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If you are not ready to sacrifice, then you are not ready for success to be a reality ~Frank Nyamundero

I have come across many theories and set rules on how one can become a success in whatever they desire. I have personally tried some of these theories and they worked for me tremendously. Later, I picked some important aspects which I believe most of us are reluctant to hear about. I once shared about getting up and doing something you feel comfortable with in life. Today I want to do an extension of that same issue by writing about total commitment and willingness to sacrifice. In other words, sacrificing and commitment are the key to bringing out the success story in you.


“ No pain, no gain! " I have heard this statement a lot of times, but with no understanding what it is really about. I would want to explain it for you in this view: if you are not ready to endure the pain of walking towards success in your life, then forget and smile about embracing that success. It will just be wishful thinking.

building dreams into a lasting legacy

Most times we fail to realise our dreams or make them reality because we are not willing to pay the price, we are not willing to work for them. If you do not pay the price (no pain) you will not reap fruits and live the dream at all (no gain). I will give you a very simple example, if a farmer plants his seeds and leaves them like that and not put the effort to work on them and give the seeds the necessary requirements for them to grow and yield fruits, will he be able to harvest? Think it through! Definitely not! The farmer needs to keep the seeds nourished long enough for them to develop and grow. The environment has to be just right for the plants to bear fruit. The plants need to be nurtured accordingly for them to survive. The same goes for one to be successful in life. A lot of hard work and commitment is necessary.

Most people get started on certain goals which they will be willing to accomplish, however a large number never get to reach the end and enjoy the results they had set at the beginning. The main reason for that is that they are not committed to the goal and are not willing to pay the price. They are not willing to sacrifice in order to obtain the desired results. The problem we have is that we often think sacrifice and commitment is all about material things, which is not correct. There are a lot of things which are necessary and are not material for example, commitment, dedication, discipline, perseverance, hard work and courage. Many do not put in the necessary work essential to the success of the dream. The level of commitment and sacrifice is not in them, but in the results they hope to get. People aim so high in life but fall short in the planning process and in the achievement of the dream. Those who do mountain climbing may speak better for me, those fellows strive reach the top of the selected mountain by just setting their minds on the goal and putting everything at risk to achieve it for themselves. Listen to me my friends, if there is something you want to achieve in life then stop holding yourself back, pay the price, no one will come and put in the work and total commitment for you. No one will come and sacrifice for something you are not willing to sacrifice for yourself. Invest in your dream and sacrifice for it, be it less hours of sleep, taking away family time to have time with my God, spending many hours of reading and researching, so be it. I could go on and on but the whole point is, I have achieved most of my goals by just setting myself to paying the price to gain the results I'm achieving.

What goal have you set for yourself…? To achieve it, be willing to work and pay the price...for yourself.

By Frank Nyamundero

http://franksinspir ation.wordpress.com

rangraytgd@gmail.com +263776115291