NEWS A Texas Team Ag Ed Publication
February 2016
Are You Making The Most Of Your Chances? Ray Pieniazek, East Central
For many agriscience teachers the spring semester is filled with numerous activities. Many of you have completed your county shows and have moved on to this year’s major livestock shows. You may be thinking, “How am I going to keep up with everything that is happening.” I often wonder how I have managed the hectic spring schedule throughout my years of teaching. It seems like every weekend there is an activity where I am with my FFA members. As I said in my article last month, I enjoy this time of year because I get to venture out on the road with the members who really want to be a part of what we offer. Encourage your students to take a chance and compete in one of the FFA’s many different career development events. Help them make the most of their chances by providing them the opportunity to learn and prepare for a contest. When we are out on the road I enjoy the chance to get to know the students. I get to see them outside of the classroom and learn some of their other traits and characteristics. So many students want to shine and make us proud. Don’t forget that! They want your praise and approval. If they
mess up in a contest, it is okay. Remember you are teaching them life lessons; whether that is during the contest or while traveling. Make it clear that it is okay to make mistakes and encourage them to learn from their error. I had a young man that had missed a practice and just this week he arrived late to another one. It was probably a good thing for him. I was able to run a longer practice and give him some one-on-one time. I asked him to explain why he placed a turkey carcass class the way he did. He said, “That one was bottom because it had the most blood on the floor.” This was a great opportunity for me to get him on track, he was quiet in practice, but I was able to get him to talk and tell me his reasoning directly. Sometimes students will not justify their decision in front of their peers. Remember these contests are to help our students to learn to make decisions based upon sound principles. Life usually gives us many different opportunities to make choices, but we should not leave it to chance to make the right decision. The Texas FFA Association has begun a constitutionally
mandated area realignment process. The committee has recommendations and now it is your turn to share your thoughts on how you think it looks. Please take advantage of this occasion to express your comments and concerns. This is your chance to share what you think about what is being proposed. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Good look this month in all that you do. Remember continue making the most of the chances you have to influence your students. You are a teacher first; don’t forget that. Every moment offers an opportunity.