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Meet the Intuitive Surrealist Abstract Expressionist from the Philippines

Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo considers herself as an "intuitive artist." She is a self-taught artist and her love for the Arts started when she was still in grade school. At first, she wanted to become a painter, but her parents told her there was no money in being an artist. Her works are mostly abstract and surreal in nature. Elizabeth's dream took a back seat for a few years as she engaged herself in the corporate world and fast forward to today, she is now a certified international visual artist with her artworks being featured in several international art exhibitions across the globe which include the Philippines, London, India, Pakistan, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Hungary, Brazil, Mexico City and Turkey.


"I was awarded the Rising Star Award for my painting Tres Mujeres in the Talentila Foundation India’s Online Art Exhibition in observance of the International Women’s Month in March 2022. I am also a participating artist at the Pakistan Contemporary Art Festival and Exhibition, a member of GAPI, and a Philippine-based art group, ARTipolo Group, and Fantapia International Art Group based in South Korea. I am currently studying "Charting the Avant-Harde: From Romanticism to Utopic Abstraction" at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

With my own brand, Art Heals by Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo, I strongly believe that art heals us not just physically but also mentally, psychologically, and spiritually. The different hues and forms play an important role in engaging the senses and the subconscious of an individual. That is what art and color therapy are all about.

Some of my artworks are displayed on Paintingsph, available on Instagram as I advocate for the use of the creative arts as therapy in the management of neurophatic pain. Turning to creative arts helps one engage him/herself in worthwhile activities which stimulate his/her imagination and enhance creativity. It can help one relieve everyday stress and anxiety. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people did resort to the arts as a hobby at first, and some eventually made it a business.

As a visual arts ambassador, I have been creating sustainable materials to use in some of my paintings. In my Climate Change series, I used brown paperbags and egg carton trays as alternatives instead of using thick acrylics to create texture in my artworks. My paintings depict the ill effects of global warming on earth. I also joined Hitma Org that is based in Iraq and got involved as a volunteer in promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to help fight or reverse the effects of climate change. I believe that through my artworks, I can be an instrument to send a clear message to the world about the protection and preservation of mother nature.

Honestly, my artworks have "travelled" the world more than I have as I engage more in virtual exhibitions. However, I also have physically exhibited locally. Being an international visual artist, I had the benefit to meet and connect with foreign artists and it is such a privilege to get to learn about different cultures and their art history. Learning about diverse genres of art has influenced my view of the world greatly and I try to incorporate them in my paintings. For every art exhibition that I have participated in, I have learnt a lot and these are truly enriching experiences as an artist. Being connected to several art organizations worldwide, I get to deal with artists of different nationalities each with a unique background. I consider all these experiences as worthwhile and fulfilling and feel honoured to represent the Philippines. It is also my personal mission to mentor and support young and aspiring artists and teach them how to create artworks which can inspire people to protect the environment.

The painting lessons I administered were first a part of the curriculum I teach at School of Arts and Poetry, an online school which started on Facebook. I accepted the offer from the founder of the school to conduct painting lessons for its members and the public, since I believe that I should share my knowledge with the world. The lessons focus more on teaching beginners about the basics: where to get inspiration for one's art; alternative materials to use; among other topics. I provide a certificate of authenticity for every artwork l sell to anyone. This is very important to every artist not just me, as it is a written proof that the painting is originally created by you, the artist. It also discloses a clause which says that the production and copyrights remain to you, the creator of the work.

Follow me, Elizabeth on Facebook ArtHeals by ElizabethEsguerraCastillo at this link or here

Thank you. "

Interview By DrThembieTanya

madziwathembie@gmail.com +263719675521