AJIRA Warehouse User Manual .pdf

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Warehouse UserManual

Agility Version: 1.0 Copyright © 2009 Agility E Services © 2009 © 2009 Agility E Services E Services. Private AllLimited.All rights reserved. rights reserved.

Web: www.agilitylogistics.com Web: www.agilitylogistics.com


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Copyright © 2009 Agility E Services. All rights reserved. Proprietary Rights The information in this document is confidential to Agility E Services and is legally privileged. The information and this document are intended solely for the addressee. Use of this document by anyone else for any other purpose is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this information is prohibited and unlawful.





This documentation might include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors and is subject to correction and other revision without notice. Agility E Services. GIVES YOU THE CUSTOMER THIS DOCUMENTATION "AS IS." EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE NOT PROVIDED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.


Version: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual

Table of Contents

Preface ............................................................................................... 6


About this Manual .................................................................................................................................... 6 Audience ................................................................................................................................................... 6 External Audience ................................................................................................................................ 6 Internal Audience ................................................................................................................................. 6 Related Documents ................................................................................................................................. 6 Document Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 6 Support Information ................................................................................................................................ 7

Agility Warehouse‐ Overview ............................................................. 8


Features of AJIRA Warehouse ................................................................................................................ 8 Benefits of Ajira Warehouse .................................................................................................................... 9 How it Works ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Inbound .................................................................................................................................................. 10 User Hierarchy and roles in Inbound Process .................................................................................. 10 Outbound ............................................................................................................................................... 10 User Hierarchy and roles in Outbound Process ................................................................................ 11 JDE overview ........................................................................................................................................... 11 What is JDE? ........................................................................................................................................ 11

Getting Started ................................................................................. 13



System Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 13 Common Icons ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Accessibility ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Online Support Information ................................................................................................................... 15 Inbox ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 FollowUp ................................................................................................................................................ 16 GroupInbox ............................................................................................................................................. 17 Back To GroupInbox ............................................................................................................................... 17 Viewing History ....................................................................................................................................... 17 History List ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Viewing History Graphically ................................................................................................................ 17 Sending Reminder Email .................................................................................................................... 18 Discussion Forum ............................................................................................................................... 18 About Calendar .................................................................................................................................. 19 Support Online .............................................................................................................................. 19

Inbound............................................................................................ 20 Inbound Process ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Creating a New Inbound ........................................................................................................................ 22 Dashboard View of Inbound .................................................................................................................. 23 Inbound request view ........................................................................................................................ 24 Request for Inbound .............................................................................................................................. 24 Adding Vehicle Details ....................................................................................................................... 27 Adding Vehicle GatePass Details ....................................................................................................... 28 Adding GatePass LR Details ............................................................................................................... 29


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Warehouse User Manual




Printing Vehicle Gate Pass ................................................................................................................. 30 Export Vehicle Gate pass details ........................................................................................................ 31 Attaching Files to Document Library ................................................................................................ 32 Submit to Inbound Desk .................................................................................................................... 33 Searching Inbound requests ................................................................................................................. 34 Deleting Inbound ................................................................................................................................... 34 Operations at Inbound Desk ................................................................................................................. 35 Adding Invoice Details ....................................................................................................................... 35 Uploading Files ................................................................................................................................... 37 Need More Information..................................................................................................................... 38 Submitting to MIN Desk .................................................................................................................... 38 MIN Desk ................................................................................................................................................ 39 Updating Invoice Details ................................................................................................................... 39 Submitting to Warehouse Operation ............................................................................................... 41 Warehouse Operations .......................................................................................................................... 42 Unloading Details ............................................................................................................................... 43 Checking the Physical Quantity ......................................................................................................... 43 Attaching documents ........................................................................................................................ 43 Submitting to MRN and PA Desk ...................................................................................................... 44 Generate MRN........................................................................................................................................ 45 Adding PA ........................................................................................................................................... 46 Fetching PA Suggestion ..................................................................................................................... 46 Attaching Documents ........................................................................................................................ 46 Submitting to Warehouse Operation ............................................................................................... 47 Putaway Confirmed ............................................................................................................................... 48 Putaway Details .................................................................................................................................. 48 Request is submitted to Warehouse Operation .............................................................................. 49 Submitting to PA Confirmation Desk ................................................................................................ 50 IB Task Closed in JDE ............................................................................................................................. 50 Closing JDE ......................................................................................................................................... 50 Submitting to Inbound Desk after Closing the Job in JDE ................................................................ 51 Submitting Final Request to Inbound Desk ........................................................................................... 51


Outbound ......................................................................................... 54 Outbound Process ................................................................................................................................. 55 Create a new Outbound ........................................................................................................................ 56 Dashboard View of Outbound............................................................................................................... 57 Outbound Request View ................................................................................................................... 57 Creating a new Outbound ..................................................................................................................... 58 Adding Invoice Details (For business Unit Other than Xerox)......................................................... 63 Uploading and submitting the Documents to Pick Creator ............................................................ 64 Request is Submitted to Pick Creator ............................................................................................... 65 Search Outbound requests ................................................................................................................... 65 Deleting Outbound ................................................................................................................................ 66 SO and Pick Creator ............................................................................................................................... 67 Fetch Data from JDE .......................................................................................................................... 67 Update JDE Status ............................................................................................................................. 68 Upload Document .............................................................................................................................. 69


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Warehouse User Manual




Submit to Warehouse Operation ...................................................................................................... 69 Pick Confirmer Desk ............................................................................................................................... 70 Adding Pick Details ............................................................................................................................ 70 Adding Picked Quantity ...................................................................................................................... 71 Submitting to Pick Confirmer Desk ................................................................................................... 73 Pick Confirmed ....................................................................................................................................... 74 Submitting to Transport Coordinator ............................................................................................... 74 Ready to Load ........................................................................................................................................ 75 Updating Shipment Details ............................................................................................................... 75 Shipment Delivered Counter ............................................................................................................. 76 Adding Proof of Delivery Details ....................................................................................................... 76 Closing Partial Shipment ........................................................................................................................ 77 Partial Shipment Created ................................................................................................................... 77 Partial Shipment Location Updated .................................................................................................. 77 Partial Shipment Location Confirmed ............................................................................................... 78 Partial Shipment Pick List Created .................................................................................................... 78 Partial Shipment Pick Confirmed ...................................................................................................... 79 Partial Shipment Ready To Load ....................................................................................................... 79 Submitting Shipment Confirmation .................................................................................................. 79 Request Is Submitted to Shipment Confirmation Desk ................................................................... 79 Shipment Confirmation Desk ................................................................................................................ 80 Confirmation Done ............................................................................................................................ 80 Submitting to Transport Co‐ordinator .............................................................................................. 81 Finalizing the Delivery Process .............................................................................................................. 81 Closing the Amendment .................................................................................................................... 81 Signing Out of Application .................................................................................................................... 83 Inbound Creation for Nivea Business Unit ........................................................................................... 85 Outbound Creation for Nivea Business Unit ........................................................................................ 88

FAQ’s and Troubleshooting .............................................................. 92 Appendix‐A Validation Screens ......................................................... 93 Appendix‐B Keywords ...................................................................... 95


Inbound Receipt Types ...................................................................................................................... 95 Inbound File Types ............................................................................................................................. 96 Transporter Types .............................................................................................................................. 96 Outbound Order Types ...................................................................................................................... 96 Outbound File Types .......................................................................................................................... 97

Glossary ........................................................................................... 98 Index ................................................................................................ 99


Version: 1.0




About this Manual



This manual describes the Ajira’s Center Of Excellence Warehouse application and explains how to work and use its major features. It serves as a means to describe the User interface and how to use it to accomplish common tasks. This manual also describes the underlying assumptions Warehouse users’ makes about the underlying data model.

The two types of audience for this document are: External Audience and Internal Audience.

External Audience

All the Users working or implementing the application are categorized as the external audience. Warehouse security, Warehouse managers, Desks, Customers, Marketing Partners etc., who procure the application, will be provided with this document for reference.


Internal Audience

All the Agility E Services Pvt Ltd employees are considered as internal audience. Any of the employees interested in the Ajira’s COE Warehouse Application, including developers, test engineers, functional consultants, technical writers, or a new employee will find useful information in this manual for both planning, learning and implementation of the application.


Related Documents

All Ajira warehouse documents are available online in both printed (PDF) and online (HTML) formats. Online Help Files: An online help is integrated with the application and the help is provided for each context or window of the application.

Document Conventions

In this manual, certain words are represented in different fonts, typefaces, sizes, and weights. This highlighting is systematic; different words are represented in the same style to indicate their inclusion in a specific category. The Courier font indicates a command sequence, file type, URL, Folder/File name for example:



Version: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual

www.ag gilitylog gistics.c com d User attention a to certain piecces of Additionaally, this doccument has different strrategies to draw informatiion. In order of how criticcal the inform mation is to your system m, these items are marked d as a note, tip, important, c caution, or w warning. For e example: Icon Purpose Note




The image cannot be display ed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart y our computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.

The image cannot be display ed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart y our computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.


The image cannot be display ed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart y our computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.


The image cannot be display ed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart y our computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.


Suppo ort Inform mation



Every effo ort has been made to enssure the accu uracy of the d document. If you have com mments, questionss, or ideas reg garding the d document co ontact online support: ajirade evsupport@ @agilityl logistics. .com


Ve ersion: 1.0


Agility Warehouse- Overview




Ajira’s Warehouse application is a powerful and comprehensive automated warehouse and distribution solution that combines solid business principles and state‐of‐the‐art technology. With this application, you can manage and track the movement of inventory from receiving to shipping and dramatically cut warehouse costs by eliminating paper work and costly shipping errors. It also helps improve staff productivity and provides accurate inventory levels to all inter‐company departments. The primary purpose of Ajira warehouse is to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse. It plays a key part in managing the supply chain, control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and process the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, putaway, picking, inventory control, etc…

Features of AJIRA Warehouse


The Ajira’s Warehouse application provides flexible, automated support to assist Users in processing all goods movements and in maintaining current stock inventories in a warehousing complex. This application supports warehousing processes by making it possible for the User to:  Define and manage complex warehousing structures Optimize material flow using advanced putaway and picking techniques

Process Inbound, Outbound and stock transfers quickly and easily

Increase the accuracy of data recorded in a more systematic and appropriate method

Simplifies the data transfer from one User to another

Increase the efficiency and data integrity

Monitor all the functioning from a centralized location as the application is online

View or export receipt details and history with a click of a button

Automatically assign inventory to a location for put‐away

Receive against multiple purchase orders simultaneously

View all receipts or customize views by filtering on selected criteria.


Agility Warehouse‐ Overview

Version: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual

Benefits of Ajira Warehouse

How it Works



As the process of receiving and delivering of goods has increased, even the process to store the data and control the movement of goods has increased. A Warehouse software can:  Reduce inventory paperwork: Implementation of a real time WMS can significantly reduce the paperwork traditionally associated with warehouse operations, as well as ensure timely and accurate flow of inventory and information.  Reduce labor costs: Implementing a comprehensive WMS facilitates standardization of inventory movements, picking methods, and inventory locations.  Increase storage capacity: A WMS can often increase available warehouse space by more efficiently locating items in relation to receiving, assembly, packing, and shipping points. This increased efficiency can both improve productivity and lower inventory holding costs significantly.  Increase customer service: By streamlining processes from order to delivery, companies can more accurately determine product availability and realistic delivery dates.  Increase inventory accuracy: A WMS can reduce lead times by limiting inventory movement and improving the accuracy of inventory records.



The Ajira Warehouse Management System is an on‐demand, web‐based solution that automates the warehouse receiving and put‐away process by matching the receipt of goods received to the original purchase order.

Figure 1: Warehouse Process

With this application, User can generate three types of tasks. In inbound operations, putaway tasks are generated. In outbound operations picking tasks are generated. In warehousing operations replenishment tasks are generated. These generated tasks can be printed out as task lists and handed out to operators for execution.

Agility Warehouse‐ Overview

Version: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual

Finally, when the receipt is processed, the application system automatically updates and adjusts stock‐levels received thereby maintaining up‐to‐date inventory control information. As a result, purchasing, sales, and warehouse managers have access to the same up‐to‐date order fulfillment information.



In warehouse management, inbound is the movement of material into the warehouse from an external source, which could be a production system, a vendor, etc. The warehouse‐management checks the goods unloaded for accuracy and then processes it, moving the material into the warehouse and increasing the storage of the material received.




User Hierarchy and roles in Inbound Process

Figure 2: Inbound User Hierarchy

Refer Ajira Warehouse‐Inbound process in this document.


In warehouse management, outbound is the movement of material from the warehouse to an external source, which could be a production system, a vendor, etc. The warehouse‐management checks the goods loaded for accuracy and then processes it, moving the material out of warehouse.

Agility Warehouse‐ Overview

Version: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual


Fig gure 26: Viewing GatePa ass Details

4. 5.

Click Save, to save details i in the inboun nd request. Click Back To Inbound, and d it navigatess to the inbou und delivery page.


e uploaded LR R details can be deleted u using Delete LR option. The

Printing g Vehicle Gate G Pass

Here, the e system allow ws the User t to print the G GatePass for the vendor. T This form outputs the ven ndors name, ve ehicle detailss, date, addrress, materiaal details, ettc…and it can c also be used as a future f reference e. a page



In order to print or export e vehiccle gate passs details, clicck appears w with all the ve ehicle detailss as shown in n Figure 27.


Ve ersion: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual





Figure 27: Printing Vehicle Gate Pass

Click to print the vehicle Gate pass details on a paper or click Gate pass details file to the local system.

option to export the vehicle

Export Vehicle Gate pass details Here the User can download or export the files in various formats such as Portable Document Format (.PDF), Excel sheet (.Xls), Ms Word (.doc), Notepad (.txt), crystal report (.rpt), Rich Text Format (.rtf).


Version: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual


Figure 28: Exporting Vehicle Gate Pass

To Export:

Click export on vehicle gate pass page. In Export options window select appropriate file format from the dropdown list. Click All to print all the pages in the report Or to print selected pages, click Pages and enter From and To page number in respective fields.


1. 2. 3.

Attaching Files to Document Library



The User uploads Inward GatePass document to the inbound request. This uploaded document provides Vehicle GatePass details to process the request. Before uploading the document to the document library, appropriate file type must be selected so that User can easily identify the document. Select the location of the document using the Browse option. On selecting Upload, the document will be uploaded to the inbound request as shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29: Uploading documents

Click Submit To InBound Desk, and the page gets navigated to the Submission Inbound Desk. Inbound

Version: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual

If the app propriate file e type is nott selected an nd User clickks Submit To o Inbound De esk, then an alert message is displayed w which promp pts the User t to upload correct file type.


All fields m marked with ** (asterisk) aare mandatorry

If User wants to dele ete the uploaaded vehicle details, sele ect the apprropriate checckbox


Vehicle GateP Pass section and click Dellete Veh. Dettails button from the V 

The correcct file type m must be attach hed before cclicking Subm mit To InBoun nd Desk butto on.

Files that a are uploaded d should not be empty

To removve or delete the files thaat are uploaaded, select the item ch heckbox and click Remove D Docs.

Submitt to Inbound Desk



Once afte er adding the vehicle details to the inbound i request such ass GatePass, LR L and then after attaching g mandatory document in n Document Library, the r request is su ubmitted to t the inbound desk for furthe er processing g. Follow wing are the s steps to subm mit request: 1. Select Userr ID from the e Inbound De esk section. comments/message text in the Submiission 2. Enter the c Comm ments textbox x (optional). 3. Click Subm mit, and Inbo ound request is submitte ed to the Inb bound Desk.

Figure 30: Submitting to t Inbound desk d

To cancel the rrequest subm mission, selecct the

Cancel option 

The e request sub bmitted to th he next stage e, will

no lon nger get displayed in th he inbound list, but it will w be displayyed in the Usser’s sent item ms.


Ve ersion: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual

Search hing Inbo ound req quests


Search fu unctionality provides p warrehouse Use ers to look fo or specific re equests base ed on the crriteria provided in the Searcch box as sho own in Figurre 30. A searrch locates all requests of o Warehouse e in a well sorte ed (arranged according to o the latest t asks perform med) manner. Enter the e required se earch parame eters and clicck Search, th hen the appliication searcches for particular request b based on paraameters. Use e Refresh to c clear all the e entered parameters. The f following tab ble lists the search criteriaa:

Figure e 31: Search hing in Inbou und

Inbound d Code Businesss Unit Vendor Name Created d By Sender Status


Desc cription Here, User can se earch the reque est from Inbox x, Sent itemss, Comp pleted items,, Group Inbox x and Follow w Up. The c code generated while creatting an Inbou und. The unique Busin ness Unit ID off warehouse. The n name of the v vendor


Parame eter Search F For

Name of Inbound d creator Searcch by sender name Searcch by the current statu us of the re equest in Inbou und list.


er can enter e either partial or full detaiils of the datta in any of th he search paarameters. Syystem Use will perfo orm an ‘equall to’ or ‘greatter than’ searrch to displayy the results in the list.

Deletin ng Inbou und

Delete In nbound optio on is used to o delete or clear c any inb bound request from the Inbound listt. The request c can be delete ed only when n it is in Created state. It facilitates th he User to de elete multiple e files at a time from the Inb bound list by selecting all the items in t the inbound list.

Figure 32 2: Delete Inb bound


Ve ersion: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual

Following g are the step ps to delete a an Inbound r equest: 1. To o delete Inbo ound requestt, select apprropriate checck box option n of inbound request. 2. Click Delete In nbound, a co onfirmation m message is displayed and then click OK K and the req quest iss deleted.

Operations at Inbound d Desk



In this staage, the Use er updates th he Invoice de etails an uplo oad required d document. The requestt sent from the Warehouse Security is ap ppears in the e inbound desk. To accesss the sent req quest, the Usser at Inbound d desk login to o the applicattion using the e relevant Usser ID and Paassword. To view t the request p present in the e Inbound lisst: Select the e Inbound Co ode of the request. Th he request sent from th he Warehousse Security can c be accesssed by the User having g the authorityy to access the inbound de esk. After sele ecting the in nbound code e, a page is displayed which w contain ns the inform mation abou ut the details that are entere ed by the Waarehouse Security. In case, if f the receive ed shipment has a pre‐ale ert condition n, then Pre‐A Alert option c can be selectted in the Invoicce details secction, so thatt goods are lo oaded immed diately into th he warehousse.

Adding Invoice Details D


The page has an addittional section n called Invoice details as shown in Fig gure 33.

Figure 33:: Selecting In nvoice


the User to e enter invoice details as sh hown in Figurre 34. Click Add Invoice, whiich prompts t


Ve ersion: 1.0


Appendix-B Keywords


 



 

    

Business Unit: It is a location where the warehouse is located. Business Name: It is the name of the user to whom the goods belong. Vendor ID: It is an identification of Client or Supplier, whose goods are transported to warehouse. Dock: a Dock is an enclosed area of water used for loading and unloading the goods. Purchase order: A purchase order is a document that specifies commodities ordered from a specific vendor, as well as the cost, terms, and conditions of that order. Sales Orders: A sales order is an order placed by warehouse customers for warehouse goods. Item master: An item master is a master record for a type of inventory item. The item master includes the item description, materials and handling specifications, sales and fulfillment specifications, and warehouse‐specific information. Putaway: Putaway is the process of placing goods into storage locations. POD: The location where a consignment (shipment) is delivered. Picking: Selecting shipment items from inventory. Shipment: A shipment is a record of goods to be shipped or that have already been shipped. Amendment: A statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document.


  

Inbound Receipt Types


A Receipt Type provides proof of ownership of goods that are stored in a warehouse. It provides availability of goods of particular quantity, type, and quality. A receipt is the record of an intake of goods into the warehouse inventory. Keywords Description Import Process of importing goods from external source (other country) to the warehouse using freights An outstation Supplier Supplier of goods to the warehouse belongs to other state of same country Local Supplier Supplier of goods to the warehouse belongs to the same state where the warehouse is located Return of Goods The goods that are returned to the warehouse Repair and Demo Return The goods that are returned to the warehouse for repairing and sent for Demo

Appendix‐B Keywords

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Warehouse User Manual

Inbound File Types Keywords Bill of Entry

Description A list of goods received at a Warehouse

Bill of Lading

It is a document issued by a carrier, serves as evidence for a contract of transportation It is a report issued, if any damage or divergence occur

Discrepancy Report

LR copy

MRN copy Packing order


MIN copy

Missing item file

A gate pass is issued by a security of the warehouse to the driver while entering goods in to the warehouse It is a document issued by the RTA to the lorry driver regarding Lorry Details It is a document or Receipt used as soon as material is cleared from receipt and final goods inward note is prepaid after inspection It is a list of all missing items while transporting to the warehouse It is a receipt of Purchase or payable (Purchase Order)


Inward Gate pass

Supplier Invoice copy

It is a receipt or document used if any packing is required for goods It is a list of locations or addresses where the goods have to be delivered It is a receipt if transporter consulted any Sub‐Agent in delivering the goods It is a bill for transferring the stock includes: Delivery for stock transport order; Goods Issue; Delivery billing; Receiving transferred material; Purchase invoice It is an invoice for transporting the goods to the warehouse

Unload Tally Sheet

It is a tally sheet used for comparing with the JDE

Put‐away location list

Re‐suggest Put Away File


Stock transfer Invoice


Transporter Types Keywords Express Cargo


Description Fast transportation of goods to ware house using Cargo (Large Vehicles ) Transporting the goods manually or using small vehicles (trolley, Auto) Using Third Party (Transport Agencies) for transportation

Own Vehicle

Warehouse vehicles are used for transportation


Using other Resources for transportation

By hand/ Manual Trolley

Outbound Order Types

Appendix‐B Keywords

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Warehouse User Manual


Description Receipt consist of list of items that should be delivered from the warehouse List of items in the warehouse that got disposed

Order Form

List of items, ordered by the Client

Tax Invoice

Bill from the Tax Department on transportation of goods from one place to another place


Keyword Delivery Challan

Outbound File Types Keyword Customer STN

Invoice/Tax invoice Pack List Copy Pick List Copy


Delivery Challan /Delivery Note Email Request

Description A Transfer Note from the Customer regarding address where the goods should be transported Receipt consist of list of items that should be delivered from the warehouse A copy of Outbound Request sent through Email

List of items that should be picked

Proof document in order to deliver the goods from the warehouse Report which conveys that goods are loaded in to carriers from the warehouse List of items that should be packed


POD(Proof Of Delivery)

Statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered List of items that should be packed

TRF‐Load Build Report


Pack List Copy

Appendix‐B Keywords

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Abbreviation Center of Excellence


Ms Word document


Health Safety Security Environment




Lorry Receipt

Material Inward Note

Material Receipt Note


Portable Document Format Proof Of Delivery






Acronyms COE

Pollution Under Control


Rich Text Format


Sales Order


Stock Transfer Note




Warehouse Inbound code


Warehouse Outbound code


Transfer Order


Version: 1.0


Index Inbound Receipt Types, 95 Inbox, 16


A Adding Delivery Details, 76 Adding GatePass LR Details, 29 Adding Invoice, 35 Adding PA, 46 Adding Vehicle GatePass Details, 28 Amendment, 95 Attaching documents, 46

Common Icons, 14 Co‐ordinator, 81 Creating a New Inbound, 22

JD PO Number, 39 JDE overview, 11





MIN Desk, 38 MRN and PA Desk, 44


Need More Information, 38



Dashboard view, 23, 57 Deleting Inbound, 34 Discussion Forum, 18 Document Library, 32 Dropdown lists, 95



Online Help Files, 6 Outbound Outbound Process, 55 Outbound, 10 Outbound Adding Invoice Details, 63 Outbound File Types, 97 Outbound Order Types, 97

Exporting Vehicle Gate pass details, 31 External audience, 6



FAQ’s and Troubleshooting, 92 Fetching Data from JDE, 67 Fetching PA Suggestion, 46 FollowUp, 16

P Pick Confirmed, 74 Pick Creator, 67 Pick List Created, 70 Place of Delivery, 62 Printing/Export Vehicle Gate Pass, 30 Putaway Confirmed, 48


Generating MRN, 45 GroupInbox, 17


IB Task Closed in JDE, 50 Inbound, 10 Inbound File Types, 96 Inbound Process, 21


R Ready To Load, 75

S Search process, 34, 65 Sending Reminder Email, 18 Shipment Confirmation, 80 Shipment Delivered Counter, 76 Sign in, 14

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Warehouse User Manual

Submitted to Pick Creator, 65 Submitting to PA confirmation Desk, 50 Submitting to Pick Confirmer Desk, 73 Submitting to Warehouse Operation, 41 System Requirement, 13

V Validation Screens, 93 Viewing History, 17 Viewing History Graphically, 17


T Warehouse Operations, 42


The Physical Quantity, 43 Transporter Types, 96

U Update JDE, 68 Uploading Files, 37





Version: 1.0


Warehouse User Manual

Address: Flat No-4A, 4th Floor, House No.6-3-569/2, Rockdale Compound, Somajiguda, Hyberabad, India 500018. Index Version: 1.0 101 T: +91 40 66571818 | Email:ajiradevsupport@agilitylogistics.com | Web: www.agilitylogistics.com.

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