April 2018 TDT Homes

Page 20

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Platinum PCO, the whole house air purifier, cleans the air by combining UVC light and activated carbon; two technologies proven to be most effective at killing germs, and removing odors by reducing chemical vapors known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Some of them, like formaldehyde and toluene, are known to be toxic. Platinum PCO installs directly into the central air system. The air is purified and circulated throughout the whole home, so there is no need for individual air purifiers. Not all central air systems are the same. Fortunately, there’s a Platinum PCO system to fit all of them. For added mold disinfection, consider a Platinum PCO Dual system which features a 2nd remote UV lamp mounted at the HVAC coils.



+ tax

(Limited Time Only)

Professionally Installed Platinum PCO installed in air handler with optional 2nd remote UV light.





Many home air purifiers produce ozone which has proven to be unhealthy. Platinum PCO is 100% ozone free!


6102 W. Adams Ave., Temple • www.ellisairsystems.com TACLB008510E & TACLA71943C

Give us a call for more information

*One Platinum PCO will be needed per system for homes with more than one system.

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