Texas Dog Magazine | Spring 2019

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SPRING 2019 / VOL. 2/ ISSUE 1

Editor's Note Texas Dog Magazine started printing its first full editions on March 1, 2017, and for that edition, I wrote my first editor ?s note celebrating Ruekah?s ?Gotcha? Day. One year later I would like to celebrate my staff ?s ?Gotcha? Day. For the past year, our incredible magazine has served as a place that dog lovers can get important info, explore other amazing Texas dogs and organizations and most importantly ? have fun with their own pups! However, none of this would be possible without the efforts of the entire Texas Dog Magazine staff.

t exasdogm agazin e.com PUBLISHER Bookshelf Builders Press

EDITOR Nealie Sanchez editor@texasdogmagazine.com


Texas Dog Magazine is an amazing collaborative product brought to you by some of the finest ? University of North Texas Alumni, Dog Lovers and even Cat Lovers:


Linda Kessler, our lead designer and editor, created a mock edition of Texas Dog Magazine in January of 2016 and from there joined the team and led the design on each of our quarterly editions.

Alana Holt alanaTXDM@gmail.com

Tiffany Ditto, our senior staff writer, has through her time on staff decided to pursue a career in animal care. Her creative pieces have peppered in the perfect amount of fun and education for dog owners across Texas.

Linda Kessler lindaTXDM@gmail.com

Alana Holt, our staff photographer and writer, has created stunning cover photos, photo stories and most recently jumped in as a writer to create powerful and impactful pieces for dog lovers. This past year I have expanded my family by four paws with a Border Collie/Labrador Retriever Mix named Traeger, by four editions of our pawsome magazine and by thousands of dog lovers across Texas. Now? let?s do it all again, but better in 2019!


Tiffany Ditto tiffanyTXDM@gmail.com

222 E. Ren f r o St ., St e. 108 Bu r leson , TX 76028 Š2018 All rights reserved. Volume 1, Issue 2 No Part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher.

Barks, Nealie E. Sanchez

Founder & Editor



PAGE 12-13





Anniversary: Thoughts ... pg 06

Anniversary: Timeline ... pg 10-11

Pets' Perspective ... pg 07

Breed Focus ... pg 12-13

Advocates ... pg 08

Review: 'Dogs' ... pg 14 Cats vs Dogs ... pg 15 Guest: dogslife ... pg 16-18 Chasing Storms ... pg 20-21 Pet First Aid ... pg 22 Quiz: What Breed Are You ... pg 24


PAGE 20-21





Review: 'A Dog's Way Home' ... pg 25

Traveling with your Pet ... pg 36

Pet Anxiety ... pg 26

Puzzle: Anniversary Word Search ... pg 37

Dog of the Year ... pg 28

Guest: Ultimate Dog Mom ... pg 38

Recipe ... pg 29

Guest: Liv off Leash ... pg 41

Guest: French & I ... pg 30-32

Puptown Dog Events ... pg 42

Vets and their Dogs... pg 33

K9 Classifieds ... pg 43

Insta Puppies ... pg 34

From the cover: Jackson the Dalmatian is Texas Dog Magazine's Dog of the Year.

Texas Top Dog ... pg 35

copy edit or, and fur -Linda kessler, designer and mom t o Angel and Oscar

ing for TXDM had This year has flown by. Writ t ime and really life been an experience of a my dream of ing aliz re s ard helped push me t ow e all t he st aff t hat working wit h animals. I lov magazine come alive work hard t o make t his wait t o see what t can? every quart er, and I next year holds. er and fur mom t o -t iffany dit t o, st aff writ Riley

in so much dog fur or I have never been covered ad t han I have since b needed a lint roller so s a wonderful complaint ? it ut b , M D X T h working wit and met some wonderful h it w t o have. I have worked past year. I t has been pet owners and dogs t his images wit h t hese dogs e at cre o t fulfilling t o t ry ut I mean t hat in t he b and not hing ever goes right , as t he magazine, am uch s , I at h t l e fe best way. I phot ographer and r, e rit w a growing st ronger as ne e for t h xt assignment . art ist . And I can?t wait and writ er -alana holt , st aff phot og


Photo by Alana Holt.

been a year since we I can't believe it 's already Despit e being a cat st art ed t his furry journey. we've accomplished mom, I 'm so proud of what we've experienced. I and t he growt h and change es next ! can't wait t o see what com

z. Photo by Nealie Sanche

-Nealie Sanchez, Founder and fur mom t o Maokai, Ruekah and Traeger.

a. Photo by Katalina Auror

When Linda and I dreamed up t he first full physical copy of TXDM neit her of us t ruly knew what we were in for. The TXDM st aff, our creat ivit y and our love of animals has made our first year in publicat ion even more successful t han we could've ant icipat ed."

z. Photo by Nealie Sanche




Journal Entry 2

I?m t h e n ew sib lin g in t h e h o u se.

It ?s t h e w o r st t h in g I h ave ever

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Barkz, Tex

Meows, Oakie



DO N'T FO RGET TO FEED ME Texas Do g M agazin e m ad e a ch ar it ab le d o n at io n t o Do n ?t Fo r get t o Feed M e, a Fo r t Wo r t h Based n o n -p ro fit p et fo o d b an k d ed icat ed t o h elp in g p et p aren t s co n t in u e su p p o r t in g t h eir p et s t h ro u gh fin an cial st rain by p rovid in g fo o d fo r t h e an im al. Th e DF2FM m issio n is t o su p p ly p et fo o d t o lo cal agen cies in su p p o r t o f p et ow n er s. By p rovid in g p et fo o d fo r t h o se in n eed d u r in g ch allen gin g fin an cial t im es, DF2FM o ffer s an o p t io n t o su r ren d er in g ?

o r w o r se,

ab an d o n in g ? a fam ily p et . TXDM b elieves t h at t h e o r gan izat io n d eser ves t o b e reco gn ized b ecau se Do n ?t Fo r get t o Feed M e h elp s t o en su re t h at n o p et ow n er ever h as t o ch o o se b et w een st ay o r go . To d o n at e visit d o n t fo r get t o feed m e.o r g/ d o n at e-o n lin e.

-TXDM Staff







----------------------------------------------------------By: NEALIE SANCHEZ Editor In Chief ----------------------------------------------------------Thirteen U.S. states have nam ed a state dog, and Texas has nam ed the Blue Lacy. Brothers Frank, George, Edwin and Harry Lacy developed the Blue Lacy breed in the m id-1800s in Texas? Burnet County for the purpose of herding the cattle and hogs bred on their ranch. An act of necessity for these brothers in the 19th century led to years of history for this iconic working dog breed. The House Concurrent Resolution No. 108 states ?[...] like the Texas longhorn, the Blue Lacy is a Texas original [...]? and, with a final signature from Gov. Rick Perry on June 18, 2005, this docum ent proclaim ed the adoption of the Blue Lacy as the official State Dog Breed of Texas. Blue Lacys were used on Southwest ranches for around 100 years. According to 79(R) HCR 108, Blue Lacys have been said to be able to ?do the work of five cowboys? as they are ?energetic, fast, eager to work and easy to train and handle.? The hardworking breed was a staple on m ost ranches and farm s herding large and sm all anim als until working dogs becam e less com m onplace am ong ranches as tim e passed. The breed, better suited for working situations, nearly disappeared with this shift am ong ranchers spurring a m ovem ent to save the Blue Lacy in 1975. BREED CHARACTERISTICS Blue Lacys are said to be a m ix of Greyhound, Scent-Hound and Coyote Stock. The breed is officially


Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. recognized by the National Kennel Club, Continental Kennel Club, Universal Kennel International, Lacy Gam e Dog Registry, Texas Lacy Gam e Dog Association and Am erican Pet Registry, Inc. Fully grown Blue Lacys are 18-25 inches tall, weigh 30-50 pounds and are characterized by a sleek gray, red or tri-color coat. (However, the Blue Lacy can also have white chest or paw m arkings.) Regardless of their color, Blue Lacys all share a natural herding instinct and high intelligence, m aking them easy to train. The Blue Lacy?s working dog trait m akes it easy for these dogs to work everything from chickens to Texas Longhorn cattle, according to State Sym bols USA. Because of this, Lacys need to live on land with room to run and thrive in challenging roles on the ranch.

GROOM IN G Groom ing a Blue Lacy is relatively sim ple m aintenance. According to Vet Street, it is best to brush or com b the coat weekly to rem ove dead hair and distribute skin oils, and bathe as needed. Additionally, like m ost breeds the Blue Lacy require basic nail trim s every three to four weeks and standard toothbrushing for oral health. TEXAS TREASURE Texas? ranching roots, cowboy culture and true southern spirit are all reasons the Blue Lacy cam e to exist and continues to be. Whether you call them a Blue Lacy, Lacy Dog, Lacy Gam e Dog, Texas Blue Lacy or a Lacy Hog Dog ? they?ll com e when you call. There are several organizations dedicated to the preservation and rescue of Blue Lacys. Texas Dog M agazine encourages readers to contact official organizations about the adoption of Blue Lacys to ensure that their fam ily and hom e are an appropriate fit for this working breed.

Twitter: @NealieSanchez TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 13

Netflix screenshot.


Netf lix's ' Dogs' deser ves two paws up

-----------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer ------------------------------------

Dogs, the Netflix series, takes viewers on a journey through m any unique hum an-canine bonds around the world ? each one dem onstrating just what a huge im pact these furry friends have on our everyday lives. This six episode docuseries prem iered late last year and is a m ust watch for any dog lover. The series will take viewers on a roller coaster of em otions from happiness, sorrow, tranquility and m ost of all love. Viewers begin the journey with a young girl nam ed Corrine who longs to do everything other kids do, but is unable to because she has epilepsy. Throughout the episode, we see Corrine m eet Rory, a service dog

trained to detect seizures. As Corrine learns the challenges that com e with getting a service dog fresh out of training, Rory brings a new sense of hope and security to Corrine?s fam ily. Episode two tells the story of Zeus and his owner Ayham . We join Ayham in Germ any where he found asylum after leaving war torn Syria, but Ayham had to leave his dog Zeus behind. This episode m ay bring you to tears as you see the lengths Ayham will go to in order to be reunited with his beloved Zeus. Episode three shows the unique bond a fisherm an and his dog, Ice, share in Italy as they venture out every day in their boat to catch fresh fish for their restaurant. Taking a different approach, the fourth installm ent shows how Japanese groom ers Miki and Kenichi bring a passion and playfulness to their work turning the fur kids of Japan into style icons ? but a real challenge lurks


when the two groom ers prepare to com pete in an Am erican groom ing com petition. Episode five takes viewers to Costa Rica where Ă lvaro and Lya run a free-range dog shelter. The pack of hundreds of dogs running though the countryside looks like som ething from the Isle of Dogs m ovie. The 1200-plus dogs that live on Lya and Ă lvaro?s farm show their dedication to help anim als that would otherwise be hom eless and without care. Viewers finish off the series in New York City, where there are m ore dogs in the big apple than people in Cleveland, Oh. The episode tells the story of Anna and her passion for going on rescue m issions to unite dogs with a new loving owner. Anna drives from New York to Texas and drives dozens of dogs back to the city where they are m ore likely to be adopted. Each episode teaches it ?s own lesson on the bond that hum ans and dogs have forged over thousands of years as the series ultim ately proves that the love hum an kind has for dogs is som ething that spans across cultures and nations.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto


CATS VS. DOGS: WHAT REALLY MAKES THEM SO DIFFERENT? -------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------If there?s one thing that is a mystery to a die-hard dog lover it?s cats. They?re cute and fluffy just like some of our pups, but their personalities and needs couldn?t be more different.

FOOD It may seem odd to talk about food as a difference between cats and dogs because they?re both carnivores, right? Right. But, dogs are scavenging carnivores ? meaning they thrive by eating primarily meat, but can also survive if necessary by eating plants. Cats, on the other hand, are considered by scientists to be obligate carnivores ? meaning they need meat to survive. Because of this you may notice cat foods tend to have a higher protein concentration than most dog foods. Another difference is that cats tend to thrive by eating smaller more frequent meals, whereas you may only feed your dog once or twice a day.

COM PANIONSHIP It?s no secret that dogs are man?s best friends. The reason for this lies in their pack mentality. While the dogs we see today are far from their wolf ancestors, some of that pack mentality has been inherently passed down through their genetic lineage. As a pet parent, you take on the role of pack leader, and thus your dog aims to please you. Being a part of your dog?s pack also means that your dog often wants to be around you as much as possible. The ancestors of the common house cat, however, are solitary hunters (not big cats that live in prides). Due to this, cats are often okay with spending large amounts of time alone and can be left

to entertain their selves.

battle than dogs.

Both pets make great companions because even though cats are solitary creatures, everyone loves a good back rub and to snuggle sometimes.

Both animals can have a variety of heart diseases and thyroid issues ? cats tend to get hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) while dogs tend to have hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid).

ACTIVITIES & PLAY Both cats and dogs require stimulation from their environment, weather that?s taking your dog for a run or having your cat chase a laser pointer in your house. Not providing stimulation for your pet can lead to behavioral issues like scratching up furniture, or tearing up the contents of your trashcan.

M EDICAL ISSUES Both cats and dogs, like humans, are prone to a variety of medical issues. Dogs have to worry about many viruses like distemper, parvovirus, or bacterial infections like bordatella. Meanwhile, cats have to battle panleukopenia, feline leukemia virus (Felv), Feline infectious Peritonitis (FIP), and Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Thankfully there is a vaccine for all of these. But as far as common infectious viruses go, cats have more to

Cats and dogs are both prone to some orthopedic diseases but these tend to be more wide ranging and common is dogs. Be sure to take either pet to your veterinarian at least once a year for vaccines and a wellness exam to catch any illnesses or ailments your pet may have. At the end of the day there?s not one right or wrong pet. Obviously we favor dog?s here at Texas Dog Magazine, but there?s still plenty of room in our hearts for a cat or two. Tiffany Ditto is a veterinary nursing student in Texas. When she?s not studying or writing for TXDM, she enjoys spending time with her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Riley, and Tabby Cat, Lindsey.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto



RETURNING THEIRUNCONDITIONAL LOVE information about the applicant, such as his or her financial situation, as well as information about the dog?s medical history, cancer diagnosis, prognosis, treatment recommendation and quoted treatment plan cost. All applications received are reviewed and a determination of funding is made after obtaining all of the aforementioned required information. All photos courtesy of dogslife.

Once we have approved a grant, we try to alleviate additional stress on the part of the applicant by coordinating directly with the board-certified veterinary providers to arrange payment. We also give a small canine care package containing a few goodies to the family with the intention of raising the spirits of both the owner and dog.

In early 2016, Matt and Danielle Stone?s beloved dog, Maverick, was diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma at the young age of 6. Maverick?s cancer required surgery to remove the tumor, as well as several weeks of daily radiation treatments, all of which came at a significant financial cost. During Maverick?s treatment and throughout the rest of his happy and adventure-filled life, Matt often reflected on how incredibly blessed his family was to be in a financial position that enabled them to pay for the treatment that ultimately saved Maverick's life. In the course of this reflection, however, Matt also came to understand that many families simply do not have the means to get their precious dog the medical treatment they need due to the expensive nature of canine cancer care.

We have been truly touched by the support that dogslife has received. From our launch event on Oct. 3, 2018, through the end of this past year, we received approximately $140,000 in donations. This amazing generosity has enabled us to begin accepting applications and executing our mission! Below is the story of our first grant recipient, Sir Desmond, as told by his best friend and owner, Caitlyn Schmidt.

SIR DESM OND by Caitlin Schmidt, grant recipient

?Recognizing it?s unfair that any dog should suffer from this terrible disease or that a loving family should have to say goodbye to their loyal companion simply due to monetary constraints, Matt founded an organization to help families in need save their dog?s life. Save a dogslife, Inc. (?dogslife?) is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to remove the burden of having to make the impossible determination of the value of a dog's life after being diagnosed with cancer. The organization provides grants to dogs and their families for necessary cancer-specific treatment when they otherwise cannot afford it. dogslife uses donations to pay board-certified veterinary oncologists in North Texas for the cancer treatment of selected beneficiaries. We at dogslife want to ensure that we are awarding grants to individuals or families who are providing their dog a loving home and who truly do not have the financial resources available to afford critical cancer-treatment. Therefore, beneficiaries are selected through an application and interview process, which involves the applicant, the dog?s primary veterinarian and the treating veterinary oncologist. This process helps dogslife gather 16 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

?When my best friend Desmond got his heartbreaking osteosarcoma diagnosis, I honestly wasn?t sure where to start. The X-rays and initial consult for the diagnosis had already set me back $600 and having a mother who has worked in the industry for over 30 years, I knew that was just the beginning. When I got a general estimate over the phone for the amputation, the first step in an osteosarcoma patient?s treatment plan, I was overwhelmed as the cost of that alone

was more than I could afford. When the oncologist explained to me that if I only did the first step of the treatment I could hope for 4-5 months with my best friend, I knew I had to find a way to give him the full treatment option, so we could spend his last few years together in good health and happiness. I started searching for an alternative. I knew that no matter what, giving up on my Desmond wasn?t an option because, as we all know, dogs never give up on us. I heard about dogslife through one of the veterinarians at my local animal clinic, Katy Trail Animal Hospital, and decided that this could be my one shot to help save my best friend. I scheduled a consult at Animal Diagnostic Center to get a treatment plan together and a comprehensive quote, then filled out the application with dogslife. Within a day, I had heard back from the organization. I cannot really put into words what the phone call meant to me when I was told that dogslife was providing a grant to help pay for all the overages for Desmond?s treatment that I simply could not afford. There really are angels that walk among us and this organization has some of the best! Desmond had his amputation surgery and is doing amazing. We had a few complications with the surgery, including an infection at the surgical site, but dogslife was there every step of the way; Desmond got the treatment he needed. Soon after the infection was under control and Desmond had his sutures removed, he was running up and down the stairs like he had been before his initial diagnosis and we knew he was ready to start chemo. Desmond is about to undergo his third round of chemo and has three more ahead of him. Dr. Roof at Animal Diagnostic Clinic has been an angel for Desmond and me and has guided him through chemo with grace and ease. He absolutely loves going to see them and his energy levels are skyrocketing! Throughout all of the complications and the ups and downs, dogslife has kept in touch with me and offered words of encouragement and support. They were even so kind as to put together a care package of Desmond?s favorite things to help him through his battle. I can?t begin to thank dogslife and their generous supporters enough and I will do my very best to spread the same love and support I?ve received to others. This is an organization worth your time and donations! Thank you, dogslife.?

As a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) charity, dogslife is supported by donations. Your generous support and contribution will go directly to providing grants for the treatment of these cherished pups and will enable their families to have the opportunity to enjoy a dog?s unconditional love for years to come. To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit the donate page on our website at dogslife.org/donate. Saying goodbye to a dog is an incredibly painful experience and leaves a gaping hole in our hearts. Nothing can replace the amazing moments we had with these loving beings, however by giving an "in-memory" donation to dogslife, you are creating a tribute to your loyal companion as well as well as returning the unconditional love that dogs have shown each of us. We will include your dog?s name and picture, as well as a tribute statement to them on our memorial wall on our website.


To learn more about dogslife and canine cancer in general, or to sign-up for our newsletter, see what fundraising events we have coming up,or read updates on dogs we?ve helped, please visit dogslife.org or email us at contactus@dogslife.org. You can also find dogslife online at;

HOW YOU CAN HELP Six million dogs will be diagnosed with cancer in 2019 alone and treatment for canine cancer typically ranges from $4,000 to $8,000. To many, a dog is not simply a pet, it is part of the family. Unfortunately, many families must forego life-saving cancer treatment for their best friends due solely to the cost associated with treatment. dogslife gives families burdened by this reality somewhere to turn.

? Website: dogslife.org ? Email: contactus@dogslife.org ? Instagram: @saveadogslife ? Facebook: @dogslife.org

HELPING AND HEALING by Sandy Scoggins I lost my sweet Patch on May 30, 2018. He was diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma in 2017, and after 448 days of putting up a great fight I had to say, ?I will see you later.? For me, it?s never goodbye. The human-animal bond I had with Patch was extraordinary. I was most fortunate to provide him with the best veterinary care, and that was invaluable to me as TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 17

his caretaker. As I sat in the lobby at the cancer clinic over the course of 2 months, I saw many families come and go. Many simply couldn?t afford the cost of treatment for their pet. I can?t imagine being put in a position to decide the value of my pet?s life. Others didn?t love their pet any less than I loved Patch, they simply couldn?t afford to provide treatment.

more walk, one more car ride, one more meal of mine to share with him, one more kiss, time for acceptance and most importantly more time to let him know how much he changed my life. Patch taught me the simplicity of happiness; a new toy, a treat, a walk around the duck pond, or a hug ? if only we could be fulfilled by so little. Aside from my parents, he taught me more about life than any human can. Over the past few months, I felt compelled to do my part in honoring his memory. I was introduced to Matt Stone, founder of Save a dogslife (?dogslife?). He too had a similar experience as I and felt moved to do more. dogslife is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. I now sit as a board member of this wonderful organization whose mission is simple; we raise money to help families provide cancer treatment to their pet that otherwise would have to choose a different option due to financial limitations. We help families save their own ?Patch.?

Unfortunately for Patch, there was no cure. The only outcome for Patch and I was more time together. Time for one


A m essage f r om vet er in ar y beh avior con su lt an t Beh avior Vet s: Dog parks are a popular way to exercise and socialize dogs. but not every dog is suited for dog parks. By paying attention and recognizing your dog?s body language, you can be an advocate for your dog while helping to maintain a harmonious dog park environment.



Chasing St or ms

The advent ures of a boy and his dog -------------------------BY: ALANA HOLT Staff Photographer -------------------------To storm chasers, she?s good luck. To the Instagram world, she?s Joplin the Storm Chasing Dog. But to M ike M ezeul II, she?s his kid and partner in crim e who has adventured with him to 14 national parks, 10 states and two countries. M ezeul is a photographer known for his stunning landscape, cityscape and night sky photography. He has been chasing storm s for 18 years and Joplin joined him about three years ago. Joplin is seven-years-young and thought to be a Jack Russell/ English Pointer m ix. She?s a m edium -sized, white and brown pup who is wary around strangers, but once she?s com fortable around people she will clean their face off. And ironically, she doesn?t like m en in hats though her dad can often be found wearing one. Joplin is very m uch her father ?s daughter and can easily find herself getting distracted and doesn?t stay in one place for long, unless she?s entranced by belly rubs. And while M ezeul could spend all the m oney in the world on the best chew toy in existence, Joplin's favorite will always be the original chew toy ? the stick.

ROUGH START M ezeul adopted Joplin when she was six weeks old in 2012. He noticed she wasn?t eating and one of the first places he took her 20 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

TOP: Storm-chasing duo Mike Mezull II and Joplin have made it through thick and thin and are an inseparable pair. BOTTOM: Even after all the other toy?s Mike has bought her, Joplin?s favorite toy is still a stick. Photos by Alana Holt.

after the adoption was Chic-fil-A, but she showed no interest in the chicken nuggets he offered. Later that night, he noticed she wasn?t drinking, and she becam e ill, vom iting and suffering from diarrhea. ?I?ve seen this before,? M ezeul rem em bered thinking. ?She?s got Parvo.? He bounced around from vet to vet trying to find one that genuinely cared to help them and wouldn?t conclude with, ?Let ?s take her back and put her down.? M ike said, ?Screw that, we?re finding her a vet,? and he m anaged to find a helpful veterinarian in Denton where Joplin stayed for two weeks. Even though

she had to be quarantined because Parvo is highly contagious, M ezeul visited her every day. When after five days she couldn?t lift her head, he tried to prepare him self for the worst; but after 10 days she was well enough to com e ? though she?d contracted kennel cough for which she was treated and eventually recovered. ?So, she went through a little bit of a rough tim e at

the beginning, but now she?s com pletely healthy,? M ike said sm iling down at Joplin, who lay near his feet outside a Starbucks.

WHAT'S IN A N AM E In 2011, Joplin, M o. was hit by an EF-5 tornado with winds greater than 200 m ph. The twister caused 158 fatalities and injured m ore than 1,000 people, according to the National

LEFT & TOP RIGHT: The story of this storm-chasing duo is one of a boy and his dog and their interest and love of nature and storms. Photos by Alana Holt. BOTTOM RIGHT: Joplin poses in front of an EF-3 tornado south of Dodge City, Ks. Photo by Mike Mezeul II.

Weather Service. After the storm , M ezeul volunteered to help the people of Joplin recover. Joplin the Storm Chasing Dog didn?t yet have a nam e while she was just a sick pup and during that tim e, M ezeul had hoped against hope that she?d som ehow recover. ?It was am azing seeing the people in Joplin, M o. and how m uch hope they had after it was the deadliest tornado in news history,? M ezeul said. ?The am ount of hope that people had to just rebuild was inspiring. So, we nam ed her Joplin.?

STORM CHASERS The first tim e M ezeul decided to bring Joplin along on a storm chase he knew there was bad weather lurking in the Dallas area and he was too nervous to leave her hom e alone. He considered, ?What if I go chasing and a tornado hits m y place? What ?s she going to do?? And so their days of chasing began. On her first chase, M ezeul thought it would be the coolest thing to get a picture of Joplin with the storm . He becam e so

focused on the storm that day, however, that he forgot to get a picture of her and decided to bring her out on the next chase. ?What if I just took her out on every single one and tried to photograph her with different parts of the storm ,? he had wondered. This led him to storyboarding Joplin with tornadoes and storm s and writing out the potential shots in hopes of telling a story of her chasing tornadoes. It took him two years to do the series on her, which becam e The Dog Days of Chasing, and he intends to continue the series in the upcom ing storm y seasons. Around 2016, Joplin saw 13 tornadoes after every storm but three she chased turned into a tornado warning. To m any of M ezeul?s storm chasing buddies, she?s good luck because, as they say, she ?sniffs the tornadoes.? Joplin rides com fortably while her dad chases storm s and she loves hail. ?She?s fearless. Absolutely fearless,? he said of his furry storm chaser. But every decision he m akes while she?s there is with her safety in m ind

because ?she?s m y kid,? he explained. She always rides with a seatbelt that attaches to her harness and som etim es wears boots on hikes to protect her paws from the elem ents.

sleeping bag, but som etim e during the night she?d m ade her way into his sleeping bag, pressing up against him keeping them warm despite it being less than 10 degrees outside that night.

Storm chasing usually takes up m ost of the day or becom es an overnight event and he brings the proper am ount of food, water, doggy bags and boots for his kid. While he tries to bring her out for every storm chase, he does choose to leave her behind if the risk is too great.

M ezeul plans to continue his road trips and storm chasing with his kid and partner-in-crim e because she has a lot m ore of the world to see, m ore faces to clean and m ore sticks to chew.

FUR-VORITE M EM ORY M ezeul fondly recalled one trip they took together to Colorado in 2017. He?d converted the em pty space in the back of his Subaru into a bed and they spent a freezing cold night there.

If you want to keep up with her adventures, you can follow her on Instagram @joplinthestorm chasingdog or you can follow her dad @m ikem ezphoto. Additionally for m ore about the storm -chasing duo, visit m ikem ezphotography.com / blog/ 2018/ 6/ 14/ the-dog-day s-of chasing.

Twitter: @alana_holt

Joplin wore a jacket and they each had their own TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 21


WHENUHH-OHS TURNTOOH-NOS Arden Moore teaches pet owners first aid across D-FW -------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer --------------------------------------

But before Moore gets into any of these topics, she stresses that during an emergency situation you must remain calm.

It?s 11 p.m., long after your veterinary office has closed for the night, when all of the sudden your dog begins choking on a piece of kibble. The nearest veterinary emergency room is over a half hour away, so by the time you get there it would be too late. Do you know what to do in those first few critical moments to save your pet?

?In a pet first aid emergency, pets read your emotional state better than anyone else,? She says. ?Take a deep breath and get in the right mindset. During that time every minute may count and they need you to be confident.?

If you?re like many pet owners, this is not something you have thought about. After all, we don?t like to think about the worst happening. But, being a prepared owner can save pet lives, and that?s exactly what Arden Moore set out to do with her Pets First Aid 4 U training classes. ?Pet first aid involves all of your senses,? Moore says. ?We are that life saving bridge between the uhh-oh and the veterinary clinic.? With her home base in Dallas, Moore teaches her pet first aid skills at various locations around the metroplex (and sometimes in various locations across the nation). Moore teaches life-saving skills like how to perform CPR, rescue breathing, the Heimlich maneuver and other basic first aid skills ? all with a live cat and dog in the classroom.

During Moore?s 4.5 hour hands-on course students will get to practice finding a pulse and hone bandaging skills on her first aid safety cat Casey and safety instructing dog Kona. Moore also employs a canine CPR dummy and stuffed animals to practice skills on. Students will learn how to react during three main types of pet emergencies: (1) Pet has a heartbeat but isn?t breathing. (2) Pet doesn?t have a heartbeat and isn?t breathing. (3) General first aid for bleeding, bee stings, heatstroke, frostbite and more. Moore?s class teaches owners how to find a pulse in the animal?s femoral artery. When pets have a heartbeat but aren?t breathing, owners should begin rescue breathing. During this time your pet is often unconscious from head trauma, drowning or electrical shock.

Another type of emergency occurs when your pet isn?t breathing and doesn?t have a heartbeat. In these types of emergencies, it?s important to begin CPR immediately. During CPR and rescue breathing, Moore says to have your vet on speakerphone so you can alert them that you will be on the way soon. She stresses that these life saving measures shouldn?t be a substitute for veterinary care and you should always follow up with your veterinarian Pet first aid instructing dog Kona pretends to be passed out after any traumatic event. while Arden Moore demonstrates how to find a pulse using The the femoral artery. Photo by Tiffany Ditto. 22 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM





emergency Moore touches base on is general first aid for bleeding, bee stings, heatstroke, frostbite and various other situations. Moore shows students how to properly bandage wounds, apply splints for broken bones and be a ?pet detective? so you know what signs to look for when your pet could have gotten into poison, is hypothermic or is having a heat stroke. ?Spider bites can often look like abscesses,? Moore says. ?You have to pay attention and be pet detectives.? Even though your dog may not be happy about your lifesaving measures, especially when applying splints or pressure on a wound, Moore says ?never say you?re sorry? for doing what needs to be done to save a life. ApologizIng can cause your pet to lose confidence in you, and ultimately make the experience even more difficult. Over the eight years Moore has been teaching the course she has collaborated with veterinarians, pet trainers, behaviorists and veterinary nurses so the content is accurate and delivered in a lively way that holds the interest of participants. At the end of the course, participants receive a certificate certifying them in pet first aid and CPR for two years. ?I try to bring out the best in pets and people,? Moore said. ?I feel like there is a big knitch that is not being met, and this course does that.? Moore's recommendations for your pet first aid kit include: gauze pads and rolls, tweezers, blunt-end scissors, oral syringes, styptic Powder, a muzzle and a quick read rectal thermometer ?Make a habit of checking your pet first aid supply kit when you change your clocks during the year,? Moore says. To register for one of Moore?s classes visit www.petfirstaid4u.com

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto




A DOG'S WAY HOME "... a family-friendly adventure that tugs at your heartstrings."

----------------------------------------------------BY: ALANA HOLT Staff Photographer ----------------------------------------------------Based on the book of the same title by W. Bruce Cameron, A Dog?s Way Home, shows the long and distant journey of a dog named Bella who was rescued and loved by her family in Denver, Co. Bella was deemed a Pitbull mix and due to a Denver city ordinance her family decided it was safer for her to stay with friends temporarily. However, Bella wanted to go home and be with her human, Lucas. During the course of the film, Bella travels hundreds of miles searching for home, along the way meeting dogs, Colorado wildlife and humans across all walks of life. Some days she clings to nothing but hope to put one paw in front of the other to find her way home. Told from Bella?s point of view, A Dog?s Way Home is a family-friendly adventure that tugs at your heartstrings. The movie also features beautiful moments showcasing the powerful bond between veterans suffering from PTSD, or other struggles, and the comfort of a dog. Additionally, it brings attention to breed-specific canine legislation and the difficult separation, possible dangers, and even potential euthanasia that come with it. It?s a wonderful watch for dog lovers, families, or anyone craving movie theatre popcorn with a light-hearted film. And all can rest easy knowing no animals were ever in danger in the making of the film.

Twitter: @alana_holt

A Dog?s Way Home (2019) St ar r in g: Ashely Judd, Jonah Hauer-King, Alexandra Shipp, Bryce Dallas Howard and Shelby the dog. Dir ect or : Charles Martin Smith



Understanding and Treating Pet Anxiety -----------------------------------BY: ALANA HOLT Staff Photographer -----------------------------------Do gs get an xiet y, t o o . A 2018 st u d y by Th u n d er Wo r ks fo u n d t h at 80 p ercen t o f d o g- an d cat -ow n in g fam ilies h ave seen sign s o f so m e fo r m o f an xiet y in t h eir p et . Lo u d n o ises, su ch as t h u n d er o r firew o r ks, an d sep arat io n are t h e m o st co m m o n cau ses o f an xiet y in p et s. Travelin g, b ein g aro u n d o t h er an im als, an d crat es are am o n g o t h er cau ses o f p et an xiet ies. It is im p o r t an t t o reco gn ize sign s o f an xiet y in yo u r d o g so t h at yo u can u n d er st an d yo u r p et an d fin d a w ay t o su ccessfu lly co m fo r t t h em . Acco rd in g t o t h e Am er ican Ken n el Clu b , sym p t o m s o f an xiet y in clu d e: aggressio n , u sin g t h e b at h ro o m in the h o u se, d ro o lin g, p an t in g, d est r u ct ive b eh avio r , d ep ressio n , excessive b ar kin g, p acin g an d rep et it ive b eh avio r . Th ere are also sym p t o m s o f an xiet y t h at can o ft en be m isin t er p ret ed at so m et h in g else su ch as co n st an t yaw n in g, lickin g t h eir lip s, o r in cessan t ly w aggin g t h eir t ale. Rover b lo gger Heat h er Lo gu e su ggest s p u zzle t oys, lo n g-last in g ch ew s, a crat e (d ep en d in g o n t h e d o g an d t h e am o u n t o f crat e t rain in g t h ey?ve h ad ), a co m fy b ed an d p o sit ive rein fo rcem en t t o h elp co m fo r t yo u r d o g an d p reven t fu r t h er an xiet y. Bu t a so lu t io n t h at seem s m o st reco m m en d ed is t h e Th u n d er Sh ir t by Th u n d er Wo r ks, w h ich w rap s aro u n d yo u r d o g's, o r even cat ?s, t o r so an d p rovid es a calm in g p ressu re. Reyn a Ro b les h as a 3-year -o ld Yo r kie n am ed Sailo r Baylo r . Sh e an d h er p u p m oved fro m Texas t o Kan sas. Ro b les?s fam ily resid es in Texas, so w h en it cam e t im e t o visit , 26 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

Three-year old Yorkie Sailor Bayor's travel anxiety has been eased thanks to the ThunderShirt his human, Reyna Robles bought. Photo by Reyna Robles. sh e?d lo ad u p Sailo r Baylo r fo r t h e 9-h o u r d r ive. Sh e n o t iced t h at h e h ad t ravel an xiet y b ecau se h e w o u ld sh ake u n co n t ro llab ly, t r y t o p ace in h is crat e an d even t h row u p in t h e car aft er ab o u t an h o u r . Ro b les b o u gh t Sailo r a Th u n d er Sh ir t fro m t h u n d er sh ir t .co m an d h is sh akin g sign ifican t ly d ecreased . Aft er t h e seco n d t r ip t h ey m ad e w it h h im w ear in g it , h e st o p p ed t h row in g u p . ?Aft er ab o u t five t r ip s, w h en I n o t iced h e w as d o in g m u ch b et t er in t h em , I t r ied let t in g h im r id e w it h o u t it an d h e d o es great n ow ? h e sleep s t h e w h o le t im e,? Ro b les said . Th u n d er Wo r ks also p rovid es o t h er so lu t io n s su ch as calm in g ch ew s, cap s, an d aro m at h erapy. An d t h ere?s an ap p fo r t h at ? Train Aw ay, fo u n d ed by Kevin Hen r y an d Kr is Law so n in 2018, is a m o b ile ap p fo r An d ro id an d iPh o n e u ser s t h at let s p et ow n er s p lay t r igger in g so u n d s fo r t h eir d o g at safe, low vo lu m es. Train Aw ay w as d esign ed

t o d esen sit ize p et s fro m n o ises t h at t r igger t h eir an xiet y w it h over 100 p ro fessio n ally or self-reco rd ed so u n d s, su ch as d o o r b ells, t h u n d er o r firew o r ks, in a sem i-ran d o m p at t er n , acco rd in g t o Pet PR. Th e fo u n d er s are cu r ren t ly w o r kin g o n a fu n ct io n so t h at p et ow n er s can co n n ect it t o a t reat d isp en ser . If yo u ?ve n o t iced yo u r p et m ay h ave an xiet y, t h ese are ju st a h an d fu l o f p o t en t ial so lu t io n s t o h elp calm t h em an d aren ?t n ecessar ily a o n e size fit s all b ecau se o u r p et s all h ave u n iq u e p er so n alit ies. Fo r m o re in fo r m at io n t o keep yo u r fu r fam ily safe an d relaxed d u r in g an y sit u at io n , p lease visit t h e fo llow in g w eb sit es: rover .co m / b lo g/ w h at -can -i-give-d o gfo r -an xiet y/ t h u n d er sh ir t .co m akc.o r g/ exp er t -ad vice/ h ealt h / t reat in g -d o g-an xiet y/ et

Twitter: @alana_holt


2018 TexasTop Dogs

JACKSON THE DALMATIAN Texas Dog Magazine is proud to announce Jackson the Dalmatian is the 2019 Texas Dog of the Year. This spotted 2-year-old pup?s name is in honor of pop singer Michael Jackson and his song Black or White, according to his paw-rents. Jackson is a pup about town in Houston who loves making human and fur fur-iends. He attends paw-ties and wears the latest fashions which he shares with all of his friends on his Instagram account @Jackson_The_Dalmatian.

All photos courtesy of their respective humans.

This spotted prince was selected by our staff as our first ever Texas Top Dog and holds a special place in the hearts of TXDM staffers as first ever Texas Top Dog and Texas Dog of the Year!


His paw-sonality and friendliness make him an excellent Texas Dog of the Year, but the pups he competed with are equally as charming and sweet! Jackson was voted Texas Dog of the Year 2019 in a social media like-off amongst our other Texas Top Dogs including Houston (@houstonthedog_), Suspense (@suspensethebc) and Dawson (@thebarkblogger). If you or your dog would like to enter to win Texas Dog of the Year please submit your pup for Dog of the Month (see our ad on page 40).





"An easy doggie cake made with only a handful of




ingredients and perfect for celebrating your


15 TO 20


pup's birthday!" - A word from the cook.






THE FRENCH & I Our story begins with an ending. In 2016 I found m yself com ing out of a 10-year m arriage, the com pany I had been with for the better part of a decade was m erging and the departm ent I ran was going away. The m ost im portant and influential person in m y life passed away, m y dear M am a Zoila. On top of everything going on, m y health took a turn for the worse, which led to heart issues. I sold m y house, m oved into a one-bedroom apartm ent, and for the first tim e, I felt com pletely alone. It was just m e and four walls, and I felt as if I couldn?t breathe and the walls were caving in on m e. You see, I am a U.S Veteran and even though m y ex-wife always told m e I suffered from PTSD (post-traum atic stress disorder), I always brushed it off and told her she was crazy. It wasn?t until she wasn?t in the picture that I realized what she did for m e to live a norm al life. She would go into restaurants and ask the hostess to sit us in a particular spot in the restaurant, we avoided large crowds or would get VIP passes to events to ensure I wasn?t in a place or position where I would start to shake and grow anxious. But in Septem ber of 2016, m y support system wasn?t there anym ore, and m y world was dark, and thoughts of suicide started to consum e m e. The confident m an that I once was had vanished. To the outside world, everything isn?t what it always seem s. I went to the VA (Departm ent of Veterans Affairs) to see m y prim ary physician, per usual they ask about m y m ental state if I?ve had any dark thoughts and as always I said no. This tim e around I said yes, and the first thing they tried to do was for m e to see a counselor, and per usual they prescribed m edicine. Sleeping pills, 30 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

am ong other m eds. However, I am a deathly afraid of taking m edicine as I relate them to m y father who had Lupus and him taking so m uch m edicine that I correlate it as a bad thing. I left the VA outpatient clinic and found m yself even m ore confused. M y previous outlet for destressing had always been cooking. It rem inded m e of m y M am a Zoila and how she always m ade everything better with her food. M y love for cooking had vanished, everything I once enjoyed wasn?t anything I cared to do. As I sat in m y apartm ent staring outside the living room window, I started reflecting on m y life. I rem em bered the tim e m y father brought hom e two puppies, one for m e and the other for m y younger sister Jill. I rem em ber how happy I was, and how Spikey used to follow m e around, and how great everything seem ed with him in m y life. I went online, and found an ad for French Bulldogs for sale. I reached out to the person who posted the ad, and two puppies were still available. I first inquired about the fem ale puppy, but for som e reason, the m ale caught m y eye once I saw additional pictures and video. I arranged for an in-person m eet-and-greet with M rs. Johnson, then two days later I drove to College Station and m et M rs. Johnson at the Chipotle parking lot across from Texas A&M . THERE I M ET THE PUPPY THAT WOULD CHAN GE M Y LIFE Out of a Cadillac Escalade cam e out the m ost beautiful Frenchie in the world. One look from the puppy and I felt a rush of em otions that just brightened up m y world. I was so happy that I couldn?t contain m yself, and the look the puppy gave m e just m elted m y heart. I signed all the

paperwork, said thank you, and off we left back to Austin. On our two hour drive back hom e, I called out a few nam es to see which ones the puppy would respond to, M axim us I called out, no response. Napoleon, I shouted, nothing. I said Zeus, and he im m ediately looked at m e. From that m om ent he would be known as Zeus Wayne Hern. He left his bed on the passenger seat, cam e over to m y lap, looked up and gave m e the greatest sm ile ever. AT THAT M OM EN T, I WAS REBORN Zeus Wayne changed m y life, all of the negativity went away. For the first tim e in m y life, I felt unconditional love, and I found joy once again. I was like a child, I was sm iling again and I found m yself wanting to do just about anything to m ake m y son Zeus happy. I started taking him everywhere with m e, even to places where they don?t allow pets, but for som e reason, no one would enforce their rules. Everyone would flock to pet him , even push the cart for m e so that they could play with Zeus.

Zeus s av ed me when I needed a her o t he mos t At dog parks, we m et a lot of great people, we joined dog groups on Facebook and went to dog-friendly events. At alm ost every place we went to, I noticed m ost dogs wearing the sam e things. Finding clothes, or accessories started to becom e difficult as Zeus grew. To m e, Zeus was a one in a m illion. Therefore I wanted som ething different, so I began attem pting to m ake bandanas. I

rem em ber m y first over the collar bandana I m ade, the stitching was horrible. After several attem pts and long nights I had a few acceptable pieces, and I started having Zeus wear them . He was a natural with the cam era just like Derek Zoolander he too has a signature gaze sim ilar to ?Blue Steel.? Receiving positive feedback, I started m aking m ore and m ore bandanas and took a crack at m aking shirts. I found joy out of m aking things for Zeus to wear and fell in love with m y new hobby that included him in it. It just being the two of us, ?The French & I? was born. He is the French and m e; I?m the I. Our little brand was born. After a year of learning to sew, screenprinting, website building, several rebrandings and focusing on what we want to produce, we finally filed paperwork to becom e The French & I. The learning never stops, m aking sure we stay focused is difficult at tim es and learning to take constructive criticism has taken tim e. Now it ?s som ething we love; we want people?s feedback, after all, it ?s the only way we will becom e better. Zeus has been a blessing to m e, as I was shutting down and closing m yself off he bust open the doors to life. We have m et tons of great people, including m y girlfriend Lisa and her wonderful fam ily. Deep in our

roots, we are ?The French & I? except now it ?s m ore like The French & Us as we now have a second Frenchie nam ed Athena Hern. In August of 2018, we did our first event ? the Austin Pet Expo. We learned a lot from that event and m et other great entrepreneurs. We received a ton of feedback, learned about who we are, what we want to be and what we don?t want to do. Several events later our product line has grown. Never content, I took sewing classes at Kim Tailor &

Cleaners in Pflugerville and learned how to use com m ercial sewing m achines. M s. Kim sold us our first industrial sewing m achine for pennies on the dollar, teaching m e a valuable lesson ? it isn?t always about m aking m oney but helping those around us to lift one another. The Dynam ic Duo as I refer to Zeus & I is now m ore than just the two of us. Our tribe has grown, and now we?ve form ed a fam ily. One of the m ost difficult things of being with an entrepreneur are the long days, the longer nights, and the never-ending weekends. Finding som eone who can understand the lifestyle is difficult, but Zeus and I hit the jackpot! We have an excellent support system that goes beyond Lisa, it includes her fam ily ? and thanks to them The French & I grew from a one-bedroom apartm ent utilizing a livingroom / workshop com bo into a full-fledged workshop. Her father Carlos and her brother-in-law, who we all call Tata, drove up to Austin and, over a few weekends, we turned a blank canvas into what we call ?The Shop.?

Fo r t h e f i r s t t i me i n my l i f e , I f e l t u n c o n d i t i o n al l o v e , an d I f o u n d j o y o n c e ag ai n .

What separates us from m ost brands out there is that everything we produce is m ade in-house. There is no overseas or drop shipping, this U.S veteran?s two hands m ake everything. We take pride in utilizing U.S sourced m aterials, TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 31

All photos courtesy of the French & I.

working with other sm all businesses and forging relationships with our vendors. We are investing in our infrastructure to keep up with our vision to m ake m y son Zeus?icon a recognizable brand. We are a sm all com pany but we?re based out of the heart of Texas, and in Texas, everything is bigger, including our passion and will to be the best.


We love participating in events and m eeting folks who love their pets as m uch as we love ours. Zeus saved m e when I needed a hero the m ost. It is because of the purpose he gave m e that I have been able to m eet such wonderful sm all business owners who have welcom ed us with open arm s. In seeing how they operate, their feedback it has allowed us to im prove and see things from a different perspective. I rem em ber Courtney Em ken from Dog Boy?s Dog Ranch in Pflugerville suggested we go away from iron-on labels. Nate & Blake from Rogue Pet Science suggested different venues and groups for us to be vendors at other events. Jillian Dretzka from Work & Woof is always opening her doors for us and m aking room for us at her events. Leah Thom as from Pawsom e Dog Delivery treats m aking tim e to accom m odate our last m inute orders for us to pass out her am azing treats to our furry friends. Kathy from kathyphantastic is always supportive and helps with shoutouts on social m edia. Chris from Legacy Lazer has been instrum ental at figuring stuff out from our bandana tem plates to our custom sign at ?The Shop? to our retail hooks. Beba Rossi from Luna y Sol Co. is am azingly talented and created our custom ?Icon? Pinata, takes am azing pics of our pups and pupsits for us at her chihuahua ranch. You see, to m e Zeus and Athena are m ore than just dogs. They are m y children, m y inspiration, m y

heroes. They have been better than any pill m y doctors could have prescribed to m e. When we m ake som ething that we sew our label on, it isn?t just another SKU ? it is a product that we are proud of. Our hands physically took fabric, webbing, thread, etc. and created som ething out of love. To see one of our products on a sm iling furbaby is why we do what we do.

DEEP I N OUR ROOTS, WE ARE 'THE FRENCH AND I ' We?ve com e a long way from our first Brother sewing m achine, but our goal has always been the sam e. We want to m ake quality products utilizing the best m aterials we can find, down to the thread. Every product has to be som ething that we would wear so the patterns and colors are all carefully chosen. We know we don?t want to be like everyone else, after all, it ?s m y son Zeus that inspired our brand. Today, Athena is the face of our brand at m ost of the events we vend at, Zeus prefers to be at hom e chewing on his leather toys or hanging out at the Chihuahua ranch with Beba?s two beautiful daughters. He m akes appearances at events that are shorter in length and closer to hom e. His trainers tell us he is in his teenage years, which of course m akes us laugh. So if you ever see us, stop by and say hello give us a chance we prom ise you?ll love the quality of our products. We stand behind our products; we want to play a part in showing everyone that a quality product m ade out of U.S com ponents can be m ade in the U.S. at an affordable price. The French & I was inspired by a French Bulldog named Zeus, made for all dogs to enjoy by a U.S Veteran


The bond between veterans and their Service Dogs A new study conducted by the Purdue University College of Veterinary Science has validated the commonly-held belief that veterans with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) have unusually strong bonds with their Service Dogs, a news release announced. The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science, also found that Service Dogs and Rescue Dogs trained to be Service Dogs enjoy working and show no signs that being a "working dog" lowers their enthusiasm for life. After analyzing online surveys of 111 mostly-male veterans about in-home training methods, PTSD severity, Service Dog behavior and the human-animal bond, researchers found positive outcomes and a stronger human-animal bond with the use of positive training methods at home. "These latest results reinforce the evidence that our Service Dogs are exceptional at helping veterans heal from and overcome PTSD," said Rory Diamond, CEO of K9s For Warriors, a national provider of Service Dogs to veterans. "The intense bond shared between our warrior-canine pairs is something every dog lover can understand, but what we've just found is that the bond far exceeds that of a pet relationship. This underlines what we've said all along, that the dog and veteran rescue each other." The surveyed veterans were participants from K9s For Warriors veterans, who attended a 3-week placement class featuring a set of standardized training and dog

handling instructions. The analysts found that the average human-animal bond between veteran and Service Dog was 5.8 (on a 7-point scale) while dog owners typically score less than 4 on the same scale with their pets. The study says this finding spotlights the

importance of service dogs in veterans' lives. "This study brings attention to the importance of everyday interactions that occur between military veterans and their service dogs," said Megan LaFollette, M.S. and Ph.D. candidate in Animal Science at Purdue.

"Particularly, the finding that veterans using higher levels of positive reinforcement felt closer to their dogs reiterates the value of connections that form as veterans are involved in training their service dogs." Veterans reported using reward-, correction-, dominance- and bond-based trainings at least once a month; and the study found that higher use of reward- or bond-based training was associated with more positive outcomes, compared to higher use of correction-based training was associated with more negative outcomes. Results showed PTSD severity was not associated with the veteran-dog bond nor any behavioral outcomes in service dogs, dispelling concerns of if bonding is more difficult in severe PTSD cases, and whether dogs are only able to aid a certain level of the disorder. "This important study brings us one step closer to scientifically proving that service dogs are an effective therapeutic intervention for veterans diagnosed with PTSD," Merrick Pet Care CEO Tim Simonds said. "Through our partnership with K9s For Warriors, we've witnessed the healing power of pairing rescued service dogs with veterans struggling with PTSD and are passionate about supporting this research to help increase political and financial support for this type of treatment." Learn more k9sforwarriors.org MerrickGivesBack.com.

at and


#TEXASPUPPIES OF INSTA This edition coincides with National Puppy Day in March, so all the #TexasDogsofInsta are puppies!



Nam e: Tipsy Breed: Miniature Dachshund Age: 7 months Favor it e Treat : Frozen fruits and veggies Favor it e Toy: Small squeaky tennis balls Bio: Big personality in a tiny body! Tipsy resides in Alvarado with her feline brother Stripes (who she constantly terrorizes). Loves EVERY hooman she meets and if you talk high pitched she excited pees. Cuddle bug once she?s exhausted, but level 11 any other time. Photo courtesy of Tipsy's human. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 35


TRAVELING WITH FURRY FRIENDS In its most recent study, travel company Upgraded Points revealed the top 10 most pet-friendly airports in the U.S. and found that the number of pet-friendly airports is growing. For pet parents who frequently travel with their furbabies, finding airport terminals with proper accommodations can be chaotic and stressful. According to Upgraded Points, federal regulations in the Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel mandate require every airport that serves over 10,000 passengers a year "provide convenient, indoor, wheelchair-accessible pet-relief areas for service animals that accompany those passengers who are connecting, arriving, or departing on flights.? Upgraded Points' study evaluated these airports and their facilities. Rather than pat airports who do the bare minimum on the back, the study awarded points for those that went above and beyond regulations, a news release detailed. For example, airports are mandated to offer service animal relief stations, however, going above and beyond would be

extending those stations to law enforcement dogs, emotional support animals, transit pets, etc. Additionally, the quantity and quality of these areas and amenities ? such as fully-fenced areas, available water fountains and on-site boarding and daycare facilities ? played into points awarded as well. "From Denver to JFK, there were many outstanding airports featured in our article. Though required by law, many airports choose to offer services beyond what is necessary," said Upgraded Points founder Alex Miller. "They go out of their way to accommodate not just necessary service animals, but also beloved pets of all types." Three Texas airports make the top 10, including Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS), which took sixth; Dallas Love Field Airport (DAL), which took eighth; and Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport (DFW), which took 10th. AUS has a landscaped and lighted ?Dog Walk? with a pet drinking fountain, dog waste bags and trash bins in pre-security, as well as a post-security pet relief area. Upgraded Points also found that AUS brings in therapy dogs every quarter to interact with travelers. Finally, Bark and Zoom pet boarding features outdoor play yards and dogs-only swimming pools. At DAL, there's a large pet park at the end of baggage claim on the upper level, as well as smaller pet relief areas on the lower level and within terminals. DFW features four pet relief areas inside security, as well as multiple areas outside entry doors on the lower level. Additionally, for those who need pet care, Paradise 4 Paws pet resort is located outside


security near the airport and is open 24 hours. While it's encouraging to see more pet-friendly efforts being made at airports across the U.S., the study also found over 75 airports which scored a 0. So there's certainly room for improvement. More on the airport study as well as a list of tips for airport travel with your furry friend can be found at upgradedpoints.com/most-pet-friendlyairports-in-the-us. AIRLINE SAFETY In a survey of more than 350 people conducted by The GO Group, 58 percent of people felt airlines should make it safer if they require any animal ? service, emotional support or pet ? to ride in cargo. GO Group is the nation?s largest airport transportation provider. Almost 55 percent of those polled said only certified service animals should be allowed in cabins, a news release detailed, while 45 percent added that emotional support animals should also be permitted. Additionally, most everyone in the poll found that traveling with pets on airlines is confusing as each airline has its own rules, policies and forms, all changing all the time. ?It is understandable that people have concerns about potential challenges of allowing animals in cabin areas,? GO Group?s Jason McCarthy said in the release. ?However, people also understand the dangers of animals traveling in cargo. Most surveyed agreed a fee should be charged for non-service animals, however 39 percent said these fees should be lower than they currently are, with one respondent noting it cost more for her to bring her small, crated dog who rode under her seat than it cost for her own seat. Almost half of all respondents said cabins should have designated spaces for those traveling with their pets to aid passengers with allergies. Let us know how you feel about traveling with pets and pet safety at the airport by emailing editor@texasdogmagazine.com or commenting on our social media!

-TXDM Staff




All photos courtesy of Long Bois & the House Hippos.


You know how when you take a dog for a walk, and he isn?t quite running, but is very adamantly encouraging you to go in one particular direction? Nose to the ground, not exactly pulling, but there?s no slack on the lead, either? When I was first asked to write an op-ed about what it means to be the Ultimate Dog Mom, that is what happened. My mind took a beeline for what seemed like the clearest route. Obviously, I would write about our rise to becoming Facebook famous all because of our five dogs. Right? I sat down and pounded out a 2,000-word essay like the over enthused pup that knows where he wants to go but is really going nowhere fast. I wrote about where I started ? just a drug addict that was saved by God?s grace and mercy, and how I came to be a Stay-at-Home Dog Mom to two Great Danes, Jack and Lotto, and three Pitties, Sally, Kilo and Kain. But it was junk. Much like the walk I described earlier, that?s how the piece felt. It very clearly, matter of factly and without much emotion, walked you through the process of how I became successful enough to quit my job as a Financial Analyst and became what I assumed was the Ultimate Dog Mom, all because I found a way to stay home with them 38 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

instead of ?working for the man.? It wasn?t terrible, but it wasn?t enjoyable either. It got the reader from point A to point B. But to be completely honest, it made me feel the same way I would if one of the dogs pooped on a walk and I forgot to bring a bag to pick it up; nonchalantly walking away hoping no one saw our faux pas. So I stepped back, and like a scent dog on a trail, while I could smell it, I knew I needed to adjust my course if I ever wanted to find it. Stressing to meet the deadline, and to no avail, I kept asking myself, ?What makes you the Ultimate Dog Mom?? I just couldn?t seem to put my finger on it. That is, until two of our pups got out of the backyard when a windstorm blew open our six-foot privacy fence gate. As I was running up and down the street in the pitch black, wearing only pajamas and uggs, no coat, seeing only the dark sky and white snow, I thought to myself, ?How could I possibly be the Ultimate Dog Mom if I allowed two of our dogs to go strolling the neighborhood?!? But that?s just it. The Ultimate Dog Mom is a lot of things, but the one thing she isn?t, is perfect. The Ultimate Dog Mom? She loves, not just fiercely, but without apology. She makes the tough decisions and follows through even when it's hard.

Sometimes she stays up late to clean up after a sick puppy then gets up early because well, let?s be honest, dogs can?t tell time. Sometimes she can?t handle listening to one more whiny bark, so she goes to bed before the rest of the house. She can?t go to the bathroom alone. She can?t go anywhere in the house alone. There is always an audience, always a boo-boo that needs kissed, a game of Bitey Face that needs calmed down, and the questions, ?Can I help you?? and, ?Why are you the way that you are?? come out of her mouth more often than she cares to admit. She finally finds that one dog hair that?s been poking her boob all day, and praising God, pulls it out of her bra, only to realize there is a hole in her sock from a game of puppy tug of war. Cursing her dogs, she says, ?You are why we can?t have nice things.? Almost immediately followed by feelings of guilt and shame, hugs and kisses, ?I?m sorry and I don?t mean that!? The Ultimate Dog Mom? She makes mistakes. The Ultimate Dog Mom does the jobs no one else wants to do. Not only does she host the Peanut Butter Parties, but she feeds and bathes, trims nails and grooms. She keeps track of medication and appointments. She wipes paws and washes bedding, sweeps and vacuums. She has the patience of a saint and even when that patience gets away from her at times, she is quick to rectify. She knows that dogs may not necessarily understand the words, ?I?m sorry,? but she says them anyway because they absolutely understand the feeling behind ?I?m sorry.? She?s late for work because she gives out kisses and says ?I love you?in abundance. She takes hundreds of photos trying to get the perfect shot. She gets overwhelmed during the day and sneaks to the bathroom to look at pictures and watch videos of her sweet pups that are just waiting for her to get home. She gets home from work, tired as can be, but still has time to hug each and every single wiggly body looking up at her.

The Ultimate Dog Mom often makes it look easy, taking care of dogs, family, a household and a job. With a few minutes to spare before guests arrive, she frantically wipes up the last of the slobber that landed on the walls after her dog drank from the toilet, dribbled down the hall and shook his body from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. While everyone else sits, she frets; making sure the couches have been vacuumed, stepping over dogs to ensure the floors are swept, and the air fresheners changed. Often as she?s cleaning, she wonders if she?s really the Ultimate Dog Mom, or if she just has the Ultimate Dogs, you know, since they get to sit and watch her from the couch as she picks up after them. She shakes her head and sometimes even thoughts of, ?Oh, how easy my life would be without all these dogs to take care of!? sneaks into her mind like a pup sneaks into the trash. But, we all know it?s a lie. In the same breath, she?s talking about a dog she saw on Facebook that needs a home and how that home just might be hers. Frequently, it physically pains her to look at her dogs. The amount of love coursing through her veins when her eyes meet theirs, makes her feel, quite literally, like her heart could burst. She is open-minded and willing to listen to how others raise their dogs without fear that any way but her own is wrong. She?s capable of researching and finding out what works best for HER family and even when others put her down for doing just that, she goes on. She is a staunch protector of her dogs, her babies. She gives them a voice, and is not only an ambassador for her dog, but also for humankind. She makes the rules and doles out the discipline but never turns away a kiss. She might get frustrated with her pack, feelings of failure wash over her, but she doesn?t ever give up. All it takes is one look at her dog, staring soulfully and full of unconditional love, to get back up and be the woman her dog thinks she is. The Ultimate Dog Mom? We can all be her. It?s not a title that only one woman can achieve at a time like ?Best In Show? at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The Ultimate Dog Mom is a woman that strives for better. It?s not about how much money you spend, the designer collars they wear, the brand of food they eat, or even how many followers you have. Kind of like being that scent dog, you start out with an idea of where you want to go, but by the

end of it, you?ve made some sharp turns and loops, gone through brush and stepped over (or in) piles of poop. It may not be a straight line, or even the direction you thought you?d go, but no one will ever travel the same exact path again. It?s your journey; only you get to decide if you?re ready to be the Ultimate Dog Mom. So, I say all that to say this; being the Ultimate Dog Mom is my purpose in life. Since the beginning, my daily goal has been to make someone laugh, give someone hope and change someone?s mind about dogs. They are such emotionally intellectual beings and I feel they don?t get enough credit for just how in tune with humans they truly are. Jack, Sally, Kilo, Kain and Lotto are my heart. Some days, just knowing that they need me, that no one can take care of them better than I can, keeps me clean. I feel that it is my calling to give dogs and addicts alike, a voice. No pun intended, but I want to give a voice to the underdogs. If you want to experience more of the Ultimate Dog Mom Life, check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/dogsandotherunsolicited advice and see more about Long Bois and the House Hippos.

Katelyn Hoglund, The Ultimate Dog Mom



It's not my career, it's my lifestyle There are several reasons as to why I love dog training, but the most rewarding reason has always been to keep pets in a happy home with their fur-ever-family. I am happy to help bridge the gap of misunderstanding between pet and pet parent while simultaneously introducing boundaries and a fun outlook on training. My goal has always been to use a balanced method of training, with a focus on positive reinforcement and leadership skills that leave fur-babies without chance of being re-homed or put back into a shelter. Training for me is not just a job, or even a career, it is my lifestyle. I continuously advocate for the need of every dog to be trained, even if they are at-home companion animals. Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exertion. I tell all my clients that their fur-babies need a balanced dose of ?Chuck-E-Cheese time? which is outside play, and inside zoomies, as well as ?piano lessons?, which come in the form of walks and structured drilling sequences.

with Border Collie, and the first dog I had as my own responsibility. She is the inspiration for wanting to branch off from PetCo last year, and has played the vital role of assistant with socialization classes, and as an aid for reactive dogs. I believe it is vital for all pet parents to have a deep, positive connection with all handlers in home, and especially so for families with younger children. I gear all my training sessions to each specific dog and their family?s needs. By coming into the clients? home and getting a clear-cut look into the dog?s day-to-day routine, I can more quickly help establish order and ween out any unwanted behaviors. Subtle behavior modification, aggression rehabilitation, and basic obedience are just a few of the areas of focus that I specialize in. My business aims to help those who might not have access to in facility training and need a schedule that is a little more flexible.

In 2015, I was blessed with Cheyenne, my Great Pyrenees mixed

Liv Off Leash prides itself in superior customer service and quick,

noticeable results. My service area revolves around Nevada, Farmersville, Wylie, Murphy, and Sachse. After training in a corporate setting for one year and owning my own business for a year come Feb. 1, 2019, I could never imagine another path for my life to take. From puppies, to seniors, to one dog households, to full pack households, no situation is too far out of my comfort zone. In the next several years I do have several plans for pet-friendly venues, resembling those of Mutts Cantina and K9 Cinema. My dream is to live in a world where socially behaved dogs will be more widely accepted into places that their pet parents like to frequent. My main focus is to show people how much of a difference training and socialization can make in a dogs? health and overall happiness, and by allowing ourselves to fulfill their needs, they will fulfill ours.

Olivia Craft, Liv Off Leash TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 41

PUPTOWN DOG EVENTS MARCH TAKE A HOMELESS DOG ON A HIKE Homeless dogs need socializing and exercise too! Join the Friends of Cleburne State Park and Cleburne Animal Shelter to help give the shelter dogs and puppies some time outside, provide positive experiences with people and hopefully get adopted. Donations for the shelter will be accepted in lieu of entrance fees. Examples: dog food, blankets, toys, leashes, etc. For more information visit facebook.com/events/820205238317457. Sat. March 2 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cleburne State Park, 5800 Park Road 21, Cleburne.


at tinyurl.com/yct7a2kh.

The Mighty Texas Dog Walk is Service Dogs, Inc.'s largest fundraiser of the year to help SDI continue to provide Service Dogs and training free of charge. Enjoy food and music to celebrate the 20th annual event, High School Reunion and Service Dogs, Inc. For more information, visit classy.org/event/mighty-texas-dog-walk.

Sat. April 6 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Greenville SportsPark, Leo Hackney Blvd., Greenville.

Sat. March 23 from 8-11:30 a.m. at the Austin American-Statesman, 305 S. Congress Ave., Austin. 12TH ANNUAL WIENER DOG RACES The 12th annual wiener dog races will be held in between the live thoroughbred racing! Register online at shrp.com/ events/detail/live-thoroughbred-racing-65.

DOG RODEO This FREE event is great for all ages. Bring your dog on a leash for some canine capers, contests and costume walk. Activities include dog training tips, agility trials and a small dog race. Registration is at 10 a.m., competitions begin at 10:30 and awards at 11:45. For more informaiton, visit parksonline.nbtexas.org. Sat. March 9 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Fischer Park, 1935 Hilltop Summit Road, New Branfels. SERVICE DOG, DEMONSTRATION


Sat. March 30 from 7-10 p.m. at Sam Houston Race Park, 7575 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. W., Houston. DOG-FRIENDLY MOVIE MATINEE Bring your canine best friend to watch a PG-13 movie on the big screen about man's first best friend. Movie synopsis: In the prehistoric past, a young man struggles to return home after being separated from his tribe during a buffalo hunt. He finds a similarly lost wolf companion and starts a friendship that would change humanity.


A full day of traditional country music and dancing, barbecue cook off, horse clinics, songwriter showcase and more. Learn dog training techniques from Service Dogs, Inc., which Service Dogs, Inc. transforms dogs abandoned to animal shelters or otherwise in need of homes into lifelines for people living with hearing loss or mobility challenges. Sat. March 9 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Best Little Cowboy Gathering in Texas, POB 763, La Grange. PET PARADE AND COSTUME CONTEST

Sun. March 31 from 2-4 p.m. at Pflugerville Library, 1008 W. Pfluger St., Pflugerville.

APRIL 8TH ANNUAL APRIL SHOWERS DOG WASH AND FAMILY DAY The main attraction of this FREE event is a dog-washing station, but there will be plenty of pet-friendly vendors, free nail clipping and ear cleanings, a 50/50 raffle and door prizes. For humans, there will be beer and food specials, a photo booth, bounce house, and other entertainment.

Homemade dog treats will be available, while their owners enjoy complimentary refreshments. The Humane Society will also be on-hand in case you'd like to adopt a pet yourself! It's going to be a memorable afternoon of fun and laughter for pet lovers.

Sun. April 14 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Friends of the Phoenix, 1915 Westheimer, Houston.

Thurs. March 21 from 4-5:30 p.m. at HarborChase of Southlake, 700 E. SH 114, Southlake.

This family-friendly event includes a timed 5K and 1-mile fun run/walk, games, vendors, food, pet costume contest, pet talent show, weenie dog races, and more. Register online



CRITICAL BARK: SOCIAL DOG WALK Dress your dog and yourself up, wear costumes, bring music, whatever you want! Join Heroly on their monthly 45-minute walk with their pups starting at 8th Wonder Brewery, going through downtown Houston and ending at Truck Yard. Sun. April 14 from noon to 4 p.m. at 8th Wonder Brewery, 2202 Dallas St, Houston.

MAY WAGS & WINE Living Love Animal Rescue Marble Falls will be at the winery with adoptable dogs and information about the organization, as well as ways attendees can help their cause. Patrons will be able to help simply by drinking wine because a portion of the day?s sales will be donated to the rescue. Come to meet sweet dogs and donate to a local organization, all while drinking award-winning Texas wine! Sat. May 4 from 1-6 p.m. at Torr Na Lochs, 7055 W. SH 29, Burnet. 2019 DALLAS PET EXPO Four-legged friends can receive "spa treatments" from local groomers, sample delicious treats, and try on the latest in furry fashions, all while their humans enjoy interacting with top trainers and learning pet-care tips from animal welfare organizations. For more information, visit petexpos.ticketleap.com/dallas-pet-expo2019. Sat. May 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sun. May 19 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Dallas Market Center, 2100 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas. DOG BOWL AT THE COTTON BOWL Friends of Fair Park hosts Dog Bowl at the Cotton Bowl. Spoil your four-legged fur ball with an afternoon of doggy delights inside Fair Park?s Cotton Bowl Stadium. Dallas? most historic football field transforms into a super-sized dog park for canines of all sizes to romp and run unleashed! This event is FREE to attend. Sun. May 5 from 1-5 p.m. at the Cotton Bowl, 3750 The Midway, Dallas.

K9 CLASSIFIEDS GROOMI NG ---------------------------------------------

Houston, TX






Happy K9 Self-Serve Dog Wash & Grooming


6501 Camp Bowie Blvd B

Howl N Woof

Fort Worth, TX

10010 Manchaca Road, Ste. C


Austin, TX



Modern Paw Furniture www.modernpawfurniture.com 817-789-5677

Houston, TX

www.pawprostx.com 469-585-3192

www.hotshotdoggrooming.com 281-849-7999

The French & I Pete and Mac?s Pet Resort www.petemac.com

www.waggthedogtrain-r.com 505-322-1552

Paw Pros


Hot Shot Dog Grooming

Wagg the Dog Trainer

TREATS ---------------------------------------------

Noah?s Bark www.buynoahsbark.com

www.thefrenchandi.com 512-662-6100


Simba?s Barkery www.thebarkerydfw.com

Salty Dog Wash 1902 Avenue N. Galveston, TX www.saltydogwash.com 409-923-9100

Toothacres Pet Care Center 1639 Parker Road Carrollton, TX www.toothacres.com 972-492-3711




Bones & Bacon Pet Resort

Daisy And Dog Barktique

911 W. Commerce St.


Dallas, TX


Daisy?s Dog House 712 Fairview St.


Toothacres Pet Crematory & Cemetery

Three Dog Bakery

1639 Parker Road


Carrollton, TX


Plano, TX



www.bonesandbaconpetresort .com 469-726-2722

RAI NBOW BRI DGE ---------------------------------------------

Geaux Fideaux www.geauxfideaux.com


WELLNESS ---------------------------------------------

TRAI NI NG ---------------------------------------------

On 4 Legs Wellness www.on4legs.com

Liv Off Leash


Nevada, TX www.facebook.com/livoffleash (214) 793-1084

Pet Tech

MC K9 Training




H ippie Houndz



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