March 2015

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Active aging

March 2015 • Vol. 36-No. 4

January 2004 • Vol. 25-No.2

Informing 112,000 55+ readers Southcentral Kansas Serving 80,000 Readers in in South Central Kansas

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Questions About Services? Central Plains Area Agency on Aging (Butler, Harvey and Sedgwick Counties) 1-855-200-2372 or call your county Department on Aging Harvey County 284-6880 1-800-750-7993 Butler County 775-0500 1-800-279-3655 Active Aging: 316-942-5385

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Mothers of ‘re-invention’ By Elma Broadfoot and Elvira Crocker While necessity may be the mother of “invention” in our early working lives, “re-invention” may become the necessity in our later lives if we choose to continue to work As we observe Women’s History Month, Active aging looks at three women who have reinvented themselves for the second half of their lives. That’s certainly been the case for Kathy Trollope Wyatt, who turned 72 last month. She started the new year by reopening a cookie shop she’d previously owned. Her KT Cookie Co., 1908 W. 13th, is west of North High where she went to school. When she was young she wasn’t interested in cooking or baking, despite her mother’s best attempts to teach her and her two sisters. “I was never responsive,” she admits. In junior high school, she had such little interest in her cooking class that she became the “bad egg” in the group assigned to make tuna salad. Her role was to boil the eggs, but they didn’t. When it came time to mix the eggs into the salad, it was not a pretty sight.

Today, she says, “I make a pretty good tuna salad.” After graduating she studied interior design in New York and, for a time worked in that field. Marriage and two daughters later, she became occupied with the role of mother and decided to try her hand at making cookies. Her first efforts were not successful; that batch of dough ended up in the trash, not the oven. But she persevered and became the mother who made cookies for her daughters’ classes and special events. When she was asked to make 300 cookies for a wedding, she accepted and figured it out as she went. She was so successful that someone suggested that she open a cookie shop. Photo by Becky Funke She ran her first store with friends Judy Gomez, Kathy Wyatt and Squeek Crouse with frosted cookies. Squeek Crouse, 77, and Judy Gomez, 65. ation an attractive job magnet because she Squeek, also an entrepreneur, owned a likes to cook. doughnut shop for 29 years. Judy, whose Together they ran the shop from 2004 husband operated a business in the same See Re-invention, page 14 shopping strip, found the cookie oper-

ACTIVE AGING PUBLISHING, INC 125 S West St., Suite 105 Wichita, Ks 67213

Friends may come on four legs By Amy Geiszler-Jones Pudgie, a 9-year-old pug mix, has made life a lot better for his owner. She got him last year through a program that helps older adults adopt pets without the worry of what will happen to their pet companions if something happens to them. “I just couldn’t do without Pudgie,” said 96-year-old Evelyn, as the small dog lay by her feet at her dining room table. “The first thing I do in the morning is look for her. I haven’t had her all that long, but she’s woven a place in my heart.”

Annie Grace, Evelyn’s dog for 11 years, died a few months before she adopted Pudgie in May. “It just didn’t seem like home,” she said. Friends and family told her she was too old to get another pet. She’d given up until she heard about the Older Adult Pet Adoption (OAPA!) program. Evelyn and Pudgie’s pairing was one of seven in 2014, the program’s most successful year. Since it started in 2012, 16 people have been paired with dogs at no charge, said Kevin Stubbs, executive director

of the Caring Hands Humane Society in Newton where the OAPA! pets are selected. The program’s other partners are Prairie View mental health center, the Harvey County Department on Aging and the Regional Institute on Aging at Wichita State University. “We all know having animals in the home…make for a happier existence,” Stubbs said. “Sometimes the pet is all the older individual has to look forward to.” “I’ve been around animals all of my life, and I understand their value,” agreed

See Pets, page 4

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Chorale sings ‘The Creation’ Wichita Chamber Chorale performs Joseph Haydn’s The Creation, 7:30 pm Friday, March 27, at First United Methodist Church, 330 N. Broadway. With a libretto based on passages from Paradise Lost, Genesis and Psalms, the epic oratorio is considered one of Haydn’s most inspired works. The concert features the 36-voice chorale; a 30-piece orchestra and soloists, Lily Guerrero, soprano; Randolph Lacy, tenor, and Charles Turley, bass. A reception will follow the concert. Tickets are $20 general admission; $15 for seniors; $5 for students; free admission for high school students. For information call 316-712-2678 or



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Wichita, KS. Hi, I’m Dr. Andrew Roy, DC. In my specialty practice I get to witness miracles every day. Recently, a patient of ours named Lora, couldn’t stand, walk or sit without pain. It affected her ability to concentrate. She had constant severe back pain that totally kept her from living a normal life. She couldn’t do the little things she used to be able to do so easy. She couldn’t walk or exercise, even sleep was being affected. She was diagnosed with two degenerative discs. This is a woman who tried the typical medical and traditional chiropractic approach and those therapies failed for her disc condition. And that’s because they were the “WRONG TOOL FOR THE JOB.” Lora was desperate because she had the pain for over a year and did not want back surgery. Until she read about our specialty center that focuses 100% on severe and serious disc conditions using FDA Cleared Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression along with our specialty protocols and methods. I do have to confess to the fact that because Lora had been disappointed by all the failed attempts and never knowing about our specialty methods, she was justifiably skeptical. But after I did a detailed consultation, I was able to qualify her for our disc specific procedures (not every patient is a qualified candidate) and explain her disc condition and what we would specifically be doing in detail. Then, she also agreed she was a candidate and decided to start care. She was tired of being in pain and wanted relief. She was great and I made a promise to do everything I knew of to help. Lora was motivated and committed to do everything we asked of her. Lora didn’t give up and neither did my incredible team of specialized disc care assistants (Stevie, Aubrey, Donald, Kathy and Stephanie). I give them a ton of credit and love them for their dedication to our patients. Lora needed a little more care than I anticipated and we provided that of no additional cost to her and... Lora now completed her treatment plan and says “I can’t begin to tell you how much better my daily life has been. I can go for walks and don’t get violent pains in my back anymore and just everyday activity is completely pain free!” Lora also adds “the staff is the most amazing group of people. They are very personable and genuine. Advanced Wellness and Rehab has a great team. Everyone feels like family, I will miss seeing them.” Thanks for the kind words Lora and thanks for letting us witness another miracle. Because each miracle gives us testimony to our efforts, your efforts and God’s will.


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At Advanced Wellness and Rehab, we combine this technology with other specialized protocols and our own specialty methods because we dedicate and focus 100% of our time and talent on serious and severe disc cases causing pain and numbness in the back and down the leg so that there is a dedicated facility for patients like you that have tried everything but are still motivated to avoid surgery and refuse to give up! Now we can help patients that prior to Spinal Decompression and our methods would have had to live in pain for the rest of their lives. Patients come to us from all over. They come to us when other treatments have failed to give them relief. It’s proven-effective and it is the SOLUTION for many. Advanced Wellness and Rehab specializes in the use of exclusive Spinal Rejuvenation Therapy Method This method combined with computerized true disc decompression is considered by many doctors to be the most advanced and successful non-invasive treatment of serious back or leg pain, caused by degenerated, bulging or herniated discs. This procedure allows for a much higher success rate by increasing hydration of your discs, flexibility, relaxation of muscles and ligaments along with improving muscle and core strength, balance and posture. This results in a more effective and lasting solution to your pain. There are no side effects and no recovery time is required. This gentle and relaxing treatment has proven to be effective...even when drugs, epidurals. traditional chiropractic, physical therapy and surgery have failed. The Spinal Rejuvenation Therapy Method has shown dramatic results.

There is new hope in our viable and proven Alternative to dangerous spinal surgery for you. I’m dedicated to the possibility of your recovery. - Dr. Andrew Roy, D.C.

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I had lower back pain all the time. I had previously gone to physical therapy and even had a laminectomy. I had this pain for 3 years before going to Advanced Wellness and Rehab. I couldn’t golf anymore and was limited on my activities and was in constant pain. After having treatment at Advanced Wellness and Rehab, I am now able to golf and do many things I couldn’t do before. It has helped me considerably. They have a great staff!” – Dennis P.


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March 2015

Active aging

Page 3

Measure to curb abuse introduced By Kaydee Haug Rep. Brandon Whipple, Wichita, wants to ensure that there is less chance of abuse to occur in nursing homes across the state. In 2014 he introduced House Bill 2043 after an area nursing home made headlines when a video showing a nursing staff person abusing a resident was made public. Family members of a woman who resided at Victoria Falls in Andover grew concerned and installed a hidden video camera in her room. The video confirmed their fears and was aired by a local television station. Whipple, who spoke with the woman’s family, said “they really wanted to see something good happen from it.” An official investigation resulted in a 105-page report. It said the video

showed four staff “perpetrators being both verbally and physically abusive to this dependent confused resident.” It also detailed several violations, especially at the hands of the employees who were hired to provide assistance for the vulnerable adults. Whipple said that in addition to the state background checks already conducted, the bill would ensure national background checks prior to the employment or participation in any program involving vulnerable adults. “This would help to attract people who are less likely to treat loved ones in a way we wouldn’t approve,” he said. After modification, the bill passed the House in February with a unanimous vote and was introduced in the Senate. It is now in the Committee on Health and Public Welfare.

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The nursing home was fined by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services. One of the health care workers involved is awaiting trial on criminal charges in Butler County. If you suspect abuse or neglect of an older adult by a nursing home, hospi-

tal, home health agency or caregiver, call the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services at 1-800-8420078. Contact Kaydee Haug at

Share your stories Active aging needs YOU. We are looking for folks to share their experiences and memories, or to suggest people who might help us further the dialogue in a particular story. Or suggest a story topic you would be interested in reading. For example, in June we want to write about wheat harvests in “the good ol’ days.” Do you remember driving/riding around the field on a combine under the blazing sun? Or racing to the elevator (as if a truck hauling wheat could even break the speed limit) to beat a thunderstorm with the last load? Please share your stories. Other topics we’d like to write about include: • Multi-generational households: Has an adult child moved back into your home? Perhaps it’s economic,

convenience or another reason. What are some pros and cons? Any advice for someone in that situation? • Help us share a trip down memory lane: Drive-in movies, skating rinks, your first day of school, concerts (I had a front row seat to the Monkees at Century II), dragging Douglas... What shaped you growing up in the 1950s, ‘60s, ‘70s or ‘80s? • Know a good cook? Joe Stumpe would like to share his or her story plus a favorite recipe with our readers. His email is Send your ideas to bfunke@activeagingonline; write to Active aging at 125 S. West St., Ste 105, Wichita, KS 67213; or call Becky at 942-5385. If writing, be sure to include your name and a contact phone number.


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Page 4

Pets From page 1

Active aging program volunteer. Since being assigned to check on Evelyn and Pudgie, John and Mary have been frequent visitors to Evelyn’s home. “We’ve sort of adopted her now,” said Mary Carman. Contact Amy Geiszler-Jones at algj64@

Mary Carman, a zookeeper’s daughter and clinical psychologist at Prairie View, who helped start the program. She and her husband own four dogs and have fostered about 30 for Caring Hands. Research shows that pet ownership has many physical and mental health benefits, including helping lower blood pressure and levels of stress. Pets also help reduce feelings of loneliness among older adults living alone, a 2014 study showed. Many older adults don’t get a pet because they don’t know what will happen to it if they become sick, can no longer can live independently or if they die, Carmen said. With an OAPA! adoption, the participant is asked to designate someone to take over the pet’s care. If there isn’t anyone, Caring Hands and the volunteer who does follow-up visits will ensure that the Photo by David Dinell animal has another home. Carman’s husband, John, is a John Carmen, volunteer with the Older Adult retired professor and an OAPA! Pet Adoption program, holds Pudgie.

March 2015

Pet adoption program expands service area The Older Adult Pet Adoption program, based in Harvey County, recently lowered its age requirements to 50 for participants and expanded the counties it serves. Individuals in Harvey Sedgwick, Butler, Reno and McPherson counties are eligible to adopt animals through OAPA!, said Kevin Stubbs, executive director of Caring Hands Humane Society in Newton, which handles the adoptions. There is no charge to adopt the pet, which will be spayed or neutered and current on vaccinations. The participant agrees to periodically complete a life satisfaction survey and to have a volunteer visit to ensure the owner and pet are

bonding. The participant is asked to designate a future caregiver for the pet if the owner is unable to keep it. If they don’t have anyone Caring Hands and the volunteer will see to the pet’s short-term or permanent placement. With a new volunteer coordinator and volunteers from other counties, the program has been able to expand its service area, said Mary Carmen, vice president of operations and older adult services at Prairie View mental health center. To participate, call Caring Hands, (316) 283-0839. Hours are 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Tuesday; 10 a.m.5 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday; and 1-5 p.m. Sunday.

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I am named the executor under my brother’s will and one of his beneficiaries. I cannot find the original will. I suspect that one of his children has it, but she denies it. There is a bank account in his name and the bank officer tells me I need to probate the will in order to become the executor and access the account. What do I do? Quite simply stated, there is a presumption under Kansas law that a person who wrote a will has revoked it or destroyed it when the original cannot be located after his or her death. (This is why you need to keep your original in a very safe place). This presumption may be overcome and a copy may be admitted as a “lost will” upon sufficient proof to the court. To ensure that you are able to handle his affairs, you may want to petition the Court to open a probate estate as soon as possible and seek appointment as administrator instead of executor.

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Active aging

Published by Active Aging Publishing, Inc. 125 S. West St., Suite 105 • Wichita, KS 67213 (316) 942-5385 • fax (316) 946-9180 Board of Directors

President: Elma Broadfoot, Wichita • Vice President: Susan Howell, Wichita Treasurer: Diana Wolfe, Wichita • Secretary: Rebecca Funke, Goddard Carol Bacon, Wichita • Wenda Black, Newton • Ted Blankenship, Rose Hill Elvira Crocker, Wichita • Fran Kentling, Wichita • Ruth Ann Messner, Andover Bob Rives, Wichita • Vicki Shepard, Wichita • Duane Smith, Wichita Barrick Wilson, Newton • Mary Corrigan, CPAAA

Active aging is published the first of each month and distributed free to those 55+ in Butler, Harvey and Sedgwick counties. To receive it, call or write Active aging. Annual suggested donation for those who don’t qualify is $20 in-state/$25 out-of-state. Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rebecca Funke Advertising Rep . . . . . . . . Tom Warner Advertising Rep . . . . . . . . Randi Thimmesch

Advertising Mgr................ Teresa Schmied Business Mgr........................ Kaydee Haug

Active aging prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, creed, age or handicapping condition in all of its operations, services and personnel actions in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. If you think you have been discriminated against by Active aging, you may file a complaint with Active aging, the Sedgwick County Department on Aging (660-5240 or 1-800-367-7298) or the Kansas Department on Aging (1-800-432-3535). Funding for Active aging is provided, in part, by the Older Americans Act.

March 2015

Active aging

Page 5

Silver Haired Legislators election March 12 By Annette Graham CPAAA Executive Director An election for members of the Silver Haired Legislature (SHL) will be held March 12 in Wichita. Central Plains Area Agency on Aging (CPAAA) sponsors the elections in Butler, Harvey and Sedgwick counties. Any registered voter 60 years or older may vote for a candidate in his or her county/district. Nine people from the three-county area have filed. An election is required if an applicant is running opposed. Sedgwick County has six delegate positions (one for each of the five

county commission districts and one at-large). Butler and Harvey counties each have one delegate. Candidates are: Carl Williams – Sedgwick County, District 1/incumbent, uncontested Wants to promote awareness of SHL and help programs and legislation beneficial to seniors in the political dialogue. Maxine Gray - Sedgwick County, District 2 Wants to make a difference in her community, help seniors and make things better for all seniors. Evelyn Davis – Sedgwick County, District 2 Wants to help solve issues important to seniors and protect seniors and

T S A F s g n i h t Sell

those most vulnerable from scammers and telemarketers. Howard Tice - Sedgwick County, District 4/incumbent, uncontested Wants to represent the needs of seniors to the Legislature. Lester Sims – Sedgwick County, District 5/uncontested Wants to eliminate regulations and expenditures which constrain the freedom of the elderly and to restrict moral/religious content of our public education system. Celia Chace – Sedgwick County, at-large/uncontested Wants to run at-large to represent all seniors, advocate against high-interest, short-term loan companies, improve transportation options for seniors, legalize Medical Marijuana and help frail seniors. Don Durflinger – Butler County/

Incumbent, uncontested Wants to help baby boomers and other seniors have an active and forceful voice for legitimate concerns. Frank White – Harvey County/ Incumbent, uncontested Wants to promote and urge adoption of programs and assistance for senior citizens. Advance/absentee ballots are available by request. Call 316-660-5229, email or visit the CPAAA office at 2622 W. Central, Ste. 50. An election will be held at the CPAAA office for the District 2 position in Sedgwick County. For more information on SHL or other programs and services for seniors and caregivers call 1-855-200-2372 or visit

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Page 6

Active aging

March 2015

Encounters with Eisenhower By Erin O’Donnell Newton Presbyterian Manor As the state’s largest airport adopts its new name – Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport – Kansas residents are revisiting the legacy and memories of the only U.S. president to hail from the Sunflower State. At least two Newton women will never forget meeting “Ike.” Dorothy Legge and Rosella Arellano each had a personal encounter, giving them a glimpse into the private life of the small-town boy who became president. As a young woman in 1950s Abilene, Legge worked evenings at the Lamer Hotel. The hotel, which was also known as the Sunflower, was Eisenhower’s hometown base of

operations. It was known as “The Little White House.” Legge was the hotel transcriptionist. Every evening she would record the day’s transactions and accounts. She

Dorothy Legge

Courtesy Photo

said Eisenhower and his entourage would take over the building’s top floor – the eighth, which made it Abilene’s tallest building. Once Eisenhower gave a speech inside the hotel. Legge remembers people packing the streets for two blocks in every direction. Loudspeakers were posted outside so everyone could listen. She also remembers how the hotel tried to meet every request of the president and his staff. “They always wanted liquor, and Abilene was dry at that time,” she recalled. “So we had a man that came in every night and brought liquor. I had to handle the exchange.” Eisenhower was the first president Legge ever voted for. She was dumb-

founded when he dropped in to talk to her at work. “One evening, unbeknownst to his staff, he came down and visited with me without the permission of the Secret Service,” she said. “It was just like visiting with my dad. I really enjoyed him. He was very pleasant.” The president asked her about her family and their farm. He was especially interested in Legge’s father, who happened to be friends with former president Herbert Hoover. “At first I was kind of scared, you know – how am I going to talk to this man?” she said. “And after we started, it was like talking to my best friend.”

See next page

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March 2015

Active aging

Eisenhower From previous page

Eisenhower had such strong ties to his childhood friends that in the mid-1960s, after he had left office, he once dropped in to visit one at Newton Presbyterian Manor. Rosella Arellano was the Manor’s evening nursing supervisor. Lucille Anderson, the executive director, called to tell her that one of their residents would have a late visitor, and Arellano was to let him in. “I said, who is it?” Arellano recalls. “And she said, ‘President Eisenhower.’ And I said, ‘No problem.’ ” Mrs. R.L. Price had grown up next door to the Eisenhowers in Abilene.

After Arellano escorted the former president to her room, she offered coffee to the Secret Service and other members of the group.

Page 7

Sen. George McGovern was in the entourage, and he later sent Arellano a personal thank-you note. “They filled up that whole circle drive there in front of the Manor,” Arellano said. “Mrs. Price visited with the president, and it was just like visiting with a next-door neighbor. It was a very beautiful thing.”

It wasn’t long after, in 1969, that Eisenhower passed away. His presidential legacy is preserved at the museum and library dedicated to him in Abilene, and now in the name of Wichita’s airport. But the man a nation knew as Ike also left a warm personal legacy among those like Legge and Arellano.

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Rosella Arellano

Courtesy Photo

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tion. Learn about the library’s digital resources and explore what a new piece of technology can do. Information about the library’s technology classes will be available and “teen technology buddies” will be on hand to demonstrate the devices.

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Page 8

Active aging

Celebrations Anala (Nell) Hebert is celebrating her 105th birthday March 3. Originally from Abbeville, La., she grew up on a farm with 16 brothers and sisters. The family purchased their first car when she was 15 years old. Prior to that they used horse and buggy for transportation.

Courtesy photo

Nell Hebert

She married and had two sons and a daughter. She has 14 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great-grandchildren. Nell was an accomplished seamstress and a terrific Cajun cook. In the late ’60s and early ’70s she traveled with her church group throughout

Healthy Living

March 2015

the United States, Europe and the Holy Land. A celebration will be at Reeds Cove Health and Rehab on March 3. Send birthday greetings to Nell at Reeds Cove, 
2114 N. 127th St. E., Room 206, Wichita, KS 67206 ****

A card shower is requested for LaVerne Mosiman of Whitewater as she celebrates her 90th birthday on March 12. LaVerne worked at the Bank of

Whitewater for 42 years. Send birthday greetings to LaVerne at 710 E First St., Whitewater, KS 67154. Celebrations is a free announcement of birthdays and anniversaries. Send to Active aging, 125 S. West St., Ste. 105, Wichita, KS 67213 or by e-mail to Please include your name and daytime phone number.

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give limited results. Most clients find 50%-90% improvement in the first treatment without all the typical medically invasive treatments that often have limited results. Information from Dr. Mark Albers, D.C., DABCI.

insurance could cover the cost If you’re a diabetic, with your doctor’s prescription/documentation you could qualify annually for a new pair of custom-fitted diabetic shoes with costs covered by some private insurances or Medicare. c ca a ll ll h ha a rr tt m me ed d ii c ca a ll ffo o rr m mo o rr e e ii n n ffo o rr m ma att ii o on n

March 2015

Active aging

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Page 10 Active aging

March 2015

Senior issues heard in committees By Mary Tritsch With the 2015 legislative session nearly half way through, there is still much to be decided. The state budget and public school funding continues to dominate debates. Many of the bills AARP Kansas is tracking on behalf of Kansans 50 and older have been assigned bill numbers and are being heard by their appropriate committees. Here is where they stood on Feb. 23: • The CARE Act, House Bill 2058 This AARP bill requires hospitals to ask patients if a caregiver has been identified; record the name of the caregiver in medical records; notify and consult with caregivers regarding discharge plans; and provide discharge instructions to caregivers. No further action has been taken. The Wichitaarea committee member is Ponka-We Victors, ranking minority member.

• Medicaid Expansion, House Bill 2045, House Bill 2270 – HB 2045 was introduced by Rep. Jim Ward and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services of which he is ranking minority member. Other Wichita-area committee members Rep. Blake Carpenter, Derby; and Rep. Roderick Houston and Rep. Les Osterman, both of Wichita. No action has been taken on HB 2270. Advocates continue to push for Medicaid Expansion. It would help more than 165,000 Kansans – including 20,000 Kansans ages 50 to 64 who don’t yet qualify for Medicare – receive affordable health care coverage with a large part of the funding provided by the federal government. • Registered Dental Practitioners (RDPs) Senate Bill 49 and House Bill 2079. SB 49 has had a hearing in the Public Health and Welfare Committee, and HB 2079 has had a hearing

in the Health and Human Services committee. This legislation would allow RDPs, who are highly trained dental hygienists, to work in community settings and provide oral care to underserved populations, including the elderly, while at the same time freeing up dentists to do more complex procedures. Committee vice-chair Michael O’Donnell is the Wichita-area member of the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. Wichita-area members of the Health and Human Services committee are ranking minority member Jim Ward; Rep. Blake Carpenter, Derby; and Rep. Roderick

Houston and Rep. Les Ostermam, both of Wichita. • Increased Nursing Care Hours in Nursing Facilities, House Bill 2201, is being heard by the House Committee on Children and Seniors. The only committee member from Wichita is Ponka-We Victors. The bill would require Kansas nursing homes to staff to a minimum level of care that assures residents receive at least four hours and 26 minutes of care per day. The current standard, which hasn’t been adjusted for 30 years, requires nursing homes to only staff to a level that provides two hours of care per day. This is not ade-

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March 2015

Active aging

Legislature From previous page

quate to avoid resident injury, illness and often, death. • Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) Senate Bill 168 was passed out of the Senate Select Committee on KPERS Feb. 18. It provides for the issuance of $1 billion of pension obligation bonds to finance a portion of the unfunded actuarial liability of KPERS. Committee member Sen. Ty Mastersonis from Andover. • House bill 2250 would provide a Cost of Living Adjustment for KPERS. Retirees have not had an increase for 15 years. Aarea committee members are Rep. Dan Hawkins,

Wichita; Rep. Marc Rhoades, Newton; and Rep. Jim Ward, Wichita. • Another issue of note is the introduction of House Bill 2046. It would repeal the Health Care Compact law. If approved, this law would bring federal health care funding, including Medicare, under state control. The bill passed in the 2014 session. Rep. Ward introduced HB 2046; it was referred to the House Health and Human Services Committee. • House Bill 2006, which allows veterans with a disabled license tag to park for free in attended public parking spaces, passed the House on Feb. 12. It was sent to the Senate Committee on Transportation. Wichita-area members include chair Mike Petersen and Rep. Les Donovan, both of Wichita.

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Page 11

Be sure to check back here in April to find out what’s happening with these and other bills. In the meantime, contact your legislators and let them know what issues you support or oppose and why. For contact information

about your legislator, visit or call 1-800-432-3924. Mary Tritsch is the associate state director of communications for AARP. Contact her at

Get the most from your memory

As you’ve gotten older, have you noticed that you often find yourself marching around the house in a huff, searching for misplaced car keys or eyeglasses, or that you cannot remember the name of that new neighbor you met? It’s frustrating, to be sure, but not inevitable – and there are things you can do to help keep your memory sharp. “Most people get a little more forgetful with aging, but there are some simple things you can do to prevent memory slips and help your brain to learn and remember better,” says Dr. Anne Fabiny, chief of geriatrics at Cambridge Health Alliance and an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Memory-boosting tips: • Follow routines, such as leaving your car keys, glasses and cell phone in

the same place every day. • Slow down and pay attention to what you are doing to give your brain’s memory systems enough time to create an enduring memory. • Avoid multitasking and distracting or noisy environments. • Get enough sleep, reduce stress and check with your doctor to see if any of your medications could affect your memory – all are potential memory spoilers. Worried that your minor memory slips mean you are headed toward Alzheimer’s disease? That’s probably not the case. Like it or not, science shows that the ability to learn new information and recall it may decline somewhat after 50. However, forgetfulness can be a serious issue if it’s starting to interfere with daily tasks and routines.

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Page 12 Active aging

March 2015

We’ve not come so far baby By Elma Broadfoot If you don’t know that March is Women’s History Month, you’re not alone...and you’re probably not in your 70s. We witnessed the battles, and many of us were part of the modern women’s movement in America from the mid‘60s through the ‘70s. ∑ We fought for the Equal Rights Amendment, which failed to pass in March of 1972. ∑ We fought for Roe vs. Wade, which had as much to do with a woman’s right to choose and her personal safety as it ever had anything to do with abortion. ∑ And we fought for equal pay for doing the same job with the same skill sets as a man.

Commentary We came out of the shadows and took the spotlight – as teachers, nurses and housewives as well as business owners, university presidents and great athletes. We made enough noise and prompted enough change that in 1987 the U.S. Congress declared March Women’s History Month, just like those months for Native Americans, Black Americans and Hispanic Americans. All of which smack of tokenism to me. Why isn’t there a Male History Month or a White History Month? Women’s History Month feels even

Courtesy photo

more empty when I look at how we’re celebrating it in our area of the state. There are two events: Feminist: Stories from Women’s Liberation on March 4 at the Rockwell library branch and “… discuss and learn about Women’s History Month” on March 5 at Wichita State University. Many of my women friends in their 50s and even 60s lack awareness of how far women have come, how we got here and where we stand in the U.S. Perhaps those of us in our 70s are just more sensitive to women’s rights. I, for one, feel they’ve diminished in importance on the social and cultural landscape. Some say we’ve made great

See next page

Elma Broadfoot in the 1970s.

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March 2015

Women From previous page

strides. I say maybe. We still live in a society where: ∑ 1 in 5 women are raped. ∑ 1 in 4 women are victims of domestic violence. ∑ An all-male Congressional committee oversees women’s health issues. ∑ Women make 78 cents to a man’s $1.00. ∑ And one bill after another assaulting women’s rights to choose medical treatment goes before the Kansas legislature. Yes, we should recognize the history of women, just how far we’ve come and those who have helped make change

Active aging happen. Not just in March, but every month. We should tell our daughters and sons, as well as our grandchildren, about the history of women even in our own families and communities. And just as important, we must make sure they know how much farther we have to go. In addition to serving as Active aging board president, Elma Broadfoot was executive director the Wichita River Festival and Mayor of Wichita. Her writings about her personal experiences during the women’s movement in Wichita can be found in Radiating Like a Stone, compiled and edited by Myrne Roe. Contact Elma Broadfoot at

INJURIES OF NURSING HOME RESIDENTS I represent persons whose loved one has been injured or dies as a result of improper care in a nursing home. I handle most cases on a contingency fee basis. Please contact me for a free consultation or visit my website for further information.

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Page 13

Film, Cowtown exhibit mark women’s history month

Feminist: Stories from Women’s Liberation is a documentary film showing from 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, at Rockwell Branch Library, 5939 E. 9th. Visit or for information about the film director, Jennifer Hall Lee, and the stories in the film. Thirsty Thursday: Women’s History Month is a discussion from 11 a.m. to noon Thursday, March 5, in the Rhatigan Student Center 208, Wichita State University Old Cowtown Museum is celebrating Women’s History Month

with a new exhibit building, the McKenzie House. It is a typical 1880s house owned and rented by single women who worked as laundresses, domestic workers, teachers and business owners. The Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center suggests “… we celebrate women’s history, please take time to reflect on the past achievements and current endeavors of not only those renowned women, but also the ones in your personal lives who have contributed to your success.” No specific events are scheduled.

Say you read about it in Active aging!

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Page 14 Active aging

Re-invention From page 1

to 2013. They did special events, weddings, birthday parties and holidays. Her shop became known by word of mouth, and their clientele grew. After she sold the shop, Wyatt looked for a job to fill her time. At her age, she said, it was difficult. “No one wants you at 70.” And she’s the type who wants something productive to do all the time. Then she saw an ad run by a sales and marketing group seeking people with professional food experience to staff food product demonstrations at Sam’s. She was hired and did that for six months. Late last year the young couple who had bought her cookie shop decided their other professional roles were too demanding; they could no longer devote the necessary time to the shop. Kathy jumped at the chance to get it back. The first thing she did was call Judy and Squeek. Their immediate reaction was, “When do we start?” The three women are a merry band, experimenting and trying new things and having a jolly time in the process. “It just works,” Kathy says of the trio. The shop offers eight to 10 varieties of cookies and take orders for special events. They also serve lunch, but

don’t go on the second Tuesday of the month. That’s when her North High classmates (1961) and good friends gather there to eat. *** For Vicki Mork, 66, retirement at the end of 2014 made it possible for her to try to turn a lifelong avocation into a money-making vocation. Over the years she’s sewed for family and friends, combining her artistic bent with her fascination with fabrics and color. That’s a far cry from how she made a living. She graduated from Wichita State University with a bachelor of fine arts, and then earned a master’s in public administration. Her work history has little to do with art, but it did have a common thread. She was always in roles that helped others. For example, she worked for the Medical Service Bureau which provides assistance to those in need. She shares a touching moment. When a child received a pair of glasses, he wrote a thank you note telling her: “Now I can see the stars in the sky.” For 16 years, she worked for the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services. She worked for Botanica’s volunteer program and in its gift shop. She traveled the state for a giftware company. She concluded her official work life with the Kansas

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March 2015

Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training from which she retired. For her, the past may be destiny. She began sewing at 14. Her mother was a seamstress, as was her maternal grandmother. Her mother made Vicki’s wedding dress and her own mother-ofthe-bride dress. Vicki sews many of her own clothes. Over the years she also has made shirts and sports coats for her son, Justin. She says she enjoys working with fabrics, so it seemed just a Photo by Rob Howes matter of time Vicki Mork started Sew Fine as a retirement business, combefore she got See next page bining her artistic talents with her love for color and fabric.

March 2015

Re-invention From previous page

back to it in a more concentrated way. Her creative sewing projects range from infinity scarves and cosmetic bags to baby items and pet coats to home décor items such as pillows, cushion covers and duvets. She has one thing in common with Kathy Wyatt: If she doesn’t know how to do something, she figures it out. At this point, she’s getting the word out about her availability – by word of mouth and social media – and sorting out business details. If you ask her how it’s going, you’re apt to get a “sew, sew.” And in case you’re wondering about the name of her business, it’s “Sew Fine.” *** Margaret Weilert, 72, has reinvented herself more than once during

Active aging her working life but the one constant has been helping people. “I was pretty sure I could make it on my income,” she says about retiring six years ago. During her first year of retirement she “unloaded” and traveled, the latter being a life-long passion. But she soon found she missed having “a defined role and the environment of working” and today is into her fifth year working as a mental health counselor. Margaret went back to work “on my own terms.” That means not working full-time, doing work that meets her professional interests and, most importantly, not allowing her work to interfere with her travels. Fresh out of college with a bachelor’s degree in sociology, she worked for the American Red Cross for three and a half years at military bases in the U.S., France and Germany. “I really liked working with the injured Vietnam veterans,” she says of

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her stint in Germany, but she wanted to come back to the states for a sister’s wedding and had to leave the Red Cross to do so. She was a flight attendant for 12 years, which not only fed her passion

for travel but allowed her to escort adopted children from South Korea, Guam and Panama to homes in the U.S. She remembers being called in the

See next page

Workshops for biz start-ups The Kansas Small Business Development Center program at Wichita State University offers many free services to help people interested in starting or growing a business. More than 200 workshops are offered each year. The following are scheduled for March and April: Starting a Business in Retirement – Explore options and understand what is involved. 1-3 p.m. April 30. Meeting the 3Ms: Learning the Basics of Marketing, Management and Money – Assess the feasibility of your business idea and start writing your business plan. 2-5 p.m. March 2; 1-3 p.m. March 11; 10 a.m.-noon March 19; 3-5 p.m. March 30; 1-3 p.m. April 8; or 10 a.m.-noon April 15. Quick Start Business Plan-


ning – Learn how to develop the key elements of your business plan. 10 a.m.-noon March 3; 3-5 p.m. March 19; 3-5 p.m. April 8; 10 a.m.-noon April 21. State Tax Workshop – Topics covered include sales tax, withholding tax and record keeping. 1-4:30 p.m. March 26; 8:30 a.m.-noon April 28. For information on these workshops and to register, go to To schedule a free consulting session call 978-3193. The center is located in the WSU Metropolitan Complex at the corner of 29th Street and Oliver. The Wichita State University KSBDC is one of eight regional centers in Kansas and serves 23 counties in north and south central Kansas. FREE HEALTH SCREENINGS, VENDORS, SEMINARS, PRIZES & MORE!

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Page 16 Active aging

Reinvention from previous page

people and that I would need a master’s degree to do that.” She earned two master’s degrees from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, where she worked three jobs in six

middle of the night and asked if she could be at the airport in an hour to escort two children from Panama. “There I was, alone with two little babies.” She spotted two men who turned out to be U.S. Treasury Department employees who helped her hold and feed the babies. “I’ll never forget those guys,” Margaret says, and adds that “I still think of all those children today. They’re probably 40 to 50 years old.” Escorting the children was “a high point in my flying career,” she adds. During this time, she also earned a teaching certificate and was a substitute teacher in Chicago’s inner city schools. “After experiencing, first-hand, people living in poverty and the challenges that go along with that, I Photo by Becky Funke knew I wanted to continue Helping people has been a common theme in Margaret to do something with Weilert’s varied careers.

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years: one with a major oil company, a second with a child abuse prevention agency and a third as a teacher in the GED program at Elmendorf Air Force Base. When she returned to Wichita due to the ill health of her parents, she worked at two Kansas correctional facilities and a mental health agency as a therapist and evaluator. Approaching her 50th birthday, she decided to acquire a third master’s and a doctorate degree from Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA, which was one of the pioneers in distance learning.

March 2015 “I wanted to be able to makes choices about the kind of work I was doing, and I would fare better doing that with a Ph.D.,” she says. “As long as I feel physically able and mentally competent I will continue to work,” she adds. She can structure her work, including hours in a day or week and the number of weeks she works. It gives her some extra income to maintain her home and, of course, to travel. Contact Elma Broadfoot at

boomers, seniors explore business opportunities Marcia Stevens, regional director of the Kansas Small Business Development Center at Wichita State University, said there may be more people 55 and older signing up for the Center’s workshops. “We don’t ask people’s ages,” she said, but they see people signing up for their workshops who appear older and are interested in starting their own business.“Some are getting ready

for retirement, some have taken an early retirement or some have been ‘given’ an early retirement.” It’s not unusual, she said, for someone who has a hobby and is retiring to decide to turn the hobby into a business and earn a little money doing something they already enjoy. Beside, owning your own business also offers flexibility.“You can choose to work only part-time,” she said.

March 2015

Active aging

Page 17

LifeVentures plans Spring Adventures in Learning LifeVentures, celebrating its 25th year, kicks off an eight-week Adventures in Learning session Tuesday, March 24. Classes are held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at East Heights United Methodist Church, 4407 E. Douglas. Designed by seniors for seniors, Adventures in Learning provides a

weekly exploration of a variety of subjects in a casual and comfortable classroom setting. Facilitated by knowledgeable volunteer presenters, their expertise is wide ranging, eclectic and geared to be of interest of seniors. Each week offers something new to learn as well as an opportunity to

socialize during Coffee and Conversation at 8:30 a.m. Choose from singing, history, technology how-to’s (demystify the use of all those electronic gadgets), gardening, travel, poetry writing, “alphabet soup,” religion, arts & crafts and Threadbare Theatre. A catered lunch is served every Tuesday, followed by entertainment or a guest speaker.

Held twice each year – Spring and Fall – registration is $60 for eight weeks. Lunch is optional for an additional $64 paid in advance or $8 weekly. Spring registration is open. Information can be found at or to request a schedule by mail call the Life Ventures’ office at 316-682-0504.

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Active Aging Proof Approval Please check your ad carefully and check off the applicable boxes and initial to indicate your acceptance. An e-mail confirmation is fine if no changes needed. ____ Check offer ____ Check name, address, phone ____ Check expiration dates ____ Proof Satisfactory (no changes) __________ Advertiser initials You can fax your approval or corrections to us at 946-9180 or call Becky at 942-5385 E-mail acceptance to your ad rep or

Page 18 Active aging

March 2015

The lost art of darning socks By Ted Blankenship When I put on my socks the other day I noticed a small hole in the sole of one and an even smaller hole in the toe of the other. I’m sure that many of you have more important problems. Well, to me, holes in my socks are a big problem. I don’t like the feel of my bare foot in shoes. It feels clammy. I have a friend who never wears socks. He wears penny loafers with his bare ankles out there for the world to see. Each to his own, I say, but really no socks? My maternal grandfather was an oil field pumper and he wore farmer-type lace up shoes – without socks. He got out of bed each morning, put on a blue chambray shirt and blue denim overalls, and stuck his feet into the shoes he left by the bedside. He didn’t bother lacing them up and he didn’t bother with socks. When I was growing up during the Great Depression, we didn’t have a lot of money to buy new socks when they got holes in them. Someone darned them, usually my mother or grandmother. You never heard of darning? Well, lots of folks who had to do it wished they had never heard of it either. It’s tedious work.

It requires a special needle and a darning egg, usually made of wood, porcelain or metal. You could use a real egg, but if you squeeze it too hard, you will have a bigger problem than darning the sock. The work is done in an area that doesn’t have a seam. If the hole is on a seam, you apparently are out of luck. The darner (I’m not sure that’s what you call them) sews (or darns) across the hole in one direction, and then weaves the needle through these threads in a perpendicular direction. The result is almost like cloth and often lasts longer than the rest of the sock. Thus you end up wearing the holes while the rest of the sock just fades away. But as I wrote earlier, darning has mostly disappeared—along with a lot of socks. A lot has been written (inadvisedly) about disappearing socks. For example, I hear they’re making socks with GPS transmitters so you can track them down. This is ludicrous because there isn’t room in a shoe for a foot and a GPS. Inventors need to think these things

through. And you know what happens when the techies invent an electronic gadget that does nearly everything – they invent a bigger one that does even more. So you can see where the GPS in a sock is going. At first it will simply tell you where the sock is – say Bombay, India. This will satisfy for a short time, then the techies will find a new job for the sock, maybe a camera to take pictures of your feet. A readout would give you a spreadsheet telling you how far the athlete’s foot has progressed. And even that will not be enough. If an electronic device works in a sock, why not put one in your pants? Then if you are about to sit on a sharp object, your pants would sound an alarm. Or if an unscrupulous thief is picking your pocket, a boxing glove on a stick would punch the crook in the nose. Just make sure the electronic fist is turned toward the thief. I think I deviated a bit from the subject – socks. If you are old enough, you will remember that socks once

were sold in sizes. Or, if you are old enough, maybe you won’t remember much of anything. Be that as it may (whatever that means) socks now are manufactured in one size and if they are too small, you just pull harder when you put them on. If they are too big, you can wear them on the outside of your shoes. When I was a kid, I often got socks for Christmas and my birthday. These socks were about as welcome as whooping cough. Now and then I got a tie instead of socks. A tie was not a very popular gift either. What was a kid with holes in his socks going to do with a tie? Socks in those days weren’t very stretchy either. If you wore a size 10, that’s what you’d better buy because you couldn’t change them by stretching them. They were as pliable as aluminum and just about as comfortable. The only consolation was that the shoes didn’t fit very well either. Contact Ted Blankenship at


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Cathleen A. Gulledge

Alzheimer’s Care Update by Doug Stark

“Dos & Don’ts” of Compassionate Care: Never Argue, Always Agree

The Many Faces of Dementia Featuring Dr. Ryan Schroeder with KU School of Medicine

Bel Aire City Building 7651 E. Central Park Avenue Bel Aire, Kansas Free and open to the public For more information, call Jennifer at 316.771.6593 RSVP required

Come learn about the various types of dementia and how to best care for a loved one facing these challenging diseases. Dr. Ryan Schroeder will present his research on dementia and share tips for caregivers. You will also enjoy a caregiver’s resource fair, a look at the importance of caregiver wellness, and enjoy a free lunch.

of excellen ars c ye

enior care ns ei

Thursday, March 12, 2015 9:30 am - 2:00 pm

brating 25 Cele

Caregiver Education Event Presented by Catholic Care Center

Catholic Care Center 1990-2015

Victims of Alzheimer’s live in a world none of us can fully understand, especially the victims themselves. It is a world that often differs from reality, where even the most trifling circumstance can be overwhelming, causing feelings of confusion, frustration, anger and sometimes fear. A person suffering with Alzheimer’s may be steadfastly convinced of something which you know full well isn’t so. And no matter how caring or well-intentioned, no effort on your part will persuade them otherwise. But arguing is not only futile, it is counter-productive, serving only to intensify their frustrations and anger. A better option is to simply agree. After all,

the matter will be quickly forgotten anyway. And in the context of caring for someone with this tragic disease, what really matters aren’t facts but feelings. Your being “right” is infinitely less important than their momentary peace and contentment. Doug Stark is President of ComfortCare Homes, the pioneer in resident-based Alzheimer’s care since 1993

If you have a question you would like answered, please email me at, or call 685-3322. For more Alzheimer’s Care Updates visit our blog at

March 2015

Active aging

Briefs Weather Safety Severe weather safety classes are offered in Sedgwick County in March and April, including two in Wichita: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at Northwest High School and 10 a.m. Saturday, April 11, at Exploration Place. The multimedia presentation covers the basics of thunderstorm development, storm structure and development, and how to stay safe. The twohour classes are free. No reservations are necessary. For a complete list of classes, go to

Divas on a Dime

Women & investing

Fun fashion finds from Goodwill will be featured in the fashion show at Divas on a Dime, a fundraising event for Wichita Women’s Initiative Network (WWIN), 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, at the Dugan-Gorges Conference Center, Newman University. Enjoy an evening of food, fashion and fun to support WWIN, a non-profit providing support to survivors of domestic abuse with educational and employment opportunities. Tickets are $40 each, $385 for a table of 8. Tickets are available at For information call 316-262-3960.

Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement accounts – selecting and managing investments can be a daunting task. Women’s Investment Education Program provides information on investing and finances in a non-threat-


nnive 6th A



• • • •

Page 19 ening setting. The six-week program is 6 to 8 p.m. Thursdays, April 2 through May 7, in the Sunflower Room, Sedgwick County Extension Center, 21st and Ridge. Cost of the class is $20. To enroll call 660-0100.

Protect your mobility Mobility – the ability to move purposefully around your environment – is vitally important to your health and well-being. Nearly one-third to one-half of adults ages 65 and older experience impaired mobility, according to a report from Harvard Medical School. At first, it may not seem like a big deal – many people learn to just move a little more slowly and a little more deliberately or work around the prob-

lem by relying on a cane or walker. But taking impaired mobility “lying down” can cause your health to spiral downward. As you move less, pounds may start to creep on. You might withdraw from social relationships and activities that challenge you mentally. That’s why it’s important to intervene to either prevent future mobility impairments or reduce existing ones. It can help you live independently well into your later years.

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All levels of care accepted - Independent through Hospice Excellent staff to resident ratio for higher quality of care Adult Day Care with a flexible schedule Largest West side tradition Home Plus provider


Daily Tournaments!

Via Christi 50+ Lunch & Learn

Neuropathy: What your mama never told you Thursday, March 19

11 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.

Doors open at 10:45 a.m., program begins at 11:30 a.m. Botanica: The Wichita Gardens 701 N. Amidon, Wichita, Kansas

Cost: FREE for Via Christi 50+ members All others 50 and over $5 (cash or check) Registration is required:

Call Via Christi at 689.5700 by noon, March 16. Lunch will be served. Space is limited.

Monday-Saturday @ 10 am & 7 pm

Seniors Only Tournament Saturdays @ 10 am • Cash prizes at all tournaments • Dealers at every table

$150 freeroll Sunday 4pm 8663 W Central



1/2 OFF


...because your life matters

Page 20 Active aging

March 2015

Calendar of Events Sedgwick County Senior Centers

BEL AIRE 7651 E Central Park Ave 744-2451, ext 121

Mon: 10 am Men’s fellowship, coffee. Mon & Wed: 6 pm Yoga, Rec Center. Tue: 1 pm Bridge. Wed: 9 am Low-impact aerobics, Rec Center. Fri: 9 am Breakfast at Braum’s. Mon-Fri: 8 am Bel Aire Walkers, Rec Center. 1st Mon: 6 pm Potluck & program. 1st Tue: 8:30 am Breakfast out. 2nd Mon: Lunch & field trip, call for details. 4th Mon: 6 pm Covered dish, program, meeting, Rec Center. 4th Wed: 7 pm Bunko.

BENTLEY/EAGLE 504 W Sterling, 796-0027

Open Mon-Fri: Coffee, cookies, exercise. Mon: 2 pm Line dancing, chair exercise. Wed: 1:30 pm Canasta. Sat: 8-9:30 am Breakfast, donation. 2nd Fri: 11 am Senior Lunch Out. 3rd Tue: 7 pm Game night, bring snack. 3rd Fri: noon XYZ potluck, program. 4th Sat: 7 pm Movie Night.

CHENEY 516 Main, 542-3721

March 3: 4:40-6 pm Tuesday Night Together: homemade chicken & noodles. March 5: 11:30 am Covered dish; entertainment by Jean Kennedy, jazz and classical guitarist /vocalist. $2. March 10: 1 pm Senior Medicare Patrol: How to spot and report Medicare fraud. March 11: 1 pm My Plate: a Right Bite nutrition class from Sedgwick Co. Extension. March 16: 3:30 pm Diabetes Update: Medicare approved six-week class. Call Tiffany Smith, 660-9633, to get info for doctor’s referral. Wed: 10 am Hooks and Needles, group for needleworkers. 1-3 pm Carving class Thu: 9 am-2:45 pm Tax-Aide, by appt; 1-2 pm Joy of Singing. Fri: 9 -11 am Tax-Aide, by appt. 1st Tue: 11:30 am Friendship Club lunch out; 3rd Tue, noon, meet at center. 3rd Tue: Noon Friendship Club; 1 pm Book Club. Reading list at front desk. 1st Thu: 9 am New member orientation.

DOWNTOWN 200 S. Walnut, 267-0197

Center closed due to fire. Contact Gerald McCoy, director at 263-3707 or email:

EDGEMOOR 5815 E 9th, 688-9392

Mon-Fri: 10:30 am GNNP meal, reservations required; 12:15 pm Cards, games. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-11 am Exercise program. 1st Tue: 6 pm Potluck dinner. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Tue: 7 pm Cards, games.

Mon-Fri: 11:30 am GNNP lunch, reservation required; 10-11 am Pool, cards, bingo, dominoes, puzzles.

CLEARWATER 921 E Janet, 584-2332

GARDEN PLAIN 1006 N Main, 535-1155

March 5: 9 am SKT email workshop. March 13: 1 pm Living with Diabetes. March 25: 10 am Trip to Museum of World Treasures. Mon: 10 am-noon Blood pressure check; 1-3 pm Painting, beginning to advanced. Wed: 9 am Morning coffee. Fri: 7 pm Square Dance. Tue, Fri: 8:45 am Tai Chi; 10 am Exercise class. 2nd Tue: noon Carry-in lunch & program. 1st, 3rd & 4th Thu: 9 am Bring your own device – help with technology. 3rd Fri: 1 pm Bingo. 3rd Sat: 7-10 am Biscuits/gravy breakfast.

DERBY 611 N Mulberry Rd, 788-0223

Regular activities: Variety of exercise programs at low or no cost, foot care.

Tue, Thu: 9:30 am Exercise. Fri: 1 pm Cards. 1st Fri: noon Potluck, cards. 3rd Fri: noon Birthday/anniversary celebration.

GODDARD 120 N Main, 794-2441

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:30 am Exercise. 1st & 4th Tue: 9:30 am-noon Cards. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10 am-4 pm Covered dish, cards, dominoes.

HAYSVILLE 160 E Karla, 529-5903

Regular activities: Cards, crafts, GNNP lunch. Mon: 9 am-2:30 pm Tax-Aide, by appt. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Silver Foxes exercise. Tue, Thu: 10 am STEP exercise. 1st & 3rd Wed: 11 am Blood pressure checks. 12:30 pm Bingo.

Let’s Go

Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Sedgwick Co Extension, 21st and Ridge. Six-week program focusing on selfcare, community resources and more. 11:30 am-1 pm, March 3-April 7. Info, reservations, 316-660-0100. Genealogical DNA, Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society, 1203 N. Main, Wichita. 1 pm Sat, March 11. The latest news in this field of study and testing in an informal discussion group. Info, 264-2611. Info on other classes at 20th Century Club Spring Fashion Show & Tea, Murdock Theater, 536 N. Broadway. 1 pm Tue, March 17. Fashions in Bloom by Ann’s Fashions.

RSVP, Ramona Mirt, 316-722-3030. $5 suggested donation. Proceeds benefit the Women’s Crisis Center.

Art on a Monday, Wichita Art Museum, 1400 W. Museum Blvd. Noon lunch, 1 pm program, Mon, March 23. Featuring award-winning Wichita artist Hugh Greer, $35. RSVP by March 17. More info at or call 268-4291. Vegetables for Kansas Gardens, Alford Branch Wichita Public Library, 3447 S. Meridian. 10:30-11:30 am, Sat., March 14. A Sedgwick County Master Gardener will teach this class on growing vegetables suited for the Kansas climate.

2nd Fri: 5:30 pm Birthday dinner, covered dish.

KECHI Kechi City Building, 744-017, 744-1271

Fri: 9 am Breakfast at Braum’s.

LA FAMILIA 841 W 21st, 267-1700

Mon-Fri: Dance, exercise, pool, dominoes, 11:30 am-12:15 pm Hot lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon, Fri: 9:30 am-3 pm Tax-Aide, by appt. Tue, Thu: 1 pm Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon: 10 am English Class/Clase de Ingles; 1 pm Line dancing Tue: 10 am Nutrition class/Clase de nutricion. Thu: 10 am Bingo/loteria. Last Fri: 10 am Music/musica; monthly birthdays.

LINWOOD 1901 S. Kansas, 263-3703

Regular activities: Computer classes, cards, Pickleball, exercise programs, GNNP lunch. March 6: 10:15 am Working out in the new exercise room at Linwood. Lisa Klassen of the rec center. March 9: 1:30-4 pm Managing Chronic Diseases Sucessfully. Six-week program helping to find support, deal with pain and fatigue and improve nutrition to manage a chronic condition. March 11: 11 am-1 pm. Peanut butter & jelly, potato chips and pie FUNdraiser, $4 donation. March 18: 2 pm Craft Time: Baskets and bunnies. $5 donation for supplies, RSVP. March 25: 10:15 am The Low Down on Downloading: How to download pictures on your computer. RSVP. 2nd Mon: 8-9 am Early Bird Book Club. 3rd Wed: 10:30 am Birthday party. Mon & Fri: 9 am Dynabands; 9:30 am Stretching; Tue: 9 am Brain games; 9:30 am Fit & balance; 10:30 am Bingo. Tue & Thu: 9 am-3:30 pm Tax-Aide, by appt; 9 am Pickleball; 12:15 pm WSU Well-Rep combo exercise. Wed: 9 am Arthritis exercise.

MCADAMS GOLDEN AGE 1329 E 16th, 990-8921

Regular activities: Open gym, walking, GNNP lunches, dominoes, cards, pool. Sun: 1-3 pm Quilting. Tue: 10:30-11:30 am Gospel Sing. Sat: noon-6 pm Classes: flower arrangement, sewing, jewelry making. 2nd & 4th Tue:10 am-noon Blood pressure checks.

MT HOPE 105 S Ohio, 667-8956

Mon: 7-10 am Coffee, donuts; 11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch; 1-4 pm Cards. Tue, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise class. Tue, Wed: 10 am-3 pm Crafts, quilting. Thu: 9:30-10:30 am Line Dancing. 1st Fri: Noon Sr Citizens’ lunch.

MULVANE 632 E Mulvane, 777-4813

Daily: 7:30-9 am Walk-in gym, coffee; GNNP lunch; computers, dominoes, puzzles, pool, book loan. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Yoga. Tue & Thu: 9:30 am Zumba. 2nd Tue: 7:30-9:30 am Breakfast, $3. 2nd Wed: 11:30 am Blood pressure checks. 3rd Wed: Noon-1 pm Blood pressure checks.

NORTHEAST 2121 E 21st, 269-4444

Daily: Dominoes, cards, Wii, pool, GNNP lunch. library, exercise room, computer lab.

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am WSU exercise. Mon: 12:30 pm TOPS; 1:30 pm Sing-a-Long. Tue: 10 am Beginners’ crochet. Wed: 2 pm Drawing 101 Thu: 10:30 am Jewelry class. Tue, Thu: 9 am-3 pm Tax-Aide, by appt;1 pm Spanish class. Fri: 10:30 am Crochet class; 1 pm Bridge. 1st Tues: 11 am Blood pressure check. 1st Wed: Footcare by appointment

OAKLAWN 2937 Oaklawn Dr, 524-7545

Every Wed: 8:30 am Sweets & coffee, Panera Bread. Every Thu: 9:30 am-4 pm Simple sewing. Every Fri: 12:30-4 pm Cards; 5 pm Potluck & cards.

ORCHARD PARK 4808 W 9th, 942-2293

Regular activities: Exercise programs, cards, pool, GNNP lunch. March 10: 11:30 am Lunch Out: Copper Oven. March 12, 19 & 26: 9 am iPad class. Call to register. March 13: 11:15 am S.E.N.I.O.RS program with Sedgwick Co Sheriff’s. March 20: 1:15 pm Consumer Credit Counseling and Budgeting. March 24: 8:30 am Breakfast Out: Jimmy’s Egg, 220 S. West. Wed: 10:30 am-noon Computer Lab. Fri: 7-9 pm Golden Age Club Dance. Wed & Fri: 9 am-2 pm Tax-Aide, by appt.

PARK CITY 6100 N Hydraulic, 744-1199

Regular activities: Cards, exercise, pool, GNNP lunch. Call for details. March 10: 10:45 am Drawing class, Monart School of Art, $6 includes supplies. RSVP. March 17: 8 am Breakfast Out, Auntie C’s. 11 am Blood pressure check and stress relief session. March 18: 10:15 am My Plate: a Right Bite nutrition class from Sedgwick Co. Extension. Healthy snacks. March 23: 3 pm Discovery Duo from Kansas Learning Center for Health. Presentations on polio vaccine and fabulous and affordable foods to rejuvenate your body. March 25: 8:30 am Senior Wednesday outing. Coffee and pastries at the center, then carpool to Wichita-Sedgwick Co. Historical Museum for Community Cookbooks of Kansas. $2. RSVP. Mon, Tue Thu: 9 am-1 pm Tax-Aide, by appt. Mon: 1 pm Crochet/Art group; 6 pm Pitch. Wed: 1 pm Walking; 2:30 pm Line Dance; 7 pm Round Dance. Fri: 10:30 am Dance Aerobics; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 1 pm Pinochle. Mon, Tue, Thu: 9 am-1 pm Tax-Aide, by appt. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:15 am Exercise. Tue & Thu: 8:30 am Wii Bowling; 10 am WelRep exercise. 1st Wed: 10:30 am Chisholm Trail Seniors catered lunch, meeting, program. 3rd Thu: 1 pm Bingo; 5:30 pm Finger food. 3rd Fri: 6 pm Fun, food, games.

VALLEY CENTER 316 E. Clay, 755-7335

Regular activities: Home-cooked meals, monthly outings including casino trip, exercise programs. Mon: Donuts, coffee, cards Tue: 10 am Brunch, $4, movie & cards; 6:30 pm Pitch, bring snack to share. Wed: 9 am Meet at Methodist Church. Thu: noon Lunch, $5. Games. Fri: noon Lunch, $4. 3rd Thu: Birthday celebration.

March 2015

Active aging

Butler County Senior Centers

ANDOVER 410 Lioba Dr, 733-4441

Regular activities: Exercise, bingo, bridge, quilt club, dominoes, cards, pool. Daily:11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch (reservation required), $3. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise. Tues & Thu: Special music at lunch. Mon: 1 pm Lunch and Cards. Tue: 10 am Blood pressure check; 10:30 am-2 pm Memory Café; 1 pm Pool & cards. Wed: 1 pm Quilt club; 1 pm Bridge. Thu: 1 pm Pool, cards & Scrabble; 3 pm Dominoes; 7-9 pm Pitch. Fri: 11:30 am Covered dish, meeting & program; 12:45 pm Prize bingo; 1:45 pm Cards.

AUGUSTA 640 Osage, 775-1189

Regular activities: Line dance, exercise classes, cards, games, lunch (reservation required). Feb 5 & 19 : 7-10 pm Jam Session: bring covered dish, snack or dessert to share. Thu: 9 am-3 om Tax-Aide, by appt.

1st Wed: 9:30-11 am Blood pressure checks. 2nd Sat: 7-10 am Biscuits/gravy, $3. 3rd Tue: 7:30 am Casino trip.

BENTON Lion’s Community Bldg, S Main St

2nd & 4th Tue: 9 am-4 pm, Cards, games, occasional program. Covered dish.

CASSODAY Cassoday Community Center

Tue: 10:30 am Round Table. Tue & Thu: 10 am Strong Women Stay Young Exercise & Wii Fit. 1st Mon: 7 pm Game night. 3rd Mon: 6:30 pm Potluck & program; blood pressure checks. Last Fri: 7 pm Bingo.

DOUGLASS 124 W 4th, 746-3227

Regular activities: Exercise, quilting, cards, home-cooked lunch, $4 (reservation required). 1st Mon: 6 pm Finger foods & cards. 3rdMon: 6 pm Birthday/anniversary covered dish supper, bring own service. Cards.

3rd Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Biscuits/gravy, scrambled eggs, $3.

EL DORADO 210 E 2nd, 321-0142

Tue, Fri: 9:30 am Exercises. Fri: 1 pm Table games. 1st Mon: 6 pm Bunko. 2nd Thu: Noon Meal, table games. 4th Thu: 6 pm Dinner, program.

HALSTEAD 523 Poplar, 835-2283

Mon & Wed: Games after lunch. Tue & Fri: 9 am Exercise. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Dine out/activity. 3rd Thu: 6 pm Potluck, meeting. 3rd Fri: 12:30 pm Movie in. 3rd Sun: 1:30 pm Movie out. 4th Thu: 7 pm Penny Bingo.

HESSTON Randall & Main, 620-327-5099

Mon, Wed, Fri: 8 am Stretch bands. Mon & Tue: 1:30 pm Pitch. Tue: 8:30 am Coffee Hour; 9 am Film; 1:30 pm Pinochle. Wed: 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study; 1 pm Bridge. Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes. 1st & 3rd Tue: 6 pm Singin’ Seniors. 3rd Wed: 11:30 am Health luncheon; noon, program. Reservations by previous Fri. 1st Thu: 7 pm Bridge. 1st & 3rd Thu: 7 pm Pitch. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Movie Night. 1st & 3rd Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes.

1st Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Community Breakfast 4th Mon: 5:30 pm gathering; 6 pm Potluck dinner, program follows. 4th Tue: 8:30 am Blood pressure check.

NEWTON 122 E 6th, 283-2222

March 5: 7:30-9 am Community Breakfast: Sausage & Egg casserole, $5 donation. 8:30 am Community Chat: Rich Hanley, Harvey Co Department on Aging. March 10: 6 pm Potluck: Potato bar, bring toppings or side to share. Program by Bethel College Irish Dancers. March 14: 7 pm Movie Night. March 17: 10:30 am Aging Well, Donna Becker, RN, MSN. March 19: 10:30 am Readers Theater with Kathy Schwarzenberger. March 27: 10:30 am Birthday party. March 26: 9 am-2 pm Diabetic shoe clinic. Mon: 9:15 am Get Lighter, Feel Better; 10-11 am Blood pressure check; 7-9:30 pm Square Dance. Tue: 10:30am Computer class; 1 pm Crafts; 7 pm Round Dance. Wed: 1 pm Pinochle/cards; 4:15 pm Line Dance. Thu: 1 pm Wii bowling. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Arthritis exercise. 1st Mon: 9:30 am Shopping trip to east Wichita; 3rd Mon: 9:30 am Shopping trip to west Wichita. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10:30 am Bingo. 1st & 3rd Fri: 6 pm Game night.

Senior Wednesdays

Every Wed – Free or nomimal admission. March 4 – 10 am, Wichita Art Museum, Gallery Exploration with Courtney Spousta, curator of education. An in-depth dicsussion of selected works. Seating provided. 1:30 pm, Water Center, 101 E Pawnee, Water Foot Print Workshop. Do a water foot print workshop and learn ways to reduce your water foot print. March 11 – 10 am, Sedgwick County Zoo, Don’t Let That In Here! Reasons why the zoo discourages some animals from coming onto the grounds. $4. 1:30 pm, Wichita Public Library, Central Branch, Welcome to Russia! A close-up view of Russia today with Kurt Harper, a local attorney who speaks Russian and has visited Russia on several occasions. March 18 – 10 am, Ulrich Museum of Art,

Going Viral. A discussion on the work of Paris-based artist Evan Roth and how the images, objects and interactive media in the current exhibit challenge and shape our participation in a cyber-centric global environment. 1:30 pm , Kansas African American Museum, program TBA March 25 - 10 am, Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum, Community Cookbooks of Kansas. A survey of Kansas cookbooks from 1874 to the present, reveling that food, home, community and faith were the foundation of the lives of Kansas women. 1:30 pm, Exploration Place, Conserving Nature. Rob Manes, director of the Nature Conservancy of Kansas, talks about their work preserving prairie and wetland habitats giving native and migrating animal species a fighting chance at survival.

Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. 3rd Sun: 11am-1:30 pm, Home-cooked lunch, $7 adults, $3.50 children. 745-9200.

ROSE HILL 207 E Silknitter, 776-0170

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, GNNP lunch, $2. RSVP. Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Tue: 9 am-3 pm Tax-Aide, by appt; 12:30 pm Bingo; 1:30 pm Line Dance; 6:30 pm Prairie Port Singles. Tue, Thu: 9 am Coffee. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 6:30 pm Senior activities. 2nd Thu: 11 am Blood pressure check; 6 pm Crazy Quilters.

Regular activities: Wii, pool table, shuffleboard, home-cooked lunch (reservation required). Mon & Wed: 9 am Strong Women Stay Young Exercise. Mon: 7 pm Pitch, games. Wed: 9 am-3 pm Tax-Aide, by appt; 1 pm Bridge. Fri: 7 pm Card game. 1st Fri: 11 am Meeting, covered dish. 3rd Fri: Noon Covered dish. 1st Sat: 7-10 am Scrambled eggs, biscuits/gravy.

LEON 112 S Main, 745-9200 or 742-9905

TOWANDA 317 Main, 536-8999

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, home-cooked lunch (reservation required). Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Tues: 12:30 pm Bingo; 1:30 pm Line Dance; 6:30 pm Prairie Port Singles. Tue & Thu: 1 pm Bridge.

Harvey County Senior Centers BURRTON 124 N Burrton, 620-463-3225

Page 21

SEDGWICK 107 W. Fifth, 772-0393

Mon: 1 pm Games. Tue: 7-8:30 am Breakfast. Wed: 9-11 am Quilting. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise. 1st Fri: 7 pm Birthday party. 2nd Thu: noon Carry-in dinner, mtg. 3rd Thu: 5 pm Dinner Night Out. 2nd Fri: 7 pm Pitch party. Last Thu: 7 pm Movie.

Open 10:30 am-5 pm Mon, Wed & Fri Thu: 7 am Breakfast/coffee at Stearman Bar & Grill, Benton.

WHITEWATER Legion Hall,Whitewater

2nd & 4th Tue: noon Potluck, program.


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Page 22 Active aging

Clubs and Organizations

AARP 2614, Country Cafe, 2804 S. Seneca, 3rd Wed: 11 am, mtg/ program, 440-6931. African Violet Study Club, Botanica, 3rd Fri: 1 pm. Visitors welcome. After 5 Christian Women, Rolling Hills Country Club, 223 Westlink. 4th Thu: 6:30-8 pm, $15. RSVP, 529-3472 Air Capital Active People, Grace Presbyterian Church, 5002 E Douglas, 3rd Sat: 11 am-1 pm. Program/mtg/lunch, 943-6123. Air Capital Chorus, Scottish Rite Temple, 332 E First, every Tue: 7 pm, Singers welcome, 776-2121. American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Immanuel Lutheran Church, 909 S Market. Research Library, 1:30 pm 2nd Fri. Info 634-0353. Quarterly meeting, 1:30 pm potluck, 2:30 pm program on folklore, Feb 8. American Sewing Guild, Extension Center, 21st & Ridge, 1st Tue: 1:30 or 7 pm. Beech/Raytheon/Hawker Retirees, Golden Corral, 11006 E Kellogg, 2nd Fri:11:30 am Lunch. 942-7435. Breakfast Groups: last Wed: 7:30 am, True Lies Ranch Hand Cafe, 607 N Oil Hill Rd, El Dorado. 320-1367. Boeing Retirees, The Learning Center, 150 Stewart, Haysville. 1st Tue:10 am, $7.25. RSVP by previous Mon, 524-5549. Calvary Fellowship, 2525 N Rock Rd, 1st Thu: noon, covered dish/program, 683-3913. China Painting, Flying saucers, 1st Thu: 9:30 am; Kracked Kup Klub, 3rd Thu: noon; Sunflower Club, 3rd Fri: 9:30 am. Mary 260-1699 or Lou 722-3047. Church Women United, World Day of Prayer, Mennonite Church of the Servant, 2401 N. Woodland, Wichita. 1 pm, March 6. Colwich Srs, 310 S 2nd. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Thu:1:30 pm social; Mon, Tue, Wed:1 pm cards. Cowtown Social Club, Hotel at Old Cowtown Museum, 1865 Museum Blvd. Last Mon: 9:30 am. Info 264-6687. Daughters of Union Veteran’s of the Civil War, 3rd Mon, 1 pm, Grace Methodist Church, 944 S Topeka. Pat, 636-9454. East Wichita Christian Women, Wichita Country Club, 8501 E 13th St. 4th Thu–11:30 am. $14, RSVP 682-1495 Fleet Reserve Assoc & Ladies Aux, Good Shepherd Lutheran, 1451 E 47th S, 2nd Thu: 6 pm, 788-4549. Friendship Club, 1900 McCormick, 2nd Fri:10:30 am-noon. Covered dish/program, 264-8133. Friendship Force of Kansas, Gloria Dei Lutheran, 1101 N River Blvd. Meets quarterly. Susan Harrington, 775-3072; Jan Blick, 620-6650-6506. Golden Age Clubs, Wichita Parks & Recreation program: Goldenrod, 1340 S Pattie, every Wed: 10 am, 337-9244; Evergreen, 2700 N Woodland, Every Mon: 10:30 am-noon, 3038036; Linwood, 1901 S Kansas, Every Tue: 9 am-3 pm, 337-9191; McAdams, 1329 E 16th, Every Tue: 12:30-2 pm, 337-9222; Minisa, 704 W 13th, Every Thur: 9 am-1 pm, 303-8036; Orchard, 4808 W 9th, Every Thu: 9 am-12:30 pm, 337-9244; Osage, meets at Linwood, every Mon: 9 am-3:30 pm, 337-9191. Grace Presbyterian-Best Years, 5002 E Douglas, 1st Thu: 10 am Fellowship, festivities; 11 am program; noon, lunch, $7. Reservations by previous Mon, Linda, 684-5215. Haysville Genealogy Group, Community Library, lower level, 2nd Sat: 2 pm meeting. Bev Miller, 529-4285. IAM District Lodge 70 Retirees, 3830 S Meridian. Last Thu: noon lunch; 1 pm program, 522-1591. Inventors Association of South-Central Kansas, NCAT/WATC, 4004 N Webb Rd. 4th Mon: 6:30 pm. John, 393-5553.

J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth), 2151 W Dora, 50 & older, every Thu:10 am-1pm companionship, special programs, bingo, covered dish 50¢ & flower donations; 4th Thu: birthdays/anniversaries. 264-0571. Kansas Art Guild, Wichita Center for the Arts, 9112 E Central, 1st Tue: 1 pm Demonstration or lecture. 943-4747. Kansas Authors Club, District 5, program, meeting, 2nd Sat, Location varies. Roy, 990-7140 or Kansas Knife Collectors, 3219 W Central, 1st Thu: 7 pm. Bill Davis, 838-0540. Kansas Gas Service Retirees, Spears, 4323 W Maple, Last Fri: Noon, meeting, 944-8773. Keenagers, Pleasantview Baptist Church, 1335 N Buckner, Derby, 3rd Thu: noon, covered dish, meat furnished and entertainment. Keystone High Twelve, Kansas Masonic Home, 402 E Martinson, every Mon:11:30 am, fellowship, lunch, program. Jim Pipkin, 721-5568. Knife & Fork Club, Bank of America Bldg, 100 N Broadway, 9th Floor. One Mon per month, dinner, speaker, 832-0517. Korean Veterans, American Legion Post 401, 101 E 31st S, 2nd Wed: 11 am. Howard Runft, 265-3414. Marine Corps League, American Legion Post 401, 101 E 31st S, 3rd Tue: 6:30 pm social; 7 pm mtg. Former Marines & FMF Corpsmen welcome. Tom Huxtable, 721-0307. Melodears, rehearsal every Thu:10-11:30 am, St Paul UMC, 13th & Broadway. Edna, 945-9146. Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society Library, 1203 N Main, 264-3611, open Tue & Sat, 9 am-4 pm. Military Officers Association of America, one Sun a month at Rolling Hills CC. 11:30 am lunch, meeting, program. Info LeRoy, 788-4366 or Terry, 686-6174. Military Order of the Purple Heart, DAV Clubhouse, 3011 S. Geo Washington Blvd, 1st Sat: 10 am. Tom, 316-650-1328 or 316-558-8059. Motivator Singles Group, Central Community Church, K-Chapel, 6100 W Maple, lunch or refreshments, monthly meeting, 1 pm. Info, Nora, 943-9766. NARFE (National Active & Retired Federal Employees), 3rd Wed odd-numbered months, 11 am-2 pm, Golden Corral East, Kellog and Webb. Sylvia, 239-1270. Needle Arts Guild of Wichita, College Hill UMC, 2930 E 1st, Every Thu: 10 am-3 pm. 733-2095. Northeast Sr Citizen Club, 2121 E 21st, 1st & 3rd Wed 10:30 am, programs, trips, fellowship. 269-4444. North Wichita Optimists, Spears, 4323 Maple, Every Wed: 7 am, breakfast, speaker. Old Time Fiddlers, Pickers & Singers, 210 E 2nd, El Dorado Senior Center, 1st Sun: doors open at noon, music starts 1:30 pm. Meat, provided; bring covered dish or dessert to share, $3. 755-1060. Phyllis Wheatley Sr Fellowship, 1005 N Mathewson, 1st & 3rd Thu: 11:30 am-2 pm. 612-0944. Postal Retirees & Former Postal Employees, Even months, 1st Wed: 9:30 am, Village Inn, 1685 S Rock Rd. Jan Cragun, 682-9674 or Jan Pickering, 683-0160. Prairie Quilt Guild, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 2nd Tue: 1 & 7 pm. Retired Teamsters Local #795, last Sun of month, 1pm, lunch/mtg. Location varies: Bill, 620-545-7451. River City Decorative Artists, 3rd Tue: 6:30-9 pm. Society of Decorative Painters, 393 N McLean Blvd. Dee 265-7644. River City Ladies, 4th Tue: time, location varies.

Change is coming our way...

Cards, outings, spring luncheon. Karen Holden, 264-3615. Scandinavian Society of Wichita, 2nd Fri: 6:30 pm. SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), SBA office, 220 W. Douglas, Ste 450. 1st Thu: 11:30 am, program, meeting, lunch. Visitors welcome, call for reservation, 316-269-6273. Sierra Club, Great Plains Nature Ctr, 6232 E 29th N, 2nd Fri: 6:30 pm, pizza, salad (bring service); program 7:30 pm. Silver Streak, 2110 W 45th, 2nd Tue: 10 am-2 pm, Mtg/dinner/entertainment, RSVP Velma Compton 201-6071. Singles Dinner Night, First, third and fifth Thu: 6:30 pm, location varies. Also other events. 942-5117. Single Seniors, Downtown Sr Ctr. Every Tue:10:30 am-noon, 2nd Tue: Eat Out. 3rd Tue: Games. Arlene, 524-8726. Society of Military Widows, 1st Sat: 11:30 am, location varies. Marilyn, 990-7320. Sons of Confederate Veterans, Rockwell Branch Library, 5939 E 9th. 2nd Thu: 5:30 p.m.. Kevin, 620-276-9275. Sons of Union Veteran’s of the Civil War, Last Thu, 7 pm, DAV Clubhouse, 3011 S Geo Washington Blvd. Bill, 722-9387 Sr. Tennis League, year-round schedule. Ron 838-7833 or Andy 689-0522. Sunflower Horseshoe, Will resume in April at Linwood Park. Info Bill 683-9428 or James 264-2663. Telephone Pioneers, Location varies, 2nd Thu: 11:30 am. Arnetta 265-7542. TROW (The Retired Officers Wives) 3rd Fri. Location varies. Wives of all services. 788-8830. Twentieth Century Club, 536 N Broadway. Every Tue: Luncheon, noon; program, 1:15 pm. Lunch, $9. RSVP, Marjorie Parsons, 722-1057. Tyler Roadrunners, 571 S Tyler, 3rd Thu: noon. Covered dish, 722-4511. University Club, Bank of America Bldg, 9th floor, 100 N Broadway, one Thu a month: 6 pm dinner, speaker, 832-0517. VFW Post 971, Newton, 3rd Mon: 7:30 pm, 1610 SE 3rd St. 316-283-1717. West Heights UMC Adults Plus, 745 N Westlink, 3rd Tue:10:45 am-1 pm, program/covered dish. RSVP 722-3805. West Side Christian Senior Fellowship, 1819 W Douglas, 3rd Wed, lunch/fellowship, RSVP by previous Mon. 263-5269. West Side UMC Golden Agers, 1313 W Lydia, 1st Fri: noon. Fellowship, covered dish, bring service. 264-6605. West Wichita Christian Women, Rolling Hills CC, 223 Westlink, 4th Fri: 9:15-11:30 am, Cost $12. RSVP 524-5967. Wichita Amateur Radio (WARC), Salvation Army, 350 N Market. 7:30 pm meeting. See website for dates. Wichita Association of Retired School Personnel, 2nd Fri of Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct & Dec. at Gloria Dei Lutheran, 1101 N River Blvd. Luncheon, program. Reservations, 721-3125. Wichita Audubon Society, 3rd Tue: 7 pm, Great Plains Nature Ctr, 6232 E 29th. Wichita Coin Club, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 2nd Thu: 7 pm. camon@sbcglobal. net or 943-1832. Wichita Genealogical Society, Alford Branch Library, 3447 S. Meridian. 3rd Sat: 1 pm. www. Wichita Musical Club, Senseney Music Store, lower level, 2300 E Lincoln. 3rd Thu: 1:30 pm. Wichita Postcard Club, Alford Branch Library, 3447 S Meridian, 1st Sat: 2-4 pm. Kathy, 8320811. Wichita PrimeTimers, social organization for mature gay and bi-sexual males; 10-noon social activities monthly. Email ictprimetimers@aol. com or visit

March 2015

Area Agency on Aging

Butler Co Advisory Council, For date, location, 775-0500 or 1-800-279-3655. Central Plains Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council, 3rd Wed, 1:30 pm. For location, 660-7298. Harvey Co Advisory Council, 2nd Thu, 9 am. For location, 284-6880 or 1-800-750-7993. Sedgwick Co Dept on Aging Advisory Council, 2nd Wed, 2 pm. For location, info 660-7298.

AARP Driver Safety Classes

Eight hours of instruction. Certificate on completion for insurance discount. Class size limited; call for reservations. $15 for AARP members; $20 for non-members. Downtown Senior Center, 200 S. Walnut, 12:30-4:30 pm, March 9 & 10, 267-0197. Wesley Friends, 550 N Hillside, 8 am-5 pm, March 13, 962-8400. Via Christi Rehab Hospital, 1151 N. Rock Rd. 9 am-1 pm, March 21 & 28. 689-5700.

Transportation Sedgwick County

American Red Cross, 219-4040. Free rides for 60+ for medical and dialysis appointments. 24-hour notice. Ambulatory. Donations accepted. Sedgwick Co Transportation, 6605150, long distance 1-800-367-7298, transportation or services info. 8 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri; closed most holidays.

Butler County Transit

Weekday transportation in El Dorado, Augusta and Andover. Rides to Wichita on Wed, Thu. Call for information; 48-hr notice required: Augusta, 775-0500; El Dorado, 322-4321; toll free, 1-800-279-3655. $10 pass for 25 rides available. Wheelchair accessible; escorts ride free.

Harvey County Interurban Transportation for medical appointments, shopping and recreational activities. Reservations or information: 316-284-6802 or 1-866-680-6802. Applications for reduced fares for those 60+ or disabled who meet income guidelines. Personal appointments including medical trips: Mon-Fri, 8 am-5 pm. Reservations, first call-first served, must be made 24 hours in advance. Vans are wheelchair accessible. Round-trip fares: $8 in Newton (wheelchair only), $12 in Harvey County, $20 outside Harvey County. Wheelchair escorts ride free. AVI Route: Tue, 8 am-4:30 pm. Transportation to Newton for Burrton, Sedgwick, Halstead, Hesston, Walton residents. $6. Halstead: In-town transportation Mon-Fri, 9 am-3:30 pm. $1.

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Calendar Deadlines Submit calendar items by the 12th of the month prior to publication. Mail or bring to Active aging, 125 S. West St., Suite 105, Wichita, KS 67213 or email: Please include a phone number for publication and a contact person and phone number.

March 2015

Active aging

Support Groups ALZHEIMER’S: Wichita – Downtown: Early Stage Support Group, 3rd Wed 2 pm, chapter office,1820 E. Douglas, 267-7333; Young Onset (under 65), 3rd Thu 6 pm, chapter office, 1820 E Douglas, 267-7333. Northeast: 1st Mon 10:30 am, Catholic Care Memory Care, 6550 E 45th N, 744-4120; 3rd Mon 6 pm Hispanic Support Group, 1820 E. Douglas. Francisco Enriques, 761-5051; 3rd Wed 5:30 pm Cypress Springs, 1859 N Webb Rd, 558-5775; 3rd Thu 6 pm Clarebridge, 9191 E 21st, Kayla 630-0788; 4th Thu 2 pm, Grace Presbyterian, 5002 E. Douglas, 6306138. 1st Fri 10:30 am, Larksfield Place Assisted Living, 2727 N Rock Rd, 858-3975; Northwest: 2nd Thu 3 pm Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize Rd, 722-7414; 2nd Tue 6:30 pm, Park West Plaza, 505 N Maize Rd, 729-4114; 3rd Fri 10 am, Regent Park, 10600 E 13th; 4th Thu 7 pm, St. Francis of Assisi Ministry House, 866 N Socora, 722-3773; 4th Thu 11 am, Oxford Grand, 3051 N Parkdale Cir, 252-0030. 3rd Tue 1 pm, West Heights UMC, 745 N Westlink, 721-0323. Clearwater: 2nd Wed 5 pm, Clearwater Nursing & Rehab, 620 Wood, 620-584-2271; Derby: 6:30 pm 4th Tue, Derby Sr Center, 621 N. Derby, 7880223. El Dorado: 3rd Mon 5 pm, Senior Center, 210 E 2nd, 316-321-0339; 1st, 2nd, 4th Mon, Spangles, 2005 W Central, 321-0339; Hesston: 3rd Tue 3 pm, Schowalter Villa, 620-327-3414; Kechi: 1st Mon 7 pm, UMC, 4533 E 61st, 2608882; Newton: 1st Thu 7 pm, Presbyterian Manor Library, 1200 E 7th, 283-5400. ADDICTIONS: Alcoholics Anonymous, Wichita and So Central Kan. Personally answered 24-hour hotline, 316-684-3661. Meeting and AA info at Recovery Outreach, 12-step program for subtance abuse/addictions, Pathway Church, 722-8020, ext 116. ARTHRITIS, LUPUS & FIBROMYALGIA: 3rd Mon 2-3:30 pm, Independent Living Resource Center, 3033 W 2nd, Nate Moser, 942-6300 ext 234. BRAIN INJURY: West: 3rd Tue 4-6 pm, Wesley Rehab Hospital, 8338 W 13th; East: 1st Thu 4-6 pm, Via Christi Rehab, 1151 N Rock Rd, Bonnie Stephens, 729-1099. CANCER: Victory in The Valley, 3755 E Douglas: Breast CSG, 1st & 3rd Tue 7 pm, 682-7400; CRA (Colon, Rectal, Anal CSG), 2nd Thu 1 pm; Central Plains Kidney CSG 1st Sat 1-3 pm; Encouragers CSG, 1st & 3rd Wed 10 am; Headstrong (Brain Tumor CSG) 2nd Wed 7 pm. Young Women’s Breast CSG, Last Sat 2-4 pm; Off site: East Side CSG, St. Stephens, 7404 E Killarney, 2nd Wed 1 pm; Footprints CSG, St. James, 3750 E Douglas, Every Wed 5:30 pm, 928-4950; McConnell AFB CSG, Dental Clinic Conference Room, 4th Wed 1:30 pm; Sharing Hope, Covenant Presbyterian, 1750 N. Tyler, 1st Thu 6:30 pm; West Wichita CSG, Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize Rd, Rm B100, 2nd Thu 7 pm. Area Meetings: Derby Area CSG, Woodlawn UMC, 2nd Thu 7 pm; Newton Area CSG, Shalom Mennonite Church, 800 E 1st, 4th Thu 7 pm. Head & Neck, Cancer Resource Ctr, 817 N Emporia,


Augusta Sr Center, 640 Osage St. Country Jam & Dance, 7-10 pm. Donation. Bring covered dish, dessert or snack to share. 755-1060 Derby Sr Center, 611 Mulberry. 7-9:30 pm 1st & 3rd Tue: 1st Tue Honky Tonk Time Band; 3rd Tue Country Heartbeats. $3 donation, refreshments. El Dorado Sr Center, 210 E 2nd. 6-10 pm every Thu: Dinner 6:30, CD Dance 7 pm. $2 suggested donation, bring covered dish/snack to share.

For groups not listed The Center for Community Support and Research maintains a list of self-help groups. Call 978-5496, 1-800-445-0116 or go to CAREGIVERS: West Wichita, 3rd Tue 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View at Reflection Ridge, 7570 W 21st, Suite 1026-D. 316-729-6555 or 800-992-6292. Newton, 2nd Thu 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View; East Wichita, 1st Tue 3-4:30 pm, Prairie View, 9333 E 21st, 284-6400 or 800-362-0180; 3rd Wed 3:30 pm pm, Cypress Springs, 1859 N Webb Rd, Glenda Jacobs, 558-5775. CELIAC: Quarterly meetings/speakers, dining, for celiac disease /gluten sensitivity.wichitacsa., Ramona 316-524-8837 or Gayle 316-788-2531. CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH: 3rd Thu 7-9 pm, Independent Living Resource Ctr, 3033 W 2nd, Karen Smith, 841-8852. CLUTTER CLEANERS: 3rd Wed–2:30-4 pm, West River Plaza Bistro, 2622 W Central, Krista, 660-5144. DIABETES: 2nd Mon 7 pm, American Diabetes Assoc, 837 S Hillside, 942-0908; 2nd Tue 1:30 pm, West Heights UMC, 745 N Westlink, 7220634 or 773-3616; 4th Mon 7 pm, 1st UMC, 330 N Broadway, 942-0908; 1st Tue 6:30 pm, African-American group, St. Mark UMC, 1525 N Lorraine, 681-2545, RSVP by previous Fri.; Valley Center, 1st Thu 7 pm, Christian Church, 1801 E 5th, 755-1101 or 744-8384; Butler County – 3rd Tue 7 pm: odd months, El Dorado, SB Allen Hospital; even months, Lakepoint of Augusta, 322-7848 or 320-1972. DIVORCE: Sun 9:10-10:20 am Pathway Church, B006, 2001 N Maize. DISABLED: Every Thu 1 pm, peer support, Independent Living Resource Ctr, 3033 W 2nd, 942-6300. EA-EMOTIONS ANONYMOUS, cancelled, Jo, 210-5550. GRIEF: Good Grief of Kansas, www. or 316-612-0700. Every Mon: 7-8:30 pm Grace Baptist Church, 1414 W Pawnee or 6:30-8 pm Calvary UMC, 2525 N. Rock Rd, Rm A-3. Every Tue: 10-11:30 am RiverWalk Church of Christ, 225 N Waco, Fireside Room (south office door) or 7-8:30 pm West Towne Baptist, 2000 N. Maize Rd or in Derby at Woodlawn UMC, Rm 15E, Woodlawn & Kay. Every Wed: 7-8 pm RiverWalk Church of Christ, 225 N. Waco, Fireside Room (use SW door) special group for ages 20s thru 50s. 1st Mon: 7-9 pm Clearwater Church of Christ, 13900 N Diagonal Rd (use west door). 1st & 3rd Wed: 11 am-noon Resort Lifestyle Communities, 2300 N.Tyler Rd, 1st floor Conv Rm-north. Survivors of Suicide: Every Mon: 7-8 pm, River Walk Church of Christ,

Linwood Golden Age, 1901 S Kansas. 7-9:30 pm every Sat: Live music. $3. Goldenrod Golden Age, 1340 S Pattie. 7-9:30 pm every Wed: Take 3 or Wildwood Band. $3, refreshments. Minisa Golden Age, 704 W 13th. 7-10 pm every Thu: Honky Tonk Time $3, info 617-2560. Orchard Park Golden Age, 4808 W 9th. 7-9:30 pm every Fri: Live music. $3, refreshments. Park City Sr Center, 6100 N Hydraulic. 7-10 pm 1st, 3rd and 5th Sat, Wildwood Band. $4, bring covered dish or snack. Info 755-1060.

225 N Waco, Rm 106 (use SW door). SOCIALS: Lunch/Brunch every Thu: 10 am, Spears, 4823 W Maple or Country Breakfast Café, 2804 S Seneca; Breakfast every Sat: 10 am, Spears, 4823 W Maple. Dinner, 2nd Thu of each month: 6 pm, Copper Oven Café, 2409 W 13th. Griefshare, Pathway Church, 2001 N. Maize Rd, Mon 6-7:30 pm. Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice, 313 N Market, 4th Mon 6 pm; Adult Grief (under 60), last Thu 6-7:30 pm, 219-1761; Companions in Grief, 3rd Thu 10-11:30 am, 219-1774 or 800-767-4965; 4th Sat, 8-9 am Newton Med Ctr, 316-283-1103. Griefshare, Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize, Mon 6-7:30 pm, Rm B012. Hospice Care of Kansas, 2622 W Central, 1st & 3rd Wed 6-7:30 pm, Laura, 559-2049. Home Healthcare Connection Bereavement, 8415 E 32nd N, 2nd Tue 4-5 pm, 267-4663. Good Shepherd Hospice, Catholic Care Center, 6550 E 45th N, 2nd & 4th Thu 10-11 am; Asbury Park Assisted Living, 200 SW 14th, Newton, 1st & 3rd Tue 3-4 pm, Sharlene, 316-616-2277. Children, Pathway Church, 2001 N Maize, Rm B012, 1st Tue 7 pm. LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA: Patients, 2nd Mon 7-8 pm, Via Christi Cancer Resource Center, 817 N Emporia; Caregivers, 2nd Tue 10-11 am. Christy, 687-2222. LUPUS: 2nd Sat 1 pm, Foundation of America, Kansas Chapter, Via Christi-St Joseph, Conference room B, 262-6180. LYME DISEASE: 3rd Tue 7-8:30 pm, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, 645 N 119th, 773-9173. MENTAL ILLNESS: NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) 3rd Tue 7 pm 1st Presbyterian Church, 525 N Broadway, 686-1373. MYOSITIS: (Dermatomyositis, polymyositis & Inclusion Body Myositis), Mid-America Myositis KIT (Keep-In-Touch), meets quarterly, Civitan Community Center, 901 Porter, call Jerry, 207-6230. PARKINSON’S: 2nd Tue 1 pm LifeCare Center of Wichita, 622 N. Edgmoor, 686-5100. 4th Tue 1-2 pm , Reflection Ridge Retirement Community, 2300 N Tyler, Shana, 390-0772. POST POLIO: no meeting. Info, 651-5685. PROSTATE CANCER: Us Too!, 2nd Mon 7:30 pm, Via Christi St. Joseph, McNamara Center, 3rd floor, 993-6997. RECOVERY (Mental Health): Every Mon 7 pm, Downtown Sr Center, 200 S Walnut, 942-2364. SPECIAL NEEDS FAMILIES, Pathway Church, 2001 N. Maize Rd. Helping special need children and their families. 2nd Sunday, 4-6 pm, 722-8020 STROKE: 1st Tue 3 pm, Via Christi Rehab Hospital, 1151 N Rock Rd, 689-5700; 3rd Thu 3 pm, Wesley Rehab, 8338 W 13th, 729-1146. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly):, Donna Shaffer, 540-6222 or Monty Bednasek, 755-1055. VISION: 2nd Tue, 10 am-noon, Envision, 610 N Main, light brunch. Transportation, Bonnie Cochran, 682-4646.

Prairie Wind Dancers: Learn circle, line & folk dances. 2 pm every Mon: Plymouth Congregational Church, 202 N Clifton. To register: Joyce, 683-1122. Village Steppers Square Dance, Oaklawn Activity Center, 4904 S Clifton. 7:30-10:30 pm 2nd & 4th Sat. Terry 219-0100/Gordon 721-6718. Westside Steppers Square Dance, Clare Hall, 861 N Socora (one block east of Central & Tyler). 7-9:30 pm 1st & 3rd Sun David, 992-7820; email: Wichita Solos Square Dance, Southwest Presbyterian Church, 1511 W 27th St S. 7:30-10 pm 1st, 3rd & 5th Fri: Couples/ singles welcome. Ruth Ann, 943-6306.

Page 23

Food Share

Prairie Land Food: Package of meats, fresh fruit and vegetables, $28. Other variety options available, usually at 50% discount. Accepts Vision cards. Sites in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler Counties. Info: June at 800-998-9436 or at

GNNP Menu The American Red Cross Good Neighbor Nutrition Program (GNNP) serves a hot, nutritious meal weekdays for persons 60 and older at locations in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler county communities. Reservations are necessary. For the closest location and reservations, call 316-219-4020. WEEK OF MARCH 1 Mon: Scalloped poatoes w/ham, buttered cabbage, ranch broccoli salad, autumn gelatin salad, wheat bread. Tue: Beef patty w/gravy, mashed potatoes, mixed green salad, sugar & spice apple slices, potato roll. Wed: Turkey tetrazzini, Mediterranean vegetables, fruit slaw, chocolate chip cookies, wheat bread. Thu: Beef and macaroni, smoky green beans, black-eyed pea salad, tropical fruit, wheat bread. Fri: Over-baked chicken, sweet potato & apple casserole, pea lettuce salad, strawberry-apple gelatin, oatmeal cookies, wheat bread. WEEK OF MARCH 9 Mon: Southwest chicken w/pasta, California vegetables, apricot mix, tapioca pudding, wheat bread. Tue: Meatloaf w/brown gravy, mashed potatoes, mixed green salad, Mandarin oranges, wheat bread. Wed: Sloppy joe on bun, yellow sweet corn, macaroni salad, fruited gelatin, orange juice. Thu: Chili-cheese potato, garden vegetable salad, spiced pears, cornbread. Fri: Chicken fajita, green peas, orange, chocolate pudding. WEEK OF MARCH 16 Mon: Salisbury steak w/gravy, mashed potatoes, diced beets, fruit mix w/blueberries, wheat bread. Tue: Turkey sandwich on bun, creamy potato soup, Capri vegetables, peach slices, chocolate chip cookies. Wed: Chicken & noodles, broccoli w/ cheese sauce, fruit medley, apricot gelatin salad, dinner roll. Thu: Liver and onions, creamy scalloped potatoes, three-bean salad, mixed fruit cup, wheat bread. Fri: Cranberry meatballs, baked sweet potato with cinnamon & sugar, pea-lettuce salad, Mandarin oranges, dinner roll WEEK OF MARCH 23 Mon: Hamburger on bun, corn cobette, Coronado salad, apple, orange juice. Tue: Ham & beans w/onion, cooked carrot coins, berry fruit mix, vanilla pudding, cornbread. Wed: Roast beef w/gravy, mashed potatoes, carrot raisin salad, cherry pie, potato roll. Thu: Whole-grain spaghetti w/meat sauce, Romaine salad, bananas & strawberries, breadsticks. Fri: Apple walnut chicken salad on wheat bread, Capri vegetables, orange, banana cake. WEEK OF MARCH 30 Mon: Beef Stroganoff, Mediterranean vegetables, pineapplesauce, dinner roll. Tue: Taco salad, green peas, citrus fruit mix

Page 24 Active aging


Classified Advertising

Reach 60,000 homes in Sedgwick, Butler and Harvey counties with your classified ad. Commercial rate ads start at $40. Place your ad today! Contact Kaydee at 316-942-5385 or email her at Deadline for the April issue is March 13 CEMETERY PROPERTY FOR SALE


Resthaven, Last Supper Garden (sold out), valued at $3,695 each, will sell all four or split, price negotiable Dale Searcy 206-824-0340.

KC ESTATE SALES Complete estate & moving sale services. We can do the sale at your residence or place your items with another sale. Expert pricing, selling & clean-up. Packing & moving services available. Excellent results. Free consultation. Call Carolyn Moshier. 316-634-0040

Two crypts at O ld Mission Wichita Park Cemetery (prime location). Mission Chapel Mausoleum, Northeast Central corridor private alcove - Row 44/Level 1/YY&ZZ. Includes opening/closing costs and lettering at $10,000 + $374 transfer fee. Call 214-683-2406.


Small girl’s bike, $10.00. Large bike, $25.00. Small trailer home, $350.00. Call 706-9763.

Gracious living for seniors in a safe home setting by loving certified staff. 24/7. Private/ semi-private. Daycare. Memory Care. Affordable. Medicaid certified. Evelyn Hunt RN, 316-214-3359; Reflections Residential Care

Original “sleep” chair recliner. Brown duralux leather. Separate controls for recline and lift, heat, massage back of chair. Will lift to stand. 3 months old. $750.00. 264-3460. Gently Used Resale (Thrift Shop) 2523 S. Seneca (Westway Plaza) Wichita, KS Store & Donation Hours Mon & Thu 9 am-7 pm Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat 9 am-5 pm Purchase with a purpose. Benefits to those served by the Bethesda Lutheran Communities to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ. Volunteers & donations always needed. Like us on Facebook. 316-267-5800 Classifieds in Active aging work! Call Kaydee today to get your ad in and tap into the senior market. 942-5385

Resthaven, Freedom 130, 8-4 long crypt, spaces for two. Includes vaults, 1624 bronze marker, one Revere silver casket, one opening/closing. Value $13,000. Sell $6,500. 316-721-6462, 316-253-3980.

GREATER PROFITS WITH LESS STRESS Insured with 16 years experience Free Consultation


Good Shepherd, two lots, 6B 3 and 4. Value $7,200, sell for $3,000. 316-721-6462, 316-253-3980.

KANSAS ESTATE SALES Free Consultation & References Expert Pricing, Displaying & Clean-up Excellent Results Janet 316-838-3626 or 316-258-3207

Resthaven freedom lawn crypt, space for 2. Includes vault and marker. Lot 141B-4. Value $11,000. Now for $5,999. 316-838-2734 or 316-204-5524. Lakeview Gardens cemetery plot for sale. Garden of the Apostle. Double long crypt, one on top of the other. Value is $5,995. Selling for $4,500 OBO. Call 702-346-3706. Lakeview Crypt, Corridor of Love, two plots inside; Level D, Space 11 & 12. $6,095, price is negotiable. Call 316-644-2157 after 12 pm.

Lakeview Garden of Everlasting Life

Lot 39, spaces 1 and 2, value $4,190. Bronze headstone, value $2,100. Total $6,290. Sell for $3,500. Seller pays transfer fee. 785-543-7107

316-806-7360 JULIE

Call or Text 316-530-3275

E-mail: (Se Habla Español)

Foot Care in home. Home visit $40. Select Senior Centers, $25. Call Michelle Steinke @ 316-946-0722

Sale by Gayle Moving, partial or entire estate sales. Experienced and insured. Free consultation. Competitive rates., 316-838-3521 or 316-206-3676

In-Home Services: Personal care assistance, meal preparation, housekeeping, handymen and more! Phone Chester at the Senior Employment Program, 316-267-1771 or 316-267-0302. Prescreened, reliable help available.

DOWNSIZING? We have consignment space available! We will sell your tables, chairs, furniture, kitchen items, art and decorative items. 317 N. Rock Road., Derby 316-789-8888. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK.

Help with your daily activities, bathing, dressing, light housekeeping, laundry, cooking, shopping, doctor appointments. All shifts including 24 hours. 316-371-3496.

REMARKABLE ESTATE SALES Experienced and insured, free consultation. Clean, organized sales & friendly staff. Jenice 316-253-9848.


Cash for your Estate Items


Christian CNA looking to care for your loved ones. Personal care, meal preparation, medication assistance, various duties. Salary negotiable. Available 24 hours with 30 years’ experience. Contact Renee 316-200-4217.

2 Attics Antique Mall & Liquidations Call for a FREE Estate Sale Consultation. 316-201-6721, 1534 E 61st St North, Park City.

Complete Estate Sale Services Including Buy-outs FREE Consultation • 50+ Years Experience Stress-free • Insured • Professional Retired Law Enforcement & Licensed Real Estate Agent on Staff

Shirkmere stylist is back for in-salon and in-home styling. Call for pricing or to schedule day or evening appointment. Ask for Mike 316-263-8794

Affiliated Estate Sales We have the solution for every situation. Complete estate sales service. Free consultation. Over 25 years experience. Paul 316-807-1209

A Better Deal Estate Maximize the value of your estate/moving sale. Can start today. Ted Riker 316-409-5393

Electric hospital bed with memory foam mattress. Head/foot moves up and down. Side rails included. Excellent condition. $400.00. 316-737-3744. Go-Go Elite 4 wheel scooter like new. $900 or best offer. 316-777-4691. 51” Sony TV, $225.00. 32” flat screen, $99.00. 40” LCD Sharp, $150.00. Call 706-9763. Beautiful golden oak antique rocking chair. $475 cash. Valued by Antique Roadshow in Wichita. 316-838-6011.




Two cemetery lots. Rest Haven Garden of Prayer. Worth $1,995 each. Price negotiable. Call Marce at 636-795-7040.

March 2015

Foot care in your home Diabetic, thick toe nails, fungus, corn and callus removal. In-home $40. Sedgwick and Butler counties. Senior centers, $25: Andover, El Dorado, Cassoday, Cheryl Rosine ICMT, The Foot Lady. 316-312-2025. Compassionate caregivers, licensed RNs, physical therapists and CNAs available to care for your loved ones through Sunflower Home Health and Hospice. Don’t call grandma, call Sunflower at 316-409-3780 or office at 316-854-3535.

HOME PLUS Mary’s Retirement Home for the elderly. Private and Semi-private rooms. Affordable rates. 24 hour care. Adult day care available. licensed by the state. 942-5028.

No Place Like Home, LLC In-home care services & more Meal prep • Transportation Housekeeping • Companionship


HOUSKEEPING SERVICES Spring is right around the corner! You should call me for all your housekeeping needs. 20 years’ experience, free estimates. Call Angel 316-304-5037.

HOME IMPROVEMENTS Dave’s Improvements Painting—interior/exterior. Doors and windows replaced, grab bars, wheelchair ramps. All general repairs. Guaranteed lowest rates. Senior citizen discount. Lic #7904. 316-794-3632 Marv’s Home Improvements & Repair Windows, doors, trim, decks, ramps, patio covers, fences, siding, flooring. Basements, kitchens and baths. Painting. Also honey dos and handyman projects. Honest and dependable. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 35 years. 316-737-4646. Wright One Home Improvements

Kitchen & Bath Remodeling. Painting. Windows. Siding. All Types of Flooring & Home Repairs. Free Estimates. 316-409-2160.


Compare Our Prices Weekly Plumbing Specials

Ins/Lic #5803


Carpenter–30 Yrs Experience Repairs & Remodeling • Trim Work Doors • Cabinets • Sheetrock • Tile Interior/Exterior Painting • Flooring


Stover Heating & Air Conditioning

Repair • Service All Brands Sales – Licensed Trane dealer Senior Discount SPECIAL: Furnace check-up $75*

*Some restrictions, doesn’t include filters, parts License # 7258


Dave’s Improvements Painting—Interior & Exterior Doors & Windows Replaced • Siding Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Decks • Ramps • Grab Bars Minor Electrical & Plumbing Repairs General Home Repairs Senior Citizen Discounts!


Lic 7904

March 2015


Active aging

Classified Advertising

Page 25






Leaky basement repair dirt installation and Siding Repair Courteous, professional repairs. Free estimates. Concrete work. 20+ years experience. Ernie Sponsel, 316-393-5461.

Total yard clean-up, flower beds and bushes, tree trimming and stump grinding, attics, garages, and basements. LEAF cleanup and HAULING. Including all yard debris. 316-516-4630 or 316-838-5709.

Experienced Professional Painters Residential/business painting; interior/exterior. Power washing and deck refinishing. Prompt and experienced. Insured. Senior discount. Free estimates. Lowest price guaranteed. Mike 316-806-3222.

ANTIQUE WATCH & CLOCK Show and Sale. Also antique jewelry, pocket knives, fountain pens, music boxes. Saturday, March 28, 9 am - 5 pm, Sedgwick County Extension Center, 21st and Ridge Road. Admission $2.

STILES MAINTENANCE HVAC • Plumbing • Light Electrical Drywall • Painting • Tile Basic Home Repairs Licensed & Insured 25% Senior Discount 316-200-6601 Cowboy Construction Remodeling, siding, decks, fences, windows, doors and more. 20 years locally owned. Free estimates. Senior discounts. Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488 Semi-retired maintenance man. Experienced in most phases of maintenance & roofing. Light hauling. Sedgwick County only. Call Paul 316-312-9970 Need concrete work? Call Dan for driveways and sidewalks. New, tear out and replace. 316516-3949. Drywall Repair Fix all cracks, walls, ceilings and all textures. 32 years experience. Free estimates. Senior discount. Duane Ball 316-648-5221. Odd Job Handyman Painting, mowing, yard clean-up, minor household repairs. Free estimates. Call Joel 316-772-8629. GRANDPA’S PLUMBING Repairs. Free estimates. 316-312-4391. Handyman. Plumbing, electrical, heating, floors, doors, windows, screens, walls and more. HVAC certified. Licensed & insured. Senior discounts. Call John 316-650-3013. Stone and Brick work of any kind. Tuckpointing, foundation and chimney repair. Insured. Call Dan, 316-516-3949. Cowboy Construction Bathroom and kitchen remodels. Room additions. Garages and sheds. Licensed and insured. Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

S & V Concrete

Steps, porches, patios, sidewalks, retaining walls, driveways & garage floors. Also 4-inch steps with 18-inch landings for seniors. Licensed, bonded, insured. Free estimates

Steve 992-6884

Dave’s Improvements Hail Repair Specialist Roofing • Siding • Windows Guttering • Free Estimates Senior Discounts 10% off complete job License #7904 • Insured


Harley Paint & Remodeling Interior/Exterior & Odd jobs Husband & Wife Team 316-648-4478 Molina Electric - Wichita Lic #1364. Comm. or Residential wiring. Service calls. New electric service. Troubleshooting. Business 524-0434 Cell 461-2199. SPRING CLEANUP All purpose hauling with pick-up and delivery. Fence, deck/shed repair/remove. Gutter cleaning. Tree, shrub trim or removal. Flower beds, scrap metal removed. 316-807-4989.

Experienced Professional Painters Residential/business painting Interior/exterior Power washing and deck refinishing Senior discount • Free Estimates Lowest price guaranteed

Call Mike 316-806-3222

LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICES P&A Landscaping 316-708-7236 Complete lawn care, leaves and storm cleanup. Any odd job. Snow removal. Residential and commercial. Gutters clean. Senior discount. Business, Home and Yard Etc. Aerate/overseed. Mowing/scalping. Fall/Spring clean-up. Snow Removal. If you ever need any of these services, call Mark, 316-214-7579. City licensed/ Reasonable rates. Perry’s Professional Lawn Service Fal l c l ea nup. Snow R emoval. B u s h and hedge trimming, mulching, gutter cleaning, handyman work and hauling. 20 years experience. Free estimates. Perry, 316-871-3758. Christian Lawn Care Mowing - $20, Scalping, verti-slicing, coreaerating, overseeding, Mulching flower beds, shrub/Pampas trimming and removal, gutter cleaning, Hauling, fertilizer, Spring clean-up, Snow removal, reasonable/reliable Steve, 316-685-2145. Yard, leaves and gutters cleaned. Odd jobs. Snow removal. Shrubs trimmed or removed. Abram Rinke 316-259-0717 please leave message. Mike E. 316-708-1472 Snow removal. Mowing, leaf and gutter cleanup, tree trimming, appliance hauling. Brick, block and stone repair. L Hayden 316-806-2591 Can take care of your needs. Garage/yard cleaning. Hauling, mowing. Tree trimming, leaf raking. Pick-up and delivery service. Senior discounts. Twin Brothers Lawn Service Mowing, cleanups, etc. Weekly maintenance and free estimates. Over 15 years’ experience. Mark Goddard 518-5380. Mowing, trimming, yard and leaf cleanup. Gutter cleaning. Exterior painting. If you need any of these services call Perry, 316-619-6126.

MOWING Spring/Fall Cleanup Tree trim/removal Junk removal Brock Eastman • 316-765-1677

PERSONALS Retired and active DWF, 65, seeking a considerate, friendly gentleman. Looking for a true companion to do sociable activities with around town. Enjoys going to the casinos, the movies, out to dinner, etc. Just looking for someone to hang out with. If you fit these characteristics and are respectful, please write to Box #1-03 c/o Active Aging, 125 S. West St, Ste 105, Wichita, KS 67213. SWM, 55, would like to meet SF around same age, plus/minus 3 years. Ask for JR, 316-806-8184. SWM seeks enjoyment and enrichment of life through conversation and various activities with intelligent, interesting, and fun special lady friend. Write to Active aging, Box #02, 125 S. West St., Ste 105, Wichita, KS 67213.

SERVICES Need a ride? Doctor appointments, ride home from hospital, court, casino, mini vacation or family reunion. You name the place, I will take you there. 316-259-6212. Need help on your electric scooter, power or lift chair, stair or platform lift or hand controls? Call Howard Distribution at 316-648-1694. Howard is a certified service center and dealer for Best Bath walk-in tubs, Bruno, EMC, Golden Tech, Pace Saver, Pride and Ricon. Working for you since 1987. Furniture Repair & Refinish Antique, Modern, or Cane. Reasonable pick-up & delivery. Clark 250-9533 or 788-5805 Carolyn’s Machine Quilting Finish, Repair, Memorial and T-shirt Quilts. 316-529-3555

South Central Neighborhood Meeting March 16, 6:30 pm, Bethany Church, Main and Harry. You can make a difference. 316-243-1268.

TREE SERVICE Winter is Here! ALL AROUND TREE SERVICE STUMP REMOVAL & GRINDING Trimming, deadwood, tree removal. Total yard, leaf clean-up & hauling. Also rural and farm areas. Free estimates. Experienced. Good prices. Insured. Tom King, 316-516-4630, 316-838-5709. Estrada’s Tree Service Trimming, crown reduction, removal. Storm damage prevention. Hauling. Firewood. Free estimates. Insured. Senior discount. Felix Estrada, 316-617-4392. Bruce’s Tree Service Prompt, Immediate, Professional service. Crown reduction, trimming or removal. Trees, hedgerows, evergreens & shrubs. Residential line clearing and roofs. Bucket truck available. We climb also. Gutter cleaning, yard raking, snow removal, firewood for sale. Handyman work. Over 25 years’ experience. Sr discounts. Insured. Call 316-207-8047. Felipe Tree Service Evergreen trimming. Tree removal. Brush hauling. Splitting. Deadwooding. Insured. Free estimates. 12 years experience. 316-807-4419.

WANTED ALWAYS BUYING Antiques, U.S. coins, costume and turquoise jewelry, Beech and Boeing pins, guitars, postcards, military items, records, etc. A few items or entire estates. Dave 316-409-0992 Collector wanting “Older” guitars, amps and band equipment. Picks, slides, microphones, posters, etc. Dave 316-409-0992 BUYING American, German, Japanese Military swords, helmets, uniforms, medals, insignias, rifles, pistols, misc items. Also, any WW II paratrooper items. 785-825-0313. Want to purchase mineral and other oil/ gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. Donate your Durable Medical Equipment. Will pick up. Tax credit. Medical Loan Closet of Wichita. 316-200-2005. Classifieds in Active aging work! Call KayDee today to get your ad in and tap into the senior market. 942-5385

“The difference in my Mom is so dramatic since moving into Compassionate Care Assisted Living and West. She is feeding Long-Term Care herself again, talking to everyone, and 968 N Tyler Rd, enjoys reading again. Wichita 67212 Come and look, I am so amazed, I just love it.” Enjoy our park-like setting!

Compassionate Care West


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Page 27 Active aging

March 2015

Former sheriff dishes up Cajun fare By Joe Stumpe accompanying recipe for Chili-Lime You may remember him as SedgChicken from one for seafood. The wick County Sheriff. But Bob Hinmarinade works great with shrimp and shaw was cultivating another talent scallops, he said. as he worked his way up the ranks of law enforcement: cooking. “It was sort of a way to relax from working in the sheriff ’s office,” said Hinshaw, who served 33 years in the office, the last four as sheriff. These days he stays active serving on the boards of Envision, Crime Stoppers and the Boy Scouts. Hinshaw said he learned to cook as a scout, then became interested in expanding his culinary horizons about 15 years ago. “I’ll go through a Cajun phase, an Italian phase, a Mexican phase,” Hinshaw said. “I really like Greek and Lebanese food. It just depends on what we’re in the mood for and what we haven’t had for a while.” Photo by Joe Stumpe Hinshaw adapted the Bob Hinshaw

Heartland Hillside 551 N. Hillside, Ste 410

Hinshaw met his wife, Jan, while she was working as a dispatcher for the sheriff ’s office. Now a veterinarian, she also enjoys cooking and entertaining. Bob said they have many favorite local restaurants and enjoy trying to duplicate what they’ve eaten out at home.

In recent years, they’ve discovered another fun way to enjoy their hobby: on cruise ships that offer cooking demonstrations and lessons in addition to great food. Know a great cook? Contact Joe Stumpe at

Chili-Lime Chicken 1 to 1.5 lbs. boneless chicken breasts or thighs Marinade: 6 T lime juice 5 T olive oil 2 T chili powder 1 t black pepper 1 t salt 1 T minced garlic 1-2 T dried onion Combine marinade ingredients in a bowl or other container. Add chicken and marinate at least one hour. Grill chicken over medium heat until done.

Dirty Rice

2 lbs. ground beef (can substitute sausage for half ) 1 onion, chopped 1 T minced garlic 2 cups chicken broth Tony Charchere’s Original Creole Seasoning, to taste 2 cups cooked rice 2 green onions, chopped Brown meat with onion and garlic; drain off fat. Add Creole seasoning and broth, continue cooking until liquid is almost evaporated. Mix in cooked rice, top with green onions and serve.

Heartland West Heartland Cypress 9000 West Central 9300 E. 29th, Ste 310

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Active aging is now taking display ad reservations for the May

Long-Term Care Guide Deadline will be April 10, 2015

Contact our advertising team for detailed information: Teresa Schmied at 316-942-5385 or email Tom Warner at 316-942-5385 or email Randi Thimesch at 316-371-4320 or email

Page 28 Active aging

Home Buddy eResponder PAL Has your help button been keeping you at home? Start the year off with limitless possibilities. Stay confident and independent with help at the touch of a button-anywhere you go! Goes anywhere No base station Locatable (316) 262-8339

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Active Aging Proof Approval Please check your ad carefully and check off the applicable boxes and initial to indicate your acceptance. An e-mail confirmation is fine if no changes needed. ____ Check offer ____ Check name, address, phone ____ Check expiration dates ____ Proof Satisfactory (no changes) __________ Advertiser initials You can fax your approval or corrections to us at 946-9180 or call Becky at 942-5385 E-mail acceptance to your ad rep or

March 2015

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