The Podium Fall 2016

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Calendar of Events October 15

• Submission & postmark deadline for KKΨ & TBΣ Chapter Personnel Reports, signed summary page, and fees for schools starting after September 15

December 1 The PODIUM is a Kappa Kappa Psi / Tau Beta Sigma joint publication issued twice per year in the spring and fall. Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma are non-profit organizations.

Steve Nelson Di Spiva Debbie Morris Aaron Moore Robert Bratcher Justin Chesak Alaina Peters

MAILING ADDRESS The PODIUM National Headquarters Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma P.O. Box 849 Stillwater, OK 74076-0849 (405) 372-2333 e-mail:

ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Articles must be prepared using common word processing software or submitted by e-mail. Photographs must have captions attached with all individuals identified. Detailed author’s guidelines can be found on the NHQ web site at:

DEADLINES Fall issue Spring issue

January 1

• KKΨ Awards Deadline

STAFF Publisher/National Executive Director HQ Office Manager & National Accountant HQ Membership Services Coordinator Alumni Historical & Development Coordinator Publications Manager & Multimedia Designer Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representative Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representative

• Online deadline for articles being submitted to the Spring 2017 issue of The PODIUM • Deadline for Fall Activity Reports

May 1 December 1

The PODIUM is produced at the National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma in Stillwater, Okla., and printed and mailed by Modern Litho-Print, Jefferson City, Mo.

March 1

• Submission & postmark deadline for TBΣ Award applications

March 24 - 26

• Southwest District Convention, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

March 31 - April 2

• Midwest District Convention, Iowa State University Ames, IA • Southeast District Convention, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL • Western District Convention, Boise State University, Boise, ID

April 7 - 9

• North Central District Convention, Columbus Convention Center Columbus, OH

May 1

• Online deadline for articles being submitted to the Fall 2017 issue of The PODIUM • Submission & postmark deadline for TBΣ National Scholarship applications

June 1

• Deadline for Chapter Summary Reports

July 1

• KKΨ Awards Deadline

July 18

• National Intercollegiate Band concert, conducted by Richard Clary, premiering a piece composed by Steven Bryant

July 18 - 22

• ΚΚΨ & ΤΒΣ National Convention in Orlando, FL

On the Cover: The cover of this issue includes scenes from the Wava Memorial Garden party at National Headquarters. Brothers and sisters in one big circle surrounding the Wava Memorial and the Tau Beta Sigma Board of Trustees presenting the Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees with a $10,000 donation toward the National Intercollegiate Band Endowment Fund, continuing the legacy of Stan Finck.

4 5 6

From the Executive Director Steve Nelson

Expansion & Membership News Alumni News


What Was Still There


Local Alumni Prove...


Student News


Jeff Wallace

Kalem Graham, Southwest District Governor

Alumni Relations: Strengthening the Bond Claire Haley

10 Delta Omicron Brings Service to NOLA Noah Peck


12 Together, We Strive For The Highest Madeline Gregory

14 Oh the People You'll Meet David Stookey

32 National Articles

16 Brothers in Music, Brothers in Life

Kappa Psi’s National Curriculum 32 Kappa Yvonne Daye, Evan Thompson, Jessica Lee, and Ken Corbett

20 One Step


22 Fight Club

the Ideal and Preserving the Legacy of Tau Beta Sigma 35 Living Dr. Kathryn Garrett Kelly, Nat'l President - ΤΒΣ

Jessica Hampton

Hattie Peacock

Taylor Hollowell

9 Honors 21 Director of Bands Receives A. Frank Martin Award 21 Outgoing Kasey Bolyard

24 9

District Leadership Conference Summer Council 2016 Photos

Leaders Matter: Running for National Office Jack Lee, Nat'l President - ΚΚΨ

Greater Chapter Visits 36 For Siobhan L. Wilkes, Chapter Visitation Assistant - ΤΒΣ Diary:” The Pro Tips of Completing Stellar National Paperwork 37 “Dear Erika Pope, Nat'l VPCR - ΤΒΣ

38 Kappa Kappa Psi Presents: Collaboration Through Conversation Zac Humphrey, Nat'l VPSA - ΚΚΨ

39 Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association Spotlight

Justin Brady, Chair - ΤΒΣ Alumni Assocation Executive Council

9 Chapter Updates 30 30 Volunteering Brandon Hogan 20/20 30 Hindsight Ranie Wahlmeier

31 Trick-or-Can Amy Crone 31 When Desire for Brotherhood Changes Everything

The KKPsi Alumni Assocation 40 Join Alison Beidler, Chair - ΚΚΨ Alumni Association Board of Directors we have a Month of Musicianship... 41 Why Marco Krcatovich, Nat'l VPP - ΚΚΨ

42 Who Am I?

Alaina Peters, Chapter Field Representative - ΚΚΨ

43 Hitting the Road

Justin Chesak, Chapter Field Representative - ΚΚΨ

44 One Life to Share

Debbie Baker, Board of Trustees - ΤΒΣ

Kasey Bolyard

46 ΟΒSERVATION! Robert Bratcher, Publications Manager & Multimedia Designer - KKΨ & ΤΒΣ




The National Headquarters accepts the Podium submissions via e-mail at and online at In order to make processing of articles easier please use the following format: Remember that articles must be received by May 1 for the fall issue and December 1 for the spring issue. Within the subject line include "Podium Article for (your) Chapter." Feature articles should be 1-2 pages, not including photos. You can figure 600 words per page, so a 2-page article would be about 1,200 words. Try to keep your article to a multiple of 300 words, with a 600 word/1page minimum.

This issue of the PODIUM is about life. It’s about bringing the life that music brings to those in need. It’s about the passage of life from student to alumni, through celebration and tragedy, and recognizing lives well-led. There are some unique and moving stories in this issue. I urge you to take some time reading them. I’m grateful to my Alpha Chapter – ΚΚΨ brother Jeff Wallace for telling us about his experiences in the Moore, Oklahoma tornado in 2013. Jeff was one of the brothers that I looked up to when I was a membership candidate more than 35 years ago. I still see Jeff regularly when he makes it back to our alma mater of Oklahoma State University.

Fraternity/sorority-wide news items should be one-half page/300-word minimum, not including photo(s).

In this issue, we also congratulate Mr. Al Wright on the occasion of his 100th birthday! Mr. Wright and his wife Gladys have been well known in the college band world for many decades. We are so grateful for the generosity they have shown Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma over the years. Happy birthday Mr. Wright!

Chapter news items should be one-quarter page/150-word minimum, not including photo(s).

There’s something special coming to the National Headquarters this fall. Something that hasn’t been reported anywhere else – yet.

Articles may be submitted as an attachment to an e-mail message; save the article as either a Microsoft® Word document or in Rich Text Format. Be sure to send photos illustrating your story. Photos must be 300dpi or higher and attached separately from the article, not embedded. We assume that the writer of the article has full rights to the photos and grants a license to us for publication purposes. Submissions containing photographs will receive priority for publication. Every photo must have a caption! Be sure to include the photo captions within the e-mail for the article you send and be sure you identify everyone in the photo. Original photos are preferred, either color or black-and-white.

Helpful Hints

- Make your article interesting and exciting to read. - Focus on one or two topics and expand upon it. - Try not to write a chapter summary report for your article. - We like to hear about extraordinary things such as successful fundraisers, unique socials, or service projects. 4 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

Last summer we were contacted by an organization called Premier Rail Collection. They are the nation’s largest operator of specially-themed and holiday rail events and are bringing their Polar Expresstm Train Ride to Stillwater and our Stillwater Station during November and December! So, for a few weeks before Christmas, our train station will once again be welcoming passenger trains and passengers for the first time in 40 years. It’s going to be something to see! Dancing chefs, singing elves, and Santa himself will be calling our headquarters home. Look for a full report in the next PODIUM. If you’re close to Stillwater and would like information about riding the train and reliving the story of the Polar Expresstm, visit Finally, don’t forget that National Convention will be coming up next summer. Make plans to attend July 18-22, 2017 in Orlando, Florida!

Fall 2016



ΚΚΨ - University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaign (Nu Xi) March 15, 2016

ΚΚΨ - University of New Haven (Nu Omicron) April 29, 2016

ΚΚΨ - University of Illinois at Chicago (Nu Pi) - May 2, 2016 HTTP://PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 5


Alumni NEWS

What Was Still There I lost my home in the 2013 Moore tornado. I had a storm shelter in the backyard that saved my wife, daughters, mother, a niece, and many neighbors.


lthough our possessions are just things and replaceable, the one thing I thought was gone that did make me tear up a bit was my trombone. I had been playing this horn since my junior year of high school and all through my college years. I found it under an outside wall that had fallen in on the house. It was in a soft side gig bag standing on end with the wall on top of it. I thought for sure it was crushed beyond playing shape. As we were unloading anything salvageable into a rented storage unit, a friend saw it and said let’s look at your trombone to see if it made it. I really didn’t hold out much hope but when we unzipped the bag it was not damaged. I was shocked. I graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1983 with a BS in Statistics and have had a wonderful career as a statistician, but what keeps me sane is being able to play my trombone. I played in just about every ensemble possible at OSU; marching band, jazz band, spirit band, and concert band. A few of the directors I played for include Paul Montemurro, Hiram Henry, and Tom Walker. Since graduation, I have only missed a few Alumni Band Days during football season, and have really enjoyed playing with the OSU Spirit Band at basketball games over Christmas break for many years. Outside of playing with the alumni bands, I have played in my church’s orchestras. As a life member of ΚΚΨ, I hope I can encourage others about the importance of music in our lives and show how music is to be shared even by those of us who are unable to work with music as a living. Jeff Wallace, Alpha member since 1978.

6 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

by Jeff Wallace Alpha - ΚΚΨ Oklahoma State Life Member

Fall 2016

Alumni NEWS


by Kalem Graham Southwest District Governor Assistant Director of Bands, Langston University Zeta Psi - ΚΚΨ, Life Member Virginia State University


hey say a band is only as good as its players, and it’s true that talent is a large factor in that. But it is support that can push that talent to make it into a wellrounded product. Support can come in many different forms, but in a collegiate band, few levels of support are greater than what you get from your alumni. Entering my third year as the Assistant Director of Bands at Langston University, I see firsthand the importance and benefits of dedicated, active alumni. The Delta Alpha alumni of both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma always seem to go above and beyond to support the band. From the first time I stepped foot on Langston University’s campus, they were there to greet me and welcome me with open arms. That gesture made me feel comfortable in a new area, taking on a new job. The customary question of “What do you guys need?’ always gets asked any time an alumni comes to campus. It just shows the love they have for their school and their music department. Every summer, TBS’s Delta Alpha alumni does a water drive to provide us with enough cases of water to last us the entire school year. The water lasts through marching season and all the way through to graduation in May. Any student that has marched in a band knows how invaluable water is. They also provide us with reeds and valve oil for the year. I know that doesn’t seem like a lot, but keeping our students from having to provide their own, plus not having

to use the music department budget to spend on it, really helps the students in the long run. They also provide scholarships to members of the band, and are helping us plan recruitment events in the coming year. This year, the KKPsi Delta Alpha alumni donated a sewing machine to the band, allowing us to hem and alter our uniforms. They saw this as a great need since we all know band members come in all shapes and sizes. The active members of the Delta Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Sigma take it upon themselves to manage and alter the uniforms and it’s great to see their hard work isn’t going unnoticed by the alumni. Kappa Kappa Psi alumni also donated a projector and screen to be installed in the band room. The Director of Bands, Mr. Lonnie Easter, and I feel like this will make our practices more efficient with the teaching of music and drill, as well as the review of performances to minimize future mistakes. These actions by these alumni show just how powerful alumni can be to a band program. I encourage you all to consider this whether you are active, newly graduated, or an alumni wondering how you can give back to your band program. Support comes in many forms, and together we can ensure our chapters and bands continue to be successful for many years.



Student NEWS

Alumni Relations:

Strengthening the Bond through Food and Fellowship (And Other Lessons from a Rookie Alumni Secretary) by Claire Haley, Kappa Mu - ΚΚΨ | University of Georgia


or many years, the Kappa Mu chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Georgia was considered a “young” Kappa Kappa Psi chapter. Sometimes, this designation of a “young” chapter kept Kappa Mu from fully connecting with the alumni of Kappa Mu. However, as Kappa Mu turned 17 this year, I began to wonder at what point do we stop being a “young” chapter? At what point should we get serious about reconnecting with alumni and discovering more about the people who made our chapter what it is today? In January 2016, I was elected alumni secretary of Kappa Mu. Walking into the position, I knew that I had a lot of learning to do in order to serve my chapter to the fullest capacity. By thinking about what the position of alumni secretary truly meant, as well as the goals of the position, I began to craft a method to improve alumni relations within Kappa Mu.

Alumni relations is simultaneously one of the most important and one of the most overlooked role of an active chapter. 8 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

Any member of Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma is an alumni member for far longer than they are an active member. Bridging the gaps of years and miles between Brothers is not an easy task, but it is a crucial task in ensuring the continued success of the chapter. The role of the alumni secretary can take on many dynamics, but I saw my role as a facilitator of communication, inspiration, and love between the active and alumni Brothers of Kappa Mu. Through digital communication such as emails and newsletters and face-to-face events, I attempted to bridge this gap between active and alumni members. Digital communication with alumni took on two primary forms: email and Facebook. Lucky for me, the alumni email list and Facebook page were already established, so the task of creating newsletters and better email communication was a fairly simple one. The task of creating a face-toface event, however, was more difficult. In order to both celebrate Kappa Mu’s Birthday and to reconnect and learn from our alumni, Kappa Mu hosted the first Annual Kappa Mu Birthday and Alumni Brunch on April 24th, 2016. The event featured a wonderful spread of delicious treats cooked by the current active and conditional Brothers of Kappa Mu, a small gift to our alumni, and a chance to share in fellowship with our Brothers. Brothers, alumni and current, documented their favorite memories of Kappa

Kappa Psi, leafed through scrapbooks made by Membership Candidate classes of years past, and read through a newsletter documenting the accomplishments of Kappa Mu during the past year. There was truly something special about watching the alumni of our chapter read about the activities of the chapter and knowing that they played an integral part in enabling our chapter to strive for the highest and truly succeed. Food has a way of bringing people together, and the Kappa Mu Birthday and Alumni Brunch brought together Brothers young and old in the fraternity to learn from one another, share memories with one another, and to strengthen the bonds that can sometimes be weakened by years and miles apart. Digital communication is essential in ensuring continued dialog between the chapter and alumni Brothers, however, faceto-face events are equally important to facilitate lasting bonds between all Brothers. I have no doubt that the Kappa Mu Birthday Celebration and Alumni Brunch will become a beloved tradition in Kappa Mu for many years to come.

Fall 2016

The National Advisory Committee on Nominations invites interested and qualified individuals to submit their name and qualifications for the following positions for the 2017-2019 Biennium: National Vice President for Colonization and Membership, National Vice President for Programs, National Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Board of Trustees (3 at-large seats). (This process is detailed in the Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity National Constitution.)

INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS SHOULD MEET THE FOLLOWING BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: • Be at least twenty-five (25) years of age. (for every office except Vice President for Student Affairs) • Completed at least four (4) years of college work. • Possess outstanding business or professional ability. • Capable of representing the Fraternity under all ordinary conditions. • Willing and able to devote the necessary time to the execution of the duties imposed by the office. • Attendance at National Convention. Specific officer or trustee responsibilities may be obtained by contacting the National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity at (405) 372-2333.

INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS MUST SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION NO LATER THAN JANUARY 15, 2017: • Letter of intent which identifies the position being sought, why it is being sought, what contributions you can make in that office, and information detailing how you meet the above basic qualifications. Highlight band and fraternity experience. • Resume/Vita. • Candidates should make it clear in their letter of intent whether they would be available to be nominated into a position other than the primary one indicated by their letter of intent. • Three letters of recommendation, one of which should be within the applicant’s profession. • A campaign statement and biographical profile for publication on the web site as the Election Newsletter to be available at the 2017 District Conventions and to individual chapters. A sample statement and biographical profile from a prior Election Newsletter can be obtained from the National Headquarters. • One photograph, suitable for publication.


SUBMIT MATERIALS (NOT LATER THAN JANUARY 15, 2017) TO: Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity Advisory Committee on Nominations Post Office Box 849 Stillwater, OK 74076-0849


Student NEWS

Delta Omicron Brings Service to NOLA by Noah Peck Delta Omicron - ΚΚΨ University of Connecticut

Our chapter, Delta Omicron, decided we were not satisfied with just serving our band and community, and thus we began looking into potential service trips that would allow us to expand our musical and service horizons. Marvin McNeill, the assistant director of the UConn Marching Band, helped guide us to New Orleans due to his many connections with the city and our trip began to take form. We planned extensively and received generous funding from the UConn Undergraduate Student Government, a GoFundme page, and our chapter. Before we knew it thirteen passionate and excited brothers were landing in Louis Armstrong Airport for an adventure of a lifetime. Brothers Connor Hagen, Jake Mule, and Kimberly Cisco (from bottom to top), work on painting a trumpet mural in the music room of McDonogh City Park Academy in New Orleans.


e were in a dangerous neighborhood. When we left our midtown hotel, the receptionist gave us directions to the trolley and said we should be fine because we were in a large group, but cautioned us to close together. For thirteen UConn students on a spring break service trip, this was a new experience for us. Drugs, crime, violence are all too common for the people of New Orleans - the children of New Orleans. Fortunately the rich musical tradition of this beautiful city provides refuge for many young students and has the power to transform lives. As proud brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi, we had the privilege to experience the transcendent power of music on an unforgettable spring break service trip to New Orleans. One of the primary service goals of the trip was working with an after school program for middle school students that Marvin recommended to us called The Roots of Music. Roots was founded by Derrick Tabb, a local musician and folk hero, in 2007 after hurricane Katrina to fill a void left in the lives of many young people.

“We believe music has the power to transform lives. The Roots of Music empowers the youth of New Orleans through music education, academic support, and mentorship while preserving and promoting the unique musical and cultural heritage of our city. Our goal is to provide our kids with the resources they need to lead positive, productive, self-reliant lives.” MISSION OF ' THE ROOTS OF MUSIC ' This was exactly the kind of service we wanted to be involved in and were fortunate enough to be able to volunteer at Roots for three afternoons during our trip. At Roots, we met with Sophie Gavin, the passionate leader of the tutoring aspect of Roots. Sophie greeted us and helped us become situated with the day-to-day operation of the program. Students would be arriving periodically and would work on homework with our assistance before music rehearsal started promptly at 5:30 (and you better not be late!). Working with the incredible students at Roots academically was uplifting, but the true magic of the program lies in the music. These students have a tremendous passion and talent

Fall 2016 for music. Led by Derrick and the music director Darren Rodgers, the band from Roots performs at numerous parades and events around the city, including Mardi Gras. We were fortunate enough to meet Lawrence Rawlins, the program’s original music director, a proud brother of Kappa Kappa Psi, and the father of a young mellophone

player at Roots. Lawrence explained to us that the students at Roots get to experience the rich musical culture of New Orleans, while being kept off the streets and out of harms way at Roots. When Derrick founded Roots he could never have imagined the impact it would have on the community. He has personally been recognized with several awards, including being named a top ten CNN Hero of the Year in 2009, and serves as a role model for all involved in Roots, including us. Seeing his passion and dedication was inspiring. Furthermore, experiencing the profound service he is performing for the community through music is an example of what we can all strive for as brothers. Volunteering at Roots embodied the musical service this fraternity is all about and was a highlight of our trip, and my experience thus far as a brother. Volunteering at Roots in the afternoons of our trip, we had the mornings free to explore other service opportunities in the city. We were lucky to find McDonogh City Park Academy, and arranged to design and paint a mural for their band room. McDonogh City Park has students from pre-K to eighth grade enrolled as students, and like every school in the city is a charter school. This means that though all schools are public, any

student within the city can attend any school. Keevis Louis, the vice principal at McDonogh City Park, explained to us that a large part of his job is recruiting students to his school. McDonogh is unique because it places an emphasis for its students on music and the arts. For this reason, we were excited to help this school improve their music room. We arrived at the school and began outlining and painting the mural that our own brother Kimberly Cisco designed. What started out as a bland blue wall with a dilapidated bulletin board was transformed in two days into a vibrant mural expressing the musical magic of New Orleans with a reinvigorated bulletin board. We were also able to paint a second mural representing the musical culture in an adjacent classroom. The students and staff at the school were incredibly appreciative of our work, and the artistic talent and commitment to complete this ambitious project by my brothers personally blew me away. It meant a lot to be able make a difference at such an amazing school and leave a lasting memento of our time there. The mural came out beautifully, and is a lasting representation of Kappa Kappa Psi, the UConn Marching Band, and the city of New Orleans. Apart from the service projects we were able to complete in New Orleans, we were able to experience the city. From meeting with brothers from the Rho chapter at Tulane University, to serving breakfast on an early Sunday morning with a local maritime law professor from the U.K. (who may just so happen to be the nicest man in existence) at a local church, we had countless incredible experiences. The beignets at Café Du Monde were covered in powered sugar and delicious. The architecture of the French Quarter was magical. The jazz on Frenchmen Street was unlike anything I have ever heard. The city showed us the importance music can play in a culture and most certainly changed us all as brothers and people. As brothers we are called to serve. We are challenged to embrace music as an essential part of who we are. We are called to lead, and grow the bonds of brotherhood with those around us. This trip gave us the opportunity to do all these things, and the desire to do more. The service we performed and the lives we touched will forever hold a spot in all of our hearts.



Student NEWS

TOGETHER, WE STRIVE FOR THE HIGHEST by Madeline Gregory Beta Sigma - ΚΚΨ University of Houston

Joint Candidates of the Delta Gamma (Beta Sigma-ΚΚΨ) and Gamma Sigma (Tau-ΤΒΣ) Classes

For the Beta Sigma and Tau chapters at the University of Houston, the past year has been a roller coaster of excitement, hard work, and constant dedication to serving The Spirit of Houston. 12 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

Fall 2016

Joint Chapters of Beta Sigma and Tau after First Degree


n the Spring of 2015, the Spirit of Houston finally opened the doors to the new Bert F. Winston Band Complex. After years of cramming the 300+ person marching band into the rehearsal halls of the Moores School of Music, the Spirit of Houston finally had somewhere to call home. Filled with multiple ensemble rooms, personal washer/dryer to be able to wash uniforms, as well as direct access to the TDECU Stadium, the Bert F Winston Band Complex is the place to be. With help from Beta Sigma and Tau, the Spirit of Houston was able to smoothly transition into their new home and prepare for the upcoming football season, which proved to be a memorable one. After going 11-1 in regular season play, the Houston Cougars reached the American Athletic Conference Championship and beat the Temple Owls to reach the 2016 Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl versus the Florida State Seminoles to end 13-1 for the season. For the Houston Cougars, being invited to the Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl was quite an honor, given that this was the highest ranking bowl the team had been invited to since the 1985 Cotton Bowl. And for the members of Beta Sigma and Tau, this was not only an opportunity to learn and grow in service within our program, but to grow in love and joint relations with each other as well as the Gamma Nu (KKPsi) and Alpha Omega (TBS) chapters at Florida State. Being able to share different stories and experiences with one another allowed for new friendships

to form between members and chapters, as well as allowed both Beta Sigma and Tau to learn about other ways to take care of service, promote efficiency in meetings, and strengthen our own relationship with each other when we returned home. In addition to an exciting football season, Beta Sigma and Tau both had successful recruitment seasons as well. During football season, prospective members are given the opportunity to assist both organizations in

our game day duties including setting up the band hall and field for rehearsal, serving food to the Spirit of Houston, passing out water and snacks in the stands during games, and helping clean up after everything ends. Other events like away-game watch parties and community service events with local non-profit organization Generation One, allowed prospective members to learn more about our organizations and members, as well as develop friendships with our members and each other. By the end of the semester, both organizations had found students who promoted leadership, strong musicianship,

dedication to service, and overall love for their university and each other, to eventually form the candidate classes of Delta Gamma (KKPsi) and Gamma Sigma (TBS). All in all, the 2015-2016 school year has been one filled with excitement, adventure, and love, of course with a little frustration here and there. Beta Sigma has started to grow from old traditions and habits, and started to try new things in aspects of service, efficiency in meetings, and recruitment. For the joint chapters of Beta Sigma and Tau, we finished off the year by taking home the award for best joint display at the Southwest District convention. For the football team this year, one main theme that resonates within the team is to go 1-0 in everything you do, and do everything you do to the best of your ability so that your brothers and family can be successful to ultimately bring success and honor to the team. That not only resonates through the Houston Cougars, but through Beta Sigma and Tau as well. Everything that we do, we do for each other and for the betterment of the Spirit of Houston and the Moores School of Music. As we move forward in 2016, we look forward to improving in everything that we do, from recruitment, to service within the university and the community, and continuing to strengthen the bonds we have with each other, as well as the whole band program. Although we are two organizations, we are one family, and together we are striving for the highest. HTTP://PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 13


Student NEWS

Oh the People You'll Meet


s I wrap up my last semester of college I have begun to reflect on my time at Iowa State University and on my time as a sister of Tau Beta Sigma. Specifically, I have been reflecting on how my peers and I have developed as leaders. Through this reflection, I have determined a few things I would like to share with each of you. As we look forward to the future, we must not forget to reflect on how we got here. Some of you may only attend one convention, district or national, in your life. For others, convention is only the beginning of a long road of continuous correspondence with brothers and sisters from around the nation. Either way, the people you meet could change your life.

Relationships can come from many different places and in many different forms. Some people you cross paths with will make you mad, while others will make you laugh so hard you cry. However, all relationships require constant reference to the high moral standards you all hold. As you reflect on where you are, remember the people who helped you get here. Who are your role models? How did they help you? Have you ever thanked them? If you haven’t, I urge you to let them know how much they mean to you. After that, ask yourself: how can I be more like them? As members of Tau Beta Sigma or Kappa Kappa Psi, you’ve already been recognized as leaders within your university’s band program. As a leader, you may be asked to organize small and large groups of people from all walks of life. You may even be asked to discipline or confront 14 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

people. Most of your tasks are laid out for you, and everyone knows what is expected of you. However, there are a few things that are expected of every leader, whether they know it or not. One of these things is the ability to listen without judgement. This skill is the single most important skill for a leader to have. Within my chapter, I have one person whom I know I can turn to if I need to talk about anything. To that person, thank you for all that you do for me, our chapter, and everyone else you cross paths with.

Another aspect of being a leader for a chapter is leading by example – this phrase may be cliché, but it still holds merit. As a member of either of our organizations, we each strive to go above and beyond what is expected of us. Most people think we only do this through service projects and volunteering our time, but we also do it with our attitude. If everyone strives to have a positive attitude, the opportunity to become a more inviting organization will allow each of us to set a standard that new prospective members can aspire to. To have all members exhibiting a positive attitude and showing emotional poise at all times will also help with chapter recruitment and morale. With all of our members displaying positive outlooks, it is then the chapter vice president of membership’s responsibility to organize recruiting events. However, those events are useless if prospective members don’t attend. The key to aiding recruitment opportunities is simple: every member must actively encourage people to attend meetings and recruiting events, be visible by wearing letters, and just be yourself. People love hanging out with their friends, especially in a fun and rewarding environment. If you can show people that our organizations are about more than just serving the bands, you can attract a new group of people who could be amazing members. I also encourage you to take some risks when handing out bids. You should consider members

by David Stookey Theta Xi - TBΣ Iowa State University

who can contribute only 1 year to your chapter. The Theta Xi chapter offered me an opportunity to be a part of this organization knowing that I would only have 1 year to participate, and I don’t know where I would be right now if they hadn’t. Based on my experience, I would like you to think about the following question before you hand out your next set of bids: is it better to have someone who only does the minimum amount of work required of them for 3 years, or is it better to have a very active leader who pushes the rest of the chapter to do their best for 1 year? I can say from experience that 1 year is plenty of time to build relationships that will last a lifetime. I have been fortunate enough to travel to 2 MWD Conventions and 1 National Convention as an active member of Tau Beta Sigma. Through experiences at conventions and within my own chapter, I have built friendships that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Fall 2016

The Alumni Giving Program (AGP) is a donation program designed for alumni Brothers who find monthly contributions to KKPsi more manageable than an annual donation. AGP donations support our National KKPsi Alumni Association, the Trust and General Funds, and by extension the active membership.


Questions? Contact the ΚΚΨAA at or (405) 372-2333

All monthly recurring donations are billed to your credit/debit card or to your checking account. It’s easy to manage, and easy to budget. 60% of every dollar you contribute earns a Life Member Credit. Once you accumulate 500 credits, a Life Membership is yours. Founder: $19 Chapter: $25 District: $40 Governor: $50 Council: $75 President: $100 (Contributions are 88% tax deductible) HTTP://PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 15


Student NEWS

Brothers in Music, Brothers in Life


never imagined my freshman year would turn out the way it did, for two main reasons. The first is Kappa. The second is Jake. From the beginning of the fall semester, I knew that I wanted to join Kappa Kappa Psi. I was a freshman, and I didn’t know much about bandoriented Greek organizations, but I saw many sets of the same letters, and it didn’t take long for me to become interested in learning more. I pestered brothers with questions about rush, about the brotherhood, and about how to join. I wanted the service, I wanted the brotherhood, and I already loved the aspect of music. Kappa felt like my perfect match, and I went through my first degree on January 24th. On January 25th, at a school hundreds of miles away, five students were driving to get snacks when three deer ran in front of their car. The driver swerved, crossed the median, and collided with another car, killing herself and her passenger. It was an accident. It was instantaneous. I found out the next morning. A friend called to tell me what had happened; to tell me Jake was dead, and that I needed to come home. Jake. Jake was the passenger in that car. My Jake, one of my best friends from high school. I saw him for the last time three weeks before he died, when our group of friends went to his house to exchange Christmas gifts and see each other after months apart. We never thought it would be the last time we were all together. We never thought Jake would die, not now, not like this. I told my VPM that I would miss our first MC meeting- that someone I love had died and I had to go home. That was the only thing I could think to do; everything was happening so suddenly, and it overwhelmed me. I wanted to be alone, but I was afraid of being alone. The world felt wrong because it was still spinning even though Jake was gone. I was in need, but did not know what I needed, but somehow, others knew what to do. I did not know how to buy train tickets- I couldn’t read directions, couldn’t understand, couldn’t focus- so a brother helped me figure out what tickets to buy, and where my train would transfer. Word about what happened got out,

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and other brothers messaged me to ask how I was doing, asked if they could do anything to help. I had been an MC for less than 48 hours, but time made no difference: they treated me as if they knew me for so much longer. They treated me like family. At home, I just needed my friends. I only needed my friends. We stayed together for days on end, trying to cope with something that never should have happened, something that wasn’t meant to be. We planned a memorial and started a scholarship in his memory, but nothing we did felt like it was enough. Nothing we did would ever bring him back. All we could do is hold hands and hope everything would stop hurting. I went through the motions when I got back to school, but I felt nothing. It was simultaneously easy and hard to be back; easy because it was normal, but hard because I was so far from home. I didn’t have my family, I didn’t have my friends from home, and I didn’t have Jake. Jake died so soon after my first degree that everything about Kappa reminds me of him. My entire process was intertwined with losing him, but at the same time, Kappa made it bearable. Everything about Kappa Kappa Psi has changed what this semester has been for me; between the friendships I made and the memories I now cherish, Kappa has been invaluable to me. It happened when I needed it to happen. But I think the most important part of Kappa, for me, was meeting Melissa. A few weeks after Jake’s death, I saw on Facebook that one of my high school friends had just gone through his first degree. I didn’t know any brothers from other chapters, and I was excited to see that someone I knew was also starting his process. I commented my congratulations and mentioned that I was also in the process of becoming a brother. What I didn’t know at the time was that Jake had a cousin named Melissa, who was a brother at the same school as my friend. She saw my comment and recognized my name, and learned that I was also going through my process. She messaged me on Facebook to talk to me about Jake, the memorial, and how her family had been

by Jessica Hampton Alpha Omega - ΚΚΨ University of Pittsburgh

Fall 2016 doing. What I wasn’t expecting was for her to mention Kappa. I wasn’t expecting her to tell me that she, too, was a brother at her school, to talk to me about this organization I was only just joining. I wasn’t expecting to meet her at Jake’s house weeks later, for us to visit Jake’s school with his mother, for her to sign my brotherhood book. I wasn’t expecting something like this to happen. But all of this did happen, and it couldn’t be more beautiful. Jake was alive when I went through my first degree, and I wore his favorite necklace during my second, but Melissa was there for my third. She traveled from her school with brothers from her chapter to see me go through, which made me feel a love I cannot describe. Afterwards, we

hugged and cried and she gave me some of her letters, and I couldn’t help but wonder what I ever did to deserve her. Becoming a brother was incredible, but having Melissa there was what made me the happiest. I’ve never felt pain as irreparable as this, but Melissa helps. Knowing that we share this lovethis love for Kappa, this love for Jake- is a comfort I didn’t know I needed until it happened. A world that feels unbearable without Jake is not quite as painful, because I have Melissa. If Jake hadn’t died, we may have still discovered this connection. Maybe I would be at his house talking about Kappa, or I would see Melissa wearing letters, and we would have discovered this blessing of a coincidence. But I like to think Jake did this on purpose somehow,

that he had a hand in this. I like to think he set this up because he knew we would need each other. One of the things that stuck with me in that first message Melissa sent me is the phrase, “Brothers in Music, Brothers in Life.” It’s a powerful statement, a powerful thought, but the depth of it is not something that hits you until you really think about it. We are all brothers through our organization, but we are also brothers for life. We are bonded forever, and there is nobody I would rather be bonded to than Melissa. Nineteen year olds aren’t supposed to die, and tragedies like this are not supposed to happen. But I like to believe that there is good to be found in the most painful places, and I like to believe that there is good here, too.


Abigail Wunneburger

Beta Gamma

Loren Wrigley




Robin Patrick

Allison Speziale

Gamma Kappa





At 100 years old, Al Wright sees his legacy by Domenica Bongiovanni,, Lafayette Journal & Courier

(Editor’s note: Al and Gladys Wright have not only been instrumental in the success and development of bands in the United States, but they have also been great supporters of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. Their generosity was key in securing the caboose for the grounds of the National Headquarters in Stillwater. We take great joy in celebrating Al’s 100th birthday!)

At 100 years old, Al Wright sees his legacy (the following is excerpted from an article by Domenica Bongiovanni in the Lafayette Journal & Courier, published 6/23/2016 REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION) At the 2012 American Bandmasters Association convention, Al Wright picked up a baton to direct the Purdue Wind Ensemble in the last march of the concert. Even though the event came decades after the celebrated director's retirement, one of his predecessors saw what the moment captured. "As he took the podium, it was as if he were home," said Jay Gephart, the Al G. Wright Chair of University Bands and Orchestras and current director of bands. Afterward, he said, the audience erupted into applause and stood 18 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

immediately. Looking back over Wright's career, his place behind the podium has been a calling that allowed him to exercise his drive, ideas and love of teaching. These traits have born themselves out in innovations that are tent poles of Purdue bands' story. Most notably, the traditions are still inextricably connected to their creator, who will turn 100 on Thursday. "He's lived an incredible life, and he's lived to see the things that he created (at) Purdue continue 35 years after he left," said John Norberg, the band's historian and author of two books on it. Wright brought a fresh, freeflowing, show-type style to the band, Norberg said. The group moved and played continuously when performing, Wright said. The director grew its size by finding a spot for anyone who was interested. "I said, 'I'll take you and I'll find something for you to do within your talents,'" Wright said. With an average of 100 to 120 musicians in Big Ten bands, Al Wright turned heads with an ensemble of more than 200 and growing by the early 1960s, said Bill Kisinger, the longtime associate professor of

bands at Purdue who now directs the Citizens Band. "I don't believe anybody can put a band together faster," said Kisinger, whose father was a band director at the University of Illinois and a colleague of Wright's. "He can really get the job done in the quickest, most efficient manner." "Al had the ability to, I think, dream big as far as what could be in our profession," Gephart said. "I like working with kids," Wright said. "They're plastic, they're pliable, and they're not all set in their ideas." Wright has carried that sentiment into retirement, when he and Gladys Wright continued to work with students. They'll tell you band was their hobby. For his part, Wright feels fortunate to be turning 100 and does as much as possible. He told Gephart he wants to travel to Lexington, Kentucky, for next year's conference of the American Bandmasters Association, of which he is an honorary life president. "We'd like to make that happen for him," Gephart said. "They would go crazy to see him walk in the door."

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Sir Isaac Newton Fall 2016

Newton, considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived, knew that he did not stand alone in his accomplishments. He attributed much of his success to the great scientists before him. Our Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity would not be the fraternity we are today without standing on the shoulders of the leadership, vision and loyal support of its past members.

Donations to Kappa Kappa Psi support many ongoing programs of the Fraternity, including:

*National Intercollegiate Band and Commissioning Programs – Increasing the number of participants and quality of the experience by endowing the Stanley G. Finck Fund that will also enhance the student musician experience. * Recruitment and Growth – Expand our support to chapters by providing assistance in their recruitment efforts, to ensure KKPsi continues to grow, and to strengthen our campus presence as members of their college band. * Leadership Development – Provide increased support to chapters for training, workshops, conferences, symposia, and other educational opportunities, for our Brothers today, and in the future. ***Giving to KKPsi and the Alumni Association is easy!*** Visit or to make your gift today.

lifetime giving Kappa Kappa Psi has been blessed with many brothers who have financially supported its efforts over the years. The following individuals have donated more than $10,000 to support the programs of the Fraternity.


Al and Gladys Wright

2015-2017 biennium giving

President’s Club ($1,000-$4,999) Adam Cantley & Joe Panzer Sarah Casias ** Daniel George ** Noah Leininger ** Michelle Turenne **

Director’s Club ($500-$999) James Alexander, Jr. Kyle Chaulk Lance Coochyouma ** Kenneth Corbett John Finocchiaro ** Morgan Mirtes ** Jason Mlady ** Steven Nelson ** Nicholas Rorrer ** Christopher Young **

First Chair Club ($250-$499)

Stephen Barrett ** Christine Beason Alison Beidler ** Rod Chesnutt ** Adam Connolly ** Kevin Diana ** Christopher Haughee Michael Henderson ** Michael Huskey Jack Lee, III ** Marc Martinez

Craig McClure ** Eric Morson ** Michael Napolitano ** Kelly Nellis ** Michael Osborn Nathan Pickett ** Laura Pike ** Christopher Pratt ** Tammi Ramsey ** Preston Ramsey ** Kirk Randazzo ** Eric Rowsey Edward Savoy ** Hailey Sult ** Daniel Wingard, Jr. **

Century Club ($100-$249) Thomas Billings Mark Bradbourne Robert Bratcher ** Marie Burleigh Jennifer Costello ** Lisa Croston ** Daniel Everard Deb Friedman Matthew Grieco ** Shawna Hatten ** David Justin Henry Kellogg Wendell Kimbrough ** Ryan Largent ** Kasey Lewis Michael Lindsay Mark McCarthy Peter Murray Maxy O'Connor Tom Ostrander Robert Rahn, Jr. Daniel Reisinger ** Eugene Rhemann Alan Rollow Charlene Ronne ** Franklin Russell, Jr. Richard Schweichler ** Thomas Sirridge Darren Smith Joshua Spaulding Diana Spiva Nicholas Verbanic ** Marcus Wyche

Dennis Yu ** Burton Zipser

Friend of ΚΚΨ (up to $99) Carly Bergstein Gregory Boike Meredith Braselman Nicholas Bratcher Erwin Brown Danielle Case William Cring Gerilee Davison Jennifer DiBenedetto Harold Eason Paul Faulkner Kerri Fitzgerald Cathy Frank Donald Galyean Timothy Greenwell, Jr. Nichole Hazelwood Amy Heavilin ** Latrondrick Hunter Chris Joyce Brian Lamb Kathleen Lambino Kenneth Lastowka Michael Logan ** Linda Matney Malinda Matney Carolyn McCambridge Scott McCambridge Daniel & Kelly Miller Katherine O'Flaherty Laura Phillips William Piel Charles Rogol Katherine Rohrich ** Phillip Rubin William Sandy Tyrone Scott Lauren Seiler Kayla Shortnacy Justin Smith Zachary Stewart Zachary Stoddard Scott Stowell John Stratton Brendan Sullivan Evan Thompson Antwone Vass ** Whitney Walterhouse

** - Participants of the Alumni Giving Program



Student NEWS

One Step by Hattie Peacock Delta Alpha - ΚΚΨ Langston University

The journey, becoming the first woman to become a part of the first HBCU chapter of the greatest music organization, is something I can hardly (but will gladly) muster into words.


y patience was tested, my faith in myself was tried, and my love for music was passed through the fire. However, to have seen the smile on my brothers faces, the light dance in their eyes, and to hear the words "You are finished" cross their lips was a rich moment of brotherly love, peace, and a strange sense of hunger. This inherited family could not be duplicated anywhere else, with anyone else in the world (the banquet food was top notch, by the way). For as long as I can remember, music has been in my blood and band was just something that made my love for the art grow. Growing up I always had it set in my heart to stand out, to be great at whatever I do and to always, for the lack of a more perfect set of words, strive for the highest. Every time anyone told me that I could not do something, my most usual reply was "Alright, sit right there and watch me then." I knew there was doubt in many minds that I would graduate high school with honors. It was said I most likely would not get a full scholarship to attend college. They said it was not a smart move to attend a historically black institution. You get my point. I always wanted to prove everyone wrong and smile with delight at the sight of their face once I did. At the start of my freshman year it was all in my plan to go to school and just be a "normal" student, however, it was not in God’s plan. One of the first questions that one of my roommates asked me was "Did you ever play an instrument in high school?" I nodded nonchalantly and informed her that I played the mellophone and everything skyrocketed from there. It seemed like a horn was thrust into my hand that very

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day, learning the different style of marching, the different playing style, and virtually forgetting everything I learned in high school to start anew. And I loved every minute of it. I was enveloped into a family as crazy, hilarious, loud, ever-loving, and seldom boring as it was. My band is my family and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Trying to explain that to someone on the outside was like trying to speak Greek to an All-American. I began to develop a true sense of pride in what I did and who I was becoming. Apparently, I was not the only one who saw my change in attitude and pride for my band. I had been contemplating going Greek since my freshman year of college. I had no clue that there were even Greek organizations for band, but once I knew, I had to make it happen. It seemed to me that Tau Beta Sigma was the organization for women of the band and Kappa Kappa Psi was for the men. I discussed this with my band director, one of the many times I was in his office, making him listen to whatever was on my mind at that point in time. He stopped me in the middle of a sentence and asked, "Wait, what did you just say?", and I replied "If only women could be a part of Kappa Kappa Psi, because I have really connected with them over the past two years, and I think I'd choose to do that if I could" "Women can be apart of Kappa Kappa Psi, it is just outside tradition for women to be inducted at an HBCU." he said. From there my interest only peaked, not only would I be serving the people I love and work for on a daily basis, but I would be making history while doing everything I love in the process. My mind was unapologetically made up. I was going

to become a brother of the Delta Alpha chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi. I love my school. I love my band. I love my organization. It wasn’t easy, but I never asked for easy. I just needed possible. To any young woman who is thinking about being a part of this fraternity, just know it is possible. It is worth it, if your love is for your band and in serving that band. Don't let your gender EVER be an issue for where you fit and where you want to be. Take it one step at a time.

Fall 2016


Outgoing Director of Bands Receives A. Frank Martin Award


r. John Hendricks, Director of Bands at West Virginia University, conducted his final concert before moving into an administrative role as Associate Dean of the College of Creative Arts. Hundreds of friends, family, and music lovers alike came out to watch this final performance with the WVU Wind Symphony. Hendricks conducted two songs: Landing Amongst the Stars by Evan Boegehold, a piece commissioned specifically for Professor Hendricks that was premiered that night, and David Maslanka's Symphony No. 4. Both were appropriate, as the former was a tribute to everything Hendricks had done to get to this point, celebrating how far he'd come and how many lives he'd touched along the way. And the latter, the last song he would ever conduct, was loud, dramatic, intense, and everything he deserved in his swan song. Between these pieces, Northeast District Governor Marie Burleigh presented Mr. Hendricks with the A. Frank Martin Award for his dedication to college bands. The Omicron chapter at West

by Kasey Bolyard Omicron - ÎšÎšΨ West Virginia University

Virginia University nominated him for this prestigious award as a way of both thanking him for his service to the band programs and wishing him the best of luck as he moves away from the college band world. After the last note of Symphony No. 4 echoed throughout the concert hall, the entire audience was immediately on their feet, cheering Mr. Hendricks through two encores before he jokingly requested that the cheering cease. I've grown up seeing everything Mr. Hendricks has done for music and band programs, I can't think of someone more dedicated or deserving than he. As a young girl I watched him conducting and singing with church choirs and ensembles, and encouraging young musicians along the way, including myself. As a member of the college ensembles, I've seen the same passion and love for music instilled in marching and concert band members alike. He's done nothing but strive for the highest in every way possible, and he inspires everyone who meets him to do the same.



Student NEWS

Fight Club So drama.


hether we want it to take place or not, it happens to the best of us. Our chapter, TBS Beta Nu, came off suspension a year and a half ago, but the way we came flying out the gates you wouldn’t have been able to tell. We had a million and one ideas, and we had every intention of completing every single one of them. While we were able to accomplish quite a few of them, something kept getting in the way of our success- drama. Not only was it drama, but it was the kind that almost got us kicked off campus… again. We just couldn’t seem to figure out the key to not letting small things build and become really big problems. I may not know you personally, but I can almost guarantee that your chapter has had some type of drama in your chapter. Whether your chapter has ten members or 100 members, people are gonna have disagreements and quarrels. Conflict is inevitable. Some chapter may have problems weekly, while others may have it every once in a while. Whichever one describes your chapter, it’s important to know how to combat against drama. I’ve come up with a list of ways to reduce drama in your chapter and to make your bonds even stronger!

1. DON’T: Remain silent.

Remaining silent is one of the quickest ways to have drama blown out of proportion. When people stay silent about issues they have, people tend to get more and more and more upset until the seemingly small issue becomes a massive point of damage. This is what happened to our chapter; people decided to stay quiet about issues and by the time they were brought up things had gotten out of hand. It can be hard to bring up issues, but it’s worth it in the long run.

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by Taylor Hollowell Beta Nu - ΤΒΣ Αrkansas Tech University

2. DO: Find a system that works for your chapter.

A conflict resolution system is a great idea for any chapter! I wish I could tell you which system works best, but honestly it’s gonna be different for everyone. Our chapter had to go through three different systems before we finally found one that fits us, so you may not found your perfect system right away! We have a system now called “Got an Issue? Bring a Tissue!” where we pick three different members each week to speak in front of the chapter. These members have the opportunity to talk about any problems they have with individuals or the chapter as a whole. It keeps feeling out in the open and we’ve been able to solve numerous problems through this system!

3. DON’T: Try resolving things through text message.

This is one of the worst things you can do! So many things could go wrong through text. Things can be interpreted incorrectly, typos can occur, or your issue is just not the thing that needs to be texted about. Always try and talk in person, because this is the quickest and most efficient way to solve problems!

4. DO: Keep an open mind to what people are saying.

I know that this can be a hard thing to do, but sometimes, if involved in conflict, you need to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. Try seeing the problem from both sides! You might be surprised with what you find out.

5. DON’T: Gossip to the entire chapter.

Trust me, I understand how fun gossiping can be, and I’d be lying if I said I’d never done it before. Gossip can be a dangerous game to play though, and will almost always make a situation a hundred times worse. The best thing to do is to try and keep your problem as contained as possible. Keep it between you, the person you’re having problems with, and, if it gets serious enough, your Executive Board.

Fall 2016

8. DO: Forgive and forget.

Sisters and brothers will make you mad sometimes, or you’ll have a disagreement, but the best thing to do is forgive them. I know, I know, this sounds super cheesy, but it really is true. Not only will it make your bond stronger, but it’ll make you feel a lot better too. Don’t bring up past problems; if it happened in the past it belongs in the past. 9. DON’T: Blame. There’s a big difference between solving problems and resolving conflicts, and blaming each other for problems. Your goal should always be to resolve any problems you might have as quickly as possible. Blame will do the exact opposite of this. I believe blame is all in how you approach things, such as your tone of voice and body language. If you accuse someone of something hatefully they’re probably going to get very defensive and things will dissolve. If you need to bring up a problem to a member, make sure you approach things in a calm and collected manner.

We’re all brothers and sisters in the bond, but sometimes being a part of a family is arguing and fighting. It’s good to know, however, that no matter how many problems you have with sisters or brothers, they’re still going to be there for you no matter what. While drama is not ideal, it has a way of making us all closer in Tau Beta Sigma.

6. DO: Utilize your Executive Board.

Don’t be afraid to bring your problems to the higher officers, that’s part of why they’re there! Many people feel like they’re alone when problems happen, but it doesn’t have to be that way. As a member, you have every right to voice opinions and problems to your executive board, so don’t be afraid to talk about things!

7. DON’T: Make a scene.

We are all college aged students, so the last thing people want to see is a scene unfold. This makes everyone uncomfortable, and it can make problems way worse, trust me, I know. Instead of throwing a fit, calm down and take some time to think things through. I can almost guarantee that your opinions will change after you take some time to think things through.




aS v a E WA N E R


There is Beauty in a Rose

On Saturday, July 23rd, the final dedication of the Wava Memorial Garden was held at Stillwater Station with National Officers, District Counselors, and District Officers in attendance. Board of Trustee Chair, Dollie O’Neill, shared words of wisdom and hope. The rose garden was completed with landscaping around the perimeters and benches for reflection. When you visit National Headquarters, you now have a place to reflect on the rich history of our sorority and the greatness of our Foundress,

Wava Banes Turner Henry.

written by Debbie Baker, Board of Trustees 24 24 -- Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Psi Psi & & Tau Tau Beta Beta Sigma Sigma

Fall Fall 2016 2016




26 26 -- Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Psi Psi & & Tau Tau Beta Beta Sigma Sigma

Fall Fall 2016 2016

For more information on this photo, see Page 43!


Generosity of mind, heart and hand…

The Tau Beta Sigma Trust Fund supports valuable, long-term programs of our Sorority. Money raised through the purchase of Life Memberships, the Annual Giving Campaign, 1946 Club, and other fund raising programs are then utilized to provide a variety of opportunities that benefit Tau Beta Sigma and its members.

Randy Kitchens The 1946 Club is a way to support Tau Beta Sigma’s national programs through Marla Lewiski monthly giving. Jonathan Markowski

Yearlong commitments to a monthly donation of $19.46 or more supports the Tau Scott and Carolyn McCambridge Beta Sigma Trust Fund and the programs Wendy McCann support by the fund. Leslie McClure Those who join the campaign receive a special recognition for their support: a 1946 Cathy Miles Club decal & 1946 Club pen. To join the 1946 Club visit Steven Nelson or call National HQ at 405.372.2333. Thank you to all of our 1946 Club Members:

Jean Newman

Stephani Noar

Emily Antsy

Dollie O’Neill

Deborah Baker

Nicole Sanchez

Justin Brady

Kimbi Sigle

Lance Coochyouma

Tiffany Singleton

Lisa Croston

Kelly Sipko

Kelly Eidson

Gwen Fox Stump

Hashawn Epps

Terri White

Dawn Farmer Christopher Foster Leslie Gartin Karon and David Hammond Kathryn Kelly


Fall 2016



EPSILON NU (ΚΚΨ) We’re saddened to announce that James Frederick ‘Jim’ Kierstead died in an accident at his home in Windsor, Massachusetts. Jim was born May 4, 1952, in Washington D.C., and was raised in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his mother, Dorothy Isabel Bird Kierstead, his father, Friend Hans Kierstead, Jr., and sister Dorothygrace Bird Kierstead Kelley. He is survived by his sister, Margaret Rose ‘Margie’ Kierstead, and nephew, Peter Hans Kierstead, of Kent, Ohio, as well as many cousins. Jim studied music at Ohio University and the University of Massachusetts where he played in the marching band. But his love of marching bands started at Cuyahoga Falls High School. After college he continued to play in the University of Massachusetts Minuteman Marching Band, for a total of 39 years. He also played in the Pride Alumni Marching Band of Cuyahoga Falls, at times with his sister Margie, in the yearly Cuyahoga Falls Band Show. Many times he won the award for having traveled the furthest in order to participate which was a point of personal pride. Jim started his employment with the University of Massachusetts after his college studies. He worked in many offices of the University, including the Cooperative Extension Division of Nutrition, now part of the Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment. His employment at the University ended in 2006 as a Bookkeeper for the Dean of the School of Public Health and Health Sciences. He also worked, at times in the Textbook Annex, and helped out the UMMB as a Drill Assistant. Jim’s public service was demonstrated in his activities in his home town of Windsor, Massachusetts. He was an active member of the Windsor Historical Commission and Cultural Council. He was the elected Town Moderator (who runs the town meetings) since 2012, and had served as a Town Assessor. He was the unofficial town historian, as he had a wealth of Windsor Historical Knowledge and was always willing to share. Jim was an animal lover and is survived by his cats Storm and Thunder. Jim took pride in knowing family genealogy, as well as the stories of people’s lives, and even traveled around to photograph family graves in order to preserve the memory of the past. He was also an avid sports fan and delighted in science fiction. Jim lived life to the fullest and was taken too soon. Each year, when he left Ohio, he’d give a cheery, “Until next year!”




Volunteering UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS-PINE BLUFF Volunteering at Coleman Intermediate School helped me understand how much of an impact college students can have on young children, especially when the love of music is involved. On March 9, 2016 the Epsilon Chi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Delta Pi Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma participated in a great leadership opportunity in the community of Pine Bluff for the 4th and 5th grade music classes at Coleman Intermediate School. The brothers and sisters presented musical instruments and even performed a small musical selection chosen from the children themselves. Providing and exposing the young future musicians to an amazing musical experience. Instruments included the Bassoon, Percussion, Tuba, and the Trombone. To see the children smile in such interest in music brought warmth to the soul and the overall experience. This service project has shaped our vision to continue our involvement in service to the organization as well as continue to be great leaders to our Community of Pine Bluff, and Band Program at The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. Be on the lookout for more of the Epsilon Chi Chapter and Delta Pi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. Fraternally Submitted, Bro. Brandon Hogan Epsilon Chi, ΚΚΨ

Hindsight 20/20 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY, DELTA KAPPA (ΤΒΣ) Over the past year, I had the honor to serve Delta Kappa as their President. I began the year with the usual senior ceremony and band camp planning. The chapter summary report was also at the forefront of my concern. At this point in my tenure, I considered the position of President as mainly administrative. However, towards the end of my term I began wishing I had spent more time WITH my fellow sisters. I had been so focused on working FOR them behind the scenes (which was worth it and necessary) but I found myself wishing that I had put more effort into spending time WITH them. Don't get me wrong, I made an effort to include sisterhood activities during our meetings, but considering that our meetings are on Sunday evenings along with various rehearsals our members were less than enthusiastic about taking more time out of their "restful" weekend to participate in forced bonding. Because of this attitude, we began brain storming alternative bonding solutions. Thus, the weekly sisterhood night was born! During the spring semester, I discussed starting a weekly sisterhood night with our Spirit and Sisterhood chair. In recent years our sisters have become more excited about sisterhood so I was very optimistic when starting this project. We only had time for a few events, but the attendance was amazing! Old and newer members attended and continue to be enthusiastic about continuing the program next year. We held a night for scrapbooking our individual pages for the district scrapbook and attended a sister’s senior recital. I’m excited to see how this program grows in the coming year. My love for Tau Beta Sigma has grown exponentially through my service as President. I found myself surrounded by the most caring, enthusiastic, and music loving sisters I could ask for. These sisters have helped shape the leader and sister I am today, and I hope to continue my involvement as an alumnus. My advice for any up and coming President is to not forget about who got you where you are. Your sisters believed in you as a leader and trust you as head of their chapter. Spend time with them and show them your appreciation. Get to know the new sisters and bond further with the older members. You're a family. Never let administrative responsibilities over shadow your love for your family. MLITB Ranie Wahlmeier Delta Kappa, ΤΒΣ

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Fall 2016

Trick-or-Can TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-COMMERCE, EPSILON BETA (ΤΒΣ) The fourth purpose of Tau Beta Sigma is "to encourage a close relationship between collegiate bands and promote a high average of attainment by the performance of good music and selection of worthwhile projects." The performance of good music comes easily with membership in almost any collegiate band program. Our wonderful directors organize our music and performances while we as members of the band prepare as most of us have been taught since middle school. It's the "selection of worthwhile projects" part of the fourth purpose that is up to the leadership within each TBS chapter to determine. "Worthwhile" can be defined as worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance. One of my favorite projects that I've participated in with Epsilon Beta is our "Trick-or-Can" project. This is where, on Halloween night, we invite potential membership candidates to dress up in costumes with us and "Trick-or-Treat" for canned goods to donate to a local food pantry. Is it worth the time? Certainly! We get to bond with sisters and future sisters, all while serving the community. Is it worth the money? Considering it is a free project, yes! Is it worth the effort spent? All we do is figure out a costume and walk around collecting cans for a few blocks, it's not too bad! When we deliver the items we've collected, I'm sure those who utilize the food pantry appreciate what they've been given immensely. Charity work is a value that will always be important. Therefore, I think our "Trick-or-Can" can be identified as a worthwhile project! It's always a memorable time serving the community in silly costumes alongside sisters of Tau Beta Sigma. MLITB, Amy Crone TBΣ- Epsilon Beta

When Desire for Brotherhood Changes Everything WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY, OMICRON (ΚΚΨ) This year has been a roller coaster for the Omicron chapter, kicking off with a major scare and ending with the strongest bonds we've had for as long as any actives can remember. After years of a service-oriented mindset that often left us tired and jaded, the fall semester started with a third of our brotherhood going inactive. It was a hard blow that shook the chapter to its core. Tensions were high for months, and the same large amount of service with dwindling numbers was only making it worse. A first round of applications to join our chapter only brought two interested freshmen to us by the end of September, as opposed to our usual eight to twelve. We started to worry for the long-term survival of the chapter. This was our breaking point—we knew something had to change. We started finding time to spend with each other, talking things out as a chapter, keeping disagreements out of band, and focusing hard on finding and recruiting outstanding bandsmen. It was awkward and uncomfortable at first, as we practically forced ourselves to act like brothers again. But the more we did, the more we realized—or rather, remembered—that we had a few things in common: a sincere love for band and a desire to see each other and our band programs strive for the very highest. Once we had reminded ourselves of why we joined, we came to genuinely care about each other again. When the chapter returned from the Northeast District Convention, a seven hour drive and weekend of nothing but each other, some of us piled into a brother's living room to play cards because we weren't yet ready to go our separate ways. And this focus on brotherhood didn't cause us to slack on service. Instead, service projects have become much more enjoyable and efficient, now that we get along again. On March 13th, we initiated ten incredible new brothers into our chapter, and they've brought fresh enthusiasm and a desire for fellowship and community that are only helping to propel us forward. We started the year afraid for the survival of our chapter, and now we're a family again. As I begin my term at the helm of this incredible chapter, I can't help but be proud of how far we've come, and I'm so excited for us to keep this trend going well into the future. AEA. Kasey Bolyard President Kappa Kappa Psi – Omicron West Virginia University



National News

Kappa Kappa Psi’s National Curriculum

by Yvonne Daye, Evan Thompson, Jessica Lee, and Ken Corbett National Curriculum Development Committee - KKΨ


here are several different calls to action that takes place over the course of a brother’s tenure of being an Active Member of Kappa Kappa Psi. The National Curriculum has been one of the calls in the making since 2013, when Past National President, Christine Beason introduced the idea. Currently, our National Membership Education Program stands as a 2-page framework provided in the Guide to Membership. While the framework is a foundation for a Membership Education Program, the call to action for the National Curriculum is much more than just the framework. The ultimate goal for the National Curriculum is to connect the Active Membership from the beginning of one’s Membership Education Program to our ritual and core values as an organization.

What is a National Curriculum? The purpose of the National Curriculum is to connect Active Members to feel a part of the greater national identity of Kappa Kappa Psi. This curriculum also ensures that chapters are teaching the minimum information on the values of the fraternity while utilizing educational practices to engage Membership Candidates at higher levels of learning. Our intent with this curriculum is to provide a positive and engaging experience that reinforces the purposes, ritual, and mission of Kappa Kappa Psi while bringing to life the National Brand: Musicianship, Leadership, and Service.

What has the committee accomplished? Since the 2015 National Convention in Lexington, Kentucky, the committee has finalized the lesson plan template based on 32 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

the recommendations from the Colonization and Membership Committee with input provided by the Active Members involved. Through the utilization of the Lesson Plan Template, a 7-Week Membership Education Program was created, along with a final recruitment meeting and one post initiation meeting, creating a total of 9 lesson plans. The committee has also created a draft of a Chapter Vice Presidents or Membership Educators Guide.

What the National Curriculum is not… The National Curriculum is not rote memorization and tests. Again, the practices created in this National Curriculum is to engage Membership Candidates at higher levels of thinking utilizing Boom’s Taxonomy to create, evaluate, analyze and apply the concepts introduced in throughout program. Our intent is not to take away from any chapter’s identity. We understand that every chapter is different, through its operations and structure. The committee also understands that every band program is different. This National Curriculum is intended to prepare Membership Candidates to be successful as an active member and to provide a blueprint for chapter Membership Educators to provide a successful Membership Education experience. The program won't work without the chapter’s complete belief in the fraternity’s values. The magic of Disney does not happen without the work of the cast members employed by the company. The success of Membership Education Program is not successful without the complete support of a chapter, whether the chapter membership agrees or disagrees. Without the belief and understanding in the core values of Kappa

Kappa Psi, this Curriculum will not be successful. Each member of the committee has a firm belief in the power of the Active Membership in their ability to carry out the plan to implement National Curriculum through living the values outlined in the Ritual. If this National Curriculum is voted upon at the 2017 National Convention in Orlando, Florida the plan is for all chapters to adopt and implement during the 2017-2018 Academic Year. This is why it is imperative that every chapter has representation during this National Convention. Without the continual questions, challenges, advice, and suggestions from the Active Membership this program would not and will not be what the current active membership of Kappa Kappa Psi wants or needs. We, as a committee believe in going to back to the drawing board if the Active Membership is not ready for the new curriculum. The exciting part about this curriculum is that it is designed to ensure each candidate, regardless of the chapter, is gaining an understanding the fraternity’s expectations during the education process. The curriculum also has the ability to be presented by any chapter and the local flavor or customs of the chapter can be included. Throughout this implementation period, the fraternity, university, state and federal regulations must be followed within and throughout the curriculum implementation period.

The Nitty Gritty: Really, What is this? The committee, much like everyone, has asked the exact same question. Luckily, we as a committee have taken feedback, suggestions, and our own professional

Fall 2016

backgrounds to create what appears to be a seamless National Membership Education Program. The plan is to store the National Curriculum in a secure digital environment that can be accessed and downloaded. The committee believes in the philosophy of an organic curriculum. Organic in the sense of an adjustable curriculum as the Active Membership and National Band Programs evolve.

The National Curriculum will include: - A Membership Educator Manual - A Membership Candidate Manual - A lesson plan template - A bank of activities for chapters to utilize when teaching lesson information - A learning community of Brother Membership Educators across the National to collaborate and share ideas and materials. With the creation of a National Curriculum, it requires the National Guide to Membership to be broken into two new appendices: The Guide to Kappa Kappa Psi National History and the Guide to Kappa Kappa Psi Awards and Programs.

Lesson Plan Overview The current lesson plans stand as follows:

Prospective Member Orientation Meeting In this meeting, the prospective member will review all fraternity national policies and receive an overview of the membership education process.

Lesson 1: Our Work Matters Prospective members will develop

a deep understanding of the national organization of Kappa Kappa Psi through analyzing the Preamble, Creed, and National Brand (Musicianship, Leadership, Service, Brotherhood).

Lesson 2: Our Service Matters In this lesson, candidates will discuss the following topics: the first purpose of Kappa Kappa Psi, band and chapter history, service, and other music/campus organizations that may impact your chapter.

Lesson 3: Our Chapter Matters In this lesson, candidates will discuss the following topics: the officer structure, chapter operations, and national obligations.

Lesson 4: The Art and Science of Leadership Prospective Members will describe the importance of high quality leadership and cultivate an understanding and development of specific styles and skills.

Lesson 5: Musicianship Prospective Members will recognize the importance of individual and collective high quality musicianship in the band program and its relevance to Kappa Kappa Psi’s brand and identity.

Lesson 6: Brotherhood Matters Brothers and Prospective Members will engage in a series of conversations about the relationship between values, brotherhood, leadership, and Kappa Kappa Psi.

organizations of Kappa Kappa Psi.

Lesson 8: Preserving the Honor of Kappa Kappa Psi (Post Initiation) In this lesson, Brothers will review the lessons of the 3rd degree, as well as fraternity jewelry.

What’s next? The committee is soliciting chapters to pilot the program during the Spring 2017 Semester. We currently have a group of chapters already in line to implement during the 2016-2017 Academic Year, but are always looking to seek more. During the 2017 District Convention Season there were be several opportunities to speak with members of the Committee to discuss the progress and feedback from chapters that have or are piloting the program. After revision and solidification from the pilot chapters, the National Curriculum will be presented as a formal proposal to the National Delegation at the 2017 National Convention in Orlando, Florida.

Contact the National Curriculum Committee If there are any questions, concerns or suggestions, please e-mail the committee members at Each of us are looking forward to discussions with the Active Membership over the course of the next academic year to further the development of this curriculum.

Lesson 7: A Lifelong Commitment In this lesson, prospective members will be exposed to the National and District HTTP://PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 33


National Articles

Leaders Matter:

Running for National Office

by Jack Lee National President - KKΨ


et me tell you a story. Let me tell you about a young man that before he was 10 years old, who tried to play his father’s old saxophone. Knowing absolutely nothing about instruments, he attempted to use a small piece of wood on the mouthpiece; you know…a “makeshift” reed! Obviously, this failed miserably. Yet, he did not give up. Instead, when entering the fifth grade, it was time to consider band as an option. The decision was easy: “of course, dad was in band!” Since dad played the saxophone, this young man thought he would change it up a little….he was going to go for the trumpet. However, as fate would have it, when it came down to the ultimate choice, he went with the family decision and signed up to play the saxophone. For eight solid years, this young man performed in concert band and, at the old age of 12, he was entering the seventh grade. You see, in a small school it is possible for seventh and eighth graders to be a part of the high school band. So, in seventh grade he had his first marching season; marching to a Wizard of Oz marching show! This continued for six straight years. Then, with high school graduation, came the time to enroll in college. Now, money was not something that grew on trees (his mother would consistently remind him of this saying). So for the first two years, he attended a two-year college. Of course, he was a part of the band, but this school did not have a marching band. Following the two years, he transfered to the University of Texas at Arlington! This school had an outstanding band program, and this young man was fortunate enough to play in the top ensembles, march with the marching band, and learn from outstanding mentors; mentors that are still an important piece of his life to this day! While at the University of Texas at Arlington, this now not-so-young man 34 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

became great friends with several other musicians. Many of these musicians were part of a band fraternity known as Kappa Kappa Psi. As fate would have it, he voiced his desire to be a part of this, attended rush events, and was offered membership as part of a prospective member class. On March 13, 2005 he was initiated as brother of Kappa Kappa Psi by the Delta Sigma chapter. This was one of the greatest honors!! As time went along, this man finished a bachelor’s degree in music, and started his master’s degree in music education. Throughout all of that, he ran for chapter president. He lost. The following year, he ran again, and he won. The next year, he was convinced by a gentleman that was known as an outstanding alumnus to run for district officer. He ran for Southwest District President, and he won. While district president, he had one of the best opportunities that a developing young leader could ask for – he attended the Kappa Kappa Psi District Leadership Conference. Here, he learned what the national fraternity as about, he met some unbelievable leaders in the organization: governors that were willing to do whatever it took to see student leaders succeed, a national council that was devoted to the fraternity’s continual improvement, a headquarters staff that put their all in to their job each day, and five other district presidents that were definitely better leaders than him. It was now 2009, and he decided that he wanted to offer himself up as a leader to the national fraternity. He ran for Vice President for Student Affairs, and was elected. Two years later the same thing happened, but for Vice President for Programs. Two years following that, he was elected the Vice President for Colonization and Membership. And just one year ago, he stood before the national delegation and was elected the National President of Kappa Kappa Psi. It is a

memory that I will never forget. This story is obviously about me. It is about my time in this fraternity as I have become the 45th National President. Yet, more than that, it is about a dream. A dream that I had years and years ago about one thing – I wanted to be in band, and I wanted to play the saxophone just like my dad did. I was a normal person. There was nothing special about me. Just like each and every one of you that reads this article, I am just a member of the band that had mentors that pushed me to be better than I had been the day before. So why did I tell you my story? I tell you my story so you can see that any of you, any person reading this, or maybe someone that is not reading this but that you know, is capable of running for national office. Sometimes, we just need someone to tell us we can do it. You are all leaders, or your chapter would have never considered giving you a bid for membership. You are all leaders, or your directors would not come to you for the service of your band program. You are all leaders, or you would not even read this article. I am here to tell all of you leaders, right now – you can run for national office. All you need is passion, a willingness to serve, the best interests of the fraternity, and an open mind. If you are considering running, reach out to any member of the national leadership team. They can help answer the questions that you might have. (see Page 9 for the Call for Nominations announcement and info) There is no doubt that we have outstanding leaders at all levels of this Fraternity. My hope is that many of you will think of how you can bring your passion to the national level, and run for an elected position. Leadership matters, because you matter.

Fall 2016

Living the Ideal and Preserving the Legacy of Tau Beta Sigma


here are thousands of reasons why we joined Tau Beta Sigma and even more reasons that we remain entrenched in its purposes and ideals. For 70 years, TBS has been a haven for those committed to band service, leadership development, and community involvement. My reasons for remaining involved include the sense of duty I feel to band and music that I feel have enhanced my life and a love for the ideals we hold so dearly in our organization. Every time we interact with our sisters, every time we work with youth to expose them to music, every time we serve our bands, we are striving to have our legacy live on, both individually and as a larger organization. We should challenge ourselves to not only want to leave a personal legacy, but to make sure we are shining a light to the future members and band music in general. Our mission statement speaks to our belief in equality and diversity. Everyday, we celebrate our differences and understand that by bringing people together of all backgrounds, we build a stronger sisterhood. We also know that by living the Five Qualities and the Eight Essential Factors we strive to be not only exceptional sisters, but exceptional human beings. Just as important as these intangible principles are the more mundane, concrete obligations that also strengthen the organization.

by Dr. Kathryn Garrett Kelly National President - ΤÎ’ÎŁ

District and National Events, participating in National Programs, communicating with your Nation Leadership, scheduling your chapter Visit: All these help to develop leadership within the chapter and exhibit a sense of responsibility and accountability that will undoubtedly help our membership to preform better in the "real world". As we move forward in our work as an organization, let us not forget the basic and most fundamental purpose of Tau Beta Sigma: to serve collegiate bands. I challenge each member of Tau Beta Sigma, no matter your current membership status, to strive for excellence in the things you do within the sisterhood and in your everyday life as to reflect positively on the TBS as a whole. Your positive actions and interactions greatly benefit the sorority by exemplifying what we stand for while projecting our love of music and band. This will in turn solidify our legacy and lead us on the path of growth and continued prosperity with another 70 years of service and sisterhood.

We must remember to prioritize and always put the service we provide to our bands first. Each chapter must work to organize internally and optimize chapter operations so that you leave a strong chapter to those who come after you. Turning in paperwork on time, maintaining a Membership Education Program that is aligned with Sorority Policies, attending HTTP://PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 35


National Articles

For Greater Chapter Visits


have become a weekend warrior. I work 9 to 5 - Monday to Friday providing revenue support to two full service hotels, training for my career progression, and watching Netflix with my cat. However, on Fridays at 5pm I start living my dream: Being a Chapter Visitation Assistant. I pack my book bag with supplies, find a driving playlist, grab a cup of 7/11 coffee and hit the streets to visit with the Sisters and Misters of the Southwest District. I never had the opportunity to serve the Southwest District of Tau Beta Sigma as a District Officer, but I always imagined traveling and visiting chapters, helping them to solve their problems, and assisting the District and National Leadership in any way that I could. I was on Facebook almost a year ago and saw the post on the Tau Beta Sigma Facebook page calling for applicants for District Counselors and Chapter Visitation Assistants. I had a very vague understanding of what the CVA program was about when I applied, but after talking with Dr. Kelly and the other CVA’s it all became clear that it was my dream position. Who would have thought that a few years after dreaming about this as a college senior I would be doing the one thing I have always been called to do? The Chapter Visitation Program was created in the efforts to bring back the face-to-face interaction that has been missing since the discontinuation of the Chapter Field Representative program. During chapter visits a chapter can expect to discuss the successes and struggles they are facing, participate in a few workshops, and to have an open line of communication with the CVA’s on any issues chapters may have. This is a new program for the Sorority, 36 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

by Siobhan L. Wilkes Chapter Visitation Assistant - TBΣ Southwest District outside of their chapter to talk to, to offer advice, and to know that the problem that they may be facing is something that another chapter may be facing as well. I was asked what my “Ah Ha” moment was, and it is simply this: Your question can be answered by another chapter, and no matter the size of the school or chapter, we all face the same things, and are all in this together. I admittedly have told a number of people that I am obsessed with being a Chapter Visitation Assistant. The amount of time I spend preparing for visits, brainstorming questions to ask, and writing notes in my planner means I am truly passionate about what I do, and most of all helping all of you.

and the current CVA’s are molding it to be one that is going to make an impact on the organization. Myself and the 7 other CVA’s, with the help of the district counselors, are out on a mission to meet with you all, get to know what makes your chapter unique, and to assist you with your chapters’ needs. After each visit I have taken so far, I drive away reflecting on the things I discussed with the active membership, and the things I have learned about their chapter. I love finding that something special about the chapters, their goals, and their struggles and in return offering as much advice as I can to help promote action in the months and days ahead. It was not until my last visit this semester that I really understood what the goal of the Chapter Visitation Program was about. Some chapters just need someone

I am excited to continue my journey this coming school year as I visit 6 more chapters across the Southwest and to serve Tau Beta Sigma in the way I have always dreamed.

Fall 2016

“Dear Diary:” The Pro Tips of Completing Stellar National Paperwork

by Erika Pope National Vice President for Communication & Recognition- TBΣ

Dear Diary,


ell…it’s senior year and this is my last first diary entry of the new school year; I can’t believe I’ll be taking the big walk across the stage this coming May. Of course the last few weeks have been filled with getting willingly re-acclimated to a life in 1000-degree weather, a daily wardrobe of sports shorts and bro tanks, intense tan lines, trying to up my Pokémon Go score before the game completely loses it’s hype (I must catch them all…) and getting to know the people we’ll be seeing even more of than our own family members for the next three to six months. I’m having a blast…but man why does it have to be so hot and why can’t “one more time” actually mean just once, lol? #MarchingBandProbs As I’m getting back into the swing of school life, I’ve been taking time to evaluate all of the responsibilities of this year. It will be filled with a lot of new and interesting challenges, but the most prominent of these, is having the privilege of serving as the President of my Tau Beta Sigma Chapter. I still can’t believe it was my name I heard being announced as the President for the 2016-2017 school year and to be honest, freak out mode doesn’t begin to describe the questions that I have running through my head…What do I do now? How in the world did I make it to this place? How do I begin to run a chapter meeting? Do I have something stuck in my teeth as I take the Oath of Office? Whoa girl! Power down, you’ve got things to do… Where to begin? Well I know that a huge part of my responsibilities this year will be to make sure that all of the yearly required National Paperwork for my chapter are completed correctly and turned in on time

by their deadlines. Let me see if I’ve got them all…there’s the Chapter Summary Report, the Chapter Personnel Report (Where we make it rain with our chapter dues…), the Fall Activity Report and just like Pokémon Go…I must complete them all…commence game plan now… Chapter Summary Report • What R’ the facts?: Well it’s due on June 1st and from what I can tell, it summarizes all of what we did during that year including our chapter finances from the beginning to the ending balances, chapter operations, how we participated in National Programs, our Membership Education Program, etc. Hmm…note to self, I’m thinking I better not tackle this one (… or any other national report…) all by my lonesome! • Pro Tip: I’m gonna talk to the chapter treasurer about our finances, get with our chapter VP of Membership to get the facts about our MEP and during the entire year, remember to keep a diary/record (…I’m already a pro at this…) of all the activities that we complete as a chapter, this way I can just copy and paste the ones that are applicable to our National Programs, directly into that part of the report. LEVEL COMPLETE!!! Chapter Personnel Report • Dem’ Facts: Everything has to be completed and turned in no later than September 30th…The “everything” includes a DOB AND Sponsor approved report in the Online Membership Reporting System (Codename: OMRS), all of the chapter dues ($100 per member), our chapter fee ($75) and the CPR summary page printed from the OMRS signed by each of the chapter members paying dues (#MagicLines). Oh and then there’s the matter of making sure that we have completed a mandatory AntiHazing Workshop for our whole chapter…

after all, if we sign on the lines and turn it in, we’re basically saying that we’ve done this… so we should make it happen. • Pro Tip: We will most definitely have to get started on this process early, so we’re not waiting till the last minute to get documents approved by our Sponsor and our DOB…also…There’s 25 of us chapter members…that’s $2,575 we need to send to National Headquarters. $2,575 in cash in the Mail = BAD Check or Money Order for $2,575 = GOOD Fall Activity Report • The Facts: Due on December 1st, completed and approved by our Sponsor and DOB. i.e.: What did we do during the fall semester? Well this report will be the place that we talk about it. National Programs, ways to improve as a chapter, membership education program…no stone unturned into what our chapter did during the fall semester…Got it! • Pro Tip: Hmm…I’m getting the familiar feeling that my approach to the Chapter Summary Report might be applicable to completing this report. Whenever possible…Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V… makes the world go ‘round, yes! Alright, I think I’ve got this paperwork stuff on lock down and I hope my fellow chapter presidents around the nation will have a good grasp of the process too! But one thing is for sure, that if there’s anything that doesn’t make sense, reaching out to our District Counselors and National Officers is definitely the way to go and early on! Till next time diary, Sarah Fagretaband :)



National Articles

by Zac Humphrey National Vice President for Student Affairs - ΚΚΨ


id you know that Kappa Kappa Psi has a podcast? Throughout the spring, the national council promoted the idea for a fraternity podcast to replace the existing VPSA student chats. We wanted to come up with a way to reach more of you, as well as provide a lasting resource that is available in an ongoing fashion. This has been a long process, but over the summer, we put out an initial eight episodes to act as a teaser for what was to come. You can find those episodes as well as more current episodes by searching for Kappa Kappa Psi Presents on iTunes, the Google Play store, or Stitcher. To get started listening, scan one of these QR codes: iTunes

Google Play


New episodes will be available throughout the school year. As this is a new project, the exact timing may be subject to change, but the goal is to put out a new episode each week while school is in session. The content of the episodes will range from national leadership introductions and general chapter-related topics, to deadline

reminders and fraternity history. With this new venture, we do not want to lose the two-way conversation that was fostered with the VPSA student chats. As this has grown organically out of those chats, we are looking to take suggestions on topics for episodes as well as answer any questions that are submitted. We are also looking at ways to utilize social media to have real-time conversations that are recorded and published via the podcast. Keep an eye out for more details in the coming weeks. To submit to the podcast presently, send an email to kkpsipresents@, reach out on Facebook (www., or Twitter (@ ZacHumphrey47 or @KappaKappaPsi).


Gamma Delta 38 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

Jasmine Pulliam

Theta Alpha

Jennifer Stephenson

Ashley Williams

Epsilon Epsilon Lambda Gamma

Fall 2016

Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association Spotlight: 2016 TBSAA Grant Winner and Gold Star Club Members

The alumni of Tau Beta Sigma are doing amazing work supporting music programs across the country.


he Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association recently announced the recipient of the 2016 TBSAA Grant: Jennifer Villarreal, alumna of the Beta Zeta chapter at Stephen F. Austin State University. Jennifer is a native of San Antonio, Texas, and currently serves as the district flute instructor in Roma Independent School District in Texas, and teaches at Roma High School, Roma Middle School, and Ramiro Barrera Middle School. Jennifer’s grant proposal sought to assist with the cost of bringing a clinician to the district for the Fall 2016 Semester. Being 4 hours away from the closest metropolitan area, the Roma band program lacks in direct, regular contact with the available band professionals. The TBSAA’s grant will assist provide funding for a clinician to travel to South Texas and help her students become better musicians. The TBSAA Executive Council would like to thank all of the grant program applicants.

n it's first summer of existence, the TBSAA Gold Star Club has already set a high bar for alumni participation. Created as a way for alumni Sisters to maximize their alumni participation, the TBSAA Gold Star Club enters the Fall of 2016 with over 50 members! Gold Star Club members receive recognition in the Podium and the Rhapsody, a special commemorative gift in time for the holiday season, increased participation with the TBSAA Executive Council and TBSAA committees, and special event invitations, including a private reception at National Convention.

We thank all of the members of the inaugural Gold Star Club! Emily Anstey, Eta Gamma Debbie Baker, Beta Xi Kwinton Baylor, Alpha Omicron Justin Brady, Epsilon Meredith Brazzell, Theta Lambda Kimberly Burrell, Epsilon Lambda Sue Robash Carr, Delta Delta Angela Chin, Omega Leslie Cooper, Epsilon Psi Lisa Croston, Alpha Julia Davis, Zeta Beta Camille Dhennin, Zeta Xi Amanda Dickson, Gamma Nu Emily Dixon, Iota Lambda Jason Dornbush, Zeta Nu Harmona Epps, Zeta Mu Chris Foster, Tau Gwyn Fox Stump, Epsilon

Justin Brady

ΤΒΣ Alumni Association Executive Council Chair

Tim Greenwell, Zeta Delta Anthony Greer, Zeta Alpha Alan Harriet, Gamma Epsilon Valeria Hicks, Zeta Mu Sonia Holliday, Zeta Mu Katie Langley, Psi Jada Westmoreland Lee, Zeta Mu LaShandra Little, Zeta Kappa Rene Mark, Beta Xi Jonathan Markowski, Delta Delta Heather Marshall, Theta Psi Carolyn McCambridge, Alpha Xi Scott McCambridge, Zeta Alpha Wendy McCann, Tau Leslie McClure, Zeta Alpha LaSandra McGhee, Zeta Mu Rhonda McKinney, Zeta Rho Vanessa McPherson, Epsilon Kappa Monika Monk, Epsilon Sigma Eric Morson, Gamma Kappa Ovura Murphy, Theta Kappa Dollie O'Neill, Psi Maisha Paggett, Zeta Mu Adrienne Rall, Theta Mu Katie Rixon, Theta Theta Kati Routh, Alpha Chi Jennifer Ryder, Epsilon Chi Nicole Sanchez, Delta Eta Michael Scheidegger, Alpha Delta Jennifer Scott, Alpha Scott Sergeant, Eta Nu Sharae Sharp, Theta Pi Zara Simpson, Beta Eta Rebekah Tarplin, Iota Nu Kat Tribulski, Zeta Upsilon Kathy Webster, Epsilon Beta Terri White, Eta Delta La'Tyra Willis, Zeta Mu Kris Wright, Omega Tyra Yiare, Eta Delta



National Articles

Join The KKPsi Alumni Assocation


ere we are, at the beginning of another Fall semester, and the second half of the 201517 biennium. You may be overwhelmed by what your calendar shows you as life ramps back up with a new school year, but you have a support system to help you through: your Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi. Keeping Kappa Kappa Psi in the equation after becoming an Alumni is something that thousands before and after you have contemplated. Alumni is a title you’ll carry for decades longer than you were an Active, and you won’t walk alone when you assume this life-long role. Now is the time to learn about the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association, and how we can support you in keeping the Fraternity a prominent part of your life. Attending at least one of the six District Conventions in March and April and the National Convention next July are excellent opportunities to experience the programming that the KKPsiAA has created for Active and Alumni Brothers. This is the gateway to continuing to growing your KKPsi family throughout the country. Our membership is comprised of all ages, industries, lives across the nation, and has made the same huge leap to being an Alumni as you’ve made. Your membership in the KKPsiAA grants you the ability attend District and/or National Conventions, so assuring that you keep your membership current is a priority as you make your travel plans. You’ll also be able to connect with the 25+ Chapter, Regional, and District Local Alumni Associations spanning the country that the KKPsiAA supports. These are important groups that are providing

40 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

the chance to serve the bands, network, and create new friendships - all vital parts of being a connected and involved Alumni. If there is not already a Local Alumni Association established where you have landed, we will gladly guide you through the process of starting one. We’re looking to establish Regional LAAs in larger metropolitan areas such as Philadelphia, Boston, Orlando, Dallas/Ft. Worth, and Los Angeles. We would love to bring the North Central District AA back to life as well. No matter what town you call home, Kappa Kappa Psi can continue to be an integral part of your life. The Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association is here to help you make that happen. Should you have questions about the Alumni Association or our programs, please contact the Alumni Association Board of Directors via email at alumni@ Have a wonderful and productive season!

by Alison Beidler Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association Chair, Board of Directors Membership Director

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Fall 2016

Why we have a Month of Musicianship and how YOU can make it successful this year

by Marco Krcatovich National Vice President for Programs - KKΨ


s brothers, we are dedicated to our purposes, values, our ritual, and each other. That’s why we are more than a club or the Band Geeks Alliance. We are a family that strives to live up to a shared purpose. Programs, like the Month of Musicianship, are a reminder that striving often involves work. Even from the first days of Kappa Kappa Psi, each brother has had to work hard to improve, and that work is best accomplished side by side. The Month of Musicianship started as a recognition that we need to celebrate music and improve as musicians if we want to live up to our ritual. Since its start, we have watched more and more chapters integrate music into their celebration of our anniversary as a fraternity and throughout the month. Each November, we come together and encourage each other to increase our appreciation for music. That may be attending concerts as a chapter, working to pack a concert hall with students from across campus, or setting up special opportunities for campus musical performances. We increase our own musical appreciation as musicians through a dedication to practice and performance, chapter recitals, campus reading bands, or other activities. We elevate music as a worthy art by bringing more awareness to musical opportunities and performances within your campus and town, engaging with future musicians supporting the next generation of college musicians, and taking extra time to show appreciation to the directors, staff, and conductors who guide and support us as musicians.

Every chapter is encouraged to develop and participate in as many activities as possible to celebrate and support music and musicianship. My challenge to you is to create one new chapter activity this year and have five chapter activities in total – one for each week of the month. I also challenge you to post them to social media, send those photos and videos to me ( to pass on to the brotherhood, and write a Podium article about your experience. Don’t forget that your FALL ACTIVITY REPORT will ask you for the activities that you completed during the Month of Musicianship, so you don’t want to leave that section blank! The Month of Musicianship is a partnership between myself, as National Vice President of Programs, and Zac Humphrey, our incredible National Vice President for Student Affairs. In that partnership, we have decided that one month of celebration is not enough! Look out for more notices as we expand our celebration months to focus on other pillars of our fraternity and shared brotherhood.



National Articles

Alaina Peters

Beta Omicron (Alumni) - KKΨ Arizona State University


Hi, my name is Alaina Peters and I am one of your new Chapter Field Representatives for Kappa Kappa Psi. As a Chapter Field Representative (CFR for short), I travel the country meeting with officers and chapters to help develop leadership and improve service to college band programs. When I’m not on the road, I work at National Headquarters. I moved to Stillwater in late May 2016, and I am eager to start visiting chapters in September.

Who Am I?


ome quick facts about me: I am originally from Olympia, Washington, but went to Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona for college. I studied music education while also studying clarinet pretty seriously; even though teaching is my primary passion, performing is a close second! In Spring 2013, I was initiated into the Beta Omicron chapter at ASU. On the chapter level, I served as President and Secretary, and I also presented a workshop and chaired a committee for the Western District my senior year. The most important skill I learned in my experiences as an Active member is how to appreciate people for the diverse talents and personalities they bring to their band communities. It goes without saying that a typical college experience challenges you to consider different perspectives, but when your chapter has 50-80 Active members (and is located at one of the largest universities in the country), you get Brothers with drastically different backgrounds, majors, and skills. Any of my chapter Brothers could tell you that my favorite leadership quote is by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Everybody can 42 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

be great because everybody can serve.” This really hits home to me because everyone in our organization, whether it’s the first day of their prospective process or their last day as a chapter officer, has the potential to contribute to our chapters and bands in some unique way. I’m honored to have been given this opportunity to serve on the National level, and I hope to be able to guide other Brothers searching for ways to lead and serve.

Looking Ahead

This semester, I start out visiting some local chapters in Oklahoma and Arkansas, before making a longer journey out to the Northeast and North Central Districts to visit chapters near Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. I’ll wrap up my semester by spending a month in the grand state of Texas. All in all, that’s 27 chapters and over 6,000 miles of driving! I’m looking forward to learning from all the Brothers I meet with and gaining great ideas to share with other chapters… as well as exploring some new areas of the country along the way!

Fall 2016

Justin Chesak Gamma Iota (Alumni) - KKΨ University of New Mexico


Hitting The Road


s the fall semester begins at college campuses across the country, we have at last reached September. In Stillwater, this means a few things: the start of football season, processing Personnel Reports and dues, and the CFRs hitting the road to make our first round of visits. Some of you reading this article may be asking yourself what the CFR position entails, and what I can do for your band programs.

CFR = Chapter Field Representative

The CFR Position is a paid position that works for Kappa Kappa Psi. We are in charge of having direct contact with (ideally) all 214 chapters (and all colonies that may exist) in the nation each biennium. Our motto is “To inquire, to analyze, to instruct, and to inspire ”We’re not coming to your chapter because you are in trouble; I refer to a visit as a check-up to make sure everything is going ok and offer feedback wherever it may be needed. Typically CFRs will be on the road for most of September, October and November. This means living out of our cars, staying in lots of hotels, enjoying the company of brothers and sisters across the country, and savoring the simple joys of a home cooked meal whenever and wherever we can. For the fall semester I’m scheduled for 25 chapter visits and 1 colony visit which equates to travelling over 7,000 miles.

How can a CFR visit help the __________ Chapter?

One thing I particularly enjoyed about receiving CFR visits as an active member was that you had a fresh set of eyes and ears to shoot ideas by; someone to give you an honest assessment of a chapter program, MEP, fundraising idea, or any idea about your chapter. Another common activity during a visit is for CFRs to facilitate discussions about important chapter topics or something that might be overlooked. Again, we’re not coming to your school because you’re in trouble. Our goals while we are there is to enhance your capacity to provide service to your band program, to enhance the chapters leadership, and search for more opportunities to increase the musicianship of the chapter.

About Me

holding both chapter and district offices, as well as, attending 5 district conventions and the 2015 National Convention in Lexington. In my spare time I love riding my motorcycle, hiking in the great outdoors, or playing a good video game.

Where am I going?

In the fall, I will be visiting chapters in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Oklahoma. I’m really looking forward to the entire experience from seeing the cultural differences in each chapter and district, experiencing some big cities, good football schools, and some of the delicious food that is offered around the country. More than all of that, I look forward to opportunity of being able to meet and be inspired by the brothers and sisters of our organization on a daily basis.

Well if you haven’t guessed by the (hopefully) flattering photo attached to this article, that’s me, and I’m Justin Chesak. I was originally born in El Paso, Texas but raised in a decent sized Albuquerque suburb known as Rio Rancho, or Rio for short. I attended college at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, where I studied Political Science. I was also a member of the UNM Spirit Marching Band and Soundpack as a Baritone or Tuba player. In December 2011, I was initiated into the Gamma Iota Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, and as an active member was very involved in the fraternity



One Life to Share Debbie Baker

ΤΒΣ Board of Trustees


s we go through the maze of life, we must remember we only have one life to live. Even more importantwe have one life to share. To say that Stan Finck shared his life would be an understatement. Stan Finck made his life stand for something every single day. He is a true legend for Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi. Stan Finck was the Director of Bands at Kansas State University, and was elected National President of Kappa Kappa Psi in 1991. Under his leadership, the Kappa Kappa Psi National Council acquired Stillwater Station to serve as the National Headquarters and instituted a Chapter Development Program. Mr. Finck assisted with the interviews and selection of the first Chapter Field Representative, Casey Blankenship. Stan’s two most important qualities were his insistence for joint relationship between the two organizations and his passion for the National Intercollegiate Band. There was never a moment or doubt to Stan that neither organization should stand alone. He believed in the need for both organizations. His desire for this was evident upon his passing. Stan left a portion of his estate to Kappa Kappa Psi to be used for the National Intercollegiate Band for both organizations. This account will be the beginning of the National Intercollegiate Band Endowment which will sustain the NIB for both Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi in perpetuity. To continue this endowment moving forward the Tau Beta Sigma Board of Trustees made a donation to the account in the amount of $10,000. What a great way to begin. Watch this Fall and future semesters how you can be a part of the National Intercollegiate Band endowment and honor the legacy of Stan Finck.

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“Stan Finck truly appreciated everyone around him no matter what. His focus was always on what was best for his students and his network of professional colleagues and friends was extensive. Stan loved both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma and served as a role model for all of us.” -Tim Greenwell “Stan was a friend to all. A Sister, a Brother, a kind hearted man who saw the good in all, included everyone and made friends everywhere he went. He showed us all what a kind, generous man was. He loved both Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi and lived the Ritual words every day. Stan was the man and I miss him!!” -Jean Newman “When I think of Stan my first feelings are one of great kindness and respect. I think back to the things my mom told me about Frank Martin, F. Lee Bowling and J. Lee Burke, so many more. And then there was Stan- an outstanding representative of the fraternity, most importantly I know he was a beloved music educator. A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to meet a gentlemen who was the director of bands at a small Lutheran college, in his bio was the name of his previous directors and private lesson teachers, to my great surprise I see Stan's name. I told him I knew him, we immediately had a bond.” -Karon Miller Hammond “Stan was always full of joy and love. He adored percussion and loved when percussion sections were clever. He dances on the clouds for all of the drum lines and their popularity. But my most personal happy places with him were in conversations about his pure glee of the National Intercollegiate Band and the role Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma play in it. He adored both organizations alike and was a stout supporter of both. Stan didn't like conflict. But he loved friendships. I'm so honored that both Mr. Miles and myself were counted in his vast list of friends.” -Cathy Miles

Fall 2016



IOTA OMICRON (ΚΚΨ) By Garrett Price via

William A. Gora, longtime music educator and professor emeritus at the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University, died July 16 at age 69 in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Gora was an accomplished saxophonist and traveled extensively during the course of his life performing and teaching the instrument. Jay Jackson, associate dean at the Hayes School of Music, described Gora as a mentor and friend whose contributions to ASU’s music programs were incomparable. “When you say a person is a great musician, what you are saying is that person is able to express themselves through music, while at the same time representing the composer’s intentions and with great faculty and emotional pathos,” Jackson said. “That was Bill — whether it was the playing the saxophone, or rehearsing the jazz band or wind ensemble. Those ensembles made fine music, and that was Bill’s passion.” During his career, Gora earned a host of accolades and achievements, including a stint performing with the North Carolina Symphony and the Modesto Symphony Orchestra in California. A ceremony in Gora’s memory will be held at 3 p.m. Oct. 2 in the Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts, as part of the Appalachian State University Wind Ensemble’s annual Fall Concert. A portion of that performance will honor Gora with the playing of repertoire of his choosing accompanied by remarks by many of his colleagues and students. According to Jackson, Gora is survived by his wife, Virginia, and children Jennifer, Robert and David. He was also the grandfather to Xander and Graham. Those who knew him also knew he loved his students with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind, a spokesman for the family said. In lieu of flowers sent to the family, donations may be made to the William A. Gora Principal Player scholarship in care of the ASU Foundation, P.O. Box 32014, Appalachian State University, Boone, N.C. 28608.







How To Fundraise For Your Band

With The Right Content

Fundraising is a necessary practice for band programs across the country, especially those that see their budgets dwindling. Programs that see success in fundraising translate the interest they have gained from performances into donations. Investing in brand building and communication is the best way to reach potential donors. If you want to fundraise with any success in 2016 and beyond, you need to invest in your logo(s), visual brand identity, social media, and overall communication strategy. Capitalizing on the power of your brand and communicating with clarity maximizes the effect of your effort. Your band program has multiple potential sources of revenue. You can sell merchandise to fans and alumni. That merchandise can have your (hopefully) high quality logo, or another custom design, printed on it. Having people buy something with your emblem on it serves two purposes: 1. You will get the revenue from the sales. 2. They become walking advertisements every time they wear that article of clothing or use that branded product. Alumni want something they can wear and share with pride. Parents want something they can wear to support their children. Fans want something that shows others what band they like. You must learn how to project the personality of your band program. The more people are invested in your success, 46 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

the more likely they are to donate, volunteer, and promote you. Every concert you host should be promoted with visuals that entice people to attend. When reaching out to fans and alumni, make sure your message is tailored to your target audience and the particular platform you’re using. Have a brochure that showcases the impact of your program past & present with ways to contribute to the future. Send that brochure to potential donors and have a downloadable version for those who want to share with friends and family. I received a brochure along with a letter from the band I marched in and love, the Blue & Gold Marching Machine. It encouraged me to join the “Elite 100” by giving $100 to the band. Becoming a member of the “Elite 100” earns you certain gifts to show the world you gave and to whom you have given. On Facebook, they announce who’s joined, which motivates others to join that number. Alums have coordinated with others they marched with to give jointly and help promote the fundraising effort. It has been so exciting to see the momentum. “Have you given?” is a common question that I’ve heard this summer. That’s the question you want your network of potential donors to ask one another. In addition, your presentation matters. When recording your performances, do your best to get the best audio and video. When posting your video clips, have your band’s logo be in a bottom corner throughout. Have your logo at the beginning and end, where there should be ways to follow your band’s story on social media. The presentation of your

performance can pull people in and create new fans. People want to see great bands. Underfunded band programs can use their great performances to highlight the need for donations to maintain that greatness. If you have specific needs that you are fundraising, produce videos that put those needs on display. Need scholarship money? Show and tell the stories of band members puttting in work. Need new instruments? Make a video showcasing dilapidated instruments and students struggling with them. Video is an incredibly powerful tool worth exploring. Consider producing a special disc of the highlights from each season with special features. All of this, including your history and style, is your identity. Like any other nonprofit, business, or personal brand, you need to establish yourself within the community. Your identity should be it’s own, underneath the umbrella of your school. I’m not just an alumnus of North Carolina A&T State University who happened to be in the band. I am a loyal alumnus of the award-winning Blue & Gold Marching Machine of North Carolina A&T. The “BGMM” is a representative of the school. However, when they march down the street, there is no doubt who is coming. There is Southern University but there is also the Human Jukebox. There is Jackson State but there is also the Sonic Boom of the South. There are bands I knew of in high school well before I knew anything about the school. Investing in your identity can elevate you to new heights and in those heights lies possibilities.

- Robert D. Bratcher

Fall 2016

The official publication of Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma



President Jack D. Lee, III, 129 Continental Lane, Hillsboro, TX 76645; Phone: 817.729.5841;

President Kathryn G. Kelly, M.D., 712 Symphony Woods Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20901; Phone: 202.549.9557;

Vice President for Colonization & Membership Evan Thompson, 16 Hilliard Drive, Sumter, SC 29150; Phone: 803.840.4418;

Vice President for Colonization & Membership Jonathan L. Markowski, 98 Colonial Rd., Abington, MA 02351-1618; Phone: 339.793.0003;

Vice President for Programs Marco Krcatovich, II, 1 University Parkway, Room G337, University Park, IL 60484; Phone: 616.499.5019;

Vice President for Special Projects Adrienne Rall, 3703 14th Ave., Kearney, NE 68845; Phone: 308.708.0737;

Vice President for Student Affairs Zac Humphrey, 2310 9th St N, Apt 204, Arlington, VA 22201; Phone: 740.405.8025;

Vice President for Communications & Recognition Erika Pope, 3236 Spring Cove Circle, Memphis, TN 38119; Phone: 501.416.1191;

Vice President for Professional Relations Dr. Douglas F. Stotter, PO Box 19105, Arlington, TX 76019-0105;

Vice President for Professional Relations Beth Bronk, 1000 W. Court St., Seguin, TX 78155; Phone: 830.372.6028;

KKΨ Alumni Association Chair Alison Beidler, 524 W. Uwchlan Ave. Downingtown, PA 19335; Phone: 610.442.7040;

TBΣ Alumni Association Chair Justin Brady, 657 10th Ave, Apt 20 New York, NY 10036; Phone: 618.210.2201;

Immediate Past President Christine F. Beason, 1308 Anglican Dr., Arlington, TX 76002; Phone: 817.876.3990;

Immediate Past President Nicole C. Sanchez, Ph.D., 1608 79th Street, Lubbock, TX 79423; Phone: 361.945.1315;

Board of Trustees Rod M. Chesnutt, Ph.D., Chair; Adam Cantley, Vice Chair; Eric B. Morson; Malinda M. Matney, Ph.D.; Danny A. George; Christine Beason, Immediate Past President; Jack Lee (ex-officio)

Board of Trustees Dollie A. O’Neill, Chair; Kathy Godwin, Vice Chair; Debbie Baker; Lisa R. Croston; Carolyn McCambridge; Dawn Farmer, Ph.D.; Nicole C. Sanchez, Ph.D., Immediate Past President; Janet West Miller (Life); Kathryn G. Kelly, M.D. (ex-officio)



Midwest Denali D. Pearce-Alt, 177 Lee Dr. Liberty, MO 64068-2222; Phone: 816.308.9418; Anthony M. Falcone, 220 Westbrook Music Bldg, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0102; Phone: 402.472.1643;

Midwest Leslie K. Gartin, 408 New Salem Road Marshalltown, IA 50158; Phone: 641.751.2226; Zack T. Rebarchek, 445 Eisenhower Dr., A316B3 Lawrence, KS 66049; Phone: 913.671.9486;

North Central Jason A. Mlady, 4254 N Mozart Apartment 3S Chicago, IL 60618; Phone: 765.357.4568; Tammi J. Ramsey, 2453 Birch Bark Trl Grove City, OH 43123; Phone: 330.421.7844;

North Central Carrie M. Webster, 110 Harmony Ave. East Peoria, IL 61611; Phone: 630.818.6588; Kellie M. Leitz, 5757 Mt. Vernon Drive Milford, OH 45150; Phone: 513.702.2890;

Northeast Marie Burleigh, 1807 N. 23rd St, Clarksburg, WV 26301-1530; Phone: 304.669.9280; Michael Napolitano, 70 Kent Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590; Phone: 845.214.5542;

Northeast Anthony B. Barbir, 2310 9th St N Apt 204, Arlington, VA 22201; Phone: 925.765.4061; Allison M. Leemann,180 Ravine Drive Matawan, NJ 07747; Phone: 908.461.0899;

Southeast Latrondrick Hunter, 2110 Sullivan Road, Huntsville, AL 35810; Phone: 256.698.7043; Dr. Craig Aarhus, Mississippi State University, PO Box 6162, Mississippi State, MS 39762; Phone: 662.325.2713;

Southeast Stephen K. Burt, 595 W Church St. Apt 837, Orlando, FL 32805; Phone: 843.509.3458; Lee Commander, 206 Wheatherbine Way W, Tallahassee, FL 32301; Phone: 850.843.3630;

Southwest Toni Castle, 3755 FM 1694 Robstown, TX 78380; Phone: 361.549.0035; Kalem O. Graham, PO Box 1414 Langston, OK 73050; Phone: 540.664.1702; Clinton J. Wieden, 7301 SW Lee Blvd. Apt. 518 Lawton, OK 73505; Phone: 405.714.3181;

Southwest Donnelle' Mitchell, 5337 N. MacArthur Blvd Apt 1118 Irving, TX 75038; Phone: 903.747.0029; Kathy Webster, 1610 East Highway 67 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455; Phone: 214.546.1397;

Western Charlene A. Ronne, 1647 Belleville WayApt #O Sunnyvale, CA 94087; Phone: 310.560.1653; Lance A. Coochyouma, PO Box 461 Higley, AZ 85236; Phone: 928.606.0350;

Western Meghan Fay Olswanger, 2732 N. Vallin Ave, Meridian, ID 83646; Phone: 909.215.6011; Vanessa McPherson, 8523 Paradise Valley Rd Apt 238 Spring Valley, CA 91977; Phone: 619.227.5222;



Don’t forget to notify the PODIUM of your new address

National Headquarters Kappa Kappa Psi Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Fraternity/Sorority P.O. Box 849 Stillwater, OK 74076-0849

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Complete above and return with old address label to: Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma P.O. Box 849, Stillwater, OK 74076-0849

PODIUM & BATON INDEXING PROJECT The Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma history and archives teams are excited to announce a project to index the joint publication of our organizations, The Podium. The Baton is the early year’s publication for Kappa Kappa Psi and is included in this indexing project. The history of our organizations comes alive when you look back at older editions of the publications. As part of the process to document the history of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, we are embarking on this project now so that by 2019 we will be in the position to provide a documented history of our organizations. If you would like to assist in this project, please contact Aaron Moore at You will be able to do this indexing on your on time and schedule. You will be asked what edition of the Podium or Baton you would like to index (possibly the years you were an active member). We will send you that edition as a PDF document, along with an Excel file to document the issue, instructions, and an example issue. Thank you for supporting Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. We hope you will see the value in this project and commit to indexing one or more issues.

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