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NISSAN XTERRA - 4x4 ER car geared for the Highrise Emergency Aerial Response Team (H.E.A.R.T.) and it’s Mission Control Center



YOU CAN Change the colors of our Mobile Mission Control Center and Press Car to meet your needs for brand enhancement and visibility. YOU CAN Benefit from the public and media exposure that has reached millions of viewers with our Emergency 4x4 car. YOU CAN Take lessons for safety and extreme driving in crisis situations. Training will be provided with professional instructors, racing pilots and rally champions. YOU CAN Join us in our teambuilding and training sessions, special events and life saving missions. YOU CAN Be part of our rescue team and exciting opportunities YOU CAN‌ If you want‌

PARTNER BENEFITS There are a range of benefits available which can be tailored to suit sponsors individual requirements. Take advantage of excellent B2B opportunities whilst you and your clients can enjoy an unforgettable experience with our ff-road training sessions, events ands missions. PRESS & MEDIA RELATIONS We fist proposed the concept for Embedded Rescue journalists to become part of our rescue team and broadcast Live their news reports form our Sea-Air-Land operations. We have worked with the world’s leading IT companies to have the best available equipment for efficient communications while on the road. Your logo

ABOUT THE H.E.A.R.T. TEAM The Highrise Emergency and Air Response Team (H.E.A.R.T.) is a nonprofit organization focused on growing the rope access methodology and promoting safer procedures in vertical and aerial operations. In the late 90’s of last century, Ivan Kristoff initiated the concept of the Team in Canada through a wide media and public demonstrations, discussion panels with members of the Toronto and Ontario Emergency Services personnel, and various SAR conferences, such as the SAR-Scene 97 and 98. In 2005, he established a Special Operations Service (SOS) team in Bulgaria, a mirror/copy of H.E.A.R.T. WHAT WE DO NEW In Bulgaria, our first initiative was when Ivan traveled across the country with political leaders and government officials to promote the idea and gather information on the needs and weak points of the local Emergency Services. Since then we have developed the I.V.A.N. (International Vertical Access Network) program for Aerial and Highrise Emergency Response and goal-setting strategies. You can find out more about us in H.E.A.R.T. in the media

ABOUT THE S.O.S. TEAM A few years ago, Ivan Kristoff and his friends registered in Bulgaria a volunteer “Special Operations Services” – (S.O.S.) team. This non-profit organization initiated a series of tests with innovative technology and mobile computing in the air.

The main objective of the SOS urbanization is to enhance public safety through rescue and safety education, provide emergency response, and assist in accident assessment in inaccessible places. The primary function of the team is to minimize loss of life, injuries, and maximize rescue efficiency through innovation for work at heights. Also, there is a motorized unit Special Off-road Search (SOS) team. The S.O.S. team is a voluntary team of Bulgarian and Canadian riders who devote their time and specialized equipment to motorized search and rescue of lost people in remote and difficult accessible areas in the province of Ontario, Canada. WHAT WE DO NEW Aerial video and photo monitoring with the Bulgarian volunteer “Special Operations Services”

ABOUT THE MISSION CONTROL CENTER On 31 May, 2008, Ivan Kristoff and his team of experts in IT communications, mobile computing and wireless telecommunications, conducted in real time the very first aerial video communication from a helicopter over in Bulgaria. The flight that took place over Vitosha mountain, was organized with the support of a government agency and volunteer Specialized Operations Services Team, located in Sofia. In 2012, Ivan Kristoff tested his video broadcast equipment and communications during Dubai Helishow. FIRST AERIAL VIDEO SURVEILLANCE VIA 3G AND 4G A project for aerial video monitoring was developed by Ivan Kristoff. The technical support from the IVAN (International Vertical and Aerial Rescue Network) assisted Ivan in the search of the most advanced and effective mobile computing equipment and wireless video broadcast technology (including IP cameras). These information systems, which include the IT equipment of Ivan, could be used in remote areas and critical situations, during crisis situations. Part of these components Ivan tested in the heart of the Sahara desert, and he was pleased with the results.

S.O.S. МОБИЛЕН КООРДИНАЦИОНЕН ЦЕНТЪР Това е Журналистическата и аварийно спасителна ни кола със специално създаден Mobile Mission Control Center и Video Patroller – видео наблюдение в реално време, две вградени камери с инфрачервени сензори за нощно снимане, GPS локализиране и проследяване, дистанционно управление заснемане и проследяване… Специално за Нова ТВ, на живо нашия екип направи ТВ мост от езерото Панчарево, където демонстрирахме част от специализиранaта си оффроуд и ИТ техника, като говорихме за тях и колко е важно да оставяме дигитална следа при животоспасяващи мисии, както и съпровождащата мобилна патрулна кола, която заснема видео наблюдение в реално време и праща кадрите с GPS локализиране в Облака или на други патрулни коли.. Това е чудесен пример за възможността да партнираме в представянето си на проекти и нова екипировка и продукти. Ние избираме и промотираме най-доброто!

WE HAVE A VERY SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC EXPOSURE AND KNOW HOW TO UTILIZE EFFICIENTLY BRAND IDENTITY ON OUR CAR Ivan Kristoff is giving away his personal 4x4 car that he brought from Canada for emergency response in Bulgaria. As and internationally recognized expert in marketing, PR and banding he has created an impressive portfolio with motorized vehicles, some of which have registered plates like KRISTOFF and VERTICAL in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Now to support the SOS team, he will help our partners to brand and promote their companies or campaign with his creative team and innovative projects. Further he is working with international partners to cross promote brands and products in order to increase the ROI for our sponsors. YOU CAN PLACE YOU LOGO AND BRANDING To commemorate the partnership with Ivan Kristoff, he has been provided with Swiss Made Limited Edition and Professional watches that match his brand identity.

YOUR ROI • This car will be used for volunteer rescue teams and live saving missions. It is already recognized in Canada for the ER Car that was used for the ER team that competed the very first work on the top of the world’s highest tower and emergency response in 2004. • It will be used as the Mobile Communication Center for ER for volunteer rescuers in Bulgaria and the near by contrives. • It will be used as the Journalist’s car for the S.O.S. team. • We will request to get a status of an Authorized Emergency Vehicle and organize special events for the public and media. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES • Your logo or brand identity can be placed on the car. • You can provide insurance coverage • Strategic , Logistic and Media Partnership – we are partnering with the media and will provide you with images and write articles with the branded ER car that you can use for your marketing needs.



WORLD RENOWNED BRANDS SUPPORT OUR BRAND IDENTITY WITH THEIR PRODUCTS World’s Top of Mind companies like Nike and Fortis Swiss Watches have supported us with products that match our three primary colors. Our long time friendship and relationship have resulted with stunning and unique images that grab the attention of the public and showcases innovation and its benefits to society, They trust us that we can provide them with interesting storytelling and novelty.

TV & MEDIA COVERAGE For 2016 our partners are going to benefit form being part of a high profile showcases of the capabilities of volunteer rescue teams to perform rescues and specialized training that no government agencies can provide. As we always have done it in the past, we expect to have both press coverage and spectator appeal, offering unrivalled exposure for all involved. Our key of success is that we are mainly interested in innovation and noble causes. This car has been featured in the documentary film of BNT (Bulgarian National TV ) “Nenostalgicho with Ivan Kristoff�, exclusive Live broadcast reportage with Nova TV many special events and presentations SAR.

THE SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY The Media coverage figures are attractive and a fantastic marketing platform alone. Ivan Kristoff and his team are looking to provide more than that and certainly more than just a sticker on the car. Our sponsors are as much part of our team, as we are of theirs. It’s a reciprocal partnership whereby pour sponsors benefit as much as we do. Each package would not only be tailor-made to suit budget and requirements, but would actively encourage participation of our sponsors. We work closely with our sponsors to ensure the full potential of their involvement in us is maximized. The media value generated in Bulgaria and globally is the main attraction for companies, with the worth of the TV coverage alone providing a cost effective to advertising.


СПАСЯВАНЕ ПО ЗЕМЯ-ВОДА-ВЪЗДУХ За първи път у нас ще се създаде медиен Мission Control Center за кризисно събитие, което ще е в помощ на медиите и всички други включени страни. Това е начин да се направи т.нар. RescueHub, за оповестяване на най-прясна информация за събитие от едно място и тя да е достъпна до всички, както и всички участници в спасителна акция да могат да споделят актуална и жизнено важна информация за събитие или спасителна операция. Това ще е ново решение в света на спасяването у нас и ефективната масова комуникация. Снимковия и видео материал, ще може да се предоставят на участниците и медиите в реално време, с високо качество.

“We can organize your day with us so all you need is turn up and enjoy the fun”, says Ivan Kristoff, aka The Canadian Spiderman

ENJOY YOUR FUN As our partner, you can train extreme driving in crisis situations with our ER car and stay in our Mountain Training Base in Bulgaria.

Your logo here


CONTACT US Ivan Kristoff, GSM: +359889882812 ivankristoff.com verticalrescue.com aerialrescue.com ivan.bg

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