The Art of Mary Jane e-Mag

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stival e F Electric Velvet Productions Presents JULY/AUGUST 2012 1



MaryJane Features

10 Cannabinoid Receptors

16 Nevada Senators Weigh in on Medical Use

18 MJ Goddess: Dania Estrada

30 Equal Genes Not Equal Yields

36 Wavy Gravy—The Crown Prince of Pot

40 Endo-Cannabinoids and Your Food

44 Seeing Green, Feeling Blue?

46 A Hollywood Love Affair

56 Musical Inspiration 56 Product Review: GreenGlass 65 Bruce Perlowin Interview


Contrasts: FEDERAL and STATE Drug Czars

74 The Bible of Cannabis Cuisine by Jessica Catalano



From the Editor

Publisher The Art of Mary Jane Corporation Executive Producer Raquel Knight Art & Design Director Mike Vannatter


his is a great time for everyone to celebrate our very unique 2013 lifetime renaissance magazine with The Art Of MaryJane magazine dream team on no better date than now 4/20/2013! We have a little something for all our fans to certainly bringing you even more great revolutionary products that all MaryJane lovers should know about, growing tips that are always cutting edge, an eye awakening review on a multi-award winning film with purpose, titled “Green” about the deforestation and the Palmo il factories being built and how it threatens the animals and its surroundings, and how Hemp can be a solution to man’s devastating destruction of Mother Nature. Inside this celebration issue we celebrate Bob Marley and what he stood for and still to this very day what he represents and how he influenced the world at large. On the music scene we bring to you a very humble reggae music artist born in Trinidad who gives tribute to Bob Marley with a stellar song produced by Jah Light Records. We believe in Mother Nature strongly and support this exciting ever growing industry and continue to bring you information on new miraculous healing plants and herbs and healing fungi that people are raving about such as Cordyceps. In addition to all the cutting edge news we provide, we bring you to the political forefront issues of the counter-culture community. Let’s not forget to mention our exotic summer goddess, Dania Estrada, on the cover of this unforgettable collector’s edition of The Art Of MaryJane magazine celebrating life in it’s natural beautiful state. No matter who you are, where you are, where you have been, where you are going, The Art Of MaryJane magazine has something of interest for you too! Come join us and celebrate the celestrial being in each of us and get educated, excited and informed on what is really happening in the 420 culture. This is just the beginning and we celebrating our third year with each of you on this cutting edge, main stream, historical movement. Happy 420.


Photography Aldina Dioria Cultivation Editors SUBCOOL Food Editor Jessica Catalano Public Relations Director Marilyn Conners Senior Advertising Representative Mike Horlacher Contributors: David B. Allen, M.D., Mathew Michael Ross, Jessica Catalano Advertising Inquiries Published 6 times a year Disclaimer:

The Art of Mary Jane magazine, and The Art of Mary Jane Inc., does not endorse, approve or recommend any products or services offered from advertisers that are in The Art of Mary Jane magazine or its website. The Art of Mary Jane Corporation has not evaluated any claims made by advertisers and cautions customers to make sound judgement when ordering products or services from the magazine or its website. All rights reserved by The Art of Mary Jane Corporation for The Art of Mary Jane magazine is purely for educational and entertainment purposes only. The Art of Mary Jane magazine does not allow reproduction of material in part, or in whole, unless authorized by The Art of Mary Jane Inc. through written or notarized documentation. All advertising and advertised products are void where prohibited.

MAY/JUNE 2013 Issue Number 15 The Art of Mary Jane magazine

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The Science of Cannabis

Cannabinoid Receptors in the Body by Dr. David B. Allen M.D. and their Importance


(don’t get you high) but have other physiologic (medicinal) effects. Since THC produced by a plant had such a great physiologic effect, this led to a search of a naturally occurring compound, produced by the body, which would cause a similar effect. This compound which was produced by the body (endogenous) was a natural pain reliever and was soon isolated and called Anandamide (arachidonoyl ethanolamide). Several other endogenous cannabinoids have since been identified. (Additional endocannabinoids include virodhamine (O-arachidonoyl ethanolamine), noladin ether, 2-AG (2-arachidonoyl glyceryl ether) and NADA FORBIDDEN (N-arachidonoyl dopamine). It is only important that you understand there is a LEAF control of virtually all body functions by O I L S • B O D Y WA S H • B O D Y L O T I O N a regulatory system called the endocannabinoid system. This is a completely new science field. Reason would assume that if the body made a chemical to relieve pain and cause other physiologic effect, then there must be a Cell Membrane Receptor in human tissue that responds to stimulation by this chemical. There are different types of receptors in the body each with a unique job to do. (Estrogen, Testosterone, Insulin, Opiate and many other types of receptors) These receptors are much like a lock and key mechanism. So, opiate receptors only bind with opiates, cannabinoid receptors only bind to cannabinoids. This is true regardless of where they are produced. So the search was on for a Cannabinoid Receptor in human tissue that would reversibly bind and unbind to Phyto-Cannabinoids (plant derived) or Endo-cannabinoids (naturally made by your own body, also referred to as Endogenous). Indeed cannabinoid receptors were isolated and cloned in humans and surprisingly also found in all tetrapod vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.) Two types H E M P S E E D O I L A N D L O T I O N C O M PA N Y of Cannabinoid receptors were isolated. W W W. F O R B I D D E N L E A F. C O M These were named CB1 and CB2. There

n 1964 Raphael Macheoulam, an Israeli professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, isolated the key component THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) from an extract of a Cannabis Sativa plant. THC is the compound in Cannabis (Marijuana) that causes the euphoria and other medicinal effects. He also isolated cannabidiol, cannabigerol and other classes of compounds all slightly different, yet closely related to the mother compound THC. Many of these related compounds do not cause euphoria




Cannabinoid RECEPTORS is now evidence that 2 or even 3 distinctively different types of Cannabinoid receptors may exist and have unknown physiologic control of the body. CB1 receptors are found in nerve tissue and lung, liver, intestine and kidney. CB2 receptors are found in Lymphatic tissue, spleen and liver and are responsible for Immunologic and hematopoietic functions. (Blood component formation) Cannabinoid receptor-related processes are many and involve; cognition, memory, anxiety, motor behavior, sensory, autonomic and neuroendocrine responses, Glucose metabolism and insulin resistance, immune responses and inflammatory effects, Hematopoietic (blood component formation), control of emesis (vomiting), and nausea, increase hunger, promote feeding and control of appetite.

There are different types of receptors in the body each with a unique job to do. (Estrogen, Testosterone, Insulin, Opiate and many other types of receptors) These receptors are much like a lock and key mechanism. It is of interest that lack of cannabinoid receptors in the colon is directly associated with increased incidence of colon cancer. Further research of how the endocannabinoid system has effect on cancer is in its infancy, but there is no question that Cannabinoids do have inhibitory effect on cancers. So you can see that Anandamide which stimulates cannabinoid receptors, directly effects many major physiologic functions in the body, and that THC is a plant equivalent of this naturally occurring or endogenous chemical. Now comes the interesting part which is not widely acknowledged. Pharmaceutical companies, being what they are, came to the “brilliant” conclusion that if Cannabis made you hungry, then stimulation of cannabinoid receptors must have something to do with hunger/satiety (satiety = fullness) So their devious minds followed with the “simple” thought that if they could develop a compound that would block cannabinoid receptors, then they could block hunger, and thus make a super diet pill. The pills worked in a novel way, by blocking cannabinoid receptors and thus blocking pleasure centers in the brain that provide the feel-good response from smoking or eating. Previously the drug companies developed an opiate receptor blocker 12 THE ART OF MARYJANE


Cannabinoid RECEPTORS called Narcan. When a patient came into the emergency room with an opiate overdose, Narcan could be given intravenously to the patient and all effects of the opiate would be blocked. So all respiratory depression effects of the opiates would be blocked as well as the “high”. From this experience of receptor blocking , physicians now could bring people down off of their “high”. The thought process was that if “High” was a

function of that receptor and is called an antagonist. Rimonabant, a Cannabinoid receptor blocker, interferes with CB1 receptors and had the opposite effect of THC. So THC makes you happy, hungry and sleepy, then this new drug would do the exact opposite. There were reports of Suicide, major Depression, Agitation/ Aggressiveness, Anxiety, Insomnia, and Seizures with the use of this drug. Rimonabant, was removed from the market in Europe and the FDA denied its use in the U.S.

bad thing, then blocking the pleasure centers might be a good thing. So the companies pitched the new cannabinoid receptor blocker drug for possible use in obesity and drug addiction. Now it seems the receptor blocker drugs may block pleasure too well, and cause a variety of unintended effects. (raising the risk of depression, suicide and other very negative effects.) The research developed a drug they called Acomplia, also known by its trade name (Rimonabant.) This was a compound that blocked cannabinoid receptors and was marketed in Europe as a diet drug. Whenever a drug blocks a receptor, it blocks the

The FDA correctly recognized that blocking cannabinoid receptors (CB1) was harmful to patients, so one might conclude that stimulating those receptors might have a beneficial result. Cannabinoid receptors cause major physiologic response and control nearly every function of the body. Blocking these receptors now seems to be a blockhead idea and points to the importance of the endocannabinoid system. This is a new science, a control system of the body that God made. In my next article I will discuss the possible antitumor effects of Cannabis and how it may keep coronary stents open longer.

Cannabinoid receptors cause major physiologic response and control nearly every function of the body. Blocking these receptors now seems to be a block-head idea and points to the importance of the endocannabinoid system.






evada’s Democratic state Senator, Richard “Tick” Segerblom, is sponsoring a bill (SB374) that has been presented to the Senate Judiciary Committee. This bill would authorize and regulate non-profit medical marijuana dispensaries to give access for over 3,600 Nevadans to have medical marijuana cards with real access to medical marijuana dispensaries immediately. When Nevada approved of medical marijuana access back in 2000, law enforcement was not informed or, they ignored it. The problem is that this (medical marijuana program) is nonexistent. Patients, in Nevada, have to grow their own medicine which puts them in legal trouble because they have to store large amounts of marijuana to have frequent access to it. With legal access, patients can buy small amounts for personal use. This legislation is vital to incorporating a new system of protected medical marijuana dispensaries. Everyone knows how harsh law enforcement is on “marijuana users” in Las Vegas and Nevada citizens, in general. When a few dispensaries popped up in Nevada, law enforcement and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) rushed in and shut them down. Senator Segerblom took the Senate Judiciary Committee on a trip to Arizona to show how they have successfully initiated their program to frame a fast track resolution for Nevada. Senator Tick Segerblom stated to the Associated Press (AP), “ I came away from Arizona realizing the faster we can get this moving, the better.” He further stated he hopes the first dispensary in Nevada will open within a year. The bill sets up a well-established push for regulation of dispensaries to operate legally as store fronts for medical marijuana patients. Senator Segerblom also stated, “I’m actually very surprised at the amount of support this bill is getting... It doesn’t have the political bugaboo attached to it like it has in past years.” The majority of the Senate Judiciary committee has come to an agreement and the time has come


for medical marijuana dispensaries. According to AP, Republican-Las Vegas Scott Hammond said, “This is a really important thing. You need to implement the law and so far that has not taken place.” Senator Mark Hutchinson, Republican-Las Vegas, stated, “This is a business that will make a lot of money, so from my perspective it has got to be serious businesses that are serious about the process... Dispensaries in Arizona make $100,000 to $700,000 per month, so the increased fees would not be a hindrance to dispensaries opening for business.” Law enforcement representatives presented their issues on specific regulations dealing with security of the facilities and cautioned on possible federal action. This action prompted an answer from Senator Sergerblom, “Federal intervention is unlikely because President Obama isn’t likely to ‘go backward’ on the issue.” Senator Aaron Ford, Democrat-Las Vegas said, “We’re going to get this done, because that’s what we’re supposed to do.” Read more at The ACLU recently filed documents in the Nevada Supreme Court articulating the state’s medical marijuana law is unconstitutional because it doesn’t allow patients with prescriptions for medical marijuana to legally obtain it. It’s time that we look at outdated laws that are based on bigotry and racism because when you look at the real reason marijuana was made illegal, it makes you sick. Nevada citizens, and the city of Las Vegas, should ask themselves... Should we prevent real access to patients with debilitating diseases where marijuana provides the most relief? The fact that marijuana has no harmful side effects as a medicine is a miracle! Those that have relief from medical marijuana should have constant access to this without fear of being rousted up by law enforcement. The new policies of the future of marijuana and drugs will be that (CONTINUED ON PAGE 50)

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Photography by Adina Dioria 18 18 THE THEART ARTOF OFMARYJANE MARYJANE

MAY/JUNE 2012 JULY/AUGUST 201219 19








MAY/JUNE 2013 2013 27 MAY/JUNE 27


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ounds pretty crazy doesn’t it? I mean seriously, given that all factors are the same, how could such a drastic difference be achieved? You’re probably thinking “It can’t.” In fact given all things equal (factors related to growth i.e. genetics, fertilizer types/volumes etc.,) it would seem more or less impossible that two things alike would differ. Hmm, “It would seem.” “Seem,” a word with an open ended meaning – the answer lies solely within one’s interpretation of what is “possible.” In fact there is really only one thing that I am qualified to talk about (in my humble opinion): people growing. I feel as though perceived fact and fiction, as it pertains to “growing,” are nothing more than the culmination of what’s been learned by whoever their teacher was. Results vary due to this discrepancy. Case in point: three people, each having had over 25-years experience growing, taught me with their own bare hands. My most advanced “Green Thumb” teacher was growing both indoor as well as outdoor. His indoor grow, which consumes upwards of 2500 watts, was “off the grid” or solar powered. This was achieved, to the best of my knowledge, in the year 1995. He was using solar/extreme hydroponic-guerilla techniques for approximately six years prior to that! He was, and in my mind will always be, a legend. The point I’m trying to make, my friends, is that it takes an open mind, an open heart, and a heart-felt desire to grow well. These ingredients are the integral traits needed to achieve a successful harvest. If two plants, from the same mother, can reproduce four times as much as another, given that all factors relevant to growing (medium, light, and the same doses of the same nutrients) are consistent, how come your yields differ? Let’s consider how, by laying it out there in the simplest way: -Visualize a long, straight stretch of highway, not restricted in any way cars just moving right through the stretch and on their way.


MAY/JUNE 2013 31

-Visualize now that same stretch of highway with a ninety degree hairpin turn located at the far end of the road. What natural assumption can we make about the vehicles on this stretch of road? -They will have to slow, thus remaining on the stretch of road for essentially twice as long as they EVER did before. I’m sure some of you see where I’m going with this by now. -Let’s call the freeway a (plant). -Let’s call the cars (food/ fert.) complete w/fulvic acids which as many of you already know serves as a ‘vehicle,’ helping your nutrients get into the plant. -Last, but certainly not least, let’s call the “hair pin turn” training; in the form of extreme tying down of ANY branch that gets more than approximately one foot above any other branch. This begins

when the plant is about 1.5 feet tall. Approximately 1-2wks after being transplanted into the ground. You get twice the growth from the same amount of food. Once older, you’re gonna naturally be increasing food in order to sustain your naturally growing plant. You want it nice and fat, don’tcha?


If you’re lazy, half-assed or don’t do your research, your crop will fail. You’ll be successful if you do what has been described above, and apply the lessons, as a lot of you have undoubtedly read in Mr Cervantes’, Mr. Frank, and Ed’s books. Remember these pioneers, along with many others, who have opened the door to bountiful harvests.

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MAY/JUNE 2013 33


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MAY/JUNE 2013 35


avy Gravy is no longer a young man, though he has remained young at heart. At 74 years old, this stout, bearded lover of life, born to the world as Hugh Nanton Romney and re-named by B.B. King at the 1969 International Pop Festival, continues to spread love and good cheer throughout his Northern California community and at festivals and concerts across the globe. Wavy came of age in the anti-war, pro-pot movement of the mid to late 1960s. The clown costume was a stroke of genius on his part after receiving beatings from law enforcement officers at a series of protests. Wavy figured out that police were far less likely to beat a clown, particularly out of the fear that a picture would be taken that the papers might pick up. Wavy still suffers from spinal pain, but probably avoided the worst possible injuries through his beatific and clownish appearance. With his face paint, his over-wide suspenders, his tie-dyed shirt and his big red nose, Wavy remains some sort of Pan-like deity, playing mischievous tunes on his flute and taking every opportunity possible to point out the absurdities of life in America, a country he still maintains is “the best place to live in this world – assuming you want to live in this world”. Wavy has participated in many of the most infamous protest goofs against the American establishment, including the attempt led by Abbie Hoffman to form a giant circle of human energy around the Pentagon and levitate it five feet into the air.


MAY/JUNE 2013 37


MAY/JUNE 2013 37

Wavy embodies the spirit of the trickster-samaritan, using gentle mockery and outright buffoonishness to awaken compassion in those who see him perform. He delights in revealing the central contradictions at work in modern Western society, such as the equation of wealth with happiness. “Happiness happens between your ears,” Wavy has said, “Not in your bank account.” When Wavy got on the bus with Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, they were all in for the trip of their lives. In addition to dropping massive amounts of LSD, the Pranksters’ “Magic Bus” was always stocked with a large supply of the latest strains of marijuana. Wavy once competed in a pot smoking contest in which he and Paul McCartney each smoked close to two ounces in less than a day. Another classic Wavy anecdote concerns a night all of the Pranksters spent cooling their heels in a jail cell after ex-Beat poet and current Magic Bus driver Neil Cassady got

pulled over and nailed for lighting up while at the wheel. The cops dragged everyone down to the station, with typical insults about hippies pouring out of them, but when they regarded Wavy, they didn’t know what to make of him. “What’s a circus clown doing with these freaks?” one officer reportedly asked. “Getting’ high, officer,” he replied, giggling. This time the laughter would not prove infectious. Marijuana wasn’t just for recreational use in Wavy’s world, for he wanted to find a larger meaning to existence than what he perceived in a world where his own brand of comedy and entertainment could never offset massive stores of suffering and loss. Wavy never made any attempt to separate his clown identity from that of spiritual seeker. The clown could help bring laughter and avoid pain – the spirituality is what would give it meaning, and Wavy saw marijuana as a key

ingredient in the spiritual process, a “loosener” of the mind’s fixed perceptions that allowed one to view reality from a different angle. With pot, Wavy could come to appreciate the nature of the impermanent universe as an endlessly flowing rush of experience, rather than as some static, button-downed, fixed and unchanging “bummer” that offered nothing fresh or new. Freshness and newness were what Wavy Gravy was all about when he first burst onto the cultural scene. Disillusioned with the selfseriousness of anti-war protesters, yet unwilling to abandon himself to the hedonistic culture of constant drug consumption, utterly casual sex, and a general disregard for selfrealization, Wavy began migrating from using his persona in the service of the counterculture to using it in the service of children. Wavy never mixed his pot-centric politics with his children’s (CONTINUED ON PAGE 54)


MAY/JUNE 2013 39

How Marijuana and the Endo-Cannabinoid System Protects You from Your Food Predictions for the Future of Medicine by David B. Allen, M.D.



hen you burn fuel, you produce energy and exhaust. The food you eat is a fuel and is metabolized by an enzymatic process to produce energy for the cells to use. Your body digest and metabolize sugars, starches, carbohydrates, fats and proteins and produce ATP (the energy molecule). All cells use ATP as the energy source to maintain cell wall integrity and metabolism for the cell. The waist product or exhaust that is made in the production of the energy molecule ATP, is in part, the production of oxygen free radicals. These are formed during the metabolic breakdown of your food to produce ATP. In this process, you cleave an oxygen molecule (O2) and form two oxygen free radicals. These superoxide’s attack cell structures including cell membranes, mitochondria, and your DNA. When this happens the oxygen atom has an unpaired electron and immediately oxidizes the nearest electron donor. Your cell structures become the electron donor and that’s not good. This is what is responsible for aging and in effect you are being oxidized. Normally, there are reparative processes, which repair the damage caused by the oxidative stress in the cell. Additionally, there are other weapons the cell uses to scavenge these oxygen free radicals so they don’t damage the cell itself. One of the most powerful antioxidants your body makes is found in the EndoCannabinoid System The Oxygen free radical needs an electron donor and is attracted to anything with a spare electron. It essentially attacks and attaches to and oxidizes anything in its way. The damage this does to your intracellular structures is dependent on the presents or absents of antioxidants that potentially absorb the damage from this interaction. The more antioxidant buffer you have the better and the less oxidative stress the better. (Overeating and a high caloric intake, is a big source of oxidative stress)

The Endo-Cannabinoid System (ECS) is a complex regulatory system that regulates cell physiologic function. There are many jobs the ECS does for the cell, but one of the most important is the antioxidant property of scavenging oxygen free radicals. This antioxidant property is so powerful that the United States has a patent #6,630,507 as Cannabinoids as Anti-Oxidants and Neuroprotectants. This patent proves that the anti-oxidant properties are so strong they decrease the size of an induced stroke by 50% in lab animals. The Endo-Cannabinoid System (ECS) consist of a series of at least 5 types of messenger chemicals. These chemicals which are made by your body and called Endo-cannabinoids are similar to cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It seems the plant was made by a divine being to augment the natural reparative and regulatory function of the ECS. These Endo-cannabinoids send chemical signals to other cells as well as doing the important job of scavenging oxygen free Without the Endocannabinoid system radicals. your body would be fully oxidized by the time you were two years old. God made the Endocannabinoid system to allow you to live to the ripe old age of 80 or more. In effect; Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid system is the fountain of youth. Your food is a slow poison. The more calories you burn the more exhaust you make in the form of Oxygen free Radicals and the more you age yourself. When you drink Alcohol you burn it in oxidative metabolism and oxidize yourself. When you use Cannabis you protect yourself from oxidative stress.

Predictions for the future

Medicine is in the process of changing constantly. What was once current accepted therapy will fade in time as new treatments are proven to be better than old antiquated methods. As an example; Presently we use insulin and oral diabetic agents that lower the blood sugar in diabetics. We are proud of our treat-

Your food is a slow poison. The more calories you burn the more exhaust you make in the form of oxygen free radicals and the more you age yourself. When you drink alcohol you burn it in oxidative metabolism and oxidize yourself. When you use Cannabis you protect yourself from oxidative stress. MAY/JUNE 2013 41

ments and charge patients a lot for them. In the future however, this will be considered a treatment failure because we didn’t protect the pancreatic cells in the first place. There is ample scientific proof that THC and Cannabidiol both protect pancreatic beta cells and preserve insulin production by these cells. In the future Doctors will have to protect the pancreas from oxidative stress and premature death of the beta cells of the pancreas by giving

will decrease the size and extent of the stroke or heart attack, it will limit the extent of the damage from many forms of human suffering. Patients at risk for stroke or heart attack will take daily preventative doses of high Cannabidiol strains of Cannabis. There will be emergency packs of high Cannabidiol medications for acute events. No doubt many diseases processes man has are actually defects in the enzyme cascade of either

and Endo-cannabinoids. We should demand our scientist and doctors not be restricted from studying this safe and effective medicine. Regardless of your position for either legalization or continued arrest of our citizens; There cannot be justification for ignorance of the science. The truth will set us free. • Islet protection and amelioration of diabetes type 2 in “fat rats” Psammomye Obesus by treatment with cannabidiol. Vol. 2,

In the near future many of the disease processes we treat will involve giving IV doses of soluble forms of synthetic Cannabinoids. This includes any state where oxidative stress is an issue. (That’s all disease actually) Cannabinoids in some form will be given to you to protect you from the oxidative stress... cannabinoids and thus preserving insulin production. (see below) In the near future many of the disease processes we treat will involve giving IV doses of soluble forms of synthetic Cannabinoids. This includes any state where oxidative stress is an issue. (That’s all disease actually) Cannabinoids in some form will be given to you to protect you from the oxidative stress from any of the following; (major trauma, motor vehicle accident, major burn, Spinal trauma, stroke, heart attack, and others too numerous to mention.) You will receive this life saving medicine in the ambulance prior to reaching the hospital. This medicine 42 THE ART OF MARY JANE

the production or degredation of the Endocannabinoids. The other probability are disease states that involve defects with the number of cannabinoid receptors or function and binding defects of the EndoCannabinoid receptors. We will be healed by correcting defects of the ECS. The Endocannabinoid System protects us from oxidative stress which is the ultimate cause of our death from all forms of disease. The plant Cannabis provides us an augmentation of our natural defense mechanism. Again I ask for anyone to give a sound reason for restricting legitimate scientific study on cannabis

No. 1 Pages 27-34 (2012) Journal of Daibetes Mellitus doi:10.4236/ jdm.2012.21005 “ The most strik- ing effect noted was the marked decrease of the destruction of pancreatic islets and beta cells. Conclusions and Implications: CBD partially protects pancreatic islets and beta cells from destruction. CBD lowers significantly the blood glucose level and increases insulin level in Psammomys obesus with diabetes type 2, but does not lead to obesity. As CBD already has been administered to patients for other medical indications we propose its use as a therapeutic agent in diabetes type 2.” MAY/JUNE 2013 43

T Seeing Green, Feeling Blue? Matthew Michael Ross


hese days, it is rare to speak of any film, narrative or documentary, in terms of originality or innovation. We’re used to blockbuster franchises and remakes, and most stories are told in a formulaic manner. It seems we’ve seen it all. Maybe not. I just finished watching a 48-minute documentary that had absolutely no narration or dialogue to speak of, no pun intended. And while I would have expected to miss these most valued elements, I didn’t. On the contrary, I was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of this documentary. And to top it off, it had a very important message.

is, “who is responsible?” Is the depletion of our natural resources a result of conspicuous consumption? If so, are we, the consumer, responsible? Montages of consumerism in the film help convey this idea. Or should we blame the wood, pulp and paper, and palm oil industries? In their lust for producing their products, they are seen ravaging the land with complete disregard for the animals of Indonesia. The films’ end credits begin with the statement:

The film is called “Green,” but there’s nothing green (novice) about the filmmaker at all. His name is Patrick, that’s it, Directed by Patrick, and he claims to be just an ordinary citizen trying to protect the rainforest. His prior films include “Tears of Wood”, “Losing Tomorrow” and “The Cathedral Forest.” The film opens and immediately captures your attention with a female orangutan named Green being transported to a veterinarian hospital. She is very sick. In the next sequence, we see Green in her hospital room connected to an intravenous apparatus. Cut to a corresponding parallel image of a branch, with water about to drip from its’ hanging stem. At that moment, we are temporarily transported into Green’s habitat, the Indonesian rainforest. There is no narration, no written descriptions to read, and no dialogue to explain things. The audience is obligated to make a connection; they basically create their own narrative through assumptions. One assumption is that Green is starving to death because the source of her sustenance no longer exists. The trackers have destroyed the forest for commercial gain, culling fruit from the trees that once sustained these animals. Remembering the pained look in Green’s eyes, we further assume that the animal is despondent because her environment and way of life is being threatened. These animals are no match for the giant “Weapons of Mass Deforestation.” Throughout the film, the constant juxtaposition of nature in all its’ beauty with that of deforestation and consumerism, gives the filmgoer a sense of impending doom for the way of life of these orangutans and their forest companions. Another poignant moment in the film, we see a still suffering Green in her hospital bed, witnessing a local farm worker operating a gas-powered trimmer. The sound of the trimmer’s engine, getting louder and louder, brings us back to the forest, now being ravaged ruthlessly by men with chainsaws. The visuals of this unique film are quite impressive. This lone director and his camera capture some dramatic shots of the Indonesian forest. He juxtaposes these images with crushing shots of industrialization and symbolic shots of flagrant Western consumerism. Alternatively, the animals in the film are portrayed as gentle and innocent, while their innocence is being taken. We can’t help but pray for Green’s recovery throughout the film. Again, the filmmaker’s use of close ups and dramatic shots of Green bring her character to life. She is our heroine. The question that comes to mind watching this film

AND THE CONSUMERS AROUND THE WORLD Ouch, that’s you and me. The filmmaker has been quoted saying that our age and time is all about making money, buying things, and not at all about empathy and respect. Clearly, he has no respect for those listed in his “Made Possible” list. So what do we get out of watching this film, other than, perhaps, a lump in our throat, teary eyes, and a dose of guilt? I felt a little blue after watching it. When asked, the director told interviewers he didn’t know precisely what type of documentary he was making. There is no call to action at the end. There’s no phone number to call or e-mail to write to. There is the films’ website where you can learn more. And you should go there. It’s worth the trip at Here you will find a copy of the film, free to download and copyright free for all non-commercial screenings. There’s a tab for a call to action, providing you real ways to help save the forest and the orangutans. And there are facts about deforestation and the companies, etc. who are the most culpable. Maybe the answer lies in hemp. While trees take seven plus years to grow, hemp takes a very short time. We can replace oils being culled in Indonesia with hemp oil and its byproducts. If you do the research, you’ll find that hemp can even replace wood, which can help stop the vast deforestation in these orangutan-inhabited areas. We need to provide an alternative and hemp may prove to be an essential one. So you may not be surprised that the film Green has won several prestigious awards including a 2010 Golden Panda award and Natural History Museum Environment award at the Wildscreen Film Festival in Bristol, UK. The film also won a 2009 Grand Teton award and Best Conservation Program at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival. Among a long list of other film festivals awards Green has collected, a 2011 Best Long Documentary at the Green Screen Festival in Vancouver, Canada. As a filmmaker, I’m very critical of films I see because they’re often replete with unnecessary exposition. I’m always complaining of narrative failures and inconsistencies. Alternatively, I found this film engaging and complete. The film is truly unique, with no narration, no interviews, no dialogue, merely the sounds of nature and the destructive sounds of nature’s demise. Kudos to the filmmaker; may his films afford support for the animals portrayed in this film and the MAY/JUNE 2013 45 forests they inhabit.

DEFORESTATION OF INDONESIA MADE POSSIBLE BY What follows is an extensive list of complicit companies, banks, agencies, etc. The credit sequence ends with a final statement of condemnation:

A Hollywood Love Affair


ell, if you ask me, Hollywood is not all glam and plastic. Hollywood also has a zestful blend of natural herbs with a twist of lemon during happy hour. Open, free-spirited, creative, Retro Hippies who will make most people hungry with the munchies with their sex appeal and sizzling personalities. So how many celebs rode on the Mary Jane (MJ) train in 2013? Probably more than we can count here in La La Land, but for now, we decided to sparkle up 213 names you may recognize, including our very well-liked and very own President, Barack Obama, as well as plenty of others who you may surprise you! In “tinsle” town, there are the tons of celebrities who told the public they never smoked marijuana at all, like the Virgin tycoon, Richard Branson, who publicly shared he may not smoke MJ, but doesn’t see anything wrong with it. He, like many other well-known people were quite open and hon-


est about having associations with Mary Jane. To name a few, Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, whose last name is associated with ‘business’ and ‘success’, not ‘failure’ and ‘the munchies’. Did he smoke pot when he was younger? In his own words, “You bet I did. And I enjoyed it!” And lest not forget the world famous, Arnold Schwarzenegger who told the press, “I did smoke a joint and I did inhale.” There is certainly plenty of talent to go around and plenty of people who are so cool no matter what they do like, Bruce Willis who smokes “The Kind”. What about those talented celebrities who never, ever get caught smoking pot by the paparazzi and somehow just leaves are left on the ground, free and clear throughout their careers. Everyone knows the paparazzi doesn’t miss a beat when it comes to the Stars at major events. For instance, TMZ claimed the 19-yearold rapper Lil Twist (real name: Christopher L. Moore) was the one rolling blunts for Justin Bieber and

his entourage during the evening party on January 2, and supposedly didn’t mind photographs were being taken at the party. Now, let’s mention a few celebrities who repeatedly get captured by the press like Cameron Diaz, who is absolutely amazing and darling and no one calls her a pot head by the way, but she doesn’t seem to mind she gets caught because she’s been smoking since high school. Top stories of celebs who star in their own scandals, that make really great Hollywood stories, for example, are those who get busted for possession of pot like Bill Murray. That’s right. Everyone’s favorite actor was arrested for possession. Not to mention, Robin Thicke, Chase Crawford, and Matthew Underwood (the Nickelodeon Star from the Emmy-nominated hit show, Zoey, who was arrested outside of the hookah shop he owns in Port St. Lucie, Florida. A few others caught by the law for various violations, were Lindsey Lohan and celeb hottie Matthew McConaughey, who admitted to

smoking the green machine and whose neighbors complained about noise and got caught by the police, naked, playing the congo drums. David Arquette- use to be 420 friendly too. Even Swan celebrities once admitted they used to be 420 friendly like Natalie Portman, for example, who says she used to smoke in college but doesn’t smoke presently. Yet, she still supports the cause. Wait a minute... maybe MJ could take a little credit for making famous actors like, Brad Pitt so cool on the big screen. What would Brad be like today if he didn’t used to date Mary Jane? There are those bold celebrities who stand for what The Forbidden Leaf was, is and should be and believe what one day could be. Then, there are those adorable and mesmerizing stars like Elijah Woods, Lord Of The Rings star,

and presently on the hit FX bizarre stoner show, “Wilfred.” He says he never was a toker, yet feels quite comfortable by saying, MJ is completely harmless. Then again, there are those unique actors and celebrities like Woody Harrelson and Willie Nelson who aren’t afraid to take that Headlining concert promoting for the Legalization of Marijuana, who use the stage and perform a song for all Americans to sing along to, or play the role of a real human with strong opinions and view points to encourage people to be a part of history in the making. The celebs that say they used to smoke, but don’t anymore may be secret green agents. And that’s ok too. Whatever it may be, Carol King is still a timeless favorite female artist in the music industry with the essence of nature and Weeds is still a favorite hit show

on Showtime. The time is now and the future is dear and we all must come together to celebrate the new years ahead, this 420 counter culture movement is primetime. Celebrities can utilize their status to be a voice to not only be heard, but to hear what’s really happening in society, to be a greenergistic model to inspire others to not just “act,” but to be a true activist like, Abbie Hoffman, whom is proud to plant seeds for the growth of a meaningful cause with true purpose. Let’s take a look inside the green carpets where the Holly bushes lie and see who are some of the infamous celebrities who may fall in some or all the categories mentioned above, and have obviously had a relationship with MJ in the past. Oh, and let’s not forget Rick James, who was very much “In Love with Mary Jane.”

Who smokes weed in Hollywood? The 20 celebrities mentioned above, plus... 21.) Adam Lambert (American Idol) 22.) Carey Monteith (Glee star) 23.) Whoopi Goldberg 24.) Lady GaGa 25.) Morgan Freeman 26.) Jenelle Evans (Teen Mom 2- Pot was her “Chill pill”) 27.) Adrianne Curry 28.) James Franco 29.) Kirsten Dunst (Free spirited actress who admits “The World would be a Better Place”) 30.) Bill Clinton (“…but I didn’t inhale.” Former U.S. President!) 31.) Bill Murray 32.) Paris Hilton (Socialite, Night Vision Porn-Star.) 33.) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Retired American professional basketball star) 34.) George W. Bush (Politician and professional hypocrite) 35.) John F. Kennedy (Politician) 36.) Steve Jobs (Co-creator of the Apple computer) 37.) Queen Victoria 38.) Bruce Lee 39.) Aaron Sorkin (Creator of ”The West Wing” both as writer and producer, earned him multiple Emmy Awards) 40.) Art Garfunkel (Singer-Simon and Garfunkel) 41.) Alexander Dumas (Author of “The Three Musketeers” and more popular novels) 42.) Ali Campbell (Singer with UB40) 43.) Allen Ginsberg (Poet) 44.) Andrea Corr (Musician-“The Corrs”) 45.) Anjelica Huston (Actress) MAY/JUNE 2013 47

Who smokes weed in Hollywood? Continued

46.) Arthur Rimbaud 47.) Balzac 48.) The Beatles 49.) Bill Gates (Not confirmed, but hinted at it in his Playboy interview.) 50.) Bing Crosby (Famous crooner of “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas”. Now the Film “High Society” makes sense!) 51.) Bix Beiderbecke (Jazz musician) 52.) Black Crowes (Musicians) 53.) Bob Denver (Star of “Gilligan’s Island”) 54.) Bob Dylan (Musician) 55.) Bob Marley (Musician) 56.) Burt Reynolds (Actor. He left his first wife because of her drug use. But he has been seen in Cannabis Cafes.) 57.) Cab Calloway (Jazz musician. Claimed he only used it once.) 58.) Carl Sagan (Scientist - SiFi writer - film “Contact” More info here.) 59.) Carlos Santana (Musician) 60.) Carrie Fischer (Actress) 61.) Charlie Sheen (Actor) 62.) Charlize Theron (Actress) 63.) Charles Baudelaire (Author) 64.) Cheech Marin (Actor) 65.) Chris Conrad (Author and expert on Cannabis Hemp) 66.) Chris Farley (Comedian) 67.) Chrissie Hynde (Musician) 68.) Chris Rock (Actor, Comedian, Producer, Screenwriter) 69.) Chubby Checker (Musician. “Let’s Twist Again”) 70.) Cilla Black (Musician and presenter) 71.) Claire Rayner (Agony Aunt) 72.) Cody Kasch Actor (TV series Desperate Housewives) 73.) Conan O’Brian (TV Host) 74.) Count Basie (Jazz Band Leader) 75.) Dame Margot Fonteyn (Prima ballerina) 76.) David Bailey (Photographer) 77.) David Hockney (Artist) 78.) Diego Rivera (Mexican Artist) 79.) Dion Fortune (Welsh occultist) 80.) Dionne Warwick (Famous singer of “Walk on By”) 81.) Dizzy Gillespie (Jazz musician) 82.) Dr. Francis Crick (Nobel Prize winner) 83.) Dr. Lester Grinspoon 84.) Dr. R.D. Laing 85.) Dr. W.B. O’Shaughnessy (Re-introduced cannabis to European medicine) 86.) Drew Barrymore (Actress) 87.) Duke Ellington (Jazz Band Leader) 88.) Elliott Gould (Actor) 89.) Eminem (Musician) 90.) Emperor Liu Chi-Nu (Made medical recommendation for its use) 91.) Emperor Shen-Nung (made first known medical recommendation for its use) 48 THE ART OF MARY JANE

92.) Errol Flynn (Actor) 93.) Evelyn Waugh (Author) 94.) Ford Coppella (Film Director) 95.) Frances McDormand (Actress) 96.) Fats Waller (Musician) 97.) Fitz Hugh Ludlow (Wrote ‘The Hasheesh Eater’) 98.) Francois Rabelais (French author) 99.) Friedrich Nietzsche (Used it as a medicine) 100.) Gary Johnson (Governor of New MexicoReformer) 101.) Gene Krupa (Jazz musician) 102.) George Gurdjieff (Russian Mystic) 103.) George Melly (Jazz musician) 104.) George Soros (Financier and reformer) 105.) George Washington (Grew it and there is evidence that he prepared it for smoking) 106.) Gerard de Nerval (French writer) 107.) Graham Greene (Author) 108.) Grateful Dead (Musicians) 109.) Harrison Ford (Actor) 110.) Howard Marks (Ex-smuggler and Raconteur) 111.) Prince Harry (Third in line to the British throne) 112.) Princess Margaret (Sister to Her Majesty the Queen) 113.) Howard Stern 114.) Hua Tuo (Ancient Chinese physician during the Han Dynasty) 115.) Hunter S. Thompson (Author) 116.) Isabel Allende (Chilean author. Mentioned in her book “Paula”) 117.) Jack Kerouac (Author) 118.) Jack Nicholson (Actor) 119.) Jackie Gleason (Actor. Another whom the DEA kept on their pot files) 120.) James Brown (Musician) 121.) Janis Joplin (Musician) 122.) Jane Fonda (Actress) 123.) Jennifer Capriati (Tennis champ) 124.) Jesse Ventura (Governor of Minnesota) 125.) Jim Morrison (Musician) 126.) Jimmy Dorsey (Jazz musician) 127.) Jimmy Hendrix (Musician) 128.) Joan of Arc (was accused of using witch herbs which is another name for Cannabis) 129.) John Belushi (Actor) 130.) John Denver (Musician. He recorded a song about it.) 131.) John Kerry (Politician. US Senator) 132.) John Lennon (Musician) 133.) John Le Mesurier (Actor) 134.) John Wayne (Actor that said, “I tried it once but it didn’t do anything to me.”) 135.) Jonathan Miller (Theatre Director) 136.) Johnny Cash (Musician) 137.) Jon Snow (Channel 4 News presenter. (UK)) 138.) Julia Roberts (Actress) 139.) Kary Mullis (Nobel Laurate, Biology)

140.) Ken Kesey (Author) 141.) Kurt Cobain (Musician) 142.) Larry Hagman (Actor, of “JR” fame) 143.) Led Zeppelin (Musicians) 144.) Lenny Bruce (Comedian) 145.) Little Richard (Musician) 146.) Louis Armstrong (Jazz musician) 147.) Luke Perry (Actor) 148.) Macaulay Culkin (Actor-“Home Alone”) 149.) P. J. O’Rouke (Author) 150.) Mick Jagger (Musician) 151.) Kenneth Tynan (Playwright) 152.) Mike Tyson (Boxer) 153.) Miles Davis (Jazz musician) 154.) Milton Berle (Actor) 155.) Montel Williams (Talk show host) 156.) Montgomery Clift (Actor) 157.) Neil Diamond (Musician) 158.) Neil Young (Musician) 159.) Newt Gingrich (Speaker of the US Senate) 160.) Norman Mailer (Author) 161.) Noel Gallagher 162.) Oliver Stone (Film Director) 163.) Oscar Wilde, (Author) 164.) Pablo Picasso (Artist) 165.) Pancho Villa (Revolutionary Leader) 166.) Peter Fonda (Actor) 167.) Peter Sellers (actor) 168.) Peter Tosh (Poet) 169.) Pierre Elliot Trudeau (Former Prime Minister of Canada) 170.) Pink (Musician. Mentioned in Playboy interview 11/02) 171.) Pink Floyd (Musicians) 172.) Ray Charles (Musician) 173.) Richard Pryor (Actor) 174.) Robert Anton Wilson (Philosopher) 175.) Robert Mitchum (Actor, was jailed in the 40s for possession of marijuana) 176.) Rolling Stones (Musicians) 177.) Ross Rebagliati (First ever snowboarding Gold Medallist, 1998 Winter Olympics) 178.) Rudolf Nureyev (Ballet dancer. Also see entry for Margot Fonteyn.) 179.) Ryan Farrell (Australian Sprint Car champion) 180.) Salvador Dali (Artist) 181.) Samuel Beckett (Author) 182.) Sinead O’Connor (Musician) 183.) Sir Paul McCartney (Musician) 184.) Snoop Dogg (Musician) 185.) Steve Martin (Actor) 186.) Rhianna 187.) Steven Soderbergh (Film director) 188.) Stephen Sondheim (Broadway composer and lyricist) 189.) Sting/Gordon Sumners (Musician) 190.) Ted Turner (CNN fame)

191.) Terence McKenna 92.) Thelonious Monk (Jazz musician) 193.) The Who (Musicians) 194.) Timothy Leary 195.) Tomas Enge (Formula 3000 World Champion) 196.) Tommy Chong (Actor) 197.) Rick Steves (Author of 27 top selling European travel guides, host of his own TV show and radio show, and a very outspoken member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, and credits pot for turning him into a better travel writer by opening his mind to new things.) 198.) Tommy Lee (Musician) 199.) Tony Booth (the father-in-law of Britain’s Prime Minister) 200.) UB40 (Band) 201.) Victor Hugo (Author ‘Les Misérables’) 202.) Wesley Snipes (Actor who has been seen in Cannabis Cafes) 203.) Whitney Houston 204.) Al & Tipper Gore-Politicians 1

And a few more unexpected famous celebrities... 205.) Jennifer Aniston (Actress) 206.) Alice B. Toklas (Famous Cook - Wrote recipe for Hash Fudge Filmed as. ‘I Love You Alice B. Toklas’) 207.) Ram Dass (Philosopher) 208.) William Butler Yeats (Famous Irish Poet and Occultist) 209.) Bruce Perlowin (Formerly known as “The King of Pot” and now CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) 210.) Dan Quayle (Politician) 211.) Peregrine Worthstone (former editor of the Sunday Telegraph) 212.) William S. Burroughs (Author) 213.) Barbara Streisand (Even Barb admitted in a Rollingstone interview, in 1972, that she lit joints and passed them around.) Well, there you go, just a small list and still growing! This is scary. Even Stephen King who has authored upwards of 50 novels and short stories, which have sold a collective 500 million copies worldwide and who has also been one of the most vocal proponents for the legalization of marijuana, calling laws against the drug “ridiculous.” He also stated, “I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry.” I would almost personally bet, at least $420 dollars, this list is far bigger than just 213 names of famous celebrities who knew or still know Miss MaryJane herself. By the way, did I happen to mention one of my favorite colors is green and my favorite thing to drink these days is, Hemp milk. My new hobby is to keep adding to this list! Who says a little toke never made your stroke even better. Just ask Michael Phelps who “Has More Olympic Gold Medals than anyone in history.” MAY/JUNE 2013 49


of education and treatment and not of incarceration. The policies should help those with drug problems to be free from prescription drug addiction as well as hard drugs. Medical marijuana is a plant with amazing medicinal benefits. Law enforcement should be educated from their Grandmother who is in the wheel chair and which marijuana provides her with a livable life. Take it a step further to show proof to them that it can mitigate seizures and epilepsy where other prescription medications have failed with live video recordings showing the miraculous healing benefits. It is time that Nevada stand up to the morally right side because, hands down, the future will be healing plants and herbs as the main form of healing in the hospitals for patients prescribed by doctors. We are finding that pharmaceutical drugs are not the full solution to healing. We’ve got to really enact a program that will be free of law enforcement aggression and prosecution and set in place a form of litigation, when not following the Nevada State Constitution. President Obama, on many issues, currently has been on the State side of rights and he has confirmed that this was set up as a protection mechanism long ago to protect citizens from their federal government of over stepping their boundaries of oppression and tyranny imposed on the citizenry. This was set up as States rights issues that trump Federal because the Federal government can bring in full oppression and tyranny, as seen before the 1950’s with horrible segregation laws implemented by them which separated us by color. If you were colored, you had to drink the dirty water. You couldn’t drink from the same faucet as a white person. (THANKS BIG GOVERNMENT)... Shame on you! They are acting like the same bullies telling us what we can put in our bodies. Take the old commercials of the 50’s, for example, when doctors smoked cigarettes in commercials telling you about the amazing benefits of this cancercausing 2000 chemical laden death stick! The medical marijuana movement is a civil rights 50 THE ART OF MARY JANE

one... personal freedom to do as we please without interference from others. The pursuit of happiness is for all of us, not only the ones on top. Think of the absurdity that you take a puff of marijuana. Are you hurting others or yourself? How can we harm others for what 75% of society has tried? The great objective to bringing these new laws of the future is to protect citizens from their oppressive governments that destroy lives instead of helping them get back on their feet. The new slavery is locking you up in prison and putting you to work for pennies on the dollar because major corporations make huge fortunes by making sure that millions stay incarcerated so they can save money and have a massive work force that works for food and prison shelter. The fact is that many of the minority youth are going straight from High school to a life in prison for a bad choice in selling a substance or abusing it. Do you really think that slavery stopped? It just moved everyone from the fields to the prisons. Why? Because this way, you can’t escape the shotgun guard! The world is moving in a direction that hopefully enforces peace and prosperity for all instead of devastating the lives of our youth. Medical marijuana is here to stay. Legalization for recreational use of marijuana has been enacted in Colorado and Washington and both states have lit up a green light to set up systems of distribution and sales, regardless of the Federal government’s stance on Medical Marijuana/Recreational use. The medical marijuana movement is polarizing because it really does provide medicinal benefits to millions of us. Think for a minute. Those who even use it recreationally were perhaps self-medicating an underlying medical condition and they found marijuana provided relief. It is time that we all come together to educate the masses. We must move into the future of herbal medicinal healing which can possibly make us super human! Have you ever worked out with an amazing power house of nutrients and vitamins? You would feel like a million dollars. Nature can help us regain our symbiotic relationship with the power of nature.

MAY/JUNE 2013 51



Marijuana, Inc. Now Offers the KushClear™ Line of Nutraceutical Products


In the CNBC documentary, Marijuana, Inc, Bruce Perlowin was said to have “run his organization like a Fortune 500 company”. Well, that may have been prophetic, as Perlowin is on the fast track towards achieving that goal with his second foray into the world of Wall Street. Marijuana, Inc, stock symbol HEMP is an up and coming player in the marijuana and hemp industry. Medical marijuana is now legal in 16 states and it is bringing in billions of dollars in revenue and paying hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes to financially strapped states, counties, and cities.

3 Complete Proteins

Marijuana, Inc’s business plan includes prime Internet positioning, media and entertainment production and education classes and seminars, and nutritional and functional hemp product development and marketing. The recent launch of the internet “TV” website, MarijuanaInc.TV will dramatically increase the company’s visibility. High quality in-house productions showcasing real peoples’ experiences with marijuana, from testimonials and documentaries of the medicine’s healing successes to the politics of pot, educational classes and comedy scale up this quarter. The nutracuetical division of Marijuana, Inc. offers our KushClear™ line of healthy products, formulated with proprietary technology to increase and expand the effects of the ingredients. KushClear™ formulas not only include the best ingredients available, but are formulated to assure the compounds interact complimentary to each other, to ensure that the end user will get the greatest efficacy as well as value. Hemp products are now grown legally in 39 countries including Canada. Healthy hemp seed protein and hemp oil are imported legally into the US but they cannot be grown here. The result is that the US consumes more legal hemp than any other country but has to import 100% of what is used. Look for Marijuana, Inc to make a big splash into the hemp industry in the near future! Marijuana, Inc. has spent years developing services and products designed for the medical marijuana, hemp, and associated cultural network. Today we are moving from a budding young company to one ready to bloom and grow to new heights. Don’t get lost in the vapor, come along with us! 52 THE ART OF MARYJANE




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Contains Hemp Protein, Spirulina, and AFA blue-green algae with all essential amino acids, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids (GLA) with natural trace minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants, and phycocyanin. All ingredients are processed at low temperatures to keep the enzymes active. Cordyceps has been added to strengthen the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous system Rhodiola rosea helps increase stamina, strength, and mental capacity.

Male Enhancement that really works! KushClearTM Male’s all natural formula of potent herbs work three ways to increase your prowess, pleasure, and stamina. The botanicals improve your attitude, increase your desire, and raise your functionality. Stand up and be counted.




Improved memory and focus

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The body and mind tune-up in a jar.





Be Alert! Sharper mind, sustained energy

Made in the USA

Marijuana, Inc. has spent years developing products designed for the medical marijuana and associated cultural network. Today we are moving from a young company to one ready to grow to new heights. Go to to find out how you can profit in the marijuana business.

MAY/JUNE 2013 53 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,or prevent any disease.

(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 38) performances, and with his name brand recognition he was soon performing at parties for the children of wellknown celebrities and artists. He used those funds to help found Camp Winnarainbow, which teaches circus arts to children, and has dedicated his efforts to the Seva Foundation, which delivers medical treatment to the poor of Nepal. The story of Wavy Gravy was brought to the world in the film “Saint Misbehavin’” released in December of last year, and in typical Wavy style, he used the documentary (which he neither produced nor directed) as a springboard to launch still more efforts to spread happiness and meaning to the children of the world. The classic photo taken of Wavy Gravy early into his persona, freaking out with his fellow hippies at Woodstock, shows the young clown toking on a big fat spliff. Wavy Gravy made an effort more and more as his career grew to avoid any of his clown imagery getting mixed up with marijuana. “Hey, I love to toke,” Wavy Gravy said in a recent

interview. “Anyone who loves life loves to toke. But my life isn’t all about that anymore. Of course pot should be legal. Of course adults should be free to do whatever their freak flag inspires them to do, as long as it’s not hurting anyone else. Give me a chance to vote for it (legalization), I’ll always vote for it. But I’m about the kids now, and the last thing kids need to see if yet another of their heroes mixed up with drugs – even a drug as harmless and healing as weed.” At 74, Wavy shows no signs of slowing down. He continues to travel the world, “clowning it up” as he says, while also “farting around.” He is like some sort of figure out of Buddhist mythology, a constantly smiling benevolent presence whose sole aim in life is to bring humor and relief to those who need it the most. The Art of MaryJane salutes Wavy Gravy for his contributions to the counter-culture, his place in the history of the legalization movement, and his admirable efforts to entertain, inspire and bring comfort to children the world over.





MAY/JUNE 2013 55

by Matthew Michael Ross


he inspiration of marijuana on lyrics probably started before recorded history, thousands of years B.C. in some small Indian village. Okay, maybe not actual song lyrics yet, more like Hindu chants, with some sort of tribal drums backing them. And here we are, thousands of years later, where “pot” not only inspires lyrics, but many songs are lyrically and literally about smoking pot. Looking back, history will confirm that the beginning of “weed” inspired lyrics arose during the sixties, the decade filled with summers of love, and the advent of hippies. It was the era of flower children intent on expanding their consciousness, and it was the era in which our young men and women died in the horrific Vietnam War. Sure you could go back to 1932 and talk about Cab Calloway’s “Reefer Man” with lyrics like, “Have you ever met that funny, funny reefer man?” Yes, Marijuana was popular even back then. But let’s stick with the sixties. There’s so much ingenuity to be found in this decade. George Harrison of the Beatles was only 23 when the Sgt. Pepper album debuted. Yet George had already experienced India and experimented with LSD and was on the road to transcendentalism by that time. John Lennon recalled, “We were smoking marijuana for breakfast during that period.” The album was filled with lyrics inspired by the use of cannabis. No one can forget “I get high with a little help from my friends”, echoing the communal nature of pot smoking. John Lennon referred to Rubber Soul as their “Pot Album.” Later, Paul McCartney described the song, “Got to Get You Into My Life” off the 1966 Revolver album as “an ode to pot.” I was alone, I took a ride, I didn’t know what I would find there Another road where maybe I could see another kind of mind there These lyrics and others like it spoke to the human condition; how it was that a little “weed” could open up doors, find new roads, and maybe give us some peace of mind. This sentiment was greatly needed at a time when a beloved American president was assassinated and a Southeast Asian war was sending soldiers home, their souls filled with the horror stories of the human atrocities they witnessed. The sixties was a time of stark contrast between the dark and the light. People needed to escape, using their minds. On the lighter side, in 1965, Janis Joplin wrote “Mary Jane.” The title and lyrics seem somewhat brazen to us now, but back then, the term “Mary Jane” wasn’t so widely understood as a reference to Marijuana. When I bring home my hard-earned pay I spend my money all on Mary Jane Wrapping up this cultural decade, in 1969, Sly and The Family Stone wrote, “I Want To Take You Higher.” I want to take you higher Baby baby baby light my fire. It seemed that “going higher” and lighting fires were popular themes around that time


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Marley continued promoting marijuana use and battling authorities, especially the fanatical law enforcement officers who went after marijuana growers. He even went to jail for it. His argument with them can be clearly heard in one of his greatest hits and most profound lyrics, “I Shot the Sheriff.”

period. There were several bands that mimicked those sentiments including the Doors with their lyrics, “We couldn’t get much higher” from the 1967 song, “Light My Fire.” Girl we couldn’t get much higher Come on baby light my fire. After the 60s, “reefer” continued to inspire song lyrics and, moreover, songwriters and performers. From Black Sabbath to Cypress Hill, Rick James to Redman, getting high was the message, embraced by vinyl and CD listeners around the world. It became more and more common to hear about that “sweet leaf,” and its effects on the music legends we’d come to admire. Of course, we couldn’t talk about lyrics inspired by “puffing a little herb” without including Reggae, which became all the rage starting in the late 1960s, and exploring some of the most well known artists of that genre. While many reggae lyrics attempt to raise political consciousness, others promote the use of cannabis or sinsemilla. One artist whose desire to legalize marijuana became apparent to his fans was Peter Tosh. Released in ’76, “Legalize It” was the title of Tosh’s debut solo record and single. Legalize it, don’t criticize it Legalize it and I will advertise it Reggae was off the charts with artists like Bob Marley, who introduced both Jamaican music and the Rastafarian movement to a worldwide audience. In 1978, Marley released “Kaya”, an album revolving around love and marijuana use, which reflected the Rasta movement, along with the idea of rejecting materialism. Got to have kaya now (kaya, kaya), For the rain is fallin’! Kaya is a common Jamaican word for cannabis. The back cover of this album depicts a burning joint. Marley was once quoted as saying, “How could a plant created by God be made illegal by humans?” A good point indeed. Marley continued promoting marijuana use and battling authorities, especially the fanatical law enforcement officers who went after marijuana growers. He even went to jail for it. His argument with them can be clearly heard in one of his greatest hits and most profound lyrics, “I Shot the Sherriff.” Sheriff John Brown always hate I, for what, I never know. Everytime I plant a seed, he said, kill it before it grow. He said, kill them before they grow. Other great Reggae artists include Toots and the Maytals, Jimmy Cliff, Black Uhura, and of course, Marley’s son, Ziggy, a five-time Grammy Award winner and reggae icon. In 2010, two weeks before California’s historic vote on the legalization of marijuana, Ziggy released, “A Fire Burns For Freedom,” a pro marijuana anthem. His point is crystal clear in this song. Denied the tree of life, sold us your lies, this damned hypocrisy costs so many lives. At age 44, Ziggy Marley is still creating amazing music. On a personal note, smoking pot never inspired me to write songs or even play music. I usually laughed a lot and then got very hungry. And when I’ve tried to play the piano, which I do fairly well straight, I just got lost and couldn’t concentrate. So I suppose you won’t see me performing at Burning Man or Coachella, but I’ll always have an appreciation for the music of the past and present, inspired by this wonderfully exquisite flowering plant, “ganja,” with its five fingers, reaching out to shake your hand and say hello.


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The Green Glass Clean and Gack Attack Brush Packs


e received samples of the green glassclean and the gack attack brush pack and we put it to the test with the dirties most resin caked pipe we could find. We were in a rush so we went to the microwave directions. We put the pipe in a 2 to 1 mixture of the cleaner and water in a small Tupperware dish, as soon as we dropped it in we could see the solution starting to get to the resin because It was turning into a brown solution right away. We then put it in the microwave for 90 seconds and when we took the bowl out of the microwave, we could see the solution was even browner now. We rinsed it under lukewarm water and blobs of resin fell out of the pipe everywhere, we almost didn’t even need the mini gack attack brush pack. After rinsing it for 20 secs,there were a couple of spots that needed a little scrubbing so we used the brush pack to finish it off and this is as good as new. When we smoked out of it,there was no aftertaste and the pipe seemed like it didn’t get as dirty as fast as in the past. We are going to save the solution for another cleaning as the manufacturer says it can be refused up to 5-6 times. We will let you know how it performed next month. Visit


100% green Reuseable and diluteable Works on glass, plastics, acrylic but it is best on glass Comes in 8 ounce and 16 ounce bottles, everyone else sells a 4 oz and 12 oz, we give more for the money No harsh chemicals, alcohol or acetone No abrasives Highly concentrated Cleans all the percs and hard to reach spots Can be a soaker or can be microwaved to work in 90 seconds (for small pipes)


100% nylon brushes Odor proof bag for storage Is a complete cleaning kit for any size pipe (Also comes in a mini version) Three different size brushes in each kit, plus plugs and poker and screens Odor proof bag can be used to clean a pipe or tube 60 THE ART OF MARYJANE

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An Interview with Bruce Perlowin

“The Golden Gate Smuggling Company” A San Francisco Marijuana Empire



he funding mechanism, “Visionary Catalyst” of a new economic paradigm and business model for The Benefactors Of Humanity (www., is a man named Bruce Perlowin. In this special interview with Bruce Perlowin, we will get to know his passions and inspirations that helped shape and turn them into visions, and visions that created “CHANGE” in the world of business, which may never be the same again.


arijuana, Inc.’s Entertainment Division is pleased to announce the first book in a series of historical marijuana publications chronicling marijuana entrepreneurs in the 1970’s and 80’s. The Golden Gate Smuggling Company, a true story by Brett Douglas, is available through Marijuana, Inc.’s website, at, or at your local bookstore. The Golden Gate Smuggling Company is a unique and powerful first person perspective authored by the boat Captain who smuggled “The Company’s” marijuana on a perilous 8,000 mile round trip sea route from Colombia to Northern California. This first book available from Marijuana, Inc. ( unveils the compelling details of marijuana smuggler Bruce Perlowin’s vast smuggling organization. With a non-violent, low key approach, Perlowin built a marijuana operation that law enforcement described as the largest in West Coast history. Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Marijuana, Inc. ( stated, “With the aging of the original outlaw businessmen in America’s heyday of pot smuggling, we felt these stories should be told by the people who made it happen, the smugglers themselves. That’s why this first book is not only entertaining but important in accurately documenting this historic time for future generations who will understand and be entertained by the bravado of these tales.” Craig Perlowin, literary chief of the Entertainment Division stated, “Smuggling was common in the US from the time of the original 13 colonies, when trade goods were commonly smuggled in to avoid the onerous taxes of the British. Rum-running was common during prohibition, followed by the pot smuggling heyday of the 1970s and 80s when hundreds of small and large smuggling enterprises used


the sea and air to fulfill the demands of American consumers. Whether you agree with what they did or not, it makes for great reading and it is a part of our American history.” Marijuana, Inc.’s entertainment division seeks to bring together aspects of the marijuana lifestyle starting with the historical documentation of America’s marijuana smuggling history. The company intends to continue to add literature, music, art, webisodes, and films. The view of marijuana has changed over the years. In the past, marijuana was feared, and it was commonly pointed out in the 1950’s that the word assassin was derived from the Arabic hashishin, or eater of hash. At that time people were afraid to try it because it might make them insane or even lead to murder. Later, harsh prison sentences were commonly handed out for possession of even small amounts of marijuana. Today, we have progressed to the point where medical marijuana is recognized as beneficial and is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia, with many additional states voting on this issue in the November 2012 elections.


Marijuana, Inc. (pinksheets:HEMP.PK) is focused on the large peripheral businesses created by the quickly emerging, and growing, multibillion dollar medical marijuana and hemp industries. Marijuana, Inc. is involved in supplying educational materials, information, entertainment, social networking, hemp and healthy products to members of the medical marijuana industry, and the population at large. Websites for Marijuana Inc.:,,, www.

What is “Benefactors Of Humanity”? What is your main objective to creating a new system based on co-operation instead of competition? “Benefactors Of Humanity” is essentially a group of people who, from their heart, help others create wealth and financial stability and resources to those in need by doing extraordinary acts of kindness. Revenue generated through generosity is what I like to say. Many people can tell you, I’ve said it a thousand or more times... If you give back to society and operate from the heart, the revenues are 1,000 times greater and the process is 1,000 times more effortless than not, doing it this way. “The Paradigm Shift” is now upon us and we are reshaping whole systems and creating new realities. It’s actually quite amazing. Co-operation between people is healthier and more beneficial than competition. It’s all about people helping people, working together... striving toward one goal... to uplift humanity. Basically, we are creating different “Drivers Of Capitalism” other than just the profit motive in exclusion to all else. That isn’t a new concept – it’s just that after 15 years of doing what I call “Quantum Economics” our model is now the most mature and functional working model to date on operating from the heart using “Triple Bottom Line Accounting” which functions on the principles of “People, Planet, Profits” in that “Order”. So we are now “Demonstrating” that when you truly operate this way, you make more money than in the “Old Economic Paradigm” which was built on power, greed and control – silly gooses. Did the movie, Pay It Forward, actually become a source of inspiration for this co-creation of a “New Economic Paradigm” you have designed for the emergence of a new Socio-Economic model? In which way did this movie spark the core of you? Yes, the movie “Pay It Forward” did become a source of inspiration to create this “New Economic Paradigm”. The movie sparked my core interest because it was the first time this concept, which has been a somewhat standard activity in the network marketing industry since its conception over 50 years ago, was explained in a mass media forum – a major motion picture – with a message, or “Pictures With A Message”. Explain how this “New Economic Paradigm” will generate funds to help people all around the world including college students, veterans’, etc. who, most, have limited income and where most are struggling to pay back their student loans and/or recovering from serving their countries. This is absolutely the best model. By “Paying-It-Forward” and

promoting a pay-it-forward mentality, students and veterans, in particular, can afford the initial cost of the program and even become a “Benefactor Of Humanity” by educating themselves in the series of videos on and answering questions to be able to benefactor other students in. But it doesn’t stop there. Everyone is passionate about something. And we love to see people act on their passions for the good of humanity. By going to the “Benefactors Of humanity” site, you simply read each page, first of course. As you’ll notice in the “Projects” section, we are helping to fund the “Projects”. This is what “The Funding Mechanism” for the people who are going to change the world, does. This particular “Economic Model” either raises donations or puts people in your downline to raise the money for “Your Project.” This is actually more attractive to an investor than donating cash. This model can be easily duplicated. Bruce, you have been developing and practicing these ideas for and what you term as “Compassionate Capitalism” and “Quantum Economics”. What was the “Catalyst” for you to be able to plant the seeds for this unbelievably unique way of structuring your system of, “Benefactors of Humanity”? This is something I›ve wanted to do over 40 years ago. I›ve always wanted to be able to help others. It just took me a while to find the right model. With the discovery of the network marketing company iWowwe I realize that it was time to roll the change the world project out. Bill Starkey the owner of iWowwe sold his Amway business for millions about 40 years ago (and then got rich) and has out of his own pocket built 21 orphanages around the world and put over 400 kids through college through an organization called World Vision. So meeting him was like meeting a mirror image of me. That was the “Trigger” or the “Catalyst” for me to begin “Benefactors Of Humanity” and begin my real work in the world. Bruce: What you designed was a system to use in every city all across the world. You are building “Cities Of Generosity”. Can you tell us exactly how your system, “Benefactors Of Humanity”, can and will generate revenue through generosity? Well, the vehicle we are using is a company named iWowwe that focuses on empowering people, businesses, and communities with phenomenal communications tools such as video email and conferencing. It’s a powerful, advanced platform and their goal to change the way the world communicates. We use their powerful referral compensation plan, through the affiliate program, to generate income with people. You see, I and a small group of people started as the funding mechanism or the Benefactors. By paying it forward for thousands of people, I was able to create a whole “New Economic Paradigm”. It’s literally taken on a life of its own. I call it the “Quantum Economics Purchasing and Paying Matrix” and it’s the most powerful and profitable funding and purchasing mechanism ever created in the history of marketing. With this we are able to help non-profits, charities and more. Most people in the 420 Counter Culture Industry knows you as «The King Of Pot.» Can you tell us how you acquired this nickname in the industry and how this name may have influenced the movement and everything you are developing? And if you could nickname yourself, based on how you MAY/JUNE 2013 65

personally view yourself, what nickname would that be? I think most people know the story. Though I’ve moved on from once being “The King of Pot,” people are still intrigued of how I got that name. I used to run one of the biggest marijuana smuggling operations of all time. I must have smuggled almost a billion dollars of pot right under San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, with the help of local fishermen of course. I have had a fleet of 94 marine vessels – including the Polar Sea, a 120-foot ocean-going tug, a 90-foot North Sea trawler, a converted mine-sweeper, more than a dozen steel albacore fishing boats from 47 to 85 feet long, shrimpers, crab boats, bait boats, motor sailors’, 29 60-foot fiberglass barges, a string of speedboats and a surveillance and communications yacht and employed more than 200 people! I owned a 1,000 pier where we unloaded the marijuana. With such a sophisticated operation, I was known as “The King of Pot.” If I’d pick a name to be known by today it would be something like the King of Humanity/ Giving/Helping Others or more to the point “The Funding Mechanism For The People Who Are Changing The World”. I often say that I am “The Funding Mechanism”, “The Organizing Principle”, “The Healer” and finally “The Student” in that “Order”. How did you learn about “Quantum Economics” and when were you first introduced to this influence? I actually invented “Quantum Economics”, coined it and trademarked it… along with many other terms which you’ll hear me use frequently. What would you say is your biggest “Random Act Of Kindness” and contribution to society yet? And what would be your ultimate “Random Act Of Kindness” in the future? There is no biggest “Random Act Of Kindness” because every time someone does a “Random Act Of Kindness” the trickle effect of that act continues to create many actions and reactions and creates huge changes in the world and one never knows how big that one act will eventually become. My ultimate action is to change the way humans behave to operate from the heart not from the lower centers of power, greed and control. What are your micro and macro goals you are trying to accomplish with this system of “Compassionate Capitalism”? When will you feel you have reached your Major Macro vision of satisfaction? Those are great questions. As you know, cooperation, compassion, and justice are the cornerstones of human well-being. My vision has been evolving since I was a child. I want to talk a bit about “macro” if you will, for a second. The whole “New Economic Paradigm” is based on “Compassionate Capitalism”. The underlying motivation of this “Grand Endeavor” is to bring “Balance And Harmony” to the “Current” inequity of our global socio-economic landscape. Obviously, there are many facets to this “Process,” but once the “Waves Of Transformation Build,” they will be literally impossible to stop. So you see, my micro and macro goals are always evolving. I guess I would feel like I’ve reached my major macro vision of satisfaction when there is true manifestation of “Global Transformation.” It’s all intertwined. In order to have “Global Transformation” you have to have to have compassion and co-operation at the core. When there are no starving children or adults anywhere, no suffering of any kind, no violence, no wanting for lack of any kind and no more wasting our most precious resource in this world: “Our Own Human Potential” then my Marco vision will be satisfied. I guess I’d like to see our world become a Heaven on Earth.

Indians” “Reverse Engineer The Economics Of The Homeless”, “Reverse Engineer The Economics Of Our Hero’s Our Veterans” and just about everything that evolved with power, greed and control as the driving force. I and other investors have and plan to “Pay It Forward” and inculcate that concept as a normal part of the economic behavior. With the ultimate goal for people to being able to “live their life totally unencumbered by economics” while allowing to people to live a life driven by their personal passions. As an Entrepreneur, tell us about any other business tips that our readers could apply to their business models? Well, first, I think it’s important to note or realize entrepreneurs aren’t only people who are willing to take risks that other people are not. One thing is certain and anyone can relate to this (*** laughs***) it isn’t that easy, however once one realizes these new concepts, principles and rules it isn’t rocket science.. As far as applying specific tips, that can’t be done very easily. Its way better just to “Demonstrate” the different “Quantum Economic Modules” and then articulate what and how you did them. What is your ultimate vision in the making for the future? Where do you see yourself in business 10 years from today? I think the most common answer to that question is “retired.” LOL. But you know what? Ten years from now, I see myself overseeing the whole “Global Socio-Economic Transformation”. Connecting people to one another and gamifying the educational process of “Quantum Economics” to be able to best teach it – because by then I’m “The Student” and what’s the best way to learn something or to master it? To teach it. It is known to many that two of your favorite music songs are, “I Want To Live.” and “We Are The World”. This is one of my most inspiring songs ever created as well and it has touched my life and many souls. Bruce, how do you feel you have personally made a difference with homeless people and children? How do you feel you have influenced many people to make a difference to by being a part of the “WE” and how people can make better choices in life and in this world we live in? I believe I have given them hope for a future they all have dreamed was possible; however it is going to take a lot more than just me to effect the changes we need in the world. The power today is not in an individual and the days of a Martin Luther King, a John F. Kennedy, or a Mahatma Gandhi are over. Today the power is in the network and the more diverse the network the more power it has. I don’t know anyone or any network that comes close to the diversity ours has in it (LOL). It is this network that will change the world – and it is expanding and adding more diversity literally every hour now. Bruce, tell us what the most humbling experience you have ever had in your lifetime that you feel could have made a life altering spark in you that could be a contribution to all your endeavors and inspiration towards your visions that gave you purpose.

Have you applied similar building blocks in “Benefactors Of Humanity” to any other business practices you have been involved with?

I guess when I was about 17 and experienced the vastness of eternity and the size of the infinite universe. I was keenly aware in that moment how totally insignificant my life was and in fact the entire life of the planet earth was in relationship to that vastness. That is a humbling experience. At the same time the fact that one life and the life of the earth was a diamond in the cosmic scheme of things. It’s sort of a paradox – however that greatness in all of us and in the planet - and that humbleness are somehow one and the same.

Besides the fact, that I can pay any bill through this mechanism? (Laughs) But seriously, the premise is the same. I operate from the heart, first and foremost.

What made you decide to promote “Benefactors Of Humanity” as prepaid by you as in the sites:, www. and other sites talking about this?

Bruce: Do you have a plan on an even higher purpose business wise beyond «Benefactors of Humanity”?

It›s all about setting things in motion. I was the «Funding Mechanism” initially. Now, it’s taken on a life of its own. It just needed a jumpstart. I put in almost one million dollars to get the ball rolling and now other Benefactors are able to do the same for others as what was done for

Lots “Reversed Engineer The Economics Of Education.” “Reverse Engineer Imperialism” “Reverse Engineer The Atrocities Of Native American 66 THE ART OF MARYJANE

them. This “Economic Model” is so awesome it doubles, triples and so forth very fast. It has taken on a life of its own, for sure. Humans are awesome creatures and just need a bit (sometimes more than a bit) of demonstrations to show us that the real treasure comes from within and it comes from within all of us – from all our hearts. It’s that time in history for this to manifest – it just needed a catalyst to kick start the process – it’s a timing thing – and now is the time. You see: “We’re The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For”. We all are. What is the most favorite thing you like to spend your time doing and why? Do you feel this is part of your daily drive? I own stock in and work with multitude of public companies. To be honest, I work/create all the time and absolutely love it. I’ve seen the spiritual “Community” and “Compassionate Caring“ people in general, struggle for more than 40 years and it is absolutely absurd that social activists, healers, light-workers, educators, Cultural Creatives and those working for positive change can’t change the world because they are too worried about paying their rent. This is why I am dedicated to this movement and this is what I spend a lot of my time on which is to alleviate some of those burdens so that people can focus on using their gifts to benefit “Others”. My entire mission for life can be summed up in one succinct quote: “I was put here to fund the people that will change the world.” This is definitely what drives me every day. Not to mention, I’m the CEO of a public company as well as the marketing arm and consultant to 8 other sustainable, green and renewable public companies. What is your muse that drives you to success? I’d have to say the whole “New Economic Paradigm/Model” is my muse that drives me to success (hey, what’s a muse anyway – that’s a cool word). And “Benefactors Of Humanity” is supporting it. After years of trial and error, research, ups and downs, highs and lows, I am confident that my “Vision“ of “Humanitarian Economics“ is very powerful and highly contagious. Let’s face it… I never do anything that isn’t duplicable. By adding an unusually lucrative economic component to working to change the world, in just a few months after “Launching“ this model, a large group of “Benefactors Of Humanity” started “Emerging”, at an exponential “Growth” rate to “Join” this “Movement”. They are truly “Heroes of Humanity!” To most, success means financial stability. What is your personal definition of success and why do you base your definition as such? I would say my definition of success would be achieving my goals and aspirations above and beyond what was initially expected and having a “Global Family” full of love, joy, and happiness for everyone. Since I was a child, I’ve always been one with personal goals and I don’t stop until I reach them. What is the most important thing to you in the world and why? That’s a tough one. There are many, many things important to me. But I’d have to say: People; Happiness; Love; Trust; and, doing things for others without expecting anything in return… which is why I’m so passionate about the “Benefactors Of Humanity”. Most children dream of being something or somebody when they grow up. When you were a young child what were your dreams? Did you ever dream of becoming a man who has become a global impressionist in people’s lives that would empower and magnify people to be an instrument to bring out their gifts to the world to use positively? You know, I tell this to story to people all the time. I always knew or was given this message in an insight I had as a teenager: “The wealth of the heavens will come through you to give to the people that are going to change the world, it doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to them”. Yes, the wealth of the heavens is coming through me to give to the people that are going to change the world now. Somewhere along the way though, I decided I added that I get 1% of the wealth. LOL. God, or the Universe doesn›t seem to mind that addendum to the contract, or maybe I just

don’t remember that part of the insight. But I›ve known this since I was 17 years old. After a while, I figured it would be best to approach this from an economic standpoint (changing the world) so I go by two rules to start with: You better make a lot people a lot of money or it’s not going to happen. That›s rule number 1. Number 2 is create an economic system or economic model where you make more money changing the world than not, by at least a factor of 10. And that’s exactly what «Quantum Economics” does except its closer to the factor of a thousand. I used to think I was so clever when creating an economic model that demonstrated this, and then it hit me! These are the principles they talked about in the Bible - so I decided - I’m not so clever after all LOL! In a funny sort of way I figure I’m just following “God’s Economics” and not “Man’s Economics”... Duh! – What a silly goose – I didn’t invent anything – it’s was written about long ago – I’m just “Demonstrating” these principles! After all, a dollar bill is a very easy measuring device to demonstrate with. Bruce, you have created a financial engine and worldwide expansion model for your publicly traded company, Hemp Inc (OTC: HEMP). “Quantum Economics Purchasing And Paying Matrix”- which is the most powerful and profitable purchasing mechanism in “The History Of Marketing” which you describe in the second video on www.BenefactorsOfHumanity. com. How and why did you start Hemp Inc. (OTC: HEMP) and how did this allow you to create a NEW kind of “Humanitarian Economics”? As you may know, I›m the original founder of Medical Marijuana, Inc., one of the first leaders in the industrial hemp industry, and actually started this entire sector of public companies. Before I took Medical Marijuana, Inc. public, there were no publicly traded corporations in this arena. I was a pioneer into the public equities market. Of course, taking on the stigma associated with hemp has not been an easy road. Now I›m making Hemp, Inc.’s website the ‹Amazon› of the industrial hemp world (little by little). There is such rapid growth in the industry; it will make your head spin. Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) believes in «upstreaming» of a portion of profit from the marketing of their finished hemp goods back to its originator. Helping humanity. Sustainability. Promoting overall health and wealth. This is what «Humanitarian Economics” is all about. How does your “Economic Operating System” differ from the “Old Economic Operating System”? First and foremost, it is based on love and compassion. Do you realize things in this world are done perfectly? Perfectly backwards that is! So we operate sort of like the mirror opposite of the way things used to operate economically. The “Old Economic Paradigm” is self-destructing in every sector and is in crisis. That’s somewhat normal because a crisis is the precursor to a quantum leap (as those who watched the documentary “Our Story” by Barbara Marx Hubbard will understand) and this “New Economic Paradigm” (see: is life sustaining, life enhancing and the next higher ordered socio-economic model for the planet. Tell us about “Eco-Harmony” and how this plays an important part in “Humanitarian Economics”? Eco-Harmony simply means Economic and Ecological Harmony, where every part of the socio-economic landscape is in harmony and balanced with every other part. Industrial Hemp plays a huge part in this transformation. It’s a whole systems change in the way we operate on this planet in all of our economic endeavors. It goes through different stages such as “Transitional Trans-Actions” to “Trans-Formational TransActions” to finally the very cool “Symbiotic Economics” which we are closing in on very quickly now. There is no framework in our historical past to articulate this and describe it (we don’t have the language yet to be able to articulate the concepts, principles and behavior of this “New Economic Paradigm”) so all we can do is “Demonstrate” it and then describe it – we do this with the different “Economic Modules” that serve all of humanity and not the individual person, corporation or country – it’s a very cool model. MAY/JUNE 2013 67





he stance of our government is a «no policy» approach. Gil Kerlikowske is out of touch with the fact that marijuana is the most beneficial, miraculous medicine known to mankind. It is time that we force those in the White House and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), including the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), who is really pulling all the strings to see the light. Kerlikowske had stern words for legalization. «The Obama administration strongly believes it is a false choice,» says Kerlikowske. It›s not «ground in science.» He believes this is just a way to continually make vast fortunes and to keep the monopolies and their tyrannical control, thereby not letting society move forward in a more holistic approach. Although he does insist again that, «Medicinal marijuana has never been through the FDA process,» he added. «We have the world›s most renowned process to decide what is medicine and what should go in people›s bodies. And marijuana has never been through that process.» As a society and a people that have lived free to make their choices without the government impeding on others lives, he did comment on needing an approach that treats marijuana as a treatment and educational issue and on needing THE ART MARYJANE 68 68 THE ART OFOF MARYJANE

to educate those in the U.S. who are hindering us as a society. What is needed is a real solution. How do we accomplish a policy that will progress society? The understanding is that we must realize true healing and true medicine comes from Mother Nature. The pharmaceutical industry is an arm of the government that makes billions of dollars off of the population. Who is the FDA? What is their main goal? Let›s start with the inception of the Pharmacology Union, established in the United States in the late 1800›s. The union had marijuana within their formulations. There was also a problem with the Chinese bringing in their ancient herbs which compounded the problem for the Pharmacology Union›s bottom line. The momentum started when the Union decided whether to make plants a treatable offence or a criminal offense with incarceration as the main emphasis. This was the moment in history that changed our world for the worse, as we know it. In reality, plants and herbs should have been used as medicinal modalities as well prescribed by a doctor. The pharmaceutical industry realized making plants and herbs illegal or with no found medicinal value would dramatically increase profits and so, preventing any science or

research on plants for over 100 years has been the goal. The policies that our government are perpetuating on the American population is more about making profits than healing the sick. The foundation of synthetic compounds, to only use as medicine, is outdated medicine. It›s self righteous for them to synthesize a plant that will give you harsh side effects and only a band aid without healing the problem. Pharmaceuticals are, by far, the most addictive and are only meant as a temporary solution. When you become healed from a sickness there is no more need to keep taking the medicine. How many 100›s of millions will die in the name of outdated science? How many babies, women and children will die of side effects of synthetic compounds compared to marijuana, plants and herbs whereby not one death has been attributed to its use? It brings people together in harmony. It heals our soul and uplifts our spirit. God said in GENESIS 1:12, 1:4 and GENESIS 1:29, And the earth brought forth grass,.... In great abundance at once; the hills and vales were clothed with it, and so a rich provision was made the beasts and cattle of the earth two or three days before they were created: and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding

fruit, whose seed was in itself after his kind: wholesome and healthful herbs and plants, and delicious fruit to be meat and food for man, ready prepared for him when created; see Genesis 1:29 on this day, though after related, were made the garden of Eden, and all the trees in it, pleasant for sight, and good for food; and particularly the tree of life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and God saw that it was good; which he had now caused to spring forth, grass, herbs, and fruit trees, which were good for men and beast, and this he foresaw would be so; See Gill on Genesis 1:4. GENESIS 1:12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. So society is going against the word, not only is it against the word

but it is the only way to true peace and prosperity. Marijuana might be the “Tree of Life” in all its grandeur. Realize that from the development of synthetic drugs and chemicals has been the start and the breakdown of health around us. From our colonial ancestors coming here to America and getting scurvy with a simple cure, an orange with vitamin C. This is the holy grail, everything around us can heal us, the food we eat energizes us... it makes us alive! The plants and herbs work with our body so perfectly to heal us from the inside out. Our entire system of Western medicine doesn’t allow for ancient herbal healing, the true cure is our backyards, in the creek bed and all across our oceans. The solution to bringing peace is through amazing beneficial herbs and eating healthy along with working out. This will make you feel super human as this

is the power of nature. The FDA is not in the business of healing, this is why we must do it ourselves. Realize we are the solution, as in the U.S. Constitution. It states “we the people.” It is time WE force the Establishment to accept safer medicines that are derived from marijuana and other plants. How many of us through the enjoyment of our experience in life need to suffer and have our precious lives uprooted and forced to stay sick. We need a new system of medicine that the FDA will allow doctors to prescribe plants and herbs as medicines, doing a diagnostic on your blood to see what you are low on such as certain amino acids that are causing a problem can be alleviated simply by replacing what our body needs through power house nutrition. We must make safe choices about what we consume... whether it heals us or works against us.

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ark Kleiman has been crowned the new Pot Czar of Washington state to usher in a new society of free thinkers. The UCLA professor was appointed with the task of bringing in new revenue from legal marijuana consumption for those age 21 and over for recreational use. He is the first, in the history of the United States of America, to be tasked with rolling out conservative regulations for legal use. This is a great opportunity for marijuana to take the place of alcohol. Now at every night club bar, “designated areas” specifically for lighting up and saying a prayer is within sight. Did you ever think this opportu-

MARK KLEIMAN We do not acknowledge laws that hold us back. This is a move to keep the monopoly corporations in full control of medicines, only allowing synthetic compounds to be administered to hospital patients by big Pharmaceutical companies. We the people have sounded the horn of change and we do not adhere to oppression and tyranny from international bodies of governments. Freedom will reign supreme over these unholy corporations that wish to control the majority of the private wealth held in the hands of a few. We the people now stand with Mark Kleiman and the majority vote to enact our state laws. Full legalization will

The reality is that the medical marijuana movement was a shift to legalize marijuana use. Now, we are going one step further in protecting our God given rights to partake of the holy sacrament ushering in a new change. nity would come? This alternate universe we are stepping into is changing stereotypes as we know it. The reality is that the medical marijuana movement was a shift to legalize marijuana use. Now, we are going one step further in protecting our God given rights to partake of the holy sacrament ushering in a new change. Marijuana legalization is on the forefront of taking center stage to show that this cash crop is the most lucrative endeavor to progress society monetarily with a spiritual enhancement of nature. Most of us have been bogged down by city life that gives us no time for ourselves. It is time that this miraculous healing plant be free to spread her wings all across the world. Drug policy starts in America, then is applied to many countries along the way. It’s alarming that the International Narcotics Control Board, an agency of the United Nations (U.N.), has issued an attack on Washington State and Colorado through various public representatives urging Eric Holder to prevent full legalization. We have a major problem with the U.N. treaties that hold society back from progressing. THE ART MARYJANE 70 70 THE ART OFOF MARYJANE

follow suit after Colorado and Washington. It is apparent that the U.N. and other International bodies do not respect our constitution or our freedom of the press, speech, religion with the self preservation of our liberties and the United States Constitution. We will not give up and they know this. What they do not realize is that everyone, all over the world, fed up with having no individual rights, fled to America to escape oppression. All of our founding fathers wanted a path of enlightenment for us all, an ever evolving country in pursuit of equality and happiness. They understood that superiority meant the masses will be pushed down to the ground with chains of destruction. So now, we understand that our fight for equality is a constant battle for more freedom until we are truly free. Mason Tvert, spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project, issued a statement scolding former anti-drug chiefs for “taking action to maintain the policies that kept them and their colleagues in business for so long.” Tvert said, “Their desire to keep marijuana sales in an underground MAY/JUNE 2013 71

MARK KLEIMAN (CONTINUED) market favors the drug cartels, whereas the laws approved in Colorado and Washington favor legitimate, taxpaying businesses.” Marijuana prohibition has failed, and the voters are ready to move on and adopt a more sensible approach. So what we really have is the democratic arm who should be the most outspoken on pro marijuana legalization and who have aligned against the people when it comes to legalization from the White House. Our government needs to immediately align itself with the people and our liberties that we hold so dear. We will not be infringed upon in the slightest manner... for major retribution will follow from our government’s insubordination on civil liberties and our freedom to light up in peace. For over 100 years, they’ve been masking the truth. It’s time for them to stop this merry-go-round of tyranny and oppression. This is not only a fight for Marijuana. It is also going to allow us to bring other healing plants and herbs to heal the masses in the hospitals as well. For 100 years big pharmaceuticals have imprisoned and inadvertently killed millions in the name of profits. The doctors will force change, the people will force change. Our goal is not to stand idle, but to fix the problems that affect our society in so many negative ways. The reality is that corporations will adhere to our demands or they will stay on the wrong side of history as the U.S. keeps getting sicker year after year. The house of cards will fall and your bloody hands will not wash away how you have destroyed the fabric of society. The truth is that until we free Marijuana, society will not move forward. We the people stand tall and strong in the face of the oligarch giants and their hands of deceit, propaganda and brain washing. Colorado took the position of hiring a task force to implement measures, such as a 15% excise tax along with a separate marijuana tax and a limit on purchasing marijuana for each transaction. The best part is that the rules allow for out-of-state visitors to purchase marijuana, also defined as “marijuana tourism.” So this means that

Colorado will become the new Amsterdam with more benefits. This is what we have been fighting for... the right to live life without having your door knocked down by a swat team in Alabama and being guilty until proven innocent. These back-wood states are imprisoning Latinos and the black youth to long prison terms for small amounts of marijuana. This is breaking up families, ending jobs and destroying lives. Our police force now has a school-toprison program to inoculate our children to look forward to not having a way to succeed other than crime. How about we train and have programs in place to help the youth with education and job placement as well as how to start your own business, teaching those in school that entrepreneurial-ism is what can give them the freedom to decide their own positive destiny? Washington and Colorado are moving forward with full legalization and implementation regardless of the White House and their stance. The White House stands with big corporations, not the people. Once they fight for the rights of the people, then they will be on the right side of history. So we shall give them a choice. Do you stand with the people for the people by the people or are you on the side of the big monopolization corporations? We need politicians who stand by their position before and after an election, who aren’t bought and paid for by lobbyist organizations or big corporations that don’t believe in civil freedoms and rights. When you do the research you will find that most of these big companies that control Washington and the White House are not only from the U.S. but also from other countries with fascist dictator regimes. These regimes are more than happy to spend billions of dollars to take away all of our liberties. If we allow them to keep doing this, we will be left with a shredded constitution that will take away every liberty and every individual right from you. Preservation of our constitution and our Declaration of Independence will stand tall as the voice of the people and our founding fathers fight for us all to be equal and free, “United We Stand!”

This is not only a fight for Marijuana. It is also going to allow us to bring other healing plants and herbs to heal the masses in the hospitals as well. For 100 years big pharmaceuticals have imprisoned and inadvertently killed millions in the name of profits. The doctors will force change, the people will force change.


MAY/JUNE 2013 73

2201 North Gate Blvd., St. E, Sacramento, CA 95833


MAY/JUNE 2013 75


Cannabis by Jessica Catalano

From The Bible of Cannabis Cuisine by Green Candy Press Get ready fans to make some amazing delicacies, because now it’s on to the fancy way to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ohhhh yaaaa! Marijuana infused delights of magnificent joy and taste, we welcome you to the next generation of Cannabis cuisine.


[HIGH CLASS] before baking/cooking This recipe is to be weighed

WARM HONEY HEADBAND KIEF & WALNUTS IN GREEK YOGURT In Greece, yogurt, honey and nuts play huge roles throughout many various meal time dishes. Greek yogurt is traditionally served with honey poured over the top or even plain. But why not pair rich Greek yogurt with the warm sweet tones of honey with the earthy deep tones of headband kief or and walnuts? This is sure to please as a morning breakfast treat to get you up and going for the day. DIRECTIONS: In a saucepan over a medium low heat, combine the honey, walnuts, cinnamon and lemon juice and cook for 10 minutes. Make sure to stir every few minutes to prevent clumping in the pan. At the end of your 10 minutes pull from the stove and immediately add the kief. Pour this mixture equally over 4 individual cups of Greek yogurt. PRODUCT YIELD: This recipe for Warm Honey HeadBand Kief Walnuts in Greek Yogurt produces 4 servings. Dose strength per serving will be determined by what you choose from the dosing chart. MISE EN PLACE 4 cups of plain Greek yogurt 4 servings of dosed decarboxylated HeadBand Kief AMERICANA ELVIS PANCAKES This recipe is to be weighed before baking/cooking

Pancakes and Elvis are both parts of traditional Americana. Naturally, I wanted to combine my love of pancakes with Elvis’ love of peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwiches, and what makes this recipe even better is the addition of the Elvis strain. Thus, the Americana Elvis Pancakes were born. 76 THE ART OF MARYJANE

DIRECTIONS - Fry the fresh bacon in a skillet until crispy then drain and blot dry with a paper towel. You can also use precooked or leftover bacon to substitute for fresh bacon. Use 8 slices depending on your preference. In a large bowl add all of your dry ingredients plus the chocolate chips and chopped bacon and give it a few gentle stirs with a whisk. In the same bowl add the egg, melted Basic Clarified Elvis Cannabutter, milk, vanilla and almond extract. Stir this mixture with a whisk until smooth and fully combined. Cut up the bananas into this mixture and gently gold until evenly distributed. If you used a skillet to make fresh bacon use the same pan but pour out the bacon grease. Do not clean out the skillet as you want the bacon flavor to infuse into the pancakes. Turn your stove-top to the medium low setting and pour about 1/4 cup of batter into the skillet. Cook for about 2-3 minutes or until the top of the pancake is filled with tiny bubbles. Then flip the pancake and cook for another 2-3 minutes. You can do multiple pancakes at the same time depending on how much room you have in the skillet. As you make them, pile the pancakes onto a plate and cover with another plate to keep them warm. Serve with maple syrup, maple agave nectar or melted honey. MISE EN PLACE 4-8 slices of bacon 2 small bananas 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup milk 1/4 cup chocolate chips 1 egg 4 tablespoons of melted Basic Clarified Elvis Cannabutter 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda Follow the recipe for Basic Clarified Cannabutter and add the desired dose of Strawberry Haze or alternative strain by referring to the dosing chart. PRODUCT YIELD: This recipe creates 8 Americana Elvis Pancakes with 4 servings of 2 pancakes per serving.



MAY/JUNE 2013 77

Ganja Cuisine



BASIC CLARIFIED CANNABUTTER DIRECTIONS - Determine your strain and proper dose of cannabis by referring to the dosing chart then set the bud aside in a bowl. On the stove, place the butter in a pan and turn the stove top onto the lowest setting. Allow the butter to melt then add in your ground cannabis strain and dosage of choice. Let this mixture infuse on the stove for 1 hour and stir every so often during this time. Be sure to skim the foam that will form at the top of the butter throughout the cooking process. After the hour is over, separate the ground cannabis from the cannabutter by running it through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a bowl. This will separate the milk solids from your cannabutter. Pour your Basic Clarified Cannabutter into a glass jar, ramekin or cannabutter will solidify and will be ready for use. Place your Basic Clarified Cannabutter in the fridge for up to 3 months or in the freezer for up to 9 months.

Preheat your oven to 220*F. Take a baking sheet and very carefully sprinkle the kief onto the sheet making sure that it is evenly disbursed. Place the baking sheet into the oven un-coverred and heat for 25 minutes. Pull the baking sheet from the oven and let it cool completely. The kief will become sticky so be very careful when removing it from the pan. You now have decarboxylized or “activated” medical kief that is ready for consumption. When you place this decarboxylized kief into recipes, it will “activate” further between the heat of the cooking process and any lipid content contained within the recipe. 1 cup raw whole shelled walnuts 1/2 cup clover honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon lemon juice

MISE EN PLACE 32 servings of dosed and ground strain of your choice 4 sticks or 1 pound of unsalted sweet cream butter Add the suggested amount of ground cannabis or alternative strain of ground cannabis of your choice by referring to the dosing chart on page 16 then the strain and alternative strains. PRODUCT YIELD: This recipe for Basic Clarified Cannabutter produces 2 cups with 32 servings at 1 tablespoon per serving. Dose strength per tablespoon will determined by what you choose from the dosing chart.

DOSING CHART KIEF START WITH THE LOWEST AND THEN TRY A HEAVIER DOSE IF NEEDED .25 grams / .50 grams / .75 grams / 1.0 gram / 1.25 grams / 1.50 grams / 1.75 grams / 2.0 grams / 2.25 grams 1/2 teaspoon / 1 tsp / 1 1/2 tsp / 2 tsps / 2 1/2 tsps / 3 tsps / 3 1/2 tsps / 4 tsps / 4 1/2 tsps

It is highly recommended that you use a simple kitchen scale with each recipe in this book, so that you can weigh the final product for certain cooked items and to weight the portions beforehand for certain baked items. Some items such as basic cannabutter, oils, extract, nut butters, drinks, raw food items, cakes are exempt from this process. Using a simple kitchen scale to divide the portions equally will ensure proper and even dosing per serving. For example, you can take a large bowl and add the final product of Hungarina Wappa Goulash on the scale for the total weight. Then divide the total weight of the product into 4 servings which is what the recipe will yield. PROPER WAY TO DECARBOXYLIZE KIEF : Preheat your oven to 220*F. Take a baking sheet and very carefully sprinkle the kief onto the sheet making sure that it is evenly disbursed. Place the baking sheet into the oven un-coverred and heat for 25 minutes. Pull the baking sheet from the oven and let it cool completely. The kief will become sticky so be very careful when removing it from the pan. You now have decarboxylized or “activated” medical kief that is ready for consumption. When you place this decarboxylized kief into recipes, it will “activate” further between the heat of the cooking process and any lipid content contained within the recipe. 1 cup raw whole shelled walnuts 1/2 cup clover honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon lemon juice 78 78 THE THE ART ART OF OF MARYJANE MARYJANE

If you would like to purchase the complete book with hundreds of recipes contact Green Candy Press at MAY/JUNE 2013 79



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