2022-23 Budget

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Executive Offices fax: 604-871-2290

FAS22-0008 MEMO TO:

Local Representatives


Local Presidents, Executive Committee, EC-elect, Administrative Staff


Teri Mooring


2022–23 BCTF Budget Materials

1. Introduction The Executive Committee has completed its review of the following 2022–23 budgets and is recommending them to the Representative Assembly:  General Operating Fund (GOF)  Public Education Defence Fund (PEDF)—A100 Program  Provincial Bargaining Fund (PBF)—R120 Program. The 2022–23 Leadership Priorities adopted by the AGM, provided below, underpin the budget planning. That the Federation commit to collectively: 1. negotiate and support implementation of improvements to the collective agreement through collective bargaining. 2. advocate for the physical and mental health, safety, and well-being of members during and post-pandemic. 3. advocate for and advance the future of public education in a world impacted by climate change. 4. advance decolonization and changes that address systemic discrimination and barriers within the education system and Federation structures. 5. engage and connect members toward recovery, strength, and solidarity. General Operating Fund Membership Fee and Revenue The Annual General Meeting set an overall fee of 1.69% for active members and 1.59% for active members who are Teachers Teaching on Call with allocation to various funds presented in the chart below.


Collective Bargaining Defence Fund: 0.220%

Provincial Bargaining Fund: 0.050% Public Education Defence Fund: 0.074%

W.R. Long International Solidarity Fund: 0.027%

Contingency Fund: 0.000% General Operating Fund: 1.319%

For the 2022–23 fee revenue, the Executive Committee approved a full-time equivalent (FTE) member count assumption of 36,000. As indicated in Financial Statement 2, the GOF budget projects members fee revenue, including net interest income, of about $42.68 million and expenditures of about $42.71 million, resulting in a budget deficit of about $26 thousand.

Historical revenue, expenses & surplus/(deficit) (in $000's) 50,000 40,000

Revenue: 42,682 Expenses: 42,710


Surplus / (Deficit): (28)

20,000 10,000 (10,000)




2018 Expenses:




Surplus / (Deficit):

Amended Proposed budget Budget 2022 2023

Budget Considerations At the time of developing the budget recommendations, province-wide restrictions related to COVID have been lifted in British Columbia. Even as we transition back into in-person events and gatherings, the health, safety, wellbeing, and rights of all our members remains our top priority. We want to ensure that locals have access to resources and that our members are adequately supported as they navigate through a year of pandemic transition. . This year’s budget remains focused amidst the developing landscape. It contemplates themes like a transition back to in-person activities, our continued commitment to social justice, member engagement, and the assumption that collective bargaining will result in a deal by July 1, 2022. For the first time in over two years, the budget optimistically reflects that all events and meetings will be in-person, that travel will be practical, and that members and other guests will be in the BCTF building. As such, program budgets were increased back to pre-pandemic levels. Though the budget is presented in this way, it is with the understanding that in-person 2

gatherings can be held safely and that proper health and safety protocols are followed. In addition to increasing the budget due to in-person events, costs assumptions such as the rates for flights and accommodations have been increased because of rising inflation rates. COVID Support Recognizing that locals and members will face ongoing issues and pressures during this transitory period, the budget retains various services to provide support. This includes the Special COVID Grant, mental health first aid training for local officers and local presidents, and continuing to provide Zoom licenses for both the provincial specialist associations and locals. Social Justice In this budget we are proud to introduce the new Antiracism and Anti-Oppression Office whose primary functions are: 1. to provide leadership, information, opportunities, restorative justice, and liaison on equity matters throughout the BCTF. 2. to identify throughout the BCTF those structures, practices, and policies which create inequity. 3. to initiate processes to identify gaps in equity policy and develop and/or facilitate the development of new policies, procedures, and programs that remove barriers to equity and ensure greater and equal participation of marginalized groups and members in BCTF. 4. to provide initiative in effecting cultural change throughout the institution so that equity becomes everyone’s concern and responsibility. 5. to collaborate with members for the continued work of addressing and dismantling systemic racism. 6. provide ongoing culturally sensitive supports to BIPOC members all over BC especially in isolated communities during their teaching career so that they are able to continue teaching in a dominant system. This initiative is a step toward inclusivity by helping make our union more accessible, representative, and to address the colonial structures that continue to present barriers. In addition to existing equity and inclusion initiatives included in previous budget years, this year there is also an Equity and Inclusion Grant for PSAs as well as research projects that incorporate Indigenous and antiracist methodologies included in the proposed budget before you. To further our actions on climate change, the budget has a provision to host an issue session focused on the impacts of climate change on working and learning conditions. As well, there is a budget to engage in a climate impact assessment to quantify the current climate impact of the Federation, in order to inform future work of the BCTF and its members around a climate action plan that focuses on the Federation’s operations. Other provisions that can be found in the proposed budget are for the bi-annual Aboriginal Education Conference, the Regional Social Justice Conference Grant, social media management, bilingual BCTF website, the Judicial Council and Internal Mediation Services review committee, a Member Outreach Grant, which are all designed to support and engage members and advance the Leadership Priorities. 3

Public Education Defence Fund The Public Education Defence Fund—A100 Public Education Advocacy’s budget reflects the planned completion of the multiphase advertising campaign to support the Federation’s public messaging regarding bargaining. Provincial Bargaining Fund The budget for Provincial Bargaining Fund—R120 Provincial Negotiations assumes that collective bargaining will result in a deal by July 1, 2022. Therefore, bargaining related expenses such the cost of the bargaining team or the bargaining conference have been excluded from the program budget. However, provisions to support locals with the implementation of the new collective agreement have been included such as the School Visits Grant, Contract Implementation Grant, and Collective Agreement Melding Grant. An overview of the GOF budget and related matters will be provided by BCTF President, Teri Mooring, Treasurer and CFO, Delwin Yung, and Executive Director, Amber Mitchell. 2. Materials Financial Statement 1, the Combined (all funds) Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Fund Balance: This statement summarizes revenue and expenditures by fund and expected fund ending balance. Other financial statements are as follows:  Statement 2, the GOF Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Fund Balance: This statement summarizes revenue and expenditures by division, and expected fund ending balance. In addition, Statement 2a summarizes the Facilities Capital Fund and Statement 2b the Non-Pension Post-Retirement Benefits Fund.  Statement 3, the budget line Summary Expense Report, which shows the total amount, budgeted across all programs in each sub-code (type of expenditure) reflecting the 2021–22 amended budget as of April 25, 2022, and the recommended budget for 2022–23.  Statement 4, the Statement of Cash Flows.  Statement 5, the Collective Bargaining Defence Fund.  Statement 6, the Contingency Fund.  Statement 7, the Provincial Bargaining Fund.  Statement 8, the Public Education Defence Fund.  Capital Budget. The divisional statements provide an overview of the work of each division and, where applicable, how the division’s work relates to AGM priorities. A summary page has been included to outline the significant program changes from the previous budget year. Program objectives appear in the individual program budgets and reflect the specific activities of each program. The program budgets include the proposed dollar amounts by budget line. In most cases, footnotes explain those amounts. 4

If you have specific questions about any of the statements or budgets, please contact the program co-ordinator (whose name appears at the top of the budget) before the Representative Assembly. Questions answered in advance will help all of us facilitate the business of the assembly. 3. Program Enhancements The process used in developing the budget requires a specific motion by the Executive Committee to add any new enhancements or initiatives that are not contractually, or entitlement driven. The following identifies such additions made by the Executive Committee to the GOF budget: Communications and Campaigns (CCD) a. F100—Treasury 601000-1100 Consultants General


Supporting statement That the Federation develop a climate action plan with targets in alignment with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, with a report back to a future Executive Committee Meeting. These costs are related to seeking advice and getting an assessment from external consultants. b. G310—External Communications 601222 Publishing—Online


Supporting statement Social media management to enhance communications through print, broadcast, and online media to help establish an ongoing public awareness of the work of teachers, the increasing challenges they face and the need to support an adequately funded quality public education system. c. G340—Digital Communications 601150-1180 Fees Paid—Translation


Supporting statement A one-time, prioritized, bilingual content addition with an ongoing “French content strategy” regarding the BCTF bilingual website. d. P120—PSA Services 600700-7040 Equity and Inclusion Grant


Supporting statement An Equity and Inclusion Grant for the Provincial Specialist Associations to undergo equity audits of their membership. e. P210—Curriculum and Education Policy 600600-1100 TTOC—General


Supporting statement 5

To consult PSAs and advisory committees:  who are working on BC’s revised curriculum and the new Indigenous-focused graduation courses.  on applying the BCTF Aboriginal Lens.  on updating the K to 12 content.  on recommending new curriculum resources. f. P275—School and Union Rep Training 600950-6015 Training—Facilitators


Supporting statement To support the training of BCTF Teacher Inquiry Program (TIP) facilitators who require inperson training and in-person facilitation training since most current facilitators have not facilitated in person since the pandemic began in March 2020. By providing TIP facilitators training at FIT, it would help to ensure that all BCTF facilitators receive consistency in their training (SURT, PSI, TIP). It would also allow skill and capacity building of TIP facilitators. g. T100—Antiracism and Anti-Oppression (New Program) 600140-1520 Overtime—Support 600400-4000 Staff Travel 603945 Member Engagement 600600-1100 TTOC—General 600830 Printing Internal 600840 Photocopying 600890 Mailing

$2,000 $3,000 $45,000 $22,000 $1,000 $500 $500 $74,000

Supporting statement Costs related to the new Antiracism and Anti-Oppression program. This program provides leadership, information, opportunities, restorative justice, and liaison on equity related matters throughout the BCTF. Their work strives to remove systemic barriers that prohibit inclusivity and ensures greater and equal participation of marginalized groups in the BCTF. 4. Proposed Allocation of Funds within the GOF a. GOF Facilities Capital Fund Transfer of $700,000 from the GOF to the GOF Facilities Capital Fund to help fund for future capital projects. b. GOF Non-Pension Post-Employment Benefit Fund Transfer of $5,000,000 from the GOF to the GOF Non-Pension Post-Employment Benefit Fund Funding to help reduce future cash outlays and to fund contractually obligated yearly post-retirement requirements for certain BCTF current and retired staff. 5. EC Recommendations The EC is bringing the following budget recommendations to the RA: a. GOF Facilities Capital Fund 6

That $700,000 be allocated to the GOF Facilities Capital Fund. b. GOF Non-Pension Post-Employment Benefit Fund That $5,000,000 be allocated to the GOF Non-Pension Post-Employment Benefit Fund. c. Capital budget That the 2022–23 GOF capital budget be adopted. d. GOF Divisional budgets i. That the Finance and Administrative Services Division program budgets F100, F220, F310, F410, F420, F610, and F800 be adopted. ii. That the Communications and Campaigns Division program budgets G110, G120, G130, G310, G320, G330, G340, G355, G440, and G500 be adopted. iii. That the Information, Research, and International Solidarity Division program budgets H100 and H200 be adopted. iv. That the Field Service Division program budget J100 be adopted. v.

That the Income Security Division program budgets K710, K720, K730, K740, and K750 be adopted.

vi. That the Grants and Compensation Division program budgets L099, L100, and L500 be adopted. vii. That the Management and Administration Division program budgets M110, M120, M150, M200, and M700 be adopted. viii. That the Professional and Social Issues Division program budgets P120, P170, P210, P260, P270, P275, P280, P470, P490, P491, P540, and P542 be adopted. ix. That the Legal Services Division program budgets Q810, Q820, and Q830 be adopted. x.

That the Antiracism and Anti-Oppression Division program budget T100 be adopted.

e. Public Education Defence Fund That the budget for A100, Public Education Advocacy, be adopted. f. Provincial Bargaining Fund That the budget for R120, Provincial Negotiations, be adopted. g. Omnibus motion After all program budgets and the capital budget have been approved, the following motion should be considered:


That, pursuant to By-law 6.10, the 2022–23 proposed capital expenditures and budget of anticipated revenue and program expenditures for the General Operating Fund, Provincial Bargaining Fund, and the Public Education Defence Fund be approved (as amended). Attachment 2022–23 RA Budget Memo TM:mi/tfeu




List of Programs

2022–23 List of Programs and Co-ordinators

Financial Statements

Combined (all funds) General Operating Fund General Operating Fund by GL GOF Statement of Cash Collective Bargaining Defence Fund Contingency Fund Provincial Bargaining Fund Public Education Defence Fund

Capital Budget

Capital Budget


Finance and Administrative Services Division Overview Finance and Administrative Services Program Budgets (F100–F800)


Communications and Campaigns Division Overview Communications and Campaigns Program Budgets (G110–G500)


Research and Technology Division Overview Research and Technology Program Budgets (H100–H200)


Field Service Division Overview Field Service Program Budgets (J100)


Income Security Division Overview Income Security Program Budgets (K710–K750)


Salary and Benefit Compensation Budget (L099) Grants to Locals Program Budget (L100) Future Benefits Program Budget (L500)


Human Resources and Labour Affiliations Overview Human Resources and Labour Affiliations Program Budgets (M110– M700)


Professional and Social Issues Division Overview Professional and Social Issues Program Budgets (P120–P542)


Legal Services Division Overview Legal Services Program Budgets (Q810–Q830)


Antiracism and Anti-Oppression Division Overview Antiracism and Anti-Oppression Program Budgets (T100)

Table of Contents

Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 Statement 4 Statement 5 Statement 6 Statement 7 Statement 8



Public Education Defence Fund Overview Public Education Defence Fund Budget (A100)


Provincial Bargaining Fund Overview Provincial Negotiations Program Budget (R120)


Table of Contents

2022–23 PROGRAMS AND CO-ORDINATORS Finance and Administrative Services Division (Director: Delwin Yung) F100


Delwin Yung


Accounting Systems

Dan Johnston


Information Technology

Alvin Zhao


Administrative Services

Margret Li



Margret Li



Margret Li


BCTF Building—6th and Ash

Philip McKeen


Member Records

Delwin Yung

Communications and Campaigns Division (Director: Rich Overgaard) G110

Executive Committee

Vanessa Terrell


Representative Assembly

Vanessa Terrell


Annual General Meeting

Vanessa Terrell


External Communications

Lauren Hutchison


Internal Communications

Sunjum Jhaj



Sunjum Jhaj


Digital Communications

Jason Dewolfe



Luis Isidoro


Community and Labour Outreach

Anna Chudnovsky


Production Co-ordination

Lester Dare

Information, Research, and International Solidarity Division (Director: Andrée Gacoin) H100


Andrée Gacoin


Information Services

David Stange

Field Service Division (Director: Lee-Anne Clarke) J100

Field Service

Lee-Anne Clarke

Income Security Division (Director: Michael Kimmis) K710


Sarb Lalli


General Benefit Plans

Allan Lee


BCTF Assistance Society

Allan Lee


Health and Safety—Prevention

Toni Grewal


Health and Safety—WCB

Luke Olver

Grants and Compensation (Director: Delwin Yung) L099

Salary and Benefit Compensation

Delwin Yung


Grants to Locals

Michael Infante


Future Benefits

Delwin Yung 2022–23 Programs and Co-ordinators


Human Resources and Labour Affiliations (Executive Director: Amber Mitchell) M110 Management and Administration

Amber Mitchell

M120 Human Resources

Elsa Dutton

M150 HR—Privacy

Elsa Dutton

M200 Labour Affiliation

Amber Mitchell

M700 Canadian Teachers’ Federation

Amber Mitchell

Professional and Social Issues Division (Director: Christine Stewart) P120

PSA Services

Grahame Rainey


Teacher Education and Support

Christine Stewart/ Carmen Woo


Curriculum and Education Policy

Daniel Shiu/Grahame Rainey/ Christine Stewart


School and Teacher Leadership Development

Henry Lee


Leadership Training

Henry Lee


School Union Rep Training

Henry Lee


Internal Relations

Sherry Payne


French Programs and Services

Carmen Woo


Integrated Social Justice Program

Heather Kelley/Karen Chong


Aboriginal Education Program

Gail Stromquist


Teacher Inquiry Program

Daniel Shiu


Peer Support

Sherry Payne

Legal Services Division (Director: Robyn Trask) Q810

Legal General

Robyn Trask


Legal Aid

Robyn Trask


Legal Contract Enforcement

Robyn Trask

Antiracism and Anti-Oppression Division (Director: TBD) T100

Antiracism and Anti-Oppression


Public Education Defence Fund (Executive Director: Amber Mitchell) A100

Public Education Advocacy

Rich Overgaard


Commitment to Education

Rich Overgaard

Provincial Bargaining Fund (Director: Lee-Anne Clarke) R120


Provincial Negotiations

2022–23 Programs and Co-ordinators

Lee-Anne Clarke

Statement 1 BC Teachers' Federation Consolidated Proforma Statement of Operations For the Three Years Ending June 30, 2023

2020-21 Audited Actual $'000 Revenue Allocation of membership fees Net interest income (MSC)

2021-22 Amended Budget $'000

2022-23 Proposed Budget $'000

53,567 1,624

54,963 1,390

54,340 1,814




32,789 94 40 15 305 1,204 660

37,474 35 2,194 2,516 878

42,709 36 * 545 1,647 868 *




Excess of revenue over expenses




Fund balance, beginning





Note 4 GOF

Note 4 GOF




Total revenue Expenses General Operating (GOF) Collective Bargaining Defence (CBF) Contingency (CTF) Ed May Memorial (EDM) Provincial Bargaining (PBF) Public Education Defence (PED) WR Long (WRL) Total expenses

Employee future benefits remeasurement Fund balance, ending

* Interim budget set equal to fee allocation.

2022-23 Budget - Proforma Statements (Pre RA).xlsx 5/10/2022 dnj / tfeu

Statement 2 General Operating Fund Proforma Statement of Operations For the Three Years Ending June 30, 2023 2020-21 Audited Actual $'000

2021-22 Amended Budget $'000

2022-23 Proposed Budget $'000

41,774 276

42,862 445

42,375 307




2,320 2,007 192 394 15 2,199 1,936 1,807 -

2,010 2,828 300 532 66 2,558 2,899 2,807 -

2,098 4,555 364 1,335 104 2,726 4,586 2,762 74




13,850 6,544 1,491 32,755

13,894 7,738 1,842 37,474

14,664 7,950 1,491 42,709



Fund balance, beginning



Interfund Transfers


Revenue Membership fees (note 1) Net interest income (MSC) Total revenue Divisional operating expenses (note 2) Finance & Administrative Services (FAS) Communications/Campaigns (CCD) Information, Research, and International Solidarity (IRIS) Field Service (FSD) Income Security (ISD) Human Resources and Labour Affiliation (HRLA) Professional & Social Issues (PSI) Legal Services Division (LSD) Antiracism and Anti-Oppression (ARAO) Total divisional operating expenses Salaries & Compensation (L099) (note 2) Grants to Locals (L100) Employee Future Benefit Expense (L500) (note 3) Total expenditures Excess of revenue over expenses

Employee future benefits remeasurement (note 4)

Fund balance, ending

* 2022-23 Interfund Transfers 1. Non-Pension Post-Employment Benefit Fund—$5MM 2. Facilities Capital Fund—$700K 2021-22 Interfund Transfers 1. Non-Pension Post-Employment Benefit Fund—$15MM 2. Facilities Capital Fund—$500K 2022-23 Budget - Proforma Statements (Pre RA).xlsx 5/11/2022 dnj / tfeu

(15,500) *

(27) 12,630 (5,700) *


Note 4

Note 4




Notes Accompanying Statement 2 1. Membership fees Year Ending 2022-23 Fee 1.69%

Year Ending 2021-22 Fee 1.69%

General Operating Fund (GOF) Collective Bargaining Defence Fund (CBF) Public Education Defence Fund (PED) Provincial Bargaining Fund (PBF) Contingency Fund (CTF) WR Long Fund (WRL)( note 2d) Ed May Fund (EDM) (note 2d) WR Long Fund (WRL)( note 2d)

1.319 0.220 0.074 0.050 0.027 $1 per FTE

1.319 0.220 0.074 0.050 0.027 $1 per FTE

Average salary FTE membership




85,700 36,000

83,000 35,000

2. Divisional operating expenses a) Program L099 Salary & Benefit Compensation includes all current ongoing Administrative and Support salaries and benefits. In addition, the following amounts are recovered from other programs: Services performed for: P120 PSA Services K730 Assistance Society S099 SIF Salaries & Benefits Recovered to L099 Salary & Benefit Compensation.


350,900 11,800 1,028,000 $ 1,390,700

Condo operational costs (partially replacing Housing Costs): Charged to: G110 Executive Committee $ 50,000 Recovered to BCTF Condo $ 50,000


334,200 11,700 914,100 $ 1,260,000

$ $

50,000 50,000

Expenditures under Salary Variance and Support Staff overtime, casuals and bonusing remain within the divisional programs affected. b) Statements are prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in relation to the Accounting for pension and non-pension Employee Future Benefits. 3. Employee future benefit expense for 2020–21 is the actual expense for that year. Values for 2021–22 and 2022–23 are estimated based on 2020–21 actual amounts. They are subject to further adjustments by the actuary and will be updated when known. 4. Employee future benefits remeasurement recorded in 2020–21 is the actual remeasurement for past employee future benefits expensed in previous years. Remeasurement values for 2021–22 and 2022–23 are estimated based on 2020–21 actual amounts. They will be updated in September of the following year end upon completion of the annual review by our Actuary.

Statement 2(a)

GOF Facilities Capital Fund Proforma Statement of Operations For the Three Years Ending June 30, 2023

2020-21 Audited Actual $'000

2021-22 Amended Budget $'000

2022-23 Proposed Budget $'000















Revenue Net interest income (MSC) Total revenue Expenses Major Capital Projects*

Excess of revenue over expenses


Fund balance, beginning of year


Interfund Transfers

Fund balance, end of year




1,305 500


These projects are part of the BCTF building budget. The Finance Committee, with oversight from the Executive Committee, has responsibility for the BCTF building budget. 2022–23 Major Capital Projects 1. Appraisal - asset valuation —$6K 2. Access Control Upgrade—$60K 3. Ground Floor Washroom—$45K 4. Univeral Access Washrooms 5th Floor—$250K 5. Backflow Prevenetor Install —$15K 6. Fire Alarm Panel —$70K

1,062 700


Statement 2(b)

Non-Pension Post-Employment Benefit Fund Proforma Statement of Operations For the Three Years Ending June 30, 2023

2020-21 Audited Actual $'000

Cash Balance Net interest income (MSC) Total revenue Excess of revenue over expenses

2021-22 Amended Budget $'000

2022-23 Proposed Budget $'000












Fund balance, beginning of year


Interfund Transfers**


15,000 **

Fund balance, end of year



* Non-pension post-employment benefit liability balance as of June 30, 2021: $42.9 million ** The 2021 Winter RA approved a one-time $15 million transfer from the General Operating Fund at the recommendation of the EC



Statement 3 General Operating Fund Budget by G/L Account

G/L Account No.


400100 Fees—BCTF Total for 400100

Amended Budget 2021-22

Original Budget 2022-23

(42,862,000) (42,862,000)

(42,375,000) (42,375,000)

420010 Investment Income 420010 Investment Income 420010 Investment Income 420010 Investment Income 420010 Investment Income Total for 420010

3400 3181 3190 3195 3420

Bank and Line of Credit NBF Investments—#Two Canaccord Genuity Investments ACM Interfund

(156,000) (116,500) (154,000) (54,000) (426,500)

(133,000) (159,000) (11,500) (45,500) (303,500)

459030 Program Revenues 459030 Program Revenues 459030 Program Revenues 459030 Program Revenues 459030 Program Revenues 459030 Program Revenues Total for 459030

3540 9020 9030 9040 9050 9070

Building Subscription Sales Workshops Advertising Miscellaneous

(450,000) (300) (5,000) (11,000) (33,000) (421,600) (920,900)

(450,000) (300) (25,000) (11,000) (33,000) (435,700) (955,000)

490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 Internal Recoveries Total for 490020

1525 1535 8900 8910 8915 8930 8940 8950

Staff Pension Plan Retirees—BCTF Salaries Materials/Services Recovered Photocopy costs General Supplies Recovered BCTF Admin Charges Mailing

(21,500) (303,600) (1,211,500) (150,000) (140,000) (1,000) (402,500) (200,000) (2,430,100)

(13,800) (249,400) (1,390,700) (150,000) (140,000) (1,000) (461,900) (220,000) (2,626,800)

9012 9015 9018 9030

Legal Joint Trustee TPPAC Sales

(10,000) (16,000) (4,000) (5,000) (35,000)

(10,000) (16,000) (5,000) (5,000) (36,000)

150,000 150,000

150,000 150,000

380,000 5,135,700 6,734,000 12,249,700

406,000 5,508,000 7,119,000 13,033,000

31,900 31,900

32,000 32,000

490030 490030 490030 490030 #REF!

External Recoveries External Recoveries External Recoveries External Recoveries

600100 Salary Variance Account Total for 600100 600110 Salaries 600110 Salaries 600110 Salaries Total for 600110

1500 1510 1520

Table Officers Admin Support

600120 Bonusing Total for 600120




600130 Casuals Total for 600130



121,100 121,100

120,300 120,300

600140 Overtime Total for 600140



140,100 140,100

164,300 164,300

600180 Benefits 600180 Benefits 600180 Benefits Total for 600180

1500 1510 1520

Table Officers Admin Support

89,000 1,256,000 1,980,000 3,325,000

74,000 1,426,800 2,001,200 3,502,000

600190 Future Benefits 600190 Future Benefits Total for 600190

1525 1535

Staff Pension Plan Retirees—BCTF

143,000 2,023,700 2,166,700

92,000 1,662,500 1,754,500

600240 Housing Allowance Total for 600240


Table Officers

130,000 130,000

160,000 160,000

600250 EC Release Time Total for 600250



165,000 165,000

183,000 183,000

5,000 5,000

15,000 15,000

600300 Staff Functions Total for 600300 600320 Contractual PD Funds 600320 Contractual PD Funds 600320 Contractual PD Funds Total for 600320

3205 3206 3220


20,000 110,000 42,000 172,000

15,000 110,000 42,000 167,000

600325 BCTF Training Funds Total for 600325



140,000 140,000

170,000 170,000

600335 Union Training Funds Total for 600335



7,000 7,000

7,000 7,000

600340 Overtime Expenses Total for 600340

2,900 2,900

2,900 2,900

600345 Staff Room Total for 600345

7,000 7,000

21,000 21,000

600350 Recruitment Expense Total for 600350

15,000 15,000

15,000 15,000

600355 Staff Orientation Total for 600355

30,000 30,000

15,000 15,000

600360 First Aid—Health & Safety Total for 600360

44,000 44,000

40,000 40,000

600365 Transit Subsidy Total for 600365

37,000 37,000

35,000 35,000


600370 Employment Insurance Rebate Total for 600370

7,600 7,600

7,600 7,600

600380 EFAP Premiums Total for 600380

35,000 35,000

35,000 35,000

600390 Association Dues Total for 600390

37,000 37,000

37,000 37,000

4000 4100 4200 4201 4202 4210

Staff Travel Executive Travel Others Summer Conference Worksafe CTF AGM

99,800 31,000 91,600 5,000 500 227,900

205,100 126,000 213,900 530,000 500 20,000 1,095,500

600500 Committee Meetings




600500 Committee Meetings




600500 Committee Meetings




600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500

Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings

5014 5016 5017 5018 5020 5021 5032 5050 5100 5200 6004 6009

15,000 1,200 800 1,500 30,000 4,000 4,000 1,500 11,700 15,000 1,500 1,000

45,000 5,000 800 1,500 110,000 11,900 4,000 2,500 24,600 1,000

600500 Committee Meetings 600500 Committee Meetings 600500 Committee Meetings 600500 Committee Meetings Total for 600500

6041 6045 6057 6086

General Internal Mediation Service Meetings Internal Mediation Service Casework Judicial Council Meetings Judicial Council Casework Transportation Committee Council Advisory Committee Issue Sessions Advisory Committee Grievance Appeal Panel PSA Sub-committee Sub-committee Task Force Workshop Development Selection Committee WLC Bargaining Advisory Committee TTOC Advisory Committee Adult Ed Advisory Committee JC & IMS Review Committee Racism Advisory Panel

8,000 6,000 1,700 19,000 745,300

25,000 23,900 5,100 63,000 1,638,800

600530 Meetings 600530 Meetings 600530 Meetings 600530 Meetings 600530 Meetings 600530 Meetings 600530 Meetings 600530 Meetings Total for 600530

5300 5306 5400 5602 5705 6008 6052 6090

Annual General Meeting Community Liaison Planning Sessions Zone Meetings Focus Groups Briefing Sessions TQS LP Regional Meetings

250,000 1,000 1,500 10,000 6,500 2,500 4,200 67,000 342,700

1,425,000 1,000 1,500 775,000 18,500 2,500 4,200 67,000 2,294,700

600400 Travel 600400 Travel 600400 Travel 600400 Travel 600400 Travel 600400 Travel Total for 600400



600540 Outside Facilities Total for 600540

29,500 29,500

31,500 31,500

600550 Beverage Service Total for 600550


60,000 60,000

2,000 2,000

8,000 8,000

450,800 800

411,900 15,000 800





20,000 8,000 91,000 3,000 22,400 20,000 5,000 166,700 60,500 22,000 159,000 2,500 1,000 80,000 27,000 42,000 58,900 -

20,000 8,000 91,000 5,000 22,400 5,500 177,700 12,000 41,000 159,000 2,500 1,000 80,000 39,000 45,000 60,000 41,500 40,000



11,000 3,500 4,200 1,100 3,000 4,800 20,000 23,000 40,000 8,000 300,000 1,709,200

11,000 5,000 4,200 25,000 1,100 3,000 4,800 40,000 8,000 300,000 1,730,400

20,000 20,000

77,500 77,500

600590 Carbon Offsets Expense Total for 600590 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call

1100 2190 4202

600600 Teachers Teaching on Call


600600 Teachers Teaching on Call


600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600

Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call Teachers Teaching on Call

5014 5016 5020 5050 5100 5200 5705 6001 6003 6004 6005 6008 6009 6012 6015 6018 6019 6022 6024

600600 Teachers Teaching on Call


600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call Total for 600600

6041 6045 6052 6057 6065 6080 6081 6085 6086 6089 6090 6095

General BCTF Hosted Conferences Worksafe Internal Mediation Service Meetings Internal Mediation Service Casework Judicial Council Meetings Judicial Council Casework Issue Sessions PSA Sub-committee Sub-committee Task Force Focus Groups Committee Meetings Provincial Conference Workshop Development Workshop Delivery Briefing Sessions Selection Committee Development Training Facilitators Teacher Inquiry Program Peer Support Casework Federation Leadership Institute Women's Institute WLC Bargaining Advisory Committee TTOC Advisory Committee Adult Ed Advisory Committee TQS JC & IMS Review Committee Trustee Report Recruitments New Staff Orientation Health and Safety Forums Racism Advisory Panel PSA Presidents LP Regional Meetings Zone

600610 Daycare Costs Total for 600610


600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700

Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants

7000 7001 7005 7008 7009 7010 7014 7020 7022 7024 7025 7026 7029 7036

600700 Grants


600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 #REF!

7039 7040 7041 7045 7046 7047 7200 7504 7600 7601 7603 7604 7650

Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants Grants

PSA Member Grant PSA Special Special to Locals School Union Rep Training Release Time PR/PA Support to Locals Member Outreach Grant Council Election Grant Community Outreach Regional Research Desk Research Institute Grant Union Mentorship Grants Regional Social Justice Conference Social Justice Equity & Inclusion Coalition Grants Aboriginal Initiatives Teacher Inquiry Grant PSA Inquiry Grant Grant to TQS Adult Educators Grant Miscellaneous Grants President's Discretionary Grants Provincial Initiatives Beginning Teacher Conf. Grants Advantage Program

300,000 4,000 1,000,000 1,480,000 3,963,000 70,000 750,000 60,000 35,000 9,000 12,000 43,000 160,000 -

300,000 4,000 1,000,000 1,480,000 4,100,000 70,000 750,000 60,000 35,000 9,000 12,000 43,000 160,000 75,000

12,000 120,000 26,000 8,000 105,000 15,000 284,200 10,000 133,500 1,500 5,000 2,000 108,500 8,716,700

12,000 140,000 28,000 8,000 105,000 15,000 289,100 10,000 27,500 1,500 5,000 2,000 108,500 8,849,600

29,000 29,000

29,000 29,000

600805 Membership Cards Total for 600805

4,000 4,000

4,000 4,000

600810 Publications—Subsidization Total for 600810

1,000 1,000

1,000 1,000

600820 Printing External Total for 600820

153,000 153,000

151,500 151,500

600830 Printing Internal Total for 600830

294,000 294,000

289,000 289,000

60,200 60,200

60,700 60,700

200,000 200,000

220,000 220,000

600800 Member's Guide Total for 600800

600840 Photocopying Total for 600840 600860 Mailing and Distribution Total for 600860


600890 Mailing Total for 600890

271,600 271,600

260,000 260,000

600920 Conferences 600920 Conferences 600920 Conferences Total for 600920

2190 9100 9212

BCTF Hosted Conferences Membership Attended Parent Presentations

125,000 54,000 4,000 183,000

195,000 74,000 12,000 281,000

600950 Training 600950 Training 600950 Training 600950 Training 600950 Training 600950 Training 600950 Training 600950 Training 600950 Training 600950 Training Total for 600950

1100 4200 5704 6004 6005 6015 6022 6024 9523 9524

General Travel Others Facilitation/Mediation Workshop Development Workshop Delivery Facilitators Federation Leadership Institute Women's Institute Program Delivery Planning

311,000 125,000 1,000 8,500 22,000 2,000 10,800 6,500 486,800

247,200 1,000 24,000 90,000 32,000 185,000 132,000 45,000 28,000 784,200

601000 Affiliations 601000 Affiliations 601000 Affiliations 601000 Affiliations Total for 601000

1003 1004 1008 1010

BC Fed Membership Fees Labour Council Fees CLC Membership Fees CTF Membership Fees

344,400 127,400 315,000 615,300 1,402,100

354,200 131,400 341,800 738,000 1,565,400

601100 Consultants 601100 Consultants Total for 601100

1100 1110

General Computer Consultants

198,200 6,000 204,200

178,200 5,500 183,700

601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal 601140 Fees Paid—Legal Total for 601140

1100 1141 1142 1143 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1160 1162 1164

General Legislative Challenges Court Appeals Civil Action Privacy Labour Relations Board Arbitration Human Rights Professional Conduct Unit Legal Aid—Criminal Legal Aid—Civil Legal Aid—Appeals

1,145,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 5,000 150,000 300,000 100,000 300,000 150,000 200,000 2,000 2,802,000

1,145,000 50,000 200,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 300,000 200,000 350,000 100,000 200,000 2,000 2,752,000

601150 Fees Paid—Other 601150 Fees Paid—Other 601150 Fees Paid—Other 601150 Fees Paid—Other Total for 601150

1170 1180 1185 1190

Auditor Translation Honoraria Editorial Fees

42,000 10,700 2,000 3,500 58,200

46,000 15,700 2,000 3,500 67,200

64,000 64,000

44,000 44,000

601200 Advertising Expenses Total for 601200


601210 Campaigns Total for 601210

20,000 20,000

12,000 12,000


5,000 5,000

6,000 6,000

1,500 1,500

40,000 40,000

40,000 40,000

20,000 20,000

20,000 20,000

45,000 2,000 2,400 5,000 14,000 10,800 29,000 108,200

42,000 2,000 2,400 5,000 14,000 10,800 35,000 111,200

70,000 70,000

70,000 70,000

602100 Training Materials Total for 602100

1,000 1,000

1,000 1,000

602105 Books and Videos Total for 602105

19,000 19,000

19,000 19,000

602110 Resource Materials Total for 602110

10,300 10,300

10,800 10,800

602115 Periodical Subscriptions Total for 602115

11,200 11,200

11,200 11,200

300 300

300 300

602125 Subscription Services Total for 602125

35,000 35,000

49,500 49,500

602140 Promotional Materials Total for 602140

8,500 8,500

40,500 40,500

200 200

200 200

73,500 73,500

77,000 77,000

601222 Publishing—Online Total for 601222 601240 Sponsorship Total for 601240 601250 Communications Research Total for 601250


Focus Groups

601260 Electronic Communications Total for 601260 601300 Telephone 601300 Telephone 601300 Telephone 601300 Telephone 601300 Telephone 601300 Telephone 601300 Telephone Total for 601300

1300 1301 1303 1304 1306 1310 1340

Rental Installations Toll Free 800 Line Long Distance Maintenance Remote Access Costs Cellular Phone Airtime

601400 Video Conferencing Total for 601400

602120 Audio-Visual Total for 602120

602150 Supplies Library Total for 602150 602160 Outside Data Bases Total for 602160 7

602610 F & E Less Than $1500 Total for 602610

92,000 92,000

91,900 91,900

602620 Equipment Rental Total for 602620

24,500 24,500

26,500 26,500

602650 Backup/Disaster Recovery Costs Total for 602650

30,000 30,000

30,000 30,000

602660 Software Purchase Total for 602660

30,000 30,000

30,000 30,000

411,000 411,000

398,000 398,000

602680 Digital Resources Total for 602680

20,000 20,000

25,000 25,000

602685 Digital Tools Total for 602685

20,000 20,000

25,000 25,000

602700 Furniture/Equipment Maintenance Total for 602700

70,000 70,000

57,000 57,000

602720 Copy/Print Charge Total for 602720

30,000 30,000

30,000 30,000

602725 Equipment Lease Total for 602725

37,200 37,200

45,000 45,000

602800 Stationery and Supplies Total for 602800

42,200 42,200

44,200 44,200

3,800 3,800

3,800 3,800

602820 Computer Supplies Total for 602820

25,000 25,000

30,000 30,000

602840 Photocopy Supplies Total for 602840

1,200 1,200

1,200 1,200

602870 Micrographics Total for 602870

1,000 1,000

1,000 1,000

603000 Bank Charges Total for 603000

14,500 14,500

14,500 14,500

603010 Payroll Fees BCTF Total for 603010

84,000 84,000

103,000 103,000



602670 Software Maintenance Total for 602670

602810 Building—Art Total for 602810

603100 Depreciation 8

Total for 603100



603200 Materials/Services Total for 603200

30,000 30,000

30,000 30,000

603220 General Supplies Total for 603220

8,000 8,000

8,000 8,000

511,400 56,000 6,000 350,000 923,400

530,000 56,000 6,000 380,000 972,000

603600 Storage Rental Total for 603600

28,100 28,100

28,300 28,300

603800 Insurance Expense Total for 603800

55,800 55,800

65,300 65,300

603940 New Teacher Memberships Total for 603940

10,000 10,000

10,000 10,000


45,000 45,000

1,100 1,100

1,100 1,100

604030 Awards Total for 604030

21,000 21,000

21,000 21,000

604040 Subsidization of PSA Memberships Total for 604040

13,000 13,000

13,000 13,000

16,000 16,000

63,400 63,400

603500 Building operations 603500 Building operations 603500 Building operations 603500 Building operations Total for 603500

3520 3750 3800 9870

Rent—Operating Costs Operating Supplies and Services Insurance Expense Property Tax

603945 Member Engagement Total for 603945 604000 Miscellaneous Expenses Total for 604000

604050 Peer Support Service Casework #REF! 604060 Research Projects 604060 Research Projects Total for 604060

1100 6070

General History Project

47,000 5,000 52,000

40,000 15,000 55,000

620200 Interest Expense 620200 Interest Expense Total for 620200

3420 3440

Interfund PSA Interest

13,500 22,000 35,500

8,500 33,500 42,000

650500 Adminstration Charges 650500 Adminstration Charges 650500 Adminstration Charges Total for 650500

8900 8940 8945

Salaries BCTF Admin Charges Condo Services

297,400 49,800 50,000 397,200

362,700 91,400 50,000 504,100

Report Total




Statement 4 General Operating Fund (Excluding the Facilities Capital Fund and the Post Retirement Benefit Fund) Proforma Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ending June 30, 2023 2022–23 Original Budget Cash flows from operating activities: Excess of revenue over expenses Adjustments for: Amortization Changes in non-cash operating Accounts Post-retirement benefits Increase/(Decrease) in cash from operating activities


(27,000) 939,100 2,000,000 2,912,100

Cash flows from investing activities: Purchase of capital and intangible assets Increase/(Decrease) in cash from investing activities

(392,200) (392,200)

Increase/(Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents


Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year*


Cash and cash equivalents before contributions to funds, end of year


Contributions to GOF Facilities Capital Fund Transfer to Non-Pension Post-Employment Benefit Fund Cash and cash equivalents after contributions to funds, end of year

(700,000) (5,000,000) $

* Forecasted amount to June 30, 2022 - This does not include $10 million that the GOF has invested in GICs

2022-23 Budget - Proforma Statements (Pre RA).xlsx 5/11/2022 dnj / tfeu


Statement 5 Collective Bargaining Defence Fund (CBF) Proforma Statement of Operations For the Three Years Ending June 30, 2023

2020-21 Audited Actual $'000 Revenue Allocation of membership fees Net interest income (MSC) Total revenue Expenses Bargaining Mobilization Investment Management Fees Total expenses

2021-22 Amended Budget $'000

2022-23 Proposed Budget $'000

6,972 1,212

7,155 909

7,074 1,454




55 39 94

41 41


Excess of revenue over expenses




Fund balance, beginning of year




Fund balance, end of year




2022-23 Budget - Proforma Statements (Pre RA).xlsx 5/10/2022 dnj / tfeu

Statement 6

Contingency Fund Proforma Statement of Operations For the Three Years Ending June 30, 2023

2020-21 Audited Actual $'000 Revenue Allocation of membership fees Net interest income (MSC) Total revenue Expenses Donations Total expenses Excess of revenue over expenses

2021-22 Amended Budget $'000

2022-23 Proposed Budget $'000


















Fund balance, beginning of year




Fund balance, end of year




*Projected expenditures as per revenue projection-zero budgeted.

2022-23 Budget - Proforma Statements (Pre RA).xlsx 5/10/2022 dnj / tfeu

Statement 7

Provincial Bargaining Fund Proforma Statement of Operations For the Three Years Ending June 30, 2023

2020-21 Audited Actual $'000

Revenue Allocation of membership fees Net interest income (MSC) Total revenue Expenses Provincial negotiations (R120)

2021-22 Amended Budget $'000

2022-23 Proposed Budget $'000

1,585 23

1,626 19

1,608 26










Excess of revenue over expenses


Fund balance, beginning of year




Fund balance, end of year




2022-23 Budget - Proforma Statements (Pre RA).xlsx 5/10/2022 dnj / tfeu



Statement 8

Public Education Defence Fund Proforma Statement of Operations For the Three Years Ending June 30, 2023

2020-21 Audited Actual $'000

Revenue Allocation of membership fees Net interest income (MSC) Total revenue Expenses Public Education Advocacy (A100) Commitment to Public Education (A150)

2021-22 Amended Budget $'000

2022-23 Proposed Budget $'000

2,345 3

2,407 (7)

2,379 9




1,204 -

2,516 -

1,647 -




Excess of revenue over expenses


Fund balance, beginning of year






Interfund Transfers*




Fund balance, end of year




2022-23 Budget - Proforma Statements (Pre RA).xlsx 5/11/2022 dnj / tfeu


Item Name

Purchase Price

2022–23 Depreciation


Divisional workroom renovations




Roller blinds (various departments)




Fire/security doors




Communications and Campaigns Division office space reconfiguration




Income Security Division office space reconfiguration




Digital video camera and camera accessories




Large capacity shredder




New office (Anti-oppression office)








Library catalogue software upgrade




BCTF’s audio and video archives conversion






*Ongoing Capital Projects approved in 2021–22 (outstanding costs) 1. Audio/Visual Digital Conversion 2. Visual Integration of the Boardrooms TOTAL

$25,000 $180,000 $205,000

**2022–23 Depreciation—capital items with $0 depreciation are not expected to be capitalized until the end of the year.


Overview The Finance and Administrative Services programs provide relevant, reliable, and timely financial and administrative support to stakeholders. It also provides support to the programs, locals, and staff of the Federation through information technology.

Other Salary Costs Amended 2021–22 Budget 600120 Support staff bonusing 600130 Support staff casuals 600140 Support staff overtime Totals

2022–23 Budget

$15,000 68,800 72,300

$15,000 43,000 73,800



Estimated Staff Time Allocations Admin 2021–22 2022–23 F100—Treasury F220—Accounting Systems F310—Information Technology F410—Administrative Services F420—Staffroom F610—Purchasing F630—BCTF Building-6th and Ash F800—Member Records Total

Support 2021–22 2022–23

1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2.00 7.80 10.00 1.55 1.05 1.40 5.51 6.00

2.00 7.80 10.00 1.55 1.05 1.40 5.51 6.00





Finance and Administrative Services Division


Divisional Summary

F100—Treasury F220—Accounting System F310—Information Technology F410—Communications F420—Staffroom F610—Purchasing F630—Property Management F800—Membership—Records F-Division Total

2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

197,328 10,584 752,533 87,870 624 386,308 828,933 56,077 2,320,257

172,800 27,300 874,400 82,900 15,300 134,000 649,200 53,900 2,009,800

264,800 23,800 861,600 80,400 29,300 123,200 684,200 30,900 2,098,200

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23 92,000 (3,500) (12,800) (2,500) 14,000 (10,800) 35,000 (23,000) 88,400

F-Division Total (in $000s) 2,500 2,000

2,320 2,010 1,645


2018-19 Actual

2019-20 Actual


1,500 1,000 500 0


2020-21 Actual

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Finance and Administrative Services Division

Divisional Breakdown Member Records 1%

Treasury 13%

Accounting Systems 1%

Property Management 33%

Information Technology 41% Purchasing 6% Staffroom 1%

Administrative Services 4%

Finance and Administrative Services Division (in 000's) 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 -

862 684

265 24

2020-21 Actuals


2021-22 Amended Budget




2022-23 Original Budget

Finance and Administrative Services Division


Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Description Treasury (F100) 1. Committee Meetings— General—Includes a budget for half of the Finance Committee members to attend the SHARE conference (also adjusted to reflect in-person meetings). 2. Consultants—General— Provision to engage in a climate impact assessment to quantify the current climate impact of the Federation. Information Technology (F310) 1. Depreciation Expense—reflects the annual depreciation expense for capital items added in the current year. Membership—Records (F800) 1. Casuals—Support—Decrease due to shift of intake work to F410 Administrative Services.


Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021–22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022–23 ($)

Change +/-

















Finance and Administrative Services Division

F100 TREASURY Co-ordinator: Delwin Yung

F100 600140 600140 600340 600400 600400 600500 600500 600590 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 601100 601100 601150 601150 603800

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

8,121 406

3,000 300

3,000 300

7,000 300





806 4,874

27,000 2,000

11,000 2,000

35,000 8,000

15,785 2,192 440 240

10,000 4,000 1,000 500

10,000 4,000 1,000 500

21,000 3,000 500 500





29,496 53,318

42,000 53,500

42,000 53,500

46,000 63,000





Treasury Overtime 1520 Support Overtime Expenses Travel 4000 Staff Travel Committee Meetings 1100 General Carbon Offsets Expense Teachers Teaching on Call 6001 Committee Meetings Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Consultants 1100 General Fees Paid - Other 1170 Auditor Insurance Expense

Total for Program F100

Program Objectives 1.

Provide relevant, reliable, and timely financial information to enable stakeholders to make better decisions affecting the BCTF.


Maximize treasury management strategies.


Safeguard the assets of the BCTF and ensure a strong internal control environment with procedures set out in the Members’ Guide to the BCTF.


Comply with all applicable legislation.

Total FTE—Covers 1.00 excluded staff and 2.00 support staff.

F100 Treasury


600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600340

Overtime Expenses—Meal per diems for overtime as per collective agreement.

600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel costs for meetings with investment advisors, financial institutions. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Four two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings of the sixmember Finance Committee. This also includes a budget for half of the Finance Committee members to attend the SHARE conference. 600590

Carbon Offsets Expense—Carbon offset purchased through Less Emissions. The number of offsets purchased is based on the previous fiscal year’s flights.

600600-6001 TTOCs—Committee Meetings—TTOC costs related to 600500-1100 Committee Meetings 600830

Printing—Printings costs for the budget binder and Finance Committee materials.


Photocopying—Daily copying including Finance Committee materials.


Mailing—Finance Committee, budget materials, grant letters, and miscellaneous postage and courier costs.

601100-1100 Consultants—Specialized advice related to the BCTF finances or related areas. This also includes any legal advice relating to Accounting and Finance. 601150-1170 Fees Paid Other—Auditor—Audit costs related to the financial statements of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (excluding the Salary Indemnity Fund). 603800


Insurance Expenses—General and business insurances, covering all identifiable risks.

F100 Treasury

F220 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS Co-ordinator: Dan Johnston Actual 2020 - 21 F220 459030 459030 490020 490020 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600340 600400 600400 600820 600840 600890 601100 601100 602800 603000 603600 604000

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Accounting System Program Revenues 9070 Miscellaneous Internal Recoveries 8940 BCTF Admin Charges Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Overtime Expenses Travel 4000 Staff Travel Printing External Photocopying Mailing Consultants 1110 Computer Consultants Stationery and Supplies Bank Charges Storage Rental Miscellaneous Expenses

Total for Program F220

















9,954 422

9,000 800

9,000 800

12,000 1,000

(314) 1,385 505 801

100 3,000 1,000 3,500

100 3,000 1,000 3,500

100 1,500 500 800

24 11,800 1,155 320

6,000 500 10,000 1,800 1,000

6,000 500 10,000 1,800 1,000

5,500 400 10,000 1,500 1,000





Program Objectives 1.

Provide efficient and effective management of the BCTF’s financial resources.


Maximize income on investments within statutory constraints and financial resources.


Provide financial reports to management and membership of the BCTF’s operations and financial position.

F220 Accounting System



Maintain the BCTF’s accounting systems and provide accounting services to the PSAs, Salary Indemnity Plan, and the BCTF Assistance Society.


Ensure adequate controls exist over the accounting functions so that the BCTF’s assets are protected; that all transactions are properly authorized in compliance with the procedures set out in the Members’ Guide to the BCTF.


Ensure that the statutory requirements and needs of the BCTF are met in a timely fashion.


Provide financial and accounting advice to locals.

Total FTE—Covers 7.80 support staff 459030-9070 Miscellaneous Revenue—Unanticipated revenues of an unusual nature, such as currency exchange, sales tax commissions, etc. 490020-8940 Administration Charges Recovered—Recovery for accounting services provided to Salary Indemnity Fund, Assistance Society, and PSAs. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600340

Overtime Expenses—Meal per diems for overtime as per collective agreement.

600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel costs for meetings with auditors, financial institutions, Representative Assembly as needed. 600820

Printing External—Printing of cheque stock.


Photocopying—Daily photocopying of documents as required.


Mailing—All cheques, invoices, and T4As produced in the department.

601100-1110 Consultant—Computer Consultants—Software support for Serenic Navigator and Jet report writer. 602800

Stationery and Supplies—Cost of specialized supplies such as stamps, seals, etc.


Bank Charges—Monthly account maintenance fees, line of credit costs, and EFT processing.


Storage Rental—Offsite storage of accounting records.


Miscellaneous Expenses—Unanticipated expenses of an unusual nature.


F220 Accounting System

F310 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Co-ordinator: Alvin Zhao Actual 2020 - 21 F310 490020 490020 600120 600120 600140 600140 600325 600325 600340 600400 600400 600840 600890 601100 601100 601300 601300 601400 602100 602610 602650 602660 602670 602700 602725 602820 603100 603800

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Information Technology Internal Recoveries 8940 BCTF Admin Charges Bonusing 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support BCTF Training Funds 3210 Staff Overtime Expenses Travel 4000 Staff Travel Photocopying Mailing Consultants 1100 General Telephone 1300 Rental Video Conferencing Training Materials F & E Less Than $1500 Backup/Disaster Recovery Costs Software Purchase Software Maintenance Furniture/Equipment Maintenance Equipment Lease Computer Supplies Depreciation Insurance Expense

Total for Program F310













4,199 -

25,000 500

25,000 500

20,000 500

23 -

500 300 100

500 300 100

500 300 100





18,228 378 56,939 44,011 10,685 383,386 7,685 955 807 337,451 2,247

28,000 70,000 1,000 58,000 30,000 15,000 380,000 19,000 1,200 5,000 308,200 2,300

28,000 70,000 1,000 58,000 30,000 15,000 380,000 38,000 1,200 5,000 308,200 2,300

25,000 70,000 1,000 58,000 30,000 15,000 398,000 40,000 5,000 332,300 2,300





F310 Information Technology


Program Objectives 1.

To work with BCTF leadership in the development and execution of a multi-year technology plan that aligns with and supports Federation goals, objectives, and strategies.


To select and provide BCTF technology, tools, and services that integrate and leverage existing infrastructure and technologies to aid in ease of maintenance and sustainability. Maintaining standardized solutions increases predictability and cost efficiencies—some of the reasons for small reductions in some technology budget areas over past years.


To provide the Federation with well-understood, standard processes to allow staff to bring forward potential needs or problems, and to have them addressed. This process will assist IT staff to articulate the needs and problems, documenting options for resolution, including costs and impacts, and routing them to the appropriate body for consideration and approval.


To reduce the Federation’s reliance on technology consultants. There is occasional need for specific technical expertise not held by in-house staff. It can be more cost-effective to purchase specific expertise when it is needed, rather than to maintain specialized skills. The objective is to train staff to take on these roles. Staff may need to be freed from current duties to receive training. For other specialized skills, it will continue to be more effective to purchase specific expertise for a short time rather than attempt to maintain specialized knowledge in-house.


To provide reliable and secure email, webmail, and file transfer services to management, staff and BCTF activists.


To provide services and support to staff and designated committees in the use of electronic communications, including provision of connectivity services to the internet for management, staff, locals, and designated committees.


To maintain, enhance and support the Federation’s website in order to make BCTF information available; support of advanced Web technologies for communications; support for streaming/downloadable audio and video; converting information produced for print media to HTML format; train staff to post information directly to the website using the approved Content Management System; provide web space as requested to all BCTF locals and Professional Specialist Associations.


To encourage staff to adopt new technologies (a) to increase service to and communications with activists and the membership at large, and (b) to decrease the costs of existing services and communications.

Total FTE—Covers 10.00 support staff.


F310 Information Technology

490020-8940 Administration Charges Recovered—Recovery for information technology services provided to Salary Indemnity Fund, Assistance Society, and PSAs. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600325-3210 BCTF Training Funds—Staff—Training for up to 10 IT staff to improve skills in project management software, database and network administration, and Help Desk training to support new environments. 600340

Overtime Expenses—Overtime per diem expenses are for troubleshooting failures or problems outside of core hours to prevent user down-time; to perform server and system configuration, maintenance, and testing without interrupting services. To alleviate unpredictable workload issues.

600400-4000 Staff Travel—IT staff to attend industry seminars, to network with peers, to keep informed of technology trends, to attend meetings with vendors and service providers. 601100-1100 Computer Consultants—There is occasional need for specific technical expertise not held by in-house staff. It can be more cost-effective to purchase specific expertise when needed, rather than to maintain specialized skills over the vast field of technology specializations. 601300-1300 Telephone—Rental—Expenditures related to BCTF’s internet-related communications. 601400

Video Conferencing—Video conferencing licenses used by staff, workshop facilitators and licenses assigned to locals. This includes Zoom licenses used by locals and PSAs.


Training Materials—Training manuals, subscriptions to IT research and information resources.


Furniture and Equipment Less Than $1,500—For operational renewal and capacity growth, purchase of non-capital computer equipment, e.g., “evergreening” of hardware (five-year replacement cycle of desktop computers), memory and disk storage upgrades and replacement, equipment such as label printers, fax machines, scanners, keyboards, monitors, ergonomic items, peripheral devices, computer components, network switches and wireless access points.


Backup/Disaster Recovery Costs—Costs associated with backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity systems and plans, e.g., ongoing monthly costs mirrored data and offsite storage at a datacenter, or other solutions.

F310 Information Technology



Computer Software Purchases—New software and updates not covered by software maintenance, e.g., new versions of graphics layout software, authorizing tools and server packages. Required for adding functionality and enhancing efficiency for Federation staff, to keep current with security and standards concerns, and to deploy new client, server and web-based applications and technologies.


Computer Software Maintenance—Expenditures for required software maintenance and licensing agreements for applications to provide for technical and user support, as well as rights to new versions for major software applications and systems, including security software. Note: future software maintenance costs—costs arising out of software purchased for capital projects will be included as capital project costs for Year 1, and subsequently incorporated in the operational software maintenance budget.


Equipment Maintenance—Costs relating to scheduled and unscheduled equipment repair, maintenance upgrades, and to purchase maintenance contracts for regularly scheduled servicing and licensing of Federation hardware.


Equipment Lease—Annual charge for printer lease.


Computer Supplies—Cabling, converters, backup storage media, CDs, DVDs, printer consumables, and supplies.


Depreciation—Depreciation expense for all computer-related technology capital purchases.


Insurance Expenses—Replacement costs of all computer and technology equipment including hardware and software.


F310 Information Technology

F410 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Co-ordinator: Margret Li Actual 2020 - 21 F410 490020 490020 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600340 600400 600400 600840 600890 601300 601300 601300 601300 601300 601300 601300 602610 603100

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Communications Internal Recoveries BCTF Admin 8940 Charges Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Overtime Expenses Travel 4000 Staff Travel Photocopying Mailing Telephone 1300 Rental 1301 Installations 1303 Toll Free 800 Line 1304 Long Distance 1306 Maintenance Cellular Phone 1340 Airtime F & E Less Than $1500 Depreciation

Total for Program F410

(13,700) -











943 -

1,000 100

1,000 100

1,000 100


100 100 100

100 100 100

100 100 100

20,812 972 7,311 19,944

17,000 2,000 2,400 15,000 14,000

17,000 2,000 2,400 5,000 14,000

17,000 2,000 2,400 5,000 14,000





1,595 4,548

5,600 15,300

5,600 15,300

1,500 7,800





Program Objectives 1.

Provide a centralized switchboard/voice over internet protocol telephone system to staff and members and provide training and equipment to staff as required.

Total FTE—Covers 1.55 support staff.

F410 Administrative Services


490020-8940 Admin Charges Recovered—Recovery for Salary Indemnity Fund share of communication costs. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600340

Overtime Expenses—Meal per diems for overtime as per collective agreement.


Photocopying—Daily photocopying of documents as required.


Mailing—Mailing as required.

601300-1300 Telephone—Rental—Includes connectivity charges for BCTF lines. 601300-1301 Telephone—Installation—Install new cable lines where no data port is available. 601300-1303 Telephone—Toll-free 800 Line—Includes BCTF toll-free charges. 601300-1304 Telephone—Long distance—Includes all BCTF long distance charge, plus LD charges incurred for toll-free line. 601300-1306 Telephone Maintenance—Hardware and software maintenance contracts for phone system, switchboard, voicemail, and CASH Call Accounting. 601300-1340 Cellular Phone Airtime—Covers usage charges for cellular devices for FTTOs, ED, staff lawyers, Field Service admin staff, PSID and ISD directors, and iPhone/iPad devices for CCD admin staff. Includes turbo stick modems and loaner cell phones. 602610

Furniture and Equipment Less Than $1,500—Includes miscellaneous telephone system parts, cellular devices, kit, and wireless headsets for desk phones.


Depreciation—Depreciation from the telephone system.


F410 Administrative Services

F420 STAFFROOM Co-ordinator: Margret Li Actual 2020 - 21 F420 600130 600130 600140 600140 600345 602610

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23




Staffroom Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Staff Room F & E Less Than $1500

320 305

300 21,000 1,000

300 7,000 1,000

300 21,000 1,000

Total for Program F420






Program Objectives 1.

Provide fair trade coffee service to members, staff and visitors in meetings at the BCTF building.

Total FTE—Covers 1.05 support staff. 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600345

Staffroom—Provides fair trade beverage service for staff and meetings.


Furniture and Equipment Less Than $1,500—Includes small appliances, mugs, glasses, and thermal carafes.

F420 Staffroom



F420 Staffroom

F610 PURCHASING Co-ordinator: Margret Li Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23




28 -



500 200

549 38 2,826 8,921 3,163 335,950 12,151 22,682

200 2,500 200 200 26,000 10,000 30,000 20,000 23,600

200 2,500 200 5,100 26,000 25,000 30,000 20,000 23,600

200 2,500 200 500 30,000 10,000 30,000 25,000 23,100





Actual 2020 - 21 F610 600120 600120 600140 600140 600340 600400 600400 600830 600840 600890 602610 602700 602800 602820 603100

Purchasing Bonusing 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Overtime Expenses Travel 4000 Staff Travel Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing F & E Less Than $1500 Furniture/Equipment Maintenance Stationery and Supplies Computer Supplies Depreciation

Total for Program F610


Program Objectives 1.

Provide a quality centralized purchasing service, in the most cost-effective manner, to all programs operated by the BCTF including appropriate furniture, equipment, and materials to meet the needs and priorities of the BCTF.


Purchase goods and services that meet the highest ethical standards wherever possible, including maintaining a supplier code of conduct for primary suppliers. Research and purchase sustainable Canadian goods wherever possible.


Maintain the BCTF furniture, equipment, and art inventory.


Advise locals on purchasing requirements.

Total FTE—Covers 1.40 support staff.

F610 Purchasing


600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600340

Overtime Expense—Meal per diems for overtime as per collective agreement.

600400-4000 Travel—Staff Travel—Covers staff traveling for work related tasks, and purposes. 600830

Printing—Includes business cards, forms, letterhead, and recycling signage.


Photocopying—Daily photocopying of documents as required.


Mailing—Cover mailing expenses mostly related to return of purchased goods.

601300-1331 Telephone—Fax Supplies—Fax supplies such as ink and paper. As of 2020–21, fax has gone digital. Therefore, no more need for fax supplies going forward. 602610

Furniture and Equipment Less Than $1,500—Includes stand-up stations, hydraulic desk legs, ergonomic chairs (HR meeting room), and furniture for reception area.


Furniture/Equipment Maintenance—Includes repairs to furniture and equipment including comb binder and shredders and the reconfiguration of workstations.


Stationery Supplies—Includes all stationery items with a focus on green/sustainable products.


Computer Supplies—Includes printer cartridges, keyboard trays, monitor risers, document holders, wrist rests, flash drives, laser printer labels, and other computer accessories with a focus on ergonomics to prevent musculoskeletal injuries.


F610 Purchasing

F630 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Co-ordinator: Philip McKeen Actual 2020 - 21 F630 459030 459030 459030 490020 490020 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600340 600400 600400 600830 600840 600890 602610 602620 602810 603100 603500 603500 603500 603500 603500

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Property Management Program Revenues 3540 Building 9070 Miscellaneous Internal Recoveries 8940 BCTF Admin Charges Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Overtime Expenses Travel 4000 Staff Travel Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing F & E Less Than $1500 Equipment Rental Building-Art Depreciation Building operations 3520 Rent - Operating Costs Operating Supplies and 3750 Services 3800 Insurance Expense 9870 Property Tax

Total for Program F630

(289,638) (212,934)

(450,000) (210,400)

(450,000) (210,400)

(450,000) (224,500)













20,935 -

26,000 200

26,000 200

23,000 200

35 28 1,327 1,509 3,371 559,911

100 500 200 200 1,400 1,500 3,800 559,800

100 500 200 200 1,400 1,500 3,800 559,800

100 500 200 200 1,400 1,500 3,800 572,800









6,016 369,129

6,000 350,000

6,000 350,000

6,000 380,000





Program Objectives 1.

Provide quality facility services to staff, members, and tenants in the most cost-effective manner.

F630 Property Management



Provide effective and efficient management of the long-term investment of the BCTF property and building.


Ensure BCTF office working conditions are comfortable and safe.


Work with the Art PSA to co-ordinate a student art program for display at the BCTF building.

Total FTE—5.51 support staff. 459030-3540 Program Revenues—Building—The net revenue from the building entity. 459030-9070 Miscellaneous Revenue—Revenue collected for building management and maintenance services. 490020-8940 Admin Charges Recovered—Income Security’s proportionate share of rent and operating expenses. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 602610

Furniture and Equipment Less Than $1,500—Miscellaneous tools.


Equipment Rental—Cable television.


Building—Art—Sketchbooks and framing for students whose art is displayed at the BCTF building.

603500-3520 Rent—Operating Costs—BCTF’s proportionate share of building operating costs including utilities, contracted services, and repair and maintenance. 603500-3750 Operating Supplies & Services—Includes maintenance and janitorial supplies, contracted services, earthquake supplies, and filtered water for the BCTF occupied space. 603500-9870 Property Taxes—The BCTF’s proportionate share of property taxes for the building.


F630 Property Management

F800 MEMBERSHIP―RECORDS Co-ordinator: Delwin Yung Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23









34,894 1,512 347 304 148

20,000 4,000 1,000 1,500 1,000

8,000 4,000 1,000 1,500 1,000

10,000 4,000 1,000 1,500 1,000

146 76 951

1,200 4,000 700 1,000

1,200 4,000 700 1,000

1,200 4,000 700 1,000





Actual 2020 - 21 F800

Membership - Records

600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600805 600830 600840 600890 601100 601100 602140 602800 603100

Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Membership Cards Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Consultants 1100 General Promotional Materials Stationery and Supplies Depreciation

Total for Program F800

Program Objectives 1.

To provide a strong membership system for all BCTF departments and systems by: a. maintaining an accurate, current, and secure member database. b. continuing to improve working relationships with school district payroll personnel. c. collecting and reconciling members’ dues and fees information provided by school districts. d. continuing to improve communications between local offices, district offices, and the BCTF to promote the sharing of member information. e. producing induction certificates. f. mapping internal information between divisions within the BCTF building. F800 Membership—Records


g. provide membership information for PSAs and records of member who join PSAs. Total FTE—Covers 6.00 support staff. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600805

Membership Cards—Printing and mailing of membership cards on request and to new members; card-printer supplies and maintenance.


Printing—Printing of induction certificates, membership forms, and miscellaneous.


Photocopying—Photocopying documents for induction packages for locals, etc.


Mailing—Mailing of induction packages to local offices, etc.

601100-1100 Consultant—Fee reconciliation maintenance and report development, UnionWare training. 602140

Promotional Materials—BCTF pins for new members; on average, about 2,500 members are inducted each year.


Stationery and Supplies—Includes filing supplies, seals for certificates, etc.


F800 Membership—Records


Overview The Communications and Campaigns Division is responsible for: 1.

Organizational development, co-ordination, and infrastructure services that: a. facilitate BCTF decision-making (AGM, RA, and EC). b. support local leaders. c. ensure membership involvement and support.


Internal communications through: a. regular communications for members, locals, and Federation decision-making bodies. b. specialized communications on Federation campaigns, legislative changes, and emerging issues. c. communication support to other divisions of the Federation.


External communications through: a. media relations work in both mainstream and social media. b. media support for locals and Federation spokespersons. c. promotion of Federation perspectives and a positive image of teachers through a variety of means including earned media, news conferences, news releases, advertising, articles, and other submissions. d. monitoring media coverage of education issues and public support for the BCTF advocacy.


Digital communications through: a. developing a phased roadmap to proactively improve the Federation’s digital capacity to be at the forefront of digital member engagement by 2025. b. building digital tools and services that members and staff need and choose to use. c. partnering with staff and locals to create digital resources, products, and services to better support and communicate with members. d. sharing knowledge and empowering staff, members, locals and PSAs on digital. e. promoting best practices and standards for user focused design and accessibility.


Outreach, including: a. liaison with parents, community groups, labour, education partners, and advocacy groups. b. coalition building in support of public education and on specific issues of concern to teachers, children, and youth.


Monitoring the legislative assembly and positions of governments and MLAs, lobbying MLAs, and providing lobbying support to locals.


Planning and co-ordinating of Federation campaigns and promoting support for public education through political action, public relations, outreach, education, and lobbying. Communications and Campaigns Division


AGM Priorities The Communications and Campaigns Division supports the 2022–23 AGM Leadership Report by ensuring that the five key priorities are fundamental to all our communications, both internal and external, at all levels: local, provincial, national, and international. The priorities are: The Federation commits to collectively: 1. negotiate and support implementation of improvements to the collective agreement through collective bargaining. 2. advocate for the physical and mental health, safety, and well-being of members during and postpandemic. 3. advocate for and advance the future of public education in a world impacted by climate change. 4. advance decolonization and changes that address systemic discrimination and barriers within the education system and Federation structures. 5. engage and connect members toward recovery, strength, and solidarity. These themes will be given top priority in media relations and outreach, as well as editorial planning for Teacher magazine, bctf.ca, and all other communications vehicles.

Other Salary Costs Amended 2021–22 Budget

2022–23 Budget

$5,400 12,200 39,300

$5,400 12,200 45,800



600120 Support staff bonusing 600130 Support staff casuals 600140 Support staff overtime Totals

Estimated Staff Time Allocations Admin 2021–22 2022–23 G110—Executive Committee G120—Representative Assembly G130—Annual General Meeting G310—External Communications G320—Internal Communications G330—Magazine G340—Digital Communications G355—Graphics G440—Community and Labour Outreach G500—Production Co-ordination 2

Support 2021–22 2022–23

0.10 0.05 0.05 0.70 0.60 0.70 1.00 0.10

0.10 0.05 0.05 0.70 0.60 0.70 1.00 0.10

1.70 0.20 0.35 0.70 1.35 0.90 0.00 3.00

1.70 0.20 0.35 0.70 1.35 0.90 0.00 3.00









Communications and Campaigns Division

M110—Management and Administration A100—Public Education Advocacy A150—Commitment to Public Education Total

















2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Proposed Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23

880,962 311,735 269,579 6,607 77,099 219,320 78,578 22,626

1,009,100 611,600 407,000 44,300 146,000 241,200 125,800 26,200

1,187,600 1,016,600 1,578,500 55,300 138,000 256,800 80,800 26,200

178,500 405,000 1,171,500 11,000 (8,000) 15,600 (45,000) -





48,276 2,006,581

10,400 2,828,400

14,300 4,555,400

3,900 1,727,000

Divisional Summary

G110—Executive Committee G120—Representative Assembly G130—Annual General Meeting G310—External Communications G320—Internal Communications G330—Magazine G340—Digital Communications G355—Graphics G440—Community and Labour Outreach G500—Production Co-ordination G-Division Total

G-Division Total (in $000s) 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0

4,555 3,571 2,828

2,818 2,007

2018-19 Actual

2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Communications and Campaigns Division


Divisional Breakdown Production CoOrdination 0%

Graphics 1%

Digital Communications 2%

Community and Labour Outreach 4%

Magazine 6% Internal Communications 3%

External Communications 1%

Executive Committee 26% Annual General Meeting 35% Representative Assembly 22%

Communications and Campaigns Division (in 000s) 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 -

1,579 1,188



2020-21 Actuals



2021-22 Amended Budget





2022-23 Proposed Budget

Communications and Campaigns Division


Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021–22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022–23 ($)

Change +/-





2. Housing Allowance—Table Officers—To reflect travel costs related to the new composition of FTTOs as well as expected increase to rent, travel and utilities rates.





3. EC Release Time—Executive— Includes the Past President.





4. Travel—Executive—Based on preCOVID historical average plus expected cost increases to flight and accommodations.

















Description Executive Committee (G110) 1. Salaries—Table Officers—To reflect salaries of the new composition of FullTime Table Officers. This also includes a 2% increase.

Rep Assembly (G120) 1. Committee Meetings—General— 2022–23 budget reflects three in-person RAs. The costs have gone up significantly due to increase of room charges and anticipated increase to other costs due to inflation. 2. Teachers Teaching on Call— General—RA Task Force is completed. Annual General Meeting (G130) 1. Meetings—Annual General Meeting—2022–23 budget reflects an in-person AGM. Included in the increase are the cost for the electronic voting system and increase in hotel rates due to inflation.

Communications and Campaigns Division


2. Teachers Teaching on Call— General—Anticipate that more locals will be on spring break.





















3. Advertising Expenses—To reflect estimated usage for promotional and engagement activities.





4. Software Maintenance—Cost related to Video Conferencing has moved to F310-601400 Video Conferencing. The budget for any software related will be expensed in either 602680 Digital resources or 602685 Digital Tools.








+20,000 increase revenues

2. Advertising Expenses—Was used for advertising related to Outreach/Political Action. The budget has been moved to G310.





3. Promotional Materials—Return to inperson events/BCTF branded materials and swag.





External Communications (G310) 1. Advertising Expense—A budget transfer from G440—601200 advertising expense. The advertising budget is moved depending on which staff is doing the work. 2. Publishing—Online—Program Enhancement: Social media management. Digital Communications (G340) 1. Training—General—No training planned yet. 2. Fees Paid—Other—Translation— Referral (EC Feb 17-18, 2022): BCTF bilingual website.

Community and Labour Outreach (G440) 1. Program Revenues—Sales—Sales related to BCTF branded materials and swag.


Communications and Campaigns Division

G110 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Co-ordinator: Vanessa Terrell Actual 2020 - 21 G110

Original Amended Original Budget 2021 - Budget 2021 - Budget 2022 22 22 23

Executive Committee

600110 600110 600130 600130 600140 600140 600180 600180 600240 600240 600250 600250 600400 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600600 600600 600700 600700 600830 600840 600890 601300 601300 602800 650500 650500

Salaries 1500 Table Officers Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Benefits 1500 Table Officers Housing Allowance 1500 Table Officers EC Release Time 4100 Executive Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4100 Executive 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 1100 General Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Grants President's 7601 Discretionary Grants Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Telephone 1310 Remote Access Costs Stationery and Supplies Adminstration Charges 8945 Condo Services

Total for Program G110

























1,618 -

3,000 100,000 25,000

3,000 25,000 7,500

5,000 120,000 25,000













120 25

600 1,000 400

600 1,000 400

600 1,000 400

10,800 -

9,000 800

10,800 800

10,800 800









Program Objectives 1.

Maintain effective organizational structures to facilitate good communication and democratic decision-making.


Prepare final recommendations to the AGM. G110 Executive Offices


Total FTE—Covers 0.10 administrative staff and 1.70 support staff. 600110-1500 FTTO Salaries—Includes salary paid by school districts plus allowances paid by the BCTF. 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600180-1500 FTTO Benefits—Benefits paid by school districts plus pension and WCB premiums paid by the BCTF on allowance amounts. 600240-1500 Housing Allowance—Accommodations, transit subsidy, and travel home costs for FTTOs. 600250-4100 EC Release Time—Release time up to 0.4 FTE for nine Executive Committee members-at-large. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Costs for staff travel to EC meetings, when meetings are held outside of the BCTF building. 600400-4100 EC Travel—All EC travel including attendance at advisory committee meetings, and travel to locals. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—To facilitate attendance of committee chairpersons/designates at EC meetings as determined by the FTTOs in consultation with the chairperson. This budget line also provides for allowing each local and sublocal to send up to two members to attend an in-person EC meeting as observers on the basis that at least one is a member in their first five years of teaching and at least one is a member who identifies as a member of an equity-seeking group. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Costs for Executive Committee meetings, including travel, meals, hotels, etc. An alternate start time has reduced accommodation and per diem expenses. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—TTOC costs for committee chairpersons/designates to attend EC meetings as determined by FTTOs in consultation with the chairperson. 600700-7601 President’s Discretionary Grants—Costs for grants given at President’s discretion. 600830

Printing—Documents for Executive Committee meetings.


Photocopying—Documents for Executive Committee meetings.


Mailing—Executive Committee meeting materials, etc.


G110 Executive Offices

601300-1310 Remote Access Costs—To cover the cost of reimbursement to Executive Committee members for mobile devices. 602800

Stationery and Supplies—To purchase briefcases for new Executive Committee members. Also covers cost of purchasing gifts for presentation to visitors.

650500-8945 Administration Charges—To cover costs for BCTF-purchased condo. This includes the depreciation of the condo.

G110 Executive Offices



G110 Executive Offices

G120 REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY Co-ordinator: Vanessa Terrell


Representative Assembly

600140 600140 600400 600400 600500 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600610 600830 600840 600890

Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Committee Meetings 1100 General 5200 Task Force Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General 5200 Task Force Daycare Costs Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing

Total for Program G120

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23









183,185 -

550,000 15,000

417,000 15,000

850,000 -

98,440 15,075 1,024 235 -

140,000 20,000 3,000 2,500 800 800

140,000 20,000 3,000 2,500 800 800

140,000 3,000 2,500 800 800





Program Objectives 1.

Maintain effective organizational structures to facilitate good communication and democratic decision-making.


Prepare final recommendations to the AGM.

Total FTE—Covers 0.05 administrative staff and 0.20 support staff. 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Covers staff travel attendance at Representative Assembly meetings.

G120 Representative Assembly


600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Covers costs of travel, baggage fees, meals, hotel, childcare, meeting facility and services, Rookie LR training day, and technology needs for Local Representatives and Local Presidents to attend three two-day (Friday– Saturday) meetings. 600500-5200 Committee Meetings—Task Force—An ad-hoc committee to analyze the simplified Rules of Order through an anti-oppression lens (TTOC costs are budgeted in 600600-5200 TTOCs—Task Force). 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Covers release time for Local Representatives to attend meetings. Increase reflects actual costs over recent years. 600600-5200 TTOCs—Task Force—See 600500-5200 Committee Meetings-Task Force. 600830

Printing—Representative Assembly materials. Documents are put online to decrease printing and mailing costs.


Photocopying—Documents for Representative Assembly meetings, including reports, agendas, etc.


Mailing—Representative Assembly materials, etc.


G120 Representative Assembly

G130 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Co-ordinator: Vanessa Terrell Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

















11,025 3,063 41,686 384 21,163 458

52,000 40,000 50,000 800 22,000 1,000

52,000 5,000 50,000 800 22,000 1,000

22,000 40,000 40,000 800 22,000 1,000





Actual 2020 - 21 G130 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600530 600530 600600 600600 600610 600830 600840 600890 604030

Annual General Meeting Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Meetings 5300 Annual General Meeting Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Daycare Costs Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Awards

Total for Program G130

Program Objectives 1.

Maintain effective organizational structures to facilitate good communication and democratic decision making.

Total FTE—Covers 0.05 administrative staff and 0.35 support staff. 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140—1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Costs for staff travel to AGM. 600530-5300 Annual General Meeting—Covers costs of travel, baggage fees, meals, hotel rooms, meeting facility and services, and technology needs for delegates attending the AGM. G130 Annual General Meeting


600600-1100 TTOCs—General—TTOC costs for locals that have spring break at a different time. 600610

Daycare Costs—Cost of providing childcare for delegates’ children during AGM. Increase reflects funds to replace supplies and toys and actual costs due to growing enrolment.


Printing—Printing of AGM materials, including the Reports and Resolutions booklet on a one-per-five-member basis, and the special election issue for distribution to delegates.


Photocopying—Photocopying documents for AGM.


Mailing—Materials for AGM.

604030-4030 Awards—The G.A. Fergusson Award Trustees generally hold one conference call to review and discuss the nominations, name the recipient, and report to the president. Also includes the cost of framing all awards presented.


G130 Annual General Meeting

G310 EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Co-ordinator: Lauren Hutchison

G310 600140 600140 600400 600400 600840 601100 601100 601150 601150 601200 601222 601230

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23





483 3

5,000 200

1,500 200

2,500 200






8,000 4,000 -

8,000 4,000 -

8,000 24,000 5,000 -





External Communications Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Photocopying Consultants 1100 General Fees Paid - Other 1180 Translation Advertising Expenses Publishing - Online Media Monitoring

Total for Program G310

Program Objectives 1.

Establish an ongoing public awareness of the work of teachers, the increasing challenges they face, and the need to support an adequately funded, quality public education system.


Define the image and key messages of the BCTF through strategic planning, research, and evaluation.


Communicate effectively through print, broadcast, and online media, and new tools in communications.


Through training and ongoing support, assist local leaders with communications planning and working with the media.


Support the table officers as influential representatives of the Federation and the profession.


Explore and evaluate technologies and procedures to maximize the effectiveness of our communications vehicles.

G310 External Communications



Work in co-operation with other labour communicators, especially in the public sector unions, to build support for strong public education and public services.


Encourage progressive new media that provide alternative viewpoints to the existing corporate media monopoly.

Total FTE—Covers 0.70 administrative staff and 0.20 support staff. 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Covers media officer’s travel to different regions in the province to work with locals and build media contacts outside the Lower Mainland. 600840

Photocopying—Materials to support public education.

601000-1100 Consultants—Costs associated with implementation and/or refinements to the Branding Project (Phase 1 completed in 2021–22 that will ensure a cohesive, consistent, and professional appearance in all member and public-facing communications materials (including digital, print, social). 601150-1180 Translation Services—Contracted translation services to help Federation communications reach publics who primarily consume media published/broadcast/distributed in a language other than English or French. 601200

Advertising—Provides for ads on social media networks like Facebook or other online media sites, as well as placement of issues-based BCTF advertising in print, online, and broadcast media created by educational and labour organizations, social justice and community groups, and others in support of Federation goals.


Publishing-Online—Costs associated with social media management platforms.


Media Monitoring—Provides for daily tracking and monitoring of news (print, online, radio, and television) stories related to education and other labour issues province-wide. This is cost is no longer required as service can be obtained by other means.


G310 External Communications

G320 INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Co-ordinator: Sunjum Jhaj


Internal Communications

600120 600120 600140 600140 600400 600400 600800 600830 600840 600890 601250 601250 601260

Bonusing 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Member's Guide Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Communications Research 5705 Focus Groups Electronic Communications

Total for Program G320

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23









28,006 5,039 32 26,471

800 29,000 18,000 600 35,000

800 29,000 18,000 600 35,000

800 29,000 15,000 600 30,000

5,500 10,247

40,000 20,000

40,000 20,000

40,000 20,000





Program Objectives 1.

Communicate effectively with members about education issues and Federation activities.


Enhance communications to school union representatives.


Increase member awareness and encourage involvement in locals and the BCTF.


Through communications, encourage the involvement of new members in the Federation and in leadership roles.


Co-ordinate the quality and effectiveness of all BCTF publications.

Total FTE—Covers 1.50 administrative staff and 1.25 support staff. 600120-1520 Bonusing and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. G320 Internal Communications


600400-4000 Staff Travel—Covers attendance at outside events, meetings, and conferences. 600800

Members’ Guide—Print 2,500 copies. One per staffroom and on request up to 10 per local.


Printing—Communication to members, the annual wall calendar, flyers, bulletins, brochures, PSA conference brochures, and various communications with school union representatives.


Photocopying—BCTF briefs, presentations, and discussion papers.


Mailing—Includes communications to school union representatives, e.g., Members’ Guide and wall calendar.

601250-5705 Research Focus Groups—Provides for focus groups with members and research into effectiveness of diverse communications strategies and potential new tools. Focus groups are especially important leading up to a campaign launch. 601260


Electronic communications to members—Provides for mass email distribution (e.g., BCTF news and important messages) and livestream video broadcast capacity and subscription-based tools.

G320 Internal Communications

G330 MAGAZINE Co-ordinator: Sunjum Jhaj Actual 2020 - 21 G330 459030 459030 459030 600400 600400 600500 600500 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 601150 601150 603020

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Magazine Program Revenues 9020 Subscription 9050 Advertising Travel 4000 Staff Travel Committee Meetings 1100 General Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Fees Paid - Other 1190 Editorial Fees HST/GST Non Deductible Portion

Total for Program G330

(230) (38,776)

(300) (33,000)

(300) (33,000)

(300) (33,000)









122,803 25 129,078

123,000 600 145,000

900 123,000 600 145,000

2,000 130,000 600 145,000

1,661 4,115

3,500 -

3,500 -

3,500 -





Program Objectives 1.

Ensure the publication of a quality, dynamic, engaging newsmagazine for members and with submissions from members.


Publish five issues of Teacher magazine.


Continue to assist teacher writers and local communicators in the reporting and writing of news/feature stories.

Total FTE—Covers 0.70 administrative staff and 0.90 support staff. 459030-9020 Subscription Revenue—Revenue from university libraries and related institutions. 459030-9050 Advertising Revenue—Revenue from advertisements in Teacher magazine.

G330 Magazine


600400-4000 Staff Travel—Allows for interviews, event coverage, and story follow-up beyond the Lower Mainland. Will also allow for travel to individual locals to produce “Local Profile” feature for the magazine. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—One meeting of the five-member Teacher magazine advisory board on Friday. 600830

Printing—Five issues of Teacher magazine.


Photocopying—Advisory board materials, article production and layout, assembling magazine content.


Mailing—Copies of five issues are distributed to teachers at work sites, TTOCs at home, retired teachers (upon request), MLAs, school trustees, education partners, and other unions. Copies are mailed to all members at schools.

601150-1190 Editorial Fees—Pays for reprints, freelance writing, and cartoons. Includes fees for consultation with professionals in writing and editing fields.


G330 Magazine

G340 Digital Communications Co-ordinator: Jason Dewolfe Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23







4,000 300

4,000 300





78,174 404 -

40,000 140,000 20,000 20,000

40,000 20,000 20,000 20,000

5,000 20,000 25,000 25,000





Actual 2020 - 21 G340

Digital Communications

600400 600400 600600 600600 600840 600950 600950 601150 601150 601200 602670 602680 602685

Travel 4000 Staff Travel Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Photocopying Training 1100 General Fees Paid - Other 1180 Translation Advertising Expenses Software Maintenance Digital Resources Digital Tools

Total for Program G340

Program Objectives 1.

Digital Transformation: Improving the Federation’s social media and digital capacity.


Digital Tools: Building digital tools to support the work of the Federation.


Digital Resources: Building digital versions of BCTF communications.


Digital Know-How: Providing training from members, locals, and PSAs on digital.

Total FTE—Covers 1.00 administrative staff 600400-4000 Staff Travel—To enable the Federation’s digital communications strategist to work with activists in locals or regions. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Associated with engaging members in developing digital tools and content. 600840

Photocopying—To cover minor copying requirements. G340 Digital Communications


600950-1100 Training—To provide training for provincial and local leaders, members, Provincial Specialist Associations (PSAs) through in-person and/or online events featuring respected experts in the field. 601150-1180 Translation Fees—Costs related to translating content on online BCTF platforms. 601200

Advertising Expenses—To expand the reach of our digital communications and campaigns through online advertising and other strategies to strengthen our social networks and enhance member engagement online.


Digital Resources—To create digital versions of Federation publications, expanding the features and capacities of our website, creating social media shareables for locals, PSAs, etc.


Digital Tools—To create online tools for members to access services provided by the Federation.


G340 Digital Communications

G355 GRAPHICS Co-ordinator: Luis Isidoro Actual 2020 - 21 G355

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23


490020 Internal Recoveries General Supplies 490020 8930 Recovered 600120 Bonusing 600120 1520 Support 600130 Casuals 600130 1520 Support 600140 Overtime 600140 1520 Support 600400 Travel 600400 4000 Staff Travel 600840 Photocopying 602660 Software Purchase 602700 Furniture/Equipment Maintenance 603220 General Supplies

Total for Program G355
















2 14,391 6,654

100 100 15,000 2,500 6,500

100 100 15,000 2,500 6,500

100 100 15,000 2,500 6,500






Program Objectives 1.

Support and clarify Federation communications with finished print, visual, and electronic materials that are professional, creative, effective, and attractive.


Develop graphics-intensive Federation presentations.


Support individual locals in regular runs of BCTF-designed newspaper ad campaigns.


Provide graphics support to Federation webpage communications.


Explore and evaluate technologies and procedures to maximize the use of funds, skills, time requirements, and materials in Federation communications vehicles.

Total FTE—Covers 0.10 administrative staff and 3.00 support staff.

G355 Graphics


490020-8930 General Supplies Recovered—Reflects a chargeback system of $4 per square foot on the large-format printer. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Training travel costs anticipated. 600840

Photocopying—Produce graphics work orders and reference materials for design work.


Software Purchase—Annual licensing costs for iStock photos, Adobe Creative Cloud graphics software, and other software as needed.


Equipment Maintenance—Provides a contingency to cover costs related to the breakdown of equipment.


General Supplies—Toner and paper stock for the wide-format plotter which prints posters and banners, toner costs for the Xerox colour laser printer, photographic equipment as needed, and general graphics supplies: paper, brushes, paints, drawing tools, etc.


G355 Graphics

G440 COMMUNITY AND LABOUR OUTREACH Co-ordinator: Anna Chudnovsky Actual 2020 - 21 G440 459030 459030 600400 600400 600530 600530 600600 600600 600700 600700 600700 600700 600830 600840 600890 600950 600950 601150 601150 601200 601210 601240 602140

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Community and Labour Outreach Program Revenues 9030 Sales Travel 4000 Staff Travel Meetings 5306 Community Liaison Teachers Teaching on Call 6015 Facilitators Grants 7024 Community Outreach 7026 Research Desk 7029 Research Institute Grant Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Training 1100 General Fees Paid - Other 1180 Translation Advertising Expenses Campaigns Sponsorship Promotional Materials

Total for Program G440















26,910 12,000 38,000 31 82 99

35,000 12,000 38,000 3,000 600 2,000

35,000 12,000 38,000 3,000 600 2,000

35,000 12,000 38,000 3,000 600 2,000





8,219 -

2,000 20,000 1,500 25,000

2,000 20,000 4,000 3,000

2,000 1,500 35,000






Program Objectives 1.

Support the AGM Leadership Report and Federation priorities through work with outside groups and organizations, including labour and community coalitions, in defense and support of public education, public services and social programs.


Continue liaison with trustees, parents, support staff unions, labour, advocacy groups, and others on issues of common concern.

G440 Community and Labour Outreach



Provide support to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and other community coalitions.

Total FTE—Covers 0.40 administrative staff and 0.90 support staff. 459030-9030 Sales Revenue—Sale of promotional materials. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel costs related to outreach and meetings. 600530-5306 Community Liaison—Supports liaison and lobbying of education partners and community groups such as parents, unions, education advocacy groups, and others in building support for public education and public services. This includes community outreach program costs such as event registration, equipment rentals, and other expenses. Executive Committee approved grants over last year. 600600-6015 TTOCs–Facilitators—TTOC costs for Political Action Contacts (PACs) Training. Covers costs of TTOCs so PACs can attend Federation-sponsored training. 600700-7024 Community Outreach Grants—Grants to a range of community organizations, usually in response to requests, to meet educational, social, or economic objectives supported by the BCTF. All grants are approved by the Executive Committee. 600700-7026 Research Desk Grant— Grant of $12,000 per year to support the BC Federation of Labour public interest research desk at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. 600700-7029 Research Institute Grant—Grant to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. 600830

Printing—Outreach material.


Photocopying—Specific materials used to inform union affiliates, coalitions, and general public of Federation policies and current issues.


Mailing—Outreach material for locals to use in communities.

600950-1100 Training—General—Training that gives PACs skills, strategies, and tools to allow them to communicate regularly with government officials and school trustees about important issues in BC public education, as well to motivate and mobilize BCTF members and other advocates to do the same. Associated TTOC costs are in subcode 600600-6015 TTOCs—Facilitators. 601150-1180 Translation Fees—Translation of Federation materials when necessary, as determined by CCD. 601200


Advertising—Provides for placement of issues-based BCTF advertising in print, online, and broadcast media created by educational and labour organizations, social justice and community groups and others in support of Federation goals. This budget line is an amalgamation of 601200 (advertising) and 601210 (campaigns). G440 Community and Labour Outreach


Campaigns—Provides for ongoing outreach and public relations marking annual events that emphasize BCTF’s role as a social justice union (International Women’s Day, Labour Day, World Teachers’ Day, etc.) and support cultural diversity through connections with ethno-cultural media.


Sponsorship—Sponsorship for outside groups and organizations including labour and community coalitions. This includes $1,500 to the BC Book Prize.


Promotional Materials—Purchase of BCTF-branded materials for conferences, liaison purposes, gifts, and honoraria. Some costs recovered in budget line 4590309030 Program Revenues-Sales. Ongoing demand for materials to support initiatives such as New Teachers’ Conference, BCTF 2050, Political Action Contacts network, etc.

G440 Community and Labour Outreach



G440 Community and Labour Outreach

G500 PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATION Co-ordinator: Lester Dare Actual 2020 - 21 G500

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Production Co-Ordination

490020 Internal Recoveries Materials/Services 490020 8910 Recovered 490020 8915 Photocopy costs 490020 8950 Mailing 600120 Bonusing 600120 1520 Support 600130 Casuals 600130 1520 Support 600140 Overtime 600140 1520 Support 600820 Printing External 600830 Printing Internal 600860 Mailing and Distribution 602620 Equipment Rental 602700 Furniture/Equipment Maintenance 602720 Copy/Print Charge 602725 Equipment Lease 602840 Photocopy Supplies 603100 Depreciation 603200 Materials/Services 603220 General Supplies 604000 Miscellaneous Expenses

Total for Program G500





(18,314) (193,760)

(140,000) (200,000)

(140,000) (200,000)

(140,000) (220,000)









334 96,338 205,752 21,095 1,434 2,346 40,867 11,119 7,662 58 -

150,000 1,400 200,000 23,000 4,000 30,000 36,000 1,200 11,200 30,000 1,500 100

150,000 1,400 200,000 23,000 4,000 30,000 36,000 1,200 11,200 30,000 1,500 100

2,000 150,000 1,400 220,000 25,000 4,000 30,000 45,000 1,200 2,100 30,000 1,500 100





Program Objectives 1.

Produce, purchase, and distribute high-quality materials in a cost-effective and timely fashion.


Review long-range production service plans to improve productivity and service.


This program is intended to consolidate all BCTF printing production costs in one program with the majority of these costs recorded in and recovered from other programs. G500 Production Co-Ordination


Total FTE—Covers 3.00 support staff. 490020-8910 Materials/Services Recovered—Recovery for materials (paper and envelopes) related to print jobs charged to programs. 490020-8915 Photocopying Costs Recovered—Recovery for photocopying materials (ink and paper). This includes the copies done on the satellite (divisional workroom, etc.) photocopiers and the copies done on the Production Department photocopiers. Costs will differ between colour and black and white photocopies. 490020-8950 Internal Recoveries-Mailing—Recovery of postage and courier costs from programs. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600820

External Printing—Covers costs of BCTF publications sent to commercial print shops. Associated recoveries are included in 490020-8910 Recoveries— Material/Services.


Printing—Documents such as work order forms, photocopy requisitions, and courier request forms.


Mailing and Distribution—Covers postage, courier, and fuel surcharge costs to distribute BCTF materials. Associated recoveries are included in 490020-8950 Recoveries—Mailing.


Equipment Rental—Pitney Bowes mailing machine, service, and postage meter contract (meter lease includes all future Canada Post rates update).


Furniture/Equipment Maintenance—Annual service check.


Copy Charge—Copy costs for workroom and production photocopiers.


Equipment Lease—Annual charge for two photocopier leases which includes toner expenses.


Photocopy Supplies—Staples for photocopy machines.


Depreciation—Depreciation expense for all capital purchases.


Materials/Services—Covers cost of paper, envelopes, etc.


General Supplies—Mailroom and bindery supplies.


G500 Production Co-Ordination


Miscellaneous Expenses—Minor repair costs.

G500 Production Co-Ordination


Information, Research and International Solidarity Director: Andrée Gacoin Overview The Information, Research and International Solidarity Division provides support to the programs, locals, and staff of the Federation in the areas of research, information services, and international solidarity.

Mandate The mandate of the Research Department is to: a. Carry out research that supports the leadership priorities and key objectives of the BCTF in bargaining, education policy, professional practice, and social justice. b. Actively promote teacher research with the aim of developing school programs and classroom practice based on teacher knowledge and experience, rather than top-down imposition. c. Use participatory research and inquiry as a method of developing Federation policy proposals and responses to external policy initiatives. d. Support research and publication on the history of the BCTF. e. Offer advice and training for the BCTF staff on research tools and approaches, e.g., preparing effective surveys. f. Work with Communications and Information Services to define communication strategies, develop applications in new media, and produce content. The mandate of the Information Services Department is to: a. Provide relevant and complete information, in a timely and efficient manner, to Federation staff, local officers, PSA officers, and members. b. Utilize the most current and efficient technologies for the acquisition, management, and provision of information. c. Manage the print and electronic records of the Federation which fulfil the administrative, fiscal, legal, and operational needs of the organization. d. Manage the Federation’s archives to preserve the historical records of the BCTF. e. Utilize the archives of the Federation to support staff, members, and others studying and reporting on the history of the BCTF. f. Organize and manage the content of the Federation’s website and member portal. g. Facilitate the use of social media tools. h. Provide video production and streaming services for staff and members.

Information, Research and International Solidarity


Other Salary Costs Amended 2021–22 Budget

2022–23 Budget

$1,000 9,000 3,000

$1,000 33,000 3,000



600120 support staff bonusing 600130 support staff casuals 600140 support staff overtime Totals

Estimated Staff Time Allocations Admin 2021–22 2022–23 H100—Research H200—Information Services W150—WR Long Total


Support 2021–22 2022–23

0.80 0.10 0.10

0.80 0.10 0.10

4.70 5.00 0.30

4.70 5.00 0.30





Information, Research and International Solidarity

Divisional Summary

H100—Research H200—Information Services H-Division Total

2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23

52,119 139,129 191,248

132,000 168,100 300,100

153,000 210,600 363,600

21,000 42,500 63,500

H-Division Total (in $000s) 400


350 300

300 250





2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

150 100 50 0 2018-19 Actual

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Information, Research and International Solidarity


Divisional Breakdown

Research 44% Information Services 56%

Information, Research and International Solidarity Division (in 000s) 250 211 200 153

150 100 50 Research 2020-21 Actuals


2021-22 Amended Budget

Information Services 2022-23 Original Budget

Information, Research and International Solidarity

Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Description Research (H100) 1. Research Projects—History project—External production of three videos—ongoing project lead by past staff members. Information Services (H200) 1. Casuals—Support—Casuals will be used to facilitate the work of the History project.

Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021–22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022–23 ($)

Change +/-









Information, Research and International Solidarity


H100 RESEARCH Co-ordinator: Andrée Gacoin Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23
















12,128 (88) (221) -

46,000 5,000 500

46,000 5,000 500

46,000 5,500 500

1,500 1,790 125 306

5,000 3,000 4,000 1,000

5,000 3,000 4,000 1,000

5,000 3,000 4,000 1,000

33,100 -

36,000 5,000

47,000 5,000

40,000 15,000





Actual 2020 - 21 H100 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600530 600530 600600 600600 600600 600600 600610 600700 600700 600830 600840 600890 604060 604060 604060

Research Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Meetings 5705 Focus Groups Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General 5200 Task Force 5705 Focus Groups Daycare Costs Grants 7029 Research Institute Grant Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Research Projects 1100 General 6070 History Project

Total for Program H100


Total FTE—Covers 0.80 administrative staff and 4.70 support staff. 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. This subcode provides for extra staffing time needed for online seminars and presentations from Research and transcription service for focus groups and research interviews. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Staff travel related to strategic partnerships (e.g., IPE, CCPA) and grant partnerships (e.g., SSHERC Community Partnership Grants). H100 Research


600530-5705 Meetings—Focus Groups and 600600-5705 TTOC—Focus Groups—Provides funding to research issue session on inclusion. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Provides TTOCs required as part of research projects that engage members in the research process, such as think tanks, action research, ad hoc meetings on the various topics covered in the research budget, and members who are presenters in online seminars and workshops. 600610

Daycare costs—Many of our research activities involve organizing groups of members (e.g., focus groups, advisory committees, think tanks). This code is for daycare costs related to member participation.


Printing—Printing research reports, as required.

600700-7029 Grants—Research Institute Grants—Support for progressive research publications (e.g., Our Schools/Our Selves) and groups (e.g., Institute for Public Education) that align with the Federation’s research and leadership priorities. 600840

Photocopying—Photocopying research reports and other documents.


Mailing—Distribution of research reports and mailing costs related to research projects.

604060-1100 Research Projects—General—Costs associated with designing, conducting, analyzing and reporting on research projects. Includes staff travel related to carrying out research projects. 604060-6070 Research Projects—History Project—History of the BCTF project.

Research themes and projects, 2022–23 The BCTF Research Department carries out projects that support the leadership priorities and key objectives of the BCTF in bargaining, education policy, professional practice, and social justice. For 2022–23, research will continue to be carried out in relation to six key themes. Research will also be carried out on issues that arise throughout the budget year, as identified by the Executive Committee and other decision-making bodies, and as resources allow. The six pre-planned themes are: (1) Educational policy: This research theme focuses on critical assessments of historical and current changes to key education policy areas. The research is aimed at assisting members to critically engage with and shape education policy in BC. Planned projects are: History of the BCTF: This ongoing project positions the BCTF within the broader educational policy landscape, including the development of oral history interviews on video, short videos on specific topics, and articles and a book on aspects of BCTF history. Funding 8

H100 Research

for this year is to support the production of three short videos which highlight key events and developments in the history of the BCTF. (The project is led by a small committee including Ken Novakowski, Moira Mackenzie, Larry Kuehn, Richard Hoover, and Glen Hansman, and supported by BCTF staff; Budget $15,000; Note: $24,000 for casual support has been included in the H200 (Information Services) budget). (2) Equity and Social justice: This research theme aims to mobilize research as an advocacy tool, focused on social justice issues and enhancing equity and inclusion across BC. Planned projects are: 

The Landscape of Inclusion: This multi-year project explores the conceptual and contextual aspects of inclusive education policy and practice in BC schools. This year of the project will focus on collaborative research with key partners, such as parents and CUPE, and include a one-day Summit on Inclusion involving teachers, parents and support staff (postponed from 2022 due to pandemic conditions). (Lead researcher: Dr. Andrée Gacoin; Budget $15,000)

School Liaison Officers (SLOs) in BC Schools: This three-year project has two components. One explores the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) educators in relation to school liaison officers as well as their observations on how their BIPOC students are impacted by the SLO program. The second component is an analysis of police and education budgets across BC. This final year of the project will focus on data analysis and sharing findings. (Lead researcher: Dr. Michelle Gautreaux, Budget $18,000)

(3) Working and learning conditions: This research theme is focused on what teachers and students deserve, and what teachers consider to be the building blocks of a quality education system. This theme also engages mental health as a central issue shaping working and learning conditions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The planned projects are: 

Healthy and resilient schools: This project builds on surveys conducted during the COVID19 pandemic which tracked teacher experiences and perspectives in order to advocate for safe working and learning conditions across the province. The budget includes a follow-up survey (with external partner StratCom) to the January 2020 and September 2021 Health and Safety Member Surveys. (Lead researcher: Dr. Brendan Watts; Budget $20,000)

Collective bargaining research: These ongoing research activities directly support the provincial bargaining team, as well as locals (e.g., local bargaining surveys). They include research on working and learning conditions to track class size, class composition, specialist staffing and other working conditions based on analysis of Ministry data as well as crossjurisdictional comparisons. (Lead researcher: Dr. Brendan Watts)

(4) Privatisation, commercialization and globalization: This research theme directly engages with how neoliberal globalisation is impacting education in BC, as seen in the increasing privatization and commercialization of educational services, as well as the influence of the OECD agenda on BC’s education policy. The increasing role of technology, including how teachers navigate technological change and potential privacy issues, is a key area within this theme. The planned projects are:

H100 Research


Education Futures: This is a collaborative project, bringing together academic researchers and teachers’ unions. BC has been selected as one of four case studies that aim to reimagine the futures of assessment with teacher professional autonomy. The focus of the BC case study will be the tensions between BC’s focus on integrating Aboriginal ways of knowing and being and a neoliberal accountability framework. (Lead researcher: Dr. Andrée Gacoin; Budget $19,500)

(5) Member engagement: Research in this theme aims to support and cultivate members’ knowledge of, participation in, and rejuvenation of union goals and activities. The planned projects are: 

BCTF 2050: This multi-year project focuses on new members’ perspectives on and experiences of union engagement. The current focus of the project is addressing a silence identified in the initial member focus groups conducted in 2019: BIPOC members’ teaching and union experiences. A project team, made up of early career Teachers of Colour, will conduct collaborative research activities over the course of the year. (Lead researcher: Dr. Anne Hales; Budget $37,000)

Exploring Union-led Teacher Mentorship: This research initiative will engage six locals in documenting the activities and effects of union-led teacher mentorship. In 2020, the BCTF secured $12 million dollars in government funding to develop and support teacher mentorship initiatives and programs. Six locals will be invited to participate in a collaborative case study, highlighting the diverse contexts, needs, approaches and practices of teacher mentorship, as well as exploring the effects of union-led mentorship on teachers’ recruitment and retention. The project may also include the development of Summer Conference and Federation Leadership Institute sessions to further support locals in sustaining quality mentorship. (Lead researcher: Dr. Anne Hales; Budget $4,500)

(6) Research Longevity, Accessibility and Infrastructure: This research theme recognizes the need for internal structures and processes to gather, store and disseminate data. It also recognizes the increasing demand to build and support data literacy and methodological skills within the federation. The planned projects are:


BCTF Research database: The purpose of this ongoing project is to create an enduring research databank that is accessible (not requiring prior user familiarity with a given project), well-documented, searchable, secure, and backed-up. Activities will include: (1) determine accessibility requirements and develop databank standards to meet these and (2) incorporate a standardized archival process for the integration of new datasets into the research databank. (Lead researcher: Dr. Brendan Watts; Budget $1,500)

Historical member data: BCTF Research needs access to historical versions of the membership database for multiple organizational tasks (e.g., drawing samples, weighting survey data to be representative, long-term demographic tracking and other longitudinal research, membership counts, etc). This project is developing an automated archival system so that historical “snap shots” of our membership database are available to BCTF Research staff who require this functionality. This project will be developed in close collaboration with other

H100 Research

divisions, particularly member records and IT. (Lead researcher: Dr. Brendan Watts; Budget $2,500)

H100 Research



H100 Research

H200 INFORMATION SERVICES Co-ordinator: David Stange Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23









145 -

1,000 100

1,000 100

1,000 100

225 131

100 1,000 400

100 1,000 400

100 1,000 400

5,350 3,172 8,353 40,847 226 72,613 732 849 6,226

15,000 19,000 11,200 300 35,000 200 73,500 500 800 1,000 7,000

15,000 19,000 11,200 300 35,000 200 73,500 500 800 1,000 7,000

15,000 19,000 11,200 300 49,500 200 77,000 500 800 1,000 7,500





Actual 2020 - 21 H200 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600340 600400 600400 600840 600890 600950 600950 602105 602115 602120 602125 602150 602160 602700 602800 602870 603600

Information Services Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Overtime Expenses Travel 4000 Staff Travel Photocopying Mailing Training 1100 General Books and Videos Periodical Subscriptions Audio-Visual Subscription Services Supplies Library Outside Data Bases Furniture/Equipment Maintenance Stationery and Supplies Micrographics Storage Rental

Total for Program H200

Program Objectives 1. Respond to information requests from staff, Executive Committee members, local officers and activists, PSA officers, and task force and committee members on a timely basis. Provide research services to members as required. Evaluate, acquire, manage, summarize, and disseminate information to meet the Federation’s information/research requirements. 2. Manage the information organization and content of the BCTF website and staff portal on an ongoing basis. H200 Information Services


3. Share knowledge about specific social media technologies—wikis, video streaming, and webinars— with BCTF staff and members. Provide training to staff and members who are interested in using the tools in their work. 4. Develop new content for the BCTF website, focusing on educational, labour, and social issues emerging from the Federation’s leadership report, BCTF research priorities, and divisional needs. 5. Distribute an electronic news service to Local Presidents, FTTOs, and staff. The News Flash covers the major dailies and community newspapers in British Columbia, and major dailies and wire services across Canada. The News Flash monitors education and labour news, and the provincial government’s policies and actions that impact teachers and students in BC. Stories are used by locals in their newsletters and other communications. 6. Provide current awareness of education, labour, and social justice issues by scanning journals and monitoring websites, then alerting staff by email and/or the Research and Reports blog. 7. Monitor education partners, school district, and government websites to track emergent issues and government policy affecting teachers. 8. Monitor and review teaching resources submitted by teachers for inclusion in the Federation’s TeachBC database. Coordinate with CCD and PSID to promote TeachBC resources. 9. Curate and administer an eBook library for members and staff. Titles are selected based on current issues (i.e., COVID-19) and professional needs. 10. Provide video production services for staff and members, including filming, editing, and creating web files. Provide video streaming for BCTF events and activities, such as workshops, news conferences, and meetings. 11. Provide copyright advice to staff and members and assist staff in obtaining copyright permissions. 12. Provide ongoing training and support to staff who use the electronic document management system, Content Server, to manage the Federation’s physical records and electronic documents, including email. Continue deployment of workflow module in order to move away from paper-based forms. Content Server is a critical, organization-wide application. 13. Continue to ensure adherence to the Federation’s records management program. 14. Design an archival program for the Federation’s historical records. The immediate priorities for implementation are addressing critical conservation issues, describing and preserving the Federation’s photos. 15. Continue digitization program of Federation records, including analog media, to provide greater accessibility. Total FTE—Covers 0.10 administrative staff and 5.00 support staff.


H200 Information Services

600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. Casual budget increased for 2022–23 to assist with the BCTF History Project. Casuals will be utilized to assist with tasks such as transcription as well as departmental tasks when Records staff are working on the History Project. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel costs are associated with document retrieval from external libraries, and attendance at library and records management meetings. Transit will be used when feasible. 600840

Photocopying—In addition to costs associated with departmental and Production copiers, the budget covers the UBC library card, Vancouver Public Library photocopying account, Courthouse Library, and deposit accounts with document retrieval services.


Mailing—Includes courier charges to loan DVDs, and mailing costs for requested materials.

600950-1100 Training—Training on OpenText Content Server modules to support the rollout of workflows and other information sharing initiatives for departments. 602105

Books and Video Resources—Includes all books, regardless of format. The ebook lending library will continue to expand to meet members’ needs. The Federation also purchases legal reference material, such as the BC Labour and Employment Law Statutes, required by Legal and Field Service staff, computer technology manuals, educational research material, medical and legal directories, and other material required for programs. All material is catalogued to ensure easy access and to avoid unnecessary duplication. Costs for a number of standing orders, such as the BC Labour and Employment Law Statutes, are processed in the last quarter of the budget year.


Periodical Subscriptions—Material includes newspapers, Statistics Canada publications, legal and financial periodicals, educational research and social science journals, and information technology journals. We access and circulate online journals when cost effective, instead of acquiring their printed equivalents.


Audio/Visual Accessories/Maintenance—Covers purchase of A/V equipment accessories, such as cables. Includes a small contingency for A/V equipment repairs.


Subscription Services—Information based subscriptions related to the Federation’s work. This includes essential legal and financial updating services, and the Lancaster House electronic bulletin service and online archive. Material is required for the Field Service Division, Human Resources, and Finance and Administrative Services. Costs are based on the number of releases for each title, and this number varies from year to year. Also includes costs associated with archiving the BCTF Online Museum at the Internet Archive—Wayback machine.


Miscellaneous Library Supplies—Library supplies which are not carried by stationery suppliers. H200 Information Services



Outside Databases—Comprised of subscriptions to online database services including Infomart Special Edition Service, Westlaw Labour Source Classic and LexisNexis. Database expenditures are based on user demand and annual subscription/licensing fees. The EBSCO databases are critical to the ongoing educational research work of the Federation and are used extensively by Information Services staff to search the educational literature and distribute electronic, full-text documents to staff and members on request. The QuickLaw databases are accessed for legal research purposes by Legal, Field Service, and Health and Safety staff. The database supplier is LexisNexis. The contract cost is based on a combination of database rates and average staff usage from the previous year. The Westlaw Labour Source Classic database service provides comprehensive coverage of arbitration cases, including Brown & Beatty’s Canadian Labour Arbitration, Labour Arbitration Cases, and BC Labour Arbitration Decisions. License is based on the number of lawyers on staff.


Equipment Maintenance—Contingency maintenance costs for the microfiche reader/printer.


Stationery and Supplies—Specialized records and archival supplies.


Micrographics—Annual offsite storage costs of master microfiche and service costs for microfiching archival material. This budget also includes the digitization of microfiche which allows for greater accessibility.


Storage Rental—Offsite storage and retrieval costs for the Federation’s semi-active records. Storage expenses are determined by the volume of active records closed and sent offsite, and the internal need to retrieve closed grievance and legal files. The budget also covers the secure destruction of closed files which contain personal information and are authorized for destruction.


H200 Information Services

FIELD SERVICE DIVISION Director: Lee-Anne Clarke Overview The Field Service Division (FSD) support locals in all areas of union work. This includes supporting locals in bargaining, contract implementation and defence of member rights, assists locals with Federation campaigns and province-wide actions, advances the broad range of Federation services and program in professional, health and safety, social justice, communications and outreach, etc., with local members and leaderships.

Other Salary Costs Amended 2021–22 Budget

2022–23 Budget

600120 Support staff bonusing 600140 Support staff overtime

$ 1,500 3,500

$ 1,500 3,500


$ 5,000

$ 5,000

Estimated Staff Time Allocations Admin 2021–22 2022–23 J100—Field Services R120—Provincial Negotiations Total

Support 2021–22 2022–23

11.00 1.00

11.00 1.00

5.00 1.00

5.00 1.00





Field Service Division


Divisional summary

J100—Field Services J-Division Total

2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23

393,297 393,297

532,100 532,100

1,334,600 1,334,600

802,500 802,500

J-Division Total (in $000s) 1,600 1,335

1,400 1,200


1,000 800 586


532 393

400 200 0 2018-19 Actual


2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

Field Service Division

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Description Field Service (J100) 1. Meetings—Zone Meetings— Return to in-person zone meetings - Increased hotel and accommodations - AGM Local Resolution 118: That members of Federation advisory committees be encouraged to attend/facilitate zone meetings in zones where they don’t work.

Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021–22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022–23 ($)

Change +/-





Field Service Division



Field Service Division

J100 FIELD SERVICE Co-ordinator: Lee-Anne Clarke

J100 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600530 600530 600530 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600610 600830 600840 600890 600950 600950 602140 602800

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23













(1,309) -

50,000 3,000

12,500 1,000

50,000 3,000





7,899 -

700,000 67,000

10,000 67,000

775,000 67,000









15,782 12,621 331,136 117 419 238

20,000 8,000 300,000 3,500 9,000 2,900

20,000 8,000 300,000 500 3,500 9,000 2,900

8,000 300,000 1,500 3,500 9,000 2,900

11,813 -

17,000 1,500 1,200

17,000 1,500 1,200

17,000 1,500 1,200





Field Services Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings WLC Bargaining Advisory 6030 Committee Meetings 5602 Zone Meetings 6090 LP Regional Meetings Teachers Teaching on Call 6012 Development Training WLC Bargaining Advisory 6030 Committee 6085 Health and Safety Forums 6090 LP Regional Meetings 6095 Zone Daycare Costs Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Training 1100 General Promotional Materials Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program J100

J100 Field Service


Program Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

To assist locals in understanding the language of the newly negotiated collective agreement. To ensure collective agreement enforcement. To co-ordinate provincial grievances and support local grievance work. To implement Federation initiatives and campaigns as appropriate. To develop Aboriginal Employment Equity Agreements in locals. To support health and safety work, in collaboration with HSAC and the BCTF health and safety officer. 7. To assist locals in achieving Aboriginal Employment Equity Agreements. 8. To support local and zonal work. 9. To provide support for personnel issues. 10. To encourage professional development and professional autonomy. 11. To provide regular reports and updates on all provincial grievances and related matters to the locals and the Executive Committee. 12. To provide support to the WLC/Bargaining Committee and to the WIN cadre. 13. To provide training to staff, locals, and members in drafting and processing grievances. 14. To support social justice work, in collaboration with CASJ and social justice program coordinators. 15. To improve working and learning conditions. 16. To meld collective agreements. 17. To provide advice on COVID-19 related matters. As well, the program covers facilitating zone meetings where groups and networks of LPs and other teacher activists meet in their discrete areas of work and advocacy:  Local Presidents  Social Justice  WLC/Bargaining  Health and Safety  Aboriginal Education  French Education  Teachers Teaching on Call  Political Action  Professional Development. Total FTE—Covers 11.00 administrative staff and 5.00 support staff. 600120-1520 Bonusing and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Accommodation, meals, travel, and miscellaneous expenses associated with staff travel to locals to assist Local Presidents and members and attend two zone meeting this year (depending on COVID19 travel restrictions). Includes travel expenses related to contract enforcement, contract melding, and bargaining support and co-ordination. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—Accommodation, meals, travel, and miscellaneous expenses associated with members and/or Presidents attending grievance meetings, board hearings, mediations, and investigations. 6

J100 Field Service

600500-6030 WLC/Bargaining Committee—Accommodations, meals, travel, and miscellaneous expenses for three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings of the eleven-member committee. Related TTOC expenses in 600600-6030. 600530-5602 Zone Meeting Expenses—Attendance at two two-day zone meetings (fall and spring) and includes the following minimum representation from locals: a. the president of each local and sublocal b. a bargaining chairperson c. a professional development chairperson d. a social justice contact e. a health and safety representative f. a teacher teaching on call representative g. a local contact for Aboriginal education h. a French education local chair. Locals between 1,000–1,600 members shall be entitled to one additional delegate. Locals over 1,600 members shall be entitled to two additional delegates. Plus the ability for each local/sublocal to send an additional rookie/new delegate to one zone meeting per year at BCTF expense. And a representative from each of the following provincial committees:  Health and Safety Advisory Committee  Professional Issues Advisory Committee  Working and Learning Conditions/Bargaining Advisory Committee  Committee for Action on Social Justice  Teachers Teaching on Call Advisory Committee  Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee  Provincial Specialist Association Committee  Advisory Committee for French Programs and Services. Related TTOC expenses are in 600600-6095 600530-6090 LP Regional Meetings—A two-day regional meeting for Local Presidents and Sublocal Presidents. TTOCs are required for Sublocal Presidents. 600600-6012 TTOCs—Development Training—TTOC costs for the Mental Health First Aid Training (MHFA) which consists of four two-day training sessions throughout the year. It is offered to Local Officers as well as Local Presidents. 600600-6030 TTOCs—WLC/Bargaining Advisory Committee—TTOC costs for three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings of the 11-member committee (previously nine). TTOC costs vary from year to year depending on the number of Local Presidents on the committee, as Local Presidents do not require release time. 600600-6085 TTOCs—Health and Safety Forums—release time for special safety meetings with Local Health and Safety Representatives. J100 Field Service


600600-6090 TTOCs—LP Regional Meetings—TTOC costs for members attending the LP Regional Meetings in budget line 600530-6090. 600600-6095 TTOCs—Zone Meetings—TTOC costs for members attending zone meetings as outlined in budget line 600530-5602. The budget allows each local/sublocal to be able to send an additional rookie/new delegate to one zone meeting per year at BCTF expense. Political Action Contacts (PACs) will attend zone meetings as per the 2020 Fall RA motions. 600830

Printing—Zone meetings, WLC/BAC, and other divisional printing as needed.


Photocopying—Zone meetings, WLC/BAC, and other divisional photocopying as needed.


Mailing—Zone meetings, WLC/BAC, and other divisional mailing as needed.

600950-1100 Training—To provide Mental Health First Aid training to all new Local Presidents, Sublocal Presidents, and released local officers who have not taken the training. The program provides a certificate for participants after two days of training. The training is intended to help identify and understand the different types of mental illnesses that members may be experiencing, and to be able to better support members who may require medical accommodation. The training would occur two days prior to the Winter RA. Travel to this training would be covered under the RA budget. 602140

Promotional Materials—Provides for incidentals for the WIN cadres, such as BCTF swag, costs of hotel meeting rooms for WIN focus groups, and costs associated with webinars. The training and TTOC costs for the WIN cadre are housed in PSID budgets.


Stationery and Supplies—File folders, labels, and tab dividers used for grievance files that are not a standard order and are more expensive. This system is needed for tracking files as they move throughout the system. Supplies required for zone meetings (i.e., name tags, file folders, tape, overheads, pens) and binders required for workshops at Summer Conference.


J100 Field Service

INCOME SECURITY DIVISION Director: Chris Harris Overview The work of the Income Security Division provides ongoing service and support to members and locals by developing, maintaining, and improving the ongoing health, sickness, and pension provisions available to members. The Income Security Division provides services to members in a number of distinct programs: Salary Indemnity Plan (SIP), Health and Wellness Program, Pensions information and workshops, Group RRSPs, WCB Advocacy Program, BCTF Health and Safety Program, and the BCTF Assistance Society. The SIP serves the BCTF membership by providing wage loss replacement for disabled teachers who have exhausted their sick leave. Payments are made first as short-term benefits and then as long-term benefits. Both short-term and long-term benefits are medically adjudicated. The SIP—Health and Wellness Program provides rehabilitation services to enable and support the return to employment of teachers who have been absent due to an illness or disability. Services are designed to assist with appropriate therapies and accommodation employment, and to facilitate the return to work of disabled teachers. This includes Starling Minds, an online mental health resource designed specifically for teachers and the Well Teacher Groups which focuses on developing skills related to improving the vitality and resiliency in teachers. The Income Security Division provides members with pension and group benefits information and assistance. Pension workshops are also made available to locals and provide an opportunity for members to get information on their pension benefits. The division helps the BCTF fulfill its role as Plan Member Partner of the Teachers’ Pension Plan by providing support and assistance to the trustees, and advice and reports to the Executive Committee, the RA, and the AGM, and to plan members on the operation and management of the Teachers’ Pension Plan. The Income Security Division also assists teachers in appeals of Teachers’ Pension Plan decisions. The Income Security Division is responsible for a number of group benefits. The division monitors and reviews the BCTF/BCSTA group life insurance plan, which is underwritten by Manulife. The BCTF Assistance Society provides financial assistance to BCTF members in financial emergencies. The Assistance Society Board of Directors adjudicates the applications, and the division administers the payment of grants and loans, and subsequent repayments. The Income Security Division provides two Health and Safety programs to members and locals. The WCB Advocacy Program provides advice and assistance to members injured at work, as well as representation through the WCB appeals process. The Health and Safety Income Security Division


Program works to address the health and safety concerns of members, and to enhance the wellness of members, and the safety of member workplaces. Finally, the division provides support for four committees and one subcommittee: the Income Security Committee, which acts as the SIP Committee providing advice regarding plan issues, and serving as the body to adjudicate short-term appeals; the Health and Safety Advisory Committee, which advises on health and safety matters, reviews WCB issues, and provides training to ensure the improvement of teacher health and safety; the Pensions Committee, which provides advice to the Executive Committee and plan members on the state of the Teachers’ Pension Plan; the Teachers’ Pension Plan Advisory Committee, which brings together representatives from the Pensions Committee, the BC School Superintendents’ Association, the BC Principals and Vice-Principals Association, and the BC Retired Teachers’ Association to provide advice to the Executive Committee and also provides advice to the plan member trustees on the Teachers’ Pension Plan Board of Trustees; and the Pension CAPSA review sub-committee which reviews the BCTF Group RRSPs to ensure that they are complying with the voluntary CAPSA guidelines for capital accumulation plans and monitors the performance of the BCTF Group RRSPs.

Other Salary Costs Amended 2021–22 Budget 600120 Support staff bonusing 600130 Support staff casuals 600140 Support staff overtime

$1,800 2,200 2,000

$1,800 2,200 1,200




Estimated Staff Time Allocations Admin 2021–22 2022–23

Support 2021–22 2022–23

K710—Pensions K720—General Benefits Plan K730—Assistance Society K740—Health and Safety— Prevention K750—Health and Safety—WCB S140—SIF—Admin S160—Health and Wellness

1.10 0.05 0.05

1.10 0.05 0.05

0.90 0.15 0.70

0.90 0.15 0.70





1.00 1.40 1.40

1.00 1.40 1.40

1.00 17.85 4.50

1.00 17.85 4.50






Divisional Summary 2

2022–23 Budget

Income Security Division

K710—Pensions K720—General Benefits Plan K730—Assistance Society K740—Health and Safety—Prevention K750—Health and Safety—WCB K-Division Total

2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

2,100 (6) 19,596 17,829 (24,623) 14,897

25,400 6,900 15,400 18,200 0 65,900

46,400 6,900 14,700 36,000 0 104,000

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23 21,000 0 (700) 17,800 0 38,100

K-Division Total (in $000s) 120


100 80


60 40 20

15 4

0 (20) 2018-19 Actual

(11) 2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

Income Security Division

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget


Divisional Breakdown Health and Safety WCB 0%

Health and Safety Prevention 35% Pensions 44%

Assistance Society 14%

General Benefits Plan 7%

Income Security Division (in 000s) 50

46 36

40 30 15

20 7



(10) (20) (30) Pensions

General Benefits Plan

2020-21 Actuals


Assistance Society

2021-22 Amended Budget

Income Security Division

Health and Safety Prevention

Health and Safety - WCB

2022-23 Original Budget

Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)


Budget Code

Amended Budget 2019–20

Proposed Budget 2020–21

Change +/-

There are no significant changes to this division.

Income Security Division



Income Security Division

K710 PENSIONS Co-ordinator: Sarb Lalli Actual 2020 - 21 K710 490030 490030 490030 600120 600120 600130 600130 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600600 600700 600700 600830 600840 600890 600920 600920 601100 601100

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Pensions External Recoveries 9015 Joint Trustee 9018 TPPAC Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 1100 General Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General 6001 Committee Meetings 6065 Trustee Report Grants 7600 Miscellaneous Grants Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Conferences 9100 Membership Attended Consultants 1100 General

Total for Program K710

(17,706) (5,502) -

(16,000) (4,000)

(16,000) (4,000)

(16,000) (5,000)







(69) -

8,000 500

2,000 500

8,000 500





10,316 11,575 819

11,900 15,000 1,100

11,900 15,000 1,100

11,900 15,000 1,100

2,500 1 -

2,500 300 500 1,300

2,500 300 500 1,300

2,500 300 500 1,300














Program Objectives 1.

Provide advice on the joint trusteeship of the Teachers’ Pension Plan.


Provide training and support to the Pensions Committee and the trustees to enable them to meet their fiduciary obligations.

K710 Pensions



Provide members with advice on pension plan/retirement planning.


Provide members with advice and assistance in pension plan appeals.


Study and recommend policies regarding the pension plan.


Monitor and provide advice on the pension plan and plan improvements.


Monitor the BCTF group registered retirement savings plans.


Provide members with information about the BCTF group retirement savings plans.


Review ERIPs to ensure cost neutrality to the Teachers’ Pension Plan upon their implementation.


To engage members in an education and consultation process regarding the strengthening of their pension plan and soliciting member input into major issues facing the plan.

Total FTE—Covers 1.10 administrative staff and 0.90 support staff. 490030-9015 Joint Trustee Recovery—Recovery from the Teachers’ Pension Board for remuneration of trustees’ time on Board of Trustees work. 490030-9018 TPPAC Recovery—Recovery of shared meeting expenses from other committee member associations, including the BCRTA, BCPVPA, and the BCSSA. This is an offset to 600500-1100. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Includes travel to local association pension seminars, travel as necessary for pension appeals, meetings with Teachers’ Pension Plan, meetings with BC Pension Corporation staff. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—Travel for Pensions Committee Chairperson or designate to attend the AGM if she or he is not a delegate. Travel for a plan member trustee to report to each Representative Assembly and the Annual General Meeting. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Two three-day meetings, two two-day meetings, and one one-day Pensions CAPSA review sub-committee meeting held each year. Each set of three-day meetings includes one day of training on pension matters for TPPAC members. These meetings, scheduled between the meetings of the Teachers’ Pension Board of Trustees, are to provide advice to the BCTF Executive and Teachers’ Pension Board of Trustees, and to receive reports from the Teachers’ Pension Board of Trustees. 8

K710 Pensions

600600-1100 TTOCs—General  TTOCs for teachers attending Teachers’ Pension Board of Trustees, and related committee meetings. These costs are recovered from the Teachers’ Pension Board of Trustees.  TTOCs for training opportunities for new Pensions Committee members as outlined in 600920-9100. 600600-6001 TTOCs—Committee Meetings—TTOCs for Teachers’ Pension Plan Advisory Committee and Pension Committee meetings. 600600-6065 TTOCs—Trustee Report—Active members and trustees are responsible for delivering the trustee report. This budget amount allows for one day of prep time and one day of release time for each Representative Assembly and the Annual General Meeting. 600700-7600 SHARE Forum—This is the sponsorship of the annual Shareholder Association for Research and Education. 600830

Printing—Production of pension documents and information as needed.


Photocopying—Production of pension documents and information as needed.


Mailing—Mailing of pension documents and information to locals as needed.

600920-9100 Conference Attendance—Members—Attendance at the Share BC Pension boot camp and annual conference for new committee members in their first year, the CLC Winter School Pension Investment and Governance Level 1 in their second or third year and the Share BC Conference or the Canadian Labour Congress Winter School Pension Investment and Governance Level 2 or the Social Investment Organization Conference (if held in BC), or BC Public Sector Pension Conference in their fourth year. 601100-1100 Consultant Fees—Provides for actuarial, governance, and investment education to the Pension Committee in guiding the BCTF as Plan Member Partner and as sponsor of the BCTF group registered retirement savings plans. An example of this specific training would be the review of the Actuarial Valuation of the Teachers’ Pension Plan.

K710 Pensions



K710 Pensions

K720 GENERAL BENEFIT PLANS Co-ordinator: Allan Lee Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23








5,000 100

5,000 100

5,000 100





Actual 2020 - 21 K720 600500 600500 600600 600600 600700 600700 600840

General Benefits Plan Committee Meetings 1100 General Teachers Teaching on Call 6001 Committee Meetings Grants 7600 Miscellaneous Grants Photocopying

Total for Program K720

(6) -

Program Objectives 1.

To provide adequate benefit plans for members and to provide advice to members regarding group benefit plans.


To represent the Federation on the BCTF/BCSTA Joint Life Insurance Committee.

Total FTE—Covers 0.05 administrative staff and 0.15 support staff. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—This budget covers the cost of a one-day meeting for BCTF representatives to the BCTF/BCSTA Insurance Committee’s Annual General Meeting. 600600-6001 TTOCs—Committee Meetings—TTOC costs for the one-day meeting of the BCTF/BCSTA Annual General Meeting. 600700-7600 Miscellaneous Grants—To provide support for teachers’ teaching on call to participate in the Living with Balance program. 600840

Photocopying—The general benefit and insurance plans information (previously the Benefits Binder).

K720 General Benefit Plans



K720 General Benefit Plans

K730 BCTF ASSISTANCE SOCIETY Co-ordinator: Allan Lee Actual 2020 - 21 K730 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600840 600890 650500 650500 650500

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Assistance Society Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Photocopying Mailing Adminstration Charges 8900 Salaries 8940 BCTF Admin Charges

Total for Program K730









17 115

1,500 700 300

1,500 700 300

700 700 300

8,800 4,872

11,700 1,200

11,700 1,200

11,800 1,200





Program Objectives 1.

To assist in the operation of the BCTF Assistance Society.


To provide locals and individuals with application forms and information about the application process.


To keep orderly records of all individuals who receive assistance and to monitor all repayments.

Total FTE—Covers 0.05 administrative staff and 0.70 support staff 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600830

Printing—Preparation of Assistance Society application documentation for society directors’ meeting and of correspondence to applicants as generated by meeting deliberations, and as required by the secretary to conduct society business.

K730 BCTF Assistance Society



Photocopying—Preparation of Assistance Society application documentation for society directors’ meeting and of correspondence to applicants as generated by meeting deliberations, and as required by the secretary to conduct society business.


Mailing—Distribution of Assistance Society application documentation for society directors’ meeting and of correspondence to applicants as generated by meeting deliberations, and as required by the secretary to conduct society business.

650500-8900 Salaries Recovered—Salary chargeback for accounting services, related recovery in L099. 650500-8940 Administration Charges—Chargeback for accounting admin services, related recovery in F220.


K730 BCTF Assistance Society

K740 HEALTH AND SAFETY―PREVENTION Co-ordinator: Toni Grewal

Actual 2020 - 21 K740 459030 459030 600120 600120 600130 600130 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 600950 600950 600950 602800

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Health and Safety - Prevention Program Revenues 9040 Workshops Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 1100 General Teachers Teaching on Call 6001 Committee Meetings 6005 Workshop Delivery 6015 Facilitators Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Training 5704 Facilitation/Mediation 6005 Workshop Delivery Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program K740













800 200

800 200

800 200





10,911 3,911 2,968 0 1

10,900 1,200 3,800 3,000

10,900 1,200 3,800 3,000

10,900 1,200 3,800 3,000


1,000 1,000 400

1,000 1,000 400

1,000 1,000 400






Program Objectives 1.

Address health and safety concerns of members.


Promote and support safe school programs.


Provide health and safety training programs for field service staff, local leaders, and staff representatives.


Develop a cadre of trained facilitators to assist in the delivery of health and safety training. K740 Health and Safety—Prevention



Liaise with the BC Fed and other organizations on issues of worker safety.


Provide advice to the BCTF Executive Committee through the Health and Safety Advisory Committee.

Total FTE—Covers 1.00 administrative staff and 0.50 support staff. 459030-9040 Workshop Revenue—$500 (half-day) or $1,000 (full-day) fee is paid by school districts for health and safety training. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel to school leader exhibitions to promote health and safety products, to meetings with other organizations, unions, and locals as necessary. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings of the ninemember Health and Safety Advisory Committee, including accommodation, meals, travel, and miscellaneous costs. Related TTOC costs are included in 6001 TTOC— Committee Meetings. 600600-6001 TTOCs—Committee Meetings—TTOCs—Committee Meetings—Release costs for three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings for the nine committee members. 600600-6005 TTOCs—Workshop Delivery—Release costs for the delivery of Health and Safety workshops. The cost of the workshop is now budgeted under P275 School Union Representative Training. 600600-6015 TTOCs—Facilitators—TTOC costs related to training facilitators (600950-5704 Training Facilitators). The cost related to training facilitators is now budgeted under P275 School Union Representative Training. 600830

Printing—Includes annual health and safety materials and posters.


Photocopying—Health and safety material relevant to individual, local, or provincial issues, and all other miscellaneous copying associated with the program.


Mailing—Includes mailing cost of the “Day of Mourning” materials and other health and safety correspondence and violence prevention poster.

600950-5704 Training Facilitators—Training Facilitators—Travel, accommodation, and miscellaneous expenses for eleven Health and Safety trainers and nine Health and Safety Committee members to attend training for three days at Summer Institute. Budget has been reduced to reflect the elimination of the mid-year Health and Safety 16

K740 Health and Safety—Prevention

training session. Related TTOC costs are included in 600600-6015 TTOCs— Facilitators and 600600-6001 TTOCs—Committee Meetings. 600950-6005 Workshop Delivery—Travel, accommodation, and miscellaneous expenses associated with health and safety trainers delivering workshops to Joint Health and Safety Committee members. Costs are recovered through billing each school district and are included in 459030-9040—Workshop Revenue. 602800

Stationery and Supplies—Special orders or stationery supplies which may be required from time to time.

K740 Health and Safety—Prevention



K740 Health and Safety—Prevention

K750 HEALTH AND SAFETY—WCB Co-ordinator: Luke Olver Actual 2020 - 21 K750 459030 459030 490030 490030 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600600 600600 600700 600700 600840 600890 601140 601140

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Health and Safety - WCB Program Revenues 9070 Miscellaneous External Recoveries 9012 Legal Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4202 Worksafe Teachers Teaching on Call 4202 Worksafe Grants 7650 Advantage Program Photocopying Mailing Fees Paid - Legal 1100 General

Total for Program K750






















1,300 500

1,300 500

1,300 500





102,800 2 16

108,500 200 200

108,500 200 200

108,500 200 200









Program Objectives 1.

Assist in the development of health and safety preventive strategies.


Provide advice and information to members, locals, and Field Service.


Assist and advise members in all steps of the WCB process.


Advocate for and represent members with WCB claims, appeals, and hearings.


Assist members in the implementation of WCB/WCAT decisions. K750 Health and Safety—WCB



Liaise with the Salary Indemnity Plan, Health and Wellness, and Pension departments.


Co-ordinate the BCTF Advantage Program.

Total FTE—Covers 1.00 administrative staff and 1.00 support staff. 459030-9070 Miscellaneous Revenue—Several BCTF Advantage Program partners have revenue-sharing agreements with the BCTF, including mortgage and insurance partners. Payments can occur on various schedules, including monthly, quarterly, and annually. 490030-9012 Legal Fees Recovery—External—WCB often reimburses all or part of the cost of commissioning medical/legal reports when those reports are useful to the adjudicator in an appeal. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—WCB hearings, hearing preparation meetings, and BCTF Advantage Program meetings. 600400-4202 Travel—WCB—Expenses which members incur in order to attend a meeting/medical examination to prepare for and/or attend a WCB hearing, at standard BCTF rates. 600600-4202 TTOCs—WCB Hearings—Release costs for members required to attend meetings to prepare for and/or to attend WCB hearings. 600700-7650 Grants—Advantage Program—Grant provided to the BCTF Assistance Society based on excess revenue from the BCTF Advantage Program. 600840

Photocopying—Includes photocopying of files for staff and members’ use.


Mailing—Includes all correspondence dealing with WCB claims, prevention issues, and BCTF Advantage Program issues.

601140-1100 Legal Fees—Medical/legal opinions are sometimes necessary to be successful in WCB claims and appeals. Some of the money spent will be reimbursed by WCB.


K750 Health and Safety—WCB

GRANTS AND COMPENSATION DIVISION Director: Delwin Yung Overview L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program reflects salary and benefit costs for the General Operating Fund (GOF). Salary and benefit costs allocated to the other funds (PEDF, PBF, and WRL) will appear in their respective programs. Salary and benefit budgets allocated to the Salary Indemnity Fund (SIF) will be reflected in the S099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program in the SIF. L100 Grants to Locals program reflects the financial support to locals and sublocals through the various grant provisions. L500 Future Benefits program reflects future benefits, pension and non-pension post-retirement expenses for the GOF. Future benefit costs allocated to other funds (PEDF, PBF, WRL) will appear in their programs. Future benefits, pension and non-pension post-retirement expenses allocated to the SIF will be reflected in the S500 Future Benefits program in the SIF.

Grants and Compensation Division


Divisional summary

L099—Salary and Benefit Compensation L100—Grants to Locals L500—Future Benefits L-Division Total

2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23

13,850,137 6,543,647 1,491,331 21,885,115

13,894,200 7,738,000 1,841,600 23,473,800

14,664,300 7,950,000 1,491,300 24,105,600

770,100 212,000 (350,300) 631,800

L-Division Total (in $000s) 30,000 25,000 20,000




2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual



15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2018-19 Actual


2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Grants and Compensation Division

Divisional Breakdown Future Benefits 6%

Grants to Locals 33% Salary and Benefit Compensation 61%

Compensations and Grants Division (in 000s) 16,000


14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000


6,000 4,000 1,491

2,000 -

Salary and Benefit Grants to Locals Future Benefits Compensation 2020-21 Actuals 2021-22 Amended Budget 2022-23 Original Budget

Grants and Compensation Division


Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021–22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022–23 ($)

Change +/-

1. Salaries—Admin—FTE increase from 46 to 48 +1 FTE Excluded Director of Antiracism and Anti-Oppression division +1 FTE Assistant Director of Antiracism and Anti-Oppression division As well as contractual increases to salary.





2. Benefits—Admin—See note above.





3. Salaries—Support—FTE increase from 113.51 to 114.51 +1 FTE Support staff for Antiracism and Anti-Oppression division As well as contractual increases to salary.





4. Benefits—Support—See note above.













Description Salary and Benefit Compensation (L099)

Grants to Locals (L100) 1. Grants—Release Time—Calculated based on 2021–22 payments +2% salary increase. 2. Grants—Regional Social Justice Conference—Provided every other year on years when the social justice conference is not taking place. Future Benefits (L500)


Grants and Compensation Division

1. Future Benefits—The 2022–23 budgets are based on actuals from 2020– 21 gross numbers.

490020-1525 490020-1535 600190-1525 600190-1535


Grants and Compensation Division





Grants and Compensation Division

L099 SALARY AND BENEFIT COMPENSATION Co-ordinator: Delwin Yung Actual 2020 - 21 L099

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23




5,035,000 6,475,000

5,135,700 6,734,000

5,508,000 7,119,000

Salary and Benefit Compensation

490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 8900 Salaries 600110 Salaries 600110 1510 Admin 600110 1520 Support Accommodations 1552 600110 Support Maternity/Parental Leave 1570 600110 - Admin Maternity/Parental Leave 1575 600110 -Support 600150 Sick Leave 600150 1510 Admin 600150 1520 Support Accommodations 1552 600150 Support 600180 Benefits 600180 1510 Admin 600180 1520 Support Accommodations 1552 600180 Support Sick Leave Benefits 1555 600180 Admin Sick Leave Benefits1558 600180 Support Maternity/Parental Leave 600180 1570 - Admin Maternity/Parental Leave 600180 1575 -Support

Total for Program L099

(962,865) 5,346,675 6,247,278 3,908












42,787 79,663








1,234,994 1,686,453

1,208,000 1,980,000

1,256,000 1,980,000

1,426,800 2,001,200

























Program Objectives Following the decision in 2010–11 to identify salary and benefit budgets in specific lines, GOF salary and benefit budgets will be reflected in the L099 program and presented separately on the General Operating Fund statement. Staff FTE allocations will be reflected in each division/program. L099 Salary and Benefits Compensation


Salary and benefit budgets allocated to the Salary Indemnity Fund will be reflected in S099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. The salary and benefit costs allocated to the other funds (PEDF, PBF, and WRL) will appear in their current programs. Admin/Excluded Staff Support Staff 2021–22 2022–23 2021–22 2022–23

Staff FTE Allocations

FAS Finance and Admin Services CCD Communication Campaigns IRIS Information, Research and International Solidarity FSD Field Service ISD Income Security MNGT Management and Labour Affiliations PSID Professional and Social Issues LSD Legal Services

1.00 3.70 0.90 11.00 3.20 4.00 9.00 8.00

GOF Total



Public Education Defence Fund Provincial Bargaining Fund WR Long Fund Salary Indemnity Fund

Total All Funds

1.00 3.70 0.90 11.00 3.20 6.00 9.00 8.00

35.31 12.10 9.70 5.00 3.25 6.10 11.00 6.40

35.31 12.10 9.70 5.00 3.25 7.10 11.00 6.40




1.30 1.00 0.10 2.80

1.30 1.00 0.10 2.80

1.00 1.00 0.30 22.35

1.00 1.00 0.30 22.35



113.51 114.51

Note: Many costs are not budgeted for directly but through M120-600100 Salary Variance account and is reallocated to these accounts when used. 490020-8900 Salaries Recovered—Salary recovery for work performed by Management. Accounting, Treasurer’s Office, Member Records, Information Technology and Human Resources, Legal Services staff related to P120 PSA Services, K730 Assistance Society, and the Salary Indemnity Fund. 600110-1510 Salaries Admin Staff—Covers salary costs for current administrative staff. 600110-1520 Salaries Support Staff—Covers salary costs for current support staff. 600110-1550 Salaries Accommodations—Admin—Covers salary costs related to return-to-work accommodations for administrative staff. 600110-1552 Salaries Accommodations—Support—Covers salary costs related to return-towork accommodations for support staff. 600110-1560 Salaries Education Leave—Covers salary costs for administrative staff on Education Leave. 600110-1565 Salaries Education Leave—Covers salary costs for support staff on Education Leave. 8

L099 Salary and Benefits Compensation

600110-1570 Salaries Pregnancy/Parental Admin—Covers salary costs for administrative staff on Pregnancy/Parental Leave as per collective agreement language. 600110-1575 Salaries Pregnancy/Parental Support—Covers salary costs for support staff on Pregnancy/Parental Leave as per collective agreement language. 600150-1510 Sick Leave Admin—Covers salary costs for administrative staff on sick leave for more than 20 days. Salary and benefit costs for sick leave of 20 or fewer working days are charged to the Salary and Benefit Compensation program L099 in the GOF and S099 in the SIF. 600150-1520 Sick Leave Support—Covers salary costs for support staff on sick leave for more than 20 days. Salary and benefit costs for sick leave of 20 or fewer working days are charged to the Salary and Benefit Compensation program L099 in the GOF and S099 in the SIF. 600180-1510 Benefits Admin—Covers benefits costs for current administrative staff including, as examples, employer portions of WCB, pension, health and welfare benefits, and life insurance. 600180-1520 Benefits Support—Covers benefits costs for current support staff including, as examples, employer portions of WCB, pension, health and welfare benefits, and life insurance. 600180-1550 Benefits Accommodation Admin—Covers benefits costs for current administrative staff related to accommodations. 600180-1552 Benefits Accommodation Support—Covers benefits costs for current support staff related to accommodations. 600180-1555 Benefits Sick Leave Admin—Covers benefits costs for current administrative staff on sick leave for more than 20 days. 600180-1558 Benefits Sick Leave Support—Covers benefits costs for current support staff on sick leave for more than 20 days. 600180-1570 Benefits Pregnancy/Parental Admin—Covers benefit costs for administrative staff on Pregnancy/Parental Leave as per collective agreement language. 600180-1575 Benefits Pregnancy/Parental Support—Covers benefit costs for support staff on Pregnancy/Parental Leave as per collective agreement language.

L099 Salary and Benefits Compensation



L099 Salary and Benefits Compensation

L100 GRANTS TO LOCALS Co-ordinator: Michael Infante


Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23





Grants to Locals

600700 Grants 600700 7005 600700


600700 600700 600700 600700

7009 7010 7014 7020

Special to Locals School Union Rep Training Release Time PR/PA Support to Locals Member Outreach Grant



Union Mentorship Grants

600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

7038 7039 7040 7045 7046 7504

Regional Social Justice Conference Social Justice Equity & Inclusion Aboriginal Initiatives Teacher Inquiry Grant Adult Educators Grant

Total for Program L100





3,976,620 43,847 607,861 -

3,963,000 70,000 750,000 60,000

3,963,000 70,000 750,000 60,000

4,100,000 70,000 750,000 60,000





6,000 (1,495) 14,565 10,000





12,000 120,000 8,000 105,000 10,000

12,000 120,000 8,000 105,000 10,000

12,000 120,000 8,000 105,000 10,000




Program Objective To provide financial support to locals and sublocals through the various grant provisions. 600700-7005 Special Grants to Locals—Special Grants for small isolated locals beyond the present grant formula shall be accessible to an individual local or sublocal once every five years (Procedure 10.J.22). This line item also includes the Special COVID-19 Grant created in response to emerging needs during the pandemic and the need is expected to continue in 2022– 23.

L100 Grants to Locals


600700-7008 School Union Rep Training Grants—Release time costs for up to four days of training of school/local union representatives (eligible representatives are listed in Procedure 10.J.10). Also includes access to a fifth day for the New Teacher SURT, approved by the 2021 AGM. 600700-7009 Release Time Grants—Provide support to locals through a grant that enables the full-time release of Local Presidents to facilitate the support in each local for implementation of Federation priorities. See 10.J.10 for grant criteria and level of support. Includes up to an additional 0.60 category 5 release time for SEPF (Procedure 10.J.20—7). 600700-7010 PR/PA Grants—Grants related to influencing the public (not members) with a 50/50 sharing formula to a maximum grant of $4,000 (up from $2,000 as per the June 2020 RA) (Procedure 10.J.62). 600700-7014 Support to Locals—An annual support grant to locals of $15 per FTE for up to 800 FTE, $12 per FTE between 801 and 1,000 FTE, a flat rate of $12,000 for locals with greater than 1,000 FTE, a minimum grant of $5,000 and a dispersion factor of $1,500 (Procedure 10.J.18—1). An annual support grant to sublocals for up to $30,000 (Procedure 10.J.18—2). 600700-7020 Member Outreach Grants—To support new member outreach initiatives. 600700-7036 Union Mentorship Grants—Grant to locals of up to $3,500 to support union mentorship initiatives (Procedure 10.J.74). To promote equity and inclusion, the grant will allow for: a. 10 additional grants focused on union mentorship for members who identify as racialized or person of colour b. 10 additional grants focused on union mentorship for members who identify as Aboriginal c. 10 additional grants focused on union mentorship for members who identify as LGBTQ2S+. In addition, the grant criteria has been expanded to include observers attending the Representative Assembly (EC Decision February 19-20, 2021). Locals with at least one sublocal will be entitled to an additional $1,000. 600700-7038 Regional SJ Conference Grants—Grant to support organizing a regional social justice conference at $25,000 per local. The grant is provided every other year on years when the BCTF is not hosting the Social Justice Conference.


L100 Grants to Locals

600700-7039 Social Justice Grants—Grants to locals to support social justice projects and initiatives on topics such as status of women, antiracism, homophobia/heterosexism, violence, and antipoverty (Procedure 10.J.72). 600700-7040 Equity and Inclusion Grants—This grant will support locals in examining, local processes and practices, learning more about the experience of members from equityseeking groups, and developing a program to enhance equity and inclusion in member engagement, leadership and the work of the local. The budget for 20 grants of $6,000 each. This grant will be available to locals every three years (EC Decision February 19–20, 2021). 600700-7045 Aboriginal Initiatives Grant—Grant to locals for up to $2,000 to support the longterm success of Aboriginal students in public education in BC. 600700-7046 TIP Grant to Locals—Provides a matching grant to eighteen locals of $5,000 each to support the TIP model of professional development. This includes a dedicated grant for a Teacher Inquiry project with a focus on institutional racism. While issues related to racism, equity, and inclusion may be part of other Teacher Inquiry Program projects, this one project would ensure that there is a deliberate focus on the issues of equity and inclusion. 600700-7504 Adult Educators Grant—Vancouver Adult Educators grant of $10,000 (Procedure 10.J.64—3).

L100 Grants to Locals



L100 Grants to Locals

L500 FUTURE BENEFITS Co-ordinator: Delwin Yung Actual 2020 - 21 L500

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Future Benefits

490020 Internal Recoveries 490020 1525 Staff Pension Plan 490020 1535 Retirees- BCTF

(13,800) (249,376)

(21,500) (303,600)

(21,500) (303,600)

(13,800) (249,400)

600190 Future Benefits 600190 1525 Staff Pension Plan 600190 1535 Retirees- BCTF

92,000 1,662,507

143,000 2,023,700

143,000 2,023,700

92,000 1,662,500

Total for Program L500





Program Objective Future benefit expenses in divisional/program benefit budgets are reflected in the L500 program and presented separately on the General Operating Fund statement. 490030-1535 External Recoveries—Retirees BCTF—Recoveries now recorded directly to the future benefits liability. 600190-1510 Admin Future Benefits—Provides for non-pension future benefits to qualified administrative staff. 600190-1520 Support Future Benefits—Provides for non-pension future benefits to qualified support staff. 600190-1525 Staff Pension Plan Future Benefits—Includes the known solvency payments based on the actuarial valuation. 600190-1535 Retiree Future Benefits—Budgets for 2022–23 are based on actual 2020–21 gross numbers. They have been allocated based on 2022–23 budgeted salaries. As the values for Retiree and SPP benefits are subject to interpretation by actuaries, the numbers presented are our best estimates as of budget preparation time.

L500 Future Benefits


HUMAN RESOURCES AND LABOUR AFFILIATION Executive Director: Amber Mitchell Overview The Management and Administration programs of the Federation are intended to ensure that the Federation resources are devoted to achieving member-determined goals, objectives, and priorities, and that a contemporary human resources program is in place to meet Federation and employee needs. These programs help to ensure that the Federation’s staffing resources are effectively managed and supported. The responsibilities of management include ensuring implementation, in a timely and effective manner, of the decisions of the Annual General Meeting, the Representative Assembly, the Executive Committee, and the Full-Time Table Officers. The Federation’s management staff ensure that the Federation’s administrative and support staff components are optimally organized, constructively directed, and well supported in carrying out all aspects of Federation work. The Management and Administrative programs include the Human Resources Department, with costs related to the implementation of the BCTF-TSU and BCTF-TFEU collective agreements, joint committees, leaves, personnel matters, recruitment, benefits, etc. Also included is the Privacy Program which includes training, managing privacy obligations, and responding to individual requests. The Management and Administration programs includes support for labour affiliation with and engagement in the governance, meetings, campaigns, and conferences of the Canadian Labour Congress and the BC Federation of Labour. The BCTF participates in the BC Federation of Labour’s standing committees, the Executive Council (Spring RA elects BCTF rep), and the officers’ meetings, as well as meetings centered around specific tasks, initiatives, or activities. The BC Federation of Labour convention is held every two years and is next scheduled for the fall of 2022. The Federation also actively participates in the Canadian Labour Congress and provides a grant to locals for participation in labour councils. The Canadian Labour Congress holds a convention every three years. The next convention is scheduled for the spring of 2023. The Management and Administration programs also include the BCTF’s affiliation with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation. The program budget, M700, includes the organizational fee which is based on the ten-year schedule for phasing in the full organizational dues, the per capita fee amount set by the CTF AGM, and the BCTF’s membership numbers. It also includes the BCTF’s participation in the CTF AGM and member engagement in CTF meetings and events.

AGM Priorities/Cross-Divisional Work Management functions in the organization are undertaken by the excluded staff members: the Executive Director, Human Resources Director, Assistant Executive Director, Treasurer and CFO, and Federation General Counsel. The divisional directors and supervisors also play a key role in the effective management of programs, budgets, and staffing. Together with the Full-Time Table Officers, the excluded staff ensures that the decisions of the governance bodies are successfully implemented, and the priorities in the Leadership Report adopted by the AGM are acted on in a comprehensive, co-ordinated manner across divisions.

Management and Labour Affiliation


Salary Costs

600100 600120 600130 600140

Amended 2021–22 Budget

2022–23 Budget

$150,000 5,700 23,000 8,000

$150,000 5,000 20,000 8,500



Salary variance account Support staff bonusing Support staff casuals Support staff overtime


Estimated Staff Time Allocations Excluded Staff 21–22 22–23 M110 M120 M200 M700

Management and Administration Human Resources Labour Affiliation Canadian Teachers’ Federation


Admin Staff 21–22 22–23

Support Staff 21–22 22–22

2.00 4.00 0.00 0.00

2.00 5.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 5.20 0.00 0.00

0.00 6.20 0.00 0.00







In addition to the staff listed above, members of other divisions work on the Management programs as follows. Their salaries are included in the proposed 2022–23 budgets. Admin Staff 2021–22 2022–23

Support Staff 2021–22 2022–23

M110 Management and Administration










Notes: 1.

Because of their management responsibilities, the Executive Director, the Assistant Executive Director, the General Counsel, the Treasurer and CFO, and the Human Resources Director are not members of either staff union. They are designated as excluded staff.


Directors or their designate and the Full-Time Table Officers also spend time on the Management program through their participation in the Co-ordinating Committee and other cross-divisional meetings.


Management and Labour Affiliation

Divisional Summary

M110—Management and Administration M120—Human Resources M150—HR—Privacy M200—Labour Affiliation M700—Canadian Teachers' Federation M-Division Total

2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23





884,404 2,630 781,271 532,695 2,200,075

977,800 5,100 852,800 678,600 2,558,000

962,100 5,100 905,400 808,800 2,725,600

(15,700) 0 52,600 130,200 167,600

M-Division Total (in $000s) 3,000 2,558 2,500 2,000





1,500 1,000 500 0 2018-19 Actual

2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Management and Labour Affiliation


Divisional Breakdown Management and Administration 2%

Canadian Teachers' Federation 30%

Human Resources 35%

HR-Privacy 0%

Labour Affiliation 33%

Management Division (in 000s) 1,200 962


905 809

800 600 400 200




Management and Human Resources Administration 2020-21 Actuals



Labour Affiliation

2021-22 Amended Budget

Management and Labour Affiliation

Canadian Teachers' Federation

2022-23 Original Budget

Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Description Human Resources (M120) 1. BCTF Training Funds—Staff— BCTF to host the 2022–23 Western Staff Conference. 2. Consultants–General—2021–22 budget included a provision for work related to Organizational Development. Labour Affiliation (M200) 1. Conferences—Membership Attended—To reflect a BCFED Convention in fall 2022 and a CLC Convention in spring 2023. 2. Affiliations—CLC Membership Fees—Based on 36,000 FTE at $9.48 per member (increase from previous year, 9.00 in 2021–22). Canadian Teachers' Federation (M700) 1. Travel—CTF AGM—The CTF AGM to be held in Ottawa. 2. Affiliations—CTF Membership Fees—As per the agreement between BCTF and CTF for a ten-year phased-in per capita fee payment, the Federation is now paying 70% (60% in 2021–22) of the membership fee.

Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021–22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022–23 ($)

Change +/-

























Management and Labour Affiliation



Management and Labour Affiliation

M110 MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Co-ordinator: Amber Mitchell Actual 2020 - 21 M110 600140 600140 600400 600400 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 600920 600920

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Management and Administration Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Conferences 9100 Membership Attended

Total for Program M110








(56) 5 95

15,000 300 300 100

15,000 300 300 100

15,000 300 300 100










Program Objectives 1.

Ensure long and short-term plans are developed, assessed, and implemented in order to achieve Federation goals.


Continue to review as necessary and appropriate, the divisional organization of the BCTF, workflow, and staff responsibilities.


Manage the allocation of Federation resources to meet program objectives and ensure staff is assigned to implement programs approved by elected representatives.


Ensure that the workplace is positive, productive, and inclusive, and is consistently responsive to member needs and Federation goals.

Total FTE—Covers 3.00 excluded staff and 0.90 support staff. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Includes cost for the Executive Director’s and Assistant Executive Director’s attendance at required meetings, including attendance at the annual General Secretary/Executive Director meeting.

M110 Management and Administration


600600-1100 TTOCs—General—TTOC costs related to member attendance at conferences and member engagement through representing the Federation at meetings and events. See 600920-9100 Conference Attendance. 600830

Printing—Related to Executive Director’s role in implementing Federation decisions.


Photocopying—Related to Executive Director’s role in in-house Co-ordinating Committee, member requests, letters, etc.


Mailing—Related to Executive Director’s communications, letters to members, other organizations, etc.

600920-9100 Conference Attendance—Members—Provides for conference attendance and engagement of members representing the BCTF at meetings, events, and other leadership opportunities, for members serving on the Executive Committee, BCTF advisory committees, and others selected at large. This helps to support leadership and engagement of members.


M110 Management and Administration

M120 HUMAN RESOURCES Co-ordinator: Elsa Dutton

M120 600100 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600300 600320 600320 600320 600320 600325 600325 600335 600335 600340 600350 600355 600360 600365 600370 600380 600390 600500 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 601100 601100 601140 601140 602800 603010 603600

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Salary Variance Account Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Staff Functions Contractual PD Funds 3205 Exempt 3206 TSU 3220 TFEU BCTF Training Funds 3210 Staff Union Training Funds 3220 TFEU Overtime Expenses Recruitment Expense Staff Orientation First Aid - Health & Safety Transit Subsidy Employment Insurance Rebate EFAP Premiums Association Dues Committee Meetings 1140 Covid 19 Transportation 5017 Committee Teachers Teaching on Call 6080 Recruitments 6081 New Staff Orientation Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Consultants 1100 General Fees Paid - Legal 1100 General Stationery and Supplies Payroll Fees BCTF Storage Rental













25,030 3,443

8,000 15,500

8,000 5,000

8,000 15,000

8,699 107,177 41,224

20,000 110,000 42,000

20,000 110,000 42,000

15,000 110,000 42,000





6,156 128 31,116 7,229 39,298 8,416 5,459 25,852 39,361

7,000 500 15,000 30,000 44,000 37,000 7,600 35,000 37,000

7,000 500 15,000 30,000 44,000 37,000 7,600 35,000 37,000

7,000 500 15,000 15,000 40,000 35,000 7,600 35,000 37,000

Total for Program M120

Human Resources

7,323 -







3,000 4,800 500 600 1,200

3,000 4,800 500 600 1,200

3,000 4,800 500 600 1,200





221,290 64 61,518 74

90,000 1,000 84,000 100

90,000 1,000 84,000 100

90,000 1,000 103,000 100





(45) 21 105 2,106

M120 Human Resources


Program Objectives To enable and advance Federation programs and initiatives through the support and development of a skilled and engaged workplace by:  complying with and ensuring the application of all relevant statutory regulations.  administering and implementing all aspects of staff employment contracts.  maintaining required staffing levels through proactive and comprehensive hiring procedures.  promoting and developing learning and professional growth opportunities for staff.  ensuring the accurate and timely processing of payroll and benefit provisions. Total FTE—Covers 1.00 excluded staff and 4.20 support staff, plus 0.40 union day leave. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600300

Staff Functions—This provides support for annual functions which are also supported by a Special Events fund to which employees contribute. The events include the annual staff dinner and dance in early December, the children’s Christmas party, the Spring Tea (retirements and service recognitions in five-year increments) held in June, and the Fall Barbeque held in September.

600320-3205 Contractual PD Funds—Excluded Staff—Excluded staff training funds for five excluded staff—consistent with contracts of employment provisions. 600320-3206 Admin Staff Contractual PD Funds—Provides for contractual funds for administrative staff. 600320-3220 TFEU Contractual PD Funds—Provides for contractual funds for support staff. 600325-3205 BCTF Directed Training—Excluded Staff—Provides for directed training for excluded staff. 600325-3210 BCTF Directed Training—Admin/Support staff—Divisional and cross-divisional training initiatives for all staff. 600335-3220 TFEU Education Fund—Contractual obligation, employer contributes $.03 per employee per hour worked. 600340

Overtime Expenses—Travel and per diem expenses related to overtime work.


Recruitment Expenses—External recruitment advertising, interviewing, and moving expenses for term and new employees.


M120 Human Resources


Staff Orientation—Contractual obligation to provide funds for orientation/overlap training for new administrative staff and the costs associated with maintaining the orientation of all new staff to the BCTF.


First Aid—Health & Safety—JOH&S Committee expenditures, ergonomic expenditures, annual flu shots, shingles vaccinations, first aid supplies, first aid training and recertification, first aid attendants’ allowance for four attendants, external ergonomic assessments, and medical evaluations.


Transit Subsidy—Contractual obligation, employer provides transit subsidy (50%) for TransLink, West Coast Express, False Creek Ferries, Aquabus, and Vanpool riders.


EI Premium—Staff Rebate—5/12 of the total reduced EI premiums returned to employees.


EFAP Premium—Contractual obligation, employer provides Employee Family Assistance Program to employees and family members.


Association Dues—The BC Teachers Regulation Branch fees and other professional associations and memberships.

600500-5017 Transportation Committee—(TRAC) Transportation Alternatives Committee expenditures, promoting alternative methods of transportation to work. 600600-6080 TTOCs—Recruitment—Covers release time costs incurred for recruitment. 600600-6081 TTOCs—New Staff Orientation—Covers release time costs for new staff orientation. 600830

Printing—Printing of HR communications and policies including staff collective agreements as required.


Mailing—Mailing HR communications.

601100-1100 Consultant Fees—Specialized advice in areas such as salary and benefit administration, and specific help and assistance on a range of HR and personnel matters including the Respectful Workplace program. 601140-1100 Legal Fees—Grievance, arbitration, and general legal costs related to BCTF as the employer. 602800

Stationery and Supplies—Covers costs associated with staff and retiree communications.

M120 Human Resources




Payroll Fees and HR Fees—Ceridian Payroll Service (INSYNC) and Dayforce System, including direct deposit charges and remittance of payroll taxes. This budget line also includes costs associated to processing the LAS payroll.

M120 Human Resources

M150 HR—PRIVACY Co-ordinator: Elsa Dutton Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

200 200 300

200 200 300

200 200 300


200 4,200

200 4,200

200 4,200





Actual 2020 - 21 M150 600830 600840 600890 600950 600950 603600

HR - Privacy Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Training 1100 General Storage Rental

Total for Program M150

(400) (1,000) 120

Program Objectives To ensure compliance with the BC Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) through the development and oversight of appropriate policies, procedures, and practices, the development and provision of training for staff and member activists, the co-ordination and processing of access requests, and the investigation of complaints or breaches. 600830

Printing—Training materials, policies, procedures, and other communications.


Photocopying—Training materials, policies, procedures, and materials requested through the access policy.


Mailing—Privacy communications and materials requested through the access policy.

600950-1100 Training—Miscellaneous costs associated with staff or member activist training. 603600

Storage Rental—For offsite document shredding costs.

M150 HR—Privacy



M150 HR—Privacy

M200 LABOUR AFFILIATION Co-ordinator: Amber Mitchell

M200 600400 600400 600400 600400 600600 600600 600920 600920 601000 601000 601000 601000 601210

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

1,537 470

3,000 6,000 6,000

3,000 6,000 6,000

3,000 6,000 6,000













112,489 314,640 -

127,400 315,000 20,000

127,400 315,000 20,000

131,400 341,800 12,000





Labour Affiliation Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4100 Executive 4200 Travel Others Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Conferences 9100 Membership Attended Affiliations BC Fed Membership 1003 Fees 1004 Labour Council Fees 1008 CLC Membership Fees Campaigns

Total for Program M200

Program Objectives 1.

Work with and through the BC Federation of Labour (BCFED) and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) towards the attainment of: a. strong and healthy public services for all citizens. b. full and free collective bargaining rights for all working people.


Achieve the support of other working people in BC for a strong and stable public education system that provides success for all students.


Ensure that teachers are represented within the governance and support structures of the BCFED and the CLC.

M200 Labour Affiliation


600400-4000 Staff Travel—To cover costs related to responsibilities with BCFED standing committees and events. Increase related to staff instructing at CLC Winter School and at CLC Labour College. 600400-4100 Executive Travel—To cover the costs of BCTF organizational reps to CLC meetings, including the twice-yearly meetings of the Canadian Council, participation on CLC standing committees and attendance at BCFED officers’ meetings and lobbies. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—To cover the costs of travel, per diem, and accommodation for BCTF members serving on BCFED standing committees, BCTF members serving on the Education Committee, Occupational Health and Safety Committee, Women’s Rights Committee, Community and Social Action Committee, Political Action Committee, and Human Rights Committee. The number of committee meetings varies year to year. Also covers member elected to chair the Human Rights Committee. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—To cover the costs related to member attendance at BCFED standing committees. (See note for Travel—Others, above.) 600830

Printing, 600840 Photocopying, 600890 Mailing—To cover the costs of printing, photocopying, and mailing related to BCFED/CLC conventions, events, and conferences.

600920-9100 Conference Attendance—Members—Covers cost of participation in BCFED regional conferences, Young Worker’s Retreat, Rise Up Conference, and other BCFED and CLC conferences and events. In years with CLC Convention: supports the attendance of two organizational reps at the CLC Convention (Procedure 5.38.1) along with the BCTF Executive Committee member elected by the RA. Also covers the cost of BCTF EC member attendance, if elected by their locals, as per Procedure 5.38.4. Also covers the subsidy to locals as per Procedure 5.38.5. In years with a BCFED convention: supports the attendance of the three BCTF reps who are members of the BCFED Executive Council (President, Vice-President, and rep elected by the RA). The next BCFED convention will take place in November 2022 and the next CLC convention will be in May 2023. Note: BCTF participation in BCFED conventions is specified in Procedure 6.25 and in CLC conventions is specified in Procedure 5.38, Members’ Guide to the BCTF. 601000-1003 BCFED Membership Fees—Fees are based on 36,000 FTE members at $9.84 per member ($0.82 per member per month).


M200 Labour Affiliation

601000-1004 Labour Council Fees—Fees are based on approximately 80% of the 36,000 FTE members at an average of $4.55 per member (average of $0.38 per member per month). 601000-1008 CLC Membership Fees—Fees are based on 36,000 FTE members at $9.48 per member ($0.75 per member per month). Membership numbers to be updated by FAS Budget Co-ordinator. 601210

Campaigns—Provides funding to contribute to BC Federation of Labour campaigns that are initiated in the course of the year and to which affiliates contribute. Includes Be More Than a By-Stander campaign ($6,000).

M200 Labour Affiliation



M200 Labour Affiliation

M700 CANADIAN TEACHERS’ FEDERATION Co-ordinator: Amber Mitchell

M700 600400 600400 600400 600400 600600 600600 600700 600700 600830 600840 601000 601000

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

9,597 -

5,000 20,000 -

5,000 20,000 -

7,500 20,000 20,000






30,000 200 100

30,000 200 100

15,000 200 100









Canadian Teachers' Federation Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others 4210 CTF AGM Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Grants 7600 Miscellaneous Grants Printing Internal Photocopying Affiliations 1010 CTF Membership Fees

Total for Program M700

Program Objectives 1.

To participate fully as an affiliate of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation.


To pursue BCTF objectives at the inter-provincial, national, and international levels.


To support Education International, through the CTF, as the organization that supports the teaching profession, resists privatization of public education, and works for equity and access on a global level.

600400-4000 Staff Travel—To cover costs of required Executive Director attendance at CTF AGM and other required meetings and forums. 600400-4200 Travel Others—To cover the costs of member participation in CTF conferences, meetings, and events.

M700 Canadian Teachers’ Federation


600400-4210 Travel—CTF AGM—To cover the costs of delegates to the CTF AGM. CTF provides a subsidy of 50% of the travel, hotel, and per diem costs. The CTF AGM is usually held in Ottawa. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—To cover the cost of release time for members to participate in CTF events, meetings of advisory committees (appointed by the CTF board of directors), and conferences. 600700-7600 Grants—This subcode provides for a BCTF contribution to specific CTF-related initiatives with outside groups as they arise. It was used to co-host the CTF Women’s Symposium in 2019 and to contribute to the CTF-Equal Voice project, Daughters of the Vote (sponsoring two participants). 600830

Printing, 600840 Photocopying, 600890 Mailing—To cover the costs of printing, photocopying, and mailing related to CTF events.

601000-1010 Affiliations—Fees are set according to the memorandum of agreement between the BCTF and CTF for a ten-year phased-in per capita fee payment. The schedule allowed the BCTF to become a member organization, paying 10% of the fee in year one, and increasing by 10% each year, reaching full fee payment in year 10. In the 2022–23 fiscal, the Federation will pay 70% of the membership fee. The per capita fee amount is set each year by the CTF Annual General Meeting, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors. The per capita rate for 2022–23 is $29.30.


M700 Canadian Teachers’ Federation

PROFESSIONAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES DIVISION Director: Christine Stewart Overview The core mandate of the Professional and Social Issues Division is to enhance student learning by promoting and supporting socially responsible quality teaching and quality public education. Within the framework of the Federation’s overall goals and annual priorities, the work of the Professional and Social Issues Division is policy development, training, professional development and support, cross-divisional communication, and co-ordination related to:  Aboriginal education  assessment, evaluation, reporting, and accountability  BC Teachers’ Council  career-long professional development  curriculum and education policy  French programs and services  inquiry-based professional development  leadership training and skill development for local leaders  professional rights and responsibilities  sharing teaching resources through Teach BC  social justice  success for all students  support for PSAs in providing professional development services for members  support for “teachers in crisis” through Peer Support, IMS  support for teachers new to the profession  support for the Adult Education Advisory Committee  support for Teachers Teaching on Call issues  support for teacher education  support for teaching and learning  support for equity and inclusion.

AGM Priorities The Professional and Social Issues Division will continue to build upon the foundation of programs and services provided by the staff in the division. Programs and services in the division will be informed by and support the priorities established in the Leadership Report at the 2022 AGM. The division will continue to engage and mobilize members to: improve professional autonomy and enhance professional development; strengthen influence of teachers on education policy; support and strengthen social justice principles and practices in our schools and our communities; develop Aboriginal employment equity agreements in every local; engage networks to support collective bargaining; advocate for funding and support for public education; and support and engage new teachers.

Professional and Social Issues Division


Other Salary Costs Amended 2021–22 Budget 600120 support staff bonusing 600130 support staff casuals 600140 support staff overtime Totals

2022–23 Budget

$900 11,200

$5,900 24,700



Estimated Staff Time Allocations Admin 2021–22 2022–23

Program Name P120—PSA Services P170—Teacher Education and Support P210—Curriculum and Education P260—School and Teacher Leadership Development P270—Leadership Training P275—School Union Rep Training P280—Internal Relations P470—French Program and Services P490—Integrated Social Justice Programs P491—Aboriginal Education Program P540—Teacher Inquiry Program P542—Program for Peer Support Total


Support 2021–22 2022–23

















0.40 0.50 0.70

0.40 0.50 0.70

1.20 0.45 1.00

1.20 0.45 1.00













0.30 0.30

0.30 0.30

0.10 0.20

0.10 0.20





Professional and Social Issues Division

Divisional Summary

P120—PSA Services P170—Teacher Education and Support P210—Curriculum and Education Policy P260—School and Teacher Leadership Development P270—Leadership Training P275—School Union Rep Training P280—Internal Relations P470—French Program and Services P490—Integrated Social Justice Program P491—Aboriginal Education Program P540—Teacher Inquiry Program P542—Program for Peer Support P-Division Total

2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23

705,964 324,764

902,800 358,100

1,022,600 457,500

119,800 99,400









109,636 121,854 64,966 12,053

366,100 126,100 147,000 28,700

1,016,500 238,400 275,000 48,100

650,400 112,300 128,000 19,400





85,871 32,751 44,836 1,936,728

99,000 62,300 94,300 2,898,900

228,200 121,500 154,800 4,585,600

129,200 59,200 60,500 1,686,700

P-Division Total (in $000s) 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0

4,586 3,603

3,340 2,899 1,937

2018-19 Actual

2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Professional and Social Issues Division


Divisional Breakdown Leadership Training 22%

School Union Rep Training 5% Internal Relations 6%

School and Teacher Leadership Development 10%

French Program and Services 1% Integrated Social Justice Program 9%

Curriculum and Education Policy 4%

Aboriginal Education Program 5%

Teacher Education and Support 10%

PSA Services 22%

Program for Peer Support 3%

Teacher Inquiry Program 3%

Professional and Social Issues Division (in 000s) 1,200



1,000 800 600



400 200


425 238


228 48


2020-21 Actuals


2021-22 Amended Budget

2022-23 Original Budget

Professional and Social Issues Division



Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Description PSA Services (P120)

Budget Code

Amended Proposed Budget Budget 2021–22 2022–23 ($) ($)

Change +/-

1. Committee Meetings—General—Return to inperson and an additional amount for PSAC to use external meeting venues that provide additional space for large groups.





2. Grants—Equity & Inclusion—Referral (EC Feb 17-18, 2022) PSA Equity and Inclusion Grant.





3. Grants—Equity & Inclusion—The grant was additional support for PSAs that offered an online PSA conference.





4. Administration Charges—Salaries—Allocations were updated to more accurately reflect the support PSAs receive. It now includes the cost of the Information Technology department.





5. Adminstration Charges—BCTF Admin Charges— Allocations were updated to more accurately reflect the support PSAs receive. It now includes the cost of the Information Technology department.













Teacher Education and Support (P170) 1. Conferences—BCTF Hosted Conferences—Return to an in-person New Teachers’ Conference. Curriculum and Education Policy (P210) 1. Teachers Teaching on Call—General— Enhancement: Curriculum and Education Policy Release Days. School and Teacher Leadership Development (P260) Professional and Social Issues Division


1. Teachers Teaching on Call—Workshop Development—To revise in-person workshops as these have not been updated since 2020. As well as, to ensure virtual workshops are ready to deploy in case of need to pivot to virtual delivery mode.





2. Training—General—Return to in-person FIT.





3. Training—Workshop Development—Ensure that equity content and Aboriginal ways of knowing and being is woven into workshops.













2. Committee Meetings—Racism Advisory Panel— Racism advisor panel is completed.





3. Teachers Teaching on Call—JC & IMS Review Committee—TTOC costs related to the JC and IMS Review Committee.





4. Teachers Teaching on Call—Racism Advisory Panel—Racism advisor panel is completed.





1. Grants—Miscellaneous Grants—Organization / programs (Check Your Head and Next) grants were given to do not exist anymore. A provision is kept for other programs.





2. Conferences—BCTF Hosted Conferences—The Social Justice Conference happens every other year. This year, the Regional Social Justice Grant is provided (can be found in L100 Grants to Locals).





School Union Rep Training (P275) 1. Training—Facilitators—Return to pre-pandemic amounts and an enhancement: TIP Facilitator to attend FIT. Internal Relations (P280) 1. Committee Meetings—JC & IMS Review Committee—The committee will consist of 17 members and will meet for four two-day meetings with a possible additional one-day meeting.

Integrated Social Justice Program (P490)

Aboriginal Education Program (P491)


Professional and Social Issues Division

1. Conferences—BCTF Hosted Conferences—The biannual Aboriginal Education Conference.


Professional and Social Issues Division






Professional and Social Issues Division

P120 PSA SERVICES Co-ordinator: Grahame Rainey

P120 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600810 600830 600840 600890 600950 600950 602670 603000 603940 604040 650500 650500 650500

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23






300 1,500

300 1,500

300 1,500


45,000 1,500

15,000 1,500

70,000 2,500

46,856 6,607 2,325 7,268 27,581

30,000 3,000 30,000 40,000

30,000 3,000 30,000 40,000

32,000 5,000 30,000 40,000

256,000 2,000 3,000 10,000 75,000 132 45 -

300,000 4,000 9,000 15,000 1,000 1,000 500 200

300,000 4,000 9,000 15,000 75,000 1,000 1,000 500 200

300,000 4,000 9,000 20,000 15,000 1,000 1,000 500 200

43,718 3,087 1,728 -

20,000 40,000 4,500 10,000 13,000

1,000 11,000 4,500 10,000 13,000

20,000 4,500 10,000 13,000

165,300 55,100

285,700 48,600

285,700 48,600

350,900 90,200





PSA Services Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 1100 General 5050 PSA Sub-committee Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General 1140 Covid 19 5050 PSA Sub-committee 6012 Development Training 6089 PSA Presidents Grants 7000 PSA Member Grant 7001 PSA Special 7025 Regional 7040 Equity & Inclusion 7047 PSA Inquiry Grant 7600 Miscellaneous Grants Publications - Subsidization Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Training 1100 General Software Maintenance Bank Charges New Teacher Memberships Subsidization of PSA Memberships Adminstration Charges 8900 Salaries 8940 BCTF Admin Charges

Total for Program P120

P120 PSA Services


Program Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Provide a strong, unifying, organizational, administrative, and financial support system for PSAs. Support enhancement of PSA publications, websites, administration, conference organization, and registration. Enhance the role of PSAs as providers of ongoing professional development for teachers. Involve PSAs in advocacy through bargaining and other actions for improvements in class size, class composition, learning specialist teacher ratios, and equitable high-quality programs. Increase PSA membership, especially with respect to small PSAs, by recruiting new teachers to PSAs. Encourage PSAs to promote and support the Federation’s leadership priorities. Provide support to PSA Council and individual PSAs in advising the Executive Committee on professional matters such as: a. educational issues and policies b. educational leadership c. curriculum assessment, development, implementation, and evaluation d. professional development funding and control e. bargaining f. requirements, including but not limited to, materials, facilities, resources, and advocacy strategies for quality in public education. Provide free PSA memberships for new teachers on induction to the local and the BCTF.

Total FTE—Covers 0.60 administrative staff and 1.00 support staff. 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—PSID staff travel for support to PSAs. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—PSAC chairperson to attend the BCTF RAs. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings of the PSAC. Three one-day meetings of the Agenda and Steering Committee of Provincial Specialist Association Council. Two one-day meetings of the Agenda and Steering Committee of Provincial Specialist Association Council to review PSA per capita grant applications. Other one-off meetings with PSAs as requested by BCTF staff. Related TTOC are reflected in subcode 600600-1100. 600500-5050 PSA Subcommittee Meeting—Travel and per diem costs for up to eight PSA presidents or PSA executive members to do subcommittee work. Half of the subcommittee meetings will precede existing meetings to reduce travel costs. Related TTOC are reflected in subcode 600600-6042. 10

P120 PSA Services

600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Release time for PSA presidents or designates (BCTF active members) to attend PSAC meetings and other meetings as requested by BCTF staff. Related meeting costs are reflected in subcode 600500-1100. 600600-1140 TTOCs—COVID 19—One-time additional release days provided in 2020–21 to addressing emerging needs during the pandemic. 600600-5050 TTOCs—PSA Subcommittee—Release time for up to eight PSA presidents or PSA executive members to do subcommittee work. Related meeting costs are in subcode 600500-5050. 600600-6012 TTOCs—Training—Release time for one day of training for new PSA officers (presidents, treasurers, and conference chairpersons or registrars). 600600-6089 TTOCs—PSA Presidents—Five days release for each PSA president for PSA business and 20 days release to be allocated amongst the PSAs. Three days release for PSAC chairperson to attend BCTF Representative Assemblies. 600700-7000 PSA Member Grants—That the Federation provide a PSA member grant on the following basis: 1. up to 100 BCTF members—$6,000 2. from 101–200 BCTF members—$7,000 3. from 201–300 BCTF member—$8,000 4. from 301–400 BCTF members—$9,000 5. from 401–500 BCTF members—$10,000 6. from 501–600 BCTF members—$11,000 7. from 601–700 BCTF members—$12,000 8. from 701–800 BCTF member —$13,000 9. from 801–900 BCTF members—$14,000 10. from 901–1,000 BCTF members—$15,000 11. over 1,000 BCTF members—$16,000. Note: As per an Executive Committee Decision (May 01, 2020) for the 2021–22 budget year, that each individual PSA that holds their conference online in October 2020, the 2021–22 per capital grant be generated based on the highest of either the April 15, 2020 or the April 15, 2021. 600700-7001 Special Grants to PSAs—Special grants to PSAs per Procedure 10.J.32. Only one grant will be granted to an individual PSA in a two-year period. There will be a maximum of two grants issued per year. 600700-7025 Regional Grants—Up to three regional conference grants of $3,000 each available to PSAs on a first come, first serve basis. PSAs are eligible for no more than one grant in a two-year period and only one grant a year. Conferences must be held outside the Lower Mainland (east of Chilliwack and Mission) and/or southern Vancouver Island (Nanaimo and South) per Procedure 10.J.30.3.

P120 PSA Services


600700-7040 PSA Equity and Inclusion Grant—This grant will support PSAs to undergo equity audits of their membership as well as examining the PSAs processes and practices, learning more about the experiences from equity-seeking groups, and developing programs to enhance equity and inclusion in member engagement. 600700-7047 PSA Inquiry Grant—This provides matching grants to up to three PSAs to support PSAs and PSA local chapters pursuing inquiry work. 600700-7600 Miscellaneous Grants—A one-time special conference grant of $2,500 to be provided to each PSA that offers an online PSA conference on the October PSA day. This grant is to support PSAs with the additional costs of moving to online conferences due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 600810

Publication Purchase/Subsidy—Cost of purchasing copies of PSA publications for BCTF use and absorbing 25% of BCTF labour costs on PSA publications.


Printing—Miscellaneous items for PSAC, and other printing related to the program. PSAC has chosen to go paperless so routine printing has been phased out.


Photocopying—Miscellaneous photocopying related to the program. PSAC has chosen to go paperless so routine photocopying has been phased out.


Mailing—Miscellaneous mailing costs related to the program.

600950-1100 Training—Training for PSA officers. Training for PSA presidents attached to a PSAC meeting. Training for treasurers and conference chairpersons separate from PSAC. Release time in 600600-6012. 602670

Software Maintenance—To provide an online platform, including user support for the PSA conferences in October.


Bank Charges—One credit card terminal rental and credit card transaction fees for processing PSA memberships.


New Teacher Memberships—Provides for one PSA membership to new teachers on induction to the local and the BCTF (Procedure 33.54).


PSA Membership Discount/Subsidization of PSA Memberships—Teachers teaching on call pay the equivalent rate of students and retirees for PSA membership fees, BCTF reimburses PSAs for the difference in the rate. The amount is based on the actual PSA membership at April 15, the previous year (Procedure 10.J.40). Also, that the BCTF offer a free PSA membership to any BCTF member on their first approved upload of a new resource to Teach BC.

650500-8940 Administrative Charges—An administration fee is charged to the PSA Services program for the costs of accounting, member mailing, and computer services provided to that program (Procedure 10.D.14). 12

P120 PSA Services

P170 TEACHER EDUCATION AND SUPPORT Co-ordinators: Christine Stewart, Carmen Woo Actual 2020 - 21 P170

Teacher Education and Support

459030 459030 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500

Program Revenues 9070 Miscellaneous Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 1100 General Council Advisory 5018 Committee Meetings 6052 TQS Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General 6003 Provincial Conference 6052 TQS Grants 7200 Grant to TQS Beginning Teacher Conf. 7604 Grants Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Conferences BCTF Hosted 2190 Conferences Stationery and Supplies Awards

600500 600530 600530 600600 600600 600600 600600 600700 600700 600700 600830 600840 600890 600920 600920 602800 604030

Total for Program P170


Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23








118 -

6,000 6,000

1,500 1,500

6,000 6,500













11,632 9,040 1,951

8,000 12,000 4,200

8,000 12,000 4,200

8,000 12,000 4,200









1,928 13 826

5,000 1,000 4,000

5,000 1,000 4,000

5,000 1,000 4,000





62 13,000








Program Objectives 1.

Provide support for BCTF programs and initiatives for pre-service orientation, and induction of new members. P170 Teacher Education and Support



Provide support to early career teachers and student teachers.


Administer the Maxwell A. Cameron Award.


Provide liaison between the BCTF and the public universities and colleges with regard to teacher education and certification.


Provide liaison between the BCTF and the Teacher Qualification Service (TQS).


Provide advice to members on TQS matters.


Provide liaison with the BC Teacher Certification Branch and the BC Teachers’ Council.


Provide liaison with Association of BC Deans of Education (ABCDE).

Total FTE—Covers 1.25 administrative staff and 1.10 support staff. 459030-9070 Miscellaneous Revenue—Registration fees charged for attending the New Teachers’ Conference and fees for exhibitors. 600140-1520 Support—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Staff travel related to work with the ABCDE, TQS, BC Teachers’ Council, Round Table annual meeting, half day meeting with TEP staff, and staff directly connected to the New Teachers’ Conference. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—Travel costs related to BCTF facilitators presenting to teacher education programs. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—One half-day meeting with the Faculty of Education liaison representatives from the nine teacher education programs attached to the annual Round Table conference and meeting with BC Deans of Education. 600500-5018 Teachers’ Council—BCTF members of BCTC meeting prior to council meeting. 600530-6052 TQS Meetings—BCTF representatives attending TQS meetings (five one-day meetings) and orientation (one one-day session). 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Release time for BCTF facilitators presenting to teacher education programs. Release time for BCTF members attending meetings prior to Teachers’ Council meeting. 600600-6003 TTOCs—Provincial Conference—Release time for BCTF facilitators for one day (Friday) at New Teachers’ Conference. 14

P170 Teacher Education and Support

600600-6052 TTOCs—TQS—Release time for BCTF representatives attending TQS meetings (five one-day) and orientation (one one-day) session. 600700-7200 Grant to TQS—Annual grant to TQS (per TQS AGM decision) paid on a quarterly basis. 600700-7604 New Teachers’ Conference Grants—Provides for up to four $500 grants to a PSA, local, or zone organized conference which includes a significant component for new teachers, including TTOC. Application requires prior approval of an FTTO in conjunction with the Director of PSID. 600830

Printing Internal—Posters used to advertise the New Teachers’ Conference and Maxwell A. Cameron Award as well as meetings with BCTF representatives on the Teachers’ Council, the Deans of Education, and the annual half-day Faculty of Education liaison meeting.


Photocopying—Photocopying for BCTF facilitators giving workshops on campus, New Teachers’ Conference, meetings with BCTF representatives on the Teachers’ Council, Deans of Education, and the annual half-day Faculty of Education liaison meeting.


Mailing—Mailing program-related information on request.

600920-2190 BCTF–Hosted Conferences—Cost for BCTF New Teachers’ Regional Conference, TTOC, and student teachers. This includes the travel costs, hotel, and per diems for BCTF workshop facilitators, lunch for attendees, space rentals, audiovisuals, and all other related costs. The budget for Facilitator release time is included in 6006006003. 600890

Stationary and Supplies—Materials as needed.


Awards—Maxwell A. Cameron Award provides awards, consisting of a cheque for $1,000, one award per elementary and secondary graduating class from each of the nine approved teacher education programs, including the Native Indian Education Program (NITEP) (Procedure 15.16.3).

P170 Teacher Education and Support



P170 Teacher Education and Support

P210 CURRICULUM AND EDUCATION POLICY Co-ordinators: Daniel Shiu, Grahame Rainey, Christine Stewart Actual 2020 - 21 P210 600120 600120 600130 600130 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600500 600500 600530 600530 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 602800

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Curriculum and Education Policy Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 1100 General 5020 Issue Sessions 6009 Selection Committee Meetings 6008 Briefing Sessions Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General 1140 Covid 19 5020 Issue Sessions 6001 Committee Meetings 6008 Briefing Sessions 6009 Selection Committee Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program P210










9,000 4,000

2,200 1,000

9,000 4,000

(21) -

25,000 30,000 1,000

6,200 10,000 1,000

35,000 30,000 1,000





3,358 (313) 26,056 (12) 19 21 1,226

36,000 25,000 2,500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 1,700

36,000 25,000 2,500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 1,700

4,000 36,000 25,000 2,500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 1,700





Program Objectives 1.

Influence education policy in the areas of professional autonomy, professional learning, accountability, classroom and large-scale assessment, reporting, curriculum, and learning resources.


Ensure the meaningful participation of teachers and the Federation in the evaluation of learning resources, the development of curriculum, and the formulation of education policy. P210 Curriculum and Education Policy



Provide support for the Professional Issues Advisory Committee (PIAC).


Support the TeachBC website by providing space for educational news, curriculum information, pedagogical practices, teacher research, online seminars, and the sharing of teaching resources relevant to teaching in BC schools.

Total FTE—Covers 1.05 administrative staff and 1.70 support staff. 600120-1520 Bonusing and 600130-1520 Casuals—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel related to meetings with the ministry and education partner organizations on education policy, curriculum, and related issues. Due to the collaborative undertakings, these meetings continue to increase in frequency. The budget also includes the additional costs for staff to travel to support Issues session (See 600500-5020 Issue Sessions). 600400-4200 Travel—Others—Travel expenses for the BCTF rep to the Focused (previously ERAC) Learning Resources Advisory Committee. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Travel and accommodation for four two-day (Friday– Saturday) meetings of the twelve-member PIAC and support for PIAC subcommittee meetings with up to 24 release days (up to two days release for every member of PIAC). Release time budget included under 600600-6001. 600500-5020 Issue Sessions—The BCTF holds discussion sessions on emergent issues in educational policy to provide information and direction to the BCTF, using in-person or webinar opportunities for members to engage in current issues in education. The budget provides for multiple issues sessions throughout the year on topics as determined by Executive Committee. 600530-6008 Briefing Meetings—Provides for advice and support to BCTF representatives on ministry policy advisory committees, curriculum committees, learning resource evaluation teams, and learning resource development committees only if a serious issue arises. 600500-6009 Selection Committees—Convening selection committees with PSA representation. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Release time related to engaging members and to consult PSAs and advisory committees regarding curriculum and education policy matters. 600600-5020 TTOCs—Issue Sessions—TTOC for members to attend Issue Sessions hosted throughout the year. Travel costs are covered under 600500-5020 Issue Sessions.


P210 Curriculum and Education Policy

600600-6001 TTOCs—Committee Meetings—Release time for four two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings of the twelve-member PIAC, support for PIAC sub-committee meetings work with up to 24 release days (up to two days release for every member of PIAC), and up to five days release for the BCTF rep to the Focused (previously ERAC) Learning Resources Advisory Committee. 600600-6008 TTOCs—Briefing Sessions—TTOC for briefing reps to a ministry committee for a half-day each. 600600-6009 TTOCs—Selection Committees—TTOC for members of selection committees. 600830

Printing—Includes work related to education policy issues, the work of the PIAC, and items related to the promotion of professional development issues and materials to support TeachBC.


Photocopying—Includes advertisements and applications for ministry committees’ positions and Focused evaluators and committee positions, the work of the PIAC, and work related to education policy and the work related to TeachBC.


Mailing—Includes advertisements for ministry committees, communications to reps on ministry committees, the work of the PIAC, and the work of TeachBC.


Stationery and Supplies—Supplies and stationery not covered under specific programs required for daily operation of the division.

P210 Curriculum and Education Policy



P210 Curriculum and Education Policy

P260 SCHOOL AND TEACHER LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Co-ordinator: Henry Lee Actual 2020 - 21 P260 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600610 600830 600840 600890 600920 600920 600950 600950 600950 600950 601150 601150 602800

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

School and Teacher Leadership Development Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings TTOC Advisory 6041 Committee Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General 6004 Workshop Development 6005 Workshop Delivery 6015 Facilitators TTOC Advisory 6041 Committee Daycare Costs Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Conferences 9212 Parent Presentations Training 1100 General 6004 Workshop Development 6005 Workshop Delivery Fees Paid - Other 1180 Translation Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program P260












2,000 15,000




3,203 39,237 107,981 17,365

8,000 15,000 75,000 8,000

8,000 15,000 75,000 8,000

8,000 30,000 75,000 15,000





72 545 1,131 247

2,000 4,000 3,000 2,500

2,000 4,000 3,000 2,500

7,000 5,000 4,000 2,500





3,110 596 (101)

6,000 10,000 80,000

6,000 2,500 20,000

120,000 15,000 85,000

191 109

700 500

700 500

700 1,300






P260 School and Teacher Leadership Development


Program Objectives 1.

Continue to enhance the “School and Teacher Leadership” program to meet the ongoing and emergent professional needs of teachers and schools. Topics include team building/learning communities, professional autonomy, mentoring/collegial support, classroom issues, employment insurance for TTOC, teacher wellness, trauma-informed practice, teacher leadership, positive relationships with parents and colleagues, assessment, boundary issues, managing conflict, child poverty, racism, global education, Aboriginal education issues, sexual orientation and gender issues (SOGI), sexual health, cyber-bullying, self-regulation, creating inclusive classrooms, using social media, and environmental issues.


Continue to develop and promote Professional and Social Issues (PSI) workshops to meet the needs of teachers and to support the existing workshop program, including the adaptation of workshops to an online format as needed.


Continue to develop and enhance a workshop program that meets the professional needs of teachers new to the profession.


Continue to develop, enhance, and promote parent presentations on topics of interest to parents.


To support the leadership priorities adopted by the 2022 AGM on safeguarding and improving the health, safety, rights, and security of all members, continuing to address barriers in our structures through decolonization and antiracism work and organizing, engaging members toward activism and advocacy and promoting a sustainable future for public education.

Total FTE—Covers 0.40 administrative staff and .85 support staff. 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel and related costs for the Facilitators’ Institute Training and Summer Conference in August. 600400-4200 Travel—Others— Travel and related costs to deliver parent presentations throughout the year. These presentations usually take place during the evening at Parent Advisory Committee meetings, but there are increasing requests for presentations during the school day. 600500-6041 TTOC Advisory Committee—For three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings of the nine-member committee, and for two committee members to attend the New Teachers’ Conference. To allow all members of the TTOC Advisory committee to attend the New Teachers’ Conference held in the Lower Mainland.


P260 School and Teacher Leadership Development

600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Release costs related to parent presentation workshop training and delivery for up to 20 facilitators. A training session needs to be held in September or early October as parent presenters are often not available for training at FIT due to other training commitments. 600600-6004 TTOCs—Workshop Development—TTOC costs for professional and social issues workshop development, writing, and revision. For 2022–23 workshops will need to be modified from a virtual format to in-person. 600600-6005 TTOCs—Workshop Delivery—TTOC costs for approximately 200 release days. 600600-6015 TTOCs—Training Facilitators—TTOC costs for training up to 20 new facilitators throughout the school year. This includes the enhancement of facilitation skills and strategies, as well as training in the content/knowledge of workshops, the inquiry process, and the training for newly developed professional and social issues workshops. Travel costs are reflected in sub code 600950-1100. 600600-6041 TTOCs—TTOC Advisory Committee—TTOC costs for committee members pursuant to Procedure 49.16. 600610

Daycare costs—To cover the cost of childcare for dependents of FIT participants, including sports camp attendance.


Printing—The production of BCTF PSI workshop materials and promotional materials for parent presentations, as well as TTOC promotional materials.


Photocopying—Costs related to preparing and presenting professional and social issues workshops and parent presentations, and for providing training materials at FIT.


Mailing—Mailing of BCTF PSI workshop materials to and from PSI facilitators. This includes return of participant feedback forms and correspondence and mailing costs for the distribution of promotional materials for parent presentations, as well as the transport of workshop materials to and from workshop venues. Several workshops have packages of resources that need to be couriered to and from workshop locations.

600920-9212 Parent Presentations—Providing a two-day (Friday–Saturday) training opportunity for facilitators during the year to ensure we have sufficient presenters to meet requests. TTOC costs are reflected in subcode 600600-1150. 600950-1100 Training—Costs associated to FIT to be hosted on August 19–20, 2022. The cost includes keynote speakers, honorariums, etc.

P260 School and Teacher Leadership Development


600950-6004 Workshop Development—The Training Department responds to the emergent needs of school staffs and locals, including he PSI workshop on exploring the issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the worksite, and building ally skills. The budget also covers the cost to train or modify workshops (eg., converting from virtual to an in-person format and vice-versa). *Workshops are reviewed as needed to ensure there is the appropriate equity content, as well as infusing Aboriginal ways of knowing and being. 600950-6005 Workshop Delivery—There are approximately 80 workshops available through the Professional and Social Issues workshop program, including Aboriginal education, social justice, assessment practice, team building, teachers-teaching-on-call, classroom management, wellness, school culture, positive relationships with parents, professional relationships with students, mentoring, and special education. There is a continuing demand for summer workshops. TTOC are covered under subcode 600600-6005. 601150-1180 Translation and Copyright Fees—Translation of Federation materials for parent presentation workshops into Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Punjabi, Hindi, and Arabic. Fees to obtain copyright for use of materials in workshops. 602800


Stationery and supplies—BCTF workshop materials and thumb drives. We have several workshops where materials are required and need to be replenished regularly.

P260 School and Teacher Leadership Development

P270 LEADERSHIP TRAINING Co-ordinator: Henry Lee Actual 2020 - 21 P270 459030 459030 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600540 600550 600600 600600 600600 600610 600830 600840 600890 600950 600950 600950 602800

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Leadership Training Program Revenues 9070 Miscellaneous Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4201 Summer Conference Outside Facilities Beverage Service Teachers Teaching on Call Federation Leadership 6022 Institute 6024 Women's Institute Daycare Costs Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Training Federation Leadership 6022 Institute 6024 Women's Institute Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program P270









(1,058) 34,808 639

5,000 28,000 -

5,000 28,000 -

20,000 530,000 30,000 60,000





48,559 1,517 299 16 1,622

41,500 2,000 5,000 2,000 -

41,500 2,000 5,000 2,000 -

40,000 20,000 5,000 2,000 200





16,113 -

125,000 800

125,000 800

132,000 800





Program Objectives Support the leadership priorities and strategies set by the Federation’s decision-making bodies, such as the AGM or RAs, particularly the leadership priorities adopted by the 2022 AGM, safeguarding and improving the health, safety, rights, and security of all members, continuing to address barriers in our structures through decolonization and antiracism work and organizing, engaging members toward activism and advocacy and promoting a sustainable future for public education. Total FTE—Covers 0.40 administrative staff and 1.20 support staff. P270 Leadership Training


459030-9070 Miscellaneous Revenue—Cost recovery from locals sending additional delegates to FLI, along with the transfer from the Union Mentorship grant for locals approved under the grant to send additional delegates to FLI at a cost of $600 per day. 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel and other costs relate to the Summer Leadership Conference in August. 600400-4201 Travel—Summer Leadership Conference—Costs associated to the Summer Leadership conference. Summer training session for Local Presidents, Sublocal presidents, local officers released 50% or more, one Aboriginal education contact per local, one TTOC contact per local, one PD chairperson per local, one health and safety representative per local, social justice representatives per local (locals with 1– 999 members = 1 delegate; locals over 1,000 members = 2 delegates), one bargaining chair or WLC representative per local, one FELC per local, and other local leaders as determined by the Executive Committee. An additional day of training provided for rookie representatives for each of these groups is also included in this subcode. To ensure that BCTF members are involved in the planning and delivery of Summer Leadership Conference electives, this budget code also includes the costs associated with including members in the collaborative planning of elective sessions. Also includes the cost of the following groups to attend Summer Leadership Conference: Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee, Committee for Action on Social Justice, Health & Safety Advisory Committee, Working and Learning Conditions and Bargaining Advisory Committee, Women in Negotiations program members, Professional Issues Advisory Committee, Provincial Specialist Association Council, TTOC Advisory Committee, Adult Education Advisory (core days only), Political Action Contacts, and Advisory Committee on French Programs and Services. As well, the cost of members who would not otherwise be attending Summer Leadership Conference on the following basis: - Up to ten additional participants who identify as members in their first five years of teaching. - Up to ten additional participants who identify as members who are racialized or persons of colour or Aboriginal. 600540

Meeting Facilities Expenses—Facilities costs related to the Summer Leadership Conference as well as for speaker fees and honorarium. Also included in budget line are the expenses associated with the development and maintenance of the BCTF event app that is used at Summer Leadership Conference and FIT.


Beverage Service—Cost of beverages and refreshments related to the Summer Leadership Conference.


P270 Leadership Training

600600-6022 TTOCs—Federation Leadership Institute—(Previously 600600-6003 TTOC Provincial Conference) TTOC costs related to attendance at Federation Leadership Institute (FLI) for local officers not released 50% or more, designates, and/or additional local leaders sent under Procedure 25.I.02. Provide for up to an additional ten members who identity as BIPOC and who would not otherwise be attending the FLI to attend at BCTF expense. 600600-6024 TTOCs—Women’s Institute—(Previously 600600-1100 TTOC General) TTOC costs related to attendance at the Annual Women’s Institute. Related travel and per diem costs are included in subcode 600950-4200. 600610

Daycare—Costs are associated with the daycare at TRU for the sports camp.


Printing—Production of materials for Summer Leadership Conference, FLI, and the Women’s Institute.


Photocopying—Production of materials for Summer Leadership Conference, FLI, and the Women’s Institute.


Mailing—Mailing of materials needed for Summer Leadership Conference, FLI, and the Women’s Institute.

600950-6022 Training—Federation Leadership Institute—(Previously 600950-1100 TrainingGeneral) Costs associated with Local Presidents and local leaders released 50% or more and “Women in Negotiations” facilitators attending the two-day FLI. New local officers released 50% or more also attend a one-day rookie training attached to FLI. Locals may send additional delegates at local expense, or they may use the BCTF mentorship grant. Provide for up to ten members who identify as BIPOC to attend FLI at the Federation expense. 600950-6024 Training—Women’s Institute—(Previously 600950-4200 Training-Travel Others) Annual Women’s Institute, as per the 2017 AGM decision. Costs include a two-day conference with one representative per local plus other delegates as decided by the Executive Committee. Also included are costs for materials and guest speakers. Related TTOC costs are included in subcode 600600-1100. 602800

Stationery and Supplies—Kits, name tags, and materials required for Summer Leadership Conference, FLI, and the Women’s Institute, including materials necessary for the move to paperless support materials, i.e., thumb drives.

P270 Leadership Training



P270 Leadership Training

P275 SCHOOL UNION REP TRAINING Co-ordinator: Henry Lee Actual 2020 - 21 P275 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600600 600600 600600 600600 600610 600830 600840 600890 600950 600950 600950 602800

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

School Union Rep Training Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Teachers Teaching on Call 6004 Workshop Development 6005 Workshop Delivery 6015 Facilitators Daycare Costs Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Training 6004 Workshop Development 6015 Facilitators Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program P275

651 (378)




1,500 100,000

1,500 25,000

1,500 105,000

3,355 116,764 845 509 16 40

7,000 80,000 4,000 300 800 200

7,000 80,000 4,000 300 800 200

7,000 80,000 4,000 500 300 800 200

46 7

5,000 2,000 300

5,000 2,000 300

5,000 32,000 1,600





Program Objectives 1. Support the leadership priorities and strategies set by the Federation’s decision-making bodies, such as the AGM and RAs, particularly the leadership priorities adopted by the 2022 AGM on safeguarding and improving the health, safety, rights, and security of all members, continuing to address barriers in our structures through decolonization and antiracism work and organizing, engaging members toward activism and advocacy and promoting a sustainable future for public education. 2.

Co-ordinate the development and delivery of School Union Representative Training (SURT) through the workshop program and ensuring that these workshops are current and relevant.


Provide training and support for school union representatives.


Maintain a cadre of trained facilitators to assist in the delivery of school union representative training. P275 School Union Rep Training


Total FTE—Covers 0.50 administrative staff and 0.45 support staff. 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Accommodation, meals, travel, and miscellaneous expenses associated with staff delivering workshops to school union representatives when teacher facilitators are not available. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—Accommodation, meals, travel, and miscellaneous expenses associated with members of the school union training program delivering workshops to school union representatives and attending FIT, if not also attending Summer Leadership Conference. 600600-6004 TTOCs—Workshop Development—TTOC costs for SURT workshop design and development sessions. This includes revisions to existing SURT workshops and updating the in-person workshops materials. Travel and per diem costs are reflected in subcode 600950-6004. 600600-6005 TTOCs—Workshop Delivery—TTOC costs for school union representative facilitators conducting workshops for school union representatives and others as defined in Procedure 10.J.10. Due to TTOC shortages, many locals are dividing their SURT participants into smaller groups and offering the same SURT over several days. This is increasing the need for TTOC to release facilitators for multiple days for the one SURT. 600600-6015 TTOCs—Training Facilitators—TTOC costs for the training of up to 15 new SURT facilitators held throughout the school year. Travel and per diem costs are reflected in subcode 600950-6015. 600830

Printing—Costs associated with the preparation of SURT workshop materials.


Photocopying—Costs associated with the preparation and delivery of SURT workshop materials.


Mailing—Costs associated with sending workshop materials to and from SURT facilitators. This includes return of participant and facilitator feedback forms after each workshop.

600950-6004 Workshop Development—travel and per diem associated with SURT workshop design and development sessions. This includes revisions to existing SURT workshops and/or converting to virtual platforms. 600950-6015 Training Facilitators—To provide training for up to 60 SURT facilitators, plus WIN facilitators and TIP facilitators, at a three-day Facilitators’ Institute Training (FIT) on facilitation skills for workshop leadership, content/knowledge of SURT 30

P275 School Union Rep Training

workshops, and the inquiry framework. This includes one two-day training for facilitators during the year on newly developed or significantly revised SURT workshops. 602800

Stationery and Supplies—Incidental supplies required specifically for SURTs.

P275 School Union Rep Training



P275 School Union Rep Training

P280 INTERNAL RELATIONS Co-ordinator: Sherry Payne Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23



























































126 50 -

23,000 300 1,400 1,000 100

23,000 300 1,400 1,000 100

300 1,400 1,000 100





Actual 2020 - 21 P280 600140 600140 600400 600400 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 602800

Internal Relations Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Committee Meetings Internal Mediation 5004 Service Meetings Internal Mediation 5005 Service Casework Judicial Council 5014 Meetings Judicial Council 5016 Casework Adult Ed Advisory 6045 Committee JC & IMS Review 6057 Committee 6086 Racism Advisory Panel Teachers Teaching on Call Internal Mediation 5004 Service Meetings Internal Mediation 5005 Service Casework Judicial Council 5014 Meetings Judicial Council 5016 Casework Adult Ed Advisory 6045 Committee JC & IMS Review 6057 Committee 6086 Racism Advisory Panel Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program P280


P280 Internal Relations



Program Objectives 1.

Provide both interpersonal and group mediations through the Internal Mediation Service.


Co-ordinate the Internal Mediation Service team meetings and provide training and support for the team members.


Administer the Code of Ethics.


Co-ordinate Judicial Council meetings.


Provide training and support for Judicial Council members.


Support the work of the Adult Educators’ Advisory Committee.

Total FTE—Covers 0.70 administrative staff and 1.00 support staff. 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600500-5004 Internal Mediation Service Meetings/Training—Covers the costs related to two two-day (Friday–Saturday) Internal Mediation Service meetings/trainings and one one-day (Thursday) training session for new members, when needed. 600500-5005 Internal Mediation Services Casework—Covers expenses related to the facilitation of interpersonal and group mediation services. 600500-5014 Judicial Council Meetings/Training—Covers expenses related to three two-day (Friday–Saturday) Judicial Council meetings/trainings and one one-day (Thursday) training session for new members, when needed. 600500-5016 Judicial Council Casework—Covers expenses related to Judicial Council casework. 600500-6045 Adult Education Advisory Committee—Covers expenses related to three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings. The size of the committee has increased from five to seven members. 600500-6057 JC and IMS Review Committee—Covers meeting costs associated with a 17member committee that will have four two-day meetings (Friday–Saturday). 600500-6086 Racism Advisory Panel—Covers expenses related to a five-member advisory panel who self-identify as BIPOC members. The budget line covers at lest three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings and extra additional meeting days required to planning sessions. This was completed in 2021–22.


P280 Internal Relations

600600-5004 TTOCs—Internal Mediation Services Meetings/Training—TTOC costs related to 600500-5004 Committee Meetings—Internal Mediation Services Meetings/Training. 600600-5005 TTOCs—Internal Mediation Services Casework—TTOC costs related to 6005005005 Committee Meetings—Internal Mediation Services Casework. 600600-5014 TTOCs—Judicial Council Committee Meetings/Trainings—TTOC costs related to 600500-5014 Committee Meetings—Judicial Council Meetings/Training. 600600-5016 TTOCs—Judicial Council Casework—TTOC costs related to 600500-5016 Committee Meetings—Judicial Council Casework. 600600-6045 TTOCs—Adult Education Advisory Committee—TTOC costs related to 6005006045 Committee Meetings—Adult Education Advisory Committee. 600600-6057 TTOCs—JC and IMS Review Committee—TTOC costs related to 600500-6057 Committee Meetings—JC and IMS Review Committee. 600600-6086 TTOCs—Racism Advisory Panel—TTOC costs related to 600500-6086 Committee Meetings—Racism Advisory Panel.

P280 Internal Relations



P280 Internal Relations

P470 FRENCH PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Co-ordinator: Carmen Woo Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23










4,500 11,900 6,000

1,500 4,000 1,500

4,500 11,900 -

11,247 (77) 836 40 8

7,500 4,000 3,000 500 500

7,500 4,000 3,000 500 500

7,500 4,000 4,000 3,000 500 500


4,000 4,000 200

1,000 1,000 200

4,000 4,000 200





Actual 2020 - 21 P470

French Program and Services

600140 600140 600400 600400 600500 600500 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 600950 600950 600950 602800

Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Committee Meetings 1100 General 5021 Advisory Committee 6004 Workshop Development Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General 6004 Workshop Development 6005 Workshop Delivery Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Training 6004 Workshop Development 6005 Workshop Delivery Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program P470

Program Objectives 1.

Ensure communication in French for French as a First or Working Language (FFWL) members.


Develop PD activities for FFWL members and increase their involvement in professional issues.


Provide support to FFWL members in their classroom practices.


Work with the French Language Coalition partner groups regarding Francophone, French Immersion, and Core French programs.

P470 French Programs and Services



Support the work of the SEPF local, and the APPIPC and BCATML provincial specialist associations, as well as other PSAs who support FFWL members.


Support the work of the Advisory Committee on French Programs and Services.

Total FTE—Covers 0.50 administrative staff and 0.70 support staff. 600140-1520 Support—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Outreach work with educational partners through attendance at conferences and round tables as well as to offer support to FFWL members. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—One liaison meeting (Coalition) every two years of French Language Coalition partner groups. Hosting four French co-ordinator’s meetings (Consortium) a year. 600500-5021 Advisory Committee—Three two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings of the sevenmember French Programs and Services Advisory Committee. 600500-6004 Committee Meetings—Workshop Development—Budget line is no longer used. The budget for workshop development can be found in 600950-6004 Training— Workshop Development. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Release time costs associated with 600500-5021 Committee Meetings—Advisory Committee. 600600-6004 TTOCs—Workshop Development—Release time costs associated with budget line 600950-6004 Training—Workshop Development. 600600-6005 TTOCs—Workshop Delivery—Release time costs associated with budget line 600950-6004 Training-Workshop Delivery. 600830

Printing Internal—French posters and other related documents pertinent to FFWL teachers.


Photocopying—Correspondence, reports, workshops, and other materials.


Mailing—Mailing materials to FFWL members.

600950-6004 Workshop Development—Workshop development/revision for workshops in French to support revised and new curriculum. 600950-6005 Workshop Delivery—Travel costs related to the delivery of workshops and delivery of webinars in French resources.


P470 French Programs and Services


Stationery and Supplies—Items required to support the French Programs and Services Advisory Committee, workshop development, delivery, and meetings with partner groups.

P470 French Programs and Services



P470 French Programs and Services

P490 INTEGRATED SOCIAL JUSTICE PROGRAM Co-ordinators: Karen Chong and Heather Kelley Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23









2,500 600

2,500 600

2,500 1,200

Actual 2020 - 21 P490 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600500 600500 600540 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600700 600700 600700 600700 600830 600840 600890 600920 600920 601240 602110 602800

Integrated Social Justice Program Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 1100 General 5020 Issue Sessions 5100 Sub-committee Outside Facilities Teachers Teaching on Call 5020 Issue Sessions 5100 Sub-committee 6001 Committee Meetings 6003 Provincial Conference Grants 7041 Coalition Grants 7600 Miscellaneous Grants 7603 Provincial Initiatives Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Conferences BCTF Hosted 2190 Conferences Sponsorship Resource Materials Stationery and Supplies

283 13,779 372

46,500 80,000 22,200 1,500

33,000 20,000 11,100 1,500

60,000 80,000 24,000 1,500

30,915 13,181 64,956 (11,137)

55,000 22,400 65,000 7,000

55,000 22,400 65,000 7,000

55,000 22,400 65,000 -

26,000 21,000 5,000 19,733 4,126 19,248

26,000 21,000 5,000 35,000 5,600 30,000

26,000 21,000 5,000 35,000 5,600 30,000

28,000 5,000 5,000 35,000 5,600 30,000





1,283 62

2,000 800

2,000 2,000 800

2,000 800

Total for Program P490






P490 Integrated Social Justice Program


Program Objectives 1.

Promote safe, healthier, nurturing, respectful, and inclusive environments for all teachers, students, and families in which to live, work, and learn where all diversity is honoured.


Create resources for teachers and locals on specific action group issues.


Advise the Executive Committee on social justice issues and BCTF social justice policy.


Work on developing links with other unions, community groups, NGOs, and others on social justice issues.


Provide input to the Executive Committee and advice to social justice contacts and potential applicants on criteria for social justice grants.


Assist locals and zones in developing social justice programs, projects, and events, particularly those that involve the concerns of individual action groups.


Promote and assist in the development of local, zonal, and provincial networks of teachers on action group issues.


Facilitate, plan, and/or co-ordinate the social justice portion of BCTF zone meetings, Summer Conference, and the provincial and regional social justice conferences.


To actively involve members in working towards equity and environmental and social justice in our schools and society.


To build and engage in social movements that resist the erosion of basic human rights and civil society in Canada and around the world, and to support teachers in encouraging all students to become active citizens in a democratic, just society.

Total FTE—Covers 2.00 administrative staff and 1.00 support staff. 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel for staff to attend coalition, and one social justice administrator to attend the three regional social justice conferences, and when required to attend meetings/events with outside groups. 600400-4200 Travel Others—Travel and accommodation for speaker(s) at Summer Leadership Conference social justice discrete session. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Hotels, travel, per diems, and childcare costs for three threeday (Thursday–Saturday) meetings of the 28-member Committee for Action on 42

P490 Integrated Social Justice Program

Social Justice (CASJ). As well, it covers facilitator/speaker fees, transportation and/or hotel charges for facilitator(s)/speaker(s). 600500-5020 Issue Sessions—The BCTF offers members an opportunity to engage and discuss current issues. The budget provides for multiple issue sessions throughout the year. In 2022–23 one the sessions will focus on the impacts of climate on working and learning conditions. 600500-5100 Subcommittee Meetings—Hotels, travel, per diems, and childcare costs for two days of work of each of the seven, four-member discrete action groups. 600540

Meeting Facilities/Expenses—To fund the social justice AGM event and speaker for Summer Conference Social Justice Contacts discrete training. This includes speaker fees, coffee and tea, transportation, per diems, childcare, and/or hotel charges for speaker(s) at the event.

600600-5020 TTOCs—Issue Sessions—TTOC costs related to 600500-5020 Issues Sessions. 600600-5100 TTOCs—Sub Committee—TTOC costs related to 600500-6100 Committee Meetings—Sub-Committee. 600600-6001 TTOCs—Committee Meetings—TTOC costs related to 600600-1100 Committee Meetings—General. 600600-6003 TTOCs—Conference—TTOC costs related to 600920-2190 BCTF Hosted Conferences. 600700-7041 Coalition Grants—Living Wage Campaign ($10,000), First Call ($5,000), Raise the Rates ($3,000), West Coast Leaf ($3,000), Out on Screen ($2,000), BC Poverty Reduction Coalition ($1,000), Trade Unions for Energy Democracy ($2,000) and Options for Sexual Health ($2,000). 600700-7600 Miscellaneous Grants—Provision to provide grants for emerging issues. 600700-7603 Provincial SJ Initiatives Grants—Recommended by the CASJ Social Justice Grants Subcommittee and approved by the FTTOs, in accordance with Procedure 10. J.70. 600830

Printing—Social justice newsletters, CASJ action group revised and developed classroom materials, and resources.


Photocopying—Photocopying of materials needed for program activities, including meetings and workshop resources.


Mailing—Social justice newsletters, posters, classroom resources, meeting materials, and related program information. P490 Integrated Social Justice Program


600920-2190 Social Justice Conference—BCTF Sponsored Conference—resources, speaker fees, facilities fees, travel, meals, childcare, and accommodation costs for delegates to attend a two-day (Friday evening–Saturday) biannual provincial conference. 601240

Sponsorship—Sponsorship to support social movements. This includes $2,000 for a Joint Labour Climate Event.


Resource Materials General—Resource materials for CASJ action groups and social justice workshop facilitators.


Stationery Supplies—Supplies needed for FIT, Summer Leadership Conference, and other social justice-related events.


P490 Integrated Social Justice Program

P491 ABORIGINAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Co-ordinator: Gail Stromquist Actual 2020 - 21 P491 490030 490030 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600500 600530 600530 600530 600600 600600 600600 600600 600610 600830 600840 600890 600920 600920 601150 601150 602110 603600

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Aboriginal Education Program External Recoveries 9030 Sales Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 1100 General 5100 Sub-committee Meetings 5400 Planning Sessions 5705 Focus Groups Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General BCTF Hosted 2190 Conferences 6001 Committee Meetings Daycare Costs Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Conferences BCTF Hosted 2190 Conferences Fees Paid - Other 1185 Honoraria Resource Materials Storage Rental

Total for Program P491









(380) 1,204

6,000 5,000

2,500 2,000

6,000 5,000

725 -

25,000 600

8,300 600

31,000 600

220 -

1,500 2,500

1,500 2,500

1,500 2,500









14,214 18,013 1,311 2,124

20,000 7,000 23,000 6,800 1,000

20,000 7,000 23,000 6,800 1,000

20,000 5,000 23,000 6,800 1,000





1,700 3,676 7,975

2,000 6,800 15,000

2,000 6,800 15,000

2,000 6,800 15,000





P491 Aboriginal Education Program


Program Objectives To improve the success of Aboriginal students in public schools and to build a new relationship with Aboriginal students and communities through: 1.

Working with Aboriginal organizations and other groups in public schools to define success and appropriate indicators of success.


Building awareness and commitment of teachers to practices that will improve the success of Aboriginal students.


Identifying and supporting practices that help achieve success for Aboriginal students.


Working to make schools inclusive of and for Aboriginal students, parents, teachers, and support workers.


Building positive relationships between teachers and schools with Aboriginal communities.

Total FTE—Covers 1.00 administrative staff and 0.80 support staff. 490030

Revenue Recovery—Sales—Revenue coming in for the Project of Heart book or Teacher Guide.

600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel for staff facilitating local discussions on Aboriginal issues. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—Travel for BCTF members to work on specific Aboriginal projects, such as curriculum development and other professional issues. 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Three three-day (Thursday–Saturday) meetings of the ninemember Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee as well as subcommittee meetings. 600530-5400 Planning Session—To bring together BCTF members to work on pilot projects/initiatives, Aboriginal issues and concerns, employment equity, and antiracism. Work collaboratively with the Aboriginal Education Association PSA. 600530-5705 Focus Group—Focus groups to talk/dialogue/brainstorm on what is happening in the province for Aboriginal learners. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—Release time costs for BCTF members to work on projects (i.e., curriculum development, planning sessions, focus groups, AEA PSA, employment equity, antiracism) and pilot projects/initiatives in various locals, as well as to work on Aboriginal issues. 46

P491 Aboriginal Education Program

600600-2190 TTOCs—BCTF Hosted Conferences—TTOC costs related to 600920-2190 BCTF Hosted Conferences. 600600-6001 TTOCs—Committee Meetings—TTOC costs related to 600500-1100 Committee Meetings—General. 600830

Printing—Develop and revise Aboriginal education materials, including posters and pamphlets.


Photocopying—Workshop and training materials, committee meeting preparation, and other related materials.


Mailing—Teacher recruitment training materials, employment equity, and other related program materials.

600920-2190 BCTF Hosted Conferences—Costs associated with hosting the biannual Aboriginal Education Conference. 601150-1185 Honorarium—For Elders/speakers who share their knowledge with an advisory committee or BCTF events. 602110

Resource Materials—To purchase various resource materials such as books, DVDs, and academic research.


Storage Rental—storage and set-up costs for the Legacy of Hope—Coming Home Display. Developed with input from Aboriginal survivors, this challenging exhibit features the first-person testimonies of 12 Indigenous survivors of the Sixties Scoop and reflects upon their pain, loss but also their enduring strength, courage, and resilience.

P491 Aboriginal Education Program



P491 Aboriginal Education Program

P540 TEACHER INQUIRY PROGRAM Co-ordinator: Daniel Shiu


600840 600890 600950 600950 600950 602110

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23










500 1,600

500 1,600

500 1,600

238 378 -

43,000 26,000 500

10,800 6,500 500

45,000 28,000 1,000





Teacher Inquiry Program

600400 Travel 600400 4000 Staff Travel 600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22


Teacher Inquiry Program

Photocopying Mailing Training 9523 Program Delivery 9524 Planning Resource Materials

Total for Program P540

Program Objectives 1.

Work in partnership with locals and school districts to implement BCTF’s goal of supporting quality teaching and learning.


Create opportunities for teachers to work together in the practice of their profession to overcome isolation, and to conduct inquiry into teaching and schooling which produces new knowledge about teaching and education.


Promote a network of teachers as inquiry facilitators, researchers, and writers.

Total FTE—Covers 0.30 administrative staff and 0.10 support staff. 600600-6018 TTOCs—TIP—TTOC costs related to TIP facilitators leading local/district and PSA inquiry groups for up to six days of TIP leadership per project (up to 18 projects). In addition, the budget provides for an additional project dedicated to the professional study of racism in schools/worksites and the broader community. 600830

Printing—Teacher research publications, TIP service materials, and other promotional and program materials.

P540 Teacher Inquiry Program



Photocopying—Meeting preparation, program materials, workshop materials, and all other photocopying specific to the program.


Mailing—TIP promotional and program delivery mailings.

600950-9523 Program Delivery—Cost of facilitators’ travel and per diems for local and PSA inquiry projects. School districts and PSAs pay TTOC release costs for teacher participants and miscellaneous onsite meeting costs through TIP grants. The budget also provides for one project dedicated to the professional study of institutional racism in schools/worksites and the broader community. 600950-9524 Planning/Training—Training-related costs for 22 TIP facilitators for three two-day training/meeting sessions for new/returning facilitators for the ongoing implementation of the Teacher Inquiry Program. 602110


Resource Materials—To cover the purchase of resource materials to assist TIP facilitators in their work with inquiry groups.

P540 Teacher Inquiry Program

P542 PEER SUPPORT SERVICE Co-ordinator: Sherry Payne Actual 2020 - 21 P542 459030 459030 600140 600140 600400 600400 600500 600500 600600 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 602110 604050

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Program for Peer Support Program Revenues 9070 Miscellaneous Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Committee Meetings 1100 General Teachers Teaching on Call 6001 Committee Meetings 6019 Peer Support Casework Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Resource Materials Peer Support Service Casework

Total for Program P542















15,837 29,662 1 42 (999)

20,000 58,900 200 300 200 1,000 63,400

20,000 58,900 200 300 200 1,000 16,000

20,000 60,000 200 300 200 1,000 63,400





93 -

Program Objective 1. Provide direct one-to-one peer coaching to members in their workplace. Peer Support Service can be accessed by members who are new to the profession, or request help with their teaching practice, members who are in receipt of a letter of direction or a less than satisfactory performance evaluation or are placed on a plan of assistance. 2.

Provide training and support for Peer Support Service (PSS) members, known as PSS Consultants, to facilitate the work of the Peer Support Service program.

Total FTE—Covers 0.30 administrative staff and 0.20 support staff. 459030-9070 Miscellaneous Revenue—There is partial cost recovery for Peer Support Service (PSS) consultant services. Expected revenue reflects the number of cases we expect to collect money on as per BCTF Procedure 30.A.30.1 (Plan of Assistance). 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel related to meetings and support to the program. P542 Program for Peer Support


600500-1100 Committee Meetings—Peer Support Service Meetings/Training—Covers expenses related to two two-day (Friday–Saturday) meetings/trainings and one oneday (Thursday) training session for new Peer Consultants, when needed. 600600-6001 TTOCs—Peer Support Service Meetings/Training—TTOC costs related to 600500-1100 Peer Support Service Meetings/Training. 600600-6019 TTOCs—Peer Support Service Casework—TTOC costs related to 604050 Peer Support Service Casework. 600830

Printing—Printing of PSS materials and other promotional and program materials.


Photocopying—Meeting preparation, program materials, workshop materials, and all other photocopying specific to the program.


Mailing—PSS promotional and program delivery mailings.


Resource Materials—To cover the purchase of resource materials to assist PSS consultants in their work with members.


Peer Support Service Casework—Covers the costs related to consultants’ expenses in the delivery of services.


P542 Program for Peer Support

LEGAL SERVICES DIVISION Director: Robyn Trask Overview The mandate of the Legal Services Division is to protect and enhance the legal rights, health and safety, and economic welfare of BCTF members. The work of this division fulfils its mandate through: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

advice to the Federation on available strategies (e.g., bargaining and collective agreement enforcement) to advocate for and defend members advice to governance bodies, including Annual General Meetings, Representative Assemblies and the Executive Committee advice to the Judicial Council advice to the Income Security Division enforcement of existing collective agreement provisions through grievance, mediation, and arbitration advocacy administration of the Federation legal aid policy and advocacy for members facing disciplinary action by the Professional Conduct Unit (the “PCU”) monitoring the decisions and actions of the Commission for Teacher Regulation and the PCU training for activists and members with respect to legal strategies as well as updates on emerging issues and new laws representing the BCTF, locals, and members at the Human Rights Tribunal representing the BCTF and locals at the Labour Relations Board representing the BCTF and locals on BC Supreme Court, BC Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Canada files.

Legal Services Division


Salary Costs Amended 2021–22 Budget

2022–23 Budget

600120 Support staff bonusing 600130 Support staff casuals 600140 Support staff overtime

$1,500 5,000 800

$2,300 4,000 1,800




Estimated Staff Time Allocations Admin 2021–22 2022–23 Q810—Legal-General Q820—Legal Aid Q830—Legal-Contract Enforcement Total


Support 2021–22 2022–23

1.30 3.00

1.00 2.80

2.40 1.33

2.40 1.33









Legal Services Division

Divisional summary

Q810—Legal General Q820—Legal Aid Q830—Legal—Contract Enforcement Q-Division Total

2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23

208,098 490,615 1,108,487 1,807,200

767,400 656,800 1,382,500 2,806,700

722,200 656,800 1,382,500 2,761,500

(45,200) 0 0 (45,200)

Q-Division Total (in $000s) 3,000 2,500

2,807 2,139





1,500 1,000 500 0 2018-19 Actual

2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

Legal Services Division

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget


Divisional Breakdown

Legal General 26%

Legal - Contract Enforcement 50%

Legal Aid 24%

Legal Services Division (in 000s) 1,600


1,400 1,200 1,000 722



600 400 200 Legal General 2020-21 Actuals


Legal Aid 2021-22 Amended Budget

Legal Services Division

Legal - Contract Enforcement 2022-23 Original Budget

Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021–22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022–23 ($)

Change +/-





2. Fees Paid—Legal—Labour Relations Board—To reflect estimated use for the coming year.





3. Fees Paid—Legal—Human Rights—To reflect estimated use for the coming year.













Description Legal General (Q810) 1. Fees Paid—Legal—Civil Action—To reflect estimated use for the coming year.

Legal Aid (Q820) 1. Fees Paid—Legal—Professional Conduct Unit—To reflect estimated use for the coming year. 2. Fees Paid—Legal—Legal Aid— Criminal—To reflect estimated use for the coming year.

Legal Services Division



Legal Services Division

Q810 LEGAL GENERAL General Counsel: Robyn Trask Actual 2020 - 21 Q810 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600600 600600 600840 600890 601140 601140 601140 601140 601140 601140 601140 601140 602800

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Legal General Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Photocopying Mailing Fees Paid - Legal 1100 General 1141 Legislative Challenges 1142 Court Appeals 1143 Civil Action 1145 Privacy 1146 Labour Relations Board 1148 Human Rights Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program Q810











1,000 1,000

1,000 1,000

5,000 1,000

2,165 816 472

8,000 6,000 1,500

8,000 6,000 1,500

8,000 6,000 1,500

22,163 76,769 8,837 72,299 23,307 339

40,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 5,000 150,000 100,000 2,400

40,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 5,000 150,000 100,000 2,400

40,000 50,000 200,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 2,400







Program Objectives Overall co-ordination of BCTF’s legal services, other than those connected with contract enforcement or legal aid, and includes: 1.

Co-ordinating and providing necessary legal advice to the Federation or its locals in accordance with Procedure 19.02(1)(a) and (b) Legal Services to the Federation and locals (General).

Q810 Legal General



Providing advice to the Executive Committee on legislative challenges, court appeals, civil actions, privacy issues, constitutional matters, human rights, labour code issues, and issues arising under the Societies Act.


Co-ordinating and providing representation to locals for COVID-19 related Troubleshooting Process at Labour Relations Board (LRB).


Co-ordinating and providing legal education to the Federation and its locals.

Total FTE—Covers 1.00 excluded staff, and 2.40 support staff. 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Legal staff travel for matters other than those connected with contract enforcement or legal aid (e.g., attendance at discoveries and court). 600830

Printing—To cover costs related to mass distribution of materials on legal issues, for example, Bill 12 and analysis.


Photocopying and 600890 Mailing—To cover all mailing and photocopying costs related to the day-to-day running of the Legal Services Department, including correspondence, books of documents, briefs of authorities, Summer Leadership Conference materials, etc.

601140-1100 Legal Fees—General—The general legal matters contemplated in Procedure 19.02(1) includes legal advice other than associated with grievances and legal aid such as legal opinions, electoral reform, constitutional questions, pension appeals and general advice on all aspects of the operations of the Federation. It also includes costs incurred as a result of being a registered society. 601140-1141 Legal Fees—Legislative Challenges—Legal costs related to legislative challenges such as Bill 22. See Note 1. 601140-1142 Legal Fees—Court Appeals—Legal costs related to court appeals. See Notes. 601140-1143 Legal Fees—Civil Action—Legal costs related to civil actions such as defamation cases. See Notes 1 and 3. 601140-1145 Legal Fees—Privacy—Legal costs related to ensuring the Federation and its locals comply with privacy legislation and defend against allegations of non-compliance. 601140-1146 Legal Fees—LRB—Legal costs related to LRB issues such as strike vote challenges, allegations of illegal strikes, essential services, and organizing new members. During the pandemic this also includes representing locals through the troubleshooting process. See Notes 1 and 2. 8

Q810 Legal General

601140-1148 Legal Fees—Human Rights—Legal costs related to human rights issues, for example when parents or members bring human rights complaints against locals, officers, or the Federation or when the Union pursues a human rights complaint at the tribunal. See Note 1. 602800

Stationery and Supplies—Special order file folders, labels, spines, plastic covers, and tabs for books of documents and briefs of authority, plastic sleeves, memo pads with specific information for individual lawyers, as well as witness sheets and other materials for hearings.

Notes: 1. Bargaining-related legal costs in excess of subcodes 601140-1141 to 601140-1148 budgets (in total) approved by the Representative Assembly are charged against the Collective Bargaining Defence Fund as set out in Procedure 10.L.10—5. 2. Higher costs expected in bargaining years.

Q810 Legal General



Q810 Legal General

Q820 LEGAL AID General Counsel: Robyn Trask Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

























65,815 57,323 -

150,000 200,000 2,000

150,000 200,000 2,000

100,000 200,000 2,000





Actual 2020 - 21 Q820 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600600 600600 601140 601140 601140 601140 601140

Legal Aid Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Fees Paid - Legal Professional Conduct 1149 Unit 1160 Legal Aid - Criminal 1162 Legal Aid - Civil 1164 Legal Aid - Appeals

Total for Program Q820

Program Objectives 1.

Co-ordinate and provide legal assistance and legal aid, pursuant to the by-laws and Procedure 19.04, Legal Advice and Legal Aid to Individual Members.


Co-ordinate legal strategy and approaches to professional conduct unit and criminal cases.

Total FTE—Covers 2.80 administrative staff and 1.33 support staff. 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Legal staff travel for legal aid matters.

Q820 Legal Aid


601140-1149 Legal Fees—Legal Aid—PCU—Legal costs related to Professional Conduct Unit (PCU) cases on behalf of members. The PCU commences proceedings in response to reports of employer discipline (this includes all cases where teachers are suspended or terminated as well as most cases where the teacher has been merely reprimanded by the employer). The PCU also proceeds in response to public complaints and reports of criminal investigations or charges. The PCU responds to all reports and complaints with a relatively formal process which, even in the most minor cases, can take several months, and a considerable amount of communication from legal counsel, to resolve. In addition to legal fees, costs include disbursements for expert reports, release time, and travel and accommodation expenses for members and witnesses. See Note 1. 601140-1160 Legal Fees—Legal Aid—Criminal—Legal costs and disbursements related to criminal proceedings. The Federation provides legal counsel for members who face criminal proceedings in relation to matters arising directly out of the practice of teaching. The Division uses experienced criminal counsel. Criminal legal aid also includes legal representation for related Criminal Record Review Act proceedings. These proceedings are triggered by criminal charges and involve adjudication with respect to whether the member is permitted to continue working with children. See Notes 1 and 2. 601140-1162 Legal Fees—Legal Aid—Civil—Legal costs related to civil proceedings. The Division seldom provide legal aid for civil actions as matters arising from members’ employment can generally be addressed through the grievance process. However, in rare instances the Division will represent member in a civil matter who has been denied representation through the Schools Protection Plan. See Note 1. 601140-1164 Legal Fees—Legal Aid—Appeals—To provide funding pursuant to By-law 5.19 and Procedure 19.04, including appeals of denials of legal aid to the Executive Committee. Procedure 19.04 provides that the Federation cover the travel and accommodation expenses associated with appeals for the member and the member’s representative. It is the Division’s practice to also cover release time for both. See Note 1. Notes: 1. Legal Aid-related legal costs in excess of the subcodes 601140-1149 to 601140-1164 budgets (in total) approved by the Representative Assembly are charged against the Contingency Fund as set out in Procedure10.L.28. 2. Actual yearly expenditures fluctuate; however, amounts are based on projection of anticipated costs in this area.


Q820 Legal Aid

Q830 LEGAL—CONTRACT ENFORCEMENT General Counsel: Robyn Trask

Q830 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23













35,000 20,000

35,000 20,000

35,000 20,000









833,946 247,258

1,000,000 300,000

1,000,000 300,000

1,000,000 300,000





Legal - Contract Enforcement Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 5032

132 (366)

Grievance Appeal Panel

600600 Teachers Teaching on Call 600600 1100 General 601140 Fees Paid - Legal 601140 1100 General 601140 1147 Arbitration

Total for Program Q830

Program Objectives Provide the legal support necessary to enforce the collective agreement, including: 1.

Providing advice to Field Service staff, locals, and members in drafting and processing local and provincial matters grievances.


Assessing grievances and assigning counsel to those that go on to arbitration.


Advancing local and provincial matter grievances that have passed step three of the grievance procedure to arbitration, mediation, or settlement.


Appealing adverse decisions where appropriate.


Negotiating inclusion contracts for members that are newly certified into the bargaining unit.

Q830 Legal—Contract Enforcement



Analyzing cases and determining their impact on the collective agreement and future grievances.

Total FTE—Covers 4.20 administrative staff and 2.67 support staff 600120-1520 Bonusing, 600130-1520 Casuals and 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Accommodation and meals for matters connected with contract enforcement. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—Members required to assist in preparation of grievances or to testify at a hearing. 600500-5032 Grievance Appeal Panel—To provide funding pursuant to Procedure 19.02—2.b. Grievance Appeals which permits locals to appeal to a committee of the Executive Committee when a grievance is not advanced to arbitration. Travel, accommodation, and release time expenses of two representatives of the local are covered. 600600-1100 TTOC—General—TTOCs (in cases where the BCTF is obligated to pay these costs) replacing teachers required to assist in preparation for or to testify at a hearing. 601140-1100 Legal Fees—Fees (including GST, PST and disbursements) billed by external legal counsel. Reflects costs associated with matters covered by Procedure 19.02—2. Disbursements include travel, meals, accommodation, and expert reports. See Notes 1 and 2. 601140-1147 Arbitrator Fees—BCTF’s share (usually half) of fees and disbursements incurred by the arbitrator. See Note 1. Notes: 1. Legal costs in excess of the subcodes 601140-1100 and 601140-1147 budgets (in total) approved by the Representative Assembly are charged against the Collective Bargaining Defence Fund as set out in 10.L.10. 2. Actual yearly expenditures fluctuate.


Q830 Legal—Contract Enforcement

ANTIRACISM AND ANTI-OPPRESSION DIVISION Director: TBD Overview The Antiracism and Anti-Oppression Division (ARAO) provides leadership, information, opportunities, restorative justice, and liaison on equity related matters throughout the BCTF. Their work strives to remove systemic barriers that prohibit inclusivity and ensures greater and equal participation of marginalized groups in the BCTF.

Other Salary Costs Amended 2021–22 Budget

2022–23 Budget

600140 Support staff overtime


$ 2,000



$ 2,000

Estimated Staff Time Allocations Admin 2021–22 2022–23 T100—Antiracism and AntiOppression Total

Support 2021–22 2022–23









Antiracism and Anti-Oppression Division


Divisional summary (newly established for the 2022–23 fiscal year) 2020–21 Actuals

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23

T100—Antiracism and Anti-Oppression





T-Division Total





T-Division Total (in $000s) 80


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0





2018-19 Actual

2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

0 2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Antiracism and Anti-Oppression Division

T100 ANTIRACISM AND ANTI-OPPRESSION Co-ordinator: TBD Actual 2020 - 21 T100 600140 600140 600400 600400 600600 600600 600830 600840 600890 603945

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

Antiracism and Anti-oppression Overtime 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Member Engagement

Total for Program T100












22,000 1,000 500 500 45,000





Program Objectives 1. To provide leadership, information, opportunities, restorative justice, and liaison on equity matters throughout the BCTF. 2. To identify throughout the BCTF those structures, practices, and policies which create inequity. 3. To initiate processes to identify gaps in equity policy and develop and/or facilitate the development of new policies, procedures, and programs that remove barriers to equity and ensure greater and equal participation of marginalized groups and members in BCTF. 4. To provide initiative in effecting cultural change throughout the institution so that equity becomes everyone’s concern and responsibility. 5. To collaborate with BIPOC members for the continued work of addressing and dismantling systemic racism. 6. Provide ongoing culturally sensitive supports to BIPOC members all over BC especially in isolated communities during their teaching career so that they are able to continue teaching in a dominant system. Total FTE—Covers 2.00 administrative staff and 1.00 support staff. 600140-1520 Overtime—Contractual obligation covering additional support staff salary costs during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. The GOF salary and benefit budgets are reflected in L099 Salary and Benefit Compensation program.

T100 Antiracism and Anti-Oppression


600400-4000 Staff Travel—Accommodation, meals, travel, and miscellaneous expenses associated with staff travel. 603945

Member Engagement—Activities related to engaging member to take on a supportive and informative roll related to equity and inclusion matters.

600600-1100 TTOCs—General—TTOC costs related to 603945 Member Engagement. 600830

Printing—Printing of materials and documents as required


Photocopying—Photocopying of materials and documents as required


Mailing—Mailing of materials and documents as required


T100 Antiracism and Anti-Oppression

PUBLIC EDUCATION DEFENCE FUND Executive Director: Amber Mitchell Overview The Public Education Defence Fund was established by the AGM in 2002 in order to: a. ensure adequate resources are available to effectively respond to the attack upon public education launched by the then BC Liberal government including reductions in education funding, deterioration of learning conditions in schools, the removal of full bargaining rights for teachers b. support the implementation of the advocacy for public education. The 2007 AGM voted to make the Public Education Defence Fund an ongoing means for the Federation to direct resources in defence and support of public education. The 2009 AGM added the following purpose: a. to ensure adequate resources are available to engage members in raising teachers’ and public education issues in municipal, provincial and federal elections. This fund is financed by a direct allocation from the membership fee as determined by each Annual General Meeting. The 2022–23 allocation, as determined by the 2021 AGM, is 0.074% of the actual salary of the member.

Salary Costs

600110-1510 600110-1520 600180-1510 600180-1520

Amended 2021–22 Budget

2021–22 Budget

$162,000 77,000 38,900 23,600

$160,000 82,000 41,300 23,100



Admin Staff 2021–22 2022–23

Support Staff 2021–22 2022–23

Administrative salaries Support staff salaries Administrative benefits Support staff benefits


Estimated Staff Time Allocations

A100—Public Education Advocacy A150—Commitment to Public Education

1.30 0.00

1.30 0.00

1.00 0.00

1.00 0.00






Public Education Defence Fund


Divisional Summary 2020–21 Actuals A100—Public Education Advocacy A-Fund Total

2021–22 Amended Budget

2022–23 Original Budget

Change from 2021–22 to 2022–23

1,204,795 2,516,400 1,647,200


1,204,795 2,516,400 1,647,200


A-Division Total (in $000s) 3,000 2,500








1,000 500 0 2018-19 Actual


2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Public Education Defence Fund

Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (Note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021–22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per diems, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events.)

Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021–22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022–23 ($)

Change +/-





2. Advertising Expenses—This reflects planned end of multiphase advertising campaign.





3. Campaigns—$10,00 grant to the Institute for Public Education (IPE).





Description Public Education (A100) 1. Conferences—BCTF Hosted Conferences—An in-person Public Education Conference.

Public Education Defence Fund



Public Education Defence Fund

A100 PUBLIC EDUCATION ADVOCACY Co-ordinator: Rich Overgaard (This program is charged against the Public Education Defence Fund)

A100 600110 600110 600110 600140 600140 600180 600180 600180 600400 600400 600400 600530 600530 600600 600600 600700 600700 600830 600840 600890 600920 600920 600950 600950 601150 601150 601200 601210 601220 601250 602140

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

135,293 98,119

162,000 77,000

162,000 77,000

160,000 82,000





30,226 26,025

38,900 23,600

38,900 23,600

41,300 23,100


2,000 1,000

2,000 1,000

2,000 1,000









14,334 30 10

11,000 20,000 300 1,200

11,000 5,000 300 1,200

11,000 20,000 300 800




Public Education Advocacy Salaries 1510 Admin 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Benefits 1510 Admin 1520 Support Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Meetings 5701 Seminars, Lobbying, etc Teachers Teaching on Call 1100 General Grants 7600 Miscellaneous Grants Printing Internal Photocopying Mailing Conferences BCTF Hosted 2190 Conferences Training 1100 General Fees Paid - Other 1180 Translation Advertising Expenses Campaigns Video/Web Productions Communications Research Promotional Materials

Total for Program A100

(668) 56


401 5,000 778,062 2,000,000 74,732 80,000 (500) 20,000 46,883 70,000 2,000



A100 Public Education Advocacy



5,000 2,000,000 80,000 20,000 70,000 2,000

5,000 1,000,000 90,000 20,000 70,000 2,000




Program Objectives 1.

Ensure that there is adequate support for Federation initiatives related to implementation of the Leadership Report in particular and the defence of public education and public service in general.


Co-ordinate BCTF efforts in lobbying MLAs, BC MPs, and education partner groups on education issues.


Promote and support coalition-building at the provincial and local level.


Support Federation and local initiatives to hold government and trustees accountable for education decisions.


Provide members and the public with information about government education policies and their impact on classrooms and public education.


Provide support for local political action/lobbyist contacts.


Promote the need for a strong and stable public education system and strong communities.


Support advertising in mainstream media, non-English media, and social media.

Total FTE—Covers 1.30 administrative staff and 1.00 support staff. 600110-1510 to 600180-1520—Covers contractual obligation for all salary and benefits costs including additional support staff salary costs (i.e., overtime, casual call in) during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. 600400-4000 Staff Travel—Travel costs related to focus groups, seminars, lobbying, monitoring the Legislature. 600400-4200 Travel—Others—To involve members in news conferences and outreach on public education issues. 600530-5701 Seminars, Lobbying, etc.—Lobbying of MLAs, public education/public services issues, and bargaining. 600600-1100 TTOCs—General—TTOC costs related to public education advocacy, lobbying, member participation in news conferences. 600700-7600 Miscellaneous Grants—Support for progressive journalism and communication initiatives, including the Aboriginal Journalism Student Scholarships through the Webster Foundation. 600830


Printing—For materials related to political action, outreach and lobbying on education funding, privatization, education governance, and support for public education. A100 Public Education Advocacy


Photocopying—Support for lobbying, political action on public education, and public services.


Mailing—Mailing of material to MLAs, outside groups, and coalitions related to defence of public education, provincial budget, lobbying, etc.

600920-2190 BCTF Sponsored Conference—Public Education Conference advocates for a strong public education system by hosting teachers and parents from districts throughout the province and is typically held every two years. The conference was last held in fiscal 2017–18 but due to the pandemic was not held from 2019–20 to 2021–22. A budget is incorporated to host a conference for the 2022–23 fiscal year. 600950-2190 Training—This line was intended for the Political Action Contact Training. The costs of the training are budgeted for under the same budget code in G440 Community and Labour Outreach. 601150-1180 Translation Fees—Covers the cost of translation fees for messages, brochures, and handouts for parents and the public, and for outreach to ethnic media. 601200

Advertising—To cover costs of an ad campaign to promote BCTF priorities.


Campaigns—Support for projects/campaigns that advocate for public education including annual support to Broadbent Institute, CCPA, Public Research desk, BC Labour Heritage, Institute for Public Education.


Video/Web Productions—To create videos and webcasts related to defence of public education.


Communications Research—To conduct research on key issues and test messaging across a range of communication strategies. This includes focus groups and public opinion polling.


Promotional Materials—Purchase of BCTF identity materials for conferences, gifts, and honoraria.

A100 Public Education Advocacy


PROVINCIAL BARGAINING FUND Director: Lee–Anne Clarke Overview The Provincial Bargaining Fund (PBF) pays the costs related to provincial contract negotiations, including initial, one–time–only costs, excluding grievance arbitrations, associated with the implementation of a new provincial collective agreement. The PBF is financed by an allocation of members free of each active member as determined by each Annual General Meeting. The 2022–23 allocation, as determined by the 2022 AGM, is 0.050% of the actual salary of the member.

Salary Costs

600110–1510 600110–1520 600120–1520 600140–1520 600180–1510 600180–1520

Amended 2021–22 Budget

2022–23 Budget

$126,000 92,000 1,000 10,000 30,300 28,100

$129,000 83,000 1,000 10,000 33,300 23,300



Admin Staff 2021–22 2022–23

Support Staff 2021–22 2022–23

Administrative salaries Support staff salaries Support staff bonusing Support staff overtime Administrative benefits Support staff benefits


Estimated Staff Time Allocations

R120 Provincial Negotiations










Provincial Bargaining Fund


Divisional summary

R120 - Provincial Negotiations R-Fund Total

2020-21 Actuals

2021-22 Amended Budget

2022-23 Original Budget

Change from 2021-22 to 2022-23









R-Division Total (in $000's) 2,500


2,000 1,500



1,000 545 500


0 2018-19 Actual


2019-20 Actual

2020-21 Actual

Provincial Bargaining Fund

2021-22 Proposed Amended Budget 2022-23 Budget

Significant program changes from the previous budget year and other divisional points of interest (note: Significant changes resulting from the 2021-22 budget lines being amended down due to the pandemic have been omitted from the list of significant program changes. These budget lines will typically relate to travel, accommodations, per-diem, or any other costs related to in-person meetings and events)

Budget Code

Amended Budget 2021-22 ($)

Proposed Budget 2022-23 ($)

Change +/-





2. Teachers Teaching on Call– BCTF Hosted Conferences – TTOC costs related to the 6009202190 Bargaining Conference





3. Teachers Teaching on Call– Teacher Bargaining – TTOC costs related to 600950-5030 Teacher Bargaining Training

















7. Grants–Political Action Campaign Grant – Assume that collective agreement will result in a deal by July 1, 2022





8. Conferences–BCTF Hosted Conferences – Assume that collective agreement will result in a deal by July 1, 2022





Description Provincial Bargaining Fund (R120) 1. Committee Meetings– Bargaining Team – Assume that collective agreement will result in a deal by July 1, 2022

4. Teachers Teaching on Call– Bargaining Team – TTOC costs related to the 600500-6032 Bargaining Team 5. Grants–Implementation Grant – To support locals with the implementation of a new collective agreement 6. Grants–Local Bargaining – Not required this year as local tables have closed

Provincial Bargaining Fund


9. Training–Teacher Bargaining – Not required this year as local tables have closed




Provincial Bargaining Fund



R120 PROVINCIAL NEGOTIATIONS Co-ordinator: Lee–Anne Clarke (This program is charged against the Provincial Bargaining Fund.)

R120 600110 600110 600110 600110 600120 600120 600130 600130 600140 600140 600180 600180 600180 600180 600400 600400 600400 600500 600500 600530 600530 600600 600600 600600 600600 600600 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600700 600840 600890 600920 600920 600950 600950 601300 601300 602670 602800

Actual 2020 - 21

Original Budget 2021 - 22

Amended Budget 2021 - 22

Original Budget 2022 - 23

124,463 17,887 867

126,000 92,000 -

126,000 70,000 -

129,000 83,000 -








Provincial Negotiations Salaries 1510 Admin 1520 Support 6032 Bargaining Team Bonusing 1520 Support Casuals 1520 Support Overtime 1520 Support Benefits 1510 Admin 1520 Support 6032 Bargaining Team Travel 4000 Staff Travel 4200 Travel Others Committee Meetings 6032 Bargaining Team Meetings 5704 Facilitation/Mediation Teachers Teaching on Call 1580 Secondments BCTF Hosted 2190 Conferences 5030 Teacher Bargaining 6032 Bargaining Team Grants 7011 School Visits 7030 Implementation Grant 7037 Local Bargaining Political Action 7048 Campaign Grant Miscellaneous Grants to 7599 Locals Photocopying Mailing Conferences BCTF Hosted 2190 Conferences Training 5030 Teacher Bargaining Telephone 1305 Conference Calls Software Maintenance Stationery and Supplies

Total for Program R120

1,413 3,945




28,274 5,231 144

30,300 28,100 -

30,300 20,000 -

33,300 23,300 -

178 568

27,000 12,000

3,700 3,000

10,000 5,000















24,338 (1,778)

70,000 276,000

70,000 276,000


1,877 12,100 (2,871)

100,000 250,000

100,000 333,000








84 26

10,000 3,000

10,000 3,000

7,500 1,000









20,055 -

2,000 5,000

2,000 5,000







R120 Provincial Negotiations


100,000 100,000 -


Program Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Provide staff support to the Provincial Bargaining Team. Provide support to locals in both local bargaining and the creation and bargaining of midcontract modifications. Collect and analyze contract and bargaining matters. Provide support to locals through implementation of the collective agreement. Continue to support BCTF initiatives to ensure equity for Aboriginal teachers. Liaise with BCPSEA as appropriate on issues of contract implementation administration. Educate and provide training for local leaders on the newly negotiated collective agreement. Implement and defend the collective agreement language Provide support to locals on contract melding and Schedule As. Plan and prepare for Bargaining Training. Plan and prepare for the Bargaining Conference.

Total FTE—Covers 1.00 administrative staff and 1.00 support staff. 600110–1510 to 600180–1520—Covers contractual obligation for all salary and benefits costs including additional support staff salary costs (i.e., overtime, casual call in) during peak periods and as necessary throughout the year. 600400–4000 Staff Travel—Travel for melding of collective agreements, assistance with midcontract modifications, and implementing new collective agreement provisions. 600400–4200 Travel Others—Travel for work on Letters of Understanding (LOUs). 600500–6032 Meetings—Bargaining Team—This covers accommodation, per diems, travel, and miscellaneous costs for the four appointed members and one Executive Committee member of the Bargaining Team. 600530–5704 Meetings—Facilitation/Mediation—This covers costs of facilitators/mediators should there be a dispute between the Federation and BCPSEA or costs for facilitator/mediator where a dispute arises in a school district. 600600–1580 TTOCs—Secondment—Release time to attend joint committees that arise from the negotiated provincial collective agreement. 600600–2190 TTOC—BCTF Hosted Conferences—Release time cost associated with 6009202190 BCTF Hosted Conferences. 600600–5030 TTOCs—Teacher Bargaining— Release time cost associated with 600950-5030 Teacher Bargaining Training. 600600–6032 TTOC—Bargaining Team— Release time cost associated with 600500-6032 Committee Meetings-Bargaining Team. It covers the cost for four appointed members and one Executive Committee member of the Bargaining Team. 600700–7011 School Visits Grants—Funding for locals for school visits related to the negotiated collective agreement and bargaining. 6

R120 Provincial Negotiations

600700–7030 Implementation Grant—Grant to locals to support the implementation of the negotiated provincial collective agreement. 600700–7037 Local Bargaining Grants—Provides funding for locals during the school year to support local bargaining teams to prepare for and conduct local bargaining campaigns. 600700–7048 Political Action Campaign Grants—The grant is intended to support locals for bargaining related campaigns. 600700–7599 Grants—Other grants to Locals—A Melding grant to provide support for locals to meld the negotiated provisions into their local collective agreements. 600840

Photocopying—Surveys, databases, training, and correspondence.


Mailing—Objectives and language from and to locals, committees, and representatives. Includes courier costs for sending completed collective agreements to locals and BCPSEA.

600950–2190 Conferences—BCTF Hosted Conferences— The budget covers the costs associated with hosting one three-day (Thursday-Saturday) Bargaining Conference that took place virtually in 2021-22. 600950–5030 Training–Teacher Bargaining—Training for new and experienced bargaining negotiators (not required in 2022-23 since local bargaining has concluded). 602800

Stationery and Supplies—File folders, labels, and supplies (i.e., name tags, tape, overheads, pens) as required. Includes binders and supplies needed for updating and ongoing bargaining-related record keeping.

R120 Provincial Negotiations


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