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ing them the right way. (Psalm 119 : 105 ; John 17: 17) God’s Word of truth must be the guide of all who will now find the right way and escape the impending disaster. “God is light, and in him [there] is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1: 5) “Light is sown for the righteous,” (Psalm 97 : 11) That means that one must seek righteousness in order to see and appreciate and benefit from the light of God’s Word. The enemies of God walk on in darkness, and Satan, the chief one of the devils or demons, is deceiving them and leading them in darkness. All the demons associated with the 13cvil are in darkness and all are workers of iniquity or wickedness. They all work against Jehovah God and against those who serve him. Mark, then, the means employed by the workers of intijuity to keep mankind in the darkness and away from God. The purpose of the ‘Ilcvil and his agents in keeping men blind to the truth is to bring about the destruction of mankind. BABYLON

Within a short time after the flood I’lnbylon was organized, with Nimrod as the earthly dictator. (Gcncsis 10: S-11) That was the first human government organized. From the l3abylon governments of earth, past stem all political arrd present, have sprung. Even though the original city of Babylon has disappcarcd, all governments on the earth bear the name of their mother, “Babylon,” and the Devil and his associate demons have exercised and continue to exercise inllucilce, power and control over such governments. The organization of Babylon by

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