Flowers& - December 2016

Page 1

Flowers& DECEMBER 2016 $6.50

Think... imagine... plan ahead... and

Share the ove L Creative inspiration for romantics pg 24

Playful Valentines for one and all pg 42

contents DECEMBER 2016

features 15

All About Roses

News, trends, and a review of the basics.


Hearts & Flowers

Quick & clever, romantic designs for that special someone. Floral design by Anthony Vigliotta AIFD Photography by Ron Derhacopian


Spreading the Love Irresistible Valentine gifts for everyone else.

Floral design by Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI Photography by Ron Derhacopian


Stepping Ahead with Festive Florals

A new fresh-flower trade fair.


Flowers& Index 2016 2 DECEMBER 2016

pg 27

on the cover A living plant of blooming jasmine vine, supported on a heart-shaped wire frame, lends delicious fragrance to a design that combines garden style with contemporary chic. For more on this design, turn to pages 46-47 (for product sourcing, turn to page 64). For more Valentine designs by Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI, see pages 42-53.


departments 8


on Design


Inspired by...

A Flexi Grass Heart By Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI

Everyday Design By Tom Bowling AIFD, PFCI


Leaf Art

Looped Leaf Segments By Helen Miller AIFD


Shop Profile

King Florist, Austin, Texas By Marianne Cotter


What’s in Store

Where 64

pg 12

to Buy


Industry Events


Advertiser Links


Wholesale Connection

Flowers& Volume 37, Number 12 (ISSN 0199-4751). Published monthly by Teleflora, 11444 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064, 800-321-2665, fax 310-966-3610. Subscription rates: U.S., 1 year, $78.00. Canada, 1 year, $102.00 (US currency only); Canadian GST registration number R127851293. Other foreign countries, 1 year, $149.88 (US currency only). Single issues, $6.50 each prepaid. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, Calif., and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Flowers&, PO Box 16029, North Hollywood, CA 91615-9871. Copyright © 2016 by Teleflora. Printed in U.S.A.


pg 9

Flowers& Publisher Editor Art Director

Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI Bruce Wright Tony Fox

National Advertising Director

Peter Lymbertos

U.S. Subscriptions


Foreign Subscriptions




On the Internet

A d v i s o r y B o ard Teleflora Education Specialists Susan Ayala AIFD, PFCI, Riverside, Calif., Tom Bowling AIFD, PFCI, Syndicate Sales, Fairfield, Ohio, Tim Farrell AIFD,


Farrell’s Florist, Drexel Hill, Penn., Hitomi Gilliam

Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Bob Hampton



Dallas, Texas, John Hosek

Surroundings Events and Floral, Verona, Wisc., Alex Jackson

Veldkamp’s Flowers, Lakewood, Colo., Vonda LaFever

Fla., Joyce Mason-Monheim

Helen Miller




Tree, Iowa, Jerome Raska




Designer Destination, Tucson, Ariz.,

Flowers and Such, Adrian, Mich., Darla Pawlak

Essexville, Mich., Julie Poeltler



Julie’s Fountain of Flowers, Lone

Blumz by JR Designs, Ferndale, Mich.,

Tom Simmons AIFD, CCF, Three Bunch Palms Productions, Palm Springs, Calif., Gerard Toh AIFD, CCF,

Garden Trade Services, Sherman Oaks, Calif., Cindy Tole AIFD, Botanica Flowers

& Gifts, Greensboro, N.C., Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, PFCI, CAFA, Mukwonago, Wisc.

E d i t o r i al C o u n c i l Marie Ackerman AIFD, AAF, PFCI, Teleflora, Oklahoma City, Okla., Carol J. Caggiano AIFD, PFCI, A.

Caggiano, Inc., Jeffersonton, Va., Bert Ford AIFD, PFCI, Ford Flower Co., Salem, N.H.,

Wilton Hardy


JWH Design and Consultant, West Palm Beach, Fla.,

Elizabeth Seiji AIFD, Edelweiss Flower Boutique, Santa Monica, Calif.

Customer service: For service on your magazine subscription, including change of address, please write to Flowers&, P.O. Box 16029, No. Hollywood, CA 91615-9871, enclosing a recent address label. For faster service, call 818-286-3128; Teleflora members call 800-421-2815.

10 6july 2010

focus on design

A Flexi Grass heart in the Urban Wave Bowl adds up to sophisticated style.


Floral design by Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI

1. Fill the long bowl with foam to about half an inch above the lip. Make a bundle of about 20 stems of Flexi Grass and bind it an inch or two from the tips with metallic (jeweler’s) wire. Make the binding secure by winding the wire around the bundle tightly, then twisting the ends of the wire together. When you cut the wire, leave three or four inches extra. Attach this lead wire to a wired wooden pick. Divide the bundle of Flexi Grass in half, but leave the binding intact. Insert the cut ends of each half into the foam at opposing angles, such that when you pull downward on the bound tips, a heart shape is formed. Secure the heart shape by inserting the wired pick into the foam.

The heart can be created well in advance and other insertions made closer to the holiday. The wide and sleek, boat-shaped bowl combines contemporary styling with maximum impact for short-stemmed flowers.


2. Insert red and pink roses at key positions in the focal area of the design, including a red rose at the center of the heart. Pillow pink hydrangea to cover most of the foam.



3. Continue adding flowers, accent materials and foliage to cover the foam and soften the outlines of the design.

Photography by Ron Derhacopian

See this

how-to on s


For product information, see Where to Buy, page 64.

at Flowers&or go to



inspired by... Everyday design

Inspiration is everywhere— if you look for it. Most of us are fortunate enough to live surrounded by everyday objects that have been designed for visual appeal, ranging from tissue boxes to upholstery fabric. As an example, check out the patterned fabric sampled on this page. Loops, circles, long and lazy curves, angles and parallel diagonal lines come together in a design that is both simple and complex, restful to the eye and continually in motion. Probably Asian-inspired, it is both abstract and suggestive. The hand-drawn quality is reminiscent of mehndi art from India or Pakistan, the practice of staining the hands and feet with henna or turmeric, applied in intricate patterns for festive occasions such as weddings. The color scheme of the fabric design is simple, with dark lines in an earthy terra-cotta red on a background of glowing, golden yellow. This chromatic simplicity and the contrast of light and dark serves well to bring the intricate pattern into relief. Taking inspiration first of all from the straight parallel lines and curving arches, Tom created a design (on the next page) dominated by the graceful curve of a phalaenopsis stem, arching over the top of the design. The most strikingly original feature of this design, however, is the grid of parallel lines defined by star-of-Bethlehem stems, very straight and uniform in thickness, all cut at the same angle on top. What shop doesn’t occasionally have beautiful stems like these



Floral design by Tom Bowling AIFD, PFCI

Photography by Ron Derhacopian

on hand, topped with flowers that are old or damaged, so that the stems would otherwise be thrown away? Here they fill the empty space below the arch with gleaming green. Blooms would only distract from the elegance of the flowering phalaenopsis spray. Shorter, curving stars of Bethlehem, with green flower heads just about to burst open, echo the orchid stem—and recall the gently curving interior lines in the patterned fabric. Phalaenopsis leaves anchor the design on the left. To balance their visual weight and create a lush basing for the design, Tom filled the footed gold Oscar Bowl with green anthuriums and lime-green spray mums. The pink spadixes of the anthuriums add more patterned line interest to the design, along with horizontal flax leaves and more star-of-Bethlehem stems. Trailing ivy shadows the bending, curling and cascading phalaenopsis roots. Line and form, color and texture, visual repetition and movement: the elements of design combine endlessly all around us in expressive ways, ready to serve as teachers, idea generators and springboards for any who care to look and see. b



For product information, see Where to Buy, page 64.

For more information, please contact Cory Sanchez at Monica Useche at Or, you can ask your local wholesaler for details and availabilty. Please visit our website

News, trends, & a review of the basics.

all About




By Bruce Wright

More than ever, garden style The vogue for garden-style roses just keeps building and building. Yes, it has its limits. Cut roses in the garden style—cupped, fragrant, petal-rich—are more expensive because they cost growers more to produce, for a variety of reasons, than the hybrid teas that florists have relied on for decades. And in many cases, garden roses do have a shorter vase life. Most florists (but not all! see page 18) reserve these varieties for wedding work. Supply is limited—in fact, garden-rose growers are hard pressed to keep up with fastgrowing demand. All those factors, however, tend only to increase the cachet of garden roses. When did “higher priced” and “hard to get” ever detract from a product’s prestige? Through social media, today wedding style tends to influence a wide range of lifestyle trends. And the market for garden-style roses has grown in more ways than just in volume. “When we started in 2005, we tested hundreds of varieties and discovered only a few that met our requirements,” says Jose Azout of Alexandra Farms—one of the prime movers in the development of this market. “Today we have over 50 varieties, and we’re constantly testing new ones. Breeders are competing with each other to come up with the




next garden rose.” Competition has raised the bar on vase life, he notes: “We now insist on a minimum of eight days vase life. That is after five days of shipping.” In the world of cut-flower garden roses, nothing creates more excitement than a new variety from English breeder David Austin, and the 2017 wedding season will see two: Purity (photo A at left) is a mediumsized, creamy white rose that opens, first to a cup, then to a fully open rosette with delicate blush undertones at the center. It has a fresh, medium-strong, pure-rose fragrance. “This is a big deal, because there are very few white roses with the English garden shape,” says Jose. Heretofore, fans of David Austin wedding roses who wanted white looked to Patience, a rose with frilly petals and a creamy, rather than a blush-tinted center. Purity is projected to be hardier than Patience, with a vase life of 10 days. Capability (photo B) is a deeply colored raspberry rose, with large blossoms opening fully to a deep cup, and a vase life of seven to nine days. Capability’s medium rose scent has subtle spicy accents. The rose is named after the great 18th-century English landscape architect, Lancelot “Capability” Brown. Also new and of interest, although with limited availability for now, is a series of striking garden roses bred in Japan but now grown also in Colombia by Alexandra Farms. “In Japan the growers are the breeders,” Jose explains. “Normally they don’t sell to anybody else, but we are working with Rose Farm Keiji”—a traditional, multi-generation family farm—“to launch their brand in the U.S.” The first three Keiji varieties include: Princess Aiko (photo C), a peachy, peonyshaped rose; Princess Kishi (D), hot pink to purple with a striking chartreuse center; and Princess Sakura (E), a deeply cupped rose, white with pink overtones (sakura means cherry blossom in Japanese). All these new introductions, while exciting and exquisite, will be in short supply for the first season. Indeed, unless you place orders well in advance and have good relationships with your suppliers, you may have trouble obtaining popular garden roses like Juliet or White O’Hara. When that’s the case, don’t despair, says Jose: impress your bride by suggesting a garden-rose variety that’s well established and high-performing but not quite as widely known already—like fragrant, butter-yellow Beatrice or soft-pink Constance. DECEMBER 2016 15


Roses from all over By

growers would like to increase their market share. It

far the majority of the roses sold in North America, year-round, are grown

may seem strange to think of roses

in Colombia and Ecuador. Both countries

coming to North America from as far away

have the advantage of high altitudes and

as eastern Africa—but if Ecuador can sell

abundant year-round sunlight, factors that

roses to Russia, why not? What to do with leftover

tend to produce long

True, the cost of transportation is high—

stems and large heads.

and here Ethiopia has the advantage, with

rose petals With enough volume

Ecuador is favored as

direct flights from Addis Ababa to Los An-

and the right clientele, you can create

the world’s premium rose producer. Colom-

geles, stopping in Dublin to refuel. Ken-yan

a show-stopper like the design on

bian roses are also of fine quality and often

advocates have been lobbying hard for a

page 27. But here’s another sugges-

a few pennies less expensive.

direct flight to the U.S. from Nairobi, but


What about alternatives? Two countries

as of press time for this issue of Flowers&,

in east Africa play a role as suppliers to the

none was yet available. Kenyan and Ethio-

European market similar to that of Ecuador

pian roses both are currently supplied to

and Colombia in relation to North America.

tion from designer Anthony Vigliotta AIFD: “Place them in a Ziploc bag in the cooler, with a simple sign (‘Rose petals’) and a price. Guys see it and ask, ‘What do I do with these?’ You tell them, ‘Scatter them in the bath—or on

Kenya has been longer in the game—today,

the bed,’ and they always go for it.”

it is the world’s third-largest producers of cut flowers—but Ethithe garden look with a high petal count and

opia is catching up fast. roses

cupped, rounded blooms, in a range of

from both countries

colors popular for weddings. Clustars need

are being sold in

warmer nights than are typically found at


North America as


well as in Europe, and the

North America mainly via the Dutch flower auctions.


D 16

the high elevations of South American rose farms but thrive in Africa; they are also being grown in California. Intermediate-size standard roses are

To help them compete with South Amer-

another successful category for African

ica, African rose growers have lower la-

growers. Mellano & Company, the South-

bor costs and, sometimes, a different

ern California-based grower, shipper and

selection of varieties. They have done

wholesaler, recently introduced an Ethiopi-

particularly well with spray roses,

an rose program that includes both sprays

like bicolor Fireworks (photo A) and

and intermediates (photo D). “We’ve found

golden-yellow Marisa (photo B).

the intermediates to be very long-lasting,”

Both varieties are bred by Interplant,

notes Mellano’s Bruce Brady. “The vase life

a top rose breeder with offices in both

can go 10 to 12 days or longer, with a nice

Holland and Kenya. Interplant is also the

vibrancy. Intermediate means they are more

breeder responsible for the Clustar series

affordable, but they still have a good head

of spray roses (photo C) which captures

size and show up well.” may 2010 11

Making everyday special Most florists only buy garden-style roses as a special order for weddings. But some who have standing orders have found success with that strategy, selling them as everyday product. “We keep them in the cooler, which is color-blocked,” says Alex Jackson AIFD, AAF, PFCI, at Veldkamp’s Flowers in Lakewood, Colorado. “So Tess or Darcy might be there right next to Freedom and Forever Young. We explain the value: we go into the fragrance and the beauty as they age and open up to significant size. There’s people who go for it and people who don’t, but we find some people are happy to try them, and if they do they like them. “We also try to have an arrangement or two in the front cooler, where the roses might be a little more open,” says Alex. “Periodically we’ll leave a vase of them out so they do fully open over the course of a week or so. Of course we don’t sell those, but we talk about them, telling customers, ‘This is a week old, look how beautiful it is, how different over time as it matures and blooms.’ “When we use garden-style roses in event work, it’s typically right at the peak, so they only have a day or so left to go. But when they are tight they last just as long as any other rose. “People do see the price difference. Our standing order helps us out in cost significantly. And we have a select group of regular customers who understand that product


and appreciate it for what it is. They purchase them loose, by the stem. A garden rose is one of those flowers that looks great in a bud vase or a small gathering all by

itself. I have them in my own house on a regular basis,” says Alex. “It’s a great thing to encounter coming home after a really long day.”

Best-quality roses Your reputation

• Don’t strip all the way! Allow foliage

cardboard from around tightly packed

stands and falls on how your shop’s

above the water line to remain on the

roses right away—or at least within two

roses perform. To give customers the best

stem. Don’t automatically remove guard

hours of placing them in water. This is

possible value, remember these tips:

petals right away.

especially true with garden roses. Some

• Order early—ideally, early in December; by January 1 at the latest. • Choose the best varieties—those with a proven

• Keep roses chilled and fed. Hydrate roses in the cooler, not at room temp. Use a flower food

wholesale and retail florists believe the cardboard protects the roses, or leave it on so they will stay compressed and look less open. Once the rose is processed,

track record—among

specially formulated

however, the cardboard is more likely to

reds, for example, bright

for roses.

damage its delicate petals than protect

red Freedom (shown) or

• Loosen up.

them. Let them breathe and develop as

darker Tinto.

Remove the

Mother Nature intended.


How roses get from farm to flower shop Traveling from farms in Colombia or Ecuador and reaching a retail flower shop via a wholesale florist, the journey typically takes from five to seven days or more. That may seem like a long time—but remember that when it comes to keeping flowers fresh, temperature control is more important than transport time. “A rose that is shipped for three to four days at a perfect 33 degrees is way fresher than one that shipped in one day at 50 degrees,” says grower Jose Azout of Alexandra Farms, citing industry expert Dr. George Staby of the Perishables Research Organization. “Internet shippers can get the roses there overnight or in two days, but they suffer because they’re not in the cold chain.” The following describes a practical but also better-than-average scenario for market distribution of roses (and most other flowers) year-round from South American farms like those pictured here. Day 1. Roses are cut, graded and bunched, put into hydrating solution and hydrated in cold rooms overnight, which prepares and strengthens them for the trip they’re about to make. Day 2. The roses are packed into boxes and delivered to a cargo agency, which handles paperwork and logistics for getting flowers to the airlines. Once packed, the flowers must be “pre-cooled” by forcing chilled air through holes in the boxes to make sure they are cold enough all the way through. Day 3. The roses take a three-and-a-half or four-hour flight to Miami, where they are inspected and cleared by customs. Consolidated shipments are sorted. Over the course of the flight, the internal temperature of the boxes rises, perhaps to 48 degrees F—so they need to be precooled once again. Days 4-5. The roses are shipped from Miami to wholesale florists around the country in refrigerated trucks—another key stage for proper handling and temperature control. Days 6-?. Unless the roses are presold and passed along to a retail florist without further handling, it may take a day or more for the wholesaler to receive and process them. The time varies, of course, depending on the distance of the wholesaler from Miami, and whether the flowers are held back at any

stage—by an importer, for example, who has purchased them to re-sell. At holiday times, the sheer volume of roses cut, shipped and sold means that everything takes longer—often 12 days or longer. How do you shorten that time or take other steps to make sure your roses are delivered as fresh as possible? The answer is simple: Order ahead, from suppliers you trust. b




Rose sales by color Here’s how it breaks down:


2% 2% 4%

the popularity of different


rose colors, as indicated by 2015 sales through the Dutch auctions. Red and


pink each account for almost a quarter, with white a close third, then orange, 10%

yellow and green. Source:

Royal FloraHolland,

23% 18%

leaf art

Looped leaf segments on a single stem create depth & dimension in design.


Floral design by Helen Miller AIFD

Photography by Ron Derhacopian

• b

Foliage courtesy of Wm. F. Puckett


Segments split from the same leaf are looped back and forward, showing both the shiny front and the dull backside of the leaf, creating subtle variations in texture. The loops fill in the space between taller stems, leading the eye in and out of the design. 1. Split an aspidistra leaf into four or more strips, cutting from the tip of the leaf down to an inch or two above the base. 2. Pull the strips down, bending some backward, some forward. This gives you a fuller look, with more dimension, than if you bend them all the same way. 3. Wire the looped leaf segments together at the base. It’s a good idea also to tape the binding and the leaf tips below it, for a clean look and to make it easier to insert the looped leaf ornament into foam.




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DECEMBER 2016 23

THEME AND VARIATIONS In display, whether on the counter or in the cooler, a trio like this one has visual impact: it lets customers know that variations are available, and offers them a choice. Don’t be surprised if some go for nontraditional colors. White gift boxes make the perfect backdrop and impulse-buy, to-go containers for little rose bouquets in a range of colors: ‘Freedom’ standard roses with ‘Mambo’ spray roses, ‘Purple Haze’ with ‘Coco Bamboo’ hypericum, and ‘Orange Crush’ roses with ‘Super White’ hypericum.


Quick & clever, romantic designs Floral design by Anthony Vigliotta AIFD, Anthos Design, Los Angeles


Photography by Ron Derhacopian

Flowers for that special someone.

2 january 2012

For product information,


Ecuadorian roses and other fine flowers throughout, Royal Flowers,

see Where to Buy, page 64.

DECEMBER 2016 25

Hearts& Flowers DAISY DO At near left, a sprinkling of white daisy mums lends sweetness and innocence to a simple bouquet of red, pink and hot pink roses, nestled into a box wrapped in pink tissue and tied with a bow. FOR MY SWEETIE At lower left, ‘Sweetness’ roses, ‘Super White’ hypericum, and cherry-red candy go together like strawberries and cream. Anthony placed a small clear glass cube inside a larger one and secured it with UGlu. He filled the space between with the candy, creating a pattern with licorice sticks placed horizontally. Finally, he placed the hand-tied bouquet of roses and hypericum into the inner cube (with flower-food solution, of course). PETAL PERFECT The wow factor of three dozen roses is boosted even higher when the roses—in a variety of harmonious hues, including a few wide-open ‘Majolika’ spray roses—are underscored with a clear glass vase filled with petals. (Here’s your chance to use up rose petals left over from other designs.) Anthony placed an inner vase, secured with UGlu, inside the larger clear glass vase. He filled the space between with the petals, then laced in the roses.

326january 2012

4 january 2012

DECEMBER 2016 27

Hearts& Flowers

PINK PASSION With their ruffled, shell-pink petals, ‘Majolika’ spray roses make the perfect choice for a soft, dainty heart shape, outlined in flat-topped, lime-green ‘Button Athos’ spray mums and reinforced with midollino. This

design required only half a bunch of the wide-open spray roses. “This rose is fabulous because every single blossom opens up,” notes Anthony. With their stems cut short, all of the flowers used here will afford extra-long vase life. PURE LOVE The combination of white roses and a red heart sends the Valentine message with elegant simplicity. You could make the heart shape out of Oasis Mega Wire, but Anthony made this one out of a coat hanger. Leaving the twist below the hook intact, he pulled the triangular part of the hanger out from the hook and reshaped it into a heart. Then he added another piece of wire to the hook end to supply stabilizing “feet” on either side for his wire sculpture. Finally, he wrapped the heart with red yarn; you could also use ribbon or red floral tape. The heart and the staggered ‘Vendela’ roses rise from a bed of ‘Green Ball’ dianthus. 28


Hearts& Flowers


cherry are artificial, but in season in they could also be fresh laterals

more customers are asking

clipped from a tall branch. They provide the perfect complement to a

for something other than

luscious bed of ‘White Ohara’ garden roses, ‘Majolika’ spray roses,

roses. Some could also find the arrangement above more accept-

‘Super White’ hypericum, ‘Mini Green’ hydrangea, dusty miller,

able than roses as a gift for a man. Loops of red and white midol-

seeded eucalyptus, lily grass, and a single perfect succulent rosette.

lino add an easy, low-cost enhancement that brings out the color in cymbidium and dendrobium orchids.

CRYSTAL STARS The graceful curves of ‘Crystal White’ callas peep out from within a cloud of ‘Million Stars’ gypsophila, accented with

BLUSH DREAM Below, sprigs of flowering cherry lend an extra

just enough midollino for a sly hint of Valentine red. Mercury glass

touch of romance to an ultrafeminine design. Here the sprigs of

and dusty miller bring in a gleaming tone and velvet texture.




Hearts& Flowers ROSE GARDEN At left, ‘Topaz’ roses (hot pink, softened with an overlay of white on just the outside of the petals) glow from within a garden gathering of seeded eucalyptus, white daisies, lime-green hydrangea, and pink bicolor carnations. Anthony inserted the carnations as bundles of three, so that they give the impression of a super-fluffy peony or hydrangea. As a finishing touch, he looped and wire-picked bundles of variegated bear grass, then inserted the picks into the underlying floral foam. AHEAD OF THE CURVES Elegantly curving stems of white callas, echoed with midollino and contrasting with the straight lines of clear acrylic rods, rise from a lush base of red ‘Hearts’ garden roses, white ‘Vendela’ roses, ‘Super White’ hypericum, and rolled variegated aspidistra leaves. Small pieces of clear UGlu hold the callas and midollino in place, the callas secured to thick bands of silver flat wire wrapped

10 january 2012


Hearts& Flowers


varieties include, from left to right, ‘Sumatra’, ‘Picasso’,

LOVE Bundles

and ‘Schwarzwalder’.

of callas or

tulips make a quick cash-and-carry gift; the customer

A MANLY HEART The heart-shaped, glossy bracts and

can purchase one bundle or all three together with the

leaves of red anthuriums make them a shoo-in for

vase. In both cases, the smooth stems are bundled

Valentine designs—perhaps especially one intended

with anchor tape, then the tape is covered with split

for a man. Red wire hearts reinforce the message, a

aspidistra leaves, secured with corsage pins. The calla

red bamboo cube the color scheme.

11 2012 34 january

12 january 2012


Hearts& Flowers


‘Majolika’ spray roses. Finally, he added the tip and feathers: After

TER How often do men come

making the arrowhead out of red aluminum wire, one end wrapped

into the shop at Valentine’s

tightly onto the stake, he squeezed it here and there with pliers to

Day looking for a pair of designs, one for their wife, one for a

knick it, creating places for bullion wire to catch. Then he wrapped

daughter? Here’s one solution. Pink wire hearts and curlicues bring

the feather end of the stake with red ribbon and glued red feathers

out the delicate coloring of cymbidium orchids and wax flower;

onto it.

diminutive, light-green eucalyptus fills in with a nubbly texture. LASTING LOVE Trendy tillandsias can last indefinitely with minimal CUPID’S ARROW To make the design below, Anthony skewered

care—or can dry nicely in place, as is true also of the orbiting

two Oasis Mini Hearts (Oasis floral foam in a heart shape, glued

craspedia stems that enhance the presentation at right, where the

to a sturdy plastic base) together with a sharpened plant stake.

craspedia is held in place with simple tension against the curves of

He secured the stake to the plastic bases with anchor tape, both to

the bubble bowl. The tillandsia can be lifted out of the vase every

protect the integrity of the foam and to keep it from swiveling on the

few days, run under a tap to water it, allowed to dry, and replaced.

stake. He then filled the hearts with bicolor ‘Elektra’ and blush pink

Acrylic ice gleams in the bottom of the bubble bowl.

13 2012 36 january

14 january 2012

DECEMBER 2016 37

Hearts& Flowers SURPRISE PACKAGE Easy to carry or deliver, the design concept seen above offers a moment of drama when the gable box is opened. It can be easily adapted for a mother and one or more daughters—here, ‘Freedom’ roses for Mom, ‘Pink Irischka’ for Missy. SECRET HEART A well-known Parisian florist is famous for his flower-filled hatboxes, sent to and by couturiers following Fashion Week. A Valentine version of this brilliant idea declares passion with one dark-red, petal-packed ‘Hearts’ garden rose, surrounded by brilliant fuchsia ‘Pink Floyd’. Suitable hatboxes can be purchased inexpensively online or at craft stores.

15 2012 38 january

SHORTS AND ONESIES “Every shop has them left over at Valentine’s Day,” says Anthony. Here they are floating in a “bubble bath” among glass bubbles, with acrylic ice underneath. The varieties include ‘Majolika’ spray roses, ‘Moody Blues’, ‘Pink Floyd’, and bicolor ‘Purple Haze’. PUT A RING ON IT What more romantic way to present a gift of jewelry (not excluding an engagement ring!) than nestled in tissue inside a lidded velvet box embedded in a tray of roses? The array of ‘Purple Haze’, ‘Moody Blues’ and ‘Blueberry’ roses is here collared with rows of bicolor ‘Daisy Orinoco’ mums.

16 january 2012

DECEMBER 2016 39

Hearts& Flowers CONTEMPORARY CHIC Acrylic

rods, bands and curls of silver flat wire, and an elegantly curving line of hot pink midollino rising up from the Round Pot in Weathered Slate—it all adds up to a stylish presentation for a gift that can be prepared in advance of the holiday and still last for weeks if not months, equally suitable for women or men. b

100 january 2012 40

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DECEMBER 2016 41

Spreading the

Love Irresistible Valentine gifts for. . .

everyone else.

Floral design by Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI

Photography by Ron Derhacopian

ALL CLEAR Self-adhesive gel hearts like these are widely available at craft stores. They make a simple way to turn an everyday arrangement into a Valentine gift suitable for any recipient from the house cleaner to the babysitter. The hearts come on a plastic card; you peel them off the card and they stick to the vase by themselves. To make the laced bouquet, place the hydrangea and carnation stems first in the vase

For product information,



to support the remaining stem insertions.

see Where to Buy, page 64.

2 january 2012

DECEMBER 2016 43

APPLES FOR THE TEACHER What teacher wouldn’t be thrilled to receive this Biedermeier-style arrangement with miniature faux apples nestled inside concentric rows of daisies and carnations? Rich added the green Glitter Leaves with glue and also let the apples cascade down the sides of the ceramic cube by wrapping gold wire around the stems. FLUFFED UP Below, baby’s breath, midollino, and a lining of aspidistra leaves for the clear glass rectangular vase add feminine appeal to a gift of African violet plants, perfect for an aunt or godmother. Rich cut slices of foam to fit the bottom of the long rectangular glass vase and pinned the aspidistra leaves to the bottom of the wet foam with greening pins; then he nestled the foam into the container with the rest of the leaf bent up along the sides. He added more leaves, slipped in front, to cover the sides of the container completely, and laid in the African violets, still in their pots, on top of the foam. Finally, he added the gypsophila and midollino for additional line, height, and texture. PUPPY LOVE Don’t be surprised if this turns out to be one of your best sellers! And a conversation starter to boot. Milk bones are hung with Bind Wire from a “tree” made with Victorian birch branches, also bound with Bind Wire. More milk bones are gathered in a clear plastic liner wrapped with newspaper, nestled in a bed of bright flowers and foliage in the Tuscan Autumn Bowl. Woof!

344 2012 26january

Spreading the


4 january 2012


Spreading the

Love HELLO NEIGHBORS If you love their beautifully landscaped and well-maintained garden, why not say thank-you with a design reminiscent of flowerbeds? A backdrop of croton leaves and a border of galax and craspedia frames rows of roses and carnations, with bupleurum “hedges” on each side. SWELLING HEARTS At lower left, expanding, waterstoring gel hearts—like Deco Beads, but in a heart shape—make a bright red vase filler that shows beautifully through clear glass. Here the hearts surround a design grid made with aluminum wire. Rich made the grid, inserted short stems of roses and hydrangea, and filled in around the flowers with the Deco Shapes hearts. BREATHE DEEP A delicious fragrance wafts from blooming jasmine, which in areas with a mild climate is at its natural peak season from January through March. In February it is covered with rose-pink buds that open to pure white blossoms. Jasmine wreaths, supported on a wire frame, are sold in a heart shape only for Valentine’s Day from central California grower Bay City Flower Co. Rich placed wet floral foam in the large ceramic cube first, including a little foam in the bottom of the pot to elevate the plant, and more around the sides so he could add basing flowers to bring out the pink in the jasmine buds. When the cut flowers mature, the plant can be removed in its pot and placed in a different cachepot. 46


Spreading the

Love SNEAKY KISSES A cylinder filled with Hershey Kisses serves as a pedestal for a fountain of flowers arranged in an Iglu caged foam holder, sitting in a clear plastic Lomey dish with gold gravel. Rich glued the Iglu into the center of the Lomey dish with pan glue, then soaked it by placing it upsidedown in a vase of water mixed with flower food. The two components of the design can be transported separately and recombined for delivery. That way, the recipient can easily remove the dish at any time in order to “sneak a kiss�! VROOM VROOM Toy cars racing on flatwire overpasses can bring a smile to the face of a young son or any NASCAR fan. Extra loops of narrower flat wire dramatize the feeling of fast motion. Rich filled the square cement container with foam and then measured out the wire for the overpasses. He filled some of the flat foam surface with a single aspidistra leaf to keep the design from getting too busy, then added short flowers around the outside, including bells of Ireland cut into sections. 48 30


950january 2012

Spreading the

Love KNITTERS UNITE Maybe it’s for Grandma—but as popular as knitting is today, this cute design idea could find favor with all kinds of recipients, old and young. The yarn is wrapped around Styrofoam spheres, which are in turn studded with corsage pins and picked into floral foam. On the other side of the bamboo rectangular vase, dark blue eryngium nicely balances the light blue yarn with its color and texture. ROWS OF ROSES Pink mosaic hearts, right side up and upside down, make rings around a new collection of vases from Syndicate Sales that just beg to be topped with flowers in corresponding rings and rows. To fill each of these, Rich began with a grid of clear anchor tape across the top of the vase. In the taller Gathering Vase, the stems of white hydrangea, inserted first, also serve to guide and control subsequent insertions. In the Rosie Posie Vase, ‘Majolika’ spray roses, lisianthus, and wax flower make a ring around a pillar candle. 10 january 2012

DECEMBER 2016 51

Spreading the

DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL She’ll love the stylish and feminine presentation of foilwrapped chocolate hearts, nestled in the Feathered Nests from Fitz Design that come with wire-stemmed jewels attached, perfect for securing the hearts. Rich prepared the nests by gluing them to Oasis Anchor Pins, which elevate the nests and protect them from moisture. He placed floral foam in the galvanized zinc tray, then covered it with aspidistra leaves, secured with greening pins placed over the thickest part of the spine. Finally, he placed the nests, pink carnations and spray roses, using the stems to pierce openings in the aspidistra leaves, and filled the nests with the red candy hearts.


GAL-ENTINES From one best girlfriend to another, a fountain of orange, white and purple flowers expresses love and solidarity. Crown Pearl Picks in the bouquet coordinate with adhesive pearl dots on the message card, which is UGlu’d to wide ribbon wrapped around the Color Splash Cubes. Rich began his insertions with the collar of galax leaves around the outside, then added the fountain of orange tulips and blue veronica in the middle and finished by filling in with the hydrangea and lisianthus at the base. b 52

200 january 2012

DECEMBER 2016 53

Stepping Aheadwith Festive Florals A new fresh-flower trade fair promises a whole new way of looking at flowers and seasonal décor. By Bruce Wright


ooking to step up your game for Christmas 2017? Or maybe, inject some European style into your products, services, merchandising and design inspiration for all kinds of festive celebrations? Your timing is good. Consumers are more than ever looking to incorporate fresh flowers and plants as they celebrate holidays and other festive events year-round. At least, that is the trend noted by the organizers of Christmasworld—held each January in Frankfurt, Germany, and considered the world’s leading international trade fair for seasonal décor, with buyers and exhibitors from around the world. Every year flowers and plants play a more and more important role at the trade fair. This coming January, one entire hall of the famous Messe Frankfurt exhibition center will be devoted to a new fair, Floradecora, running parallel to Christmasworld. Exhibitors will include flower growers, breeders, traders, and suppliers of floral accessories. With the two shows side by side, exhibitors and buyers alike will be able to make creative connections. “We want to get across to retailers how they can display decorative items and fresh flowers alongside one another and thus boost sales to end customers,” says Christmasworld director Eva Olbrich. Indeed, organizers say the look of Floradecora will be quite different from other floral trade fairs. Buyers will be able to visit “flower circles” where they can quickly compare products from a variety of suppliers. A central structure in the middle of the hall (“the Farmhouse”) will function as a meeting place and platform for workshops, demonstrations, and competitions. With currency exchange rates favorable to US visitors, they are likely to make a strong showing at the fair—and to bring back with them a wealth of energizing, creative ideas for mixing more and more fresh flowers into festive seasonal décor.


HUES NEWS Some of the trends noted at this year’s edition of Christmasworld, where fresh-flower displays were already much in evidence, include plenty of copper and gold, pinks ranging from pale to vibrant (blending with mid-tone peaches and yellows, or contrasting with deep blues and purples), and an easy mixing of natural and artificial forms and textures.

TREND PROJECTIONS Visitors to Christmasworld 2016, the leading international trade fair for seasonal décor, could draw insight and inspiration from trend palettes, graphics and displays. In 2017 the show runs in parallel with the new show, Floradecora, focusing on fresh flowers and plants with an equally creative presentation.

MAKING MAGIC For the past six years, the creative team of Pascal Koeleman and Rudi Tuinman, a.k.a. 2Dezign, have infused Christmasworld with the enchantment of their themed, theatrical settings. Last year’s theme, “Design by Modern Nature,” gleamed with copper and gold and came alive with figures and drawings of forest animals. For January 2017, the pair will play a key role in launching the


January 27-30, 2017 Frankfurt, Germany

A new fresh-flower trade fair that runs parallel with Christmasworld, a dynamic international show that focuses on holiday and year-round festive decoration.

new, fresh-flower trade fair, Floradecora. december 2016 55


2016 index

Design Contest The Theme (“Hues in Harmony”).............................Jan, p. 13 (and Feb, p. 23 and Mar, p. 17) The Ten Finalists.................... Aug, p. 17 The Winners.......................... Nov, p. 15

Floral Design Features Trends 2016: Palettes, themes, products and design ideas (designer: Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI)......................Jan, p. 34 Flowers Into Art: One floral artist’s vision (designer: Claire won Kang AIFD)............................Jan, p. 56 Salute to Spring: Designs inspired by the season (designer: Elizabeth Seiji AIFD).............................. Feb, p. 26 Fitting Tributes: Sympathy designs with a creative personal touch (designer: Susan Ayala AIFD, PFCI).................... Feb, p. 42 Classic with a Twist: Updated elegance for deserving moms (designer: Jim Ganger AIFD)......................... Mar, p. 26 It Girl Flowers: Inventive, attentiongetting ideas for prom night (designer: Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD, AAF, PFCI, AzMF).......................... Mar, p. 40 The Color of Love: Wedding flowers in fashion-forward palettes (designers: Vonda LaFever AIFD, PFCI and Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, PFCI, CAFA)...... Apr, p. 30 56

Masters of Elegance: An EMC+ wedding workshop............................... Apr, p. 60 Fresh & Fancy: Making the most of the best flowers on the market (designer: Gerard Toh AIFD)................... May, p. 30 Plant Kingdom: Floral designs with green and blooming plants (designer: Jenny Thomasson AIFD, PFCI)......... June, p. 22 Within These Five Walls: Techniques for constructing floral walls (designer: Tom Bowling AIFD, PFCI).............. June, p. 38 Holiday Gardens: Turn green and blooming plants into gifts and décor............................. July, p. 16 Show & Sell: Sell more holiday merchandise with daring displays (designer: Bert Ford AIFD)............ July, p. 28 Modern Style: A sampling from the new book Contemporary Floral Design......................... July, p. 52 Fall Colors: Designs to bring in the harvest season (designer: Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, PFCI, CAFA).................. Aug, p. 30 Pushing the Envelope: Selections from Formidable Florists................. Aug, p. 44 Inspiration Found: Creative renewal at AIFD Symposium................... Sept, p. 12 It’s All About the Dress: Bouquets to complement wedding-gown silhouettes (designer: Lorraine Cooper AIFD)......................... Sept, p. 28

Flowers for the Feast: Themes for bridal banquet tables (designer: Bert Ford AIFD, PFCI..................................... Sept, p. 48 Gifts of Distinction: Seasonal designs with talk-about-it flair (designer: Susan Ayala AIFD, PFCI)............................ Oct, p. 20 All Through the House: Themes and strategies for custom holiday décor (designer: Darla Pawlak AIFD, PFCI)........ Oct, p. 36 All Hawaiian, All Occasions: Designs with high-value tropicals (designer: Hitomi Gilliam AIFD).......................... Oct, p. 54 Holiday Hoopla: Dazzling designs for stylish celebrations (designer: Elizabeth Seiji AIFD)............................. Nov, p. 24 A Season, A Reason: Themes floral décor for winter parties (designer: Tim Farrell AIFD, AAF, PFCI)..................... Nov, p. 36 Hearts and Flowers: Romantic designs for that special someone (designer: Anthony Vigliotta AIFD).........................Dec, p. 24 Spreading the Love: Irresistible Valentine gifts for everyone else (designer: Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI).......Dec, p. 42

Floral Industry Features The Big Picture: News from the floral supply chain..........................Jan, p. 16 See, Learn, Grow: Upcoming floral trade fairs............................... Feb, p. 16

Beidermeier Goes Ombré........... Apr, p. 8

Ocean Waves........................ July, p. 13

A Pair of Glowing Hearts........... May, p. 8

Ginkgo Leaves....................... Aug, p. 13

Men Buying Roses: Catering to this market................................... Feb, p. 25

A Modular Party Design........... June, p. 8 Theme and Variations............... July, p. 8

Parallel Lines.......................... Oct, p. 12

Name that Hue: Enrich your color vocabulary............................ Mar, p. 20

Blending Fresh and Longer-Lasting......................... Aug, p. 8

Art Deco................................ Nov, p. 10

How-To Can-Do: Wedding style at Florabundance Design Days..... Apr, p. 16

A Purple and Gold Bouquet....... Sept, p. 8

The Market Report: The latest from the world of cut flowers................ May, p. 16 Buyers’ Guide 2016-17: Products and services, suppliers and resources, a directory of wholesalers, schools, and associations......................... June, p. 57

A Contemporary Holiday Wreath......................... Oct, p. 8 Party-Favor Nosegays ............. Nov, p. 8 A Flexi Grass Heart....................Dec, p. 8

Fresh Focus

Lilies on Parade: A report from Dutch Lily Days............................... Aug, p. 24

Ranunculus............................ Feb, p. 25

A Day at the Fair: Flowers and fun at International Floral Expo......... Aug, p. 54

Lavender.............................. June, p. 16

Inspiration Found: Creative renewal at AIFD Symposium................... Sept, p. 12

Hydrangea............................ Aug, p. 58

Island Beautiful: The latest in cut flowers, foliage and plants from Hawaii.Oct, p. 50 All About Roses: News, trends, and a review of the basics.................Dec, p. 15

Spirea.................................... Feb, p. 62 Craspedia............................. July, p. 22 Ornamental Kale..................... Oct, p. 16

Grower Profiles

Everyday Design.....................Dec, p. 10

Leaf Art Aspidistra Cones.....................Jan, p. 30 Lacy Loops............................ Feb, p. 10 Galax Rosettes, Updated......... Mar, p. 10 An Archway of Bent Flax.......... Apr, p. 10 Aspidistra Roses.................... May, p. 10 Aspidistra Curves.................. June, p. 14 Pleats and Curls.................... July, p. 10 Braided Lily Grass.................. Aug, p. 10 Trimmed Sago Palm............... Sept, p. 10 Monstera Leaf “Pods”.............. Oct, p. 10 Braided Robellini Palms.......... Nov, p. 22 Looped Leaf Segments.............Dec, p. 22

Tillandsia International............. Feb, p. 58

Shop Profiles

Stepping Ahead with Festive Florals: A new fresh-flower trade fair........Dec, p. 54

Inspired By…

Flower Gallery, Valdosta, Georgia..................................Mar, p. 58

Focus on Design

Cityscapes.............................Jan, p. 10 Waterfalls............................... Feb, p. 13

Celebration Flowers & Gifts, Canton, Ohio................. May, p. 58

Striped Leaves, Graceful Curves........................Jan, p. 8

The Nautilus.......................... Mar, p. 13

A Long-Lasting Nest Design....... Feb, p. 8

Ombré.................................. May, p. 13

A Selling Tool for Prom Flowers.. Mar, p. 8

Woodlands.......................... June, p. 10

Clouds................................... Apr, p. 13

Cugini Florists, Renton, Washington........................... July, p. 60 Wasserman’s Flowers & Gifts, Muskegon, Michigan................................ Oct, p. 60 DECEMBER 2016 57

shop profile

By Marianne Cotter

Sometimes it pays to follow the beat of a different drummer.


hen French-born florist Benoit Ballon moved to Austin in 2004 after working in San Francisco for ten years, he landed a job as a designer at King Florist, a well-established shop that dates back to 1927. Quickly he worked himself into a management role— and by December of 2005 he had purchased the floral business, while the prior owner retained ownership of the building. Five months later, Benoit got a surprise that was both unexpected and unwanted. The previous owner informed Benoit that he was selling the building. King Florist would have to find a new home. “It was a big surprise to us to get kicked out after five months,” Benoit recalls. “I had no choice but to move to a new, smaller location.” During his brief stay in the first shop, Benoit had begun updating the business to court a younger clientele. “The old owners had served a slightly older customer, and it showed in their floral design,” Benoit explains. “I was in my mid-30s, and I knew I had to find a younger clientele and keep design current.” In his new shop he continued to hone the business toward a younger, more upscale customer. A BLANK SLATE The shock and insecurity of suddenly having to find a new home lingered—and so, five years later, in 2011, Teamwork is a big part of what makes his business tick for King Florist owner Benoit Ballon, seen at center in the photo above near right with six members of his highly motivated, hand-picked staff. As in every shop, cost control is also important, even with high-end clients who appreciate the shop’s distinctive signature style.


Photography by Leah Overstreet Photography

King Florist of Austin Austin, Texas Owner: Benoit Ballon AIFD Niche: Everyday work for all occasions, some corporate work, and a small number of weddings, private events, and funerals Number of employees: 8 full-time, 2 part-time Square footage: 3,000 (showroom plus design area)

december 59 may2016 2010 304

Benoit secured the future of King Florist by purchasing a building of his own. “It was owned by another flower shop, and the owners were retiring,” he recalls. “This time I bought the building, but not the business.” Inside, he gutted the large rectangular space and finally had a clean canvas on which to create a fresh brand and experience for the upscale clientele he was courting. All interior walls were removed to create an open-plan workspace — a big rectangular room. The ceiling was raised and the ducts exposed for an industrial look that carries through in the choice of shelving units with metal hardware softened by wooden shelves. Benoit also chose freestanding modular shelving that can be easily repositioned as needs change. MODERN AND MINIMAL From the outside, customers are greeted with an exterior defined by clean lines and neutral colors, punctuated by surprising hand-painted floral murals including large pink and green blooms splashed on the side of a gray storage unit. When customers walk in the door they find themselves in a clean, open retail and design area that takes up one side of the showroom. They can watch designers at work and ask questions. Designers can introduce new ideas and materials. “We wanted our clients to be able to watch our designers and see how they work, to be part of the process, to see the action,” says Benoit. “It’s fun for the client, very inviting and interactive.” The flow of the store was designed to allow staff and clientele alike to experience the true essence of what happens in a flower shop. All staff members are involved in every aspect of daily operations. SUCCULENTS TO GO Also featured in the showroom are an assortment of succulent designs and terrariums, which provide customers with a quick grab-and-go gift. “We keep them in the store all the time, and we sell a lot of them,” says Benoit. “Every succulent is already designed and potted,


or our designers can custom-make one at the counter. People in Austin love the succulent style; it fits the local weather and landscape.” To complement King Florist’s modern design style, Benoit carries a selection of simple ceramic vases. “Our ceramics are cylinders and low, round pots. Everything is very clean, to go with the store design and our floral design style.” When it comes to displays, Benoit stays away from gift-y vignettes and evocative settings, opting instead for simple shelving units for plants and containers in keeping with the overall simplicity of the shop. “We are not a gift store,” Benoit explains. “I don’t have tables full of candles and accent pieces. We are in a town where if you want a candle you can go to a candle store. If you want to buy flowers, we are here.” EUROPEAN ROOTS Benoit entered the floral industry as a young man in Caen, a city in northwestern France. There he attended a vocational school, ICEP (Institut Consulaire d’Enseignement Professionel) from 1988 to 1993, earning two degrees, one in floral design and the other in business management. “I did an apprenticeship,” he explains, “going to school and working part time— three weeks working in a flower shop and one week in school.” After a year of military service in France, Benoit moved to San Francisco in early 1994. He was inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) in 2006. Benoit’s French background and training accounts for the shop’s European design The floor plan for King Florist, as designed by the owner, is basically one large open space, with a raised ceiling, exposed duct work, and modular shelves and display tables that can be repositioned as needed to change the look and the flow. Outside, large colorful flowers decorate a metal storage unit along with a shop vehicle that bears a motto on the back window: “Keep Austin Blooming.”

december 2016 61

wireless headsets keep employees discreetly in touch with one another to seamlessly meet customer needs. “Service is a huge, huge part of what we are offering. A rose is a rose, but how are you going to present that rose and sell it? That’s what makes the difference.”

style. “We do low, compact, lush European style. Not too tall, very, very full with lots of blooms,” he says. “When we use greenery we use it as an accent, not for filler. Right now we are carrying camellia, magnolia and Australian fern, to name a few. Camellia is beautiful, shiny and bright and we use it just like we use a flower. Greens for us are another element of design that provides texture and color.” Floral offerings from King Florist are not intended to cover a wide customer base. “We stick with what we do best,” Benoit explains. “We don’t go with the trends and we don’t try to be everything to everyone. I am not comfortable doing work that does not represent our brand.” If a customer requests something outside of the shop’s brand, Benoit is more than happy to refer that client to a colleague who could provide what they want. “Our concern is not just that we make a sale, but that the client is taken care of.” HIGH-END CLIENTS This strategy allows King Florist to focus on its core high-end clientele. “If you go to our website, the average arrangement costs $125, $150,” Benoit points out. “We also carry lower prices than that, but mostly we’re in the higher price range. Still, if someone comes in wanting a single rose, we can do that too.” It was during the recession that Benoit decided to lock into the high-end client. “We were working with people who had money— really had money. We were able to keep our momentum to the point where the recession didn’t really affect us. We have had 17 percent growth every year ever since.” THE HIRING CONVERSATION For Benoit, grooming employees to deliver the highest level of customer service begins in the hiring process, which is treated as an ongoing conversation that may happen even before a position is open. “We are always looking for talent, for that person who can bring something special to the business. Often we’ll invest in an employee even when a position isn’t currently needed,” says Benoit. “We like to schedule informal interviews for the


Benoit’s vision for his business does not include trying to be all things to all people. “We stick with what we do best,” he says, specializing in flowers rather than gifts and in a low, compact, lush, and distinctively European style of design. applicant to meet our management team. We have a very team-oriented environment that requires a level of transparency among all team members. We are able to tell very quickly if the candidate is suited for the environment or not.” Hiring wisely is the beginning of Benoit’s strategy to set King Florist apart. From there

MARKETING WITH GOOGLE Most of King Florist’s marketing is done online, where the shop brand has been optimized for search engines. “Most of our marketing dollars are invested with Google, which has provided us with an invaluable presence online, both locally and nationally,” says Benoit. “We also try to be very interactive with clients via Instagram and Facebook. We recently started to do some TV advertising.” More interaction with customers online, however, doesn’t mean less interaction in person—quite the opposite. While King Florist’s location in north central Austin is perfect for serving the whole metro area, in the immediate neighborhood, word has gotten around that King Florist is an interesting place to drop in for a visit. “Our walk-in business has really taken off in the last two years, mostly due to word of mouth,” says Benoit. “We’re not your typical flower shop, so people want to experience it. The street where we are is a busy commuting corridor, and we have a residential neighborhood behind us.” And while many florists have been looking to boost the profile of weddings and events in their shops’ overall profit picture, for King Florist, they are only a small part of the business. When asked to recall a memorable event, Benoit replies with this perspective: “Our business has been one fun ten-year event. We continue to challenge ourselves and reinvent our brand daily.” Success always comes with a price. Like most florists, Benoit works six days a week; private time with his wife and kids is a precious commodity. Satisfaction comes, however, not just from working with flowers, but from pursuing a distinctive and independent vision of what a retail flower shop can be. b

what’s in store

HEART TO HEART Ribbon is such an easy way to add just the right Valentine touch, from the demure look of hearts embroidered on white dupioni silk to glittered hearts boldly superimposed on black and white stripes. Wired edges make for quick and easy bows. Call Reliant Ribbons, Bows & Trims at 800-886-2697 or visit

LOUD AND CLEAR An air-filled, 14-inch balloon in the shape of a daisy sends the Valentine message home and makes the perfect accent for red and white Valentine designs. It’s one of many sweet and clever Valentine offerings from Betallic. Call 800-325-0185 or visit

NIGHTS IN RED SATIN Taking its cue from a trend to the vibrant combination of red and rich purple, Teleflora’s Shining Heart Bouquet comes in a ceramic vase adorned with an embedded rhinestone heart. A wide neck and base and a large water capacity make this vase easy and convenient for design and delivery. Call 800-333-0205 or visit

DECEMBER 2016 63

where to buy For more information on


Round Pot in Weathered Slate, Syndicate Sales. Flat wire and midollino, Smithers-Oasis.

merchandise featured in Flowers&, contact the supplier directly. Direct links to most suppliers can be


found on the Flowers& website,

pages 42-53 Use the links under “Advertisers in This Issue” or the link to our searchable, online Buyers’ Guide at the top of the Flowers& home page.


Jasmine Heart Wreath, Bay City Flower Co. Large light green ceramic cube, Vasesource.


pg 37

pages 8-9

Urban Wave Bowl, Syndicate Sales.


page 12

Oscar Bowl, Accent Décor.

L E A F A R T , page 22

BLUSH DREAM, page 30

Urban Wave Bowl, Syndicate Sales. Permanent-botanical flowering cherry, Pioneer Imports.


Red bamboo tray, Teleflora.

ALL CLEAR, page 43

Glass Ginger Jar, Teleflora.

A MANLY HEART, page 35

Red bamboo rectangle, Teleflora.

Tapered Square Vase in Weathered Slate, Syndicate Sales.

HEARTS & FLOWERS, pages 24-40

Ecuadorian roses and other fine flowers throughout, Royal Flowers.


Bamboo rectangular vases, Teleflora.

CUPID’S ARROW, page 36


Hobnail cube, Burton + Burton. Mini faux apples, Plus One. Glitter Leaves, Milton Adler.

Oasis Mini Hearts, Smithers-Oasis.


White gift boxes, Nashville Wraps.



ROSE GARDEN, page 32


Mercury glass large julep vase, Teleflora.

Vase filler gems, UCI.


‘Sweetness’ roses and ‘Super White’ hypericum, Royal Flowers.


Large clear glass vase, G3.

PINK PASSION, page 28 Cement tray, Jamali.

PURE LOVE, page 29

Love Knots rosette ribbon in champagne color, Berwick.


Tapered Planter in Weathered Slate, Syndicate Sales.


Tapered Cube in Putty color, Container Source.

Glass bubbles and vase filler gems, UCI.

PUPPY LOVE, page 45

Tuscan Autumn Bowl, Teleflora.


F e at u r e d Suppliers

Bamboo tray, Teleflora.

DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL, page 52 Feathered Nests, Fitz Design. Galvanized Zinc Tray, Jamali.


Deco Shapes expanding gel hearts, JRM Chemical. Plate glass rectangle, Accent Décor.

ROWS OF ROSES, page 51

Pink Mosaic Hearts Gathering Vase and Rosie Posie Vase, Syndicate Sales.

GAL-ENTINES, page 53

Color Splash Cubes, Teleflora. Crown Pearl Picks, Milton Adler. Adhesive Pearl Dots, Fitz Design.


Jasmine Heart Wreath, Bay City Flower Co. Large light green ceramic cube, Vasesource.

VROOM VROOM, page 49

Weathered Slate Square, Syndicate Sales. Flat wire, Smithers-Oasis.


pg 53

Accent Décor, Inc. Call 800-385-5114 or visit Bay City Flower Co. Call 800-399-5858 or visit Berwick Offray. Call 800-327-0350 or visit Burton + Burton. Call 800-241-2094 or visit Container Source. Call 800-499-6128 or visit Fitz Design. Call 800-500-2120 or visit G3 Garcia Group Glass. Call 800-241-3733 or visit Jamali Garden and Floral Supply. Call 212-979-0108 or visit JRM Chemical. Call 800-962-4010 or visit Milton Adler Company. Call 800-651-0113 or visit Nashville Wraps. Call 800-547-9727 or visit Pioneer Imports & Wholesale. Call 888-234-5400 or visit Plus One Imports/A Division of the Garcia Group. Call 800-241-3733 or visit Royal Flowers. Call 800-977-4483 or visit Smithers-Oasis. Call 800-321-8286 or visit Syndicate Sales. Call 800-428-0515 or visit Teleflora. Call 800-333-0205 or visit UCI (Unlimited Containers, Inc.). Call 888-880-8998 or visit Vasesource. Call 718-752-0424 or visit

Bamboo rectangular vase, Teleflora.

december 2016 65

industry events For the most recent additions to Teleflora Unit Programs, go to and click on Design Education to access the Floral Event Calendar in the Unit Program section.

National and International December 5-January 20, 2017, Atlanta, GA FloraMart® (Pete Garcia Company) market dates (except 12/23/16-1/1/17) for fall/ Christmas 2017 merchandise, FloraMart. Visit

emporium August 9-17, 2017, Carlsbad, CA

SEPTEMber 6-9, 2017, PALM BEACH, FL Society of American Florists Annual Convention, The Breakers. Call SAF at 800-336-4743 or visit

October 4-7, 2017, Bogotá, Colombia

January 9-11, 2017, Santa Barbara, CA

Proflora 2017, Corferias Convention Center. Contact the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters (Asocolflores) at proflora@ or visit

Florabundance Inspirational Design Days. Visit

June 30-July 5, 2018, Washington, DC

January 10-12, 2017, Long Beach, CA The Special Event, Long Beach Convention Center. Visit

January 18-20, 2017, Fort Lauderdale, FL Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE), Broward County Convention Center. Contact the Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association at 800-375-3642 or visit

January 24-27, 2017, Essen, Germany IPM Essen, Messe Essen. Visit

January 27-31, 2017, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Christmasworld, including the new Floradecora. Visit

March 13-14, 2017, Washington, DC Congressional Action Days. Conference hotel: Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA. Call the Society of American Florists at 800-3364743 or visit

March 22-24, 2017, Las Vegas, NV World Floral Expo. Visit

June 13-15, 2017, Chicago, IL International Floriculture Expo, McCormick Place. Visit

July 1-5, 2017, Seattle, WA National AIFD Symposium, Sheraton Seattle. Call the American Institute of Floral Designers at 410-752-3318 or visit

National AIFD Symposium 2018, Washington Marriott Wardman Park. Call the American Institute of Floral Designers at 410-752-3318 or visit

Central Region March 3-5, 2017, Grand Rapids, MI Great Lakes Floral Expo, Amway Grand Plaza Hotel and DeVos Place Convention Center. Call the Michigan Floral Association at 517-5750110 or visit

b u s i ne s s f o r s a le

WASHINGTON DC FLOWER SHOP High end flower and gift shop for sale.

Located in affluent shopping area. Great opportunity for someone interested in aprofitable, reputable business. Prefer the owner be the hands-on operator with great customer service experience. Internet experienced owner can develop a new website that could generate additional annual revenue. Current sales (June 2015-May 2016) $714,268.00. Owner takes six figure salary plus bonus & insurance. 4 full time employees (including owner). 5-part time employees. Exact location will remain confidential until deemed appropriate to reveal. Owner is retiring and the business is listed by the owner. No broker or broker fees. Send email to

March 24-26, 2017, Wisconsin Dells, WI WUMFA Convention, Chula Vista Resort. Call the Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Florists Association at 844-400-9554 or visit

Northeast Region March 3-5, 2017, Springfield, MA Northeast Floral Expo, Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place Hotel. Call the Connecticut Florists Association at 203-268-9000 or visit

EMPLOYMENT Florasearch, Inc.

In our third decade of performing confidential key employee searches for the floriculture industry and allied trades worldwide. Retained basis only. Candi­date contact welcome, confidential, and always free. 1740 Lake Markham Rd., Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: (407) 320-8177 / Fax: (407) 320-8083 E-mail: Website:

Advertise in

January 25, 2017, Corpus Christi, TX


Texas Floral Showcase, Emerald Beach Hotel. Call the Texas State Florists’ Association at 512-834-0361 or visit

Peter Lymbertos

South Central Region

Western Region January 9-11, 2017, Santa Barbara, CA Florabundance Inspirational Design Days. Visit


c on s u me r E D UCA T I O N

Fun ’N Sun Convention, Park Hyatt Aviara Resort. Call CalFlowers (the California Association of Flower Growers and Shippers) at 831-479-4912 or visit

For rates and info, call

at 800-421-4921

advertiser links e q u i pment Refrigerators For Flowers

Combo walkins, storage, reach-ins 800-729-5964

The #1 Selling

Advertisers’ websites are hyperlinked on the Flowers& website. Go to and click on “Advertisers in This Issue.”

Accent Décor, Inc. 770-346-0707 American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) 410-752-3318

Flower Stem Cleaning Machine

Danziger Flower Farm +972-3-960-2525

Established 1962

FloraCraft Corporation 800-253-0409


Dollar Tree Direct 877-530-TREE (8733)


661-702-1977 s c h ool s




inside back cover



Floral Deliver Ease 877-740-3273


Florigene Flowers 954-438-9892


Garcia Group Glass / A Division of the Garcia Group back cover 800-241-3733 JRM Chemical 800-962-4010 Royal Flowers 800-977-4483 Sandtastik Products 800-845-3845

Portland, Oregon




Seminole 23 1-800-421-1476 Smithers-Oasis 3 800-321-8286 Syndicate Sales 800-428-0515

w edd i n g s John Toomey Co

(800) 421-0052

Wedding Aisle Runners

Teleflora 800-333-0205 Vase Valet 316-747-2579

inside front cover

14, 21


Rentals & Sales

UPS Shipments

White Cotton Runners

december 2016 67

wholesaler connection


Flowers& magazine distributors Arizona Phoenix The Roy Houff Company California Fresno Designer Flower Center Inglewood American Magazines & Books Oakland Piazza International Floral Sacramento Flora Fresh San Diego San Diego Florist Supplies Santa Rosa Sequoia Floral International Florida PENSACOLA American Floral Wholesale of Pensacola Carlstedt’s, LLC Georgia omega Hornbuckle Wholesale Florist hawaii honolulu Flora-Dec Sales Illinois Chicago The Roy Houff Company Milan Bonnett Wholesale Florist Normal The Roy Houff Company

Wheeling The Roy Houff Company Kansas wichita Valley Floral Company Kentucky Louisville The Roy Houff Company Louisiana Lafayette Louisiana Wholesale Florists Massachusetts Boston Jacobson Floral Supply Michigan Warren Nordlie, Inc. Minnesota Minneapolis Koehler and Dramm missouri st louis LaSalle Wholesale Florist New York Campbell Hall Alders Wholesale Florist Ohio dayton Nordlie, Inc. North Canton Canton Wholesale Floral


OREGON PORTLAND Floral Design Institute PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh Keystone Ribbon & Floral Pittsburgh Cut Flower Company SOUTH DAKOTA SIOUX FALLS North American Wholesale Florist, Inc. Tennessee Nashville The Roy Houff Company Virginia Norfolk The Roy Houff Company Richmond The Roy Houff Company Washington Tacoma Washington Floral Service canada burnaby, bc United Floral Inc. malaysia selangor Worldwide Floral Services singapore Worldwide Floral Services

Publication Title: Flowers& Magazine Publication Number: 0199-4751 Issue Frequency: Monthly No. of Issues Published Annually: 12 Annual Subscription Price: $78.00 Complete Mailing Address of Publication: 11444 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064-1544 Contact Person: Rich Salvaggio Publisher: Rich Salvaggio Editor: Bruce Wright Owner: Teleflora, 11444 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064-1544 Issue Date for Circulation Data: September 2016

Print Copy Circulation

Avg. Previous 12 Months

Single Issue Nearest Filing Date













684 0

620 0





2,219 8,769 368 9,137 75%

2,018 7,969 483 8,452 75%

6,673 13,223

6,763 12,714

15,442 86%

14,732 86%

a. Total copies (net press run) b. Paid and/or requested circulation 1) Outside-county mail subscriptions, as stated on Form 3541 2) In-county mail subscriptions, as stated on Form 3541 3) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, and counter sales (not mailed) 4) Requested copies distributed by other mail classes through USPS c. Total paid and/or requested circulation d. Non-requested distribution 1) Outside-county, as stated on Form 3541 2) In-county, as stated on Form 3541 3) Non-requested copies distributed by other mail classes via USPS 4) Non-requested copies distributed outside the mail (e.g., trade shows) e. Total non-requested distribution f. Total distribution g. Copies not distributed h. Total print i. Percent paid print Electronic Copy Circulation a. Paid electronic copies b. Total paid print + electronic c. Total distribution print + electronic d. Percent paid print + electronic I certify that the statements made above are correct and complete.

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