April 2017

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Vol 38 • No. 5

War begins

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April 1917

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By Ken Stephens In the first week of April 1917, the streets of Wichita and other Kansas towns were aflame with patriotism. In anticipation that the United States would enter World War I within days, the Stars and Stripes flew, it seemed, from every business and home. One Wichita merchant reported that he had sold more flags in the last 48 hours than in the previous 48 years. On April 6, thousands of people in Hutchinson paraded to its Convention Hall for a patriotic rally. As the main speaker was about to begin his oration, a messenger from The Hutchinson News handed Lt. Gov. William Morgan a bulletin. Morgan glanced at the piece of paper, stepped to the front of the stage and announced: “The declaration of war was signed at 1:11 this afternoon.” Wichitans were similarly enthusiastic about the war, but the city had


1917 war bond parade marching south on Water heading for the Wichita Forum in the 200 block of south Wichita. put off its great patriotic rally until Wichita’s convention hall at the time. April 10 in hopes that former Presi“Dozens” of bands led the parade, dent William Howard Taft, who was followed by 12,000 members of fraterthen touring in Oklahoma, would nal and military organizations, womattend. en’s clubs, groups of businessmen and Taft didn’t make it. No matter, it 10,000 flag-waving school children. was touted as the biggest patriotic At The Forum, a fife-and-drum rally ever in Kansas. corps of Civil War veterans took seats The Wichita Eagle reported that at the front, followed by Nation50,000 people lined the parade route al Guardsmen, and 6,000 children along Douglas, from Washington to crowded the bleachers on the upper Water and then south to The Forum, level.

April 2017 In a flourish of hyperbole, The Eagle reported: “Wichita arose yesterday, unfurled the battle flag of the nation and demanded that the blemishes of disgrace be washed from the white robes of liberty.” Some men rushed to enlist, but at first only one in three was accepted. The Eagle reported that most enlistees came from rural areas and the oil fields. “The absence of the suave, welldressed city lad is noticeable,” the paper said. But with a call for 500,000 draftees, including 27,500 from Kansas, The Eagle tried to accelerate the process. Throughout April it combed voter registration lists and each day published the names of young men from different voting districts that would likely be drafted if they didn’t enlist. Some of those who didn’t enlist right away at least organized. At L’Overture School, 60 African-America youth between 13 and 17 formed two companies of militia and began drilling.

See WW I, page 13

Safely discard drugs on April 29

By Nancy Carver Singleton National Prescription Drug TakeBack Day is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 29. This is an opportunity to safely discard expired or unused medicine. Sedgwick County Sheriff ’s Office and Drug Enforcement Administration officials will be collecting at three locations: Sedgwick County Zoo, 5555 W. Zoo Blvd.; Household Hazardous Waste Center, 801 W. Stillwell; and Oaklawn Activity Center, 4904 S. Clifton Ave. The Cheney Police Department will be collecting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the fire department, 525 N. Main. Neither Butler County nor Harvey County sheriffs’ departments are participating. Non-prescription drugs, liquid

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medicine and patches may be dropped off, but syringes and other injectable devices are not accepted. The drop-off process? Drive to one of the locations and hand the drugs to a deputy for disposal. “You don’t have to sign anything. You just drop it off and go,” said Lt. Lin Dehning, public information officer for the sheriff ’s department. Illicit drugs such as cocaine, heroin and marijuana may also be brought to the take-back with “no questions asked.” Last year 1,876 pounds of medicines —“just short of a ton”— were discarded in Wichita’s spring and fall collections, Dehning said. “This was not an uncommon year. That’s what we usually see,” he said. “There are hundreds and hundreds of

Central Plains Area Agency on Aging or call your county Department on Aging: 1-855-200-2372

pounds of medicine accumulating in people’s homes.” Medicines degrade and can become toxic over time, Dehning explained. “That’s another reason we want people to clean out their medicine cabinets.” Sometimes people find large caches of old drugs in the homes of elderly or deceased family members. Dehning recalled at one take-back a car pulled up with its trunk filled with medicine from a relative who had recently died. In another instance someone on rollerblades, carrying a little bag, skated to the drop-off area near the zoo, dropped the bag in the barrel and skated off. Dehning said National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day has three See Drugs, page 14

Butler County: (316) 775-0500 or 1-800- 279-3655 Harvey County: (316) 284-6880 or 1-800-279-3655

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the active age


April 2017

April 2017

the active age

Page 3

Musical Club may be city’s oldest

By Bob Rives In Wichita, 1892 was a busy year. With the dust settling from the cattle trails and the population pushing past 20,000, it was a time for big new things: A new city hall was completed; two new colleges — Garfield and Fairmount — were opened. And the first basketball game in city history was played at the YMCA. It was also when Mrs. Lillian Hamblen Garst helped organize an enduring cultural group — the Wichita Musical Club. This May 7 will be its 125th anniversary, making it perhaps the oldest continuously operating club in the city. The club will cut its birthday cake at its meeting April 24. Jean Mulford, who heads the organization today, says its purposes remain

Health screens

If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, a family history of kidney failure or are over 60, you are at risk for kidney disease. There is a National free kidney screening from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, April 1, at Evergreen branch library, 2601 N. Arkansas. Register at www.kidney.org/KEEPregisterKS or call 316-303-8181 or walk-in.

the same as they did when Mrs. Garst started it: “To elevate the standards of musical tastes in the city.” But the major emphasis now is to provide scholarships to students at Friends and WSU, successors to the colleges founded the same year as the music club. Club records don’t show how many students have been helped by music club scholarships. “But they number in the hundreds,” Mulford says. Best known among them are Joyce DiDonato, now a world famous opera performer, and Diane Bish, an internationally-known organist. In its earliest years, the club had a different role. There was some music in the city in 1892, but there was just one music teacher for it's five schools. She traveled by trolley and one-horse phaeton to spend a day a week at each. There were also five schools of music. In addition to the colleges, the Sackman Conservatory, Mozart School of Music and Powers-Myers Conservatory trained aspiring musicians. The first members of the club, who were determined to enlarge the music scene, came from the city’s founding families. Names like Murdock and English, still on city streets, were on the rolls. So is Grace. That's the same

Breakfast Club Topic: “Saving Americans Money” Botanica - The Wichita Gardens 701 N. Amidon Tuesday, April 18th• 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

Chamber Chorale, Broadway Singers, Choral Society and community orchestras, to name just a few. “Music is a firmly rooted and integral part of the city now. We believe Mrs. Garst would be very pleased with it,” said Mulford. Contact Bob Rives at bprives@gmail.com

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The first officers of the Wichita Musical Club, from left, top row: Mrs. L.W. Clapp, secretary; Etta Mason, treasurer; Mrs. Louise Murdock, executive board; Mrs. Helen Robertson, secretary of the instrumental department; and Mrs. Frances Granger, librarian. Second row: Mrs. Dollie Richardson Lyeth, president; Mrs. Lillian Hamblin Garst, founder; and Mrs. Hattie E. Dyer, first vice president. Barely visible at the bottom is Mrs. Leila Mills.

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name that is on Grace Memorial Chapel at WSU. The group’s chorus traveled the state, winning prizes and performing as far away as Pittsburg. When the new Wichita auditorium opened in 1894, the club gave the first concert. By 1899, it had become part of the National Federation of Music Clubs as it still is. One longtime member of the Wichita club, Virginia Allison, became national president. The club has changed over its century and a quarter. As more women entered the work force, fewer were available for afternoon meetings. From a peak of 100 members, the club’s rolls now have just a dozen. But they have safely endowed the five scholarships at the two Wichita colleges to keep them going indefinitely. “The club’s original purposes have been and are still being met,” Mulford said. “When it started, the club brought the early professional musicians to the city. Now we have a wonderful array of places to hear and perform. “Beyond the schools there is the Wichita Symphony and chorus, the youth symphony, Music Theater of Wichita, the Wichita Grand Opera,

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Page 4

the active age

April 2017

Challenge to Pickleball groups, others By Elma Broadfoot The enthusiasm and support of our readers never fails to amaze me – even when we ask for money. We’ve issued our own challenges, including suggesting that every one of the approximately 60,000 households that receive our newspaper donate $1. Well, that didn’t catch on but maybe this challenge will. The Andover Pickleball group has made a $75 donation to the active age and is challenging all Pickleball area groups to do the same – or even more. Ralph Rust, who oversees the

Derby Senior Services Dennis Grady Colin Bailey Harold Bohm Patsy Carrico Michael Davis Melvin Embrey

group, mailed the donation and issued the challenge. So, Pickleball groups in Harvey, Butler and Sedgwick counties let’s hear from you. We’ve had two Golden Agers clubs and one senior center donate $100 to $150. It should be noted that senior centers are not fully funded and do a number of fundraisers to sustain their own operations. Riverwalk Church of Christ donated $50 to the active age. And several area businesses have donated $50 or more. So, it’s not just individuals who

Honor Roll of Donors Joseph French Geneva McLeod Golden Agers Oaklawn Sunview Joan Loehr Harry Neel James Phillips S. Seamster

John Updegrove Eugene Weninger Maurice Goff Clinton Hinman RL McClure C. Raye Street

These readers recently contributed $75 or more to the active age 2017 donation campaign.

are responding to our request for donations. On our website, www.theactiveage. com, we list – at no cost – information about more than 80 clubs and organizations. What if the Boeing Retirees donated and challenged Kansas Gas Service Retirees? What if the Postal Retirees donated and challenged the Telephone Pioneers?

Reader writes...

To: Ted Blankenship Wow! I could see a reflection of myself all over your pocketknife article in March’s the active age. Being in my late ‘70s, I can easily relate to the times when you and I were kids. Like you, I carry a small Craftsman pocketknife with me all the time. In the morning when I get dressed and it is missing from the other things I load into my pockets, it is like “OK, what did I do with it?” Even before my first “official” Boy Scout pocketknife (the one with all of the gadgets on it), I recall carrying around a pocketknife. Having a pocketknife comes in handy. Among other things, I use it to dig out the paper or Styrofoam seals in plastic bottle caps before tossing the caps in the recycle bin. Or use it to pry

What if the various veterans or environmental groups or bridge clubs donated and then challenged other groups. Well, you get the idea. This could be fun. If you donate a minimum of $75 your group’s name will appear on our donors’ Honor Roll list. Let’s see what happens. Contact Elma Broadfoot, president of ‘the active age’ board of directors, at ebroadfoot@aol.com off the seal on a new bottle of wine to reach the cork. Sometimes I’m with someone who is trying to fix something and they cannot figure out how to do it. I’ll say, “Here, let me take a look at it.” Then I’ll dig out my pocketknife. Many times this happens with one of my grandkids. They seem amazed with my carrying a pocketknife and what can be accomplished with it. Many of their generation do not know what a pocketknife is. Of the few times we travel via airplane, I always have to remember to put my pocketknife in my checked luggage. Otherwise, if TSA catches it, it is “good-bye” pocketknife. Thank you for writing about pocketknife memories. John Stohler Wichita, KS

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125 S. West St., Ste 105 • Wichita, KS 67213 316-942-5385 • Fax 316-946-9180 www.theactiveage.com Published by Active Aging Publishing, Inc.


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Ash Family: Our grandfather seems to be getting weak and is unable to care for himself. Our friends suggested hospice. What is hospice? Dorothy RN: Hospice is a special way of caring for people who are terminally ill that final year of life. The goal for hospice is to provide pain relief, manage negative symptoms and comfort care. Hospice care includes physical, psychological, social and counseling for the patient and family. Occasionally, patients do recover enough, getting stronger to a point hospice is no longer appropriate and are discharged from hospice care.

The active age, published the first of each month, is distributed in Butler, Harvey and Sedgwick counties. Suggested donation is $30 in state/ $35 out of state. To subscribe, call 316-942-5385, write the active age or visit theactiveage.com.

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Editor: Frances Kentling fran@theactiveage.com Advertising Director: Teresa Schmied


Asst. Editor/Media & Business: Kaydee Haug

Board of Directors


President: Elma Broadfoot • Vice-President: Bob Rives Secretary: Susan Howell • Treasurer: Diana Wolfe Carol Bacon • Elvira Crocker • Fran Kentling • Ruth Ann Messner

April 2017

the active age

Page 5

Book looks at lesser-known part of Chisholm Trail By Amy Geiszler-Jones Longtime cattle-trail historians Gary and Margaret Kraisinger are telling "the rest of the story" when it comes to the history of the Chisholm Trail, the major route used to drive cattle from Texas to Kansas for about 20 years starting in 1867. Their book, The Shawnee-Arbuckle Trail 1867-1870: The Predecessor to the Chisholm Trail, released in February, is based on new, original research that has passed the muster and peer-review of historical groups such as the Oklahoma Historical Society and the National Parks Service. The book, Margaret said, is meant to bring recognition to a lesser-known but important part of what would become known as the Chisholm Trail. The trail’s 150th anniversary is being celebrated this year.

Courtesy photo

Gary, Margaret Kraisinger

“We're not trying to change history,” she said, “We want to tell the other side of the story, and what's on the back half of the coin. … It's the rest of the story, like Paul Harvey would say.” The book is based on new, original research by the Kraisingers, who are well-respected cattle trail historians. The couple — who were inducted into the Kansas Cowboy Hall of Fame in 2015 — is known for citing and footnoting sources within their books to provide credibility to their research. Their two books on the Western

Trail, based on 50 years of research, are considered the most comprehensive accounts of that trail, a significant post-Civil War cattle trail that outlasted the Chisholm Trail. As with the Western Trail books, their recent publication includes hand-drawn maps by Gary, a trained cartographer and historian. He started researching cattle trails in the 1960s when he came across some well-worn ruts on a ranch in western Kansas near the Ness and Lane county line, and wondered about their history. According to the Kraisingers' recent book, during the Chisholm Trail's early years cowboys splintered from the well-established Shawnee Trail at Waco, Texas, and headed toward Abilene (the trail's end) by way of Fort Arbuckle. The fort was the farthest west military post at the time. Gary studied archival maps, while Margaret pored over cowboy and trail driver narratives to support their research into the Shawnee-Arbuckle Trail, which is about 40 miles east of the more commonly known Chisholm Trail in Oklahoma. Most Chisholm

Trail maps show the portion that the route took starting in 1870. “This is not a theory,” Margaret said. “We know beyond a shadow of a doubt” this is the trail the cowboys and their herds took between 1867 and 1870. “At the South Canadian River, north of Fort Arbuckle, the drovers picked up Chisholm's Wagon Road, a trade route that had been established by Jesse Chisholm in the early 1860s, and followed it to the Cimarron River crossing,” the book states. Their earlier book, The Western Cattle Trail 1874-1897: Its Rise, Collapse, and Revival, won two national awards in 2016. The Kraisingers live in Halstead where they restored and run The Old Hardware Store for years. Their books are available at the store, 208 N. Main, or online at www.westerncattletrail.net. They will discuss their research at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, at the Newton Public Library, 720 Oak. Contact Amy Geiszler-Jones at algj64@sbcglobal.net

I created a trust for my estate plan. My lawyer says that all of my assets need to be “retitled” in the name of the trust or payable to the trust. I have my daughter on the bank accounts as a signer just in case I get to where she needs to help me. If I put the account in the trust, the bank says that she cannot be on the account anymore. Would you please explain?

Funding your trust is very important, as failing to properly do so will likely result in probate proceedings. By changing the title on your bank accounts to your trust, your are making certain that the Trustee (you or your successor trustee) has the authority to manage that asset if you become incapacitated and/or at your death. If your daughter is the successor Trustee, then she will have the authority to manage the accounts if you are unable to continue to serve as Trustee (but she may have

to show proof that she is serving as Trustee). If it is more important for you to have her as a signer on your account, then you should consider adding the pay on death designation to the accounts so that your trust is the beneficiary. If you choose this option, make certain that any durable power of attorney that you have in place grants the attorney-in- fact the authority to transfer the account(s) to the trust in the future. Consult with your estate attorney if you have questions with funding your trust.

100 E. Waterman, Wichita, KS 316-558-3540 www.stultzlaw.com www.theactiveage.com

Page 6

the active age


Annual quilt sale

Quilts and food are two big reasons to visit the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson beginning at 4 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday, April 7-8. It’s 49th annual Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale. The quilt auction begins at 8:45 a.m. Saturday. The free event features about 200 handmade quilts, a silent auction and a general auction selling restored antique tractors and hundreds of handmade and antique items such as children's toys and grandfather clocks. Baked goods, cheese, linens, knitted items, Ten Thousand Villages fair trade art, and plants ready to go in the ground also are for sale. Mennonite and Amish volunteers cook and serve ethnic German/Russian food, pie, homemade ice cream and more. There is free parking and tractor-pulled shuttle. Proceeds go to Mennonite Central Committee relief, peace and development projects around the world. Information: Kansas.mccsale.org

Hart nominations

Central Plains Area Agency on Aging is seeking nominations for the

12th annual Irene Hart Award. It is presented to a person or an agency that has made a significant contribution in the field of aging. Nomination deadline is Monday, April 3. Include nominee’s name, address, telephone number and the significant contribution in the field of aging. Mail nominations to Trista Clevenger, 2622 W. Central, Ste. 500, Wichita, KS 67203; fax 316-660-1936 or email trista.clevenger@sedgwick. gov. The winner will be announced in May, which is Older Americans Month when the contributions and accomplishments of older adults are especially recognized. Its theme this year is Age Out Loud to reflect what today’s older adults have to say.

Shaken, Not Stirred

Tallgrass Film Festival’s annual fundraiser for its Youth Educational Programs will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 5, at Abode Venue. TFA alumni filmmaker Blayne Weaver will host Shaken Not Stirred: The Martini Shot, with a twist, event. The Martini Shot is Hollywood lingo for the last shot of the day on a film set.

Guests will help design a set for the Emerging Programmer Apprentices group film project, which will premiere at the 15th Tallgrass festival in October. Tickets are $65 at tallgrassfilm.org or the door.

Inaugural photo show

Mark Arts’ inaugural Photographic Arts National Exhibition is now on exhibit through May 14. Photographers from across the United States are featured in this competitive show. Polly Chandler was the juror. The galleries at 9112 E. Central are open from 1–5 p.m. Tuesday–Saturday. Free admission.

Learn early signs

An informational meeting about Alzheimer's, especially early signs, symptoms and stages, will be held from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, April 8, at Augusta’s Public Library, 1609 State Speakers include Pamela Cartwright, Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital, El Dorado, and Breana Jones, the Alzheimer's Association. Modifiable risk factors will be covered, plus a special emphasis on boosting cognition and brain exercising. It’s sponsored by the Augusta United Methodist Church.

April 2017

Horse rescue gala

A Wild West benefit and gala for Rainbow Meadows Equine Rescue will begin at 5 p.m. Saturday, April 8, at Fulton Valley Farms, 5079 SW Fulton Rd., Towanda. Guests are encouraged to dress in their “wild west best.” There will be a dinner, whiskey and wine toss, silent and live auctions, plus used tack for sale. For the first time, rescue horses will be at the event. Tickets are $75; a table for 8 is $560. Seating is limited. Buy tickets at http://rainbowmeadowsranch.com/ content/2017-wild-wild-west-benefit-gala-registration

Car maintenance

Want to be more hands-on in maintaining your vehicle? April is National Car Care Month, and the Central Library, 223 S. Main, is presenting a class covering basic car care maintenance at 3 p.m. Saturday, April 8. Discover the library's extensive motor manual collection and a free online auto repair database. Registration is required. Call 261-8507 or register online at www.wichitalibrary.org.



LEASE TODAY – CALL (316) 655-8171 or (316) 461-0107 • 201 E. Karla, Haysville www.theactiveage.com

April 2017

the active age

Page 7

Wichita’s Gridiron show now nation’s oldest Bucky Walters

By Elvira Crocker You can’t say this is his first rodeo. Bucky Walters has been giving his time and talent to the Wichita Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists since the mid-’80s and given local audiences plenty to laugh about. Over the years he has played former Kansas governors Mike Hayden and Joan Finney — yes, fully garbed in a woman’s business suit, heels and wig. You’ve also seen him as the curmudgeon radio host who answers his callers with the question: “What’s wrong?” and then provides demeaning, yet humorous, answers for their “piddlin’ ” problems. Why does he do it? “I like it; I feel a part of it,” he says. He majored in journalism at Wichita State University and is doing his part to keep the profession staffed with well-trained personnel. Along the way, he’s written for the now defunct Old Town Gazette and more recently been on a radio show with former Mayor Bob Knight. Over the years, he’s done standup comedy, roasted some local celebrities and senior citizens, acts for a variety of

All about Gridiron

also wrote the skits. Bill Roy, Wichita Business Journal editor, is the emcee; Jean Ann Cusick directs. A mystery guest or two, an annual highlight of the shows, will appear. Ticket are $24 and $27 Thursday, and $29 and $32 Friday and Saturday. They are on sale at Select-A-Seat, Intrust Bank Arena box office or the Orpheum on show nights. The proceeds support journalism scholarships for sophomores, juniors and seniors at Kansas’ colleges.

dinners and other functions. But all of that has been aside from his regular gig as a hairdresser at Hair Connection. His other passions are Shocker men’s basketball games and women’s volleyball, where he is a regular. His birthday generally falls during the Gridiron season, but not this year, however. He’ll turn 78 on April 6. Bucky is the second longest member of the Gridiron cast. The late Randy Brown was the longest serving cast member. Bonnie Bing is now No. 1. Brown was in the first production which also featured another local retired print journalist, Frank Garafolo, and a special guest performance by

then WSU student Sam Ramey. He used his vocal talents to sing Old Man Shriver, to the tune of Old Man River in a spoof of former Kansas Congressman Garner Shriver. It brought the house down. Contact Elvira Crocker at crockev@cox.net

Wichita’s Gridiron is the longest running Gridiron show in the country, according to Molly McMillin, president of the Kansas Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists that sponsors the show. The 49th annual show — Gridiron 2017: Doo-Dah Land — will begin at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, March 30-April 1, at the Orpheum Theater. Most of the 17 performers work in journalism and the media, and they

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Bonnie Bing

By Elma Broadfoot Once upon a time in a city known as Doo Dah a relatively young maiden perched on a piano in a theater on the hill – College Hill. It was called the Community Theater. The show drew people from far and wide to watch journalists perform.

The maiden was Bonnie Bing, and she read a story while her fellow performers acted it out on stage. But no one paid attention to the performers; they only watched the maiden. The next year, Bonnie took on the role of Fairly Tale Princess, writing and performing her stories on the annual doings in Doo Dah. Bonnie’s been with Gridiron since 1977, and she’s seen a lot of changes – especially audiences. “I think our comedy used to be considered more irreverent, but isn’t shocking at all today, and our audiences drink a whole lot less than they used to.” Her fellow actors have dubbed her the “censor person.” If material passes her filter, it stays in the show. One of her memorable Gridirons was when Bonnie was still working at Wichita State University. There was a hole in the back curtain at the Community Theater, and “we would peek out to see who was in the audience. And there in the front row was Dr. Clark Ahlberg (WSU president) and his wife Rowena. And in my first skit I was playing a regular-size tampon.” As she performed, Bonnie saw the

See next page

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Page 8

the active age

April 2017

Gridiron From previous page

Awards winner The active age won three awards in

stoic face of her boss, while his wife clasped her hand across her mouth. “And then I saw my mom, and the look on her face was like ‘oh Bonnie, what have you done’,” she said laughing. Bonnie retired from The Wichita Eagle five years ago, but continues to write a bimonthly column. She says she’ll stay in Gridiron until “I think it’s not fun anymore. Besides, I like the people in the show so much. We have a blast.”

Ted Woodard

Ted Woodward, 21-year Gridiron veteran, displayed a penchant for performing when he was 7 years old. His mom, Mahala, recalled a Christmas pageant in their family room. “He cooked it all up, and when his two younger brothers acted up, Ted declared: ‘Fine, if you’re not going to do it right then I’ll just do all the parts.’ ” Ted is still doing all the parts as a scriptwriter, singer, dancer and comedian in Gridiron. Like most other players, he writes his own material. “In January, we get together and ideas start simmering. I’ll come up with four to six ideas; most of those are local or state (issues). In February, we

Photo by Kacy Meinecke

Gridiron veterans, from left, Ted Woodard, Bonnie Bing, Bucky Walters decide who will write (each script). We rehearse in March, and then it is show time.” Ted said his material “tends to be more bawdy and farcical.” Audiences sense of humor has changed and people today have different sensibilities to issues and are more influenced by political correctness. He said he likes “to take it (my material) up to that line but not cross it.” A couple of scripts he recalls were a satirical take on the introduction of the Dillons Reward Card with words he wrote to Who Will Buy from Oliver, and an On Golden Pond –type scene dealing with protecting Eastborough’s pond. “Gridiron is an outlet for me to write my own comedy. Not many have a chance to do that and without much

of a filter,” he said. “It is a great annual event, and I enjoy the people I work with.” Performing in a show isn’t the only thing that 7-year-old showed an interest in. He used to grab anything that looked like a microphone and do sports broadcasts. He has been in radio for 23 years and is a co-host with Steve McIntosh on KNSS Morning Show. At 17 years, they are “the longest running radio team.” He also announces Wichita State University baseball games, volleyball and women’s basketball games, and does a call-in-show following Shocker Men’s Basketball games. Contact Elma Broadfoot at ebroadfoot@aol.com

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the 2016 Kansas Press Association Awards of Excellent Contest. Transitions, a special advertising section in last April’s paper, won First Place in its category. It was created by Teresa Schmied, advertising director; Kaydee Haug, designer and online media manager; and Stephanie May, cover designer. The 2017 Transitions is in this month’s paper. We won third place for two stories: One was an article in the Senior’s category about a WSU administrator who helps faculty understand how their project might be able help the aging. The reporter was Jennifer Comes. In the Health Story category an article by Debbi Elmore about senior hoarding explained some of the reasons this complex disorder might occur.


Kathleen Bateson will celebrate her 85th birthday Friday, April 21. She worked for Southwestern Bell for 42 years, and she and her late husband, Vernon, had Hideaway Antiques in Colwich. Please send her cards to Presbyterian Manor, 4700 W. 13th, Wichita, KS 67212. Celebrate... notices are printed free for 80 and older birthdays or 50 and up anniversaries. Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the celebration. Email the notice to editor@theactiveage.com.

April 2017

the active age

Page 9

Osborne credited for Wichita’s jazz movement Editor’s Note: This story is one in a series about African American musicians in Wichita from the 1930s-50s. By Joshua Yearout Tradition generally traces Wichita’s jazz movement to Homer Osborne’s arrival about 1925. For more than 50 years he served as both a performer and spokesperson. He was born in Winfield in 1893. When his family moved to Perry, Okla., Osborne said, he returned to Kansas because of an encounter with racism, “The first day of school I walked into the classroom full of black faces. I couldn’t believe it. They was segregated.” He returned to Winfield where the school was integrated. The insistence of equality in both life and music became a lifelong cause. In his teens he returned to Oklahoma where he spent time as a jazz drummer in Tulsa. After a brief time in the Army, Osborne then attended the Chicago Conservatory of Music. Although they taught him to play symphonic music, Osborne usually found himself honing his jazz drumming skills at night in some of Chicago’s legendary jam sessions. By 1919 he had left the conser-

vatory and was playing with the King Oliver Band. However, he was not part of its core lineup. That included Oliver and Louis Armstrong on cornets, Lil Hardin on piano, Johnny Dodds on clarinet, Honore Homer Osborne Dutrey on (1893-1982) trombone, and Johnny Dodds’ brother, Baby, on drums. He acknowledged that Baby was the better drummer and was used whenever the band recorded. Because Osborne didn’t appear on any recordings, he doesn’t exist in the annals of jazz history. After six years on the road with King Oliver, he returned to Wichita. He formed an 11-piece band and began performing at the Arkota Ballroom. In 1927, he said, “I knew every-

thing was goin’ to work out all right. All that schoolin’ was payin’ off. The way I felt was: I can do it now, ‘cause I got my band.” However, Osborne’s life took a downturn that year. “I was walkin’ home Decoration Day (Memorial Day) evening with a couple of suits hangin’ over my shoulder, when all of a sudden, everything went black.” Despite the shock of his sudden blindness, Osborne made his way home. His mother called a doctor. When the doctor and his mother left the room to discuss his condition, according to legend, Osborne got up, dressed, slipped out the back door and made his way downtown to the Arkota and led his band through the night’s gig. The cause of his blindness was never determined. Osborne continued as a mainstay of the Wichita jazz scene for the next 50 years, performing at the Idlewise and Lassen Hotel Ballroom. He also fronted bands with musicians in town for other gigs. The list includes Charlie Parker, Claude “Fiddler” Williams, Count Basie, Jay McShann and Charlie Christian. Through his drumming, Osborne was able to push the limits of integration. During his days in Chicago he encountered integrated bands and recalled, “There wasn’t no color line up there. You could play with white bands if you wanted. And I wanted.” At the time, the Wichita musicians union did not allow African Americans


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to join. In 1927 there was an attempt to freeze-out all black bands. “Negro bands started comin’ in here; good bands like Gene Coy and His Black Aces. They had contracts, but was getting’ knocked off jobs because they didn’t belong to the union. Of course, they couldn’t belong because they were black.” Osborne eventually became the first African American admitted in the union. He wanted to play with the best musicians regardless of color, and because he was blind, he was literally not able to see the race of any of his fellow musicians. From the book Wichita Jazz and Vice: Between the World Wars by the late Joshua Yearout. He died in 2009 at age 33. His book, based on research for his master’s degree, was published in 2010 by Rowfant press. To comment on this or other stories, email fran@theactiveage.com

Racial profiling

What do Kansas’ police officers think about allegations of racial profiling, and what needs to be done to resolve the controversy? "Police on Racial Profiling: In Their Own Words" will be discussed at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 4. Included is research that examined police officers' perspectives on profiling. Police Chief Gordon Ramsay and a panel of community representatives will discuss the study and answer questions after the presentation. It’s at WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex, 5015 E. 29th N., Rm. 180.

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the active age

April 2017

Cook puts dream kitchen to good use By Joe Stumpe Mindy Wooten finally has a kitchen to match her love of cooking. When she and husband, Kendall, built their new home, he did the design. "I tried drawing everything she said she wanted all her life." There's a gleaming Wolf range (six burners, two ovens), walk-in pantry, wine cooler and handsome 10-footlong alder-wood island with shelves for her cookbooks and collectibles below. Windows look onto a manmade, catfish-stocked pond and rural Harvey County. "We just love it out here, watching the wildlife," Mindy says. "We have deer and geese." "It's a buffet out here," Kendall jokes. Actually, the buffet is usually inside. The home was designed partly with the couple's four young granddaughters in

Photo by Joe Stumpe

Wooten's chicken enchiladas

production manager for an oil and gas producer in Wichita. Mindy first learned to cook from her mother, Margaret Johnson, and then developed on her own. "I will see something in a restaurant I like and just go from there," she says. The couple's favorite restaurants include Bella Luna, Larkspur, On The Border and The Barn, a restaurant in nearby Burrton famed for its chicken-fried steak. Mindy has won The Wichita Eagle's

annual recipe contest several times, with recipes for Apple Jelly Pork Tenderloin and Parmesan Spinach Spaghetti Pie. The accompanying recipe is a favorite for groups since, like many good cooks, Mindy likes dishes that "stretch" a little meat a long way while still delivering big flavor and nutrition. "Get some chips and salsa and you've got a meal," she says. Know a good cook? Tell Joe at jstumpe@cox.net.

mind; they've got their own bunk beds and plenty of room to play. Neither Wooten grew up in the country. Mindy is from Wichita, Kendall from Derby. He owns Halstead-based Wooten Enterprises, which builds booths, salad bars and other furniture for Pizza Huts and other restaurants nationwide. Mindy is

Mindy’s Santa Fe Chicken Enchiladas

1 can diced green chiles (optional) 1 Tbsp butter 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained 3 C grated Monterey/cheddar cheese 1 C instant rice 1 1/4 C chicken broth 1/2 to 1 pkg taco season mix (depending on how spicy you like it) Salt and pepper to taste

Sauté chopped onion, bell pepper and garlic in butter. Add diced chicken, tomatoes, black beans, chicken broth, green chilies, corn and taco spice mix. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Add instant rice, cover and remove from heat. Let set until liquid is absorbed by rice, about 5 minutes. In 9 X 13 pan, or larger if you have it, fill tortillas with large spoonful of grated cheese and heaping serving spoon full of enchilada mixture, roll and place seam side down. Cover with enchilada sauce and top with remaining cheese. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes, removing foil last 5 minutes. Served with chips, salsa, chopped lettuce, fresh tomatoes and sour cream. Makes 10-12 servings.

10-12 flour tortillas 2 C cooked, diced white chicken meat 1 can diced tomatoes 2 cans enchilada sauce 1 tsp minced garlic 1/2 onion, finely chopped 1 C frozen corn 1/2 red or green bell pepper, finely chopped

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April 2017

the active age

Arts briefs...

Behind the scene

Join Friends of the Wichita Art Museum on Monday, April 10, for a look at the behind-the-scenes-magic that brings five full-scale Broadway musicals to the Wichita stage in just 10 weeks each summer. Wayne Bryan, producing artistic director of Music Theatre Wichita, will reflect on his tenure at MTW and provide a glimpse of this summer’s musicals.

Lunch is at noon; the program at 1. Reservation deadline is Tuesday, April 4. Call 316-268-4912 or email rsvp@ wichitaartmuseum.org. Cost is $35. The museum, 1400 E. Museum Blvd., is open from 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, noon–5 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $7 adults; $5 55+; $3 students; under 5 free. Saturday admission is free.

The exhibit references Pruitt’s interests in science fiction, hip hop, science and technology, comic books, Black political struggles and symbols of traditional African cultures. It will remain on display through Aug. 6. Museum hours are 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Tuesday–Friday, 1–5 p.m. Sunday. Admission is free.

Ulrich art show

Murdock live shows

Robert Pruitt: Benediction is opening Saturday, April 8, at the Ulrich Art Museum at Wichita State University.

April theatre options By Diana Morton Celebrate April and spring! The list of fabulous live-stage productions promise enjoyable experiences. Forum Theatre, Wilke Center, 1st United Methodist Church, 330 N. Broadway. Life Could Be A Dream by Roger Bean. This ‘60s hits and doowop trip down memory lane begins when a fledgling singing group prepares to enter the Big Whopper Radio contest. Of course, trouble also arrives. 8 pm Fri, Mar 31; 2 and 8 pm Sat,

Apr 1; 2 and 7 pm Sun, Apr 2. Tickets $23-25. Mosley Street Melodrama, 234 N. Mosley. The Dukes of Hayesville or Hazzards of Going Down South... of Wichita by Jeff Gates and Tom Frye, followed by a musical review. This crazy fun spoof of The Dukes of Hazard TV series pokes fun at the series and Haysville when a group of scientists decide Haysville has the best testing ground for their bomb. Mar 30-May 20. Dinner 6:15 pm. Tickets $26-$30; show

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Area residents are able to watch live HD streaming of opera and theater at the Murdock Theatre, 536 N. Broadonly 7:50 pm, $20. 316-263-0222 Roxy's Downtown, 412 E. Douglas, cabaret-style theatre. Six Women With Brain Death (or Expiring Minds Want to Know), music and lyrics by Mark Houston. This wild and very left-of-center view of the world is from an entirely feminine standpoint. Sketches include an overweight prom queen who loses her crown; a housewife who keeps a severed head on a cake plate; and Barbie and Ken's secret fantasy life. 8 pm Fri–Sat, Apr 21-22, 28-9. Tickets $27-$30. 316-265-4400 Wichita Community Theatre, 258 N. Fountain. Fortinbras by Lee Blessing. Time magazine named this cheeky, off-beat comedy one of the best plays of 1991. Young Fortinbras,

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Page 11 way. National Theatre Live is operated by the Royal National Theatre in London. The play, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard, stars Daniel Radcliffe. It begins at 1 p.m. Thursday, April 20. Tickets are $15 general; $13 senior/student. The Metropolitan Opera Live will present Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin, Pushkin’s timeless verse novel, at 11:55 a.m. Saturday, April 22. Tickets are $22 general, $20 senior, $18 college student with ID, $13 age 17 and under. a modern man of action, enters during the last scene of Hamlet only to order the bodies of the royal family shuffled off while he devises a media blitz to legitimize his ascension to the throne of Denmark. 8 pm Wed–Sat, Apr 1930; 7 pm Apr 23, 2 pm Apr 30. Tickets $14, $12 for military/seniors/students. Tickets opening night Wed, Apr 19; $10. 316-686-1282 WSR Signature Theatre, Scottish Rite Center, 332 E. First. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. A time-honored classic. 8 pm Fri-Sat, Mar 31-Apr 1; 7 pm Sun, Apr 2. Tickets $10-$18. 316-644-7018 Contact Diana Morton at dianamorton12@sbcglobal.net

Page 12

the active age

A monument to WW I Vets? Keep looking... By Ken Stephens There are more than a dozen monuments in Wichita’s Veterans’ Memorial Park — World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Marines, Submariners, the Merchant Marine, POW/MIAs, the Navy Medical Corps, Purple Heart winners, Gold Star Mothers and others. There is nothing to commemorate World War I. As we approach April 6, the 100th anniversary of the United States’ entry into the war, Jami Frazier Tracy, curator of collections at the Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum, had to acknowledge: “I do not know of any World War I specific memorials in Wichita. If only the Victory Arch had not been torn down.” The Victory Arch was a grand monument: 40 feet high, 70 feet across,

built spanning Douglas at Broadway to celebrate the return of Kansas troops from the battlefields of France. But after the soldiers of the 137th Infantry Regiment paraded under the arch on May 9, 1919, Wichita’s downtown merchants waited a barely respectable seven months before they began circulating a petition asking the city commission to tear it down. The monument, built of plaster over a wood frame rather than stone, had served its purpose and was never intended to be permanent, they argued. And besides, the large buttresses that supported the arch on either side of Douglas blocked the sidewalk. Pedestrians had to step into the street to get around it. Indeed, a statement published on Jan. 22, 1919, in the Wichita Beacon by the World War Memorial Committee of Wichita announced that the arch was to be a “forerunner of a permanent memorial” elsewhere in the city. “To the people of Wichita, this memorial must testify of our appreciation of what our own boys have done and to the boys,” the committee wrote.

April 2017


A Victory Arch was erected for the troops’ homecoming parade in 1919 at the intersection of Douglas and Lawrence (now Broadway). “We cannot of course build anything that will add to the glory of their deeds nor the honor of their sacrifices, but we can perpetuate their deeds. We can enshrine their names on imperishable stone.” But in August 1920, the Victory Arch was torn down and no permanent

memorial to “enshrine their names on imperishable stone” was ever built. “I think that happened in a lot of cities,” said Blair Tarr, a curator at the Kansas Museum of History and a member of the Kansas World War I Centennial Committee. See next page

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April 2017

Monument From previous page “They had good intentions. The original arch was to be temporary while they raised money for a more permanent structure. Then a lot of them never got built.” Those good intentions probably were overtaken by other more pressing events, like the Great Depression and then World War II. A lot of plans fell by the wayside, literally. When construction of a new “Victory Highway” (later U.S. 40) across the United States began, plans called for erection of an identical monument at every county line, bearing the names of the men from that county who died in World War I. In Kansas, only three of those monuments were built, Tarr said. Residents of the small Kansas community of Rosedale did build a permanent arch to honor its veterans, modeled on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. It stands today near the intersection of Rainbow and Southwest Boulevards in Kansas City, Kan. Wichita does have one small World War I monument at the southwest corner of the Veterans Administration

the active age Hospital on East Kellogg, erected in 1937, thanks to the Thomas Hopkins Post 4 of the American Legion. It is a stone obelisk, about 10 feet tall and topped by a lantern. On one side it bears the inscription: Heroes Live Beyond the Tomb. This Memorial Dedicated to the Memory of Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice in World War I. On another side is a brass plaque in memory of Lt. Erwin R. Bleckley, for whom Bleckley Drive is named. He served as an airborne forward artillery observer. He died in 1918 when he and his pilot were shot down while flying dangerously low in an attempt to drop supplies to the famed Lost Battalion in Battle of the Argonne Forest. Both men were posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. If you want to attend a commemoration ceremony on April 6, drive to Kansas City, Mo. It is the home of the National World War I Museum and Monument. The president, congressional leadership, military leaders, foreign representatives of the countries that fought in the war and others have been invited. Contact Ken Stephens at Ken.Stephens@sbcglobal.net

Page 13

WW I From page 1

Photo by Ken Stephens

This monument was erected in 1937 at Kellogg and Bleckley by the American Legion Thomas Hopkins Post 4. It moved onto the Veterans Hospital grounds in 1997 because of the reconstruction of Kellogg.


Two more companies, each of 50 men who worked for the Standard Oil Co., marched and drilled over their lunch hour “to prepare for the national emergency.” The Wichita Rifle Club offered to teach boys in the High School Patriotic Corps how to use and maintain military rifles. The New York Store at Main and Second Street advertised a “mobilization sale.” Today it might seem opportunistic and unseemly, but the store’s ad said “war is hereby declared on merchandise prices.” Not everyone was enthusiastic about the war. A devoted reader of The Eagle in Winfield wrote a letter to the editor taking it to task for so enthusiastically pushing for war over the preceding months. The United States, the writer argued, had no business in the European war. Kansas also was a state made up of immigrants and children of immigrants, many of whom still spoke their mother tongue. There were Swedes, Russians, Czechs, Frenchmen and, See next page

Page 14

Drugs From page 1

goals: 1. It keeps medication from ending up in groundwater if flushed down the toilet or put in the trash. 2. It keeps unused medicine from being taken by another family member or others. 3. It prevents people from stealing another persons controlled substances and using them in dangerous ways, such as “pill parties.” Dehning said that’s a gathering when “as many prescription painkillers as possible and throw them in a bowl for a party.” The medications collected by the DEA are taken it to an incinerator in


From previous page

most of all, Germans. John Hoenscheidt, editor of The Herald, a German newspaper in Wichita, told The Eagle: “We’re going to have war, and I’ll follow the American flag in a minute if they’ll let me.” Most of the men who enlisted joined the Kansas National Guard, which was mobilized and renamed the 137th Infantry Regiment, “the All-Kansas Regiment.”

the active age

April 2017

Kansas City, said spokesman Scott Collier. The first takeback day in September 2010 removed 3,279 pounds of drugs in Kansas, he said. The largest amount turned in by Photo: Sedgwick Kansans was almost County Sheriff's Office 14,000 pounds in Deputy Tim April 2016. He Hallacy collects credited the increase drugs. to more law enforcement offices sponsoring take-back events. Nationwide, the last take-back day in October 2016 brought in 731,269

pounds — almost 366 tons — of meds. During the program’s life, 7.1 million pounds of drugs have been removed from homes. Collier said studies show that most people using illicit drugs start out by abusing prescription medicine. “For those who abuse pharmaceuticals, most of the people are getting them from friends and family, so that means they are going to their medicine chests.” Powerful prescription painkillers and heroin are both derived from opioids. People who can no longer afford prescription painkillers turn to heroin, which is less expensive, he said. “It’s economics that drive people from pharmaceutical abuse to heroin.” “By getting the stuff out of the

home it will decrease the excess supply that ends up in the hands of the curious,” he added. It also reduces the chance of that unused medicine being ingested by children. DEA’s website lists three Wichita locations where controlled substances and other medicine can be brought throughout the year: McConnell Air Force Base, 57950 Leavenworth, Ste. 321; Walgreens, 3333 E. Central, and Walgreens, 555 N. Maize Rd. Sedgwick County Hazardous Waste accepts old medicine, but not controlled substances. Since guidelines vary, check before bringing meds to these sites. Contact Nancy Carver Singleton at ncsingleton@att.net

The 137th's bloodiest action was in the Argonne Forest, taking relatively unknown strongpoints and towns such as Vauquois Hill, Varennes, Cheppy, Baulny and Exermont. Of about 2,800 men who went into battle in the Argonne, 278 were killed and 1,220 more wounded. Sedgwick County’s death toll, in the 137th and other units, came to 141, including Congressional Medal of Honor winner Edwin Bleckley, a bank teller who became an airborne artillery observer. He died when his plane was

shot down while trying to resupply the famed Lost Battalion. Also among the dead was Paul C. Knoblauch, a corporal in the U.S. Army. Knoblauch was born near Colwich, the son of parents who came from Germany 20 years earlier. Knoblauch was fatally wounded about 150 miles from the town his parents came from. His memorial card was printed in the language his relatives understood — German. It said, in part: “He loyally did his duty and died a hero’s death for his

country on 28 October 1918.” He is buried in the St. Rose Catholic Church cemetery just east of the Cheney Reservoir Dam. Contact Ken Stephens at Ken.Stephens@sbcglobal.net Sources for this story include: The Wichita Eagle, March 27-April 12, 1917; A History of the 137th Regiment by Col. Charles H. Browne (1940); and The Wichita Beacon Sunday Magazine, Nov. 11, 1923.

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April 2017

the active age

Page 15

How to stop snoring; it gets worse with age By Jim Miller Dear Savvy Senior, Over the past few years my 57-yearold husband’s snoring has gotten much worse. It’s to the point that I have to either wear earplugs or move to a different room. Any suggestions? Sleep Deprived Susan Dear Susan, Snoring, a common problem, often gets worse with age. Around 37 million Americans snore on a regular basis according to the National Sleep Center. Snoring occurs when the airway narrows or is partly blocked during sleep. But you also need to know it can be much more than just an annoyance. It can be a red flag for obstructive sleep apnea, a serious condition in which the snorer stops and starts breathing during sleep, increasing the risks of cardiovascular disease, stroke, cardiac arrhythmia and hypertension. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 34 percent of men and 19 percent of women who snore routinely have sleep apnea or are

at risk for it. Self-Help Remedies Sleep experts suggest you start with these steps: Open a stuffy nose: If nasal congestion is causing your husband to snore, over-the-counter nasal strips such as Breathe Right may help. If allergies are the cause, try saline nasal sprays. Elevate his head: Buying a foam wedge to elevate his head a few inches can help reduce snoring, or buy him a contoured pillow to lift his chin and keep his tongue from blocking the back of his throat as he sleeps. Sleep on side: To prevent back sleeping, which triggers snoring, place a pillow against his back to keep him from rolling, over or sew a tennis ball in the back of his pajama shirt. No alcohol before bed: Alcoholic beverages can relax the muscles in the throat, and constrict airflow. He should not consume alcohol three to four

hours before bedtime. Lose excess weight: Fat around the neck can compress the upper airway and impede airflow and is often associated with sleep apnea. Quit smoking: Smoking causes inflammation in the upper airways that can make snoring worse. Need More Help If these strategies don’t make a big difference, your husband should see his doctor, a sleep specialist or an otolaryngologist who may recommend an overnight study to test him for apnea. For primary snoring or mild to moderate sleep apnea, an oral appliance that fits into the mouth like a retainer may be prescribed. This shifts the lower jaw and tongue forward, keeping the airway open. But the gold standard for moderate to severe sleep apnea is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. This involves sleeping with a mask that is hooked up to a machine that gently blows air up your nose to keep the passages open. If these don’t work or are intolera-

ble, surgery is an option too. There are procedures that remove excess tissue in the nose, mouth or throat. A newer procedure called hypoglossal nerve stimulation implants a small device implanted in the chest to help control the movement of the tongue when it blocks the airway. Send your senior questions to Jim Miller, Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org.

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Page 16

the active age

April 2017

Cowboy poet; trail driving folksongs Kansas’ cowboy poet Ron Wilson will use verse to describe cowboy life along the Chisholm Trail, which celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. He performs at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20, at Central Library, 223 S. Main. He placed in the top 5 at the National Cowboy Poetry Rodeo and was proclaimed Poet Lariat (NOT Laureate) by a Kansas governor. On Sunday, April 23, historian and writer Jim Hoy will talk about Singing

the Cattle North. This will be at 2:30 p.m. at the Central Library. A retired professor of English at Emporia State University, he is one of Kansas's foremost authorities on cowboy life and folklore. Cowboy folksongs were more than entertainment on the lonely prairie. They told the story of a way of work through trail-driving songs, night-herding songs and bunkhouse/ chuck wagon songs.

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Meet Connie.

She is a listener. She is a kind heart. She is KMH's Chaplain.

Family History Fair: October 29, of 2016, 10 - 4 Chisholm Trail kick-off, “Wild Women Caldwell”

Wellington Memorial Auditorium; April 24, 6:30 pmFREE - all welcome

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As the Chaplain at KMH, Connie Pace-Adair invests time and heart in all of KMH's residents across the entire campus—for the betterment of their lives, the lives of their families, and the betterment of KMH. Connie is most proud to be a part of KMH– because it is such a unique and special place for seniors to live. She is honored to serve KMH's residents and their families through pastoral counsel and faith-based activities like Bible study, Faith TV, inspirational talks and presentations, and gospel concerts. Connie makes KMH a better place to live by giving residents the opportunity to remain connected and grow in their faith.

402 S. Martinson Street, Wichita, Kansas 67213 316.269.7500 kmh.org


April 2017

BEL AIRE 7651 E Central Park Ave 744-2451, ext 121 www.belaireks.org

the active age

Calendar of Events

Sedgwick County Senior Centers

Mon & Wed: 6 pm Yoga, Rec Center. Free. Mon-Fri: 8-9 am Bel Aire Walkers, Rec Center. Tue: 1 pm Bridge. (reservation required). Tue & Fri: 10:30 am Chair Exercise, Rec Center. Wed: 9 am Low impact aerobics, Rec Center. Fri: 9 am Breakfast at Braum's. 1st, 3rd & 5th Fri: 6 pm Pitch. 1st Thu: 1 pm Game Day, Rec Center. 1st Mon: 6:30 pm Potluck & Program, Community Room. 3rd Wed:1:30 pm Book club. 4th Mon: 12:30 pm Covered Dish Lunch & Program, Rec Center. 4th Thu: 2 pm Genealogy & Family History Group.

BENTLEY/EAGLE 504 W Sterling, 796-0027

Open Mon-Fri: Coffee, cookies, exercise. Mon: 2 pm Line dancing, chair exercise. Wed: 1:30 pm Canasta. Sat: 8-9:30 am Breakfast, donation. 2nd Fri: 11 am Senior Lunch Out. 3rd Tue: 7 pm Game night, bring snack. 3rd Fri: noon XYZ potluck, program. 4th Sat: 7 pm Movie Night.

CHENEY 516 Main, 542-3721

Mon-Fri: 10:30 am Hot meal, reservations required, games. Every other Tue: 1 pm Bingo. 1st Tue: 6 pm Potluck dinner.

CLEARWATER 921 E Janet, 584-2332

Mon: 10 am-noon Blood pressure check; 1-3 pm Painting, beginning to advanced. Wed: 9 am Morning coffee. Every other Thu: 1 pm Bingo. Tue, Fri: 8:45 am Tai Chi; 10 am Exercise class. 2nd Tue: noon Carry-in lunch & program. Thur: 10 am Bible study. 1st, 3rd & 4th Thu: 9 am Help with technologybring your device.

DERBY 611 N Mulberry Rd, 788-0223

www.derbyweb.com Regular activities: Exercise programs at low cost, foot care, book club, friendship club. Apr 6: 11:30 am Covered Dish. Bring food to share and sign up. L.V. Smith will be the entertainment. $2. Apr 10: 1 pm Learn about the Waste Connections Recycle Bank Reward Program. Apr 17: 4:30 pm Nacho Bingo with prizes $1, must sign up. Apr 25: 6 pm Bunco Babes. $2. 3rd Tue: Noon Friendship Club; 1 pm Book Club. Reading list at front desk. 2nd Tue: 9 am New-member orientation.

DOWNTOWN 200 S. Walnut, 267-0197

Page 17

www.seniorservicesofwichita.org Regular activities: Exercise classes, Pickleball, computer classes, foot care by appt. Apr 6: 2:30-4 pm Writing Craft: Writing Concepts to Understand by Starla Criser. Apr 13: 3:30 pm Inca Culture thru Art by Judith Egino-Humerez. Apr 18: 1 pm Introduction to iPhone & iPad use by Cindy Bailey. Members only, no charge. Apr 28: 10 am Intro to Sketching Animals & Humans by Joan Morrison. Mon: 11 am Lewis Street Singers; 1 pm Bridge.

Wed: 9 am Spanish class (adv); 11 am Well rep excercise 1 pm Pickleball.

EDGEMOOR 5815 E 9th, 688-9392

Mon-Fri: 11:30 am Hot lunch, reservation required; 10-11 am Pool, cards, bingo, dominoes, puzzles.

GARDEN PLAIN 1006 N Main, 535-1155

Tue, Thu: 9:30 am Exercise. Fri: 1 pm Cards. 1st Fri: noon Potluck, cards. 3rd Fri: noon Birthday/anniversary celebration.

GODDARD 120 N Main, 794-2441

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:30 am Exercise. 1st & 4th Tue: 9:30 am-noon Cards. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10 am-4 pm Covered dish, cards, dominoes.

HAYSVILLE 160 E Karla, 529-5903

Regular activities: Cards, crafts, hot lunch, exercise. Mon-Fri: 11:30 am Hot Lunch; 12 pm Cards. Tue: 12:30 pm; Fri 9 amTX Hold'em. 1st & 3rd Wed: 12:30 pm Bingo. 1st Thu: 10 am Community Classroom. Tue & Thu: 10 am STEPS Last Tue: 6-9 pm Game Night. 2nd Fri: 5:30 pm Birthday Dinner , Covered Dish. 4th Sat: 8 am Friends & Family Senior Breakfast. RSVP.

KECHI Kechi City Building, 744-0217, 744-1271

3rd Thu: 6:30-7:30 pm Meeting.

LA FAMILIA 841 W 21st, 267-1700

Mon-Fri: Dance, exercise, pool, dominoes. 11:30 am-12:15 pm Hot lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon, Fri: 9:30 am-3 pm Tax-Aide, by appt. Tue, Thu: 1 pm Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon: 10 am English Class/Clase de Ingles; 1 pm Line dancing. Tue: 10 am Nutrition class/Clase de nutricion. Thu: 10 am Bingo/loteria. Last Fri: 10 am Music/musica; monthly birthdays.

MT HOPE 105 S Ohio, 667-8956

Mon: 7-10 am Coffee, donuts; 11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch; 1-4 pm Cards. Tue, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise class. Tue, Wed: 10 am-3 pm Crafts, quilting. Thu: 9:30-10:30 am Line dancing. 1st Fri: Noon Sr Citizens’ lunch.

MULVANE 632 E Mulvane, 777-4813

Daily: Walk in the gym, coffee; hot lunch; computers, dominoes, puzzles, pool, book loan. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Yoga. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Zumba. 2nd Tue: 7:30-9:30 am Breakfast, $3. 2nd Wed: 11:30 am Blood pressure checks. 3rd Wed: Noon-1 pm Blood pressure checks. 2nd Thur: 11:45 am Kentucky Fried Chicken potluck. Free. Last Fri: 11:45 Birthday Celebrations.

NORTHEAST 2121 E 21st, 269-4444

www.seniorservicesofwichita.org Daily: Dominoes, cards, Wii, pool, hot lunch. library, exercise room, computer lab. Apr 6: 11:45 am Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Angie King. Apr 14: 2-4 pm Mad at Jesus. $5; non-members, $7. Apr 19: 11:45 am Helpful Dental Hygiene Tips by WSU Dental Students. Apr 28: 11:45 am Enjoy Fitness at Any Age by Angels Care Home Health. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am WSU exercise. Mon: 12:30 pm Taking Off Pounds Sensibly. Thu: 10:30 am Jewelry class. Fri: 10 am Crochet class; 1 pm Bridge.

OAKLAWN 2937 Oaklawn Dr, 524-7545

Daily: 11:30 am Friendship meals, computers, treadmill. Tue: 12:30 pm Pitch Tournament. Wed: 10:30 am Chair exercise. 1st Thu: 12:30 pm, Golden Agers meeting. 2nd Thu: 12:30-2:30 pm, Golden Agers bingo. $1. 4th Thu: 12:30-2:30 pm, Community bingo. $2. Every Fri: 12:30 pm Afternoon cards.

Every Wed: 8:30 am Sweets & coffee/ Panera Bread. 1st Sat: Breakfast fundraiser.

ORCHARD PARK 4808 W 9th, 942-2293

seniorservicesofwichita.org Regular activities: Exercise programs, cards, pool, hot lunch, Wii bowling, dominoes, crafts. Apr 3: 11:15 am Scam Update by Denise at the Better Business Bureau. Apr 17: 11:15 am Cooking and Metabolism by Shirley Lewis. Apr 21: 11:15 am Fall Prevention by Lucy Lavelle. Apr 25: 11:15 am Breakfast out to IHOP. Tues: 12 pm Duplicate bridge. Wed: 10:30 am-noon Computer lab. Fri: 12 pm Open pool tables; 12:30 pm Social coloring.

PARK CITY 6100 N Hydraulic, 744-1199

Regular activities: Cards, exercise, pool, hot lunch. Call for details. Apr 1: 9 am Breakfast provided by Sedgwick Plaza with a presentation on spring cleaning and downsizing by Right Size Moving professional organizers. Apr 13: 11 am Therapy Bingo. Play bingo to win prizes while doing therapy exercises with Brookdale Home Health. Apr 18: 8 am Breakfast Out: Cracker Barrel. Apr 27: 11 am Ask a Pharmacy Student. Two KU pharmacy students will visit the center to answer any questions about medications. Fri: 9:15 am Exercise. Sat: 1 pm Pinochle. Mon: 6 pm Pitch. Tue: 1 pm Pool. Tue & Thu: 8:30 am Wii Bowling; 10 am WellRep exercise. Fri: 1:30 pm Dance aerobics.

VALLEY CENTER 316 E. Clay, 755-7335

Mon: 1: 30 pm Line dancing. Tue: 9:30 am Free donuts, cards, games; 6:30 pm Pitch. Bring snack to share. Tue, Thu: Noon Home cooked meals. Tue $5, Thur $6. Tue, Thu: 8:30-10:30 am Pickleball at Valley Center Intermediate School, 737 N. Meridian. Use North doors when schools not in session.

LINWOOD 1901 S. Kansas, 263-3703

www.seniorservicesofwichita.org Regular activities: Computer classes, cards, Pickleball, exercise programs, hot lunch. Apr 10: 10-11 am Early Morning Book Club will discuss The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan. Apr 12: 2-4 pm Craft Time with Barbara and Pat. Learn how to make washcloth bunnies and chicks. RSVP 263-3703, $5. Apr 14: 10:15 am Finding Housing That Is Right For You by Brian Stemple. Apr 17: 2-4 pm Learn how to make bierocks by Pat Collins. $5. Mon: 9:30 am Dynabands; Stretching. Tue: 9 am Brain games; 9:30 am Fit & balance Tue & Thu: 9 am Pickleball.

MCADAMS GOLDEN AGE 1329 E 16th, 337-9222

Regular activities: Open gym, walking, hot lunches, dominoes, cards, pool. Sun: 1-3 pm Quilting. Fri: noon-1:30 pm Sewing. Sat: noon-4:30 pm Classes: sewing, jewelry making. 2nd & 4th Tue: 10 am-noon Blood pressure checks.

Senior Wednesdays www.seniorwednesday.org

Apr 5: 10 am Wichita Art Museum, Natural Kansas. Jim Mason will talk about Natural Kansas, focusing on the regional landscape. 1:30 pm Water Center, Contamination of Drinking Well Water. Elizabeth Ablah will discuss the danger of drinking contaminated well water in west Wichita. Apr 12: 10 am Sedgwick County Zoo, Black-Footed Ferrets. Learn about the Kansas connection with these mammals that were once the most critically endangered mammals in North America. 1:30 pm Wichita Public Library - Central Library, Rebuilding of Greensburg, Kansas. Greensburg Mayor Bob Dixson will discuss the rebuilding effort following the Greensburg tornado.


Apr 19: 10 am Ulrich Museum of Art. Impact of Arts Partners in the Community. Aimee Geist will discuss the impact of Arts Partners Wichita and the effect of creative developement of students. 1:30 pm Kansas African American Museum, Genealogy. Get information and materials that will help your genealogy research to complete and understand your family tree. Apr 26: 10 am Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum, Henry J. and Elsie Allen in the History of Wichita. Historian Dee Starkey will discuss the life of Henry J. Allen and his wife Elsie's impact and significance to Wichita. 1:30 pm Exploration Place, Fossils of the Pleistocene Epoch. Meet Dr. David Hughes and encouter Kansas fossils from the Ice Age.

Page 18

the active age

April 2017

Butler County Senior Centers

ANDOVER 410 Lioba Dr, 733-4441

www.andoverks.com Regular activities: Exercise, bingo, bridge, quilt club, dominoes, pool. Daily:11:30 am-12 Lunch (reservation preferred) 316-733-4441, $3. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise. Tues: Special music at lunch. Mon: 12:30 pm Movie Monday. Tue: 10 am Blood pressure check; 11 am-2 pm Memory Café; 12:30 pm Pinochle; 1 pm Pool. Wed: 1 pm Bridge. Thu: 12:30 pm Pinochle; 1 pm Quilt Club; 7-9 pm Pitch. Fri: 11:30 am Lunch meeting & program; 12:45 pm Prize bingo; 1:45 pm Pinochle. 4th Sat: 7-10am Monthly breakfast.

AUGUSTA 640 Osage, 775-1189

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, dominoes, pool, line dancing, lunch daily at 11:30 am. Friday: 9:30 am Prize bingo. 2nd Sat: 7-10 am Biscuit/Gravy breakfast. $4 suggested donation. 3rd Mon: 8 am Casino trip. Call for reservation. $5 suggested donation. 4th Mon: 5 pm Evening meal. $5 suggested donation.

BENTON Lion’s Community Bldg, S Main St

2nd & 4th Tue: 9 am-4 pm Cards, games, occasional program. Covered dish.

CASSODAY Cassoday Senior Center 133 S. Washington, 620-735-4538

Tue: 10:30 am Round Table. Tue, Thu: 9:30 am Exercise with WSU. 1st Mon: 7 pm Game night. 3rd Mon: 6:30 pm Carry-in dinner, blood pressure checks. Last Fri: 7 pm Movie Night.

DOUGLASS 124 W 4th, 746-3227

Regular activities: Exercise, quilting, cards, home-cooked lunch, $5 (reservation required). 1st Mon: 6 pm Finger foods & cards. 3rdMon: 6 pm Birthday/anniversary covered-dish supper, bring own service. Cards. 3rd Sat: 7:00-9:30 am Biscuits/gravy, scrambled eggs, $4.

EL DORADO 210 E 2nd, 321-0142

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, bingo, hot lunch $3, support groups. Mon: 12:30 Mexican Train dominoes. Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Tue: 9 am Coffee; 12:30 pm Bingo; 2 pm Line Dance; 6 pm Prairie Port Seniors. Tue, Thu: 8:30 am Men's coffee. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 6 pm Cards and games. 3rd Tue: 12:30 am Blood pressure checks. LEON

1st Sat: 7-9 am Community breakfast. Mon: 7-8 pm Educational film. Tue: 9 am Bible study. Mon - Fri: 7-8:30 am Early bird coffee. Fri: 7-8:30 am Breakfast. 3rd Thu: 7 pm Movie. 4th Thu: 6 pm Potluck supper.

HALSTEAD 523 Poplar, 835-2283

Mon & Wed: Games after lunch. Tue & Fri: 9 am Exercise. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Dine out/activity. 3rd Thu: 6 pm Potluck, meeting. 3rd Fri: 12:30 pm Movie in. 3rd Sun: 1:30 pm Movie out. 4th Thu: 7 pm Penny Bingo.

HESSTON Randall & Main, 620-327-5099

www.hesstonseniorcenter.com Mon, Wed, Fri: 8 am Stretch bands. Mon & Tue: 1:30 pm Pitch. Tue: 8:30 am Coffee hour; 9 am Film; 1:30 pm Pinochle. Wed: 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study; 1 pm Bridge. 1st & 3rd Tue: 6 pm Singin’ Seniors. 3rd Wed: 11:30 am Health luncheon; noon,

Support the active age Make a tax deductible donation to the active age and support our 2017 Donation Campaign!

Make a donation by: • Mailing a check to 125 S. West St., Ste. 105, Wichita, KS 67213 • Calling 316-942-5385 to make a secure credit card donation • Donating securely online at theactiveage.com and/or enroll in auto-pay via our paypal account.

ROSE HILL 207 E Silknitter, 776-0170

Regular activities: Wii, pool table, shuffleboard, home-cooked lunch (reservation required). Mon & Wed: 9 am Strong Women Stay Young Exercise. Mon: 7 pm Pitch, games. Wed: 1 pm Bridge. Fri: 7 pm Card game. 1st Fri: 11 am Meeting, covered dish. 3rd Fri: Noon Covered dish. 1st Sat: 7-10 am Scrambled eggs, biscuits/gravy.

TOWANDA 317 Main, 536-8999

Open 10:30 am-5 pm Mon, Wed & Fri Thu: 7 am Breakfast/coffee at Stearman Bar & Grill, Benton.

WHITEWATER Legion Hall,Whitewater

2nd & 4th Tue: noon Potluck, program.

112 S Main, 745-9200 or 742-9905

program. Reservations by previous Fri. 1st Thu: 7 pm Bridge. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Movie night. 1st & 3rd Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes. 1st Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Community breakfast. 4th Mon: 5:30 pm Gathering; 6 pm Potluck dinner, program follows.

GRAND CENTRAL 122 E 6th, Newton, 283-2222 www.newtonseniorcenter.org

Mon: 10-11 am Blood pressure check. Tue: 1 pm Crafts: handwork. Wed: 1 pm Pinochle/pitch/dominoes. Thu: 1 pm Wii bowling; 5:15 pm Tai Chi.

SEDGWICK 107 W. Fifth, 772-0393

Mon: 1 pm Games. Tue: 7-8:30 am Breakfast. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise. 1st Fri: 7 pm Birthday party. 1st Thu: 1 pm Paint with Sue. 2nd Thu: noon Carry-in dinner, mtg. 3rd Thu: 5 pm Dinner Night Out.

Support Groups, Clubs, Dances

An up-to-date list of support groups is at supportgroupsinkansas.org. To add or correct a listing, call 316978-3566, 1-800-445-0016 or email percy.turner@wichita.edu. Clubs, Organizations and Dances are at www.theactiveage.com under the Resources category. For changes call Kaydee at 942-5345 or email kaydee@theactiveage.com.

Eight hours of instruction. Certificate on completion for insurance discount. Class size limited; call for reservations. $15 for AARP members; $20 for non-members. Mulvane Senior Center, 632 E. Mulvane, 8am - 12pm April 4 & 5, 316-962-8400. Derby Senior Center, 611 N. Mulberry #100, 12:30 - 4:30pm April 11 & 12, 316-788-0223. Via Christi Rehab Hospital, 1151 N. Rock Rd, 9am-1pm April 15 & 22, 316-6895700. Andover Summerfield Senior Residence, 420 Lioba Drive, 1 - 5 pm April 19 & 20, 316-712-3698.

Friendship Meals

Aging Projects, Inc. serves a hot, nutritious meal weekdays for persons 60 and older at locations in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler county communities. Reservations are necessary. For locations and reservations, call 620-669-8201. WEEK OF APRIL 3

Regular activities: Lunch served Mon - Fri. Reservations required by 9 am.

Harvey County Centers BURRTON 124 N Burrton, 620-463-3225

Wed: 10 am Exercise class; 1 pm Pinochle. 2nd & 4th Tue: 1 pm Bridge club. 3rd Sun: 11am-1 pm Lunch serving roast beef or ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, hot roll, salad and dessert bar. Drinks included. $8 donation adults/$4 children.

AARP Driver Safety Classes

Transportation Sedgwick County

Sedgwick Co Transportation, 6605150 or 1-800-367-7298, transportation or services info. 8 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri; closed most holidays. www.sedgwickcounty.org/aging.

Butler County Transit

Weekday transportation in El Dorado, Augusta and Andover. Rides to Wichita on Wed, Thu. Call for information; 48-hr notice required: Augusta, 775-0500; El Dorado, 322-4321; toll free, 1-800-279-3655. $10 pass for 25 rides available. Wheelchair accessible; escorts ride free.

Harvey County

Transportation for medical appointments, shopping and recreational activities. Reservations or information: 316-284-6802 or 1-866-680-6802. Applications for reduced fares for those 60+ or disabled who meet income guidelines. Personal appointments Mon-Fri, 8 am-5 pm. Reservations, first call-first served, must be made 24 hours in advance. Vans are wheelchair accessible. Round-trip fares: $8 in Newton (wheelchair only), $12 in Harvey County, $20 outside Harvey County. Wheelchair escorts ride free. AVI Route: Tue, 8 am-4:30 pm. Transportation to Newton for Burrton, Sedgwick, Halstead, Hesston, Walton residents. $6.


Mon: Chicken pot pie, tomato salad, apple juice, apricots, oatmeal cookie, milk. Tue: Spaghetti w/meat sauce, broccoli raisin salad, pineapple, garlic bread, gelatin. Wed: Turkey roast, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, mixed vegetables, peaches, wheat roll. Thu: BBQ pork w/bun, cole slaw, green beans, pears, chocolate pudding, milk. Fri: Cheesy potato & egg bake, combo salad w/dressing, plums, fruit swirl coffee cake.

WEEK OF APRIL 10 Mon: Fish or chicken sandwich w/set up

or tartar sauce, beets, broccoli cheese soup, Mandarin oranges, crackers, milk. Tue: Chicken & noodles over mashed potatoes, parslied carrots, strawberries, brownie, milk. Wed: Mexican lasagna, mixed green salad w/dressing, pineapple, fruited gelatin, sweet muffin, milk. Thu: Ham, cabbage au gratin, green peas, peaches, wheat roll, white cake, milk. Fri: Closed.


Mon: Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes w/cream gravy, combo salad w/ dressing, apricots, cake, roll, milk. Tue: New England stew, tomato salad, banana, cornbread, molasses drop cookie,. Wed: Oven fried chicken, creamed spinach, carrots, strawberries, wheat roll. Thu: Tuna noodle casserole, cole slaw, plums, banana bread, gelatin, milk. Fri: Scalloped potatoes & ham, broccoli, mixed fruit, bread, lemon bar.


Mon: Baked chicken, California mash, mixed vegetables, strawberries, wheat bread. Tue: Goulash, broccoli, peaches, garlic bread, peant butter cake w/ peanut butter frosting, milk. Wed: Ham & beans, potatoes & onions, carrots, plums, cornbread, milk. Thu: Liver & onions or salisbury steak, mashed potatoes w/gravy, green beans, mixed fruit, wheat roll. Fri: Chicken fajita salad, lettuce & tomato, corn chips, Mandarin oranges, cinnamon roll, apple juice, milk.

April 2017

the active age

Classified Advertising



Resthaven, Garden of Freedom, 3-C-4, spaces for two with marker and vaults. Value $9,000 sell for $3,500. 316-721-6462, 316-253-3980.

4x6”x7’4” Antique Persian rug from Iran. Originally $950, asking $450. Weavers name in Arabic in rug. Information available. Call 316-337-5321.

Lakeview Gardens in Wichita, 4 lots in Meditation section, value $11,980 asking $6500 which covers title transfer and removal of Pre-need Headstone. 901-486-9441.


White Chapel Cemetery, two spaces together for sale. Call 945-8472. Resthaven, Garden of the Cross, two plots w/ opening & closing at the foot of the cross. Asking $9,000 for both or best offer. Will pay transfer fee. 316-558-0820.


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Independent contract position for an energetic self-starter. Must be able to meet monthly goals, set appointments and deadlines; be comfortable with cold calls; and able to work from home computer. Some established accounts will be provided. Email cover letter and resume to: teresa@theactiveage.com

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F FOR SALE F Two electric wheel chairs, good condition, good batteries, your choice $400. Call 316-522-6881. Like new lift chair. One month old plush navy blue. Barneys made in USA. $600. 316-239-6074. 27” TV in wood green cabinet measuring 41x30x17. TV cabinet in perfect condition, older TV rarely used recently. Asking $190. Call 943-8384. Make your lawn stand out! Walk-behind gasoline edger with blade adjustments, curb wheel. Excellent condition! $160. Leave message. 316942-7445.

Marv’s Home Improvements & Repair

Doors, trim, decks, ramps, patio covers, fences, siding, flooring. Basements, kitchens and baths. Painting. Also honey dos. Honest and dependable. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 35 years. 316-737-4646. Wright One Home Improvements Kitchen & Bath remodeling. Painting. Windows. Doors. Siding. All types of flooring and home repairs. Free estimates. 316-409-2160. Dirt Installation and Siding Repair Courteous, professional repairs. Free estimates. Concrete work. 20+ years experience. Ernie Sponsel, 316-393-5461.


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Repairs & Remodeling • Trim Work Doors • Cabinets • Sheetrock • Tile Interior/Exterior Painting • Flooring


CALL DAN 316-516-3949

Dependable caregiver for elderly person in their home. Cleaning, cooking, meds. Weekends, nights, days or overnight. 30 years’ experience. 316-390-9526.

Cheryl Rosine ~ The Foot Lady ICMT RN


Dave’s Improvements

Painting—interior/exterior. Doors and windows replaced, grab bars, wheelchair ramps. All general repairs. Guaranteed lowest rates. Senior citizen discount. Lic #7904.

Restore your antique furniture

Complete estate & moving sale services. We can do the sale at your residence or place your items with another sale. Expert pricing, selling & clean-up. Packing & moving services available. Excellent results. Free consultation. Call Carolyn Moshier. 316-634-0040

316-806-7360 Julie

Place an ad: 942-5385



GREATER PROFITS WITH LESS STRESS Insured with 19 years experience Free Consultations

Page 19

Repair • Service All Brands Sales – Licensed Trane dealer Senior Discount SPECIAL: AC/FURNACE check-up $80* *Some restrictions, doesn’t include filters, parts



Don’t Fix it Alone!

Our background-checked, bonded, insured, employee Handymen will fix it for you. Our work is GUARANTEED. We’re looking forward to your call… 316-773-0303

Mid-America Restoration Licensed & Insured

Painting • Texturing • Drywall Siding • Decks • Repairs Remodeling • Garages Water & Fire Damage


Helping Hands Framing, carpentry, decorative concrete, remodeling & repairs, roofing, painting, tree services, exp. working with seniors. We do it all, give us a call! FREE ESTIMATES Matthew, 316-208-3784 Tyler, 316-518-4722


Page 20

the active age

April 2017

Classified Advertising

Place an ad: 942-5385




Cowboy Construction

JS GUTTERING & FENCING 5-inch & 6-inch Seamless Guttering

Spring is Here! Yard cleanup, shrub trimming, garden cleanup, planting, mowing. Free estimates. Please call Lora, 316-516-9963. Please leave message.

Install • Repair Clean • Insured

All Season Clean Up Lawn Care Quality Lawn Care • Yard Clean Up • Tree Triming • Gutter Cleaning • Fall/Spring raking. Free estimates, senior discounts. 316-409-8780.

Bathroom and kitchen remodels. Room additions. Garages and sheds. Licensed and insured.

Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

Painting & Remodeling by Harley Worthey Interior/Exterior & Odd jobs Husband & Wife Team. BBB. 316-648-4478 Molina Electric - Wichita Lic #1364 Comm. or Residential wiring. Service calls. New electric service. Troubleshooting. Cell 461-2199. Stone and Brick work of any kind. Tuck-pointing, foundation and Chimney repair. Insured. Call Dan 316-516-3949.

Custom Contractors

Basement & Foundation Repair

• I-Beams • Water Proofing • Drain Tile • Dirt Work • Walls Straightened • Sump Pumps • References • Lic. & Insured • Total Basement Repair •

30 years experience 316-516-9200

Dave’s Improvements Painting—Interior & Exterior Doors & Windows Replaced • Siding Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Roofing • Decks • Ramps • Grab Bars Minor Electrical & Plumbing Repairs General Home Repairs • Lic. 7904 Insured • Senior Discounts!


Home Improvement and Repair One call does it all. Tree & stump removal. Bathrooms, kitchens, roofing, and all. LICENSED & INSURED Stan 316-518-8553

Bruce Smith Roofing & Siding Protect your home from the elements of the weather! 35 Years Exp. Locally owned & operated

FREE ESTIMATES All types of roofing, siding, & other exterior projects

316-640-3155 Licensed & Insured Classifieds work! Call Kaydee for more information. 316-942-5385


AGAPE ROOFING Three Generations of Local Roofers Quality Work – Fair Prices Residental & Commercial

Siding - Guttering - Windows

316-807-8650 Call for Free Roof Inspection Locally Owned, Licensed & Insured F LAWN AND GARDEN F

P&A Landscaping 316-708-7236 Complete lawn care, mowing starting at $25 Spring cleanup, storm cleanup. Any odd job. Over-seeding, tilling, fully insured. Senior discount. Jesus Landscaping 316-737-3426 Mowing starting at $25, trimming, shrub removal, landscaping needs, gutter cleaning and any odd jobs. Senior Discounts. Total yard clean-up, flower beds and bushes, tree trimming and stump grinding, attics, garages and basements. LEAF cleanup and HAULING.

Including all yard debris. 316-516-4630 or 316-838-5710 Mike E. 316-708-1472

A n A Lawn Care Mowing and trimming. Free estimates. dependable service. Over 20 years experience. 316-312-6174; 316-524-3628

Need to organize or downsize your home or garden? Retired librarian seeking opportunities to use her organizational skills to make your life easier. Call 316-573-5284.

Blue's Lawn Service Complete Lawn Care • Yard Clean Up • Tree Triming • Gutter Cleaning. Free estimates, senior discounts 316-807-8649 or 316-869-5069.

Two Bucks and a Truck. Moving and hauling/ mechanic. $65 an hour, 3 hour minimum. Call 316-312-2647.

All Trades Landscape Handyman/hauling, tree trimming, spring cleanup. Free estimates. 316-347-6663. Mowing, trimming, yard and leaf cleanup. Gutter cleaning. Exterior painting. If you need any of these services call Perry, 316-619-6126 Need privacy fence repair? Call Dan for free estimates. 316-516-3949. Insured. Member of the Better Business Bureau.


Carroll & Sons Painting since 1980 Insured, references, satisfaction gauranteed. Painting, sheetrock repair, ceramic tile, floor refinishing, fireplace clean & repair. Reasonable rates, free estimates. Pat 316-617-2054, 316-253-9710

Spring Cleanup Tree trimming Junk Removal Honey bee removal

Brock Eastman • 765-1677

COMPUTER HELP in your home. Very patient. Call Norm 778-1487 or email nngentry@aol.com

EZ Care Lawn Service. Making your lawn care easy and affordable for you. Please give us a call at 316-312-0128.

Dave's Hauling Services Solid waste removal, property cleanup, tree & fence line clearing, general landscape removal, other lawn and garden services. All fence, porch and patio work. Call 316-832-2201.


Need a ride? Doctor appointments, ride home from hospital, court, casino, mini vacation or family reunion. You name the place, I will take you there. 316-259-6212. Sewing machine service and repair. All brands! House calls. Forty Years Experience! Reasonable! Guaranteed! Call 316-321-1619.

McCoy Painting 316-516-6443 Do you need any interior or exterior painting done? I’m your man. Free estimates, affordable rates. References available.

Perry's Professional Lawn Service Leaf cleanup. Snow removal. Bush and hedge trimming, mulching, gutter cleaning, handyman work and hauling. 20 years experience. Free estimates. Perry 316-554-6409.

Need help on your electric scooter, power or lift chair, stair or platform lift or hand controls? Call Howard Distribution at 316-648-1694. Howard is a certified service center and dealer for Best Bath walk-in tubs, Bruno, EMC, Golden Tech, Pace Saver, Pride and Ricon. Working for you since 1987.

ALL PURPOSE HAULING HANDYMAN Yard & tree work, flower beds, fence repair. Pick up/delivery/brush, junk/metal removal. NO JOB TOO SMALL. 316-807-4989

Garage clean out, snow removal, mowing, leaf and gutter cleanup, tree trimming, hauling, roto-tilling. Chimney repairs. Brick, block and stone repair.

Christian Lawn Care Mowing-$20, verti-slicing, core-aerating, overseeding, new lawns, mulching flower beds, cleanup, shrub trimming and removal, gutter cleaning, hauling. Senior discount. Steve 316-685-2145.


F PERSONALS F Attractive old fashioned gal, ready for relationship, dancing, walks and snuggling. Must be of good character, over 73, financially stable. Please write to Box #22, c/o the active age, 125 S. West St, Ste 105, Wichita, KS 67213

F THRIFT SHOP F Gently Used Resale (Thrift Shop)

2523 S. Seneca (Westway Plaza) Wichita, Ks. Store & Donation Hours Mon & Thu 9 am-7 pm Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat 9 am-5 pm Purchase with a purpose. Benefits those served by the Bethesda Lutheran Communities to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ. Volunteers & Donations always needed. Like us on Facebook.


F TREE SERVICE F Felipe Tree Service Evergreen trimming. Tree removal. Brush hauling. Splitting. Deadwooding. Insured. Free estimates. 12 years experience. 316-807-4419.

Spring is on the way! ALL AROUND TREE SERVICE

Stump REMOVAL & GRINDING Trimming, deadwood, tree removal. Total yard, leaf clean-up & hauling. Also rural and farm areas. Free estimates. Experienced. Good prices. Insured. Tom King, 316-516-4630, 316-838-5710.

Bruce's Tree Service Active and fun loving lady would like to have Trees, hedgerows, evergreens & shrubs. a friendship with a single white male. Call 316- Crown reduction, trimming or removal. Line 440-8199. clearing and roofs for branches/limbs. Bucket truck available. We climb also. Handyman work. Haul off old appliances/metals. Over F PEST CARE F 30 years’ experience. Sr. Discounts. Insured. Prompt, immediate and professional service. Call 316-207-8047.



General Pest Control from $49 Exterior Power Spray from $29 Bed Bugs from $195 *License Number 9414

316-831-7217 FREE ESTIMATES


Estrada’s Tree Service

Trimming, crown reduction, removal. Storm damage prevention. Hauling. Firewood. Free estimates. Insured. Senior discount. Felix Estrada, 316-617-4392.

April 2017

the active age



Willie's Tree Service & Hauling


I will go on the limb for you. Stump removal.



Premium Arbor Care Insured • Free Estimates

Want to purchase mineral and other oil/ gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201.

Alfred's Superior Tree Service

Collector buying: WWII GERMAN and JAPANESE MILITARY items. 316-516-2737.

April is Volunteer Appreciation month. The Senior Companion Program, relies on volunteers to provide companionship for homebound seniors and respite care to their caregivers. It is seeking volunteers aged 55 or older to help seniors stay in their homes. Last year Companions provided nearly 44,000 hours of services in Sedgwick, Butler and Harvey counties. Volunteers must be 55 and older. They receive mileage and meal reimbursement, plus a stipend if income eligible. They work 15-40 hours per week, providing frail seniors with companionship and light housekeeping. The program is free for clients. To volunteer or learn more about the program call 316-651-1249 or email Sheryse.navarro@mhasck.org.

Wanted - WW2 military items. Collector looking for military souvenirs such as guns, medals, uniforms, and daggers. Call 316-641-7699.

pruning - tree removal - stump grinding - debris/ brush haul off - chemical sprays - emergency services - firewood - consultations - demolitions

Donate your Durable Medical Equipment. Will pick up. Tax credit. Medical Loan Closet of Wichita. 316-200-2005.

Professional & Insured • Certified Arborist Residential & Commercial

Genealogy tips

Life enrichment

Bethel College’s April Life Enrichment classes begin at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 5, at Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, North Newton. The series is for adults age 60 and older. Registration is $2 a week. Information: www.bethelks.edu/ life-enrichment.

Learn to use the Internet to help your genealogy searches. Internet Indexes Can Help Find Your Ancestors is the topic at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 15, at Alford Library, 3447 S Meridian. Often, searchers become discouraged because of the possibilities, but learning how to use various Internet indexes is the key. Information: www.wichitagensoc. org.

Choose HealthBack… Back to Health, Back to Life! “HealthBack” 1125 S Rock Road Suite 10 Wichita, KS 67207 Phone: 1-316-687-0340 Toll Free: 1-877-451-8538 Fax: 1-316-687-0184



Older items of all kinds including: antiques collectibles - costume and turquoise jewelry Boeing and Beech - pins - pocket knives guitars and amps - postcards - watches cigarette lighters - art glass - metal signs *Contents of attics, basements or garages* FOR FAST FRIENDLY ASSISTANCE CALL DAVE AT 316-409-0992 Over 20 years of assisting folks sell items.

Kris 550-1302 • Jason 305-2413 Office 316-977-7064

316-522-9458 www.alfredstree.com alfredstree@pixius.net

Page 21

We Offer the Following Services:  Nursing Services  Physical Therapy  Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy Servicing the following Counties:

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Why should the kids have all the FUN? Taking energy to heart.

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Almost one-third of your home’s energy comes from the wind.

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Page 22

the active age


April 2017 Dr. Kevin Geier, D.C., Clinic Director

Health Watch: Neuropathy Neuropathy affects every part of your life - walking, sitting, and even sleeping. Maybe you’ve had multiple tests, only to find out no one has any idea what you have. Maybe you’ve been put on a drug with heavy side effects. Hi, I am Dr. Kevin Geier, D.C., Clinic Director at Renuva Back & Pain Centers in Wichita. I have been helping people with neuropathy and nerve problems for many years now. More than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy, a problem caused by damage to the nerves that supply your arms and legs. This painful condition interferes with your body’s ability to transmit messages to your muscles, skin, joints, or internal organs. If ignored or mistreated, neuropathy can lead to irreversible health conditions. Often neuropathy is caused by a degenerating spine pressing on the nerve roots. This can happen in any of the vertebral joints from the neck all the way down to the tail bone. What is the Single Most Important Solution to Your Neuropathy? By using gentle techniques in our unique CoreCareTM treatment program, we are able to release the pressure on the nerve. This allows the nerve to heal and the symptoms to go away. Numerous studies have proven the therapies we use can be effective in helping nerve conditions. Our CoreCare treatments, which include Class IV Deep Tissue Laser Therapy, work to restore the body’s natural ability without painful shots, harmful drugs or surgery.

Cleared by the FDA in 2003, Class IV Laser devices have become the standard of care for many musculoskeletal injuries. Before the FDA would clear the Deep Tissue Laser Therapy for human use, they had to see proof that it worked. This lead to two landmark studies. The first study showed patients who had laser therapy had 53% better improvement than those who had a placebo. The second study showed patients who used the laser therapy had less pain and more range of motion days after treatment.

to determine if a spinal problem is contributing to your neuropathy. ● A thorough analysis of your exam findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free. If you’re not a candidate for CoreCare, I promise to tell you. ● Plus, two treatments so you can experience this

Here is what one of our patients had to say: “I’ve fought neuropathy for 10-12 years and it’s physically painful. After two weeks of CoreCare treatments I felt a subtle improvement and now most of the pain, if not all, has gone away. Renuva has been a wonderful experience. The staff are great and I’m always well-tended to – it’s really an amazing program.” - Bob W. Will This Treatment Work For You? It’s time for you to find out if this treatment will be your neuropathy solution. For a few weeks only, $59 will get you all the services I normally charge new patients $257 for! What does this offer include? ● An in-depth consultation about your neuropathy and health where I will listen - really listen - to the details of your case. ● A complete neuromuscular examination. ● A full set of digital x-rays (if needed)

amazing therapy and learn if this could be your neuropathy solution like it has been for so many other patients. Call by April 30th and you can get everything I’ve listed here for only $59. The normal price for this type of evaluation, including digital x-rays is $257, so you’re saving about $200. Call 316-448-0330 by April 30th. Our address is: 1861 N. Rock Road Suite 205 Wichita, KS 67206


Our office is conveniently located on the west side of North Rock Road, across the street from Bradley Fair in the Waddell & Reed Building. I look forward to helping you live a happier, healthier life. Dr. Kevin Geier, D.C.

April 2017

the active age

Page 23

Feet have 25% of your bones By Ted Blankenship When we were in south Texas to visit relatives some time ago we went to a dance. Texans will dance to country music any time and any place — even in a barnyard. Mostly, they dance the Texas two-step — in cowboy boots. Being a Yankee, or as they say in south Texas, damn Yankee, I had nothing but athletic shoes. You can stomp pretty well in Reeboks but you can’t slide, and I’m a slider. Texans would as soon be caught in athletic shoes as in a pickup truck without a hunting rifle. So I had to go into Edinburg and buy a pair of shoes. I didn’t want to pay a lot so I went to one of those buyone-and-get-one-free stores. I found loafers for $35. They seemed to fit, so I bought them. I hadn’t noticed the non-slide rubber soles, and after the second or third dance they seemed to grow in size. I also hadn’t noticed that they were made in China. Apparently, the Chinese aren’t concerned with accurate sizes; they apparently figure Americans are going to wear them anyway. As it turned out the generous sizing

was good because the arch in my right foot doesn’t arch, and I wear inserts to avoid pain in my heel. The Chinese shoes are big enough for my foot, the insert, and maybe a spare shoe. I have worn them any time I think I’m going to do a lot of walking or standing. So the part that looks like leather (everything except the sole) is cracking and shows cloth beneath the leather-like surface. You’d think for $35, you’d get something that looks more like leather when it wears out. When Henry’s was a downtown store in Wichita, I bought shoes during the “ridiculous” sales. I bought really good shoes on sale for $50, and I’m still wearing them (naturally, I take them off when I go to bed). Shoes have been around for thousands of years. In Mesopotamia (c. 1600-1200 BC), a type of soft shoe was worn by mountain people who lived near Iran. When these Mesopotamians did a rain dance, it became the first soft-shoe routine. Sandals were the most common

footwear worn by the ancients and they’re still worn today, though they are actually different sandals. I have a pair of sandals nearly as old as those Mesopotamian ones. I wear them in the summer, and they’re comfortable. Not being fashion savvy, I wear white socks with them, knowing that I am being stared at wherever I go. I’ve seen people wearing flip-flops with socks. The socks are like a glove with a place for the big toe. A strap separates the big toe from the one next to it. It’s like having a two-by-four between your toes. But your feet are really cool. Contact Ted Blankenship at tblankenship@cox.net

New WGO season The Wichita Grand Opera will open its spring season with Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 23. It’s performed by the Russian National Ballet Theatre at Century II. Tickets range from $85-$20; seniors 60+, $68-$30; students with ID, $77-$33. Information: www.selectaseat.com or 316-262-8054.



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Page 24

the active age

April 2017

Senior Services needs couples to serve as mentors Senior Services is looking for caring men and women to commit to a mentoring relationship with a teenage parent. In partnership with the Wichita Children’s Home MOM Program, Treehouse and Volunteer Kansas, the program matches mentors with teenage

parents, providing an affirmative role model and someone willing to help them grow. Debbi Elmore, manager of the Teen Parents Mentoring Program, said they decided late last year to include teenage fathers because of their requests for help to be a good parent.

When the last of their seven children became a teenager, David and Flossie Alexander wanted to help children. When they learned about the mentor program, they thought it would be a great fit. They were its first volunteers.

The mentors and mentees meet at least eight hours a month, and the matches last for at least six months. To volunteer, call 267-0302, ext. 203, or email debbi@seniorservicesofwichita. org.

Computer Repair & Technical Solutions Computer repair Wi-Fi setup • Virus removal • Network setup • Upgrades • Tune-ups • Data backups • Data recover y

Screen replacement Keyboard replacement • Software installation • Anti-virus installation • System recover y • Tablet support • Cell phone support Call Brett Aldrich at 316-871-6241 • At-home ser vice visits or email brettaldrich@gmail.com

Elizabeth (Betsy) Lea Henry

Spring A/C Servicing and Coolant Check

Henry & Mathewson, P.A. 310 W 205 ••Wichita Wichita 449 N. Central McLeanSte Blvd.

316-201-6868 316-263-7770


Practice focusing on Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, Conservatorships, Estate Planning and Family Law. More than 30 years of practice. “If getting to us is too difficult, I will come to you.”

Elizabeth (Betsy) Lea Henry Henry & Mathewson, P.A. Gospelfest

Twilight Pops Friday, June 2

Festival of Broadway

June•5 Wichita Tuesday, June 6 449 N. McLean Monday, Blvd.


Practice focusing on Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, Conservatorships, Estate Planning and Family Law. More than 30 years of practice. Mavis Staples “If getting Thursday, June 8

Ball to us is Marcia too difficult, I will come to you.” Friday, June 9






Wichita: 2240 N. Rock Road, 446 S. Ridge Road, and 2556 N. Maize at New Market Square Derby: 1636 N. Rock Road Buttons can be purchased starting May 5 at Intrust Bank Arena Box Office, Wichita Festivals - 444 E. William, Dillons, QT, and other retail locations. Online at SelectASeat.com



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