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forth no matter what the totalitarian nations made up of religion&s and dictators may do to the physical body of the various members of the temple company, or to their material possession, the enemy cannot put the anointed out of the temple or break up their spiritual unity in Christ Jesus their Head. He who is The “Faithful and True” Servant of the Most High will defend those who are with him. The vicious acts of the enemy toward Jehovah’s witnesses increase constantly. Such vicious acts of violence are incited by the clergy or leaders amongst the religionists, and it is to be expected that such acts of opposition and violence will increase until Armageddon. The Scriptures show that, immediately before Armageddon begins, the Devil’s host will, by Gog, the field marshal of Satan, come against all those who are on the side of Jehovah in an effort to destroy those faithful to the Lord and that such horde of wicked ones will not succeed in their efforts, but, on the contrary, Christ will gain the victory over them,-Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. RESISTANCE

Shall the people of Jehovah God resist with force the efforts of Satan’s agents to prevent the forward work of proclaiming the message of the kingdom1 If that question is answered in the affirmative, how can such course of action be harmonized with the scriptures which follow : “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds”? (2 Corinthians 10 : 4) Religionists, particularly the Roman Catholic Hier-

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