Prayer Diary Spring 2017

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Easter reflections

God’s work renewing creation

Prayer for a nation in crisis


WELCOME... DESPERATE FOR PRAYER ‘One thing unites every refugee we speak with,’ says Nigel Harris, Tearfund CEO. ‘They all ask us to pray for peace. If peace comes, they will return, but until then, they will remain in Lebanon. ‘In human terms, the situation appears hopeless, but our God is a God of hope, and we seek his peace for the country of Syria. And we see how Christians bringing unconditional love and serving the neediest can bring light to even the darkest places.’ In August last year, Nigel visited Tearfund partner projects reaching out with the love of Jesus to some of the tens of thousands of Syrian refugees who now live in Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. And it’s heartening to hear how much they value the power of prayer, and are desperate for more. Nigel continues: ‘It’s tempting to think that it’s not worth the effort to pray – nothing could change such a vicious and intractable conflict. Then I think of the God who inspires the tireless work of our partners in Lebanon, as they stop and show care to every last person they visit with food... Suddenly the effort of a few prayers doesn’t seem so much to ask.’ We know that your dedication to using Tearfund’s Prayer Diary to direct your daily devotions is because you call on the power of God when you pray – joining with many more across the world. Thank you for making that effort, listening to the cries of desperate people facing poverty, conflict and disaster – and answering the call of Jesus.

Peter Shaw, Editor twitter @TearTimes | email

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund


CONTENTS 04 Powerful tongues

Lifting up Tearfund speakers

05 Development despite danger Prayer for progress in Afghanistan

06 Houses of prayer

Inspiration from intercessors

07 Supporting Southern Africa

Challenging this region’s hunger crisis

08 Bringing peace in Mali

Calling for an end to conflict

09 Seeking peace in CAR

Prayer for the Central African Republic

10 Vanuatu two years on

Celebrating progress after the cyclone

11 Beauty from ashes

Be part of God’s work renewing creation

12 Hope for the fatherless

Prayer for families in Central Asia

13 Mean bean challenge

Reflections on life on a limited diet

14 Standing together in Zimbabwe Prayer for this nation in crisis

15 Bring us peace

Reflecting on Jesus’ resurrection

18 Haiti hurricane

Lifting up families hit hard

19 Crisis in Burundi

Prayer for this nation in turmoil

20 Continuing conflict in Nigeria

Lifting up families facing hunger and malnutrition

21 Water for life

Prayer for the millions of Zambians without clean water

22 Livelihoods in Mekong

Celebrating change from churches

23 Prayer resources More opportunities to pray


Copyright © Tearfund 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover image: Prayer in a church in Salima, Malawi Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

Photo: Andrew Philip/Tearfund


Tearfund speakers volunteer their time to inspire churches across the country

POWERFUL TONGUES: 22 – 28 JANUARY Join with us as we pray for Tearfund speakers, both staff members and our team of 150 faithful volunteers. Tearfund speakers visit churches and local communities to share stories of our work and talk about God’s heart for people living in poverty. Keep them in your prayers as they speak life and hope to local churches, and share insights into some of the world’s most desperate situations. SUNDAY 22 JANUARY Our speakers are skilled communicators who engage the interest of an audience, leaving them informed and inspired. They are accredited and speak to services of 40 people or more, equipping congregations to respond through prayer, giving and action. Give thanks for them as they volunteer their time to speak at Sunday services throughout the UK. MONDAY 23 JANUARY Pray that people will be moved after hearing from our speakers. Pray that the presentation, films and photos will be impactful, insightful, and stir a generous response in the hearts of many. Ask God for people to respond with open hearts and be encouraged to support our work. TUESDAY 24 JANUARY Pray for future engagements – particularly through the forthcoming busy Spring period – and that we will see great fruit. Pray especially for new supporters to partner with Tearfund, to give regularly so that they can have the joy of hearing how their support is making a positive, life-changing impact. Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 25 JANUARY ‘I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.’ Psalm 140:12 Pray for our beneficiaries whose stories our speakers have the great privilege of sharing. Give thanks for stories of hope that tell of God’s everlasting love and goodness. Praise God that in spite of great need, there is always great hope. THURSDAY 26 JANUARY Pray for strength and guidance for our speakers as they seek to communicate God’s love for those in need. Ask God to inspire and equip them with the right words as they spend many hours preparing Bible-based talks and deciding which resources to use to illustrate Tearfund’s work. FRIDAY 27 JANUARY Lift up our staff teams as they support speakers by arranging engagements, developing resources, training, logistics, travel and more. Help them work with stamina, sensitivity and inspiration. Pray for new speakers to join the team, and for parts of the UK where Tearfund is short of speakers.

SATURDAY 28 JANUARY ‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.’ Proverbs 31:8-9 Dear Lord, we lift up our Tearfund speakers as they serve you and go out into the world to share stories of your love and grace. May they be encouraged to continue to do your will – we pray for strength, passion and renewed vision. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

‘SPEAK UP FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES’ If you would like to know more about inviting a Tearfund speaker to your church or becoming a speaker visit: contact: or call : +44 (0)20 8943 7972


D EVELO PMENT D ESPITE DANGER: 29 JANUARY – 4 FEBRUARY Afghanistan is a land of contrasts: fragile yet resilient, beautiful but rugged, and home to a people who are poor yet generous beyond measure. Marred by years of instability, Afghanistan remains one of the poorest nations in the world. SUNDAY 29 JANUARY Limited arable land and severe weather conditions greatly challenge crop productivity in Afghanistan. Asmat’s community had struggled to grow enough to eat, but after Tearfund partner International Assistance Mission (IAM) taught him how to boost agricultural productivity, he hopes to grow lentils and peas this year. Pray that the forthcoming sowing season will reap a plentiful harvest. MONDAY 30 JANUARY Some 72 per cent of Afghanistan’s population do not have access to toilets. Tearfund partners work with remote communities to improve access to clean water, and offer hygiene training. Tearfund Country Representative Bruce Clark says, ‘Installing a piped water supply saved villagers walking 34 miles to the nearest spring.’ Pray that progress like this will continue to improve quality of life in rural Afghanistan. Badakhshan Province in the far northeast of Afghanistan

Photo: Bruce Clark/Tearfund

TUESDAY 31 JANUARY Living in the mountains, Taza struggled to survive until he received a goat through Tearfund partner Serve’s animal husbandry programme. When his goat produced offspring, he was able to give these to another poor family in his community. Praise God for this testimony and ask that more families would be blessed through the generosity of people like Taza. WEDNESDAY 1 FEBRUARY Violent incidents are a frequent occurrence in Afghanistan, a bitter aftertaste from years of conflict. The United Nations Assistance in Afghanistan reports 1,601 civilian deaths in the first six months of 2016. Tragically, children make up a third of these deaths. Antigovernments forces are largely responsible for these lost lives. Pray for lasting peace in Afghanistan.

THURSDAY 2 FEBRUARY Afghanistan’s maternal mortality rate is one of the highest in the world. IAM is tackling this through hosting maternal and child-health courses with illiterate people in rural communities. Pray that, through these courses, fewer and fewer women will experience life-threatening pregnancies. FRIDAY 3 FEBRUARY In a tense socio-economic climate, working in Afghanistan presents huge security challenges for Tearfund’s partners. Pray for the safety and well-being of our staff, and give thanks for the dedicated and courageous people serving in Afghanistan. SATURDAY 4 FEBRUARY ‘May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times, and in every way.’ 2 Thessalonians 3:16 ‘The people of Afghanistan are very warm and hospitable. It’s humbling what people will give to you when they have so little themselves,’ says Bruce Clark. Give thanks to God for the people of Afghanistan, and pray that the country would be peaceful this year. Amen. Some names have been changed this week to protect people’s identities.


HOUSES OF PRAYER: 5 – 11 FEBRUARY This week, join us in praying alongside Christians across the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. Two ‘Houses of Prayer’ have recently been established there – groups of families who meet together in each other’s homes twice a week to seek God. SUNDAY 5 FEBRUARY Pray for the nation of Pakistan, where Tearfund has been working since 1973. Tearfund works through partners in the country on issues ranging from disasters to education, preventing drug addiction and providing theological training. Pray for our partners as they work to support local churches and other Christian groups to meet the needs of their communities.

WEDNESDAY 8 FEBRUARY ‘From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honour, and they will not be disdained.’ Jeremiah 30:19

MONDAY 6 FEBRUARY ‘Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.’ Psalm 82:3

THURSDAY 9 FEBRUARY ‘But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.’ James 3:17

Recently one House of Prayer was able to use its resources to support the children of a local orphanage with clothing and bedding. Praise God for this, and ask for more opportunities for the Houses of Prayer to serve their local communities. TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY ‘Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.’ Psalm 5:11 Pray for the safety of the Houses of Prayer across Islamabad and beyond, that families and communities can continue to meet together freely to encourage and bless one another.

Photo: Joe Perini/Tearfund

Pray for the training that took place last September, that aimed to equip and support the Houses of Prayer as they look to divide and multiply.

Pray that church leaders in Pakistan would be encouraged and equipped with wisdom as they consider how to expand and progress the concept and mission of Houses of Prayer.

FRIDAY 10 FEBRUARY ‘Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.’ Hebrews 4:16 Pakistan is susceptible to natural disasters including, floods, landslides and earthquakes, as well as man-made humanitarian emergencies. Pray that through our partners’ work on disaster preparedness, the impact of any future emergencies upon the most vulnerable would be minimised. SATURDAY 11 FEBRUARY Dear Lord, we ask for your blessing on Pakistan and for protection against disasters and conflict. Please bless, encourage and strengthen the Houses of Prayer and local churches throughout the country. We pray that they will be a source of salt and light for people during times of trouble and particularly for those facing the challenges of poverty. Amen.


Tearfund has been supporting the people of Pakistan for more than 40 years


SUPPORTING SOUTHERN AFRICA: 1 2 – 18 FEBRUARY Over the last two years, the El Niño and La Niña weather cycles have had devastating impact around the globe. Parts of Ethiopia and Somalia, and much of southern Africa, have particularly felt the challenge of disrupted weather patterns. They have faced long periods of drought and severe flooding – which damages crops and causes huge food shortages. Across Southern Africa, 40 million people are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance, 23 million of these require immediate humanitarian assistance to survive. This has been challenging for countries such as Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, where Tearfund works, whose people are smallholder farmers, dependent on what they can grow. SUNDAY 12 FEBRUARY The majority of people in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe are dependent on the crops they can grow or the animals they can raise. This makes it hard to recover when drought or flooding happens. Ask God to provide for their needs, particularly families facing severe malnutrition. MONDAY 13 FEBRUARY The governments of these countries, and the international community are trying to help people survive, and have declared the crop failure an emergency. Because the whole region has been affected, they can’t rely on buying grain from other neighbouring countries, which they have been able to in the past. Pray for governments to prioritise the needs of the poorest people.

Malawi’s government has declared a state of emergency over food shortages

TUESDAY 14 FEBRUARY Tearfund partner projects, through initiatives such as self-help groups, are helping communities be more resilient to shocks and stresses like longterm weather pattern changes. Praise God for self-help groups, which help people save and increase assets, and provide a place of support, encouragement and learning. WEDNESDAY 15 FEBRUARY Foundations for Farming, a form of conservation agriculture taught in many communities across the region, has been helping farmers improve their yields. Because the technique uses less water it has helped farmers to keep growing their crops for longer. Thank God that many farmers have found hope through the Foundations for Farming technique.


THURSDAY 16 FEBRUARY Our partners in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe are taking action in many different ways to help communities, but they have limited resources. So please pray they make wise decisions and are able to support families who need the most help. FRIDAY 17 FEBRUARY ‘If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit.’ Leviticus 26:3-4 Pray for Christian farmers across Southern Africa who are facing drought this year. SATURDAY 18 FEBRUARY Dear Lord, we pray for these weather patterns which are causing challenges for the lives of so many, especially the poorest of the poor. We ask you to be their provider, and meet their daily needs. Amen.


BRINGING PEACE IN MALI: 19 FEBRUARY – 25 FEBRUARY Despite a peace agreement signed with armed groups in June 2015, violence continues in Mali with some areas still inaccessible to the government and to many charitable and humanitarian organisations, including Tearfund. This week we pray for a speedy and responsible implementation of this peace agreement so that the vulnerable in the population can be reached to receive the support they need.

Three children who fled the fighting in Timbuktu, Mali, with their parents

MONDAY 20 FEBRUARY There are clear signs of an entrenchment of radical Islam in the north and parts of central Mali – particularly in the Ségou and Mopti regions. The success of recent attacks in Mopti and Ségou show these groups have powerful networks within the local communities. Pray that God will protect families under threat.

SUNDAY 19 FEBRUARY Despite the presence of international armed forces, regular attacks in northern Mali continue to increase instability in major cities such as Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu. This also threatens the stability of the central regions of Mopti and Ségou. Pray that peace will be restored in northern Mali and attacks on innocent people will end.

TUESDAY 21 FEBRUARY Our partners carry out incredible work in vulnerable communities, reaching out with God’s love to the poorest people. Christian are a tiny minority in Mali, so the vast majority of our partner’s work is in communities where there is no church presence. Pray for Tearfund partners as they bring the love of Christ to communities, often risking their own lives in the process.


WEDNESDAY 22 FEBRUARY Because the work of our partners is so highly regarded, they are increasingly accepted in communities. Pray that God will protect our partners and strengthen them to continue and further develop their work. Pray that new work will be blessed and that partner staff will be kept safe.

Photo: Jim Loring/Tearfund

THURSDAY 23 FEBRUARY Pray for Christians in Mali who are persecuted because of their faith. Aziz Sidibe, employed by Tearfund in Mali, faces persecution for giving his life to Jesus. Aziz was born into a Muslim family, but chose to follow Jesus while attending a church community training course in Ségou. Lift up Azis whose family – apart from his mother – have rejected him. FRIDAY 24 FEBRUARY Aziz now lives on his own and is determined to follow Jesus despite being rejected by his family. He attends biblical devotions with the Tearfund staff in Mali whenever he works. Aziz also attends Sunday services and Bible studies at the local church to grow in his faith. Pray for Aziz, and many like him, who face daily persecution. SATURDAY 25 FEBRUARY Everlasting Father, thank you for holding the whole world in your hands. You are a sovereign God and we thank you for reigning supreme. Your word says about your son, ‘He is before all things, and in him all things hold together’ (Colossians 1:17). We, your children, say Amen.


SEEKING PEACE IN THE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC : 26 FEBRUARY – 4 MARCH In 2013, the Central African Republic (CAR) fell into conflict when a coalition of rebel groups (Seleka) took control of the capital, and a ‘self-defence’ group called Anti-balaka formed in response. Violent acts were committed involving looting, raping and burning of property. Central Africans are still suffering the effects from this crisis. In a country that has been unstable since independence in 1960, displacement, ill health and trauma are ongoing realities.

SUNDAY 26 FEBRUARY Ericaine was forced from her home three years ago. Her husband and baby were killed and her house burnt down. She found safety in a camp for displaced people, but the conditions were terrible with no sanitation. With the help of Tearfund, her life is now very different, Ericaine helps to maintain new local latrines and educate her friends about the importance of handwashing. Pray for all those who are still displaced from their homes, that they can live in safety and dignity. MONDAY 27 FEBRUARY For people living in camps for displaced people there is a huge risk of disease. The high concentration of people living in cramped conditions results in dangerous living conditions. Pray for protection against illness, particularly cholera – a highly infectious disease that is currently spreading

Photo: Isobel Peaty/Tearfund

TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY ‘May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.’ 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Lift up people who have witnessed horrific violence, especially women and girls who have experienced sexual violence. Pray that God will provide healing, even where there is deep hurt and trauma WEDNESDAY 1 MARCH Insecurity still reigns in CAR. Frequent attacks are carried out on civilians, humanitarian workers and between armed groups. Tearfund is training leaders to be peacemakers to bring about grass-roots change. Pray that God will bring healing and reconciliation throughout communities in CAR.

THURSDAY 2 MARCH Biamey was previously a chicken farmer. He was targeted in the attacks and lost everything. Thank God that Tearfund is providing food security training to farmers like Biamey. ‘I can see a future now,’ says Biamey. ‘I still worry, but now I worry about how I can educate my children. I don’t worry about how I can feed them anymore. I don’t worry about them dying of hunger in their sleep.’ FRIDAY 3 MARCH Pray for the churches and denominations across CAR to be united. Tearfund’s Church and Community Mobilisation Process enables churches to work with their local communities to help people lift themselves out of poverty. Thank God that the church is shining God’s light in their communities. SATURDAY 4 MARCH Dear Lord, thank you that you are the one who gives life. We pray for all the people in CAR to live in your hope. Give strength and courage to families who are hurting, and bless leaders seeking peace in your name. Amen. Some names have been changed this week to protect people’s identities.

Tearfund staff at a camp in Boda, CAR, providing sanitation and hygiene training


VANUATU TWO YEARS ON: 5 – 11 MARCH Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu, an archipelago of 65 inhabited islands, in March 2015. Winds of up to around 180mph flattened homes and destroyed around 90 per cent of the coffee harvest on Tanna Island alone. Since subsistence farming is the main source of income for the vast majority of Vanuatu’s population, damage to crops was devastating. SUNDAY 5 MARCH The Government of Tanna has praised Tearfund partner Nasi Tuan’s coordination, which led to all six area councils being reached with agricultural recovery assistance. Thank God for the way he has used Nasi Tuan in the recovery of Tanna. MONDAY 6 MARCH Some 36,000 seedlings were donated to farmers to rehabilitate coffee farms. Others were trained in peanut production as an alternative. To enhance their collective selling power at market, farmers organised themselves into groups and were able to sell directly to Nasi Tuan’s social enterprise, Tau’d. Thank God that the quick growth of the peanuts has enabled farmers to regain economic growth and replenish food supplies. TUESDAY 7 MARCH Nasi Tuan delivered training to farmers on organic composting and pesticides, new crop varieties and row spacing to address soil erosion, soil quality and crop yield in an environmentally sustainable way. As Chief Albert says, ‘This will really help because for the small space we can have a good harvest.’ Pray that the community will use these techniques to further increase food production.

Photo: Jenny Barthow/Integral Alliance

WEDNESDAY 8 MARCH After Cyclone Pam, many farmers had a tough time clearing their plantations. Nasi Tuan worked with Talao Coffee Co-op to subsidise the employment of young people to rehabilitate plots instead. Praise God for the young people’s willingness, and pray that their involvement will inspire the next generation of farmers. THURSDAY 9 MARCH ‘If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.’ Romans 12:18 Previously on Tanna there were tensions between different religious groups. The establishment of farmers groups gave people a common goal to focus on and this has

unexpectedly brought about increased unity. Thank God that he can transform even the most challenging situations. FRIDAY 10 MARCH Women were particularly enthusiastic about peanut production as this has increased household income, enabling mothers to pay for their children’s schooling. One mother says, ‘Rice will run out but the knowledge from what Nasi Tuan has taught us will remain.’ Pray that challenges to traditional attitude and gender norms would yield positive results across the community and that each member will be valued. SATURDAY 11 MARCH Consider the blessings promised to the Israelites in return for obedience in Leviticus 26:1-13. Father, thank you for Nasi Tuan’s expression of Christ’s love. Pour out your blessings on them as they serve and obey you on Tanna. Through their witness and ministry, we ask you to be merciful to the cyclone-affected communities. Send rain in its season and cause the land to be fruitful. Amen.

Children in a settlement in Port Vila, Vanuatu

Maintaining a SWIFT project water point in Kasongo, DRC Photo: Nathanael Hollands/Tearfund


BEAUTY FROM ASHES: 12 – 18 MARCH Our God is in the business of transformation: beauty from ashes, joy from despair. And as his followers, so are we. This week we’ll be thinking about how we can transform the way that we use our resources – turning our trash into treasure – and be part of God’s work renewing creation. SUNDAY 12 MARCH God has entrusted his beautiful world to our care. Spend some time giving thanks for all he has made – the oceans, mountains, deserts and forests; the magnificent array of birds, animals and fish; the abundant varieties of plants that provide us with food and medicine. Be still and reflect on what it means to be a steward of creation. MONDAY 13 MARCH In the UK we consume three times our fair share of the earth’s resources. We also produce huge amounts of waste which ends up in landfill and in our oceans, leading to climate change and pollution. Lord, forgive us for not treading gently on the earth. Help us to take steps to live more in step with your creation.

Photo: Eleanor Bentall/Tearfund

TUESDAY 14 MARCH Nothing is wasted in nature. If we followed a similar approach – adopting a ‘circular economy’ based on the principle of renewal and restoration – this could lead to better jobs, healthier and more resilient communities. Give thanks for Tearfund’s partners in Brazil, India and Kenya who are showing how this can work (for details visit virtuouscircle). WEDNESDAY 15 MARCH Pause and think about how we can take simple actions in our own lives. In the UK, households throw away 22 per cent of the food they buy. As well as being a waste, the methane it produces when it goes to landfill leads to climate change. Ask God how you could reduce food waste in your home.

Alvizio, his wife Joselita and their son Carlos with their biodigester which turns waste into natural gas

THURSDAY 16 MARCH How could we reuse products that we view as waste? Give thanks for the community of young people in Nigeria who set up the Jos Green Centre – there they recycle plastic waste into items that can be sold, whilst campaigning to reduce plastic pollution. Reflect on the items in your home that could be repaired, recycled or given away. FRIDAY 17 MARCH Give thanks that each part of the Body of Christ has a unique role to play in the renewing of our world. Churches across the world are taking powerful steps – switching energy to renewable, reducing waste and bearing witness to people in positions of power. Ask God to show you how your church community could play a part. SATURDAY 18 MARCH Sometimes we may feel the world is too broken to fix. Then we remember that God often works through our small offerings to create huge impact. Like the small stones in David’s sling... a boy with five loaves and two fish... a tiny mustard seed. Thank God that he is able to do abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine Ephesians 3:20. Amen.


HOPE FOR THE FATHERLESS: 19 – 25 MARCH After the fall of communism, many people across Central Asia lost their jobs. This led to the breakdown of family units – women travelled to find work and men could often not provide for their families so they turned to alcohol. This left many children destitute. Today, thousands of children across Central Asia are in orphanages or living on the streets.

SUNDAY 19 MARCH Lift up the thousands of vulnerable orphans who are currently homeless in Central Asia. Pray that these precious children would be protected from all harm. Ask that more foster families will be inspired to provide orphans with safe and loving homes. MONDAY 20 MARCH When children leave orphanages aged 16, they no longer receive support from the state and are left to fend for themselves. Pray that Tearfund’s and our partner’s advocacy work would be successful and legislation will be introduced to protect the rights and well-being of teenage orphans across Central Asia.

TUESDAY 21 MARCH With no place to go, teenage orphans are vulnerable to exploitation, trafficking and addiction. One of our partners works with these young adults to find secure housing and medical care. They also provide legal support and career advice. Give thanks for our partners’ innovative work, and pray that this programme will continue to expand so it will bring hope to more orphans. WEDNESDAY 22 MARCH Antonina is an orphan who now enjoys a better life than she ever expected. Supported by church networks, once Antonina was expelled from her orphanage, she completed a hairdressing course. Antonina is now housed, financially secure and respected professionally. Praise God for testimonies like Antonina’s, and for the local church who support vulnerable young adults with great love and sacrifice. THURSDAY 23 MARCH Orphaned children have no one to help them navigate through adolescence, and so one of our partners provides menstrual health and hygiene training for girls. Pray that the course will help them maintain their dignity, and that the girls will be emboldened to share their new-found knowledge with their friends.

FRIDAY 24 MARCH One partner tells us, ‘One boy had a house which belonged to his family but the neighbours took it and he was threatened and beaten. A lawyer in the church provided him with legal support and his house was returned.’ Thank God for all those who care for, and actively defend the rights of orphans across Central Asia with passion and commitment. SATURDAY 25 MARCH Father, we long to see strengthened family units rooted in love. Lord, restore damaged relationships, break the hold of addictions, protect vulnerable people, and may fatherless children know the unfailing love of you, their heavenly Father. Amen. Some names have been changed this week to protect people’s identities.


Elmira and Jilde who are supported by a Tearfund partner incomegeneration project in Central Asia

Photo: Joanna Watson/Tearfund


MEAN BEAN CHALLENGE: 26 MARCH – 1 APRIL Five days of eating beans and rice in small quantities is a tough challenge. It offers people a small insight into the physical and emotional side-effects of an inadequate diet. Many people are taking on Tearfund’s Mean Bean Challenge this week. We join them and reflect on the words of people who took part last year.

SUNDAY 26 MARCH Yasmin from Chad has had to face terrible, gnawing hunger for too much of her short life. Most of the time she can’t even enjoy the simple pleasures of childhood. ‘Yasmin goes to play, says Jumana, Yasmin’s mum. ‘But her hunger prevents her from playing.’ Pray that lots of funds are raised to help change lives for those like Yasmin. MONDAY 27 MARCH ‘I went to clear this drain of leaves and as I did so, small ant-like creatures scattered... It was all a bit grim, but my overwhelming thought was, “this is what it is like for people like Jumana [from Chad]” – this is their equivalent of shopping! I have so much to be thankful for.’ So do we all. Spend time giving thanks.

TUESDAY 28 MARCH ‘The first day was so hard. I hadn’t anticipated the sugar and caffeine withdrawal… I’m a vegan, I eat rice, beans or both every day. And it was still really hard… I have raised money for organisations like Tearfund before, but this has really hit me.’ Pray for people starting their Mean Bean Challenge today, that they will feel God’s presence close to them. WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH When you do not have enough to eat, physically it drains you but also emotionally too, ‘We’ve found already, on our second day of the challenge, that this hunger business is not fun. We’re tired and moaning more than usual.’ Thousands of people go hungry every day, lift them up now to God and consider how you could make a difference.


Photos: Taylor Jashinsky/World Concern Laos

THURSDAY 30 MARCH What’s the most delicious memorable meal you have experienced? No doubt you will think about the smells, the taste, maybe the feel of the food. Fundraisers are participating this week because for many, there isn’t even a few grains of rice to eat. Pray that this week’s challenge is lifechanging for those taking part FRIDAY 31 MARCH ‘If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.’ Isaiah 58:10 Mean Bean participants have sacrificed their usual diets this week to help others. Ask God to challenge you to take action to stretch your faith. SATURDAY 1 APRIL ‘It’s certainly been educational. Possibly the most effective education I’ve had over many years’ supporting Tearfund. The stomach seems to be a powerful way of learning how urgently aid and development matter.’ Pray for a huge impact as a result of the Mean Bean Challenge and give thanks for those who participated and those yet to complete it.


STANDING TOGETHER IN ZIMBABWE: 2 – 8 APRIL For Zimbabwe, 2016 was a challenging year. The government declared a national emergency because of food shortages after El Niño caused crop failure. The economy reached a state of crisis with high unemployment and a multicurrency system was introduced to avoid hyperinflation. Reports of government corruption also continued to surface. This has proved a difficult environment for our team and partners to work in.

SUNDAY 2 APRIL Social media movements such as #thisflag (where Zimbabweans expressed their frustrations draped in the country’s flag) helped to galvanise public support and organise peaceful ‘shutdown’ demonstrations last year. Thank God for the power of social media – pray that it is used wisely and that citizens will stand for justice without the use of violence. MONDAY 3 APRIL ‘Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the innocent.’ Deuteronomy 16:19 Continue to pray for Zimbabwe’s leaders, that they would make fair and wise decisions for the benefit of all people. Pray for an end to the restriction of press freedoms. TUESDAY 4 APRIL Lift up our partner River for Life, whose programme Foundation for Farming helps people improve their agricultural methods so they can produce Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund

Tearfund partner conservation farming project in Chipinge South, Zimbabwe

more crops and protect themselves from the effects of climate change. Ask that the project would support many people to escape hunger and poverty. WEDNESDAY 5 APRIL In the past it has been very hard for the church to speak out against Zimbabwe’s government, but more recently it has been growing in confidence. Ask for God’s hand to be upon the church, for protection, strength and unity, and ask that it would continue to flourish. Pray that the church will be instrumental in championing widespread freedom and rights, and that it will model godly leadership and values. THURSDAY 6 APRIL Give thanks for the Tearfund office team in Zimbabwe, for their commitment and perseverance in these challenging times. They work tirelessly to support our partners and beneficiaries. Ask the Lord to keep them and their families safe and ask

for continued wisdom, encouragement and energy. FRIDAY 7 APRIL Our 12 partners in Zimbabwe do an incredible range of work, including advocacy, promoting the Church and Community Mobilisation process, working with people who have HIV, health and nutrition work, and work with vulnerable children. Thank God for the projects they run which are helping the poorest people across the country. SATURDAY 8 APRIL Dear Lord, we pray for Zimbabwe and its people, and ask that you would bring peace, stability and just governance. We pray for an end to these times of food shortages and economic strife. Please heal the country and bring about a time of prosperity for all those struggling with poverty. Lord, turn this country into an international success story of democracy and peaceful change. Bless the church so it can lead this change and be a source of hope. Amen.


BRING US PEACE: 9 APRIL – 22 APRIL Over the next two weeks we take time to pause and reflect on the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus – recognising his sacrifice as the supreme example of obedience and generosity towards others. PALM SUNDAY 9 APRIL The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!’ ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ‘Hosanna in the highest heaven!’ Matthew 21:9 Lord, we recognise we often proclaim your name one minute and sin against you the next. Help us, this Easter and beyond, to live our lives in a way that both our words and actions honour your name. Amen. MONDAY 10 APRIL ‘For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.’ 1 Corinthians 1:18 Thank you, Lord, that though we may seem foolish to others, we are compelled to proclaim the good news of the cross. Amen. TUESDAY 11 APRIL ‘Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.’ Isaiah 53:4 Lord, help us to know more fully how Jesus took our pain and suffering. And help us to be generous to the people we meet and families who are suffering today across the world. Amen.

Photo: David Cavan/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 12 APRIL ‘But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.’ Isaiah 53:5 Lord, help us to understand the serious consequences of sin, and be thankful that Jesus chose to take our sin upon himself so that we might be made righteous in him. Amen. THURSDAY 13 APRIL ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:16 Thank you, Lord, for your great love for the world, and for the sacrifice you made giving up your Son so that we may be reconciled with you. Amen.

GOOD FRIDAY 14 APRIL ‘He himself bore our sins’ in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by his wounds you have been healed.’ 1 Peter 2:24 Today we remember the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross. Lord, help us to recognise the healing of our lives made possible through Christ’s wounds. Amen. SATURDAY 15 APRIL ‘The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ 1 Corinthians 15:56-57 Lord, we pray for Christians suffering today because of war, conflict and persecution. Help them to find comfort in the victory that Christ won through his death and resurrection. Amen.


THE SUFFERING SERVANT Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.


Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:1-5


‘SET YOUR HEARTS ON THINGS ABOVE’ EASTER SUNDAY 16 APRIL Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? John 11:25-26 The question Jesus asks here is one that we should consider every day. If we truly believe that he is the resurrection and the life, we will see evidence of this truth in our lives. Lord, keep us mindful of the risen Christ and the new life we have received. Have mercy when I have failed you, please reveal yourself to me in deeper ways. Amen.

Lord, remind us of the living hope that we have, and help us to share with others the new life we have been offered in Jesus. Amen. WEDNESDAY 19 APRIL ‘Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died? – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.’ Romans 8:34

MONDAY 17 APRIL ‘Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.’ Colossians 3:1

Lord, we praise you that there is no condemnation in Jesus Christ. Help us to live in that freedom and to be generous with our time, money and compassion. Amen.

Lord, may we be characteristic of a life lived with you. Show us how we have fallen short and help us to be generous, kind and compassionate to all, to our friends, family and people suffering across the world because of poverty and injustice. Amen.

THURSDAY 20 APRIL If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

TUESDAY 18 APRIL ‘Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.’ 1 Peter 1:3

Photo: Cally Spittle/Tearfund

Lord, we pray today for people across the world who do not know you as their Lord and Saviour. Move in their hearts, Lord. Amen.

FRIDAY 21 APRIL ‘Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.’ Philippians 2:9-10 Praise God the Father that he has exalted Jesus to his right hand above all principalities and powers. We pray for those who are in positions of power and ask that they submit to Jesus’ authority. Amen. SATURDAY 22 APRIL Father, again we thank you for your Son, for his death, resurrection and exaltation to your right hand. We pray that we will keep this at the forefront of our minds, directing the way we think, behave and act towards others. We ask that you would help us to follow Christ’s example and live lives of generosity and sacrifice for the sake of others. Amen.



SUNDAY 23 APRIL ‘This was the worst hurricane in Haiti for more than half a century,’ says Jean-Claude Cerin, Tearfund’s Country Representative for Haiti. ‘It’s been devastating for thousands of Haiti’s very poorest. The nation is still vulnerable after the major earthquakes of 2010.’ Pray that food will get to families most in need – flooding destroyed 80 per cent of the harvest. MONDAY 24 APRIL Tearfund has been at work in Haiti for more than 30 years. Along with our local partners, we have been working hard to make communities more robust – better able to withstand the effects of disasters like this. Pray that communities better prepared for disaster will reach out to their neighbours with help. TUESDAY 25 APRIL Rose, aged 70, lives in SaintJean-du-Sud, Haiti, she recalls the night the hurricane struck her town: ‘It started raining at 10pm. At 4am, the house starting shaking. By 5am, everything was destroyed. My roof just flew off! Everyone was screaming and yelling to God for help – God was all we had left.’ Ask that Rose’s unshakable faith will be rewarded.

HAITI HURRICANE: 23 – 29 APRIL Tearfund and our local partners continue to carry out emergency relief work in Haiti, which was hit by Hurricane Matthew on 4 October last year. The most powerful Caribbean storm in decades left a trail of catastrophic damage. Between three and five million people have been affected, with many thousands of homes destroyed. WEDNESDAY 26 APRIL ‘Everything which gives us life is gone,’ says Rose. ‘But God has given me the breath of life, so I thank God for that.’ Tearfund partner World Concern reached Saint-Jean-du- Sud and Rose and her neighbours were given basic food items like rice, spaghetti and milk. Pray for our partners on the ground as they bring help and aid to those in the worst-hit areas. THURSDAY 27 APRIL Schools and key infrastructure were wiped out in the hurricane. Thousands of homes were either destroyed or seriously damaged. Crops have been lost and many cattle washed away. Families need assistance with hygiene and sanitation – cases of cholera were reported a few weeks after the hurricane hit. Ask for wisdom and strength so that Tearfund can continue to respond to this humanitarian disaster in the most effective and compassionate way possible.

FRIDAY 28 APRIL The country is still reeling from the last disaster, the 2010 earthquake, and the response to the damage caused by the hurricane will take decades. Pray for wisdom and discernment for the government and local leaders as they respond in the months after Hurricane Matthew, and continue to identify longer-term needs. SATURDAY 29 APRIL Dear Lord, we lift up the nation of Haiti and all those affected by Hurricane Matthew. We pray for those who have lost loved ones and ask that you will be near to them during this time. Comfort them and let them know your presence in the midst of their deep grief. Amen.


Rose, whose home was destroyed in the hurricane Photo: Jade Beakhouse/Tearfund



Malnourished children and adults outside a clinic in Muheka village, Burundi

SUNDAY 30 APRIL President Nkurunziza and his political party have maintained power over Burundi, despite opposition. Pray that they will listen to wise counsel, and make good decisions that benefit those particularly in need. MONDAY 1 MAY With 100,000 people estimated to have been displaced from their homes within the country and nearly 270,000 refugees still in neighbouring countries, providing for basic needs is a challenge. Pray that families have enough food and shelter, and access to water and hygiene facilities. Ask that countries hosting refugees from Burundi will continue to show generosity until it is safe to return home. TUESDAY 2 MAY In mid 2016, 4.6 million Burundians were estimated to lack enough food. That’s nearly half the population of the country, which is estimated at just over 11 million people. With Photo: Will Baxter/Tearfund

In 2015 Burundi’s President Nkurunziza won a contested third term in office. Since then anyone considered ‘opposition’ in Burundi has been dealt with harshly – even children have been imprisoned for minor misdemeanours, such as defacing textbooks. Access to Burundi continues to be limited. Around 270,000 people are still refugees in neighbouring countries and an estimated 100,000 people are still displaced from their homes within the country.

most of the population reliant on small farms, alongside high levels of unemployment and political instability this situation seems likely to worsen. Ask God to provide for families in desperate need. WEDNESDAY 3 MAY Praise God for Tearfund’s partners in Burundi who have remained serving the poorest people, even in very difficult circumstance. Pray for Diocese of Matana in south-west Burundi, which is providing essential nutrition support and advice to malnourished families. THURSDAY 4 MAY With rising levels of poverty, cases of malaria are also on the increase. There were 4.6 million reported cases in 2016. Other health-related illness are also believed to be rising, as families have fewer resources to pay for medical care. Pray that people can access the healthcare they need.

FRIDAY 5 MAY ‘Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place.’ Jeremiah 22:3 Pray that Burundi will become known for its justice and fair treatment of all. SATURDAY 6 MAY Some 4.6 million people are considered in need of food supplies in Burundi. Rising food prices in this small country are making the situation worse, as the poorest people struggle to feed themselves. Dear Lord, we cry out to you for the people of Burundi. Do not let them suffer. Bring peace, reconciliation and prosperity for all the people. Amen.


CONTINUING CONFLICT IN NIGERIA: 7 – 13 MAY North East Nigeria continues to face displacement and instability at the hands of the rebel group Boko Haram. Escalating attacks led the government to declare a state of emergency in 2013. Today, an estimated 7 million people need aid, 2.4 million have been displaced and 4.5 million face extreme hunger and malnutrition.

Ajing village, Nigeria, where drought is affecting farming

SUNDAY 7 MAY Dear Lord, we pray for families who face hunger, illness and malnourishment. We lift up parents struggling to find food – seeing their children go hungry. Please provide enough food so families can be free from pain and death. We pray that timely support will reach those in desperate need. Amen. MONDAY 8 MAY ‘Boko Haram attacked the village. I ran out to find my three children, who ran into my arms,’ says Annah. The feeling of relief diminished when she saw the insurgents heading in her direction. They pulled all three from her embrace then killed them. Pray for Annah, and many like her, who are grieving the loss of loved ones. TUESDAY 9 MAY Pray for people in positions of leadership, that God will give them wisdom and guidance as they respond to Boko Haram. Ask that they will govern with integrity and do all they can to reach people in desperate need.

Photo: Andrew Philip/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 10 MAY Tearfund is working through our partner the Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria (Crudan) to meet the basic needs of those affected by this crisis. Thank God for the courage, dedication and commitment of the staff to faithfully serve despite challenges and hardship. Pray for their safety and that they will continue to work together as one body. THURSDAY 11 MAY ‘Life was wonderful before the insurgence – we lacked nothing. I farmed and trade was doing well enough to take care of my family,’ says Martha. Like many others from her village, Martha was forced to flee when Boko Haram attacked. She returned to find her home and all her stocks burnt down. Crudan gave Martha a cash grant to buy seeds, herbicides and livestock feed so she could cultivate her land again. Thank God that lives are being transformed and seeds of hope have been sown.

FRIDAY 12 MAY Tearfund is devoted to following Jesus where the need is greatest. Pray for senior staff and those making key decisions about how best to support the needs of vulnerable communities. May they be led by the Holy Spirit. Amen.

‘LIFE WAS WONDERFUL BEFORE THE INSURGENCE – WE LACKED NOTHING’ SATURDAY 13 MAY Father, we lift this conflict to you and ask that you bring peace and reconciliation across this land. We pray that the pain of conflict will become part of Nigeria’s past and not part of its future. We pray for Boko Haram fighters, that you will turn their hearts away from violence. Amen.


WATER FOR LIFE 14 – 20 MAY In Zambia, a shocking 36 per cent of the population don’t have clean water, while 50 per cent have no sanitation. Our partner in Zambia, Brethren in Christ Church (BICC-Z), is bringing 51 new boreholes to the poorest communities and giving training in hygiene and agriculture. Join us in praying for the project and the country.

SUNDAY 14 MAY ‘Our water was contaminated and it made many people sick,’ says one local child, ‘Now we are happy we have clean water from pumps.’ Give thanks for the health benefits water pumps bring. Pray that BICC-Z will reach many more villages with its life-changing work. MONDAY 15 MAY Zambia is in the middle of an epidemic, with more than 1.2 million people living with HIV. It’s much harder to fight back against the virus when the body is already battling illnesses such as diarrhoea. Lift up people living with HIV and ask for safe water and sanitation to help keep them well. TUESDAY 16 MAY ‘We grow maize even in winter because of water,’ says one local child from the project. By providing water and agricultural training, BICC-Z helps people produce a sustainable source of food. Give thanks for this work and ask that local people will successfully grow all the food they need. WEDNESDAY 17 MAY Dorcas and Mercy, sisters from Kankoyo village, used to walk 5km each morning to collect water. As a result they arrived late and tired for school. ‘Since the well was built, we have lots of time to learn at school, play with friends and do our homework,’ says Mercy. Thank God that, now the sisters have

Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund

a clean water source in their village, they can enjoy education and childhood again. THURSDAY 18 MAY As part of its project, BICC-Z is training people to build and maintain water pumps. It is also setting up Village Water Sanitation Hygiene and Education Committees which will ensure people take care of the pumps and maintain hygiene practices. Pray for God’s blessing over this work and that this new learning will be passed on to benefit many generations to come. FRIDAY 19 MAY ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’ Matthew 11:28 The burden of collecting water usually entirely falls to women and girls. Pray that water provision will come quickly across Zambia so that people can be released from this exhausting and often dangerous task.

SATURDAY 20 MAY Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of water and the work of BICC-Z. We pray for families across Zambia who suffer because they lack water and sanitation. We pray for the Zambian government and ask that it will soon have the infrastructure to make water widely available. Please bless BICC-Z staff, we ask that through their work people will see something of you and will be inspired and strengthened in every area of their lives. Amen.


Children from Hamubbwatu, Zambia, sent messages of thanks for the support from Uplyme Church in Dorset



Fisherman and his son on the Mekong River close to the Thai border in Laos

SUNDAY 21 MAY The local church in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has launched a vegetable-growing project on its grounds to build relationships within the community. Not only are people’s livelihoods improved through access to food and produce to sell at the market, but the community is uniting and supporting one another. Lord, we thank you for the blessing that comes with unity. MONDAY 22 MAY ‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’ Galatians 6:9 Lord, thank you for those in churches across the Mekong region who have sacrificed their time and resources to care and provide protection for vulnerable families who need help.

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

Tearfund works with local churches in the Mekong subregion – the Yunnan province in China, the eastern Shan state of Myanmar (Burma), northern Thailand and North-West Laos – to help change the lives of vulnerable migrant groups from ethnic minority communities. This week we pray for the protection of those who have been forced to look for livelihood opportunities elsewhere, and for the churches in Mengding, China and Lashio in Myanmar, who are assisting migrants with work, shelter and training.

TUESDAY 23 MAY Father, we lift up families who have had a loved one trafficked, and ask that they would know your peace and comfort in times of distress. Lord, we pray that you continue to strengthen and equip Tearfund’s partners to build resilient communities. WEDNESDAY 24 MAY Those who migrate in search of work, such as May from Myanmar, are often vulnerable to the threat of trafficking and exploitation. We thank God for the work of Pastor Yu, and his church in Lashio, who were able to provide May with the skills necessary to understand the work contract she was signing. THURSDAY 25 MAY Recognising there was a need, the church in Lashio, northern Shan State of Myanmar, has developed a network of honest employers for migrants to approach. The church has continued to support them throughout the process. Thank God for innovative ideas, and pray that he continues to open doors in this ministry.

FRIDAY 26 MAY After working under exploitative conditions on a farm in Lincang, China, Naga – originally from Myanmar – was trafficked and sold by a co-worker. Through a network of churches in the area, Pastor John was able to find Naga and bring her home safely to her children. Lord, we praise you for the safe return of Naga and thank you for the courage and tireless work of Pastor John. SATURDAY 27 MAY Father, we thank you that your perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18). May we, your church, be empowered through your perfect love, to reach those in our own communities who are vulnerable, wherever we are in the world. Reveal to us new ways we can serve those around us, and share your hope. Amen.



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Singing in the rain at Big Church Day Out

Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund


Out of the depths we cry to you, oh God, Lord hear our faint and tiring voice as a nation. We are a people whose land is in tumult... Grant to us as a nation the hope and the vision of the Shalom that is ours because of Jesus. For the glory of your name. Amen. Rev Kevin Thomson, A prayer for Zimbabwe (based on Psalm 130)

100 Church Road, Teddington TW11 8QE Tš Catherine, Capel Cildwrn, Cildwrn Road, Llangefni LL77 7NN Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD 241 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1AF +44 (0) 208 977 9144 email twitter facebook Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund 31698-(0117)


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