What is Information Gathering | active information gathering | passive information gathering

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What is Information Gathering Welcome to Techohalic, In This Article, you are going to learn about What is Information Gathering. Information Gathering is a technique or we can say that it is the first phase of ethical hacking, in which we gather as much information as possible about our target. That target can be a website, a web application, an IP address, a person, or anything in general. If you target something for a particular reason, let us suppose for hacking, you will need a lot of information about that, which can be useful for you in the future for exploiting the target. It is a process of knowing the target, digging for information about our target, and being in touch with our target.Basically, the information gathering is of two types:  Active Information Gathering  Passive Information Gathering If you want to learn more about What is Information Gathering Kindly visit our website Techohalic. https://techohalic.com/what-is-information-gathering/

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