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Soul, it is a frequently used word, affixed to a lot of expressions and utterances. It is a mystical word common across most global divides. The soul is strongly believed to be the spirit or essence of a person, that which consists of one's thoughts and personality. Generally, a soul is a person's inner character which contains their true traits and feelings.

Whenever the definition of a soul comes up, the word spirit is not far from it. The spirit and soul seem to be synonymous and carry a very close relationship. In some religious perspectives, the soul is explained as the human being; composed of the spirit that gave life fused with the flesh itself, a product of the two. The soul therefore, has a portion in the physical and spiritual world. This explains why humans often fall into the pit of immoral deeds. The spirit and flesh are at war and victory only belongs to one of these components at a given time.


In the context of love or matters of searching for a life partner, humans not only look for an eros type of love, but for something more, beyond their physical desires. Often people mention the word "soulmate" without taking note of the power the word "soul" carries. Humans look for a connection that exists when this physical world fails. The soul, at times, is a subconscious phenomenon. We fall in love or attract people without any intention, and we do not always have reasons why we end up sharing lives with certain individuals. The soul knows its needs and scouts for its wants. Surprisingly the soul, though not always considered, repels what could be poisonous to it.

You attract what you are, not what you want! Souls are crackling fires, what you feed them, is what they consume and become. It is human nature to have prosperity desires, but reality is that an opportunity makes sense when one is fully equipped and has the drive and qualities of the chances availed. The soul is fully aware of its talents and capabilities. In Henry Miller's words, "Destiny is what you are supposed to do in life, fate is what kicks you and makes you do it." The soul probably understands this concept. Life does not always go as planned, we end up doing what we never imagined, yet there was a special connection with our souls. In the choices that our souls make and understand, they are completely aware of what's best for us and our predetermined states and destiny.

It is very easy to ignore or suppress what affects the soul in broad daylight. At night when physical organs rest, the spiritual side of the soul activates. Our anxieties, fears, wishes and love desires crawl out of the caves of denial and the curtains we often hide from. The soul manifests fully in our dreams providing that reality check of our inner feelings and the core of our true nature. The soul is a subconscious marvel that reconnoiters in celestial spaces, prophetic in nature. A number of times people experience dreams that tend to occur in reality and in dreams the soul displays its true innate characteristics. The soul is a mirror squeaky cleaned with no blindfolds.

In most facets of life, the soul possesses the characteristic of eternity. Often people talk of saving their souls, selling their souls to the devil, reincarnation, resurrection and the ancestral world or the other side. It is amazing how the soul has the power to make its choices that affect its future phases of its existence.

Art and soul are inseparable. The soul can be referred to as a strong and good human feeling that gives a work of art its quality or enables somebody to recognize and enjoy that quality. The soul influences artworks in a great way. Art is an expression of inner feelings and thoughts which is basically the soul. To art appreciators, the soul is mostly attracted to what it can relate to. When it comes to art, it is emotional first before it becomes commercial. Expressions such as," it has so much soul," or "it lacks soul" tend to pop up. The soul provides that symbolic value to life. Astonishingly, there is what is called soul music. It is music that triggers our inner beings and provides food and therapy to it. This shows the importance of the soul, the requirements it has and its true essence in life.

Soul is an amazing wonder that holds no lies or embellishments. The soul always stays true to itself. It has ways of exposing itself, even in the good and bad chapters of any time frame. The soul knows its needs and somehow, its needs are met without fail.

By Rutendo Sawala

rutendomq@gmail.com IG : rutendo_mq