The Times of Africa - Volume-13 Issue-2

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April | May | June 2020

Volume 13

Issue 2

Africa's Response to the Pandemic


PORTRAIT OF The Times of Africa

PUBLISHER’S MESSAGE The COVID 19 situation is settling up with acceptance by the people, who started living their lives with this critical situation by turning the negatives into positives. I appreciate the efforts of all the communities in Africa across the 54 countries and my motherland India in the manner they are handling the situation well accordingly to their respective capabilities and limitations. Three megatrends are already emerging that will form the economic future of Africa as well: the three “Ds” of the new world- De-globalisation, Debt, Digitalisation and the fiscal sustainability of countries. The Government and private sectors along with an influx of contradictory facts and opinions on how to do so, must face hard choices about how to effectively handle their activities in meeting these challenges. But views don’t matter at a time like this. Now is the time of the reliable, timely and actionable data and observations for decision-makers to distinguish reality from fiction and subjectivity from the objective. The implications of the global COVID-19 pandemic have led us to live in unimaginable times. While the need has never been greater than today for reliable and prompt news, we make the move towards our web news and digital publication. The positive takeaway from the pandemic with regards to Africa in my view would be: 1. The capacity and ability to have dealt with such a situation with a positive attitude in uplifting the community and population. 2. COVID-19 pushes African continent to invest in their healthcare and its infrastructure. 3. A shortage of vital medical supplies led to a debate on Africa’s required industrialisation and digitalisation of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. We wish our readers to stay safe and healthy, along with trustworthy local and regional news up to the minute. I am certain that all developmental, infrastructural and progressive plans for the upliftment of nation are soon going to start.

Wishing you a pleasant indulgence and a happy reading! Kirit Sobti

THE TIMES OF AFRICA is an international publication, which aspires to bring the stories of the economic, social and political fabric of the 54 nations of Africa to the World. For over a decade, we have been defying stereotypes and redrawing the lines to provide extensively researched reliable content for our robust readership network. Headquartered in New Delhi, the capital of India, we have our overseas offices in Burkina Faso, Niger, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal. Our distribution network covers metro cities, diplomatic missions, national organizations, foreign agencies, corporate and export houses, business class hotels and airlines, both within the country and offshores. The circulation of our magazine is wide-ranging and our readership profile includes Presidents and Senior Government Ministers and Officials, Chief Executive Officers, Chairpersons, Managing Directors, Policy-makers, Technical and General Managers, Students, Think Tanks, Academia, Foreign Correspondents and local media, Captains of Indian Industry and other prominent dignitaries, among others. We have a strong online presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Our success in making TOA a brand within and outside India lies in the fact that we have focused on Afro-Indian partnerships and provided a link to the African marketplace. It is our earnest endeavour to make our readers conversant with all things that matter to the continent.

COVER STORY April | May | June 2020

Volume 13

Issue 2

Africa's Response to the Pandemic


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Trinity Heights EXIM Private Limited All rights reserved throughout the world (THE TIMES OF AFRICA). Owner/Publisher/Printer: Mr. Kirit Sobti 2nd floor, Plot No. 7,8 & 9, Garg Shopping Mall, Service Centre, Opp. Sector XI (Extn.), Rohini Phase-2, Delhi-110085, India. Printed at Lipee Scan Pvt. Ltd., 89 DSIDC Shed Okhla Phase 1, New Delhi


FOR QUERIES Burkina: Mr. Albert Sector-05, P.O. Box-1251, Ouagadougou-05, Burkina Faso E:, Phone No.: +22671038940 Ghana: Mr. Solomon Anim Owusu +233501099368 H. No-11, 5th Lane kuku Hill, Osu Accra, P.O. Box-KA 9980 Airport, Accra E:, Phone No.: +233 261228925 Nigeria: Mr. Benjamin, Logos,Nigeria, Phone No.: +2348033578238 PRINTER INDIA LIPEE SCAN PVT. LTD. 89 DSIDC SHED OKHLA PHASE 1, NEW Delhi

DISCLAIMER: All views expressed in this issue are that of the authors. The publisher may not agree with the independent views expressed in this magazine. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only. THE TIMES OF AFRICA

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Cover story Impact of COVID19: Balancing the see-saw of African economy!

Cover story Impact of COVID19: Balancing the see-saw of African economy! ..................................................................


Major Highlights Roots of Racism: #Black Life Matters!................................................... 16

Spotlight Country Gabon’s Petroleum Potential Highlights................................................. 20



Spotlight Country Gabon’s Petroleum Potential Highlights.

Potential of e-sahyog to support Africa’s issues................................ 24



Virtue Baby

Virtue Baby

Tackling stress during COVID19...................................


Tackling stress during COVID19

Sports Africa cup of Nation 202?..............................................


Roll Ball and its prospects in Ghana............................


En Vogue New Fashion Colors in Africa.........................................


Bon Appetit WHO: Food During self-Quarantine.............................

Corporate JUMIA......................................................................................... 28


Brainstorm Are you ready to challenge your brain.........................

Ghana Banking Sector Report........................................


Journalist of Africa Tribute to unconventional Journalist of Africa.........


Anas Aremeyaw Anas........................................................ 33 Sorious Samura...................................................................


Late Hanna Yusuf...............................................................


Face-to-Face Health Care Quality in Africa...........................................


Racism in Africa................................................................... 38 Startup Potential in Africa...............................................


Sports Africa cup of Nation 202?



43 53

En Vogue New Fashion Colors in Africa

Bon Appetit WHO: Food During Self-Quarantine



African Economy 2020: Impact of COVID19







Africa, Economic Growth

education and skills. Africa has remained behind other developing regions in education




improvement over recent decades. Policy





quantity and quality management steps and match education policies with labour market requirements. This calls for greater access to schools in remote areas, increased opportunities for investment in education, a demandbased education system that will meet the needs of employers, investment in nutrition to support disadvantaged children and the development of STEM and ICT capabilities. The economy calls In Africa, economic growth in 2019

of economic development in a cross-

for radical universalism in education

stabilized at 3.4% and is projected to

section of countries. The first to blame


increase to 3.9% by 2020 and 4.1% by

was the investment shortage. The

education — setting high expectations

2021, but will remain below historic rates.

investment rate in Africa has declined

for the poor and vulnerable and for basic

The basic concepts of growth are

over the past 40 years. Investment

education, where social benefits are

also changing as private consumption

has declined since 1975 to 8.5% for


increasingly moves from production and

the entire continent, compared with

exports. The investment represented

investment levels between 20 and

over half of the continent’s growth for

25% of the average OECD economy

the first time in a decade, with private

and 30% of East Asian economies. In

consumption contributing less than one

addition, most investments have been

per cent.

biased towards the public sector, which

The economy indicates that public spending on education and infrastructure is complementary because investment in both is far higher than investing in one. The productivity of spending on education in Africa is much less than in Asia. The good news, however, is that

The Economic Tragedy of the XXth Century:





Working Paper No. 9865) explores the deteriorating economic status of

is inefficient. The investment rates have risen, but only marginally, recent reforms in Africa.





African nations could almost achieve universal primary enrolment without increasing expenditure by increasing the

However, the 2020 Outlook reveals

efficiency of education spending – at

the African continent in terms of how


smaller than

58 per cent for primary education. Key

rich and African nations themselves

inclusive. Inclusive growth was achieved

policies to improve spending efficiency

may support the world’s poor nations.

in just about one-third of African

and education quality include conducting




countries, reducing both poverty and


inequality. This year the main theme

reviews, improving teacher quality, and

using the strong structural determinants

is to provide Africa’s future staff with





significant reasons behind the disaster

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COVER STORY In its last part, the report provides short-to-medium term forecasts on the evolution of key macroeconomic indicators for all 54 regional increasing investment and quality of education involves carrying out auditing and evaluation




increasing the training of teachers and using performance financing. Increasing investment and quality of education involves carrying out auditing and evaluation




increasing the training of teachers and using performance financing. The




resulted in large-scale down turns and interruptions in supply chains due to harbor closures in China, resulting in an unprecedented global shock in all economic sectors. Africa has its full impact and plans are in place throughout the continent to control and manage its humanitarian challenges. The effects have been felt in economic terms, demand

for raw materials and commodities from Africa has been decreased in China and access to the industrial parts and manufactured products of the area has suffered from obstacles in Africa. In a continent already struggling with broad geopolitical and economic instability, that causes additional uncertainty. Although Chinese growth will fall in the short term, it is expected to rebound

quickly. Some suggest this could even happen in the second quarter of 2020 when the virus will hopefully be contained. Central banks are implementing measures to mitigate the effects of the virus on the economy. In early March, the World Bank announced it would commit USD 12 billion in aid to developing countries.

Africa has gone through a period of sustained political and financial instability but there has been significant rises in M&A investment in Africa in the following years, which are reflective of potential economic improvements. COVID-19 could interfere with this projected rise and create more shortterm uncertainty about how it will affect the African investment opportunities, productivity and consumer demand on Creating one African Market

the continent. As such, events could be sufficiently important to trigger a shift in terms of a current M&A agreement, and transactions may therefore be delayed.

It is our hope that the rebound

with the potential to facilitate and

Conditions of COVID-19 could also delay

of COVID-19 will coincide with the

harmonize trade and the development of

due diligence of M&A necessary for the

implementation of the AfCFTA in July

infrastructure in Africa. After the further

progress of a transaction to finalization.

2020, which should further boost

uncertainty of dealing with COVID-19

In addition, the virus can be described as

Africa’s business activity in the next

impacts, this stimulus will be welcome

a major force event that causes further

few years. AfCFTA is the first African

to the investment environment.

delays or terminations.

trade agreement across continents


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COVER STORY African publishers have waited several

more borrowers-like and somewhat slow.

resources. From 2014 to 2017, nearly

years before any planned capital increase

As global economic growth is a driving

half of Chinese policy banks lent EUR

is implemented for the improvement

force behind commodity prices, local

19 billion to energy and infrastructure

of political and economic instability in

prices are affected by the worldwide

projects throughout the region. In

Africa. The Global Transactions Forecast

effects of the virus. The incertitude

the region of China’s BRI, a multi-

from Baker McKenzie has shown that in

about the effect of COVID-19 on the

million - dollar plan to connect Asia,

2019 there were no IPOs in South Africa.

local markets is likely to contribute to

Europe and Africa, coronavirus already

The numerous global trade tensions

greater average investment risk for the

affected activity. According to a new

also eroded investor trust, with capital

future. A temporary decrease of share

report produced by Baker McKenzie

raisers seeking signs of resolution

prices, on the other hand, always gives

and Economist Corporate Network,

before IPOs were launched. With Africa

prudent investors opportunities.

sustainable development should be

looking to take advantage of new global and regional trade agreements, forecasts indicated that capital markets would recover over the coming years, but this could be delayed because uncertainty regarding the impact of COVID-19 reaches its peak in Africa. There is therefore an expectation that IPOs in the region are decreasing, not just because of the virus of equity but because COVID-19 has an influence for IPO companies on the underlying business case and will influence their ability to raise capital.

In Africa, businesses as well as individuals may not find themselves insured in any COVID-19 impact, since epidemic and pandemic losses are generally not covered in insurance policies, whether or not the insurance includes business interruptions and property damages or product losses and personal life or non-life insurance. COVID-19 being a new disease, it would not have been specified in current insurance policies explicitly. Many policy violations have provisions for increased


project participants including both the workers and the larger local populations in the projects undertaken. Over a span of several months

epidemics or pandemics may be affected. Reuters said that the insured expense of

a reduction in China’s consumption.

Tokyo Olympics was estimated at around

Commodity sellers in Africa are forced

USD 2 billion from financial services firm

to discount their goods elsewhere.

Jefferies, including television, hospitality,

More than three-quarters of African

and sponsorship.

exports to the rest of the world focus











IJGlobal, “A Changing World: New trends

circumstances that the virus has created.

in emerging market infrastructure,” has

The enormous global economic downturn

shown that in the past years China has

caused by China’s decreasing output

focused on sub-Saharan Africa as part

will influence African lenders to make

of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

financial institutions on the continent

both in relation to its needs for natural


world, to protect the health of BRI

effects of COVID-19 in Africa. With China shutting down its production facility and closing its ports, demand for African goods has fallen. In China, importers cancel orders due to port closures and

can adjust to new and unprecedented

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spread of COVID-19 throughout the

the policy wording should be thoroughly

partner. Baker McKenzie ‘s research with


and delays because of the constant

trading partner, China already feels the

impact of COVID-19, ensuring they


increases with immediate term setbacks

foreign trade. As the largest African


infrastructure, China has long been a key


of sustainability for BRI also necessarily

exceptions would protect them. As such,




The report points out that the definition

situations it is doubtful that such



development of global infrastructure.

COVID-19 will have an effect on Chinese



Initiative, to remain a major force in the



monitored. Some insurance corporations


central to the Chinese Belt and Road

heavily on natural resources and any reduction in demand impacts most of the continent’s economies. The risks of industrial commodity export to China are significant in countries such as the DRC, Zambia, Nigeria and Ghana, such as iron ore and copper. The OPEC has greatly reduced its prospects of oil demand this year as a result of the virus. This year’s OPEC is the result of the virus.

COVER STORY As China belongs to the global supply

was driven, in part, by a strong growth

discounted prices. OPEC+ did not agree


in the electrical, construction and

this week about conditions for cutting

the risk of supply chain disturbances

manufacturing sectors, and on the other,

oil supplies in order to address demand

for multinationals that already affect

by a year-by-year drop in domestic mining

challenges that led to the COVID-19

manufacturing plants around the world,

production capacity, by decreasing ore

crisis, the start of an oil price war and

including in Africa, with retardation,

grades, increased labor costs and an

a further drop in oil prices. Demand

crude material shortages, higher cost

even stricter regulatory environment.

for Liquefied Natural Gas ( LNG) also

and decreasing orders. Furthermore,

In exchange, China has one of the

decreased due to the risk of canceling

an analysis of African imports from

world’s strongest building infrastructure

much of China ‘s total gas imports. China

abroad shows that over 50% of

capacity and is probably the most

is the second-largest world-wide oil

Africa‘s combined needs consist of

suitable for helping Africa tackle its

consumer and one of the world’s largest




LNG importers. However, once China

China’s COVID-19 outbreak inevitably

recovers, it is also expected that this






and transport equipment. At present, external imports from outside Africa


will result in an increase in raw material


account for over half the total volume




of importations into African countries;



COVID-19 breakdowns in mining regions

the main suppliers are Europe (35%)


China (16%) and India (14%) as well

in Africa may affect labor productivity, skilled technicians’ availability to transit

as the rest of Asia. Disturbances due

from affected areas and the ability to

to the effects of COVID-19 would

produce raw materials through labor-

also contribute to lower availability of

intensive mineral operations. Mining

manufactured products imported from China into Africa.

companies in the region will carefully


plan to avoid such a scenario and to ensure that the spread of the virus is

With the generic existence of the virus, how supply chains can be easily





modified to meet the requirements

efficiently mitigated. Furthermore, the African automotive

can hardly be envisaged. Vietnam and

has hit the African mining industry,

industry will experience an impact, as

Indonesia’s obvious choice of re-routing

although the extent and duration of the

the Hubei province is an epicenter for

supplies chains as a result of the ‘trade

outbreak remains highly unsure. Reuters

the virus and is a large center for the

wars’ between the U.S. and China is nearly

estimated that in 2019 China produced

development of car parts. Moreover,

fully capable and not necessarily able to

almost 1 billion tons of steel and

consumption demand is projected to

meet the needs if China can not produce

consumed approximately 900 million

affect already existing market conditions

them, and these states face additional

tons mainly as a result of infrastructure

in the sector, as sales are affected by

COVID-19 challenges. Although Vietnam


the resulting economic downturn.

has recently stated that all 16 infected

Shutdowns led to a decrease in steel and

people have been cured and Indonesia

iron ore demand. Lithium, cobalt, copper

has only reported two cases so far, both

and iron ore companies from Africa are

countries have reported coronaviruses.

already seeing declining demand from

China seems more interested in investing in the African mining sector than any other large economy. Chinese



China, due to shutdowns in production processes and disruptions to the global supply chain.

In African countries the detection of the virus could be a challenge due to a lack of laboratory capabilities and medical supplies. The WHO noted that 36 African countries are being equipped with virus test kits, and it has helped to train and provide African health workers


Port shutdowns, restrictions on travel

for only 10 mining operations on the

and production shutdowns are lowering


continent in 2011, according to China

demand, causing oil importers in China

medication stocks are identified by

Mining 2018 reports. The interest of

to cancel African purchases and forcing


China in the mineral resources of Africa

sellers to divert cargoes, often at

In the case of the virus, healthcare




with personal protective equipment. quarantine








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COVER STORY facilities across the continent will feel intense strain. The effect of COVID-19 on the global pharmaceutical market is already beginning with price rises in pharmaceutical ingredients manufactured in China, which have been unavailable after significant factory closures and disruption of the supply chain. At the beginning of March the Foreign Trade Directorate General of India announced that the country would limit its exports to 26 medical products, including paracetamol, and antibiotics, that would cause a shortage in Africa. A large percentage of global generic medicines are produced in India. This year, high-value investment is scheduled to be in the TMT industry in Africa, where many telecommunications companies





infrastructure and the booming ecommerce sector is showing M&A opportunities. Nevertheless, COVID-19 insecurity




investment, because tech investors are waiting for insecurity and recover from short-term effects. The impact of reduced demand in China and the effect of supply chain breaks on the material needed for the production of its products has had a negative impact on its companies, most large technology multinationals have stated on various media platforms. Many were forced to close their stores, factories, production facilities and offices, so that employees could work from home. The most vulnerable labor-intensive sectors of the virus have an impact on the planned projects, development and releases of products in the sector. This is likely to cause a shock and also lead to project delays in Africa. The global theater industry is predicted to suffer if people stop going to cinemas for fear of the virus being picked up, allowing traditional broadcasters and live streaming platforms a chance to benefit from the holiday at home and television viewers. It will be important to see what changes film distributors are making in order to deal with this issue. Transactional video-on-demand services can be used as one tool for new models. Either way, the effect would possibly disrupt the conventional dependency on

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COVER STORY theaters as the first release window and,

most busy airways in the world. ASATA

goods market. However, world panic

in the end, the way the film distribution

recently reported the effects of leisure

shopping has led, as people stock up

industry is business will be modified.

travel and constructive steps being

when they become in danger of being

taken by travel suppliers to support the

quarantined, to an increase in demand

affected parties, such as waiving of

for food with longer shelf durability and

cancelation charges for those unable to

medical products. The shutdowns in

travel more frequently.

China have also affected labor-intensive

In Africa, there are about one million Chinese and many Africans are visiting China





business travelers. With China and other virus-impaired regions restricting non-essential events


travel mass




According to the Franklin Templeton Emerging





consumption represents 70% of China’s

effect on tourism in Africa will be

GDP. The COVID-19, a decreasing short-



segments of the supply chain, with global supply chains projected to be affected and retail supply shortages, including in Africa, are likely to result.


term consumption and a reduction in

Online retailing is a major beneficiary

enterprises like hotels, airlines, luxury

demand for global consumer products,

of the effects of COVID-19 – the

and consumer goods have suffered as

will directly affect the use of travel,

sector has experienced growth while

a result of travel prohibitions in and out

leisure, retail and selected optional

people turn to online shopping, avoiding

of Africa. Vacations were canceled and

consumption. For example, luxury brands

crowded shops. In Africa, the same

reprogrammed in viral areas, and people

are expected to be hit by falling demand

situation may well lead to healthy sales

stopped going to entertainment venues

and shifting priorities. According to Bain

bumps in online retail. Retailers in Africa

and restaurants to prevent exposure risk.

& Company and Altagamma, Chinese

are preparing to deal with the impact

Moreover, African airlines are threatened

consumers accounted for about 35% of

on their liquidity, which might result in

by the epidemic and the number of

world sales of luxury goods last year and

job losses, of a potential selling decline

Chinese flights from Africa decreases

the drop in demand as a result of travel

due to restrictions on both the supply of

considerably. If the travel ban persists, it

prohibitions and mobility constraints

products and demand. The online retail

may hurt the airlines serving some of the

will have an impact on the global luxury

sales strategy could provide a solution.


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Roots of Racism: #Black Life Matters! Black Lives Matter

of the Police officers involved in the

Jefferson (2019) and Breonna Taylor

(# BlackLivesMatter), is an activist

deaths. African-American men and

(2020) are the women who were killed

campaign that started as a hashtag

boys who had been killed by the police,

as a result of police encounters.

after the death of unarmed African-

many of whom, including George Floyd,

american teenager Trayvon Martin,

were unarmed, had a deeper historical

who was killed in Florida in July 2013,

background. Since 2014, other high

acquitting George Zimmerman. Since

profile deaths have occurred including

two major murders of unarmed Afro-

Tamir Rice (2014), Laquan McDonald

American men (Eric Garner on Staten

(2014), John Crawford (2014) Freddie

Island, NY and Michael Brown on

Gray (2015), Walter Scott (2015), Alton

Ferguson, MO) in 2014, the campaign

Sterling (2016). Black women and girls

has become more prevalent and

are still victims of police brutality, a fact

popular. None have been convicted

that has sparked the campaign ‘Say

(i.e. formally charged with a crime)

Her Name’ to point out how abuse still goes unnoticed. Sandra Bland (2015), Deborah Danner (2016), Atatiana

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The Black Lives Matter campaign has brought widespread visibility and debate through simultaneous local and national marches and other acts – mostly triggered by the deaths of other African American unarmed citizens. Black Lives activists have released the ‘Campaign Zero’





developed with campaigners, protestors and researchers across the country that integrate community demand, research organizations’ inputs and the 21st Century Police President’s Task Force.


“The past is not dead. It is not even past” stated by William Faulkner.

Ethnic racial




racism. During the Second Sudanese


like “black Moors” or haratin in Mauritania

Civil War, people were taken into slavery;

communities in Central Africa. Physically

and still partly serve as slaves the “White

estimates of abductions range from

and genetically, pygmies and bantus differ

Moors” or bidhan. The people of Herero,

14,000 to 200,000. In the 1970s, the

as long-term developmental isolation

led by Samuel Maharero, were rebellious

region was affected by colonial policies

persists before they return to near

against colonial rule by Germany on 12

in Uganda and other eastern African

contact with the growth of Bantu. The

January 1904. In 1985, the UN Whitaker

countries. The British in the 19th century

Bantu peoples, which have persisted into



colonized Zimbabwe and placed on their

modern times, have targeted Pygmies

as one of the earliest attempts to

land a colonial economic and social

for slavery. In 2001, racial tribal violence

exterminate the peoples of Herero


and religious bigotry surged on the Ivory

and Nama in South-West Africa during

Coast. In 2004, in Abidjan the Young

the 20th century. Niger announced in

Patriots of Abidjan, an organization which

October 2006 that it would expel the

had a powerful nationalist influence,

“Diffa Arabs,” Arab residents of Diffa in

mobilized by state media, robbed foreign

eastern Niger, to Chad in October 2006.

people. Then followed abuse and beatings

In South Africa racists are still prevalent.

of European and Lebanese descendants.

Nevertheless, South Africa’s racism

There have been no deaths confirmed.

precedes and includes far more than

Despite abolishing it from 1980, slavery

the institutionalized racism of apartheid,

continues in Mauritania, and primarily

as it may have abolished the legal


structure that allowes institutionalized



Africans taken into slavery who now live






In Capital, Marx writes: The discovery of gold and silver in America, the extirpation, enslavement




mines of the indigenous population of the continent, the beginnings of the conquest and plunder of India, and the conversion of Africa into a preserve for the commercial hunting of black skins are all things that characterize the dawn of the era of capitalist production


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It’s a common conversation these days:

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One person says, “Black lives matter.” Then another responds, “No, all lives matter.” It’s also a complete misunderstanding of what the phrase “black lives matter” means. The person on the receiving end interprets the phrase as “black lives matter more than any other lives.” But the point of Black Lives Matter isn’t to suggest that black lives should be or are more important than all other lives. Instead, it’s simply pointing out that black people’s lives are relatively undervalued in the US. - By German Lopez in Vox.



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Gabon’s Petroleum Potential Highlights Africa Oil & Power(AOP) has released

of Gabon. Gabon 2020 is an essential

the Africa Energy Series Special Report

tool. The report of AOP which highlights

(Gabon 2020) in line with Gabon’s

Gabon’s oil and gas industry – provides

objective of attributing more oil and

a detailed overview of the investment

natural gas explorers to investors

prospects of Gabon in the sense of a

and businesses seeking to broaden

continuing licensing round for most of

operations into the oil and gas field

the accessible offshore blocks in Gabon.




First signs of potential oil discoveries in Gabon

Peak oil production close to 350,000 barrels per day

The government announces the launch of its 12th licensing round, comprising 35 blocks open for tender



First oil from Ozouri and Pointe-Clairette fields

Production from Gabon’s onshore declining fields reaches 92 million barrels



Major production from Gamba field

Production remains stable at 89 million barrels of oil



Gabon’s oil production reaches 10mtpa from the Grondin field

National oil company Gabon Oil Company is created



Gabon’s oil fuelled-GDP increases by 150% from the previous year

A new petroleum code is tabled



Gabon joins the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Liberalization of petroleum products distribution in Gabon allow fuel price variations

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2019 A revised petroleum code is approved to attract international investment in offshore

2019 For the first time in five years, Gabon signs seven exploration contracts

2021 Production goal: 300,000 bpd

Inputs from Gabon Special Report 2020

SPOTLIGHT COUNTRY Gabon ‘s production peaks in 1997 were seen as a landmark producer in Africa with the first oil extracted in 1956. In Gabon ‘s history of oil production, 2020 marks a decisive year. In the 12th round of permits, a total of 35 blocks were offered and continuing, 12 exploration licenses





explains the renewed attractiveness of the petroleum sector in Gabon including a new oil and gas code; the growing concentrate on natural gas production and the International Monetary Fund agreement to revitalize the economy of Gabon and thereby increase global trust in the growth of that country. “Gabon is committed to bringing new life to its high-potential oil and gas industry in spite of global challenges raised by the COVID-19. Gabon, with a long history of oil exploration and development and high hopes for the future, is strategically located in the Gulf of Guinea. In the

2007. The downturn was mainly due to

coming months we are going to be crucial

the world financial crisis. The downturn

in emerging from the global pandemic, but Gabon has good partners to count on, “said James Chester, Africa Oil & Power ‘s acting CEO.

mineral mining sites have the potential. Timber was the main source of

Like other African economies, Gabon

exportation for the country before oil was

is rich in resources and explains its

discovered and a small population with

recent economic growth and potential.

over 22 million hectares of rainforest.

It is estimated that in January 2011,

Over 80 per cent of the country is


Gabon had confirmed reserves of

forest-related and

community Gabon is not well established

two billion barrels, almost six times

sustainable growth is now a core part

but for a number of reasons Gabon is

the population per capita in Nigeria.

of Gabon’s development strategy. Vast

important in this Francophone central

Manganese mine is the world’s second

stretches of rainforest are protected,

African region, which is beside Equator,

largest reserves. Recent finds of iron

and the Government aims to encourage

and is likely to have even greater

ore and total reserves of almost 1 billion

sustainable tourism for the wealthy. In

economic impact over the coming

tonnes, as well as gold, diamonds, lead,

2020, 100,000 visitors are to be drawn

years. The per capita GDP per capita was

zinc, niobium and phosphates, have

to Gabon a year.

estimated in 2010 as ninth in Africa, at

been observed. Gabon has proven to be

6997 USD in PUP, sandwiched between

a cornucopia of mineral wealth, and the

above Algeria and Namibia below. PUP

government reports that more than 900




responsible and

Parity was the first per capita GDP. In 2010, real GDP rebelled at an annual growth rate of 5.7%, up from 5.6% in


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Gabon’s first oil extracted in 1956 was

Hydrocarbons and PGS now provides

produced in Africa at its peak in 1997.

more than 65,000 square meters as

2020 is a crucial year in the history of

a further opportunity for investors.

oil production. During the 12th round of

3D seismic km and 2D seismic data

licenses in the region, 12 exploration

in more than 21 000 kms across 35

licenses have been signed and offered for

blocks, providing additional opportunity

a total of 35 blocks. The report explains

to incorporate new data into open

Gabon ‘s current petroleum sector

block assessments. The MegaSurvey

attractiveness and provides a new code

of Gabon, a cost-effective method to analyze and envision plays and migration routes, is open to investors. In line with the goal of attracting new oil and gas explorers, African Oils & Power, Gabon’s Africa Energy Series Special Report, has been launched by the AFP

for oil and gas. The agreement with the International Monetary Fund to revitalize Gabon, which increases international confidence in Gabon ‘s development, is underlined in the development of natural gas. Gabon’s commitment to a new life for its high potential oil and gas sector given the global challenges faced by the

The Gabon Hydrocarbons General

as a guide to investors and companies

Directorate and the PGS have recently

looking to grow their operations in

expanded the coverage of the Gabon

Gabon’s oil and gas field. The 14-page

Mega Survey and significantly expanded

report-which highlights Gabon’s oil and

the 3D seismic access over 35 blocks

gas industry- provides a brief overview

offered by the 12th Offshore Licensing

of Gabon‘s investment in the context of

Round. Gabon demonstrates once again

the continuous licensing round for most

The investment world of Anglo-Saxon

its readiness to remain attractive in a

of Gabon ‘s open offshore blocks and

countries is not well-known in Gabon,

highly competitive market environment

can be downloaded free of charge from

but for several reasons it will also have

and to engage regional and global

the AOP Website.

a much greater economic influence

COVID-19. Gabon, strategically situated in the Gulf of Guinea, is on the right path with a long history of oil discovery, growth and high expectations for the future.

investors to draw capital and technology into its sector. The ongoing round of Gabon licenses has already been successfully launched in November 2018 and resulted in the signature of a record number of PSCs in sub saharan Africa last year. The Department of Oil , Gas, Hydrocarbons and Mines has extended the filing deadline by 30 April 2020 in response to current market conditions and the Covid-19




round offers an incentive for investors to start exploring what is one of the hottest upstream frontiers in Africa. The Chamber supports the inclusion of seismic and detailed knowledge as a key solution to support and extend the commitment of Gabon to prospective and reliable investors.

22 |


SPOTLIGHT COUNTRY in the years to come from the central

abundance of minerals, and 900 mining

part of Africa, apart from the equator.

sites are reported by the government.

Measured at the per capita level, in the sandwich above Algeria with Namibia below, it was 9th in 2010, with GDP measured per capita. In 2010 real GDP bounced again at an annual growth rate of 5.7% as compared to 5.6% in 2007. The downturn was mainly caused by the global financial crisis.

Last year’s signing of a record number of PSCs in sub-Saharan Africa was a

The nation was already vulnerable to timber, with a small population but over 22 million hectares in the rainforest, before oil and large export revenues were distnoted. Over 80 percent of the country with trees and a key feature of Gabon’s development plan now has a goal of responsible and sustainable

successful start of the ongoing Gabon Licensing Round. In response to emerging market conditions and the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Petroleum , Coal, Hydrocarbons and Mines extended this submission deadline after April 30 2020. The extended round provides an opportunity for investors to begin their exploration of one of Africa ‘s

Gabon, like other African economies, is

development. Huge areas are protected

a resource-rich economy that represents

as the government encourages nature

its new economic development and

reserves and eco-tourism. By 2020,

potential. In January 2011, a total of

100 000 tourists are to be attracted

almost two trillion barrels of confirmed


Gabonese reserves, about 6 times as

enlarged 35-block exposure to 3D

large per capita in Nigeria, were estimated.

seismics under this current 12th Round,

The second highest in the country is

Gabon’s Hydrocarbons and PGS General

manganese mine worldwide. Moreover,



Throughout 21 000 km of 3D seismic

recent tests have shown the presence

scope of the Gabon MegaSurvey. Again,

and 2D seismic data through 35 blocks,

of approximately 1 trillion tons of iron ore

Gabon demonstrates its readiness to

new data can be inserted into open

and complete reserve, and the inventory

stay attractive and to include national

block evaluations. Investors may use the

is maintained of gold, diamonds, plum,

and foreign investment in capital and

Gabon MegaSurvey for review of regional

zinc, niobium and phosphates. Gabon

technology in its industry in a competitive

activities, and for a cost-effective view

has proven to be a cornucopia of the

business setting.

of the game and migration pathway.







hottest upstream borders. The House supported supplementary seismic data as an important option for sustaining and increasing Gabon ‘s engagement with potential, credible investors. The Hydrocarbons generally







than 65,000 square meters of land.


| 23


Potential of e-sahyog to support Africa’s issues Authorized Access To Multiple Users

An App For Public Queries

Improves Co-ordination between Departments

Prioritize Queries and assign Tasks

Issue Curfew Passes & Handle Medical Emergencies

Notification To Concerned Department

this is how it works sTEP 01

sTEP 01

sTEP 01

it is analyzed and given priority

Active Govt personnel receives the query

It is easy to check the status of every query

● Live

sTEP 01

The query is sent to the concerned department ● Pending

it undergoes the process

● Fullfilled

E-Sehyog has been developed by K.S.

the current crisis, most of the calls are

only help us serve our community better

Infosystems Private Limited. It helps the

unanswered and a large proportion of

but will also be an aid in the process

government agencies in giving support

internal migrants are crossing the city

of fighting COVID19. Presently it has

and resolution to the public grievances

borders from urban to rural areas. Thus,

been implemented in Chamba, Himachal

related to COVID-19. It is one such

the Government needs to address

Pradesh as “Syanu” and in Gurdaspur,

solution which will make grievance

them by performing health check-ups

Punjab as “Sahyog” app. Rohit Khattar,

handling more efficient and less time

and accordingly issue entry passes to

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of K.S.

will be spent on resolving them.

prevent further outbreak of the virus in

Infosystems Private Limited has taken

the rural areas.

the initiative and led the entire team to

The Indian government has also counter

COVID19 is spreading rapidly and it

COVID19 during lockdown across the

is the need of the hour that all of us

country. Helplines have been set up

should work in tandem to eradicate this

to answer public grievances, queries

disease from our society. E-Sehyog can

and requests for assistance. Due to

be one of the solutions which will not


24 |





execute this entire project successfully. For more detail: Visit the website: K.S. Infosystems Private Limited to connect with us +91-9873242080



| 25


Features and Advantages of the E-Sehyog : ● It drastically reduces the turnaround time for

● Information security is also given priority, and only the

processing public requests.

authorized users can access the platform.

● It allows the government agencies to expand the

● As the flow of queries is usually very high, the

bandwidth of the people working towards resolving

department can create the “N” number of users to

open issues.

access those queries and resolve them.

● It gives you the flexibility of customizing the platform

● This app is very flexible and can be customized to

as per the needs of a particular department to automate

perform various different tasks like issuing curfew

the processes.

passes, free ration, handling medical emergencies, etc.

● The live notifications sent to the complainant reduce

● The best part about this app is you can do the

segregation of queries and assign them a priority so that

essential tasks are handled first.

public anxiety and helps in maintaining law and order.

● As one single app can handle multiple tasks, it can help in

saving time, money and efforts, and all these three are

● It has options of sending an instant notification to the

very precious at this hour.

complainant and to the concerned authority.

● It gives the higher authorities a perfect system to

● It can handle tasks like issuing ration coupons, and

monitor the work done and improvise as per the


curfew passes to the public.

● The entire process is online and less time consuming, and

● It will help the government in achieving better

the level of automation can be set as per the urgency and

regulation required on the task.

coordination between different departments.

● The user doesn’t have to remember different numbers

● The complainant can track his request live and does not

for different queries and can send all their questions to

one number on WhatsApp.

panic and run here and there breaking the lockdown.

● E-Sehyog App is very user friendly, and multiple users can

access the platform through their mobile phone or

computer or laptop. The system helps to monitor quarantine patients and helps the government about their movements and daily updates on their health with GIS and GPS technology.

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| 27



The largest e-tailer in Africa, Jumia, seems to have turned its in-house logistics arm into a company that will now respond not just to Jumia ‘s needs but more than that. Jumia logistics has now become a full-service logistic service overnight, in addition to deliveries to the e-commerce platform, open to outside customers including individuals and businesses. Currently, an expanded service is also available in Kenya where customers can either drop their parcels at Jumia’s relocation centers in Nairobi, or collect businessto-customer (B2C) and business-tobusiness (B2B) delivery from their locations. Not unlike what Start-ups such as Sendy, Lori Systems and others have to offer. Sam Chappatte, CEO of Jumia Kenya said, “We open up our logistics arm for both B2B and B2C deliveries, at our partner’s request, in the hope that we can deliver better service quality, at a lower cost.” Since COVID-19, demand for elogistics, offline delivery services and

online business has increased. Jumia seems to take the lead and compete with its strong logistical network. Jumia claims that its logistics network in Kenya is the collaboration between dozens of logistics companies from large players such as POSTA and Wells Fargo to many small players throughout the country. Before now, Jumia Logistics supported its e-commerce platform and food supply company as Jumia Food exclusively. Due to this new development, Jumia is becoming mainly a logistics company as an e-commerce company. This change is consistent with the latest trends, in which e-tailer is looking beyond their core e-commerce business to generate revenue and reduce losses. Jumia has exited various low-level markets and changed its services in the last 10 months. As part of the restructuring effort, “Jumia Pay” has turned their in-house payment platform into an appropriate fintech product. More than a year ago, on the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE) Jumia pulled off a historic Initial Public Offering (IPO). The share price of the company was well above the USD 14.50 opening price until

an alleged misfeed occurred with Citron Research, a company owned by Andrew Left, also known as short-seller. These allegations collapsed the share price of Jumia and the lawsuits invited, and it was never the same. Jumia has traded shares of approximately USD 5.60, has since lost its billion-dollar valuation, and the e-tailer closed last year in the light of massive losses. At the beginning of April, Rocket Internet, a German parent company based in Jumia, announced the sale of its shares in Jumia and, by implication, the separation of ties with it. In the same month, though Jumia packaged it up in 3 countries the year before, they announced their presence in South Africa. Jumia ‘s CEO Sacha Poignonnec and CFO Antoine Maillet-Mezeray stress on the challenging nature of the scaling of e-commerce in the African markets, the need to distinguish Jumia’s revenue streams and restructure business into multi-faceted operations. Since then, Jumia wore the axis to make the plants fit and watered it to be fair for the product. There have been signs in Jumia’s last two financial results that the new approach could only pay off.

Photo Source: weetracker

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Developing Ghanaian SMEs; The e-commerce solution One of the most significant backbones of





A platform for small scale vendors

Best pricing (increased demand)

development for a very long time has

Would you rather have a shop in the

One of the greatest advantages that

been small and medium scale enterprises

middle of nowhere or a shop in the busiest

e-commerce has brought to SMEs in

(SMEs). They are the major driving force

part of the city? How many people will

Ghana is that of increased demand. This

for business development, employment

walk into your physical shop in a day as

is as a result of the price war among



compared to the millions of people likely

several vendors. In the online business,

services and internal income generation

to see your product online? Business in

to get good revenue, one needs to have

in Ghana. 90% of registered businesses

Ghana has changed and most people

good quality products at very competitive

in Ghana are SMEs according to the

would rather shop on their smartphones

prices. When that happens, more and

Registrar General’s Department as noted

and laptops than visit physical stores. In

more customers are willing and able to

by Graphic Online. An SME Research

the wake of COVID-19, everyone is trying

buy these products and that increases

Report by Ghana Web also indicated

to keep safe and online business has

demand. This opens the door for SMEs

that SMEs contribute an estimated

seen a tremendous increase. SMEs can

to grow and expand. Best pricing also

70% of Ghana’s GDP and account for

really leverage on this to grow. Placing

facilitates quicker sales hence paving a

approximately 85% of employment in

your products or services online gives you

path to profitability.

the Ghanaian manufacturing sector. With

a bigger platform to showcase your shops

all these facts in mind, it has become

and increase revenue. SMEs get to learn

imperative that Ghana intensifies efforts

new techniques, meet partner brands and

In the absence of competition, there

to further develop it’s existing SMEs and

expand their businesses with the training

is always complacency. The e-commerce

prepare to empower the new ones.

and guidance from experts in the online


retail industry.

between vendors. Although the is a




Access to credit/capital The biggest problem facing most





bigger customer audience online, SMEs


have to be at the top of their games to

SMEs in Ghana is the lack of credit or

One important area of growth for SMEs

possess a great share of the market.

capital. Many SMEs find it extremely

in Ghana is the area of employment. Over

This then triggers an improvement in the

difficult to get the financial backing to

the years, many graduates complete

quality of goods and services, customer

boost their businesses. The financial

school with the main aim of landing white-

service, management and other pillars of

institutions usually decline loan requests

collar jobs, earn a decent salary and build

growth. Without competition, SMEs feel

because of the positioning of such SMEs.

a life from there. With growing numbers

comfortable and do not look for various

E-commerce plays an integral part of

of graduates per year and limited

channels of growth.

building a good portfolio for SMEs. Having

opportunities, the best way forward

your products online in an organized way

is self-employment. E-commerce has

helps to reach a larger audience and

indeed helped many of such ‘’unemployed

generates into better sales. This helps

graduates’’ to enjoy good fortunes in

create a good portfolio and gives the

developing their ideas. From small scale

financial institutions confidence that

clothing to mobile phone accessories

these SMEs are eligible for the loans

or cosmetics, platforms like Jumia

requested. Also, being a partner to such

have made it possible for thousands

credible online retail platforms like Jumia

of unemployed Ghanaians to become

gives these SMEs great credibility to


access credit and capital.

the way for these SMEs to then also




absorb other skilled people who may not

There is great potential for SME growth and development here in Ghana. However, it is dependent on all stakeholders to identify the right opportunities and leverage e-commerce in order to maximize this potential. The future is bright and we are just getting started. Start a business today and take it online and if you already own a small business, it’s time to look at it in the e-commerce spectrum. Let’s grow! By Bennet Otoo (Jumia Ghana)

necessarily have their own businesses.


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Ghana Banking Sector Report In both developed and developing nations, the COVID-19 pandemic is a big threat. The social distance and containment measures which impede the proper functioning of the global economy have a significant effect on industrial and agricultural value chains. When world demand drops, their prices have dropped as a result of key raw materials exported by African countries. This threatens serious export profits, the balance of public finances, sustainability of foreign debt and the prospects for Africa’s economic development. Transport and tourism at the sectoral level have come to a standstill with potentially devastating consequences for employment and development. The first recession is projected to start in Sub-Saharan Africa for 25 years, with GDP projected to decrease in terms of between -2.1% and -5.1%, and export income expected to decrease by $100 trillion. This recessionary climate inevitably leads to higher default risk for (household and company) lenders and, as a result, affects the African financial sector negatively. Increased capital outflows, liquidity drying, and higher loans may further aggravate the national banking system and its capital ratios while recapitalisation or even restructuring of some banking system countries. This seminar addressed the possible impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the African financial sector and policies / actions helping the sector through the pandemic, considering the potential contagion effects of the recession. The webinar was hosted by the Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A) Secretariat. And featured speakers from Afreximbank, TCX Fund, Standard Bank and Baker McKenzie.

Moderator: David Ashiagbor, Coordinator, MFW4A Secretariat

Speakers: Hugues Kamewe-Tsafack Financial Sector Advisor, MFW4A Secretariat

Wildu du Plessis Head of Banking and Finance – Africa, Baker McKenzie

Kevin Holmes Head – Trade, Product Management, Transactional Products and Services, Standard Bank

Ruurd Brouwer CEO, TCX Fund

Intong Eric Monchu Senior Manager – Trade Finance, Afreximbank


| 31

WEBINAR About Presentations The plunge into the major stock market indices since early 2020, including Nikkei (-22%), Dow Jones (-24%) and FTSE (-29%), illustrates rising foreign investor pessimism in the light of global growth prospects. The key commodities exported by African nations have seen their prices drop sharply in commodity markets with the exception of those with a price which has risen in recent months and which serve as a safe haven asset in time of crisis. Since January 2020, the price of oil has plummeted by more than 50% while other commodities

In addition, the health crisis of COVID-19 has triggered a lot of behavioral changes among financial players. As the global economy is poorly impacted by sectors such as transportation, manufacturing lines and tourism, there are large capital outflows on regional financial markets. In recent years Africa has undergone a sharp drop in cash flows. Thus access to foreign currencies – such as dollars , euros, yen and yuan – is rapidly deteriorating, which means that African borrowers (government and enterprises) have higher interest rates on the international financial markets.

sized enterprises through their central banks. As far as DFIs are concerned, they are doing their part in helping African financial institutions. In order to enable commercial banks or other financial institutions to sustain a mainstream economy, regional, bilateral or multilateral partners have developed structures and facilities. For example, the PATIMFA-a US$ 3-billion facility-was launched by Afreximbank to assist member countries with the adverse impact of COVID-19 political , economic and health shocks. In the longer term, the large domestic

like minerals and precious metals have

The central banks establish support

savings pool in various jurisdictions in

declined between 10 and 30 percent.

structures, through monetary easing

Africa offers an opportunity to plan and

The rapid fall in commodity prices

policies, for governments and financial

finance better business transformations

significantly jeopardizes export profits,

institutions to minimize cost of capital.

in the region and form new post-COVID

public finances, sustainability of foreign

Such regulatory interventions combine

economic models.

debt and development prospects in the

with government fiscal stimulus to

major economies of the continent of

maximize the effect of economic


shocks on their investment plans on

Also addressed by COVID-19 are legal matters, especially with regard to the execution of trade agreements. ‘Force Majeure’ provisions and other definitions (e.g. material negative impact) can be used for reducing or denying the duty of co-contractors to pay. In addition, many businesses, especially in the African region, are expected to face financial and legal problems associated with supply chain disruption and lack of insurance on business continuity. Organizations

the domestic private sector. These central banks and government policies should help financial institutions better meet their liquidity requirements in the short run and maintain their support for the real economy to some degree. Existing pressures must also be taken into consideration on foreign exchange markets and currency reserves. Inflation, servicing of the debts, and external and fiscal imbalances can exacerbate even more the financial damage in Africa.

During the Q&A, panelists were able to remind the participants on the strategic importance of credit guarantees and assurance mechanisms to release the loan capabilities of financial institutions. Moreover, such risk-sharing mechanisms may partly be built on the liquidity of local currencies to mitigate the risk of external loans or borrowing. Secondly, as liquidity becomes increasingly scarce, new




by multilateral and bilateral financial institutions will minimize the effects of averting risk and allow for increased funds in developing countries from local

may thus be exposed to increased

Banks in Africa welcomed central bank

or multinational financial institutions.

cash flow and liquidity management

initiatives to alleviate the economic

Both multilateral and bilateral partners,

risk, deteriorating credit ratings and

/ financial impact by implementing

with funding of USD 3 and 10 billion

potential financial distress situations.



respectively, are planning solutions

Government distancing steps often

banks continue to face rising liquidity

tailored to their loan portfolios and

make the paper-based administrative


liquidity needs from customers in the

procedures difficult and encourage

monetary capital, negatively impacting


businesses and the public authorities to

multinational and small and medium-

facilities launched by the Afreximbank

use digital methods, like e-signatures or

sized businesses’ lending capability.

and the AfDB in response to the effects

virtual meetings, instead.

For example, East and West Africa have

of the COVID-19 on the continent AfDB.

easing in








supplied liquide for small and medium-

32 |



Tribute to unconventional Journalist of Africa Image of investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas Photo Credit: Vice

Anas Aremeyaw Anas He is a well-known reporter who takes

traffic. He revealed police officers who

Prize (2nd African Prize), the Directorate-

on many interesting roles which lead

were collecting bribes. Among its other

General on Development of the European

to the poor being brought to justice.

projects is going undercover as a cleaner


President Obama praised Anas during his

in a big brothel, as a wealthy businessman

Award in Kenya and the Journalist of

visit to Ghana. Anas was born in Ghana in

who discovers government workers

the year from Ghana GJA Journalists

the 1970s. He studied at the University

at a Ghanaian non-citizens passport

Association (GJA). In 2015 and 2016,

of Ghana and boldly refused to work

agency and teams with Al-Jazeera’s

Avance Media ranked him as the most

with the Ghanaian Times after school. In

Fake Doctors in Nigeria to expose


1998, he decided to pursue his career

sham doctors that exploited vulnerable

currently serves as CEO of Tiger Eye

with the Crusading Guide. Since then,

populations. Some of the awards which

Private Inquiries and Executive Director

he’s been struggling and trying. His first

Anas has won include the Heroes Acting

of the Tiger Eye Social Foundation.

job was as a road hawker – people selling

to End Modern-Day Slavery Award from

goods on the street, generally in busy

the United States, the Lorenzo Natali

the African Achievers





| 33


Image of journalist, Sorious Samura Photo Credit: Sheffield International Documentary Festival

Sorious Samura 54-year-old, Samura is a journalist from Sierra Leone.

Tabu informative film. Samura has also provided three additional

His widely acclaimed Cry Freetown and Exodus from Africa

shows called Hunger, Living with Corruption and Living with

documentaries were broadcast on CNN. Cry Freetown won both

Refugees. He is now director of UK-based Insight News TV, an

Peabody Awards and Emmy Awards for him. Samura reported

independent TV channel that deals with international current

in 2010 on how homosexuals were treated in the Africa Last


34 |



Miss Yusuf was born in Somalia and grew up in the Netherlands before moving to London, where she went to university CREDIT: PHIL COOMES / BBC

Late Hanna Yusuf Her research has included a study

who had a lot of admiration for her

graduated from Queen Mary University

of working conditions at Costa Coffee

family and many of her friends and we

in French and in Spanish. In 2015, she

Stores and was a reporter on the BBC

were very fond of her. Hanna was born

released a video explaining her decision

News site. The editorial director of the

in Somalia in 1992. After her family

to wear the hijab, claiming “it’s nothing

BBC News Kamal Ahmed announced

grew up in the Netherlands, Miss Yusuf

to do with oppression. It’s a feminist

Miss Yusuf, speaking six languages

moved into the UK. Before joining the

gesture.” In 2017, she spoke on Good

including Somali, Arabic and Dutch, as

City University in London, she completed

Morning Britain after the European Court

“one of our best-known stars.” Director

the MA in Newspaper Journalism, which

of Justice granted employer power

of BBC News Fran Unsworth stated,

provides financial support to youth who

to ban all the political, religious and

“Hanna was a talented young journalist

want to pursue a career in the media, she

philosophical signs at work.


| 35

FACE-TO-FACE to the health sector. Africa Heads of Government agreed that 15% of the total budget of member countries be allocated to the Health Sector in Abuja 2001. The actualisation of this Abuja Declaration would go a long way in




performance and sustainability • Decreasing Out-of-Pocket Spending by Households. Most households in Africa do not have a prepayment arrangement to access health care services. They, therefore, lack financial risk protection. This affects close to 70% of households. Any program that could decrease this risk is worth venturing into. A prepayment arrangement would be necessary. •




mutually beneficial public-private arrangement could turn around health




Government and the private sector could complement each other’s strength to improve overall health Interviewee: Dr Saidu Aliyu Gital Permanent Secretary (Rtd), Ministry of Health, Bauchi State, Nigeria Interviewer: Atlanta Mahanta, Sr. Multimedia Journalist, THE TIMES OF AFRICA

Theme: Health Care Quality in Africa

care service delivery. •



Assistance. Many countries can access support from donors mainly from overseas.WHO, World Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dangote Foundation have all been known to support African Countries finance health care. This assistance,

• Social Health Insurance Scheme for

however, has to be coordinated in

needed to improve the sustainability and

Formal Sector

order to avoid duplication and to

performance of African health systems?

• Donor/Overseas Funding

ensure maximum utilisation.

Q1. What health financing reforms are

For the reason that there is no size that


The essential elements in health

fits all in health care financing, reforms

financing reforms in Africa for over a

needed to improve the sustainability and

decade have been the following:

performance of the health system will

• Government annual budgeting mainly

focus on the following:

from general tax revenue

• Increased Government’s spending in

• Direct out-of-pocket payment by

the health sector by way of increasing



36 |






A comprehensive Social Health

for duplication of programs and waste of

robust social health insurance scheme



and coordinated donor support program.

Community-based Health Insurance.


help achieve 0ther public health goals?


The Scheme should not stop at the




Formal and informal sectors and

How can health financing reforms

National level but extended to all


states of the federation

health for the whole population. A health

financing reforms have Countries tried?

financing that ensures equity in access

What has worked?

to health care services will therefore help achieve other public health goals.

The health financing reforms that

This is embodied in a Comprehensive

have been tried by African Countries are

Health Care Financing Scheme. Such a

the following:

scheme covers the following, among






encourage the private delivery of health care services?

What approaches to health



Public Health Goals hinge on

disease prevention and promotion of





The delivery of private health

care services on the continent has always been in the interest of the government because they complement the inadequacies in the public provision of services at all levels of care. For instance, in Nigeria, close to half of Family Planning acceptors obtain their supplies from private outlets. In the

mainly from general tax revenue

Formal Sector

same vein, private sectors contribute

Direct out-of-pocket payment by

Informal Sector

significantly to increase immunization


Community-Based Insurance

coverage especially among the rich and

Social Health Insurance Scheme for

This scheme accords financial risk

affluent citizens who are reluctant in

Formal Sector

protection to almost all segments of the

presenting their children and wards for

Donor/Overseas Funding

society in terms of access to health care

immunization in the public immunization

Government annual budgeting worked

at all times, thereby helping to achieve


until such a time population growth

other health goals.

• • •

The government can encourage private

and its consequence on health care

health care delivery by providing not only

services delivery could no longer be

Q4. Can people afford to pay for health

accommodated by the usual paltry


the enabling environment but also the

A4. People can afford to pay for health

the delivery of such services. The federal

6% or less budgetary allocation to the health sector. Out-of-Pocket Payments for health services by the households

services especially if out-of-pocket

have increasingly been unaffordable,

expenditures are decreased through a

legal and regulatory framework to enable and state Ministries of Health, through the Private Hospitals Registration and

thereby leaving patients to lack financial risks protection. Challenges in rolling out the formal sector Health Insurance Program through the National Health Insurance Scheme have almost rendered it dysfunctional. This is even when the scheme was limited to the formal sector alone, to the detriment of the informal sector and the communitybased




Overseas funding has relatively worked. This is because such funds come with a well prepared and cost budget and implementation timeline. But lack of coordination of such support gave room


| 37

FACE-TO-FACE Regulating




private Medical Outfits in a mutually beneficial manner.

Interviewee: Chelvin Ramsamy Special Assistant Advisor (Regional Integration) for the African Union. Interviewer: Atlanta Mahanta, Sr. Multimedia Journalist, THE TIMES OF AFRICA

Theme: Racism in Africa Q1. What are the possible strategies to

many years. And it is also multifaceted.

manage xenophobic bullying?

So it comes in different forms. It may be a school, it may be at the place of


Hello, I am Chelvin Ramsamy and I work as Special Assistant Advisor for the African Union in Ethiopia. So as part of my work in the regional integration department, I deal with all the 55 African countries. Thank you for the question. So I think that is not exactly bullying but it’s racism, because it’s deep rooted in, for

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work. It may be in the society itself. We see it in all the African countries and it comes in different forms. So if you go to South Africa it is fine, but it’s not the same as here in Mauritius, in Ethiopia it might be different where there are more fair people. It differs from place to place. Going back centuries, we have actually

seen the history of all the racism itself in Africa, if we look back 30 years from now, in the year 1990, so in South Africa, there was the Apartheid that ended. And this was all due to the efforts of one man, as we knew it’s Nelson Mandela. So he showed us a way that we can manage xenophobic bullying in Africa would be through our commitment of young people. Young people are the advocates, so we can sign petitions with the system, lobbying the government, we can go against the system and show where they’re all failing to understand the potential of young people and how we want to represent the continent. I have also noted the recent case of George Floyde murder in the U.S. which has triggered african emotions to start the protest again against racism. There is another way to end xenophobic bullying would be to write and draft letters, sign petitions for example, UN, human right council, we can highlight the issues and make the government accountable, how things should be and where things are going wrong in Africa. We need dynamic citizens. I would say, the mass plays a critical role in Africa. Because Africa, as you might already know, it has the largest population of young people in the world. And by 2050, we expect that the number of our people in Africa will be twice the number of young people compared to in Europe and Asia. So this is really how we see it and is really a huge asset. There is also a negative side but the young people are the future. They can be the one who would change the future of the world and manage xenophobic bullying in Africa. So my bet would be for the young people who deal with people, they are more dynamic, they are more critical about analyzing things. And also they know how to use advanced technology and make a better african continent by managing and ending xenophobic bullying in Africa.


How does transnationalism redefine racial discrimination in Africa?

A2. So, the first thing that we must note here that you must understand here is what is transnationalism. Transnationalism refers to the diffusion and extension of social, political, economic processes in between and beyond the sovereign jurisdictional boundaries of nation-states. International processes are increasingly governed by non-state actors and international organizations. I would define between the different people from different nations, different states, different countries and their cultures and how they can come together for a better one for better society and work together as one big family. In Africa, we have seen for several years there has been racial discrimination, the Europeans they came here, they took slaves. This was in the past, but now when interacting with each other, it opens the gateway, it makes people more broad minded. When you interact you come to know the different lifestyle and habits which contributes to the big picture representation of a culture. You get a different perspective with more compassion and you also become more helpful to people. Infact, transnationalism, we see that in many countries now in Africa, for example let me take my example. here , in Mauritius, where we have Hindus, Christians, Chinese, Muslim people, we call it rainbow nations. We handle our differences without discrimiation especially in my circle. In this way we may blur all kinds of racism. Why transnationalism issue is more important than ever before today, I would say it from a perspective of the African Union and Regional Integration, we have “African Continental Free Trade” agreement (AfCFTA). It was supposed to be implemented this year but due to COVID19 we had to postpone it to

2021. It is based on the premise as one single continent and all countries would come together for trade. It breaks trade barriers, for years, we have seen that trade between African and European countries and other countries are rising. But trade among african countries is very low. It is expected to build the relationships between different nations in Africa. We are also envisioning having a single currency. Trading will become easier than ever before. This will also lead to a visa free continent. This transnationalism will help diminishing of racial discrimination.

Q3. Will the practice of cross-culture interactions and marriages blur the stereotypical eyes? A3. With practice of cross culture interaction, in this contemporary century I would say we see many examples of intercaste, interregional marriages. People are more compassionate, and its collaboration of two different communities, states, nations which led to reduce discremination and also racism. It has brought more acceptance and adoption of different cultures and lifestyles. We have our global citizens in promotion of these practices. The world is a small village where everyone is connected and can live together. It is already happening if we pick any country and will find citizens from many other countries in universities or work space. The concept of global citizens is already established. In order to promote crossculture marriages, it is also important to consider the level of education as I have said education is the most powerful weapon, which you can change the world to educate the people who come to you and to educate the communities in Africa and also around the world. And through education platforms why not try to change the mindset of the people, why

not promote cross cultural interactions. This is the kind of world people are dreaming of. This dream should come true for us.


Thank you for highlighting the better side. What about the drawback? I wouldn’t say negatives, but the drawbacks. In any interfaith marriage the differences are more that the child struggles to adopt the lifestyle from both sides and acceptance in the society is bais. How can this child who is a hybrid can tackle this situation?


It depends on the mind set up of the society. Right from the school it starts. We can’t change others but ourselves first and at least in this matter of acceptance and adoption. I would actively recommend and say that social virtual groups can do is to go to the front and explain to these communities about differences and how to live together by complimenting each other. This is only how we get the progress. We can at least try to educate people and sensitise regarding these issues.

Q5. To what extent would you attribute racism in modern society to racial mythologies? A5.

We have read about apartheid system ending in south africa long back. The apartheid system in South Africa was ended through a series of negotiations between 1990 and 1993 and through unilateral steps by the de Klerk government. These negotiations took place between the governing National Party, the African National Congress, and a wide variety of other political organisations. The notion was the same as living in harmony in Africa or the US or UK. But some issues took its root between the black people and the white people in the city of Bridgestone, Cambridge. When people actually do


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FACE-TO-FACE it to find the tribe to vindicate for the rights, they try to protest for their rights. It was then and now things have not changed yet. If we take the case of George Floyde as an example in 2020. In modern society we must raise questions on digital platforms which is very easy to access these days. Because for example, these white people, these younger generations, I would say they have a role to play to be a responsible citizen. Each individual matters how they react and think. We need people in there as of today in the U S in particular, this racism is a huge problem. It is increasing day by day and getting worse day by day. Our generation is responsible for projecting it to different directions. Nelson Mandela is an icon for us to make us believe that a dream can come true. But now our dream is different. It’s not only limited to the nation but the world. Also, we are becoming diaspora in many other nations. We have to make it accountable as racism was legal long back as slavary, capitalism, colonialism. I have visited many african countries, we deal with african embassies, at my personal level and professionally to contribute in the development of the

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continent. I can write to them for the schemes, conducting meetings with foreign affairs, conducting sessions, bringing interconnection relations with other different continents. This session breaks the ice between africans and other people from different continents. Foreign affairs and embassies are the one who deals with other countries, we get the real information from other countries. And where and how I can move forward addressing the progress of African Union. We highlight problems and solutions and later implementation of the solutions that’s why open discussions are very important.


How do we tackle the root of racism through education, cultural awareness and the environment?


As I have previously stated, it is deep rooted in our society. It’s been a part of society for several decades. I’ve seen it between the African countries and the European countries. For many years, we have seen how the French, before they came to Africa, they came here, the project colonized many parts of Africa. They will certainly in India, the British people, they’re also in India. And

how can we tackle racism with the help of education? I believe in that, as I said, education is the most powerful weapon through which we can change the world. We should target people from a very young age. We can teach them that the system that has been running, we should explain to them that this is the system that has been happening for years. But yes, there are changes right from kids, education, incubating them, the values, norms and how to respect other people, cross culture and accepting the differences and how to live together as one family. And when they grow up, we know I’m sure that when they grow up, they will become responsible citizens. They might become leaders who run the world to move towards and make a better future. How can we tackle the root of racism, control of cultural awareness starts from the family. I think here, the government has a very important role to play. In fact, the minister of family planning, he or she has a critical role to play. He/she must go to different communities personally, officers over there. And try to inculcate not only the kids but the family members, the parents themselves, they should try to become more compassionate, try to think of a better future, try to think of better tomorrow in the context of cultural awareness. It’s all interlinked racism will fade away if u inject the information in the right way and at the right time. Environment refers to the people you live with, socialise with, friends and society. Let’s take a rough example of our food habits, outfits, these are their identities where they exchange information. They form the link. And the government and media also have a very important role to play as most of the information people consume from the government portals and media houses which forms portrayal of the communities. It starts from me, to blur or to erase racism, as a citizen, as state advisor in office space, as family member, how we react and act to things.

FACE-TO-FACE in that area. Small holder farmers and subsistence farmers produce a lot of products which some end up throwing away.


Looking at this situation of

COVID19, how this startup will run as the demand for groundwork is high, do you think that this would be a good idea in this crisis?


Since the onset of the Covid

19 induced lockdown many people especially youth and women have turned to farming or just gardening. They are producing more than they need hence I do not necessarily need to do the farming myself but just to buy excess produce farmers.




These are people doing

agriculture in their backyards so they are producing products which I think needs to be preserved for the future, for post-covid-19. The opportunity is there because so many of them have Interviewee: Yvonne Shumbanhete AAYFO Regional Director SA Region (Entrepreneur), Zimbabwe. Interviewer: Atlanta Mahanta, Sr. Multimedia Journalist, THE TIMES OF AFRICA

Theme: Startup Potential in Africa Q1.

If you were to launch a startup in

soils and it is very easy for one to start

Africa today, what sector would you

farming but there remains a need to


preserve or add value to the produce. Since the onset of lockdowns many

A1. If I were to launch a Startup in Africa

people are doing farming but very few

I would target the manufacturing sector


specifically I would go into the food

adding in order to preserve or to give

processing industry.

the market variety. They end up losing


Any specific reason why the food

sector out of all the sectors?


Africa has some very good rich

processing the food or value-

land in their backyards so most of them are turning to farming as something they are doing to pass time during the lockdown. This is an opportunity to do it because I am going into processing what is already being produced by other young people. I am about to just process and make various products that are balanced in nutrition and taste better for consumers. Helping young people make money out of their small produce while contributing to the fight against covid by providing nutrition. This will help in ending poverty and hunger while this will be some decent work for young people leading to economic growth.

the produce to rotting or other things.


Processing food helps in combining the

agriculture firms, for example, Modern

right nutrients and improving choices

Agro, they came up with a different

for consumers. I anI see an opening

kind of technology so that the farmers

We see a lot of online innovative


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FACE-TO-FACE can navigate and get all the data in their

field on the go sounds great too for

best is to start with what you have and

smartphone, using drone technology

young people with very busy schedules

get some well-wishers to put in as we

etc. what is your opinion on this

and for those who do farming as a

are already giving back to the community


hobby too. We are in the 4th industrial

in taking the products that are being

revolution and technology is the way to

produced by young people within the

go and it is easing so many things.

community so there is an opportunity


Technology is the way to go.




to actually use opportunities to ask for


technologies that are coming out now,


is very important especially considering

funding and expand your startup?

the sustainability of this project. Many

What is the best way to attract

grants from different organisations in order to scale up and assist more young people to make a living and also to boost

are doing farming at home as they are


The best way is to actually look

the immunity of the communities to fight

stuck at home due to this lockdown

at opportunities within the context of

COVID19. In a way this is also feeding

but may go back to work one day. Post

COVID19 and I would say that we are

into the Sustainable Development Goals.

COVID19 they cannot leave farming to

looking at increasing nutrition because

We are fighting poverty and hunger

go to work but they should continue. The

with COVID 19 there is a need for one to

while creating decent jobs. Encouraging

technology will help a lot in keeping the

boost their immunity with nutritious food.

young people to engage in farming is

projects going. It will also increase their

In attracting funding we would align this

also a form of climate action. Working

yields on their small piece of land while

to giving young children and pregnant

for Sustainable Development and with

preserving resources such as water

women nutrition, they need to boost

a mindset of Sustainable Development

which remains scarce. This will reduce

their immunity against COVID19. There

attracts funding.

their cost of running the projects. Using

is an opportunity to actually collaborate

modern technology in agriculture would

with the ministry and frontline workers


mean less investment which is good

within the fight against COVID19 for

for African entrepreneurs today and how

for young smallholder farmers. Being

them to see a reason to actually help

can they deal with them?

allowed to monitor your progress in the

our startup to expand. Also, I think the

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What are the biggest challenges


Our biggest challenge in Africa,

right now, is that Africa did not really

remain small and contribute little or less

the business. On the other hand they

to the growth of their economies.

can make calls for the start ups to come forward. It may also be important to work

participate in the 2nd and 3rd industrial Revolution and as I have mentioned earlier

Q7. How important is finding a mentor

with local players to assist in identifying

that the 4th industrial revolution is upon

when it comes to growing your startup?

them as some still do not have access

us and it is affecting every sector where

to the internet while others do not have

everything is going with technology or


Finding a mentor is very very

knowledge to use the internet. In the

online but here in Africa, we are still a

important when one starts a business

context of covid 19 investors need not

little bit backward in terms of upgrading

as a startup. It is actually important

look at the current status but use the

technology. We are trying to fit into the

due to the fact that most of the time

history of the individual start ups Many

4th industrial revolution but because

we are starting something with limited

startups have taken a backseat. On

we are not manufacturing anything the

resources so we wouldn’t want to waste

the other hand, there is an opportunity

infrastructure is too expensive for us.

those resources. Doing some trial and

for investors to assist these startups

We sell raw materials to buy finished

finding errors, you want somebody who

and value what they have done before.

goods hence we end up using all our

has gone through the same process,

How they can fix their way in this crisis

income to buy a few things. We missed

who knows the possible outcomes

situation that they are in because if

at least two Industrial Revolutions hence

and errors to avoid and will guide you. A

we are going to look at people who are

we are trying to follow behind. As we try

mentor will give you the right information

doing something within the context of

to catch up with what is up in the world

about what you should do and to

COVID19 we have got so many talented

right now some of the things change

minimize your mistakes, your losses and

young people who will be left behind.

again so it is becoming a challenge to

to enable your startup to actually grow

Lastly, The one thing that I can say is

catch up.. While we missed the second

because the smallest mistake that you

for young people who intend to put up

and third industrial Revolution we still

can make in a startup can cost you so

a startup together. It is always best to

have opportunities to overcome these

much so when you have a mentor who

start something than nothing because

challenges through collaborations that

is there to assist you and to give you

young people take most of their time

take advantage of the global village. For

the right advice and probably somebody

looking for investors when they haven’t

example the existence of t organizations

who has gone through the road before,

started anything. Most investors are

like AAYFO is helping us learn from our

they can give you the right cushioning

interested in something that is already

peers in Asia and the ties we have will

against some unnecessary blunders. It is

existing and established. No matter how

yield better results in idea sharing and

not necessary that a mentor should be a

small your startup is you must believe in

coming up with more innovations that

person; it can be other sources too. We

yourself then only investors when they

can help Africa catch up quickly. AAYFO

must believe in ourselves.

come they can believe in your vision and

opens up opportunities for peer learning which will change the future of Africa and improve it’s it’s innovation. The future of Africa is in innovating for itself and


the idea that you are giving out because How should investors find and

value startups in Africa?

so many people they can talk about ideas, in terms of implementing those ideas, it is a different thing altogether so it is best to

making sure more manufacturing is done


In terms of finding startups, it is

start with what you have. I would give an

in Africa such that it becomes cheaper

very tricky in Africa, in that sense we

example of myself when I started farming.

for Africans to use the latest technology

definitely have to go back to the issue

I used my kitchen utensils as garden tools

and machinery in their projects.

of global villages online where people

and now I’ve been able to buy some variant

Another challenge which is equally big

have promising startups and business

tools so it’s very important to start from

is the inability of African Governments

models, should go online and put their

where you are and start with what you have

to fund their own startups in their

credentials letting the possible investors

don’t wait as prolonged waiting becomes

countries. They can’t provide funding

know their existence.

procrastination which is a recipe for

and support hence their start up ideas

browse different platforms to look for

Investors can



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Tackling stress during COVID19 The





everything to us, your baby inside your womb is a powerful and a very special gift from the universe. If you are going to deliver a baby in the coming month, the chance of you experiencing more anxiety is completely natural. You are in transitional energy to become a mother. Spiritually




expectant mother should always turn the negative into positive. Avoiding negative will never help your baby, in fact facing the negative situation and tackling it will make your baby even stronger. As a well-informed mother, you must check facts of the current situation and your surroundings.



are suggesting especially for pregnant women to take extra precautions and not to take any chances for exposing to any kind of disease. There is very limited data on the effects of COVID-19 on pregnant women. The data available so far is limited,

vertical. An analysis of the 33 newborns

has been the nearest relative of the new

but pregnant women do not seem to be

that had been born at Wuhan Children's

coronavirus to pregnant women. The

more likely to have severe coronavirus

Hospital where only three were exhibiting

children who were born a century ago

symptoms than anyone else. According

symptoms of the virus.�

during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918

to a study released by the World Health Organisation, only 8 percent of women had serious diseases and 1 per cent had vital conditions. Dr. WeiZhang, the Northwestern University epidemiologist,





infection during the influenza pandemics of 1918 and 1957 were very less in number. For example in the past, only 12

and one of the authors of the Lancet

pregnant women who developed SARS

reports said, "Fortunately there is no

during the 2003 epidemic, 9 out of 12

proof that mother-child transmission is

have survived the coronavirus. SARS

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is also an example. Historically, global responses to outbreaks and epidemics have not properly represented pregnant women's cases. Therefore, we must not assume things but focus on what is in our hands.





• Talk to family and friends. It can help you to speak to people whom you trust. Happy video chats!

• Don’t sit idle and think of the possible negative outcome.

• Concentrate on your “Breathe”

• Avoid “what if” thoughts.

• Be with nature for some time.

• Cooking what you love to eat but making sure it is healthy. • Sleep happily and be at your comfort. • Watch funny videos and good movies. • You also simply can look at a beautiful painting or be at your garden listening to nature. • Listen to relaxing music or any of your favourite music. • Talk about old happy memories with your loved ones. • Rediscover your hobbies which you can practise during your pregnancy like painting, reading books (the positive one). • You can also start learning new innovative stuff from the internet.

• Don’t talk or discuss the virus more and more with your friends and family.

(garden, balcony, under the skyrooftop) • Movement of your body is very

• Don’t consume too much news, it will only create havoc and stress.

important. If you sit or sleep the

• Don’t let fear dominate your mind and body.

grow more stress.

• Your child should not know how this COVID-19 is affecting others in a negative way. • Avoid visiting places, even your relatives. • Avoid using too much social media. • Avoid your hands from frequent touch to your mouth and nose especially. • Don’t order food from any ecommerce website for now.

• Do exercise which you can (depend on pregnancy week).

• Avoid doing any activity which includes the involvement of people.

• Do mediation to keep yourself calm and decrease the level of anxiety and stress.

• Don’t smoke, drink(alcohol) and avoid narcotic stuff.

(some slow and deep breathing)

entire day will have a chance to

• Stand-up and check your arms, legs and feet for a minute. • Visualisation: positive and mesmerising scenario like you are walking near a beach or into a forest depends on what makes you more relaxed. • Deep belly meditation- gently cradle the baby by putting your hands on your belly and focus on your breathing. • Pick up a powerful healing mantra. There is a lot of power in our words.


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COVID19: Preparing yourself during Pregnancy

Pregnant women at this time have to take extra care of their health. All of you must be ready and prepare for this situation. Educate yourself on COVID-19 from genuine sources. Don’t fall for fake news. Maintain a routine of properly balanced diet along with exercise to ensure good physical condition. Discuss all your concern with your antenatal care provider. Keep the over-the-counter medicines with you to treat common cold or fever. Have enough healthy food and household items and avoid panic buying in advance. Make your thought process positive and normal to comfort your baby. Engage yourself in creative work like reading a book, painting, cooking, listening to music etc. Your hobbies will maintain your mental health. Activate your social networking accounts and talk to your trusted friends and family members with whom you feel comfortable. Follow instruction from national authorities on how to prepare for emergencies. Maintain a proper sleep cycle as sleep is not a luxury but a nonnegotiable biological necessity.

Major points to be followed by pregnant women:

A Healthy Balanced Diet

Maintain Sleep Cycle

Start Meditation

Daily Observation on Yourself (how you feel and physical changes)

We all are aware of what are the basic things which we must do and follow but in most cases, people couldn’t maintain the cycle. The secret of the will power for

Connect Yourself with your Baby (by sharing all positive thoughts)

changing the habit is to remind the purpose.

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Africa cup of Nation 2020?

The 2021 Africa Cup of Nations

from 9 January to 6 February 2021,

(also known as AFCON 2021 or CAN

due to adverse weather conditions. On

2021) will be the 33rd edition of the

30 June 2020, after the impact of the

International Men's African Football

COVID-19 pandemic, the CAF moved the

Championship organized two years from

tournament to 2022 for the third time.

now by the Confederation of African Football (CAF). It is expected that the

Decisions of CAF Executive Meeting

tournament will take place in Cameroon.

– 30 June 2020: The CAF Executive

In June and July 2021 the tournament

Committee held a meeting on 30th June

was initially scheduled for play, but on

2020, via video-conference to discuss the

15 January 2020, the CAF announced

future of competitions and other related

that the tournament would be held

issues following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Total African Nations Championship (CHAN) Cameroon 2020 The last tournament was postponed in Cameroon until January 2021. “The CAF Board of Directors is delighted with their contribution to organizing these two competitions from the Cameroonian authorities. Cameroon is organized and scheduled to host both competitions, "said Ahmad Ahmad, Chairman of CAF.

Total Women’s Africa Cup of Nations 2020 The 2020 Women's Africa Cup of Nations has been postponed on the basis of difficult circumstances. In the meantime, in 2021 the CAF Women's Champions League is scheduled to begin. The format will be shared and further information will be received on time.

Total Africa Cup of Nations Cameroon 2021 The tournament has been rescheduled for January 2022, following consultations with stakeholders, and taking into account the current global situation. The date and the rest of the matches will be announced in due course for the final tournament.


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SPORTS Interclubs 2019/20 season

Zonal Qualifiers for U-20 & U-17 Africa Cup of Nations A conference was held for finalizing

Champions League, the 2019-20 CAF

In September, a Final four ( 4) format

plans for the zoning requirements to

Cup semi-finals for the Confederation,

resumed the Total CAF Champions

organise competitions for youth football

the postponed2020 African Nations

League and the Total CAF Confederation.

and the Zonal Unions. The U-17 AFCON is

Championship and the 2020 Cup of

Semi-final matches in one match are to

to be held in July 2021 in the meantime.

nations for Africa Women alongside the

be played.

Total CAF Champions League Venue for Final Four to be decided Total CAF Confederation Cup Morocco will host the Final Four

Between 9 January and 6 February 2021, the tournament was scheduled earlier. Between 9 October 2019 and 19

2021 Africa Cup of Nations, as football tournaments were held across the continent.

November 2019, the preliminary and two

But on 30 June, CAF, after consulting

group qualifying rounds had been played.

with stakeholders and taking into

The third and fourth round qualifications

account the present global situation,

of group phases, scheduled for (23 to

announced a reschedule, in accordance

31 March 2020) and (1 June to 9 June

with the CAF, of 2021 Africa Cup of

2020), were delayed and all qualification

Nations to January 2022, which will take

rounds were rescheduled due to the

into account the announcement of new

outbreak of Coronavirus in Africa. As

dates. Many competitions and activities

of 19 June 2020, when continental

to be conducted on the continent were

contests resumed and priority was given

subsequently reprofiled or cancelled.

to new timelines for the 2019-20 CAF

The African Cup of the Nations from 16 to 24 teams will take place in six venues in five Cameroonian cities of Yaounde, Douala, Garoua, Limbe and Bafoussam and are expected to use at least six venues. The six stadiums selected to host matches are the Paul Biya Stadium and the Stade Ahmadou Ahidjo in the capital Yaounde, the Japoma Stadium in Douala, the Limbe Stadium in Limbe, the Kouekong Stadium in Bafoussam and the Roumde Adjia Stadium in Garoua. At the newly constructed 60,000 seats at the Paul Biya Stadium, YaoundĂŠ will be the opening ceremony, the opening of the tournament and the finale.

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Roll Ball and its prospects in Ghana Roll Ball is a team sport that combines

in 2018. The Roll Ball Federation Ghana

aspects of basketball, handball and roller

(RBFG) is the national association

sports into a single sport. In Roll Ball,

responsible for the sanctioning and

all players are on roller skates and the

development of Roll Ball in Ghana.

objective is to score goals by shooting

RBFG is focused on forging strategic


partnerships that allow us to strengthen





goalposts. Invented in India. A match is


played between two teams with 6 players

initiatives, and create meaningful public-

each with a designated goalkeeper.

private alliances.

The duration of the match varies based on what level the game is played at. At the professional level, matches are played for 20-minutes in each half. The main objective of the game is to score maximum goals within the stipulated time. Players are not allowed to carry the ball. The ball can be moved by either dribbling or passing. While dribbling, unlike basketball, players are allowed to use both hands. ROLL BALL was introduced in Ghana by Mr Johnson Kwaku Gameli Kportufe




Our commitment goes beyond the game of Roll Ball. It focuses on the game of life merging passion, purpose, and athletic performance. Roll Ball Sports adds value to the core values of Selfworth,


ConďŹ dence,

Respect and Loyalty. Roll Ball is not only about on-the-court wins, it is about winning in life and on-the-court achievements.




teammate to work harder, smarter, and get better on the court, at home, in school and in the community at large. As part of its mandate, RBFG strives at bringing jobless youth out from the streets, to eradicate streetism, to promote employment to the youth, to promote tourism, to promote bilateral relations between countries, to also create an avenue where companies can meet and promote products and services. Like all other sports, it is for the physical and mental development of athletes. With Roll Ball present in all the sixteen regions in Ghana, it seeks to promote intercultural relationship, peace and unity. It empowers communities and supports schools in providing a diverse range of opportunities for participation in a sport. It also keeps students busy in sports and not idle or engages in unproductive activities.


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New Fashion Colors in Africa Designer Nimco Adam, who was a native of Somalia, was known as Queen of Tie Dye and spent several hours in the collections plunging fabrics into vats of chemical dyes. The designer Adam has pivoted chemicals and synthetic materials away from more than 55 fast-mode businesses like the retailer

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Forever 21. Today she uses traditional

Since March 2019 the Alliance has

African hemp, bamboo and even tree

been supporting coordinated measures

bark textiles. Her dyes are natural, like

in the fashions industry to contribute

turmeric, extracted from the roots.

to Sustainable Development Goals, an

These changes put her at the forefront

umbrella group consisting of various

of the movement of sustainable mode.

UN and partner agencies including

The smarter and sustainable way of recovering from the tremendous losses caused by COVID-19 is for a global fashion industry of an estimated US$ 2.5 billion per year. In May, Bloomberg News announced the $1.5 billion worth of order cancels in garment plants in Bangladesh, a clothing center. In the meantime, worldwide fashion and luxury sales have plummeted to 70% between March and April.

the UNEP, the International Labor Organization and the World Bank Group. The Alliance is supporting brands in setting sustainability targets, protecting workers – especially women – cutting waste and limiting carbon emissions, with attention to the private sector as well as to governments. Lastly, 8.1% of the greenhouse gases produced annually are the responsibility of the fashion sector.

EN VOGUE Sissi Chao runs the Remake Hub, a Chinese company which produces clothing and consumer products using recycled plastics. After growing up watching clothing factories of her parents contaminate a local river, her dream was that she could find another way to be part of the fashion industry. Now, the Remake Hub produces all types of materials, from eyewear to clothing and home decorations. Even her parents have taken on creative technology to make their bank leads more competitive. As





Conservation, musician Elle L, London, has been encouraging similar talks in the British fashion industry for the past three years. It is of the opinion that countries should imitate France, which passed in February, the law which obliged clothing companies to comply with more than 100 sustainability provisions Sustainability and upcycling was the natural reaction of Nkwo Onwuka and its eponymous brand Nkwo to the glut of second-hand clothing that was dumped into markets in its own home town of Lagos, Nigeria. From the piles of mass produced denim that landed outside of the world she began spinning her own dakala clothes, combining conventional techniques such as hand beading with new innovations to produce unique collections of capsules. This push is boosted by increasing consumer demand for ethical and sustainable fashion, especially the highly desirable demographic known as Generation Z. Roberta Annan, Ghana’s entrepreneur, launched in 2011 the African Fashion Fund to increase artisans and creators across the Continent’s access to finance and infrastructure. She insists that sustainability should also lead to fair pay and financial empowerment


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– especially for women – and can not be limited to materials used in the production of beautiful things. Since its creation the Fund has provided US$ 5,000 to craftspeople to help increase their production and market access, emphasizing brands run by women, including a cosmetics company and a manufacturer of craftsman chocolate. Although COVID ‘s business impact is not minimized, Annan and her Fund colleagues are determined to make use of it as an opportunity to speed up a plan already under way for deliberate e-commerce. There is already a digital platform; a global distribution chain is required to bring the continent ‘s goods to buyers worldwide. In addition, the Foundation has partnered with one of the original tradesmen who benefitted from seed grants in 130 Ghana and Nigerian villages, bringing portable plywood webs to weaving and selling textiles. Another advantage will be the opportunity to be at the forefront of private-government discussions, drive policy changes to open markets, and encourage innovation 52 | THE TIMES OF AFRICA THE TIMES OF AFRICA | 52


WHO:Food During SelfQuarantine As countries take stronger measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, autoquarantine and the temporary closing of companies can have an impact on normal food practices. Healthy people are asked to stay home as well as those who show symptoms of acute respiratory diseases. Restaurants and taking offers are limited in some countries and some fresh products are less available. Good nutrition is vital for health, especially in times of fighting the immune system. Limited access to fresh foods can compromise chances of a healthy and diverse diet continuing to eat. The danger may be that highly processed foods, likely to be high in fats, sugars and salt, are eaten more frequently. However, you can continue to eat a diet which promotes good health even in the form of few, limited ingredients. It is also important to be physically

recipes are available online. Make

active for optimal health. WHO/Europe

the most of the richness of the free



information available and experiment

quarantine periods, including tips and

with the ingredients that you can access,

examples of home-based exercises, to

but remember to remember the healthy

support healthy persons in staying at

eating principles in this guide. Some

home physically active.

examples can also be found below of



Prepare homemade food : Many

safe recipes with accessible ingredients.

people still do not have the time to

While home-cooked meals should be

cook homemade food during their busy

given priority, some cities and countries

everyday lives. Now it would be possible


for you to spend longer times at home to

systems and are now beginning to offer

create the recipes you did not have time

this service to many enterprises. Many

to make before. Many tasty and balanced








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options that do not allow any human interaction,

promoting self-quarantine

and isolation. These should be a priority , especially for reliable companies following strict requirements on food hygiene. It is important to maintain food at safe temperatures for food delivery and transportation (below 5 ° C or above 60 ° C). With these services overwhelmed, you might want to explore what is available in your area. Know the portion dimensions: Portion sizes may be difficult to obtain correctly, especially in scratch cooking. Being at home for prolonged periods can also result in overeating, especially without a business or limited business. Check guidance on what constitutes healthy portions for adults through your national dietary guidelines and be aware that young children will need smaller portions.

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Follow safe food handling practices For food security and a healthy diet,

Inputs from WHO

food safety is a prerequisite. Only healthy foods are safe. It is important to follow good food hygiene practices to prevent food contamination and foodborne diseases when preparing food for yourself and others. Good food hygiene core principles include:


keep your hands, kitchen and utensils clean


To Do List During Self-Quarantine Limit your salt intake Limit your sugar intake Limit your fat intake Consume enough fibre Stay hydrated

separate raw and cooked food, especially raw meat and fresh produce

Avoid alcohol or at least reduce your


Enjoy family meals

cook your food thoroughly


alcohol consumption

Long-lasting fresh fruits and vegetables Fresh fruits and vegetables Dried and canned pulses

keep your food at safe temperatures, either below 5 °C or above 60 °C; and

Whole grains and starchy roots



use safe water and raw material

Dried fruits, nuts and seeds

Fresh fish and meat for protein Reduced-fat, shelf-stable milk THE TIMES OF AFRICA

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BON APPETIT Adequate nutrition and hydration are essential. A healthy diet appears to be safer for people with better immune systems and lower risk of chronic diseases and infectious diseases. So eat a variety of fresh and unprocessed foods every day to take your body’s vitamins , minerals, dietary fiber , protein and antioxidants. Get plenty of water to drink. Avoid sugar, fat or salt to decrease your overweight, obesity, heart disease , stroke, diabetes and certain kinds of cancer significantly.

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