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Joel 1:s

dom opposed, and the three ruling elements above mentioned have brought themselves into their present condition by an overindulgence of Satan’s new wine. Following the World War, and after the religious leaders walked straightway into the political camp, the three elements aforementioned began to function together more completely and at that time there was much hilarity amongst them. The religionists then regarded that as the time ripe for them to join up witb their allies, the political and commercial giants, and rule the earth in the place and stead of God’s kingdom under Christ Jesus. They became noisy and loud, and their merriment was due to the exhilaration of the new wine of Babylon produced by Satan for them. For centuries religionists have endeavored, as they have frequently stated, to bring the world into the church, but in modern times the religious organization called “the Christian religion” and “church” have walked right into the political, worldly camp, and have all gotten beastly drunk on the new wine of the “vine of the earth”. Their boisterous hilarity was of short duration. And why? The Lord, by his prophet, answers the question : “For it is cut off from [their] mouth.” Instead of hilarity they begin to howl, as God has stated in this prophecy. What interrupted the felicitations of the would-be rulers of the earth? The answer is, Jehovah’s “strange work”. But how? Jehovah has sent forth his people, whom he has taken out of the nations as a people for his name, and these at Jehovah’s command proclaim the name

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