The Cascade December 1st, 1993 Volume 1, Issue 5

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Vol.1 No. 5


Christmas Blues? Follow the CASCADE's surefire, nevermiss formula for a happy, humble, huge holiday season! PAGE 1s

~THIS llll;iiiiiWEEK

whatz it . ........•..... canadian corner ........ good eats withjill .......

lest we forget. ........ Shake abed Make abed Into bed we go

1 9 7


Shadrach Meshac Abednego

December 1, 1993

Father Des Wilson speaks with David Thiessen on the Irish situation The following is a short interview taken last week with Father Des Wilson. Fr. Des Wilson was a curate in West Belfast from 1966 1975. He resigned from clerical positions in 1975 because he disagreed with the church authorities position regarding the use of church resources on the poverty stricken situation of Northern Ireland. He helped found an adult education centre, independent of the church and political parties, within the local community, and he works there now. He was awarded the Pax Christi Peace Prize in 1975 and received an honorary award in Peace Studies from Manhattan College in 1976. Last week we were - with special thanks to Ron Dart, very privileged to have him with usat U.C.F.V., and to hear his call for a return to Irish roots: social, political, and religious.

First of all, how has your trip been, and where exactly have you gone? I am pleased with the trip in the sense that while traveling through New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Washington, Seattle, and now Vancouver, the truth about Ireland is finally beginning to seep

Father Des Wilson, frustrated by British control of Ireland, spreads his message throughout North America

out. Human Rights organizations are finally beginning to accurately portray our struggle, and are beginning to understand the immense hurdles we must overcome.

Yet there seems to be a general atmosphere around here that things in Ireland are

considerably better than they used to be. How would you respond to an assertion like that. Well that certainly depends on what is meant by the phrase "used to be". If you go back to the mideighteenth century when we lost 4 million people, literally half our Cont. on Page 3

Recommendation of the weelc: 1'

If you can't buy the raingear, you shouldn't be playing in the rain!


COACH REQUIRED Assistant Coach (m/f) needed for U12 (bronze) boy's soccer team. Time involves Thursdays 5:30 - 7 p.m. and Saturday morning games. If · interested, phone John, 855-3728

BIRTH MOTHER SEARCHING for Daughter, BORN ANGIE CLAIR ROY, NOVEMBER 19, 1975, ', QUESNEL, B.C. Please contact Joan, Parent Finders, 26 Curlew Crescent, Sherwood Park, Alberta, TBA 0H4

the CASCADE wishes you a very, merry christmas, and a happy new year. we also hope that you get all the courses you want. if you didn't, that's because we got them!

~ ~~

tpt· ------------PARlY!

''' •••

Mal-adjusted, funseeking road-trippers with aspirations to see their name in print and the world! Possibility I for great fame and recognition. Apply in person at The Cascade office, Abby Campus, Room E242,UCFV.

''Never have so few given so muchtosomanyforsolittle. '' - Winston Churchill

Christmas is Coming! , As the holiday season is upon us, it is important that we reach out to help our fellow man. · Food Banks across the Lower Mainland are experiencing an acute shortage of stock, and urgently need donations. Please, make a donation today, because your small effort really will make a· difference. Drop off your donation at the CASCADE Offic,e, or any Food Bank. Or call 859-5749 (Abbotsford), or 689-3663 (Vancouver) to see what you can do.



UCFV Student Newspaper 1st December 1993 No. 5 Vol. 1 RoomE 242, Abby campus. 33844 King Rd. Abbotsford, BC V2S4N2 854-4529 The views expressed in The Cascade arenotnecessarilythoseofthe UCFV Faculty, Administration, students, Student Society, or anyone else's for that matter! They were just slipped underneath our office door.

WHO? We, the Staff, are coin.posedof dedicated, warped individuals who have come together to produce this crazy publication. Weare: Editor-in-Chief Bryan Sikora M'anaging Editor Doug Colby Production Coordinators Jill Bryant Michelle Demers Sports Director Jeff Tisdale Music Director Bob Kay Contributing Writers Colleen Mah Katrina Boyer Michelle Demers Doug Colby Jill Bryant Jeanine Parker Nolan Webb Justin Kroeker Clare Goldman Bob Kay Monique Marchant Jeff Tisdale Dallas J. Carlos V. Menjivar . Bryan Jones David 1biessen ShirzadA. . D. Dravas Ron Dart Photograph~s .. · Doug Colby Bryan Sikora Advertisement Director Brent Leith

Do not blame us for anything,' for we are only pawns in a much larger game ....



An Irish Voice For Justice Cont. from Page 1

population, in a mere ten years, due to mass starvation through economic imperialist policies, as well as forced immigration, yes things are much better. But if we look at the last thirty years the answer is certainly no. The war has gotten more severe and more sophisticated. In recent months the intensity of the killings has been extremely severe.

Whywould you say the last thirty years? What happened thirty years ago that can be so·strongly contrasted with what is happening today? Well in the 1960's it really looked like the civil rights movement would succeed in Ireland. The Nationalists in the 1960's all banded together - Catholic and Protestant, right wing and left wing - to demand basic human rights within the existing system, but within a few years this dream was shattered through myriads of bombs and bullets. Since then, every minor appearance ofa breakthrough means increased killings and the death squads, squads paid for and tramed by the British Intelligence Service and secret societies like the Orange

Lodges, appear in force. In the mid seventies the British government relented somewhat and created a slightly more democratic parliamentary system whereby the amount ofvotes one received, at least theoretically, entitled them to participate to the same degree in the system. But even this was brought downby a conspiracy between British Intelligence Services and the military. Theparliamentarychange, in fact, lasted for less than a year. We now know that this conspiracy was designed to destroy Harold Wilson's Labour Party. This is generally accepted by everyone.

How was it brought down? Well most of it was done in secret, but the killings, particularly in 1974, were extremely severe. Both Dublin and Monaghon were severely bombed, killing many, many people. Plastic bullets were also introduced, supposedly "safe" for shooting into crowds of demonstrators. Yet since that time over 120 Irish have been killed with these "plastic"bullets, 14 of which have been young children. Certainly, the sheer brutality of this period was a factor in bringing down

comes to the BEST ''BEST''

Award-winning films to be shown at Ab\,y campus More than -5,000 mountain enthusiasts make then annual trek to Banff each November to view the best mountain and adventure films from around the world and mingle with the greats from the climbing community. For those who can't make it to the Banff Festival of Mountain Films, there is an alternative. The best films from each year's festival go on a world tour immediately following the event in Banff. The"BestoftheFestival"World Tour will be screened at the University College of the Fraser Valley's Abbotsford campus on Friday, December 3 from 7 - 10pm. Outdoor enthusiasts and film buffs will find ample fare ranging from mountaineering, base jumping, paras ailing, and kayaking to environmental, wilderness, and historical mountaineering films. "The Banff Festival is one of

the world's premier mountain film festivals," says Ron Coreau, UCFV Continuing Education coordinator. "This event epitomizes the spirit of adventure which molintains have come to symbolize. We're really excited about bringing the world tour to Abbotsford." 120films will competethis year for five awards. An international jury will determine the best films in four categories: Climbing, Mountain Sports, Mountain Environment and Grand Prize. The audience will decide the winner of the People's Choice Award. Admissions for the Banff Festival Mountain Films ""Best of the Festival" World Tour is $12. Preregistration is requested as seating in the theatre is limited. For more information please phone UCFV Continuing Education at 854-4538 or contact your nearest UCFV centre.

-David Thiessen Photo

Ron Dart ae{t) and Father Des Wilson, the internationally acclaimed Irish Politu:al Activist, prepare to go for·a brew after 5 hours of lectures.

this agreement.

Have there been other agreements reached? In the mid 1980's an Anglo/ Irish agreement was reached between the London government and the Dublin government. It was agreed that the Irish government could-theoretically- intervene in all matters con®ming the governing of theN.E. Thistreaty,anlnternational

Treaty, is still in existence. But once again the death squads came out in force,killing many innocent civilians, and . imprisoning many others. Throughout every possible advance, killings are becoming more random and more severe. For example, when Sinn Fein began to emerge in the 1980's as a possible non-military alternative Republican opposition, Cont. on Page 6
















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Nuisance Ad Spells Trouble For CASCADE An Abbotsford resident's Editors to. keep a close eye.· for complaints about an ad in the nuisance fuaterial: "You should Cascade has prompted the RCMP to randomly check the phone numbers conduct an investigation. The . for verification. n allegations concem a classified ad Mistakes such as this may just which ran in the October 17th issue be growing pains, according to of the paper. The ad contained a managing editor Doug Colby. "We reference to Rooster Boy, Chicken try to keep a vigilant watch on all the Lady and cocks. The RCMP probe letters and ads we receive, but centers on the phone number in the realistically, with our sudden popularity and early success, keeping ad, which belongs to the complainant. up is becoming increasingly difficultn, She has received numerous he says. "We will restructure our unsolicited phone calls. Cascade editor-in-chief Bryan Sikora says "It safeguards, and make a concerted was a minor error which slipped by effort to rectify the problem. We our normally diligent staff. We prefer our readers find us a nuisance apologize wholeheartedly for any for tackling controversial issues, not inconvenience. n this." Const. Harrisson from The Cascade promised to run Abbotsford RCMPurged the Cascade a retraction and apology.







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Registration Rewritten




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Admissions & Standards Committee looking to re-arrange entry order The policy which regulates the order that UCFV students register is presently being reviewed by the Admissions and Standards Committee. This is the Committee which prioritizes students in order to form a registration schedule. The basic theory offirst come,first served, based on your date of admission obviously isn't good enough. The Admissions and Standards . Committee is contemplating changing the order of registration so that the following is the order: . ·· 1. Student~tcontinuing from a semester .··wtthin. the previous· c~lendar year who. 'have higher ;i;G;P.A's (3.5or higher in the most ·,eeent semester). . .;: 2. New students or students . returning after an absence of more than one year who have higher q~alifications, or new UCFV entrance scholarship students. 3. Students coritinuingfrom a semester within the previous calendar year who do not have higher qualifications and are eligible to continue in their programs. 4. New students and students

returning after an absence of more than one year who do not have higher qualifications. 5. Ifpermittedbytheprogram, students who do not meet the minimum requirements to continue in their programs. Seats may be reserved for students in this group in skills courses that would help them succeed. Witl\in each of these groups, the order.will be based.upon your student number. Reserved seats will be held retardless · ofthe timethe students who are entitled 'to th~m register. :; \' .· · ·.. Also, an exe-mp.tion to· the Reserved S.~atPolicy:-orto th,.e·above guidelines wou.ld require . the appr~.val ,l~.r~e,._A~w,i!>,l;li~:9~ ..~nd Standard~,;C.ommittee ... Recently, exemptions have bee~made'for'some' disabled students and athletes of intercollegiate teams. In the Fall semester of '93, 28 students were exempted) · · · · If you would like more information regarding this proposed policy change, please contact the CASCADEoracounselor. Youhave a right to be heard!



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Women's-Self -


..>-, '



Be A Victim

On behalf of the Inte(c·ampus, By Jill Bryant r:i '. . Council,the~CAfCJ2Lq)l£would Violeribeis an·ac~ted fact of society. How .many times a day like to introduc~Chilliwack's our do you tum on the televisj.on, only to ~o,ther_-piuld_er, rape~ new Student B'ody'l~ep, MR. ' hea:(of hij~cking or.ropberY: One can only BOB'KAY~:We-wouldlike to w~,4~~ ,~h~f has. driv~.11; s~ciety to· thii; ·p~nntwhere we Ill'~ ~oJaded by ' take .this..; time' .·t,0 also the· -violence that' surroun,ds us thtJ.t weh~rdly even J.'.eQ.ct anymore. That congratulate him on ,his new_ is, or·course, as long as w~ aren't the Society may accept violence, position and-wishhimthe best victims, but it will never accept victimization, would think. 'However, pf s-gccess. If you would like orwhenso one it comes to violeri~ Q.gainst to talk to Bob, y~u can reach him in the women, for years females have been told to let themselves be yictims and StudentSocietyPortable,behindthe Cafeteria not fight back. It makes you wonder what kind of society we live in when on the Chilliwack campu~. it condones millions of women being raped, beaten and killed every day Presently, Bob is working for the and yet refuses to allow them the dignity However, some C.91SC.9l1J'E and can be found roaming the women toarefightback. taking the battle into their own hands and learning self_wilds,looking for that ultimate thrill! defense. Recently I took a self-:defense Watch for more Student Society news in course for women offered through Continuing Education at UCFV. For future issues of the CAf C.9l1J'E. ;;.- ,:,.; .\



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16 hours over 2 days, I learned how to defend myself should someone






Cont. from Page 3 the death squads came out in force and killed many of the Sinn Fein. It does not seem to matter, as far as. killings are concerned, how we oppose the British occupation oflreland. In fact the brutality, and serious unreasonableness, of the English regime is the legitimating force behind the IRA. In their minds, military opposition is the only thing the English government will listen to. To them, almost 900 years of "peaceful" resistance has gotten nowhere. To them, a war necessitates the use of force.


What would you ~Y to those that suggest the Irish take their struggle through an increased attempt at utilizing existing democratic channels?

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attack me. I learned how to break arms, fingers~_kn_ees 1 toes an.dval' other;blind myattacker andmakesurehedidn'thave children for qµite soDle ti:tn_e;kno_ckhim Qut and even kill him (but thi~ is not necessarily recommended). After that . ~eeltend; · I have never been so sore in my entitelife, but neither· ha~e I ever .felt so empowered. As a woman in the '90's; I have· learned 'to live with · feat, always anticipating iin attacker to jump out o( the bushes. That course taught me to live with caution in where I go and what I do, but the fear was replaced with a great feeling of strength and self-confidence in what I can do. I believe that self-defense should be taught to everyone, probably at the high-school I know there are many women out there who feel as I did; that they would be helpless if attacked. I strongly recommend to ithem, and any woman regardless of or physical ability, to take a self-defense course if you get the chance. The experience and knowledge gained are priceless, and you will come away feeling like so much more than a vi~m waiting to happen.

Well the fact of the matter is that IRA activities that began in 1971 are the only activities that ever get publicized. The reality is that military opposition is a very small part of the Irish resistance effort. The vast majority of it is attempted through democratic channels. The example of the 1960's, where simply basic human rights were being struggled for, within the system that presently existed, and still many of the protesters were killed, is not an isolated incident. Most of the work for political and economic change today is done through non-military

methods, and non-military demonstrators are still being routinely killed, tortured, and imprisoned. In fact, one of the biggest problems facing any form of Irish resistance to English domination is that virtually any Irish can be picked up, detained, and held for days, often tortured, with no legal rights at all. This kind of system has always been present. ·

When these people that are detained go to court, what happens then? The court system is simply atrocious. It would never be seen as legitimate in any democratic system. Many judges are appointed through their membership in secret societies like the Orange Lodges. The evidence neededtogetaconvictionissoflimsy that virtually every lawyer recommends pleading guiJty in the hope of getting their client a lighter sentence. Virtually anyone can be convicted of anything. There are many, many people in jail that did not commit the crime they were convicted of. Everyone knows this: lawyers, clergy, press, and politicians. Everyone simply accepts this as a fact.

What are your thoughts on the future of Ireland? I am very optimistic. I strongly believe we are in the last chapter of

British control in the North of Ireland. The John ·Hume (Labour Party) and Gerry Adams (Republican movement) talks are certainly evidence of this. Between them they have created a formula a for peace. No one knows the details, but clearly it would involve a serious dissolution of British control. Although with the advent of these talks the death squads were right away out on the streets, and more killings occurred, we were nevertheless optimistic. We are learning· more and more about internal divisions within the English hierarchy. We now know that in the beginning of the 1970's the British were thinking of withdrawing frQm all, or part of the North, but for some reasonitwasneverpursued. Butthe beginning of the end came when ten men died during a hunger strike in the 1980's. That was a turning point in the sense that the people's determination was shown to be so strong that the British government begantorealizeitcouldnotdominate the Irish forever. A government simply cannot keep on being unjust forever.

Bow would you care to close this? Well, there is a saying in Ireland that goes back a very, very long way: "Long runs the fox, but eventually it is caught." Although I simply detest fox-hunts, I think it is a fitting motif.


EN TE RTAI NM ENT There's No Place Like Hoine For The Holidays As the Christmas season closes in upon us and friends and family return from far_oft'places like UBC, I realized that you, faithful reader, may be looking for a tried and true establishment in which to schmooze your significant other or reunite with old buds. I also realized that, as usual during the Christmas season, you may be short on the cash necessary to provide the five-star meal you desire. Fortunately for you, I have the perfect solutionHome. No, not a new restaurant with a dumb name, but the actual place you inhabit or return to every year around this time. Where else can you determine the menu, the atmosphere and the company without actually buying the restaurant? The fare will cost you only as much as the grocery store charges, and going grocery shopping is always an adventure. Be it simple (Kraft Dinner doesn't count) or exotic (Chez Jill recently featured rotini .with seafood Alfredo sauce-thanks girls; and guys, we hope you enjoyed it because you're cooking next time!), never undere_stimate the value of a home-cooked meal. People will travel · hundreds of I miles simply to get a taste of home cookin'. Besides, food always tastes better when you cook it yourself. The essence of eating at home

~~~~~PA~· GE,

is not simply eating, it is dining, which necessitates a certain atmosphere; Don't think of it as merely your house. Do a theme night! Decorate! Play opera on Italian night or Beethoven on German night! Use candles or track lighting or firelight! The possibilities are endless if you use your imagination! It's amazing what a little creativity can do to an average dining room. The company is completely up to you-after all, it is your house. Invite everyone you know for an open house, or just a few intimate friends for a candlelight dinner. The right company can make or break a dinner party, so choose wisely to ensure the right mix of people (what I'm trying to say is don't invite two mortal enemies-it can really screw up an evening, not to mention the cutlery and plates that might get thrown). And always remember that if you are having wine with dinner to nominate a designated driver for the ride home. After all, spending time with friends and family is the true essence of Christmas, and I'm not just talking the big turkey feast on the 25th. Instead of taking the gang out to a restaurant over the holidays why not make them a real dinner at home-it's cheaper and will probably be more appreciated. So my Christmas wish for all of you is that you each have at least one great home-cooked meal over the holidays. Merry Eating!

Concrete Blonde: Mexican Moon (Capitol) By DallasJ. Since ·scoring a major hit with "Joey'' in 1990, Concrete Blonde have been subjectedto a frenzy of people who insisted that Bloodletting was their first album,not their third. These same people may have stuck armmd for the complex. Walking in London album in 1992, but were disappointednot to find a copy-cat single. In 1993, Johnette Napolitanoand the restof thebandhaveproducedMexican Moon, a collectionof songs that will send the casualfansscreamingbackto the safety ofpopradio. Never a "lite"band,Concrete Blondehavecombinedtheirsongsoffailed relationships("Rain," "WhenYouSmile") with even darkerelementslike Jim Jones' rantingin "Jonestown,"and a mock gospel openingthat leads to sex/murderin "Jesus Forgive Me (For The Things I'm About ToSay)." Versatileandsometimessinister, the band produces a sound that works perfectlywithJohnette'sunderratedvocals, resulting in an album that will not win many new fans, but should.

Born Yesterday Succeeds With Mindless Entertainment

The husband and wife team of Melanie Griffiths and Don Johnson join withJohn Goodman in this comic look at intelligence vs. knowledge. Griffiths is married to Goodman, an abusive, manipulative,winat anycostbusinessman, who shows her off, but cringes when she opens her mouth. Johnsonplaysa reporter,eventually hired by Goodman to educate his wife. Buta littleknowledgeis a dangerousthing, and we soon learn the simple truth: that it's Goodman who is really the ignorant one. Griffiths revels in her new

, ..·.. ...·.''Theywere


enlightenment, and falls into Johnson's armsin the process. Born Yesterday even lays a few symbolic land mines, such as the scene where Griffiths throws a book into the garbage. The title?: "Democracy in America". Or the scenes which depict businessmen as unfeeling parasites, and senatorsas spineless,soullessmilquetoasts, easily bought and sold. However, let's not get too deep; for to take Born Yesterdayat face value is toseeafun,enjoyableandmindlessmovie, and after viewing countless independent featuresrecently,a Hollywoodno-brainer is just the right tonic.

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By Jill Bi;yant




20'D1~·Iost'a pniJ~n'February 14,·1990/ It crushed their hopes ·of•~omi11gt•,,. '•· All.Sta:ri;JtSincethen,' ov~r20 orpJlizations ha;v~fallen. Will ibey ,fall ag&;in-1f .. Jan.2 1994.:;wat.chforit! · ., ·,. • ,:, ._; ,,



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Blue Light Special

By Nolan Webb

Penny Situation Tight? Hints For A Cheap, Yet Meaningful Student Christmas donationto a worthycharityin the namesof all the people on your xmaslist You will As that HO-HO-HO season have given yourself the gift of a light heart approachesdon•tconfusethejinglinginyour and you will haveblessed the lives of some pocket for sleighbells,it's your life savings. individualsa little less fortunatethan you. That•s right, with registration deposits, If thepennysituationisn't as dire as inflation,and the price of Kraft dinner going up those pennies are mighty familiar. But anticipatedbut you still have qualms about of christmas, you do have no fear. I'm here to help you spread the commercialness haveoptions.Spendyoorpenniesonproducts those penniesof christmascheer. that aren't going to sacrificeindividualsor Wantto showyourfamilyhow much the earth. Places like the Body Shop that you love and appreciatethem.......give them promote''Trade not Aid" areappropriate.As gift certificates redeemable anytime. I'm areMCCWorldCraftStore,EviroTrends,or sure your Mother would appreciate all the any store that provides postive cons\llller windowsin the housebeing washedor your options. little brother having his english IO essay Those individuals, for whom even writtenforhim. Allyouneed is some festive paper and great penmanship. . Just don't consumerism with a cause is not quite welchon yourpromises,it doesn't make fot appropriate,give the gift of love. Of peace. Of goodwillto fellow humankind. a happy new year.

By Michelle Demers

I'd like to talk about an issue of importancewhenconsideringthe Canadian music scene: Independent Music. Take into account the fact that only a very small percentage of Canadian musicians have a majororeven minor record deal. Therefore thevastmajorityofCanucktalentlieslargely unknownand unheard of except for in their immediate markets. So when this talent becomes known to someone in a different area of the province or country. these musicians rely almost solely on word of mouth. It is for this reason that when I review independent bands, I will include their addresses. I fully encourage you to write and support this music, as this is where the new talent crop ·lies. While popularlabelbands from Torontowill often not even return, indies will always greet you appreciatively,sometimes even with a phone call! RUSTY NAILS - This band is a breathof freshair from the usual distortionpunk that comes out of the Vancouver underground. Although they lean towards the energy of punk, they have their roots fully planted in Blues. These guys are powerful,h\llllorous,and greatformoshing.

Write to these guys c/o Club Grotesque, P.O. Box 52023, North Vancouver, B.C. V7J 3T2

Government ·of scholastic

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Custom Designs for Men and Women Construction under way on new Highway University

By D. Dravas In a formal and much anticipated announcement, Premier Mike Harcourt has cut the ribbon on a new $121 million post secondary institution in Matsqui. Formal guests included local dignitaries Dave Kandal, George Fergusson, Kim Mitchell, Moxy Frouvous, Phil Sutton, and the drunk from the Andy Griffith show. This new university is a joint venture of the BC Government, the Renegade Highways Coalition of

Chilliwack, and Pee-Wee Herman's personal pizza-delivery driver. FVU will be situated on the grassy knoll overlooking Deely Plaza. Access will be available walking, cycling, or landing on Love Field. Degrees will be offered in Crack Sealing, Coffee Drinking, Reflector Application, and Sight-seeing. DoughnutHuntingwillbeintroduced in the second year. The Grand Opening of the FVU will be February 30, 1994. There will be· a formal ceremony, with the mandatory coffee breaks. .,..,.


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MINDGRIND-Onthe cutting edge was the first thought that came to mind when I popped this tape into my stereo. These Vancouver ~ Islanders really dare to be different, and it works! Take for instance this recording. ~ Side one features upbeat, satirical songs about the modern dilemma of babyboomers. Sidetwoissimplyagem! Itisnot merely music, it is comedy at its best Entitled 'Five Minutes of Nothing,' it parodies the psychologicalself-counseling tapes popular in today's society. Also it carries the underlyingmessage to have fun andnot takelifeso seriously.'Qlesubliminal commentsin the backgroundare recipesfor laughter. Borrowing a classic public washroomphrase, 'For a good time' write to the Mind Grind, 5261 Eagle HeightsRd., Duncan, B.C. V9L 4T8

Havea safe and veryhappy holiday. If settingyourselfup for someserious workdoesn'tappealto you and your pennies Eat,drink andsaveyourpennies-boxingday happento include some dol@rbills, make a sales are coming!

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Importance of Culture Highlighted ,in Said's Latest Work CJllSDW'EBook Review by Ron Dart global history. The Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Macedonian, Chinese, Roman or Spanish empires were relatively insignificant, both in duration and global dominance, compared with the imperial reach of France, England and the United States. A substantial amount has been done on the economic, political, educational and military aspects of empires; the genius of Said's Culture and Imperialism is the way he clearly highlights how culture plays a significant role in buttressing the interests of an imperial world view. Said is mostly concerned with how English and French culture pundits undergirded and legitimated the substantive aspects of their empires. Said argues that it is one thing for intellectuals to critique the aberrations, nostalgia or emerging bourgeois attitudes within their cultures; many of these progressive intellectuals, though, stoutly defended the supremacy of their culture when it confronted another culture (or they were just silent about the conquests). In France, Tocqueville and Camus, in their different ways, justified and supported the colonization of Algeria. In England, Kipling, Ruskin, Carlyle, Arnold, and Mill, from different perspectives, were opposed to or hesitant about criticizing the white man's burden in India and other colonies.


\Y. SAID l

Culture and Imperialism (1993) Edward Said The foundation of Empire is Art and Science. Remove them or Degrade them and the Empire is no more. Empire follows Art and not vice versa as Englishmen suppose. - William Blake Europeans controlled a third of the globe by 1800, two-thirds by 1878 and over four-fifths by 1914. The extensive and sprawling reach of Western imperialism, throughout the nineteenth and most of the twentieth century, is one of the most astounding facts in all human and

These priests of culture, Said insists, played a crucial role in insuring the vision of their culture was predominant Said divided Culture and Imperialism into four distinct yet intersecting chapters. Section one discusses the overlapping territories and intertwined histories of the 1st and 3rd worlds, the industrial and developing states. Said clearly points out how it is important to know the history and the role culture has played in colonization. Section two builds on the stark and often brutal reality of colonization; Said moves on in this section to argue that the conquest of the 3rd world would have been impossible without the consolidating vision of 1st world culture. It was the imperial servants of culture that argued for 1st world supremacy, and it was these scribes of culture who saw it as their responsibility and obligation to civilize the inhabitants of the conquered territories. Section three looks at the resistance and opposition, initially from within these third world cultures (reactively from 1st world

intellectuals), to their imperial masters. Said argues, in this important section, that when the colonized cultures retrieved, revisited and consciously remembered their ancient narratives, the myths of the 1st world began to dissolve. Section four concludes by examining the possibilities, through culture, of resisting domination in the future. Said is certainly not a naive optimist, but he does believe history has an openness to it, and this means freedom from domination hinges on how freedom is used in the present tense. This is the source of Said' s hope: the use of human freedom, through culture, to construct a better and different future. Said's predominant concern in Culture and Imperialism is the way culture can be both used and abused. Said, in this superb work and companion toOrientalism (1978), draws from a rich I and diverse interdisciplinary background. Culture and Imperialism, whether or not we accept all the arguments, will challenge us to think in a more thorough and comprehensive way about the relationships between imperialism and culture, and potential ways to resist such a marriage.

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Baldwin, Kidman Get Off With MALICE

SIMPLY SUBLIME By Buzz & Skeeter We'veallseen(orfelt)itbefore: driving down the road, having a good timewhenithappens-thatTHUMPTHUMP-THUMP sound that exists wherever high-school rap wannabe pukes hangout. Or maybe, on a Tuesday, you decide to go to the Cineplex Odeon, to enjoy a movie, some popcorn, and hopefully something even more appetizing later that evening. Again, that ever so familiar THUMP-THUMP-THUMP, which, of course, just fits in with the sight of countless hordes of pre- and post-pubescent, rap-wannabe high school pukes and their 20 lbs. of makeup-per-face girlfriends, just lingering outside the theatre. Where's a massmurderer with a fully automatic AR15 when you need one? So, you're saying, so what? Yeah, they're annoying, but so what? Well we hate it, and that's cause enough. First of all, they all drive souped-up Civics or Sprints, and the really cool ones have lowered trucks. They look like those god-damned El Caminos! Can'tgetarealoneanymore, so make your own. Then put five billion dollars of stereo equipment into your car/truck/El Camino wannabe and crank out dance and rap. Why? I mean, it's not even good dan~e or rap. Apache Indian!

Whodunit keeps you guessing til the end. Whoop! Hot as vindilu curry, baby! You suck! And that dance crap. Tag Team singing Whoomp, There It Is! What a joke! Real musicians are starving while these synthesizers rebels (NOT!) are getting money for that crap. Piss off. Dance music is for dancing to, and if you want real dance music, (notthatAceofBasscrap) goto Graceland. Feast on that. Of course that's a bit too alternative for your average hip hop rap wannabe cheeseeating high school boy. So the next time one of them passes you, roll down the window, crank up something heavy, pull up to them, laugh and then run them off the god-damned road. If you can, send a picture of the wreck to the CASCADE office addressed to Buzz & Skeeter. Leave your name and number and we'll bring you a reward.

By Colleen Mah Definition of malice: the direct intention or harm others; evil intent. This Castle Rock Entertainment film, starring Alec Baldwin, Nicole Kidman and Bill Pullman is a suspenseful thriller, thoroughly corrupted with "malicious intent." The story begins with a husband and wife (Pullman & Kidman), happily Ii ving in the "teacher-marries-student" scenario. Pullman plays a quiet, spineless husband who teaches at the local college. Although he has the spirit of a jellyfish, he has his morals intact, and manages to catch a psycho killer on the rampage. Kidman on the other hand, volunteers her time working with children, and generally dominates the couple's relationship. Sugar and spice, and all that's nice, right? Well the fact is that this little lady's got more up her sleeve, than you could ever imagine. But all hell does not break loose, until an old schoolmate moves in. This is, of course, none other than Alec Baldwin. Baldwin manages to charm everyone with his charismatic qualities, and egotistical God-complex. The storyline jumps around a lot, but it's worth the effort to keep up with it. I don't want to give away too much for those who haven't seen it, but Pullman learns a lot about his wife in amatterof days. And she ain't just "sugar and spice." Pullman manages to shed the jellyfish syndrome, and by the end of

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the movie I guarantee that you'll be proud of him. I must admit that I was rather skeptical at first of seeing this movie. My former impression of Nicole Kidman was that she was simply a Tom Cruise coat hanger, in other words her acting abilities were "zip." After seeing MALICE, my opinion has totally changed. Forget Tom Cruise, thiswoman'sgoingplaces! Shecomes across as a first-class bitch. As Pullman's wife, you'll hate her. As an actress, you'll think she's great. The only problem I encountered with this movie was the rating. In the United States, MALICE is restricted. Here in Canada, it is fourteen years. There was far more than "occasional" nudity and "suggestive" scenes. Sure, you can see this stuff all in a days worth of TV, but if we're going to rate them, let's do it right. Otherwise, what's the point? I had an "expert" see the show with me, D. Lagan, Assistant Manager, TowneCinema4. Healsothoughtthat the rating was too slack as well. Besides this minor fact, I found the movie MALICE to be one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. My advice? Rent it. It's worth the money.. And the lingering camera shotofBaldwin'sbuttisaniceaddition as well.

Kevin's "Perfect World" On an average day in Canada, · $5,479,452 is spent on cosmetic and beauty products!

Costnerand newcomerT.J. Lowther on the set of ''.APerfect World." Kevin Costner, Clint Eastwood and Laura Dern star in "A Perfect World", a Warner Bros. film directed by Eastwood. Set in 1963 in Texas," A Perfect World" folows escapedconvictButchHanes (Costner), who, in the course of eluding the Texas Rangers pursuing him, takes a young boy hostage. Opens this week at Towne Cinema 4.

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More to Becoining A Cop Than Just Slapping on Badge when I was ten years old and yes, I do speed occasionally" because if you don't then you will definitely fail the next stagethe polygraph. So, you've passed the So you want to be a cop? Well, written, the physical, the interview, the contrary to popular opinion, white males polygraph, and the medical exam. Onto can apply. Those of you who attended the the Academy, NOT, it's assessment time. Vancouver City Police meeting on You get to spend 8 hours playing cops and November 17, were told emphatically that robbers (rapists, murderers, drunks). This thereisNO,bearme,NOspecialprivileges is the assessment stage where you are extended to female or visible minorities observedandratedonyourabilitytobandle applicants. Everyone gets in on their own stress, respond appropriately and use your merit, every applicant bas to have the same common sense. 30% of the 60% left over qualifications and pass the same exams after the written including the exam pass the physical. K;now? ' assessment, and So, now ,,■ ·tluif 1only-'l0% all'/ if they fail at I've clarified applications'corµerrom'women:an<I; assessment they that issue, let's have to wait 2 take a look at visible rillnorities. ' ' years before they what's needed to ',W% tllo~t(~~d can try again. become a liav~)~ompleted So, you have Vancouver cop. 1 First, you don't passed all these need a degree or ~onda17:~1~~~°'~;tr;;,i;;,6',;it~• ..•·· stages. Next is P ,... ,. P.,Y.,.,·<, •. the background diploma in in v es ti g a ti on Crim, in fact one 1 '.Ai1f' of the Officers at where you have to provide 30 this meeting bad y ,, , •., ·. ,. ' : .·.. gt references.these a BA in English. can be What you do •:•< .. ,.~:. . . ' '. . .' employers, need is at least 1 ·.~11,}+u~nlike Eastern relatives, friends, year of post •·.''" ;s"'f;,>'"" andvi~ible teachers, anyone secondary wbocan tell them academic pJK)rtunity l)Olicy:. what a good, courses, good ..£'..'·0f_'..:,, :f#iust complete ..the ~-,L -~honest, nice, physical fitness, D 4tnin 15sec. You decent person minimum 19 yrs outlinefrom'tlie you are. Well, old (they prefer iii'itltute in Vancouver /;j mid-twenties), Aunt Alice dido' t tell them yearonly7 peoplfmade and a good 1000 applications. ··· about the time driving record. you put the cat in If you have all the washer and this then you can put it on the spin cycle, so you are now at submit an application. If they decide you the last and final stage in the selection have the minimum qualifications, you write process-the executive selection committee, an exam similar to our CPI', and you must a group of senior officers and police get at least 65%. 40% of applicants don't executives. You make it, you have now pass this test, they get one more chance passed Go and it's onto the Academy. It's and that's it. taken you 4 months to a year to get this far, Next step is the Physical, including there areonly 5% of the original applicants theP.O.P.A.T., the Police Officers Physical left, you are a Vancouver City Police Abilities Test, which simulates the physical Officer Cadet. abilities necessary to subdue the average Now comes the bard part, the actual male suspect. If you manage to pass the practical training. You will spend written, and POPAT, next you have the approximately 14 weeks at the Justice interview stage, which is conducted by a Institute Academy taking courses such at senior officer and requires the utmost in legal studies, social sciences, traffic studies honesty and integrity. Some advice, tell and physical training as well as practical, the truth, "yes, I did take that candy bar

By Clare G.

'bid Von


'·,·.'iZ• ' })! appl~/ ' auniversityJitgf ~, :.

D,'l~~e~~!fri'ge •~····•·.Y,~~If:!~f' j,esi-

J '":c;.f !.I:1'

rifaSidaiviii ,: \


rickf rom·rue

on the street patrol. Ob, did I mention you're getting $2984.00 a month to do this, yes you get paid from the day you entertheacademy. Aftertheacademy,it's 12montbsofpatrolasa3rdclassconstable, · then back to the academy for some more · training, back to a 12 month patrol · assignment, back to the academy for more · training, back to patrol for a year as a 2nd · class constable, back to the academy for · more training, back to patrol for a year as · a 1st class constable, then back to the · academy again to write the Departmental · Incremental Exam. After 3 years, you are · now a First Class Constable making approximately $4000.00 a month, you can now apply for all those specialty squads such as undercover, dog squad, emergency response.etc. It'sunlikelyyou'llgetonto one of these right away, they like 5 to 7 years experience before specialty assignment. As you can see, it takes a lot of dedication and most importantly, the right attitude to become one of Vancouver's finest Yes, they are accepting applications, but be prepared for a tough haul and probablysomedisappointment Tbeyonly

take the best, and the competition is extremely high, but at least you know you tried. Keep in mind, it's the whole person they look at, integrity is key, as well as all the practical things like education and physical strength. Being a life experienced person with good ethics and honesty is important, and YES, white males can indeed apply. Department News: The Criminal Justice Student Society Christmas Social is set for December 9 at King's Crossing. Tickets are $13.00 per person and are available from Nov 24 to Dec 1, on sale in front of the library. (OK, I know it's the first today but I have no control over publication dates!). For $13.00 you get a stand-up buffet,acbanceatdoorprizes,anddancing (music included). NO TICKEfS WILLBE SOLDAT TIIE DOOR!!! So, get them now. There's a chance that a self-defence class for women will be offered by the CJ Student Society. Stay tuned for further information. It's likely there will be a high demand for such a class.

•some ··.

women ~'iegi~ated q1,1ota,

''"'" ?



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ED ITO RIAL~~~~~~~~ AIDS: Are All The Facts In? ,,,. December 1, 1993:


7770 people have been diagnosed with the disease since 1979, with 5128 dying, compared to more than 1.7 A day to educate your neighbour about A.I.D.S.; a day to be educated million people killed by cardiovascular disease and cancer. What's wrong about A.I.D.S. In an article by Celeste McGovern she states it is a great thing with this picture? to do, but in what quantity? Granted, I can hearyou saying to yourself more people have to take more "This can't be right?" But those special responsibility about their sexual lives, interest groups, with the help of an but how much should special interests over-anxious media, have done~ great job brain-washingthe generalpopulace groups - read A.I.D.S. awareness/ of Canada. And our government has prevention groups - across Canada take from the Canadian public? been sucked into it as well. In the spring of 1993, our health Alreadyyou are statingthat rightwing views are being put forth, but system pledged $211 MILLION over the next five years to the National have you any idea what the Canadian AIDS Strategy. government That works out to has put forth in )'!o •• ~77"10 iJ?BOple hav,l;been $42.2 MILLION terms of dollars j ·:¼,:"/-,.·{_.:, __,,,.;, . ,• J/ ; :/o/~,->< annually to taxand cents in pl[!9']91l~d~i.ththe;diSIJaSS. order for more funded A.I.D.S. spending. F.Y.I., people to be fOmp[!rEJ_q:fo fTl~~eth~n;i:J·7 that's up from educated about million' p~ople killed· by A.I.D.S.? I'm $37.5 MILLION a .:-carcllovasculardlseaseand year. nottalking about < >,:)",, . . \Vi cancer. ii/Xy,;,, By comparison, the moralities our government involved, but the gave only $18 actual amount million for cardiovascular research, our government and health system while breast cancer research only spends in proportion to the money received $4 million a year from public spent on other diseases and "health risks" such as drinking and driving. coffers. Let's check the human figures: lconcedethatA.I.D.S.isakiller, in 1992, 909Canadiansdiedof A.I.D.s,,· andthat something must be done about it. Here it comes, though, the big but: while over 75,000 died of A.lD~s:·is a~disease ► whTcti is fully cardiovascualr disease and cancer claimed 58,300 victims in Canada. I preventable! don't even have to provide ratios to A.I.D.S. kills far less Canadians than •many other ailments, but our show the uneveness ... government spends more on A.I.D.S. Face it and admit it: A.I.D.S. In Canada as of September, 1993, kills far fewer Canadians than heart



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identify the disease as a primarily gay disease. What gives here? Anal sex is medically recognized as the No. 1 way to transmit the disease, followed by using infected needles at No. 2. The Laboratory Centre for Disease Control reports that of all the A.I.D.S. cases reported in Canada, homosexuals, bisexuals, and drug users make up 84% of that total. Heterosexual partners make up 4%. The facts are in: A.I.D.S. is primarily a gay disease. Yet the mighty A.I.D.S. P.R. machine continues to propagate the semi-true idea that "Anyone can get A.I.D.S. Anyone." The B.C. Lung Association, in comparison, states that "Anyone can get lung cancer. Anyone." The medical community has shown a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. Smokers are told of the risks frankly; so to it should be about A.I.D.S. But all we get are convoluted messages and watered~down facts. "The virus doesn't care about age, sex, or race," one pamP.hlet reads. messag~ shrewdly ignores the fact that A.I.D.S. in Canada is very much a gay 'dise,ase chiefly spread through anal sex. , . All the money in the worlc~won't stop this deadly disease. The only way A.I.D.S.can be stopped is by t~Jtji'}gt~~"}J~h.,.Jf.\\'.E!,.ar~,t9 r.~I!3gclt~., this a'¢ur ailment to medical history, we must be told the absolute truth. We ml_!sttell people e~acfly,how A.I.D.S.istransmitted, andwno is most at risk! · ·· .· A.tO.S. is fully pr~ventable.


Apparently, gins~11)t: . -:ff:_-, increases your sex'.cinve: Hereat the Doug Colby talks about prefer ;Jemo!l ~'.~nd< c: Canadian content, ch()Co)ate~~-vere,t~,~te'f~>··\c film, and viewer ,'FaHlnrf.'.tll~t, try:fWi[~' American apathy in Canada 'orchid or*Basic/111Sti,11ct, . J=:'-

disease, cancer, diabetes, drunk driving, or even suicide. Despite what the A. I.D.S. P.R. mact\ine has spit out, there are greater killers out there that we should be more concerned about. Just look at the number of women who have died of breast cancer since the first A.I.D.S. case was diagnosed in Canada: 60,000. To make matters even more dubious, close to 50% of this funding for A.I.D.S. doesn't even go anywhere near research, epidemiological monitoring, or direct care, treatment and support of persons with A.I.D.S. Some examples are rather amusing. $35,000 of your tax dollars paid for a six-month puppet road show calledPuppetswithAIDSTour. Totally educational, right. And the show was even imported from South Africa! $50,000- again your tax dollars - went to a group whose purpose was to promote "safer sex" among homosexuals who "frequent saunas" in Montreal. Interesting. And these are just a few of the expenditures o'f the great A.I.D.S. campaign! An Angus Reid poll recently showed that 75% of those polled think thatA.I.D.S. funding should be a higher priority for the Canadian government. Where have these people who Mr. Reid talked to been lately? If they only kq~~}nc;>re information; ~ they )Vere. only told the cold, hard 'facts. · When A.I.D.S. first appeared many years ago, its original name Was G.R.I.D., or gay-related immune deficiency. This name was changed by the medical community so as to not

culture . Canadian A contradiction in tenns? Even with stringent CRTC Canadian content regulations, we continue to be inundatedwith Americanculture. Television, radio, magazine and literarycontentfromsouthof the border fills our collectivepsyche, forming a frameworkwith which we judge our own culturalyield. Ofcourse,this phenomenonhas been well documented,and the debate rages on. Thereal questionbegs,why wouldwe wantto compete(or compare)withthe American cultural vacuum, on their terms? To compete with Hollywood for example,is to acknowledgeit as a cultural entity worth emulating. Of course,thisis ridicu~ous, as Hollywood is a cultural wastelancl~ which churns

our countlessformulaic,insipid films every year, with the only apparent motive being profit. It is a distinct victory of the art of business over the businessof art. Canadais slowlycarvingour its place as a fertile breeding ground for artists, filmakers, poets, musicians, writers, etc. The new breed of Canadianartistsare motivated by a desiretounderstand their country, their fellowcitizens,and ho.~fa,:}!{! indeed theirculture. For the most part, monetarygains are simply not part of the scenario. Canadiansneed to turn theirattentiontotheseartists,musicians etc. who choose to practice their craft at home. A new variety show on CBC, ''lbisHour Has22 Minutes",illustrates how far we have come. ·"This Hour", co-writtenbyMaryWalshof"Codco", is an outrageouslyfunny spoof of new

of news shows, and makes Saturday Night Live look amateurish in comparison(here I am, comparingthe U.S.!); FilmakersSandyWilson,Atom Egoyan,andDenysArcan,consistently produce quality, insightful, thought provokingmaterial;of whichrelatively few Canadiansview. I'm not promoting a boycott of the next Die Hard 22 or Rocky Sequel, only that perhaps it may be wise to have~ome. recognize it for what it is. Then take in a Canadian film or two, and notice how it reflects ourcountryand ourculture.The former we are given. the latter is up to us. If we are definedby our culture we must protect it at all costs.

''This:Iiour Has Mi~~'tes/!, ,.illitstrates

"This Hour" can be seen Monday nights at 11pm on CBC. "Kids"can be seen Friday nights at lOpmonCBO:.



friends who are bringing down male organizations across the country, yet want the same privileges. We all should be able to do want we want, with who we want, granting that it doesn't harm anyone. Let's all get our act together not available for thousands of people and clean our .own. closets of any who are faced,-quite literally-..with skeletons which I11aybe µi there death, tort1,,and despair ,,,from before judgment calls are made. every way they_tum;· They cannot world will only be .a better place for lo9k to each-:-other·forhelp; they do it. Peace. ·" -· -·-· · · · not have the:resources. If'RQse:was ,_ F.,t. s. to spend some time J"eading-the ; -t:r; '.· .\..'" .· ,, myriads of:letters. to Amnesty Dear Ed. International, M.C.C., or many oth:er An open let~rtolh~ 14women · concerned gi:_Qups, by people pleading, at the Ecole Poly:.'techniquewhowere, crying, for thewest to wake.up, fodt killed on Dece~ber 6, 1989 .. · · , ",.. to be concerned enough to respond, it In memory of: maychangeherperspective. Unless Genevieve Bergeron we recognize the utterly sordid Helene Colgan ,-,,. nature of our "feudal" economic Nathalie Crote~u· system, we -will never begin to Barbara Daigneault approach what Rose calls "critical Anne-Marie Edward thinking", le~alone the preposterous Maud Haviernick "scientific" idea of solutions. While psychology may well offer guidelines Barbara Kleznik Widajewicz for dealing with individuals on a Maryse Langaniere personal basis, it becomes little more Anne-Marie Lemay than self-indulgence in light of the Sonia Pelletier frightening complexities of our world Michele Richard Anne Turcotte order. tntimately, however, Rose is Annie St. Arneault We will not forget. right in that we need to be ~ Michelle Demers more,a lot more. But unless we have a vision that does not seperate Salvation (Health) into "seperate spheres",what we "do" may well be Both - the November 3rd "undoing" what some of the faithful "Human Interests" column and the whoprecededusdid. Untilour"world November 17 response from Rose order" becomes~ serious PtiBi.lC Sones caught my attention. We concern, and change is sought ignore present ills, particularly those stru,ctw:a,lly as well as personally, of the environment, only at our peril. however muchwe do will not begin to The western world's penchant stop our governments from for considering the worlds its oyster continuing to put "national interest" must be reviewed. We supposedly (commerce) before even the most get kids going on the recycling bandwagon. But the idea to.limiting basic human rights. In this sense, perhaps, just waste to begin with gets short shrift. perhaps, "Lamentations" is in order. An example: McDonald's has finally David Thiessen found it necessary to place a sign by the napkin dispenser suggesting Dear Ed.: patrons use all napkins taken. Guess Upon reading about penis size what? Napkins are made from trees. in the Vancouver Sun recently, I was How many times do otherwise moved to write. socially-correct types pull out a dozen I would like to point out the or so napkins and then simply let double standard which is being them sit on the tray unused? (I exhibitedhere.Awomancanexpress know, I know, how many sociallyher views on the size of her male correct types even eat at fast food· partner's penis and it can get restaurants?) published, with a minimal outcry Yet who really cares about arising. Yet,if a man were to express napkins anyway? Unlike his ideas about the size of a woman's practitioners of eastern philosophies, breastsorvagina, all hell would break we in the west are a tad too busy to loosefromourfeministand/orclosedrecognize the importance in the small minded friends. as well as the large. If I, a white male, were to say So let's take a look at that I prefer, and I think I can speak something big. How about our for most men, women with relatively gluttonous transportation methods? large, perky breasts over women with Unfortunately, walking, as a very relatively small breasts, there would real alternative to using a vehicle, be a considerable backlash. never hit the top ten in exercise The hypocrisy of today's world options. I imagine it will take a real is ridiculous. We are all surrounded serious ozone hole over the golf in it. The religious leaders of today courses of the rich and famous before are molesting children, the political some transportation options come leaders-from the local to the federal our way. Could that be a bit late? So level - are mismanaging· public how about demanding serious funds, and charity directors are transportation choices from our directing donations into their own decision-makers? pockets. A bit more political awareness Don't forget our feminist in general would be useful. Are there

The CASCADE Welcomes Letters To Ed. All Letters must be typed and double spaced, and include your name, phone# and studeQt#. All Letters will be published verbatim.

Dear Ed.: In respon~e to Rpse Sone's response. to_ "Human Interest?", Nov.17 ,i_~sue;·t ~u,~t begin by thanking her for responding. She is· th.e only person who has thought the issues presented jmport@t enough to . respond, and for this I am extremely my gratitude .. Some of · her comments, however, beg.a number ofquestions. For starters, why is it~ if we are really "thinking Christians", that the ecumenical ..Church today simply accepts, without any serious opposition, the deadlines of the structureddomination all around it? Although there may well be, in Rose's circle, a lot of "thinking Christians", Christianity today, as a body of believers, has basically become a civil religion. Few Christians today recognize that Christianity was built upon the Jewish prophetic tradition (prophets like Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Micah, and particularily Jesus), a tradition that seriously challenged all structures of domination. tntimately, what the depth of the Christian tradition will reveal is that authentic Christianity will never seperate the inner search for personal peace fromthe quest for ju-stice in th~ political sphete: The· Church today, with someexceptions, has turned ever more inward, refusing to acknowled,e its serious obligations to the political realm it has been "placed" in. Moreover, althoush it is posaible that I may be 10mewhat paranoid, whatis absolutely certain is that this paranoia ii JIil mediainduced. . If anytbina, the exact opposite is true. One quick look at Canada's serious role in the Indonesian slaqhter of the E. Timorese, and the virtual media blackout surroundin, it, will reveal that it is not media eupration that should cause concern, but media ignorance, or, in some casea, media agenda-setting. The fact of the matter is that we have inherited a system that dictates local activities have serious ripple effects around the world, more often than not, · seriously horrific effects. Correspondingly, the plight of the millions suffering aroundthe world today cannot begin to be addressed through, in your words, "seeing people through". This is in no way meant to denigrate the personal, local, reespondsibilities we as humans have. I have volunteer tutored, spent summers counselling at children's camps, been actively involved with Amnesty International, and have, together with my wife, two very young children. Believe me, I recognize what "seeing people through" means, and this approach is usually, when available, the best approach to take. The problem is that this approach is


any courses that offer high school students insight into the levels of government (federal, provincial, local, regional) that affect all aspects of their lives? -Why -not teach our young that lobby groups are now a very real force in Canadian politics, and- that decisions are ~ftep. _, influenceq by high-powered repJ; of business and other special-inte~st gro~ps? Is it ppssible · t4at ·,~b~ '. in(ainous Patent Drug bilLwas,~soh~lyendorsedpyourMI>s~~e; of. our horrendous debt to fol'.eig:µ sources? · ' ·_ And how aboq.t Canadian; ,pf voting age not assuming that th~\r deI119cratic: responsibility ·is. completed by oe.casionaljaunt,to th~ p9lls. If we continue to mak:efA~r assumption that those in power _are· .truly out for our best, we will continue to get the government we deserve. There you go folks - stop waste, walk, petition govemmentfor positive action, and keep on the backs of the elected. Then again, n:iaybe it's easier to make sure you're keeping up with the Joneses, getting there just a bit before the competition, leaving government to the politicians, and taking that bit of much-needed R&R rather than getting into a tiff with development-minded councillors. Your choice. Regina Dalton


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••••••••••••••••••••• Dear Editor:


(and production coordinators and ... ) Just a short note to thank the serious effort to make the Cascade paper credible and interesting. We recognize, and appreciate, the hours of work involved, and know our views could never have been expressed without this dedicated effort. David Thiessen and Shirzad A.


Dear Ed, A reply to Cheryl. My response to your initial letter was in no way meant as a personal attack. My intention was not to belittle or question your motives, it was to question your use of the english language. While you yourself appear to be a secure lesbian, your target audience may not be and that is why I will maintain that your use of the word "dyke" is perhaps less helpful to your cause. In fact "dyke" could be identified as an inhibitor. As well, I ask of you to jµstify the use of "herstory" and "wimmin" for "history" and women". Again, I plead this is a case of semantics and not ofany real consequenceto anyone. Wearefightingthesamebattle for women. A battle whose lines shouldn't divide us by who we choose to love. We are still women. And to that end I hope you and any other interested individuals will me celebrate the living and remember the dead on December 6. The anniversary of the Montreal Massacre. A sister who will not forget.


ETCETERA~~=~==== Seventeenth

By Carlos Vital Menjivar War,don't look nor turn to me... I just want to tell you thesefew things... (Just a second...let me gather back these bloody intestines into my abdomen...) These, afew things... Listen, don't be so deaf,· You are so human and... Listen, I'm talking to you!... War, or Manslaughter,you have ears to listen To the commotionand the lament, the curse and the blasphemy; (One more skull is cracked; I wonder if any bits of brain have blown away) ....Why do you stroll the streets amid haze and thunder, Apprehensivelystalking and assaulting my people at twilight? If you are notfeeling well Cry to your tuxedoedfathers for paternal caresses! Tum to their arms, take refuge in their kisses, Let them not abandonyou any more, Let them mollifyyou with their bed stories; Tell them not to forget you, that you love them so, Lest you wander 'round disoriented again ....Go on! Make what pleases you to listen to Flowfrom their cavernous mouths..! (By the way, I think I'm breathing

through my throat... yourfriends cut myfingers and broke my ankles. · I know it tickledyou, wasn't it funny to you? Wh...What? What did you say? Oh that! Yeah, I think we're gettingpretty intimate, Your breathing sears my lips and you electrified My testicles already! How shocking! Wh...what? You want to marry me? I guess it makes sense, I have agonized for hours...are you sure?). are a baby yet... Leave your horse in the stable. Takeyour._redeyes awayfrom myfields and my villages, Don't wasteyour time in these towns m,4cities , ()/,sedentarypeople.. . Go study your lesson in the manifestos of your fathers, Also, have yourfill of joy in the retinas ,. Of your clandestinegrandparents! '

Qu'ittearing down windowsand doors, Neithertrample nor torture... You might hurt the delicate touch of


your hands That like to asphyxiate With the qUarsof my towns or with the flowers ofthifield! . Go ahead, go on... Do you know? Nothing is safer Than the breasts of your mother And the malignantbeard of your father. (Give mea break, will you? Tum the other way; Don't you see I've dirtied my pants...gosh! lfmy spine hadn't been severed I might Just be able to reach out to bandage that bleeding leg!). As I was saying about your parents...

Go and caress them effusively like you knowhow; Their hearts are soft, their abdomensso tender..! That they'd wish to engenderyou at every moment... You are their naturalfruit and product. Run to smell the aromaproduced by their solutions And theirfurtive gun powder, Their affable table, or their grimy hands ...

Get over there, they are your parents! Don't miss the taste of their gourmet delicacies! (Talking aboutfood, I haven't had a bite for many days... Look at theflies hovering around me and Drinking the tearsfrom my eyes, aren't they succulent? I tell you this 'cause I ate a few already. Very well.../ am weak and look deathly emaciated, -Slim and svelte if you will- just the way you like me). But going back to your parents... Return to them and enjoy their barbecue... Or their caviar. (I better not talk aboutfood, I'm starting to savour My gums where my teeth were knocked off).

(YRSCCYPE By Colleen Mah SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21) Calm down, calm down. And get that little butt of yours into gear. Organization is a key skill to learn. ); ou're going to have a Ic;>t of deadlines to meet at both work and school. So plan your time wisely, and when it's over and done with kick back, relax and grab a cool one from the fridge. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) Summer holidays seem so far away, but really thet"re not. Start thinking about what you want to do, .and make plans with your buddies to get away for a while.> Christmas is just around the comer, so there's no time to save up now. But after the new year, budget the money and dream about the sun . CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) The cold autumn weather has taken us by surprise, and the joints are stiffening up. You want to just bundle up and lie around the house. NO can do. Get up! Go back to aerobics class,jog to a friend's house, take a healthy dose of steroids Gust joking). But seriously friend, take those few words of advice from good old Hans and Frans. AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) Luck is in the air. Do you smell it? It smells "green" -like money! ForgetEdMacMahon,gofortheLotto 6/49! At the very least, buy a scratch and win ticket, the extra two bucks may come in handy. Go four leaf clover hunting (don't let the frost discourage you), and if one is found be sure to hang it around your neck. PISCES (Feb.19-Mar.20) Get in touch. with your intellectual being. Tear yourself away from the TV and give the remote a break. Venture into the library and see how other people function without a box in front of their face. Be daring and flip through a couple of books on the shelf. You never know, you might meet you-knowwho with the cute you-know-what in the reference section. And maybe you'll become a regular .. .in the library.

Return to the security of their laughter... (Laughter,you know, like when I rememberbeing Togetherwith myfamily in the happy days... But they're gone now, you killed them at midnight. . It's kind of strange.../ can see you ARIES (Mar.21-April 19) shreddingme Youare the 90's "Freud". Such With that "JQChete, gouging my eyes with ' a good listener, everyone brings you your barefingers... . . 3 their problems. You are able to tell SomehowI can't feel it anymore! people exactly what they NEED to Wh...what? You want to follow me into hear, ratherthanjust what they want the next beyond? to hear. I guess one could say that No, please). you are a true."reality,check". But it War, don't look nor tu'ni to me; is important to know that this is also I am the wind. a two-way street. Whenever you ...I just want to tell you..! Thesefew need someone to talk to, don't hesitate things... to give those others a call. I think that they would appreciate returning the favour.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The situation is really not as bad as it seems. You may be feeling a little lost ~d lonely for a while, but don't let this last forever. Only you have the strength to pull yourself through this. And don't forget that there are others out there rooting for you as well. Take care, and one day everything will be okay. GEMINI (May 21- June 21) Being punctual is just not your thing. But this week, time is extremely important. Wear a big watch. Strap it around your head if you have to. If you want to get ahead in this world you're going to have to forget how UN~important time is to you, and just how important it is to everyone else. And go digital if you can't remember how those tricky little hands work. CANCER (June 22- July 22) It's time to un-conform yourself. And to go 1a little crazy while you're at it. Stand up and lead the applause-at the end of a two hour lecture in Physics class. Or better yet, set your profs hair on fire in Chem. That will be sure to get you an A Drive like a maniac and use pedestrians as moving targets. Don't worry, it's just another tax write-off. LEO (July 23-Aug.22) Commitment. Don't shy away from it, and don't leap into it. It has its ups and downs, and sometimes the roller coaster never seems to end. As all things in life commitment holds its share of responsibilities. Since it usually consists of more than one person, you must be willing to make some sacrifices. Try not to make too many demands, and be susceptible to change. Ym.GO (Aug.23-Sept.22) · Recently you have made a decision towards your future which affects many people who are close to you. Don't regret what path you have chosen for it is obviously one that is very important to you. Be sure to make room for new friends in the future, but do not forget the ones that you are leaving behind. In order for you to obtain happiness, they are giving up something very special. That,. of course, being you. Bon voyage, Virgo. ·t

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LIBRA (Sept.28-Oct.22) . You tend'to dwell in the past. You love your hole-y jeans that you bought ten years ago, and you are never one to give up a grudge. Living in the past is fine-that is, if you are an Egyptian mummy; but for the average Joe/Jane the present is the place to be. Don't be too easy going: Life will just pass you by. Give yourself some direction, and for heaven's sake, go buy some new 501's!

SPORTS~~~~~~~~PA~GE17 Cascade Men and Women Off To Quick Court Start Basketball squads aggressive in first game and President's Cup win Cascade men and women were full value for two impressive victories over their crosstown basketball rivals from With soccerfinished, the UCFV Trinity Western University. On Tuesday, hoop teams are already taking over the Nov. 23, at the Clearbrook Community spotlight. November20andtbe0earbrook Centre, Danielle Moe led all UCFV CommunityCenterweretbetimeandplace shooters with 17 points, utilizing an of the first B-ball action of the UCFV agressive, ball control game plan. Sue Cascades men's and ladies' teams. Parleealso contributed 14 points in a strong In their first offensive effort. league game, the Lady Atthefinalbuzrer, Cascades took on the it was UCFV - 70, Vancouver TWU-56. Community College The next Falcons. Dominating game featured the from the opening tipCascade men BASKETBALL off, theLady Cascades taking on a strong UCFV Lady Cascades vs. handily won 82-58. and disciplined VCCFalcons Danielle Moe, the TWU side. UCFV November 20, 1993 at the CCC Cascade's leading dominated from Game Scoring: player finished with 20 the opening Danielle Moe 20pts. whistle however, points despite having Shandra Cordiilgly 12 the flu. Shandra and went on to Sue Parke 10 Cordingley netted record a 91 - 79 Carol Vinson 10 victory. Mark lOpts. while both Tricia Grant 8 Wapples, with 22 Carol Vinson and Sue Denise Rehman 6 Parke contributed points, and Dan Brandee Fort 4 McLeod, with 20 1Opts. each. Amber Mytting 4 Following the points, led Laura Brassington 4 , Ladies' game, the UCFV's parquet Megan Thomas 4 ~ri i. marksmen. Cascadef_ me~'.steam -- - - - -... 1 took on the V ,C.C. 'Fcilio~iiig UCFV'Mens Cascades vs. mens' Falcons. the game, the VCC Falcons Winning by a final of Cascade teams 78- 77, the Cascades were awarded the November 20, 1993 at the CCC stole this game from. Game Scoring: coveted silver VCC. Playing without President's · Tim Bartel 16pts. their highly regarded · Trophy. Mark Wapples 14 post, Chris Spence, the The UCFV ''Jason Hollingsworth 13 Cascades hung on to Basketball Dan MacLeod 10 beat the top-ranked juggernaut rolls Bruce Hildebrand 9 Falcons. Despite the into North TroyGuze 8 biasedofficiating, TIIll Vancouver this Reid Trustham 5 Bartel finished with 16 week for an Stats Unvailable for points, followed by importantmatchup President's Cup Basketball Mark Wapples with with the Capilano Games 14pts. and Jason Blues. ff Tuesday Hollingsworth with night was any 13pts. indication, rival teams would be well advised to do their homewrok on our own blue and whites.

By B. T. Sikora & D. A. Colby



THANK YOU, ERLING A special Thank-Youto Dean Erling Close for presentingthe President'sCup to our winningCascadeteams. OurPresident.Dr. Peter Jones,was noticeablyabsent. reprtedlydecidingto attend a Councilmeeting-inChilliwackdespite knowingabout this game for months.

A Deep Thought for Larry and his CF( Commissioner Larry Smith is proposing a name change for the• troubl~~ CFL, because qf the addition of American teams. The CASCADE .has afew names, Larry. How about S.O.T.N.F.L: -Sell Out·To ,;,Am~tiia.Ep'.qtb~If)'.;~gtie;H.T.KS.O.F,.C.F.L. - Here!s·ThtfK&ys;StealOur ;:/F:11.c~j Q~lt~i~:,Jto'<itb,~il Leagµe'. And hey, Larry, fuc<our i;pinioi\\y~u.'illte ~;fa . .

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Lady Cascades Puininel Cotnpetition, Finish Third Despite Going Undefeated UCFV Dominates Soccer Pitch at Malaspina By Jeff Tisdale The Lady Cascades had a date with destiny in the second week of November. They were on their way to their first National Tournament to play against teams from across the country. The first match of the tourney for the Lady Cascades was against the Sherbrooke College Voluntaires of Quebec. 1bey could not have met a tougher opponent in the first round. The Voluntaires were ranked number two in the nation all year and entered the tournament seeded as the number one team. The first twenty y minutes was not a very typical one for both sides, perhaps due to surging adrenaline or plain nervousness. Both squads had numerous mental. lapses and executed poorly. There were even reports of Coach Tom Past's hair greying and falling out by the second. However, as the game progressed the tempo smoothed out and the flow of play was dominated by UCFV, as is evident in there 27 - 12 shots on goal advantage. Yet when this game ended something weird happened to the final score: it failed to change from the opening whistle. What this meant to those other teams who were set to play UCFV was not weird, but in fact it was-typical - they were scared. The next day, Thursday, was a bye for UCFV. Soccer still weighed heavy on their minds as they watched the Voluntaires pummel an Alberta club 4 - 0. Because the format of the tournament was dictated on total goals scored, UCFV needed a margin of victory of four goals if they planned to keep pace with the Quebec side. Friday meant that it was game day and as LA Raider boss Al Davis once put it, '1ust win baby" was the order of the day. The game was a much more wide open affair with the

Lady Cascades dominating the play from the get go. UCFV played the Alberta team like a drum, banging in goal after goal. Lisa Broad, Nicole Goertzen and Bianca Wilkinson (twice) etched their names on the scorer's sheet next "goal scored by ... " They had reached their goal, when, with only a few minutes remaining in the game, IT happened. An Alberta player was seriously injured resulting in a lengthy delay in the game. Suddenly the enormous momentum that UCFV had built up was gone and Alberta managed to squeak one past Cascade keeper Rose Phillip-Stewart. 1beir four goal lead was gone and so was any chance of playing in the championship game. 1be feeling among the players was as if they had been kicked in the stomach. The UCFV ladies could easily have folded and not focused on their next game because it was not the game which they had set out to bein. Naturally, theywouldhavenopart of this scenario, because it does not matter who they are playing or what they are playing for, these ladies play to win. As a result, they had to settle for a chance to win the bronze medal. The rival this time was the Falcons of Fanshaw College in Ontario. Displaying their true character ~d grit, the Cascades spanked them 5 - 0. Mona Meyles, Jo-anne Radcliff, Terri Wethersett and Lisa Broad (twice) scored the goals for the Cascades. They finished the National Championship tourney undefeated and outscored their opponents 9 - 1. It was only the incredible performance of the Quebec side which kept them out of the championship game. This was a great finish to an incredible season. Just to play in the Nationals is quite a feat, and to come home with a medal around yom neck is a bonus. Congratulations on a wonderful season; you all were great ambassadors for UCFV.

ds Todzee

"Everythingfor the Fisherman"


-Rods -Knive·s -Reels -Waders -Tackle -Vests And A Whole Lot More! Located_l/4 mil~from the Chilliwack Vedde_r .Riv~r (famous for good fishing)·

5616Vedder Vedder Crossing, B. C. 858-7344

It's now that time of the year on the rivers when it's out with the old and in with the new. Vedder: Although there are a few Spring salm>n and Coho still left on the river, they will soon make way for the early Steelbead coming in. We-would like to remind all anglers that you must release all wild Steelbead. Steelhead are hot for white and pink yarn, roe, crayfish, and pink, rubber worms. Chehalis:Fishing on the Chehalis is always best after rainfall for late Coho and early Steelhead. · If you stop by the m>uth of the Harrison you'lFbe sure to catchcutthroatifthewater'slow. Fly'sand rolled muddler minnows are your best bet Fraser: The Fraser is low but their are still a few coho making there way up the river. There is an early run of Steelhead entering the Fraser, float fishing and spin casting are the only way to go. . AnglingTip: Yarn fly's or wool. When fishing with yarn fly' son a float fis~ close to the bottom of the river in ct~ water. The appropriate~to use is.:{pr example, the size of your pinky finger nail.

-Bob Kay


CHRISTMAS~~~~~~~ Tis The Season To Party

Wild and wonderful By Monique Marchant

Christmas is just a few weeks away, and for students it brings a brief, but much needed, break frqm the insanity of what the end of the fall semester brings. All students are familiar with the ingredients of what we are served. A couple of final papers, a long forgotten but recently re-discoveredproject, a few final exams, or four, or five ... Never fear, sanity is just around the corner. December 17 is the last possible day for exams and then we are free until January 10. What you do with this period of sanity 'is up to you, but chances are that sometime between Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day, you will change itto insanity. Go forit, you deserve it. Have fun, be wild and crazy, do something silly (but remain responsible at all times, of course). Some people have a difficult time getting into the spirit of Christmas. If you're one of these people, then have I got an idea for you. It is fun, requires absolutely no talent, can be done with any number of friends, and is cheap. Go Christmas Caroling! Yes, I'm serious. And don't say that you can't sing, because it

ways with which to share the Christmas joy

honestly doesn't matter. People look for good sports in carolers, not professional singers. The Christmas spirit puts some sort of spell on the ears of the audience of carolers where everything sounds good, so go forit! The best way to recuperate is hot chocolate! One thing that is almost always on the mind of a student is how to balance their budget. The concept of keeping within a budget can be completely. destroyed by Christmas gift buying. If you have a group of friends who will all be buyinggiftsforeachother,it'sgoing to get quite costly. This is where the excuse to have a party comes in. There are two ways in which this problem can be solved. The first way is to have everyone drawanameoutofahat. The name that they draw is the person for whom they buy a gift. To make things fair, a price range should be agreed upon. It should also be decided on as a group whether or not labels saying who the present is from should be put on. Make sure, though, that they say who they are to! Then someone has a party where everyone gets to open their gifts. The second way of dealing with this problem is, in my opinion, alotmore fun, althoughafriend has described it as being "cruel." First

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Duchess says "Pig out, have fun, and throw your scraps on thefloor." .._ ~

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of all, a price range is agreed upon for buying gifts. Any range can be used, buta$5-$8limithasproduced some of the best gifts in my experience, and has also resulted in excellent bargain buys. Keeping within the deiced range, everyone goes and buys a gift. If it is a group of men and women, the gift must be unisex. The gifts are wrapped, but not labeled. Next is everyone's favorite part: throw a party. Sometime during the party, everyone draws a number, with the numbers corresponding to the number of people present. The person with #1 goes to.the tree and chooses a gift, then opens it. Person #2 can either


. UCFV Quotes

.Things to do with friend~ _and/orfamily:

Things to do to support your Community:

-go Christmascaroling -nost a Christmasor New year's party (if you need an excuse to have a party, tis the

-give to the Food Bank -CounterAttack- volunteer to be a designateddriver at least once over the holidays -Bootdrive- done by the Flre Departmentto raise money to but equipmentfor the MSA Hospital's burn unit -sponsora family or child informationavailablefrom CommunityServices -donateclothes, toys, etc. to the SalvationArmy

season -go tobogganing -go skiing -finishyour Christmas shoppingbefore December24 ! -go for a drive and check · out the Christmaslights -have your picturetaken with Santa- you're never too old!

choose to take what #llias,~an go to the tree for a new gift. If #2 takes #1 's gift, then #1 chooses a gift from the tree' and opens it Person #3 can then take a gift from #1, #2 or from the tree, and so forth down the line until everyone has a gift The only rule is that after two people in a row choosing to take giftsthathavealreadybeenopened, the next person must take from the tree. This is done so that you get finishedbeforethestartofthewinter semester. This entire process isn't asconfusingasitmayinitiallysound - honest_!One hint for those of you who aren't original bargain typeshoppers: try to be a little more inventive than buying a coffee mug!


for the Holidays

'Tm spending Christmas with my boyfriend's family in Courtenay" - Karen Lawlor "Having fun with family and relatives." - Judy Becker

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''I'm going to Yakima, Wahington to see my·daughter." - Bud Notland "I'm staying home with my wife in Abbotsford for the holidays." - Rick Atchison

And here's what the CASCADE staff will be doing: "Having a Merry Christmas!" - Michelle Demers ''Watching TV, eating com chips and masturbating, in that order." - Skeeter "Looking for joy, love, and the true spirit of Christmas, and then getting hammered!" - Doug Colby "Skiing+ Food+ Booze (copious amounts)+ Warmth+ ??'r!!" - Bryan Sikora

* * *



World A.I.D.S. Day, buy a red ribbon, Abby. Campus, December 1. Careers: Future Trends Workshop, December 1, 10:20 - Noon. Sign up in Student Services. · Kids Christmas Party, Mission Campus, December 1, 4-6 p.m. Tree Decorating, Abby. Campus, E Building Loounge, Dec. 1-3.

Hiking Club UBC Research Forest Hike, Dec. 4, call 856-9085 for info. Ball Hockey Tourney Ag-Rec Complex, Matsqui Fairgrounds, December 4, 10 - 4pm. Lady Cascades Basketball vs. U.C.C. at Clearbrook Comm. Centre, Dec. 4, 8pm. Cascade Men's Basketball vs.

bered, Outside main entrance, Dec.6, 6:30p.m.

Choral Society, Great Hall, Dec.10, 12 noon.

Boston Pizza Lunch, Chilliwack Campus, Dec. 7.

Lady Cascades Basketball vs. Edmonds Comm. College, Clearbrook Comm. Center, Dec.11, 5 p.m. Rod "the Mod" Stewart, Pacific Coliseum, Dec. 11.

Duran Duran & the Cranberries, Coliseum Concert Bowl, Dec. 8, 7:30pm. Drop 'em while you shop, babysitting for the foodbank, Dec. 9, 6-9 p.m. Rm. E-237 for details.

Lady Cascades Basketball Capilano College, Dec. 3, 6pm.

Annual Tree and Pizza Night, Chilliwack Campus, Lounge, Dec 14, 7p.m.

Cascade Men's Basketball at Capilano College, Dec. 3, 8pm. Billy Joel, Pacific Coliseum, Dec. 3, 8pm. Skydiggers, Commodore, Dec. 3, 8:30 p.m.

Theatresports, Back Alley Theatre, 751 Thurlow, 8,10,12p.m. nightly.

U.C.C. at Clearbrook Comm. Centre, Dec. 4, 6pm. Candlelight Vigil Montreal Massacre Remem-

She was • going to bean • engineer. •

14 Women at the Ecole Poly-Technique in .Montreal were killed by a man with a semiautomatic weapon December 6, 1989. Most were young ~ngineering students. Since then o\Ter 700 other Canadian women have been victims of murder. The violence must stop. ,.,

December, 6th, 1989 Montreal Massacre

Movie Pizza Night, Chilliwack, Dec. 16. Spirit of the West, Vogue Theatre, Dec. 10 & 11. Christmas Carolling, Valley

Cascade Men's Basketball vs. Everett Comm. College, at Everett, Dec. 22, 7:30 p.m.

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By Shirzad A. & David Thiessen

" I n 1848 Henry David Thoreau coined the phrase "Civil Disobedience"; he used it as a title for an essay he wrote to explain why he had for several years refused to pay his taxes. This essay was to have a profound affect upon many politically conscious people throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century, two of the more famous people deeply moved ·to action by the essay were Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. In the essay, Thoreau strongly asserted the need for a people to resist injustice when their own government is perpetuating the injustice. Essentially, he was asking the question "who is really a criminal", one of the single most important questions the world has everfaced. Whoisreallyacriminal? Who is really a terrorist? .. These questions must be asked if we are ever going to claim that democracy is our goal. Thus when we are faced with an utterly disgusting cartoon - like the one reproduced here - ( above. right, Vancouver Sun, Nov .10), how are we to respond? Somehow so many writers (cartoonists), - many of them, by the way, American seem to conveniently forget that Ireland is still being "colonized" today. Yet at the very same time, every fourth of July, Americans celebrate their "freedom struggle" in 1776 from the ''tyranny" of the English empire. In 1775, a year before the American Revolution began, Patrick Henry, in a passionate plea to Congress TO SEP ARA TE FROM ENGLAND, cried these words: "GenHemen may cry, Peace, Peace, but there is no peace ... Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others take, but as for me, give me liberty or death!" And this, from not a "colonizW" but a "colonizE..R" ! And we wonder why the Irish continue to struggle? Ireland was the first (900 years ago) colony of England and it is the last. People in Ireland today who speak out against the oppression of even the most basic political and civil rights (the vast majority of them protestnon-violently)arefaced with imprisonment, torture, and other forms of serious human rights violations, without any legal protection whatsoever. The average English police officer has the legal right to search, confine, and arrest anyone he thinks.might be involved





in activities that threaten "national interest". This we simply never hear about. We constantly hear about IRA activities, but when do we hear that in the last 10 months at least 41 Irish civilians were killed, 73 attempted killings, and 31 bombing campaigns, all by the hands of English "loyalists". We are constantly told this is a religious struggle (somehow this is supposed to make us ignore it) when in reality it is a serious struggle by England to maintain power. Peace, if England really wanted it, could have come a long time ago. The same can be said for the Kurdish situation. For over seventy years they have been bombarded (literally) from four sides simultaneously. Throughout these years the Kurds have been beaten, tortured, had their villages literally bulldozed to the ground, napalmed (despite the fact chemical warfare





was banned by the U .N .) and children tortured in front of their parents' eyes. Where were these wonderfully talented cartoonists then? A few weeks ago a number of Kurdish activists bombed several Turkish embassies. For the first time the Kurds took their struggle outside the land of their oppressors (in reality, though, the embassies are owned by the oppressors). Their reward: Hundreds of Kurdish killed, families left homeless, wives and children left without husbands, and many, many tortured. Do we really think they did not know these would be repercussions? If we are at all serious about understanding what these things mean we must question why the Kurds - or the Irish - would subject themselves to this kind of reprisal. We must also seriously question why, after years of Turkish oppression, after they killed thousands of innocent civilian Kurds (many of which were mere children),

were there no "cartoons" depicting their actions. The reason is they are our good clients, and they are home to a huge American military base. The Economistcalls them "a solid democracy, ready to enter the 'New' NATO." This, quite honestly, is vulgar and disgusting. In Somalia, an effort that began as a U .N. humanitarian effort has turned into an effort by the U.S.A. to "get their man". They have been so embarrassed globally that all efforts to help the Somalians have been forgotten in an effort to save face. This would make an excellent cartoon, yet non appears. The Baltic fiasco, by being very different than the others depicted in this cartoon, serves to think the Irish and Kurdish struggle to grotesque notion of expansion and aggression. Thus the average reader will connect actual Serbian "rape" and "plunder" with the activities of actual freedom fighters. I talso serves, however, to tie a much more "factual" link: the fact that the United States of America is involved in every single one of these events. This, if nothing else, must raise some eyebrows., E S S E N T I A L L Y-, HOWEVER, WE ARE NOT WRITING THIS TO CONDONE VIOLENCE. What we are demanding is that if we are ever going to talk about these struggles, or any others like them, IT MUST BEDONEINCONfEXT! Anything else, and it is hard to overstress this, will lead -us dangerously close to seriously wcivil obedience. It was St. Augustine, in the 5th. century A.D., that wrote: Remove justice, and what are kingdoms but gangs of criminals on a large scale ... [A] King asked [a pirate], "what is your idea, in infesting the sea?" And the pirate answered with uninhibited insolence, ''The same as yours, in infesting the earth! But because I do it with a tiny craft I am called a pirate; because you have a mighty navy, you are called an emperor". We thought another cartoon might suggest a more "real" reality. The Irish or Kurdish activist plants a bomb; we call them terrorists. The United States drops TWO bloody atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wreaking unfathomable anguish on hundreds of thousands of innocent mothers and children and farmers, and we merely call them victors? Something here is horribly wrong.

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