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Diocese of Fall River, Mass.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., blesses the holy oils to be used in Sacraments across the diocese this year. This yearly rite takes place at the Chrism Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Fall River each Holy Week. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza) The Anchor - April 21, 2017


New apostolate promotes Fatima message during centennial By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff kensouza@anchornews.org

FALL RIVER — In preparation for this year’s centennial anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima to three shepherd children in Portugal, a new apostolate called Living the Fatima Message was formed last summer to help promote Our Lady’s message of peace for the world. The purpose of the apostolate is simple: to spread awareness of Our Lady’s message and requests, and to encourage and assist the faithful to respond to this


urgent appeal from Heaven — personally and in community. “It all began last year when I was speaking with Father Alan Wharton of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in New Bedford about a Pro-Life initiative and how frustrated I and others had become trying to bring awareness to the public,” said Jane Wilcox, a parishioner at St. Bernard’s Parish in Assonet and one of the group’s founding members. “I remembered how Bea Martins and I had brought the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe across the

The Anchor - April 21, 2017

diocese to further the ProLife cause, and I thought we should do the same with Our Lady of Fatima.” Realizing how powerful prayer can be, especially through Our Lady’s intercession, Wilcox joined forces with a group of likeminded laity and religious in the diocese and presented their idea to Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., who gave them his blessing and encouragement. “Our Lady has been leading us and drawing people to Living the Fatima Message ever since,” Wilcox said.

Living the Fatima Message aims to help orient and mobilize the faithful to enact the Spiritual solution offered by Our Lady of Fatima. They are a grassroots group of laypeople, clergy and religious within the Fall River Diocese who are consecrated to the Mother of God individually and collectively. Another of the group’s founding members, Somerset resident Elizabeth Montigny, believes the central core of Our Lady’s message from a century ago is just as important today as it was back then. “You don’t have to look far to see the ‘culture of death’ pushing its agenda,” Montigny told The Anchor. “Just think of the constant attacks against the dignity of the human person, and Marriage and family. I don’t think it’s a coincidence it is also the anniversary of the founding of Planned Parenthood and that doctors can now ‘prescribe suicide.’ “And what about the attacks against our religious freedom? It’s gotten to the point people are not sure if they should even say ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Easter!’ Globally, the Church is being persecuted, as we just

witnessed on Palm Sunday with the attacks on the Coptic churches in Egypt.” Just as the world was on the brink of two international wars when Our Lady first appeared back in 1917, Montigny said “these conflicts continue to play out 100 years later.” “Perhaps it’s because we have not listened to Our Mother and she wants to tell us the time is now,” she said. “She’s a patient mother, but she’s already waited 100 years. As a mother of three young boys, I’m not sure I want to know what Heaven’s version of a ‘timeout’ is!” As a mom and someone with a lifelong devotion to the Blessed Mother, Montigny said she has learned to appreciate the importance a maternal role model plays in everyone’s life. “When I married and started a family, I realized quickly how loving and raising children is the toughest and most rewarding job I will ever have,” she said. “And Mary was, and is, the ultimate ‘super mom’ to me!” Not surprisingly, it was her own mother who inspired her to begin staging theater pieces in which Turn to page 19

Family Walk at La Salette to benefit needy families in Greater Attleboro area

By Becky Aubut Anchor Staff beckyaubut@anchornews.org

ATTLEBORO — Come rain or shine, the Attleboro Spring Wildlife Sanctuary at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Attleboro will come alive on May 6, as people participate in the annual Family Walk “Helping Our Neighbors” fundraiser organized by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. One hundred percent of the donations will benefit individuals and families living in the greater Attleboro area towns who turn to the St. Vincent de Paul Society for food, clothing, utilities or rent. Peter Kortright, a member of the St. Mary’s Parish in Mansfield conference of the Attleboro district’s St. Vincent de Paul Society and in his second year as co-chairman of the annual walk, said that SVdP societies in the United States host an annual fund-raiser walk, and while many take place in early fall, the Attleboro walk takes place every spring. “It’s a common fundraiser for the St. Vincent de Paul organization,” said Kortright. “It’s a family walk helping our neighbors. In the Attleboro district, [the walk] is the only explicit fund-raiser we have, other than money that parishioners donate through their parishes.” There are 10 different conferences of SVdP in the Attleboro district providing almost $200,000 or more in money back to needy individuals and families, and the walk raises about $25,000 of that total amount, said Kortright: “It’s a very large component of our fund raising. I

know that we would not be able to help many families [without it].” Much of the money is allocated towards paying rent of those families who run short, or find them-

a flat rate of $15 to register to walk, and can also add to that base rate of $15 with their own sponsors. “Like many other fund-raising walks, individuals are encouraged to

Young people participating in a past “Helping Our Neighbors” fund-raiser organized by the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

selves going into housing for the first time and need help getting their first rent payment together — these are some of the individuals who benefit from the SVdP fund-raising efforts. “St. Vincent de Paul is there for them, on an asneeded basis,” said Kortright. The walk offers myriad ways of sponsorship for the walk. A business can pay for a sign that will be placed along the walk; there are different sponsorship levels that will be acknowledged as silver, gold or platinum; businesses can also sponsor to have their business featured on the Attleboro’s St. Vincent de Paul website, along with being featured on T-shirts being made available for those who register for the walk. The walk offers visibility for businesses, said Kortright. Individuals can pay

get pledges from friends, family and associates to help them raise a little bit more. For the walk, maybe they can raise an additional $15 or $20 from a contributor.” As for the actual walk itself, “it’s not a long walk,” said Kortright. “It’s a very small loop around a trail at the Attleboro Springs of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. It’s behind La Salette, off the left-hand side, just off to the left of where the Stations of the Cross are, there are some woods and a nature trail that the Audubon Society maintains, and that’s where folks walk. It’s about a halfmile trail. “We encourage people to walk about it multiple times. We’re thankful for the individuals who show up and pay their personal fee, which is a contribution that adds up.” Most of the work that

the Vincentians do often goes unrecognized because it’s done quietly and without fanfare, said Kortright: “Families or individuals who find themselves in need have very few places to go, and oftentimes they’re already on public assistance, or struggling in one way or another through employment or health issues. Oftentimes the stories we hear are pretty sad ones. We do our best to respond in a Christian, non-judgmental way.” The main goal is to keep a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food on the table, said Kortright. Currently SVdP is working on changing the system so that families can have more opportunities to avoid and stay out of poverty. Nationally SVdP is working on systemic change by advocating through state legislatures to maintain levels of support for the homeless, that they are adequately taken care of; and arguing for support for programs that provide health care and supplemental food. “There are very compelling stories and we work hard to serve them,” said Kortright.

Kortright knows that families are very busy these days, but hopes they take some time off on the morning of May 6 to help their fellow neighbors in need. Walk-in registrations are welcome. Students from Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro will be helping out, and face painting, refreshments and snacks will be offered. “We know families have a lot on their calendars. We’re praying for good weather this year with the Holy Spirit, so we’ll get a good number of walkers. It’s a fun thing to do. Plants are blooming, frogs are croaking; it’s a wonderful way to take a break from your daily grind. I hope that people will put it on their calendar. Just by showing up, you’ll get a little bit of exercise, see some friends, and that going home you know you’ve helped out. The Family Walk will be held on May 6, with registration and the kick-off beginning at 9 a.m. with the walk ending at noon. For more information, email familywalk@ svdpattleboro.org, or visit www.svdpattleboro.org/ familywalk to register.

The Anchor - April 21, 2017


Attleboro faithful ‘discover Christ’ this Lenten season

By Dave Jolivet Anchor Editor davejolivet@anchornews.org

felt about what they heard. “We encouraged people to say what they felt, not sharATTLEBORO — For ing something they thought several years the parishiowe wanted to hear,” said ners at St. John the EvanDonoghue. “We provide gelist have taken the misa safe, non-judgmental sion of its patron saint very space to say what’s on one’s seriously. The Attleboro mind.” parish has maintained a Donoghue added that small, active and very comthe sharing sessions have mitted evangelization combecome more active each mittee to not only receive week. the Good News of Jesus A very important element Christ, but to share it with of the sessions is a one-day as many people as possible. retreat focused on the Holy “We have held differSpirit. “Most of us received ent events over the last few the Sacraments of Baptism years with evangelization as the core,” Chris Donoghue, Participants in the “Discovering Christ” program at St. John the Evangelist Parish in and Confirmation without chairman of the committee, Attleboro share a meal at the parish center, prior to one of the seven weekly gatherings making an adult decision,” Donoghue told The Anchor. that make up the agenda. told The Anchor. “We are “The retreat presented the always looking for some“Discovering Christ” elethe ChristLife program,” The committee focused opportunity for folks to thing more to sustain our ment, according to the site, he said. “I saw there was a on an extensive invitamake that decision, respond faith lives and to spread “opens the door for people national meeting in Baltition process, using the to the Holy Spirit’s call to that faith with others.” more and I attended and parish bulletins, sending know Christ. There were The latest venture, which who are searching for the meaning of their lives,” got some great informaout postcards, speaking to two talks on the Holy Spirit will end April 25, is a where they can “share the tion and feedback from parents of Faith Formation and His influence in changseven-week course, the first parishes across the country. students who will be receiv- ing lives. Prayer teams also component of the national- Good News and the perI brought the information ing a Sacrament this year, invoked the Holy Spirit ly-formed ChristLife series, sonal love of Jesus Christ’” Donoghue said that a back to the committee and and even sending E-invites to move people to make a titled “Discovering Christ.” to those parishioners with verbal commitment to the According to the Christ- few years back the commit- we agreed it would be a tee, in its commitment to good fit for our parish.” email addresses. Lord. It was very moving Life website, “Discoverevangelization, was looking The Attleboro committee “We wanted to invite for a lot of people, including ing Christ” is the first of for new ways to accomplish went through its own train- and welcome as many the team.” a three-step program. The the ongoing goal. “We ing process and embraced people as we could,” said The Attleboro parish’s went online and discovered the idea. “The biggest Donoghue. “We had a team venture into the ChristLife question for us was, ‘Would of 25 facilitators and we series was the first in Maspeople commit seven weeks would have been happy sachusetts. to attend the sessions?”’ with that. But the response “The people who have added Donoghue. “We ap- was overwhelming and attended the sessions have proached our pastor, Father during the first three or loved it,” said Donoghue. Richard Wilson, and we four sessions we’ve averaged “Some have said it has decided to incorporate the 130 people.” exceeded their expectations. idea into a Lenten proDonoghue said each ses- The fact that 130 people gram.” sion begins with a catered attend each week speaks for meal, free of charge, where itself.” no catechesis takes place, Ashley Michelle is one but rather, gives the atof the participants. She told tendees the opportunity to The Anchor, “‘Discovering socialize and get to meet Christ’ has been such an new people, and “make new amazing experience, at such friends.” a crucial time in my life. I’m The actual “Discovering new to the parish, and it’s Christ” sessions include a allowing me to restore my video, after which people, faith; I was lost and now who are part of a group I’m found. of eight to 10 individuals, “I was so nervous at first including a team person, because I only knew one are invited to say what they Turn to page 21 4

The Anchor - April 21, 2017

Junior Vincentians blazing their own path in ministry By Becky Aubut Anchor Staff beckyaubut@anchornews.org

NORTH ATTLEBORO — Founded in 1833, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was initially designed to help impoverished people living in the slums of Paris, France. The primary figure behind the society’s creation was Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, a French lawyer, author and professor. He was only 20 years old when the society was founded — and once again, young people are leading the way at an SVdP conference in the Fall River Diocese. Paul Hodge, part of the Vincentian Re-entry program, happily touted the efforts to The Anchor about a small group of youngsters making a difference: “One of the projects we’ve done is the collection of personal care items for men and women being released from the House of Correction in North Dartmouth,” he said. “One of the Vincentian organizations of the St. Vincent de Paul conferences is one up at Sacred Heart Parish in North Attleboro, and they’ve done an outstanding job. One of the neat parts about it is the adult people in the parish incorporated the young people in the parish.” The Junior Vincentians, or the “Mini Vinnies” as they are affectionately called, are led, in part, by Pam O’Brien, president of the Sacred Heart Parish conference: “I feel like the Holy Spirit was dragging me along,” said O’Brien of her joining SVdP. “I was always very timid about actually getting out there and doing things. When we moved to Franklin and began to attend Sacred

Heart, it just started calling me again. “What started [the Junior Vincentians forming] is there was a lot of talk in the society about Pope Francis and he’s all about getting the kids involved, and Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., is all about that. We have these fan-

tastic kids of our members who show up every Thanksgiving and put baskets together, always making cards for people — why don’t we formally recognize these kids?” In May 2016, the Sacred Heart Parish Conference conducted an official St. Vincent de Paul

Ozanam training session, which was an abbreviated version of the annual adult Ozanam training session. The kids learned about Blessed Frederick Ozanam, Blessed Rosalie Rendu and their important roles in forming the society. They learned about the society’s mission of

assisting the poor, while helping them move out of the cycle of poverty so they are able to provide a better life for themselves and/or their families. Currently the eight Junior Vincentians, ranging in age from nine to 14 years old, include O’Brien’s daughter Madelyn; Stephanie Amuah-Amoah; sisters Caleigh and Grace Brown; sisters Libby and Gracie Kate Brown (no relation to the previously listed Brown sisters); and sisters Leah and Anna Pusateri. After a special ceremony, the newly-minted Junior Vincentians were given pins and certificates: “It made them feel like a part of the group,” said O’Brien. “They just loved it.” O’Brien’s older son, Michael, and other teen-agers also participate but aren’t formal members, simply floating in and out to help out when they can, said O’Brien. Since welcoming them into the conference, the Mini Vinnies have been busy. Working with the Pictured are the Junior Vincentians in action at the “Towel Station,” as they put togeth- help of adult Vincentians, er the Comfort Packs for those being released from the Bristol County House of Correc- the kids have completed tion in North Dartmouth. One hundred towels and 100 face cloths were folded and one many projects that include: of each were put into a Comfort Pack as kids worked alongside the adults to assemble making “spring time” place each bag. Back row: Michael O’Brien, Grace Brown, Caleigh Brown, Leah Pusateri, Libby mats for Food ’N Friends Brown; front row are Gracie Kate Brown and Stephanie Amuah-Amoah. Turn to page 20

The Anchor - April 21, 2017


Anchor Editorial

Rachel gives us hope

Pope Francis has been speaking about hope in his weekly Wednesday general audiences since last December. On January 4 of this year the Holy Father discussed the Old Testament figure of Rachel as an image of hope. Rachel was the woman whom Jacob longed to marry, but was initially tricked out of doing so by his uncle Laban, who fooled Jacob into marrying Rachel’s sister Leah. Jacob then had to work seven more years for his devious relative before he could marry Rachel. Rachel was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, Jacob’s youngest sons. Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. Centuries later the prophet Jeremiah made reference to Rachel, “Thus says the Lord: In Ramah [where Rachel was traditionally believed to be buried] is heard the sound of sobbing, bitter weeping! Rachel mourns for her children, she refuses to be consoled for her children — they are no more!” ( Jer 31:15). Matthew’s Gospel (Mat 2:17-18) says that Jeremiah’s prophesy was fulfilled when King Herod the Great accomplished the Slaughter of the Holy Innocents in his attempt to kill the Baby Jesus. Readers of Jeremiah in the centuries before Christ interpreted the prophet’s statement about Rachel as a personification of Israel mourning her people lost after the Assyrian conquest of the northern kingdom of Israel. Unlike the Jews who survived their captivity in Babylon, the Israelites taken away by the Assyrians “are no more,” because that empire forced the Hebrews to assimilate. Pope Francis says about Rachel, “I would like to reflect with you on the figure of a woman who speaks to us about hope lived in tears. Hope lived in tears. The prophet Jeremiah refers to Rachel as he addresses the Israelites in exile, trying to console them with words full of emotion and poetry; that is, he takes up Rachel’s lament, but gives hope.” After reading Jeremiah’s prophesy aloud, the pontiff said, “In these verses, Jeremiah presents this woman of his people, in a situation of suffering and tears, but along with an unexpected outlook on life. Rachel, who in the Genesis account had died in childbirth and had accepted that death so that her son might live, is now instead represented by the prophet as alive in Ramah, where the deportees gathered, weeping for the children who in a certain sense died going into exile; children who, as she herself says, ‘are no more,’ they are lost forever.” What the Hebrews were experiencing in that ancient moment is something which many families experience today, due to addictions, family separations, wars, persecutions, etc. One need only check out the local or international news to see this sad reality. “For this reason [that her children ‘are no more’] Rachel does not want to be consoled,” Pope Francis continued. “This refusal of hers expresses the depth of her pain and the bitterness of her tears. Before the tragedy of the loss of her children, a mother cannot accept words or gestures of consolation, which are always inadequate, never capable of alleviating the pain of a wound that cannot and does not want to be healed, a pain proportionate to love. Every mother knows all of this; and today too, there are many mothers who weep, who do not accept the loss of a child, inconsolable before a death that is imOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER www.anchornews.org

Vol. 61, No. 8

Member: Catholic Press Association Published bi-weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, MA 02720, Telephone 508-675-7151 — FAX 508-675-7048, email: theanchor@anchornews.org. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $20.00 per year, for U.S. addresses. Send address changes to 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, MA, call or use email address

PUBLISHER - Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V. EXECUTIVE EDITOR Father Richard D. Wilson fatherwilson@anchornews.org EDITOR David B. Jolivet davejolivet@anchornews.org ADVERTISING Wayne R. Powers waynepowers@anchornews.org REPORTER Kenneth J. Souza k ensouza@anchornews.org REPORTER Rebecca Aubut beckyaubut@anchornews.org Send Letters to the Editor to: fatherwilson@anchornews.org

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The Anchor - April 21, 2017

possible to accept. Rachel holds within her the pain of all the mothers of the world, of all time, and the tears of every human being who suffers irreparable loss.” You may think — what does this have to do with hope? Christian hope cannot gloss over this suffering; rather it has to embrace it. The Holy Father added, “This refusal of Rachel, who does not want to be consoled, also teaches us how much sensitivity is asked of us before other people’s suffering. In order to speak of hope to those who are desperate, it is essential to share their desperation. In order to dry the tears from the faces of those who are suffering, it is necessary to join our tears with theirs. Only in this way can our words be really capable of giving a little hope. If I cannot speak words in this way, with tears, with suffering, then silence is better: a caress, a gesture and no words.” What the pope said in this general audience is helpful to remember the next time we are faced with such as a sad situation. “God, with His sensitivity and His love, responds to Rachel’s tears with true words, not contrived; in fact Jeremiah’s text continues in this way: ‘Thus says the Lord:’ — He responds to those tears — ‘Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord, and they shall come back from the land of the enemy. There is hope for your future, says the Lord, and your children shall come back to their own country’” ( Jer 31:16-17). “Precisely through the mother’s tears, there is still hope for the children, who will return to life. This woman, who had accepted death at the moment of childbirth, so that the child might live, is, with her tears, the beginning of new life for the children who are exiled, prisoners, far from their homeland. To the suffering and bitter tears of Rachel, the Lord responds with a promise that can now be the source of true consolation for her: the people will be able to return from exile and freely experience in faith their own relationship with God. The tears generated hope. This is not easy to understand, but it is true. So often, in our life, tears sow hope; they are seeds of hope,” preached the Holy Father. He then referred to Matthew’s quoting of Jeremiah, discussing the Holy Innocents: “A text which places before us the tragedy of the killing of defenseless human beings, the horror of power which scorns and terminates life. The children of Bethlehem die because of Jesus. And He, the Innocent Lamb, would then die, in turn, for all of us. The Son of God entered the suffering of mankind. When someone addresses me and asks me difficult questions, for example: ‘Tell me, Father: why do children suffer?’ truly, I do not know how to respond. I say only: ‘Look at the crucifix: God gave us His Son, He suffered, and perhaps you will find an answer there.’ But there are no answers here [pointing to his head]. Just looking at the love of God Who gives His Son Who offers His life for us can indicate some path of consolation. His Word is definitively the word of consolation, because it is born of suffering. And on the cross it will be He, the dying Son, to give new fertility to His mother, entrusting to her the disciple John and making her mother of the people of faith. Death is conquered, and thus Jeremiah’s prophecy is fulfilled. Mary’s tears, too, like those of Rachel, generated hope and new life.”

Daily Readings April 22 — May 5

Upcoming Daily Readings: Sat. April 22, Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1,14-15,16-21; Mk 16:9-15. Sun. April 23, Divine Mercy Sunday, Acts 2:42-47; Ps 118:2-4,1315,22-24; 1 Pt 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31. Mon. April 24, Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-9; Jn 3:1-8. Tues. April 25, 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3,6-7,16-17; Mk 16:15-20. Wed. April 26, Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21. Thurs. April 27, Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2,9,17-20; Jn 3:31-36. Fri. April 28, Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1,4,13-14; Jn 6:1-15. Sat. April 29, Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2,4-5,18-19; Jn 6:16-21. Sun. April 30, Third Sunday of Easter, Acts 2:14,22-33; Ps 16:1-2,5,7-11; 1 Pt 1:17-21; Lk 24:1335. Mon. May 1, Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24,26-27,29-30; Jn 6:22-29 or for the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker, Gn 1:26—2:3; or Col 3:14-15,17,23-24; Mt 13:54-58. Tues. May 2, Acts 7:51—8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4,6-7b,8a,17,21ab; Jn 6:30-35. Wed. May 3, 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14. Thurs. May 4, Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9,16-17,20; Jn 6:44-51. Fri. May 5, Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1-2; Jn 6:52-59.


Models in responding to the Message of Fatima

here is so much about the occurrences in Fatima a century ago that should provoke wonder. If the Mother of God was going to be permitted to appear on earth to echo her Son’s call to conversion, prayer, and sacrifice, if she was going to reveal in symbolic visions the reality of hell, the ascent of Bolshevik communism, the dawn of World War II, and the persecution of the Church, if she was to call the world — and in a special way, Russia — to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, why would she have appeared in Fatima, Portugal, a truly out of the way place, to three shepherd children — ages seven, eight and 10 — with very little formal education and even lesser influence? It’s true that St. Paul’s words about God’s selection criteria have no expiration date, that God preferentially chooses “the foolish of the world to shame the wise, the weak of the world to shame the strong, the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something, so that no human being might boast before God” (1 Cor 1:27-29). It’s also true that Jesus Himself highlighted childlike receptivity as a model for everyone, repeatedly underlining that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the childlike, that those who humble themselves like children will be the greatest in His Kingdom, that God has hidden the mysteries of that Kingdom from the worldly clever and revealed them to the childlike, and that unless we convert and accept the Kingdom like a child we

will not enter it (Mt 11:25; it appeared that Francisco and Jacinta would never 18:2-5, 10; 19:13-14; Mk make the altars. In 1937, 9:36-37; 10:13-15; Lk when people began to 18:16-17). move to open their cause Even with all of that, however, it’s still astonish- of canonization, Pope Pius XI decreed that causes of ing that the Mother of minors shouldn’t be acGod would preferentially cepted because he believed come to three simple Portuguese children to entrust to them messages, secrets Putting Into and a special mission for the good of the Deep souls, the Church and the world. By Father This week attenRoger J. Landry tion has justly been on the pastorinhos as on Thursday (April 20), that it was impossible for children to understand Pope Francis announced and practice the heroic the date of Francisco and virtues essential for canJacinta Marto’s upcomonization. After John Paul ing canonization. The two II’s election, however, 300 youngest of Manuel and Olimpia’s seven kids, Fran- bishops sent letters asking for reconsideration in cisco died at 10 years old in 1918 and Jacinta at nine light of the fact that many, especially children, were in 1920. (The third child, attracted to their virtues Lucia dos Santos, ended up living to 97 and died in and miracles were being granted through their 2005 as a Carmelite reliintercession. gious Sister. Her cause of The Congregation for canonization is underway.) In canonizing Francisco the Causes of Saints convened a plenary assembly and Jacinta, the Church is in 1979 and concluded teaching something funthat just like there could be damental not only about mathematical or musical sanctity, but about how prodigies, so there could be we should respond to the Spiritual ones. Ten years message and mission Our later, after an exhaustive Lady entrusted in Fatima. study, John Paul II deThey are being canonclared that they had lived ized not just for having the virtues of faith, hope been recipients of Mary’s and love heroically, and apparitions. Not all those in 2000, after a miracle to whom the Blessed Mother has appeared have surpassing any and all medical explanation, they been canonized — most were beatified in Fatima. notably the seers of La St. John Paul II said that Salette — because not all because they had dedicated have lived lives of exemthemselves “with total genplary heroic virtue after erosity to the direction of receiving the apparitions. such a good teacher,” the They’re being canonQueen of Saints herself, ized because of the faith “Jacinta and Francisco and whole-hearted comsoon reached the heights mitment with which they responded to Mary’s sum- of perfection.” Their precocious heroic mons. virtue and total generosThere was a time when

ity in Mary’s school are conspicuous in the way they responded to her summons. After Mary appealed to them to pray and do mortification for the conversion of sinners, Francisco and Jacinta underwent a radical transformation. Francisco gave up innocent childhood games and pleasures, began to share his food and possessions with others, and began to pray almost constantly to “console Jesus for the sins of the world.” One night, when his father discovered him sobbing in his room, Francisco gave the reason: “I was thinking of Jesus Who is so sad because of the sins that are committed against Him.” He would spend as much time as he could with the “Hidden Jesus” in the Tabernacle. Jacinta was so convinced by the vision of the reality of hell, of the importance of saving sinners from it, that she freely gave up dancing, flowers, and other childhood frivolities and began to pour herself into prayer and practice various corporal mortifications. “Pray, pray much and make sacrifices for sinners,” Mary had told her. “Many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray and make sacrifices for them.” Jacinta responded, as did her brother, by prostrating themselves in prayer for hours, kneeling with their heads humbly bowed to the ground. No prayer or penance, including badgering from freemason civil leaders and skeptical clergy, including fasting and giving up water on hot days, seemed too great to offer for the cause. “If only I could place in

the heart of everyone,” she said, “the fire that I have in my heart that makes me love the Heart of Mary so much!” When both caught the terrible 1918 Spanish Influenza that took the lives of tens of thousands, they offered all of their sufferings for sinners. Having been told by Our Lady that she would take him to Heaven soon, Francisco declined hospital treatment, bearing enormous pain with a smile and without complaint, dying the day after his first Confession and first Holy Communion. Our Lady appeared to Jacinta and asked if she wanted to stay on earth a little longer suffering to convert more sinners. She enthusiastically said yes. So the little girl allowed herself to be dragged from clinic to clinic, to have two of her ribs removed without anaesthesia, enduring bronchial pneumonia, a pulmonary abscess, an open ulcer on her side and tuberculosis, valiantly offering everything for the conversion of sinners and for the Holy Father, whom she knew from the visions would suffer much. In short, Francisco and Jacinta are about to be declared the youngest nonmartyred saints not because they received apparitions from Our Lady but because of the way they responded to the graces they received. And if they could become holy in so short a time, what ought to be the outcome of our life, with far more time and a century to ponder the ever relevant message of Our Lady? Anchor columnist Father Landry can be contacted at fatherlandry@ catholicpreaching.com.

The Anchor - April 21, 2017



ecently, the Senate Judiciary Committee held several days of hearings on President Trump’s nomination of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court as successor to Justice Antonin Scalia, who died more than a year ago. Judge Gorsuch, who is an Episcopalian, albeit one educated in Catholic schools, is the first Protestant on the Court since the retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens a number of years ago. The present eightmember Supreme Court is composed of five “born” or ethnic Catholics, and three ethnic Jews — somewhat unusual in Supreme Court history, since for most of its 225-plus years, it has been overwhelmingly dominated by Protestants. Judge Gorsuch has a distinguished 10-year history on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, which


Trying to restore Judge Gorsuch since Ronald Reagan, sits in Denver, Colorado — Judge Gorsuch’s has pledged to appoint judges who would overhome state. There, he turn Roe v. Wade, which has participated in constitutionalized an efdeciding thousands fective right to abortion of appeals. He has a on demand. And Demodocumented record of crats, for their part, have judging fairly and impartially, and of writing clear and convincing opinJudge ions. He went to For Columbia UniYourself versity for college, and then on By Dwight Duncan to Harvard Law School for his J.D. and Oxford University for a doctor- sadly become the party of legalized abortion, at ate in legal philosophy. least since 1972. And so He wrote a dissertation the stage was set for yet on the subject of assisted suicide and eutha- another example of the nasia, later published as abortion issue effectively poisoning the judicial a book, with Professor John Finnis, the famous confirmation process. The most notorious natural law scholar and instance of this was the Australian convert to 1987 hearings on Judge Catholicism, as his disRobert Bork by Presisertation adviser. He dent Reagan. Judge Bork has ruled on a number had written critically of occasions in favor of about the dubious conreligious freedom. stitutional basis for Roe President Donald v. Wade, and thus he was J. Trump, like all Remade out to be a propublican presidents

The Anchor - April 21, 2017

ponent of coat-hanger abortions at his hearings. An academic judge who was forthright and honest about his views, irrespective of the politics of the matter, he was easily caricatured and the Senate handily defeated his nomination. While there were never enough votes on the Court to reverse Roe v. Wade, there are still not enough after Justice Gorsuch’s confirmation. Indeed its central holding was reaffirmed in the 1992 decision of Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey. Abortion and more recently gay marriage as constitutional rights have become litmus tests (on both sides, I might add) when it comes to judicial nominations. What’s wrong with this picture is the politicization of the judiciary — but it’s what you can expect when judges decide cases based not on the constitution and the laws, and what they actually say — which is nothing about either abortion or gay marriage — but rather on their own personal views and how they feel the cases should turn out in terms of result. And so what we saw at the confirmation hearings of Judge Gorsuch was an eminently qualified jurist, given the highest rating by the American Bar Association, raked over

the coals because he supposedly was favoring corporations over “living individuals.” In fact, he was deciding cases where the binding constitutional or statutory law (as in the Hobby Lobby case dealing with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate) made corporations legal persons. Sometimes he ruled in their favor; sometimes, he ruled against them. It depended on what the relevant facts and the applicable law was. This is the essence of fair judging, to be openminded and impartial in applying the law, without fear or favor, irrespective of persons. That is why justice is portrayed as a blindfolded woman holding a weighing scale. Judging should be blind in the sense that it decides cases evenhandedly on the merits, rather than on the identity of the parties — rich or poor, white or black, male or female, native or immigrant. That is what “Equal Justice Under Law” inscribed on the Supreme Court building and expressive of the constitutional right of Equal Protection of the Law, guarantees everyone. I am glad Judge Gorsuch survived the threatened filibuster against his nomination. Anchor columnist Dwight Duncan is a professor at UMass School of Law Dartmouth. He holds degrees in civil and canon law.


have met several priests over the years who ended up leaving the active ministry of the priesthood. Two of them have been on my mind and in my prayers recently, having left the priesthood and the Church over issues connected to homosexuality. I ran into one of them some time ago by chance as we were boarding the same flight. Filling me in on the decisions he had made, he shared: “I was never happy with the Catholic Church’s view that homosexuality is inherently” and then he paused, “What’s the phrase they use?” I replied: “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” “Ah, yes, intrinsically disordered,” he replied. “It’s a harsh institution that would call me intrinsically disordered, and I couldn’t remain in a Church that held those views.” The second priest who left had similarly decried how the Church, on account of his homosexuality, saw him as intrinsically disordered — which he took to mean that he was an evil person. I was saddened at the way both of these former priests misconstrued the teachings of the Church, and disappointed that they couldn’t see how we are not defined by our inclinations and proclivities, even if some of them may be disordered and in need of purification. As fallen creatures, every person faces disordered desires within, and no one is perfect except, we Christians believe, Jesus Himself. Once when I was speaking with a person who was paralyzed, he shared how members of the disability community had given him

I’m not ‘intrinsically disordered!’

some good advice after his 1993 encyclical Veritaaccident: “Don’t say you tis Splendor, “are by their are a disabled person, benature ‘incapable of being cause that lets the disabilordered’ to God, because ity define you. Say instead they radically contradict that you are a person with the good of the person a disability.” With a similar made in His image.” Even emphasis, people shouldn’t pigeonMaking Sense hole themselves by saying: “I’m a Out of homosexual,” but Bioethics instead say: “I’m By Father Tad a person with Pacholczyk homosexual inclinations.” Our inclinations don’t define us, since we are free the best of intentions, he to decide whether we will stressed, cannot transform act on them, or resist them. an act that is intrinsically The process of resisting our evil into an act that is good disordered desires can be or justified. very difficult, but contribMany kinds of acts fall utes significantly to our under the heading of an own growth and Spiritual “intrinsic evil,” representmaturation. ing seriously damaging When referencing men choices for those who and women “who have pursue them and for those deep-seated homosexual around them. A few rantendencies,” the “Catdomly chosen examples echism of the Catholic would include: prostiChurch” emphasizes that tution, torture, slavery, such individuals must be trafficking in women and accepted “with respect, children, adultery, abortion, compassion, and sensitivity. euthanasia, and homoEvery sign of unjust dissexual acts. As noted in the crimination in their regard “Catechism,” homosexual should be avoided. These acts “are contrary to the persons are called to fulfill natural law. They close the God’s will in their lives sexual act to the gift of life. and, if they are Christians, They do not proceed from to unite to the sacrifice of a genuine affective and the Lord’s Cross the difsexual complementarity.” ficulties they may encoun- Or as noted in another imter from their condition.” portant teaching document These persons, thus, are called Persona Humana, children of God, unique “homosexual relations are and loved by the Lord acts which lack an essential and called to the pursuit and indispensable finality.” of goodness, chastity and Even though men and holiness. women may engage in The notion of an “inintrinsically disordered acts trinsically disordered” act at various points in their (sometimes also called an lives, that fact clearly does intrinsically evil act) has not make them “intrinsibeen part of the Church’s cally disordered persons,” moral teachings for milor “evil individuals.” We’re lennia. Such acts, as Pope reminded of the old adJohn Paul II noted in his age that we are to love the

sinner and hate the sin. The “Catechism” sums it up well: “Man, having been wounded in his nature by original sin, is subject to error and inclined to evil in exercising his freedom,” but the remedy is found in Christ and in “the moral life, increased and brought to maturity in grace.” Thus, intrinsically disordered acts, while always destructive to ourselves and to others, do not put us outside of the eventual reach of grace and mercy, nor beyond the healing effects of repen-

tance. Rather those acts and their harmful effects should beckon us towards the loving gaze of the Lord as He invites us to seek a higher path, one in which we renounce wrongdoing and resolutely embrace the freedom of the sons and daughters of God. Anchor columnist Father Pacholczyk, earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, and serves as the director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See www. ncbcenter.org.

Around the Diocese The United Nations International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima will be coming to St. Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 Acushnet Avenue in New Bedford April 29-30. The pilgrim statue ministry promotes Our Lady’s intercession through prayer. The statue will be accompanied by first-class relics of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto, two of the child visionaries who witnessed Our Lady in Fatima’s apparitions in Portugal and will soon be canonized. Reserve the date, pass the world, and come join the celebration of the centennial anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. For more information call 508-993-1691 or visit www.saintanthonynewbedford.com. Living the Fatima Message will offer an evening of reflection revisiting Our Lady of Fatima’s peace plan to convert hearts and the world on May 1 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Street in Fall River. The group prays the Holy Rosary together, venerates an image of Our Lady, and offers her private petitions. You can also discover how to share the Fatima message. To share with your group or parish: email livingfatima@gmail. com; message facebook.com/livingfatima; or call 781-521-3677. Living the Fatima Message invites all to Say Yes to Mary: Fatima’s 100th Anniversary, which will be held on Saturday, May 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon at Bishop Connolly High School, 373 Elsbree Street in Fall River. Discover how you can live Our Lady’s “peace plan” through a Living Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, and Confession and learn to make your own Rosary. The day will include glimpses into Our Lady’s life through art and performance, reflections on answering her call from Rwandan genocide survivor Father Leonard Kayondo, and an address from keynote speaker Father Thaddeus Lancton, MIC, of the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge. A full schedule is online at facebook.com/livingfatima under “events” and admission is free. For more information email livingfatima@gmail.com or call 781-521-3677. “Faith Community and Mental Illness … How Do We Care for All Souls,” will be presented by Nancy Kehoe, Ph.D., and author, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Seekonk on May 8 beginning at 7 p.m. All community and family members affected by mental illness as well as supporting professionals and volunteers are most welcome and encouraged to learn more about making our communities places of compassion, healing and acceptance. Dr. Kehoe, director of Expanding Connections, is a licensed psychologist, an assistant clinical professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School, and a member of the Religious of the Sacred Heart. She authored a comprehensive religious assessment tool and a book, “Wrestling with Our Inner Angels: Faith, Mental Illness and the Journey to Wholeness.” For more information, call Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church at 508-336-5549.

The Anchor - April 21, 2017


Inaugural Religious Brothers Day to be celebrated May 1

By Dave Jolivet Anchor Editor davejolivet@anchornews.org

VATICAN — In 2008 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI began work on a document that would ultimately come to fruition seven years later known as the “Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church.” This document inspired the formation of a committee of religious to plan a Religious Brothers Day, a celebration to include prayers services and tributes to jubilarian Brothers, and other activities. From that committee emerged the inaugural Religious Brothers Day to be marked on May 1, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. The document, published by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, had as one of its major purposes to educate non-religious faithful of the Church about the fullness and importance religious Brothers bring to the Universal Church through the communities in which they live, pray and minister. The LaSalle.org website said, when the document was published on Oct. 4, 2015, that Msgr. José Rodrígues Carballo, OFM, secretary to Cardinal Joao Braz de Vaiz, prefect of the authoring group, told reporters, “There were two new elements. One is the identification of the Brother’s vocation as complete in itself and not a half-way stage as some see it. “The second element consists in the observation that the distinctive feature of this vocation lies in brotherly life in community. He acknowledged that this is not anything new to the Brothers or to those who know them personally, but it is new to many in the clerical Church and it is something that needs to be proclaimed.” Following the document’s release the Brothers Think Tank 10

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was formed. The Brothers Think Tank is a group of women and men religious who meet twice annually to address issues related to Brothers and to brainstorm ways of promoting the lay religious vocation for men. The Think Tank is comprised of members from the Confer-

stated, “All religious Brothers will be recognized during this national virtual event with special content hosted on www. yearforconsecratedlife.com” “A prayer card was commissioned specifically for this celebration and focuses on the vocation of Brothers — a gift

ence of Major Superiors of Men, Religious Brothers Conference, National Religious Vocations Conference, and Religious Formation Conference. The Think Tank worked on initiating a Religious Brothers Day and recently announced the inaugural event. The National Religious Vocation Conference website

given by God, received by the Brothers, and shared with others.” La Salette Brother David Eubank, ministering at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Attleboro, told The Anchor, “Being a Brother is a special vocation, a vocation that entails a lot of God’s Graces and perseverance. We are representa-

tives of St. Joseph on earth and to have a National Day in honor of the Brothers, especially on the feast St. Joseph the Worker means a lot. “I sit on the Board of the Religious Brothers Conference and it means a lot to represent our La Salette Brothers on a national level. Being a Brother is an honor and a privilege with God’s love and hope. That is what the Brothers bring. And this is what we do.” The Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, commented recently, “As the Church in the United States prepares to celebrate the first annual ‘Religious Brothers Day,’ His Holiness Pope Francis sends his cordial greetings to America’s communities of Brothers, together with his prayerful good wishes for the Spiritual fruitfulness of their varied apostolates. “Conscious of the immense contribution made by generations of Brothers to the growth of the Church in the United States through their schools, hospitals and other forms of religious and social outreach, the Holy Father trusts that this day of recognition will confirm them in their distinctive witness of consecrated life and their generous service to God’s Kingdom. “He likewise expresses his hope that their prophetic testimony to evangelical fraternity and ecclesial communion will act as a leaven for the renewal of the Church in America and the building up of an ever more just society, respectful of the dignity and aspirations of all God’s children. Commending America’s religious Brothers to the paternal intercession of St. Joseph the Worker, His Holiness affectionately imparts his Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of joy and peace in the Lord.” The full text of the “Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church,” can be found at f iles.ctctcdn.com.

I’m reviewing the situation 13 April 2017 — Homeport: Falmouth Harbor — Holy Thursday t’s Holy Thursday and I’m having Holy Thursday thoughts. The only parish Liturgy on Holy Thursday is the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The Mass of the Lord’s Supper celebrates the Eucharist and the priesthood. These are forever linked. You can’t have one without the other. Just as there are various and valid ways of celebrating Holy Mass, so there are different ways to be a priest. The unique ministry of each priest, combined with that of his brothers, presents an icon of the priesthood. There are religious order priests and diocesan priests. There are missionary priests serving in far-off lands and neighborhood pastors. There are priest military chaplains, hospital chaplains, theologians, teachers, Scripture scholars, lawyers, social workers, and medical doctors. These are “vocations within a vocation.” Father Ed Rego often used this phrase to describe how he had a vocation to the priesthood and, within that, a vocation as a professor at Southeastern Massachusetts University (now University of Massachusetts Dartmouth). Together as brothers, along with the bishop, we form the Priesthood of Jesus Christ in this time and place. Once a young man (or a notso-young man, for that matter) discerns, with the advice and guidance of others, that he may have a vocation to the priesthood, the next question he must ask himself is what kind of priest? Initially I wanted to be a missionary priest, inspired by the photographs in “Maryknoll Magazine.” I’d also heard of the missionary work of the La Salette Fathers. But when I learned more about a missionary’s life, the thought passed quickly. Then I wanted to be a priestprofessor. This was due to the publication called, “Catholic Boy.” The editor at the time was Father Frank Gartland, the Vocations director of the Holy Cross Fathers. One day, at his invitation, I headed off to Stonehill College to spend a week living in community with the Holy


Cross Fathers. I got hopelessly lost. in the light of today’s realities. We For the life of me, I couldn’t find all need to take stock every once in the place. I’ve never been very good awhile. For a priest, Holy Thursday with directions. seems an ideal occasion. So, I asked So, one day I walked up Tarkiln myself, “How am I doing?” Hill Road in New Bedford and rang My parishioners answered in the rectory the form of doorbell. The a questionThe Ship’s Log pastor, Fanaire. So ther Bernard many wrote Reflections of a Unsworth, encouraging Parish Priest opened the and supportBy Father Tim door. Skipive comGoldrick ping a bunch ments. of stuff, that, My pridear readers, is how I became a mary priestly duty is the worthy diocesan priest some 45 years ago. celebration of the Sacraments, espeEvery bishop in every diocese cially Holy Mass. The people gave throughout the world calls his an 85.7 percent approval rating. Of priests to the cathedral church course, two priests are assigned to during Holy Week to celebrate the preside at the Eucharist here. The Mass of the Sacred Chrism. Toother is Father Ray Cambra (yes, gether, we renew our priestly comthe same). Together, we share these mitment. Priests celebrating significant anniversaries of ordination (25, 40, and 50 years) are honored in particular. There’s nothing noteworthy about 45 years. Anyway, the traditional gift for 45 years of Marriage is a sapphire. What, pray tell, would I ever do with a sapphire? This year, at the Mass of the Chrism, I sat in the pews with the other guys and blended into the woodwork — which is just fine with me. I must confess, dear readers, my mind wandered during Mass. It went back to the day of my own ordination, which took place in that very church, albeit four bishops ago. I remember lying on the floor in the center aisle while the assembly, led by a young college student named Ray Cambra, chanted the Invocation of Saints over the four of us. I remember the anointing with Chrism and the laying on of hands. I remember being vested as a priest for the first time. Father Dick Chretien vested me. I remember concelebrating my Ordination Mass with the bishop. I remember giving my parents my priestly blessing. Afterwards, off I went to serve as a diocesan priest — a task in which I am, thanks be to God, still engaged. But that was long ago. Times have changed and so has the Church. I’m reviewing the situation

high marks. We have on staff in this parish four clergymen who have been ordained to preach the Gospel. This includes us two priests as well as two deacons, John Simonis and Bill Hays. How are the four of us doing? Coincidentally, the congregation gave us the same approval rating of 85.7 percent. Not even the President of the United States gets these kinds of ratings. Oh, wait. Of course, no priest can please everyone. That would be the sure sign of a failed ministry. One parishioner wrote, “Why do they keep sending old priests to our great parish? Give us younger priests!” LOL* *“Laughing out loud,” as the kids say these days. Anchor columnist Father Goldrick is pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish in Falmouth.

The Anchor - April 21, 2017


Students at St. Stan’s are learning to build a better robot By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff kensouza@anchornews.org

FALL RIVER — It’s one thing to conjure up droids like R2-D2 or C3PO for a sciencefiction film, but it takes an entirely different skill set to physically build and program an automated robot that can maneuver through a maze-like challenge course. Students in the new afterschool Robotics Club at St. Stanislaus School in Fall River are not only learning these skills firsthand, they’ve also managed to rack up a few awards and well-deserved accolades along the way.

“They started getting together informally last year, but they were really just building things and smashing them together,” explained school principal Jean Willis. “But they went at it in earnest. Then in December one of the club moderators realized that VEX ran a robotics competition so they went in January to the first competition and they won. Then they swept the regionals!” The fledgling team is comprised of six students in grades five through seven — Zoey Mills, Ryan Saucier, Jacob Torres, Zachary Falcon, Justin Silva and Connor Gendron. The collective club managed to take

first-place honors in the VEX Robotics state qualifying competition in Hopkinton in January. That led to competing in the VEX IQ Challenge Southern New England Competition in Worcester on March 5, where they once again came in first place and also garnered a Judges Award for exemplary teamwork. “We really didn’t have high hopes — second to last place was our goal — and we went there and won,” said team member Jacob Torres, 12. “We made this just from our brains — there was really no guide to tell us what to do.” This weekend the group will be traveling all the way to Louisville, Ky., for the VEX IQ Challenge 2017 World Competition that will be held April 22-26, facing off against hundreds of student teams from all over the world. “We skipped the U.S. competition and we’re going straight to the world competition,” said 12-year-old Zachary Falcon, whose parents serve as volunteer moderators for the club. “There will be more than 100 teams, so we have a lot of competition to deal with. But we’re going with

the same attitude: we don’t think we’re going to do amazing, but we’re going to try.” Having his parents onboard guiding the club doesn’t hurt, either. “His mother, Lucy, is a software engineer and his father, Mark, is an engineering teacher, so it works well,” Willis said. “They volunteer their time and they also run our track club — they are very involved in the school.” Using a computer language known as “Robot C,” the students build and program remotecontrolled robots that they cobble together from Lego-like kits provided by VEX. “Robots are dumb, and you have to talk to them in their language,” said 13-year-old Ryan Saucier. “You have to explain: ‘Do this, but don’t do this while doing that.’” To provide a level playing field, all teams have access to the same components — but they’ll ultimately be judged on how they use them and apply their science, math and engineering skills to the project. “Everything comes with the Turn to page 20

Members of the award-winning Robotics Club at St. Stanislaus School in Fall River include, from left, Zoey Mills, Ryan Saucier, Jacob Torres, Zachary Falcon, Justin Silva and Connor Gendron. The club will be competing in its first-ever VEX IQ Challenge 2017 World Competition in Louisville, Ky., on April 22. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza)


The Anchor - April 21, 2017

Fall River area SVdP and MCFL team up to collect items for babies

district president encouraged, supported and approved this event and provided guidance within the society. Some of the items collected were donated to A Woman’s Concern, a pregnancy help center on North Main Street, Fall River; Catholic Social Services; the Sacred Heart Soup Kitchen at St. Bernadette Church in Fall River; and Marie’s Place in Fall River. Items included diapers, baby wipes, bibs, teething rings, pacifiers, receiving blankets, onesies and outfits for babies age zero to three months, three to six months, etc. Fred Ramos, head of the Greater Fall River St. Vincent de Paul Conferences, collected the items from the various parishes that participated. He and his wife The Greater Fall River St. sorted, categorized, and disVincent de Paul Conferenc- tributed the items. With the es loads items for babies help of Bill Conforti, from recently collected by the St. Thomas More Parish, several trips were necessary SVdP and MCFL. SOMERSET — During the month of March, the Greater Fall River Chapter of Mass. Citizens for Life teamed up with members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in several parishes in Fall River, Somerset, Swansea and Westport, to collect items for babies. The purpose was to provide a supply of items to help young families in need. The response was overwhelming. Jerry Morrissette, SVdP

to collect and deliver all the baby goods. Thanks to the generosity of the parishioners in the various parishes, it was determined that the merchandise collected was worth more than $3,000, plus a generous monetary contribution and some gift cards. Also, nine SVdP chapters

in the Fall River area collected $8,000 to help those less fortunate in the greater Fall River area. Those chapters were: Espirito Santo, St. Anne’s and Holy Trinity parishes in Fall River; Our Lady of Grace in Westport; St. Bernard’s in Assonet; St. John of God and St. Thomas More in Somerset; and

St. Dominic’s and St. Francis of Assisi in Swansea. This project has brought out the goodness and generosity of the parishioners in the Fall River Diocese. On behalf of all those who will benefit from their generosity, the SVdP and MCFL expressed their gratitude.

The Anchor - April 21, 2017



hat do faith, hope and wishful thinking have in common? Two are theological virtues, one is our human tendencies to try to control God’s plan. Throughout our lives we are constantly balancing faith and hope, all the while the temptation to wish for an outcome is always getting in the way. Of the three theological virtues it is said that hope must precede faith. St. Paul explained in his letter to the Hebrews that “faith is confidant assurance concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see” (Heb 11:1). He was telling this to a group of people only decades removed from the Resurrection; the singular test of faith for Christians living any time after the first century. Faith is the realization of what is hoped for, and evidence of things not seen. Faith comes from the Latin root meaning to trust. It is hard to trust if there is no hope in the outcome. When does faith give way to assurance? Maybe when the disciples were hiding in the upper room they had faith, but it certainly didn’t seem so. When we read the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles


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Hope torate.” This is human faith; it is from the perspective of not the faith of the three theopeople who witnessed the risen Christ, so can we say that logical virtues. Human faith is the ability to trust another they had faith? person, which is why it is so It was not faith that susapt to let us down. Edgar Altained the disciples of Jesus lan Poe said, “I have no faith during the horror of His torin human ture and perfectcrucifixibility. ion, but I think hope. At The Great human the Last action will SupCommission have no per Jesus By Claire McManus effect on foretells humantheir lack ity. Man of faith: is now only more active — not “This night all of you will have your faith in me shaken.” more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6,000 years ago.” But then He gives this little In his letter to the Romans, hint that their despair will be St. Paul ties together the need short-lived: “But after I have for hope that will anchor our been raised up, I shall go before you to Galilee.” Good Fri- faith: “We know that all things day hope became Easter faith, work for good for those who love God” (Rom 8:28). Hope is and launched a campaign of that which transforms human evangelization that has lasted faith into something that will two millennia. endure all the way to our final What we hope for is really destination, which is union what challenges our faith. We with God. Hope takes away often hear the word “faith” despair and smashes the prebrandished about in so many sumption that we can accomways. “I have no faith in the plish anything without God’s Red Sox pitching staff.” “I help. The “Catechism of the have no faith that the BruCatholic Church” tells us that ins will get through the first round of the playoffs.” “I have hope is the theological virtue no faith in the American elec- by which we desire the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit.” Helen Keller puts it more simply: “Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” How does one muster up hope when in the midst of deep despair? This is the question that challenges the faith of even the most stalwart Christian. In his book, “Under the Influence of Jesus,” Joe Paprocki explains that “Christian hope recognizes and acknowl-

edges pain and suffering (the perceived absence of God) but believes in a future that overflows into the present with the presence of God.” This is a great interpretation of St. Paul. It is not our faith that needs adjustment, but our hope. Hope requires practice, just like any other virtue, but it also takes honest and open self-reflection on our lives. This is where we must fight the urge to grasp onto wishful thinking and allow God to transform our hope. So many stories of tragedy are filled with the evidence of wishful thinking transformed into God’s hope. The parents who watched their son get locked away in prison, drowning in despair that life for this man is over. They wished that this sentence would pass and he could be restored to his old life, but God’s response was to transform this man into something he could never become if he stayed in his old life. The parents whose teenage daughter died tragically wished that they never had to enter that dreaded club of parents who lose a child. Their lives were transformed into advocates for young people. The man who lost his wife to cancer who wishes every day that his life with her could be restored became the nurturing caretaker for his family; a role he might never have entered while his wife still lived. No matter what Good Friday we endure, we must believe that our wishful thinking will be transformed into good by the God Who earned our love on the cross. Happy Easter! Anchor columnist Claire McManus is the director of the Diocesan Off ice of Faith Formation.

Pope Francis’ 2017 ‘Urbi et Orbi’ message

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Happy Easter! Today, throughout the world, the Church echoes once more the astonishing message of the first disciples: “Jesus is Risen!” — “He is truly Risen, as He said!” The ancient feast of Passover, the commemoration of the liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery, here finds fulfilment. By His Resurrection, Jesus Christ has set us free from

the slavery of sin and death, and has opened before us the way to eternal life. All of us, when we let ourselves be mastered by sin, lose the right way and end up straying like lost sheep. But God Himself, our Shepherd, has come in search of us. To save us, He lowered Himself even to accepting death on the cross. Today we can proclaim: “The Good Shepherd has Risen, Who laid down His life for His sheep, and willingly died for His flock,

Diocese of Fall River TV Mass on WLNE Channel 6 April 23, 11:00 a.m.

Celebrant is Father Michael S. Racine, pastor of St. Bernard’s Parish in Assonet.

April 30, 11:00 a.m.

Celebrant is Father Craig A. Pregana, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish at St. James Church in New Bedford.

alleluia” (Roman Missal, IV Sunday of Easter, Communion antiphon). In every age, the Risen Shepherd tirelessly seeks us, His brothers and sisters, wandering in the deserts of this world. With the marks of the Passion — the wounds of His merciful love — He draws us to follow Him on His way, the way of life. Today too, He places upon His shoulders so many of our brothers and sisters crushed by evil in all its varied forms. The Risen Shepherd goes in search of all those lost in the labyrinths of loneliness and marginalization. He comes to meet them through our brothers and sisters who treat them with respect and kindness, and help them to hear His voice, an unforgettable voice, a voice calling them back to friendship with God. He takes upon Himself all those victimized by old and new forms of slavery, inhuman labor, illegal trafficking, exploitation and discrimination, and grave forms of addiction. He takes upon Himself children and adolescents deprived of their carefree innocence and exploited, and those deeply hurt by acts of violence that take place within the walls of their own home. The Risen Shepherd walks beside all those forced to leave their homelands as a result of armed conflicts, terrorist attacks, famine and oppressive regimes. Everywhere He helps these forced migrants to encounter brothers and sisters, with whom they can share bread and hope on their journey. In the complex and often dramatic situations of today’s world, may the Risen Lord guide the steps of all those who work for

justice and peace. May He grant the leaders of nations the courage they need to prevent the spread of conflicts and to put a halt to the arms trade. Especially in these days, may He sustain the efforts of all those actively engaged in bringing comfort and relief to the civil population in Syria, prey to a war that continues to sow horror and death. Just yesterday the last despicable attack on fleeing refugees which resulted in

some cases have resulted in violence. May it be possible for bridges of dialogue to be built, by continuing to fight the scourge of corruption and to seek viable and peaceful solutions to disputes, for progress and the strengthening of democratic institutions in complete respect for the rule of law. May the Good Shepherd come to the aid of Ukraine, still beset by conflict and bloodshed, to regain social harmony. May He accom-

Pope Francis celebrates Easter Sunday Mass in St. Peter Square on April 16. (CNA photo)

numerous deaths and injuries. May He grant peace to the entire Middle East, beginning with the Holy Land, as well as in Iraq and Yemen. May the Good Shepherd remain close to the people of South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, who endure continuing hostilities, aggravated by the grave famine affecting certain parts of Africa. May the Risen Jesus sustain the efforts of all those who, especially in Latin America, are committed to ensuring the common good of societies marked at times by political and social tensions that in

pany every effort to alleviate the tragic sufferings of those affected by the conflict. The Risen Lord continues to shed His blessing upon the continent of Europe. May He grant hope to those experiencing moments of crisis and difficulty, especially due to high unemployment, particularly among young people. Dear brothers and sisters, this year Christians of every confession celebrate Easter together. With one voice, in every part of the world, we proclaim the great message: “The Lord is truly Risen, as He said!” May Jesus, Who vanquished the darkness of sin and death, grant peace to our days. Happy Easter!

The Anchor - April 21, 2017


For and About Our Church Youth


wo men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those onehour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene. One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn’t hear the band, he could see it 16

Where does your light shine?

in his mind’s eye as the St. Matthew tells us in and washed His disciples’ experience the greatness gentleman by the window his Gospel, “You are the feet. What Jesus did, so that awaits them. Like portrayed it with descriplight of the world. A city must we also do. In order Cooper said, we tend to tive words. Days and weeks set on a mountain cannot for us to glorify God we see only the kiddie pool passed. be hidden. Nor do they must become the least and miss the water park in One morning, the day light a lamp and then put among us and serve the front of us. Who are we in nurse arrived to needs of others. This this massive universe? We bring water for is how our light are a beacon of light and their baths, only shines. What othhope for others. You are to find the lifeless ers see is our good made for greatness simbody of the man by deeds. What others ply because that is God’s the window, who experience is the will for you. What you do By Ozzie Pacheco had died peacefully presence of Christ. with that greatness is your in his sleep. She I had the privichoice. You can see the was saddened and lege of being a world as a paradise and called the hospital atit under a bushel basket; chaperone at this year’s share it, or, you can choose tendants to take the body it is set on a lamp stand, youth rally at Bishop to see only the brick wall away. As soon as it seemed where it gives light to all Connolly High School. and your light will go no appropriate, the other in the house. Just so, your Cooper Ray, the guest farther. man asked if he could be light must shine before speaker, shared with the Happy Easter and God moved next to the winothers, that they may see youth at the rally that they bless! dow. The nurse was happy your good deeds and gloare made for greatness. Yet Anchor columnist Ozzie to make the switch, and rify your Heavenly Father” many people limit themPacheco is Faith Formation after making sure he was (Mt 5:14-16). selves to a small comfort director at Santo Christo comfortable, she left him The King of Kings knelt zone and never leave to Parish, Fall River. alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a brick wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to make you happy.” Where does your light shine? Pope Emeritus Benedict’s birthday was this past Easter Sunday and he asked for no special recognition for himself on that day, “Nothing should Confirmation students from St. Lawrence Martyr Parish in New Bedford recently detract from our celebraheld a presentation of the Stations of the Cross for the Faith Formation students. The production was completely planned and executed by the students. Some of those tion and profession of taking part were: Elizabeth Arruda, Zyre Andrade, Tricia Fernandes, Sam Dansereau, the Lord’s Resurrection.” Father Robert Powell, Jillian Fernandes, Brianna Machado, Olympia Andrade, and Where does your light Mackenzie Fillion. shine?

The Anchor - April 21, 2017

Be Not Afraid

For and About Our Church Youth

The 100th day of school took place recently at Holy Family-Holy Name School in New Bedford. The first-graders celebrated by doing many activities throughout the day, all dealing with the number 100. Pictured is Brody, proudly wearing a fruit loop necklace made with 100 pieces of cereal.

Students from St. James-St. John School in New Bedford celebrated Super Hero and Fairy Tale Day as a dress-down day to raise money for Pennies for Patients.

American Heritage Girls Troop MA372 spent the month of March working on badges with their units. The Pioneers and Patriots (grades seven-12) worked on the Kitchen Scientist Badge. Members are, front from left: Emma Pfeffer, Macy Oliveira, Siera Larkin, Abi Eckerson, Lilya Fournier. Back row Sara McMahon, Lisa Omondi and Emily Day.

Several police departments from Massachusetts recently participated in “High Five Friday.” The police officers greeted school children as they arrived for school that morning and exchanged “High Fives.” Attleboro Police Officers Adam Plante, Brandon Sherrat, Richard Campion and Joseph Daday came to St. John the Evangelist School in Attleboro. The goal was to build trust and positive interaction with school children and police and allow the police officers to be viewed as guardians and part of the community as well as gain a greater sense of friendship with faculty, students and parents. Shown here with the officers are (front to back) Ella dos Santos, Kate dos Santos and Mali Salumu.

Father Chris Peschel, a graduate of St. Mary’s School in Taunton, visits the school on a regular basis to share his vocation with the students. He recently celebrated Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for the fourth- and fifth-graders in the school chapel. As a surprise for Father Peschel, the students had learned to sing the songs, “O Salutaris” and “Tantum Ergo,” in Latin. After receiving the Divine blessing by Father Peschel holding Our Lord in the monstrance, everyone closed Adoration with the song, “Holy God We Praise thy Name.”

The Anchor is always pleased to run news and photos about our diocesan youth. If schools, parish Religious Education programs or homeschoolers have newsworthy stories and photos they would like to share with our readers, send them to: schools@anchornews.org The Anchor - April 21, 2017


For and About Our Church Youth

Confirmation students at Holy Trinity Parish in West Harwich recently led the Friday night Stations of the Cross where each Station’s prayer was written by students in grades one through nine. The service was followed by a simple supper of tomato soup (donated by Red Nun Restaurant-owners, the Giorgio Family, parishioners of Holy Trinity), salad, and rolls with Jello as dessert. Here the students, with Deacon John Foley, read the last Station.

At the recent diocesan Pro-Life Mass and awards ceremony at St. Julie Billiart Church in North Dartmouth, Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., recognized the Pro-Life Essay winners and the recipients of the John Cardinal O’Connor Awards for youth and adults. At left, the bishop is pictured with, from left: Angela Ambrogne, second-place in the Junior High School essay contest; Sara Pereira, first place; Emma Mello, second place in the High School division; and Ebelechiyem Anuoluwatele Okafor, first place. At right, the bishop congratulates the winner of the John Cardinal O’Connor Youth Award, Ellen Hamel; and Doris Toohill, the adult winner.


The Anchor - April 21, 2017

The Man has touched me

New apostolate promotes Fatima message continued from page two

she would relay Christ’s life through her portrayal of Mary. “A few years ago, I was feeding my youngest son and reviewing the news headlines,” she said. “Remember those men in orange jumpsuits on the beach? They were martyrs for their faith. I thought, ‘This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I have to do something.’ “I had been wrestling for a while with an idea my mother offered — a theater piece bringing the life of Jesus to others through Mary — and I decided not to put it off any longer. Our Lady’s message needs to be shared now! So, when Jane spoke with me about working with Living the Fatima Message, it just seemed like a natural progression.” While there’s been a lot of speculation and mystery surrounding Our Lady’s appearance in Fatima and the oft-cited “secrets” she shared with the children, Montigny said the most vital part of her message is clear: to stop offending God and to strive for holiness. “Her message is very simple: go to Mass, go to Confession, say the Rosary, make time for Adoration,” Montigny said. “Can we really not find time in our day or week to do these things, especially when it means we can bring peace to those we love?” With the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s first apparition to nine-yearold Lucia Santos and her younger cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto at the Cova da Iria near their home village of Fatima, Portugal approaching on May 13, the apostolate already has several special events planned throughout the diocese. Among them is a morn-

ing program titled, “Say Yes to Mary” that will be held on May 6 from 8:30 a.m. to noon at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River that will begin with a performance piece by Montigny. “I think we have something for everyone,” Montigny said. “The morning will begin with getting to know the Blessed Mother through my performance based on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. We will have a Rosary-making room and children may view a video on Fatima. Guests can also enjoy a beautiful icon collection on loan from Patricia Pasternak, a member of the diocese, and visit some informational tables for other apostolates. The morning will culminate with a Living Rosary featuring participants from all over the diocese, followed by a Eucharistic procession and closing with Benediction.” Other speakers that day will include Father Thaddaeus Lancton, M.I.C., of the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, and Father Leonard Kayondo, chaplain at Saint Anne’s Hospital and in residence at Good Shepherd Parish in Fall River, who will offer some powerful reflections on the Rwandan genocide and what it means when we ignore Our Lady’s message. “Since it’s the First Saturday and the weekend before the 100th anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima, we’re thinking of this day as a way to honor Our Lady and, in a sense, kick off the centennial year,” Montigny said. “During the morning we want to build up the importance of and dedication to praying the Holy Rosary and Adoration and how these two important devotions can change lives.”

Montigny wanted to thank the staff at Bishop Connolly for being so generous with their time and resources and she hopes all will make an effort to join them in celebrating 100 years of faith in Fatima. With other events planned between May and October this year, Montigny said Living the Fatima Message hopes to continue its mission beyond the centennial celebration. “The mission of the apostolate is about leading others to Jesus through Mary and the conversion never ends,” she said. “It’s easy to forget our diocese stretches from Mansfield to the Islands, so that’s a lot of ground to cover and we need help!” To that end, she encouraged anyone who would like to be a Marian ambassador or to help bring the message to their parish or group to get in touch with them via email, Facebook or phone; or, to simply attend one of their upcoming events. “We hope to assist in unifying the diocese to answer Our Lady’s call so that we may bring peace to our homes and our communities,” Montigny said. “In our prayer program, we focus on what Our Lady asked of us at Fatima and how we can respond. By focusing on our role and response, we’re taking an active role in our own conversion and perhaps can bring friends and family along with us.” For more information about Living the Fatima Message, including an updated schedule of upcoming events, visit www.livingfatima.com/ lfm or www.facebook. com/livingfatima, email livingfatima@gmail.com, or call 781-521-3677.


t’s no secret that music is fans released a quote of his from 1988. The quote was a major part of my life. about Jesus Christ: “I’m very My Fender Stratocaster is just an extension of my being. fond of Jesus Christ. He may And my tastes are quite eclec- be the most beautiful guy who walked the face of this tic, with a major in classic earth. Any guy who says, rock and roll. ‘Blessed are the poor. Blessed There have been some, with quite a holier-than-thou are the meek,’ has got to be a figure of unparalleled generattitude, who have told me rock is evil. My feeling is that osity and insight and madin fact everything can be evil. ness — A man who declared Himself to stand among the It’s what one takes from and gives to something that deterMy View mines its From essence. Over the Stands the last By Dave Jolivet few years a plethora of my music thieves, the prostitutes and heroes have died, further distancing me from my youth the homeless. His position cannot be comprehended. in some ways. It is an inhuman generosBut my life mantra is that ity. A generosity that would numbers of years and your overthrow the world if it was bodily state don’t dictate age, embraced because nothing your attitude and actions do. Me, I’m still 18 (“... and I like would weather that compassion. I’m not trying to it,” à la Alice Cooper). alter the Jewish view of Jesus Last November my generation of music fanatics lost a Christ. But to me, in spite of what I know about the hisgiant — Leonard Cohen. tory of legal Christianity, the Cohen was a Canadianborn poet, writer, song-writer, figure of the man has touched me.” pianist, guitarist, and painter. Wow, just reading this He spoke , sang and painted his views on politics, religion, again brings chills to my spine. The Man has touched and humankind in general. me too, Leonard. Perhaps the song for which Sometimes it takes an he is most known by those casual music listeners is “Hal- “outsider” to bring things lelujah,” a song performed by into perspective. Sometimes we over-think things, and in nearly 200 artists in dozens of languages. The song begins doing so, lose the simple yet powerful meaning. with one of my favorite Getting back to basics, song lyrics ever: “I heard the figure of Jesus Christ has there was a secret chord that touched me. Thank you, Mr. David played and it pleased Cohen. the Lord.” The song is by And congratulations to no means Spiritual, but the Don Chouinard. Bishop song is not the point of this Connolly High School in Fall column. Cohen was Jewish, and he River will name its baseball field after the man who spent and his family practiced the faith in their Canadian home 36 years of his life as the Connolly baseball coach on, when he was a lad. He never May 27. It’s a well-deserved relinquished those roots. honor. Recently a Facebook page davejolivet@anchornews.org. dedicated to Cohen and his The Anchor - April 21, 2017


Junior Vincentians taking active role

Fall River students learn to build a better robot

Soup Kitchen, and helping cater and serve meals; assisted with “brown bag” food collection at Thanksgiving time by distributing bags, collecting filled bags and bring them to the food pantry for use in Thanksgiving baskets and to stock the pantry’s shelves. The Mini Vinnies have also made greeting cards for Thanksgiving food baskets; worked alongside adult members to assemble Thanksgiving food baskets; worked with adult members to wrap gifts for two families that one local business adopted for Christmas. They also helped put together 100 “Comfort Packs” for men and women being released from the Bristol County House of Correction in North Dartmouth; those packs had toothpaste and toothbrush, face cloth, towel and additional personal care items. One idea that stemmed solely from the kids was “Birthday in a Bag” for needy kids: “They came up with it in honor of Jesus’ birthday,” said O’Brien. “They determined what was to be included in the bag and assembled it with their family. Each bag included cake mix, pan, frosting, candles, decorations, plates, napkins, tablecloth, favors, gift card for $10, and a book or game. Bags were distributed shortly after Christmas.” Some of the future

kit, but some of them are more advanced,” Saucier said. “Our first robot was just a little claw that could pick up things sideways. The robot we won regionals with was one of the simplest ones we’ve made. I couldn’t believe we won with that one. It was just so simple I don’t think anyone else thought of it.” “We had a sample program, so we based our (coding) on that sample program,” said Connor Gendron, 11. “They give you directions and any part they sell you can be used on your robot. So every year the challenge is different. Last year they had a bunch of colored blocks and you had to stack them. One team had a robot that would sort all the blocks by colors and shoot them into a tower, assorted by color. You have to code it that way — there are color sensors you can put on the robot.” Admitting she always liked building things with Legos, the lone girl on the team, 11-year-old Zoey Mills, said robotics seemed like a natural progression. “I never got to drive a Lego, so I figured I’d try robotics,” she said. Father Andrew Johnson, pastor of St. Stanislaus Parish, expressed great pride in seeing the students excel in this new area of expertise. “We rolled the dice a couple of years ago when we bought these robots. It didn’t cost anything, but look how it’s paid off,” Father Johnson told The Anchor. “It wasn’t unsuspected, but it really was a joy to see them win the

continued from page five

planned projects for the kids will be assembling “Breakfast in a Bag” for Kids’ Summer Café program in Attleboro and North Attleboro for those kids who receive free or reduced lunch program during the school year; assembling “Art in a Bag” for craft projects at Kid’s Summer Café program; and hold a bake sale at the District’s Family Walk to raise funds for the “Art in a Bag” project. The Family Walk is scheduled for May 6 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Attleboro Wildlife Sanctuary behind La Salette Shrine (see full article on the walk on page three). Getting the kids involved on such a level has been a boon for the conference, as the kids continually brainstorm new ideas. “It’s not about the meetings. It’s about doing what God has asked us to do. They are just so excited about it. They have a million ideas,” said O’Brien. O’Brien added, “Some of our projects are very specific, but when the kids talk about projects and things they want to do, one little girl was talking about having a bake sale and raising money for the poor. They have a broader brush when they’re thinking about the world. It’s wonderful because their frame of reference is so much more broader, which lends itself to wonderful ideas. The sky is the limit.”

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The Anchor - April 21, 2017

continued from page 12

competition. They were just hoping not to finish last, but to come in first means everything.” Father Johnson even agreed to bless the club’s first robot, which they initially called “Adrastos.” “It’s a Greek word that means ‘not inclined to run away,’” Falcon said. “The funny thing is, we made a video for people to support us and we told them it was a holy robot and (Father Johnson) had blessed it. But instead of naming it after a Catholic name, we had used a pagan name, so we have to find a new name!” Willis is lobbying to rename the robot after the patron saint of robotics, St. Macrina the Younger. “She’s the sister of St. Basil and I also think it would be nice to give it a female name,” Father Johnson agreed. Part of the STEM curriculum, which emphasizes the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, the VEX Robotics program encompasses students from elementary to college levels and teaches them how to use critical thinking skills that they might not otherwise apply. “Learning robotics helps you to figure out problems and it helps you with math, science, and things like that,” said Torres who, like many of his teammates, aspires to one day become an engineer. “This is a good step forward to get there,” he added. This week the club members will all be focusing their attention on

the big three-day competition in Kentucky and, perhaps, looking to best the one team that scares them more than the others: a group from Beijing, China. While some of them will be traveling by plane to the competition, others will be making the 14hour trek by car. As such, they are seeking donations to help offset travel expenses. “This past week, I told parishioners about the club and we had five donations come in during our weekly collection,” Father Johnson said. With the Robotics Club’s newfound fame, other students are now expressing an interest in joining next year. “Now that the other kids have seen it, a lot more kids are excited about joining,” Willis said. “And we just started an Engineering Club this year for grades three to five. We’re doing that as sort of a prep for (the Robotics Club).” “This has been great for us, and it’s great for the kids, too,” Father Johnson agreed. “These kids are all good at computer games, but this takes it to another level. And it gets the school’s name out there and for something we’re not exactly known for.” Those interested in making a donation to help the St. Stanislaus School Robotics Club can visit their GoFundMe page at www.gofundme.com/ ststansrobotics. To make a tax-deductible donation, mail it to St. Stanislaus School, 37 Rockland Street, Fall River, MA 02724, or call 508-674-6771.

Attleboro faithful ‘discover Christ’ this Lenten season continued from page four

person, praying we were in the same group, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was afraid I’d be ‘tested’ on what I knew in front of complete strangers. But it wasn’t anything like that! “‘Discovering Christ’ welcomes everyone; those who have been actively practicing their entire life, those who are converting from another religion, those who strayed away and have returned, and everything in between. It’s a family I didn’t even know I was a part of, and am so happy I’ve allowed myself to be a part of. I truly feel blessed for everyone I’ve met, for the thought-provoking dialogue, and for the Holy Spirit Who guided me to here. I am looking forward to following Christ.” Donoghue told The Anchor that preparing for this wonderful parish experience was very easy. “The ChristLife people are incredible,” he said. “The training they provide is so complete. They guide you through everything.” Lori Castro was one of the program facilitators at St. John’s. “‘Discovering Christ’ has been an amazing experience for me,” she told The Anchor. “I am blessed and honored to be a facilitator and to see the workings of the Holy Spirit in our small group at our weekly sessions. “As a parish this program has brought us a renewal as a faith community. It is important for us to sit and talk about our faith, to meet new people, be welcoming to all and to renew our commitment to Christ and His teachings. I am so grateful St. John’s has offered this to the community. It has certainly strengthened my faith and the parish as a whole.”

Donoghue said he hopes they can offer the second and third parts of the ChristLife series in the future — the remaining two, “Following Christ” and “Sharing Christ.” “The remaining series should be offered within a certain time period, but a snowstorm set us back, so we are concentrating on finishing this series, then we’ll discuss the future,” Donoghue said. Donoghue highly recommends the “Discovering Chris,” sessions to

all parishes. “I feel every parish should be doing something to evangelize, and this is a wonderful experience,” he said. “It’s really easy to prepare and if there are questions or concerns, the ChristLife people are always there for you.” Donoghue added that if any parish wants information on the program, he would be happy to answer questions. He can be reached at mercysje@gmail.com. Or for more information, visit christlife.org.

In Your Prayers Please Please pray pray for for these these priests priests during during the the coming coming weeks weeks

April 22 Rev. James L. Smith, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton, 1910 Rev. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket, 1954 Rev. John J. Murphy, 2007

April 23

April 25 Rev. John J. Wade, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Fall River, 1940 Rev. Raymond J. Lynch, Chaplain, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, 1955

Diocese hires financial planner to support parishes and schools

FALL RIVER — ­Joseph Harrington, an Easton resident with more than two decades of experience in finance and budgeting, began service last month for the Fall River Diocese as director of Financial Planning for Parishes and Schools. In his new position, he will be assisting parishes and schools with financial analysis, budgeting, financial reporting, and longterm planning. He reports to diocesan chancellor Kevin R. Kiley. Harrington comes to the diocese from Boston Financial Data Services,

Inc., of Quincy, where he worked for 21 years, moving from a financial analyst to finance group manager, to director of finance and finally, in 2012, to vice president of finance. In the latter capacity, he was responsible for the company’s long-range financial plans including its annual budget, and financial reporting. He holds a master’s degree in business administration with a concentration in finance from Bentley University in Waltham, and a bachelor’s degree in history from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. In Easton, he resides with his wife and three children and is a member of Immaculate Conception Parish, where he formerly served as a member of its Finance Council.

April 26 Rev. Ubalde Deneault, Retired Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro, 1982 Rev. James F. Greene, Pastor, Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford, 2002 April 27 Rev. Francis J. Bradley, D.D., Retired Rector, St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fall River, 1925 Rev. Romeo D. Archambault, St. Anne, New Bedford, 1949 Rev. Edward F. O’Keefe, S.J., Retired, St. Francis Xavier, Boston, 1973 April 28 Rev. Stanislaus J. Goyette, Pastor, St. Louis de France, Swansea, 1959 Rev. John P. Cronin, 2014 April 29 Rev. James Leo Maguire, Pastor, Diocese of Monterey, Calif., 1987 Rev. Adolph Szelagowski, OFM Conv., Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford, 1989 Rev. Peter P. Mullen, M.M., Maryknoll Missioner, 1999 Rev. John M. Breen M.M., Maryknoll Missioner, 2005 April 30 Rev. John A. Hurley, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro, 1900 Rev. David F. Sheedy, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro, 1930 Rev. John Moda, Pastor, St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, Ford City, Penn., 1993 May 1 Rev. Francis J. Quinn, Founder, Immaculate Conception, North Easton; Founder, Sacred Heart, Fall River, 1882 Rev. Joseph F. D’Amico, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs, 1996 Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Pastor, St. Mary, South Dartmouth, 1997 May 2 Rt. Rev. Msgr. M.P. Leonidas Lariviere, Pastor, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River, 1963 May 5 Rev. Leo M. Curry, Retired Pastor, St. Dominic, Swansea, 1973 Rev. Albert Rowley, SS.CC., In residence, St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet, 1985 Rev. Raymond A. Robida, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, 2003

The Anchor - April 21, 2017


Sister Lucille A. Socciarelli, R.S.M., dies; inspired journalist Tim Russert

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Sister Lucille A. Socciarelli, R.S.M., formerly Sister Mary Lucella, the nun who inspired the late newsman Tim Russert, died April 9 at Mercy Convent in South Buffalo. She was 82. Born March 30, 1935 in Albion, N.Y. to Dominic and Lucy (DePalma) Socciarelli, both immigrants from Italy, Sister Lucille graduated from Albion High School and joined the Religious Sisters of Mercy in 1953 when she was 18 years old and professed her final vows in 1956. She received a bachelor’s degree in education from Niagara University and a master’s degree in education from the State University of Buffalo at New York. While pursuing her own education, Sister Lucille taught at elementary and secondary schools throughout the Diocese of Buffalo, N.Y. and served as principal. She also received a religious studies degree from Boston College in Newton. Russert, the longtime host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” who died in 2008, credited Sister Lucille, who was his seventh-grade teacher at St. Bonaventure School in West Seneca, N.Y. in 1963, with encouraging him to pursue a career in journalism by making him the editor of the school newspaper. During her tenure as a member of the Pastoral Care Team at Charlton Memorial Hospital in Fall River, Sister Lucille joined her former pupil when he gave the keynote address at the St. Mary’s Educa22

tion Fund Dinner held at White’s of Westport in 2006. “I’m convinced I could not be doing what I am today without the help I received from the most important teacher I ever met,” Russert told The Anchor of Sister Lucille during his visit to the diocese. “In Catholic schools, students have the opportunity to learn to read and write and learn right from wrong. It’s essential that young people understand that they can have the same opportunities and achieve anything. One of them could be the next moderator of ‘Meet the Press.’” Russert also established an award — the Sister Lucille Socciarelli-Father John Sturm Making a Difference Award — which is given annually by the Diocese of Buffalo to an outstanding Catholic educator. Father Sturm was prefect at Canisius High School where Russert attended. After 30 years in education, Sister Lucille became director of youth ministry in Florida in the 1980s, then returned to become director of pastoral care at Mercy Hospital. She later served as chaplain at hospitals in the Fall River Diocese before retiring and returning to Buffalo in 2015. She is survived by a brother, Donald, and many nieces, nephews and cousins. A Mass of Christian Burial was held April 11 at the Mercy Center Chapel in Buffalo, N.Y., and burial followed in Holy Cross Cemetery in Lackawanna, N.Y.

The Anchor - April 21, 2017

Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese Acushnet — Eucharistic Adoration takes place at St. Francis Xavier Parish on Monday from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Tuesday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Evening prayer and Benediction is held Monday through Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. ASSONET — Beginning September 14, St. Bernard’s Parish will have Eucharistic Adoration every Monday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on the altar at the conclusion of 9 a.m. Mass and the church will be open all day, concluding with evening prayer and Benediction at 6:30 p.m. ATTLEBORO — Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Adoration Chapel at St. Vincent de Paul Parish, 71 Linden Street, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. ATTLEBORO — The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette holds Eucharistic Adoration in the Shrine Church every Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. through November 17. ATTLEBORO — There is a weekly time of Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Church on North Main Street. Brewster — Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the La Salette Chapel in the lower level of Our Lady of the Cape Church, 468 Stony Brook Road, on First Fridays beginning at noon until 7:45 a.m. First Saturday, concluding with Benediction and concluding with Mass at 8 a.m. buzzards Bay — Eucharistic Adoration takes place at St. Margaret Church, 141 Main Street, Monday through Saturday, from 6:30 to 8 a.m.; and every first Friday from noon to 8 a.m. on Saturday. East Freetown — Eucharistic Adoration takes place at St. John Neumann Church every Monday (excluding legal holidays) 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Our Lady, Mother of All Nations Chapel. (The base of the bell tower). EAST TAUNTON — Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the chapel at Holy Family Parish Center, 438 Middleboro Avenue, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. On First Fridays, Eucharistic Adoration takes place at Holy Family Church, 370 Middleboro Avenue, from 8:30 a.m. until 7:45 p.m. FAIRHAVEN — St. Mary’s Church, Main St., has Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. in the Chapel of Reconciliation, with Benediction at 11:30 a.m. Also, there is a First Friday Mass each month at 7 p.m., followed by a Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration. Refreshments follow. FALL RIVER — St. Bernadette’s Church, 529 Eastern Ave., has continuous Eucharistic Adoration from 8 a.m. on Thursday until 8 a.m. on Saturday. FALL RIVER — St. Anthony of the Desert Church, 300 North Eastern Avenue, has Eucharistic Adoration Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. FALL RIVER — Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Street, has Eucharistic Adoration Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Our Lady of Grace Chapel. FALL RIVER — Good Shepherd Parish has Eucharistic Adoration every Friday following the 8 a.m. Mass and concluding with 3 p.m. Benediction in the Daily Mass Chapel. A bilingual holy hour takes place from 2 to 3 p.m. Park behind the church and enter the back door of the connector between the church and the rectory. FALL RIVER — St. Joseph’s Church has a Holy Hour every Tuesday from 6-7 p.m., with Benediction at 6:45 p.m. FALL RIVER — St. Michael’s Church has Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with Benediction at 5:30 p.m. Falmouth — St. Patrick’s Church has Eucharistic Adoration each First Friday following the 7 a.m. Mass, with Benediction at 4:30 p.m. HYANNIS — St. Francis Xavier Parish in Hyannis, 347 South Street, Hyannis, has Eucharistic Adoration from noon to 3 p.m., daily Monday through Friday. MANSFIELD — St. Mary’s Parish, 330 Pratt Street, has Eucharistic Adoration every First Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., with Benediction at 5:45 p.m. MASHPEE — Christ the King Parish, Route 151 and Job’s Fishing Road has 8:30 a.m. Mass every First Friday with special intentions for Respect Life, followed by 24 hours of Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel, concluding with Benediction Saturday morning followed immediately by an 8:30 Mass. NEW BEDFORD — Eucharistic Adoration is held every Thursday, with Confessions, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. James Church. Please use the side entrance. NEW BEDFORD — There is a daily holy hour from 5:15-6:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday at St. Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 Acushnet Avenue. It includes Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Liturgy of the Hours, recitation of the Rosary, and the opportunity for Confession. NEW BEDFORD — St. Lawrence Martyr Parish, 565 County Street, holds Eucharistic Adoration in the side chapel Fridays from 7:30-11:45 a.m. ending with a simple Benediction NORTH DARTMOUTH — Eucharistic Adoration takes place at St. Julie Billiart Church, 494 Slocum Road, every Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., ending with Benediction. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available at this time. NORTH DIGHTON — Eucharistic Adoration takes place every Wednesday following 8:00 a.m. Mass and concludes with Benediction at 5 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration also takes place every First Friday at St. Nicholas of Myra Church, 499 Spring Street following the 8 a.m. Mass, ending with Benediction at 6 p.m. The Rosary is recited Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 8 a.m. NORTH EASTON — A Holy Hour for Families including Eucharistic Adoration is held every Friday from 3-4 p.m. at The Father Peyton Center, 518 Washington Street. NORTH EASTON — Eucharistic Adoration takes place at Immaculate Conception Church Chapel on the first Wednesday of the month beginning after the 8:30 a.m. Mass, until 6:40 p.m. Those wishing to make a monthly commitment can sign up on the parish website at www.icceaston.org or call the parish office at 508-238-3232. ORLEANS — St. Joan of Arc Parish, 61 Canal Road, has Eucharistic Adoration every First Friday starting after the 8 a.m. Mass and ending with Benediction at 11:45 a.m. The Sacrament of the Sick is also available immediately after the 8 a.m. Mass. OSTERVILLE — Eucharistic Adoration takes place at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, 76 Wianno Avenue on First Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to noon. SEEKONK ­— Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish has perpetual Eucharistic Adoration seven days a week, 24 hours a day in the chapel at 984 Taunton Avenue. For information call 508-336-5549. Taunton — Eucharistic Adoration takes place every Tuesday at St. Anthony Church, 126 School Street, following the 8 a.m. Mass with prayers including the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for vocations, concluding at 6 p.m. with Chaplet of St. Anthony and Benediction. Recitation of the Rosary for peace is prayed Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m. prior to the 8 a.m. Mass. Taunton — Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament takes place every First Friday at Annunciation of the Lord, 31 First Street. Exposition begins following the 8 a.m. Mass. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed, and Adoration will continue throughout the day. Confessions are heard from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. Rosary and Benediction begin at 5 p.m. WAREHAM — Eucharistic Adoration at St. Patrick’s Church takes place 9 a.m. Thursday through 7 p.m. Friday. Adoration is held in our Adoration Chapel in the lower Parish Hall. ~ PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ~

East Sandwich — The Corpus Christi Parish Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 324 Quaker Meeting House Road, East Sandwich. Use the Chapel entrance on the side of the church. NEW BEDFORD — Our Lady’s Chapel, 600 Pleasant Street, offers Eucharistic Adoration seven days a week, 24 hours a day. For information call 508-996-8274. SEEKONK ­— Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish has perpetual Eucharistic Adoration seven days a week, 24 hours a day in the chapel at 984 Taunton Avenue. For information call 508-336-5549. WEST HARWICH — Our Lady of Life Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy Trinity Parish, 246 Main Street (Rte. 28), holds perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. We are a regional chapel serving all of the surrounding parishes. All are invited to sign up to cover open hours. For open hours, or to sign up call 508-430-4716.

Seventh-graders from St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School in Hyannis recently traveled to Boston to learn about vocations. The girls visited The Daughters of Mary of Nazareth, while the boys visited seminarians from the Fall River Diocese at St. John’s Seminary. The day started with Mass, and included, for the girls, playing some music with the Sisters, praying the Rosary, and joining the Sisters in some games. The boys toured the seminary, joining the seminarians for the Angelus, a question-and-answer session and a bit of football.

To advertise in The Anchor, contact Wayne Powers at 508-675-7151 or Email waynepowers@ anchornews.org

The Anchor - April 21, 2017


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The Anchor - April 21, 2017

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