Should You Add Sugar in Your Green Tea? Know Here!

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Should You Add Sugar in Your Green Tea? Know Here!

Sugar has been an essential component of beverage like teas, coffees, fruit juices, etc. Sugar is generally unhealthy, though. And it's normal to have doubt when sugar in green tea is touted as a health benefit. That's why we're here to address your concern, "Is it okay to add sugar to green tea?" If so, how? If not, why not?

When Sugar Is Good for Green Tea

• When you want the catechins

What if you're not interested in the health benefits of green tea like weight loss and lower blood sugar levels?

What if the flavor doesn't matter to you? What if your only goal is to benefit the most from green tea's antioxidants and enhance other aspects of your health?

In this case, you can add sugar to your green tea!

Why? Read further to find out.

According to a study that was published by Food research international, adding sugar to green tea improves the tea's ability to absorb the antioxidants known as catechins.

According to the study, combining ascorbic acid (lemon juice) and sucrose (sugar) increased the amount of catechins in green tea that could be absorbed by the circulatory system by several times more than it could without them.

Catechins are antioxidants that the body uses to fight free radicals; thereby protecting it from diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Your immunity will also benefit from these compounds.

• If green tea tastes harsh to you

Few people know how to properly brew green tea. The delicate and delightful flavor of the leaves can become too bitter even after being steeped for a long time.

If that is what happens to your green tea, adding sugar can improve its taste and provide health benefits at the same time. If you want to try a green tea that’s packed with flavor, then buy green tea online at, the best online tea store in the US.

When You Should Avoid Adding Sugar in Green Tea

Most of us consume green tea to reduce weight and treat ailments like diabetes. This unoxidized tea has a distinct flavor that some of us like. Adding sugar to your green tea might not be a good idea in these situations.

• Sugar may lessen the natural and unmatched flavor

Green tea is well-known for its processing because, unlike other teas made from the same Camellia Sinensis plant, it does not undergo oxidation. As a result, it has a more nuanced flavour and is well-liked by people worldwide. Sugar, on the other hand, might overpower the natural flavor of green tea. Aside from this, green tea has a naturally sweet flavor, so adding sugar won't help you enjoy the flavor. Green tea must be made correctly for its delicious flavor to be enjoyed.

• Sugar can make diabetes more likely

We talked about how adding sugar to your green tea can help the catechins in it get into your body, which in turn can help prevent diseases like diabetes. Preventing is the key phrase here. Adding sugar to your green tea can put you two steps behind in your fitness goals if you already have diabetes or are at risk for developing it.

Sugar is a deadly poison for diabetics. On the other hand, green tea is nothing short of an elixir. Four cups of green tea per day has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in studies. By adding sugar to green tea, you increase your risk of diabetes complications and miss out on that.

• Sugar can make you gain weight

Sugar consumption is a sin, as any dieter or person who has been on a weight loss journey for a few months will know. All things considered, sugar plays with your chemicals and can cause sensational weight gain. Because of this, adding sugar to any beverage is strictly prohibited.

When you drink green tea to lose weight, you shouldn't add sugar to it. To get rid of that stubborn fat, experts recommend drinking about 4-5 cups of green tea. A cup of green tea with just a teaspoon of sugar contains approximately 16 calories. With 5 cups, that can add up to a lot. As a result, drinking sugary green tea may make you gain weight rather than help you lose it.

It’s Up To You Now!

When it comes to green tea, sugar can either be a blessing or a curse, and it's up to you to decide which comes first. Avoid sugar in your green tea if you have diabetes, want to lose weight, or just want to enjoy the delicate flavor. Any other way, you can add it with some restraint and partake in the advantages. Using sugar substitutes like stevia leaves or honey to achieve the desired sweetness without causing any harm will be the better option. Are you craving green tea? You can buy green tea online at

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