All in good time

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With great joy and appreciation, I express my heartfelt gratitude to the wonderful storyteller, my beloved mother Danijela Pendic, for conjuring up this enchanting tale. I also extend my gratitude to my dear father and sister for treasuring this tale and keeping its magic alive through the years. To my friends who helped me and special thanks to Aisling who with her writing magic translated this story.

May this tale continue to fill hearts with joy and wonder, and remind us of the boundless imagination that lies within us all.


This hand-drawn coloring book is not just any coloring book, it's an interactive and educational experience that takes you on a journey with a little bunny who learns important life lessons along the way.

The coloring pages are designed to spark imagination and encourage individuality by allowing you to create your own unique designs and patterns. Say goodbye to the fear of blank paper and hello to a world of magic where you can bring your own colorful universe to life. And when you finished, your completed coloring masterpiece will be a cherished keepsake that you can share with someone special or give as a personalized gift.

Coloring is not only fun, but it's also a great way to improve your creativity, focus, and mindfulness. Whether you're a kid or an adult, coloring is a fantastic way to express yourself and let your imagination run wild, free of judgments. Plus, coloring is a great family activity that promotes bonding and communication. So gather the family, break out the colored pencils, and get ready for a fun and learning adventure. Let this coloring book bring you and your loved ones together as you learn, play, and create together. Don't miss out on the endless benefits that coloring can provide for both kids and adults alike.

Somewhere, in a far-off land, where the city sounds and sights are miles away, there is a magical forest where the birds chirp their song of joy, and the sunbeams dance through the tree's leaves, casting a warm glow on the path below. It's where a family of adorable bunnies found their home.

One sunny morning, the alarm clock rang…

While the little bunnies were washing and dressing, getting ready for the school, and wiping the sleep from their little eyes, meanwhile Mum and Dad bunnies were making a delicious breakfast. They gobbled up the feast that was on the table, and now with their tummies nice and full, they were ready to start the day

Excited for the school day, Big Brother and Sister Bunny rushed through the door, However, Littlest Bunny was not so thrilled. He followed them down the path, dragging his schoolbag behind.

Upon leaving Mama Bunny called after them, „Straight to school, children, and be home before darkness falls!“

On the way to school, the forest called out to the mischievous little bunny.

He was drawn to the tremendous, tall trees with their sweet-smelling leaves, the elegant flowers, and the buzzing bees.

In the distance, he noticed a garden that he’d never seen before, and even though the breakfast table had been full, his eyes widened with excitement. He could only think about the delicious vegetables that he would find there. Suddenly his tummy started to rumble.

Today was project day in school and, caught up in all the excitement, the older bunnies chattered all the way down the path and didn’t notice that their little brother had fallen behind.

In the garden, he excitedly hop hop hopped to the carrots. He hop hop hopped to the cabbages and he hop hop hopped to the turnips

He ate and ate and ate until his button popped off and as soon as he flopped down into the bed of spinach, he fell fast asleep. Suddenly the farmer appeared and said : „Oi. Where are my veggies?“

Little bunny snapped out of his slumber and came face to face with the furious farmer. He turned around and darted as fast as he could around the corner and right through the open door of a big wooden shed.

The shed was quite dark inside and seemed like a good place to hide.

He burrowed under an upturned basket and thought: „Here I will be safe for a while“

But at that very moment, the farmer's big cat jumped on the top and decided to take a nap.

It was now that he realized he was trapped

As the arms of the clock ticked by, he began to reflect. (Oh boy) he had loved the carrots and he had loved the cabbages. He had enjoyed his adventure in the magical forest too. But all he could think about now was how wise his parent's words were. And how warm were his mother’s arms.

Suddenly he saw the cat’s sharp claws stretching out of her black furry paws. She was finally waking up. He could hear her sniffing around for a snack. He froze and thought…

„Oh, carrots! I hope this cat is a vegetarian.“

The cat’s whiskers twitched,

She spotted something moving on a shelf and pounced.

This was little bunny’s moment.

Quick as a bolt of lightning, he dashed out of the basket and disappeared into the depths of the forest.The night was already coming to say goodbye to the day but the last light of the sun would light little bunny’s way.

‘"Yoohoo! I’m going home! i hope i don't get my ears pulled" -he shouted.

Just then...

He heard a voice... Through the crooked trees, a pair of big eyes watched.

Suddenly, they swooped down to stop him in his path.

He turned to go the other way but a quivering bush stood in his path. Out popped an orange tail. And from the corner of his eye, he saw something slither down from a nearby branch.

Are you scared of the dark? Magpie mocked.

The little bunny was really scared now and fled as fast as his little feet would take him, battling through the high grass which was now coated in dew.

The family began to worry and were about to go to look for him …when...

Little bunny appeared, Panting for breath, Holding a fresh bouquet of flowers...

Exhausted, but thankful to be home with mamma and pappa, and big brother and sister bunny, little one promised that he wouldn’t wander from the path again. He realized :

"Even though the carrots might look juicier the other way, it might not always be the best path to take. Down that road, danger might wait.

It’s important to listen to mamma and pappa, they know which paths are safe,

They know when it’s time to go to school and when it’s time to play,

There will be plenty more adventures so we don’t have to stray.

We’ve got the whole of our lives, not just today. ….All in good time"

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