JUNE 2015

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VOL 36 • NO. 7

www.theactiveage.com Helping our readers live healthy, fulfilling and active lives.

June 2015

Muslims in America 500 years

By Dr. Gretchen Eick Muslims have been part of the Americas for 500 years. A hundred years before British Pilgrims colonized North America, an African called Estavanico, whose Muslim name was Istafan, walked from Florida to New Mexico with Spanish Conquistador Cabeza de Vaca. He, de Vaca and two others were the only survivors of what started as a Photo by Caleb McGinn 400-person army of conquest that set Three combines sweep across a wheat field east of Bentley in northwest Sedgwick County. These off from Cuba in 1528 to explore the machines are very different from combines in the 1930s and 40s, drawn by a tractor or even a Florida coast. After nearly nine years team of horses. See page 3 walking west, they found soldiers from New Spain in today’s New Mexico. Five years later, Estavanico/Istafan arrived in Kansas, part of Coronado’s By Elvira Crocker (Editor’s Note: The active age 1541 expedition. Today Coronado What’s a person in his/her 60s recently convened focus groups of those in Heights, near Lindsborg, marks where called? Senior, elder or sexagenarian if their 50s, 60s and 70s. . This month we they sat atop their horses looking over they are between 60 and 69. offer a snapshot of those in their 60s and the prairie. Whether they live in Sedgwick, how they feel about various subjects at good old Midwestern way of life. Estavanico/Istafan was not an Butler or Harvey counties, some are this time in their lives. ) Many of them seem to be getting aberration. Muslims from Africa, still in the labor force, others are their second wind. called Moors, had governed much of transitioning into retirement and still Take the retiree who left his Spain for 780 years. Spain’s expulsion others are remaking themselves in broadcasting role after 35 years — and of its Muslims and Jews in 1491, and their search for relevance. then remade himself as an educator King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella’s In Kansas 18 percent of the about eight years ago. He taught seizure of the property of both groups, population -- 520,000 -- are in their middle school for three years, and then financed the journeys of Columbus. 60s, according to the U.S. Census moved to an alternative high school in Their expulsion also propelled (2012). Valley Center. many of them to join private armies They are living longer and healthier He is able to use his wisdom organized by individual conquistadors lives than their parents by adhering to to help youngsters acquire some looking for fortunes from exploring today’s notions of good diet regimens of their own, and to help them the Americas. Africans routinely and keeping mind and body active. understand that “their decisions have accompanied Spanish, Italian and Indeed, no matter what your body consequences.” Portuguese soldiers of fortune who is saying to you, there are those who The father of five and grandfather arrived by ship to explore this New believe that 60 is the new 40. of seven is also a seasoned child-sitter. World and claim territory for Spain’s And if our focus group is any He’s involved in his church and has monarchs. indication, they seem to be a physically been a Big Brother to a young man Fast-forward more than a active group, whether it’s walking, who was matched with him in the century. When the British took New running or playing golf. 2nd grade and is now a sophomore at Amsterdam from the Dutch in 1664, They are clear about why they live Wichita State University. Muslims were part of the Dutch in the area: They love the clean living, Another educator who recently settlement that the Brits would call the fact that they don’t have to lock retired says she is trying to find her New York City. their doors, the good schools, the ease “groove” in retirement by doing “less By then English entrepreneurs of mobility, the affordability and the ACTIVE AGING PUBLISHING, INC 125 S West St., Suite 105 Wichita, Ks 67213

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Relevance: key to those in 60s

See 60s, page 18

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Central Plains Area Agency on Aging or call your county Department on Aging: 1-855-200-2372

See Muslims, page 6

Butler County: (316) 775-0500 or 1-800- 279-3655 Harvey County: (316) 284-6880 or 1-800-279-3655

Page 2

Goodbye to Becky In the May 2015 issue of the active age, Editor Becky Funke wrote about her mixed feelings in saying goodbye to Active aging, which had been a part of her life for 25 years. Now it is our turn to have mixed feelings in saying goodbye to Becky, who resigned the end of April. “It (Active aging) has had a profound impact on my life and my family,” Becky wrote. She in turn has had a profound impact on the lives of seniors in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler counties. Thank you, Becky. We wish you well. the active age staff and board members

the active age

June 2015

AIf you’ve note from the interim editor ever remade your with positive reactions to the name done. appearance, were you a little nervous about others reactions? We took a big step last month when we introduced the active age. Not only did we have a new look, we also changed our name, updated our web site and Facebook, and started using Twitter. So far, we’re happy to report, “You like me (us), you really like me (us),” as actress Sally Field tearfully remarked upon winning an Academy Award. Those we’ve heard from “love the new name.” Most consider it an apt description of our readers. People also have told our board members about how much they like the changes. Our loyal advertisers weighed in

change and the opportunities to advertise online. We were not surprised by the calls, emails and letters commenting on our Page 1 story on Becoming Grayson: A trip with no map, a story of a transgendered man. I’m pleased to report that the affirmative reactions far outnumbered those with less accepting opinions. A few canceled their subscriptions, but far more asked to be added to our mailing list. Most touching was the reaction of a man from El Dorado. He read the story and then drove to our Wichita office to hand us a contribution and tell us how much he liked what we had

Grayson also received numerous positive reactions, including a moving letter of appreciation from an 82-yearold man who complimented him on a “well explained history of your living knowing you are transgender.” He went on to say, “We would hope that with your article readers will better understand and learn to accept that human beings are not all born heterosexual and that being transgender, lesbian and gay are not ‘acquired,’ but rather a human occurrence with which they were born.” We welcome your comments, both positive and negative. — Fran Kentling


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June 2015

the active age

Page 3

Memories of Kansas wheat harvest By Debbi Elmore Kansas’ wheat harvests. A time when farmers and their families rejoice in the fruits of their labor, or shake their heads as a calamity of nature destroys their crop. A time of hard work, but of community, as family and neighbors help each other. As one of 14 children growing up on a farm outside Durham in the 1930s and ‘40s, Henrietta “Hanky” Thomas remembers every family member pulling his or her share during harvest. While the men and boys worked in the fields, the women and girls took over feeding livestock, milking the cows and cooking for those in the field. Life was further complicated by no running water or electricity. To harvest the wheat, many farmers used a combine pulled by a tractor. Her family owned the only thresher, so their neighbors would bring their grain to be thrashed. “After the grain was thrashed... we would have homemade ice cream,” Hanky recalls. “It was the only time each year we had a chance to have ice cream.” Glenn Bell’s family wasn’t so lucky.


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They farmed outside Oxford with a team of horses; no one in the area owned a thresher. They cut the wheat with a binder and then waited for the traveling thresher to visit. At their farm, Glenn recalls, the women spent most of the day cooking, but the men came in from the field to eat. They always bought ice so they could serve iced tea. The men carried their water to the fields in vinegar jugs wrapped in wet burlap to keep it as cool as possible. Fast forward to a time when combines were self-propelled, but had not yet morphed into the selfcontained behemoths of today. The farm children of the ‘30s and ‘40s had become parents, and their children continued the harvest traditions. “Wheat harvest was the busiest time of the year,” explains Nancy Fry Stahl with her mother, Betty Fry. “Not only were we harvesting wheat, but there was preparing fields for fall crops, gardening and, of course, cooking for the field crews. Mornings started out early, preparing the food for lunch. It was delivered to the field where the men were working.



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Trucks line up in the field to be transported to the co-op. It was a hearty meal, usually fried chicken, another meat dish, fresh garden vegetables, mashed potatoes, salads, fresh bread and butter, homemade cakes and pies, and lots of cold water and iced tea. “My younger brothers started helping with the harvest almost as soon as they were able to drive a tractor by themselves,” Nancy adds, “and a lot of the times they were working the fields a few miles away preparing them for planting all alone, at the age of 9 or 10.

Photo by Caleb McGinn

filled with grains of wheat to be “I remember one year, dad and I were cutting wheat west of Sedgwick when a tornado went over the field. It didn’t touch down and did not do any damage, but dad and I crawled under the big wheat truck and hid out until it passed on by.” Nancy got a restricted driver’s license at the age of 14 and drove the harvest truck to town. Prior to that, she rode to town perched on top of the grain in the back of the harvest truck, as did many young farm children. See next page

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125 S. West St., Suite 105 • Wichita, KS 67213 316-942-5385 • Fax 316-946-9180 www.theactiveage.com Published by Active Aging Publishing, Inc.

Our Mission: Helping our readers in Sedgwick, Butler and Harvey counties live healthy, fulfilling and active lives.


The active age is published the first of each month Interim Editor: Fran Kentling and distributed free to those 55+ in Butler, Harvey and Advertising Mgr: Teresa Schmied Sedgwick counties. To receive it, call 316-942-5385 or write to the active age, 125 S. West St. Suite 105, Business Mgr: Kaydee Haug Wichita, KS 67213. Annual suggested donation for those who don’t qualify is $20 in-state/$25 out-of-state. Advertising Rep: Tom Warner

Board of Directors

President: Elma Broadfoot, Wichita • Vice-President: Susan Howell, Wichita Treasurer: Diana Wolfe, Wichita • Carol Bacon, Wichita • Wenda Black, Newton Ted Blankenship, Rose Hill • Mary Corrigan, CPAAA • Elvira Crocker, Wichita Fran Kentling, Wichita • Ruth Ann Messner, Andover • Bob Rives, Wichita Vicki Shepard, Wichita • Duane Smith, Wichita • Barrick Wilson, Newton The active age prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, creed, age, or handicapping condition in all of its operations, services, and personnel actions in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. If you think you have been discriminated against by the active age you may file a complaint with the active age, the Sedgwick County department on Aging (660-5240 or 800-367-7298) or the KS Dept. of Aging and Disability Services(800-432-3535). Funding for the active age is in part provided by the Older Americans Act.


Page 4

the active age

Wheat From previous page

If a family had no boys, the girls worked as harvest hands. It was hot, dusty and could be dangerous. “We had terraces for more controlled drainage,” recalls Janene Schroeder. “We had a lot of rain, so weeds covered the ground. It was hard to tell the really wet spots. “It was scary to cut wheat on the side of a terrace, because the combine tipped sideways. You sat pretty high on a combine, and then I just sunk. I tried to get out, but was buried. “Dad got the biggest tractor we had, but had a difficult time getting to the combine. I was finally pulled out, and dad said we would wait to cut close to the terraces…until last.” Rain also posed delays for the

custom cutters. They adhered to a fairly rigid schedule to move through the various states as the wheat ripened. “I remember two harvests when they had their first 4-wheel-drive John Deeres,” says Mark McGinn, speaking about J & M Custom Cutters. “We had a lot of rain one year, and it was already about the 10th of July, and they had to move on north. “They wallered my wheat out of the 80 acres west of town, and then went over to my uncle Jerry’s 40 acres out in the middle of that section and wallered it out, flushing out ducks from standing water in the process.” As children of the 1950s and ’60s grew up and married, many lived in town. But the thrill of harvest was still very real. Dr. Ryan Currier, now a radiologist in Louisville, Ky., remembers riding with his grandfather

June 2015

during harvest two miles west of Sedgwick. “We loved the wheat harvest. With one glimpse of my grandpa’s silver combine, my brother, sister and I would be outside watching. Our mom would lead us out into the field as we all tried to flag him down. “My brother, sister and I would jump up and down trying to grab his attention. If he didn’t see us the first time, we would watch in despair as the combine disappeared behind a giant cloud of dust and shooting straw. “That feeling would go away as soon as he turned around and we started the next round of jumping and yelling. Once he saw us, he would pull over… “Our grandpa would be looking down smiling, always in a mesh hat and pocketed T-shirt. We’d climb up

the ladder to join him. It seemed 30 feet high at the time. “Once aboard, one of us would be on grandpa’s lap driving, and the other plastered against the front windshield watching the carnage below. We called it ‘chomping.’ “The combine would pull in all the wheat, chew it up and it would disappear into the ‘mouth’ of the machine. “I’m not sure how long we would actually ride with him, but it never seemed long enough…I relive that memory every time I drive past a wheat field or see a combine.” Contact Debbi Elmore at debbi_elmore@cox.net To see old photos and read more about Kansas wheat harvests visit our website at theactiveage.com/stories


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June 2015

the active age

Page 5

Sharing the wheat harvest with a ride

By Roberta Lampe The wheat harvest was in full swing. The Kansas sun beat down relentlessly, not a cloud in the sky. The main roadway to Cheney Reservoir was buzzing with cars filled with families going to the lake for summer fun. My husband turned his combine around at the half-mile line, and started back. I stood beside the wheat truck, oblivious to all the activity around us. My mind centered on my years as a farm wife. When my dear Roman introduced me to his life, a tractor was my sole knowledge of machinery. Selfpropelled combines were still a source of wonder to me. He smiled widely as he brought the combine around, put the machine in gear and golden grain belched into the truck. Then he headed back for another load. Out of the stream of cars flying past, one veered off and stopped beside me. “Is that your combine,” she asked. Then the 60-something couple got out of the car. The man was so intent on watching. “Is there a chance that your husband would give someone a ride,” she asked softly.

“I’ll ask.” Of course, my husband, a kind and gentle soul, agreed. She and I held our breaths, as her husband gingerly climbed up the narrow ladder. Roman opened the door, and shook his hand. The man turned to give his wife a big wave, a huge grin and then blew her a kiss. The belts spun, the machine rumbled, and began swallowing up the multitude of fat grain heads. Dusty straw blew out the back. The golden wheat splashed into the grain bin. Her eyes filled with tears. Finally, she spoke. “I was raised in Kansas on a farm, and always loved harvest. My husband was raised in California. How many times have I told him about the harvest.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “He’s an engineer, and we’ve lived in California for years. I guess my talking about the harvest really made an impact.” She hesitated again, “Since the winter, I made a promise that we would come to Kansas. And, hopefully, he could really see the harvest.” She choked back more tears. “And then we spotted your combine. He was so excited. At last, I am able to fulfill his dream.” The combine was getting close

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again, and the end of the ride. The wife put her arm around me, and whispered, “My husband only has a few months to live. His cancer is progressing rapidly.” He deftly climbed down the ladder. His smile said it all. When I told Roman of her story, he stifled a tear or two. “And he is an engineer. No wonder he wanted to

Corn was once king By Elma Broadfoot farms required a tremendous amount Wheat has not always been the dominant crop in Kansas. Farmers settling in Kansas just after the Civil War (1861-1865) planted corn, a crop that thrived in humid eastern areas. In 1874, swarms of grasshoppers and then summer droughts devoured the corn crop. Then the railroads, anxious to sell land to farmers who would ship grain on their lines, mounted campaigns, including sending agents to recruit emigrants among Germans living in Russia. These emigrants, who did not grow corn, had great success with winter wheat that convinced other farmers to try it. As wheat was overtaking corn, mechanical threshing (separating kernels from straw) appeared in the mid-19th century. This new technology changed the face of farming. In central and eastern Kansas, farmers often formed threshing rings of neighbors to help each other. In western Kansas, farmers hired custom threshers on a contractual basis because the region’s large, flat wheat

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of machinery and labor. Threshing machines and large crews were common fixtures on the plains for more than 50 years until combines appeared on the scene during World War I. By 1930, Kansas’ farmers owned nearly one third of all the combines in the United States. They bought their own machines rather than share with neighbors. The amount of work one farmer could do exploded in the 20th century due to power machinery. As equipment became larger and more efficient, the need for farmers to come together to share work declined. Threshing crews gave way to custom combining. Wheat became a shared symbol of the farmer’s success at feeding the populations of the world as well as their neighbors at home. (Source: Kansas Historical Society – https:// www.kshs.org/p/onlines-exhibitswheat-people-introduction/10869)

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know all about where the heads of wheat went in, and what all happened.” Roman paused to think for a moment. “But what really fascinated him was the grain bin filling up.” My farmer smiled, then added, “What a nice way to spend a day, helping someone enjoy the harvest. We kinda take that for granted.”

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Page 6

the active age

June 2015

Muslims observe Ramadan June 18-July 17

By Gretchen Eick Each year in the ninth month of the lunar calendar, when the new moon first appears, Muslims begin a 30-day fast. They fast each day with the first sliver of daylight until the sun slips below the horizon. Ramadan commemorates Allah (God) revealing to the Prophet Muhammed the holy book of Islam, the Qur’an. This year Ramadan begins June 18 and lasts through July 17, the longest days of the year. For 14 hours each day Muslims will not eat or drink. Fasting during this time is one of the five pillars of Islam, expected of all

Muslims except children, people who are ill, mentally ill, traveling, pregnant or menstruating. Volunteering, performing righteous works or feeding the poor can be substituted for fasting if necessary. Ramadan is a period of introspection, reading of the Qur’an and praying together in the mosque. It is also a time for self-discipline, banishing impure or unkind thoughts and refraining from bad deeds and hurtful behavior. Wichita Muslims can choose which of our four mosques to attend for prayers, and then break their fast with a shared meal at dark. The number going

to mosque multiplies exponentially during Ramadan. Hussam Madi, Islamic Society of Wichita spokesperson, encourages those who wish to show respect to their Muslim friends to break fast at the Islamic Center at its open house the third Monday of Ramadan. The festive nighttime meals, called iftars, usually begin with dates or apricots and water or sweetened milk and continue through many courses of vegetables, breads and some meats. They are shared with friends and extended family. Two major religious holidays – Id al-Fitr and Id al-Adha – mark

respectively the end of Ramadan and the time of the hadj or pilgrimage to Mecca. It, which comes 60 days after the end of Ramadan. The three-day Id al-Fitr is a time of celebration and spiritual renewal. Children wear new clothes, women sometimes dress in white and bake special pastries. They exchange gifts, visit relatives graves, gather for family meals and pray in mosques. Fasting during Ramadan is observed by both Sunnis and Shiite Muslims. For more information, visit www. myisw.org or call 316-682-5479.


labor in the Caribbean islands and North, South and Central America were Muslims from West Africa. Many would be forcibly converted to Christianity, but according to PBS’s History Detectives special on Islam in America, a settlement on the Georgia coast continued practicing Islam into the 20th Century. Of the 6,000 known slave

narratives, the earliest, 1734, is by Job ben Solomon, a Muslim enslaved in Maryland. His narrative and another by a Muslim enslaved in North Carolina are included in Five Classic Muslim Slave Narratives, available from Amazon. Indeed, Muslims had roots in American soil long before the United States existed. The Second Wave Between 1878 and 1924, large

numbers of Muslim immigrants from Syria, Jordan and Lebanon settled in Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and even the Dakotas, plus Turks, Kurds, Albanians and Arabs. Ford Motor Co. employed them, and Detroit became the U.S. city with the largest concentration of Muslims, boasting the first chapter of the charity the Red Crescent (similar to the Red Cross) in 1920. Muslims whose native language

From page 1

had been bringing a trickle of Africans to Virginia for almost 50 years. This human trafficking expanded exponentially in the 1700s. From 10 percent to 25 percent of the millions of Africans brought to

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See next page


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June 2015

the active age

Muslims From page 1

was Polish built a mosque in Brooklyn in 1926 that is reported to be still in use today. Mosques were built in Ross, ND, (1929) and Cedar Rapids, Iowa (1934). The Third Wave Since the 1950s Muslim immigrants have come to the U.S. from Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Southeastern Europe and even Latin America. In 1952 Muslims in the U.S. military sued the federal government to be allowed to identify their religion as Islam and won. In the 1960s and ‘70s, American Muslims formed organizations

to help various sectors of the Muslim community: the Muslim Students Association to aid foreign students attending U.S. schools, the Islamic Medical Association and the Association of Muslim Social Scientists. Today a third of U.S. Muslims are African American, a third are Asian Americans and a quarter are Arab Americans; the majority U.S. born. They participate in Boy and Girls Scouts, Elks Lodges, Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs and Veterans of Foreign Wars and are Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians. American Muslims come in all colors and from most areas of the globe. In cities such as Wichita, four mosques nourish the spiritual life of believers, whose religious diversity mirrors the diversity among Christians

Page 7

and includes a wide variety of political and viewpoints and interpretations of the Holy Qur’an (Koran), Islam’s Holy Scripture Despite American Muslims’ repeatedly affirmed opposition to terrorism and commitment to protecting civilians, despite their deep roots in this nation, America’s five

• See Terri for Bras

million Muslims often face prejudice. As The American Muslim’s editor, Sheila Musaji wrote recently, “the Qur’an is telling us clearly that what is essential to our faith is simply how we treat one another.” Contact Gretchen Eick at eick@friends.edu

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LEASE TODAY – CALL (316) 655-8171 or (316) 461-0107 • 201 E. Karla, Haysville www.theactiveage.com

Page 8

the active age

June 2015

‘Mom’ MVP of Butler culinary program By Joe Stumpe About a year into her studies at Butler Community College, Shelly Thurman-Wing’s fellow students in the culinary arts program started calling her “mom.” “I would kind of curb their language and physical activity -- everything a mom would say,” Thurman-Wing said. By graduation a year later, her fellow students had voted her MVP of the class for her knowledge and willingness to share it. She had a 3.5 grade point average while also cooking for a nursing home in Cheney. Thurman-Wing enrolled at Butler to start a second career. She worked at Coleman for 33 years. “I had to figure out what I wanted to do,” she said. “People are always going to eat.” With an associates degree, she plans to become a certified dietary manager, then either start a personal chef business “for Baby Boomers that don’t want to cook anymore” or become a food health inspector. She’ll also probably continue to sell her baked treats, dry mixes and jellies at Cheney’s farmers market (contact


Photo by Joe Stumpe

Shelly Thurman-Wing’s biscotti

her at 316-312-2735 or satwing56@ gmail.com). Thurman-Wing and her husband live on a 10-acre hobby farm outside Cheney, where she keeps a big garden, goats, chickens and “the occasional cow.” They have two grown sons. She said studying with students half her age was a “circus but, a blessing.” When she was named MVP, she reacted like any mother would: “It made me cry.” Know a good cook? Email Joe Stumpe at jstumpe@cox.net

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On low speed, gradually add the oil, vanilla and almond extracts. Still on low speed, add the dry ingredients and blend until just combined. Divide the dough in half and form each half into a log about 15” long by 3 ½” wide. Place on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper. Brush each with egg wash and sprinkle generously with granulated sugar. Bake about 30 to 32 minutes, or until the logs are firm but have little color. The tops should look cracked. Allow them to cool 5 to 10 minutes. Using a serrated knife, slice each log crosswise (not diagonal) into slices about ¾” thick. Place the slices cut side down on the same sheet pan. Return them to the oven and bake 6 to 8 minutes on each side. Cool completely. For extra sweetness and presentation points, dip the slices partially into melted dark and/or white chocolate.

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June 2015

the active age

Page 9

Is the 5 o’clock beard shadow sexy? By Ted Blankenship I’ve been using an electric razor for several years. I’ve found advantages and disadvantages. The biggest advantage is that I don’t have to buy blades that cost as much as a steak dinner. The disadvantage is that sometimes I can’t tell whether I have actually shaved. My granddad used a straight razor. I can’t remember that he ever cut himself...but then he seldom shaved. Some barbers still use scary-sharp straight razors. They could cut off a finger and you wouldn’t know it for 10 minutes. Some historical accounts say the Roman King Lucius Tarquinius Priscus introduced the razor in the 6th century BC, but shaving didn’t catch on with Romans for another hundred years or so. Men (and women) have been shaving for thousands of years, though the bearded look comes and goes. Some men go just grow a mustache -bushy or thin -- and might fancy that it goes well with a cigarette in a holder. I admire the facial adornment of men of the 19th century, but I can’t get used to the five o’clock shadow look you see today in posh men’s and

women’s magazines and catalogs. Someone apparently thinks a day’s growth of whiskers is sexy. To me it means the guy was out late, has a hangover and his alarm didn’t go off. He doesn’t feel like shaving any more than he does eating. Meanwhile the companies that make razors with blades aren’t giving up. Who would have thought anything could be done to make a safety razor different? For years there was the single-blade razor; its blade is now relegated to scraping paint off windows. The first big improvement was the double-edge razor. It used a blade sharp on both sides (all the better to slice your thumb off, my dear). No, when sales slip, the razor companies just add another blade, and charge accordingly. Some have as many as five. If a whisker survives the scraping of five (count ‘em) blades, it deserves to live and become part of a sexy five o’clock shadow beard. My dentist, who has black hair

and whiskers, has adopted the shadow beard look. He told me (with his hand in my mouth so that I couldn’t make any snide comments) that he had been

Former Wichitan Don Johnson dating and someone who told him the shadow beard was overwhelmingly sexy. He didn’t tell me whether it worked, but he’s still wearing it and he les a lot. The shadow beard, or “designer

stubble” as it is sometimes called, made its mark in the mid-’80s when Wichita’s Don Johnson wore it on Miami Vice. I like the electric razor because it doesn’t cost much to operate, and it’s quick and easy. It’s quick because it leaves a lot of whiskers intact, especially the ones around your lips. These are annoying because you can feel them and know you missed them, and everybody is looking at you and thinking, “HE uses an electric razor.” It’s easy to use because you simply push a button and it buzzes into action — unless you forgot to put it on the charger. At my age, I think I’ll forgo designer stubble. Gray whiskers don’t show up well and if I’m going to have hair, I want it on my head. Contact Ted Blankenship at tblankenship@cox.net

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Page 10

the active age

June 2015

No contractor’s license? Don’t hire ‘em

By Marc Bennett Summer is good time to attack those home improvement to-dos, repairs and landscaping. If the projects are bigger than you want to tackle and you’re considering hiring a private contractor, consider the following before handing over any money. First, research any contractor you are considering. Is the business licensed? In Sedgwick County, all professional contractors must be licensed and/or certified. Verify the contractor’s license status by calling the Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Building and Construction Department (MABCD) at 268-4413 or 660-1840. Do NOT hire someone who is not locally licensed. Citizens also can contact the Better Business Bureau at 316-263-3146, or go to its website at info@bbbkansasplains.org

The Wichita Area Builders Association, 265-4226, also can verify whether a contractor is in good standing within that organization. Second, get a written contract. It should include the company name, contact information and licensing information. It should specify what work is to be done, the amount to be paid, any permits to be pulled (and by whom—the homeowner or the contractor) and the expected time frame for completion. If the contractor won’t give you a written agreement, find one who will. Third, never pay in cash. Pay by check or credit card so there is a paper trail. Once cash leaves your hands, it’s gone and cannot be traced. Fourth, if possible, set up a payment plan contingent on the work done. If the contractor needs money up front to pay for “supplies to get started,” ask yourself why Legitimate contractors have relationships with

If you have been the victim of a consumer fraud violation or know about a possible fraudulent scheme, call the Consumer Protection Division, 660-3600, or email consumer@sedgwick.gov. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a crime, call 911 immediately.

their suppliers and a line of credit. If they need you to pay for the supplies just to get started, this is a red flag. As always, remember, the best way to get your money back is to not lose it in the first place. Marc Bennett, marc.bennett@ sedgwick.gov, is the Sedgwick County

District Attorney. If you have been the victim of a consumer fraud violation or know about a possible fraudulent scheme, call the Consumer Protection Division, 6603600, or email consumer@sedgwick.gov. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a crime, call 911 immediately.

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June 2015

the active age

Page 11

1 in 10 elders in danger of abuse By Annette Graham CPAAA Executive Director Elder abuse can happen to anyone. One in 10 people 60 and older are affected by abuse. It can happen in all types of relationships with a multitude of causes, including family dynamics, caregiver stress and targeted scams that prey on seniors. It can happen in his or her home, at a relative’s or in facilities. Through a grant from Kansas Aging and Disability Services, the

Central Plains Area Agency on Aging (CPAAA) has developed REDFlag, an educational toolkit to promote awareness. The more people learn about the warning signs and how to report abuse, the more progress can made toward addressing and recognizing elders in danger. Two men came to an 84-year-old man’s house and told him his chimney needed repairs. The victim didn’t authorize any repairs, but one of the perpetrators returned days later, claiming he had finished the work while the victim was out and demanded $4,200.

Grand Opera Ball is June 20 Wichita Grand Opera’s Opera Ball, scheduled for June 20, will celebrate WGO’s 15th Anniversary and also be at tribute to WGO’s chairman, Dr. Dennis Ross. The ball is taking its theme from one of Hollywood’s most enduring franchises – James Bond and Casino Royale. Guests are encouraged to dress as their favorite movie character or simply be “dressed to kill.” The evening will start at Wichita’s Hyatt Regency with a martini hour at 6 p.m., offering James Bond’s favorite refreshment, both shaken and

stirred. In addition to a gourmet dinner there will be “top secret” live and silent auctions. Selected auction items will be available for viewing on WGO’s website June 8. Following dinner the 14-member Double-O-Sevens big band will play music for dancing. Tickets are $200 per person; a table of 10 is $1,500. Call WGO’s box office at 316-262-8054, or online at SelectASeat.com. A portion of the tickets are tax-deductible contributions.

The victim wrote a check, but then stopped payment. Two days later, the perpetrator returned and asked why payment had been stopped. The victim was intimidated and wrote another check for $2,000. The other con man then cashed the check. Both men were arrested and charged with theft by deception. They also were charged in connection with similar scams elsewhere. People may underestimate the frequency of financial abuse. It can be devastating to victims, impacting their financial security and emotional wellbeing. The perpetrator can be a stranger or a a trusted family member or friend. Victims can experience emotional distress such as fear, anxiety, feelings of helplessness, depression and lack of trust. Seniors also can experience

physical abuse and suffer from cuts, bruises, welts or other more serious injuries such as broken bones and head injuries. These can exacerbate existing conditions and even cause premature death. Common red flags or warning signs include tension or arguing between a caregiver and the senior or a change in the older adult’s personality. If abuse is suspected, look for other signs such as physical and behavior changes. To learn more about the REDFlag toolkit, or to request it for your club, group or company/organization, contact CPAAA, at 660-5229 or email Monica Cissell at mcissell@cpaaa.org. To learn more about how to recognize the signs of elder abuse visit our website at theactiveage.com/stories

My sister created a trust and named my brother to be the trustee to take over things and distribute her estate after she died. I cannot find out any information about what was in the trust and whether I am to receive anything. There are three siblings, and I think I should be entitled to a copy. My brother will not give me a copy. What can I do? One of the reasons we utilize a trust instead of a will in estate planning is that a trust is private. Under Kansas law, after the death of the creator of the trust, a trustee has a duty to provide a copy of the trust to the beneficiary upon request (and the trust may be redacted to include only the provisions of the trust applicable to that particular beneficiary). Conversely, a will is public. Once it is offered to probate, not only may the heirs and beneficiaries obtain a copy, but anyone may view the probate court file to see the will, determine what property is in the estate (by looking at the inventory) and determine who will inherit or receive property. This feature makes trusts

very appealing for those who want to maintain privacy concerning their assets and the identity of beneficiaries. You should secure legal counsel to make a formal request of the trustee, and you may be able to bring an action in district court if you believe that he is up to no good. Trustees can be liable for monetary damages to the beneficiaries for breach of fiduciary duty (as well as criminal penalties). However, be aware that the trust may contain an in terrorem (no contest) clause which usually revokes any provision for a contestant under the trust, and that bringing an action against the trustee may trigger the clause in some circumstances.

Downtown Senior Center – 1:30 June 10, 2015 “Estate Planning for Incapacity” 100 E. Waterman, Wichita, KS 316-558-3540 www.stultzlaw.com www.theactiveage.com

Page 12

the active age

June 2015

5 bills affecting seniors get no action By Mary Tritsch The Kansas Legislature’s 90th day has come and gone, and Kansans are still waiting to find out what’s going to happen to their pocketbooks in the coming year and beyond. Saturday, May 16, marked the 90th day of the session with lawmakers continuing to work on ways to fill a huge budget hole, as the projected revenue shortfall for fiscal year 2016 (which begins July 1) stands at about $800 million. Kansas’ legislators are looking at a variety of ways to fill the gap, including increasing property and sales taxes and possibly repealing tax breaks. These issues and funding for K-12 public schools have taken up a large chunk of time during the 2015 session. For organizations like AARP that advocate for issues that affect older Kansans, this session has proved challenging in getting legislation passed that will make a positive impact on Kansans as they age. The following are bills that were introduced, but have not been acted on in either the house or senate chambers. The CARE Act, House Bill 2058 and Senate Bill 265: This is an

AARP bill that requires hospitals to ask patients if a caregiver has been identified; record the name of the caregiver in medical records; notify and consult with caregivers regarding discharge plans; and provide discharge instructions to caregivers. Medicaid Expansion, House Bill 2045 and House Bill 2270: Advocates, including AARP, continue to push for Medicaid Expansion in Kansas which would assist thousands of Kansans find affordable health insurance, including 20,000 Kansans ages 50 to 64 who don’t yet qualify for Medicare. According to an AARP Public Policy Institute report, Medicaid expansion was a clear driver of the reduction in the uninsured rate among 50 to-64 year olds in states that expanded Medicaid. Registered Dental Practitioners (RDPs), Senate Bill 49 and House Bill 2079: This legislation would allow RDPs, who are highly trained dental hygienists, to work in community settings and provide high-quality oral care to underserved populations, including the elderly, while at the same time freeing up dentists to do more complex procedures.

Increased Nursing Care Hours in Nursing Facilities, House Bill 2201: This would require Kansas nursing homes to staff to a minimum level of care to assures residents receive at least four hours, 26 minutes of care per day. Scope of Practice for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, House Bill 2122 and Senate Bill 69: This legislation would make changes in the scope of practice of APRNs that will improve access to quality health care in Kansas. Most of these bills, if not passed this year, will be carried over into the 2016 session, and we will continue to ask you to talk to your legislators about them and asking for their support. Meanwhile, we’ll continue to monitor this legislative session for

as long as it goes, mindful that each additional day the legislature is in session is costing the state $43,000. On a more positive note, AARP is pleased that Congress passed, and the President signed, legislation permanently overhauling how Medicare pays physicians. Known as the “doc fix,” this legislation provides payments to physicians who treat Medicare patients. Remember, legislators need to hear from their constituents. To contact your local senators and representatives, visit www.kslegislature.org or call 1-800-432-3924. Mary Tritsch is the associate state director of communications for AARP. Contact her at mtritsch@aarp.org

actı e age


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June 2015

the active age

Page 13

WSU names head of Institute on Aging Alex Chaparro has been named the new Carl and Rozina Cassat Professor in Aging and director of the Regional Institute on Aging at Wichita State University. A professor of psychology, he has served as the chair of psychology since 2010. He replaces the founding director of the institute and first holder of the professorship, Teresa Radebaugh, who retires June 1.

“I’m excited about the opportunity to advance both educational and research activities related to aging by working with faculty and Alex Chaparro students from across the university,” he said.

Chaparro has been at WSU since 1996. He received his doctoral degree from Texas Tech University in experimental psychology, and completed post-doctoral training at Harvard University. His research expertise involves aging, in particular issues involving perception and performance in the aging population. The Regional Institute on Aging is a virtual research organization

Elder abuse awareness day June 25

Elder Abuse Awareness Day will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, June 25, at Botanica. Admission is free. Seniors, their families and those who work with or care for them are invited. Exhibitors will share their information and expertise, including questions about legal issues, banking, health care and end of life care. Lunch is provided. There will be a panel presentation and an opportunity to ask questions. Participants include Marc Bennett, Sedgwick County District Attorney; Jeff Easter, Sedgwick County Sheriff; Denise Groene, Kansas State Director for the Better Business Bureau; and Lori

Kimrey, Wichita Community Police Officer. Topics include information about community services for seniors, learning how to protect yourself from financial abuse, how to recognize physical or emotional abuse and how to help others in your community. There will be door prizes ranging from a pie to a paper shredder to tree service. If you have a “save the date” card from a previous presentation, it can be entered into a special drawing. This event is sponsored by the TRIAD council, a coalition sponsored by the Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas. If you would

like to join the TRIAD council or have questions, contact Mary Beth Steiner, Director of Aging Services and Health Home at MHA, at 685-1821 ext. 235.

Abuse facts

• There are 2,150,000 cases of elder abuse each year • 7.6 percent to 10 percent of all seniors have been victims of some type of abuse during the past year • 90 percent of the time the abuser is a family member • Scam artists are extremely convincing • $2.9 billion dollars is exploited from seniors every year

established by WSU in 2007 to serve Wichita, Sedgwick County, its adjacent counties and the state of Kansas. Its purpose is to link a consortium of investigators and organizations united by the vision of advancing research to enhance the lives of older adults. Tony Vizzini, WSU provost and senior vice president, said Chaparro’s research record and collaborative approach to research makes him the ideal person to be the intellectual and scientific organizer of the university’s aging research program. “He will work with WSU’s departments, colleges and community partners to facilitate, leverage and expand ongoing aging research.” The Regional Institute on Aging is administratively located in the Division of Academic Affairs, and not in a specific academic department. The institute reports to Richard Muma, associate vice president for academic affairs.


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Page 14

the active age

June 2015

Reunions: it’s all about family gathering By Amy Geiszler-Jones From the time she first attended a family reunion as a young girl in Houlka, Miss., in 1954, Susan Torrence loved hearing and sharing stories about the Hobson-Buggs family. More than 60 years later, no matter what activities have been planned, that’s still a popular draw for the 69-year-old Wichitan. Her extended family has reunions every other year, meeting at locations around the country. They have become a way for her family to share research about the family’s history and to pass down family stories such as the ones that fascinated Torrence as a child. Plus, “they help keep the family in touch with everyone,” she said. Keeping in touch and sharing heritage are among the major reasons families hold reunions, according to reunion-planning sources. As families become increasingly spread out, reunions are a great way to catch up with one another and celebrate accomplishments. Family reunions have several benefits, according to Ione Vargus, professor emerita of social administration at Temple University.

Courtesy photo

Charles Walker of Topeka, left, and Wichitan Susan Torrence hang their reunion banner at the Nature Center’s pavilion. She has been researching and observing family reunions since 1986 and founded the Family Reunion Institute at Temple, an organization that serves as a proponent and resource for reunion planning. “The one (benefit) that I feel quite strongly about is the sense of identity,” Vargus said. “I’ve seen young men turn their lives around when they found out about who their ancestors were and what they did.”

Reunions also transmit love and concern, values and role models. About 82 million Americans attend family reunions every year, she said citing a 2010 statistic provided by Budget Travel magazine. Like Torrence, Wichitan Kathy Carlis has been attending family reunions for decades.. While her reunions include various activities, that’s not her major draw.

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“It’s all well and good to see places, but that’s not important to me,” said Carlis, 65. “It’s about family. It’s sitting down and talking.” But she realizes having a mix of activities and family time at her family’s biennial reunions is important to reach all generations and to help keep them going. Taking in local activities is often “how you keep the younger ones coming,” Carlis noted, which is important in developing the tradition of attending. At the reunions Carlis and Torrence attend, the format is generally similar: a meet-and-greet hospitality gathering and a low-key, family-oriented event such as a picnic on the first day; activities for the entire family the next day, with a Saturday night banquet which becomes a family celebration of achievements, recognition and even talents. Sunday morning church is a staple, as well. Contact Amy Geiszler-Jones at Algj64@sbcglobal.net

For more about this story, visit our website at theactiveage.com/stories. See next page for related story

Page 15

the active age

June 2015

Help planning a large family reunion Planning a successful family reunion requires time and communication skills. One of the key things is creating a committee of family members who will do all the necessary work required to plan it, said Susan Torrence, who has helped plan three of her family’s biennial get-togethers. “(Choose) people you know are gogetters and interested in making sure everything will be good,” she said. “If

you don’t have a good committee, it’ll be a lot more work.” Her reunions usually are planned by an eight-member committee. Before one family reunion ends, the family determines where the next one will be held. It’s usually in a location where someone lives, and that person acts as the host and organizer. Getting a venue, such as a hotel that will serve as command central, is the top priority on the event-planning

checklist, Torrence said. To help find hotel accommodations in any major city, enlist the free help of the city’s Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CVB), said Susan Cohrs, Visit Wichita’s destination services manager. When the CVB gets involved in putting out a request for pricing packages, hotels will often offer better competitive rates, she said. CVBs also can provide other resources, from planning checklists

to a list of area sights and activities, to vendors who can print reunion T-shirts. Here are helpful tips for planning family reunions from five online resources: • familyreunioninstitute.net • reunionsmag.com • grouptravel.org • geneology.com • budgettravel.net


Shoemaker, Professor of Horticulture and Human Health at Kansas State University. Participants will learn methods of accessible gardening, horticultural therapy techniques, and gardening with special needs’ youth and seniors. Early registration is $50; $60 after June 1. For information or registration visit www.sedgwick.ksu.edu.

values. The African-Americans Renewing Interest in Spirituals Ensemble (ARISE) will perform. Jones grandmother is Josephine Pace Brown, who founded ARISE and was on the Wichita School Board in the ‘70s. The evening begins at 6 p.m. at the Drury Hotel, 400 W. Douglas. Tickets are $50; call 316-685-0452 or 316681-0544.

Featured speaker will be Kathleen Strader Brandt, professional genealogist/consultant/speaker. Her work appears on TLC and NBC Who Do You Think You Are?, on PBS Finding Your Roots and in AARP and Jet magazines. In addition to forensic genealogy, she is a licensed private investigator in Missouri. She recently compiled and authored Colored Marriages of Saline County, Mo. The registration fee includes a catered lunch and conference syllabus. For more information and to print a registration form, visit www.KCGS.us or write KCGS, Box 3858, Topeka KS 66604.

Hands-on workshop

A Horticultural Therapy Workshop will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 10, at the Sedgwick County Extension Education Center, 21st and Ridge. This hands-on event will introduce the science and practice of horticultural therapy from research to application. It’s designed to help therapists, teachers and others who work with clients with physical or mental challenges to develop and expand their gardening programs. The keynote speaker is Dr. Candice

Active aging’s 2014-2015

Senior Resource Guide CO-SPONSORED BY

AKA celebration

The local chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will celebrate its 80th anniversary June 13. Former Wichitan Sheinelle Jones, an NBC Today Show commentator, will speak about family legacy and

Annual Conference

This year’s Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies will meet from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 20, at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex, 5015 E. 29th St. N., Door N.

It’s time to start thinking about promoting your company or service in the 4th annual

Senior Resource Guide

For more information: Email Teresa@theactiveage.com Tom@theactiveage.com Call the office at 942-5385 Check out our new website: www.theactiveage.com


Page 16

the active age

June 2015

Job seekers form their own network By Elma Broadfoot A small group of women gather every other Tuesday morning in an east side eatery to share job leads and cheer each other on – and up. They are women of a certain age, and they’ve had successful careers in accounting, health care, marketing, non-profit, special events and retail management. One has searched for a job since the first of the year; another just a couple of weeks. They each believe they have at least 10 good years of work in them. “We have a lot to offer, including high energy, and would be an asset to any situation,” one notes. This is what they’ve found: • Today’s job market is tight, impersonal, digitally driven and daunting. • You can spend up to three hours filling out an online application only to be dropped from the site because your last entry was one letter too short. • You’ve made it through two telephone interviews with the human resources department and then wait for an in-person interview, which often never comes. • You complete a two-hour online assessment and have three weeks of

phone conversations with someone from HR indicating you were in the running for a job. • Then you find that the job no longer exists or there’s a newspaper story about someone else filling the position. • You may have a four-hour interview, give a 20-minute powerpoint presentation and be told you have one more step to go through – but you never hear back from anyone. • You search daily the online job sources such as Indeed.com, Careerbuilders.com or Monster.com to find few opportunities fitting you or your skill set. Nancy Wiebe and Pat Jones had attended a Wichita Independent Business Association job networking lunch that left them wanting more time to talk with each other and other women. In mid-February, they started meeting informally. They’ve established Wichita Career Network on Facebook where they post meeting notices and job opportunities. Wiebe, who has lived in Wichita since 1984, would rather stay in the city but is willing to relocate in order to utilize her experience in fundraising

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Rebeca Serrano, left, Ruth Matous and Janel Razook discuss job opportunities at a meeting of the Wichita Career Network. During the majority of her working and program management. years, Jones helped “women become “It’s been a long time since I’ve employed” and for the first time she looked for a job,” she says, noting she’s finds herself looking for employment. had her share of screening interviews She is consulting part-time but would that lead nowhere or getting no call love to “wrap myself around a job and backs. make a connection with something I Job searching is “lonely, isolating will enjoy doing.” and discouraging,” Wiebe adds, and Like the other women, Jones has she welcomes the support she gets filled out more applications then she’d from the other women on Tuesday care to count only to have no response mornings. There are eight women or even acknowledgement of receipt of currently meeting, and they had one the application. man join then. “It is a validation to know I am not He only lasted a week as he got a the only one experiencing this, and job.

See next page

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Page 17

the active age

June 2015

Several local groups help job seekers By Elma Broadfoot Job searching is a daunting and impersonal experience but various efforts locally attempt to make the challenge more meaningful and manageable. Gayle Goetz and a friend met for drinks one night to talk about the job market. The next time they met two other women joined them and then the next time others. Five years later, there are 200 women from six Rotarian clubs

who form the Women Rotarians of Wichita. Goetz lists both resumes and job opportunities to women ranging in age from 20 to 70-plus. They are encouraged to share the listings with others. To contact Goetz, call 316-6771150 or visit www.nexstepalliance.org. The Senior Employment Program through Senior Services of Wichita lists jobs tailored for those aged 55plus. Cherie Wenderott-Shields directs the program, which began in 1982.


From previous page

these women keep me motivated,” she adds. “You can’t be serious,” is the response Barbara Chamberlin has received when she tells a potential employer that she “doesn’t want to be the boss and responsible for the bottom line. I’ve fulfilled my goals for my career. “I’m looking for a job that allows me to utilize my experience and skills at a different level and in support of

others,” she says. The women have really bonded and work as a group, she says. “More than one of us may apply for the same job, and that is OK if someone gets an interview. We are there to cheer them on.” For more information or to connect with this group, go to Facebook and enter Wichita Career Network. Contact Elma Broadfoot at ebroadfoot@aol.com

She says clients must be registered and complete a two-hour orientation prior to receiving referrals or using the program’s support services such as basic computer training, job clubs and the annual job fair. There is no fee to clients or employers, but it costs $5 for help preparing a resume. Registration is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Senior Services, 200 S. Walnut. Wenderott-Shields says “impersonal” is one word she uses to describe the job search process. “Opportunities for walk in applications are few and far between but we have some employers who will work with us in that regard.” Visit the program online at www. seniorservices.org and click the Senior Employment link, or call 316-2671771. Two women members of Aldersgate United Methodist Church direct its Career Seekers Support Group, a program that provides assistance with resume writing, help


sharpening interview skills and resources. Carla Heitmann created and coordinates the program, and Marcia Reed serves as jobs coach. It began three years ago and is open to anyone. Weekly meetings at noon Wednesdays draw five to seven people. “The small group allows us to focus on individual solutions and a blend of topics that pertain to everyone,” Reed explains. “This is a ministry for us and our primary purpose is to give people confidence and dignity as to who they are and what they have to offer,” she adds. Job lists are emailed to Career Seekers Support Group participants. More information is available at careers@aldersgatechurch.org. Other alternate employment programs are listed in the active age 2014-2015 Senior Resource Guide on pages 9 and 10. There is a link to the guide online at theactiveage.com.

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the active age

60s From page 1

stressful” things after 37 years. Her two children are in college, so she’s involved in “mom’s groups” and visits them on their campuses. She still has an interest in local schools and the children in them, encouraging those who want to volunteer to do so. “You can’t imagine what a difference it makes” when adults come into the schools and just talk with children individually, she stresses. “Some kids don’t have two-parent families” or a friendly ear to listen to them. She was a golfer in her earlier years, and is “getting back into that.” She says she’d like to do some meaningful volunteering, “but I’m a little nervous

about throwing myself out there.” Others in the group told her that she wouldn’t have any problem. “Don’t worry,” they tell her almost ominously, “they will want you.” A woman from Andover has been involved with its library for many years; a new project is Rails for Trails. She also is one of many in this age group who have or are spending time caring for their parents. Another woman enjoys doing genealogical work. For the past decade, she has traveled to trace her family’s roots and is active in an organization that combines her interest in history and genealogy. One man, talking about what happens in retirement to some people, says “they just stop. There’s

June 2015

no map on how to retire.” He’s a semi-retired salesman, but says he still has a voracious appetite for selling. He’s also using his energy to make “contributions to myself, my family and my community.” In addition to performing several administrative jobs for his church, he also works with the ARISE (AfricanAmericans Renewing Interest in Spirituals Ensemble) vocal group and is helping document the lives of black Wichitans who played a role in the city’s history. “All of us try to be relevant,” he says, “but give to others and take care of yourself, too. If we become irrelevant, that’s the road to depression.” Another man, working in

marketing and public relations, echoed similar themes. “We need to have a meaningful life. We have to have purpose. We need social interaction, self worth and a need to contribute to others…to feel that the world is better because of us. “We have to discover these balances to extend our lives physically and mentally. That’s important in every generation.” Unselfish with his time and talents, he participates in a variety of community groups, including the library board and its fundraising efforts to build a modern day facility. His desire to learn new things includes exploring the technology and social media in our lives and applying them to his profession. See next page


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June 2015

the active age

Page 19


From previous page

This 60s group sees many advantages to the new technologies, though they may not consider themselves proficient in it. As the Andover library volunteer pointed out, “We don’t have to rely on just mail service anymore. We can be in touch with our family members wherever they are in real time… whether they are here, in Australia or other parts of the world. There’s Skype, smart phones and other technologies that enable us to stay in contact.” Health is a big worry, including

Alzheimer’s. “I lost both my parents to that disease,” says one. It’s a valid concern since every 67 seconds someone in the U. S. develops the disease. It is the 6th leading cause of

death and can’t be prevented, cured or slowed. Loss of independence from illnesses also is top of mind. “I want to be independent forever,”

one declared. Another said, “I challenge myself every day not to be an old fart.” Many hope their offspring will be there to help them weather the aging process and its challenges. For those without children, it’s a serious worry. A major question is will they have enough money to make it to the end? They know people who can’t retire because they can’t afford it. As one said, “ I have a hard time acknowledging that I am where I am.” Contact Elvira Crocker at crockev@cox.net


Via Christi 50+ Lunch & Learn

All about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Thursday, June 18

11 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.

Doors open at 10:45 a.m., program begins at 11:30 a.m.


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Call Via Christi at 689.5700 by noon, June 16. Lunch will be served. Space is limited. Century II Performing Arts Center 225 W. Douglas 316.265.3107 mtwichita.org

...because your life matters


Page 20

the active age

June 2015

Calendar of Events

Sedgwick County Senior Centers

BEL AIRE 7651 E Central Park Ave 744-2451, ext 121 www.belaireks.org

Mon: 10 am Men’s fellowship, coffee. Mon & Wed: 6 pm Yoga, Rec Center. Tue: 1 pm Bridge. Wed: 9 am Low-impact aerobics, Rec Center. Fri: 9 am Breakfast at Braum’s. Mon-Fri: 8-9 am Bel Aire Walkers, Rec Center. 1st Mon: 6:30 pm Potluck & program. 2nd Mon: 11:30 am Lunch out, call for details. 3rd Wed: 1:30 pm, Book Club. 4th Mon: 6 pm Covered dish lunch, Rec Center. 4th Wed: 7 pm Bunko. 4th Thu: 2 pm Geneaology group.

BENTLEY/EAGLE 504 W Sterling, 796-0027

Open Mon-Fri: Coffee, cookies, exercise. Mon: 2 pm Line dancing, chair exercise. Wed: 1:30 pm Canasta. Sat: 8-9:30 am Breakfast, donation. 2nd Fri: 11 am Senior Lunch Out. 3rd Tue: 7 pm Game night, bring snack. 3rd Fri: noon XYZ potluck, program. 4th Sat: 7 pm Movie Night.

CHENEY 516 Main, 542-3721

Mon-Fri: 10:30 am GNNP meal, reservations required; 12:15 pm Cards, games. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-11 am Exercise program. 1st Tue: 6 pm Potluck dinner. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Tue: 7 pm Cards, games.

CLEARWATER 921 E Janet, 584-2332

Mon: 10 am-noon Blood pressure check; 1-3 pm Painting, beginning to advanced. Wed: 9 am Morning coffee. Fri: 7 pm Square Dance. Tue, Fri: 8:45 am Tai Chi; 10 am Exercise class. 2nd Tue: noon Carry-in lunch & program. 1st, 3rd & 4th Thu: 9 am Help with technologybring your own device. 3rd Fri: 1 pm Bingo. 3rd Sat: 7-10 am Biscuits/gravy breakfast.

DERBY 611 N Mulberry Rd, 788-0223 www.derbyweb.com

Regular activities: Exercise programs at low or no cost, foot care, book club. June 2: 4:30 - 6 pm Tuesday Night Together fundraiser, $5 suggested donation. June 3: 12:30 pm Welcome to Russia presented by local attorney Kurt Harper.

June 4: 11:30 am Covered Dish & Social. $20. June 11: 5:30 pm Life Planning for the Road Ahead. Thu: 1-2 pm Joy of Singing. 1st Tue: 11:30 am Friendship Club lunch out. 3rd Tue: Noon Friendship Club; 1 pm Book Club. Reading list at front desk. 1st Thu: 9 am New member orientation.

DOWNTOWN 200 S. Walnut, 267-0197 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Regular activities: Exercise classes, Pickleball, computer classes, foot care by apt. June 6: 5 pm Good Time Dancers June 10: 11 am Eat Smart - Live Strong: Ways to Control your Blood Pressure. June 16: Strong Senior Self Defense Program. Call to reserve a spot. Mon: 11 am Lewis Street Singers; 1 pm Bridge; Beading Buddies. Wed: 9 am Spanish class (adv); 1 pm Spanish (beg). Thu: 9:30-11 am Drawing class. Mon & Wed 8 am Competitive Picklelball. Tues & Thu: 10 am Tai Chi; 1 pm Pool tournament. 1st Mon: 10 am Book Club. 2nd Wed: 1:30 pm Senior Legal Adviser 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thu: 9:30 am Drawing Class. 2rd Thu: 2 pm Senior Financial Adviser. 1st Fri: 1 pm Seniors Exploring the Cultural Arts.

EDGEMOOR 5815 E 9th, 688-9392

Mon-Fri: 11:30 am GNNP lunch, reservation required; 10-11 am Pool, cards, bingo, dominoes, puzzles.

GARDEN PLAIN 1006 N Main, 535-1155

Tue, Thu: 9:30 am Exercise. Fri: 1 pm Cards. 1st Fri: noon Potluck, cards. 3rd Fri: noon Birthday/anniversary celebration.

GODDARD 120 N Main, 794-2441

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:30 am Exercise. 1st & 4th Tue: 9:30 am-noon Cards. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10 am-4 pm Covered dish, cards, dominoes.

HAYSVILLE 160 E Karla, 529-5903

Regular activities: Cards, crafts, GNNP lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Silver Foxes exercise. Tue, Thu: 10 am STEP exercise. 1st & 3rd Wed: 11 am Blood pressure checks.

KECHI Kechi City Building, 744-017, 744-1271

3rd Thu: 6:30-7:30 pm Meeting.

LA FAMILIA 841 W 21st, 267-1700

Mon-Fri: Dance, exercise, pool, dominoes. 11:30 am-12:15 pm Hot lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon, Fri: 9:30 am-3 pm Tax-Aide, by appt. Tue, Thu: 1 pm Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon: 10 am English Class/Clase de Ingles; 1 pm Line dancing Tue: 10 am Nutrition class/Clase de nutricion. Thu: 10 am Bingo/loteria. Last Fri: 10 am Music/musica; monthly birthdays.

LINWOOD 1901 S. Kansas, 263-3703 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Regular activities: Computer classes, cards, Pickleball, exercise programs, GNNP lunch. June 5: 10:15 am Home Remedies - Let’s Share Ideas Round Table Discussion. June 12: 10:15 am Senior Living Options June 15: 2:30 - 3:30 pm Probate Avoidance Devices presented by Clay Cox, Attorney. June 19: 10:15 am Oils with Elaine Kinder, Reiki Master. 3rd Wed: 10:30 am Birthday party. Mon & Fri: 9 am Dynabands; 9:30 am Stretching; Tue: 9 am Brain games; 9:30 am Fit & balance; 10:30 am Bingo. Tue & Thu: 9 am Pickleball; 12:15 pm WSU Well-Rep combo exercise. Wed: 9 am Arthritis exercise.

MCADAMS GOLDEN AGE 1329 E 16th, 337-9222

Regular activities: Open gym, walking, GNNP lunches, dominoes, cards, pool. Sun: 1-3 pm Quilting. Fri: noon-1:30 pm Sewing. Sat: noon-4:30 pm Classes: sewing, jewelry making. 2nd & 4th Tue: 10 am-noon Blood pressure checks.

MT HOPE 105 S Ohio, 667-8956

Mon: 7-10 am Coffee, donuts; 11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch; 1-4 pm Cards. Tue, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise class. Tue, Wed: 10 am-3 pm Crafts, quilting. Thu: 9:30-10:30 am Line Dancing. 1st Fri: Noon Sr Citizens’ lunch.

MULVANE 632 E Mulvane, 777-4813

Let’s Go

The Artwork of Botanica’s Chinese Garden of Friendship, Botanica, 701 Amidon. 11 am Wed, June 10. Chiaw-Weai Loo will present and discuss the making and meaning of traditional Chinese paintings that begin on rice paper. Jennie Becker will discuss research, struggles and evolutions in design and making of the Porcelain Dragon Sculpture. Father’s Day Dinner, Northeast Senior Center, 2121 E 21st. 2-4 pm Fri, June 19. The Northeast Senior Center will honor all father’s with a men’s fashion show included. $5 for members, $7 for non members. Father’s Day Kite Festival, Botanica, 701 Amidon. 11 am - 4 pm Sun, June 21. Professional kite fliers, helipcopter landing, carnival rides, kits for sale, food trucks and more. Free for dads, $5 for everyone else.

12:30 pm Bingo. 2nd Fri: 5:30 pm Birthday dinner, covered dish.

Protect Your Health, County Extension Education Center, 7001 W.21st. 7:30 am Tues, June 23. A day for seniors to learn about important issues. Sessions include topics on memory loss, health literacy, aging in place, personal safety, cooking for 1 or 2, container gardening, social security, herbal supplements and more. $13. A Galaxy of Stars Hyatt Regency Hotel, 400 Waterman. 6 - 10 pm Fri, June 26. A benefit fundraiser for Senior Services of Wichita. Celebrating legendary developer Jack DeBoer at the eigth annual event. Individual tickets are $115 or you can purchase a table of 10 for $1,000. To reserve your tickets, call 267-0302.

Daily: 7:30-9 am Walk-in gym, coffee; GNNP lunch; computers, dominoes, puzzles, pool, book loan. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Yoga. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Zumba. 2nd Tue: 7:30-9:30 am Breakfast, $3. 2nd Wed: 11:30 am Blood pressure checks. 3rd Wed: Noon-1 pm Blood pressure checks.

NORTHEAST 2121 E 21st, 269-4444 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Daily: Dominoes, cards, Wii, pool, GNNP lunch. library, exercise room, computer lab. June 4: 9:30 am Living Well With it Workshop. June 5: 11:45 am COPD Management presented by Liz Meier. June 11: 9:30 am Living Well With It Workshop. June 12: 11:45 am Advance Planning: The importance of being prepared. June 18: 9:30 am Living Well With It Workshop. June 19: 11:45 am Great Alternative Devices for People with Hearing Challenges.


June 25: 11:45 am Living Well With It Workshop. June 26: 11:45 am Cardiac Care. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am WSU exercise. Mon: 12:30 pm TOPS; 1:30 pm Sing-a-Long. Tue: 10 am Beginners’ crochet class. Wed: 2 pm Drawing 101. Thu: 10:30 am Jewelry class, crochet class. Tue, Thu: 1 pm Spanish class. Fri: 10 am Crochet class; 1 pm Bridge. 1st Tues: 11 am Blood pressure check. 1st Wed: Footcare by appointment.

OAKLAWN 2937 Oaklawn Dr, 524-7545

1st Thur: 12:30 pm, Golden Agers Meeting. 1st Thur & Fri: 8:30 am-5 pm, Commodities. 1st Sat: 8 - 10 am, Breakfast Fundraser. $3.50. 2nd Wed: 1:30 pm, Red Hatters. 2nd Thu: 12:30-2:30 pm, Golden Agers Bingo. $1. 2nd & 4th Sat: 7:30 pm, Oaklawn Community Foundation Bingo. 4th Thu: 12:30-2:30, Community Bingo. $2. Every Wed: 8:30 am Sweets & coffee, Panera Bread. Every Fri: 12:30-4 pm Cards; 5 pm Potluck & cards.

ORCHARD PARK 4808 W 9th, 942-2293 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org.

Regular activities: Exercise programs, cards, pool, GNNP lunch. June: 1,22,29: 11:15 am Living Well With It Workshop. June 5: Living Well With It Workshop June 8: 11:15 am Elder Abuse Awareness Day. June 12: 11:15 am Importance of Eye Exams. June 15: 11:15 am Caregiving Step-by-Step Video. Tues: 12:30-4:30 pm Duplicate bridge. Wed: 10:30 am-noon Computer Lab.

PARK CITY 6100 N Hydraulic, 744-1199

Regular activities: Cards, exercise, pool, GNNP lunch. Call for details. Mondays, June 1 - July 6 3:30 - 5 pm Diabetes Self Management Course. RSVP required. Fridays, June 5 - July 17 Powerful Tools for Caregivers presented by the Sedgwick County Extension Office. RSVP required. June 15: 11:15am Elder Abuse Awareness Event presented by the Department on Aging. June 16: 11 am Blood Pressure Clinic and Discussion. June 17: 10:15 am Rite Bite Series presented by the Sedgwick County Extension Office. Wed: 1 pm Walking; 2:30 pm Line Dance; 7 pm Round Dance. Fri: 10:30 am Dance Aerobics; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 1 pm Pinochle. Tue & Thu: 8:30 am Wii Bowling; 10 am WelRep exercise. 1st Wed: 10:30 am Chisholm Trail Seniors catered lunch, meeting, program. 3rd Thu: 1 pm Bingo; 5:30 pm Finger food. 3rd Fri: 6 pm Fun, food, games.

VALLEY CENTER 316 E. Clay, 755-7335

Regular activities: Home-cooked meals, monthly outings, including casino trip, exercise programs. Mon: Donuts, coffee, cards. Tue: 10 am Brunch, $4, movie & cards; 6:30 pm Pitch, bring snack to share. Wed: 9 am Meet at Methodist Church. Thu: noon Lunch, $5. Games. Fri: noon Lunch, $4. 3rd Thu: Birthday celebration.

June 2015

the active age

Page 21

Butler County Senior Centers ANDOVER 410 Lioba Dr, 733-4441 www.andoverks.com

Regular activities: Exercise, bingo, bridge, quilt club, dominoes, cards, pool. Daily:11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch (reservation required), $3. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise. Tues & Thu: Special music at lunch. Mon: 1 pm Lunch and Cards. Tue: 10 am Blood pressure check; 10:30 am-2 pm Memory Café; 1 pm Pool & cards. Wed: 1 pm Quilt club; 1 pm Bridge. Thu: 1 pm Pool, cards & Scrabble; 3 pm Dominoes; 7-9 pm Pitch. Fri: 11:30 am Covered dish, meeting & program; 12:45 pm Prize bingo; 1:45 pm Cards. 4th Sat: 7 - 10am Monthly breakfast. $4 suggested donation.

AUGUSTA 640 Osage, 775-1189

Regular activities: Line dance, exercise classes, cards, games, lunch (reservation required). Feb 5 & 19 : 7-10 pm Jam Session: bring covered

dish, snack or dessert to share. 1st Wed: 9:30-11 am Blood pressure checks. 2nd Sat: 7-10 am Biscuits/gravy, $3. 3rd Tue: 7:30 am Casino trip.

BENTON Lion’s Community Bldg, S Main St

2nd & 4th Tue: 9 am-4 pm, Cards, games, occasional program. Covered dish.

CASSODAY Cassoday Community Center

Tue: 10:30 am Round Table. Tue, Thu & Sat: 9:30 am Exercise with us; blood pressure checks. 1st Mon: 7 pm Game night. 3rd Mon: 12:30 pm Carry-in luncheon, blood pressure checks. Last Fri: 7 pm Movie Night.

DOUGLASS 124 W 4th, 746-3227

Regular activities: Exercise, quilting, cards, home-cooked lunch, $4 (reservation required).

1st Mon: 6 pm Finger foods & cards. 3rdMon: 6 pm Birthday/anniversary covered dish supper, bring own service. Cards. 3rd Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Biscuits/gravy, scrambled eggs, $3.

EL DORADO 210 E 2nd, 321-0142

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, GNNP lunch, $2. RSVP. Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Tue: 12:30 pm Bingo; 1:30 pm Line Dance; 6:30 pm Prairie Port Singles. Tue, Thu: 9 am Coffee. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 6:30 pm Senior activities. 2nd Thu: 11 am Blood pressure check; 6 pm Crazy Quilters.

LEON 112 S Main, 745-9200 or 742-9905

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, home-cooked lunch (reservation required).

Harvey County Senior Centers BURRTON 124 N Burrton, 620-463-3225

Tue, Fri: 9:30 am Exercises. Fri: 1 pm Table games. 1st Mon: 6 pm Bunko. 2nd Thu: Noon Meal, table games. 4th Thu: 6 pm Dinner, program.

HALSTEAD 523 Poplar, 835-2283

Mon & Wed: Games after lunch. Tue & Fri: 9 am Exercise. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Dine out/activity. 3rd Thu: 6 pm Potluck, meeting. 3rd Fri: 12:30 pm Movie in. 3rd Sun: 1:30 pm Movie out. 4th Thu: 7 pm Penny Bingo.

HESSTON Randall & Main, 620-327-5099 www.hesstonseniorcenter.com

Mon, Wed, Fri: 8 am Stretch bands. Mon & Tue: 1:30 pm Pitch. Tue: 8:30 am Coffee Hour; 9 am Film; 1:30 pm Pinochle. Wed: 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study; 1 pm Bridge. Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes. 1st & 3rd Tue: 6 pm Singin’ Seniors. 3rd Wed: 11:30 am Health luncheon; noon, program. Reservations by previous Fri. 1st Thu: 7 pm Bridge. 1st & 3rd Thu: 7 pm Pitch. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Movie Night.

1st & 3rd Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes. 1st Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Community Breakfast 4th Mon: 5:30 pm gathering; 6 pm Potluck dinner, program follows. 4th Tue: 8:30 am Blood pressure check.

GRAND CENTRAL 122 E 6th, Newton, 283-2222 www.newtonseniorcenter.org

June 1: 7:30-9 am Community Breakfast: Sausage gravy and biscuits, oatmeal, fruit and coffee. $5. June 4: 8:30 am Community Chat, Kathy Valentine, newly elected city commissioner. June 9: 6 pm, Potluck, bring dish to serve 6; dessert provided. Program: Brad Guhr of Dyck Arboretum. June 12: 10 am - noon Legal Advisor. June 16: 10:30 am To Your Health, Deb Wetta, Envision. Tips for those with low vision. June 25: 8:30 -10 am Driving capacity evalutions. June 23:10:30am Educational or National Geographic in nature film series. June 26: 10: am Monthly birthday party. Mon: 9:15 am Get Lighter, Feel Better; 10-11 am Blood pressure check; 1:30 pm Golden Notes choir practice; 7-9:30 pm Square Dance. Tue: 10:30am Computer class; 1 pm Crafts; 7 pm Round Dance. Wed: 1 pm Pinochle/cards; 4:15 pm Line Dance. Thu: 1 pm Wii bowling.

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Arthritis exercise. 1st Mon: 9:30 am Shopping trip to east Wichita; 3rd Mon: 9:30 am Shopping trip to west Wichita. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10:30 am Bingo. 1st & 3rd Fri: 6 pm Game night.

SEDGWICK 107 W. Fifth, 772-0393

Mon: 1 pm Games. Tue: 7-8:30 am Breakfast. Wed: 9-11 am Quilting. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise. 1st Fri: 7 pm Birthday party. 2nd Thu: noon Carry-in dinner, mtg. 3rd Thu: 5 pm Dinner Night Out. 2nd Fri: 7 pm Pitch party. Last Thu: 7 pm Movie.

Calendar Deadlines Submit calendar items by the 12th of the month prior to publication. Mail or bring to the active age, 125 S. West St., Suite 105, Wichita, KS 67213 or email: kaydee@theactiveage.com. Please include a phone number for publication and a contact person and phone number.

Senior Wednesdays Every Wed – Free or nomimal admission. www.seniorwednesday.org. June 3 - 10 am Wichita Art Museum, Landscape for Art. Katie Kingery-Page, Professor of Landscape Architecture will discuss parks and scultpure. $2. 1:30 pm Coloring with Water. presented by watercolorist, Anne Horton. Free. June 10 - 10 am Sedgwick County Zoo, It is a Jungle in Here. A tour of the newly remodeled Tropics Exhibits and a look at the trials and tribulations of such an undertaking. $4 program fee. 1:30 pm Wichita Public LIbrary, Central Branch, What Were Ya Thinkin’ Anyway? Deb McIlhenny will give a presentation back to the War of 1812 and will describe the historic context for the National Anthem and those who inspired it. Free

4 pm Kansas Sports Hall of Fame at the Wichita Boat House Presentation exploring the history of Title IX and the highlights of female athletes from Kansas. $ 1 suggested donation. June 17 - 10 am Ulrich Museum of Art, program TBA. Free. 1:30 pm, Kansas African American Museum, program TBA. June 24 - 10 am Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum, program TBA. $2 program fee. 1:30 pm Exploration Place, Science 2000. Discover how close or far off the predications that were made for the millenium year were. Learn about the newest technologies and scientific advances that have changed the world in the past fifteen years. $4 program fee plus tax. 4 pm The Museum of World Treasures, program TBA. $4 program fee.


Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Tues: 12:30 pm Bingo; 1:30 pm Line Dance; 6:30 pm Prairie Port Singles. Tue & Thu: 1 pm Bridge. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. 3rd Sun: 11am-1:30 pm, Home-cooked lunch, $7 adults, $3.50 children. 745-9200.

ROSE HILL 207 E Silknitter, 776-0170

Regular activities: Wii, pool table, shuffleboard, home-cooked lunch (reservation required). Mon & Wed: 9 am Strong Women Stay Young Exercise. Mon: 7 pm Pitch, games. Wed: 1 pm Bridge. Fri: 7 pm Card game. 1st Fri: 11 am Meeting, covered dish. 3rd Fri: Noon Covered dish. 1st Sat: 7-10 am Scrambled eggs, biscuits/gravy.

TOWANDA 317 Main, 536-8999

Open 10:30 am-5 pm Mon, Wed & Fri Thu: 7 am Breakfast/coffee at Stearman Bar & Grill, Benton.

WHITEWATER Legion Hall,Whitewater

2nd & 4th Tue: noon Potluck, program.

Special Notice

Beginning with the Sept. 1 the active age, Clubs and Organizations and Dances will move to our website, theactiveage.com. This will allow us to make online changes during the month to assure up-to-date information. The Center for Community Support and Research has an extensive and up-to-date listing of Support Groups; we will cease publication of the list in August. Visit its website, www.SupportGroupsinKansas.org, or call 978-5496 or 1-800-445-0116.


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Page 22

the active age

Clubs and Organizations AARP 2614, Country Cafe, 2804 S. Seneca, 3rd Wed: 11 am, mtg/ program, 440-6931. African Violet Study Club, Botanica, 3rd Fri: 1 pm. Visitors welcome. After 5 Christian Women, Rolling Hills Country Club, 223 Westlink. 4th Thu: 6:30-8 pm, $15. RSVP, 529-3472 Air Capital Active People, Grace Presbyterian Church, 5002 E Douglas, 3rd Sat: 11 am-1 pm. Program/mtg/lunch, 943-6123. Air Capital Chorus, Scottish Rite Temple, 332 E First, every Tue: 7 pm, Singers welcome, 776-2121. American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Immanuel Lutheran Church, 909 S Market. Research Library, 1:30 pm 2nd Fri. Info 634-0353. Quarterly meeting, 1:30 pm potluck, 2:30 pm program on folklore, Feb 8. American Sewing Guild, Extension Center, 21st & Ridge, 1st Tue: 1:30 or 7 pm. Beech/Raytheon/Hawker Retirees, Golden Corral, 11006 E Kellogg, 2nd Fri:11:30 am Lunch. 942-7435. Breakfast Group: last Wed: 7:30 am, True Lies, 607 oil Hill Rd, 320-1367. Boeing Retirees, The Learning Center, 150 Stewart, Haysville. 1st Tue:10 am, $7.25. RSVP by previous Mon, 524-5549. Calvary Fellowship, 2525 N Rock Rd, 1st Thu: noon, covered dish/program, 683-3913. China Painting, Flying saucers, 1st Thu: 9:30 am; Kracked Kup Klub, 3rd Thu: noon; Sunflower Club, 3rd Fri: 9:30 am. Mary 260-1699 or Lou 722-3047. Church Women United, 1 pm: April 17, West Heights United Methodist, 745 N. Westlink, Wichita. Colwich Srs, 310 S 2nd. Every Tues: 1:30 pm. Cowtown Social Club, Hotel at Old Cowtown Museum, 1865 Museum Blvd. Last Mon: 9:30 am. Info 264-6687. Daughters of Union Veteran’s of the Civil War, 3rd Mon, 1 pm, First Presbyterian Church, 501 N. Broadway, Wichita. Pat, 636-9454. East Wichita Christian Women, Wichita Country Club, 8501 E 13th St. 4th Thu: 11:30 am. $14, RSVP 682-1495 Fleet Reserve Assoc & Ladies Aux, Good Shepherd Lutheran, 1451 E 47th S, 2nd Thu: 6 pm, 788-4549. Friendship Club, 1900 McCormick, 2nd Fri:10:30 am-noon. Covered dish/program, 264-8133. Friendship Force of Kansas, Gloria Dei Lutheran, 1101 N River Blvd. 10 am: April 25. Susan Harrington, 775-3072; Jan Blick, 620-6650-6506. Golden Age Clubs, Wichita Parks & Recreation program: Goldenrod, 1340 S Pattie, every Wed: 10 am, 337-9244; Evergreen, 2700 N Woodland, Every Mon: 10:30 am-noon, 3038036; Linwood, 1901 S Kansas, Every Tue: 9 am-3 pm, 337-9191; McAdams, 1329 E 16th, Every Tue: 12:30-2 pm, 337-9222; Minisa, 704 W 13th, Every Thur: 9 am-1 pm, 303-8036; Orchard, 4808 W 9th, Every Thu: 9 am-12:30 pm, 337-9244; Osage, meets at Linwood, every Mon: 9 am-3:30 pm, 337-9191. Grace Presbyterian-Best Years, 5002 E Douglas, 1st Thu: 10 am Fellowship, festivities; 11 am program; noon, lunch, $7. Reservations by previous Mon, Linda, 684-5215. Haysville Genealogy Group, Community Library, lower level, 2nd Sat: 2 pm meeting. Bev Miller, 529-4285. IAM District Lodge 70 Retirees, 3830 S Meridian. Last Thu: noon lunch; 1 pm program, 522-1591. Inventors Association of South-Central Kansas, NCAT/WATC, 4004 N Webb Rd. 4th Mon: 6:30 pm. John, 393-5553. J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth), 2151 W Dora, 50 & older, every Thu:10 am-1pm companionship,

special programs, bingo, covered dish 50¢ & flower donations; 4th Thu: birthdays/anniversaries. 264-0571. Kansas Art Guild, Wichita Center for the Arts, 9112 E Central, 1st Tue: 1 pm Demonstration or lecture. 943-4747. Kansas Authors Club, District 5, meets 2nd Sat: 2-4 pm. Rockwell Branch Library. Ray, 734-7813. www.kansasauthors.org Kansas Knife Collectors, 3219 W Central, 1st Thu: 7 pm. Bill Davis, 838-0540. Kansas Gas Service Retirees, Spears, 4323 W Maple, Last Fri: Noon, meeting, 944-8773. Keenagers, Pleasantview Baptist Church, 1335 N Buckner, Derby, 3rd Thu: noon, covered dish, meat furnished and entertainment. Keystone High Twelve, Kansas Masonic Home, 402 E Martinson, every Mon:11:30 am, fellowship, lunch, program. Jim Pipkin, 721-5568. Knife & Fork Club, Bank of America Bldg, 100 N Broadway, 9th Floor. One Mon per month, dinner, speaker, 832-0517. Korean Veterans, American Legion Post 401, 101 E 31st S, 2nd Wed: 11 am. Howard Runft, 265-3414. Marine Corps League, American Legion Post 401, 101 E 31st S, 3rd Tue: 6:30 pm social; 7 pm mtg. Former Marines & FMF Corpsmen welcome. Tom Huxtable, 721-0307. Melodears, rehearsal every Thu:10-11:30 am, St Paul UMC, 13th & Broadway. Edna, 945-9146. Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society Library, 1203 N Main, 264-3611, open Tue & Sat, 9 am-4 pm. Military Officers Association of America, one Sun a month at Rolling Hills CC. 11:30 am lunch, meeting, program. Info LeRoy, 788-4366 or Terry, 686-6174. Military Order of the Purple Heart, DAV Clubhouse, 3011 S. Geo Washington Blvd, 1st Sat: 10 am. Tom, 316-650-1328 or 316-558-8059. Motivator Singles Group, Central Community Church, K-Chapel, 6100 W Maple, lunch or refreshments, monthly meeting, 1 pm. Info, Nora, 943-9766. NARFE (National Active & Retired Federal Employees), 3rd Wed odd-numbered months, 11 am-2 pm, Golden Corral East, Kellog and Webb. Sylvia, 239-1270. Needle Arts Guild of Wichita, College Hill UMC, 2930 E 1st, Every Thu: 10 am-3 pm. 733-2095. Northeast Sr Citizen Club, 2121 E 21st, 1st & 3rd Wed 10:30 am, programs, trips, fellowship. 269-4444. North Wichita Optimists, Spears, 4323 Maple, Every Wed: 7 am, breakfast, speaker. Old Time Fiddlers, Pickers & Singers, 210 E 2nd, El Dorado Senior Center, 1st Sun: doors open at noon, music starts 1:30 pm. Meat, provided; bring covered dish or dessert to share, $3. 755-1060. Phyllis Wheatley Sr Fellowship, 1005 N Mathewson, 1st & 3rd Thu: 11:30 am-2 pm. 612-0944. Postal Retirees & Former Postal Employees, Even months, 1st Wed: 9:30 am, Village Inn, 1685 S Rock Rd. Jan Cragun, 682-9674 or Jan Pickering, 683-0160. Prairie Quilt Guild, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 2nd Tue: 1 & 7 pm. Retired Teamsters Local #795, last Sun of month, 1pm, lunch/mtg. Location varies: Bill, 620-545-7451. River City Decorative Artists, 3rd Tue: 6:30-9 pm. Society of Decorative Painters, 393 N McLean Blvd. Dee 265-7644. River City Ladies, 4th Tue: time, location varies. Cards, outings, spring luncheon. Karen Holden, 264-3615.

Keep up with the active age on Facebook

Scandinavian Society of Wichita, 2nd Fri: 6:30 pm. www.scandinaviansocietywichita.org. SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), SBA office, 220 W. Douglas, Ste 450. 1st Thu: 11:30 am, program, meeting, lunch. Visitors welcome, call for reservation, 316-269-6273. Sierra Club, Great Plains Nature Ctr, 6232 E 29th N, 2nd Fri: 6:30 pm, pizza, salad (bring service); program 7:30 pm. davidkirkbride@knea.org Silver Streak, 2110 W 45th, 2nd Tue: 10 am-2 pm, Mtg/dinner/entertainment, RSVP Velma Compton 201-6071. Singles Dinner Night, First, third and fifth Thu: 6:30 pm, location varies. Also other events. 942-5117. Single Seniors, Downtown Sr Ctr. Every Tue:10:30 am-noon, 2nd Tue: Eat Out. 3rd Tue: Games. Arlene, 524-8726. Society of Military Widows, 1st Sat: 11:30 am, location varies. Marilyn, 990-7320. Sons of Confederate Veterans, Rockwell Branch Library, 5939 E 9th. 2nd Thu: 5:30 p.m.. Kevin, 620-276-9275. Sons of Union Veteran’s of the Civil War, Last Thu, 7 pm, DAV Clubhouse, 3011 S Geo Washington Blvd. Bill, 722-9387 Sr. Tennis League, year-round schedule. Ron 838-7833 or Andy 689-0522. Sunflower Horseshoe, Linwood Park. Info Bill 683-9428 or James 264-2663. Telephone Pioneers, Location varies, 2nd Thu: 11:30 am. Arnetta 265-7542. TROW (The Retired Officers Wives) 3rd Fri. Location varies. Wives of all services. 788-8830. Twentieth Century Club, 536 N Broadway. Every Tue: Luncheon, noon; program, 1:15 pm. Lunch, $9. RSVP, Marjorie Parsons, 722-1057. Tyler Roadrunners, 571 S Tyler, 3rd Thu: noon. Covered dish, 722-4511. University Club, Bank of America Bldg, 9th floor, 100 N Broadway, one Thu a month: 6 pm dinner, speaker, 832-0517. VFW Post 971, Newton, 3rd Mon: 7:30 pm, 1610 SE 3rd St. 316-283-1717. West Heights UMC Adults Plus, 745 N Westlink, 3rd Tue:10:45 am-1 pm, program/covered dish. RSVP 722-3805. West Side Christian Senior Fellowship, 1819 W Douglas, 3rd Wed, lunch/fellowship, RSVP by previous Mon. 263-5269. West Side UMC Golden Agers, 1313 W Lydia, 1st Fri: noon. Fellowship, covered dish, bring service. 264-6605. West Wichita Christian Women, Rolling Hills CC, 223 Westlink, 4th Fri: 9:15-11:30 am, Cost $12. RSVP 524-5967. Wichita Amateur Radio (WARC), Salvation Army, 350 N Market. 7:30 pm meeting. See website for dates. www.warc1.org. Wichita Association of Retired School Personnel, 2nd Fri of Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct & Dec. at Gloria Dei Lutheran, 1101 N River Blvd. Luncheon, program. Reservations, 721-3125. Wichita Audubon Society, 3rd Tue: 7 pm, Great Plains Nature Ctr, 6232 E 29th. www.wichitaaudubon.org. Wichita Coin Club, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 2nd Thu: 7 pm. camon@sbcglobal. net or 943-1832. Wichita Duplicate Bridge, various days, times. www.duplicate.org, info@wichitaduplicate. org. Wichita Genealogical Society, Alford Branch Library, 3447 S. Meridian. 3rd Sat: 1 pm. www. wichitagensoc.org Wichita Musical Club, Senseney Music Store, lower level, 2300 E Lincoln. 3rd Thu: 1:30 pm. Wichita Postcard Club, Alford Branch Library, 3447 S Meridian, 1st Sat: 2-4 pm. Kathy, 8320811. Wichita PrimeTimers, social organization for mature gay and bi-sexual males; 10-noon social activities monthly. Email ictprimetimers@aol. com or visit primetimersww.org/wichita.

Upcoming Events, Recipes and More! www.theactiveage.com

June 2015

Area Agency on Aging

Butler Co Advisory Council, For date, location, 775-0500 or 1-800-279-3655. Central Plains Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council, 3rd Wed, 1:30 pm. For location, 660-7298. Harvey Co Advisory Council, 2nd Thu, 9 am. For location, 284-6880 or 1-800750-7993. Sedgwick Co Dept on Aging Advisory Council, 2nd Wed, 2 pm. For location, info 660-7298.

AARP Driver Safety Classes Eight hours of instruction. Certificate on completion for insurance discount. Class size limited; call for reservations. $15 for AARP members; $20 for non-members. Downtown Senior Center, 200 S. Walnut, 12:30-4:30 pm June 8 & 9, 267-0197. Orchard Park Senior Center, 4808 W 9th, 8 am-5 pm June 18 & 19. 942-2293. Via Christi Rehab Hospital, 1151 N. Rock Rd. 9 am-1 pm June 16 & 23. 689-5700. El Dorado Senior Center, 210 E 2nd, June 12:30 - 4:30 pm 25 & June 26. 321-0142.

Transportation Sedgwick County

American Red Cross, 219-4040. Free rides for 60+ for medical and dialysis appointments. 24-hour notice. Ambulatory. Donations accepted.

Sedgwick Co Transportation, 6605150, long distance 1-800-367-7298, transportation or services info. 8 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri; closed most holidays. www.sedgwickcounty.org/aging.

Butler County Transit

Weekday transportation in El Dorado, Augusta and Andover. Rides to Wichita on Wed, Thu. Call for information; 48-hr notice required: Augusta, 775-0500; El Dorado, 322-4321; toll free, 1-800-279-3655. $10 pass for 25 rides available. Wheelchair accessible; escorts ride free.

Harvey County Interurban Transportation for medical appointments, shopping and recreational activities. Reservations or information: 316-284-6802 or 1-866-680-6802. Applications for reduced fares for those 60+ or disabled who meet income guidelines. Personal appointments including medical trips: Mon-Fri, 8 am-5 pm. Reservations, first call-first served, must be made 24 hours in advance. Vans are wheelchair accessible. Round-trip fares: $8 in Newton (wheelchair only), $12 in Harvey County, $20 outside Harvey County. Wheelchair escorts ride free. AVI Route: Tue, 8 am-4:30 pm. Transportation to Newton for Burrton, Sedgwick, Halstead, Hesston, Walton residents. $6. Halstead: In-town transportation Mon-Fri, 9 am-3:30 pm. $1.

We’re Online!

Read issues of the active age at www.online.theactiveage.com. Page through the current issue or use the calendar on the upper right corner of the screen to choose a previous issue. Want to search for a topic from a past issue? Access the keyword search feature with the archives icon on the menu bar at the top of the page. Find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/theactiveageks.

June 2015

the active age

Support Groups ALZHEIMER’S: Wichita – Downtown: Young Onset (under 65), 3rd Thu 6 pm, chapter office, 1820 E Douglas, 267-7333. Northeast: 1st Mon 10:30 am, Catholic Care Memory Care, 6550 E 45th N, 744-4120; 3rd Wed 5:30 pm Cypress Springs, 1859 N Webb Rd, 558-5775; 3rd Thu 6 pm Clarebridge, 9191 E 21st, Kayla 630-0788; 4th Thu 2 pm, Grace Presbyterian, 5002 E. Douglas, 630-6138. Northwest: 2nd Thu 3 pm Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize Rd, 722-7414; 2nd Tue 6:30 pm, Park West Plaza, 505 N Maize Rd, 729-4114; 3rd Fri 10 am, Regent Park, 10600 E 13th; 4th Thu 7 pm, St. Francis of Assisi Ministry House, 866 N Socora, 722-3773; 4th Thu 11 am, Oxford Grand, 3051 N Parkdale Cir, 252-0030. 3rd Tue 1 pm, West Heights UMC, 745 N Westlink, 721-0323. Derby: 6:30 pm 4th Tue, Derby Sr Center, 621 N. Derby, 788-0223. El Dorado: 3rd Mon 5 pm, Senior Center, 210 E 2nd, 316-321-0339; 1st, 2nd, 4th Mon, Spangles, 2005 W Central, 321-0339; Hesston: 3rd Tue 3 pm, Schowalter Villa, 620-327-3414; Kechi: 1st Mon 7 pm, UMC, 4533 E 61st, 260-8882; Newton: 1st Thu 7 pm, Presbyterian Manor Library, 1200 E 7th, 283-5400. ADDICTIONS: Alcoholics Anonymous, Wichita and So Central Kan. Personally answered 24-hour hotline, 316-684-3661. Meeting and AA info at aawichita.org. Recovery Outreach, 12-step program for subtance abuse/addictions, Pathway Church, 722-8020, ext 116. BRAIN INJURY: West: 3rd Tue 4-6 pm, Wesley Rehab Hospital, 8338 W 13th; East: 1st Thu 4-6 pm, Via Christi Rehab, 1151 N Rock Rd, Bonnie Stephens, 729-1099. CANCER: Victory in The Valley, 3755 E Douglas: Breast CSG, 1st & 3rd Tue 7 pm, 682-7400; CRA (Colon, Rectal, Anal CSG), 2nd Thu 1 pm; Central Plains Kidney CSG 1st Sat 1-3 pm; Encouragers CSG, 1st & 3rd Wed 10 am; Headstrong (Brain Tumor CSG) 2nd Wed 7 pm. East Side CSG, St. Stephens, 7404 E Killarney, 2nd Wed 1 pm; Footprints CSG, St. James, 3750 E Douglas, Every Wed 5:30 pm, 928-4950; Young Adult Cancer Survivor Group, 3rd Mon 6 pm. McConnell AFB CSG, Dental Clinic Conference Room, 4th Wed 1:30 pm; Sharing Hope, Covenant Presbyterian, 1750 N. Tyler, 2nd Thu 6:30 pm; West Wichita CSG, Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize Rd, Rm B100, 2nd Thu 7 pm. Area Meetings: Derby Area CSG, Woodlawn UMC, 2nd Thu 7 pm; Newton Area CSG, Shalom Mennonite Church, 800 E 1st, 4th Thu 7 pm. Head & Neck, Cancer Resource Ctr, 817 N Emporia, CAREGIVERS: West Wichita, 3rd Tue 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View at Reflection Ridge, 7570 W 21st, Suite 1026-D. 316-729-6555 or 800-992-6292. East Wichita, 1st Tue 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View, 9333 E 21st, May program: Celia Easley, Central Plains Area Agency on Aging, 284-6400 or 800362-0180; Newton, 2nd Thu 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View, 1901 E 1st, Program: Marilyn Wolgemuth What I Learned on My Caregiving Journey; 3rd


Augusta Sr Center, 640 Osage St. Country Jam & Dance, 7-10 pm. Donation. Bring covered dish, dessert or snack to share. 755-1060 Derby Sr Center, 611 Mulberry. 7-9:30 pm TBA: 1st Tue Honky Tonk Time Band; 3rd Tue Country Heartbeats. $3 donation, refreshments. El Dorado Sr Center, 210 E 2nd. 6-10 pm every Thu: Dinner 6:30, CD Dance 7 pm. $2 suggested donation, bring covered dish/ snack to share.

For groups not listed The Center for Community Support and Research maintains a list of self-help groups. Call 9785496, 1-800-445-0116 or go to www.SupportGroupsinKansas.org. Wed 3:30 pm pm, Cypress Springs, 1859 N Webb Rd, Glenda Jacobs, 558-5775. CELIAC: Quarterly meetings/speakers, dining, for celiac disease /gluten sensitivity.wichitacsa. blogspot.com, Ramona 316-524-8837 or Gayle 316-788-2531. CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH: 3rd Thu 7-9 pm, Independent Living Resource Ctr, 3033 W 2nd, Karen Smith, 841-8852. CLUTTER CLEANERS: 3rd Wed–2:30-4 pm, West River Plaza Bistro, 2622 W Central, Krista, 660-5144. DIABETES: 2nd Mon 7 pm, American Diabetes Assoc, 837 S Hillside, 942-0908; 2nd Tue 1:30 pm, West Heights UMC, 745 N Westlink, 7220634 or 773-3616; 4th Mon 7 pm, 1st UMC, 330 N Broadway, 942-0908; 1st Tue 6:30 pm, African-American group, St. Mark UMC, 1525 N Lorraine, 681-2545, RSVP by previous Fri.; Valley Center, 1st Thu 7 pm, Christian Church, 1801 E 5th, 755-1101 or 744-8384; Butler County – 3rd Tue 7 pm: odd months, El Dorado, SB Allen Hospital; even months, Lakepoint of Augusta, 322-7848 or 320-1972. DIVORCE: Sun 9:10-10:20 am Pathway Church, B006, 2001 N Maize.

Pathway Church, 2001 N. Maize Rd, Mon 6-7:30 pm. Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice, 313 N Market, 4th Mon 6 pm; Adult Grief (under 60), last Thu 6-7:30 pm, 219-1761; Companions in Grief, 3rd Thu 10-11:30 am, 219-1774 or 800-767-4965; 4th Sat, 8-9 am Newton Med Ctr, 316-283-1103. Griefshare, Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize, Mon 6-7:30 pm, Rm B012. Hospice Care of Kansas, 2622 W Central, 1st & 3rd Wed 6-7:30 pm, Laura, 559-2049. Home Healthcare Connection Bereavement, 8415 E 32nd N, 2nd Tue 4-5 pm, 267-4663. Good Shepherd Hospice, Catholic Care Center, 6550 E 45th N, 2nd & 4th Thu 10-11 am; Asbury Park Assisted Living, 200 SW 14th, Newton, 1st & 3rd Tue 3-4 pm, Sharlene, 316-616-2277. Children, Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize, Rm B012, 1st Tue 7 pm. LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA: Patients, 2nd Mon 7-8 pm, Via Christi Cancer Resource Center, 817 N Emporia; Caregivers, 2nd Tue 10-11 am. Christy, 687-2222. LUPUS: 2nd Sat 1 pm, Foundation of America, Kansas Chapter, Via Christi-St Joseph, Conference room B, 262-6180. LYME DISEASE: 3rd Tue 7-8:30 pm, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, 645 N 119th, 773-9173. MENTAL ILLNESS: NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) 3rd Tue 7 pm 1st Presbyterian Church, 525 N Broadway, 686-1373. MYOSITIS: (Dermatomyositis, polymyositis & Inclusion Body Myositis), Mid-America Myositis KIT (Keep-In-Touch), meets quarterly, Civitan Community Center, 901 Porter, call Jerry, 207-6230.

DISABLED: Every Thu 1 pm, peer support, Independent Living Resource Ctr, 3033 W 2nd, 942-6300.

PARKINSON’S: 2nd Tue 1 pm LifeCare Center of Wichita, 622 N. Edgmoor, 686-5100. 4th Tue 1-2 pm , Reflection Ridge Retirement Community, 2300 N Tyler, Shana, 390-0772.

EA-EMOTIONS ANONYMOUS, cancelled, Jo, 210-5550.

POST POLIO: 10 am 1st Sat, College Hill United Methodist, 2930 E 1st. Info, 686-1456.

GRIEF: Good Grief of Kansas, www. goodgriefofkansas.org or 316-612-0700. Every Mon: 7-8:30 pm Grace Baptist Church, 1414 W Pawnee or 6:30-8 pm Calvary UMC, 2525 N. Rock Rd, Rm A-3. Every Tue: 10-11:30 am RiverWalk Church of Christ, 225 N Waco, Fireside Room (south office door) or 7-8:30 pm West Towne Baptist, 2000 N. Maize Rd or in Derby at Woodlawn UMC, Rm 15E, Woodlawn & Kay. Every Wed: 7-8 pm RiverWalk Church of Christ, 225 N. Waco, Fireside Room (use SW door) special group for ages 20s thru 50s. 1st Mon: 7-9 pm Clearwater Church of Christ, 13900 N Diagonal Rd (use west door). 1st & 3rd Wed: 11 am-noon Resort Lifestyle Communities, 2300 N.Tyler Rd, 1st floor Conv Rm-north. Survivors of Suicide: Every Mon: 7-8 pm, River Walk Church of Christ, 225 N Waco, Rm 106 (use SW door). SOCIALS: Lunch/Brunch every Thu: 10 am, Spears, 4823 W Maple or Country Breakfast Café, 2804 S Seneca; Breakfast every Sat: 10 am, Spears, 4823 W Maple. Dinner, 2nd Thu of each month: 6 pm, Copper Oven Café, 2409 W 13th. Griefshare,

PROSTATE CANCER: Us Too!, 2nd Mon 7:30 pm, Via Christi St. Joseph, McNamara Center, 3rd floor, 993-6997.

Linwood Golden Age, 1901 S Kansas. 7-9:30 pm every Sat: Live music. $3. Goldenrod Golden Age, 1340 S Pattie. 7-9:30 pm every Wed: Take 3 or Wildwood Band. $3, refreshments. Minisa Golden Age, 704 W 13th. 7-10 pm every Thu: Honky Tonk Time $3, info 617-2560. Orchard Park Golden Age, 4808 W 9th. 7-9:30 pm every Fri: Live music. $3, refreshments. Park City Sr Center, 6100 N Hydraulic. 7-10 pm 1st, 3rd and 5th Sat, Wildwood Band. $4, bring covered dish or snack. Info 755-1060.

RECOVERY (Mental Health): Every Mon 7 pm, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 942-2364. SPECIAL NEEDS FAMILIES, Pathway Church, 2001 N. Maize Rd. Helping special needs children and their families. 2nd Sunday, 4-6 pm, 722-8020 STROKE: 1st Tue 3 pm, Via Christi Rehab Hospital, 1151 N Rock Rd, 689-5700; 3rd Thu 3 pm, Wesley Rehab, 8338 W 13th, 729-1146. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly): www.tops.org, Donna Shaffer, 540-6222 or Monty Bednasek, 755-1055. VISION: 2nd Tue, 10 am-noon, Envision, 610 N Main, light brunch. Transportation, Bonnie Cochran, 682-4646.

Prairie Wind Dancers: Learn circle, line & folk dances. 2 pm every Mon: Plymouth Congregational Church, 202 N Clifton. To register: Joyce, 683-1122. Village Steppers Square Dance, Oaklawn Activity Center, 4904 S Clifton. 7:30-10:30 pm 2nd & 4th Sat. Terry 219-0100/Gordon 721-6718. Westside Steppers Square Dance, Clare Hall, 861 N Socora (one block east of Central & Tyler). 7-9:30 pm 1st & 3rd Sun David, 992-7820; email: westsidesteppers@hotmail.com. Wichita Solos Square Dance, Southwest Presbyterian Church, 1511 W 27th St S. 7:30-10 pm 1st, 3rd & 5th Fri: Couples/ singles welcome. Ruth Ann, 943-6306.


Page 23

Food Share

Prairie Land Food: Package of meats, fresh fruit and vegetables, $28. Other variety options available, usually at 50% discount. Accepts Vision cards. Sites in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler Counties. Info: June at 800-998-9436 or at www.prairielandfood.com.

GNNP Menu The American Red Cross Good Neighbor Nutrition Program (GNNP) serves a hot, nutritious meal weekdays for persons 60 and older at locations in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler county communities. Reservations are necessary. For the closest location and reservations, call 316-219-4020. WEEK OF JUNE 1 Mon: Salisbury steak w/mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, sauteed spinach w/onions & tomatoes, wheat dinner roll, cinnamon applesauce. Tues: Chicken spiedini, roasted garlic baby potatoes, peas, garlic breadstick, fruited jello. Wed: Sloppy joe on bun, corn, orange, chocolate pudding. Thurs: BBQ shredded chicken sandwich on wheat bun, five bean salad, coleslaw, fruit cocktail. Fri: Whole grain spaghetti w/meatsauce, Italian blend vegetables, tossed salad w/ peas, Italian bread, Mandarin oranges. WEEK OF JUNE 8 Mon: Chicken Santa Fe, Spanish brown rice, fiesta corn, blueberries, apricots. Tue: Hamburger on wheat bun, onion slices & pickles, potato wedges, mixed green salad w/tomatoes, orange. Wed: Summer chicken salad on whole wheat bread, leaf lettuce & tomato slices, potato salad, tropical fruit mix, chocolate pudding. Thu: Beef & bean chili w/shredded cheese and diced onion, creamy coleslaw, unsalted crackers, banana. Fri: Baked chicken legs & thighs, whole grain mac & cheese, zucchini & yellow squash w/diced tomatos, wheat dinner roll, strawberries & pears. WEEK OF JUNE 15 Mon: Taco salad, pinto beans, unsalted taco chips, Mandarin oranges. Tue: Grilled chicken breast, spaghetti squash ratouille, peas & carrots, mixed berries, multi-grain bread, sugar cookie. Wed: Meatloaf w/brown gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet dill baby carrots, diced pears, wheat dinner roll, graham crackers. Thu: Chicken spinach alfredo, mixed green salad w/tomatoes, fruit mix, wheat dinner roll. Fri: Roasted rosemary pork, red potatoes, Brussels sprouts, applesauce, blueberries, wheat roll. WEEK OF JUNE 22 Mon: Beef tips w/peppers & onions, brown rice pilaf, green beans, dinner roll, apple. Tue: Ham & beans w/diced onion, sauteed spinach, corn muffin, orange. Wed: Philly chicken sandwich, baked sweet potato w/cinnamon margarine, peas, wheat hotdog bun, Mandarin oranges & pears. Thu: Mandarin beef & broccoli, brown rice pilaf, steamed carrots, fruit cocktail, wheat dinner roll, fortune cookie. Fri: Southwest Turkey pasta, green beans, banana, strawberry jello, wheat breadstick. WEEK OF JUNE 29 Mon: Pork cutlet w/gravy, baked sweet potato w/cinnamon margarine, mixed greens, wheat bread, fruit cocktail. Tue: Chicken & noodles, Capri vegetables, orange, chocolate chip cookies, wheat bread.

Page 24

the active age

June 2015

Classified Advertising

Place an ad: 942-5385

Reach 60,000 homes in Sedgwick, Butler and Harvey counties with your classified ad. Commercial rate ads start at $40. Place your ad today!

Two walkers, $35 each. One transport chair, $75. One recumbent bike, $85. one 3-wheel power scooter, $600. Cash only for all purchases. Call 722-4097.

Deadline for the July issue is June 13

Aluminum ramp, 37 feet, can be reconfigured, $800. Inside vehicle lift, $1,200. Both for $1,500. 529-2520.

Contact Kaydee at 316-942-5385 or email her at kaydee@theactiveage.com


Wheelchair car carrier, barely used, $2,500 new, heavy duty lifter. Asking $1,000 OBO. Call 371-6210.

F HOME IMPROVEMENTS F Dave’s Improvements

Painting—interior/exterior. Doors and windows replaced, grab bars, wheelchair ramps. All general repairs. Guaranteed lowest rates. Senior citizen discount. Lic #7904.

316-794-3632 Marv’s Home Improvements & Repair

Doors, trim, decks, ramps, patio covers, fences, siding, flooring. Basements, kitchens and baths. Painting. Also honey dos. Honest and dependable. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 35 years. License #8691. Insured. 316-737-4646.



Fifteen new ten foot white Suntuf corrugated skylights, never used. $350. 316-794-8463.

Lakeview, Garden of Everlasting Life. Two shaded spaces close to lake. Value $3,790. Sell $1,895 for both. Donna 316-201-1066.

DOWNSIZING? We have consignment space available! We will sell your tables, chairs, furniture, kitchen items, art and decorative items. 317 N. Rock Road., Derby 316-789-8888. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK.

Pride lift chair, black cherry upholstery. Lightly used. Purchase price, $1,000. Sell for $499. 722-0149.

Wright One Home Improvements Kitchen & Bath remodeling. Painting. Windows. Doors. Siding. All types of flooring and home repairs. Free estimates. 316-409-2160.


Leaky Basement Repair

Resthaven, Sermon on the Mount Garden. Two burial lots. Sec 1, Lot 111-B, space 1 and 2. Originally purchased in 1958. Market value: $3,695 each. Sell for $2,500 each. Bob at 520-625-4930. Good Shepherd, two lots, 6B 3 and 4. Value $7,200, sell for $3,000. 316-721-6462, 316-253-3980. Resthaven, Christus, space number 9, D4. Value $9,000, asking $3,750. 316-721-6462, 316-2533980. Old Mission Garden of Devotion. Four adjourning spaces. Section B, Row Q, all four $3,000. Will split transfer fee. 916-761-8797.

A Better Deal Estate

Maximize the value of your estate/moving sale. Can start today. Ted Riker 316-409-5393 REMARKABLE ESTATE SALES Experienced and insured, free consultation. Clean, organized sales & friendly staff. Jenice 316-253-9848.

2 Attics Antique Mall & Liquidations



Foot Care in home. Home visit $40. Select Senior Centers, $25. Call Michelle Steinke @ 316-946-0722

42” LG TV, $200. 55” LG TV, $250. TV Base, $20. 440-8959.


Large dog house, $20. Large wheelchair, $40. 51 DLP TV, $159. Flat Screen TV Base, $20. 706-9763 or 440-8959.



Gently Used Resale (Thrift Shop)

2523 S. Seneca (Westway Plaza) Wichita, KS Store & Donation Hours Mon & Thu 9 am-7 pm Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat 9 am-5 pm Purchase with a purpose. Benefits those served by the Bethesda Lutheran Communities to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ. Volunteers & Donations always needed. Like us on Facebook.


We have the solution for every situation. Complete estate sales service. Free consultation. Over 25 years experience.

Paul 316-807-1209

Sale by Gayle

No Place Like Home, LLC In-home care services & more Meal prep • Transportation Housekeeping • Companionship

Sunshine Cleaning

Affiliated Estate Sales

Moving, partial or entire estate sales. Experienced and insured. Free consultation. Competitive rates. www.salebygayle.com, 316-838-3521 or 316-206-3676

Reflections Residential Care


316-838-3626 or 316-258-3207

50+ Years Experience, Retired Law Enforcement on Staff. FREE Consultation. CALL 316-530-3275.

Gracious living for seniors in a safe home setting by loving certified staff 24/7. Private/ semi-private. Daycare. Memory Care. Affordable. Medicaid certified. Evelyn Hunt RN, 316-214-3359; reflections1201@att.net.



Free Consultation & References Expert Pricing, Displaying & Clean-up Excellent Results Janet

CASH Buy-Outs & Estate Sale Services.

In-Home Services: Personal care assistance, meal preparation, housekeeping, handymen and more! Phone Chester at the Senior Employment Program, 316-267-1771 or 316-267-0302. Prescreened, reliable help available.


316-806-7360 Julie

KS ESTATES 316-530-3275

Hair On Wheels

Experienced, licensed, caring beautician in your home for shampoo, cuts ad styling. Call Carol 316-992-1744.

Call for a FREE Estate Sale consultation. 316-201-1828, 1534 E 61st St North, Park City.

8 cemetery lots available. Old Mission Cemetery, Acacia Gardens. $2,000 each. Contact Joyce 435-734-2520.

Complete estate & moving sale services. We can do the sale at your residence or place your items with another sale. Expert pricing, selling & clean-up. Packing & moving services available. Excellent results. Free consultation. Call Carolyn Moshier. 316-634-0040

Shirkmere stylist is back for in-salon and in-home styling. Call for pricing or to schedule day or evening appointment. Ask for Mike 316-263-8794.

Cash for your Estate Items

Complete Estate Sale Services Including Buy-outs

FREE Consultation • 50+ Years Experience Stress-free • Insured • Professional Retired Law Enforcement & Licensed Real Estate Agent on Staff

Call/Text 316-530-3275 www.KSESTATES.com

E-mail: support@ksestates.com (Se Habla Español)

Dirt Installation and Siding Repair Courteous, professional repairs. Free estimates. Concrete work. 20+ years experience. Ernie Sponsel, 316-393-5461. STILES MAINTENANCE Heating & Air • Plumbing • Light Electrical Drywall • Painting • Tile Basic Home Repairs Licensed & Insured 25% Senior Discount 316-200-6601

Drywall Repair

Fix all cracks, walls, ceilings and all textures. 32 years experience. Free estimates. Senior discount. Duane Ball 316-648-5221.


Repairs. Free estimates. 316-312-4391. Handyman. Plumbing, electrical, heating, floors, doors, windows, screens, walls and more. HVAC certified. Licensed & insured. Senior discounts. Call John 316-650-3013.

Cowboy Construction

Bathroom and kitchen remodels. Room additions. Garages and sheds. Licensed and insured.

Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

Total yard clean-up, flower beds and bushes, tree trimming and stump grinding, attics, garages, and basements. LEAF cleanup and HAULING.

Including all yard debris. 316-516-4630 or 316-838-5709 Harley Painting & Remodeling Interior/Exterior & Odd jobs Husband & Wife Team 316-648-4478

Residential or commercial deep cleaning. Reliable, friendly, and professional. Free estimates for Wichita and the surrounding areas. 316-409-0298.

Molina Electric - Wichita Lic #1364. Comm. or Residential wiring. Service calls. New electric service. Troubleshooting. Business 524-0434, Cell 461-2199.

Loving Touch Cleaning. Residential/commercial cleaning. Senior, Military and referral discounts. Insured. Call for Spring, Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning! Mary 316-650-9206.

Dave’s Improvements

Housecleaning done your way. Call for appointment. Senior discount. Cleaning by Brenda. 262-5784.

Support the active age advertisers. They support the active age


Painting—Interior & Exterior Doors & Windows Replaced • Siding Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Decks • Ramps • Grab Bars Minor Electrical & Plumbing Repairs General Home Repairs Senior Citizen Discounts!


June 2015

the active age

Place an ad: 942-5385

Page 25

Classified Advertising




Odd Job Handyman Painting, mowing, yard cleanup, minor household repairs. Free estimates. Call Joel 316-772-8629.

Need fence or deck repair or a handyman? Call Dan 316-516-3949. Free estimates. Member of BBB.

TNT Exterior Construction. Siding, fencing, decks, windows, replacements, and all other general repairs. Free estimates. Call today! Tom 316-3906020. Honest & Insured.

Derby, Haysville, Mulvane, Rose Hill, South Wichita. Painting, repair, replacement of chimney, siding, decks, fence and hauling. See us on angieslist.com. Be Blessed. Thank you. KC Kimball 316-789-9639, 316-250-2265.

P&A Landscaping 316-708-7236 Complete lawn care, leaves and storm cleanup. Any odd job. Spring Cleanup. Residential and commercial. Gutters clean. Senior discount.

C l a s s i f i e d s i n the ac tive age wo r k ! Call Kaydee today to get your ad in and tap into the senior market. 942-5385

Carpenter–30 Yrs Experience Repairs & Remodeling • Trim Work Doors • Cabinets • Sheetrock • Tile Interior/Exterior Painting • Flooring



Compare Our Prices Weekly Plumbing Specials

Ins/Lic #5803


S & V Concrete

Steps, porches, patios, sidewalks, retaining walls, driveways & garage floors. Also 4-inch steps with 18-inch landings for seniors. Licensed, bonded, insured. Free estimates

Steve 992-6884

Beam’s Handyman Services Painting, papering and removal, drywall, light electrical and plumbing, home repair. Fencing. Senior discount. 620-960-8303.

Cowboy Construction

Mowing, trimming, yard and leaf cleanup. Gutter cleaning. Exterior painting. If you need any of these services call Perry, 316-619-6126.

Semi-retired maintenance man. Experienced in most phases of maintenance & roofing. Light hauling. Sedgwick County only. Call Paul 316-312-9970

Spring cleanup. Over-seeding, verti-cutting, bush and hedge trimming, mulching, gutter cleaning, handyman work and hauling. 20 years experience. Free estimates. Perry, 316871-3758.


Dave’s Improvements Hail Repair Specialist Roofing • Siding • Windows Guttering • Free Estimates Senior Discounts 10% off complete job License #7904 • Insured


Always Painting

Quality craftsmanship. Interior/exterior. Residential/commercial. Free estimates. Insured. References. Josh 316-213-8904.

Ron Goodwin’s Painting

All purpose hauling with pick-up and delivery. Fence, deck/shed repair/remove. Garage cleaning. Tree, shrub trim or removal. Flower beds, scrap metal removed. 316-807-4989.

Dave’s Hauling Services Solid waste removal, property cleanup, tree & fence line clearing, general landscape removal, other lawn and garden services. All fence, porch and patio work. Call 316-832-2201.

Experienced Professional Painters Residential/business painting Interior/exterior Power washing and deck refinishing Senior discount • Free Estimates Lowest price guaranteed

Roof Repairs 40 years experience, license #7612, insured, free estimates. A senior serving seniors. Call Jerry 7 days a week, 303-5713.

Suntree Pest and Lawn Spider control, weed and feed, grub control, deep root fertilizing, house hold pests, landscaping and yard cleanup. Tom 316-204-3319.


BRICK & STONE WORK OF ANY KIND Tuck-pointing, foundation & chimney repair. Insured. Free Estimates.


License # 7258

Al’s Painting and Remodeling. Painting, sheetrock. All types of remodeling. 30 year’s experience. 316-871-9484 or 316-200-5332.

Perry’s Professional Lawn Service

Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

5-inch & 6-inch Sealmess Guttering Install • Repair • Clean • Insured

*Some restrictions, doesn’t include filters, parts

Experienced Professional Painters

Residential/business painting; interior/exterior. Power washing and deck refinishing. Prompt and experienced. Insured. Senior discount. Free estimates. Lowest price guaranteed. Mike 316-806-3222.

Painting, interior/exterior. Power washing. Gutter cleaning, handyman services and odd jobs. 30 years experience. Senior discounts. 316-461-2510.


Repair • Service All Brands Sales – Licensed Trane dealer Senior Discount SPECIAL: Furnace check-up $75*

Mike E. 316-708-1472

Mowing, leaf and gutter cleanup, tree trimming, hauling, roto-tilling. Chimney repairs. Brick, block and stone repair.

Remodeling, siding, decks, fences, windows, doors and more. 20 years locally owned. Free estimates. Senior discounts.

CALL DAN 316-516-3949

Stover Heating & Air Conditioning

Business, Home and Yard Aerate/overseed. Mowing/scalping. Fall/Spring clean-up. Snow Removal. If you ever need any of these services, call Mark, 316-214-7579. City licensed/Reasonable rates.


Helping Hands

When you need a helping hand around the house Landscape creations, decorative concrete, remodeling repairs. Roofing, painting, tree services, heat & air. Give us a call, we do it all! FREE ESTIMATES Matthew, 316-208-3784 Tyler, 316-518-4722

MOWING Advantage Home Services One call does it all!

Spring/Fall Cleanup Tree trim/removal Junk removal

Any size project, large of small. You name it. We do it the right way. Licensed general contractor, residential and commercial. 20 years experience.

Brock Eastman • 316-765-1677


Maintenance • Flower Beds Clean-up • Tree Work • Dirt Work Positive Drainage • Junk Removal Senior Discount • Insured

Stan 316-518-8553

Custom Cabinets • Refacing (Laminate or Solid Wood) Countertops Rollouts • Accessories • Wall Splashes



25 Years Experience

Tony 990-6897• 7 days a week Support the active age advertisers. They support the active age


Call Mike 316-806-3222 F PETS F Wanted: young male Shih Tzu dog to love. Call 686-8500.

F RENTALS F Roommate wanted. Exclusive neighborhood, spacious master bedroom with private bath. Includes large personal living room with fireplace. All bills paid. Wifi, Direct TV, electric garage slip. No smoking. Call for more information, 209-2922. Small, quiet 2 bedroom house, no pets, no smoking. Located in South Wichita. $450/month plus $450 deposit. Central heat, window air. 316-708-1888.

F SERVICES F Need a ride? Doctor appointments, ride home from hospital, court, casino, mini vacation or family reunion. You name the place, I will take you there. 316-259-6212. Need help on your electric scooter, power or lift chair, stair or platform lift or hand controls? Call Howard Distribution at 316-648-1694. Howard is a certified service center and dealer for Best Bath walk-in tubs, Bruno, EMC, Golden Tech, Pace Saver, Pride and Ricon. Working for you since 1987. Pressure washing and lawn mowing. Free estimates. Call Dan. 316-516-3949. Professionally drafted legal documents by Clay Cox, semi-retired attorney. Very affordable, efficient, friendly and ready with court standard documents. Notary. 316-390-5276.


Page 26

the active age

June 2015

Classifieds from previous page

Why should the kids have all the FUN?



Furniture Repair & Refinish Antique, Modern, or Cane. Reasonable pick-up & delivery. Clark 250-9533 or 788-5805

KS ESTATES PAYING CASH for: Antiques, Jewelry, Watches, Guitars, Military, Pottery, Hunting/Fishing, Signs, Amps, Swords, Guns, Zippo Lighters, Fountain Pens, Anything old... Retired law enforcement on staff. Make the safe choice. We can buy up to your whole estate for cash! Call or Text 316-530-3275.

Masonry Specialist. Over 35 years experience in brick, block and stone repair, new or existing masonry, decorative work, or anything else you may need. Free estimates. Craig, 316-300-5130.

Want to get up and down the stairs with ease?


See a stairlift demo unit at the Kansas Truck Mobility Showroom.

Antiques, U.S. coins, costume and turquoise jewelry, Beech and Boeing pins, guitars, postcards, military items, records, etc. A few items or entire estates. Dave 316-409-0992

Going Up LLC

Collector wanting “Older” guitars, amps and band equipment. Picks, slides, microphones, posters, etc. Dave 316-409-0992


Want to purchase mineral and other oil/ gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201.

Call Bill Hayse, Licensed installer #08091



Stump REMOVAL & Grinding Trimming, deadwood, tree removal. Total yard, leaf clean-up & hauling. Also rural and farm areas. Free estimates. Experienced. Good prices. Insured. Tom King, 316-516-4630, 316-838-5709. Bruce’s Tree Service Prompt, Immediate, Professional service. Crown reduction, trimming or removal. Trees, hedgerows, evergreens & shrubs. Residential line clearing and roofs. Bucket truck available. We climb also. Gutter cleaning, yard raking, snow removal, firewood for sale. Handyman work. Over 25 years’ experience. Sr discounts. Insured. 24 Hour emergency storm damage available. Call 316-207-8047.

Estrada’s Tree Service

Trimming, crown reduction, removal. Storm damage prevention. Hauling. Firewood. Free estimates. Insured. Senior discount. Felix Estrada, 316-617-4392. Felipe Tree Service Evergreen trimming. Tree removal. Brush hauling. Splitting. Deadwooding. Insured. Free estimates. 12 years experience. 316-807-4419.

Donate your Durable Medical Equipment. Will pick up. Tax credit. Medical Loan Closet of Wichita. 316-200-2005.


Ease the stress of moving with PODS. Store household contents in a clean container inside our clean secure warehouse. Take your time to decide what to keep, what to store and what to give away. Container access free of charge.

10% off the first months rent and initial delivery fees.

Use promotional code SILVER 316-831-0909 1-800-776-7637

The Goofin’ Around Adult Keyboard Class is forming NOW! Save 50% on class enrollment!

Call today!

Offer expires 06/30/15

Garten’s Music (316) 942-1337

4235 W. Central, Wichita 9:30-5:30 Tues.-Fri. 10:00-4:00 Sat. www.gartensmusic.com

BUYING American, German, Japanese

Military swords, helmets, uniforms, medals, insignias, rifles, pistols, misc items. Also, any WW II paratrooper items. 785-825-0313. NOW BUYING Older watches and clocks, prefer wind-up, automatics, and military watches. Also buying older miscellaneous items. Dave 316-409-0992. I need clothes, U.S. Army Veteran, Vietnam era. Sizes: 2 XL shirts/coats; pants 52-54 inch waist any length; shoes/boots size 11 wide. Mail to: 1314 N Oliver Street #20631 Wichita, KS 67208.


Antiques, collectibles, stamps, postcards, paper advertising, costume jewelry, primitives, toys, glass and pottery. Anything old. Call 316-8412080. Classifieds in the active age work! Call Kaydee today to get your ad in and tap into the senior market. 942-5385

Move faster. Walk smoother. Live better. SUNFLOWER MEADOWS

Kansas Surgery & Recovery Center: A national leader in hip and knee replacement

Adult Care Homes

24-hour care provided by courteous, certified staff

Struggling with hip or knee pain? Joint replacement can transform your mobility. Register for one of our joint replacement seminars, and discover how you can live a more active life with less pain.

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All Private Rooms

Upcoming seminar: • May 12 at 5:30 p.m.

Call for information today!



Call 316.630.4265 to register today

www.ksrc.org ksrc.org www.theactiveage.com

Page 27

the active age

June 2015

Arts brief Art fundraiser for Prairie View Saturday Night, an oil painting by Mike Fallier, is part of Prairie View’s A Beautiful View art exhibition and fundraiser, planned for 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 4, at the Carriage Factory Art Gallery in Newton. The Wichita artist painted the 16-by-20-inch city scene and donated it to Prairie View to be sold at this fundraiser. The exhibit also features pieces by other area artists. All proceeds will be used to treat mental illness and addiction disorders. There will be a silent auction from

6 to 8 p.m. A live auction of selected art work will begin at 7:15. Other activities include jazz and a java bar. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 the day of the exhibit. For advance tickets, call Brandy Beer at 316-2846443 or 800-992-6292. Prairie View, a faith-based behavioral services provider, offers treatment and psychiatric services for all ages as well as consultations for businesses and organizations. For more information visit prairieview.org.

“Father’s Day Weekend” • Kansas Numismatic Association

32nd Annual Coin & Stamp Show Free admission and parking

Saturday Night, an oil painting by Mike Fallier

Ayesh Law Offices Mark G. Ayesh • Ray E. Simmons

Saturday, June 20th 9am-5pm Sunday, June 21st 9am-3pm Cessna Activity Center 2744 George Washington Blvd Wichita, KS 67210


Estate Planning • Probate Taxation • Real Estate • Commercial Litigation • Corporate Law Business Litigation • Employment Law

316-682-7381 • www.ayeshlaw.com 8100 E 22nd St. N., Building 2300, Suite 2 • Wichita

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Page 28

the active age


June 2015

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