2023-2024 Yearbook

I am thrilled to present Teach For America Houston's 2023-2024 Yearbook. Yearbooks have always been a cherished reminder of the connections and moments that shaped a year. For me, they captured the joy of reflecting on a chapter filled with growth and memories. As you explore the pages of this yearbook, I hope you feel pride and excitement, knowing that your support was instrumental in the success we’ve achieved this year. If you’re reading this, it’s because your contributions played a vital role in ensuring TFA Houston continues to thrive and make a meaningful impact on our students. Thank you.
Within these pages, you’ll find stories and data that showcase the extraordinary progress we ' ve made, thanks to the unwavering dedication of our TFA community. Our greatest achievement remains ensuring a high-quality education for students in underresourced schools. With the strength of our team – over 230 corps members and over 1,800 alumni in the region – we are making real change happen.
In Houston, our bold goal is to double the number of students in our impact districts who meet important academic benchmarks in 3rd grade reading and 8th grade math. To get there, we’re recruiting top-tier talent, supporting alumni who continue to lead in education, and extending learning through our Ignite program.
The collective power of this community is what fuels our progress and sets our students on a path of endless possibility. Houston is stronger together, and I am deeply humbled to be part of this movement. I invite you to continue supporting and celebrating with us as we shape the future, together.
Yours in the movement!
Tiffany Cuellar Needham Executive Director

By 2030, twice as many children in communities where we work will reach key educational milestones, indicating that they are on a path to economic mobility and co-creating a future filled with possibility.
Recruit Teachers and Leaders
Develop Teachers and Leaders
Retain Teachers and Leaders
Build knowledge of evidence-based teaching practices
Build knowledge of new school models improving student outcomes

Build on school day learning with high-dosage tutoring

Build authentic partnerships
Collaborate to increase exceptional, diverse, and equity-oriented talent
Collaborate to expand evidence-based teacher efficacy practices

Teach For America Houston (TFA) is a leadership development organization that recruits the top talent our city needs to tackle the education crisis head-on. We find and develop exceptional leaders to teach in high-need classrooms across our city and support them throughout their career journey as education champions.
Our corps members and alumni commit to creating opportunities for the next generation so all children can lead, learn, and contribute to a thriving Houston

ach For America Houston, we know our corps ers (CM) move on to become policy and emakers in many fields on a local and national and that begins with their experience in the oom.
eply value the corps member experience inside tside the classroom. Throughout the year, corps ers enjoy social events, receive professional pment aligned to their interests, and have the unity to meet education leaders across Houston.

Growing up in a low-income community, I saw firsthand the struggles students face when resources are scarce. One summer, my high school needed a tutor for summer school, offering me volunteer hours in exchange. I spent over 240 hours helping classmates, and it was the best decision I ever made. Watching students grasp challenging concepts ignited my passion for teaching, a passion that led me to UCLA and eventually to Teach For America.
While at UCLA, I met TFA ambassadors who shared the organization’s mission to help students from underserved backgrounds. It reminded me of the pride I felt helping my classmates graduate, and I knew I wanted to make a difference in the same way.
One of my biggest surprises as a teacher was learning that teaching is more about classroom management than instruction. I started teaching ESL students, though I didn’t speak Spanish. The bond we built as I learned their language and they learned Biology created a mutual respect that transformed the classroom environment. By the end of the year, the Biology pass rate tripled.
These experiences taught me that education is about more than lessons; it’s about connection, understanding, and helping students see the potential within themselves.
Hung Kuang (Alex) Chui
TFA Houston ‘22
School ESL Biology
Houston MSTC High School

Teach For America Alumni Teachers

SommerMadison('23) NewTeacher of theYear FurrHighSchool,HISD
Sarah Honore (‘04) 2023 Kinder Excellence in Teaching Award Winner!
Taylor Glass ('22) New Teacher of the Year
Shearn Elementary School, HISD

Our second annual Ignite Potential Luncheon, chaired by Sangita and Colin Pogge (TFA alum and board member), was a powerful gathering that showcased the heart and strength of our community. We united with our dedicated partners and supporters to reflect on the growing impact of Teach For America Houston. We proudly celebrated Janet Clark for her outstanding contributions to education and welcomed Rice University President, Reginald DesRoches as our keynote speaker. His thoughtprovoking message on the power of education, from his personal experience and working alongside Teach For America, inspired attendees.
We are deeply grateful to everyone who made this event unforgettable, filled with stories of collaboration, celebration, and inspiration. With over 260 attendees, each united by a shared commitment to the transformative power of education, we raised over $438,000 to fuel our mission. The day stood as a powerful reminder of what we can achieve together and reaffirmed our collective determination to build a brighter future for students across our community.

Save the Date: This year’s Ignite Potential Luncheon: Inspiring Excellence is on February 19, 2025.

H-E-B (multi-region support)
Kinder Foundation
MD Anderson Foundation
OneStar Foundation
Samuels Family Foundation
Texas Education Agency
The Brown Foundation
The Meadows Foundation (multi-region support)
$25,000 - $99,999
Asha and Farid Virani
C.T. Bauer Foundation
CFP Foundation
Cynthia and Ben Guill
EOG Resources
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Janet F. Clark
John P. McGovern Foundation
Rockwell Fund, Inc
Sarah and Doug Foshee
Vivian L Smith Foundation
Katherine Reid
Kathy and Brian Reid
Katy and Michael Casey
Kimberly J Sterling
Lori and Robert Sherman
Mike & Rhonda Stewart
Molly and Jim Crownover
Nancy OConnor
Paige and George Hagle
Posey-Glickert Foundation
Scurlock Foundation
Shawn L Raymond
Sis and Hasty Johnson
The Mendelsohn Family Fund

Centerpoint Energy
Chinhui and Edward R Allen, III
Claire and Joe Greenberg

Etoile Acad Charter School - Hornwood
Florence Langford
George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation
GRITS Foundation
Jarrett Whitaker
Jeri and Marc Shapiro
Lisa and Will Mathis
Maconda and Sacha Abinader
Melbern G and Susanne M Glasscock Foundation
Sangita and Colin Pogge
The Clayton Fund, Inc
The Hevrdejs Foundation
The Tapeats Fund
Virginia A Clark
Jennifer and Gregg Costa
Andrea Alexander
Annie and Bob Graham
Carla Knobloch
George Hagle
J Squared Family Foundation
Jenny and Chris Johnson
Josephine and Richard Smith
Karen and Larry George
Teach For America Houston is deeply grateful for the support of the following individuals, corporations, and foundations that contributed $250+ to our efforts in our most recent fiscal year (June 1, 2023-May 31, 2024).
Aaron Miller Realty
Abenaa Brewster and Dr Robert Satcher, Jr
Agatha and Gus Brann
Alexandra Callan
Allison Chavez
Allison Connally
Anne and Les Csorba
Anne Caroline Fant
Anne-lise and Ryan Fishman
Ashley Horstman
Barbara Clark
Becky Gorham
Bernadett and Scott Peak
Burke Butler
Caroline Stickell
The Willard and Ruth Johnson Charitable Foundation
Tommy Inglesby and Rebecca Seidl-Inglesby

Adam Carlis
Adriana and Eduardo Nunez
Aig Inc.
Anna Charlton
Barbara Jenkins Gibbs
Caitlin and Ryan Pickard
Calpine Corporation
Cathy and Joe Cleary
Celestine Vettical
Deborah Cannon
Emily and David Sheeren
Evans Family Giving Fund
Harry S and Isabel C Cameron Foundation
Jeffrey and Margaret Tucker
Kate and Malcolm Hawk
Kathleen and Robert L Clarke
Kathryn and Richard Rabinow
Kristen Harrison-Habich and Bob Weylandt
Liz and Steve Bender
Mark Ware
Michael Cancienne
Miguel Bolio
Morgan and Christopher Hollins
Mr and Mrs Scott A Griffiths
Mr Suhail A Sikhtian
Nancy Manderson
Nicole Soussan
Paula and Reginald DesRoches
R Hewitt Pate
Robert H Blocker
Robin and Lela Gibbs
Sandy and Chris Domingo
Sue and Ron Pogge
Susan and Barrett Reasoner
Suzanne and Robert Nimocks
Sylvanus Polky
Tiffany and Paul Needham
Toby Reiff
Cathryn and Doug Selman
Charlie Schwartzel
Christine Markham
Clare and Jim Doyle
Doreen and Jon P Fjeld-Hansen
Elizabeth H Crowell
Elizabeth John
Erica and Mark DiBella
James Hernandez
Jason and Priya James
Jennifer Del Tatto
Jenny and Jim Elkins Family Fund
Jill L Hoogendyk
Julia Guez and Elizabeth Ballard
Julie and Logan Browning
Karol and Daniel Musher
Kasia and David McCormick
Kate DeLoache
Lenox and John Reed
Lori Geiger
Louie Layrisson
Mary Beth Gracy
Mary Kay Casey
Matthew Winger
Megan Joseph
Michele and Brian Herod
Mr & Mrs Derek Hollingsworth
Mr & Mrs William Gregory
Mrs. Nancy P. Thompson
Ms Tarah Burris
Nikki and Alex Kamkar
Patrick Callahan
Phoebe and Bobby Tudor
Prathap Joseph
Ryan Malphurs
Selma and Kyle Lawrence
Sharon Chen
Sherene Flemmings
Shibani Shinde Patil
Susan K. Sclafani
Tatianna Yale
Walter A Baker
Whitney Hill
Yini and Dane Collette

We hope you enjoy this yearbook which reflects the remarkable progress we’ve made together. Each milestone we’ve reached this year is a testament to the collective commitment we share to ensure every child across Houston has access to an excellent education, regardless of their zip code or background.
We, the board chairs of TFA Houston, have chosen to dedicate our time to TFA and its mission because we strongly believe that education is the linchpin of all our efforts towards progress and growth in the region. Houston is a unique place, rich in culture and potential. It is also a city that faces significant challenges, especially in education. Yet, when we look at the progress we’ve made over the past year, we are filled with immense pride. We are not just addressing those challenges; we are reshaping the narrative for what is possible for our students. This is because of you our supporters, donors, educators, and community partners who continue to invest in the future of our children.
The strength of our community is our greatest asset. It is the force that drives us forward and fuels the dreams of the next generation. As we continue this journey, we are confident that, together, we will continue to empower our students to achieve great things.
On behalf of the Teach For America Houston Boardthank you for your partnership, your investment in us, and your belief in the future we are building together. We look forward to all we will accomplish in the year to come, together.
In partnership,
Ben Samuels & Farid Virani
Regional Advisory Board Chairs
Teach For America Houston
BenSamuels BoardCo-Chair Director,SamuelsFamilyFoundation CommunityLeader FormerCEO,VictoryPackaging
BoardCo-Chair Founder&CEO PrimeCommunications
JosephineSmith FoundingBoardChair CommunityLeader,FormerEducator
SachaAbinader ManagingDirector,Accenture
AndreaAlexander SeniorVicePresidentandChiefHuman ResourcesOffice,Coterra
DeborahCannon FormerPresident&CEO,HoustonZoo
GreggCosta Partner,Co-ChairoftheGlobalTrialPracticeGroup Gibson,Dunn,&Crutcher,LLP
PaulaDesRoches HealthcareConsultantandNursePractitioner, HoustonMethodist Associate,RiceUniversity
JamesHernandez OfCounsel,GreenbergTraurig,LLP
TommyInglesby ManagingDirector,Accenture
ChrisJohnson ManagingMember,Johnson&Lindley,LLC
CaitlinPickard VicePresident,InvestmentManagementDivision, GoldmanSachs&Co.
ColinPogge Shareholder,Daly&Black
Dr.RobertSatcher FacultyPhysician, MDAndersonCancerCenter
DougSelman CommunityLeader FormerVicePresident,ResearchandDevelopment ExxonMobilChemicalCompany
LoriSherman FormerPresident,SunCoastResources,Inc

recruit, develop, and empower corps members and alumni who are driving lasting change in public education across our community. As we look towards the next year, we remain focused on attracting top talent to our region while deepening our support for a growing alumni network that is dedicated to expanding opportunities for all students in our city.
We can do more together than we could ever do alone. We are deeply grateful for your continued partnership in our essential work!

www.instagram.com/tfahouston www.facebook.com/tfahouston