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Vol 39 • No. 9 Kansas’ Kansas’Award-winning Award-winningTop Top55+ 55+News NewsSource Source

August 2018

Change When dividing family possessions in store for the active age Who gets what?

ACTIVE AGING PUBLISHING, INC 125 S West St., Suite 105 Wichita, Ks 67213

Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Wichita, KS 67276 Permit 1711

By Amy Geiszler-Jones When Wichitan Tara Czepiel saw two sisters in her extended family turn on each other and end up in court over their mother’s possessions, she set about to make sure that wouldn’t happen among her children. The family rift “was a massive disaster,” ending with the sisters no longer on speaking terms, she said. “It was gut-wrenching to see this happening in my own family.” That’s when Czepiel, still in her 40s, gathered her four adult children to meet about who would receive what. The list is now part of her will. “My life and relationships are not about my possessions…so I can’t have my children torn apart by that.” Possessions – from Grandma’s favorite pie plate to Dad’s tools to a favorite holiday ornament – can trigger lots of emotions: sentimental memories, a desire to hold onto a

Photo by Rob Howes

Teresa Hatfield offers 10 tips. piece of the past and yes, even greed. “Everybody thinks ‘my family is so good and squabbles won’t happen,’ but they do,” said Teresa Hatfield. As the family and consumer sci-

ence agent on adult development and aging with the Kansas State Research and Extension Office – Sedgwick County, Hatfield gives a presentation on the process of distributing one’s possessions. She said the Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate program was created about 20 years ago by the University of Minnesota extension office and is used by extension offices across the country. Creator Marlene Stum, a K-State alumnus, also turned it into an award-winning book. “Families get weird when someone dies,” said John Boldenow. During his career as a certified and licensed appraiser in the Wichita area he has seen many scenarios play out with family possessions. Because of the emotional – and even financial – issues involved in See 10 Tips, page 6

10 early signs of Alzheimer’s Memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. There are 10 warning signs and symptoms. If you notice any of them, don’t ignore them. Schedule an appointment with your doctor. 1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life One of the most common signs of Alzheimer’s disease, especially in the early stage, is forgetting recently learned information. Others include forgetting important dates or events, asking for the same information over and over, and increasingly needing to rely on memory aids (e.g., reminder notes or electronic devices) or family members for things they used to han-

Questions about services?

dle on their own. What’s a typical age-related change? Sometimes forgetting names or appointments, but remembering them later. 2. Challenges in planning or solving problems Some people may experience changes in their ability to develop and follow a plan or work with numbers. They may have trouble following a familiar recipe or keeping track of monthly bills. They may have difficulty concentrating and take much longer to do things than they did before. What’s a typical age-related change? Making occasional errors when

Central Plains Area Agency on Aging or call your county Department on Aging: 1-855-200-2372

See Signs, page 8

By Fran Kentling All good things must come to end. I have edited the active age for more than five years. We’ve had some ups and downs, yet I have never loved a job as much as this one. You are the most responsive Kentling audience I’ve experienced in my more than 30 years as a journalist. When I tell you how important you are and how much we appreciate your input and support, I mean it. My last day is Friday, Aug. 24. I’ll rest easy when I leave because it’s in good hands. Tammara Fogle is the office veteran: She’s the business manager, seller of classified ads, overseer of our website and the person who puts the newspaper together to send to Valley Offset. Valley has printed this newspaper for more than 30 years. Even though newspapers and journalism are under increasing criticism, you continue to ask to receive the paper. The more the merrier. Joe Stumpe, our new editor, and Mike Parker, our new ad manager, will introduce themselves. This is my second retirement. I think it will stick this time. Contact me at

See New, page 3

Butler County: (316) 775-0500 or 1-800- 279-3655 Harvey County: (316) 284-6880 or 1-800-279-3655

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the active age

August 2018

Luxury Living Made Simple

Reflection Ridge

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Sock Hop Friday August 24 at 7:00 p.m. at Reflection Ridge Retirement Community Come jump and jive to your favorite ‘50s tunes! Live music by the Ben Ornealas Band. RSVP by August 19: 316-712-4719 2300 N. Tyler Road  Wichita, KS 67205 

August 2018

New From page 1

the active age to be The Eagle’s food editor. Since 2010 I’ve written for the active age, Aerospace America, The New York Times and many other publications and organizations. In addition to writing, I enjoy playing music, cooking, reading, working out and tending chickens with my wife, Carrie. I want to thank the active age’s board of volunteers for giving me this opportunity, and also its editor, Fran Kentling, for sticking around to train me before riding off into retirement. I’ve known Fran since moving to Wichita 18 years ago. The active age will celebrate its 40th year in December. That’s a pretty good milestone. I’m excited to help write its next chapter. Most of all I want it to remain the kind of publication that people enjoy sitting down and spending some time with. Call me at 316-942-5385 or email

Joe Stumpe, editor Mike Parker, advertising I was born and raised in Alton, Ill., and studied journalism at the University of Missouri-Columbia. I’ve worked for newspapers in Texarkana, Tulsa and Little Rock. I came to Wichita in 2000

I was born and raised right here in Wichita and went to school in Wich-

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ita’s south side, graduating from South High way back in 1973. My college career began at Butler County where I got my start in journalism with the award-winning paper, The Lantern, of which I became the editor in my last year. Over the last few decades I have been self-employed in the health insurance industry and working with several businesses in marketing, including Multimedia Cablevision (before Cox came to town). I worked as ad manager for the Prospector weekly newspaper through the 1990s and on the staff with Pennypower. The last few years I sold advertising for The Wichita Eagle. Now that I have “aged” into the active age, I have never felt more at home with a publication since my days at The Lantern…except now I get paid. Call me at 316-942-5385 or email

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Page 4

the active age

August 2018

What is ‘limping like Grandpa McCoy’? By Diana Wolfe I like Ike — hell, I even miss Harry! That was a bumper sticker I saw recently and it got me thinking: Would anyone under age 60 know who Ike and Harry are? This year I’m approaching my 75th birthday and becoming very reflective of my life. Like most of you reading this, I have experienced a Diana Wolfe lot of history. I remember very clearly when Eisenhower defeated Stevenson, when Khrushchev said “We’ll bury you,” when Elvis died, the JFK and Bobby Kennedy assassinations, the Sharon Tate murders, the countless body bags from Vietnam, the OJ trial, the Menendez brothers and the day the music died. We don’t have to watch the TV mini-series about these events because we lived through them. And, oh yes, I get a very bewildered look from my grandkids when I tell them my first office job out of high

Dear Reader school paid $1 an hour — 48 hours a week. If I tell anyone who isn’t on Medicare “I’m only 39, just like Jack Benny” — I get a blank stare. No chuckles. I’m officially old because I will have hip replacement surgery soon. Meanwhile I’m limping like Grandpa McCoy in that TV show The Real McCoys. But no one knows who the McCoys are either. This makes the ‘generation gap’ very real. But something that makes this gap even wider is that I rarely see anyone under 50 reading a print newspaper — they get their news from phones and computer screens. Not me! I like to hold a newspaper in my hands at the kitchen table or in the recliner with my feet up. That’s how I read the active age every month. I still enjoy perusing the website, but I gotta have that printed paper in my hands. If you’re like me, then please consider making a donation to the active age. It costs $20,000 a month to print and mail the 58,000 copies.

We want to continue sending free newspapers, but we need your help. So, get out that checkbook. Any amount helps! Meanwhile, thanks for your readership and your donation if you can afford to make one. Diana Wolfe is the board treasurer. Contact her at

Honor Roll of Donors Mildred Armstrong Buck Cates Kay Clark Willard Corns Elvira Crocker Diana D’Amato Rodney & Velva Ellenz Joni Garcia Mary Hecox Hayes Trucking & Excavating In Memory of Lawrence Hayes Alan Malaby Sharon May Barbara McCune Paul Miles GlendonMiller Ben Mires David & Kathleen Monroe Carolyn Morris Ann Murray Harry Neel Sherry Phillips Melcilene Rust William & Gloria Schueler Marvin Simmons These readers recently contributed $75 or more to the 2018 donation campaign.

You Bet I Can Ride Would you like to ride again like you did when you were 12, but need to explore an alternative to an upright bike? If you have balance/mobility issues or are not sure if an upright bike is right for you, this is an opportunity to try a recumbent trike. The free mini-expo, You Bet I Can Ride, will introduce you to an alternative form of cycling. It will be from 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 9, in the parking lots behind East Heights United Methodist Church, 4407 E. Douglas. Several local bike shops will have their recumbent trikes there, and shop owners will be available to answer questions. Those who already ride a recumbent also are invited to attend. Contact wichitarecumbents@ or Facebook/River City Recumbent Riders for more information.

125 S. West St., Ste 105 • Wichita, KS 67213 316-942-5385 • Fax 316-946-9180 Published by Active Aging Publishing, Inc.

The active age, published the first of each month, is distributed in Butler, Harvey and Sedgwick counties. Suggested donation is $30 in state/ $35 out of state. To subscribe, call 316-942-5385, write the active age or visit

Editor: Fran Kentling Advertising Manager: Mike Parker

Business Manager: Tammara Fogle

Board of Directors

President: Mary Corrigan • Vice President: Ruth Ann Messner • Secretary: Susan Howell Treasurer: Diana Wolfe • Board Members: Spike Anderson • Elvira Crocker Shana Gregory • Fran Kentling • LaChalle Shay • Dorothy Zook

August 2018

the active age

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Make the most of your doctor’s visit By Jim Miller

Dear Savvy Senior, I manage a large health clinic that treats thousands of seniors each year, and we’ve have found that patients that come prepared when they visit our doctors are much more satisfied with the care they receive. Can you write a column educating patients on how to prepare for doctor’s appointments? Healthcare Helper Dear Helper, There’s no doubt about it. Studies have shown that patients who help their doctors by providing important health information and preparing themselves for appointments tend to get better care than patients who don’t. Here are some simple things we can all do to help maximize our next visit to the doctor. Before Appointments Gathering your health information and getting organized before your appointment are the key steps to ensuring a productive meeting with your doctor. This is especially important if you’re seeing multiple doctors or are meeting with a new physician. Specifically, you need to: Get your test results: If you’re seeing a new doctor for the first time, make sure he or she has copies of your latest X-ray, MRI or any other test or lab results you’ve recently had, including reports from other doctors that you’ve seen. In most cases, you’ll need to do the leg work yourself which may only require a phone call to your previous doctor asking them to send it, or you may need to pick it up and take it yourself.

List your medications: Make a list of all the medications you’re taking including prescription and over-thecounter drugs, supplements and herbs, along with the dosages and take it with you to your appointment. Or, just put all your pill bottles in a bag so you can take them with you. Know your health history: Being able to talk to your doctor about any previous medical problems and procedures, even if they’re not the reason you are going to the doctor this time, can make an office visit much more efficient. Write it down if it’s complicated. Genetics matter too, so knowing your family’s health history can also be helpful. Prepare a list of questions: Make a written list of the top three or four issues you want to discuss with your doctor. Since most appointments last around 15 to 20 minutes, this can help you stay on track and ensure you address your most pressing concerns first. If you’re in for a diagnostic visit, you should prepare a detailed description of your symptoms. During Appointments The best advice when you meet with your doctor is to speak up and get to the point. So right away, concisely explain why you’re there. Don’t wait to be asked. Be direct, honest and specific when recounting your symptoms or expressing your concerns. Many patients are reluctant or embarrassed to talk about their symptoms, which makes the doctor’s job a lot harder.

It’s also a good idea to bringing along a family member or friend to your appointment. They can help you ask questions, listen to what the doctor is telling you and give you support. Also consider taking some notes or ask the doctor if you can record the session for later review. If you don’t understand what the doctor is telling you, ask him or her to explain it in simple terms so you can understand. And if you run out of time and don’t get your questions answered, ask if you


Vet Awareness Expo

The third annual Veterans Awareness Expo will be from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, at the Mid-America All-Indian Center, 650 N. Seneca. Attendees will be able to connect with more than 45 community programs that serve veterans. The main program at 1 p.m. will focus on commissioning the USS Wichita. Speakers are Navy Rear Admiral Jeffrey Penfield (Ret.), Chairman of the USS Wichita Commissioning Committee, and Rep. Ron Estes. The VFW will have 50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemoration Pins for Vietnam war era veterans. Military vehicles will be on display, and there will be food trucks on site. This free event is hosted by the Vet-to-Vet Support Command and the Veterans Providers’ Coalition of Sedg-

can follow up by phone or email, make another appointment or seek help from the doctor’s nurse. For more information, the National Institute on Aging offers an excellent booklet called Taking With Your Doctor: A Guide for Older People that can help you prepare for an appointment and become a more informed patient. To get a free copy mailed to you, call 800-222-2225 or visit Send your questions to Jim Miller, Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit wick County. It was founded by Alpha 1 Drop Zone.

American Revolution

The 7-foot, six-sided black granite centerpiece for the American Revolution Memorial has been installed in Veterans’ Memorial Park just west of Second Street and North Waco. From above its shape is that of a tricorn hat which was popular in the 18th century and worn by soldiers. The memorial’s wall space can continue to grow. Tiles cost $100 and honor people, places, skirmishes and other aspects of that war. There is room for up to eight lines, including your name. For more information visit or go on Facebook to AMREV.

Transforming Lives

Need Extra Support While Caring for Your Loved One? Prairie View offers free caregiver support groups to help you stay healthy. • • •

East Wichita: Prairie View-Legacy Park, 9333 E. 21st St. N, 3-4:30 pm, 1st Tuesday West Wichita: Prairie View-Reflection Ridge, 7570 W. 21st St. N, Suite 1026-D, 3-4:30 pm, 3rd Tuesday Harvey County: Prairie View-Newton, 1901 E. First St., 3-4:30 p.m., 2nd Thursday

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the active age

10 Tips

August 2018

4. Is it important that you contribute to society through your possessions? Consider making plans for donating selected From page 1 belongings or collections distributing personal possessions, Hatto benefit a cause, even the field recommends a plan. “It’s never too local church’s garage sale. early to start thinking about it.” “It’ll support a cause you liked,” said Hatfield. When 10 things to consider Hatfield’s grandfather, 1. What are your goals for your a woodworker, died in possessions? April, her family donated Czepiel wanted her children to duplicates of his work that avoid disputes after her death. Some family members already people want to maintain their privacy, had to a local Kiwanis even in death, and not have meaningful Club to use in fundraisers. possessions up for public auction or 5. Know what you have. sale, Hatfield said. This can be especially Photo by Rob Howes 2. How do you define fairness? important if you divvy up Extension Service has helpful forms. Some owners want to treat things based on financial everyone equally, whether it’s achieving value or if you’re OK with having items equitable dollar amounts in possessions have something of sentimental value. sold. When Boldenow is hired to do Some owners base their decisions transferred or allowing each person to by-the-hour walk-though assessments on their perceived contributions or or certified appraisals for clients, “I’m involvement of family members. If often asked to look around and see you’ve outlived a child who has a if something is of value so it’s not surviving spouse, will that in-law be marked for $4 when it’s worth more.” considered? 6. Talk to co-owners of 3. Is it important that memories personal possessions and come to are preserved? Adult Care Homes an agreement on distributing those If there’s a story behind an item, 24-hour care provided by items. be sure to share it in some way when courteous, certified staff 7. Consider gifting items or you transfer the item. As a receiver, be parceling out some things while aware that sometimes those stories can All levels of care you’re alive. contain embellishments. one price When Boldenow was headed to In his line of work, Boldenow has college, his grandfather wanted to give often dispelled family lore. Once he All Private Rooms him the beer stein he’d received upon had to tell a grandfather that the gun his graduation from a military academy he planned to give to his grandson Call for information today! could not have been carried by a family in 1909 in Germany. At first Boldenow told his grandfather to hold on to the ancestor in the Civil War. The gun’s 316-640-8634 item until later, but then accepted the patent date stamp was 1884. Don’t gift when his mother told him, “Your consider such embellishments lies, he grandfather wants the joy of giving said. “Whoever told you that story this to you now.” As I get older I believed it. I don’t think it has to be a disappointment. It’s a family piece so it understand that joy of gifting now, too, he said still has a value.” Check IRS regulations on


exclusion amounts to avoid gift tax burdens. The annual exclusion for 2018 is $15,000 for each gift, according to For couples, each person is entitled to the annual exclusion amount. Be aware that gifting can affect one’s ability to apply for Medicaid, Hatfield said. For Medicaid applicants in Kansas, KanCare has a look-back period of five years and can assess penalties based on gifts during that time frame. 8. Make a list of items you’d like to pass on. Chart why it’s special and name who should receive it and why. 9. Ask family members to list items they feel are special and why. Also ask them to include how they would feel if someone else received the item. This exercise often can lead to interesting revelations, Hatfield said. 10. While many people pass on things based on gender, that doesn’t need to be the case. “Maybe a granddaughter wants grandpa’s hunting rifle,” said Hatfield. Wichitan Cindy Miles said her dad started distributing some things among her and her brothers before he died. “I ended up with many of his tools because I like to build and my brothers have no interest,” she said. To help make decisions about passing on personal possessions, worksheets based on the “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate” presentation are available online at or in person during office hours at the Sedgwick County Extension Education Center, 7001 W. 21st St. Hatfield is available to give the presentation to community groups by calling 316-6600100. Contact Amy Geiszler-Jones at


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August 2018

the active age

Page 7

I don’t want a car smarter than I am By Ted Blankenship Our car has all kinds of “smart” stuff on it much of it more clever than the driver. When it’s misting, the wipers come on by themselves. They don’t ask me whether I want the windshield dry. When the tires are low on pressure a light comes on and a buzzer tells me to get to a service station and put some air in the tires. Maybe I like them soft. I could have used some of this help when I had to drive on unpaved roads, some of which were nearly impassable after a rain of, say, an eighth of an inch. A smart car might have told me, “take a gravel road, stupid.” The car has fog lights, too, which would have been handy on a trip to South Texas. We got into dense fog north of San Antonio. I could barely see the road, and I thought I’d have to stop and let the fog lift. Then along came an 18-wheeler with lights all over it, including fog lights. The driver sat high in the cab and could see the road. I got in close

behind him and followed his clearance lights. Pretty clever. After several miles, I saw that the truck was going to Corpus Christi and I wanted to go to San Antonio. Luckily, when we got to Corpus, the street lights allowed me to see well enough to turn around and return to the right highway. That was a few years ago when cars were mostly dumb. They had a speedometer, a gas gauge, an oil pressure gauge and one to tell you whether the battery was charged enough to start

the car. That gauge was essentially useless in winter because the batteries were six volts instead of 12 and usually would turn the engine over only two or three times before they gave out. Most car companies included a tool kit with each new car. It usually contained a pair of pliers and a screwdriver with interchangeable regular and Phillips head drivers. Sometimes there was a rudimentary socket wrench, along with a tire pump. The time always came when this kit was needed, usually more than once. The first dumb-car heaters were a simple hole in the floorboard that let in heat from the hot manifold along with assorted ghastly fumes. I wish I could make better use of the smart features of our car. If I knew how to use a cell phone properly, I could hook it up to the car’s communication system and talk to my steering wheel. If I knew how to type in where I wanted to go, I could use the car’s global positioning system, which makes use of 30 orbiting satellites that tell my car where I am and perhaps how to get where I want to go.

One gadget I could use isn’t included with my car. It’s a Bluetooth finder. Supposedly, it will find my keys if I lose them. I may have to hire a teenager to teach me how to drive. Or maybe I’ll just start walking more. Contact Ted Blankenship at

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Page 8

the active age

Signs From page 1

balancing a checkbook. 3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure People with Alzheimer’s often find it hard to complete daily tasks. They sometimes have trouble driving to a familiar location, managing a budget at work or remembering the rules of a favorite game. What’s a typical age-related change? Occasionally needing help to use the settings on a microwave or to record a television show. 4. Confusion with time or place People with Alzheimer’s can lose track of dates, seasons and the passage

of time. They may have trouble understanding something if it is not happening immediately. Sometimes they may forget where they are or how they got there. What’s a typical age-related change? Getting confused about the day of the week but figuring it out later 5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships For some people, having vision problems is a sign of Alzheimer’s. They may have difficulty reading, judging distance and determining color or contrast, which may cause problems with driving. What’s a typical age-related change? Vision changes related to cataracts 6. New problems with words in speaking or writing

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August 2018

People with Alzheimer’s may have trouble following or joining a conversation. They may stop in the middle of a conversation and have no idea how to continue or they may repeat themselves. They may struggle with vocabulary, have problems finding the right word or call things by the wrong name (e.g., calling a “watch” a “hand-clock”). What’s a typical age-related change? Sometimes having trouble finding the right word. 7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps A person with Alzheimer’s disease may put things in unusual places. They may lose things and be unable to go back over their steps to find them again. Sometimes, they may accuse others of stealing. This may occur more frequently over time. What’s a typical age-related change? Misplacing things from time to time and retracing steps to find them. 8. Decreased or poor judgment People with Alzheimer’s may experience changes in judgment or decision-making. For example, they may use poor judgment when dealing with money, giving large amounts to telemarketers. They may pay less attention to grooming or keeping themselves clean.

What’s a typical age-related change? Making a bad decision once in a while. 9. Withdrawal from work or social activities A person with Alzheimer’s may start to remove themselves from hobbies, social activities, work projects or sports. They may have trouble keeping up with a favorite sports team or remembering how to complete a favorite hobby. They also may avoid being social because of the changes they have experienced. What’s a typical age-related change? Sometimes feeling weary of work, family and social obligations 10. Changes in mood and personality The mood and personalities of people with Alzheimer’s can change. They can become confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful or anxious. They may be easily upset at home, at work, with friends or in places where they are out of their comfort zone What’s a typical age-related change? Developing very specific ways of doing things and becoming irritable when a routine is disrupted. Get checked. Early detection matters. If you notice any of the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s in yourself or someone you know, don’t ignore them. Schedule an appointment with your doctor. © 2018 Alzheimer's Association

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Practice focusing on Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, Conservatorships, Estate Planning and Family Law. More than 30 years of practice. “If getting to us is too difficult, I will come to you.”

August 2018

the active age

Page 9

August theatre options

By Diana Morton Local live summer theatre is some of the best in America. Laugh until you cry, or find yourself singing the same song for days. Guaranteed, your heart will be touched. Guild Hall Players, St. James Episcopal Church, 3750 E. Douglas. Peter and the Starcatcher. This Tony-winning musical upends the century-old story of how a miserable orphan comes to be The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up (a.k.a. Peter Pan). 8 pm Thu–Sat, Aug 2-4; 2 pm Sun, Aug 5. Tickets $12, students $10. 316683-5686 Kechi Playhouse, 100 E. Kechi Road, The Matchmaker by Thornton Wilder. This classic play involves a widowed matchmaker, Dolly Gallagher Levi, who sets her sights on a prominent merchant. It is the basis for the musical Hello Dolly! 8 pm Fri–Sat, 2:30 pm Sun, Aug 3-26. Tickets $12-$14. 316-744-2152 All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, based on books by

Local Theater Robert Fulghum. This series of heartwarming stories and hilarious advice to carry us from childhood to our senior years. 8 pm Fri-Sat, 2:30 pm Sun, Aug 31-Sept 23. Tickets $12-$14. 316-7442151 Mosley Street Melodrama, 234 N. Mosley. Through–July 14. Dinner 6:15 pm. My Big Rad 80s Wedding. Get out the Aqua Net for a gnarly, tubular time where it’s undoubtedly a nice day for a white wedding. Followed by a new musical revue. Now-Sept 1. Dinner 6:15 pm. Tickets $26-$30; Show only, 7:50 pm, $20. 316-263-0222 Music Theatre Wichita, Century II, 225 W. Douglas. The Little Mermaid. In a magical kingdom beneath the sea, beautiful young mermaid Ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. 7:30 pm Wed-Thu, 8 pm Fri.-Sat, 7 pm Sun, matinee Sat-Sun, 2 pm. Aug 8-18. Special 2 pm

matinee Saturday, Aug. 18, for children 3 and older. Tickets start at $28. 316265-3107 Roxy’s Downtown, 412 E. Douglas, cabaret-style theatre. Tintypes, a musical revue conceived by Mary Kyte with Mel Marvin and Gary Pearle. The Great American Songbook comes to life, offering snapshots of America in its last Age of Innocence. This Tony-nominated, nostalgic musical revue takes us back to turn-

of-the-century America and is a brew of popular songs from 1890-1917. 8 pm FriSat, 6 pm Sun, Aug 17-26. Tickets $20-$30. 316-2654400 WSR Signature Theatre, 332 E. First, Scottish Rite Temple, The Lion in Winter by James Goldman. The personal and political conflicts of Henry II of England, his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine, their children and their guests during Christmas. It’s a story of betrayal, treachery and a knife fight – just another Christmas celebration for these royals. 8 pm Fri-Sat, Aug 17-18, 7 pm Sun, Aug 19. Tickets $14-18. 316-644-7018 Contact Diana Morton at

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Page 10

the active age

August 2018

Piano lessons at 5 spurred life-long pursuit By Susan Howell I was 5 years old the first time I recall hearing a piano. It must have been a simple piece, played by someone my age, because after the student left, I went into this familiar home next door, sat down, and repeated playing that piece. That prompted my parents to set up lessons from the lady I came to know as Aunty ‘Nore (for Leonore). I could use her piano to practice whenever she didn’t have other students using it. We had no piano at home, and a few years later we moved beyond where any piano teacher existed. The yearning to play stayed with me, but I didn’t get a chance again until college in Mississippi. I was studying the sciences and decided to take a few music theory courses and piano for relaxation. I’d practice in a sagging house on campus that had become dedicated to that purpose. Each room had an old, upright, black piano, almost surely out of tune. I never got great and I recall playing a duet, the memory of which comes back with some agony. My husband and I moved from Mississippi to Houston, where again there was no piano. Five years later we landed in a small town in Texas and there we got a piano from the church that was moving and needed to get rid of the grand upright Chickering. It was so huge it broke the porch floor when it was being moved into the

My Story old frame house we were renting. It was a monster. And beautiful. Then the day came when we were to move to Missouri. The piano was too big to move on our salaries. We sold it for what we paid for it, $75. And, again we were piano-less. One more move brought us to Wichita where I bought a studio upright. I would play, off and on, sometimes even learning a few simple pieces by memory. I learned the first movement of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, tried the second movement and peeked at the third to determine I was content with the first. I loved playing but had little time to practice because of work and helping to raise our son. When we were moving into our apartment in Larksfield Place I realized there was room for the piano. Somehow, I knew that was important but didn’t know why. After several years I got the urge to learn to play again. It would have to be almost from the beginning, but what better time than now? What other time would there be? The music therapist at Larksfield tried to give me some lessons but we weren’t making much progress. One day she asked if I’d be willing to drive over to the assisted living part of

Larksfield for lessons. I said I would, but why? That’s when she introduced me to a concert pianist who was willing to give me a try. And so it was that Caroline Craig and I hooked up. She began to show me techniques and give me ideas I’d never been told before (or maybe I was too young to listen). She was, and is, determined to have me learn the proper methods, all the while encouraging me with words of praise for my Photo by Kathy Cole, Larksfield Assisted Living playing. Caroline Craig teaches Susan Howell. Another reason I was playing is even more than enjoying inspired to play was a brain training the sound. It is, for me at least, a brain course I took earlier at Larksfield. I exercise and health issue. learned that our brains can still grow. These things spur me on to It used to be thought, once you lost a practice. I’m learning to read music brain cell, that was it. and someday I’ll be able to do it fast New knowledge of the brain says enough to keep a piece from sounding it can improve even at my age of 77. like a dirge. I am preparing two pieces I knew playing the piano required coordination (it’s sounds better to have to be played at a concert sometime in the far distant future. the left hand know what the right What I’m doing right now is rehand is doing) and good reading skills learning the joy of making music. And, to figure out where on the piano is the most of all, I found it is never too late key corresponding to two lines below to become excited about something. the bottom line on the musical score (without having to stop and count each Contact Susan Howell at time). In other words, the benefit of

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August 2018

the active age

Page 11

Exercise advice for people with arthritis

From Harvard Medical School When you hurt, it’s hard to persuade yourself to move. However, regular exercise not only helps maintain joint function, but also relieves stiffness and decreases pain and fatigue. What should you do? Whenever possible, mix aerobic activities, strength training, stretching

Arthritis and knuckle cracking

From Harvard Medical School Cracking your knuckles may aggravate the people around you, but it probably won’t raise your iStock risk for arthritis. That’s the conclusion of several studies that compared rates of hand arthritis among habitual knuckle-crackers and people who didn’t crack their knuckles. The “pop” of a cracked knuckle is caused by bubbles bursting in the synovial fluid — the fluid that helps lubricate joints. The bubbles pop when you pull the bones apart, either by stretching the fingers or bending them backward, creating negative pressure. One study’s authors compared the sudden, vibratory energy produced during knuckle cracking to “the forces responsible for the destruction of hydraulic blades and ship propellers.” Even if knuckle cracking doesn’t cause arthritis, there’s still good reason to let go of the habit. Chronic knuckle-crackers were more likely to have swollen hands and reduced grip strength. And there are at least two published reports of injuries suffered while people were trying to crack their knuckles.

Exercise and balance exercises. If this is too ambitious, at least avoid inactivity. Discuss options with your doctor, particularly if you haven’t been exercising. A physiatrist, physical therapist or a personal trainer with experience in working with people who have arthritis can help you choose and adapt activities that will work for you. You can also find programs specifically designed for people with arthritis. Examples include Fit and Strong!, a program targeted to older adults with osteoarthritis; the Arthritis Foundation’s Exercise Program (AFEP); and its Walk with Ease program. There are also water-based therapy programs, such as the Arthritis Foundation’s Aquatic Program, that are done in pools heated to nearly 90° F; these feature a variety of exercises, including range-of-motion exercises and aerobics. Another good option is Tai Chi, a low-impact, slow-motion form of exercise that can increase flexibility and muscle strength in the lower body, as well as aiding gait and balance. Strength training improves muscle strength, physical functioning, and

able range of motion. If an exercise or movement causes significant pain, stop doing it! Discuss your options with a certified trainer or physical therapist. Harvard Medical School has special health reports on more than 60 health topics. Visit

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pain. To make exercise easier, try these tips: 1. Schedule workouts for times of the day when you are least likely to experience inflammation and pain. Avoid exercising when stiffness is at its worst. 2. Before exercising, apply heat to sore joints or take a warm shower or bath. After exercising, cold packs may be helpful. 3. Warm up by using gentle stretches before beginning a strength training session. Remember to use slow movements during your warm-up and gradually extend your range of motion. 4. Progress slowly and cut back on activity if your joints become warm, red or painful. 5. Listen to your body. Never force a movement if you’re experiencing sharp pain or more discomfort than usual in a joint. 6. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, balance rest and exercise carefully: rest more to reduce inflammation, pain and fatigue when your condition flares up, and exercise more when it calms down. Short rest breaks help more than long periods in bed. 7. Exercise within a comfort-

Call today for a tour! 316.858.3910

Page 12

the active age

August 2018

Finding resources easier than you think By Monica Cissell Finding services or resources isn’t always easy. Situations can be complex and sometimes it’s not clear who to call for help. Lucky for you the Kansas Aging and Disability Resource Center’s Call Center (KADRC) can provide the needed information and tell you about appropriate resources. The Center was established in November of 2012 and is funded by the Kansas Aging and Disability Services. It connects seniors, caregivers, individuals with disabilities and others in need of long term care supports community

resources and support services. Call this one number — 1-855-200-2372 — and get help with resources. The call center specialists, located in Wichita, are unbiased and extremely knowledgeable about a wide range of resources including housing options, in home/community services, home repairs, transportation, wellness classes, nutrition, Medicaid and Medicare and more. That professional can provide

detailed information on how to address your concerns. An options counselor is a concierge of services available in Kansas, assisting with overwhelming or complex situations that may need expert advice or detailed assessment. Reaching out to the call center will provide you the knowledge and resources you need to address your concerns whether they are big or small. Post the ad below on your refrigerator, next to your important numbers or snap a picture for your phone. Call them when you need them. They are your connection to resources and peace of mind.

These specialists can also connect you with an Aging and Disability Resource Center or Area Agency on Aging outside Sedgwick County. Central Plains Area Agency on Aging (CPAAA) is available to individuals through life’s transitions and with various levels of support. For information about these and other programs in your community call 1-855-200-2372 or visit Monica Cissell is Director of Information and Community Services for the Central Plains Area Agency on Aging.

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August 2018

the active age

Page 13


Help for voters

The League of Women Voters of Kansas has launched a “one-stop-shop” nonpartisan election website resource,, to help residents navigate the voting process. The primary is Tuesday, Aug. 7; the general election is Tuesday, Nov. 6. By entering their address, citizens can see which races and candidates will be on their ballot, and read candidates’ answers to questions about issues of concern in their community. “What makes the League’s voter guide unique is that each candidate’s responses are posted verbatim, so voters will get the message in the candidate’s own words,” said Carole Neal, chairman of the Vote411 effort. “Voters need simple, helpful tools to help them navigate the voting process and election day.”

Genealogy classes

Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society Library, 1203 N. Main, offers free summer classes 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday and Saturday Librarians are always on duty to help answer questions and direct you. Yearly memberships, start at $25 and include monthly newsletters and quarterly magazines. For information call 316-264-3611 or visit

Niagara from the Canadian Side by Mark Flickinger, Arkansas City, won First Place.

Mark Arts show The national Oil Painting exhibition at Mark Arts will be on display through Saturday, Sept. 29. Oil painting has a long tradition of study in the Mark Arts School of Creativity. The winners are: First Place, Niagara from the Canadian Side by Mark Flickinger, Arkansas City, $1,000; second place, Hope by Ernest Vincent Wood III, Wichita, $750, and third place, Emily by Derek Wilkinson, Emporia, $500. Honorable mention awards of

$250 are Icebergs off of St. Anthony by Mark Flickinger, Arkansas City; Summer Garden by Mary Binford Miller, El Dorado; Return to Classicism – Young Girl Reading by Yeqiang Wang, To-

peka; and Self-Portrait with Hose by Derek Wilkinson, Emporia. Mark Arts is at 1307 N Rock Rd. It is open from 1–5 p.m. Tuesday–Saturday. Free admission.

Page 14

the active age

August 2018

Kansas ‘jayhawkers,’ invasions, more By Christopher Kelly 
Ever wonder where the term Jayhawkers comes from? Before the start of the Civil War, “jayhawkers” were bands of robbers, associated with the Kansas Free-Stater cause, who rustled livestock and stole property on both sides of the state line. A jayhawker could be a hero or a villain, depending on one’s opinion on the issue of slavery in Kansas Territory. By the time the war ended, however, the term “jayhawkers” became synonymous with Union troops led by aboliCourtesy image tionists from Kansas, and “jayhawking” Francisco Vázquez de Coronado became the generic term for armies plundering and looting.

 invasions - or episodes of fighting on The United States of America, its soil - and incursions by individuals which throughout history has invaded and forces from afar, as I discuss in my dozens upon dozens of other countries book on this topic America Invaded. from Normandy in 1944 to Iraq in A Spanish explorer, Francisco 2003, has itself also been “invaded” in Vázquez de Coronado, was the first this way on countless occasions. European to enter Kansas in 1541. He Americans are often resistant to had heard rumors of a wealthy civilizathis notion. Yet, ever since humans tion on the plains called the Quivira. first set foot on the North American Coronado did not find gold, but he continent, they have explored, discovdid find masses of buffalo - technically, ered, established boundaries — and bison. An estimated 60,000,000 buffalo subsequently invaded —all across the in pre-Colonial North America made territory we now call the United States.

 the plains black and provided nearly Kansas has seen its share of everything to sustain the indigenous

Lifelong Learning

WSU Offers Classes for Area Seniors

Wichita State University will be offering 9 classes this fall at senior centers and residential facilities around the Wichita area.

African-American Music: From the Spiritual to Motown at Kansas Masonic Home Tuesdays, September 4, 11, 18, 25 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Workshop in Family History at Bel Aire Senior Center Wednesdays, September 5, 12, 19, 26 Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. A History of Noise: Music and Politics from Beethoven to Jimi Hendrix at Reflection Ridge Retirement Resort Thursdays, September 6, 13, 20, 27 Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Kansas Railroads – Impact of the Iron Horse on the Sunflower State at Kansas Masonic Home Fridays, September 7, 14, 21, 28 Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. The Literature of Kansas at Haysville Senior Center Mondays, September 10, 17, 24, and October 1 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Class es a resid re FREE f age w ents 60+ or Kansa years s ho en o Sept embe roll prior f t r 14, 2018 o .

Presidential Leadership: Myth and Reality at Larksfield Place Tuesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23 Time: 1:00 – 3:30 p.m.

people. As late as 1871, a herd of four million buffalo was spotted tramping through southern Kansas. But back to invasions. The first recorded battle fought in Kansas seems to have been the Battle of Chouteau’s Island in the spring of 1816. Auguste Chouteau, leading a group of French fur traders, was attacked by several hundred Pawnee. This was the first time the Pawnee had encountered firearms. Seven Pawnee and one trader were killed. Chouteau survived the battle and later helped found St. Louis.

 Then in 1846, during the Mexican-American War, American forces skirmished with Comanche and Kiowa at the Battles of Love’s Defeat and Coon Creek in the Kansas territory. A few years later the U.S. Army established Fort Riley in order to protect settlers on the Oregon and Santa Fe Trails.

 The bloodiest day ever recorded in Kansas was the Lawrence Massacre, which took place on Aug. 21, 1863. Irregular Confederate forces led by William Quantrill torched the town and began murdering men and even boys. More than 150 were killed that day. Jayhawkers would retaliate by laying waste to much of Missouri. Quantrill struck again in October 1863 at the Battle of Baxter Springs in southeastern Kansas. This time he engaged Union regulars, killing more than a hundred in this bloody raid. He and his forces retreated to Texas after the engagement. Quantrill, 27, was killed in a Union ambush in Kentucky in 1865. By 1866, the Kansas Pacific had reached Manhattan. That same year, Civil War veteran George Armstrong

National Politics at Bel Aire Senior Center Wednesdays, October 3, 10, 17, 24 Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Special Topics in Astronomy at Downtown Senior Center Thursdays, October 4, 11, 18, 25 Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. World War I and Kansas’ Involvement through Aviation, Oil and Manpower at Via Christi Georgetown Fridays, October 5, 12, 19, 26 Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

To enroll visit: or contact: WSU Lifelong Learning at 316-978-3731

George Armstrong Custer Custer arrived at Fort Riley to assume command of the 7th Cavalry. The next year he left his wife Libbie behind at Fort Riley to set out on the Kansas campaign against the Sioux and Cheyenne. Lt. Kidder led a small party of 12 men who failed to rendezvous with Custer, and they were overwhelmed at Beaver Creek. All of Kidder’s men were killed; some were tortured before they died. Custer, catching a rumor of cholera at Fort Riley, abandoned his command during this campaign to return to his wife. He was court-martialed and found guilty on five of 11 counts. In 1890, Dwight David Eisenhower was born in Denison, Texas. He grew up, however, in a very religious, antiwar family on the wrong side of the tracks in Abilene. This West Point graduate would lead the greatest American (and Allied) invasion of all time as commander of Operation Overlord — the D-Day landings of June 6, 1944. He is buried at his presidential library in Abilene. Christopher Kelly, an American history writer based in Seattle and London, is co-author with English historian Stuart Laycock of “America Invaded: A State by State Guide to Fighting on American Soil” (August 2017).

August 2018

the active age

Page 15

Today’s lush gardens means fall is near

By Janice Sroufe When I was younger, raising my family, “summer’s end” or August, was kind of a let-down. Our yearly vacation to Colorado was long past. Going to the neighborhood swimming pool every day wasn’t as fun as it had been in June and July. Swim team was over, Little League Baseball was done and there was no more summer camp to look forward to. “Back to School” loomed in the future and that meant shopping which for me, and most of my children, was not a happy prospect. The kids grew up, I retired and August changed. I still get a little tired of the hot weather but fall is coming

Photo by Janice Sroufe

Kansas’ state flower is the sunflower. It can be seen in fields, along roadsides and in gardens. They are at their peak from August through mid September.


and I am eager to prolong the growing season. Also, this is when my garden is overgrown and lush. I walk through it every day, pull a few weeds, photograph some blooms and butterflies, and start the day with a smile. There are some things to do in the garden in August. Like clean up the areas where I planted beans, lettuce, onions, beets and other things that are no longer growing and producing. This year I planted a cover crop of buckwheat in one of these now-empty spots. After it grows a few weeks, I will incorporate the plants into the soil as a green manure and allow them to decompose a while before I plant spinach and kale seeds for a fall crop. I might harvest a few leaves in the fall but the big reward comes in the spring! When it gets cold, I cover the plants with a nice layer of straw or hay. Maybe they will start growing again in the early spring. This method usually works well, especially with the spinach. Huge, tender leaves can be harvested until hot weather arrives. I am usually picking peppers and tomatoes throughout August so the challenge is to find ways to use them. Salsa and marinara sauce will use up a bunch of tomatoes. Dehydrating hot peppers and pulverizing them into powder has become a yearly responsibility as my family and friends who like hot stuff depend on me for their supply of fiery powder. August is a good time to do projects that didn’t get done in the spring, such as building a new raised planting bed or constructing a bee hotel, which I am currently engaged in. I will have it ready to install in its sunny location in early spring, just in time to attract solitary bees and wasps.

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Courtesy photo

Bee hotels are resting places for solitary pollinator bees in home gardens. Now would be a good time to start composting yard waste. Set aside an area and plan how you might compost all those leaves that will be falling. Plans and methods for backyard composting are available online. Another great thing to do in

August is to think about becoming an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer. An information meeting will be held in 4-H Hall at the Extension Center at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, for residents of Sedgwick County 18 and over who are interested in the program. The process will be explained and requirements outlined. This meeting is optional but it is necessary to submit an application. It can be downloaded at under the Gardening and Lawn Care header, or you can apply at 7001 W. 21st St. Applications are due Tuesday, Aug. 17. Applicants will be interviewed during the last half of August and notices of acceptance will go out during the first part of September. More detailed information is available on the same website. If you aren’t a Sedgwick County resident, contact your county extension office for information. Janice Sroufe is a Sedgwick County Master Gardener. She welcomes comments and questions. Contact her at

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Page 16

the active age

August 2018

Some days you should just stay in bed By Dick Gorham It was one of those long, difficult days. It started when I was called out of bed early that morning and chewed out by one of my parishioners for what I thought to be a minor infraction. Grumbling to myself, I whacked off the whiskers and downed a bowl of Cheerios before leaving home, only to get caught in a traffic jam. I muttered my way into the office, only to get a telephone call from another complainer. Pushing a drawer shut in anger, I split my thumb nail. Dropped a book in a puddle on the way to the car... and so it went all day long. Late in the afternoon I decided

My Story that I would stop to see Mrs. W. who recently had lost her husband. She had requested some books and periodicals and was always warm and receptive. Nothing could go wrong here. Or so I thought. Stepping out of the car while lifting the items in both hands, I was immediately confronted (accosted) by her neighbor’s playful and growing young pup called Sparky. Sparky ran straight at me while the neighbor, with rake in hand, tried to

Women for Kansas convention Women for Kansas will host its Showing Our Strength convention Friday, Aug. 31, and Saturday, Sept. 1. It will open with a reception from 4-7 p.m. at the Drury Plaza Broadview Hotel. Participants will then walk five blocks to the Orpheum Theatre to hear keynote speaker Greg Palast. He is a Puffin Foundation fellow in investigative reporting and the author of several New York Times bestsellers. He is a critic of Kansas’ recent voter policies. Author Sarah Smarsh will speak at the Saturday luncheon on how to talk to people with differing opinions. Her soon-to-be-released book is Heartland: A Daughter of the Working Class Reconciles an American Divide. Other speakers include Heidi Holliday, Kansas Center for Economic Growth; Davis Hammet, Loud Light;

Annie McKay, Kansas Action for Children; Judy Sherry, Grandmothers Against Gun Violence; and Micah Kubic, the ACLU. Sandrine Lusk and Claudia Amaro will address immigration issues. The convention will end Saturday with a banquet and candidate debates for governor and secretary of state. The $189 cost includes speeches, a reception, snacks and a meal, the closing banquet and a goodie bag. Register at the Drury or Orpheum Theater. More than 450 women attended the first statewide convention in 2014, according to Lynn Stephan of the Convention Committee. “The vision of Women for Kansas is to restore integrity, transparency, fiscal responsibility and balance to Kansas by electing moderates to public office,” she said.

call him back. But, of course, the dog ignored the command. About four feet away, he vaulted up at me as I brought both the items in direct contact with the underside of Sparky’s chin. The pooch flipped a complete circle in the air and cracked his head on the cement. I have to admit I was thinking, “Finally, something is going right today... that mutt deserved it.” I looked at my friend up on her porch, glanced quickly at the neighbor, looked down and thought, “Serves that little sucker right. He won’t bother me again.” But Sparky, with a glaring look of retaliation, ran over to me. He lifted his leg and retaliated all over my shoe before I could move. The two ladies were shocked, and then exploded in laughter. Some days, it just doesn’t pay to get up. Mrs. W. is gone now, but occasionally I run into her neighbor who immediately breaks out in laughter. Apparently that event still makes her day. But not mine. Marilyn and Dick Gorham moved

to Wichita in 1976. He joined the staff at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in 1981 and was minister of pastoral care for 30 years. He still volunteers. Contact Dick Gorham at

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August 2018

the active age

Page 17

Calendar of Events Sedgwick County Senior Centers

BEL AIRE 7651 E Central Park Ave 744-2451, ext 121

Mon-Fri: 8-9 am Bel Aire Walkers, Rec Center. Mon 1:30 pm Line dancing, Comm Rm. Tue: 1 pm Bridge, Rec Center. Wed: 9 am Low impact aerobics, Rec Center. Fri: 1 pm Line dancing, Comm Rm. 1st Thu: 1 pm Game Day, Rec Center. 2nd & 4th Wed: 2 pm Coloring & Conversation, Sr Center. 3rd Wed: 1:30 pm Book Club, Sr Center. 4th Mon: 6 pm Covered Dish & Program, Rec Center.

BENTLEY/EAGLE 504 W Sterling, 796-0027

Open Mon-Fri: 8-11 am Coffee, cookies, exercise. Sat: 8-9 am Breakfast 1st & 3rd Tue: 1 pm Game Day. 2nd Tue: 1 pm Senior Lunch Out. 3rd Fri: noon XYZ potluck, program.

CHENEY 516 Main, 542-3721

Mon-Fri: 11:30 am Hot meal, reservations required, games. Every other Thu: 1 pm Bingo. 1st Tue: 6 pm Potluck dinner.

CLEARWATER 921 E Janet, 584-2332

Mon: 10 am-noon Blood pressure check; 1pm Painting, beginning to advanced. Wed: 9 am Morning coffee. Every other Thu: 1 pm Bingo. Tue, Fri: 8:45 am Tai Chi; 10 am Exercise class. 2nd Tue: noon Carry-in lunch & program. Thur: 10 am Bible study. 1st, 3rd & 4th Thu: 9 am Help with technologybring your device.

DERBY 611 N Mulberry Rd, 788-0223

Regular activities: Exercise programs at low cost, foot care, book club, friendship club. Aug 8: 3 pm Intercultural: Switzerland The Lindsborg Swedish Folk Dancers will perform, followed by a Swedish meal. $7. Aug 9: 6 pm Can We Talk: Current Scams, Theft Trends. Det. Duren shares information about scams and how to protect yourself. Aug 23: 6 pm Progressive Bingo. Limited number of balls drawn; ante goes up if no winner. 10 cards $5, single blackout card $1.

DOWNTOWN 200 S Walnut, 267-0197

Regular activities: Exercise classes, computer classes, foot care by appt. Aug1: 11:30-12:30 Mobile Farmers Market. They are in the back parking lot. Payment includes double SNAP values and market coupons. Aug 9: 1 pm Intro to Acting and Singing. Get a chance to be on camera with lights and sound. Andrew Young teaches the classs. $5. RSVP 267-0197 Aug 28: 1 pm Movie Day: Bucket List - Billionaire. Two strangers share a hospital room and decide to complete a list of things they want to do before they die. Bring drink and snack. Mon: 9:30 am Wanda's exercise; 1 pm Bridge. Wed: 9 am Spanish class (adv); 1am Well rep excercise.

EDGEMOOR 5815 E 9th, 688-9392

Mon-Fri: 11:30 am Hot lunch, reservation required; 10-11 am Pool,

cards, bingo, dominoes, puzzles. Tue, Sat: 1-3 pm Pickleball. $2.

GARDEN PLAIN 1006 N Main, 535-1155

Mon-Fri: 8 am Coffee. Wed: 1-3 pm RSVP work. Fri: 1 pm Cards. 1st Fri: noon Potluck, cards. 3rd Fri: 1 pm Birthday/anniversary celebration.

GODDARD 120 N Main, 794-2441

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:30 am Exercise. 1st & 4th Tue: 9:30 am-noon Cards. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10 am-4 pm Covered dish, cards, dominoes.

HAYSVILLE 160 E Karla, 529-5903

Regular activities: Cards, crafts, hot lunch, exercise. Mon-Fri: noon Cards. Tue: 12:30 pm; Fri 9 am TX Hold’em. Mon & Wed: 9 am Walking club 1st & 3rd Wed: 12:30 pm Bingo. Tue & Thu: 10 am STEPS exercise Last Tue: 6-9 pm Game Night. 2nd Fri: 5:30 pm Birthday Dinner, Covered Dish. $3 4th Sat: 8:30 am Friends & Family Senior Breakfast. RSVP: 529-5903. $4

KECHI Kechi City Building, 744-0217, 744-1271

3rd Thu: 6:30-7:30 pm Meeting.

LA FAMILIA 841 W 21st, 267-1700

Mon-Fri: Dance, exercise, pool, dominoes. 11:30 am-12:15 pm Hot lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise/Ejercicio. Tue, Thu: 1 pm Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon: 10 am English Class/Clase de Ingles; 1 pm Line dancing. Tue: 10 am Nutrition class/Clase de nutricion. Thu: 10 am Bingo/loteria. Last Fri: 10 am Music/musica; monthly birthdays.

LINWOOD 1901 S Kansas, 263-3703

Regular activities: One-on-one computer training, cards, Pickleball, exercise programs, hot lunch. Aug 6: 1:30 pm Eat Strong - Live Strong Class. Shirley Lewis demonstrates how to cook delicious recipes. RSVP. Aug 13: 1 pm National Parks II - Travel to Places You Have Never Been, Without Having to Use Bugspray. Photographer Jim Boots shares history and highlights. RSVP. Aug 17: 10:15 am Crimes Directed at Seniors & How to Avoid/Report Them. Avery Eloffson, District Attorney's office. Tue: 9 am Brain games; 9:30 am Fit & balance; 2:30 pm Belly Dancing for Women. Tue & Thu: 9-11 am Pickleball.

MCADAMS GOLDEN AGE 1329 E 16th, 337-9222

Regular activities: Open gym, walking, hot lunches, dominoes, cards, pool. Sun: 1-3 pm Quilting. Fri: noon-1:30 pm Sewing. Sat: noon-4:30 pm Classes: sewing, jewelry making. 2nd & 4th Tue: 10 am-noon Blood pressure checks.

MT HOPE 105 S Ohio, 667-8956

Mon: 7-10 am Coffee, donuts; 11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch; 1-4 pm Cards.

Tue, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise class. Tue, Wed: 10 am-3 pm Crafts, quilting. Thu: 9:30-10:30 am Line dancing. 1st Fri: Noon Senior Citizens’ lunch.

ORCHARD PARK 4808 W 9th, 942-2293

Daily: Walk in the gym, coffee; hot lunch; computers, dominoes, puzzles, pool, book loan. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Yoga. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Zumba. 2nd Tue: 7:30-9:30 am Breakfast, $3. 2nd Wed: 11:30 am Blood pressure checks. 3rd Wed: Noon-1 pm Blood pressure checks. 2nd Thur: 11:45 am KFC potluck. Free. Last Fri: 11:45 Birthday Celebrations.

Regular activities: Exercise programs, cards, pool, hot lunch, Wii bowling, dominoes, crafts. Aug 6: 11:15 am Healthy Sleep. Aug 13: 11:15 am Are You Smarter Than a Scam Artist? Celia Easley, Central Plains Area Agency on Aging. Aug 27: 11:15 am Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season. Mon, Wed, Fri: Pickleball Tues: Noon Duplicate bridge. Wed: 10:30 am-noon Computer lab. Fri: Noon Open pool tables; Social coloring.

NORTHEAST 2121 E 21st, 269-4444

PARK CITY 6100 N Hydraulic, 744-1199

MULVANE 632 E Mulvane, 777-4813 Daily: Dominoes, cards, Wii, pool, hot lunch. library, exercise room, computer lab. Aug 2-4: 9 am Indoor Garage Sale & Bake Sale Aug 9: 11:45 am Aging in Place. Celia Easley, Central Plains Area Agency on Aging. Aug 24: 11:45 am The Imporance of Home Care Concerning Teeth and Dentures. 1st Wed: Foot care by Michelle Steinke by appt. 946-0722 (leave msessage). Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am WSU exercise. Mon: 12:30 pm Taking Off Pounds Sensibly. Thu: 10:30 am Jewelry class. Fri: 1 pm Bridge.

Regular activities: Cards, exercise, pool, hot lunch. Call for details. Aug 14: TBA Movie Matinee: Mamma Mia 2. $6. Reserve spot on van, 744-1199. Aug 15: 11:30 am Lunch N Bowl. Go to West Acres Bowl for lunch and two hours of bowling. $10. Meet at center at 11:30 RSVP 744-1199. Aug 17: 9 am Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast. RSVP to Madison, 744-1199, by Aug. 13. Mon: 6 pm Pitch. Tue: 1 pm Pool. Tue & Thu: 8:30 am Wii Bowling; 10 am WellRep exercise. Fri: 1:30 pm Dance aerobics. Fri: 9:15 am Exercise.

Daily: 8:30 am-5 pm Computers, pool table, treadmill. 11:30 pm Friendship meals. Mon: 12:30 pm Line Dancing. Wed, Fri: 10:30 am Chair exercise.120 am 1st Thu: 12:30 pm, Golden Agers meeting. 2nd Thu: 12:30 pm, Golden Agers bingo. $1. 4th Thu: 12:30-2:30 pm, Community bingo. $1. Every Fri: 12:30 pm Afternoon cards. Every Wed: 8:30 am Sweets & coffee/Panera Bread. 1st Sat: 8-10am Breakfast fundraiser. $4.

VALLEY CENTER Valley Center FUMC unless otherwise noted. 510 N Park Ave, 755-7335

OAKLAWN 2937 Oaklawn Dr, 524-7545

Andover Senior Dance, 410 Lioba Dr. 7-10 pm 3rd Mon. 733-4441


Augusta Sr Center, 640 Osage. Country Jam & Dance, 7-10 pm every other Wed. Donation. Bring covered dish/ snack to share. Info: 755-1060 Derby Sr Center, 611 Mulberry. Commuity dance. 7-9:30 pm: 1st Tue, Honky Tonk Time Band ; 3rd Tue, TBA. $3 donation, refreshments. El Dorado Jam & Dance, Senior Center, 210 E 2nd. Oldtime fiddlers, pickers, singers. Doors open 12:30 pm, music 1:30, 1st Suns. Bring covered dish. $3 donation. Back to Country dance 6 pm every Thu. Singles/couples welcome Goldenrod Golden Age, 1340 S Pattie. 7-9:30 pm Weds: Take 3. $3, refreshments. Linwood Golden Age, 1901 S Kansas. 7-9:30 pm every Sat. Live music. $3. Minisa Golden Age, 704 W 13th. 7-10 pm Thus: Honky Tonk Time. $3. Info 617-2560. Oaklawn Activity Center cafeteria, 4904 S Clifton. Barn & contra dance, usually 1st Sat. Lesson 6:30 pm, dance 7-9. $5. Info:

Mon: 12:30 pm Troopons. Clipping coupons for military families; 1:30 Line Dancing. Mon-Fri: noon, lunch. $5; Tue: 10 am Donuts & cards; 6 pm Pitch. Mon, Thu: 10 am WellREP exercise class; 10 am walking. Tue, Fri: 4-6 pm Pickleball, VC Intermediate. 4th Thu: 11 am Bingo Fri: 11 am Chair Yoga, need yoga mat.

Orchard Park Golden Age, 4808 W 9th. 7-9:30 pm every Fri. Live music. $3, refreshments. Park City Sr Center, 6100 N Hydraulic. 7-10 pm 1st, 3rd, 5th Sats. $4, bring covered dish or snack. Info: 755-1060 Prairie Wind Dancers: Learn circle, line & folk dances. 2 pm Mons: Plymouth Congregational Church, 202 N Clifton. Joyce, 683-1122.

Oaklawn Activity Center, Village Steppers Square Dance, 4904 S Clifton. 7:30-10:30 pm 2nd, 4th Sats. Info: Nick, 529-2792, or Mike, 650-2469. Community barn & contra dance, 1st Sat most months; lesson 6:30 pm, dance 7. $5, Westside Steppers Square Dance, Clare Hall, 861 N Socora (one block east of Central & Tyler). 7-9:30 pm 1st, 3rd Suns. Info: David, 9927820; email: Wichita Solos Square Dance, Dawson UMC, 2741 S Laura. 7:30-10 pm 1st, 3rd, 5th Fris. Couples/singles welcome. Info: Curtis,

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the active age

Butler County Senior Centers

ANDOVER 410 Lioba Dr, 733-4441 Regular activities: Exercise, bingo, bridge, quilt club, dominoes, pool. Pickleball is played at the Andover Community Center,1008 E. 13th. Daily:11:30 am-noon Lunch (reservation preferred) 316-733-4441, $3. Mon, Wed: Noon-3 pm Pickleball. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise. Tue: Music at lunch; 8:30 am Pickleball. Mon: 12:30 pm Movie Monday. Tue: 10 am Blood pressure check; 11 am-2 pm Memory Café; 12:30 Pinochle; 1 pm Pool. Thu: 12:30 pm Pinochle; 1 pm Quilt Club; 7-9 Pitch; 5:30-7:30 pm Pickleball (recreation), 7:30-9:30 (competitive) Fri: 9-11 am Pickleball; 11:30 Lunch & program; 12:45 pm Prize bingo; 1:45 Pinochle. 4th Sat: 7-10 am Monthly breakfast. AUGUSTA 640 Osage, 775-1189 Regular activities: Exercise, cards, dominoes, pool, line dancing, lunch daily at 11:30 am. Mon: 6:30 pm 10-point pitch. Fri: 9:30 am Prize bingo. Every other Wed: 7 pm Live Jam Session. 2nd Sat: 7-10 am Breakfast. $4 donation. 4th Mon: 5 pm Evening meal. $6 suggested donation, reservations requested.

BENTON Lion’s Community Bldg, S Main St 2nd & 4th Tue: 9 am-4 pm Cards, games, occasional program. Covered dish.

3rd Tue: 12:30 am Blood pressure checks.

LEON 112 S Main, 745-9200 or 742-9905 Regular activities: Lunch served Mon - Fri. Reservations required by 9 am. CASSODAY Wed: 10 am Exercise class; 1 pm Pinochle. Cassoday Senior Center 2nd & 4th Tue: 1 pm Bridge club. 133 S. Washington, 620-735-4538 3rd Sun: 11am-1 pm Lunch; Drinks included. Tue: 10:30 am Round Table. $8 donation; adults/$4 children. Tue, Thu: 9:30 am Exercise with WSU. ROSE HILL 1st Mon: 2 pm Game Day. 207 E Silknitter, 776-0170 3rd Mon: 6:30 pm Carry-in dinner, BP checks. Regular activities: Wii, pool table, shuffle4th Fri: 2 pm Movie Matinee. board, home-cooked lunch (reservation DOUGLASS required). 124 W 4th, 746-3227 Mon & Wed: 9 am Strong Women Stay Young Regular activities: Exercise, quilting, cards, exercise. lunch, reservation required. $5. Mon: 7 pm Pitch, games. 1st Mon: 6 pm Finger foods & cards. Wed: 1 pm Bridge. 3rd Mon: 6 pm Birthday/anniversary coveredFri: 7 pm Card game. dish supper, bring own service. Cards. 1st Fri: 11 am Meeting, covered dish. 3rd Sat: 7:00-9:30 am Breakfast. $4. 3rd Fri: Noon Covered dish. 1st Sat: 7-10 am Breakfast. EL DORADO TOWANDA 210 E 2nd, 321-0142 Regular activities: Exercise, cards, bingo, hot 317 Main, 776-8999 lunch $3, support groups. Open 10:30 am-5 pm Mon, Wed, Fri Mon: 12:30 Mexican Train dominoes. Thu: 7 am Breakfast/coffee at Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Stearman Bar & Grill, Benton. Tue: 9 am Coffee; 12:30 pm Bingo; 2 Line dance; WHITEWATER 6 Prairie Port Seniors. Legion Hall, 108 E Topeka Tue, Thu: 8:30 am Men's coffee. 2nd Tue: noon Potluck, program. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. 4th Tue: noon Potluck, movie. Sat: 6 pm Cards and games.

Harvey County Centers

BURRTON 124 N Burrton, 620-463-3225

1st Sat: 7-9 am Community breakfast. Mon: 7-8 pm Educational film. Tue: 9 am Bible study. Mon - Fri: 7-8:30 am Early bird coffee. Fri: 7-8:30 am Breakfast. 3rd Thu: 7 pm Movie. 4th Thu: 6 pm Potluck supper.

HALSTEAD 523 Poplar, 835-2283

Mon & Wed: Games after lunch. Tue & Fri: 9 am Exercise. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Dine out/activity. 3rd Thu: 6 pm Potluck, meeting. 3rd Fri: 12:30 pm Movie in. 3rd Sun: 1:30 pm Movie out. 4th Thu: 7 pm Penny Bingo.

HESSTON Randall & Main, 620-327-5099

Mon, Wed, Fri: 8 am Stretch bands.

Mon & Tue: 1:30 pm Pitch. Tue: 8:30 am Coffee hour; 9 am Film; 1:30 pm Pinochle. Wed: 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study; 1 pm Bridge. 1st & 3rd Tue: 6 pm Singin’ Seniors. 3rd Wed: 11:30 am Health luncheon; noon, program. Reservations by previous Fri. 1st Thu: 7 pm Bridge. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Movie night. 1st & 3rd Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes. 1st Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Community breakfast. 4th Mon: 5:30 pm Gathering; 6 pm Potluck dinner, program follows.

GRAND CENTRAL 122 E 6th, Newton, 283-2222

Mon: 10-11 am Blood pressure check. Tue: 1 pm Crafts: handwork. Wed: 1 pm Pinochle/pitch/dominoes. Thu: 1 pm Wii bowling; 5:15 pm Tai Chi.

SEDGWICK 107 W. Fifth, 772-0393

Senior Wednesdays

August 1 10 am Wichita Art Museum Docents' Favs. WAM docents share their enthusiasm and knowledge of their favorite works of art. Gallery seating provided. $2 1:30 pm Water Center Roots and Seeds for the Future. Brad Guhr, Dyck Arboretum. Environmenal and ecological benefits of landscaping with native plants. August 8 10 am Sedgwick County Zoo Dog Days of Summer. Learn how animals stay cool in the heat. $4 1:30 pm Advanced Learning Library, 711 W 2nd Bridges and Barn Quilts in Cowley County. There are 18 stone-arch bridges in the county and 160 barn quilts displayed on barns, outbuildings and public facilities. August 15 10 am Ulrich Museum of Art TBA

1:30 pm The Kansas African American Museum TBA August 22 10 am Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum Secure the Shadow ere the Substance Fades: Wichita's Pioneer Photographers 18721884 by Jami Frazier Tracy. See moments the photographic artists captured in early Wichita. $2 1:30 pm Exploration Place Shark Comservation by Toni Willis Jackman. Learn about worldwide shark conservation efforts. $4. August 29 10:30 am Great Plains Nature Center Learn about making the film Prairie Women - Engaging Women of the Flint Hills from Dave Kendall. 1:30 pm Old Cowtown Museum Contrasting Life in the Osage Reserve - Darius Munger, Wichita and the Wilder Family by Anthony Horsch.

Mon: 1 pm Games, bingo, wii. Tue: 7-8:30 am Breakfast; 1 pm Line dancing. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise. Wed: 9 am Quilting. 1st Fri: 7 pm Birthday party. 1st Thu: 1 pm Paint with Sue. 2nd Thu: noon Potluck luncheon & biz mtg. 3rd Thu: 5 pm Dinner Night Out. Fri: 3 pm Bible study

Transportation Sedgwick County

Sedgwick Co Transportation, 660-5150 or 1-800-367-7298. Information: 8 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri; closed most holidays. www.

Butler County Transit

Weekday transportation in El Dorado, Augusta and Andover. Rides to Wichita on Wed, Thu. Information: Augusta, 775-0500; El Dorado, 322-4321; toll free, 1-800-2793655. 48-hr notice required.

Harvey County

Transportation reservations or information: 316-284-6802 or 1-866-6806802. Round-trip: $8 Newton (wheelchair only), $12 Harvey County, $20 outside Harvey County. AVI to Newton: Tue, 8 am4:30 pm from Burrton, Sedgwick, Halstead, Hesston, Walton.

Support Groups, Organizations

Find Support groups at To add or correct a listing, call 316-9783566 or 1-800-445-0016. Clubs and Organizations are at www.theactiveage. com, Resources category. For changes call 316-942-5345 or email

August 2018

Friendship Meals Aging Projects serves a hot, nutritious meal weekdays for persons 60 and older in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler counties. Reservations are necessary. For locations and reservations, call 620-669-8201. WEEK OF AUG. 1 Wed: Chicken pasta salad, broccoli/cauliflower salad, gelatin, garlic bread, spiced peaches. Thu: Hamburger w/set up, baked beans, corn relish, strawberries. Fri: Hot turkey casserole, pickled beets, mixed melon, sugar cookie. WEEK OF AUG. 6 Mon: Chicken & rice casserole, combination salad, plums, pineapple bread. Tue: Swedish ham balls, sweet potatoes, German mixed vegetables, peaches, roll. Wed: Crispy fish OR chicken on a bun, cole slaw, cantaloupe, snicker doodle. Thu: Beef cutlet w/Spanish sauce, baked potato, green lentil salad, blushing pears, applesauce cake. Fri: Chicken & cheese casserole, broccoli, sliced tomatoes, mixed fruit, bread. WEEK OF AUG. 13 Mon: Potato-ham omelet, spinach, ambrosia salad, grape juice, wheat muffin. Tue: Glazed chicken, macaroni & cheese, mixed-green salad, strawberries, garlic bread. Wed: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes/gravy, green beans, watermelon, bread. Thu: Tahitian chicken & rice, broccoliraisin salad, pears, apple crisp, roll. Fri: Taco salad, salsa/chips, refried beans, banana, peanut butter cookie. WEEK OF AUG. 20 Mon: Roast beef, California mash w/ gravy, 3-bean salad, cantaloupe, wheat bread. Tue: Southwest chicken bake, mixedgreen salad, pinto beans, pineapple, cornbread. Wed: Beef cutlet OR liver & onions, mashed potatoes w/gravy, calico salad, peaches, roll. Thu: Baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, cucumber & onion salad, plums, garlic bread. Fri: Tuna pasta salad, celery sticks w/ peanut butter, cole slaw, mixed melon, bread. WEEK OF AUG. 27 Mon: Mexican lasagna, hominy, combination salad, Mandarin oranges. Tue: Creamy chicken & vegetables casserole, cucumber & onion salad, strawberries, sugar cookie, wheat roll. Wed: Baked fish, creamed spinach, tomato slices, watermelon, cinnamon roll. Thu: Spaghetti w/meat sauce, cauliflower-bean salad, peaches, gelatin, garlic bread. Fri: Turkey roast, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, savory green beans, cranberry sauce, roll.

AARP Driver Safety Classes Eight hours of instruction; certificate on completion. Reservation required. $15 for AARP members; $20 others. Haysville Senior Center, 160 E. Karla, 8 am-noon Mon-Tue, Aug.13-14. 316-5295903

August 2018

the active age

Classified Advertising

Page 19

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One plot in Lakeview Gardens Cemetery. Double Deck Crypt w/ 20x28 moonlight gray headstone with 1 vase. Retail value $6,995, Asking $4,000 OBO. Buyer pays transfer Fee. Call 336-9494653.

Brunch Fellowship Saturday, August 11th, 2018 9 am- noon Waffles, Pancakes, Biscuits & Gravy Donations for Missions & Ministry Fund Central Ave. United Methodist Church 4920 W Central Ave Wichita, KS 67212 **Every Wed. 5:30pm “Church Lite” Music, fellowship, pizza, Everyone Welcome!**

Dave’s Improvements Painting—interior/exterior. Doors and windows replaced, grab bars, wheelchair ramps. All general repairs. Guaranteed lowest rates. Senior citizen discount. Lic #7904. 316-312-2177

Rest-Haven Beautiful Garden of Freedom Lot 105-C- 2 & 3 $3,500 each OBO. Seller will pay transfer fees. Call Kaye 316-721-3940. Old Mission Cemetery. 2 spaces in Acacia currently valued @ $2,834 each. Will consider all offers. Call 316-992-2373. Rest Haven Plots. Garden of the Gospel Double crypts with vaults. $3,500. Accepting offers. Call 316-722-3017. Resthaven Garden of Good Shepherd lot 15-01-02. Selling both for $5,500 total. . Seller pays transfer fee. Call Don 817-641-6310. Resthaven Garden of Devotion. Lot 93-B, 4 spaces total, $3,000 a piece, or $3,500 sold separately. Seller to pay transfer fee. Michael, 316-264-4112.. Resthaven Garden of the Cross. 2 Burial plots. $295 transfer fee is negotiable. Asking $3,500 OBO. Call Mick at 316680-6164 White Chapel, 2 Adjoining lots in Christus Garden. $2,000 for both. Buyer Pays Transfer Fee. Call 316-682-1838 or email White Chapel 2 spaces 6B 1-2 Good Shepherd. 2 Vaults $2,850. Buyer pays transfer fee of $425. $6,136 Value, Make Offer. 316-239-6600. Resthaven Garden of Prayer. 2 Vaulted Burial Plots with Companion Bronze Headstone asking $8,500. Call Josh 316-258-2511. 2 lots in Resthaven In Arcadia lawn area. If you are interested 316-7066086


$1 Off Coupon for Ourr’s Family Dining

See their ad on page 15

F ESTATE SALES F KC ESTATE SALES Complete estate & moving sale services. We can do the sale at your residence or place your items with another sale. Expert pricing, selling & clean-up. Packing & moving services available. Excellent results. Free consultation. Call Carolyn Moshier. 316-634-0040 CUSTOMIZED ESTATE SALES GREATER PROFITS WITH LESS STRESS Insured with 20 years experience Free Consultations 316-806-7360 Julie AFFILIATED ESTATE SALES COMMISSION SALES-- BUYOUT SPECIALIST 30yrs Entire estate homes, vehicles, etc Paul 316-807-1209

F FOOT CARE F Foot Care in home. Home visit $40.00 Call Francine at 316-943-4360. Leave a message.

FOOT CARE IN YOUR HOME Cheryl Rosine ~ The Foot Lady ICMT RN

• 316-312-2025 • $40: In-home, Sedgwick & surrounding counties Diabetic, thick toe nails, ingrown & callous care

F FOR SALEF Bruno Wheel chair lift. Never exposed to the elements $2500. Call 316-452-5737. Leave a message. Red Schwinn 3 Wheel Bicycle. Asking $200. Call 316-260-3143 Bruno VSL-570 wheelchair/scooter lift. 400 lb.capacity. Off set arm design. suitable for mini van, suv, pickup, etc. $500 316 522 8156.

Electric-powered mobile wheel chair: 5-speed joy stick, two electric motors, lift, accessories. Text or leave message 316-258-7924

F HAIR CARE F Mobile Hair Care for the Home Bound For Elderly & Disabled. 30+ yrs experience. Men & Women. Wichita & Derby Area. Call Jody Smith for an appointment 316-461-1701

F HELP WANTED F Retail Store, answering phones, waiting on customers, run errands Call before 9-noon M-F 316-945-4722

F HOME CARE F In-Home Services: Personal care assistance, meal preparation, housekeeping, handymen and more! Phone Chester at the Senior Employment Program, 316-267-1771 or 316-267-0302. Pre-screened, reliable help available. Can’t bathe yourself like you used to? Need light housekeeping? Need private-duty aide? I can accommodate all your needs. Flexible hours; 2 to 12 hour shifts available. Cynthia CNA/HHA 316-992-6711.


Marv’s Home Improvements & Repair Doors, trim, decks, ramps, patio covers, fences, siding, flooring. Painting. Honest and depend-able. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 35 years. 316-737-4646. Wright One Home Improvements Kitchen & Bath remodeling. Painting. Windows. Doors. Siding. All types of flooring and home repairs. Free estimates. 316-409-2160. Leaky Basement Repair Dirt Installation and Siding Repair Courteous, professional repairs. Free estimates. Concrete work. 20+ years experience. Ernie Sponsel, 316-393-5461. Cowboy Construction Remodeling, siding, decks, fences, windows, doors and more. 20 years locally owned. Free estimates. Senior discounts. Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488 Multi-Services Landscaping -Yard Clean Up -Tree Trimming Junk Removal - Remodeling Painting HVAC - Electric & More. Call The Multi-Service Pros! FREE ESTIMATES (316) 789-6070 Molina Electric - Wichita Lic #1364 Comm. or Residential wiring. Service calls. New electric service. Troubleshooting. Cell 316-461-2199. Derby, Haysville, Mulvane, Rose Hill, South Wichita. House painting, siding, decks, fences. Build, repair and stain. Free Estimates and references. See us on angieslist. com. Keith Kimball 316-250-2265 Be Blessed. Thank you.


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Page 20

the active age

August 2018

Classified Advertising

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Cowboy Construction Bathroom and kitchen remodels. Room additions. Garages and sheds. Licensed and insured. Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

Jesus Landscaping 316-737-3426 Mowing starting at $25, trimming, shrub removal, landscaping needs, gutter cleaning and any odd jobs. Senior Discounts.

Brush, Limbs, Debris, Hauling and Junk Removal. Lawn mowing. Leaf removal. Free Estimates. Call David at 316-2138880

ALL AROUND TREE SERVICE Stump REMOVAL & GRINDING Trimming, deadwood, tree removal. Total yard, leaf clean-up & hauling. Also rural and farm areas. Free estimates. Experienced. Good prices. Insured. Tom King, 316-516-4630,316-838-5710.

BRICK & STONE WORK OF ANY KIND Tuck-pointing, foundation & chimney repair. Insured. Free Estimates.

CALL DAN 316-516-3949

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RICK 316-945-8751

P&A Landscaping 316-708-7236 Complete lawn care. Shrub/Tree trim Mulch installs, Landscape installs & Gutter Cleaning. FREE ESTIMATES! Total yard clean-up, flower beds and bushes, tree trimming and stump grinding, attics, garages and basements. LEAF cleanup and HAULING. Including all yard debris. 316-516-4630 or 316-838-5710 Mike E. 316-708-1472 Garage clean out, mowing leaf and gutter cleanup, tree trimming, hauling, roto-tilling. Brick, block and stone repair.

JS Guttering & Construction

Dave’s Hauling Services Solid waste removal, property cleanup, tree & fence line clearing, general landscape removal, other lawn and garden services. All fence, porch and patio work. Call 316-832-2201.

Call Josh for an estimate

All Season Clean Up Lawn Care Quality Lawn Care • Yard Clean Up • Tree Trimming • Gutter Cleaning • Fall/ Spring raking. Free estimates, senior discounts. 316-409-8780.



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August 2018

the active age

Page 21

Museum that’s not in museum district By Rick Khol It may not be in the museum district by the river or with the prestigious museums in Old Town, but the Leaves of Tyme Bible Museum in a basement has a lot to offer those who have an interest in history or the word of God. One thousand years of Bible history come alive in a private collection that is open to the public. The museum is in the home of Rick Khol, a retired Wichita school teacher and former missionary in South America. A small church meets in his house Sunday mornings, so the museum is usually opened for viewing from 2-5 p.m. Sunday afternoons. Those interested in visiting it can make an appointment for a guided tour during the week; there’s no admission charge. The oldest piece in the museum is a manuscript written in the Coptic language that dates back to the 11th Century. It came from a monastery in the Sinai Peninsula. Other medieval scriptures on display were hand-written on parchment, papyrus and vellum. The invention of the printing press in 1455 ushered in a proliferation of the printed word of God. A leaf from Leviticus from a 1489 copy of the Latin Vulgate demonstrates the “incunable” period of the early movable type press. Examples of Bible pages from translations by Erasmus, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Myles Coverdale and John Rogers are on display. Also presented are examples of the Great Bible, Geneva Bible, Bishops Bible and early King James versions. The Geneva Bible is the Bible the Pilgrims brought to America; Shake-

Courtesy photos

11th Century Coptic manuscri

speare quoted from it more than 2,000 times. Besides the really old items, four other sections appear in the museum. The American Collection contains a framed Bible page from every major Bible translation printed in North America. The rarest piece in the exhibit is the title page from Proverbs that came from the first book printed in the New World, the John Eliot Indian Bible published in 1663. War Bibles presents the history of holy books taken into battle. It begins with a pamphlet containing prayers and verses that were distributed to Oliver Cromwell’s troops during the English Civil War (1642-1651). Bible and scripture portions from every U.S. war from the American

coming to the Crystal Bible which has a surface area of 1/6 square inch for 1,200 pages of the King James Bible. There is also a facsimile of the Nano Bible which is 0.008 square inches. The first of two copies were presented by the former president of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, A leaf from Leviticus, 1489 copy of Latin Vulgate to Pope Benedict Revolution to Afghanistan and Iraq XVI during his visit to Israel in 2009. can be seen with memorabilia from The last part of this collection is each engagement. Swords, guns, cana library containing dozens of foreign non balls, buttons, hats and helmets language Bibles and approximately 100 catalogue the conflicts that caused men English translations and paraphrases. to search God’s word for peace. They are available for people to study The Quest for the Smallest Bible or just skim through. presents a 180-year journey of people To schedule a visit to the Bible Museseeking the bragging rights to the um, call Rick at 316-733-5402. To learn smallest scriptural portion. more, go to the Grace Fellowship website, Starting with an 1831 Thumb Bible, the adventures continue along with progressively smaller scriptures, until

Contact Rick Khol at

Page 22

the active age

Recent Donors

Norma Ackeret Cindy Ainsworth Lois Amos Pat Anderson Rita Austin Dwayne Baldwin Gladys Barnett Susan Barr Agnes Barrick Richard Benish Margret Benning Rhonda Bevilacqua Beverly Bickel Joseph Bitner Gloria Bonnet R.C. Boswell William Bothner Joe Botinelly Richard Blecha Sandra Bugner Earlene Clare Donna Coulter Janet Crosby Dianne Crossman Esther Crow Lia Cwikla Gilbert Davis Joan Davis Marlies Delventhal Linda Destasio Thomas Dewey Barbara Dodson Ruth Drake Maridell Dreyer

James Dunaway Tony Elder Patricia Evans Geneva Faltermeier Shirley Fisher Diane Fitch Rosa Florence Robert Foster Zullar Fulbright Philip Gamble Deborah Gdisis Chester Gentet Craig Gibson Janet Gregory Thelma Grimes David Gudeman Joyce Hart Martha Hartwell Wilda Hawkins Janice Heasley James Hellman Suzanne Herzberg Sharon Heyen Dorothy Hodges Marjorie Holloway Clarice Holmes Sharon Holsey Charles Hoover Jeanne Hopkins Pat Hoppman Laetta Hudson Roberta Hulbert David Hull Elnita Johnson

Lois Jordan Guy Kassal Pauline Kehr G.M. Kelley Vera Kincheloe Ann King James Kirk Loneta Kralicek Darlene Kraus John Kruse Cindy Kuykendall Heidemarie Lanier Donald Lebegue Donna Lehane Barbara Little Phyllis Loerger Sharon Lupton Darlene Mason Linda Matney Odell McClellan Myrna McClure Jane McFarlen Vernon McGee David McIntryre Anice McKinney Wilma McLean Jerry Miller Trudy Miller Glenna Moore William Moore Erlinda Moreno Garry Morris Twyla Mosman Marsy Nelson

Jaunice Nixon Margaret Noble Edith Norton Linda Overman Annette Owens David Owens Patricia Owens Phyllis Palmer Helen Parli Donald Parsons Robert Patton Steven Peterson Janet Phelps Janice Pickering Kathleen Poling Gary Poss Gweneth Reeder Betty Reeves Patrick Reibenspies Gwenda Reid Jerry Resser Sharon Revell Roger Rhoades Linda Richardson Mark Richey Michelle Roach Mary Robillard Maryjane Rohr Ann Rondholz Jack Russell Gwendolyn Sandefur Dick Sanders Velda Satterthwaite Alfred Schember Donna Schirer Jackie Sell LaChalle Shay

August 2018

Jerreen Shellner Paul Shelter Janet Shetter Lucy Shifton J. Edgar Short Sandy Shreve Sophie Smith Thomas Smith Carl Smock Bernard Stekoll Patricia Stone Frank Stoss Ron Swinger Lynn Switzer John Swortwood Miles Tade Serita Theis Geraldine Tolliver Cordella Tucker Cindy Tweed Doris Ulriksen Virginia Vance Mariamma Varghese Norman Vickers Kenneth Waegener Violet Waggoner Thelma Walden Katherine Wapelhorst Phoeba Warren Bonnie Washington G.K. Watson-Davis Bertha Webb Virginia Weedon Lora White Robert White Nancy Wilhite Marilyn Williams

C. Winn Cynthia Wise Shirley Yonce Gilbert & Joanna Adams Richard & Sheryl Adkisson Ron & Roberta Bailey William & Barbara Baker Brenda & Jack Blazer Bob & Ernestine Brown Kirk & Brenda Clayton Melvin & Lavina Burt Robert & Barbara Cairns Giles & Carole Davis Walter & Margaret Dietz Chuck & Pat Donham John & Susan Earick John & Patricia Fletcher Thomas & Denise Glenn K.V. & B.J. Hemmen Mr. & Mrs. Theodorus Hoetmer Sharon & Stephen Holloway Duane & Joyce Hurtig Harold & Patricia Juby Leroy & Aretha Knoblauch Lyle & June Koerper James & April Koontz Dale & Joyce Lewis Laura & Michael Olson Michael & Kathleen Laubhan Larry & Mary Malone Virgil & Sylvia Marsolf Jack & Barbara Parry Lynn & Silvia Phetteplace Eugene & Phyllis Ray William & Betty Schowalter Jack & Joanne Skelton

Deadline for the 2018-19 55+ Resource Guide is Aug. 10 George’s Dryer Vent Cleaning

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August 2018

the active age

Page 23

Keep health care directives up to date

Arts briefs…

Big Sonia

Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation’s free Summer Film Series will show Big Sonia at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, in the Wichita Art Museum’s Wooden Lecture Hall. In the last store in a now-defunct Kansas City shopping mall, 91-yearold Sonia Warshawski — great-grandmother, businesswoman and Holocaust survivor — runs the tailor shop she’s owned for more than 30 years. But when she’s served an eviction notice, the specter of retirement

following “five d’s” occurs: 1. Decade: When you start each new decade of your life. 2. Death: When you experience the death of a loved one. 3. Divorce: When you experience a divorce or other major family change. (In many states, a divorce automatically revokes the authority of a spouse who had been named as agent.) 4. Diagnosis: When you are diagnosed with a serious medical problem. 5. Decline: When you experience prompts Sonia to resist her harrowing past as a refugee and witness to genocide.

Art Garden tour

The Wichita Art Museum’s seasonal, drop-in Art Garden tour will begin at 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18. Meet in the museum’s front lobby. Visitors will explore the garden and its sculptures. Dress accordingly. If there is inclement weather an indoor museum tour will be substituted. General admission and tour are free and no registration required. Ages 6 and above are welcome. The museum is at 1400 W. Museum Blvd.

7th Annual WGS Genealogical Conference

Harvard Medical School has many special reports. Visit to find reports of interest to you.

Night at the Museum, 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Aug, 16 is the Wichita Art Museum’s Ode to the Sweet Summer Eve. This annual event brings a mash-up of live music, art and antics. Help celebrate the wiles of a summer evening escapade by visiting the Cameo Glass in Context: Charlotte Potter and April Surgent exhibition. Music by MariaElena reaches back to Americana roots with traditional folk,

There also will be a special performance by Rock-and-Roll-Camp-forGirls musicians and an outdoor photo caravan with Lamphouse Photo. Tickets are $10, free for WAM members. There will be a cash bar. Tickets are available online at The museum is located at 1400 W. Museum Blvd.

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The lawn needs mowed..

Breakfast & Lunch with Registration.

In the Hughes Metropolitan Complex.

Discover valuable tips & insights into genealogy resources from the acknowledged leader of online genealogical research.


number of states are creating medical registries in which you may record your directive so that it will be directly available to health care providers when needed. If you move to another state, check that your advance directives are still valid. Although states may be legally required to honor any advance directive that clearly conveys your wishes, it’s best to verify that your form meets the requirements specific to that state.

Celebrate sweetcountry summer eve western and bluegrass.


Saturday, October 13, 2018 – 8:00 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. Cyndi Ingle, a genealogist of 36 years, is the creator of Cyndi’s List and author of three books on internet genealogical research.

a significant decline or deterioration from an existing health condition, especially when it diminishes your ability to live independently. Once your new document has been signed, make sure anyone with a copy of your old directive returns it to you so you can destroy it. Then distribute the new one. Take the time to discuss the changes with your doctor and your health care agent to be sure everyone is clear on what has changed. Make sure a copy of your revised advance directive gets filed in your medical records, especially if you’re planning on entering an assisted living facility or nursing home. A growing

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Learn online genealogy research from the founder of

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From Harvard Medical School If you decide to change something in your living will or health care power of attorney, the best thing to do is create a new one. Once the new document is signed and dated in front of appropriate witnesses — and notarized, if necessary — it supersedes your old directive. The American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging suggests that you re-examine your health care wishes whenever any of the

F Wichita Genealogical Society –

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Page 24

the active age

August 2018

I once knew a place a few miles east… By Jim Spangler It is often said that when a person moves from one place to another they leave a bit of themselves behind. Well, having lived in six states as my wife and I chased the economic crops across the country, I see it differently. It’s not so much we leave a little of us behind. Rather, tucked away in the corners of our imagination and the hollows of our memory are bits and pieces of all those former cities and states that we carry with us and will as long as we are on this earth. In this case, and for this story, those corners and hollows are filled with thoughts of Wichita. We came to Kansas as young adults and left well into middle age. And along the way were those family milestones familiar to many couples of our same vintage — high school proms and graduations, college, the kid’s first real job and finally “graduating” to an empty nest. But this story isn’t about family milestones, as important as they are. It’ was a chance encounter with a neighbor that led to my discovering my little place.

My Story Let me explain. You see, thanks to that neighbor I once knew a place. It was only a few miles east of Wichita and somewhere in its 65 acres was a covey of quail that always seemed to flush when I least expected. I once knew a place. It had a meadow that sort of leaned on one side down to a meandering creek that the Almighty never let run dry, even in August. And thanks to the woods, a small pond, grassy meadows and that creek, it teemed with wildlife that belied its near-town location. I see a mallard drake and hen lift off that ice-ringed pond and flare in front of me. The water droplets fall from their wings and sparkle like diamonds in the cold December sun. A doe and her fawn step gingerly through tall grass on the far side of the pond only to disappear into the misty fog of an early June morning. These memories come with sounds, too, of wind whistling through the

pines, of squirrels chattering and of blue jays squawking to announce my encroachment into their precious world. Now, I am an old man. I’ve walked the halls of the Vatican, worshipped at Westminster Abby and attended mass at Notre Dame on the banks of the Seine. But not all cathedrals are built by the hand of man. Solitude was something else my little spot had going for it. When I walked in the snow, the only sound I heard was the crunch of my boots. Sitting on a camp stool in those woods on a fall morning watching squirrels chase each other through the

canopy set me wondering: Who else was here centuries ago watching the same thing? Could the pioneers and fur trappers of long ago have stood in my tracks? The realist in me knows it was only a twohour walk in the woods along the Kansas creek on a Sunday afternoon. Soon, too soon, it was back to the city with its business reports, meetings, family responsibilities and all the rest. I won’t mention the exact location of my little spot. If I did the owner might be deluged with invaders to that private world he was so kind and thoughtful to share with me. I knew a place. No, not a place so much as an elixir, an unexplainable magic mixture that transformed me every time I went there. A chance to be alone, to think, to dream, to imagine, to wonder. I once knew a place – just east of town – and a million miles away. Contact Jim Spangler at

I want to avoid probate. When my spouse died someone told me I should put my kids on my bank accounts and on my house. Is this a good idea? While the procedure is simple, adding others to assets as joint owners may result in very difficult (and irreversible) situations. It is true that assets held as joint tenants with rights of survivorship will almost certainly avoid probate so long as someone is surviving. However, it is not usually the best option as an estate planning tool. Assets held in this manner may be made available to the creditors (divorcing spouses, litigants, bankruptcy court) of the joint owner. You also may not be able to get sole control over the property in the future if the joint owner refuses to transfer it

back to you. As an alternative, some will use pay-on-death (POD) or transfer-on-death (TOD), which should also eliminate the need for probate. These arrangements also have pitfalls that you should be aware of. For instance, transferring real estate to multiple beneficiaries leaves no one “in charge”; and requires the beneficiaries to agree (if that is possible) on how to deal with the property or come up with funds to pay taxes, etc. Your specific situation should be reviewed by your estate attorney to determine the best method to accomplish your planning.

Jennifer L. Stultz has joined Stinson Leonard Street LLP in Wichita, Kansas,

and can be reached at (316) 265-8800 or at

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