Flowers& - May 2015

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Flowers& MAY 2015 $5.50

Get inspired! How to showcase special flowers with daring designs Pg 30

Get informed! Read about the latest in fresh-flower quality & style Pg 58


contents MAY 2015

features 26

A Peaceful Passion Explore “Latin Passion” at this year’s World Flower Council gathering, June 24-29 in Cali, Colombia.


East Meets West Cut flowers from Japan are winning avid fans in Western markets. Text and photography by Bruce Wright


High-Fashion Flowers Spark up your design portfolio with select, distinctive blooms. Floral design by Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, PFCI, CAFA Photography by Ron Derhacopian


The Cutting Edge Tips and trends for savvy fresh-flower buyers. 2 MAY 2015

pg 31

ON THE COVER Three exclusive varieties of Japanese sweet peas are combined here for a dramatic mix of hues and patterns: purple Shikibu and wine-pink Beni Shikibu mingle happily with speckled, chocolate-brown Shire Ripple. For more designs by Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, PFCI, CAFA that make the most of distinctive, high-fashion flowers, turn to pages 30-49.


departments 8

Focus on Design Designing with Succulents By Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI


pg 10

Design Tech A Hand-Tied Bouquet; A Leaf Collar By Cindy Tole


Flower Tales Anthuriums by Tom Bowling AIFD, PFCI


Fresh Focus Gloriosa By Bruce Wright


Shop Profile The Flower Nook, Salina, Kansas By Anne Bergman


What’s in Store


Advertiser Links


Industry Events


Where to Buy


Wholesaler Connection

pg98 pg

Flowers& Volume 36, Number 5 (ISSN 0199-4751). Published monthly by Teleflora, 11444 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064, 800-321-2665, fax 310-966-3610. Subscription rates: U.S., 1 year, $66.00. Canada, 1 year, $90.00 (US currency only); Canadian GST registration number R127851293. Other foreign countries, 1 year, $102.00 (US currency only). Single issues, $5.50 each prepaid. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, Calif., and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Flowers&, PO Box 16029, North Hollywood, CA 91615-9871. Copyright © 2015 by Teleflora. Printed in U.S.A.

4 MAY 2015

pg 14

pg 18

Flowers& Publisher Editor Art Director

Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI Bruce Wright Tony Fox

National Advertising Director

Peter Lymbertos

U.S. Subscriptions


Foreign Subscriptions




On the Internet

ADVISORY BOARD Teleflora Education Specialists Susan Ayala AIFD, PFCI, Loma Linda, Calif., Tom Bowling AIFD, PFCI, Syndicate Sales, Fairfield, Ohio, Tim Farrell AIFD, AAF, PFCI, Farrell’s Florist, Drexel Hill, Penn., Jim Ganger AIFD, Kansas City, Mo., Hitomi Gilliam Dallas, Texas, John Hosek


Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Bob Hampton



Surroundings Events and Floral, Verona,

Wisc., Alex Jackson AIFD, AAF, PFCI, Veldkamp’s Flowers, Lakewood, Colo., Vonda LaFever AIFD, PFCI,

Niceville, Fla., Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD, AAF, PFCI, AzMF, Designer Destination,

Tucson, Ariz., Helen Miller AIFD, CF, CAFA, Flowers and Such, Adrian, Mich., Darla Pawlak AIFD, PFCI,

Essexville, Mich., Julie Poeltler


Julie’s Fountain of Flowers,

Lone Tree, Iowa, Jerome Raska AIFD, AAF, PFCI, CF, Blumz by JR Designs, Ferndale, Mich.,

Tom Simmons AIFD, CCF, Three Bunch Palms Productions, Palm Springs, Calif., Gerard Toh AIFD, CCF,

Garden Trade Services, Sherman Oaks, Calif., Cindy Tole, Botanica Flowers &

Gifts, Greensboro, N.C., Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, PFCI, CAFA, Mukwonago, Wisc.

EDITORIAL COUNCIL Marie Ackerman AIFD, AAF, PFCI, Teleflora, Oklahoma City, Okla., Carol J. Caggiano AIFD, PFCI, A.

Caggiano, Inc., Jeffersonton, Va., Bert Ford AIFD, PFCI, Ford Flower Co., Salem, N.H.,

Wilton Hardy


JWH Design and Consultant, West Palm Beach, Fla.,

Elizabeth Seiji AIFD, Edelweiss Flower Boutique, Santa Monica, Calif.

Customer service: For service on your magazine subscription, including change of address, please write to Flowers&, P.O. Box 16029, No. Hollywood, CA 91615-9871, enclosing a recent address label. For faster service, call 818-286-3128; Teleflora members call 800-421-2815.


Only at Wm. F. Puckett can you ďŹ nd Gilded, Frosted and White Mist Floral Foliages to accent your designs

For product information, see Where to Buy, page 67.

See this


Click Here


MAY 2015 9

design tech

how to make a spiral hand-tied bouquet The key lies in preparing the stems (next page) and keeping a loose grip. Shooting for a particular price point, you can first subtract your labor, then—if you know your prices—choose flowers and foliage for cost.



Basic design techniques from Cindy Tole

Photography by Ron Derhacopian






6 12

1. Prepare stems by removing everything (leaves, thorns, nubs) below the point that will become the binding point. More than half the stem should be stripped smooth. Above this point, also remove any excess foliage or damaged leaves or petals. To include short-stemmed flowers like individual cymbidium blooms, add taped wire stems. 2. If right-handed, hold the stems in your left hand. Add stems one by one, all in the same way: head to the left, stem to the right. If you use roses, begin with the heavier, stiffest stems, saving softer and more flexible stems for the outside. 3. Keep a loose grip, not a death hold. As long as you do, you can add a surprising number of stems to the bundle in any order without turning it. The spiral construction makes it possible to pull stems in and out, twisting the flower faces in the desired direction. You can even add, for example, roses to the bundle first, alstroemeria second, and have the roses surround the alstroemeria. As the stem bundle gets larger, however, most designers like to turn it in their hand occasionally. Turning also makes it easier to add and balance larger flowers with thicker stems, like ginger or hydrangea. As it gets bigger, hold the bundle with your whole hand, versus thumb and forefinger. 4. With all or most of the stems in your hand, shape the bouquet—pulling stems in and out, adjusting position until you have an evenly rounded, well-balanced bouquet. 5. Here, orchids on wire stems were added last, after the initial shaping. They’re added from the top but still fit into the spiral pattern. 6. Foliage stems are normally added last, as a collar. Here the stem bundle is bound with a non-adhesive banding tape (Milton Adler Atlantic Brand FloraBandŽ Tape): peel the outer plastic off and the tape stretches and sticks to itself. Cutting the stems, start from outside and angle in so the stems on the inside are slightly shorter. Cut wire stems shorter still. Finally, add decorative wrapping over the binding. b

design tech


Basic design techniques from Cindy Tole

Photography by Ron Derhacopian

how to make a collar of wired leaves Wired leaves give a more controlled, tailored look to the collar for a handtied bouquet. They’re especially nice for smaller bouquets, like a posy for the mother of the bride, allowing you to use fewer leaves, keeping proportion with the bouquet, and still get a uniform, complete collar that supports the outer flowers. This technique works with any kind of hardy leaf.







1. To create a wire and tape stem, you need leaves with a part of the natural stem remaining. Use 24gauge wire—strong enough to support softer flowers at the edge of the bouquet. Insert the wire so it enters and exits the leaf on either side of the center vein, a third to halfway up the leaf. Let the wires emerge on the topside of the leaf: the finished collar will show only the tips, and the wire will just barely show on the underside. 2. Hold the wired spot with your thumb and draw the two sides of the wire down with the other hand. Wrap one of the wires around the other and around the natural stem. Twist it tightly a few times at the base of the leaf, then more loosely before pulling it down next to the other wire. 3. Add floral tape to the doublewire stem. 4. Add the wired leaves to the stem bundle before finishing it off. b

f lower tales

Stories and fun facts to share with customers about their favorite flowers


Floral design by Tom Bowling AIFD, PFCI

Photography by Ron Derhacopian

anthurium In The Meaning of Flowers: Myth, Language

and Lore, authors Gretchen Scoble and Ann Field describe anthuriums as “both comic and impressive”—much like a certain anatomical feature they may be thought to resemble. We refer, of course, to the tail, which gives the genus Anthurium its name, from Greek anthos, “flower” and oura, “tail.” The anthurium, then, is the “tail flower.” Among its common names, “flamingo flower” and “painted tongue” both evoke the bright red color we associate with “classic” anthuriums. Another is “heart of Hawaii,” a name that beautifully describes not only the shape of the anthurium spathe (sometimes upside-down) and itsits


traditional color, but also its stature as an

flower is actually not a flower, but a bract,

plant until the spike has partly matured and

iconic flower for the Hawaiian Islands.

or modified leaf—which helps to account

the stem has had time to grow thick and

for its long life in the vase. The bright and

strong for maximum vase life.

Although native to Colombia, anthuriums first became known to the general

shiny spathe serves to attract pollinators

public of mainland North America during

to the real, botanical flowers, which are

what every designer must do in working

the second world war, when U.S. military

tiny (only about an eighth of an inch in

with anthuriums: pay attention to the direc-

personnel based in Hawaii sent the flow-

diameter) and arrayed along the spadix—

tion in which the spadixes are pointing,

ers and plants home to sweethearts and

the spike that protrudes from the spathe.

since they create strong lines that can

family. Today, of course, anthuriums come

The flowers begin blooming at the base of

endow your design with a feeling of energy

in a wide-ranging, high-fashion palette of

the spadix and progress upward, giving the

and motion. Here, all of the spadixes point

colors, thanks in good part to research in

spike a rougher texture as the inflorescence

away from the center. The peach, red, and

the breeding of new varieties undertaken at

matures. Indeed, it’s a good sign if the spa-

green anthuriums are grouped for stronger

the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

In this month’s design, Tom has done

dix has a rough texture for at least a quarter

color impact, and the sense of lively move-

In talking about anthuriums with cus-

and as much as three-quarters of the way

ment is emphasized by the placement of

tomers, you will get extra credit for knowing

up. If it is shiny, that means the stem was

bent, variegated hala leaves, held in place

that the colorful part we think of as the

harvested too soon; it should be left on the

with UGlu. b


fresh focus

Text and photography by Bruce Wright

Sturdy and stylish, Japanese imports are giving a boost to gloriosa glamour.


ave you noticed? Gloriosa, one of the most distinctive flowers available to florists and designers, is on the rise. One reason could be the very qualities that make it hard for supermarkets and mass-market bouquet makers to handle gloriosa: with its hanging heads of recurving, wavy-edged petals, this flower requires special handling and space around the bloom to be appreciated. It’s a flower that requires a professional designer’s talent and expertise to really shine. Conversely, when gloriosa is featured in a floral design, it says to the public, “This is the work of a professional.”

HANGING TALL Enormously tall, gloriosa from Japan are almost always shipped and sold as multi-flowered vines, with a standard length for top-grade gloriosa of 90 centimeters (about 35 inches). Special orders can be filled for stems that are over one meter (more than 39 inches). The vines, though sturdy, are not strong enough to grow this tall without support (in nature, gloriosa vines grow upward by clinging with leafy tendrils to other plants). The support system used by Japanese growers involves clipping the vines to hanging strips of cloth or other supports. The clips must be moved along as the vines grow, and the clinging tendrils must be pruned, along with flowers that will be too low on the vine or too mature at harvest time. It’s a labor-intensive regimen that produces a strong, tall, and superior flowering vine.


If gloriosa is riding the crest of a design wave, another reason could be that highquality gloriosa has been more consistently available since Japanese growers began exporting it about eight years ago. Gloriosa is also available year-round from Dutch suppliers and, in season (roughly April through September) from domestic growers. But, as a premium flower that thrives under carefully controlled conditions, with labor-intensive attention to detail, gloriosa is well suited to the methods and practices of Japanese flower growers. Today, about 40,000 stems of gloriosa a year are shipped overseas from Japan.

SUN, RAIN, SOIL AND ROOTS About 80 percent of the gloriosas grown in Japan are from Misato, a consortium of about 40 growers located in the prefecture of Kochi, on the southern island of Shikoku—famous for its temples and pilgrim paths. You might have thought Japan was too far north for growing gloriosas, which are native to the tropics. But Kochi, which lies at about the same latitude as Atlanta or Los Angeles, enjoys a mild climate year-round, with plentiful rain and sunlight and a sandy, well-draining soil—all favorable conditions for gloriosas. One of the Misato growers is Ikeuchi Takanori (seen here), who produces a number of gloriosa varieties year-round, including yellow ones, in addition to old favorites with the classic color pattern: vivid red, with some yellow at the bottom and around the outside of the petals. It takes up to two months for a gloriosa vine to grow, from the planting of the tuber to harvest. After the vine is harvested, the mother tuber is left in the ground for another two months or longer, where it produces two daughter tubers (as seen at an immature stage in the middle photo at left, with soil brushed away from the tubers and roots). These are then dug up and placed in a cooler, where they are encouraged to sprout like a potato. The tubers at lower left are ready to be replanted; the entire life cycle takes as long as seven months.

MAY 2015 23

Whereas some U.S. buyers may be accustomed to purchasing gloriosa in small fivestem bunches (sometimes called “bouquet” or “posy” gloriosas), Japanese gloriosas are almost always shipped as long, multiflowered sections of vine—a method of harvest and of shipping that seems to favor healthy flowers with a long vase life. The beautiful lanceshaped leaves add to the appeal of gloriosas, and the slender, flexible vine offers yet another refined visual element. From any source, the range of gloriosa colors has also been expanding, to include— in addition to the standard crimson petals edged in yellow—pinks, oranges, pure yellow, and even white. Gloriosa from Japanese growers are available through leading North American distributors who purchase them from Naniwa Flower Auction in Osaka. For more information, see “East Meets West,” pages 27-29, or visit: osaka.japan TRAVEL-READY At Misato, cut gloriosa vines are checked for quality, prepared and packed for shipping. The vines are graded according to stem length along with other factors—the flower count, for example, which depends on the variety (Misato Red is supposed to have at least five flowers on each vine; for Southern Wind, the minimum is seven). Some of the flowers are brightly colored, others still green, but the green buds can still be counted on to develop and color up once they reach their destination. A surprising number of stems are wrapped together in one bundle for shipping, and the bundles are packed rather tightly into a box: a shipping box for export typically holds 60 stems. Experience has shown that the tight packaging actually protects the flowers and stems. In summer, the shipping boxes are equipped with ventilation holes to prevent a buildup of excess humidity; in winter they are sealed to protect the flowers from the cold (remember, gloriosas are tropical flowers that should never be chilled). Bundles of stem ends are slipped into a clear plastic bag that holds a hydrating, nutrient gel.



FOR THE CONNOISSEUR While standard varieties still account for the bulk of Japanese gloriosa exports, interest is growing in new and different colors and sizes: pink gloriosa, for example (seen on page 49 of this issue), and white (the variety White Peal has been around for some time). Misato Premium is a specialty grower, separate from the Misato consortium but likewise located in the gloriosa-friendly Kochi Prefecture, specializing in boutique varieties like those seen on this page, including yellow Gloriosa lutea (towering to the top of the greenhouse at left) and a striking variety with petals that combine soft yellow with coral tips. Pictured directly above is a mini gloriosa with wide, vibrant petals only about three inches tall—the perfect size for petite designs where you want to pack value into a smaller space. b

• From all sources, gloriosas may be purchased in one of two ways: either as sections of vine from 18 on up to 35 inches, with from two to seven flowers on individual stems near the top of the vine, or as individual six- to eight-inch stems, usually in bunches of five. If whole sections of vine are properly processed and hydrated, the green buds at the top will continue to develop and open. Bunches of individual stems are shipped in airtight, clear plastic bags, often filled with nitrogen, to prevent damage. • However they arrive in the shop, gloriosas should be unpacked immediately and inspected for any possible disease or damage. Vines with leaves attached should be carefully separated, paying attention to the tendrils at the ends of leaves, which may cling to adjacent stems. The ends of vines or stems should be re-cut and placed in buckets or vases filled with flower-food solution. • Like other tropical flowers, gloriosas are susceptible to chill damage and should be stored in a tropical cooler at 50 degrees F and 85% humidity. To attain maximum vase life, humidity should be kept high with frequent misting or by covering with a clear plastic bag. • Though available year-round, gloriosa can also be “grown-to-order” if the supplier is given 12-14 weeks’ notice of a specified delivery date. • As ethylene-sensitive flowers, gloriosas should be treated at the supplier level to protect against the damaging effects of ethylene gas, and kept away from sources of ethylene such as fruits and vegetables. • Gloriosas have a high concentration of alkaloids in their sap, which may cause skin rashes or redness on people with high sensitivity or allergies.

MAY 2015 25

Explore “Latin Passion” at this year’s World Flower Council gathering, June 24-29 in Cali, Colombia. At last year’s World Flower Council summit, participants from over 20 different countries took part in a variety of seminars and workshops, including the Asian Flair Design workshop pictured at lower left above, led by the prominent Hong Kong designer and teacher Dr. Solomon Leong. Featured designers and instructors at this year’s upcoming summit include Tomas de Bruyne of Belgium (top left), DutchAmerican René van Rems AIFD (upper right), and Daniel Santamaria of Spain (at lower right above).


Founded 32 years ago with the dream of promoting world peace through flowers, the World Flower Council has sponsored a “summit” every year since then—a joyful meeting of like minds, with participants from all over the world, featuring workshops and seminars in floral design taught by internationally renowned designers. “I cannot say enough wonderful things about this group of flower enthusiasts from all over the world,” writes Holly Haveman, who attended last year’s summit in Zagreb, Croatia, with her mother Lori Haveman, of Kennedy’s Flowers & Gifts in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “I left Zagreb with a renewed energy for the floral industry, inspiration for creative floral designs, and a handful of new friends and business contacts.” For 2015, the World Flower Council joins forces with Iberiada, another annual floral event with participation by florists from many different countries. Sponsored by ADEFI, the Association of Iberoamerican Florists, Iberiada has been successfully organized in recent years by Alyro International Floral Events, with editions in Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, and Costa Rica. The upcoming joint program takes place in Colombia, in the historic city of Santiago de Cali (usually shortened to “Cali”) on Colombia’s Pacific coast. Aside from the touristic appeal of Cali itself, the summit program also includes an optional pre-summit tour of flower farms in the savannah of Bogotá. Each of three world-renowned designers will lead a full day of workshops and demonstrations, all under the umbrella theme, “Pasion Latina.” Those with a fervor for flowers will no doubt depart this event with their passion both stimulated and satisfied. For information, visit: b


EAST MEETS WEST Cut flowers from Japan are winning avid fans in Western markets. Text and photography by Bruce Wright


IF CUSTOMERS ASK you where your cut flowers come from, you probably think first of California, Colombia, Ecuador, and Holland, in addition to any local sources. As recently as five or ten years ago, you certainly would not have thought to include Japan on the list. Today, however, Japanese growers are busy carving an important niche in the market for “boutique” flowers: hand-crafted, highest-quality blooms with special characteristics. Surprised? The trend might seem to run counter to the bigger story that has prevailed in the past 40 years, of cut-flower

MAY 2015 27

EAST MEETS WEST on small family farms with a cooperative spirit that allows sharing of knowledge and resources. And then, there are the twin traditions of polished craftsmanship and reverence for nature that characterize Japanese culture— a culture in which flower arranging is not just one of the decorative arts, but also a spiritual exercise and a form of meditation.

production moving south to countries with warm climates and lower labor costs. There are ample reasons for Japanese success, however. To begin, parts of Japan enjoy a mild Pacific climate with ideal conditions for growing cool-weather crops. Flower growing in Japan combines the work ethic and attention to detail that thrives

The lively flower auction in Osaka, Japan, is home to Naniwa Flower Auction Co., Ltd., the leading exporter of cut flowers from Japan, including extraoardinary lisianthus (above) and ranunculus (at right). Above right, Naniwa’s Haruna Nishiyama holds a bundle of sweet peas, Japan’s number-one cut-flower export. 28

North American distributors of Japanese-grown flowers, sold through Naniwa Flower Auction in Osaka, include but are not limited to these leading suppliers: Baisch and Skinner, Cut Flower Wholesale, Inc., Dutch Flower Line, DV Flora G Page Wholesale Flowers, Green Mountain Florist Supply, Kelley Wholesale Florist, Mayesh Wholesale Florist, Potomac Floral Wholesale, A Rose by Harvest,

COOL QUALITY Cut-flower crops are shipped from Japan to North American markets and others year-round, but especially in the winter, starting in November. Summer heat can be brutal in Japan. Some crops, like tweedia, are grown in the far north, where summers are cooler, as well as in the south, and these can be shipped year-round. Others, like sweet peas and ranunculus, are shipped only during the cooler months, when the highest quality standards can be maintained. All of Japan’s cut-flower exports are

grown in greenhouses, but usually that’s to protect them from rain and wind and to control the light. Heat is used to help regulate the timing of a crop like spiraea, inducing flushes in successive greenhouses to produce harvestable blooming branches over a period of two months, February through March. Packing and shipping technology is a strong point for Japanese growers. For top products like sweet peas, scabiosa, and gloriosa, stem ends are bagged in a nutrient gel to protect against dehydration. Other flowers, like ranunculus, tweedia, and astilbe, are typically shipped with the stem ends wrapped in moist cotton. Many of Japan’s cut-flower exports are of distinctive, exclusive varieties, created by Japanese breeders (for example, ranunculus from Aya Engei) or, in the case of seed crops like sweet peas and scabiosa, resulting from lucky mutations that are then carefully guarded and nurtured by the

growers, who gather seed from their own greenhouses. Overall, Japanese-grown cut flowers have earned a reputation for exquisite blooms with extra-long stems and extended vase life. LOOKING TO GROW So far, Japan’s exports make up only a tiny percentage of the country’s cut-flower production—the cream of the crop. As in Holland, Japan’s tradition of cut-flower commerce includes an auction system, although today, a high percentage of sales take place outside the system, via the internet. Of the three main auctions, exports pass mainly through just one, in Osaka, where Naniwa Flower Auction Co., Ltd. (Naniwa is an old name for Osaka) has become established as the leading cut-flower exporter, selling to distributors all over North America. “Just like with premium garden roses, it may take a little while for customers to

The top Japanese cut-flower exports, ranked by stem count 1. Sweet peas account for almost half of all cut-flower exports from Japan, with 500,000 stems shipped overseas last year. One reason for their success is that the price of Japanese sweet peas is only a little higher than for sweet peas from other sources, yet the difference in quality is notable. Although the natural flowering season for sweet peas is summer, Japanese sweet peas are shipped abroad only from November through March or April—which makes them a nice complement to sweet peas from other sources. 2. Ranunculus are likewise available from Japan only during the cooler months. This flower nonetheless ranks number two among exports with 75,000 stems.

understand the value of this product,” says Jill Dahlson of Mayesh Wholesale Florist, one of those distributors. “Back in the day, people wouldn’t buy a Juliet David Austin garden rose for $3 a stem. Now we can’t keep them in-house; it’s a must-have. We love the Japanese product and we’re committed to it. It’s so special and spectacular, some of our customers combine just a little of it with other flowers and it lifts the whole presentation to a new level.” For now, sales are growing—an encouraging sign for Japan’s flower farmers, who face the same challenges as do other small, family-owned businesses around the world, and who want to keep a proud tradition alive. For more information, check with your wholesale floral distributor, or with one of those listed here (opposite)—or visit the Naniwa Flower Auction Facebook page: osaka.japan b

3. Scabiosa is number three with 74,000 stems. 4. Tweedia, available year-round in blue, white, and pink, is number four with 70,000 stems. 5. Gloriosa, available year-round, ranks number five by stem count with 40,000 stems. See this month’s Fresh Focus article, page 22. Numbers six through eleven include Crispy Wave, a specialty foliage with wavy edges; chocolate cosmos; astilbe; gentiana; lisianthus (available year-round, but in peak supply November through June), and spiraea (February through April). Other Japanese exports include roses, curcuma, sandersonia, and epidendrum orchids. Foliages include smilax and eucalyptus.

Japan is known not only for high quality but also for exclusive varieties, like sweet peas in the Shikibu series at center left, with bicolored blossoms available in purple, wine, and pink. Scabiosa (above) and tweedia (at near left, available in white and pink as well as blue) are two other specialties, while epidendrum orchids (this page, lower left) are among summer exports. MAY 2015 29

HIGHFASHION FLOWERS Spark up your design portfolio with select, distinctive blooms.

For product information,


Floral design by Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, PFCI, CAFA

Photography by Ron Derhacopian

see Where to Buy, page 67.

BABY PINK Bright yet soft, the lovely pink tint of Princess Aiko tulip anthuriums glows against an upright bed of Green Wave Curly Lauae fern. Named after Japan’s baby princess (although she is by now 14), Princess Aiko anthurium has a pink-tipped spadix to complement the cupped spathe. On the plant, the flowers are sweetly fragrant; when they are cut, they lose their perfume, but retain their allure. Kevin has surrounded the twisting green flames of the fern foliage with a collar of the anthuriums; he reinforced their pink color with loops of midollino and a tapered cube.


PINK PERFECTION Touches of green hypericum provide the ideal counterpoint for Ecuadorian roses in a range of pinks, from vivid Pink Floyd to light pink Rosita Vendela and blush ivory Mother of Pearl. Asiatic lilies, along with hydrangea that mingles pale pink and green, complete the rosy palette. The couture finish comes from textured crocodile fern and striped calathea foliage, lining the inside of faceted ball vases in clear glass.

MAY 2015 31


HELLO YELLOW A collar of gilded salal leaves and, inside the bubble bowl, gold Creative Coils underscore the rich and cheerful hue of yellow freesia and Sonrisa roses with gardeny side shoots. STARS AND STRIPES Soft yellow at the center, bright fire-engine red on the pointy outside petals, Red Corona dahlias mingle beautifully at lower left with African Lady lilies. With creamcolored margins surrounding cherry-red throats, the lilies turn the dahlias’ coloring inside out. ALL WRAPPED UP Taking advantage of the extra-long stems on the white hyacinths at right, Kevin planted them in a long rectangle of floral foam, surrounded the foam with a combination of gold crushed glass and Calathea insignis leaves, then banded the hyacinth stems with more calathea leaves. The leaves are attached to each other with UGlu; they display a beautiful pattern of soft diagonal lines in contrast to the design’s strong horizontals and verticals.


AUGUST 201033 4 MAY 2015


FAN DANCING Tall, elegant callas in a subtle, natural peachy pink deserve a grand showcase like the one at left. Veriflora and Rainforest Alliancecertified, they stretch their long necks like graceful ballerinas from a bed of Sweet Unique roses with gardeny side shoots. A framing branch of leafing curly willow echoes the green points of the rosebud sepals. RAINFOREST FRESH At upper right, crocodile fern foliage serves as an intriguingly textured backdrop for large Sundance anthuriums, with their glossy, veined, vermillion-tipped fresh light green. Teleflora’s bamboo tray makes a fitting and convenient container. A HINT OF GOLD The two-tone coloration of Edith makes it one of the most distinctive of the David Austin garden roses. The outside petals vary from light pink to deep rose. As the cup shape opens to a classic, quartered rosette with an intense fruity fragrance, more and more of the center petals are revealed, ranging from peach and yellow to old gold. Kevin has accentuated the center gold tones by surrounding Edith with a bed of gilded foliage including lily grass, monstera, salal, seeded eucalyptus, and curly willow. 34

AUGUST 201035 6 MAY 2015

CABBAGE ROSES Garden roses


in two shades of purple—laven-

score the pure, creamy color

der Heirloom and, in a brighter

of rare and exotic white ginger,

shade like wine grapes, petal-

Kevin wrapped a gigantic varie-

rich Precious Moments—waft

gated alocasia leaf around the

their fragrance from a bed of

tall vase, securing it here and

green and purple ornamental

there with UGlu, like a sail in the

kale. The roses drink from an

wind. Folded ti leaves complete

upright rectangle of floral foam;

the picture.

stems of kale are inserted into the foam, which is also surrounded by the loose tops of kale stems nestled against it in the low glass cylinder bowl. 36


MAY 2015 37



SKIN TONES Each blossom heavy with ruffled petals, double lisianthus from Japan comes in many colors, among them the browned and fashionably muted tones of Voyage Pink, Celeb Apricot, and Amber Double Wine, at left. The soft, sophisticated palette is brightened with the green lisianthus buds and with two-tone Beni Shikibu sweet peas in a black glass vase. A LONG TALE At right above, making the most of their long stems, Kevin bundled three types of Japanese sweet peas and wrapped the stem bundles in different shades of bullion wire to match the color of the blooms. The sweet peas include Pink Ripple and two exclusive new varieties in the Shikibu series: Koi Shikibu, in white and pink, and Beni Shikibu, in white and wine pink. The Shikibu series is named after the 11th-century Japanese court lady who wrote the classic Tale of Genji, widely considered the world’s first novel. INSIDE OUT With rounded red petals, the dahlia variety Irene glows yellow at the very center—a color pattern that is reversed with World’s Favorite tulips, which bear orange-red petals outlined in yellow, opening to reveal a dramatic dark eye. MAY 2015 39



LAID BACK Wide open, with reflexed petals, the two lemongreen LA lilies at upper left (Trebiano) look very much at home in a soothing horizontal design, balanced with Victor Mundi tulips, curly willow and a large variegated alocasia leaf. The tulips will likely lift their heads and spread their petals in days to come. BURNING BLUE The nubbly texture and deep blue color of Magical Purple eryngium beautifully complements the hot fuchsia of Gem Star spray roses. Nestled among the roses, shards of blue sea glass add yet another contrasting texture and harmonizing color. PINK MIST Curly willow and seeded eucalyptus, both touched with silver, create a shimmering surround for a stand of Pink Pride tulips and a bed of Pink Corona dahlias, nestled in a bamboo tray with dyed and preserved reindeer moss. MAY 2015 41


MORE IS MORE A profusion of extra-long bear grass creates a halo effect around these spectacular double-flowered lilies; banding of the stem bundle with strong pink button wire playfully underscores their brilliant color. This variety, in the Roselily group from Sun Valley, is called Elena. Aside from their striking layers of ruffled petals, another benefit of double lilies is that all varieties lack pollen—no worries about stains on clothing or furniture.


MAY 2015 43


STAR QUALITY With their yellow centers, deep-purple Matsumoto asters (“aster” means “star”) make a perfect match for Telstar, the famously high-performing variety of iris, with bright yellow striped throats popping out from the purple-blue petals. Coils of aluminum wire and a cobalt glass vase reinforce the blue tones in these flowers. ALL DRESSED IN WHITE White tweedia, with its star-shaped flowers (each glistening green at the center) and long, heartshaped leaves with a texture like brushed velvet, deserves this pride of place, as though perched atop a column covered with fluffy sweet peas down the sides and anchored with white double lisianthus at the base. 44

MAY 2015 45


LEAFY CREAM The textured, cream-colored, petal-like leaves of Corgy White brassica (ornamental kale), many sprinkled with green, make a beautiful backdrop for Snowboard and fringed Honeymoon white tulips. SNOW MAIDENS Delicate branches of White Mist juniper lend a wintry touch of romance to a bouquet of cream-colored garden roses: White Cloud and the David Austin variety Beatrice (with pale peach on the inside petals), all in a mercury glass vase. DAPPLED DELIGHTS Shades of wine and chocolate, purple, pink, and cream mingle in a mixed bouquet of speckled and two-tone sweet peas, including Shire Ripple, Shikibu, and Beni Shikibu, all Japanese-bred and -grown varieties. 46

MAY 2015 47



THE EDGE As unforgettable as its name, The Edge opens to a star shape outlined in bright magenta. The branching structure of the stems, the alternation of buds and blooms, and the shapely, ribbed leaves offer so much interest that nothing more is required to set them off—other than, perhaps, a few stems of extra-long equisetum. IN THE PINK Relatively rare, but no less sturdy and stunning than gloriosa in the more commonly encountered red and yellow, the striking color of pink gloriosa blooms is here emphasized with acrylic tubes filled with pink and red crushed glass. The green top blooms will open, develop and show more color in the days to come. At the base of the design, Celeb Apricot lisianthus froths from a glass cube lined with striped Calathea ornata leaves and crocodile fern. b MAY 2015 49

shop profile

By Anne Bergman

Photography by Chauncey Studios

The Flower Nook Salina, Kansas

Art and flowers in a shop rebuilt from scratch.


verything old is new again” could be the motto for The Flower Nook in Salina, Kansas. Established in 1945, the shop has been owned by Wayne and Peggy DeBey since 1983. It now does business from a

Work by local artists is featured in displays at The Flower Nook, in a way that integrates it with flowers and home décor.

Owners: Wayne and Peggy DeBey

the building’s demorenovated former lition, painting and hardware store on the Space: 3,000 square feet dry walling. “It was east side of Salina’s Staff: 2 full-time, 2 part-time a real effort by the original downtown. whole family,” Wayne The circa 1928 concedes, noting that building has endured a lot of other people three fires (the third helped out, including fire nearly burned the members of his family’s roof off) and had been rebuilt, but never fully restored before Wayne church. Now, everything, including the electrical bought the entire building in 1999, gutted it systems and insulation, is new, with the exand changed the façade. “We have invested a lot of sweat equity ception of the vintage wood floors—which, in this building,” says Wayne modestly. To according to Wayne, customers love. Wayne bought the entire building when get the work done, Wayne enlisted an “allgirl construction crew”: his wife and three he needed to move from the former Flower daughters, who helped him with much of Nook storefront, just a few blocks away from

MAY 2015 51

the new location. “This is a 180-degree difference from the old store, which was shotgun style, 16 feet wide and 165 feet long,” he says. “Our new space is 44 feet wide and 65 feet deep, with storage space and a garage out back. It feels roomy. I left the 14-foot ceilings. I felt pressure to drop them, but I wanted the height and air.” The new store’s façade boasts windows along its entire front wall, which “throw a lot of light,” says Wayne. “The old store had a window, but we couldn’t see out unless you were in front. I needed a sightline to the outside world.” Now he’s a landlord, leasing space to a beauty shop and a photography studio. And the area appears on the upswing, with a hotel property in development across the street, as well as new office space, which Wayne says, “will be full of people.” “We had no concern about losing business when we moved,” he says. “This is the fourth location for the shop, and all of them have been downtown. Our clientele has followed us and there are no other florists downtown at this point.” FOR ART’S SAKE The big-box mass merchandisers located outside of Salina’s downtown are considered the Flower Nook’s biggest competition for customers. “We are seeing that they are selling our traditional commodities, such as Easter lilies, for $1.98. So we need to innovate,” says Wayne. “And we do. I’ve come to realize that people come to a traditional flower shop because we offer fresher product, and because our designs are different, not like the mass merchandisers and their assembly-

Fresher flowers and creative design are the key to competing successfully with low prices offered by big-box stores, believes Flower Nook owner Wayne DeBey AIFD. Located in downtown Salina, Kansas, the shop also carries Kansas-made food products and a variety of decorative items.


MAY 2015 53

line arrangements.” With no big-box competition within the downtown area, Wayne actively works to get foot traffic into the store, offering a diverse product line beyond flowers. “We’re not just a flower shop, we carry a line of Kansas-made food products, “ he explains. “Cookies, salsas, jellies, candies—anything someone would want to send to relatives who live out-of-state.” Always seeking further ways to get customers into the store, Wayne hosts Art at the Nook, a chance for local and area artists to display their work, timed to coincide with downtown Salina’s monthly Art Rush. “We stay open until at least 7 p.m. on those nights, and it draws people into the store— first-timers or people who haven’t visited in a long time—so they can get familiar with what we offer and understand what we do,” he says, noting that the evenings are becoming so successful that local artists are starting to approach him asking if they can display their work. These art nights draw a different group into the Flower Nook. “Art lovers are not necessarily floral people,” says Wayne, who curates the art so it mixes well with his floral products. “This not a sterile environment like most galleries. We’re hoping that the displays suggest how both art and flowers might feel in your home. As a florist you envision how to display flowers in-home or in-store—it’s part of your habit or ability. But oftentimes customers don’t see things the same way, so I make suggestions on how to integrate plants and art with floral products, permanent botanicals, ceramics, whatever I happen to have in the store.”

The refinished, vintage wood floors are the only thing in The Flower Nook’s storefront that is original to the space, formerly occupied by a hardware store. Demolition of the old interior, painting and drywalling were accomplished by Wayne, his wife and his three daughters, with a lot of help from friends.


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MAY 2015 55

Wayne adheres to a “shopertainment” retail philosophy. “I read about it many years ago. I offer a lot for people to look at, and to entertain them. Although our building and showroom are rather large, we retain the character of being a ‘Flower Nook’ by creating little nooks within the building. There are no set walls or display walls, everything is moveable, so we can reconstruct and reconfigure the floor.” FEET FIRST Armed with a Bachelor’s of Science in botany at Fort Hays State University in Kansas, Wayne originally moved to Salina in the hopes of launching a greenhouse business. When that venture didn’t pan out, he attended the Kansas School of Floral Design. At about the same time, he discovered that the Flower Nook was for sale and he bought the store before he finished his training. “Financial gurus would have shaken their heads,” Wayne recalls. “I had no retail experience, as I grew up on a farm. I had no floral background either. We jumped in with both feet to sink or swim and we’re still dog-paddling 31 years later.” Wayne is dog-paddling fast enough to recently hire a full-time designer to join his two part-time staff, which also includes his wife Peggy, who occasionally pitches in. A native Kansan, Wayne describes Salina as a “big farm town” comprised of fewer than 50,000 people. The key to his success lies in understanding this population. Residents of Salina are not flamboyant, he says, so weddings, while a regular part of The Flower Nook’s business, are on a modest, rather than a grand, scale.

Although the current store is more spacious than The Flower Nook’s original location, Wayne has arranged displays and vignettes in a way that retains the “nook” feeling. Stylish and healthy houseplants, reflecting Wayne’s background in botany and interest in greenhouse management, keep the store interior green.


As is true for other florists, Mothers’ Day and Valentine’s Day vie as the biggest weeks of the year. The Flower Nook also gets plenty of business from birthdays, engagements, and memorials. “We do a lot of sympathy work,” Wayne notes. “Traditions are changing, with more people choosing cremations and memorials versus a full day or two of lying in state. Now we’re seeing visitation for an hour before a memorial service, which changes the way people send flowers, as well as what they’re sending. They’re not sending the big pieces, but rather more personal things. So it makes more sense for us to do pretty, interesting arrangements that they can take home and enjoy later. Now even when someone passes away, the memorial is considered a celebration of life, which I think is a good way to look at it.” LEARNING AND SHARING A past president of the Kansas State Florists Association, Wayne is a strong believer in convening, networking, educating and offering resources to fellow florists. He has also earned certification from the American Institute of Floral Designers, which he considers a significant achievement. “I’m not sure the significance of it is understood by the average flower buyer, but it was a personal goal,” he says. After convening with his fellow AIFD designers, Wayne takes home inspiration and “good energy” to fuel his work at The Flower Nook. His wife has even gifted him over the years with a trip to Taos, for the annual Survival of the Creative Mind Conference with renowned floral artist Hitomi Gilliam AIFD.

Wayne seeks out new techniques and creative concepts from educational programs such as those sponsored by the American Institute of Floral Designers, of which he is a proudly credentialed member, and his local Teleflora Unit. “I get a lot of ideas that way, and I have made a lot of friends as well,” he says.

In addition, Wayne participates in the Teleflora Units Program, which is designed to create and facilitate educational opportunities. Being a member enables him to work with fellow designers for a day or two at a time. “I feel like I have a lot of friends through that program, a lot of people whom I feel close to in Kansas City and even beyond Kansas. “It’s so important to share knowledge,” Wayne continues. “I come home from educational programs with my head full of new, creative ideas. There are so many variations; no one is going to make an arrangement quite like you do. Most of the designers share their thoughts and processes.” His own experience as well as his interactions with fellow florists from across counties ranging in population size has given him a sense of how to make a business flourish. “It takes about 10,000 in population to support a shop, so if you’re opening a shop in a town of 2,000 to 4,000 people across an entire county, your expectations need to change. You might need to sell other items to help provide that income, as you’re not going to make it directly on floral sales. What about setting up a coffee shop in the store? What can you do to draw people in to spend?” With so much knowledge to share, Wayne hosts his own blog, “Words with Wayne,” and at one time hosted his own public access TV show, called “The Flower Man.” The background in botany often shows through, as Wayne suggests the best flowers for different occasions, discusses the history of flowers such as the Easter lily, and even offers recipes for floral cocktails. The blog posts are shared via the Flower Nook Facebook page, where Wayne also shares photos of the unusual items he carries or his favorite new arrangements as well as artwork for sale. Wayne’s love for his business is palpable. “I thoroughly enjoy the work and the people,” he says, despite the challenges of running a retail store. “If you’re willing to work hard and you love what you do, you’ll make it happen.” b

MAY 2015 57



PINS AND NEEDLES Could pincushions be the new succulents? Long-lasting, with a flowerlike form, pincushions from southern California are abundantly and affordably available from January through June. More recently, however, the season has been extended with pincushions flowing in from Australia, Colombia, Ecuador, Hawaii, and South Africa. The classic pincushion color is orange, and today orange flowers are selling well year-round, not just in the fall—but the latest pincushion hybrids, bred in Hawaii, also bring in more yellows, pinks, and peaches, not to mention a wider variety of flower forms. The collection seen here was photographed at the California Protea Association booth at World Floral Expo, For a closer look, visit the website of grower Resendiz Brothers, Be sure to check out Leucospermum erubescens, which sports multiple flower heads at the end of a single stem—each packed with what look like tiny loops of striped ribbon. 58

MAGIC, GREEN AND PURPLE The demand for flowers in the bright, light, fresh green we used to call chartreuse isn’t going away any time soon—maybe never! And the hot buzzword in floral design is “texture.” Put the two together and you get Magical Green, the eryngium variety from Royal Flowers that won a red ribbon at the Society of American Florists’ Outstanding Varieties Competition last year. Aside from its striking color, this eryngium also boasts an intriguing, compact shape quite different from the more familiar varieties of eryngium. And, it also comes in a sister variety called Magical Purple (featured in a design on page 40 of this issue) that is actually close to a royal blue—another sought-after hue.


BEST BETS TO BUY LOCAL Some of the most interesting cut flowers around come from local specialty growers. Each year the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers conducts cutflower trials to evaluate new possibilities. From these it selects three “cut flowers of the year,” one in each of three categories: Fresh, Bulb, and Woody Stem. “Going to the conference every year, you see all this gorgeous new plant material,” says John Dole, who heads the horticultural science department at North Carolina State University, where data from the trials are compiled and postharvest testing is done. “The small local growers are good at being incubators, trying new things, finding niches. I can’t think of a time when we’ve had such a good selection.” Here are the ASCFG Cut Flowers of the Year for 2014, with John’s comments: Celosia Sunday Orange: “A plume-type celosia with a rich golden orange color, nice foliage, and a good vase life, very reliable.” Caryopteris Longwood Blue: “A beautiful filler flower, close to a true blue, though still mostly purple. Developed at Longwood Gardens, this is a shrub with a somewhat woody stem, but growers tend to treat it more like an annual.” Ranunculus in the La Belle series: “A lush, cool-season flower with classic and popular appeal. The series has all the colors.”

SMALL-IS-BEAUTIFUL ALSTROEMERIA Be on the lookout for a new type of “spray” alstroemeria, with smaller but more plentiful flowers and extended vase life. Two varieties with similar characteristics, introduced by competing Dutch breeders, each won prizes this year: peachy-pink Charmelia, bred by Royal Van Zanten, which won the Glazen Tulp award from the Dutch flower auction FloraHolland, and white Könst Paradiso, from Könst, which was announced as the best new cut-flower variety at the German trade fair IPM 2015. Charmelia was on display at World Floral Expo 2015, from exhibitor Holex, MAY 2015 59

CALLAS OLD AND NEW Mini callas fall into the category, “cut flowers that should be on standing order for most professional retail flower shops.” Reliably available and affordable year-round, they are yet just a cut above what your customers are likely to find in a supermarket bouquet. They come in just about any color you can imagine—in fact, one of the few that’s been lacking is a true red. At best you could find a reddish burgundy—like the flower André Ruigrok, of Sande Flowers in Ecuador, is holding in his left hand. In his right is Red Dragon—spray-painted, but with a translucent dye that looks very natural and that actually seems to extend the flower’s vase life. Also new from Sande is a white mini calla with a rounder cup than the classic mini calla, which has a more curling, elongated, wavy-edged lip. The new type is bigger, stronger, and whiter, lasts longer in the vase and is easier to combine with other flowers in a bouquet. Still, some might prefer the elegant curves of the old-fashioned kind. Which do you like better? ORANGE PLUS Brilliant orange star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum dubium) has been on the market for a while, but it’s only this year that Sun Valley is able to supply its new variety, Royal Valley, in commercial quantities. What makes Royal Valley special? Apart from its color and long vase life, this particular O. dubium is remarkable for flowers that cluster near the top of long, relatively straight stems (with just a little natural curve). Those features are also partly a result of careful growing technique. Similar star of Bethlehem varieties are also available in creamy yellow and pure white.


THE CUTTING EDGE A ROSE IS A ROSE? Here’s why garden roses will remain a hot trend for years to come: because there will never be enough supply to meet the demand. So says Jorge Alonso, grower relations manager for Teleflora: “Growing garden roses is tough,” he says. “They’re harder to ship, and they don’t have the shelf life to meet the expectations of mass marketers— but mass marketers tend to set the priorities for the biggest rose growers.” What most breeders and even high-end growers are doing instead of trying to grow true garden roses is working on lookalikes: roses that perform like standard cut-flower varieties, but with an open cup that resembles a garden rose. The lookalikes are sometimes very beautiful, though usually not fragrant. Two from rose breeder Jan Spek Roses, seen at World Floral Expo, had exceptionally large blooms, delicate color, and textured petals that unfurled with space between them, for an effect of graceful depth: lavender Plum Brulee (top left) and soft pink Christa (near center left). Spray roses can be another option for getting a garden look with long vase life. Certain varieties, like Bombastic and Lady Bombastic—seen at center left from Dramm & Echter— can yield very full heads, as big as small standard roses, with a vase life of up to three weeks. The budded side shoots add another gardeny touch. Two recent introductions from Alexandra Farms were also on exhibit, true garden roses with classic characteristics of fragrance and a high petal count: pink Ashley, with an extraordinary shape and resilient petals, and lavender Heirloom. OPEN WIDE Getting the “cut point” right is a crucial factor in cut-flower quality, and it varies from one flower and even one variety to the next: Cut too soon, and the flower won’t continue to open, develop and color up as desired. Cut too late, and you risk damage in shipping. Of course, you don’t want to wait until a flower is past its prime. But lately, more and more growers are telling their customers with pride, “Our flowers last longer because we don’t cut them too soon. We leave them on the plant until the stem is strong and the flower has begun to develop.” Every extra day in the greenhouse means extra heating and labor costs for the grower—plus, bigger, more mature blooms may require extra care in packing and fewer flowers to a box—but the quality difference is there. The trend started with “Russian cut” roses but now you hear about it with other flowers: for example, sweet William varieties bred by Ball Seed (top photo, above). “If you cut it when it’s immature, the buds that aren’t open yet won’t open as big, or may not open at all,” says Ball’s Lourdes Reyes. “But if you wait for it to grow strong on the plant, it lasts longer.” Likewise, alstroemeria from Colombian grower Plazoleta is cut more open than is the norm for many others—so open that some blooms must be protected with netting before they are shipped, as seen here. This growing technique is one of the criteria applied in Plazoleta’s “Perfection” program, a quality branding campaign for filler flowers including limonium, statice, solidago and snapdragons as well as alstroemeria.

MAY 2015 61


GORGEOUS, DAHLING Looking for yearround dahlias? Sun Valley had these beauties to show at World Floral Expo in March. “Everyone’s got them in summer,” notes Sun Valley’s Bill Prescott, “but there’s a huge demand for them year-round. We’re still testing the waters, but we’ve got the greenhouses”—at the California grower’s Oxnard location—and so far, the results are stunning.

GREENS FROM DOWN UNDER Fascinating foliage from Australia caught the eye of many a buyer at World Floral Expo—not least because it was featured in floral design demonstrations showing, for example, how hollow, flexible Puzzle Stix™ can be made to bend at a sharp angle (as seen above)—but then, if you change your mind about the precise angle you wanted, will snap right back into a smooth, round, unblemished stem. Goanna Claw™ can be trained into a soft, curling cascade; bright green Koala Fern™ looks like a feather duster on a stick. These are welcome additions to a collection that also includes Flexi Grass™ and umbrella fern, on display at World Floral Expo by Premium Greens from Australia. Check out still more exotic foliages at 62

RETAIL ROSETTES “No, there is absolutely no slowdown in the demand for succulents,” reports Juan Carlos Aguilar of California grower Dramm & Echter. Echeveria rosettes in particular (in smaller sizes, easier to ship) are entering the mainstream as florists, and even mass-market bouquet makers, learn how to work with them. Succulents also lend themselves to retailready programs from wholesale suppliers, like the triple container that is one of five different kinds offered by Dramm & Echter, prefilled with succulents in soil, including the striped Echeveria nodulosa seen here. Another example: clear plastic cube bags with handles, each holding a rosette and bearing a label with a message (and, possibly, your logo) from Holex.


This year’s World Floral Expo (top photo, above)—March 11-13 in Los Angeles—lived up to its name with the latest in fresh cut flowers from Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Holland, Italy, and Kenya. Held for the first time in California, the expo also drew the strongest showing ever from California growers, along with the highest-ever buyer attendance. Design demonstrations by Dutch champion Martin Groen and an optional tour of the historic LA Flower Market rounded out the event. Among the opportunities coming up later this year, of interest to cut-flower buyers and those who track cut-flower trends, are: • The CalFlowers Fun ’N Sun Convention, July 29-August 1 at the Monterey Marriott in Monterey, California. Held just once every two years, this event brings CalFlowers members, vendors and buyers together and functions as a beautiful showcase for California-grown flowers in all their variety. Call the California Association of Flower Growers and Shippers at 831-479-4912 or visit • Proflora, October 28-30 in the Corferias Convention Center in Bogotá, Colombia. Alternating with its sister show, FlorEcuador, Proflora— like Fun ’N Sun—comes only once every two years; it offers a fantastic opportunity to see the dynamic Colombian flower industry up close. The extensive new varieties competition (above) brings together some of the world’s most exciting new cut flowers. MAY 2015 63

what’s in store

UNIQUELY HERS Because it is handblown, the art-glass vase featured in each and every one of Teleflora’s Artful Elegance Bouquets this Mother’s Day will be one of a kind—just like Mom. Swirling lines and a classic shape evoke the tradition of fine Venetian glass. Call 800-333-0205 or visit

FIRST BLUSH As part of its “Color is Everything” series for 2015, Pioneer Imports & Wholesale introduces the exclusive Rhone Collection of premium permanent botanicals, featuring colors reminiscent of a blush wine, from bridal white to light and dark shades of coral. Call 888-234-5400 or visit


CUSTOM PARTY PLATES Thanks to innovative technology from Create UR Plate, brides and others with something to celebrate can order glass or disposable plastic plates bearing personalized text and photos. Exclusive discounts are available to event planners and other retail service providers. Call 415-429-8127 or visit

SOMETHING NEW Reed diffusers from Aroma43 are designed to release their complex, signature scents over a period of 30 to 40 days, without relying on spillable liquid fragrance. Rather, the fragrance is infused directly into the reeds, which are made of recycled paper. Artisanal fragrances include Rhubarb Flower, River Moss, Sea Salt Caramel, and Beach Driftwood, among others. Call 954-866-4343 or visit

advertiser links


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MAY 2015 65

industry events For the most recent additions to Teleflora Unit Programs, go to and click on Design Education to access the Floral Event Calendar in the Unit Program section.




NY Now, The Market for Home + Lifestyle, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and Pier 94. Call 800-272-SHOW or visit

Western Pennsylvania Unit, Holiday Designs with Vonda LaFever, Pittsburth Cut Flower. Call Janet Woloszyk at 412-818-0791.



SAF Annual Convention, Ritz Carlton. Call the Society of American Florists at 800-336-4743 or visit

Penn Jersey Unit, Everyday Designs with Kevin Ylvisaker, Pennock Company. Call Linda Bogarde at 215-547-4552.



FloraMart market dates for spring/summer 2016 merchandise, FloraMart. Visit

Proflora, Corferias Convention Center. Visit

JUNE 7-8, HARTFORD, CT SAF Retail Growth Solutions Mini-Conference, Hartford Marriott Farmington. Call the Society of American Florists at 800-336-4743 or visit

JUNE 24-30, DALLAS, TX Dallas Holiday & Home Expo, Dallas Market Center. Call 800-DAL-MKTS or visit

JUNE 30-JULY 4, DENVER, CO National AIFD Symposium, Sheraton Denver Downtown. Call 410-752-3318 or visit

CENTRAL REGION MAY 31, ST. LOUIS, MO Lewis & Clark Unit, Party Designs with Kevin Ylvisaker, Baisch & Skinner. Call Jenny Thomasson at 314-972-7836.

JUNE 3, SIOUX FALLS, SD Minndakota Unit, Parties and Events with Tom Simmons, North American Wholesale. Call Laura Baker at 605-539-9800.



Michigan Unit, Foliage: Nature’s Way with Helen Miller, Nordlie, Inc. Call Waneita Bovan at 810-686-4950.

World Flower Council International Summit. Visit



Michigan Unit, Sympathy Designs with Tim Farrell, Mayesh Wholesale. Call Debbie Custer at 734-455-7377.

FloraMart market dates for spring/summer 2016 merchandise, FloraMart. Visit

JULY 7-14, ATLANTA, GA Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market (temporaries, July 9-13), AmericasMart. Call 800-ATL-MART or visit

JULY 11-14, COLUMBUS, OH Cultivate15 (formerly OFA Short Course), Greater Columbus Convention Center. Visit

SEPTEMBER 23, GARFIELD HEIGHTS, OH Ohio Buckeye Unit, Everyday Designs with John Hosek, Nordlie, Inc. Call Elizabeth Stoecker at 330-364-5521.

OCTOBER 7, DAYTON, OH Ohio Buckeye Unit, Holiday Designs with Tim Farrell, Nordlie, Inc. Call Donna Traylor at 513-932-3361.




California Gift Show, Los Angeles Convention Center. Visit

Western Pennsylvania Unit, Sympathy Design with Alex Jackson, DBEC. Call John Lechiliter at 412-475-3004.

JULY 29-AUGUST 1, MONTEREY, CA CalFlowers Fun ’N Sun Convention, Monterey Marriott. Call the California Association of Flower Growers and Shippers at 831-479-4912 or visit


SEPTEMBER 16, FRAZER, PA Penn Jersey Unit, Sympathy Designs with Gerard Toh, D’Anjolell Funeral Home. Call Marjie Versagli at 610-647-9311.

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION MAY 31, OPELOUSAS, LA Louisiana State Florist Association, program includes Party Designs with Tom Simmons, Evangeline Downs Racetrack and Hotel. Call Lucinda Peltier at 337-247-2761.

JULY 17-19, SUGAR LAND, TX Texas State Florists’ Association Convention, program includes “Pure Inspiration” design program and hands-on workshop with Hitomi Gilliam, Marriott Sugar Land Hotel. Visit

AUGUST 14-16, HOT SPRINGS, AR Arkansas Florists Association Convention, program includes Party Designs with Tom Bowling, Hot Springs Convention Center. Visit or call Shelby Shy at 479-636-0118.

SOUTHEAST REGION JUNE 14, ORLANDO, FL Florida State Florist Association, program includes Party Designs with Joyce Mason-Monheim, Caribe-Royale Resort. Call Len Buckett at 321-633-5499.

AUGUST 15, GREENSBORO, NC North Carolina State Florist Association, program includes Party Designs with Gerard Toh, Embassy Suites. Call Charlie Jordan at 336-855-5408.

WESTERN REGION JULY 29-AUGUST 1, MONTEREY, CA CalFlowers Fun ’N Sun Convention, Monterey Marriott. Call the California Association of Flower Growers and Shippers at 831-479-4912 or visit

where to buy

continued on page 70

For more information on merchandise featured in Flowers&, contact the supplier directly. Direct links to most suppliers can be found on the Flowers& website, Use the links under “Advertisers in This Issue” or the link to our searchable, online Buyers’ Guide at the top of the Flowers& home page.



page 34

page 41

Peachy-pink standard callas and Sweet Unique roses, Royal Flowers.

Tulips and dahlias, Sun Valley. Frosted seeded eucalyptus and curly willow, Wm. F. Puckett. Dyed preserved reindeer moss, Accent Décor. Bamboo tray, Teleflora.

RAINFOREST FRESH, page 35 Sundance anthuriums and crocodile fern foliage, Green Point. Bamboo tray, Teleflora.

pages 42-43



page 35

pages 8-9

Edith David Austin garden roses, Succulents, lilies, spray roses, gerbera Alexandra Farms. and chocolate lace, Dramm & Echter. Gilded foliage, Wm. F. Puckett.

DESIGN TECH, pages 10-16

Elena Roselilies and extra-long bear grass, Sun Valley. Strong pink button wire, Smithers-Oasis. Recycled G3 glass bullet vase, Garcia Group Glass.


Atlantic Brand FloraBand® Tape, Milton Adler.

page 44 Telstar iris and Matsumoto asters, Sun Valley. Spring Garden Vase in cobalt glass, Syndicate Sales.

FLOWER TALES, pages 18-20 Anthuriums, Green Point. Catalina Bowl in Limon,Syndicate Sales.



page 45

pages 30-49




pg 36

page 31

page 36

Princess Aiko pink tulip anthuriums and Curly Lauae foliage, Green Point. Tapered Cube, Container Source.

Garden roses, Alexandra Farms. Purple brassica (ornamental kale), Sun Valley.

Tweedia (oxypetalum), sweet peas and lisianthus, Naniwa.

FEATURED SUPPLIERS Accent Décor, Inc. Call 800-385-5114 or visit Alexandra Farms. Call 305-528-3657 or visit Container Source. Call 800-499-6128 or visit Dramm & Echter. Call 800-854-7021 or visit Garcia Group Glass. Call 800-241-3733 or visit Green Point Nurseries. Call 800-717-4456 or visit Milton Adler Company. Call 800-651-0113 or visit Naniwa Flower Auction Co., Ltd. Visit


P&F Costa Rica Flower Farms. Call 877-393-4133 or visit

White ginger and tropical foliages including variegated alocasia, P&F. Classic Vase in black, Container Source.

SKIN TONES, page 38 Sweet peas and double lisianthus, Naniwa.


pg 32

page 32 Sonrisa roses and yellow freesia, Royal Flowers. Gilded salal leaves, Wm. F. Puckett. Creative Coils, Syndicate Sales.

page 39

LEAFY CREAM, page 46

Brassica and tulips, Sun Valley.


page 46 Sweet peas, Naniwa. Cinched Hurricane Vase, Syndicate Sales. Garden roses, Alexandra Farms. White Mist juniper, Wm. F. Puckett. INSIDE OUT, Mercury glass vase, Teleflora. page 39

Dahlias and tulips, Sun Valley. Tapered Vase, Container Source.

DAPPLED DELIGHTS, page 47 Sweet peas, Naniwa.



page 32

page 40


Red Corona dahlias and African Lady lilies, Sun Valley.

Lilies and tulips, Sun Valley. Alocasia leaf, P&F.

page 48



page 33

page 40

Long-stemmed hyacinths, Royal Flowers. Calathea insignis foliage, Green Point. Gold crushed glass, Accent Décor.

pg 46

The Edge lilies and tall equisetum, Sun Valley.

IN THE PINK, page 49

Gem Star hot pink spray roses and Magical Purple eryngium, Royal Flowers. Gloriosas and lisianthus, Naniwa. Calathea ornata leaves and crocodile Cobalt sea glass and ceramic fern, Green Point. Newport Boat, Accent Décor.

Royal Flowers. Call 800-977-4483 or visit Smithers-Oasis. Call 800-321-8286 or visit The Sun Valley Group. Call 800-747-0396 or visit Syndicate Sales. Call 800-428-0515 or visit Teleflora. Call 800-333-0205 or visit Wm. F. Puckett. Call 800-426-3376 or visit

MAY 2015 67

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