July 2015

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VOL 36 • NO. 8

www.theactiveage.com Helping our readers live healthy, fulfilling and active lives.

July 2015

Septuagenarians work for lively bodies, minds

(Editor’s Note: The active age recently convened a focus group of those in their 70s. This is a snapshot of what we learned.)

ACTIVE AGING PUBLISHING, INC 125 S West St., Suite 105 Wichita, Ks 67213

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By Elvira Crocker They’re feisty, involved and filled with purpose. They haven’t lost their sense of humor. This is no rocking chair crowd. Some are still in the workforce. Truth be told, nearly all of them are working — only now they call it “volunteering” because there’s no compensation. As one put it, “I’ve graduated from money to no money.” Some 270,000 or 9 percent of Kansans are in their 70s, according to the U.S. Census (2012). In a word, they are septuagenarians. They are members of a group that includes Barbra Streisand, Jane

and Peter Fonda, Julie Christie, Tom Selleck and Robert DeNiro. That’s a reminder that we all age, whether we’re famous or not. Some have lived here all of their lives; others left and came back, or came here by choice or circumstance to pursue an education or career. They’re here because they like Wichita’s size. One woman left in her 20s and lived all over the Southwest before returning two years ago. “I had forgotten how friendly it was. It’s a small city with no traffic. It’s also cheaper to live here than a lot of places I’ve lived in.” “I love the small town atmosphere,” added a woman who is a playwright. See 70s, page 12

Courtesy photo

Remember Joyland? For 55 years, if it was summer you probably visited the amusement park on South Hillside. It closed in 2006, and this year it was demolished. The Old Woman’s Shoe was a favorite with the younger kids. Revisit those summer-day memories. Page 14.

Love? What do taxes have to do with it?

By Jo Anne Lofland

Everyone is asking “WHY?” We’ve been dating off and on since 1970 and, as Art so indelicately said to my Aunt LaVon recently, “We’ve been shackin’ up since 1993!” Why would we get married? Our single status quo posed no problems. Studies tell us that cohabitation among couples over 50 is on the rise, not marriage. Apparently we’re bucking a national trend. So, why? There are financial and legal reasons, but for us, it was mostly sentimental. A news article in USA Today about Social Security and a visit with my financial advisor first sent my thoughts down the matrimonial path.

Questions about services?

I learned that my social security payout might be higher if we married. Mine. Not Art’s. Because I have earned less along life’s path, I would receive a lower level of SS payout as a single woman. But, if we married, I would become eligible to receive his higher level if he were to pre-decease me. (BTW, pre-decease is a word I had never used before I started thinking about marriage.) Other considerations? Taxes. Being married is a plus for estate and inheritance taxes. I won’t get specific about this because I appreciate the complications of the law. Trusts, prenuptial agreements and other legal options should be reviewed. Google “Why marry after 50?” and

Central Plains Area Agency on Aging or call your county Department on Aging: 1-855-200-2372

you’ll find plenty of information. Individual circumstances vary on so many levels that a visit to your financial advisor and/or attorney is important. In our case, health insurance won’t change for good or bad. But for many couples it’s a valid consideration. And it’s possible that we might get a better rate on our auto insurance. Another phrase new to my world is spousal rights. Being married ensures we can visit each other in the hospital and make health decisions on one another’s behalf without convening a meeting of the hospital’s management team. Could joining the state-licensed couples club actually simplify things? I have always held tight to Joni See Love, page 2

Butler County: (316) 775-0500 or 1-800- 279-3655 Harvey County: (316) 284-6880 or 1-800-279-3655

Page 2

the active age

July 2015


From page 1

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Mitchell’s lyric from the song, My Old Man. “We don’t need no piece of paper from the city hall keepin’ us tied and true!” Joni wrote that in 1970. Courtesy photo I guess I’ve Newlyweds Art Bush and JoAnne Lofland changed. A lot of things have changed. I wear a bra every our friend, Sal, presiding, Art and I day now. exchanged vows on the anniversary This is the only relationship in date of my Mom’s and Dad’s wedding. which I’ve ever considered marriage. The coincidental fact that that date was We love each other, and we’ve already 4/20 has sparked plenty of comments. built a life together. I had a lovely dress. Art looked very The strongest influence on this handsome. We had amazing flowers, decision was sentiment. and a delicious little cake. I wanted to do the traditional thing Whatever combination of circumthat my mother would have wanted. stances triggered my impulse to marry And, in her absence, I wanted her at age 64, I’m happy about it. And Art sisters to be there. says he is, too. Now I think a honeyArt was a bit mystified, but game moon is in order. for a new commitment. That’s a good reason in itself ! The small ceremony we had was Contact Jo Anne Lofland at next to perfect. Only one of mom’s sis- jlofland@cox.net ters, Aunt LaVon, could attend. With


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July 2015

the active age

Page 3

Woodworking teacher loves the ‘a-ha’ moment

By David Dinell While many of her peers were spending their extra weekend hours playing a video game, Abigail Klausmeyer, 11, was focused on a very old skill: working with wood. “It’s really fun,” she said, as she took a break from learning how to use a planer. “You learn about the different joints and chisels, and how to sharpen tools.” Klausmeyer is part of an intergenerational program sponsored by the Wichita Sunflower Woodworkers

Guild, a group dedicated to sharing and promoting woodworking. She, along with the other eight students, will show off what they’ve made July 8-11 at the Sedgwick County Fair in Cheney. The fifth grader realizes that knowing how to use these tools will be useful in life because she can repair things. “It will help me just do anything and do it better.” Some of the guild’s 135 members are retired and sharing their skills.

Clark Shultz, 67, was teaching this class at his east Wichita backyard workshop. He showed the students how to adjust the blade — with safety first, of course — and how to use the planer for maximum effectiveness. After 45 minutes of instruction, the students were eager to make something, in this case, a tool tote. Kaci Duggan, 13, who was there with twin brother Will and mom Kristy, said “the best part is that we The fair now occupies more than 20 make stuff.” acres with several permanent buildings Kristy said she likes for commercial exhibits, foods booths, the fact that club members Photo by David Dinell animal pens and buildings for 4-H “have actual lessons.” Kaci Duggan, 13, carefully measures a exhibits. New seating for 3,000 was Shultz said it was great piece of wood. “The best part is that we completed in 2003 for the rodeo arena. when the students’ parents make stuff,” she says. A new 4-H exhibit building was came because it gives the kids completed in 2006, and a new build“a lot of good support.” past president, said there are many ing to show rabbits and chickens was Another parent, Martina Holmes, reasons to learn these skills. “Eventucompleted a year later. was with her daughter Samantha, 12. ally, almost everyone will buy a piece However, the Kansas Department Samantha has already built a picof furniture in a cardboard box that of Agriculture has canceled all poulture frame and was getting tips on how requires hand tools to assemble.” try-related shows and events this year to use the planer. Her mom reminded Shultz said his reward for dedicatbecause of the concern about Avian her that there was a door at their house ing his time to the class comes when Influenza. that could use her new skill. young faces light up, and he sees that The Butler County Fair -- July Shultz, a former teacher and an he’s passing on a lifetime skill to an26-30 -- began in 1872 in Towanda, interior trim carpenter, had his own other generation. but it’s now held in El Dorado at the company for six years. He started in “I love seeing the ‘a-ha’ moment fairgrounds. woodworking at 12, an activity his dad when they catch on.” Harvey County established a Free did, as well as his grandfather. Contact David Dinell at Fair in 1873. This year’s dates are July Those types of skills often aren’t 31-Aug. 3 in Newton. being handed down, he said, and many ddinell932@yahoo.com schools are cutting back on such classFor more about Kansas fairs, visit Contact Elma Broadfoot at es because of budget constraints. our website at ebroadfoot@aol.com John Rhoads, 75, and the guild’s theactiveage.com/stories.

July is county fair month

By Elma Broadfoot The Sedgwick County Fair has been held in Cheney since 1940. Floyd Souders, who owned and ran the town newspaper, began working on a county fair in 1939. He involved the Chamber of Commerce in organizing the Sedgwick County Fair Association. Several factors worked to Cheney’s advantage in becoming the host city. It had a successful record in hosting a Fall Festival and the city of Cheney donated land to the new fair association to get it started. A bond issue was passed for $1,200 to build the first building, and volunteers donated the labor. The first fair was held in October 1940. Due to World War II, the government cancelled all fairs until the war was over. Therefore, the third annual fair was not held until September 1947. This year’s fair is July 8-11.

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Page 4

the active age

July 2015

Decades of history precede 81st NBC opener on July 24

By Bob Rives It was the fertile mind of a failed stand-up comic that fathered it. But it was the whiplash arm of one of history’s greatest pitchers that was the midwife who delivered it. And it’s still going. In late July the National non-professional baseball tournament will kick off after 80 years of making diamond history. Raymond (Hap — for Happy) Dumont had been valedictorian at Wichita’s East High School. With a bit of wanderlust, the onetime church league first baseman took off for Chicago to try life on the comic stage. But in the bootleg-fueled Chicago of the Roaring ‘20s, performers wondered whether to expect rotten eggs when they bombed or machinegun fire.

NBC seeks volunteers

Dates for this year’s tournament are July 24-Aug. 8 with Baseball Around the Clock, the 56-hour baseball marathon, the weekend of July 31. In an unusual move, the NBC has lowered the prices of some ticket packages for this year’s tournament. Kevin Jenks, general manager, says the tournament needs volunteer helpers. Those wanting to work can call the NBC office at 977-9400.

A less happy Hap came back to Kansas and, eventually, the world of sports promotion. It was 1935 when Dumont started the National Semipro Baseball tournament. After the old city-owned ballpark on Ackerman Island in the Arkansas River burned in 1932, he made a deal with the city. Build a new ballpark, he said, and he’d put together a national tournament. The city did, constructing the park now called Lawrence-Dumont Stadium near the downtown. True to his word, Dumont set the tournament in motion. Wichita’s national tourney wasn’t the first. They had been tried elsewhere, including Denver. However, Dumont had two things going for him. One, he was a promotional genius, so much so his biographer Bob Boerg called his book about him Baseball’s Barnum. Second, he knew where to find Leroy (Satchel) Paige. Many people believe the legendary black pitcher, held out of the major leagues for most of his playing life by the sport’s color ban, was the best who ever lived. In 1935 he was being the best for a Bismarck, ND, team called the Churchills, named for its car dealer-sponsor.

With him pitching, the team may have been the best in the country including the American and National leagues. Dumont, of course, had no money. He did have confidence. So he guaranteed the Churchills and Paige $1,000 (worth a shade over $17,000 today) to enter the tournament. With Paige winning Photo by Bob Rives four games, the North Lawrence-Dumont Stadium, 300 S. Sycamore Dakota team bested Duncan, Okla., for the It was the last time a civilian team first title. Fortunately, the tourney took home the trophy until 1946. made enough money that Dumont With most professional players honored his obligation to Satchel and in the military, it was Army and Air then some. Corps teams that reeled in four chamIt was seven years before a Kansas pionships in a row. They also drew team won the title. In 1942 the Boehuge crowds. ing Bombers beat Waco, Tex., for the With the war limiting entertainchampionship with a team dotted with ment options and paychecks high former big leaguers. That year -- 1942 from around-the-clock defense indus-- was a turning point of another kind. See next page


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125 S. West St., Suite 105 • Wichita, KS 67213 Active Aging 316-942-5385 • Fax 316-946-9180 Proof Approval www.theactiveage.com Please check your by adActive carefully and Published Aging Publishing, Inc.

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Our Mission: Helping our readers in acceptance. Sedgwick, Butler and initial to indicate your Harvey counties live healthy, fulfilling and An e-mail confirmation is active fine iflives. no

The active age is published the first of each month Interim Editor: Fran Kentling changes and distributed free to those 55+ in Butler, Harvey needed. and Advertising Mgr: Teresa Schmied Sedgwick counties. To receive it, call 316-942-5385 ____ Check offer or write to the active age, 125 S. West St. Suite 105, Business Mgr: Kaydee Haug Wichita, KS 67213.____ Annual suggested Checkdonation name,foraddress, phone those who don’t qualify is $20 in-state/$25 out-of-state. Advertising Rep: Tom Warner


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____ CheckBoard expiration dates of Directors President: Elma Broadfoot, • Vice-President: Susan Howell, Wichita ____ Proof Wichita Satisfactory Treasurer: Diana Wolfe, Wichita • Carol Bacon, Wichita • Wenda Black, Newton (noHillchanges) Ted Blankenship, Rose • Mary Corrigan, CPAAA • Elvira Crocker, Wichita Fran Kentling, Wichita • Ruth Ann Messner, Andover • Bob Rives, Wichita __________ Advertiser Vicki Shepard, Wichita • Duane Smith, Wichitainitials • Barrick Wilson, Newton The active age prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, creed, age, or handicapping condition in all You can fax your approval or of its operations, services, and personnel actions in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. If you think you have been discriminated against by to the active age946-9180 you may file a complaint with the active corrections us at age, the Sedgwick County department on Aging (660-5240 or 800-367-7298) or the KS Dept. of Aging and Disability Services(800-432-3535).or Funding the active age in part provided by the Older Americans Act. callforBecky at is942-5385 www.theactiveage.com E-mail acceptance to your ad rep or ads@activeagingonline.com

July 2015

the active age


From previous page tries, crowds of 12,000 worked their way into the stadium for big weekend games. Dumont, like others, wondered in 1941 if the tourney could go on during the war. And, if it did, would there be lights for night games. Just to be sure, he experimented with glow-in-the-dark baseballs. Yet even the bravest players ducked when they found they had no depth perception as a glowing orb came at them in low light. Fortunately for the players and the tourney, the lights stayed on. Other Dumont innovations were safer. He installed a compressed air machine that allowed an umpire to push a button and blow the dust off home plate. Another button lifted a microphone from the ground so the ump could announce player changes,

and the crowds could hear manager-umpire arguments. On the scoreboard a goose laid an egg when the visiting team failed to score in an inning — an innovation that still exists in updated Lawrence-Dumont. He brought in a female umpire, replacing her after one game with a deaf-mute former big league player from eastern Kansas. One of his biggest innovations was a still-in-use clock to limit time between innings and pitches. Just now, the minor and major leagues are considering similar clocks in an effort to curb the ever-growing length of professional games. Kansas’ teams eventually became frequent winners. Among them were Boeing again in 1954-55, the bus company’s Dreamliners and Service Auto Glass in the early 1960s, and the Broncos of Wichita and El Dorado in 1989-90 and 1996-98,

Five teams from Liberal also took the crown. Only Fairbanks, with six trophies, has won more. Dumont died in 1971. That brought on a series of new owners and partnerships. Dee Hubbard, Fran Jabara, Rusty Eck, Earl Callison, Byron Boothe, Jerry Blue, Ron Fine, Joe Ryan and the Rich family of Buffalo, NY, took turns as proprietors. The non-profit NBC Baseball Foundation now owns it; Kevin Jenks is general manager. Over the years, some of the bestknown names in baseball have appeared in the tournament. Among them are the current — although allegedly steroid-fueled-homerun record-setters Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire and pitcher Roger Clemens. Dumont also brought in past stars to appear ranging from Honus Wagner to Dizzy Dean. The tourney continues to be a hot-

Page 5 bed for baseball scouts seeking talent, and in most years finding it. More than 300 NBC players have gone on to the major leagues; 99 of them playing now. Among these are Kansas City Royals Alex Gordon, Chris Young and Jason Frazer plus Wichitan Mike Pelfrey and Goddard’s Derek Norris. People who knew Dumont knew three things about him. One, he never drove. His wife or a staff member always took the wheel in their Cadillac. Two, he always had on a hat in the style for men of his era. And he always had a well-chewed cigar protruding from the corner of his mouth. In fact Joe Garagiola, a tournament veteran, former major league catcher and longtime TV sports announcer, made note of Dumont’s tobacco habit. If nothing else, Joe said, Hap proved it was possible to smoke a wet cigar. Contact Bob Rives at bprives@gmail.com

Kansas NBC Winners 2010 Liberal Beejays* 2000 Liberal Beejays 1998 El Dorado Broncos 1996 El Dorado Broncos 1990 Wichita Broncos 1989 Wichita Broncos 1979 Liberal Beejay 1968 Liberal Beejays 1965 Wichita Dreamliners 1964 Wichita Glassmen

1963 Wichita Dreamliners 1962 Wichita Dreamliners 1955 Boeing Bombers 1954 Boeing Bombers 1944 Sherman Field Flyers 1942 Boeing Bombers

*With five, Liberal is tied for second for the most NBC championships. Only Fairbanks, with six, has more.

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spouse can elect against your estate, trust and beneficiary designations). These rights must be waived or consented to in writing by your spouse prior to your death. You should talk with your attorney to make certain your estate plan is prepared according to your wishes and that your spouse has executed the proper consents and waivers to ensure the property passes according to your wishes.

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Page 6

the active age

July 2015

Wichita rockers enjoy a ‘long, good ride’

By Joe Stumpe Nearly a half-century after playing his first rock and roll gig, Harry Dobbin still gets a kick out of working up new songs for his band. “Here lately I’ve been stuck on doing really, really old stuff,” said Dobbin, who plays guitar and sings for the FunTones. “Most critics say the first rock and roll song was Ike Turner’s Rocket 98. So we’re doing stuff like that, and Chuck Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis.” Trying out new material is one way the FunTones have stayed true to their name since 1986. They’ll perform at WaterWalk, 515 S. Main, on July 17 as part of the KEYN Summer Oldies concert series. The music begins at 6:30 p.m., and concert goers can dance in the commons area. There also will be several food trucks. Along with Dobbin, the band includes Phil Snow on bass, Jim “Woody” Wood on drums and Jim Kent on keyboards, harmonica, acous-

Photo by Joe Stumpe

The Funtones, from left, Jim Wood, Jim Kent, Harry Dobbin and Phil Snow will perform July 17 at WaterWalk. tic guitar and saxophone. All started playing in their teens, and three of the four have played as full-time professionals. “My older brother, Larry, was the hugest musical influence in my life,” Snow said. “He suggested I play bass because there were so many other guitar players in the family.” Snow took his advice, playing with a band called The Jokers in high school

and many groups since then. He also worked full-time at Senseney Music until his retirement last year. The FunTones are a “cover” band, playing hits made popular by other artists. But that doesn’t mean they just copy material, Snow said. “I like to play something that comes at them a little differently. We do a bluesy version of The Beatles’ Revolution, and Brown-Eyed Girl in a reggae style. Snow’s other favorite songs are “anything that has (Kent’s) saxophone

in it. I dig saxophone.” Dobbin dates his first paying gig to 1966. “Some friends of mine…played a birthday party for the daughter of a colonel at the (McConnell) Air Force Base. There were three of us, and we made $25 between us. But hey, it was a gig.” That band -- Harry and the Bushmen -- was followed by many more. The best known was Sawdust Charlie, a country-rock band. The members moved to California in the mid-1970s trying to land a recording contract, but broke up about a year later. “We took a shot at it,” he said. “The chances are always slim of actually coming out of that ahead, but you’ve got to take your shot.” Back in Wichita, he hooked up with Kent in a duo called Harry James, gradually adding members until it evolved into the FunTones. Dobbin describes the band’s usual set list as “a couple slow songs and a bunch of fast ones.” The band does several medleys, including as a six-song collection of Motown hits and another made up of “Frat Rock” favorites startSee next page

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July 2015

the active age

Page 7

Can you spell hoary, ancient, dotard, …? By Nancy Avery Eight years ago, I read an article about a state spelling bee for seniors in Salina. That gave me an idea. A lot of us probably had bees when we were in school and might enjoy reliving those days. Since I was a member of LifeVentures, I thought that would be a great activity for us. I grabbed one of my friends, and we put together a list of words and some promotion about a summer spelling bee for anyone 50 and

Funtones From previous page

ing with Wooly Bully. Kent first performed as an eighth grader in the Hamilton Junior High talent show, playing the theme from the Peter Gunn TV show on sax. Since then he’s been a part of the Echoes, the Outcasts, the Omens, Moment’s Notice and the Del Reys, to name a few groups that longtime Wichita music fans will recognize. Kent thinks one of the best things about the FunTones is its three-part harmonies -- that and confidence in

older. When we checked the Internet we discovered that not every Bee is run the same way or uses the same rules, but there are a lot of adult spelling bees across the country. My favorite is at a bar in Seattle. Spell a word correctly and win a free beer. Designated drivers are available for the good spellers. Whatever the rules or type of bee, most adult spelling bees are more for fun than for prizes or money.

This year the 8th annual Greater Wichita Area Senior Spelling Bee will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Aug. 4 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. It’s open to the public. Ours starts with pronouncing 50 words that the contestants write down. The top 15 spellers participate in an oral spelldown. The winner and runner-up each receive a gift, and all participants receive a certificate and a “bee bag” of souvenirs. Our pronouncer is Mary Ann Fen-

ske. She won the Wichita Bee twice, the state bee three times and placed four times in the National Senior Spelling Bee. Entry deadline is July 24. Call LifeVentures, 682-0504, or chairman Marge Gilbertson, 618-9651, for a form. Send it and $5 to LifeVentures, 4407 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67218.

their choice of material. Wood started his rock and roll career in an unusual spot: Crete, where he was stationed with the U.S. Air Force in the 1960s. “I was the only drummer on the base,” he said. His last posting was McConnell Air Force Base. From there he went on the road and played with several bands, including the Squires, Soul Kings and Little Willie and the Hand Jive, before family and business considerations brought him back to Wichita. He also owned a nightclub where the Soul Survivors, another popular group he was part of, was the house

band. “I love to play,” he said. “I love to sing. It’s a funny thing. Some people go out and play golf. I play the drums.” The FunTones get together every Wednesday night at Dobbin’s house to play the music they love. “It’s passion,

plain and simple,” he said. “There’s not really an end date in sight” for the band, Snow said. “If it stays fun forever, it will be forever. So far it’s been a long, good ride.”

Contact Nancy Avery at knavery@cox.net

Contact Joe Stumpe at jstumpe@cox.net.


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July 8 Floating Jewels – A Look $1 OFF at Botanica’s Aquatic ADMISSION Collection WITH THIS AD July 15 Irises For All Seasons July 22 Growing Tomatoes Organically July 29 Take Better Photographs in the Garden! August 5 The Journey is Getting Tougher for the Monarchs August 12 Make Healthy Eating Part of Your Total Lifestyle August 19 From Prairie to Plate August 26 The Many Faces of Daylilies

Page 8

the active age

July 2015

Dancing through life satisfies Bobbie By Joan Warren

Bobbie Arnett doesn't need to dream about dancing with the stars. She has been displaying her dance skills for years. In April, she and her coach, Jason Thornton, performed a cha cha, complete with four aerial moves and crisp turns. Theirs was Bobbie Arnett one of 14 choreographed acts, showcased to an audience of about 200 people, during Care To Dance Studio’s ninth anniversary party. Bobbie said, “It started out to be just the basics, but I wanted something more fancy like up in the air and down on the floor... I knew the crowd was with me when I heard 'go Bobbie.' ” Friday, July 10, she will compete at the Sunflower Dance Festival at the

Doubletree Airport Conference Center. Spectator passes are $10. "Dance is good for the heart, mind, body and soul," she said. And, she added, it helps that she's a Pisces; it rules the feet so she has no choice but to dance. Bobbie started dancing tap and ballet in St. Louis when she was 6. At 19 she competed in dance roller skating. In the 1980s she moved to Wichita and danced at Star Dance Studio. She said Arthur Murray and Fred Astaire also had studios here, so competition for students was heavy. “Ballroom dancing almost didn’t survive disco in the '80s," she added. In 1992 she opened Steppin’ Out Dance Studio next to the downtown bus station on South Broadway. “We were open seven days a week and rented it out for parties and holidays. " The four years it was open placed a toll on her. “I didn’t have any time

Healthy Living Yoga, it seems, is everywhere. Cities, big and small, have new studios popping up. Gyms offer yoga as part of their group class schedule. Corporations are using it in their print and commercial advertising. Even sitcoms and movies include scenes of their characters in the yoga studio. And then there’s the Internet, which offers a platform for teachers and studios alike to teach students in their own living rooms.

off and couldn’t take a vacation. I would never do it again. I would rather dance.” And dance she did. From 2003-06 Bobbie was a Lindy Bomber at Harry Reese’s dance studio. She concentrated on the lindy hop and west-coast swing. To support her dance habit she works for herself as a home health aide "to help keep people in their own

homes." She’s a certified nurse’s aide. Bobbie said she is happy to reveal how long she has been dancing, but not her age. “Age is a state of mind. If you think young, you’re going to be young; if you think old, you’re going to be old.” Contact Joan Warren at joan@drjoanwarren.com

Girl Scout volunteer honored

Rosemary Smith of Haysville has been awarded the Juliette Gordon Low Achievement Award – the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland council’s highest honor. She was honored for demonstrating unique and significant contributions. Since becoming a Brownie troop leader in 1960, Smith has volunteered in

every capacity of Girl Scouting: adviser, trainer, committee member, camp director, board member, delegate. Smith’s legacy can be demonstrated by the accomplishments of the girls she mentored. “Our dedicated Smith volunteers encourage girls to raise their hands and make a difference in their community,” Liz Workman, Heartland CEO.

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July 2015

the active age

Page 9

Want a bunch of BBQ’d chickens? Do NOT call me

By Ted Blankenship I think there is a correlation between stupidity and barbecuing for a large number of people. Why? Because I did it once and then did it again. The first was when I was in the Air Force in San Antonio, and Dorothy worked at a radio station with live entertainers (as opposed to dead ones). It was about 1953. The staff decided to have a picnic and needed a person to barbecue a modest number of chickens. Naturally, I volunteered. I dug two holes and filled one with logs. Across the second one, I stretched chicken wire. Why chicken wire? Because I was barbecuing chickens. I made a gallon of sauce the night before. The idea was to turn the logs into coals, then shovel them under the chickens. If it got too hot, I’d shovel some coals out from under the chickens. I slathered on sauce and started shoveling. Too much heat. Shovel, shovel, shovel. Not enough heat— shovel, shovel, shovel. Meanwhile, the chicken was BLACK and smokey tears were flowing down my cheeks. A little

before the chicken turned into charcoal, I announced that it was ready. “Ready for what?” said someone. “This chicken is burned,” said Tony in the sonorous tones of an old-time radio announcer. “You didn’t want it raw, did you?” I replied. They didn’t want it either way. Maybe we could buy something and just forget the chicken. But there were no pizza places in those days, so we ate deviled eggs and potato salad. I didn’t learn a lot from this fiasco. Several years later I worked at the The Hutchinson News. The paper had a recreation area east of town called The Fourth Estate. One hot summer day the staff, including editorial, press room, composing room, advertising -the whole employee roster, 150 people or so -- had a picnic. Someone who could barbecue several crates of chickens was needed. Naturally, I volunteered myself and Dorothy. I dug two holes, only bigger ones. Sound familiar? We had a really

big hole for the chickens and a conflagration in the other one. We turned the chickens with gloved hands soon caked in barbecue sauce and soot. People were hungry and they were grabbing chickens off the wire. “This chicken is RAW,” said one. “This chicken is BURNED,” said another. Tears were streaming down our cheeks. The picnickers were not happy. Dorothy and I were not happy. The chickens didn’t look happy. I had visions of townspeople with torches and pitchforks yelling, “down with the chicken burners.” I had learned my lesson. Never again did I barbecue chickens for a large number of people. I barbecued hogs. I built a spit and invited a large group of people to help me celebrate a birthday. What could go wrong? We would buy a hog, impale it on a spit, build a fire and keep turning until it was done. What could be simpler? Not barbecuing a hog, I learned. I sent Dorothy and one of our daughters to Peabody to buy the hog.

Dorothy and the daughter got lost and then got stuck on a muddy country road. They got back barely in time to get the hog on the spit. Actually, they would have been there just in time if we had been able to get the hog on the spit. We couldn’t because the farmer had sliced the hog in half down the spine. When he did hogs, he used a barbecuer that did half a hog at a time. We couldn’t think of a way to get half a hog on a spit. So we wired the hog back together with baling wire and tied it on the spit. It kept falling off into the dirt. We brushed it off, rewired and pressed on. We didn’t burn the hog because we couldn’t keep the fire going long enough. Luckily, it was dark by the time we took it off. The guests praised the meat. After all, it was my birthday. If you are planning a party and need someone to barbecue something, don’t call me. Contact Ted Blankenship at tblankenship@cox.net



LEASE TODAY – CALL (316) 655-8171 or (316) 461-0107 • 201 E. Karla, Haysville www.theactiveage.com

Page 10

the active age

July 2015

Hot and humid? Follow these safety tips to stay well By Annette Graham CPAAA Executive Director Summer has arrived in full force. With the heat comes an increase in the number of older adults at risk for heat exposure, heat stroke and other heat related illnesses. Summer sun cooks up more than heat. Ultraviolet rays can be damaging, so take precautions before planning outdoor activities to avoid overexposure to the sun and heat related illness/ deaths. Studies show that there is a rise in heat-related health problems after extreme heat that lasts for more than two consecutive days. Illness occurs when an individual’s body is unable to cool itself. Older adults can’t cool down as easily as younger adults because of changes in their physiology. The body cools itself through sweating, but during extreme heat and humidity, sweating may not be enough. When humidity levels are high, sweat won’t evaporate as quickly so it’s difficult for the body to release heat. According to the CDC (www. cdc.gov), people 65 and older may not tolerate or compensate for high temperatures and heat stress and are at greater risk. People who have physical illnesses, especially heart disease or high blood pressure, and those taking medica-

tions for depression, insomnia or poor circulation, may be more affected. Seniors are more likely to have such chronic conditions. They also may take prescriptions that impair the body’s ability to regulate temperature or ability to perspire. Neighbors and families can be a critical support during extreme weather. It’s a good idea to check on seniors who may not have air conditioning or have chronic conditions that put them at a higher risk. During these visits you might offer such helpful tips as keep water in each room to ensure hydration, keep the shades drawn and save strenuous household chores or exercise for cooler hours. Outdoor safety also is also important. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause more than sunburns or skin cancer. They can cause eye problems such as cataracts, a weakened immune system and the more well-known age spots and leathery skin. To protect from the UV rays wear a wide brimmed hat and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion spf 30 or higher. Reapply every two hours, especially when in water. Try to stay in the shade and avoid

reflective surfaces such as water and sand. Wrap-around sunglasses help protect eyes from most angles. Sunglasses should block glare and guard eyes from 99-100 percent of UV rays. Pets can also have overexposure to sun and heat. They can get sunburned and may struggle to cool themselves through panting on humid days. Pets with light colored ears may be more susceptible to skin cancer. Find out more at www.humanesociety.org. When planning outdoor events or activities, review the UV rays by checking the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) UV index at www2. epa.gov/sunwise/uv-index. If an area is experiencing higher than normal UV radiation, email alerts are available by

signing up at http//enviroflash.epa. gov/core/Start.do. Summer is a great time for fun, friends and outdoor activities, but accurate information and preparation ensure that you are safe and heat illnesses are avoided. Central Plains Area Agency on Aging is available to assist caregivers and seniors through life’s transitions with various levels of support. For information about local programs for seniors, caregivers or persons with disabilities contact 1-855-200-2372 or visit www. cpaaa.org. For more about this story, see the safety tips on our website at theactiveage.com/stories.

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316-462-0420 www.theactiveage.com

July 2015

the active age

Page 11

Bel Aire Cook gets prizes plus ideas By Joe Stumpe

Entering recipe contests is one way Julie Danler keeps her cooking fresh. Winning the occasional prize makes it all the more fun. The Bel Aire woman started entering contests in 1999, and for several years entered at least one a week. Her biggest prize -- $10,000 from Quaker Oats – was for her Rocky Road Millennium Mocha Oatmeal Cookie. In 2011, she didn’t win the $20,000 prize from Smucker’s, but she did get a trip to its headquarters in Oreville, Ohio. She said she’s cut back some, but still enters a dozen a year.

Her husband, LeRoy, appreciates her cooking, as she does his. He recently won a church’s chili con- Julie Danler test with a spicy version of the stuff. The couple, who married three years ago, split the cooking chores at home.

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Dad took care of us. Elizabeth (Betsy) Lea Henry Henry & Mathewson, P.A.

The taco recipe was a winner in the National Beef Council contest. The two-taco serving has 44 grams of pro-

Joe Stumpe is the Wichita Eagle’s former food editor. If you know of a good cook, contact him at jstumpe@cox.net.

Mango Tango Tacos 1 beef top sirloin steak, 1 lb., 3/4” thick 1 pkg. low-sodium taco seasoning mix 3 tsp. olive oil, divided use 1 C chopped onion 8 whole-grain 8” tortillas, warmed

2 C shredded lettuce 1 C fat-free shredded Cheddar cheese 1/2 C chunky salsa 1 C chopped fresh mango

Cut steak lengthwise in half, then crosswise into ¼” thick strips. Combine beef and taco seasoning mix in medium bowl; stir to coat. Heat 1 tsp. oil in a large, nonstick skillet over medium high heat until hot. Add half the beef; stir fry 1 to 2 minutes or until outside of beef is no longer pink. Remove from skillet. Repeat with 1 tsp. oil and remaining beef. Set beef aside and keep warm. Heat remaining tsp. oil in same skillet. Add onion; cook 2 to 3 minutes or until tender. Return beef to skillet; cook 1 minute or until heated through. Place equal amounts of steak and onion on each tortilla; top with lettuce, cheese, salsa and mango. Makes 8 tacos.

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tein, 16 grams of fat and 574 calories. Her husband is trying to eat healthier, so he was her inspiration.

check off the applicable boxes and initial to indicate your acceptance. An e-mail confirmation is fine if no changes needed. Via Christi 50+ Lunch & Learn ____ Check offer ____ Check name, address, phone ____ Check expiration dates Thursday, July 16 11 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. ____ Proof Satisfactory Doors open at 10:45 a.m., program begins at 11:30 a.m. (no changes) Botanica: The Wichita Gardens __________ Advertiser initials 701 N. Amidon, Wichita, Kansas You can fax your approval or Cost: FREE for Via Christi 50+ membersto us at 946-9180 corrections $5 (cash or check) for all others 50 and over or call Becky at 942-5385 Registration is required: E-mail acceptance to your ad rep or Call Via Christi at 689.5700 by noon, July 14. ads@activeagingonline.com Lunch will be served. Space is limited.

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Page 12

the active age

July 2015


From page 1 She says she loves the convenience of getting around and going places whether she does it with a friend or by herself. She feels safe enough to do that. One man added, “It’s a beautiful and friendly town. Three of our four children live here.” Another participant said she likes the “four seasons” even if they fly by quickly, sometimes in a matter of days. Said another: “We like it here because our children and grandchildren are here.” “I love the cultural arts,” added one music enthusiast. “We are hugely blessed to have wonderful music, theater, opera and great sports teams.” A Boeing retiree is involved in a literacy program that helps people achieve their GEDs and volunteers for Music Theatre. She also works at the Spice Merchant, a “sweet gig” launched the day after she left Boeing. She didn’t want to “stay home and clean house.” A man who moved here from England more than 45 years ago worked on an aviation history project that provided the basis for the historical displays at the new Eisenhower National Airport. He said Wichita’s the smallest city he’s lived in, which makes it an attractive home base. He has been involved in Boy Scouts for years as well as a credit union board. You’re also apt to see him at Chamber Music at the Barn’s concerts where he volunteers. A fellow Boy Scout who has lived in Wichita since the first grade, has also spent “years and years” with the organization. He taught for 31 years at Robinson Junior High and now volunteers as an aide to an art teacher at Riverside Elementary. Another former educator, who also worked for the Chamber of Commerce, is working on a project to provide audio and video portraits of the city’s black, history-making leaders. He also was involved in Cowtown’s restoration and is raising funds for youth athletic programs. A former minister turned educator

Courtesy photo

went back to college at Wichita State University to get a degree in English as a second language. He teaches one or two classes in its Intensive English Language Center. He calls the job “amazing and exhausting as well as exhilarating.” What do they want to do? Most say they spend more time with their grandchildren than they did with their own children because of the demands of their earlier lives and careers. One woman said her friends are “more important to me at this point in my life.” Whether male or female, they agreed that friendships are vital. A man who has lunch on a regular basis with male friends from his school days said they’ll continue to do that as long as they can. The group understands the need to keep physically mobile. Exercise, either at a gym or outside, is viewed as important or crucial. As one man put it, “I just have to keep moving and keep my mind moving.” They would like to travel more around the state, the country and the world.

Health becomes a bigger issue. “That’s why I go to the gym,” said another. “I want to bend over and pick things up and just want to be able to do things without moaning and groaning.” A lot of heads at the table nodded in agreement. One woman said “I don’t think we’re doing enough to tackle some of our health issues for the young so they can grow up healthy. I worry about our environment and about what our children watch on TV.” Like the earlier focus group participants, they worry about being relevant. “I can still do music,” said one. “It makes me think I’m productive.” Another, a lifelong activist, worries

about racism and the environment. He said he raises his voice on issues because “I have some time” and “the energy to do that.” One man was concerned that “so many people have no ability to think cognitively for themselves, or to think things through, to look at both sides of things. “It seems like there is a lack of common sense…people are not understanding that they are part of a whole big world, and they have got to learn to hear and assimilate information so they understand what’s gong on.” They may be in their 70s -- and some may need replacement parts -- but their minds are quick and their hearts are in the right place when it comes to family, friends and community. They are busy and have places to go and things to do. Projections show the numbers of centenarians is on the upswing, so they’ll be around for a while. And, with their service-oriented mindsets, we’ll probably all be the better for it. Contact Elvira Crocker at crockev@cox.net For a personal story about being 70, visit our website at theactiveage.com/stories.


What worries them? “Not keeping my independence,” one said. A recent eye problem compromised her balance and sight and made her realize “all of a sudden, I wasn’t independent. That was scary. Then you realize what could come as you age.”

www.homesteadhealthcenter.org www.theactiveage.com

July 2015

the active age


Ex-DA to speak

Mini Maker Faire

Wichita’s inaugural Mini Maker Faire is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 18, at Exploration Place. Maker Faire is a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness. It’s a place where people show what they are making, and share what they are learning. The call for makers, artists, performers and crafters closes July 6. Any groups or individuals interested in presenting their project, activity or performance must complete the application at makerfairewichita.com. Makers range from tech enthusiasts to crafters to homesteaders to scientists to garage tinkerers. They are of all ages and backgrounds.

Former Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston will be LifeVentures Tuesdays Together speaker at 10 a.m. July 14. Her talk, “From My Side of the Bench,” will reflect on her 24-year career of combating crime and punishing offenders. Following lunch, Denise Neil, dining columnist for The Wichita Eagle, will talk about Wichita’s food trucks. The group meets in Hedrick Hall at East Heights United Methodist Church, 4407 E. Douglas, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Required reservations are $12.50; call Sara Jones, 316-6825209. LifeVentures, celebrating its 25th anniversary, is an organization of those 55 and older who want to stay active and learn.

Page 13

Veterans 28th reunion

The 28th annual Kansas Veterans and Family Reunion is July 17-19 at the El Dorado Lake Shady Point Area, Veterans Point. This year’s theme is This Is Our Land. The 3rd Annual Car Show is July 18. All veterans -- active, retired or previous service with an accepted

military ID, Veterans Administration or DD-214 -- are welcome. There will be a kid’s tent, door prizes, bands, food, fireworks and merchandise vendors. Check their Facebook at facebook. com/pages/Kansas-Veterans-Family-Reunion/374096076022872 or the website, kvfr.us/ for details.

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ISSUE July DEADLINE: 6.15.15

Page 14

the active age

July 2015

Joyland memories: From roller coaster to picnics By Debbi Elmore As a boy growing up in south Wichita, Patrick Flanigan spent nearly every waking hour at Joyland Amusement Park. “I practically lived in the swimming pool,” he laughs. “I was fascinated with the clown. The first thing I would do is run up to make sure he was playing the organ properly. “My dad played pro baseball, and we were catching and throwing baseballs ever since I was little,” he recalls. “I got very good at winning the prizes. As a teenager, I used to take my dates to Joyland, and they would always go home with a large stuffed animal. It was a great place to go because it was safe.” “I have two favorite memories of Joyland,” Gina Barker reminisces. “Fun night for school was so fun. Our parents would drop us off, and we would run from ride to ride. I felt so free. My favorite was the roller coaster; that’s when my love for roller coasters began. The other was KFDI Day. It was really crowded. “I loved the crowds; everyone had a great time. We would eat in the park, which was to me the coolest thing

ever… Many of my favorite childhood memories were at Joyland.” Doug Stark’s reaction to the roller coaster was the complete opposite. “I am absolutely not a roller coaster guy, so the few times I did it I hated it,” he says, noting the Tilt-a-Whirl and the Spider were OK. He said his grandparents’ business supplied most of the concessions in the area, including Joyland. “Although probably weird, I was always interested in what they were selling and what volume they were doing.” He says owners, Stan and Margaret Nelson and their son-in-law, Bill Hagaman, “were probably the nicest and classiest people I ever dealt with when I was involved in the business during the 1980s.” Joyland was founded in 1949 by Lester Ottaway and his sons, Herbert and Harold. It operated for 55 years, closing permanently in 2006. Margaret was in high school when she went to work there. She met Stan Nelson who was working as a ticket seller. He became office manager and, in 1950, they married. The couple bought Joyland from the Ottaways in 1973.

They raised their four children while operating the park. After five decades, they sold it to a young man who later abandoned it. Eventually, it closed. Margaret says their years at Joyland were joyous. “I loved working with my husband. It was a wonderful experience and a lot of work.” During their 50 years there, they helped to create magical memories for generations. “My strongest memory was having the crap scared out of me the first time I rode the roller coaster,” says Mark Mains. “I loved the Whacky Shack and bumper cars. Honestly, the first thing I always did was give trash to the pig.” Marsha Hills remembers picnics for the company her father worked for. “We could ride all the rides all day long… As a young mother, my memories of Joyland were with my children. “My husband remembers him and his friends riding their bikes to Joyland,” she adds. “They would play a baseball game as long as their money would hold out… If they could get their hands on some additional money they would ride the bumper cars.” Hills says at night enjoyed all the

Courtesy Photo

Joyland entrance sign

lights of the rides. “I also remember vividly Louie the Clown… My cousin was scared to death of him, and so we always had a little fun with that.” “I remember being too afraid to ride anything,” says Craig Thompson, “but I was fascinated watching the rides and imagining what it would be like. I got over that fear by the way, but now no one will ride with me.” He also remembers one afternoon See next page

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July 2015

the active age

Joyland From previous page

when he and a classmate had Joyland pretty much to themselves. “We were the only ones on the bumper cars so we made it a racetrack chasing each other around the unoccupied cars. “My wife, Laura, remembers saving Kitty Clover blue chips and grade cards for tickets. My grades would have been worth one trip down the giant slide, which was Laura’s favorite ride.” Saving grades for tickets is a reference to Scholarship Day, a much-anticipated event for students whose parents may not have had much money for routine visits. A decades-old Joyland postcard: “This 75 ft. high roller coaster was erected On that day, grades were redeem- at Joyland Hillside Park, Wichita, Kansas, in 1949. It is the only structure of its type in the state of Kansas.” able for ride tickets. This sad announcement was temLaurel Alkire recalls when she Since closing in 2006, Joyland has pered by Margaret’s gift of the carousel was in the 7th grade she and her had numerous incidents of vandalism to Botanica, where it can delight future friend had a crush on the same and looting. Nearly every building is generations. boy. They saw him standing by the covered with graffiti. The administraTilt-A-Whirl. “He asked me if I tion offices have been destroyed, and Contact Debbi Elmore at wanted to go on a ride with him. many of the park’s vintage items have debbi_elmore@cox.net Of course I said yes. Remember? been stolen. For more Joyland photos and a That ride would throw you from A grassroots effort to raise money story about the history of amuseside to side, so you would be leanto restore Joyland failed. Earlier this ing in to the other person. Best year it was announced that it would be ments parks, visit our website at theactiveage.com/stories. Tilt-A-Whirl ride I ever went on.” razed.

Active aging’s 2014-2015

Senior Resource Guide CO-SPONSORED BY

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Page 15

Joyland romance hits 44th

By Becky Funke She was the balloon dart girl; he ran the Ferris wheel. It was the summer of 1969, and romance was in the air -- along with the scent of popcorn, hot dogs, cotton candy, chlorine and pine tar. Joyland, the iconic amusement park on Wichita’s south side, was the setting for the budding romance of Kathy Ball and Mike Lloyd. The couple, who will celebrate their 44th wedding anniversary in September, grew up in the shadow of Joyland. Mike lived on Conamore Street on the south side of the park. Summer nights he went to sleep hearing the calliope music of Louie the Clown, the whistle of the train and the screams of roller coaster riders. He went to work at Joyland when he was 13, working as a ball shagger and picking up bottles in the ball toss. When he was 15, he lied about his age so he could run the carousel.

See 44th, page 16

Page 16

the active age

July 2015

Kansans can ‘Call-a-Lawyer’ for free legal information

A new public service — Call-aLawyer —helps people in need of legal advice and information. It is available the second Thursday of each month. Call 800-928-3111 between 6 and 8 p.m. Callers will speak to volunteer lawyers who are donating their time to answer questions and provide information.


This service was launched by the Kansas Bar Association and the Topeka Bar Association and is open to any Kansan. The volunteer lawyers can provide information on such issues as probate; family law such as child custody, divorce and adoption; landlord-tenant issues and other matters involving

“My universe orbited around the park,” he said. Kathy Ball lived “up the hill” on From page 15 Rutan, north of Joyland. The whistle When he was talking to the relief opof the train and the calliope were also erator during a break, he let it slip. part the music of her life. She went to Mike found himself in the tickwork there the summer of 1969. et booth until he was 16, legally old “I livedRobert all those years C. Young M.D.in enough to operate rides. After that he Office Hours By“but Appointment Planeview,” she said, I only learned to run every one. worked there one summer. When special events wereWICHITA planned REGENERATIVE MEDICINE There was – such as the KFDI Listener Apprecia- something about walking across that 6611 Eastlike Central I felt I was in another tion Party – he worked long hours. His footbridge.Suite C world.” Wichita, Kansas day started at 7 a.m., cleaning tables in Both Mike 67206 and Kathy attended the adjacent picnic grounds and getting Jardine Middle School, but Mike went the park ready for opening. After lunch Phone: 316-683-6797 to South High and Kathy to Southeast. at home, he returned in his Joyland Fax: 316-684-1296 Joyland brought them back together. E-mail ry6611@yahoo.com shirt, ready for the park opening at 1 But it almost didn’t happen. p.m., and often worked until 1 a.m. Innovativ e car e for ar t hri t ic jo int s and mu scl e o r t endon in juri es

Robert C. Young M.D.


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real property; and employment such as wrongful termination, workplace conflicts and employment rights. “There is no charge to talk to one of the lawyers,” said Jordan Yochim, KBA executive director. The referral service also does not charge a fee for making a referral to one of its pre-screened, insured, experi-

Kathy said she didn’t pay much family. Mike counts the late Stan Nelnotice to Mike early that summer. “I son as one of the five most influential was dating someone else.” But friends people in his life. at the park kept telling her that Mike He went on to a long career with wanted to ask her on a date. the Union Pacific Railroad. Kathy said “All he has to do is ask,” she told none of the jobs she has held measured her friends. But Mike says he was “too up to that summer at Joyland. scared.” was bittersweet when the rollRobert C. YoungIt M.D. By coaster Appointment As an icebreaker, he asked herOffice to Hourser fell to Kansas’ winds this hold onto an eight-track tape for him. spring, they agreed. “But I’m glad it “I figuredWICHITA it was an REGENERATIVE excuse for her to MEDICINE wasn’t a wrecking ball,” Mike said. His 6611 East Central come talk to me later.” Instead, Kathy biggest regret is that their three daughSuite C left it for him in the office when she ters children will never experience the Wichita, Kansas clocked out for the day. magic that was Joyland. 67206 Both said working at Joyland was Contact Becky Funke at special because of the camaraderiePhone: 316-683-6797 bfunke3@cox.net Fax: 316-684-1296 among the crew. Park owners StanE-mail andry6611@yahoo.com Margaret Nelson treated them all like Innovativ e car e for ar t hri t ic jo int s and mu scl e o r t endon in juri es

Robert C. Young M.D. Have you been told you need a knee or hip replacement? Are you Office Hours By Appointment

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Phone: 316-683-6797

Fax: 316-684-1296 I had hip pain for several months that My knee pain didn’t respond to medication E-mail ry6611@yahoo.com reduced my ability to be active. The PRP or a knee scope. The PRP injections are what injection reduced this by 90% and worked and stopped my pain and let me I feel good again. - Becky C. return to normal activity. - Brent S.

Robert C. Young M.D.

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Phone: 316-683-6797 Fax: 316-684-1296 E-mail ry6611@yahoo.com

enced lawyers. Its lawyers, however, do not offer pro bono — or free — legal services. Each lawyer will determine the fees charged for legal services, and any caller referred should discuss such rates prior to entering into a representation agreement.

6611 East Central Suite C Wichita, Kansas 67206 Innovativ e car e for ar t hri t ic jo int s and mu scl e o r t endon in juri es

Phone: 316-683-6797

Call for an appointment Fax: 316-683-6797 316-684-1296 E-mail ry6611@yahoo.com

Robert C. Young M.D.

Robert C. Young M.D.

Office Hours By Appointment

Office Hours By Appointment



6611 East Central Suite C Wichita, Kansas 67206

6611 East Central Suite C Wichita, Kansas 67206

Innovativ e car e for ar t hri t ic jo int s and mu scl e o r t endon in juri es

Innovativ e car e for ar t hri t ic jo int s and mu scl e o r t endon in juri es

Phone: 316-683-6797 Fax: 316-684-1296 E-mail ry6611@yahoo.com

Phone: 316-683-6797 Fax: 316-684-1296 E-mail ry6611@yahoo.com

Robert C. Young M.D.

Robert C. Young M.D.

Office Hours By Appointment

Office Hours By Appointment




6611 East Central Suite C

July 2015

the active age

Page 17

Wichita’s Starlite Twin 1 of 5 drive-ins left in Kansas By Bob Curtwright

The bad news is that there are only five drive-in movies left in Kansas, down from a high of 125 in 1958. The good news is that Wichita’s Starlite Twin, the lone survivor of the nine that used to feature “cinema under the stars,” will continue to be around for a long time. So says Jim Goble, the Denver businessman who bought the twinscreen theater at 3900 S. Hydraulic in 1998 – previously called the Landmark Twin. He comes back every spring to launch a new season with optimism and enthusiasm. “It doesn’t make me rich, but it does make good money because it is steady and stable,” Goble said. He fell in love with the magic of movie projectors, 35 mm film and silver screens when he was a kid growing up in Wyoming. He said the Starlite doesn’t need a lot of attention from year to year. The patrons, who apparently appreciate this rare remaining chance to watch movies al fresco, don’t abuse it. “I’m proud to say that the restrooms we remodeled when we first bought it 18 years ago are still immaculate. There’s no graffiti.” Goble’s favorite decorative touch was to install 36 colorful neon food images throughout the snack bar, touting everything from hamburgers, hotdogs and popcorn to cotton candy, funnel cake and “chilly dilly” pickles.

Courtesy Photo

From a look at comments on the Starlite’s website, most patrons agree, giving the drive-in a 4.9 average rating out of 5.0. One called the Starlite “a nostalgic treasure.” Another enthused, “Kids love it. No babysitter needed. Bring jammies for the tots.” None of that surprises Jim Quick, who was manager of the Landmark and now the Starlite since 1974. “There’s been a lot of crazy stuff happen over the years,” he recalled. He remembers a group of guys who climbed up a tree to leap to the second floor projection booth roof and then down another 10 feet to the snack bar roof. “The scary thing was the leap from the tree to the roof…was more than 20 feet up.” Another time, whether from a dare or drink, a guy climbed up the back of the screen and couldn’t get down. “We eventually talked him down. We didn’t have to call the fire department to get him down like a cat out of a tree,” Quick said with a chuckle. And, yes, there are still people who try to sneak others into the theater free by hiding them in the trunk. “We See next page

A night at the Starlite drive-in in the ‘60s brought out families and couples, many of whom watched the movie under the stars. His other favorite touch was to put nights a week at home, so I expect that 120 carnival lights along the entrance we will be in business for a very long drive to reinforce a festive atmosphere. time to come.” “The theater is in top-technical So, who are today’s drive-in pashape after converting to digital,” trons? Mostly families seeking casual, he said. The costly upgrade – about economical entertainment where kids $70,000 per screen – basically did away can be fed and snuggled into sleep with the 35 mm film standard and has without disturbing others, Goble said. caused many marginal drive-ins to “We see a lot of grandparents finally give up. with their grandkids. I’ll tell you one “By my latest count, there are only thing about seniors. They know that 329 drive-ins left in the country (down bringing their grandkids here will from about 5,000 in the late 1950s), make them favorite grandparents.” and 44 of them have not yet upgraded To be sure, there are complaints, to digital. I expect about half of them but mostly about other patrons rather to go away this year.” than the theater. What keeps Goble optimistic about ry Wichita’s Starlite is the human desire versa i n n A to socialize. “Even though people have 16th been gravitating to home theaters over www.meadowlarkcarehomes.com the past few years, they still want to get out,” he said. The Nursing Home Alternative “They don’t want to spend all seven

Alzheimer’s Care Update

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by Doug Stark

“Dos & Don’ts” of Compassionate Care: Never Condescend, Always Empathize In the later stages of Alzheimer’s, even routine functioning begins to diminish. People suffering with the disease grow increasingly dependent on caregivers for help with everyday tasks such as dressing, washing and even eating. They may wear the same clothes day after day, choosing attire totally inappropriate for the season. As their frustration with previously simple tasks increases, they become more reserved and less responsive to others. For people unaccustomed to dealing with the disease, these behaviors and their repetitive nature can be extremely challenging. Caregivers must guard against reacting in a negative or

condescending way. Simple mistakes should be met with understanding and empathy. “It’s okay, that happens sometimes. We can fix it.” The wrong approach in these situations can only compound the Alzheimer’s victim’s distress. Doug Stark is President of ComfortCare Homes, the pioneer in resident-based Alzheimer’s care since 1993

Orientation is Aug. 24-27, 9am - 2pm

If you have a question you would like answered, please email me at dougs@comfortcarehomes.com, or call 685-3322. For more Alzheimer’s Care Updates visit our blog at www.comfortcarehomeswichita.com/blog www.theactiveage.com

Aug. 14

Page 18

the active age

July 2015

Drive-in movie craze hit Kansas in 1946

By Bob Curtwright The drive-in movie was patented in 1933 in Camden, N.J., by Richard Hollingshead Jr., a 33-year-old visionary and movie buff and son of an auto products manufacturer. Hollingshead was awarded Patent No. 1,909,537 after more than a year of trial and error in nailing sheets between trees, testing sound levels of a radio behind the “screen” and adjusting

Drive in From previous page

still see that, but not so much anymore since we instituted a car load price for some movies,” he said. Most of Quick’s memories are positive because drive-ins are so family-friendly, He began his career at the Westport Drive-In in 1966 while still in high school and become its manager in 1970. When the Westport closed in 1979, to be replaced by Towne West Square, Quick moved to the Landmark. “You’ll see three generations together bringing lawn chairs and kids in pajamas. It’s a good family experience,” he said. “Over the past 30 years, the movies that seem to do the best are the PG and PG-13 for families, not so much the R-rated.”

the angle and spacing of cars to find the right combination for maximum viewing pleasure. His actual drive-in opened on June 6 that year, playing Adolphe Menjou’s Wife Beware on a 40-by-50-foot screen to a capacity of 400 cars. Oddly, it closed a mere three years later. But the idea caught on in other places because of America’s growing obsession with motorcars, spreading to

In a typical year, he’s on the run from early March, when the drive-in opens for weekends, to early November, when it closes for the winter. It operates seven nights a week from May through August. Because of the seasonal nature, Quick also was a history and social studies teacher for 20 years at South High. Recently, he’s been the office manager/liaison between the theater and film distributors. His brother, Gary Quick, and Chuck Bucinski take care of day-to-day operations. “Because of Jim, I was able to stay in Denver with my family,” owner Goble said. “I never had to worry about the Starlite with Jim in charge.” Contact Bob Curtright at bcurt82744@yahoo.com

Pennsylvania and California in 1934; to Ohio, Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1937; and then snowballing across the country to reach a peak of nearly 5,000 drive-ins by the late 1950s. The drive-in craze hit Kansas in 1946 with the construction of Wichita’s 81 Drive-In on N. Broadway, about five miles from the center of town. Eventually Wichita’s crop of outdoor theaters burgeoned to nine, says Valerie Ellington, wife of late city historian Bill Ellington, Besides the 81, she says, there was the Westport on West Street (now Towne West Square); the Terrace on Hillside north of 21st; the 54 on east Kellogg (US-54) near Rock Road; the Airport on South Oliver near the old municipal airport; the Meadowlark on East Harry west of Oliver (replaced by The Mall shopping center); the K-42 on highway K-42 west of West Street; the Pawnee at Pawnee and Broadway (now Pawnee Plaza Mall); and the Rainbow near Hydraulic and

MacArthur, which was rebuilt into a twin called the Landmark and later renamed the Starlite. “The most impressive drive-in marquee was the Pawnee,” Ellington said. “As I recall, it had an Indian face at the leading edge with several colors of neon streaming toward the back to represent the feathers in a war bonnet. “There was also a drive-in between Derby and Mulvane called the Derby, which I recall had a derby hat on the sign.” Wichita’s first-nighters at the 81 Drive-In on Aug. 15, 1946, were treated to a playbill that included Silver Skates, a 1943 “icestravaganza” and Colorado Fishing, plus a Three Stooges short, cartoons and newsreel. “See and Hear a Movie in the Privacy of Your Own Car,” ballyhooed the ad in Wichita newspapers. “Playground Equipment for the Kids.” “A Picnic and a Movie Combined.” “No More Parking Problems.” Not to be left behind, drive-ins See Craze, next page


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July 2015

the active age

Page 19

Wife’s wishes convinced rabbi to move to Wichita

By Alice Mannette An eighth generation rabbi, Nissim Wernick knows how to navigate and teach the Old Testament. But this New York City native’s religious scholarship goes beyond the pages of Hebrews and Genesis. Wernick loves comparisons, especially when it comes to religion. The globetrotting rabbi led congregations throughout the U.S. and in Sweden,


From previous page popped up like weeds in open fields near cities all across Kansas. Two years after Wichita got the ball rolling, there were 11 in the state. By 1954, the craze grew to 107, then peaking at 125 in 1958. By 1963, however, the number had shrunk to 84, as growing cities encroached on formerly rural drive-in parcels. Can you say “shopping center?” Today, there are only four besides Wichita’s Starlite: the Boulevard in Kansas City, the Kanopolis at Kanopolis, the Midway halfway between Paola and Osawatomie, and the South at Dodge City. It opened in 1947 and is

Israel, South Africa and Canada before settling in Wichita. “When they called and asked if I wanted to come to Wichita, I said no,” Wernick said. But then Wernick’s wife, who Wernick grew up in South Africa, wanted to leave New Jersey. “I called them back and said yes.”

In addition to serving the Hebrew Congregation of Wichita, Wernick has taught religion classes at Butler Community College, Newman and Friends University. “I love to teach,” he said. “I can get up at the pulpit and do anything.” He was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary and got his Ph.D. in religion from Brigham Young University.

Kansas’ oldest operating drive-in. Wichita’s Starlite is the third drivein to operate at 3900 S. Hydraulic. The Rainbow was rebuilt in 1979 as an expanded, twin-screen theater called the Landmark to accommodate 800 cars on one side and 500 on the other. “It’s the largest drive-in in Kansas,” says current owner Jim Goble, a Denver businessman who bought it in 1998. He renamed it the Starlite after renovating, refurbishing and jazzing it up with neon and colored carnival entrance lights. He upgraded to digital in 2013. Across the country, the news for drive-ins isn’t so encouraging. Goble says there are only 329 left, and he expects another 20 or so to close this year

because they can’t afford to go digital to compete. Three states have none at all: North Dakota, Delaware and Alaska. Others that would seem to be drive-in friendly because of warm weather are surprisingly down to only one each: Hawaii, Arizona and Louisiana. The state with the most remaining drive-ins is Ohio with 28, closely followed by New York and Pennsylvania with 27 each. Indiana has 20 while California and Texas tie with 17 each. Around Kansas, Missouri still has 11 while Colorado has 7, Oklahoma has 6 and Nebraska has 3. And in New Jersey, where it all began 82 years ago, there is only one.

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Contact Bob Curtright at bcurt82744@yahoo.com

Wernick teaches both the old and new testaments and offers comparisons. He also reaches out to other faith-based leaders. Public speaking is easy for the 6-foot-4 ex-basketball player. His bachelor’s degree is in theatre. When living in Israel Wernick was resourceful finding ways to support his family. In addition to leading a congregation and teaching high school students, he played basketball. “I had mouths to feed,” Wernick said. “It is hard to live on a minus bank account.” Although Wernick loved Israel, he realized he was happier visiting than settling there. Along with sharing his experiences and educating college students, congregants and the community, Wernick sees educating Jewish youth as one of his most important roles. “Without education of children there’s no future,” Wernick said. “Educating the children is the only way to perpetuate the religion.” Wernick wants to continue teaching. He hopes to continue to serve as a bridge so others can learn about Judaism, biblical history and Israel. Contact Alice Mannette at mannette.a@gmail.com

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____ ____ ____ ____ Active Agi Proof Appro ____ Please check your ad check off the applicab initial to indicate you

Page 20

the active age

July 2015

Calendar of Events

Sedgwick County Senior Centers

BEL AIRE 7651 E Central Park Ave 744-2451, ext 121 www.belaireks.org

Mon: 10 am Men’s fellowship, coffee. Mon & Wed: 6 pm Yoga, Rec Center. Tue: 1 pm Bridge. Wed: 9 am Low-impact aerobics, Rec Center. Fri: 9 am Breakfast at Braum’s. Mon-Fri: 8-9 am Bel Aire Walkers, Rec Center. 1st Mon: 6:30 pm Potluck & program. 2nd Mon: 11:30 am Lunch out, call for details. 3rd Wed: 1:30 pm, Book Club. 4th Mon: 6 pm Covered dish lunch, Rec Center. 4th Wed: 7 pm Bunko. 4th Thu: 2 pm Geneaology group.

BENTLEY/EAGLE 504 W Sterling, 796-0027

Open Mon-Fri: Coffee, cookies, exercise. Mon: 2 pm Line dancing, chair exercise. Wed: 1:30 pm Canasta. Sat: 8-9:30 am Breakfast, donation. 2nd Fri: 11 am Senior Lunch Out. 3rd Tue: 7 pm Game night, bring snack. 3rd Fri: noon XYZ potluck, program. 4th Sat: 7 pm Movie Night.

CHENEY 516 Main, 542-3721

Mon-Fri: 10:30 am GNNP meal, reservations required; 12:15 pm Cards, games. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-11 am Exercise program. 1st Tue: 6 pm Potluck dinner. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Tue: 7 pm Cards, games.

CLEARWATER 921 E Janet, 584-2332

Mon: 10 am-noon Blood pressure check; 1-3 pm Painting, beginning to advanced. Wed: 9 am Morning coffee. Fri: 7 pm Square Dance. Tue, Fri: 8:45 am Tai Chi; 10 am Exercise class. 2nd Tue: noon Carry-in lunch & program. 1st, 3rd & 4th Thu: 9 am Help with technologybring your own device. 3rd Fri: 1 pm Bingo. 3rd Sat: 7-10 am Biscuits/gravy breakfast.

DERBY 611 N Mulberry Rd, 788-0223 www.derbyweb.com

Regular activities: Exercise programs at low or no cost, foot care, book club. July 2: 11:30 am Covered Dish & Social. $2. July 7: 4:30 - 6 pm Tuesday Night Together fundraiser, $5 suggested donation.

July 14: 12:30 pm Derby Recreational Center Youth Summer Theatre presents The Little Mermaid. Free. July 30: 4:30 pm Nacho Bingo. $1 per card with a 3 card limit. 1st Tue: 11:30 am Friendship Club lunch out. 3rd Tue: Noon Friendship Club; 1 pm Book Club. Reading list at front desk. 1st Thu: 9 am New member orientation.

DOWNTOWN 200 S. Walnut, 267-0197 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Regular activities: Exercise classes, Pickleball, computer classes, foot care by apt. July 1: Eat Smart - Living Strong. July 6: 10 am July Book Club, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’by Maya Angelou. July 23: Moving and Aging Gracefully presented by Dr. Mellion. Lunch provided. RSVP 267-0197. Mon: 11 am Lewis Street Singers; 1 pm Bridge; Beading Buddies. Tues: 10:30 am Single Seniors (except for 2nd Tue) Wed: 9 am Spanish class (adv); 1 pm Spanish (beg). Thu: 9:30-11 am Drawing class. Mon & Wed 11 am Well Rep Excercises. 1st Mon: 10 am Book Club. 2nd Wed: 1:30 pm Senior Legal Adviser. 2nd Thurs: 9 am Wichita Coin Club. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thu: 9:30 am Drawing Class. 2rd Thu: 2 pm Senior Financial Adviser.

EDGEMOOR 5815 E 9th, 688-9392

Mon-Fri: 11:30 am GNNP lunch, reservation required; 10-11 am Pool, cards, bingo, dominoes, puzzles.

GARDEN PLAIN 1006 N Main, 535-1155

Tue, Thu: 9:30 am Exercise. Fri: 1 pm Cards. 1st Fri: noon Potluck, cards. 3rd Fri: noon Birthday/anniversary celebration.

GODDARD 120 N Main, 794-2441

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:30 am Exercise. 1st & 4th Tue: 9:30 am-noon Cards. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10 am-4 pm Covered dish, cards, dominoes.

HAYSVILLE 160 E Karla, 529-5903

Regular activities: Cards, crafts, GNNP lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Silver Foxes exercise.

Let’s Go

Starting Points to Research French Ancestors, Lionel Alford Library, 3447 S Meridian. 1 pm Sat, July 18. Presented by The Wichita Genealogical Scoiety.

Vintage Baseball, Old Cowtown Museum, 1865 W. Museum Blvd. 2 - 4 pm Sun, July 12.

Tuesdays on the Terrace, Botanica, 701 Amidon, 5:30 pm Tues, July 28. Live music, happy hour and horticulture. Enjoy cocktails and view the summer garden. $3 for members; $7 for non members. Dinner available for $8.

Jazz Fest, Kansas African American Museum, 601 N. Water. 7 pm Fri, July 17. Jazz music and barbecue. $20 - $25. Call 262-7651 for more information.

KECHI Kechi City Building, 744-017, 744-1271

3rd Thu: 6:30-7:30 pm Meeting.

LA FAMILIA 841 W 21st, 267-1700

Mon-Fri: Dance, exercise, pool, dominoes. 11:30 am-12:15 pm Hot lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon, Fri: 9:30 am-3 pm Tax-Aide, by appt. Tue, Thu: 1 pm Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon: 10 am English Class/Clase de Ingles; 1 pm Line dancing Tue: 10 am Nutrition class/Clase de nutricion. Thu: 10 am Bingo/loteria. Last Fri: 10 am Music/musica; monthly birthdays.

LINWOOD 1901 S. Kansas, 263-3703 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Regular activities: Computer classes, cards, Pickleball, exercise programs, GNNP lunch. July 10: 10:15 am Elder Law Issues and How to Resolve Them presented by Clay Cox, attorney July 17: 10:15 am How to Stay Young the First 100 Years by Dr. Detrick of Spine Care. July 24: 10:15 am Leave Your Worry Behind. A discussion on how to solve problems with urinary and fecal incontinence by Jackie Haydock. 3rd Wed: 10:30 am Birthday party. Mon & Fri: 9 am Dynabands; 9:30 am Stretching. Tue: 9 am Brain games; 9:30 am Fit & balance. 10:30 am Bingo. Tue & Thu: 9 am Pickleball. Wed: 9 am Arthritis exercise.

MCADAMS GOLDEN AGE 1329 E 16th, 337-9222

Regular activities: Open gym, walking, GNNP lunches, dominoes, cards, pool. Sun: 1-3 pm Quilting. Fri: noon-1:30 pm Sewing. Sat: noon-4:30 pm Classes: sewing, jewelry making. 2nd & 4th Tue: 10 am-noon Blood pressure checks.

MT HOPE 105 S Ohio, 667-8956

Mon: 7-10 am Coffee, donuts; 11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch; 1-4 pm Cards. Tue, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise class. Tue, Wed: 10 am-3 pm Crafts, quilting. Thu: 9:30-10:30 am Line Dancing. 1st Fri: Noon Sr Citizens’ lunch.

MULVANE 632 E Mulvane, 777-4813

Family Game Night, Botanica, 701 Amidon. 5:30 pm Tues, July 9. Play life-size games in the gardens. Call 264-0448 for more information.

Drunken Botanist, Sedgwick County Zoo, 5555 W. Zoo Blvd. 6 pm Fri, July 17. Sample plant-based spirits while walking the zoo. Must be 21 or older. $30 for members; $35 for non-members.

Tue, Thu: 10 am STEP exercise. 1st & 3rd Wed: 11 am Blood pressure checks. 12:30 pm Bingo. 2nd Fri: 5:30 pm Birthday dinner, covered dish.

Wichita’s History in Picture Postcards, Linwood Senior Center, 1901 S Kansas. Fri, July 31. Jim Mason will give an illustrated presentation about his book, “Wichita,” featuring over 200 vintage picture postcards showing what the city was like a century ago.

Daily: 7:30-9 am Walk-in gym, coffee; GNNP lunch; computers, dominoes, puzzles, pool, book loan. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Yoga. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Zumba. 2nd Tue: 7:30-9:30 am Breakfast, $3. 2nd Wed: 11:30 am Blood pressure checks. 3rd Wed: Noon-1 pm Blood pressure checks.

NORTHEAST 2121 E 21st, 269-4444 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Daily: Dominoes, cards, Wii, pool, GNNP lunch. library, exercise room, computer lab. July 2, 9, 16: 9:30 am Living Well With It Workshop. July 10: 11:45 am Stay Cool When It’s Hot - Tips for Staying Safe in the Summer by Jessica Folk. July 17: 11:45 Preparing for Emergency Situations presented by Greg Smith.


July 23 11:45 am Another Alternative for Living with Incontinence by Jackie Haydock. July 31: 11:45 am Vein Insufficiency: What it is and how it is treated presented by Kansas Surgical Arts . Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am WSU exercise. Mon: 12:30 pm TOPS; 1:30 pm Sing-a-Long. Tue: 10 am Beginners’ crochet class. Wed: 2 pm Drawing 101. Thu: 10:30 am Jewelry class, crochet class. Tue, Thu: 1 pm Spanish class. Fri: 10 am Crochet class; 1 pm Bridge. 1st Wed: Footcare by appointment.

OAKLAWN 2937 Oaklawn Dr, 524-7545

1st Thur: 12:30 pm, Golden Agers Meeting. 1st Thur & Fri: 8:30 am-5 pm, Commodities. 2nd Thu: 12:30-2:30 pm, Golden Agers Bingo. $1. 4th Thu: 12:30-2:30, Community Bingo. $2. Every Wed: 8:30 am Sweets & coffee, Panera Bread.

ORCHARD PARK 4808 W 9th, 942-2293 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org.

Regular activities: Exercise programs, cards, pool, GNNP lunch. July 6, 13: 11:15 am Rite Bite Series by Shirley Lewis. July 10: 11:15 am Getting Ready for your Fall Garden by the Sedgwick County Extension. July 20: 11:15 am Bathroom Safety. July 24: 11:15 am Four Stories of Elder Abuse. July 27: 11:15 am Tips to Stay Healthy by Jessica Brantley. Tues: 12:30-4:30 pm Duplicate bridge. Wed: 10:30 am-noon Computer Lab.

PARK CITY 6100 N Hydraulic, 744-1199

Regular activities: Cards, exercise, pool, GNNP lunch. Call for details. July 1: 10:30 am Chisolm Trail Seniors Catered Lunch and meeting. Reservation needed. July 2: 1 pm Old Fashioned Movie Matinee by Rick Every. Hollywood: Golden Years by Gene Kelly. $5 per person, includes popcorn. July 4: 1 pm Chisolm Trail Seniors’ Fourth of July Bingo & Raffle. Thurs, July 9 - July 30: 4 - 5:30 pm Aloha lessons instructed by Ohana Halau. Four session course costs $18 per person and includes all materials needed. Call 744-1199 to reserve a spot. July 15: 10:15 am Rite Bite Series by Shirley Smith. Topic: food labeling. July 21: 11 am Blood pressure clinic and health discussion by Sharon Wyatt. Wed: 1 pm Walking; 2:30 pm Line Dance; 7 pm Round Dance. Fri: 10:30 am Dance Aerobics; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 1 pm Pinochle. Tue & Thu: 8:30 am Wii Bowling; 10 am WellRep exercise. 1st Wed: 10:30 am Chisholm Trail Seniors catered lunch, meeting, program. 3rd Thu: 1 pm Bingo; 5:30 pm Finger food. 3rd Fri: 6 pm Fun, food, games.

VALLEY CENTER 316 E. Clay, 755-7335

Regular activities: Home-cooked meals, monthly outings, including casino trip, exercise programs. Mon: Donuts, coffee, cards. Tue: 10 am Brunch, $4, movie & cards; 6:30 pm Pitch, bring snack to share. Wed: 9 am Meet at Methodist Church. Thu: noon Lunch, $5. Games. Fri: noon Lunch, $4. 3rd Thu: Birthday celebration.

July 2015

the active age

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Butler County Senior Centers ANDOVER 410 Lioba Dr, 733-4441 www.andoverks.com

Regular activities: Exercise, bingo, bridge, quilt club, dominoes, cards, pool. Daily:11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch (reservation required), $3. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise. Tues & Thu: Special music at lunch. Mon: 1 pm Lunch and Cards. Tue: 10 am Blood pressure check; 10:30 am-2 pm Memory Café; 1 pm Pool & cards. Wed: 1 pm Quilt club; 1 pm Bridge. Thu: 1 pm Pool, cards & Scrabble; 3 pm Dominoes; 7-9 pm Pitch. Fri: 11:30 am Covered dish, meeting & program; 12:45 pm Prize bingo; 1:45 pm Cards. 4th Sat: 7 - 10am Monthly breakfast. $4 suggested donation.

AUGUSTA 640 Osage, 775-1189

Regular activities: Line dance, exercise classes, cards, games, lunch (reservation required).

Feb 5 & 19 : 7-10 pm Jam Session: bring covered dish, snack or dessert to share. 1st Wed: 9:30-11 am Blood pressure checks. 2nd Sat: 7-10 am Biscuits/gravy, $3. 3rd Tue: 7:30 am Casino trip.

1st Mon: 6 pm Finger foods & cards. 3rdMon: 6 pm Birthday/anniversary covered dish supper, bring own service. Cards. 3rd Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Biscuits/gravy, scrambled eggs, $3.

BENTON Lion’s Community Bldg, S Main St

EL DORADO 210 E 2nd, 321-0142

2nd & 4th Tue: 9 am-4 pm, Cards, games, occasional program. Covered dish.

CASSODAY Cassoday Community Center

Tue: 10:30 am Round Table. Tue, Thu & Sat: 9:30 am Exercise with us; blood pressure checks. 1st Mon: 7 pm Game night. 3rd Mon: 12:30 pm Carry-in luncheon, blood pressure checks. Last Fri: 7 pm Movie Night.

DOUGLASS 124 W 4th, 746-3227

Regular activities: Exercise, quilting, cards, home-cooked lunch, $4 (reservation required).

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, GNNP lunch, $2. RSVP. Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Tue: 12:30 pm Bingo; 1:30 pm Line Dance; 6:30 pm Prairie Port Singles. Tue, Thu: 9 am Coffee. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 6:30 pm Senior activities. 2nd Thu: 11 am Blood pressure check; 6 pm Crazy Quilters.

LEON 112 S Main, 745-9200 or 742-9905

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, home-cooked lunch (reservation required). Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics.

Harvey County Senior Centers BURRTON 124 N Burrton, 620-463-3225

Tue, Fri: 9:30 am Exercises. Fri: 1 pm Table games. 1st Mon: 6 pm Bunko. 2nd Thu: Noon Meal, table games. 4th Thu: 6 pm Dinner, program.

HALSTEAD 523 Poplar, 835-2283

Mon & Wed: Games after lunch. Tue & Fri: 9 am Exercise. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Dine out/activity. 3rd Thu: 6 pm Potluck, meeting. 3rd Fri: 12:30 pm Movie in. 3rd Sun: 1:30 pm Movie out. 4th Thu: 7 pm Penny Bingo.

HESSTON Randall & Main, 620-327-5099 www.hesstonseniorcenter.com

Mon, Wed, Fri: 8 am Stretch bands. Mon & Tue: 1:30 pm Pitch. Tue: 8:30 am Coffee Hour; 9 am Film; 1:30 pm Pinochle. Wed: 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study; 1 pm Bridge. Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes. 1st & 3rd Tue: 6 pm Singin’ Seniors. 3rd Wed: 11:30 am Health luncheon; noon, program. Reservations by previous Fri. 1st Thu: 7 pm Bridge.

1st & 3rd Thu: 7 pm Pitch. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Movie Night. 1st & 3rd Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes. 1st Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Community Breakfast 4th Mon: 5:30 pm gathering; 6 pm Potluck dinner, program follows. 4th Tue: 8:30 am Blood pressure check.

GRAND CENTRAL 122 E 6th, Newton, 283-2222 www.newtonseniorcenter.org

July 2: 7:30-9 am Community Breakfast: Sausage and egg casserole, pancakes, oatmeal, fruit and coffee. July 14: 6 pm, Potluck, bring dish to serve 6; dessert provided. Program: Leslie Sweazy of Gentiva Hospice July 16: Reader’s Theater, Tim Marlar with a patriotic selection. July 21: 10:30 am To Your Health, Donna Becker. July 23: 8:30 -10 am Driving capacity evalutions. July 28:10:30am Educational or National Geographic in nature film series. July 24: 10:30 am Monthly birthday party. Mon: 9:15 am Get Lighter, Feel Better; 10-11 am Blood pressure check; 1:30 pm Golden Notes choir practice; 7-9:30 pm Square Dance. Tue: 10:30am Computer class; 1 pm Crafts; 7 pm Round Dance. Wed: 1 pm Pinochle/cards; 4:15 pm Line Dance. Thu: 1 pm Wii bowling.

Senior Wednesdays Every Wed – Free or nomimal admission. www.seniorwednesday.org. July 1 - 10 am Wichita Art Museum,Gallery Exploration. Hayley Holt, assistant curator of education will discuss selected artworks. 1:30 pm at Water Center Sandbar Treasure Hunting presented by Kay Drennan. July 8 - 10 am Sedgwick County Zoo, Swirl by Swirl. The Golden Number is present in nature. Join for a look at the ratio. 1:30 pm Wichita Public LIbrary, Central Branch, Real Songs about Real People. Singer-songwriter David G. Smith will be presenting his songs based on true stories of real people. July 15 - 10 am Ulrich Museum of Art. Based in the Netherlands, photographer Gerco de Ruitjer will be living and working

in Wichita during July as the Ulrich Artist in Residence for 2015. De Ruitjer will examine the rural Kansas landscape altered by human intervention over time. 1:30 pm Kansas African American Museum, program TBA. July 22 10 am Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum. Local historian and author Keith Wondra will explore the history of Wichita’s botanical garden. 1:30 pm The Exploration Place, hear from students at the WSU Human Factors program about their research that aims to make it easer for people to use technology in everyday living. July 29 10 am Great Plains Nature Center. GPNC Director Jim Mason will discuss the life and times of one of Wichita’s founders, James R. Mead, who was also a pinoeer naturalist.


Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Arthritis exercise. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10:30 am Bingo. 1st & 3rd Fri: 6 pm Game night.

SEDGWICK 107 W. Fifth, 772-0393

Mon: 1 pm Games. Tue: 7-8:30 am Breakfast. Wed: 9-11 am Quilting. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise. 1st Fri: 7 pm Birthday party. 2nd Thu: noon Carry-in dinner, mtg. 3rd Thu: 5 pm Dinner Night Out. 2nd Fri: 7 pm Pitch party. Last Thu: 7 pm Movie.

Calendar Deadlines Submit calendar items by the 12th of the month prior to publication. Mail or bring to the active age, 125 S. West St., Suite 105, Wichita, KS 67213 or email: kaydee@theactiveage.com. Please include a name and contact person and phone number.

Tues: 12:30 pm Bingo; 1:30 pm Line Dance; 6:30 pm Prairie Port Singles. Tue & Thu: 1 pm Bridge. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. 3rd Sun: 11am-1:30 pm, Home-cooked lunch, $7 adults, $3.50 children. 745-9200.

ROSE HILL 207 E Silknitter, 776-0170

Regular activities: Wii, pool table, shuffleboard, home-cooked lunch (reservation required). Mon & Wed: 9 am Strong Women Stay Young Exercise. Mon: 7 pm Pitch, games. Wed: 1 pm Bridge. Fri: 7 pm Card game. 1st Fri: 11 am Meeting, covered dish. 3rd Fri: Noon Covered dish. 1st Sat: 7-10 am Scrambled eggs, biscuits/gravy.

TOWANDA 317 Main, 536-8999

Open 10:30 am-5 pm Mon, Wed & Fri Thu: 7 am Breakfast/coffee at Stearman Bar & Grill, Benton.

WHITEWATER Legion Hall,Whitewater

2nd & 4th Tue: noon Potluck, program.

Special Notice

Beginning with the Sept. 1 the active age, Clubs and Organizations and Dances will move to our website, theactiveage.com. This will allow us to make online changes during the month to assure up-to-date information. The Center for Community Support and Research has an extensive and up-to-date listing of Support Groups; we will cease publication of the list in August. Visit its website, www.SupportGroupsinKansas.org, or call 978-5496 or 1-800-445-0116.


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Page 22

the active age

Clubs and Organizations

AARP 2614, Country Cafe, 2804 S. Seneca, 3rd Wed: 11 am, mtg/ program, 440-6931. African Violet Study Club, Botanica, 3rd Fri: 1 pm. Visitors welcome. After 5 Christian Women, Rolling Hills Country Club, 223 Westlink. 4th Thu: 6:30-8 pm, $15. RSVP, 529-3472 Air Capital Active People, Grace Presbyterian Church, 5002 E Douglas, 3rd Sat: 11 am-1 pm. Program/mtg/lunch, 943-6123. Air Capital Chorus, Scottish Rite Temple, 332 E First, every Tue: 7 pm, Singers welcome, 776-2121. American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Immanuel Lutheran Church, 909 S Market. Research Library, 1:30 pm 2nd Fri. Info 634-0353. Quarterly meeting, 1:30 pm potluck, 2:30 pm program on folklore, Feb 8. American Sewing Guild, Extension Center, 21st & Ridge, 1st Tue: 1:30 or 7 pm. Beech/Raytheon/Hawker Retirees, Golden Corral, 11006 E Kellogg, 2nd Fri:11:30 am Lunch. 942-7435. Breakfast Group: last Wed: 7:30 am, True Lies, 607 oil Hill Rd, 320-1367. Boeing Retirees, The Learning Center, 150 Stewart, Haysville. 1st Tue:10 am, $7.25. RSVP by previous Mon, 524-5549. Calvary Fellowship, 2525 N Rock Rd, 1st Thu: noon, covered dish/program, 683-3913. China Painting, Flying saucers, 1st Thu: 9:30 am; Kracked Kup Klub, 3rd Thu: noon; Sunflower Club, 3rd Fri: 9:30 am. Mary 260-1699 or Lou 722-3047. Church Women United, 1 pm: April 17, West Heights United Methodist, 745 N. Westlink, Wichita. Colwich Srs, 310 S 2nd. Every Tues: 1:30 pm. Cowtown Social Club, Hotel at Old Cowtown Museum, 1865 Museum Blvd. Last Mon: 9:30 am. Info 264-6687. Daughters of Union Veteran’s of the Civil War, 3rd Mon, 1 pm, First Presbyterian Church, 501 N. Broadway, Wichita. Pat, 636-9454. East Wichita Christian Women, Wichita Country Club, 8501 E 13th St. 4th Thu: 11:30 am. $14, RSVP 682-1495 Fleet Reserve Assoc & Ladies Aux, Good Shepherd Lutheran, 1451 E 47th S, 2nd Thu: 6 pm, 788-4549. Friendship Club, 1900 McCormick, 2nd Fri:10:30 am-noon. Covered dish/program, 264-8133. Friendship Force of Kansas, Gloria Dei Lutheran, 1101 N River Blvd. 10 am: April 25. Susan Harrington, 775-3072; Jan Blick, 620-6650-6506. Golden Age Clubs, Wichita Parks & Recreation program: Goldenrod, 1340 S Pattie, every Wed: 10 am, 337-9244; Evergreen, 2700 N Woodland, Every Mon: 10:30 am-noon, 3038036; Linwood, 1901 S Kansas, Every Tue: 9 am-3 pm, 337-9191; McAdams, 1329 E 16th, Every Tue: 12:30-2 pm, 337-9222; Minisa, 704 W 13th, Every Thur: 9 am-1 pm, 303-8036; Orchard, 4808 W 9th, Every Thu: 9 am-12:30 pm, 337-9244; Osage, meets at Linwood, every Mon: 9 am-3:30 pm, 337-9191. Grace Presbyterian-Best Years, 5002 E Douglas, 1st Thu: 10 am Fellowship, festivities; 11 am program; noon, lunch, $7. Reservations by previous Mon, Linda, 684-5215. Haysville Genealogy Group, Community Library, lower level, 2nd Sat: 2 pm meeting. Bev Miller, 529-4285. IAM District Lodge 70 Retirees, 3830 S Meridian. Last Thu: noon lunch; 1 pm program, 522-1591. Inventors Association of South-Central Kansas, NCAT/WATC, 4004 N Webb Rd. 4th Mon: 6:30 pm. John, 393-5553. J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth), 2151 W Dora, 50 & older, every Thu:10 am-1pm companionship,

special programs, bingo, covered dish 50¢ & flower donations; 4th Thu: birthdays/anniversaries. 264-0571. Kansas Art Guild, Wichita Center for the Arts, 9112 E Central, 1st Tue: 1 pm Demonstration or lecture. 943-4747. Kansas Authors Club, District 5, meets 2nd Sat: 2-4 pm. Rockwell Branch Library. Ray, 734-7813. www.kansasauthors.org Kansas Knife Collectors, 3219 W Central, 1st Thu: 7 pm. Bill Davis, 838-0540. Kansas Gas Service Retirees, Spears, 4323 W Maple, Last Fri: Noon, meeting, 944-8773. Keenagers, Pleasantview Baptist Church, 1335 N Buckner, Derby, 3rd Thu: noon, covered dish, meat furnished and entertainment. Keystone High Twelve, Kansas Masonic Home, 402 E Martinson, every Mon:11:30 am, fellowship, lunch, program. Jim Pipkin, 721-5568. Knife & Fork Club, Bank of America Bldg, 100 N Broadway, 9th Floor. One Mon per month, dinner, speaker, 832-0517. Korean Veterans, American Legion Post 401, 101 E 31st S, 2nd Wed: 11 am. Howard Runft, 265-3414. Marine Corps League, American Legion Post 401, 101 E 31st S, 3rd Tue: 6:30 pm social; 7 pm mtg. Former Marines & FMF Corpsmen welcome. Tom Huxtable, 721-0307. Melodears, rehearsal every Thu:10-11:30 am, St Paul UMC, 13th & Broadway. Edna, 945-9146. Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society Library, 1203 N Main, 264-3611, open Tue & Sat, 9 am-4 pm. Military Officers Association of America, one Sun a month at Rolling Hills CC. 11:30 am lunch, meeting, program. Info LeRoy, 788-4366 or Terry, 686-6174. Military Order of the Purple Heart, DAV Clubhouse, 3011 S. Geo Washington Blvd, 1st Sat: 10 am. Tom, 316-650-1328 or 316-558-8059. Motivator Singles Group, Central Community Church, K-Chapel, 6100 W Maple, lunch or refreshments, monthly meeting, 1 pm. Info, Nora, 943-9766. NARFE (National Active & Retired Federal Employees), 3rd Wed odd-numbered months, 11 am-2 pm, Golden Corral East, Kellog and Webb. Sylvia, 239-1270. Needle Arts Guild of Wichita, College Hill UMC, 2930 E 1st, Every Thu: 10 am-3 pm. 733-2095. Northeast Sr Citizen Club, 2121 E 21st, 1st & 3rd Wed 10:30 am, programs, trips, fellowship. 269-4444. North Wichita Optimists, Spears, 4323 Maple, Every Wed: 7 am, breakfast, speaker. Old Time Fiddlers, Pickers & Singers, 210 E 2nd, El Dorado Senior Center, 1st Sun: doors open at noon, music starts 1:30 pm. Meat, provided; bring covered dish or dessert to share, $3. 755-1060. Phyllis Wheatley Sr Fellowship, 1005 N Mathewson, 1st & 3rd Thu: 11:30 am-2 pm. 612-0944. Postal Retirees & Former Postal Employees, Even months, 1st Wed: 9:30 am, Village Inn, 1685 S Rock Rd. Jan Cragun, 682-9674 or Jan Pickering, 683-0160. Prairie Quilt Guild, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 2nd Tue: 1 & 7 pm. Retired Teamsters Local #795, last Sun of month, 1pm, lunch/mtg. Location varies: Bill, 620-545-7451. River City Decorative Artists, 3rd Tue: 6:30-9 pm. Society of Decorative Painters, 393 N McLean Blvd. Dee 265-7644. River City Ladies, 4th Tue: time, location varies. Cards, outings, spring luncheon. Karen Holden, 264-3615.

Keep up with the active age on Facebook

Scandinavian Society of Wichita, 2nd Fri: 6:30 pm. www.scandinaviansocietywichita.org. SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), SBA office, 220 W. Douglas, Ste 450. 1st Thu: 11:30 am, program, meeting, lunch. Visitors welcome, call for reservation, 316-269-6273. Sierra Club, Great Plains Nature Ctr, 6232 E 29th N, 2nd Fri: 6:30 pm, pizza, salad (bring service); program 7:30 pm. davidkirkbride@knea.org Silver Streak, 2110 W 45th, 2nd Tue: 10 am-2 pm, Mtg/dinner/entertainment, RSVP Velma Compton 201-6071. Singles Dinner Night, First, third and fifth Thu: 6:30 pm, location varies. Also other events. 942-5117. Single Seniors, Downtown Sr Ctr. Every Tue:10:30 am-noon, 2nd Tue: Eat Out. 3rd Tue: Games. Arlene, 524-8726. Society of Military Widows, 1st Sat: 11:30 am, location varies. Marilyn, 990-7320. Sons of Confederate Veterans, Rockwell Branch Library, 5939 E 9th. 2nd Thu: 5:30 p.m.. Kevin, 620-276-9275. Sons of Union Veteran’s of the Civil War, Last Thu, 7 pm, DAV Clubhouse, 3011 S Geo Washington Blvd. Bill, 722-9387 Sr. Tennis League, year-round schedule. Ron 838-7833 or Andy 689-0522. Sunflower Horseshoe, Linwood Park. Info Bill 683-9428 or James 264-2663. Telephone Pioneers, Location varies, 2nd Thu: 11:30 am. Arnetta 265-7542. TROW (The Retired Officers Wives) 3rd Fri. Location varies. Wives of all services. 788-8830. Twentieth Century Club, 536 N Broadway. Every Tue: Luncheon, noon; program, 1:15 pm. Lunch, $9. RSVP, Marjorie Parsons, 722-1057. Tyler Roadrunners, 571 S Tyler, 3rd Thu: noon. Covered dish, 722-4511. University Club, Bank of America Bldg, 9th floor, 100 N Broadway, one Thu a month: 6 pm dinner, speaker, 832-0517. VFW Post 971, Newton, 3rd Mon: 7:30 pm, 1610 SE 3rd St. 316-283-1717. West Heights UMC Adults Plus, 745 N Westlink, 3rd Tue:10:45 am-1 pm, program/covered dish. RSVP 722-3805. West Side Christian Senior Fellowship, 1819 W Douglas, 3rd Wed, lunch/fellowship, RSVP by previous Mon. 263-5269. West Side UMC Golden Agers, 1313 W Lydia, 1st Fri: noon. Fellowship, covered dish, bring service. 264-6605. West Wichita Christian Women, Rolling Hills CC, 223 Westlink, 4th Fri: 9:15-11:30 am, Cost $12. RSVP 524-5967. Wichita Amateur Radio (WARC), Salvation Army, 350 N Market. 7:30 pm meeting. See website for dates. www.warc1.org. Wichita Association of Retired School Personnel, 2nd Fri of Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct & Dec. at Gloria Dei Lutheran, 1101 N River Blvd. Luncheon, program. Reservations, 721-3125. Wichita Audubon Society, 3rd Tue: 7 pm, Great Plains Nature Ctr, 6232 E 29th. www.wichitaaudubon.org. Wichita Coin Club, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 2nd Thu: 7 pm. camon@sbcglobal. net or 943-1832. Wichita Duplicate Bridge, various days, times. www.duplicate.org, info@wichitaduplicate. org. Wichita Genealogical Society, Alford Branch Library, 3447 S. Meridian. 3rd Sat: 1 pm. www. wichitagensoc.org Wichita Musical Club, Senseney Music Store, lower level, 2300 E Lincoln. 3rd Thu: 1:30 pm. Wichita Postcard Club, Alford Branch Library, 3447 S Meridian, 1st Sat: 2-4 pm. Kathy, 8320811. Wichita PrimeTimers, social organization for mature gay and bi-sexual males; 10-noon social activities monthly. Email ictprimetimers@aol. com or visit primetimersww.org/wichita.

Upcoming Events, Recipes and More! www.theactiveage.com

July 2015

Aging Agencies Butler Co Advisory Council, For date, location, 775-0500 or 1-800-279-3655. Central Plains Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council, 3rd Wed, 1:30 pm. For location, 660-7298. Harvey Co Advisory Council, 2nd Thu, 9 am. For location, 284-6880 or 1-800750-7993. Sedgwick Co Dept on Aging Advisory Council, 2nd Wed, 2 pm. For location, info 660-7298.

AARP Driver Safety Classes Eight hours of instruction. Certificate on completion for insurance discount. Class size limited; call for reservations. $15 for AARP members; $20 for non-members. Downtown Senior Center, 200 S. Walnut, 12:30-4:30 pm July 20 & 21, 267-0197. Wesley Friends, 550 N. HIllside, 8 am July 11. 962-2000. Via Christi Rehab Hospital, 1151 N. Rock Rd. 9 am July 18 & 25. 689-5700.

Transportation Sedgwick County

American Red Cross, 219-4040. Free rides for 60+ for medical and dialysis appointments. 24-hour notice. Ambulatory. Donations accepted. Sedgwick Co Transportation, 660-5150,

long distance 1-800-367-7298, transportation or services info. 8 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri; closed most holidays. www.sedgwickcounty.org/aging.

Butler County Transit

Weekday transportation in El Dorado, Augusta and Andover. Rides to Wichita on Wed, Thu. Call for information; 48-hr notice required: Augusta, 775-0500; El Dorado, 322-4321; toll free, 1-800-279-3655. $10 pass for 25 rides available. Wheelchair accessible; escorts ride free.

Harvey County Interurban Transportation for medical appointments, shopping and recreational activities. Reservations or information: 316-284-6802 or 1-866-680-6802. Applications for reduced fares for those 60+ or disabled who meet income guidelines. Personal appointments including medical trips: Mon-Fri, 8 am-5 pm. Reservations, first call-first served, must be made 24 hours in advance. Vans are wheelchair accessible. Round-trip fares: $8 in Newton (wheelchair only), $12 in Harvey County, $20 outside Harvey County. Wheelchair escorts ride free. AVI Route: Tue, 8 am-4:30 pm. Transportation to Newton for Burrton, Sedgwick, Halstead, Hesston, Walton residents. $6. Halstead: In-town transportation Mon-Fri, 9 am-3:30 pm. $1.

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Read issues of the active age at online.theactiveage.com. Page through the current issue or use the calendar on the upper right corner of the screen to choose a previous issue. Want to search for a topic from a past issue? Access the keyword search feature with the archives icon on the menu bar at the top of the page. Find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/theactiveageks.

July 2015

the active age

Support Groups ALZHEIMER’S: Wichita – Downtown: Young Onset (under 65), 3rd Thu 6 pm, chapter office, 1820 E Douglas, 267-7333. Northeast: 1st Mon 10:30 am, Catholic Care Memory Care, 6550 E 45th N, 744-4120; 3rd Wed 5:30 pm Cypress Springs, 1859 N Webb Rd, 558-5775; 3rd Thu 6 pm Clarebridge, 9191 E 21st, Kayla 630-0788; 4th Thu 2 pm, Grace Presbyterian, 5002 E. Douglas, 630-6138. Northwest: 2nd Thu 3 pm Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize Rd, 722-7414; 2nd Tue 6:30 pm, Park West Plaza, 505 N Maize Rd, 729-4114; 3rd Fri 10 am, Regent Park, 10600 E 13th; 4th Thu 7 pm, St. Francis of Assisi Ministry House, 866 N Socora, 722-3773; 4th Thu 11 am, Oxford Grand, 3051 N Parkdale Cir, 252-0030. 3rd Tue 1 pm, West Heights UMC, 745 N Westlink, 721-0323. Derby: 6:30 pm 4th Tue, Derby Sr Center, 621 N. Derby, 788-0223. El Dorado: 3rd Mon 5 pm, Senior Center, 210 E 2nd, 316-321-0339; 1st, 2nd, 4th Mon, Spangles, 2005 W Central, 321-0339; Hesston: 3rd Tue 3 pm, Schowalter Villa, 620-327-3414; Kechi: 1st Mon 7 pm, UMC, 4533 E 61st, 260-8882; Newton: 1st Thu 7 pm, Presbyterian Manor Library, 1200 E 7th, 283-5400. ADDICTIONS: Alcoholics Anonymous, Wichita and So Central Kan. Personally answered 24-hour hotline, 316-684-3661. Meeting and AA info at aawichita.org. Recovery Outreach, 12-step program for subtance abuse/addictions, Pathway Church, 722-8020, ext 116. BRAIN INJURY: West: 3rd Tue 4-6 pm, Wesley Rehab Hospital, 8338 W 13th; East: 1st Thu 4-6 pm, Via Christi Rehab, 1151 N Rock Rd, Bonnie Stephens, 729-1099. CANCER: Victory in The Valley, 3755 E Douglas: Breast CSG, 1st & 3rd Tue 7 pm, 682-7400; CRA (Colon, Rectal, Anal CSG), 2nd Thu 1 pm; Central Plains Kidney CSG 1st Sat 1-3 pm; Encouragers CSG, 1st & 3rd Wed 10 am; Headstrong (Brain Tumor CSG) 2nd Wed 7 pm. East Side CSG, St. Stephens, 7404 E Killarney, 2nd Wed 1 pm; Footprints CSG, St. James, 3750 E Douglas, Every Wed 5:30 pm, 928-4950; Young Adult Cancer Survivor Group, 3rd Mon 6 pm. McConnell AFB CSG, Dental Clinic Conference Room, 4th Wed 1:30 pm; Sharing Hope, Covenant Presbyterian, 1750 N. Tyler, 2nd Thu 6:30 pm; West Wichita CSG, Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize Rd, Rm B100, 2nd Thu 7 pm. Area Meetings: Derby Area CSG, Woodlawn UMC, 2nd Thu 7 pm; Newton Area CSG, Shalom Mennonite Church, 800 E 1st, 4th Thu 7 pm. Head & Neck, Cancer Resource Ctr, 817 N Emporia, CAREGIVERS: West Wichita, 3rd Tue 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View at Reflection Ridge, 7570 W 21st, Suite 1026-D. 316-729-6555 or 800-992-6292. East Wichita, 1st Tue 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View, 9333 E 21st, May program: Celia Easley, Central Plains Area Agency on Aging, 284-6400 or 800362-0180; Newton, 2nd Thu 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View, 1901 E 1st, Program: Marilyn Wolgemuth What I Learned on My Caregiving Journey; 3rd


Augusta Sr Center, 640 Osage St. Country Jam & Dance, 7-10 pm. Donation. Bring covered dish, dessert or snack to share. 755-1060 Derby Sr Center, 611 Mulberry. 7-9:30 pm TBA: 1st Tue Honky Tonk Time Band; 3rd Tue TBA. $3 donation, refreshments. El Dorado Sr Center, 210 E 2nd. 6-10 pm every Thu: Dinner 6:30, CD Dance 7 pm. $2 suggested donation, bring covered dish/ snack to share. Linwood Golden Age, 1901


For groups not listed The Center for Community Support and Research maintains a list of self-help groups. Call 9785496, 1-800-445-0116 or go to www.SupportGroupsinKansas.org. Wed 3:30 pm pm, Cypress Springs, 1859 N Webb Rd, Glenda Jacobs, 558-5775. CELIAC: Quarterly meetings/speakers, dining, for celiac disease /gluten sensitivity.wichitacsa. blogspot.com, Ramona 316-524-8837 or Gayle 316-788-2531. CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH: 3rd Thu 7-9 pm, Independent Living Resource Ctr, 3033 W 2nd, Karen Smith, 841-8852. CLUTTER CLEANERS: 3rd Wed–2:30-4 pm, West River Plaza Bistro, 2622 W Central, Krista, 660-5144. DIABETES: 2nd Mon 7 pm, American Diabetes Assoc, 837 S Hillside, 942-0908; 2nd Tue 1:30 pm, West Heights UMC, 745 N Westlink, 7220634 or 773-3616; 4th Mon 7 pm, 1st UMC, 330 N Broadway, 942-0908; 1st Tue 6:30 pm, African-American group, St. Mark UMC, 1525 N Lorraine, 681-2545, RSVP by previous Fri.; Valley Center, 1st Thu 7 pm, Christian Church, 1801 E 5th, 755-1101 or 744-8384; Butler County – 3rd Tue 7 pm: odd months, El Dorado, SB Allen Hospital; even months, Lakepoint of Augusta, 322-7848 or 320-1972. DIVORCE: Sun 9:10-10:20 am Pathway Church, B006, 2001 N Maize. DISABLED: Every Thu 1 pm, peer support, Independent Living Resource Ctr, 3033 W 2nd, 942-6300. EA-EMOTIONS ANONYMOUS, cancelled, Jo, 210-5550. GRIEF: Good Grief of Kansas, www. goodgriefofkansas.org or 316-612-0700. Every Mon: 7-8:30 pm Grace Baptist Church, 1414 W Pawnee or 6:30-8 pm Calvary UMC, 2525 N. Rock Rd, Rm A-3. Every Tue: 10-11:30 am RiverWalk Church of Christ, 225 N Waco, Fireside Room (south office door) or 7-8:30 pm West Towne Baptist, 2000 N. Maize Rd or in Derby at Woodlawn UMC, Rm 15E, Woodlawn & Kay. Every Wed: 7-8 pm RiverWalk Church of Christ, 225 N. Waco, Fireside Room (use SW door) special group for ages 20s thru 50s. 1st Mon: 7-9 pm Clearwater Church of Christ, 13900 N Diagonal Rd (use west door). 1st & 3rd Wed: 11 am-noon Resort Lifestyle Communities, 2300 N.Tyler Rd, 1st floor Conv Rm-north. Survivors of Suicide: Every Mon: 7-8 pm, River Walk Church of Christ, 225 N Waco, Rm 106 (use SW door). SOCIALS: Lunch/Brunch every Thu: 10 am, Spears, 4823 W Maple or Country Breakfast Café, 2804 S Seneca; Breakfast every Sat: 10 am, Spears, 4823 W Maple. Dinner, 2nd Thu of each month: 6 pm, Copper Oven Café, 2409 W

S Kansas. 7-9:30 pm every Sat: Live music. $3. Goldenrod Golden Age, 1340 S Pattie. 7-9:30 pm every Wed: Take 3 or Wildwood Band. $3, refreshments. Minisa Golden Age, 704 W 13th. 7-10 pm every Thu: Honky Tonk Time $3, info 617-2560. Orchard Park Golden Age, 4808 W 9th. 7-9:30 pm every Fri: Live music. $3, refreshments. Park City Sr Center, 6100 N Hydraulic. 7-10 pm 1st, 3rd and 5th Sat, Wildwood Band. $4, bring covered dish or snack. Info 755-1060.

13th. Griefshare, Pathway Church, 2001 N. Maize Rd, Mon 6-7:30 pm. Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice, 313 N Market, 4th Mon 6 pm; Adult Grief (under 60), last Thu 6-7:30 pm, 2191761; Companions in Grief, 3rd Thu 10-11:30 am, 219-1774 or 800-767-4965; 4th Sat, 8-9 am Newton Med Ctr, 316-283-1103. Hospice Care of Kansas, 2622 W Central, 1st & 3rd Wed 6-7:30 pm, Laura, 559-2049. Home Healthcare Connection Bereavement, 8415 E 32nd N, 2nd Tue 4-5 pm, 267-4663. Good Shepherd Hospice, Catholic Care Center, 6550 E 45th N, 2nd & 4th Thu 10-11 am; Asbury Park Assisted Living, 200 SW 14th, Newton, 1st & 3rd Tue 3-4 pm, Sharlene, 316-616-2277. Children, Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize, Rm B012, 1st Tue 7 pm. LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA: Patients, 2nd Mon 7-8 pm, Via Christi Cancer Resource Center, 817 N Emporia; Caregivers, 2nd Tue 10-11 am. Christy, 687-2222. LUPUS: 2nd Sat 1 pm, Foundation of America, Kansas Chapter, Via Christi-St Joseph, Conference room B, 262-6180. LYME DISEASE: 3rd Tue 7-8:30 pm, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, 645 N 119th, 773-9173. MENTAL ILLNESS: NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) 3rd Tue 7 pm 1st Presbyterian Church, 525 N Broadway, 686-1373. MYOSITIS: (Dermatomyositis, polymyositis & Inclusion Body Myositis), Mid-America Myositis KIT (Keep-In-Touch), meets quarterly, Civitan Community Center, 901 Porter, call Jerry, 207-6230. PARKINSON’S: 2nd Tue 1 pm LifeCare Center of Wichita, 622 N. Edgmoor, 686-5100. 4th Tue 1-2 pm , Reflection Ridge Retirement Community, 2300 N Tyler, Shana, 390-0772. POST POLIO: 10 am 1st Sat, College Hill United Methodist, 2930 E 1st. Info, 686-1456. PROSTATE CANCER: Us Too!, 2nd Mon 7:30 pm, Via Christi St. Joseph, McNamara Center, 3rd floor, 993-6997. RECOVERY (Mental Health): Every Mon 7 pm, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 942-2364. SPECIAL NEEDS FAMILIES, Pathway Church, 2001 N. Maize Rd. Helping special needs children and their families. 2nd Sunday, 4-6 pm, 722-8020 STROKE: 1st Tue 3 pm, Via Christi Rehab Hospital, 1151 N Rock Rd, 689-5700; 3rd Thu 3 pm, Wesley Rehab, 8338 W 13th, 729-1146. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly): www.tops.org, Donna Shaffer, 540-6222 or Monty Bednasek, 755-1055. VISION: 2nd Tue, 10 am-noon, Envision, 610 N Main, light brunch. Transportation, Bonnie Cochran, 682-4646.

Prairie Wind Dancers: Learn circle, line & folk dances. 2 pm every Mon: Plymouth Congregational Church, 202 N Clifton. To register: Joyce, 683-1122. Village Steppers Square Dance, Oaklawn Activity Center, 4904 S Clifton. 7:30-10:30 pm 2nd & 4th Sat. Terry 219-0100/Gordon 721-6718. Westside Steppers Square Dance, Clare Hall, 861 N Socora (one block east of Central & Tyler). 7-9:30 pm 1st & 3rd Sun David, 992-7820; email: westsidesteppers@hotmail.com. Wichita Solos Square Dance, Southwest Presbyterian Church, 1511 W 27th St S. 7:30-10 pm 1st, 3rd & 5th Fri: Couples/ singles welcome. Ruth Ann, 943-6306.

Page 23

Food Share

Prairie Land Food: Package of meats, fresh fruit and vegetables, $28. Other variety options available, usually at 50% discount. Accepts Vision cards. Sites in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler Counties. Info: June at 800-998-9436 or at www.prairielandfood.com.

GNNP Menu The American Red Cross Good Neighbor Nutrition Program (GNNP) serves a hot, nutritious meal weekdays for persons 60 and older at locations in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler county communities. Reservations are necessary. For the closest location and reservations, call 316-219-4020. WEEK OF JULY 1 Wed: Beef & bean chili, coleslaw, banana, crackers. Thurs: Chicken Florentine, whole grain pasta, California blend vegetables, Mandarin oranges, banana pudding, wheat roll. Fri: Closed for Independence Day. WEEK OF JULY 6 Mon: Lemon chicken stir-fry w/broccoli, brown basmati rice, dilled carrots, orange, wheat roll. Tue: Whole grain spaghetti w/meatsauce, Italian blend vegetables, salad w/ fat free French dressing, applesauce, Italian bread. Wed: Lime cilantro chicken w/peppers, sauteed squash medly, brown rice pilaf, strawberries & pears, grape juice, wheat roll. Thu: Hamburger, marinated vegetable salad, diced pears, graham crackers. Fri: Roasted pork cutlet w/gravy, baked sweet potato w/cinnamon margarine, country style Brussels sprouts, banana, wheat bread. WEEK OF JULY 13 Mon: Herb chicken, brown rice pilaf, spinach salad w/raspberry vinaigrette, strawberries & pineapple, marble rye bread, sugar cookie. Tue: Sloppy joe on bun, fiesta corn, whole grain pasta salad, orange. Wed: Chicken fajitas, Spanish brown rice, tropical fruit salad, vanilla pudding, flour tortilla. Thu: Meatloaf w/gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, pineapple tidbits, graham crackers, wheat roll. Fri: Summer chicken salad on Italian bread, broccoli salad, peaches & pears, sugar cookie. WEEK OF JULY 20 Mon: Taco salad, pinto beans, Mandarin oranges. Tue: Salisbury steak w/gravy, mashed potatoes, spinach, onion, tomatoes, cinnamon applesauce, wheat roll. Wed: Ham & beans w/onions, spinach, tropical fruit mix, corn muffin. Thu: Cheeseburger pasta bake, peas, fruit cocktail, muti-grain bread. Fri: Chicken breast on bun, steak fries, marinated vegetable salad, pineapple tidbits, graham crackers. WEEK OF JULY 27 Mon: Sliced roast beef w/gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, diced pears, sugar cookie, Italian bread. Tue: Corn, bean & chicken salad, seasonal fruit salad, fruited gelatin, marble rye bread. Wed: Pork carnitas, chutney pineapple salsa, black beans, pineapple tidbits, vanilla pudding, corn tortillas. Thurs: Beef & bean chili, coleslaw, banana, crackers. Fri: Chicken Flortentine, whole grain pasta, California blend vegetables, Mandarin oranges, banana pudding, wheat roll.

Page 24

the active age

July 2015

Classified Advertising

Place an ad: 942-5385


Reach 60,000 homes in Sedgwick, Butler and Harvey counties with your classified ad. Commercial rate ads start at $40. Place your ad today!

47” LED flat screen tv, $275; large electric wheelchair, $200; medium sized wheel chair, $40. Call 706-9763 or 440-8959.

Deadline for the August issue is July 13

Like new twin Tempurpedic Ergo Plus Base and Simplicity Medium Mattress. Comes with remote and aromatherapy five sided mattress protector. Asking $1,100. Call 304-9518.

Contact Kaydee at 316-942-5385 or email her at kaydee@theactiveage.com



Resthaven - Sermon on the Mount Garden. Two burial lots. Sec 1, Lot 111-B, space 1 and 2. Originally purchased in 1958. Market value: $3,695 each. Sell for $2,500 each. Bob at 520-625-4930.

Affiliated Estate Sales

We have the solution for every situation. Complete estate sales service. Free consultation. Over 25 years experience.

Paul 316-807-1209

Good Shepherd, two lots, 6B 3 and 4. Value $7,200, sell for $3,000. 316-721-6462, 316-253-3980.

KS ESTATES 316-530-3275

Resthaven, Christus, space number 9, D4. Value $9,000, asking $3,750. 316-721-6462, 316-2533980.

50+ Years Experience, Retired Law Enforcement on Staff. FREE Consultation. CALL 316-530-3275.

Eight cemetery lots available. Old Mission Cemetery, Acacia Gardens. $2,000 each. Contact Joyce 435-734-2520. Resthaven, Last Supper Garden (sold out), valued at $3,695 each, will sell all four split, price negotiable. Dale Searcy, 206-824-0340. Cemetery lots. Resthaven, a complete package. Two lots in Friends Garden, plus two airseal Delphi vaults, plus two 19 gauge caskets. Today’s value is $13,500. Selling all for $5,000 OBO. 316-721-6918. Resthaven, Garden of Gospels, double depth lawn crypt for two. Granite base for market and installation fee. Value $9,700 sell for $4,500. 838-7038. Lakeview, Terrace Garden, four lots. 5A block 1: spaces 1, 2, 3 and 4. Value $7,980. Sell for $4,000 OBO. 316-942-1668. White Chapel Garden of the Good Shepherd. Two lots, valued at $3,400. Asking $2,300 for both. Will negotiate the transfer fee. 316-943-1075. Two cemetery plots, Garden of Meditation 5, 6. Asking $1,750 each. Buyer pays transfer fee. Call 316-683-0056. Garden of the Gospels, Resthaven, 1 space, double tiered. Value $11,000. Selling for $5,500. All fees paid by seller. Call 316-708-8251.

CASH Buy-Outs & Estate Sale Services

Sale by Gayle

Moving, partial or entire estate sales. Experienced and insured. Free consultation. Competitive rates. www.salebygayle.com, 316-838-3521 or 316-206-3676

A Better Deal Estate

Maximize the value of your estate/moving sale. Can start today. Ted Riker 316-409-5393

2 Attics Antique Mall & Liquidations

Call for a FREE Estate Sale consultation. 316-201-1828, 1534 E 61st St North, Park City.

F FOR SALE F Gently Used Resale (Thrift Shop)

2523 S. Seneca (Westway Plaza) Wichita, KS Store & Donation Hours Mon & Thu 9 am-7 pm Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat 9 am-5 pm Purchase with a purpose. Benefits those served by the Bethesda Lutheran Communities to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ. Volunteers & Donations always needed. Like us on Facebook.


Fold and Go Scooter. Like new, with new battery pack. $700. 316-308-2040. Golden Tec Power Chair, $950. Four wheel bariatric walker with seat, $150. Call 945-4722.

F HAIR CARE F Shirkmere stylist is back for in-salon and in-home styling. Call for pricing or to schedule day or evening appointment. Ask for Mike 316-263-8794.

F HOME CARE F Foot Care in home. Home visit $40. Select Senior Centers, $25. Call Michelle Steinke @ 316-946-0722 In-Home Services: Personal care assistance, meal preparation, housekeeping, handymen and more! Phone Chester at the Senior Employment Program, 316-267-1771 or 316-267-0302. Prescreened, reliable help available. Gracious living for seniors in a safe home setting by loving certified staff 24/7. Private/ semi-private. Daycare. Memory Care. Affordable. Medicaid certified. Evelyn Hunt RN, 316-214-3359; reflections1201@att.net.

Reflections Residential Care


No Place Like Home, LLC In-home care services & more Meal prep • Transportation Housekeeping • Companionship



MM Cleaning

Good old fashioned cleaning done the right way when you need it. Residential and commercial. Senior discount. 316-214-5753; moore8862@ gmail.com

Cash for your Estate Items

Complete Estate Sale Services Including Buy-outs


FREE Consultation • 50+ Years Experience

GREATER PROFITS WITH LESS STRESS Insured with 16 years experience Free Consultation

Call/Text 316-530-3275

Stress-free • Insured • Professional Retired Law Enforcement & Licensed Real Estate Agent on Staff


E-mail: support@ksestates.com (Se Habla Español)

Dave’s Improvements

Painting—interior/exterior. Doors and windows replaced, grab bars, wheelchair ramps. All general repairs. Guaranteed lowest rates. Senior citizen discount. Lic #7904.

316-794-3632 Marv’s Home Improvements & Repair

Doors, trim, decks, ramps, patio covers, fences, siding, flooring. Basements, kitchens and baths. Painting. Also honey dos. Honest and dependable. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 35 years. License #8691. Insured. 316-737-4646. Wright One Home Improvements Kitchen & Bath remodeling. Painting. Windows. Doors. Siding. All types of flooring and home repairs. Free estimates. 316-409-2160.

Leaky Basement Repair

Dirt Installation and Siding Repair Courteous, professional repairs. Free estimates. Concrete work. 20+ years experience. Ernie Sponsel, 316-393-5461. STILES MAINTENANCE Heating & Air • Plumbing • Light Electrical Drywall • Painting • Tile Basic Home Repairs Licensed & Insured 25% Senior Discount 316-200-6601

Drywall Repair

Fix all cracks, walls, ceilings and all textures. 32 years experience. Free estimates. Senior discount. Duane Ball 316-648-5221.


Repairs. Free estimates. 316-312-4391. Handyman. Plumbing, electrical, heating, floors, doors, windows, screens, walls and more. HVAC certified. Licensed & insured. Senior discounts. Call John 316-650-3013.

Cowboy Construction

Loving Touch Cleaning. Residential/commercial cleaning. Senior, Military and referral discounts. Insured. Call for summer, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning! Mary 316-6509206.


316-806-7360 Julie

Saunders Lumbar Home Traction Unit. One and a half years old, never used. Asking $350, valued at $500. Call 644-4280.


Resthaven, one lot plus concrete vault located at the end of the lot. Half price. 316-522-6788.

Complete estate & moving sale services. We can do the sale at your residence or place your items with another sale. Expert pricing, selling & clean-up. Packing & moving services available. Excellent results. Free consultation. Call Carolyn Moshier. 316-634-0040

Extra large dog house, $30; large dog house, $20; 40” flat screen TV, $175; 55” DLP TR, $150. Call 706-9763.


Summer is here! You should call me for all your housekeeping needs. 20 years’ experience, free estimates. Call Angel 316-304-5037.

Support the active age advertisers. They support the active age


Bathroom and kitchen remodels. Room additions. Garages and sheds. Licensed and insured.

Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

Total yard clean-up, flower beds and bushes, tree trimming and stump grinding, attics, garages, and basements. LEAF cleanup and HAULING.

Including all yard debris. 316-516-4630 or 316-838-5709 Harley Painting & Remodeling Interior/Exterior & Odd jobs Husband & Wife Team 316-648-4478

Molina Electric - Wichita Lic #1364. Comm. or Residential wiring. Service calls. New electric service. Troubleshooting. Business 524-0434, Cell 461-2199.

Dave’s Improvements Painting—Interior & Exterior Doors & Windows Replaced • Siding Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Decks • Ramps • Grab Bars Minor Electrical & Plumbing Repairs General Home Repairs Senior Citizen Discounts!


July 2015

the active age

Place an ad: 942-5385

Page 25

Classified Advertising




Odd Job Handyman Painting, mowing, yard cleanup, minor household repairs. Free estimates. Call Joel 316-772-8629.

Need fence or deck repair? Call Dan for free estimates. 316-516-3949. Insured. Member of the Better Business Bureau.

Small jobs, sidewalks, patios, steps, pads, slabs. Daniel Haskins, 806-9300.

Handyman RX - We have a remedy for all your ”fix-it” jobs. Yards, gutters, garage cleanup, deck repair, hauling, etc. You don’t want to do it? We will. Call for HELP! 316-217-0882. Free estimates and senior discounts.

Derby, Haysville, Mulvane, Rose Hill, South Wichita. Painting, repair, replacement of chimney, siding, decks, fence and hauling. See us on angieslist.com. Be Blessed. Thank you. KC Kimball 316-789-9639, 316-250-2265.

Carpenter–30 Yrs Experience Repairs & Remodeling • Trim Work Doors • Cabinets • Sheetrock • Tile Interior/Exterior Painting • Flooring



Compare Our Prices Weekly Plumbing Specials

Ins/Lic #5803


S & V Concrete

Steps, porches, patios, sidewalks, retaining walls, driveways & garage floors. Also 4-inch steps with 18-inch landings for seniors. Licensed, bonded, insured. Free estimates

Steve 992-6884

Cowboy Construction

Remodeling, siding, decks, fences, windows, doors and more. 20 years locally owned. Free estimates. Senior discounts.

Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

Semi-retired maintenance man. Experienced in most phases of maintenance & roofing. Light hauling. Sedgwick County only. Call Paul 316-312-9970


All purpose hauling with pick-up and delivery. Fence, deck/shed repair/remove. Garage cleaning. Tree, shrub trim or removal. Flower beds, scrap metal removed. 316-807-4989. Roof Repairs 40 years experience, license #7612, insured, free estimates. A senior serving seniors. Call Jerry 7 days a week, 303-5713.


Repairs done right. Honest, dependable, experienced. 316-838-1107.

BRICK & STONE WORK OF ANY KIND Tuck-pointing, foundation & chimney repair. Insured. Free Estimates.

CALL DAN 316-516-3949


Concrete work

F LAWN AND GARDEN F P&A Landscaping 316-708-7236 Complete lawn care, leaves and storm cleanup. Any odd job. Spring Cleanup. Residential and commercial. Gutters clean. Senior discount. Business, Home and Yard Aerate/overseed. Mowing/scalping. Fall/Spring clean-up. Snow Removal. If you ever need any of these services, call Mark, 316-214-7579. City licensed/Reasonable rates.

Mike E. 316-708-1472

Mowing, leaf and gutter cleanup, tree trimming, hauling, roto-tilling. Chimney repairs. Brick, block and stone repair. Mowing, trimming, yard and leaf cleanup. Gutter cleaning. Exterior painting. If you need any of these services call Perry, 316-619-6126. Dave’s Hauling Services Solid waste removal, property cleanup, tree & fence line clearing, general landscape removal, other lawn and garden services. All fence, porch and patio work. Call 316-832-2201. Suntree Pest and Lawn Spider control, weed and feed, grub control, deep root fertilizing, house hold pests, landscaping and yard cleanup. Tom 316-204-3319. Do You Have A Project Or Honey-Do? Rotoilling, Grassing, Hauling Mowing, clean-ups, leaves, landscaping Hedge, Tree-EvergreenTrim & Remove Window cleaning Guttering - install - clean - repair. Fences Gutter Screen, Wood Decks & Ramps Water Drainage, Dirt Work Spaur Handyman 316-524-2555.

5-inch & 6-inch Seamless Guttering Install • Repair • Clean • Insured

Repair • Service All Brands Sales – Licensed Trane dealer Senior Discount SPECIAL: Furnace check-up $75*

*Some restrictions, doesn’t include filters, parts License # 7258


Dave’s Improvements Hail Repair Specialist Roofing • Siding • Windows Guttering • Free Estimates Senior Discounts 10% off complete job License #7904 • Insured

316-312-2177 Classifieds in the active age work! Call Kaydee today to get your ad in and tap into the senior market. 942-5385

One call does it all!

Spring/Fall Cleanup Tree trim/removal Junk removal

Any size project, large of small. You name it. We do it the right way. Licensed general contractor, residential and Brock Eastman • 316-765-1677 commercial. 20 years experience.

Stan 316-518-8553

"THE CABINET LADY" KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING Custom Cabinets • Refacing (Laminate or Solid Wood) Countertops Rollouts • Accessories • Wall Splashes


F PAINTING F Always Painting

20 years experience. Guaranteed quality in craftsmanship. Insured, certified, local references. Interior/exterior, residential/ commercial. Free estimates. Call Josh, 316213-8904. Bohannon Painting, interior/exterior. Sheetrock and ceiling repair. Power washing. One job at a time. Older man serving Wichita since 1952. 316-648-9474.

F PERSONALS F SWF seeks gentleman with good old fashioned morals for companionship and to enjoy life and doing fun things together around town, ages 65-70’s. Also looking for a gal pal for shopping and friendship. Call 773-4825. Pleasant, giving, caring, thoughtful senior lady looking for a fellow as a companion. Tired of eating alone. 316-559-7924. SWM seeks lady friend and companion for various activities including dining, theatre, movies, trips to casinos and anything else of interest. Please write to Box #1-06, 125 S West Street, Ste. 105, Wichita, KS 67213.

F RENTALS F Mastersuite with private bathroom available for rent in a quiet residential neighborhood. All bills paid including internet and cable. No smoking, no pets, females only. $500/month. Call 305-6067 for more information.

Need a ride? Doctor appointments, ride home from hospital, court, casino, mini vacation or family reunion. You name the place, I will take you there. 316-259-6212.

MOWING Advantage Remodeling Services

L Hayden 316-806-2591

Can take care of your needs. Garage/yard cleaning. Hauling, mowing. Tree trimming, leaf raking. Pick-up and delivery service.Senior Discounts.



Stover Heating & Air Conditioning


Helping Hands

When you need a helping hand around the house Landscape creations, decorative concrete, remodeling repairs. Roofing, painting, tree services, heat & air. Give us a call, we do it all! FREE ESTIMATES Matthew, 316-208-3784 Tyler, 316-518-4722


Need help on your electric scooter, power or lift chair, stair or platform lift or hand controls? Call Howard Distribution at 316-648-1694. Howard is a certified service center and dealer for Best Bath walk-in tubs, Bruno, EMC, Golden Tech, Pace Saver, Pride and Ricon. Working for you since 1987. Furniture Repair & Refinish Antique, Modern, or Cane. Reasonable pick-up & delivery. Clark 250-9533 or 788-5805. COMPUTER HELP in your home. Very patient. Call Norm 778-1487 or email nngentry@aol. com.

Want to get up and down the stairs with ease?

See a stairlift demo unit at the Kansas Truck Mobility Showroom.

Call Bill Hayse, Licensed installer #08091

Going Up LLC 316-722-4291


Page 26

the active age

July 2015

Classifieds from previous page F TREE SERVICE F






Stump REMOVAL & Grinding Trimming, deadwood, tree removal. Total yard, leaf clean-up & hauling. Also rural and farm areas. Free estimates. Experienced. Good prices. Insured. Tom King, 316-516-4630, 316-838-5709. Bruce’s Tree Service Prompt, Immediate, Professional service. Crown reduction, trimming or removal. Trees, hedgerows, evergreens & shrubs. Residential line clearing and roofs. Bucket truck available. We climb also. Gutter cleaning, yard raking, firewood for sale. Handyman work. Over 25 years’ experience. Sr discounts. Insured. 24 Hour emergency storm damage available. Call 316-207-8047.

Estrada’s Tree Service

Trimming, crown reduction, removal. Storm damage prevention. Hauling. Firewood. Free estimates. Insured. Senior discount. Felix Estrada, 316-617-4392. Felipe Tree Service Evergreen trimming. Tree removal. Brush hauling. Splitting. Deadwooding. Insured. Free estimates. 12 years experience. 316-807-4419.

Joe’s Tree Service Free wood, tree trimming, removal, stump grinding. Licensed and insured. 316-3124514.

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more updates and information!

Retirement Community, everyone welcome

Apply at 401 S Seneca

or call 316-258-2290 or 316-269-7504


Older items of all kinds including: antiquescollectibles-watches-costume and turquose jewelry-Boeing and Beech Pins-guitars and amps-postcards-cigarette lighters-art glass-metal signs-contents of attcics, basements or garages. A few items or entire estates. FOR FAST FRIENDLY ASSISTANCE CALL DAVE For over 20 years I have assisted folks wishing to sell items of all values. Friendly answers to all your questions call Dave at 316-409-0992.

Adult Care Homes

24-hour care provided by courteous, certified staff All levels of care one price

All Private Rooms

Promote your business


Call for information today!


HERE KS ESTATES PAYING CASH for: Antiques, Jewelry, Watches, Guitars, Military, Call Kaydee today! Pottery, Hunting/Fishing, Signs, Amps, Swords, Guns, Zippo Lighters,CHUCK Fountain Pens, KORTE Real Estate & Auction Service 316-942-5385 Anything old... Retired law enforcement on staff. Make the safe choice. We can buy up to your whole estate for cash! Call or Text 316-530-3275.

Want to purchase mineral and other oil/ gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. Donate your Durable Medical Equipment. Will pick up. Tax credit. Medical Loan Closet of Wichita. 316-200-2005.

Chuck Korte Real Estate & Auction Service 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE

Chuck Korte, Realtor, Auctioneer 420 Walnut Augusta, Kansas

Office: 316-775-2020 Fax: 316-775-3856 Chuck Cell: 316-734-5132

BUYING American, German, Japanese


Military swords, helmets, uniforms, medals, insignias, rifles, pistols, misc items. Also, any WW II paratrooper items. 785-825-0313. We buy houses. Call 247-0460 for quick closing.

Farm • Ranch Land • Commercial • Residential

Liquidations Chuck Korte Real Estate &Estate Auction Service Call us for a FREE

30 Years Experience Chuck Korte Estate Sale

Join us for Senior Thursdays at the

Kansas Aviation Museum 10 am -11 am

• July 9 – The Restoration Shop

Held in our restoration shop, you’ll find out about how our able crew of volunteers restores planes that usually come in pieces, like the Beech Staggerwing currently in the shop. Restoration manager, Terry Dobson, and historian, Walt House, will be your presenters.


Realtor, Auctioneer, AppraiserConsultation 420 Walnut - Augusta, KS 67010

10am-6pm O: 316-775-2020 C:Mon-Fri 316-734-5132 (316) 201-1828 Sat 10am-5pm www.chuckkorte.com Farm • Ranch Land • Commercial • Residential 1530 E 61st St N, Top Park City, KS 10 in Sales with Prudential Dinning Sun Beard,12:00-5pm 7 Years Running CURIOUS ABOUT THE REVERSE MORTGAGE COMMERCIALS ON TV?

YOU DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE CALLING AN 800 NUMBER? Call me for no-cost, no-obligation information. CRYSTAL MILLER, Branch Manager

• August 6 – The SR71 Blackbird

Our guest speaker to talk about one of the fastest, high tech planes ever made, will be former SR71 Blackbird pilot Buz Carpenter. Come early for a good seat.

• September 10 – Wichita’s First Air Terminal

Kansas Licensed Mortgage Company #SL0000524

Our Wichita Air Terminal building turns 80 this year. Learn about the past, present and future of this National Historic Register building.

Celebrating our 25th year!

3350 S. George Washington Blvd. Wichita, Kan.



crmiller@primeres.com NMLS 614 1/2 N Main, Suite A, Newton, KS



Ayesh Law Offices Mark G. Ayesh • Ray E. Simmons

Estate Planning • Probate Taxation • Real Estate • Commercial Litigation • Corporate Law Business Litigation • Employment Law

316-682-7381 • www.ayeshlaw.com 8100 E 22nd St. N., Building 2300, Suite 2 • Wichita


July 2015

the active age

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• • • •

All levels of care accepted - Independent through Hospice Excellent staff to resident ratio for higher quality of care Adult Day Care with a flexible schedule Largest West side tradition Home Plus provider

Subsidized Apartments offering a Quality Lifestyle

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Lounge style deep bathtubs Walk-in bathtubs • Grab bars Wheelchair accessible showers

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Rooms full of unique plumbing fixtures

1826 S Pattie St. • Wichita, KS 67211 316-262-7241 • 800-748-7224 www.phoenixsupplyinc.com

The Nursing Home Alternative

Please check your ad carefully and check off the applicable boxes and initial to indicate your acceptance. An e-mail confirmation is fine ifTOnoFIND OUT MORE GO TO www.heartlandcardiology.com changes needed. ____ Check offer ____ Check name, address, phone ____ Check expiration dates ____ Proof Satisfactory (no changes) __________ Advertiser initials You can fax your approval or corrections to us at 946-9180 or call Becky at 942-5385 E-mail acceptance to your ad rep or Helpingads@activeagingonline.com to improve your quality of life

Heartland Hillside 551 N. Hillside, Ste 410 Wichita, KS 67214

Heartland West Heartland Cypress 9300 E. 29th St. N., Ste 310 9000 W Central Wichita, KS 67212 Wichita, KS 67226

CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY: www.theactiveage.com


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the active age


July 2015

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