TeenLife Guide to STEM Programs - 2015

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Directory of STEM Programs, Schools, and Colleges Scholarships for STEM Students









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Presenting the 2015 Guide to STEM Programs Innovative technology is the wave of the future. It is no surprise that STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) currently have the best entry-level salaries for college grads—approximately 30 percent more than average! Students in middle and high school can start their STEM education now by enrolling in one of the STEM programs detailed in this Guide. Browse through the Guide to STEM Programs to find STEM colleges, schools, education afterschool programs, and summer programs, starting on page 16. Also, be sure to read about the great STEM internships offered for high school students on page 12.

Do you need help paying for college? There are many scholarships for students interested in STEM education—read about them all on page 12! If you’re already thinking about which STEM career you want to pursue, check out the top 10 STEM careers of 2015 on page 27. Be sure to request information from the programs in this Guide at www.TeenLife.com/ RequestSTEM. You will automatically be entered to win an Apple Watch! Want more STEM opportunities? Simply visit TeenLife.com! Good luck! Marie Schwartz President & Founder TeenLife Media, LLC

2015 Guide to STEM Programs PU BL I SHER


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3 Understanding STEM’s Many Branches What does the acronym mean?

12 Scholarships for Students Interested in STEM

4 Student Profile: Boston Leadership Institute

13 Student Profile: MINES Summer Camp

5 Student Profile: Northwest Nazarene University (NNU) 6 Game On: Careers in the Gaming Industry 7 STEM Internships for High School Students Start working in the STEM fields early! 9

STEM Programs 9 Colleges 10 Schools

14 Student Profile: Experience America 14 10 Best STEM Careers It's never too early to start thinking about potential careers 15 Student Profile: MINES Summer Camp 16 Index

10 STEM Education Afterschool Programs 10 Summer Programs Cover Photo provided by: UVM Photos (this page) provided by: Brown Pre-College Program, iD Camps and MSOE.

Be Inspired at Montana Tech’s MINES – Summer Camp for Young Women.


STEM’s Branches by Dr. Meredith Graham ollege can be a wonderful time to explore your interests, find out where you excel, and discover your ideal career. But for many students majoring in STEM fields, college is a demanding path, and one that requires a lot of focus from the get-go. This can put a lot of pressure on a high school student, which is partly why it can be especially helpful for stu3 THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO STEM PROGRAMS

dents who are interested in STEM to try some new things over the summers during high school. There are some big differences between the various STEM disciplines, so anything you can do before college to help you figure out your place in STEM is a bonus! I love to talk about STEM. For 12 years, I worked as an admissions officer and academic advisor for college students who were interested in studying the STEM fields. Now

I’m a private college counselor for a company called Collegewise where my colleagues and I help students find, apply to, and attend the right colleges for them. I still have my passion for STEM, though, which is why I wrote a free ebook called “STEM’s Many Branches” to share what I’ve learned about helping students explore the similarities and differences between the STEM disciplines and finding their place in STEM.

Defining STEM

Because they are so interrelated, I think it’s easiest to understand what is unique to each field by talking first about Mathematics, then covering Science, then explaining Engineering and Technology. (I’m using some generalizations here on purpose to help illustrate the differences between the fields rather than the overlapping similarities.) Mathematics is unusual because while it is its own field of study, it is also a primary foundation for the other STEM fields. As its own discipline, mathematics is abstract and complex—quite different from the math most students study in high school. It’s all about asking questions about the properties of the abstract mathematical universe and somehow relating it all to pictures or counting.

Science is like math in that it’s about asking questions about the properties of our natural and physical world. It’s all about understanding the universe as it is—earthquakes, the human genome, carcinogens, gravity—and why the world behaves as it does. Scientists build new knowledge about our world and enhance our understanding of it. Engineering and Technology are about using math and science as tools to solve problems and improve people’s lives. They are very closely related, but engineers tend to focus more on theories, ideas, and initial prototypes, while technologists tend focus more on the hands-on component of making things happen and

improving and maintaining something once it has been created. For example, an engineer might design a new car, while a technologist might “tweak” the design to improve it for future models. In some ways, the “science vs. engineering vs. math vs. technology” distinction is an exaggerated one. Once you’re out in the workforce, the tasks start to blend together in many cases, and there aren’t a lot of real-world issues that involve only pure science or only pure engineering. When you’re still in high school, though, it’s a vital distinction because a number of colleges will require students to make a choice during the application process—and some of your

high school coursework could be a little different depending on which area you’re most interested in. Doing your homework now to figure out what parts of STEM you’re interested in will help you prepare for college and a future STEM career and keep as many doors open for you as possible. The more work you can do to clarify this for yourself, the better off you’ll be. You can make sure to choose a college or university that offers the majors you are most interested in, and a school that is also a great fit for you in other ways as well. And there’s no excuse for not making an effort—you’ve got the resources and the time!

Where’s the CS in STEM?

One area that’s a source of frequent confusion is computer science. It is indeed a part of STEM—computer science began as a spinoff of mathematics, and computing programs at colleges have grown and evolved as the various fields of computing have evolved. Where today’s computer-related programs live within STEM, though, often depends on the college that’s teaching it. Students who are interested in computers usually have some sense of whether they are most interested in software design and programming, hardware design and development, or information

Boston Leadership Institute Top 101 Award for Best Summer Program Named Among Five Top Summer Science Programs for High School Students

technology and implementing and maintaining infrastructure. But here’s the catch: colleges organize their programs differently so they can be called different things at different colleges (confusing, right?). Often, computer science is the software side of things, computer engineering is the hardware side of things, and computer technology is the IT side of things. But it isn’t always set up that way and not every college offers three separate programs, so you need to ask each college you’re considering to make sure you start with the “right” program for you. Yes, there’s usually a lot of overlap between those areas even when they are in separate programs, but if you know you want to be a software designer, it’ll make a lot more sense for you to start in a software-focused program rather than a hardware-focused program.

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Meredith Graham is the director of Collegewise – Columbus. Collegewise is a private college-counseling company that holds two beliefs: (1) The college admissions process should be an exciting, adventurous time for every family, and (2) accurate, helpful college information should be made available to everyone. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help your family or your students enjoy a more successful, less stressful college admissions process, just reach out and ask.

In His Own Words How did you find Boston Leadership Institute? Once I decided I wanted to do a summer program, I started talking to my guidance counselor about it. I searched the Internet and found a couple of STEM summer programs that sounded interesting with a lot of unique experiences. I picked a program based on the opportunity I believed it would provide for me. I knew I wanted to be away from home for a while so location was a factor as well. Obviously, price is a concern too so I set my sights on the program I thought would be the most beneficial to me and the most valuable. What was your favorite part of the STEM program? My STEM summer program, the Boston Leadership Institute, was very exciting. We stayed at a boarding school throughout the program. It was down the road from a nice little town so outside of class there was always something to do. The best part by far was the actual program activities. Each day we would learn some about real life surgical situations and how to remedy certain problems. Every week we would go into Boston and visit a hospital to practice on real machinery, or go to a anatomical exhibit, or meet with an unbelievably qualified person (specifically the President of the Anesthesiologist's Society of America). These were definitely unforgettable experiences.

Russell Kielawa Boston Leadership Institute Why did you decide to participate in a STEM summer program? A couple of my friends have been involved in labs or other summer programs and I was intrigued by this. I really wanted a unique experience to help me decide on a direction for my education. I figured a summer program is a great way to explore some possibilities since I would have tons of free time. It definitely ended up being an invaluable experience!

What did you learn at Boston Leadership Institute? During my time at the Boston Leadership Institute, I learned a lot about the many different aspects of the medical profession. It was really enlightening to hear first hand accounts of life as a surgeon. Would you recommend a STEM summer program to other students? Absolutely. Attending a summer program is undeniably one of the best ways to explore potential careers and make lasting friendships. How will this STEM program affect your future? Attending this program has definitely made me really excited about the future. I was recently admitted to Rice University. I can't wait to see what's waiting for me 10 years from now.

In His Ow What type of extracurricular STEM experiences have you had in college? My freshman year I signed up for one of our NASA research programs, without really expecting to get accepted. Lo and behold, I was brought on as a data analyst working somewhat in the background of NASA. However, this opened doors for me, and I worked as a mechanical systems lead for another NASA research project my sophomore year, and then led a team of engineering students working NASA's JPL on another project my junior year.

Drew Johnson Northwest Nazarene University What drew you to a STEM major in college? One of the main things that interests me about STEM is the variety and uniqueness of work that is encompassed. STEM covers so many integral aspects of our lives that every person is working on something different by some degree. I have worked on several different STEM research projects at my school and every one of them required a new set of tools and a new perspective. It really keeps you on your toes! 5 THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO STEM PROGRAMS

What kind of skills have you learned by working on these projects? The greatest skill I learned from working inside these projects would definitely have to be how to troubleshoot. Many times—in fact nearly every time—when you try and implement a system or an idea, something goes wrong. That is the nature of STEM. It takes a special kind of person to analyze the system and try and decipher the root of the error. The more troubleshooting you're actively involved in, the easier it is to avoid errors in the future. My favorite part of STEM involves the various rewards that come with these projects. The three NASA projects I worked on involved designing payloads for testing in sounding rockets. Our end goal was a student designed, fabricated, and tested payload. The feeling of starting with some concept and moving through the design process to create a physical, tangible system that behaves how you planned is immensely gratifying. Also, when our payload was launched into space we got to watch the launch live on site, and it was so exhilarating! To know that something you worked on for nine plus months is flying into space, there's really nothing like it.

wn Words How will STEM education influence your life after college? STEM has given me the knowledge to tackle a project that I may only know a little bit about and learn the rest along the way. This makes for a very versatile and diverse skill set. As I apply for graduate programs or career positions, I feel very confident moving through the process because of the skills I've developed. STEM also gives you a wicked cool outlook on life, as you understand how objects surrounding us behave and interact. It's a beautiful feeling.

What advice would you give to high school students who are interested in STEM? The biggest piece of advice would have to be to persevere through the hard parts. Many people don’t talk about the challenging aspects of STEM, but what’s important to remember is that STEM be wonderfully rewarding and exciting. If you can stick it out through the tough times, you'll be that much better for it. Also, take advantage of as many opportunities as possible to grow your skill set. Every new project or adventure you take on will force you to think in a new perspective and maybe put you a little outside of your comfort zone. But you'll gain new skills and ideas to help you in the future.

Careers in the Gaming Industry by Dr. Karyn A. Koven our late nights and weekends are spent trying to get to the next level. Sometimes this means studying, doing your homework, volunteering or even working a part time job. Really, what’s most exciting to you is getting to the next level on Call of Duty, Minecraft or defending your village and troops against attack in Clash of Clans. Any spare time you have, it’s “game on.” Let’s face it, when you’re not playing, you’re thinking about strategy and when you will be playing. When you’re not thinking about playing, you’re designing your own games in your head. You’re wondering, “I’m passionate about video games. Why not make my passion a career?”

Gaming Industry

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. According to the Entertainment Software Association, $21.53 billion dollars was spent in 2013 on the gaming industry and over 59 percent of Americans play video games. Think the audience for gaming is a stereotypical teen boy? Nope. 6 THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO STEM PROGRAMS

The average game player is 31 years old and 48 percent of those who play video games are female. There is a real demand for this form of entertainment and in the future, there will be more job opportunities in this creative area. So let your parents know, it’s real and you can be educated in this art. Where do you start? It’s not all fun and games. Some serious skills are required for success. Video game science is a complex field that incorporating artistic design, story writing, high level mathematics and computer programming. You also have to be someone who works well in groups and can collaborate with a team of people with different skills.

Game Design & Development College Majors

Top universities like USC, UC Santa Cruz, NYU, Columbia University, and the University of Pennsylvania have established majors for

game design and development. This should come as no surprise since the industry and market is demanding more content, more innovative storylines, and the technology used to create these games is relying on rapidly changing advanced technology. If you have decided to apply to a college that offers programs or a major geared toward game design and development, it is smart to choose where to go in part because of geographic location. You want to be at a college that has a good reputation and strong academic offerings but also where you can work potentially with professionals currently working in the industry in order to stay on top of trends and technology. Ask if the degree you will get will be a B.A. (bachelor of arts) or B.F.A. (bachelor of fine arts) and if it is a program included within the art major, computer science major, or if it is its own department. You also want to make sure their facilities have up-to-date technology, small classes, and high employment rates post degree. Right now there are some things you can do to prepare to apply to a game design program. Some programs will require that you submit an interactive portfolio for admission. Take both art and com-

puter science courses since in order to excel in this field you need to be both creative and computer savvy. Put together a portfolio of your drawings, ideas and concepts for games you have imagined. Even better yet, create your own electronic games and learn the latest game software programs. You can also study the history of game design and the evolution of where the games you love so much have

come from. Some colleges that offer a gaming major also offer summer programs for high school students. Try one out if possible to see if the major is really what you anticipate it to be. Some alternative or related majors may be computer science, digital arts, graphic design, web development and animation if you find that gaming is something you’d rather continue to do in your spare time. •

Dr. Karyn Koven is a founder of High Tech Los Angeles, a college-prep charter high school ranked the #1 charter high school in California. As Director of College Counseling, Internships and Community Outreach, Dr. Koven has visited over 90 colleges domestically and internationally and has helped thousands of students find college, summer, gap year, and internship programs. She coordinates the school’s internship course and volunteer mentors. As a partner at Languagebird.com, she connects gap year programs and students traveling abroad with foreign language tutors. Dr. Koven earned her undergraduate degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her doctorate in Educational Leadership from UCLA.

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STEM Internships for High School Students by Suzanne Shaffer indings from a report published last April by the Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education (NOCHE) found that about 62 percent of 133 organizations and companies surveyed have a structured internship program. A strong majority of those employers plan to maintain or increase the number of interns they brought in during the next year. Companies offering STEM 7 THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO STEM PROGRAMS

careers are interested in reaching out to students for internships who show interest in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

Why should you consider an internship?

Internships give students a chance to get hands-on experience and define their interests. Think of internships as a test drive

for a future career. Not only is an internship a way to delve into career interests, but it is also a way to open the door to the job world. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, over 63 percent of paid interns interviewed for a 2013 study received at least one job offer with a median starting salary of $51,930, outpacing counterparts with unpaid internships or no internship experience.

How can internships in STEM cement your future career interests?

A recently released study revealed that fewer than 3 percent of U.S. students have an advanced understanding of science. Another study showed they are falling further behind their international peers in their understanding of scientific principles. Internships serve to enhance your understanding of STEM careers and give you a good idea of what a career in these disciplines might be like.

How do you find STEM internships?

Since companies understand the value of internships and STEM companies are trying to attract students, there is a multitude of STEM internships available. The following are just a few of the many STEM in-

ternships available. Although some of the summer internship deadlines have passed, you will get an idea of what’s available and can apply for next year if you’re interested.

Minority Serving Institution Internship Program

Undergraduate students attending a minority serving institution are welcome to apply for positions located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and at the Federal field offices, laboratories, and manufacturing plants. NNSA has facilities in Albuquerque, N.M.; Kansas City, Mo.; Livermore, Calif.; Los Alamos, N.M.; Las Vegas, Nev.; Amarillo, Texas; Aiken, S.C.; and Oak Ridge, Tenn. Selections are

made each spring for summer placement. Applicants must be at a participating MSI, 18 years or older, enrolled as a degree-seeking student maintaining a minimum of a half-time academic course load (as defined by the educational institution in which you are enrolled); and have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 and be in good academic standing.

The Community College Internship Program

This internship program seeks to encourage community college students to enter technical careers relevant to the Department of Energy’s (DOE) mission by providing technical training experiences

at the labs. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 15 participating DOE laboratories. They work on technologies or instrumentation projects or major research facilities supporting the Department’s mission, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists and engineers.

The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship Program

This program encourages undergraduate students to pursue STEM careers by providing research experiences at the DOE laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 15 participating DOE laboratories. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission.


Department of Homeland Security Internships The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate sponsors a 10-week summer internship program for students majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (HS-STEM) Disciplines. The program provides students with quality research experiences at federal research facilities located across the country and allows students the opportunity to establish connections with DHS professionals. It is open to undergraduate and graduate students in a broad spectrum of HS-STEM Disciplines and DHS mission-relevant Research Areas. The ultimate goal of the program is to engage a

diverse, educated and skilled pool of scientists and engineers in HS-STEM areas and to promote longterm relationships between students, researchers, DHS and research facilities to enhance the HS-STEM workforce.

ASPIRE High School Mentoring Program The ASPIRE High School Mentoring Program places qualified students recommended by their schools into one-on-one internships with APL staff members for research projects or career experiences based on the work at APL. The students receive credits toward graduation or other formal recognition. High school juniors and seniors who are interested in interning at APL should contact their school’s Gifted and Talented or internship coordinator. Private schools may contact the APL STEM Program Management Office. To learn more about this program, please visit the ASPIRE webpage.

Harvard Stem Cell Institute Internship Program

The Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) Internship Program (HIP) provides undergraduate students with a focused and challenging summer research experience in a cutting-edge stem cell science laboratory. Interns are exposed to different professional options within the scientific arena through a stem cell seminar series, a career pathways presentation, and a weekly stem cell companion course. Students present their summer research findings, both orally and in poster format, at the HIP Symposium—a requirement of all program participants. Applicants may be from Harvard or any college or university across the United States and internationally.

NASA Internships

NASA Internships are educational hands-on traineeships that provide unique NASA-related research and operational experiences for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students as well as educators. These internships integrate participants with career professionals emphasizing mentor-directed, degree-related, real-world task completion. During

the internship participants engage in scientific or engineering research, development, and operations activities. In addition, there are non-technical internship opportunities to engage in professional activities which support NASA business and administrative processes. Through these internships, participants leverage NASA’s unique mission activities and mentorship to enhance and increase their professional capabilities and clarify their long-term career goals.

Adopt-a-Physicist Adopt-a-Physicist connects high school physics students to real physics graduates who are eager to share their stories. Working in areas ranging from particle physics research to freelance writing, the participating physicists embody a huge range of careers, backgrounds, interests, and educational levels. Adopt-a-Physicist connects classes with the physicists of their choice through online discussion forums that are active for a set three-week period. Each physicist can only be “adopted” by up to three classes, making lively, in-depth discussions possible. •

For help locating STEM internship opportunities, try these additional links: STEM internships and summer opportunities for high school students: http://www.thestemnet.com/resource/create-resource-21 Extensive list of STEM diversity programs: http://stemdiv.ucsc.edu/resources1/internshipspost-bacs Search for high school internships related to STEM careers: http://www.internships.com/ high-school

STEM Programs

iD Game Design & Development Academy

here are an extensive number of national STEM programs, STEM specialty majors, and educational initiatives in schools, colleges, camps, and organizations that offer inspiring environments for education and self-discovery in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. TeenLife believes that innovative experiences in STEM for middle and high school students can be extremely important for parents and students alike. Not only can parents take an active role in encouraging an interest in STEM, they can also watch their students learn new interactive skills, explore the world hands on, and conduct research applicable to the real world. We hope our Guide to STEM Programs is a valuable asset in your search for the perfect STEM program. 9 THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO STEM PROGRAMS

STEM Programs


Colleges Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Embry-Riddle is dedicated to teaching and research in technologically advanced fields; engineering, applied sciences, safety, security & intelligence, and the business of promoting and advancing these areas. Embry-Riddle is a private, nonprofit university offering BS, MS, and PhD degrees. Location(s): Arizona, Florida www.embryriddle.edu

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Milwaukee School of Engineering

MSOE is the destination university for ambitious students. Graduates enjoy a 96% placement rate with an average starting salary of $56,522. If you value academic challenge and an engaging experience with career-minded application of theory, you belong at MSOE. Location(s): Milwaukee, WI www.msoe.edu

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Northwest Nazarene University

Northwest Nazarene, a Christian university, offers over 60 areas of study, master’s degree programs in 11 disciplines, accelerated degree programs, concurrent credit for high school students, and a variety of continuing education credits. Its mission is the transformation of the whole person. Location(s): Nampa, ID www.nnu.edu

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STEM Programs


Tennessee Tech University (TTU)

Tennessee Technological University’s mission as the state’s only technological university is to provide leadership and outstanding programs in engineering, the sciences, and related areas that benefit the people of Tennessee and the nation. Location(s): Cookeville, TN www.tntech.edu

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University of Advancing Technology (UAT)

UAT is an elite, intimate, private technology University located in Tempe, AZ. UAT is among a select few 100 percent STEMbased universities in the nation offering over 20 academic majors in new and rising technology fields including Advancing Technology Studies, Cyber Security, Programming, and Hardware Creation. Location(s): Tempe, AZ www.uat.edu

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Schools Innovation Lab @Ross

Innovation Lab @Ross is an academy for high school students passioante about science, mathematics, engineering, media, and technology. Students study fields such as electronics, computer programming, marine science, and digital media. Graduates are prepared for admission to leading university research programs, internships, and scholarships. Location(s): East Hampton, NY www.ross.org /innovationlab

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STEM Education Afterschool Programs FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) For ages 6 to 18, FIRST helps kids develop a passion for science, engineering, technology, and math (STEM) through fun, mentor-based programs featuring exciting robotics competition. Four levels of after-school programs foster self-confidence, build leadership capabilities, and teach tech skills. Location(s): Manchester, NH www.usfirst.org The Marine Science program of Innovation Lab @Ross provides opportunities to conduct hands-on research both of local marine ecologies and worldwide.


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STEM Programs


Summer Programs Areteem Institute Summer Camp Program 2015

Areteem Institute, the home of Math Zoom, is pleased to announce their Expanded Summer Camp Program. This year we will be at UCLA June 21-July 10, Boston College July 12-31 and University of Chicago August 2-15. With expanded camp offerings, this year should be the best yet! Location(s): California, Illinois, Massachusetts www.areteem.org

Request More Information Boston Leadership Institute: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Boston University: SummerLab Biotechnology Program

Gain a deeper understanding of techniques for biotechnology and DNA science in a hands-on lab. Location(s): Boston, MA www.bumc.bu.edu/citylab/ summerlab

Request More Information Brown University Summer Pre-College: SPARK Science Program for Middle School Students

SPARK is a two week residential science program for curious middle school students who seek to live on the Brown University campus, immerse themselves in exciting science subjects, and gain the foundations necessary

Take part in our award-winning summer STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) teen programs. Students will engage in experimental research & take exciting field trips. Includes Biological, Chemistry, and Biomedical Research, Engineering, Psychology, Neuroscience, and a STEM Writing Intensive. Location(s): Wellesley, MA www.bostonleadership institute.com

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Be Innovative at Montana Tech’s MINES – Summer Camp for Young Women.

for further scientific inquiry. Location(s): Providence, RI www.brown.edu/academics/ pre-college/spark

Request More Information Experience America: The Game Experience

The Game Experience introduces students to the next level of summer camps. Learn how video games are made from concept to launch from industry professionals, get behind-thescenes access to some of the most exciting game studios, and connect with other passionate students from around world. Location(s): Seattle, WA www.expamerica.net

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STEM Programs


iD Tech: Camps, Academies & Online. Held at 100+ Top Campuses Nationwide.

The world’s #1 summer tech camp for kids & teens since 1999! Day and overnight programs for ages 6-18 are held at 100+ top campuses nationwide. Learn code. Discover game design. Build a website. Create a film. Get inspired and collaborate in clusters of just 8 students per instructor. Location(s): Throughout the United States www.iDTech.com

MINES - Summer Camp for Young Women at Montana Tech

The MINES (Making Innovations in Engineering and Sciences) Summer Camp at Montana Tech exposes young women entering their sophomore and junior years in high school to the many exciting career opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. Location(s): Butte, MT www.mtech.edu/mines-camp

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Roger Williams University Summer Academy in Architecture

Join the School of Architecture, Art, and Historic Preservation for an intensive four-week Summer Academy in Architecture! The Academy is offered exclusively to high school students who have successfully completed their sophomore or junior year of study, and runs from July 5 to August 1, 2015. Location(s): Bristol, RI http://saahp.rwu.edu/ summer_academy

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SummerLab at Boston University You do the Research! Immersive, Team-based Laboratory Experience Biotechnology, Biomed, DNA Science “Discover what it is truly like to be a scientist.”

“Both the staff and the people are awesome.” - Leah

- Isabella

Commuter and Residential

“A great opportunity to learn and have a blast!”

For HS students grades 10-12

- Joe

1 or 2 week options

Science is knowing what to do when you don’t have the answer…. Learn what to do at SummerLab

www.bumc.bu.edu/citylab or (617) 638-5620 for details 11 THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO STEM PROGRAMS

STEM Programs


Summer Academy in Applied Science & Technology at Penn

The School of Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania offers a unique summer opportunity for a selective group of motivated and talented high school teens. Experience rigorous and challenging college-level studies at our high-tech, ivyleague program in the heart of Philadelphia! Location(s): Philadelphia, PA www.seas.upenn.edu/saast

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Summer Discovery

Join us at Summer Discovery University of Colorado Boulder for our pre-college summer STEM Research (4 week program) and STEM Academies (3 week programs) programs. We offer opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to highly motivated high school students. Choose from a variety of cuttingedge Academies or fascinating research topics. Location(s): Boulder, CO www.summerdiscovery.com/ cu-boulder-stem

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University of Vermont Pre-College Summer Programs

High School students and graduates can get an early start on their academic careers by spending a summer at the University of Vermont. Students will get the chance to experience Burlington, America’s best college town, while earning college credits and getting a taste of college life! Location(s): Burlington, VT http://hubs.ly/y0mZgM0

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STUDY AT TENNESSEE TECH. CHANGE THE WORLD. Tennessee Tech University engineering students do more than prepare themselves for long, rewarding careers. They improve the lives of those around them. Last semester, a team of students created a motorized wheelchair to help a five year old with spina bifida navigate her school. “Too often schoolwork feels like it is preparing us for tomorrow without really affecting anything today,” said senior Matthew Powelson. “This project was a great opportunity to apply the skills we have learned and do something that makes an impact now.”

They took what they learned in TTU’s engineering programs outside of the classroom to give the five-year-old girl, Makenna, a better chance of success at school. At Tennessee Tech, STEM students apply their classwork to practical projects to help people and communities manage problems. A hands-on education helps graduates find jobs after graduation and makes the world a better place. Over the years, thousands of TTU STEM students have used their education to make hundreds of people’s lives better. Be one of them. STEM fields often go beyond the classroom. At Tennessee Tech, so can you.


In FIRST® Robotics Competition, teams of students in grades 9-12 design, build, and program robots to compete in a sophisticated game on a special playing field. They are also eligible for more than $25 million in scholarships.


for Students Interested in STEM by Suzanne Shaffer

ho doesn’t like scholarships? Scholarships mean free money and who doesn’t like to attend college on someone else’s dime? If you’re a student who aspires to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math) in college and need some funds in order to do it, you’re in luck—there are scholarships specifically for STEM students.


For many Americans, a college degree is out of reach without some type of financial aid and scholarships. For students interested in STEM 12 THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO STEM PROGRAMS

careers, scholarships are available to help finance their education. The following are a few scholarships available:

ASM International Scholarships

Since 1953, the ASM Materials Education Foundation and leading ASM Chapters nationwide have awarded scholarships totaling over $1 million. Currently, up to 20 scholarships are awarded annually through the ASM Materials Education Foundation, which is supported by member contributions and other gifts. The scholarships vary in amounts from $1,500 up to $10,000.

Society of Manufacturing Engineers Scholarships

For students seeking a future in manufacturing engineering, manufacturing engineering technology and closely related fields, the SME Education Foundation awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors, current undergraduates and master’s or doctoral degree students at two- and four-year colleges. These scholarships are provided by various chapters throughout the United States. For more available scholarships, read this article: 21 STEM Scholarships for U.S. Students (http://news.thomasnet.com/ imt/2012/12/18/21-stem-scholarships-foru-s-students-2).


Women within the science and tech industries are underrepresented. Most STEM students are male, but there is a movement to encourage young girls to pursue STEM career paths. Here are a few scholarships that should be incentives for more girls to consider these majors in college:

The Center for Women in Technology

CWIT Scholars receive four-year scholarships ranging from $5,000 – $15,000 per academic year for in-state students, and from $10,000 – $22,000 per academic year for out-ofstate students, to cover full tuition, mandatory fees, and other expenses. Each CWIT Scholar participates in special courses and activities and receives mentoring from faculty and participating members of the IT and engineering communities.

Sony Online Entertainment G.I.R.L. Scholarship

Through the G.I.R.L. scholarship program, SOE will award one winner with a $10,000

scholarship to be applied towards tuition, room and board, and other educational expenses at the winner’s college or university. In addition to the cash prize, the winner will also be given the opportunity to be hired as a paid intern for up to 10 weeks at SOE’s headquarters in San Diego for hands-on experience working on award-winning franchises, including PlanetSide® and EverQuest®. For more scholarships available to women, read US News list of 9 College Scholarships for Women in STEM (http://www.usnews.com/ news/blogs/stem-education/2011/12/13/9college-scholarships-for-women-in-stem).


Are you a young Hispanic student interested in a career in STEM? If you are searching for scholarships to fund your education (and who isn’t) here are some STEM scholarships that apply specifically to you:

HENAAC Scholars Program

HENAAC gives out over 100 scholarships each year to Hispanic students pursuing degrees in STEM. The awards range from $500 to $8,500. Students must show leadership in school or community activities and hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

The Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science

AHETMES are scholarships provided for Hispanic students obtaining degrees in engineering, math and science. Students’ grades and financial need are both taken into consideration, and the scholarships range from $1,000 – $5,000, for high school seniors, undergraduate students and graduate students.

Looking for more scholarships for Hispanics? Read The Top 7 Scholarships for Hispanic Students Interested in STEM (http://voxxi.com/2012/08/ scholarships-hispanics-stem/).

promising students pursuing a degree in industrial engineering or mechanical engineering.


The Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program (COFSP) produces around 800 additional graduates in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields at The University of Akron. All STEM Scholars receive a scholarship of up to $5,200 per academic year.

In addition, many colleges offer scholarships for STEM students. Check with the colleges you are applying to and ask any of the STEM departments if scholarships are available. Here are two of them:

St. Ambrose University

St. Ambrose is awarding STEM scholarships worth up to $10,000 per year per student toward tuition for incoming first-year, transfer and current SAU students. These need-based scholarships will be awarded to academically


The University of Akron

Students interested in STEM careers should start with these scholarship lists and also search for STEM scholarships using scholarship search engines or a simple Google search. •

In Her Own Words The experiences you receive while studying STEM will influence every aspect of your life. How did you get involved with the MINES Summer Camp? In South West Wyoming, the mines are a big part of our lives. I have always wondered what really goes on behind the scenes. While that initially caught my attention, after looking over the schedule for the week, my excitement continued to grow! From meeting new people all around the country to all the fun activities that took place during the week, I was sure I wanted to take part in this. What did you learn in the program? What was your favorite part? The time that we spent at the hospital was by far my favorite experience! Having Life Flight fly in was incredible and being able to talk to the pilots and the on-board EMTs was phenomenal!

Shaunte MINES Summer Camp Why are you interested in STEM? I have always been fascinated by all things STEM, whether I intend to pursue them within a career or not. While my focus for a long while was on medicine, that focus has changed as I have started a business. Through my experiences learning within science and math related fields, I have been able to carry that on to my business in ways that have and will continue to help the business excel.

How has STEM in general and this STEM program shaped your future? As I mentioned before with the business, STEM has already had an incredible impact on my life! While I don't intend to study within the traditional STEM fields, I will be using my experience from these areas on a daily basis. What would you tell another teen who is interested in possibly pursuing a STEM major or career? Go for it! The options are limitless! The experiences you receive while studying STEM will influence every aspect of your life. It doesn't matter who you are outside of STEM, you have the same opportunity as anyone else to truly excel within these fields.

In His Own Words What did you learn in the program? What was your favorite part? Well, first off, it was super fun—such a great balance of education and activities. I was never bored or anxious to move on to something else. We explored Seattle a bunch of different ways. We also did some crazy stuff, like indoor skydiving and laser tag. We went to a baseball game, and toured some of the most famous game studios, like Pop Cap, Valve, and Big Fish, where we learned firsthand about game development. . . And that's not to mention all the fun we had working on our projects at our dorms! A surprising aspect of this summer program is that they provide everyone with smartphones. We all received Nexus 5s, the newest Google phone at the time. This allowed us to easily keep in touch with each other, and the unlimited data plan meant we could stream movies and music at night. I even used it for some Android game development.

Connor Yeh Experience America Why are you interested in STEM? That’s easy. I’ve always been into science and technology. My real passion is video games, though. All of my friends are gamers, and we’ve always talked about making something ourselves one day. Because the game industry relies so heavily on STEM advances, it made sense for me to track down a STEM program. I want to help shape the next generation of consoles, especially now that virtual reality is about to catch hold. How did you get involved in this STEM program or school? My school’s career counselor recommended Game Experience summer camp because she knew I had an interest in game animation and production, but didn’t know exactly where to start. She thought it would be a great fit, and she was right. I won’t lie—that brochure she gave me totally changed my life. 7 THE 14 THETEENLIFE TEENLIFEGUIDE GUIDETO TOSTEM STEMPROGRAMS PROGRAMS

How did this STEM program influence your future plans? As a rising senior in high school, I feel better prepared for the challenges of game development. I'm more confident about pursuing it in college and beyond. I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone, especially beginners interested in game development. I feel really lucky to have been able to sharpen my skills so early on in my career, and to have done so with like-minded people. It’s a great place to make new friends. What would you tell other teens interested in pursuing a STEM major? Be sure to get involved in extracurricular and summer activities, which can help you identify the subjects and areas that match your future career aspirations. I already knew that I was passionate about animation and video games, but after the Game Experience summer camp, I learned that I was actually more interested in the programming side of things. Figuring out what you like and what you don't will save you from getting stuck in something that’s just not for you.


STEM Careers By Sophie Borden

ot only are STEM careers so important for the future of the world, they also pay extremely well, and are growing exponentially from year to year. Some of these careers require a college degree, while others require no official training or certification. The following list is adapted from the U.S. News and World Report STEM Blog. The rankings come from a score based on growth volume, job prospects, stress level, salary, and more.


Average salary: $96,260 There are two types of software developers: those who are application developers who design computer software and databases, and those who are systems-focused developers who typically build operating systems. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) estimates that there will be 140,000 new software developer positions by 2022.



Average salary: $91,210 Hacking stories are always big on news networks (JP Morgan, Sony), and information security analysts help companies avoid these catastrophes! Information security analysts plan and monitor security of computer networks for companies and government agencies, while troubleshooting any security breaches. The profession will grow 36.5 percent through 2022.

4. WEB DEVELOPER Average salary: $85,320 Average salary: $67,540 Computer system analysts make recommen- Have you ever been in awe of a beautiful and dations to their employers regarding what easy-to-use website? A web developer was operating systems they should use. Overall responsible for creating the back-end of that knowledge of computer hardware, software, site. While they make less money than most and networks is needed for this job. The DOL of their STEM counterparts, web developpredicts a 24.5 percent employment growth ment jobs will grow 20 percent by 2022. for computer systems analysts jobs by 2022.

Dig Into your potential at Montana Tech’s MINES – Summer Camp for Young Women.


Average salary: $72,500 Accountants may be less technological than the rest of the STEM careers on this list, but they are also always in demand. Accountants can hold many different responsibilities, all relating to money management. This is one career for which you need a degree and certification. More than 166,000 new accountant jobs will open by 2022.


Average salary: $72,710 Psychology is in fact a STEM career, as psychologists all have to study the sciences in their training. School psychologists use their knowledge for education and early-development and familial issues. There will be a growth of over 11 percent in school psychologist careers by 2022.


Average salary: $85,930 This is a perfect career for people who love to build things either from scratch, or by looking at a simple photo. Mechanical engineers get to be creative and technical at the same time by developing the design of a product, and then actually building it. This profession has grown steadily throughout the years, and has an extremely low unemployment rate of 2.7 percent.


8. OPERATIONS RESEARCH ANALYST Average salary: $81,660 Operations research analysts advise companies and businesses by helping them operate more efficiently. Math, budgeting, and statistics are all big parts of this job. The profession is expected to grow by 27 percent before 2022.

9. IT MANAGER Average salary: $132,570 IT managers earn a significantly higher salary than many other STEM professions, making it an ideal career for the money-minded individual. An IT manager is the head of a company’s IT (information technology) department, and is an expert at fixing front-end issues on email or word processors. 50,900 new IT manager positions will be open by 2022.

10. CIVIL ENGINEER Average salary: $85,640 Civil engineers design and build technologies that many of us use every day: buildings, bridges, reservoirs, etc. This career would be ideal for a person who is interested in tangible results. By 2022, there will be 53,700 new civil engineer job openings. •

In Her Own Words

Amanda MINES Summer Camp Why are you interested in STEM? I am interested in STEM and STEM fields because I have always had a strange fascination with science. All fields of science are amazing and full of so many possibilities and doors yet to be opened.

It is our scientists and engineers in STEM fields that are going to change the world.

How did you choose MINES Summer Camp? I found out about the MINES camp online while doing research and was immediately interested. I applied as soon as I could, but I was afraid I wouldn't be accepted. This program seemed so amazing and I was sure there were other people more qualified than I was. But I was so happy when I was accepted!

How has STEM in general and this STEM program shaped your future? MINES Summer Camp has shown me that women are just as capable, if not more capable, of succeeding as a scientist or engineer. This camp has given me the courage I need to pursue my dreams.

What did you learn in the program? What was your favorite part? The program was just as amazing as I had expected. I learned and experienced so much, from water testing and the organ structure of fish to the mechanics of mining and petroleum engineering. My favorite part by far was the trip to the hospital where we witnessed and participated in an Emergency First Response drill. I loved being able to try on the hazmat suit myself!

What would you tell another teen who is interested in pursuing STEM as a college major or career path? I would tell anyone else interested in pursuing a STEM major to go for it! STEM fields are full of possibility and promise. There is still so much that needs to be discovered and created. And it is our scientists and engineers in STEM fields that are going to change the world.



STEM Programs Areteem Institute Summer Camp Program 2015



(Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)



Boston University: SummerLab Biotechnology Program



SPARK Science Program for Middle School Students



Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University



Boston Leadership Institute: STEM

Brown University Summer Pre-College:

Experience America: The Game Experience


FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology)

Back Cover


Held at 100+ Top Campuses Nationwide.



Innovation Lab @Ross



Milwaukee School of Engineering



MINES - Summer Camp for Young Women at Montana Tech



Northwest Nazarene University



Roger Williams University Summer Academy in Architecture



Summer Academy in Applied Science & Technology at Penn



Summer Discovery University of Colorado



Tennessee Tech University (TTU)



University of Advancing Technology (UAT)



Digital Right of Cover


iD Tech: Camps, Academies & Online.

University of Vermont - Pre-College Summer Programs


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Search, find, and connect with teen opportunities— all in one place. TeenLife provides parents and teens with the information and tools they need to find the perfect outside-the-classroom enrichment programs. Become a member now at TeenLife.com/Join.





Discover the fastest-growing science & technology after-school programs in the country.



















›› Progression of Programs, ages 6-18 ›› STEM-based learning ›› Kids build & compete with robots ›› Everyone can play! ›› $20 million in scholarships available


›› Proven college admission and career booster



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