex life. One should not use any contraceptive method and at the same time indulge in sex life. That is very much sinful. Condition of Body and Mind The husband should be free from the influence of intoxicants, should be bathed, nicely scented, garlanded, healthy, free from anxieties, and both affectionate or considerate, and passionate. The wife should be bathed, free from anger, in good spirits, in good health, neither underfed or overfed and desirous of her husband. She should have no longing for, sexual relation with anyone else. She should not be pregnant, nor should she have recently borne a child. Permission of Guru Grhasthas should indulge in sex life only in accordance with the order of the guru. (Srimad Bhagavatam7.12.11, purport) Age and health for Garbadhana Susruta, the famous ayurvedic writer says that woman matures when she is sixteen and a man when he is twenty five. Sexual union when either partner is not mature will lead to unhealthy children. He recommends that the woman should be at least sixteen and the man at least twenty five, but prefers that they should be older in order to bear good children. According to Vedic culture, sex is enjoyed under Vedic instructions. Thus the Vedas give direction to civilized human beings to enable them to satisfy their propensities for sense gratification. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Science of Vastu SUCHITA SHAH Suchita Shah is in her final year of study at Pratt Institute School of Architecture, located in Brooklyn, New York. Her interest in architecture budded from an early age as she experienced the field through the works of her father, and while she studied it herself, Suchita developed an interest in integral design and historical architecture—two seemingly opposite concepts. When Suchita became familiar with basic Vastu principles while working on a project with her father, she was intrigued that there was more of a relationship between her two interests than she had previously thought. Suchita plans to graduate in May of 2013 with her Bachelor Degree in Architecture and seeks to gain experience in the field while designing for a sustainable future.


S A STUDENT OF ARCHITECTURE in my fifth year of college, I’ve been taught to realize the consequences of manmade objects on the Earth. Sustainability and the awareness of humans’ impact on our environment are no longer optional concepts to consider when designing and constructing. The fields of landscape design, interior design and architectural design are now overlapping in order to meet these concerns, and new architecture is evolving into a hybrid of landscape and structure. In these changing times, we are essentially taking a step backwards to move our thinking forward. In other words, designers are encouraged to build organically, using local materials and labor, as they would have done centuries ago when material such as pre-fabricated concrete panels and reflective metal cladding did not exist as they do today. Our ancestors did not have cranes and wide load trucks to transport and lift materials, and their manual labor made structural possibilities limited to creating architecture that some are now conceptually trying to replicate using a modern style. So where do ancient Vastu principles fit into modern day architectural design? The Vastu Shastra doctrine is essentially a spiritual and metaphysical guide which, when followed, can lead to a peaceful coexistence with our landscape, our dwellings, and our own lifestyle. We rely upon each other and our surrounding environment to include us in information and energy transactions, establishing a natural system of exchange between individuals, civilizations, regions, and nations around the world. On another scale, we are participating daily with our dwelling and environment while fulfilling the small and large goals we have in life. Without this integral system of living, biologically speaking, all energy would be wasted and the basis for survival and civilization would be lost. Design and culture is constantly changing to adapt to the evolving needs and wants of people;


conceptually, these changes don’t eliminate the past and create from nothing, and architecturally, they don’t (always) demolish the historical and build out of the rubble. Instead, an assemblage of comfortable, functional architecture is generated, showing fragments of familiarity and simultaneously designing anew. Knowing this, an effective way of producing a working integral cycle that relates us more easily to our surroundings is by consulting the epitomized guide used to achieve harmony and a universal flow of energy - Vastu Shastra. Dwellings such as temples, homes and offices can be arranged according to the optimum workings of harmonic energy flow and scientific reasoning derived from the consideration of elements that we need to live – Earth , Water, Air, Fire and Space. Physical elements such as sound, light and air flow, and cognitive energies such as intellect and intuition are all configured by Vastu. My instinct as a liberal architecture student towards this ancient doctrine is surprisingly welcoming and positive, perhaps because I strongly believe that people today need to make a greater effort to sustain our dwellings—immediate and surrounding—instead of continuing to live our lives with a disconnected attitude towards the place we live. So, in a sense, I would argue that Vastu principles have the potential to make a very significant play in the architecture of 2012 and beyond, as they have everything to do with landscape, structure and interiors as well as the people who inhabit them. While we all hold our conservative and liberal views of religion and spirituality, the question of using Vastu transcends any of them—simply because the awareness of our impact on the Earth and our roles within the integral cycling of energies with our environment is more critical than we realize. There is a strong chance that looking back to an ancient doctrine and our ancestors’ ways of living could be the answer to how we should move forward.




Report by Prof. N. S. Murthy

4th International Astrological Conference


HE DIVYAJYOTHEE COLLEGE of Astrology and many Astrological Institutions of Karnataka conducted a three day International Conference on Vedic Astrology on the 30th November, 1 st and 2nd December, 2012 at Shikshakara Sadana, K. G. Road Bangalore. This was a tribute to Jyotisha Pitamaha Dr. B. V. Raman in his Birth Centenary Year (2012). About 750 delegates representing different states of India and abroad participated in the conference. The delegates included leading Astrologers, heads of Astrological Institutions, teaching faculty members of different schools of astrology, students and general public. Marital Astrology and End of the World were the primary topics of discussion. First Day - 30th November 2012 Prof. Mallepuram G .Venkatesh. Vice - Chancellor, Karnataka Sanskrit University was the Chief Guest on the opening day. Senior astrological scholars Dr T. S. Vasan, Dr. S.Krishna Kumar, Prof. J. Haridas, Prof. M. K. Ramachandra, Prof. B. K. Sainath, Prof. T. R. Vijay Kumar, Dr. Prabhakar Kashyap, Prof. G. K. Shivanna, Prof. B. Vasudeva Murthy and many other scholars were present. Mr. Raman Suprajarama, grandson of Dr. B. V. Raman was also present on the occasion, on a special invitation.

In his welcome address Prof. N S Murthy, President of the International Conference Committee explained the importance of the conference themes - Marital Astrology and The End of the World. The institution of marriage is undergoing much change in the present with the younger generation ignoring the importance of vedic dictums laid down by the ancient masters, he said. He gave statistical details of divorce rates in India to substantiate his stand on marital issues. As regards to the End of the World, he said rumor mongers created panic in the minds of the public and categorically denied the rumors as baseless and concluded he words that there would be at least three lakh more years for the end of ‘Kali Yuga’. Prof. H. Chandrashekar, Secretary of the Committee and Head of Divyajyothee College of Astrology explained the aims and objectives and said that his had conducted two State level and three International Conferences for the benefit of Astrological fraternity. He added that there was much misuse of this great science for quick name and fame by a section which ignored the rules of the subject, as given by our ancients. He said the aim of these conferences was to educate the public on the true greatness of Jyotisha, as very relevant to the modern world. Delivering the key note address, Dr. S. Krishna Kumar, President Bharatiya Jyotishya Samstana said that the Vedas, the knowledge books of India had to face continuous pressure by continuing efforts of ‘scientists’ to humiliate this science. He was glad that the Astrological Associations of Karnataka are striving to introduce Jyotisha as a subject of study in the universities. Speaking about the subject of the day, he said marriages are made in heaven and the relationship is a karmic bond. Astrological texts have given us many a yard stick to select matches for marriage, he added. Muhurthas were one yard stick that identified the auspicious and beneficial time to solemnize a marriage.




Dr.T.S. Vasan, Vice Chairman of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences and founder Chairman of Modern Astro Studios, said that youths were misusing their freedom in selecting life partners. He warned them that if selection of their life partners was not in accordance with astrological dictums, their marital relationship could be in jeopardy. Prof. Mallepuram G Venkatesh. Vice Chancellor of Karnataka Sanskrit University said that they will initially start Certificate and Diploma courses for which the syllabus is being prepared by a team of astrological scholars. Once approved, the courses begin from the next academic year. st

Second Day - 1 December 2012 His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Shivarudra Maha Swamiji of Sri Belimath Samsthana, Banglore presided over the second day proceedings. His Holiness advised the astrologers to be honest in their profession and said that when guidance from the astrologers is solicited, they should listen to them with awareness to get suitable solutions and remedies. Negligence can cause much loss to the client, Swamiji cautioned. He was all praise for the excellent way the International Conference was conducted and said he was a keen observer and promoter of the ancient science of Jyotisha.


Murthy, that he would connect him to the concerned government authority for an early discussion. Mr.D.K. Shiv Kumar said that he was a staunch believer of Jyotisha. He consulted known astrologers and followed their advice. He added that his standing in the social and political fields today was because of his faith in Jyotisha. He was sarcastic of politicians seeking astrological consultations in guise. He complemented the organizers for conducting astrological conferences in the interest of society. Third Day – 2nd December 2012 The last day of the conference was presided by Vedanta Acharya Shatastala Brahmi Dr. Mummadi Chandra Shekar Shivacharya Swamiji of Aramane Japada katte, Mysore. Telling the audience that he was happy to be present on the occasion, he said the conference was a platform for exchange of astrological knowledge and developments in the field. He said that marriage was a sacred event where the married couples had to live in harmony with understanding and mutual reverence.

Sri Vijaykumar, member of legislative assembly, Dr T V Raju director of R V Institute of Management were present. Prof. Murthy welcomed the gathering while Prof. Chandrasekhar read the conference report. Mr. M. D. Lakshminarayana, Chairman, Karnataka Handloom Development Corporation and member of legislative council and Mr. D. K. Shiva Kumar, former minister and member of legislative assembly were present. The day’s session started with Prof. N. S. Murthy welcoming the dignitaries and the audience. Prof. H. Chandrashekar read the conference. Answering the memorandum presented by Prof. N. S. Murthy, Mr. Lakshminarayana said that he would help in securing land for University Building. He assured Prof. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Dr. T.V.Raju was elated to see the gathering of well-known astrological scholars. He remarked that this kind of gathering he had never seen in conferences elsewhere. He complemented the organizers for arranging such conferences to help the public. Mr. Vijaykumar, member of legislative assembly representing the Jayanagar constituency was at home in the conference. He assured the organizers to help them in securing a land for construction of building from Government. He advised the organizers to identify a




location for construction of the University Building. His remarks that he will help in getting financial aid to the astrological institutions was appreciated with applause by the astrological fraternity. There was panel discussion of senior scholars of Astrology - Dr.T.S. Vasan, Dr. S. Krishna Kumar, Prof. N. S. Murthy and Prof H. Chandra Shekher. Prof. N.S.Murthy presented a power point presentation on the sensational subject The End of Kali Yuga - 2012. His presentation was thought provoking and kindled the audience mind sharply. The professor presented the case study of the Tsunami because of an earthquake in Indonesia and hit Chennai (and other parts) in 2004 when 14 countries were affected with a toll of 2,30,000 lives. He pointed out, in contrast, the date marked as Doom’s Day on 21st December 2012 will be free of pralaya. He added that many lakhs of year have to pass to complete the end of Kaliyuga. Dr.T.S.Vasan and Dr. S. Krishna Kumar were of the opinion that the end of the Kali Yuga the planets would play a major role. They said that a pralaya may take place only at that time when 8 planets are posited either in Meena (Pisces) or Mesha (Aries) rasis (signs), coinciding with an Astagraha Yoga Koota. The panel conclusion was that the world would not end in 2012. Excellent Team Work Dr. T. S. Vasan, Dr. Krishna Kumar, Prof. B. Gajendra ,

Prof. M.K.Ramachandra, Prof. Sainath, Prof. T. R. Vijaya Kumar, Dr. Prabhakar Kashyap, Prof. Haridas, Prof. G. K. Shivanna, Prof. Vasudeva Murthy and others worked together as a team under the leadership of Prof. N. S. Murthy and Prof. H. Chandrasekhar to make the Fourth International Conference a colossal success. Prof. B. Gajendra , Prof. Sainath and Prof. T. R. Vijaya Kumar proposed vote of thanks at the end of each day’s event. The three day conference saw five technical sessions and a panel discussion on the End of the World. Twenty topics were presented by expert scholars on various aspects of marital astrology with the audience’s queries answered. Scholars Honored Eminent scholars of astrology were honored with titles such as Maha Mahopadhyaya, Mahopadhyaya and Upadhyaya in recognition of their services for the cause of astrology. The very successful conference saw the astrological fraternity forming a forum called Karnataka Association of Astrological Institutions in Banglore. This forum with senior astrological scholars at the helm will recognize genuine astrologers and astrological institutions and grant affiliation for practicing (and teaching) astrology under their guidance.

Dignitary Messages His Excellency Dr. H. R. Bharadwaj,

Sri H. D. Deve Gowda,

Governor of Karnataka

Former Prime Minister of India and Member of Parliament

I am happy to note that the Divyajyothee College of Bangalore in Association with the Astrological Institutions of Karnataka, is organizing 4th International Astrological Conference on Marital Astrology commemorating the Birth Centenary Year of renowned scholar, Dr. B. V. Raman in Bangalore during November-December 2012 with a panel discussion by the experts on the End of Kaliyuga by December 2012 and a Souvenir is being published during the event.I send my best wishes and greetings to the Organizers, Panelist experts and participants on this happy occasion.

I am happy that the Divyajyothee college of Bangalore in Association with the Astrological Institutions of Karnataka, is organizing 4th International Astrological Conference on Marital Astrology commemorating the Birth Centenary Year of renowned scholar, Dr.B.V.Raman in Bangalore during NovemberDecember 2012 witha panel discussion by the experts on the End of Kaliyuga by December 2012.Astrology is an ancient science. This is deep-rooted in our tradition and culture. Saints and sages have given Jyotishya for the welfare of the people of the world.I send my best wishes and greetings to the Organizers and wish the conference a grand success.

Signed/Governor of Karnataka

Signed/H. D. Deve Gowda





Will the World End in



OOMSDAY FORECASTS are nothing new to us as it is the demonstrative pastime for most of the sensation mongers who secure much publicity through the media, both visual and print and the internet. The recent one is the scare created that the earth would perish on 21st December 2012. Our magazine has carried earlier explanatory articles exposing the myth. However, as this issue of our magazine will be in the hands of our readers much before this declared false doomsday, just to dispel the fear among the readers and expose the myth, the following facts are presented. Let this scribe assure our readers that the fear that the doomsday is just a few days ahead is totally unfounded and unscientific.

Mayan Calendar This 2012 scare rests on the fact that the Mayans carried out their calendar only up to December 21, 2012. Mayans were ace astronomers, thinkers and mathematicians and their Calendar is a perfect system with much of value in it. The Mayan Calendar is something intensely diverse than just a scheme to measure the passage of time. It is all above any prophetic effort to foresee the future. It is simply a calendar of the Ages. Mayan Calendar has not predicted any Doomsday. In fact the Mayans did not predict the end of the world on the 21st December 2012. They indicated that it was the end of an age and the start of a new era. It may be that they computed it till a point THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

of time. Perhaps they never got back to it to continue their further computations, because of the Spanish Conquistadors. Another scare floated is that the Solar System would align with the Galactic Centre on that very date and would cause much natural havocs. This event is only just an astronomical theory. Such alignments happen once in every 26,000 years. According to learned astronomers and reliable authorities, the Earth has been here for about 4.5 billion years. The humans are on it for about 200,000 years. That means that such alignments would have happened seven times since man has existed on the earth. Or perhaps that would have happened 173,076 times since Earth itself had existed. Nostradamus’ Prediction Readers may remember that sometime earlier, such sensationmongers even cited Nostradamus to have predicted that the world should end on May 11, 2008. It did not happen. The real fact is that even the well informed astronomers are not ready to tell when the end of the world would happen. Another panic created is that there is a possibility of a comet or asteroid hitting the earth, in the near future and destroying it. This has also been thoroughly investigated by expert astronomers who have assured that no such calamity is in the offing, in the near future. Whatever it be, there is no reason for any panic

whatsoever. Perhaps more than such anticipated natural calamities, the harm the present day politicians and governments of the world causing to the world is graver. With the bomb culture and terrorist attacks having become routine, the global peace is going into pieces. It is sad that some publicity-crazy astrologers also join this mad-club and give verdicts on issues that they really do not know. One such prediction was that foresaw a terrorist attack on India on January 1, 2010, at around 01.47 AM and also a disastrous event, at the same time, on January 15th, the same year, because eclipses were occurring on both these days; which is nothing unusual. Nothing can be more absurd than such reckless reckonings. The “2012” movie unfortunately has done much damage by distorting the

Kaliyuga which is said to have commenced on the 17/18 February 3102 B.C. will last for 432000 years We can therefore rest assured that there is no imminent danger or fear of destruction, for the earth. JANUARY 2013



message of the ancient prophecy of transformation and renewal by associating it with fear and destruction with a global disaster scenario, which is not based on any truth. Ancient Maya Long Count Calendar In the fitness of things, in view of the unfounded scare generated, the scribe feels that it would be appropriate to examine the planetary positions for the moment. The moment marking the completion of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of the Ancient Maya Long Count Calendar, to which this false prophesy of doomsday is pegged on is the Solstice on December 21, 2012 precisely at 11:11 AM Universal Time (or roughly 16h.41m. IST). At that moment as Jupiter will be in the Lagna (for India) getting the aspect

of the lagna-lord from the seventh and the lord of 7th exalted in the 9th, there will be no extraordinary situation apprehensive of any catastrophe. The date in question therefore will have no other significance except that another day will dawn on the 22nd December 2012. At the best what one can do is to keep his or her brush and toothpaste ready to greet yet another fine day after brushing the teeth. The Hindu calendar is natural, purposeful and scientific. It has no sensational or conjectured phenomena like the artificial ascriptions as we hear from others. The major divisions of time of the Hindus stems up from the assumption of the longevity of the creator or Brahma. It will be interesting to note that in their time scale Kalpa equal to half the day of Brahma is to last

for 4.32 billion years which according to scientists is the age of the earth. Kaliyuga which is supposed to have commenced on the 17/18 February 3102 B.C. is supposed to last for 432000 years. Therefore we can rest assured that there is no imminent danger or fear of destruction, for the earth. Those who consider the scientific contributions of our ancients or for that matter anything Indian as unscientific, be it mathematics, astronomy or even simple faiths, are free to hype and holler the occurrences of such “ D o o m s d a y s ” . Ti l l t i m e t h e average Indian tries to understand his true and unimpeachable heritage, the freedom gained by this country at midnight, will never see the dawn!

Ramayana The Eternal Scripture (continued from 26)

adequate free will, the best possible course of action is to completely avoid at all costs all Mantharas. Ramayana tells us that this may not be an easy decision but it is the only decision for the wise. One must never lose track of the penalty that Kaikeyi paid for the rest of her life. It is an important and never to be forgotten lesson for the entire world. Eternal Scripture of Hindus Any discussion covering the various characters and the historical events enshrined in the universal text of Ramayana is just the end of the beginning of sharing views and issues covered in it. The infinite knowledge contained in Ramayana is extensive and exhaustive. Anyone can see that there is no sight to the possible end to any discussion on it, at least within one’s mere lifetime on this earth. The various levels and the varieties of discussion will have meaningful impact and positive influence only when they are carried on with complete humility, decency, dignity and devotion. Ramayana, the Eternal Scripture, Handbook of Vastu Rs. 175.00 US $ 18.00 Forwarding charges extra

is not a mere story of Sri Rama, but it is also the primary theological sacrament of Hindus. We have inherited from time immemorial through Ramayana and other sacred texts or documents, immense amount of spiritual, theological, historical and material knowledge and information from the sages and seers who lived exemplary disciplined lives during the Vedic period of humanity. As we come to the end of the beginning discussion on Ramayana, let us continue to share among our families and friends the noble ideas and ideals enshrined in the story of Sri Rama and Sita Devi as contained in the spiritual and theological text of the universe. These noble ideas and ideals will nurture one to take one step at a time towards including and integrating spiritualism into the vast material world that is not only a part of one’s life but also surrounds it. May Lord Sri Rama’s And Sri Sita Devi’s Blessings Be Upon All.

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The Astrological eMagazine


January 2013

First column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours. Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generally spurned for auspicious events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346º40’ to 360º and Vyatipata from 213º20’ to 226º40’ of the sum of the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1½ hours or more, when Sraddha is performed by the astute. These two belong to the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the astronomical implications, the Sayana Vydhruti and Vyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are different from the Nityayogas. The Karana is the half of the Tithi. They are mainly classified as Sthira - fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable. The Chara Karanas are seven in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni, Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. The forbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification. We have most of our religious observances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana, Sankataharachaturthi Vrata, Shastivrata, Ekadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga. Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent. Chandradarisana is observed on the evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears for the first time in the west after the Amavasya. Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known as Sankataharachaturthi. The evenings of Sukla and Krishna Trayodasi days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days. The important dates and festivals for January 2013 are as follows: 1. Tue - New Year Day (2013 A.D.), Sankataharachaturthi; 3. Thur - Shastivrata; 5. Sat - Ashtaka (Pukpashtaka); 8. Tue - Saphala/Utpathi Ekadasi; 9. Wed - Sayana Vyatipata. Pradosha; 10. Thu - Masa Shivaratri; 11. Fri - Vakula Amavasya (Orissa). Kudaravalli. Hanuman Jayanti; 13. Sun - Makara Samkranti (N. India). Bhogi (S. India), Chandradarisana. Sravanavrata; 14. Mon - Tai Pongal (Tamil Nadu), Kumbha Yoga at Prayag (Poorna Kumbha); 15. Tue - Maattu Pongal or Kanuvu (S. India), Masa Chaturthi; 16. Wed - Kaanum Pongal (Tamilnadu); 17. Thu - Shastivrata; 19. Sat - Durga Ashtami; 21. Mon - Sayana Vaidhruthi, Krittikavrata; 22. Tue - Putrada/ Bhisma Ekadasi; 23. Wed - Bhisma Dwadasi. Pradosha; 26. Sat - Republic Day. Pournamipooja; 27. Sun - Paushi Pournima. Taipoosam - Floating Festival; 30. Wed - Sankataharachaturthi, Marty’s Day (Mahatma Gandhi’s Commemoration Day). Moon in Kataka enters: Simha on 1st at 11h.46m; Kanya on 3rd at 19h.50m; Thula on 6th at 01h.21m; Vruschika on 8th at 04h.10m; Dhanus on 10th at 04h.52m; Makara on 12th at 04h.54m; Kumbha on 14th at 06h.12m; Meena on 16th at 10h.42m; Mesha on 18th at 19h.23m; Vrishabha on 21st at 07h.27m; Mithuna on 23rd at 20h.29m; Kataka on 26th at 08h.14m; Simha on 28th at 17h.47m; Kanya on 31st at 01h.17m.

The Sun in Poorvashada enters: Uttarashada Nakshatra on 11th at 00h.30m; Sravana Nakshatra on 24th at 02h.46m. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE



Panchanga for January 2012






Panchanga for January 2012





This Month for You

JANUARY 2013 VARAHAMIHIRA The Sun enters Capricorn on January 14th. Mars enters Aquarius on 25th. Mercury enters Capricorn on 15th. Venus enters Sagittarius on 4th and Capricorn on 28th. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu stay in Taurus, Libra, Libra and Aries respectively.

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1 The Sun in the latter half, Mars, Mercury in the latter half, Jupiter, and Venus favour you. Others do not. This offers a fairly good picture. Your health is satisfactory particularly in the latter half. Your enemies are kept out of mischief. There may be situations in which you overthrow your opposition with all your might. Even your antagonists keep aloof from you being frightened by your strength. Auspicious things adorn your house. There will be happy reunion with the family. Proposals for marriage click and the girl/boy of your choice becomes your life partner. Even in romance, there will be success. Job seekers find that they are able to overshadow their rivals with the stamp of personality. Leaders become charismatic and establish themselves to the dismay of their rivals. You get the favour of women at times. Honeymooning couple have an enjoyable time. Those who are trying for important travels find that the technical hitches vanish and the travel materializes. With all these, there may be some bitter experiences in travels. Those undertaking professional travels find that they succeed in general, but some rivals ruin the otherwise excellent disposition. These are only a few and pale into insignificance in the midst of a plentiful supply of good results. Aswini: There may be some success in the first half though injuries mar the happiness in the latter. There will be favourable currents leading to your welfare. There will be gains from investments. Bharani: There will be injuries in the beginning. In the second, you vanquish the enemies. There may be 52


unfortunate currents causing dissatisfaction. You incur the displeasure of seniors. Krittika: There will be gains in the first half and injuries in the second. There will be the favour of seniors. Many favourable currents cheer you up.

VRISHABA (Taurus) Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini and Mrigasira 1, 2 Mars towards the close, Mercury in the early half (with Vedha Check), Venus, and Saturn help you. Others do not. This is not a very favourable disposition of planets. The fact is that the ambience is very much against you. Many things are detrimental to your interests. You enthusiastically work. Yet getting recognition is not within your reach. There are many factors which also help you. But they act very slowly. Your skills in the work no doubt pays you but when the reward comes you are practically frustrated. Proposals for marriage generally do not succeed. But in some cases where there is also mutual liking clicks rather unexpectedly. You get a spouse of your liking who cooperates with you in your ventures. Even in the family the unfavourable attitude of the consort, if existed earlier vanishes at least temporarily. Newlyweds are happy. It is true that their relatives are not cooperative, yet they manage to make their plans succeed. You vanquish your enemies and put an end to the machinations of the rivals towards the close of the month. You may also get a favourable verdict in the settlement of disputes on ancestral property, but towards the close. By and large this is not a good period, but for some means of interesting results. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Krittika : There will be some gains in the beginning. You may undergo injuries later. You get wealth from investment. Many favourable currents cheer you up. Rohini : There will be unfavourable currents which give you dissatisfaction. There may be injuries in the first half. But there will be some gains despite some unfavourable currents. Mrigasira : There will be injuries. There will be gains from investments and favour of seniors. Many favourable currents make you happy.

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira 3, 4, Aridra and Punarvasu 1, 2, 3 Mercury in the latter half, and Ketu help you. Others do not. With this meagre supply of good results, the picture is grim. The real problem is that you are a lover of exuberance and you want to keep a high profile and project yourself in the midst of others. It is time that you have achieved something in the past and you have been resting on the laurels till now. Now it is time for you to do things of importance and regain the past glory. Your one-time influence has waned and you need hard work. But cut your coat according to the cloth and you should shed your tendency to overdo things. In official circles, you meet with disappointments. But in the latter half you do commendable acts and your friends help you to solve your problems. A consolation package comes to you. This may not give any excitement, but it nevertheless relives you of the disappointment that has been haunting you constantly. The relentless chase you have made for achieving your object makes you exhausted and but for the consolation you may stand at bay. Proposals for marriage do not succeed in general. Some women may stand in the way. Honeymooning couple find that their in-laws impede their plans. Still you get enough income to run the routine show and this gives some satisfaction in the midst of troubles and turmoils. Mrigasira : Injuries are likely. Investments fetch you wealth. Favourable currents cheer you up. Aridra: There will be problems of health giving concern. There will be some gains in the midst of troubles. Favourable currents make you happy. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Punarvasu : There will be the support of seniors. Many oppositions vanish and you get favours. But some unfavourable currents disturb you.

KARKATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu 4, Pushya and Aslesha The Sun in the early half, Mercury in the early half and Jupiter grace you. Others do not. This is a fairly good picture. You do well in profession. There is flow of income. At times, there is bonus for your work, which is appreciated. Your health is normal and you wield good influence and power. Your words are respected and there are situations in which you have the final say. In terms of honour and prestige your planets shower choicest blessings. Your kinsmen help you particularly in the latter half. Because of continued success at several fronts, you become a bit self-complacent and grow lethargic. This may force you to bypass some matters requiring attention. The currents against you are easily removed and you have a cakewalk even in highly competitive situations. Your children make you happy. Newlyweds find that the things fall short of expectations. The in-laws may try to extinguish their enthusiasm. The bitter share of your experiences is not very pronounced. But you may find that there are many quarrels in family and society and you get unconsciously embroiled in them. But you can extricate yourself though at times at the expense of some disappointment. The problems created by your consort’s senior relatives create some concern. But the overall picture continues to be good. Punarvasu : There will be gains from investments. Some unfavourable currents disturb you. But many opposition get easily removed. Pushya : There will be gains from investments and favour of seniors. There will be many favourable currents that cheer you up. You may face injuries in the latter half. Aslesha : There will be problems of health causing concern. Many unfavourable currents disturb you. In the latter half there will be gains.

SIMHA (Leo) (Makha, Poorvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni 1) The Sun in the latter half, Mars, Mercury in the latter half, Venus, Saturn and Rahu favour you. Others do not. JANUARY 2013



This is a fairly good disposition. Despite some losses, which are inevitable, you meet with success in many matters. In disputes you are crowned with success. Your elevation in the office despite hurdles takes place with extraordinary effort. You wield power and influence. The proposals for marriage often meet with mixed results. In some cases there may be favourable results due to the influence from unexpected quarters. You undergo travel with success. If there are problems connected with some friends, they also get settled amicably. You do win in liaison work. Your ingenious ways of execution excites the admiration of others. Newlyweds are happy. Their relatives also offer their support. Their travels also prove quite enjoyable. There will be income from several sources. Your application for loan or other favours, though blocked initially get the approval of the concerned persons. Your entourage increases. You may be blessed with loyal and dutiful assistants who constantly help you in your ventures. There may be some problems with children. The recalcitrance may cause concern. But they can be solved by persuasion. On the whole, a good period but for some unpleasant experiences. Magha : There will be gains from investments. The enemies will be dealt with in the proper way. There may be injuries. Many favourable currents cheer you up. Poorvaphalguni : Your health may cause concern. There will be wealth due to success in disputes. Some unfavourable currents disturb you. Uttaraphalguni : You get the favour of seniors. You may face injuries. Many favourable currents make you happy.

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4, Hasta and Chitta 1, 2 Jupiter and Venus favour you. Others do not. The picture is not very good. But the transit of Jupiter which is favourable gives you providential grace and makes you overcome the hurdles. There will be gains of various kinds. One may get a share from the property from the wife’s side. Travel plans will succeed. Even some of the problems, which have been tantalizing get solved. Though in general, you have a feeling of satisfaction, many unpleasant things disturb you, but not significantly. Some problems connected with children may 54


disturb you. Some rivals may plan against you and impede your progress. But in all these you also solve them with might. In fact many friends help you at times of distress. Problems of health cause concern at times. Those with chronic illness should be careful. You wield power and influence, but your wings may partly be clipped by higher ups who do not tolerate your rise. Newlyweds feel happy and they get the favour of relatives to enjoy themselves. You may do house construction comfortably. Proposals for marriage easily click, but those aspiring for childbirth meet with temporary obstacles. Those interested in romance get partial success. On the whole, the period gives satisfaction. Uttaraphalguni : You get the favour of seniors. You vanquish the enemies. There will be many favourable currents causing financial gains. Hasta : Problems of health give concern. You may have some injuries in the early half. Some influential friends help you. Chitta : There will be gains from investments. Injuries are likely. There will be favourable currents which lead to your welfare.

TULA (Libra) Chitta 3,4, Swati and Visakha 1, 2, 3 Mercury in the latter half and Venus help you. Others do not. With several odds against you, you have to swim leeward. The real problem is that many of your ventures get blocked because of the absence of cooperation of the associates. Even if you try to cajole or implore, your words are of no avail, because the main aim of those is only to damage your image as instigated by your opponents. You may travel on mission only to find that the attempt is futile. In some cases the person may be stranded on the way. People with chronic illness may find that things become worse to the determent of your health. There may be cases where the problems of visa may impede the travel plans. Proposals for marriage generally do not succeed. But in some rare case the extraordinary favour of some close friends remove the hurdles. There may be some rare case of birth of children or grandchildren that may give unexpected happiness. When you try to expand your organization, you find that some technical hitches bring THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

your plans to a standstill. You can continue with the routine matters, but the ambitious programmes do not fructify. New weds feel happy though problems of health may ruin the mirth and jollity they have. There will be some flow of money, but huge sums due to you may get delayed. On the whole, not a good period. Chitta : There will be the favour of seniors and gains from investments. Injuries are likely. There will be many favourable currents. Swati : There will be problems of health causing concern. You will win in disputes. There will be many favourable currents. Visakha : There will be gains from investments. You win in disputes. Unfavourable currents disturb you. But your success in some matters cheer you up.

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha 4, Anuradha and Jyestha Vrischika (Scorpio): (Visakha 4, Anuradha, Jyestha) The Sun in the latter half, Mars, Mercury in the early half, Jupiter, Venus, and Ketu grace you. Others do not. This offers a good picture. In fact, many ventures you undertake succeed and fetch you fame and position. Academicians win accolades and politicians do get positions of importance. The financial position improves considerably and you earn wealth. Travel plans succeed without any hitch. You acquire costly goods. Conjugal relations are good and you undertake travels with family with pleasure. You make strides in profession and acquire fame for solving intricate problems. You undertake challenges and win. Those are talented in any field show their skills and win the approbation of the concerned circles. Proposals for marriage succeed and you get consort of your liking. Newlyweds are happy and have an enjoyable honeymoon. They undertake travel with pleasure. You enjoy the favour of the government in the latter half and get loans or financial assistance as you need. Students do well in the examinations and win laurels according to ability. They get scholarships or educational loans as sought for. With all these there will be some problems connected with the health of seniors and ancestral properties. Visakha : You gain from investments and enjoy the favour of seniors. You win in lawsuits. There will be unfavourable currents causing dissatisfaction. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Anuradha : There will be gain from investment. There will be injuries. Many favourable currents cheer you up. Jyestha : There will be unfavourable currents causing concern. You win in disputes. Your health causes concern and you incur the displeasure of senior relatives.

DHANUS (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashada and Uttarashada 1 Mars towards the close, Mercury in the latter half, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu are favourable. This offers a mediocre picture. It is true that you face some good experiences coupled with bitter events and this makes the period mediocre. One bane is that you are not able to enjoy your achievements. Even if you get a promotion you are displaced from the usual abode, a strange feeling of loneliness engulfs you, and you are unable to share the happiness you derive from the position, and wealth. You may visit foreign countries earn well and make handsome remittances to your place, but the family is away from you and this makes life barren. A student who bags a top position in his group is isolated because he is at the top. One may try to escape the dull monotony caused by the situation, yet the same fate follows in another way. In the latter there will be some change and your bosom friends at least flock around you. Proposals for marriage do not succeed. But romances are generally successful. Newlyweds feel happy, but their plans for honeymoon are partly fulfilled. You acquire costly goods and your associates help you. In disputes you fight vehemently and you get success in the end though the price you have to pay is heavy. You furnish and decorate the house as you like, but you do not find admirers. Moola: There will be gains from investment. There may be injuries in the first half and gains in the latter half. There will be favourable currents. Poorvashada : Problems of health give concern. You win in disputes. There may be unfavourable currents causing dissatisfaction. Uttarashada : You gain from investments and your seniors favour you. You face injuries in the beginning and gain wealth in the end. There will be favourable currents which cheer you up.




MAKARA (Capricorn) Uttarashada 2, 3 4, Sravana and Dhanistha 1, 2 Jupiter, Venus and Rahu are helpful. Others do not. The Jupiterian transit is favourable. This alone gives a good trend in general. But the adverse transits of other planets nevertheless put you to hardship. There is flow of income. You gain from profession, property etc. But you have expenses and you spend money for clearing debts and invest for various matters. The final result is that the profit is practically absent except perhaps the vicarious satisfaction you derive out of these things. Proposals for marriage easily bear fruit. But here again the expenses mount high and at times wastage causes duplication of expenses. Promises of friends are not kept. In fact they do their best to avoid you. But the couple feel happy and undertake travels. Scandalmongers put you to hardship and they partly succeed in damaging your name. There may be gains from some unexpected quarters. But there will be many a slip between the cup and the lip. You have to strive hard for acquiring it. In this academicians who win accolades find it hard to get them actually. Students with guaranteed scholarships have to clear the technical formalities which create the bottleneck. With all these things there is providential grace. You achieve many things but after belabouring yourself in many stages. Uttarashada : There will be gains from investments. Seniors favour you. You may win in disputes. In the latter half there may be injuries.; There will be favourable currents that cheer you up. Sravana : Problems of health give concern. Those with chronic illness should be careful. There may be injuries. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Dhanistha : There will be gains from investments. Ancestral property fetches you wealth. You face injuries in the latter half. Favourable currents make you cheerful.

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanistha 3, 4, Satabhisha, and Poorvabhadrapada 1, 2, 3 Mercury in the early half, Venus and Ketu grace you. Other do not. 56


This does not offer a very encouraging picture. Still there will be some results which make you happy in the midst of many problems in which you are embroiled. First of all there will be many domestic problems that defy solutions. Your kith and kin despite your sympathy and favour in the early days now do not bother about you. The fact is that you have been overenthusiastic at times in helping them but the self-centred people focus only on their welfare and become indifferent to your problems which are complex. At times you even feel like keeping away and remain sequestered for some time. But that may not solve the problems. Even in solitude you face problems of some other kind. You may also face problems of health. There may be injuries causing concern. With all these there are some pleasant things. There is flow of income and investments fetch good income. Newlyweds have an enjoyable honeymoon despite the hurdles placed by some relatives. Your children make you happy. You do act skilfully and boost your reputation. Though the major problems remain unsolved, the routine life goes on pleasantly. Dhanistha : Investments fetch wealth. There will be gains from ancestral property. Injuries are likely in the latter half. There will be favourable currents. Satabhisha : Problems of health give concern. There will be gains from disputes. There will be favourable currents. Poorvabhadra : There will be gains from investments and favour of seniors. You may face injuries. Unfavourable currents are likely.

MEENA (Pisces): Poorvabhadrapada 4, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati The Sun in the latter half, Mars and Mercury favour you. Others do not. This is not an encouraging picture. The fact is that your status-conscious nature often gets offended. Your official elevation gets delayed. On the other hand you face obstacles. Your ventures do not succeed. Though you try to impress the higher-ups, you often rub the wrong shoulders and meet with failure. Your rivals manipulate and edge you out from the vantage position you have. Your sense of self-respect gets wounded when you are sidelined despite the fact that you are really the



William R. Levacy Receives Doctorate in Education We are happy to announce that William R. Levacy, (regular contributor to The Astrological Magazine) received on October 17, 2012, a Doctorate in Education from Capella University, USA for his thesis on Human Performance Improvement. Dr. Levacy’s doctoral specialization – Human Performance Improvement (HPI). HPI – emphasizes that one must look at performance within the context of a system and all of the interdependent factors that affect that performance. HPI also recognizes that is necessary to look at the factors that impact the results that people produce. In HPI people are at the heart of any analysis we do. Dr. Levacy tells us that human performance improvement is a goal of Jyotisha. The astrologer analyzes the chart to determine the best way a person can perform in time, with the hopes of averting danger and maximizing health and happiness. Dr. Levacy’s dissertation focuses on culture as a system. The aim of his research was to find out how cultural diversity impacted performance of multicultural teams, with an emphasis on India and the U.S. The abstract of Dr. Levacy’s dissertation is presented below. We congratulate Dr. Levacy on his wonderful academic achievement. We at The Astrological eMagazine encourage him to continue in his ongoing efforts to further his academic excellence in the field of Jyotisha and wish him many more laurels. Dr. (Bill) Levacy holds a BA in Literature, a Master’s in the Science of Creative Intelligence, a Master’s in Education, and a Ph.D. in Education with a specialization in Human Performance Improvement (HPI). Dr. Bill is the author of, “Beneath a Vedic Sky,” “Beneath a Vedic Sun,” and “Vedic Astrology Simply Put.” Dr. Bill has been awarded the title “Jyotisha Maha Sagara” by Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation on the occasion of its Founder Chairman Dr. B. V. Raman’s Birth Centenary (2012) Celebrations. He is a recipient of the 2011 “Jyotish Medha Pragya” award by the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) in New Delhi, India. Dr. Bill is President of the American College of Vedic Astrology™ (ACVA), and the ACVAOnline ™ educational program at Bill has maintained an active consulting astrology practice since 1983 and has lectured internationally. Dr. Bill lives in Southern California and can be reached at You can visit his website at

fountainhead of the project undertaken. But you effort ultimately pays you. You succeed, but the Pyrrhic victory you achieve may not warm the cockles of your heart. Your children make you happy. Your skilful ways of manoeuvring matters really pays. Newlyweds however do not feel happy. Their attempt for having a pleasant honeymoon gets spoilt because of the interference of some senior relatives. You vanquish the enemies and win in lawsuits regarding wealth. It is true that there are many odds against you, but your luck and partly ingenuity push you up. On the whole, a period of mixed results. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Poorvabhadrapada : You gain from investments. The seniors favour you. Many unfavourable currents disturb you. You face injuries. Uttarabhadrapada : You gain from ancestral wealth and investments. Your seniors are pleased with you. You gain from disputes. Many favourable currents make you happy. Revati: Your health causes concern. Many unfavourable currents cause dissatisfaction. There may be injuries in the latter half. In the earlier half, you win in disputes. JANUARY 2013



Sunrise and Sunset Timings for January 2013 Date





Jan Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset 2013 local time local time local time local time

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

6:42 6:42 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:44 6:44 6:44 6:45 6:45 6:45 6:45 6:45 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:47 6:47 6:47 6:47 6:47 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46

18:05 18:05 18:06 18:06 18:07 18:08 18:08 18:09 18:09 18:10 18:10 18:11 18:12 18:12 18:13 18:13 18:14 18:14 18:15 18:15 18:16 18:16 18:17 18:17 18:18 18:18 18:19 18:19 18:20 18:20 18:20

6:31 6:32 6:32 6:32 6:33 6:33 6:33 6:34 6:34 6:34 6:34 6:35 6:35 6:35 6:35 6:35 6:35 6:35 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:36 6:35 6:35

17:54 17:54 17:55 17:55 17:56 17:56 17:57 17:58 17:58 17:59 17:59 18:00 18:00 18:01 18:01 18:02 18:03 18:03 18:04 18:04 18:05 18:05 18:06 18:06 18:07 18:07 18:08 18:08 18:08 18:09 18:09

6:46 6:47 6:47 6:47 6:48 6:48 6:48 6:48 6:49 6:49 6:49 6:49 6:49 6:49 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:50 6:49 6:49 6:49 6:49 6:49 6:48

17:53 17:54 17:54 17:55 17:56 17:56 17:57 17:58 17:58 17:59 17:59 18:00 18:01 18:01 18:02 18:03 18:03 18:04 18:04 18:05 18:06 18:06 18:07 18:07 18:08 18:08 18:09 18:10 18:10 18:11 18:11

7:12 7:12 7:12 7:13 7:13 7:13 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:13 7:13

18:13 18:13 18:14 18:15 18:15 18:16 18:17 18:17 18:18 18:18 18:19 18:20 18:20 18:21 18:22 18:22 18:23 18:24 18:24 18:25 18:25 18:26 18:27 18:27 18:28 18:28 18:29 18:30 18:30 18:31 18:31

New Delhi Sunrise


local time

7:14 7:14 7:14 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:14 7:13 7:13 7:13 7:12 7:12 7:11 7:11 7:10 7:10

Thiruvananthapuram Sunrise


local time

17:36 17:36 17:37 17:38 17:38 17:39 17:40 17:41 17:41 17:42 17:43 17:44 17:45 17:46 17:46 17:47 17:48 17:49 17:50 17:50 17:51 17:52 17:53 17:54 17:55 17:55 17:56 17:57 17:58 17:59 18:00

6:37 6:37 6:37 6:38 6:38 6:38 6:39 6:39 6:40 6:40 6:40 6:40 6:41 6:41 6:41 6:41 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:42 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:43

18:15 18:16 18:16 18:17 18:17 18:18 18:18 18:19 18:19 18:20 18:20 18:21 18:21 18:22 18:22 18:23 18:23 18:24 18:24 18:24 18:25 18:25 18:26 18:26 18:26 18:27 18:27 18:28 18:28 18:28 18:29

All times are in local time for the respective cities


The book takes you through a systematic course of Yoga in a graduated form. Contains 10 photo blocks and 30 line drawings. Pages : 127 : Price : Rs. 65.00 / US $ 6.50 < Forwardng charges free for Subscribers of

The Astrological eMagazine 101 C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore - 560 003. Tel : +91-80-65991845 Email :




Lagna Table*


for January 2013 Kartika / Margasirsa COMPILED BY ESSEN






Vrishabha Mithuna






01 TUE













02 WED













03 THU













04 FRI













05 SAT













06 SUN













07 MON













08 TUE













09 WED













10 THU













11 FRI













12 SAT













13 SUN













14 MON













28:38:12+ Makara

Kumbha Meena


Vrishabha Mithuna





Vrishchika Dhanus

15 TUE













16 WED













17 THU













18 FRI













19 SAT













20 SUN













21 MON













22 TUE













23 WED













24 THU













25 FRI













26 SAT













27 SUN













28 MON













29 TUE













30 WED













31 THU













* For Bangalore

The + sign in the table indicates time after midnight (next day). THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE




Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night are divided into 8 sections each having duration of 90 minutes or 1½ hours each. The seven Upagrahas kaala, paridhi, dhooma, ardhaprahara, yamakantaka, indrachaapa and Maandi take over by turns their ruler-ship of the seven sections, each day, leaving one to Rahu. The period ruled by Rahu is called Raahukala which is generally considered inauspicious. The timings of the ruler-ship of Raahukala for the seven weekdays are furnished in the table below. The timings given are for days when the sunrise is 06.00 AM and sunset 06.00 PM. For calculating the exact duration of the period of Raahukalam, on any day, the duration of the daytime must be ascertained first and that has to be divided by 8. The result arrived will denote the duration of the

each of the 8 sections for the day. For example take a Sunday having the sunrise at 06.20 AM and sunset at 05.40 PM. The duration of the daytime will then be only 11h.20m.., or 680minutes. Divided by 8 the sectional value will be only 85 minutes. Raahukala generally for Sunday is from 16.30 to 18 hrs. In this case Raahukala must therefore be only for

85 minutes. It would commence 85 minutes before the actual unset of the day namely, 05.40 AM. Therefore the Raahukala for the day will be from 16h.15m, to 17h.40m. It has to be worked out accordingly for the periods of other Upagrahas also. Gulikakala is considered auspicious. Regarding Yamakantaka, popularly considered inauspicious, opinions however, differ.






16.30 to 18.00

15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30


07.30 to 09.00

13.30 to 15.00

10.30 to 12.00


15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30

09.00 to 10.30


12.00 to 13.30

10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00


13.30 to 15.00

09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30


10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00

15.00 to 16.30


09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30

13.30 to 15.00

Edited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu at 101 C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003 and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008.THE Ph:ASTROLOGICAL 25556015. eMAGAZINE 60 JANUARY 2013 Email:

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