The Podium Spring 2018

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o f f i c i a l p u b l i c at i o n o f k a p p a k a p p a p s i & t a u b e t a s i g m a



CALENDAR OF EVENTS March 9 - 10 • Northeast District Convention, Virginia Tech University Blacksburg, VA

STAFF Publisher/National Executive Director HQ Office Manager & National Accountant HQ Membership Services Coordinator Chapter & Colony Education Coordinator Alumni, Historical, & Development Coordinator Publications Manager & Multimedia Designer Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representative Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representative

Steve Nelson Di Spiva Debbie Morris TJ Tooley Aaron Moore Robert Bratcher Justin Chesak Alaina Peters

MAILING ADDRESS The PODIUM National Headquarters Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma P.O. Box 849 Stillwater, OK 74076-0849 (405) 372-2333 e-mail:

April 13 - 15 • Southwest District Convention, Howard Payne University Brownwood, TX • Southeast District Convention, Charleston, SC May 1 • Online deadline for articles being submitted to the Fall 2018 issue of The PODIUM • Submission & postmark deadline for ΤΒΣ National Scholarship applications


June 1 • On-time deadline for Chapter Summary Reports

Articles must be prepared using common word processing software or submitted by e-mail. Photographs must have captions attached with all individuals identified. Detailed author’s guidelines can be found on the NHQ web site at:

June 15 • On-time National Convention registration deadline

DEADLINES Fall issue Spring issue

April 6 - 8 • North Central District Convention, Illinois State University Normal, IL • Midwest District Convention, Missouri State University Springfield, MO • Western District Convention, Fresno, CA

July 1 • KKΨ Awards Deadline

May 1 December 1

September 30 (October 15 for Quarter Schools) • Submission & postmark deadline for KKΨ & TBΣ Chapter Personnel Reports, signed summary page and fees

The PODIUM is produced at the National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma in Stillwater, Okla., and printed and mailed by Modern Litho-Print, Jefferson City, Mo.

December 1 • Online deadline for Fall Activity Reports • Deadline for articles to be submitted to the Spring 2019 issue of The PODIUM o f f i c i a l p u b l i c at i o n o f k a p p a k a p p a p s i & t a u b e t a s i g m a

On the Cover: The cover of this issue is a custom illustration of drum majors by Robert Bratcher. The concept (and pose of the drum majors) comes from a photo of the drum majors of the Prairie View A&M University Marching Storm.

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Spring 2018

10 4 From The Executive Director 5 Expansion & Membership 34 National Leadership 40 In Loving Memory 6 Beta Gamma

Alumni Weekend Anna Lassman

8 Still Striving

Bobby Rushing, Jr.

9 The Road to

Convention Katy Reed, Anna Howell, Katie Klipstein, Maggie Miller, & Olivia Talmadge

10 The Marching Storm's NYC Takeover Edgar Contreras & Savannah Sargent

14 Five Bands,

Five Experiences of a Lifetime Viet Nguyen

16 The Gator Band’s

48 Hour Adventure In Dallas Greta Gallina

18 Celebrating 30




20 What Brotherhood Means to Delta Sigma Nicholas Thomas

21 Reaching Out Keith Pringle

22 Musicians

Generation to Generation Courtney Martin

years: A Reunion for Band and Brotherhood 23 Giving a Small Mariessa Robles Band a Big Sound Haven Graham 19 50th Anniversary 24 Boh’s Ring and of Gamma Tau and the Fraternal Spirit Epsilon Beta Steve Nelson Hannah Wilson National Executive Director

32 Starting a New Chapter of Life Alaina Peters

Chapter Field Representative

33 The Challenge of Change Justin Chesak

Chapter Field Representative

34 A Brotherhood, Not a Club Marco Krcatovich, II National VPCM, ΚΚΨ

36 AKA:

Empowerment Siobhan Wilkes National VPCR, ΤΒΣ

38 Come Home to KKΨAA Daniel Miller

Chair, Board of Directors ΚΚΨ Alumni Association PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 3



Writers Wanted!

The National Headquarters accepts the Podium submissions via e-mail at and online at In order to make processing of articles easier please use the following format: Remember that articles must be received by May 1 for the fall issue and December 1 for the spring issue. Within the subject line include "Podium Article for (your) Chapter." Feature articles should be 1-2 pages, not including photos. You can figure 600 words per page, so a 2-page article would be about 1,200 words. Try to keep your article to a multiple of 300 words, with a 600 word/1-page minimum. Fraternity/sorority-wide news items should be one-half page/300-word minimum, not including photo(s). Chapter news items should be one-quarter page/150-word minimum, not including photo(s). Articles may be submitted as an attachment to an e-mail message; save the article as either a Microsoft® Word document or in Rich Text Format. Be sure to send photos illustrating your story. Photos must be 300dpi or higher and attached separately from the article, not embedded. We assume that the writer of the article has full rights to the photos and grants a license to us for publication purposes. Submissions containing photographs will receive priority for publication. Every photo must have a caption! Be sure to include the photo captions within the e-mail for the article you send and be sure you identify everyone in the photo. Original photos are preferred, either color or blackand-white.

Helpful Hints

- Make your article interesting and exciting to read. - Focus on one or two topics and expand upon it. - Try not to write a chapter summary report for your article. - We like to hear about extraordinary things such as successful fundraisers, unique socials, or service projects.

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As I write this, it is 510 days until the 2019 National Convention in Stillwater. From my perspective, that is a short time with much to do! It will be some months before we are able to publicize specific information for attendees, but rest assured, this will be the “not to be missed” convention of recent times. The Stillwater community recently lost an important member of its family. Gerald Bradshaw was known throughout the city for his generous support of many causes. This held true for our organizations as well. A Life Member from the Alpha Chapter of ΚΚΨ, Brother Bradshaw was among the last to be a part of Bohumil Makovsky’s band at Oklahoma A&M. In 1991, Mr. Bradshaw, along with other ΚΚΨ alumni and city leaders, made it possible for us to purchase the Stillwater Depot as our national headquarters. With great gratitude, we honor and remember him for his service to us. I send my deep condolences to the members of the Lumberjack Marching Band at Stephen F. Austin State University. Four members of the band have passed away this year, in separate incidents. One was a ΤΒΣ sister of the Beta Zeta Chapter, and another a ΤΒΣ Membership Candidate. With charity, we remember Caleb Gibbs, Yessienia Ramirez, Erin Valenta (ΒZ ΤΒΣ), and Gage Hollingsworth (ΒZ ΤΒΣ MC). This issue of The PODIUM is a great snapshot of the college band world from a marching band perspective. There’s a little bit of everything from a 700-member alumni band at the University of Texas, to the experience of a lifetime marching in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade by the Prairie View A&M band. I hope you enjoy it! Welcome to the Nu Sigma Chapter of ΚΚΨ recently installed at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California, and to our 4 new colonies! Please welcome and support the students at Florida A&M University (Reactivation Beta Phi / ΤΒΣ), Fayetteville State University (Reactivation Theta Tau / ΚΚΨ), Ball State University (New ΚΚΨ), High Point University (New ΚΚΨ). The district convention season will be in full swing by the time you receive this issue. Enjoy your time together, make music, and share the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood that make Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma unique. All the best, Steve Nelson

Spring 2018




NOVEMBER 18, 2017

Nu Sigma (ΚΚΨ)

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Pomona, California




TBS President Holly Bowles in front of our five-foot-tall wooden TBS letters, hand painted by members of our chapter, with a fellow LHB alums.

Beta Gamma Alumni Weekend by Anna Lassman Beta Gamma - TBΣ University of Texas - Austin

The University of Texas Longhorn Band, “Showband of the Southwest,” prides ourselves on History, Tradition, and Excellence. These three things all culminate together when alumni members annually come back to Austin.

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he University of Texas Longhorn Band, “Showband of the Southwest,” prides ourselves on History, Tradition, and Excellence. These three things all culminate together when alumni members annually come back to Austin. The "Blast from the Past," Longhorn Alumni Band, returned home to the University of Texas during the weekend of Nov. 10 to take part in the annual Longhorn Alumni Band Day. The Longhorn Alumni Band day is one of many traditions of the Longhorn Band. The Alumni Band was created in 1964, with the help of then-Longhorn Band director, Vincent R. DiNino. Since its creation, the Alumni Band has grown from 67 participants to over 800 who gather together with the current Longhorn Band on Band Day. Every year when the Longhorn Alumni Band returns to the Forty Acres, the sisters of the Beta Gamma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma help to organize and assist the members of the Alumni Band to ensure they have a good reunion. Festivities for Alumni Band weekend kicked off on Friday at Scholz Garten, where the sisters of the Beta Gamma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma along with prospective members helped set-up and check-in alumni participating in the Alumni Band weekend.

TBS alumnae pose in front of our wooden letters.

Current TBS members had a chance to reconnect with old friends. At Scholz Garten, alumni band members broke out their instruments from their time in the Longhorn Band and rehearsed some Longhorn Band traditionals including Texas Fight, March Grandioso, and March of the Longhorns. The following day, the sisters of the Beta Gamma chapter continued serving and assisting the Alumni Band. The Tau Beta Sigma executive council for the Beta Gamma chapter served donuts to alumni members bright and early on game day morning and continued checking in the over 700 alumni that participated in this year’s Band Day. It was exciting for the council to see both recent graduates of TBS and alumni who helped form the traditions of our chapter. During the annual Alumni Band

Spring 2018

Recent UT graduates and TBS alumnae, Lauren Chaloupka and Abby Wunneburger enjoy breakfast bright and early before LHAB rehearsal. TBS alumnae enjoyed seeing our hand-painted letters before kickoff.

Recent UT graduate and TBS alumna Kaylyn Hudson grab a donut before heading to rehearsal.

Day, the alumni members learn a halftime show. This year, the alumni band performed an Alumni Band classic called “Chevron.” This show is like the Longhorn Band traditional show of “Wall-to-Wall,” where the band fills the entire field while marching in lines and then switching to diagonals while playing the traditional tunes of March Grandioso and March of the Longhorns. Following the check-in, the 700 participating alumni members joined together in “the Bubble,” an indoor practice facility, to learn their portion of the “Chevron” halftime show for the UT vs. Kansas game later that day. At the end of their rehearsal the current members of the Longhorn Band joined in the Alumni Band’s rehearsal, to practice the joint performance which takes place after the Longhorn Band performs Stars and Stripes Forever. The performance of Stars and Stripes Forever was done to pay

TBS Vice President of Membership Natalie Miller and TBS Webmaster Catherine Marfin help with alumni check-in on game day. tribute to American veterans during the Veterans Day weekend. Kick off for the football game took place at 5:00 p.m. At the game, the Longhorn Band and Longhorn Alumni Band took turns playing stands music to help cheer on our Longhorns to victory. The sisters of Tau Beta Sigma, as well as our chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, helped pass out water, carried med kits, and handed out apples and Gatorade to both current and past LHB members. At the game, following the performance of March Grandioso and March of the Longhorns by the Longhorn Alumni Band at halftime, the current Longhorn Band performed their halftime show which included the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. After the Longhorn Band performed, the Longhorn Band and Longhorn Alumni Band joined together, with over 1,100 people on the

field, to pay tribute to veterans through the mass performance of Stars and Stripes Forever. Alumni weekend concluded with a 4227 Texas Football victory over Kansas and a combined parade block with LHB and LHAB back to the band hall. Alumni weekend is always a special time for both past and present members of the Longhorn Band as we see the traditions being passed down and a new legacy being paved for the future generations of the Longhorn Band and the Beta Gamma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma.




Still Striving

Terrell Parker, Carroll Boykins, Jr, Davon Yonkers

by Bobby Rushing, Jr. Iota Xi - ΚΚΨ Norfolk State University

Twenty-six years after the Iota Xi Chapter was chartered at Norfolk State University, Alumni Brothers of the Iota Xi Chapter were granted a Local Alumni Association this past spring.

Iota Xi Alumni Association Brothers Russell Jones, President; Davon Yonkers, Treasurer; and Jermaine Melson

I Iota Xi Alumni Association Brother Davon Yonkers and Eta Omicron Brother Bill Welch (Chartered Iota Xi Chapter)

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n the months since, Brothers have been very active with worthwhile projects on behalf of the band program at Norfolk State. For starters, our Association held a Water Drive, gathering cases of bottled water for the NSU Spartan "Legion" Band for band camp and the marching season. We collected nearly 250 cases of Aquafina water (due to contractual stipulations between the University and PepsiCo). At the end of band camp, we awarded our first annual scholarship to the Most Outstanding Rookie as voted by the Drum Majors and Section Leaders. The award recipient lost his father prior to band camp but continued showing great dedication and commitment. In late August of this year, we teamed up with the Raleigh-Durham Chapter of the NSU Alumni Association to feed the Spartan Legion Band before they returned home following their performance at the Queen City Battle of The Bands in Charlotte, North Carolina. Coordinating with the Raleigh-Durham alums provided a great networking opportunity and a

Russell Jones

chance to fellowship and serve alongside others who share the same love, pride, and dedication to Norfolk State University. One point of pride for our alumni is the annual Homecoming tailgate where we feed the current and alumni bands during and after day-long homecoming activities. Brothers, along with our sisters from Epsilon Sigma, arrive before sunrise to set up, cook, and serve well into the night. Each year gets bigger and better! Sadly, in the midst of our Homecoming service, we were informed of the passing of our former Director of Bands and Chapter Advisor, Mr. Alzie Francis Walker II (see In Loving Memory section). In his honor, Brothers of the Chapter helped plan and execute the memorial services in Mr. Walker’s hometown of Norfolk, Virginia. With more work to do and goals to accomplish, the Brothers of the Iota Xi Alumni Association stand committed to further the Purposes of the Fraternity as it pertains to the band programs at NSU. Behold! We are still striving!

Spring 2018

Student NEWS

The Road to Convention by Katy Reed, Anna Howell,

Katie Klipstein, Maggie Miller, and Olivia Talmadge

Our Fearless Presenters (from left to right): Jack Hoving, Ellie Phillis, Emily Rosenquist, and Kathy Creed

Zeta Alpha - TBΣ Illinois State University


he Zeta Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Sigma will be hosting the North Central District Convention in 2018. For our chapter, this is a huge honor! At the beginning of the spring 2017 semester, the idea of applying to host convention was brought up in chapter, and from that point, the idea took on a life of its own. Many late nights were spent in Illinois State’s Milner Library as well as in various sisters’ apartments while our convention planning committee worked to pull together our bid and figure out if we really had what was necessary to host convention. Finally, we got all of our materials together and started preparing to present our bid at North Central District convention 2017. When convention came around, our chapter was cautiously optimistic. We felt prepared, all of our materials seemed to be in order, and we were all excited at the prospect of hosting convention at Illinois State. More late nights were spent at convention as some of our sisters prepared to make a presentation on why we felt ready to host convention. Finally presentations were made, votes were cast, and the Zeta Alpha chapter of TBS got to take on hosting convention.

Coming back from convention was great; we were so happy to have received the bid and felt as though most of what we would need was in order. Towards the end of the semester, just about a month after receiving the bid, we began to realize that there was still a lot of work left to do if we were going to have a successful convention. Members of our convention planning committee took on leadership roles and created subcommittees such as fundraising and hotels/banquet. These sisters as well as their respective committee members put in countless hours during the end of spring 2017 semester as well as over the summer. Coming into this fall, our various subcommittees came together to finalize a number of elements including contracts, budgets, and schedules. So by now you might be wondering, ‘If hosting a convention is this much work, why would anyone want to do it?’, to this we would respond with one word: pride. Hosting a convention on Illinois State’s campus allows the Zeta Alpha chapter to show pride in our organization, and successfully hosting the convention will certainly provide us with a huge point of pride as well. All of

the late nights, long hours, and stressful times will surely be worth it to see the NCD convention run smoothly thanks to our hard work. Preparing to host a convention has certainly been a ride; however, here at Zeta Alpha we would say that it has been well worth it and would encourage other chapters to apply to host convention. If your chapter thinks that hosting convention might be something you want to try, the one piece of advice we hope you take from this article is to start planning early! Try to give yourselves plenty of time to get your application materials put together so that you are not struggling to find rooms, vendors, and prices. If you do get a bid to host convention, make sure that you keep working to get yourselves as prepared to host as you possibly can be. Getting a bid to host convention is a huge honor and has been beyond exciting; however, when the stress comes (and it will come) it is important to remember why anyone would willingly take on convention in the first place: pride in Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi. I hope many of you will consider applying to host your own district convention!



The Marching Storm’s NYC Takeover!

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade:


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For many members, the parade participation allowed many first-time opportunities. It was the first time some have ever even been on a plane! Once arriving in New York, the Marching Storm was able to engage in many activities including the touring and shopping that Times Square had to offer and being able to visit Lady Liberty. This however, was not the purpose towards our takeover: by Edgar Contreras Delta Psi - ΚΚΨ and Savannah Sargent Epsilon Psi - ΤΒΣ Prairie View A&M University

Spring 2018

November 23rd, 2017: Thanksgiving Day and the GREATLY anticipated participation in the 91st Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for audiences in the millions and the Prairie View A&M University Marching Storm alike. Ever since the announcement of our selection in the parade in 2016, the topic of discussion was just that: Macy’s. Countless performances and appearances from the Marching Storm, and that always appeared to be what was on everybody’s tongue. And why wouldn’t it be? Our representation and participation was crucial to envisage many monumental moments. The Marching Storm was one of 10 bands selected from 175 applicants to appear in this highly-renowned holiday parade. The significance of the participation does not stop there however. In this event, the Marching Storm was the only band representing the state of Texas and the only Historically Black University. In this regard, the Storm made history yet again as a Historically Black College and University to open the parade. Preparation for this parade consisted of many long and intense practices. Needless to say this performance had to be our best yet. With viewers and spectators in the MILLIONS; we just couldn’t let down, especially since preparation and knowledge of the parade was an almost two-year ordeal. The finalization of this show resulted in classic and popular favorites being selected as our song “playlist”. The band played songs by Michael Jackson, Demi Lovato, and many others. Finally, the performance in front of the Macy’s store in Herald Square was going to consist of a medley of well-known hits arranged by assistant directors Mr. Ralph Chapman and Mr. Brandon Hopkins.

It’s 1:30 AM.

The band has to travel to Times Square for one final rehearsal for the performance to begin a few hours later on this day.

3 AM, the dedication exhibited within the band was immense. It. Was. Freezing! The run-throughs and rehearsal begin to define this soon-tobe riveting performance. 9 AM, the parade begins. In this televised performance, you see our band engaging the audience with a powerful sound and our auxiliary groups, the mesmerizing Black Foxes, led by Mrs. Shawn Zachery, and Twirling Thunder, with a captivating production. The whole performance was done in VERY COLD temperatures! Well, temperatures people from Texas aren’t used to.




Our Director of Bands, Dr. Timmey Zachery, has been with the Marching Storm since 2012; it is because of him and the assistance of the band staff that has led our beloved band, we were granted this opportunity. The planning was left to our directors and staff, who worked tirelessly to get everything in order – we thank you. The parade was one of the highlights in the Marching Storm’s history, but we are not using this as a final stepping stone but as a catalyst for more great events and achievements. The Marching Storm will continue to thrive this school year by participation in the 2018 Honda Battle of the Bands. We hope to see you there, cheering for the Marching Storm, the Black Foxes, Twirling Thunder, and your brothers of the Delta Psi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and sisters of the Epsilon Psi chapter of Tau Beta Sigma from the 50-yard line!


As a member of Tau Beta Sigma, your daily mission is to commit actions each day that contribute to the betterment of collegiate bands. We strive to make the band experience an enjoyable one for bandsmen while also serving as mentors and being of service to the

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program. From service projects to our everyday actions within the program, we must uphold that mission for the sake of our organization and chapters. This year, the members of the Epsilon Psi chapter at Prairie View A&M University, faced the ultimate test when the Marching Storm was one of only ten bands and the only Historically Black College/University (HBCU) band in the country selected to march in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.

It was a dream come true for many of us. The members of the Epsilon Psi chapter of Tau Beta Sigma work within every level of the PVAMU band program: from graduate assistants, to office managers, drum majors, section leaders, dancers, color guard, and more. We like to think of ourselves as the functioning parts of a musical “body.” Where one sister processes paper work and ensures band member’s academic needs are handled, another provides guidance and leadership on the field and within the band hall. With this idea in mind, participation in the parade was more than just another performance

Spring 2018

for the chapter. We shared an integral part in making the performance happen; from assisting the directorial staff with the initial Macy’s application and resume all the way until the moment the first whistle blew on that cold Thanksgiving morning in New York. The Epsilon Psi Chapter had a huge task ahead of them, and making it happen is an accomplishment that we will always hold dear. Getting almost 300 band members to New York from Houston, Texas was no easy task, and the band had a monumental $600,000 to raise within a year’s time. We started by dedicating many of our fundraising efforts and programs to the overall fundraising effort of the band program. The chapter sold snacks during

long bus trips to football games in bordering states, extra equipment such as spats and gloves, held a Chipotle fundraiser and even worked at a firework stand in Houston during the Fourth of July weekend! The sisters of the chapter also helped by reaching out to local businesses and the local community seeking donations for the band program and promoting a text-to-give campaign that supported the band with mobile donations. Our entire campus and alumni base at Prairie View A&M University supported us wholeheartedly as well. Within a year, the band had met its financial goal and it was time to head to New York City. To finally see the city after a year of hard work and fundraising for our

program was an unforgettable and fulfilling experience. The chapter is not only proud of the band’s performance at the parade, but of the hard work that was put in by all our directors, the band members, our brothers of the Delta Psi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and each sister of the Epsilon Psi Chapter. The support from each of our sisters of Tau Beta Sigma will also not be forgotten – it was our honor to make this great sorority proud. It is our hope that the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade performance is just one of many great accomplishments to come for our band program, and the Epsilon Psi Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma!



Student NEWS

Five Bands, Five Experiences of a Lifetime

by Viet Nguyen Eta - ΚΚΨ Ohio State University 2017-2018 North Central District Vice President for Membership


y name is Viet Nguyen and I’m an active brother of the Eta Chapter at Ohio State. I am the 2017-2018 NCD VPM, and an alumnus of the Ohio State University Marching Band. For the past four years I have played the mellophone and thoroughly enjoyed my time with the OSUMB. When my fifth year came, I expected to complete my final year with the band, but something came up that I never expected. I was offered a job at Ohio State working for the University President. I had to put my future career first, so sadly I gave up my last year in the marching band. It devastated me being unable to march with an organization that gave me so much, so instead of sitting around watching the band from the stands, I decided it was time to do something more. Kappa Kappa Psi has allowed me to connect with many musicians, but I had not had the opportunity to see them perform. This made me wonder, “What is it like to experience the traditions of another band?” It was then I decided I was going to visit bands during the marching season, follow them around on game day, and witness their traditions as a spectator. I want to thank all of the people and the chapters that supported and welcomed me, and showed me what it is like to experience band through their eyes. Alpha Zeta, Indiana University Marching Hundred Iota Lambda, Mount Union University Purple Raider Marching Band

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Beta Rho, Toledo University Rocket Marching Band Gamma Pi, Purdue University All American Marching Band Nu, Michigan University Michigan Marching Band

Spring 2018

To the directors with whom I interacted, thank you for giving me your time, courtesy, and generosity. Through all my travels visiting these bands, I have been honored to experience the support of this brotherhood in a new and exciting way. My heart was touched by the efforts each brother made to make sure I had a place to stay, a ticket to the game, and an enjoyable experience in their hometown. Something I have learned is that I have not lost a final year of marching band, but gained an expanded insight into the diverse world of collegiate marching arts. I want to take time today to highlight one school where I embarked on my journey, Indiana University, where I visited the Alpha Zeta Chapter, and followed the Marching Hundred through their first game day of the season. If you are interested in reading or watching my adventures to the four other schools, I have documented all of my trips in video vlogs, and written blogs on my personal Facebook page.

Game Day Now being in the Big Ten conference, it was interesting to have a game on a Thursday evening so I knew for that the entire day, I couldn’t just follow Jason, a brother and friend who housed me, around while he goes to class. So I decided to tour the campus by myself in my scarlet and gray jersey. Now I give thanks to the AZ chapter for being so hospitable for I can usually handle myself when it comes to being on an adventure by myself, but I was maybe exploring the campus on my own for only 30 minutes tops before brothers of AZ reached out to ask if I was ok, came to my side to keep me company, and give me their own personal tour. There was an amazing fountain that VPM, Allie Newman, showed me, a gazebo that had a very interesting history behind it, and I really got the chance to see what it was like to be a student at Indiana University. After Jason’s class was over, he brought me to some local places to eat, and he brought along some brothers and sisters of Rho as well! Fast forward to their rehearsal. I felt out of place surrounded by Cream and Crimson, and band parents, but after some constant calls and hollering from brothers and sisters of the band, I stepped out to the sideline to watch the Marching Hundred up close. After watching their rehearsal, the OSUMB came around and started their

rehearsal as well. They were planning on playing “America the Beautiful” and being able to listen to both bands was amazing. As the OSUMB was beginning to do their rehearsal, I started following the Hundred as they got set up with their pregame concert called “The Walk.” Basically, it’s a musical concert for the crowd and to hype up the football team as they begin walking to the stadium. Wow, is one word I can explain this concert. The band really knows how to get you up on your feet and you can just feel the energy gleaming off of each marching band member. Afterwards, they got their dinner hosted by the band parents and the Eta Chapter and Alpha Zeta Chapter got to meet up and sing the hymn.

Halftime Once halftime came along, past NCD President, Bang Co, started to text me to invite me onto the field for he got me field passes to watch both bands during halftime. I will forever thank his generosity for having me come down with him. The OSUMB’s theme was Indiana favorites and the Hundred’s was Michael Jackson hit songs with a dance to Thriller! The crowd received the band dancing extremely well. The crowd was so loud you couldn’t hear yourself think. Absolute amazing job to both the OSUMB and the Hundred for an amazing performance. After the game, the Hundred held a post-game performance and their spirit was still high. They played their signature song “Sing, Sing, Sing” and kept their spirit hair. My favorite thing about the end of the day was as the band paraded back home, brothers and sisters

alike reached out to say hi and called out my name as they marched by me. After that day, it started a chain reaction, a fire some could say never ended. I enjoyed watching the Marching Hundred so much, I wanted to keep visiting more bands. I wanted to watch and meet more brothers in their prime and perform their heart out. The pictures that I shared are from the other bands I visited and you can tell by the smile on everyone’s face that we truly enjoyed each other’s presence. You never know what the next adventure will be for you. This is my story how I kept my musical spirit strong. I’m writing this article today to not just showcase my adventure, but to show you the power of this brotherhood. We all come from different backgrounds, had different experiences, but the one thing that binds us all together is music, for music truly is the greatest of the arts. This is my story of how I saw the loving nature of this brotherhood and this is the reason why I love this fraternity. Always strive for the highest.



Student NEWS

The Gator Band’s 48 Hour Adventure In Dallas by Greta Gallina Alpha Eta - ΚΚΨ University of Florida

This football season, the Gator Band had the privilege of accompanying the Florida Gators football team to Dallas, TX to play against the University of Michigan. This special game was the Advocare Classic, and it served as the NCAA College Football kickoff. This was a very unique situation for the Gator Band, as the first game of the season- the first game ever for first year members- was a full band flight to Dallas.


his trip was especially exciting because while most years the band attends an end of year bowl trip, taking a charter flight to an early season game was a new experience for the Gator Band as a whole. The UF vs Michigan game was held on September 2nd, the second Saturday of the Fall 2017 semester. To kick off the trip, the band left campus at 7 am on Friday to depart for the airport. There were two

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flights going from Gainesville to Dallas, the flights were divided by instruments: trumpets, drumline, piccolos, tubas, FVE and Gatorettes on flight one, everyone else on flight two. Members of Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi took the luggage from lines outside of each bus and color coded the luggage to match each bus. It’s never too early to be serving the bands! Afterwards, the luggage was lined up to be sniffed by one of the UFPD

Spring 2018

dogs, Boomer. Shortly after the luggage was loaded, the buses on flight one departed for the airport. At the airport we went through a metal detector and had our luggage checked immediately outside of the plane, were given a “lunch” (it is now around 9 in the morning), of Panera Bread and a bottle of Gatorade, and then got onto the charter plane. The plane was packed with Gator Band members and staff plus the crew members for the airline. Riding in a plane with 200 of your closest friends is an interesting experience as the general social rules for airplane travel do not apply. As college kids would do, during takeoff and landing we were acting as if we were on a amusement park ride. Gator Band is full of relentless energy and school spirit, demonstrated by the singing of Orange and Blue upon landing! After we arrived in Dallas, the entire band in 8 separate buses caravanned to Frisco, TX to rehearse in the Dallas Cowboys practice facility: “The Star”. This was a really cool place to rehearse, as the normal occupants of the building were professional football players. The field was also an extremely nice turf field and it was indoors with air-conditioning, which made it a huge step up from Norman, our home field plagued with dust and occasional potholes. We had a quick but productive rehearsal at this exceptionally nice field, then proceeded to get back on the buses to go play at a pep rally for the game. The UF Alumni Association pep rally was a fantastic way to get everyone excited for the next day’s game and a hopeful football season for our team! We played our spirited pep rally songs for the alumni and got to see the football pregame hype video for the first time of the season. It was interesting to see all the Gator fans in Texas, especially since this crowd of Gator fans was seemingly as numerous and spirited as our fans back home. Special guests at the rally included President Fuchs, Steve Spurrier, Emmett Smith, and representatives of the Athletic Association. After the pep rally was over, we once again got back onto the buses, loaded all the instruments back onto the truck and drove to our hotel. The Gator Band’s host hotel was in downtown Dallas, and after arrival the band was given free time for the

night- a rare opportunity on band trips. Different groups of band members went to experience the numerous different things Dallas had to offer. My group went to an interesting restaurant called Café Momentum, which had amazing food, and worked to provide opportunities for at risk youth. After eating, we went to visit a unique historical location: the plaza where John F Kennedy was assassinated. The next day, Gator Band also had a “free morning”, with call time on the buses at roughly 9:30am, a time unheard of for a typical Gameday. This gave us some time to catch up on some sleep, eat breakfast, or explore more of the city. We then left to go to the AT&T Stadium. As the stadium drew into view, the hype of Gameday really began to set in. We put on our uniforms, got off the buses, and blocked up to march into the stadium. As typical for our travels to neutral sites, we marched past some thrilled Gator fans and some not so thrilled Michigan fans. We then got seated in the stands to warm up and check everything out. The band was given a break to buy lunch, and Kappa Kappa Psi started to set up the coolers for the band. Gameday coolers is one of the standard and memorable parts of gameday, especially in a foreign location. All active brothers participate, and we fill up sixteen coolers with ice and water to hydrate the 300 members of the band throughout the game. Coolers are a true test and sign of our chapter’s teamwork, and while we were unfamiliar with the location, we cheerfully filled and distributed the coolers efficiently before the game started. After the break, everyone got reseated in the stands and waited to get ready for pregame. We exited to the field through a tunnel, and this gave the freshmen a taste of our pregame tunnel cheers to get us hyped for the pregame performance. On the field we were able to watch Michigan’s pregame, which was super neat. Big 10 bands are so extremely different in style from Southern bands, which makes them very fun to watch. While we were waiting for our turn for pregame, a Michigan fan insulted us with “Ya’lls plumes look bad”, and the trumpets all thought it was hilarious. Pregame was fantastic on the impeccable turf and packed stadium, and playing in the stands was similarly entertaining. Our halftime

show “Summer of Love” was also a hit, with selections such as Jimmi Hendrix’ “Fire” and The Beatles “St. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band”. Unfortunately, the Gators came out with a loss, and after the conclusion of the game KKPsi reloaded the hundreds of instruments to prepare for the travel home. Our experience at the Dallas Airport was much different than that at the Gainesville Airport. This makes sense because the Dallas Airport is an extremely busy International Airport, and let’s just say that Gainesville is not. Unlike the celebrity treatment we were given in Gainesville, we all had to go through normal security and make our way through the normal airport surrounded by normal people. The entire airport was uncharacteristically empty; however, we were literally the only people in terminal E, all the stores and restaurants were even closed. Each of our two planes was sent to wait in opposite sides of the very large terminal. The band experienced our favorite tradition: “Hurry Up and Wait”, and even then they decided to switch the order that the flights were leaving in, so flight one had to wait even longer. By the time we got onto the plane it was close to 2 in the morning. Getting on the plane at 2 am central time, the exhausted bandmembers all immediately fell asleep and slept until landing. We landed and unloaded the luggage from the plane, only to realize that we did not have the right luggage for the buses that were on our plane. We took what we had and drove back to UF. When we got there, we found that the luggage for the planes had been switched, probably because they switched the order of the planes. The people on plane two (which was the one that left first) had been waiting for plane one to arrive with their luggage and they had the luggage for plane one. When it was all sorted out it was around 4 am eastern time. We went home and most of us went to bed close to the same time we had woken up two days prior to get to UF to leave at 7 am. It was an amazing experience, but a 48-hour whirlwind.



Student NEWS

(left) Keith Stein Blue Thunder Marching Band in their debut performance of 1987 (right) Keith Stein Blue Thunder Marching 2017 re-creating the drill design for the 30th Anniversary tribute show, playing Wish Upon A Star

Celebrating 30 years: A Reunion for Band and Brotherhood

by Mariessa Robles Iota Kappa - ΚΚΨ Boise State University


his fall, Iota Kappa helped the Keith Stein Blue Thunder Marching Band celebrate its 30th Anniversary, welcoming many past members to both the Boise State football game against New Mexico and the Alumni Celebration banquet. During the pre-game performance for the football game, the Star Spangled Banner was performed under the direction of Peter Arashiro and Richelle Sugiyama: Blue Thunder’s first drum majors from the band’s debut in 1987. As a current drum major for the Blue Thunder, this was one of the coolest experiences to meet the very first! Many of the visiting alumni were a part of the first Blue Thunder Marching Band to take the field under the direction of David A. Wells, who passed in May of 2009 after twenty-three years of dedication to the band program. Joining us on the field for halftime, our guests were able to experience our first show of the season from the front sideline. Our 1987 Tribute halftime show opener included two arrangements. The first, Wish Upon a Star, served as a tribute to the very first halftime show the Blue Thunder ever performed. The musical selection was chosen to represent the university’s wish for a marching band coming true after a generous contribution from Keith and Catherine Stein, using a giant star in the drill design. Thirty years later, we re-created the star on the field while playing the same tune. The second selection, Malagueña, was a dedication to past director David A. Wells who enjoyed using Latin pieces for the band’s halftime performances. Our closing piece for halftime was an arrangement of Alfred Reed’s Russian Christmas Music, a piece that served as the band’s pregame performance for over 20 years, and held a special place in the hearts of many past staff and band members. The day following the football game, the Blue Thunder held the official celebration with a banquet for our alumni and guests. Director Dr. Joe Tornello invited several speakers including James

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Past Director David A. Wells

Drum Major Peter Arashiro during the band’s halftime debut in 1987

Harrison, current BTMB percussion instructor, who was a graduate assistant during the inaugural year of Blue Thunder. Other speakers included David A. Wells’s wife Lavaughn, several alumni, and several current students. The Anniversary Celebration was a huge opportunity for Iota Kappa to reconnect with many of our alumni members, especially those from our initial colonization. Since we have minimal records from the first time Iota Kappa colonized, it was an incredible opportunity to meet with alumni such as Peter Arashiro, past drum major, who was a part of the very beginnings of our chapter. After great food and a heartfelt recollection of memories from various staff and past members, our chapter had the chance to chat, sing the hymn, and take pictures with many brothers we had seen in our family trees, but had never met before. The 30th Anniversary was a great chance for our band to re-establish our roots and learn more about our history, as well as reconnect with many past members, from both band and KKPsi. Being able to perform the same Wish Upon a Star that the band did thirty years ago for the original members was a very special and emotional experience that I’m sure everyone is going to remember for the rest of their lives.

Spring 2018

"Epsilon Beta and Gamma Tau singing the Joint Song of the Southwest District." Back Row: Gabi Gates, Tierra Easterwood, Hannah Wilson, Kylie Dilonardo, Brittainy Jones, De Londra Stanley, Dr. Jackie Lamar, Mr. Brantley Douglas, Emily Brown, Keegan Turney, Jake Gatlin, Chris Adams; Front Row: Chelsea Nash, Hanah Norton, Morgan Darling, Nicole Grover, Jordin Walker, Hannah Parks, Becca Sullivan, Payton Turner

50th Anniversary of Gamma Tau and Epsilon Beta by Hannah Wilson Gamma Tau - TBÎŁ University of Central Arkansas


n February 17th, 1967 the Gamma Tau chapter of Tau Beta Sigma and the Epsilon Beta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi were chartered at the University of Central Arkansas. The idea of establishing these organizations on UCA’s campus was brought to the attention of the Director of Bands, Dr. Homer Brown, by two students who found articles about Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. In the year 1967 a new music building was built due to the expansion of the program. Dr. Homer Brown agreed that Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma could be beneficial in creating a strong support for the growing program. The students, we now know as our charter members stepped forward and started the process of installing chapters at UCA. Our colonies at UCA, formally known as State College of Arkansas, found kinship with the colonies at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. When the time came for the installation of the colonies the ceremony was held at UALR for both chapters of Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi. This year marks the 50th Anniversary for Gamma Tau and Epsilon Beta. This past spring, on February 26th, 2017, our chapters hosted a celebration. Many alumni, including charter members of both chapters were in attendance. The evening was filled with browsing original scrapbooks, viewing a picture slide show, speeches from our charter members, meeting sisters and brothers, and making memories. To make the night extra special, an alumni presented our chapter with their crown pearl badge, in hopes that it will be passed down to each president through many years to come. As the banquet came to a close the active members of Gamma Tau and Epsilon Beta joined together to sing the Joint Song of the Southwest District. The celebration of our 50th Anniversary has had a huge impact on our chapters now. We had the privilege of connecting with the brothers and sisters that came before us, and these memories are priceless.

"Epsilon Beta with some of our charter members." Back Row: Payton Turner, Jordin Walker, Brittany Eppes, John Knight, Richard Knox, Jake Gatlin, Chris Adams, Keegan Turney; Front Row: Hannah Parks, Becca Sullivan, Emily Brown

"Gamma Tau with some of our charter members." Back row:De Londra Stanley, Tierra Easterwood, Gabi Gates, Morgan Darling, Sue McCrackin Mistric, Kay Miller Knight, Elizabeth Gooden Kay, Susan Harris Crawford, Karla King; Middle Row: Dr. Jackie Lamar,Kylie Dilonardo, Hannah Wilson, Hanah Norton, Nicole Grover, Chelsea Nash; Front Row: April Skahan, Bianca Batista, Emily Watkins



Student NEWS

What Brotherhood Means to Delta Sigma by Nicholas Thomas Delta Sigma - ΚΚΨ University of Texas - Arlington

Brotherhood has been an extremely important ideal to Delta Sigma since we became a chapter in 1964.

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t has been a core value to us through our ups and our downs. We know that when one of us succeeds, we will all be there to celebrate and congratulate; and when one of us fails, we will all be there to lift our brother’s spirits. In recognition of the necessity of brotherhood in Kappa Kappa Psi, we even created a new officer position this year – the Sentinel of Brotherhood. This officer is in charge of making sure the chapter knows how to sing the hymn, planning brotherhood events, and more. Our Sentinel has been doing a fantastic job this year, and our chapter has grown closer than we ever thought possible. Towards the beginning of this semester, one of our brothers’ family got into some financial trouble due to things beyond their control. After discovering this, a formidable group of brothers of Delta Sigma gathered together outside of chapter to see what they could do to help. They wanted to do something to help without being affiliated with the fraternity because it would be more special that way, and they did not want to waste time using chapter money to fund the project. This group of brothers picked a day, reserved a space, and brought homemade and store-bought baked goods to school and sold them to whoever wanted to support the cause. They kept the brother to whom the money would be given anonymous to ensure the brother was not embarrassed. We were all shocked by the response of the people who bought the baked goods. They would ask, “is this a Kappa Kappa Psi

fundraiser?” the people running the stand would respond, “No, this is just a group of friends trying to raise money to support another friend whose family is going through a rough time,” and many times people would hear this and donate money even if they didn’t want any baked goods. The stand sold out very quickly and made a large profit. This fundraiser was not one that was asked for by the brother, by the chapter, or our sponsor. It was completely thought of, planned, and executed by brothers who are truly passionate about brotherhood and the value of friendship. Because of projects like this, it is not hard to be proud of our brothers in Delta Sigma. The brothers of Delta Sigma consistently take any and every opportunity to be courteous to each other, our sisters, and everyone around us. When we start working on a project, especially one as close to our hearts as this one was, our compatibility with each other enables us to plan and organize things effectively and with professionalism. The group of brothers showed exceptional initiative in planning this project without being asked to by anyone. The best part of this project was the realization that although Delta Sigma has been growing closer and closer with each other, it would not be surprising if any chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi did a project like this to help a brother. It makes us so proud to be a part of such a great organization when people can be so utterly unsurprised to hear that the people who did something nice for someone else are brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi.

Spring 2018

Reaching Out by Keith Pringle Eta Sigma - ΚΚΨ University of Central Florida


s an organization that is dedicated to serving the college and university bands, it sometimes helps to remind ourselves of the many different ways of doing so. I personally break service into 3 different categories: • Physical Projects • Physical Assistance and Events • Recruitment Recruitment is a large, overarching branching service that our fraternity can provide to many communities. Recruitment can benefit your chapter, your music department, your university, and the fraternity on a national scale. While it may take a while to see the impact, I encourage chapter development in the long run. The Eta Sigma chapter at the University of Central Florida started a program that we originally called the High School Reach-Out Program in the spring of 2016. The idea started as a way that a large chapter (42 active members at the time) could provide assistance to any programs in need. With many K-12 music programs struggling due to budget cutbacks or other concerns, we felt that providing our wide variety of services would go a long way and help music instructors in turn provide a better learning musical experience. Coming from a high school with 3000 students and a large, very competitive and successful marching program, it was

a very interesting experience getting to see the various states of funding, size, and experience of students. What I first thought would be a simple task, very quickly turned into a much more difficult and extensive problem than I realized. My first task was to reach out to as many music programs and figure out an effective way to do so. After talking to our director of bands at the time, he gave me access to his resource of a tricounty scholastic music program email distribution list. Our service committee met and came up with an introductory email and a list of guidelines for types of services that we would assist with. For example, we stated that we would not handle any money at fundraisers or repair instruments. After creating and proofing everything, we sent the documents out and awaited for what we hoped would be a flood of service opportunities. What we got in return was nothing. For more than 2 months, we did not receive a single reply or request, even after sending it out again after a month. As the semester finished out and summer began, I wanted to find a way to make this program work and make it effective. I then decided that the lack of response was due to the way we communicated originally. A distribution list was not a very personal way of communicating and providing a chapter email instead of a personal one may have led some to be discouraged from reaching out. Other factors that we deemed to affect our lack of responses was the fact

that we only sent this email out to high schools. Many high schools have stricter visitor policies, band boosters / parents / volunteers, and more funds available to them. I, and the service committee, invested a ton of time into creating a master list of elementary, middle, and high schools in central Florida and researching their music teachers’ contact information. After such list was created, I created a template of an email and attachments to send to the programs and added personal notes into each one to make it feel less generic and focused on the benefit and willingness that we were here to help any and all programs. I sent out over 80 customized emails in a single afternoon. The reaction was almost immediate and overwhelming. Within the first 10 minutes we received a response back and in the first hour, over 12 requests. Over the course of the remaining semester, we assisted at over 6 different schools on 20 different occasions and satisfaction was so amazing. Our efforts were shared with directors as they heard from faculty and administrative staff that gave their thanks and gratitude to the chapter, department, and university. The teachers and students were so appreciative, and it felt so fulfilling providing assistance to earlier levels of musical experience that most of us began our journeys that led us to being brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi. The teachers and students that we worked with, I will not soon forget as they remind me of the reasons why I joined this amazing organization.



Student NEWS

Musicians Generation to Generation by Courtney Martin Zeta Omicron - TBΣ Virginia Tech

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t the beginning of November, the sisters of Zeta Omicron went to Margaret Beeks Elementary School to assist and show children at the school how to try different instruments. We felt that this was a good way to positively impact our community and to inspire the next generation of musicians. Each sister presented the kids with an instrument and taught them how to properly play a trumpet, clarinet, flute, and baritone. Zeta Omicron’s Vice President of Service Alex Springer put together this project at the beginning of the semester, and we’re all excited to have finally made this project come to fruition. Providing service to younger kids is very different from the normal service projects that we do each semester, which normally consist of supporting our collegiate bands. By doing this we are embodying our university’s Slogan “Ut Prosim”- “that I may serve,” which encourages every student at our university to go out and serve the community whether it is big or small. This project was the perfect fit since, as sisters, we already have that desire to serve others involved in music. Over the period of a week, the sisters went in groups of three or four to participate and run the “petting zoo” workshop, as we fondly referred to it, with classes at the school. These classes primarily contained children from kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. The delight in each child’s eye made all the effort and work worth it when they

made a sound out during each instrument rotation. Our petting zoo workshop was the best way for kids to see that they do have natural musical talent, and may enjoy playing instruments, in hopes that they will want to pick up an instrument in the future. The music teacher at Margaret Beeks, Joey Ballard, told us when asked how this benefited his students, “Giving the kids hands on experience is one of the best ways to impact them at this age.” Starting kids off with instruments at a younger age will help them foster their love of music. This workshop gave opportunities that most kids don’t experience until they are in middle school, if or when they decide to join their school’s band. As a sisterhood, this was a great service event that allowed us to continue to grow our bond. Our active sisters had never done a workshop like this, so we all found it enjoyable to do something that may be outside of our comfort zone. Many sisters also got to try out some different instruments that they normally don’t play and those in color guard could experience playing instruments for the first time. Zeta Omicron also used this event to complete their Crescendo project, and we loved how much of a positive impact it had on the young minds of Margaret Beeks Elementary School. We were even able to teach the kids the Hokie Pokie, which is one of the school songs that we perform at football games. As a chapter, we hope that the children saw how passionate we are about music because “that’s what it’s all about”!

Spring 2018

Giving a Small Band a Big Sound by Haven Graham Epsilon Xi - TBΣ Troy University

Tau Beta Sigma: For Greater Dancelines!


hen your university is right in the heart of rural Alabama, small local band programs are a dime a dozen. Troy University, located in Troy, Alabama, is surrounded by small rural and suburban communities whose band programs often number in the 50’s, 40’s, or 30’s. Now, even the smallest band program can be incredible, and these bands definitely are! However, with the advantages of a small band also come a unique set of disadvantages – namely, volume. Troy’s public high school, Charles Henderson, has a band program of about 60 kids, including auxiliaries. They put everything they’ve got into putting on great halftime shows and entertaining fans at football games, but Charles Henderson plays home games in Troy’s Veteran’s Memorial Stadium – a 30,000 seat two-tiered stadium which swallows up the 40 instrumentalists’ sound. Our chapter wanted to give the Blue Machine Band a taste of playing in a loud, rowdy pep band, so we contacted their director about meeting up with them on a Friday night and doing just that. On October 13, Charles Henderson was scheduled to play Eufaula High School at home. That evening, 23 of our sisters and membership candidates (plus a few of our Kappa Kappa Psi brothers) went down to the stadium to meet the band, instruments and music in tow. We

marched in with them, and got set up in the stands to play with them for the game. We had prepared some of their stand tunes ahead of time so we were ready to go as soon as the drum major gave the countoff. As soon as we hit the first note, the energy of the band skyrocketed. Troy’s “Sound of the South” marching band is known for its volume and power, and we didn’t hold anything back. The drum major couldn’t keep from grinning, and the rest of the band started to play louder and more confidently to match. They were more eager to play, and cheered even louder as the game went on. As always, they had a great halftime show, and even though the football team lost, the kids were just as excited as if they’d won. We had a great time too, talking to them about music, college band, and Tau Beta Sigma. Their director was so pleased he even invited us back to play again whenever we’d like! In all, it was a great service project and a great experience for both the Blue Machine band members and our sisterhood. Giving back to the band programs like the ones that gave us our start is important to keeping those opportunities available for years to come. If your chapter has a small local band near you, think about reaching out and seeing what you can do for and with them – you never know, it could change a kid’s life!


Boh’s Ring and the Fraternal Spirit by Steve Nelson National Executive Director Alpha - ΚΚΨ Oklahoma State University

Spring 2018


t occurred to me recently that it has been quite some time since an issue of THE PODIUM had an article remembering Bohumil Makovsky and the important role he played in founding our movement of serving college and university bands. Both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma were born out of the inspiration he gave to this movement when it was founded in 1919. As we moved towards two significant milestones in our history, the Centennial Celebration of ΚΚΨ and the 75th Anniversary of ΤΒΣ, I think it important to know something about Boh that does not come from the standard short histories that are usually published. At the time that I was initiated into the Alpha Chapter of ΚΚΨ in the Fall of 1980, several of the ΚΚΨ Founders were still living in Oklahoma. I was very privileged to have known them and to have heard some of their stories. There were also quite a few people still living in Stillwater that had been students of Boh, or had known him and his wife, Georgia. Not once did I hear a critical word about Boh from those who knew him personally. They agreed that he was a tough and rigorous band director. He demanded dedication and a true striving for improvement in his students. But, he was also known as a kind, generous, and true friend. On the occasion of his retirement as Head of the Music Department at Oklahoma A&M College in 1943, Schiller Scroggs, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, wrote these excerpts in a letter to the College President:

The love and admiration that the Founders and other leaders of Kappa Kappa Psi also had for Boh can be exhibited in the story of Boh’s Past President’s Ring. Professor Makovsky is acknowledged to be the dean of college band directors. He is recognized by practically every bandleader of note in the United States, as a band leader of consummate musicianship and stimulating personality. During his years of service, Boh has not been content to dismiss his young people at commencement convocation, but he has followed them on out into life, aiding them by kindly and sympathetic words of advice, comfort, and encouragement. As a result, he binds the hearts and loyalties of hundreds of alumni to the College and is an active force in maintaining that continuing relationship of mutual service between graduate and institution that is so vital to any truly educational program. […] I wish to add my own personal tribute to Boh on the advent of his retirement. Rarely have I seen a man who has been able to make his influence for good, both professional and ethical, alive in the hearts of his students as Boh has done. He has been throughout the years both a rigorous disciplinarian and a sympathetic and loving friend, drawing out from each by both qualities all of the musicianship and character of which the student was capable. It has been a privilege to work with him. The love and admiration that the Founders and other leaders of Kappa Kappa Psi also had for Boh can be exhibited in the story of Boh’s Past President’s Ring.




During the 1941 National Convention, before the outbreak of World War II, the Fraternity decided to begin the tradition of presenting a past president’s ring to each outgoing president. It was also decided to present rings to the previous presidents, in order of election, and as time and money allowed. In 1941, Francis Todd received his ring as outgoing president and A. Frank Martin received his as first national president. World War II intervened and another national convention was not held until 1947. Scott Squyers should have received the next past president’s ring but he had passed away earlier that year. Thus, J. Lee Burke, the 3rd Grand President, would be the next to receive his ring, at the 1947 National Convention. However, by that time, Boh’s health was failing and there was concern that he might not live to receive his ring in his place as the 4th national president.

him more than anything in the world we could do in his closing days. He retired from active duty two years ago. This may be a little selfish on my part to mention it but somehow I felt I could talk to you and ask if it would be satisfactory for you to wait until the next convention in 1949 at which time you would receive the ring, which in rank would be due Boh. […] I am sure that it would please Boh more than anything you could ever do for him. I hope you can understand that the only motive that prompts me to write you is due to the fact that Boh is failing in health and the doctors have said concerning his span of life. I shall be happy to hear from you soon. With very best wishes, I am Fraternally yours, A. Frank Martin Grand Exec. Sec.-Ed.

The photo of the ring presentation accompanies this article and shows J. Lee Burke presenting Boh with his ring. With that in mind, A. Frank Martin, the Grand Executive Secretary made the following proposal in a letter to J. Lee Burke: At the last national convention (1941), it was voted to hold the next convention at Oklahoma A. and M. and call it the Silver Anniversary Convention. Boh had told me secretly that he was retiring on account of his health and this would be his last act as head of the music department. So we planned the event to honor Boh. The war came on and the convention was postponed and has been called for March 6, 7, and 8. Boh is getting rather feeble and failing fast and you know Boh as well as I and what I know about you are the fine things Boh has told me. They have been enough to make you a lifelong friend even though we have never met. I have felt that since you were younger than most of the past president’s that if it would be satisfactory with you to allow this past president’s ring to be given to Boh and to present it at this national convention that it would be a distinct honor to him. I know that it would please

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J. Lee Burke responded by saying he had the “very deepest admiration for Boh. It is, therefore, fitting and proper that I yield in the order of succession and permit him to receive the past national president’s ring at the next national convention. However, I reserve the privilege of presenting this ring to him if it is physically possible to attend this convention.” I love stories such as these, especially the ones that show the depth of fraternal love that has been a part of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma since their beginnings. As we continue to move towards our anniversary celebrations, I hope you will ponder the band directors like Boh Makovsky who have made similar impacts on our organizations and on our own lives as musicians. Who has been your guiding spirit? If you wish to learn more about Bohumil Makovsky as both a leader and an educator, the National Headquarters has a history book, “Bohumil Makovsky, The Guiding Spirit of Kappa Kappa Psi,” available for purchase.

Spring 2018


March 19, 194

at way knowing e: th rk in u B d n d a n ie u fr yo r m ea My d y hear fro nging through m ic] a pleasure to ri [s ill ly st en re d a d s su rd s o a w It w ur kind ch time that we home safely. Yo ea t ed u b iv y rr n a o u m yo re t a th tion ce ories ring the presenta vention. Its mem u n d co ly e n o th t g o n n , ri rs u d ea other ne n to greet each ays treasure as o lw a ll a sh I ip were in a positio sh iend ntil... Your true fr not make public id d e n eo m so will be lasting u t tha ay gret very much in was in yesterd rt a M r. M . 7 h of the richest. I re rc a with all ent on Friday, M er from Scroggs tt le ry o ct a that memorial ev sf ti sa received a most stating that he the future. [‌] enthusiasm for ip, lasting friendsh h it w d n a ily m ards to your fa With kindest reg your true I wish to remain sic , artment of Mu p e Most sincerely D s tu ri e m y, Head E Boh Makovsk



Leading up to the 2017 National Convention, the Board of Trustees recognized many sisters continued to support Tau Beta Sigma year after year yet this significant cumulative commitment has gone without recognition. The Board of Trustees is proud to offer new cumulative giving levels to recognize lifetime giving. $50,000 + $20,000 - $49,000 $10,000 - $19,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $1,000 - $4,999 $500 - $999 $250 - $499

Legacy Society Wava Banes Founder Society Crown Pearl Society Golden Lyre Circle Red Rose Circle White and Blue Circle Sisterhood Circle

This new lifetime giving structure will now be the standard in recognizing our donors whose ongoing contributions sustain our work. Individuals will be recognized accordingly in The Podium in addition to annual campaign contributions such as #givingtuesday.

Please join me in welcoming our newest sustainers! Century Club Members Sami Kinnison Heather Marshall Vanessa McPherson Chris Reed Jennifer Scott 1946 Club Members Adrienne Rall Erika Pope Melanie Meehan Marisa Lunde Meghan Smith

28 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma

Monthly contributions to the Tau Beta Sigma Trust Fund is one of the best ways to ensure the continued legacy and success of our organization. Thank you to the following individuals for their continued support via the 1946 Club. Emily Anstey Debbie Baker Justin Brady Sue Carr Lance Coochyouma Lisa Croston Kelly Eidson Dr. Dawn Farmer Leslie Gartin Daniel George Karon and David Hammond Dr. Kathryn Kelly Jonathan Markowski Scott and Carolyn McCambridge Wendy McCann Leslie McClure Cathy Miles Jean Newman Dollie O’Neill Erika Pope Nicole Sanchez April Sansing Kimbi Sigle Jessica Smith

The Board of Trustees also unveiled two new giving clubs ahead of #givingtuesday. The Century Club is aimed at helping individuals begin a monthly giving journey. With a $9 per month contribution, individuals will reach $100 total in contributions to Tau Beta Sigma within one calendar year. The White Rose Circle is an avenue for those wishing to include Tau Beta Sigma in their estate planning. The inaugural class of The White Rose Circle will be debuted at our 75th Anniversary Celebration in 2021.

Giving Tuesday proved yet again to be an overwhelming success raising over $12,000 in just 24 hours. The following honors were made during our day of giving:

Malinda Matney - In Honor of Jonathan Markowski Nicholas Rorrer - In Honor of the Midwest District

Debbie Baker - In Honor of the Beta Xi Chapter, University of Florida

Sarah Casias - In Honor of the Sisters of the Midwest District

Georganne Hodges - In Honor of Karon Miller Hammond

Jessica Lee - In Honor of Jonathan Markowski

Leann Jones Wiser - In Honor of Kay Manship Wilson

Sandra Weese - In Honor of Wava Banes Henry

Nicholas Bratcher - in Honor of Dollie O’Neill

Adrienne Rall - In Honor of Denise Kossler

Lance Coochyouma - In Honor of the Sisters of the Western District, A History Bold in the Past, Present, and Future

Siobhan Wilkes - In Honor of Jennifer Villarreal - my favorite woman in music!

Brianna Mitchell - In Honor of Sheryl Murphy-Manly Helen Capehart - In Honor of the Southwest District of Tau Beta Sigma Zara Simpson - In Honor of Alicia Simpson

Karon Hammond - in Memory of Patsy Drury Hejl

Spring 2018

Generosity of mind, heart and hand‌

The rich history and legacy of Tau Beta Sigma thrives and continues to grow thanks to the loyalty and passion of all who have financially supported the organization. On behalf of the Tau Beta Sigma Board of Trustees, we wish to extend our sincerest gratitude to the following individuals for their total contributions across the years. Legacy Society $50,000+ Wava Banes Founder Society $20,000 - $49,000 Alan Harriet Max Mitchell

Crown Pearl Society $10,000 - $19,999 Wava Banes Henry

Golden Lyre Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Debbie Baker Dr. Kathryn Kelly Jean Newman

Red Rose Circle $1,000 - $4999

Gretchen Buchen Sue Carr Lisa Croston Judith Dulcich Bill and Kelly Eidson Dr. Dawn Farmer Kathy Godwin Karon and David Hammond Patsy Hejl Reece Henry Debbie Kaplan Jonathan Markowski Heather Marshall Marc Martinez Carolyn and Scott McCambridge Wendy McCann Leslie McClure Donna Beth McCormick Melanie Meehan

Cathy Miles Janet West Miller David Oakley Dollie O’Neill Catherine Oster Elaine Ostrander Dr. Nicole Sanchez April Sansing Kimbi Sigle Sandra Weese Leeann Wieser Kris Wright

White and Blue Circle $500 - $999 Emily Anstey Courtney Biagas Justin Brady Meredith Brazzell Beth Bronk Skylar Buffington Lance Coochyouma Paula Crider Jennifer DiBenedetto Kevin Earnest Ed Elsea Chris Foster Leslie Gartin Daniel George Chris Gordon Tim Greenwell Kim Hamilton Karon and David Hammond Carol Kruse Marla Lewiski Melvin Miles, Jr. Steve Nelson Norma Parrish Linda Rae Kathy Rider Carla Robinson Kelly Sipko Jessica Smith Mary Sue Stuart

Sisterhood Circle $250 - $499

Joanna Bonner Tammy Carethers Alison Clanton Mary Gibson Mary Ann Gradisher Lois Gribler Holli Hartman Georganne Hodges Jennifer Khasilev Lueen Lindsay Susan Lodal Chris Lukasik Heather Mackey Legacy Asset Management Suzanne Marques Ted McCadden, Jr. Peter Murray Kaitlyn Musterman Stephani Noar Pauline Ottaviano Theresa Powell Adrienne Rall Christina Reed Constance Reishus Kathy Rodeffer Tiffany Singleton Ashlyn Simmons Sybil Snyder Gwyn Stump Jennifer Tracy Georgette Washington Julia Woodson Marcus Wyche Terri White



K APPA K APPA PSI DONORS ***Giving to KKPsi and the Alumni Association is easy!*** Visit or to make your gift today. William A. Scroggs Founder's Club ($5,000+) James Alexander, Jr. Kenneth Corbett John Finocchiaro Daniel George Derrick Mills Max Mitchell Al & Gladys Wright The Buell J. Staton Charitable Trust The Kerr Foundation, Inc. President's Club ($1,000-$4,999) Christine Beason Alison Beidler Mark Bradbourne Robert Bratcher Marie Burleigh Adam Cantley & Joe Panzer Sarah Casias Samuel Cavaliere Rod Chesnutt Lance Coochyouma Jennifer Costello Gayl Doster Brian Green Matthew Grieco Alan Harriet Christopher Haughee Michael Henderson Michael & Dawn Huskey David Justin Marco Krcatovich, II Jack & Jessica Lee Noah Leininger Jerry Lewis Michael Lindsay Marc Martinez Malinda Matney Craig McClure Melvin Miles, Jr. Morgan Mirtes Jason Mlady Eric Morson Andrew Mullin Rebecca Myers Michael Napolitano Steven Nelson David Oakley Michael Osborn Nathan Pickett Christopher Pratt Preston Ramsey Tammi Ramsey Kirk Randazzo Benjamin Rebeske Daniel Reisinger Nicholas Rorrer Edward Savoy Douglas Stotter Daniel Strinkoski

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Frank Stubbs Michelle Turenne Richard Worthington Christopher Young Eta Sigma Chapter National Alumni Association Theta Nu Chapter Director's Club ($500-$999) Richard Albani Stephen Barrett Steven Brink Brent Cannon Kyle Chaulk Adam Connolly Matthew Cotton Kevin Diana Harold Eason Veronica Graves Amy Heavilin Henry Kellogg Wendell Kimbrough Kasey Lewis Bruce Moss Kelly Nellis Maxy O'Connor Tom Ostrander Laura Pike Linda Rae Charlene Ronne Phillip Rubin Franklin Russell, Jr. William Sandy Alfred Sergel, III Nicholas Verbanic Daniel Wingard, Jr. Kiesha Yelverton Dennis Yu Zeta Chi Chapter First Chair Club ($250-$499) Jacque Alston Thomas Billings Michael Blander Gregory Boike Nicholas Bratcher Lisa Croston Paul Droste William Eidson Daniel Everard Isaac Frank Deb Friedman Michael Golemo Timothy Greenwell, Jr. Corey Herron Wendy McCann Mark McCarthy Peter Murray Erik Oliva Jason Ortiz Catherine Oster Elaine Ostrander Nathan Pruitt Jeffrey Raff Robert Rahn, Jr. Joshua Ratliff

Clarence Revelle Anonymous Katharine Rohrich Alan Rollow Eric Rowsey Norman Sanford Walter Schilling, Jr. Richard Schweichler Thomas Sirridge Darren Smith Joshua Spaulding Diana Spiva Scott Stowell Hailey Sult Bruce Vanderhoof Samuel Viggiano Marcus Wyche Burton Zipser Alpha Chapter Beta Kappa Chapter Eta Chapter Eta Zeta Chapter Pi Chapter Sigma Chapter Xi Chapter Century Club ($100-$249) Mallory Adams Carter Adler Kimberly Ahokas Nicholas Annan Larry Beeby Laura Blake Carl Bolte, Jr. Alexander Brock Mary Bronk Erwin Brown Robert Brown Kelly Buchalski Ronnie Chalmers, Jr. Christopher Colvin Gerilee Davison Evelyn DeVine Scott DeVine Jennifer DiBenedetto Michael Dill Robert Eley William Ewan Chad Eyer Angela Finamore Jeffrey Fink Kerri Fitzgerald Daniel Flores Donald Galyean Howard Gluckman Arupa Gopal Nicolas Hartley Shawna Hatten Hiram Henry Vincent Hercules Mark Hollis Joseph Horvath Karel Husa David Jackson Eldon Janzen Chris Joyce Thomas Kelman

Ryan Largent John Lipphardt Victoria Liu Alexander MacDonald Linda Matney John McCann Grant Miller Jacob Mitchell Trevor Mitchell Dixie Mosier-Greene Tom Mullen James Nuechterlein Joseph Oblick Patricio Olivarez, III Dollie O'Neill Gary Overstreet Brian Paster William Price James Prince Tenaya Ramey Richard Rodean Charles Rogol William Salluzzo Lauren Seiler Gerald Solomon Brendan Sullivan David Tyler Jeffrey Waldschmitt William Welch Kerri Wikle Kelly Wills Bret Zawilski Alpha Nu Chapter Alpha Omicron Chapter Alpha Psi Chapter Beta Lambda Chapter Beta Sigma Chapter Delta Sigma Chapter Epsilon Chapter Epsilon Epsilon Chapter Epsilon Lambda Chapter Epsilon Phi Chapter Epsilon Zeta Chapter Eta Nu Chapter Gamma Phi Chapter Gamma Pi Chapter Gamma Theta Chapter Iota Chapter Iota Gamma Chapter Midwest District Chapter Omega Chapter Omicron Chapter Theta Phi Chapter Theta Upsilon Chapter Zeta Eta Chapter Zeta Xi Chapter Friend of ΚΚΨ (up to $99) Ronnie Alexander Christopher Alsip Austin Ambrose Bruce Amsel Emily Anstey Elissa Ashley Thomas Avery Clif Banner Anne Barrios

Spring 2018

Darryl Barrios Adam Bates Crystal Bays Heather Belcher Kerry Belton Carly Bergstein Karl Bevins Charles Billingsley Anthony Billy Eric Black James Bleil Robert Bonar Raymond Borrell Teresa Bracken Timothy Bracken Rose Bradbourne Gerald Bradshaw Justin Brady Meredith Braselman Harold Bray Kenneth Brodhead Caryl Brown James Brown William Brown, Jr. Joseph Bryant Trevor Buchan Michael Buckstein Skylar Buffington Dionicio Cardenas Beth Carr Susan Carr Joseph Carr II Andrew Carroll Sarah Carten Joseph Cartus, II Danielle Case Toni Castle Gabrielle Cellante Bang Co Caileen Collins Shana Collins Christa Cook Michael Coppola Rebecca Coughlin William Cring Arthur Crutcher Michael Cullen Burt Daigle Jack Davenport William Davis Thomas Deacy Sara DeDona William Dick Keith Dougherty Townes Douglas Mary Doyle Robert Dubois Blake Dye Andrew Eden Eric Eisert Gerald Evans Dana Facchine Paul Faulkner David Finkel Sarah Fitzgerald Danielle Francis Cathy Frank Jared Friedl Benjamin Friedman Daniel Fulmer Jordan Gilbertson Michael Gillespie Benjamin Godfrey George Godfrey III

Alan Goeringer Griffin Goodman Steve Gowans, Jr. James Graber Jesse Granados John Gravitt Nicholas Greeson Jacqueline Grim Sarah Guse David Hahn Jerome Hall Wilbur Hall Gregg Hankins Robert Hardin Michael Hart Nichole Hazelwood Danielle Hebel Suzanne Hemond Allyson Heslop Nathan Hicks Raymond Holley Donald Hondrum Jamie House Alexis Howell Jason Huesman Edward Hunter Latrondrick Hunter Sean Hunter William Ingraffia Daniel Jackson Donta Joe Abigail Johnson Roy Johnson Vanessa Johnson Kenneth Johnson, II Alexander Keck Austin Kelso Albert King, Jr. Charles Kinzer, Jr. Sean LaFollette Brian Lamb Ernest Lambert Kathleen Lambino Gary Lanman Kenneth Lastowka Esther Lee Christian Leichenauer Kelsey LeRoy Michelle Letendre Kaana Lewis Tim Liebrock Kevin Lindow Michael Livingston Michael Logan Kent Love-Ramirez Christopher Lukasik Rebeccah Lutz Preston Mahr Meghan Major Jonathan Markowski Darin Martin Thomas Martin, Jr. Peter Marvin, Jr. Francis Marzen James May John Mazarak Carolyn McCambridge Scott McCambridge Leslie McClure Boyd McDaniel Keegan McGill Harold McHail Sheila McKinney Ian Merkel

Mitch Mikuchonis Lauren Milbourn Justin Millana Daniel Miller Kelly Miller Terry Miller Kyle Mitchell Rev. Leon Moll Holly Moore Matthew Moore Roderick Moore Jason Morris Brent Morton Eric Moser Betsy Murtola Crystal Nadi Stacey Nagle Alyssa Neel Eric Newsome Katherine O'Flaherty Rachel Olsen James Orlando Nathaniel Page John D. & Jessica L. Pasquale Denali Pearce-Alt Joseph Pearson Adam Peterson Laura Phillips Andrew Pickett William Piel Elizabeth Pineiro Heather Pragel Kim Pretzer Chad Proudfoot Michael Rich Joseph Roberts Jacob Rocco Anthony Roscoe Ryan Rottman Marcus Rowden Donald Rubottom II Lisa Ruffcorn Randy Scheid Rosemary Schick Carol Schmidt Kathleen Schoelwer James Schraeder Steven Schriver Joseph Sciarrino Michael Sciarrino Franco Scinicariello Tyrone Scott Alejandro Selgas Christopher Senior Matthew Shaffer Bryce Shelton Kayla Shortnacy David Shullenberger Timothy Slater Brian Smith Jonathan Smith Justin Smith Derrick Snead Nicholas Sondag Elizabeth Spirko Lemikkos Starks Zachary Stewart Zachary Stoddard John Stratton Eryn Streeter Michelle Taam Desmond Tarplin Jessie Tatum Aspen Taylor

Charlotte Taylor Jennifer Taylor Evan Thompson Laura Thompson Tracy Thompson Jacob Turnbow Thomas Ulrich, Jr. Antwone Vass Stephan Vazquez Leland Vliet Sharon Walker Whitney Walterhouse Nicholas Wedler Michelle Wedster Jacob Welper Nicole Wessell Lyle Whybrew Matthew Wilson Antonio Wooden Alpha Omega Chapter Alpha Rho Chapter Alpha Zeta Chapter Beta Chapter Beta Delta Chapter Beta Psi Chapter Delta Gamma Chapter Delta Omicron Chapter Epsilon Kappa Chapter Epsilon Omega Chapter Epsilon Theta Chapter Eta Alpha Chapter Eta Gamma Chapter Eta Omega Chapter Eta Omicron Chapter Eta Rho Chapter Eta Xi Chapter Gamma Chapter Gamma Nu Chapter Gamma Sigma Chapter Iota Mu Chapter Iota Omicron Chapter Iota Pi Chapter Iota Sigma Chapter Iota Upsilon Chapter Iota Xi Chapter Iota Zeta Chapter Kappa Chi Chapter Kappa Delta Chapter Kappa Iota Chapter Kappa Mu Chapter Kappa Nu Chapter Kappa Rho Chapter Kappa Sigma Chapter Kappa Zeta Chapter Lambda Alpha Chapter Lambda Delta Chapter Lambda Eta Chapter Lambda Gamma Chapter Lambda Lambda Chapter Lambda Mu Chapter Lambda Phi Chapter Lambda Xi Chapter Mu Pi Chapter National Chapter Psi Chapter Theta Alpha Chapter Theta Theta Chapter Theta Zeta Chapter Zeta Alpha Chapter Zeta Psi Chapter Zeta Upsilon Chapter



Alaina Peters

Beta Omicron (Alumni) - KKΨ Arizona State University


Starting a New Chapter of Life: What the CFR Position Has Taught Me As the countdown to triple-digit visits increases in intensity, brothers start asking about CFR applications and interviews, and my graduate school admissions decisions roll in, it is crazy to think that I was a chapter president and senior music education major two whole years ago. The time has truly flown by, and I am so thankful for the skills and values the National Chapter Field Representative position has instilled in me.

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hen I first learned about the CFR position, I was amazed at how well it matched the values I’ve always held dear. I first developed a passion for music education as a high school freshman, when I noticed how much I learned about leadership and working with other people through being a band member. As I progressed through high school and college, I honed my clarinet skills and fell in love with music-making and performing. However, my primary interests always focused on helping my band and KKPsi chapter through administrative support, personal encouragement, and leadership development. Of course, band directors do all of these things on a regular basis, but being a CFR allowed me to talk about what brothers were learning about these ideas in a more direct way. I love having those “lightbulb” moments with brothers, in which a conversation we have inspires someone with a new idea about how to lead more effectively. The CFR position also taught me how to have difficult conversations. I’ve had to address hazing, alcohol abuse, gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and constitution violations with several chapters. These are never easy to handle. Even outside of direct policy violations, I often encounter chapters impacted by interpersonal issues, and these are often messy as well. In the training I received before embarking on chapter visits, I learned that the best way to address these issues is by having conversations that make people think through how to change their own situation. While these conversations are sometimes uncomfortable, it is rewarding to help empower brothers to make changes that protect their brothers, their chapter, and their band program long-term. There’s also something about driving all over the country alone that gives you an incredible sense of confidence. I know

that I can always contact a National Officer or a Headquarters Staff Member if I need help, but I’m still by myself, wherever I am. I’ve dealt with travel mishaps like getting a flat tire or being stuck in an elevator. I’ve handled family and personal life issues. And, of course, I’ve stayed on top of CFR work such as answering chapters’ questions, checking in about upcoming visits, completing chapter visit reports, and other fraternity work, all from a car or hotel room. I have always been a fairly independent person, but the CFR position took that to an entirely new level! Last, but certainly not least: I’ve met so many wonderful people through this position. National Headquarters is a diverse and dysfunctional family, and I’ve come to look forward to my breaks in between trips when I can reconnect with them. Many members of the National Leadership Team have become great friends, leadership role models, and professional mentors to me. However, the people that inspire me the most are active members. Our chapters serve diverse band programs in various ways, but 99.9% of active brothers share the intense passion for band service and love for each other that drive our organization to greatness. So what’s next for me? I’m currently in the process of interviewing for graduate assistantships for higher education/ student affairs masters programs. I am pursuing positions that involve promoting student leadership, student organizations, or service learning at a university, to continue helping students hone their leadership skills. I would not have even known that careers like this existed unless I had worked as a CFR! I am forever grateful to have been given this opportunity, and I look forward to continuing to find ways to give back to the fraternity that has taught me so much. Truly, it is an honor to be selected to serve.

Spring 2018

Justin Chesak Gamma Iota (Alumni) - KKΨ University of New Mexico


The Challenge of Change As humans we are hardwired to appreciate the familiar, and for many when that familiar routine is disrupted it can be met with animosity, fear and an unwillingness to change.


t can also be met with excitement and positivity even when the outcome is uncertain. This is true in all aspects of life, not only in Kappa Kappa Psi but in your professional and personal lives as well. But why? Why do we let change have a negative impact on our attitudes not only as brothers, but also as friends, employees, and people? On chapter visits this is commonly identified as a problem and one that brother’s will likely encounter at some point in their time as an active member and almost certainly in other aspects of life. Typically this scenario manifests itself in the phrase “this is how it’s always been”. As one chapter member put it the “older active members and alumni” are often the ones to say that. We become so accustomed to how something is done that we may often fail to embrace the possibility of something different, even if that is possibly a better option. In Kappa Kappa Psi, and certainly in life, change is constant. While this change may be beyond our control, we can control our attitudes, our response, and how we view it. Our time in Kappa Kappa Psi is far too short to get side tracked by something being different simply because we like the way things are, especially if we do not know what the outcome will be. At the end of the day the values that matter in our fraternity such as the pillars (Musicianship, Leadership and Service) will remain constant. Other things will certainly change in our endeavors to exemplify those values. Whether it’s changing how chapter meetings are run, the fundraisers that the chapter does, or even more drastic changes such as when the chapter holds elections or how many officers you have, very few things are permanent. Where chapter members often get stuck is in on whether

the change will improve the chapter. Ultimately I can say without a doubt that members being unwilling to change and meeting it with animosity often creates a bigger problem than what the change could have caused. Ultimately one of the hardest changes to adapt to in the fraternity is what happens when you are no longer a chapter officer or an active member and have joined the ranks of the alumni (Welcome to the club!). I can personally say this is something that I struggled with initially. The notion that the group that you’ve invested time and energy in could go in a completely different direction (for better or worse) is a tough pill to swallow for many brothers, and the urge to speakup about those undesired changes can be tempting. However even alumni just trying to help, can be perceived unfavorably by the chapter for not being agreeable to change. Whether it is the changes in the fraternity such as the Road to Wisdom, the changes in our band program such as a new Director of Bands, or the changes that happen in life such as getting a new job or moving away for college we will constantly face change. Approaching change with optimism and embracing it as a new possibility is what it may take to overcome the challenges that change brings. It is not lost on me that as I write this I am a few months away from some new possibilities in my own life, and while I am uncertain about the future, the possibilities are as exciting as being CFR’s has been to me and hopefully to the next CFR! Until then I look forward to finishing out my last semester and I hope to see you at district convention soon! Keep Striving!



National Articles

Marco Krcatovich II, Vice President for Colonization & Membership - ΚΚΨ

Kappa Kappa Psi:

A Brotherhood, Not a Club


any of us have been members of different clubs and social organizations. I was not only a high school band member, but I did Debate and was Editor of the School Newspaper. Let there be no doubt, I have always been a nerd (and not just a band nerd). Across the Fraternity, we represent members of different social clubs, political views and parties, advocacy organizations, and religious organizations. These associations and organizations are a definition of ourselves, what we believe, and what we celebrate. In this way, Kappa Kappa Psi is like a club – it defines what we believe through our Ritual and the music and college bands we celebrate. But Kappa Kappa Psi is more than that, and we need to take time to remember what makes membership in our Fraternity something special. When we do that as a chapter, we give Brothers a reason to stay involved, and band members a reason to want to join us. When we do that as alumni, we give our fellow brothers a reason to come back and give back. When we do that as Brothers, we live our values and show the heart of Kappa Kappa Psi.

Our Role within the Chapter and our Band

Kappa Kappa Psi is organized on many campuses within campus activities, student organizations, or occasionally with Greek Life. That implies it is similar to any other campus organization. That’s true in that we need to follow campus regulations, be involved in campus government and creating a positive campus experience, and showing off our organization to the campus as a campus model. That’s our obligation to the university or college. But Kappa Kappa Psi is more than just a campus organization. Our members are BROTHERS which means we care for their success and their development and should treat them with respect, protect them from harm, and challenge them constructively to constantly strive for the highest. Kappa Kappa Psi cannot survive without the campus bands and our purposes remind us of our obligation to support our fellow musicians and become an integral part of the college band experience through our musicianship, leadership, brotherhood, and service. We should be providing excellent activities and learning opportunities like a

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club, but going beyond that by showing our love for the band and our passionate support for the band’s mission and staff. And as a Brotherhood, not a club, we need to constantly come back to our Ritual and our purposes and make sure our work is aligned with those values.

Our Role with Membership Candidates

While The Road to Wisdom has meant some changes to membership education in Kappa Kappa Psi, it circles back to central principles about Kappa Kappa Psi that sets us apart from other organizations. First, membership education is a team process in Kappa Kappa Psi. Every brother is a part of membership education and should be challenging themselves to learn more to improve as leaders, musicians, and brothers. Our work is never done and we should push ourselves every day to be a better brother than we were the day before. Second, brothers need to help each other. The way we conducted membership education did not necessarily create great brothers. Asking membership candidates to memorize something or perform tasks for brothers just to get signatures or berating membership candidates to “break them down and teach them they aren’t good enough” – that’s not Kappa Kappa Psi, and I’m proud of our Fraternity for recognizing that we can do better. Caring for the well-being of my brother makes Kappa Kappa Psi more than some club. I want you to learn about my Fraternity, that will soon be OUR Fraternity, but I can do that work while respecting you as an adult, a peer, and a friend. Is this different from how my fellow alumni and I learned to join the Fraternity? You bet it is. But the difference is that it is better and more about educating and caring for the whole person, and I’m glad we are moving forward. Finally, membership education never ends. In other organizations I have been a part of, there is continual education, but you reach a point where you are mostly done learning and you are considered a senior member/leader/etc. In Kappa Kappa Psi, when you join the membership education process, you are my peer. Not lesser than me. My equal. Because the Ritual and our purposes remind us that we have to constantly strive to improve

Spring 2018

As a Brotherhood, not a club, we need to constantly come back to our Ritual and our purposes and make sure our work is aligned with those values. and that NO ONE is done improving and growing. That’s not easy, and sometimes we stop striving, or we don’t look for opportunities to grow as a Brotherhood or chapter. But education doesn’t end, and striving for the highest is a challenge to keep working on ourselves without settling even for a second.

Our Role with Alumni, Our Role as Alumni

As chapters we have a special connection with the Brothers who came before us. It’s not like a club where the older members just pop in on alumni day or have their pictures hanging up on the wall. Our alumni participated in the same Ritual, share the same commitment to our bands, and have our same lifelong connection to music. That gives us a difficult balance to maintain that is unique to Fraternal organizations like ours. We want to give our alumni the space to grow and develop and have a life beyond their time as members. This means we send them newsletters and educate them on the latest events of the chapter, but we also respect their lives by providing advanced notice of events, setting expectations for alumni involvement, and rejecting the outreach of alumni who do not support our values or the band program

(which unfortunately happens at times). For our alumni, the Brotherhood provides us with an opportunity to stay connected to Kappa Kappa Psi, but still leave distance between us and the operations of the active brotherhood by not getting involved in chapter decisions, being a positive, engaged supporter of the chapter and bands, and respecting when the chapter restricts alumni involvement or does not invite us to attend events so they can grow. It isn’t easy, but as alumni we have to model the kind of brother we want all brothers to become. That way we are more than just names on a family tree but role models and mentors. Moving away from being a band club and becoming a Fraternity is a real challenge. It demands a lot from us and it can be hard to explain the difference to others. But let’s remember the final lesson on The Road to Wisdom: Kappa Kappa Psi is a Lifelong Commitment. Both of those words are so important and make us more than just a collection of band nerds (although we certainly are), they make us Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi.



Natalie Farrell

Anna Hopkins

Steven Sharpley

Alpha Beta

Alpha Zeta


Patricia Prevost

Alpha Eta

Ryan Malburg

Zeta Epsilon



National Articles

Siobhan Wilkes, Vice President For Communication & Recognition - TBΣ

AKA: Empowerment


’ve found in my experience professionally and in Tau Beta Sigma that there are many paths to developing leadership, but one that I tend to favor is empowerment. In my first hotel job my company believed greatly in empowering their employees to make decisions to ensure that our guests enjoyed their stay. I learned many valuable lessons from this ideology and believe that empowering the people I work with can help develop them to make an impact in whatever they are doing. Empowerment is giving the people you are leading the authority to make decisions pertaining to their job/role. This can be empowering a front desk agent to “Make it Right” when a guest has an issue with their hotel stay, or empowering a band service committee member to spearhead a project for the chapter. Empowerment can take many faces and is crucial to the success of your chapter and developing the leadership within. Empowering your Sisters and Brothers within your chapter helps to develop leadership through active participation with the band (see what I did there?!) and helps them to fine tune their own leadership skills in the process. Most chapters have committees to assist with the membership process, fundraising, service, or convention planning and while there may be an executive officer leading the committee there are also members who may want to gain experience in that area. The committee head was chosen for that position because of their experience, and they also have the opportunity to assist with the development of the next committee head through empowerment! This can look like allowing a member of the service committee to plan, develop a budget, and promote the Marching Band Formal- putting the baton in their hand for them to lead. They are empowered to learn how to plan a successful event, as well as giving them invaluable experience as they continue to develop as a leader within the chapter. Empowerment also assists with engaging the members of your chapter. A large part of member retention is engagement, and we can use empowerment to allow your members to serve in a way that promotes creativity, collaboration with other members (also a way to foster relationships) and puts the spotlight on them to showcase their strengths. By empowering members of our chapters, we are creating value in what we do- and the value that we have created is in our members.

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There are many ways to empower those you serve alongside, but as you put the baton in their hands there are a few things to consider as well: Make sure that you give the person you are empowering the tools and resources for their success. You would never tell someone to go build a house and not provide a how-to book, training, or the building materials, would you? As you set on the path of empowering the members of your chapter, make sure that you are setting them up for success by training them on what they are going to do. This training does not have to be a three-day intensive session, but can be something as simple as shadowing a committee head as they plan one event, and then letting the empoweree take the lead the next time. Be clear about the goals that you have for the person you are empowering, and follow up. These goals can include a budget, time frame, communication standards, paperwork, etc. Empowerment is a tool for developing leadership so make sure that you give guidance on what they should do and remember to follow up on their progress from time to time and give feedback. Trust them. You’ve given them the tools and resources, been clear on the goals of the project, and nothing stifles growth more than not trusting the person you are empowering. Empowerment is trusting that the person you are delegating a task to will do a good a job. If your parents stopped you every time you tried to learn how to walk- many of us would still be crawling. Allow the person you are empowering to lead, and give them guidance along the way to ensure their success. Give credit where credit is due! I mentioned earlier that empowerment assists with engaging members, and when the event is through make sure to celebrate their achievement! We are all part of Tau Beta Sigma because of our demonstrated leadership within the band, and celebrating our sisters is a fantastic way to keep each other pumped up about the work that we do. Leadership Development, Member Engagement, and Delegation can all also be known as Empowerment. Empower your Sisters to do something that challenges them. Empower and cheer each other on as you meet the goals of your chapter. Use this skill and tactic to take your chapters’ impact to the next level, and further develop the leaders #4Gr8rBands!

Spring 2018

The Executive Council of the TBSAA is sincerely appreciative of the additional donation that these dedicated alumni give to the Association through their membership in the GOLD STAR CLUB. With these additional funds going toward future goals, the TBSAA is working to increase grant and scholarship opportunities for our members, support more events like our 5K program, and find greater fellowship opportunities at district and national conventions. David Alexander Emily Antsey Leah Arceneaux Jonathan Arton Debbie Baker Kwinton Baylor Pamela Bennett Justin Brady Kimberly Burrell Danyell Butler LaShonda Cargill Renee Cartee Jasmine Causey Zach Cheever Angela Chin Lance Coochyouma Queenester Covington Debra Crawford Lisa Croston Amanda Dickson Jason Dornbush Ashley Dudley Deanna Dunstane Ashley Ellison Harmona Epps HaShawn Epps Erika Faulk Sarah Fitzgerald Chris Foster Gwyn Stump

Nichole Gates Kathy Godwin Domonique Graphenreed Meaghan Hall David Hammond Karon Hammond Alan Harriet Tamara Henry Valencia Hicks Lydia Hill Rosalind Howard Yolanda Howard Markitha Humphrey Donnaysia Ifield Shaquana Jenkins Jonicia Johnson Mykea Jones Dr. Kathryn Kelly Courtney Kennebrew Katherine Langley Jada Lee Daphine Little Tamara Lovejoy Christopher Lukasik Rene’ Mark Jonathan Markowski Heather Marshall Dr. Ted McCadden Carolyn McCambridge Scott McCambridge

Wendy McCann Leslie McClure Natasha McDowell Joc’Ques McNeal Vanessa McPherson Angela McQueen Melanie Meehan Brianna Mitchell Monika Monk Caleb Morris Tundra Morris Eric Morson Kymmberly Morton Larietta Moultrie Raeshayla Murphy Jasmine Nixon Dollie O’Neill Maisha Padgett Jennifer Porter Theresa Powell Sussie Prater Adrienne Rall Linetta Ratliff Katie Rixon Dr. Nicole Sanchez Michael Scheidegger Amber Scott Jennifer Scott Dr. Kerry Simon Zara Simpson

Vonetta Sloan Alexis Smith Racine Swayne Rebekah Tarplin Sarna Trapp Kathryn Tribulski Erika Walker Kathy Webster Terri White Bridgette Williams LaShann Williams Roshandra Williams Kristin Wright Patrice Wyatt Tyra Yiare John Ziegler




National Articles

Daniel Miller, Chair

ΚΚΨ Alumni Association Board of Directors

Come Home to KKΨAA


s alumni of our college and university band programs, we are all familiar with the comforts and joys of annual homecoming activities. These homecomings offer us the chance to reconnect with our campus communities and to share a special time with dear friends, and they become events that serve as highlights in our personal calendars. In much the same way, the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association (“KKΨAA”) serves as a kind of year-round homecoming for alumni, life, and honorary brothers of our fraternity, as it provides its members a means to continue their involvement with our fraternity and to pursue our values of brotherhood, service, leadership, and musicianship throughout our lives. The KKΨAA Board of Directors (“AABOD”) welcomes all alumni, life, and honorary brothers to “come home” and take part in our alumni association! This is a wonderful time to join (or expand your participation in) KKΨAA, to take part in this spirit of homecoming, and to join brothers nationwide in making this homecoming an exciting, rewarding, and enduring one. Brothers in KKΨAA can take full advantage of their membership by:

Attending District and National Conventions

As a general matter, only those alumni and honorary brothers who are current members of KKΨAA may attend district or national conventions. (We encourage Life Members, who are also able to attend these conventions, to join KKΨAA without further payment through completion of an annual renewal form.) District and national conventions can serve as a physical manifestation of the KKΨAA homecoming spirit, as they allow different generations of brothers to meet and interact. In an effort to enhance the alumni experience at these conventions, Evan Thompson, the National President of Kappa Kappa Psi, charged the AABOD with the responsibility of establishing a series of alumni-centered programs at district and national conventions. To that end, the AABOD worked with the District Governors and District Councils to ensure that each of the 2018 district conventions included (i) a presentation that introduced and explained the fraternity’s “Road to Wisdom” curriculum to alumni, life, and honorary brothers, (ii) an “Alumni Town Hall” to discuss opportunities for alumni participation in the fraternity and to listen to the concerns and feedback of alumni, life, and honorary brothers, and (iii) at least one workshop devoted to professional development. While the alumni-centered programming offered at district and national conventions will

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vary from year to year and will depend significantly on the participation of many of the KKΨAA members in attendance, the AABOD enthusiastically supports the goal of ensuring that each convention includes excellent offerings for our alumni members. Through such programming, KKΨAA can promote increased alumni attendance at district and national conventions through the promise of more meaningful and rewarding experiences. Information about upcoming district and national conventions is available at upcoming-conventions.

Joining KKΨAA Committees

When district and national conventions are not in session, KKΨAA maintains a sense of homecoming by offering its members opportunities for continued service and brotherhood. The AABOD recently created new opportunities for such continued service through the development of two standing committees. The KKΨAA Revenue Committee will consider ways to strengthen the financial standing of our alumni association. This committee will consider and provide recommendations to the AABOD regarding (i) potential changes to the KKΨAA dues structure, (ii) programs to recognize KKΨAA members for their additional voluntary donations to the alumni association, (iii) proposals for fundraising projects, and (iv) opportunities for securing grants and sponsorships for KKΨAA. The Revenue Committee will include, at least initially, all KKΨAA members who wish to join. The KKΨAA Awards Committee will review nominations for the alumni association’s awards, including the Scott Stowell Alumni Excellence Award and the new Brent Cannon Music Education Alumni Achievement Award, which was announced at the 2017 National Convention. (As the AABOD establishes additional award programs, this committee will also be responsible for reviewing nominations for those awards.) The Awards Committee will recommend to the AABOD specific nominations for recognition through these award programs. Because of the nature of this committee’s work, its size will be more limited than the Revenue Committee. Further information about these KKΨAA committees is available at KKΨAA members with interest in joining these committees are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as the deadline for these applications is rapidly approaching.

Spring 2018

Helping to Start and Strengthen Local Alumni Associations

KKΨAA also supports a spirit of homecoming by supporting local alumni associations (“LAAs”) in which alumni, life, and honorary brothers can continue their fraternal engagement. The AABOD provides oversight for these LAAs, and it encourages all alumni, life, and honorary brothers to consider joining existing LAAs and/or creating new LAAs. LAAs can include just brothers, or they can be joint associations that include both Kappa Kappa Psi brothers and Tau Beta Sigma sisters. (Please note that such joint LAAs must meet the requirements of both KKΨAA and TBΣAA.) LAAs can be established as (i) a chapter-based LAA (focusing on the support of a particular chapter and a particular college’s band programs), (ii) a regional LAA (focusing on a particular geographic area), or (iii) a district LAA (focusing on a particular district of the fraternity and sorority). Each LAA offers a unique environment for further participation in our fraternal goals, and the achievements of our LAAs should make every brother proud. Our LAAs have provided thousands of dollars in scholarships to high school and college students, have sponsored grants to support active brothers’ travels to fraternity events and convention, and have hosted service and social events across the country. Through the efforts of these LAAs, the mission of our fraternity has truly been advanced. KKΨAA serves as a home for the fraternity’s LAA program. The AABOD works alongside existing LAAs to share resources and guidance, and it is ready to help any group of alumni, life, and honorary brothers seeking to create a new LAA. Alumni, life, and honorary brothers interested in joining an existing LAA can find a directory of existing LAAs at laa_directory. Further information about starting a new LAA is available at

Identifying Opportunities for Continued Musicianship and Service

As a home for alumni, life, and honorary brothers, KKΨAA seeks to support its members’ musical and service aspirations. In order to identify band programs in which our members can perform, the AABOD has begun initial collaborative efforts with the Association for Concert Bands (“ACB”), which fosters excellence in adult concert bands and community bands through performance, education, and advocacy. Many bands across the country are members of ACB, and our members should consider whether they can join these bands, provide service and support for these bands, and/or attend the performances of these bands. More information about bands in ACB that could benefit from the participation, service, and support of our alumni, life, and honorary brothers can be found at locate-bands. The AABOD is excited about its new collaboration with ACB and the new musicianship and service opportunities it may bring.

Charting a New Course for Fraternal Engagement

All homes start with a blueprint and are then adapted to suit the needs of their occupants. At the 2017 National Convention, the incoming and outgoing AABOD members drafted a list of goals and action items for this biennium. This list served as a blueprint to start discussions with KKΨAA members in attendance at the convention, and the list was improved considerably in light of feedback from our members. The revised list of goals and action items is available at https://kkpsiaa.kkytbsonline. com/2017-2019-kappa-kappa-psi-alumni-association-goalsand-action-items, and it provides KKΨAA with the means of measuring its achievements and evaluating its next steps over the coming months. Please note, however, that this list is not, and will never be, truly final. KKΨAA’s ambitions and aspirations will always be defined by its membership, and they will continue to evolve as our membership proposes and elevates new ideas. The goals and action items on KKΨAA’s current list reflect ideas raised, discussed, and praised by our members, and our organization’s vitality depends on its members’ active engagement. Through full participation in KKΨAA, alumni, life, and honorary brothers have the opportunity to help define our sustained roles in the fraternity we love.

Ready for Your Homecoming? JOIN KKΨAA NOW!

All alumni, life, and honorary brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi in good standing are invited to join KKΨAA! Life Members of our fraternity can join KKΨAA simply by completing the annual membership form, which is available in an online format at https:// Alumni and honorary brothers may join KKΨAA by making an annual dues payment of $50 and completing a similar annual membership form, which is available in an online format at https://kkpsiaa. (A printable version of the annual KKΨAA membership form is available at KKPsiAA-Membership-Form-FINAL.pdf.) Please note that all brothers who recently became alumni following their college graduations enjoy a free year of provisional membership in KKΨAA. (As provisional members, these brothers can take advantage of all aspects of KKΨAA membership, but cannot participate in voting without first making the annual dues payment of $50 to become full voting members of the alumni association.) This free year of provisional membership serves as KKΨAA’s initial welcome to new alumni. Please join me, the members of the AABOD, and all members of KKΨAA in making our alumni association a meaningful home for all of our alumni, life, and honorary brothers! By striving for the highest, we can make possible a homecoming that never ends!





OCTOBER 28, 2017

Alzie Francis Walker, II, former Director of Bands at Norfolk State University, transitioned to eternal life on October 28. Mr. Walker started his college education at Norfolk State College majoring in music and marching in the Marching Spartan Legion. After graduating, Mr. Walker became the Lead Graduate Assistant with the University of Nebraska’s Cornhusker Marching Band in Lincoln, Nebraska and earned his Masters of Music degree. After graduation Mr. Walker served as Assistant Director of Bands at Southeast Missouri State University and Delaware State University. Mr. Walker came back home to be the Assistant Director of Bands at Norfolk State in 1986. After the retirement of his mentor, Mr. Emery “Chief” Fears, Mr. Walker became the head Director of Bands overseeing the Marching Spartan Legion, Concert Band and Symphonic Wind Ensemble. Mr. Walker later became the Director of Bands at Savannah State University in Savannah, GA. While serving as Assistant Director of Bands at Delaware State University, Mr. Walker entered the Fraternity as an Honorary at the Eta Psi chapter. He was later instrumental in the charter of the Iota Xi chapter at Norfolk State University and Lambda Upsilon at Savannah State University. He was also instrumental in the charter of Tau Beta Sigma’s Epsilon Sigma chapter at Norfolk State and Iota Zeta chapter at Savannah State. Mr. Walker was a gifted musician, writer, arranger and conductor. His gifts were witnessed every fall Saturday during a college football game -- especially during halftime. Mr. Walker also wrote and arranged the Savannah State University Fight Song. Mr. Walker was a friend, mentor and father figure to hundreds of his students. He leaves behind a legacy of musicians, educators and band directors at all levels of education.




She attended the Julliard School of Music before graduating from the University of Michigan with a Master of Science Degree in Music Education. She was a band director at Niles, Michigan, Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and Coweta, Oklahoma. As the Junior High School Band director at Niles, her band achieved superior ratings in marching and concert performances in 1954 - 1955 - 1956. The Sapulpa Junior High Bands were named The Outstanding Junior High School Band in the United States for the years of 1965 - 1967 - 1968 under Margie's conducting. While in Coweta, the Coweta High School Bands were Oklahoma Class AA Sweepstakes champions in 1977 and 1978. She was a music adjudicator throughout the Midwest and received the 1976 Tau Beta Sigma National Outstanding Service to Music Award, and elected to the 1985 Oklahoma Bandmasters Hall of Fame. After retiring to Bella Vista, she directed the Village Handbell Ringers for many years.



NOVEMBER 2, 2017

He attended Winston-Salem State University, where he was a Management Information Systems major, a member of the Red Sea of Sound Marching Band, and a member of the Kappa Lambda Chapter of KKPSI national band fraternity. He was an active member of Mount Vernon Baptist Church, where he served as choir member, usher, missionary, Sunday School student, musician, and church league athlete.



NOVEMBER 9, 2017



FEBRUARY 22, 2018

He graduated from Vinita High School and attended college at Northeastern State University. His life was music. He played, sang, listened to and taught music his entire life. At the time of death, he was teaching at Saied Music in Tulsa.

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Spring 2018



NOVEMBER 20, 2017

Mark S. Kelly, Director of Bands Emeritus served Bowling Green (Ohio) State University as Director of Bands from 1966 to 1994. Mark S. Kelly’s combination of abilities and knowledge became a perfect fit for higher education and he stayed there until 1994, bringing wide attention to the quality of his performing groups. Upon his retirement, the BGSU Board of Trustees, by way of student nomination, voted to name the instrumental rehearsal room, the Mark S. Kelly Instrumental Rehearsal Hall. Prior to coming to BGSU, Mr. Kelly taught for fifteen years in the Iowa communities of Clarinda and Centerville and one year at the University of Iowa as a Graduate Assistant Director of Bands. His service as an educator of the highest order came to nationwide attention as he brought the high school band from Centerville, Iowa, to perform at The Midwest Clinic in 1957 and 1963. In 1960 he presented a special Midwest session in which every member of the concert band performed in a chamber ensemble, demonstrating the inestimable value of chamber music-making in building a highest-quality band, and Midwest attendees were further impressed that such achievement came in a relatively small setting with no special resources. He was ahead of his time as the first band director to have two women guest conductors on a Midwest Clinic concert: Mary Ann Cassens, Centerville elementary and junior high school band teacher, and Barbara Rankin, Parma, Ohio, high school teacher. His services as a conductor/clinician were widely sought and the BGSU Symphonic Band, under his direction, appeared regularly on state, regional and national conference stages. He kept track and looked forward to following the lives and careers of the students. His professional stature was apparent as he was invited to The Midwest Clinic Board of Directors in 1988 and was elected as vice president (1991-1995; 1997-2009) and interim president (1996), and when he was elected president of the prestigious American Bandmasters Association. Throughout his Midwest Clinic activities, Mark S. Kelly was helped and supported by his wife Helen and his children; daughter Karen is an eminent school band teacher in Ohio and accompanied her father to many Midwests. In Mark S. Kelly, band students preparing for all kinds of careers had an ideal role model as a person and leader who helped develop sensitivity to the values of music in individual life and society. Students preparing for music professions as performer or teacher could emulate an accomplished musician, teacher, conductor and advisor.



DECEMBER 16, 2017

Gerald was one of the 5 individuals who purchased Stillwater Station and then sold it to Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma for use as our National Headquarters. He graduated from Stillwater High School in May 1944 followed by enlistment in the Army Air Corps where he was stationed in Germany with occupational forces. Following V-E Day, Gerald returned to Stillwater, finished his Business degree and was graduated from Oklahoma A&M College in 1949. His business career in Stillwater formally began upon graduation from OAMC when he joined the Henry Campbell Insurance Agency. Gerald purchased the agency in 1953 and owned and operated it for 60 of its 83 years in existence.



JANUARY 26, 2018

Erin was a Music Education major at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas. She played clarinet in the Lumberjack Marching Band and was a member of Tau Beta Sigma music service sorority. She was a member of Cottonwood Creek Church in Allen where she was very active in the youth group and AWANAs.



FEBRUARY 14, 2018

He was a four-year member of the Bulldog Pride band and Howlin’ Dog jazz band. He also participated in one act play for four years, along with several Academic teams. He was a two year all state band member and performed at the Texas State solo and ensemble all four years in high school. He was a passionate musician and student.


How to build your legacy in Tau Beta Sigma

#givingtuesday is a global day of giving fueled by social media that celebrates and supports giving. This year #givingtuesday takes place on November 27, 2018. The 13 Days of TBΣ is a celebration of sisterhood in the days leading up to our Founder’s Day on March 26. Celebrate with a donation to the Trust. There is no better way to say Happy Birthday! The 1946 Club is a yearlong commitment to a monthly donation of $19.46 or more. Those who join the campaign receive a special recognition for their support. Please note: the day you sign up for the 1946 Club will be the day your account is drafted each month. The Century Club is aimed at individuals looking to start building their legacy at a more manageable monthly contribution. With a year long commitment of $9 per month, Century Club members will achieve $100 in donations to the Trust in one calendar year. The White Rose Circle is a new form of recognition for those individuals wishing to include Tau Beta Sigma in their estate planning. This is an avenue through which individuals can make a significant charitable gift that is part of their financial or estate plan. Please contact Di Spiva at NHQ if you want to be a part of the inaugural class of the White Rose Circle. Did you know a gift of life membership can be a tax deduction? A portion of every life membership benefits the Tau Beta Sigma Trust. When purchased on someone else’s behalf and gifted, it is considered a donation to the sorority and therefore can be used as a tax deduction. Does your company offer a matching gift program? If so they can match, or even multiply, your gift to the Sorority. Ask whether your employer participates in such a program.

Spring 2018

The official publication of Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma



President Evan L. Thompson, 16 Hilliard Drive, Sumter, SC 29150; Phone: 803.840.4418;

President Jonathan L. Markowski, 98 Colonial Rd., Abington, MA 02351-1618; Phone: 339.793.0003;

Vice President for Colonization & Membership Marco Krcatovich, II, 1 University Parkway, Room G337, University Park, IL 60484; Phone: 616.499.5019;

Vice President for Colonization & Membership Adrienne Rall, 3703 14th Ave., Kearney, NE 68845; Phone: 308.708.0737;

Vice President for Programs Dr. Nicholas Bratcher, 500 Hibiscus Drive Apt. 108, Redlands, CA 92373; Phone: 843.855.4350;

Vice President for Special Projects Erika Pope, 3236 Spring Grove Circle, Memphis, TN 38119; Phone: 501.416.1191;

Vice President for Student Affairs Jessica Lee, 129 Continental Lane, Hillsboro, TX 76645; Phone: 903.495.1307;

Vice President for Communications & Recognition Siobhan Wilkes, 18625 Midway Rd Apt 1414 Dallas, TX 75287; Phone: 254.630.3415;

Vice President for Professional Relations Dr. Douglas F. Stotter, PO Box 19105, Arlington, TX 76019-0105;

Vice President for Professional Relations Dr. Kyle Glaser, Music Department- TSU 601 University Dr. San Marcos, TX 78666; Phone: 570.269.7162;

KKΨ Alumni Association Chair Daniel Miller, 301 N. Chaucer Ct., Sewickley, PA 15143-8729; Phone: 412.608.6350;

TBΣ Alumni Association Chair Katie Rixon, 1913 Baltimore Drive, Richardson, TX 75081; Phone: 903.276.3820;

Immediate Past President Jack D. Lee, III, 129 Continental Lane, Hillsboro, TX 76645; Phone: 817.729.5841;

Immediate Past President Kathryn G. Kelly, M.D., 712 Symphony Woods Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20901; Phone: 202.549.9557;

Board of Trustees Adam Cantley, Chair; Danny A. George, Vice Chair; Eric B. Morson; Malinda M. Matney, Ph.D.; Edward Savoy; Jack D. Lee, Immediate Past President; Evan Thompson (ex-officio)

Board of Trustees Kathy Godwin, Chair; Lisa R. Croston, Vice Chair; Kimbi Sigle; Justin Brady; Carolyn McCambridge; Dawn Farmer, Ph.D.; Kathryn G. Kelly, M.D., Immediate Past President; Janet West Miller (Life); Jonathan Markowski (ex-officio)



Midwest Denali D. Pearce-Alt, 177 Lee Dr. Liberty, MO 64068-2222; Phone: 816.308.9418; Anthony M. Falcone, 220 Westbrook Music Bldg, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0102; Phone: 402.472.1643;

Midwest Leslie K. Gartin, 408 New Salem Road Marshalltown, IA 50158; Phone: 641.751.2226; Zack T. Rebarchek, 445 Eisenhower Dr., A316B3 Lawrence, KS 66049; Phone: 913.671.9486;

North Central Marc D. Renaud, 14012 Whittier Dr., Fishers, IN 46038; Phone: 248.935.5137; Tammi J. Ramsey, 2453 Birch Bark Trail Grove City, OH 43123; Phone: 330.421.7844;

North Central Carrie M. Webster, 110 Harmony Ave. East Peoria, IL 61611; Phone: 630.818.6588; Kellie M. Leitz, 5757 Mt. Vernon Drive Milford, OH 45150; Phone: 513.702.2890;

Northeast Marie Burleigh, 1807 N. 23rd St, Clarksburg, WV 26301-1530; Phone: 304.669.9280; Michael Napolitano, 70 Kent Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590; Phone: 845.214.5542;

Northeast Ted McCadden, 232 W. Pennsylvania Ave, Stewartstown, PA 17363; Phone: 443.564.1065; Allison M. Leemann,180 Ravine Drive Matawan, NJ 07747; Phone: 908.461.0899;

Southeast Latrondrick Hunter, 2110 Sullivan Road, Huntsville, AL 35810; Phone: 256.698.7043; Dr. Craig Aarhus, Mississippi State University, PO Box 6162, Mississippi State, MS 39762; Phone: 662.325.2713;

Southeast Lee Commander, 206 Wheatherbine Way W, Tallahassee, FL 32301; Phone: 850.843.3630; Kelsey E. Reilly, 4709 Waterbury Rd, Raleigh, NC 27604; Phone: 619.322.3882;

Southwest Toni Castle, 3755 FM 1694 Robstown, TX 78380; Phone: 361.549.0035; Kalem O. Graham, 2513 W Oklahoma Ave Guthrie, OK 73044; Phone: 540.664.1702; Clinton J. Wieden, 7301 SW Lee Blvd. Apt. 518 Lawton, OK 73505; Phone: 405.714.3181;

Southwest Donnelle' Mitchell, 5337 N. MacArthur Blvd Apt 1118, Irving, TX 75038; Phone: 903.747.0029; Kathy Webster, 1610 East Highway 67 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455; Phone: 214.546.1397;

Western Charlene A. Ronne, 1647 Belleville WayApt #O Sunnyvale, CA 94087; Phone: 310.560.1653; Erik Marrs, 6222 W. Corsair LN Apt 201, Boise, ID 83704; Phone: 951.333.1911;

Western Alexis Holladay, PO Box 3572, Clovis, CA 93613; Phone: 559.696.8755; Lennie Ambelang, 7932 W. Villa Lindo Dr., Peoria, AZ 85383-1022; Phone: 623.252.8636;



Don’t forget to notify the PODIUM of your new address

National Headquarters Kappa Kappa Psi Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Fraternity/Sorority P.O. Box 849 Stillwater, OK 74076-0849

Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Jefferson City, MO PERMIT NO. 210

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Complete above and return with old address label to: Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma P.O. Box 849, Stillwater, OK 74076-0849


PODIUM & BATON INDEXING PROJECT The Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma history and archives teams are excited to announce a project to index the joint publication of our organizations, The Podium. The Baton is the early year’s publication for Kappa Kappa Psi and is included in this indexing project. The history of our organizations comes alive when you look back at older editions of the publications. As part of the process to document the history of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, we are embarking on this project now so that by 2019 we will be in the position to provide a documented history of our organizations. If you would like to assist in this project, please contact Aaron Moore at You will be able to do this indexing on your on time and schedule. You will be asked what edition of the Podium or Baton you would like to index (possibly the years you were an active member). We will send you that edition as a PDF document, along with an Excel file to document the issue, instructions, and an example issue.


Thank you for supporting Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. We hope you will see the value in this project OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY and commit to indexing one or more issues.


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