Pedagogical Innovation Projects - 2019

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Innovation at TĂŠcnico

Pedagogical Innovation Projects This document discloses the obtained result of the PIP2019 implementation.

Welcome Dear All, The integration of digital technologies in the education and learning process is nowadays essential for teaching and training to seize opportunities and respond to the challenges posed by the digital age. The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the digital transformation in education and training, and provided learning experiences and opportunities towards high-quality, inclusive digital education and training. Digital technologies can increase flexibility and creativity and help to improve efficiency and teaching results. Investments in digital infrastructures and equipment, reinforcement/development of digital skills for all, and promotion of forums to exchange good practices and experiences are priorities at EU level. The brochure 2019 includes a list of projects that are good examples of innovation and digital transformation, promoting the sharing of good practices and experiences. Read it, try it and innovate in your classroom, and share your experience with your colleague. Thank you to all for your contributions.

Raquel Aires Barros President of the Pedagogical Council Instituto Superior TĂŠcnico


Index 2 Welcome 4 Summary 7

Comments on Pedagogical Innovation Projects 2019


Projects PIP2019


ScientIST – Scientific Experiments in the Field of Biomedical Engineering Supported by Mobile Devices and IoT


Hands-on Polymers


Quizzes Tutor (Former Perguntas de Escolha Múltipla em Arquiteturas de Software)


Chemistry Laboratories: larger autonomy, more laboratory, better academic peformance


ExonlineX: Online Evaluation on the MOOC.TECNICO platform


Realidade Virtual para ensinar Realidade Virtual


Autonomous Eletric Vehicle – A tool for the teaching in ECE


The Caernohabditis elegans nematode as an infection model


Escapuliste? – learning course materials to escape


E-LEARN@DEEC: Active Learning and Immediate Individual Evaluation


Results and next steps for PIP support


Summary The success of the 1st edition of the Pedagogical Innovation Projects - PIP2018, led us to launch the 2nd edition of the Pedagogical Innovation Projects - PIP2019, encouraging a greater number of teachers to propose and develop innovative teaching methodologies and to include new technologies and tools in their curricular units. With this brochure, we intend to present and disseminate the results of the second edition of the Pedagogical Innovation Projects - PIP2019, which had 23 proposals submitted, of which 9 were financed, within the scope of curricular units. A set of financed projects, focused on the development and inclusion of active learning, project based and gamification strategies within selected curricular units. The projects “ScientIST - Scientific Experiments in the Field of Biomedical Engineering Supported by Mobile Devices and IoT”, “Virtual Reality to teach Virtual Reality” and “Autonomous Electric Vehicle - A tool for the teaching in EEC”, “Escape the Room - learn the subject to escape ”, which foster more autonomous and collaborative learning for students. The projects “Hands-on Polymers”, “Chemistry Laboratories: GREATER autonomy, MORE laboratory, BEST academic performance”, “The Caenorhabditis elegans nematode as an infection model”, are examples of the creation of innovative laboratories, new laboratory works and innovative methodologies, some of which include the introduction of e-learning tools in the laboratory component. The use of digital platforms and tools for online assessment is evident in three of the submitted projects, “Quizzes Tutor”, “ExolineX: Online Exams on the MOOCTECNICO platform” and “E-LEARN @DEEC”. These projects served as a basis and functioned as prototypes for distance assessment in the 2nd semester 2019/2020, in several curricular units. For example, the ExonlineX platform was used to carry out tests and exams in 25 UCs in the 1st and 2nd cycles of different courses, with a total of 4150 students; the E-LEARN @ DEEC platform, based on Moodle, was used by DEEC teachers in around 30 UCs in the 1st and 2nd cycles, adding around 3000 students. The innovative pedagogical experiences described in this brochure intend to make known the experiences, of a group of teachers, of introducing pedagogical innovations within the scope of curricular units and encourage the sharing of good practices among the teaching community.


Key Facts




Approved projects






Average budget per project



Students enrolled








Technical Staff

Fellowship holders

1 Public Presentations


Introduction to the project The Pedagogical Innovation Projects (PIP) are held annually and support the teachers’ efforts, providing small amounts of funding to help the team to design and implement new initiatives. The PIP aims to mobilize IST teachers in view of the following requirements: • the updating and/or adapting the IST teaching model, preferably for the 1st and 2nd cycles. • the use of tools that are relevant in terms of learning, such as case studies, problem-based learning, active learning, flipped classrooms, learning based on research • to provide metrics to measure success and describe how they will be implemented. • the use of new technologies, including digital solutions, to solve learning and teaching problems. The experiences and knowledge developed in these projects are vast and the PIP2019 teams are a useful reference for others who wish to carry out similar activities. The complete list of applications and funded projects is available at the end of this brochure. The purpose of this brochure is to document all PIP2019 projects, identifying the good and/or innovative ideas that may be of interest to the Técnico community.


PIP 2019

Manuel João Costa Dean of Student Affairs and Pedagogical Innovation at the University of Minho. He is an Associate Professor and was coordinator of the Medical Education Unit, secretary of the Pedagogical Council and of the Medical Course Commission (2004-2018). His research activity has focused on innovation in pedagogical practices in higher education and on education in the health area, in particular in medical education, biochemistry and molecular biology.

I am very pleased to be associated with a new edition of the annual Pedagogical Innovation Projects of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) writing these lines. The institutional availability of IST to promote and share the results of innovative projects in education marks a continuous and unequivocal commitment to pedagogical quality. Such sharing encourages the IST academy and inspires other higher education institutions, gaining particular importance in the current extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sudden need to find new solutions to teach in unexpected conditions of physical distance in institutions of higher education gave greater centrality to pedagogical innovation. As unpredictability is a constant in today’s fast-paced and connected world, pedagogical innovation is an increasingly precious capital of higher education institutions, which values these projects even more. There are several positive effects of encouraging pedagogical innovation and the recognition of teachers who invest in it. From the outset, the direct targets of the projects are the covered students and the potential benefit from their learning. The more traditional ways of teaching will hardly add to the intrinsic motivation or refer to the diversity of contemporary student profiles. Additionally, on the teachers’ side, the reflective process inherent in the planning, implementation and evaluation of innovation, generating teaching skills applicable to other contexts and enriching the institution. The realization and dissemination of successive projects contributes to the appropriation of a lasting collective spirit of innovation necessary to ensure the continuous renewal of education. This brochure testifies the success of the PIP Project at various levels. Right from the start, supporting projects that will not end in themselves. The portfolio of projects carried out includes new technological and pedagogical approaches that will remain available in the future. These are projects that provide strategies for years to come, suitable for the same curricular units or even for different ones. It therefore seems to win the competition’s bid to contribute to nurture new waves of pedagogical experiences. To a certain extent, support the implementation of these projects will benefit the academic experiences of successive student cohorts and will surely inspire more members of the faculty. Also noteworthy is the fact that the projects focused on new pedagogical approaches promote more student involvement, seducing them, in some cases, into research practices and contact with industry and society. This greater interactivity in learning is an enhancing factor for learning success. In fact, the association of interactive teaching approaches with greater academic success (Freeman 2014) and with the narrowing of differences between academic performances of socio-demographically diverse students (Theobald 2020) is increasingly evident in various areas of knowledge.


It is also worth mentioning the presence of a multidisciplinary perspective in many projects. Some were even carried out in the context of curricular units of several courses, while others, carried out in a more restricted disciplinary context, originated practices or resources applicable in multiple disciplines. With the major issues of the present and the future having a multidisciplinary nature, these projects will contribute to bring disciplinary knowledge closer to relevant themes, thus contributing to the involvement of students in learning. A profound digital transformation is underway in today’s world. Therefore, the presence of projects focused on digital resources is to be welcomed. Recently, Portuguese higher education institutions have been increasingly faced with the urge to embrace digital transformation and the commitment to the development of digital skills for students and teachers. The integration of digital learning experiences promoted in some projects is good news. In this regard, it is worth highlighting the projects dedicated to the development of digital resources that can be generalized to the institution, which will provide IST with greater availability of digital resources for all its teaching. In summary, the results presented here show the success of IST’s annual Pedagogical Innovation Projects and the maturity and interest of the teaching staff in what concerns pedagogical innovation. By committing itself to pedagogical innovation, IST continues to create conditions for pedagogical experimentation, something particularly valuable for anticipating solutions to complex problems such as those posed by the current pandemic COVID-19. This initiative certainly contributed not only to better training IST students, but also to better prepare IST teaching for pedagogical challenges, both current and future. References Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415. Theobald, E. J., Hill, M. J., Tran, E., Agrawal, S., Arroyo, E. N., Behling, S., ... & Grummer, J. A. (2020). Active learning narrows achievement gaps for underrepresented students in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(12), 6476-6483.


Projects PIP2019


ScientIST – Scientific Experiments in the Field of Biomedical Engineering Supported by Mobile Devices and IoT In our approach (ScientIST) we explore the use of: 1) Arduino MKR WIFI 1010, a variant of the popular electronic platform recently launched for prototyping Internet of Things (IoT) applications; 2) Google Science Journal (GSJ), a digital notebook created by Google to support laboratory activities using mobile devices both in terms of execution and in the documentation of the results achieved; and 3) Jupyter Notebooks, a web-based interactive computational environment used to organize content, including code, text, mathematics, plots, and rich media. The implemented tools formed the basis for the development of projects and laboratories (in the classroom or at students’ premises) in the context of 4 curricular units of the Integrated Master Program in Bioengineering (MEBiom). Other relevant information Our work aims at involving students more actively in the learning process using case studies, project-based learning, active learning and research-based learning. It also proved to be an effective approach to quickly respond to some of the needs raised by the migration to distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak. Survey results from a pilot study performed in one of the courses where ScientIST has been deployed, indicated an overall 78.68% System Usability Scale (SUS) score reported by the students. Moreover, the approach has shown promising results in multiple case studies, including reporting of the main findings during Histology classes, and Photoplethysmography (PPG) data acquisition and processing. ScientIST can be immediately transposed to other courses at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), and even scaled to other universities both at a national and international level.

The project The project aims at exploring mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) as pedagogical tools to be used in classrooms, laboratories, or at home. Our work combines the ease of access to this type of devices with state-ofthe-art software and hardware, as a way of enriching the learning experience for students, namely in what concerns practical and laboratory activities in the field of biomedical engineering. This approach can be particularly relevant to support distance learning. What was done The project builds upon previous developments from the team in the field of biosignal acquisition and instrumentation, to allow students to experience different physiological phenomena individually or in a group, without having the typical limitations associated with access to laboratory facilities or specialized equipment.

Ana Fred ( Hugo Plácido da Silva ( Department of Bioengineering UC: Machine Learning in Bioengineering, Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Project in Biomedical Engineering, Signal Acquisition and Instrumentation in Bioengineering


Hands-on Polymers •

2 Master’s theses were carried out in the Hands-on Polymers lab co-supervised by Ana Marques (DEQ) and Ana Carvalho (DEG). Research: • 4 R&D project applications were submitted, co-proposed by Ana Marques (DEQ) and Ana Carvalho (DEG), in the Calls FCT, FCT - IC&DT Portugal India and H2020-BBI-JTI-2020. Industry: • Polymer processing companies (Janz S.A. and Cabopol S.A.) were visited and plan to visit our facilities. • A confidentiality and collaboration agreement has been established with Symrise AG. Society: • A seminar and demonstration session was held for students from Secondary School, within the scope of the DEQ Open Labs. • An opinion article was published: Ana C. Marques, Rui G. dos Santos, “Plastic or non-plastic, that is the question”. Open Labs Book 2020. ISBN: 978-989-99508-7-0. • The Hands-on Polymers website was created to communicate the activities and capabilities of the new lab:

The project Hands-on Polymers aims to sustainably create an innovative laboratory that recreates a real polymer processing environment to support multi and interdisciplinary Teaching / Research activities, with a strong connection to Industry and Society. Through interdepartmental projects involving several curricular units (UCs) from various courses at IST, students have the opportunity to work in multidisciplinary teams, to have “hands-on” access to polymer processing equipment to autonomously apply theoretical concepts and learn collaboratively.

Other information The “hands-on” laboratory component was, without any doubt, the greatest asset of this project, expressed both by students and by professionals from the Industry. “it has been the best experience when it comes to studying, planning and developing an industry-related problem in a real context since I´ve started at the University” (António Cardoso, Master student).

What was done Logistics: • Hands-on Polymers lab was implemented at IST – Campus Alameda (South Tower, floor -2). After cleaning and general organization of the space, an extruder, press, oven, melt flow index equipment, rheometer, dynamic-mechanical analysis equipment, among others, were installed next to the existing polymer processing equipment. Education: • An integrated work among UCs from different Departments was implemented in order to illustrate the concept of Circular Economy, represented in the Figure. 45 students participated in this initiative, elaborating a final report. All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation. • A student went for a summer internship at Poliversal S.A., which will potentially proceed with a Master’s thesis in 2020/2021.

Dissemination through the website, contacts with companies and R&D project applications are some of the activities designed to impart a self-sustainable continuity to the Hands-on Polymers project, targeting the replication, or scalability of the project. Ana C. Marques ( Department of Chemical Engineering Ana Carvalho ( Department of Engineering and Management Maria Emília Rosa ( Virgínia Infante ( Department of Mechanical Engineering UC: Materials Processing II (MEM), Industrial Management and Environment (LEGI), Materials Science (MEAer, MEMec, LEAN) 11

Quizzes Tutor (Former Perguntas de Escolha Múltipla em Arquiteturas de Software)

The project

Other relevant information

Support a system to manage multiple choice question for auto-assessment and assessment.

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What was done

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24 hours x 7 days availability Support the classification of questions according to different topics Difficulty level of questions based on historic data Database of questions Reuse of questions in different quizzes, tests and exams, and across semesters Automatic generation of quizzes given a set of topics and the student profile Integration with Fénix Academic Management System Export and import using several format: XML, CSV e Latex Quizzes with questions in random order, QRCode, one-way questions, and define when solution should be published

• • • •

Used in 6 curricular courses at IST Used as a teaching artifact in the Software Engineering course, where 300 students developed their project in the system. Contributions to the codebase by students that finished the course and by MSc students: Review of question answers by the teacher on student request Students submit new questions that become available upon teacher approval Question tournaments organized by students External users and courses, allowing the use in other schools Support other types of questions, besides multiple choice questions

António Rito Silva ( Department of Computer Science and Engineering UC: Software Engineering and Software Architectures


Chemistry Laboratories: larger autonomy, more laboratory, better academic peformance

The project

Other relevant information

The aim of this project was to rethink the laboratory component of the Chemistry course (first year course in 12 BSc and integrated MSc programs at IST) and focus on the laboratory execution, interpretation and discussion of the experimental results. The project strategy was to introduce e-learning tools, through the creation of videos offering the introduction to the different experimental works (including the theoretical concepts and experimental procedures to be applied in class), and online quizzes to assess the level of student preparation (with instant and automatic feedback). Both contents are to be viewed and executed before the class. This new model attempts to increase the class time dedicated to the experimental activity, and the interpretation and discussion of the results, as well as to promote the student’s autonomy and responsibility.

The student’s feedback was excellent. Approximately 1000 students from 12 different BSc and integrated MSc programs were enrolled in the laboratory classes. Throughout the academic year the platform was updated using students’ suggestions. The videos and quizzes were used by the students not only for the laboratory class preparation, but also as a study tool for tests and exams. The project implementation in MEBiom and MEFT occurred in the second semester, in full Covid-19 pandemic. The videos were essential to mitigate the lack the hands-on laboratory classes. In the next academic year, 2020/2021, to prepare the course for pandemic teaching classes, the project team will prepare videos with the laboratorial execution and results interpretation and discussion for all laboratory works. Additionally, several courses with laboratory classes in the field of Chemistry and Materials can in future use the concept developed under this project.

What was done

Carlos Baleizão ( Departament of Chemical Engineering

The project produced 8 videos containing the theoretical concepts and experimental procedures that are covered in the laboratory classes. These were made available online the week before the class. To assess the preparation level of the students, each video had an online quiz, where the students are asked to answer to a set of multiple-choice questions, selected randomly from a large pool. The quizzes provide instant feedback to the students, and the results are made available to the laboratory instructors, that can identify possible gaps in the students’ preparation, to be discussed during the class..

UC: Chemistry (MEEC, MEMec, MEAer, LENO, MEM, MEAmbi, MEC, LEGM, MEBiom, MEFT, LEE, LEGI)


ExonlineX: Online Evaluation on the MOOC.TECNICO platform What was done The ExonlineX platform was used during the 2nd semester of 2019-2020 to carry out tests and exams in 25 UCs of the 1st and 2nd cycles of studies for a total of 4150 students, which covered Técnico transversal courses such as Management and Calculus II with 1280 and 672 students respectively, 1st cycle large courses such as Applied Mechanics II and Control Systems from MEMeC with 370 and 240 students respectively, and courses of various bachelor and master’s degrees, with groups of students ranging from 5 to 150 students. A programming manual and videos were developed to support the development of exams for professors, as well as a user manual for students. Other relevant information The platform can be used for the evaluation of any Técnico curricular unit, by any student registered through the authentication method Técnico ID. According to the professors who used the platform (20): 75% revealed to be Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the platform; 65% also indicated that even in the context of face-to-face assessments, they consider that they will use the platform for future assessments; 50% found its use easy or very easy; 65% used the possibility to generate different exams for students; 50% of teachers preferred to include open-ended question answers in order to manually correct the exam.

The project This project developed an online assessment platform for Técnico ( based on the Open edX platform from TECNICO MOOCs ( /).

According to the students who used the platform: 57% took less than 1 minute to enter the platform and 73% had access to the exam in less than 5 minutes; 51% of students found reading the exam easy; 70% thought the difficulty of the assessment was comparable to the written assessment.

This platform allows the development of evaluations with different levels of complexity, suitable for exams in science and technology, using different types of questions: multiple choice questions, open answer questions, numerical assessment questions, mathematical expression assessment questions; questions to identify points in figures and diagrams. The platform also allows the use of libraries of questions and the generation of random parameters per student, which results in the generation of unique exams for each student. Finally, the platform also allows the automatic correction of exams or the submission of files with answers.

Carlos Santos Silva ( Alexandra Moutinho (alexandra.moutinho@tecnico. Department of Mechanical Engineering Ana Moura Santos ( Department of Mathematics Pedro Rosado Dias ( MOOC Técnico


Virtual Reality to teach Virtual Reality

Collage of the many VR and AR projects developed in the Virtual Reality course (2019/2020 edition)

The project

Other relevant information

This pedagogical innovation project introduced “active learning” techniques into the Virtual Reality course (offered by CSE Department) and funded the acquisition of virtual and augmented reality equipment. Equipped with VR and AR headsets, students were able to develop functional VR/AR prototypes that were ideated based on scientific papers published in renowned international venues.

Several students were very satisfied with an open themed project and, more importantly, they deeply appreciated the possibility to express their creativity and design knowledge to tackle such open challenges. In fact, the quality of some written reports has a strong potential to be published in international conferences. The students were also pleased to have access to state-of-the-art virtual reality technology and to be able to make oral presentations next to their colleagues and teachers.

What was done

Daniel Simões Lopes ( Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Each group was responsible for selecting, reading and dissecting a scientific paper of their choosing. Oral presentations about the scientific papers and idea pitching sessions were held. Afterwards, each group was entrusted to list a series of commitments and tasks. Weekly follow-ups allowed faculty to keep track on their progress. Several paper prototypes, storyboards, models and functional prototypes were designed. By the end of the semester, students performed live demos and wrote ‘short papers’ about their work.

UC: Virtual Reality


Autonomous Eletric Vehicle – A tool for the teaching in ECE The interactive activities developed include course assignments by the students of the 1st year course Portfolio MEEC, available at the website of the project (see ahead). The inclusion of EAV topics in course syllabuses through the simulation of trajectory controllers and decision strategies to answer specific events (Robotics course lab assignment) and software to simulate the autonomy of a vehicle from its electrical, mechanical, and aerodynamics characteristics (developed by students of the Energy area, currently available models include Nissan Lead S 2019, BMW i3 2019, Tesla Model X Performance 2020, Hyundai IONIQ 2020, Renault Zoe 2019, Audi E-tron 55 quattro 2019). In addition, invited talks for the MEEC students on the challenges related to the technologies of electric vehicles helped motivating and raising awareness. VIENA website (to be online before the end of Septmber 2020 – preliminary version at will act as repository of the activities developed. Other relevant information The project

Students gave excellent feedback and got very involved in the proposed activities, namely in Portfolio MEEC (approx. 240 students) and Robotics (approx. 70 students). Addressing a multidisciplinary topic such as the Autonomous Vehicles, where social relevance is already well established, is extremely motivating for the students. From a pedagogical standpoint, the topic is well suited to let case-based learning strategies moderate the convergence of beliefs to the scientific reality.

This project aims at using the VIENA infrastructure, including an electric vehicle Fiat Seicento Elektra, transformed by a group of DEEC faculty, for research in the field of autonomous electric mobility and (i) help the integration of young IST students through an initial ambiance to a complex system of which general public has a media perception, and (ii) use a real case study with social and economic relevance to illustrate interesting engineering problems in ECE that can be used in Problem Based Learning strategies.

The project can be scaled to many other Curricular Units (CUs), related to electric mobility and autonomy. Sustainability is a priori assured in the context of the aforementioned CUs is a priori assured in the context of the aforementioned CUs.

What was done The original workplan includes (a) interactive activities involving IST students and the community on Electric Autonomous Vehicles (EAV), (b) inclusion of scientific topics in EAV in the syllabuses of ECE courses, (c) expanding existing subsystems, and (d) development of the project website to disseminate results and also serve as repository and to support the experiments.

João Silva Sequeira ( João Fernandes ( Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering UCs: Robotics and, in the future Electrical Drives and Electrical Vehicles and Electrical Machines


The Caernohabditis elegans nematode as an infection model What was done The financial part of the project was completed and the acquired equipment is available. However, the implementation of the project suffered several delays, due to various circumstances as described below 1. Significant delay in transferring funds to the project due to a project classification problem. The purchase order was only issued in October 2019; 2. Supply and installation of the equipment on February 13, 2020, making impossible its use during the “Laboratórios Abertos do DBE” initiative that took place from February 3 to 7, 2020. 3. Closing of laboratory activities in mid-March 2020, due to the COVID19 pandemics. It was not possible to implement the new experimental work planned for the UC Biochemistry and Microbial Physiology, and to use the equipment during the experimental activities of the initiative Verão na Ulisboa. Other relevant information The equipment is functional and available, waiting for the resumption of experimental activities for its use and feedback from students.

The project Experimental teaching in the area of Biological Sciences at IST is limited by the availability of equipment that most of the time suffers rapid wear due to the high number of users. This is the case with equipment used to visualize microscopic structures and organisms.

Jorge Humberto Gomes Leitão ( Department of Bioengineering

In this context, this project aimed to: UC: Microbial Biochemistry and Physiology and Microbiology

1. Introduce a new experimental work in the course Biochemistry and Microbial Physiology, 3rd year of the integrated master in Biological Engineering. The work aims to illustrate the use of the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode as an infection model. The stereomicroscopes will be used to visualize and enumerate living nematodes upon exposure to selected pathogenic bacteria; 2. Reinforcement of the equipment available for the laboratories of other curricular units, namely Microbiology; 3. Reinforcement of the equipment available for activities open to society, namely the “Laboratórios Abertos do DBE”, Verão na ULisboa”, among others. 17

Escapuliste? – learning course materials to escape

não encontrei a imagem

The project

team’s work. In addition, the escape game was seen as a preparation for the midterm test, in which students performed better than in previous semesters. The design of the escape games (storyline, the scenario and the quizzes) was challenging but very fun. The most time-consuming activity is the preparing Anita’s room for each session. This is not a recommended activity during COVID.

This proposal aims to take advantage of the dynamics of “Escape games” to create an immersive learning environment, in which students have to work as a team to solve the different puzzles related to a given course. What was done

Luísa Coheur ( Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, INESC-ID

We have created a character, Anita, a Computer Science student that loves to design escape games for her colleagues, and we have transformed a Taguspark classroom in Anita’s bedroom. The plot is the following: Anita is preparing an escape game for Linear Algebra but gets locked inside the closet. She sends an email to her colleagues, asking for help: they have one hour to solve the Linear Algebra quizzes that will allow them to open the closet, or she will not be able to breathe and will die. Almost 90 students played this game.

Ana Moura Santos ( Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico, CEAFEL Sofia Sá ( Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico Luís Costa ( Systems Engineering and Computing Program, Coppe/ UFRJ, Brazil

Other relevant information Students considered the experience to be very entertaining and acknowledged that these activities encouraged 18

E-LEARN@DEEC: Active Learning and Immediate Individual Evaluation

The project

What was done

Considering the several challenges that the university education system (and in IST, in particular) has been facing along the past years, the teaching community (and its students) has been confronted with the emerging need to revise and reformulate many teaching (and learning) paradigms that have been in place for a long time. The recent experiences related to teleworking and distance learning, combined with the digital transition and the emergence of several digital interaction means and platforms, have raised several challenges that had never been dealt with in the academy.

The implemented solution is based on the Moodle platform and includes several innovative aspects whose implementation has been essential for an adequate adoption by the different courses. In particular, and given the high number of students and teachers involved, a software module was developed that allows the use of IST’s centralized authentication system, thus easing user management without sacrificing security. In addition to the installation and configuration of the software, achieved through the acquisition of a high-performance server (by DEEC), several templates and tools were created for importing/exporting materials to/from Moodle. Moreover, related documentation was prepared regarding the use of the system, support for content production and automatic/assisted grading. A teacher training session was also held, covering all aspects related to the production of contents on the platform.

In this context, the main objective of this pedagogical project is to create an integrated e-learning system (E-LEARN@DEEC), aiming not only to develop new pedagogical approaches, but also to support in-person or distance assessment procedures covering various aspects: progress in knowledge acquisition, self-assessment, evaluation of teaching quality, standardization of assessment metrics, etc. Overall, the main aim is to promote new and better assessment methodologies, leading to continued study methods throughout the semester and on which students receive immediate feedback. Furthermore, the envisaged system constitutes a systematic support in the monitoring and analysis of the course and of its students’ performance throughout the semester. Moreover, it will also serve to reduce the teaching effort dedicated to the evaluation component, enabling a greater monitoring of the students and a better exploration of other pedagogical approaches.

Other relevant information During the first semester in which the platform was made available to DEEC faculty (2nd semester of 2019/2020), the system was adopted in around 30 courses (from the BSc and MSc programs), involving almost 3000 students. Nuno Roma ( Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Project PIP2018 19

Results and next steps for PIP support

Creating Learning Communities

Identify the projects that may be suitable to reproducing, adjusting and adapting to areas other than their original context.

The PIP projects allowed the creation of a Committee of the Pedagogical Council for Distance Learning, which in times of pandemic created content for SaRTRE website ( and training on online platforms for the entire community of IST.

This brochure aims to facilitate the dissemination and foster communication between those responsible for the PIP2019 projects and the TĂŠcnico community. Thus, the possibility to reproducing, adjusting and adapting the ideas of PIP2019 to other UCs and in different contexts.

Visibility A public presentation of the start-up of the projects took place. When this brochure is launched, another remote public presentation will be held.

External Financing


A portuguese newspaper article was recently publish regarding the PIP Projects:

This area, due to the pandemic situation, was not possible to speed up. The coordination of the PIPs will try to identify possible sponsors for the PIPs This area, due to the pandemic situation, was not possible to speed up. The coordination of the PIPs will try to identify possible sponsors for the PIPs with the help of the IST’s Technology Transfer Office.

The PIP project served as a basis for the creation of similar projects at the Universities of Aveiro and Minho.


Applications List Coordenador(es)


Título do Projeto

Ana Clara Marques

Department of Chemical Engineering

Hands-on Polymers

Ana Luisa Nobre Fred

Department of Bioengineering

ScientIST: Scientific Experiences in the Field of Biomedical Engineering Supported by Mobile Devices and IoT

António Menezes Leitão

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Multiple Choice questions in Software Architectures

António Rito Silva

Department of Computer Science and Engineerin

Algorithmic Design

Arsénio M. Fialho, Leonilde M. Moreira, Cristina A. Viegas

Department of Bioengineering

Shared Teaching Project

Carlos Baleizão

Department of Chemical Engineering

Chemistry Laboratories: larger autonomy, more laboratory, better academic peformance (LQM3)

Carlos Santos Silva

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Online Exams

Daniel Gonçalves

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

GameCourse Beyond

Daniel Lopes

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Virtual Reality to teach Virtual Reality

Francisco Lemos, Maria Amélia Lemos

Department of Chemical Engineering

Competency Assessment

Helena Galhardas

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Introduction to Relational Databases and SQL (2 MOOCs)

Joana Mendonça

Department of Engineering and Management

Active Teaching and Learning Platform

João Silva Sequeira

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

VIENA . Intelligent Autonomous Navigation Electric Vehicle

Jorge Humberto Gomes Leitão

Department of Chemical Engineering

The Caernohabditis elegans nematode as an infection model

José Figueiredo

Department of Engineering and Management





Título do Projeto

Luís Guerra e Silva

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

High Performance, Low Consumption and Low Cost Heterogeneous Computing System Prototype

Luísa Coheur

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Escape The Room

Maria Amélia Lemos, Francisco Lemos

Department of Chemical Engineering

Development of oral and written communication skills

Maria Orquídia Neves e Ana Paula Falcão

Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources


Mónica Oliveira, Carlos Bana e Costa

Department of Engineering and Management

Participatory TechLab

Nuno Mira

Department of Bioengineering

MicrobialEngineeringIST - A handson approach to foster teaching of Microbial EngineeRing at IST

Pedro Adão

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Breaking and Fixing: Gamificação da Aprendizagem na UC de Segurança em Software

Pedro Girão

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Taguspark's printed circuit workshop

Pedro Tomás

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Unified simulator of RISC architectures

Rui Ferreira

Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources

FLHYP - a FLipped classroom HYdrodynamics Proposal

Rui Maranhão

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Software Engineering – MOOC

Sónia Pinto

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Network Modular Electronic Power Converters

Vitor Machado

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electric field: from the laboratory to online learning

Tânia Sousa

Mechanical Engineering

Massive Open Online Tool (MOOT)

Tânia Sousa

Mechanical Engineering

DEBHotspot – Virtual Laboratory

Teresa Vazão

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Vasco Guerra


MOOC Plasma Physics

Vítor Machado

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electric Field: from the laboratory to online learning


Financed Projects Coordenador(es)


Título do Projeto

Ana Clara Marques

Department of Chemical Engineering

Hands-on Polymers

Ana Luisa Nobre Fred

Department of Bioengineering

ScientIST: Scientific Experiences in the Field of Biomedical Engineering Supported by Mobile Devices and IoT

António Rito Silva

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Multiple Choice questions in Software Architectures

Arsénio M. Fialho, Leonilde M. Moreira, Cristina A. Viegas

Department of Bioengineering

Shared Teaching Project

Carlos Baleizão

Department of Chemical Engineering

Chemistry Laboratories: larger autonomy, more laboratory, better academic peformance (LQM3)

Carlos Santos Silva

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Online Exams

Daniel Lopes

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Virtual Reality to teach Virtual Reality

Joana Mendonça

Department of Engineering and Management

Active Teaching and Learning Platform

João Silva Sequeira

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

VIENA . Intelligent Autonomous Navigation Electric Vehicle

Jorge Humberto Gomes Leitão

Department of Chemical Engineering

The Caernohabditis elegans nematode as an infection model

Luísa Coheur

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Escape The Room


Acknowledgements Participants and candidates of the PIP2019 Projects Manuel João Costa, University of Minho Jury • • • • • • • • • • Design •

Raquel Aires Barros Luís Oliveira e Silva António Rodrigues Beatriz Silva Isabel Marrucho Fátima Montemor Francisca Simões João Ramôa Correia Luís Castro Pedro Ramos Telma Baptista


Support educational Initiatives at Técnico

You can help to advance teaching at Técnico by supporting innovative educational projects. Técnico teaching staff submit yearly new project ideas and seek financial support to make them a reality. For more information, please contact: Conselho Pedagógico Instituto Superior Técnico Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa Tel: +351 218 417 845 25

Campus Alameda Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 1049-001 Lisboa Tel: +351 218 417 000

Campus Taguspark Av. Prof. Doutor Cavaco Silva 2744-016 Porto Salvo Tel: +351 214 233 200

Campus Tecnolรณgico e Nuclear Estrada Nacional 10 (ao Km 139,7) 2695-066 Bobadela LRS Tel: +351 219 946 000


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