TDOTL October 15 2013, Volume 6, issue 1

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Volume 6, Issue 1

Mailing List Members to Date: 520

October 15, 2013



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Greetings, First, I would like to say: HAPPY 6th YEAR ANNIVERSARY to THE SPOKEN WORD NEWSLETTER!!! To God be the glory for the wonderful things He has done! AMEN My husband and I would like to thank ALL of you for your support of The Day of the Lord Ministries 2nd Annual Fundraiser Dinner & Silent Auction. I give all GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE to our HEAVENLY FATHER; JESUS CHRIST… thank you for choosing us!

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being bold enough to tell the devil he’s a liar… you made it! I enjoyed spending time with you. I love you so much! To Denise Salas (Marcos Salas) and her parents - the silent auction was AWESOME! Thank you Denise for all the time and energy you put into making the silent auction a success and for stepping up and taking it out of my hands… giving me "breathing” room to concentrate on something else. To my “understudy” Amber Johnson THANK YOU BABY GIRL… whatever Shy Shy needs you to do… you do it, and I appreciate your love for me! (I can’t wait until you take over WWIH). 

Sandra Wilder, you’re always on point! THANK YOU SIS! You and We thank our Pastor and his Amber did a wonderful job at the wife; Victor and Ramona Jack- “Welcome table”. (Even tried to son and our BKCC Church charge me). 

for being so protective of me! THANK YOU for letting me cry on your shoulders without worry. I love you & Michael so much! To Dionicio & Nanncy Martinez, the financial wheels that keep this ministry moving...thank you for believing in my husband and I and what we do for didn’t have to catch the vision...THANK YOU for your financial support for TDOTL and WWIH but most of all THANK YOU for your friendship! I LOVE YOU! To the wives of WWIH past and present… THANK YOU for showing up and doing whatever was asked of you to make this event a success… you guys are SO SPECIAL to my heart! Love you so much!!! To all of our brothers & sisters in white - WE LOVE YOU and thanks for your contributions and your PRAYERS!!!

Last, but certainly not least… to my WONDERFUL husband; Virgil Lenn JT… THANK YOU brother! Since Wilson Sr. eyes have not seen, ears you’ve been home… you’ve shown have not heard, neither have entered Special thanks to Saturn Road me nothing but’s alinto the heart of man, the things ways…”whatever you need me to which GOD has prepared for us! Church of Christ and Kurtis This assignment hasn’t been easy but & Liz Compton for believing do”. THANK GOD for the gift of singing, thank you for sharing we continue to PRAY and PRESS in our vision and ALWAYS your gift with us! trusting in the Lord with ALL of our opening your doors and conleaning not on our own undertributing financially to what- To Michael and Sandra Howard… heart, standing, acknowledging HIM in ever we do for prison minisYOU KNOW!!! I don’t know where everything we do, letting HIM direct try! I would be if I didn’t have you two our path...THANK YOU BABE for holding me up on my “leaning seeking GOD for your gift and putside”. THANK YOU - I LOVE YOU! ting it to use for the furthering of To our guest speaker; Rev. Leroy Ford… my “lil” brother… HIS KINGDOM. you are an AWEyou’re such an awesome man To Esmer (Michael) Schwartz, my SOME man of GOD and I love you so BFF/Roommata… THANK YOU very much! of God! THANK YOU for

Family for your thoughts, prayers and your attendance!

Shy Wilson

Our Mission

Our Members

Our Vision

The mission of “The Day of the Lord Ministries” is to embrace offenders, ex-offenders, and their family members with love through the various groups under our umbrella; to assist them in becoming equipped with the things they’ll need to be productive citizens, and loving family members.

Membership in The Day of The Lord Ministries includes all persons participating in any of the stated Ministries who choose to embrace our stated vision and values

To be an instrument through which the power of the Holy Spirit can minister to offenders, exoffenders, and their family members. Causing them to be self confident as they learn their purpose; to develop a new attitude toward their circumstance and rise above it.

…… “the very works that I do – bear witness of Me……” John 5:36 “OUR WORKS MAKES A DIFFERENCE” Although we’re not saved by our works, we are called to do good works. Jesus said His works bear witness of Him. Our works when done for the right reason should bear witness that we belong to Jesus. Even though everyone didn’t receive His word or works, everywhere Jesus went He made a difference. When the life we live began to line up with the faith we profess, our works will make a difference also. Jesus said the work of God is for us to believe in Him who God sent (John 6:29). So we see that our faith and our work go hand in hand. We also have work to do in the church, (Ephesians 4:11-13) that should make a difference in the church. God has given all who believe in Jesus something to do that will make a difference in our lives and communities. Never feel that you don’t have anything to offer God. Moses and Gideon both felt that way, (Exodus 3:11, Judges 6:15) but God assured them both that He had their back. As long as we are willing and have faith in Jesus, God will bless our efforts (works) and they will be fruitful. James said faith without works is dead, (2:26). Just as works without faith is dead. But when we allow them to go hand in hand, our works will make a difference. Continue in your works!

Be Blessed! Virgil L. Wilson Sr.

Larry “LB” Barker Jo Linda Gibson Dionicio & Nanncy Martinez Sandra Wilbanks

Joseph Junior Evans Cliff & Yolanda Gordon Alberto Prado Virgil & Shy Wilson

Vernon & Lora Falls Michael & Sandra Howard Dale & Ann Taylor

Remember it's not about us, it's all about Him!

To the Sisters and Brothers who attended The Day of the Lord Ministries Fundraiser Event: Greetings to you, and may the Creator of all that exists continue to bless you and yours and hold you in His protective embrace. Because I am unable to contribute financially to this ministry that GOD has blessed, I consider it my “reasonable service” to offer a word of encouragement to those in attendance. After 20 years of incarceration, God has allowed me to learn many lessons that have sustained me and continue to do so. Among them are the words spoken by an African pastor who was facing a terrible crisis. In any hardship or crisis we face realize that: 1. God has allowed us to be in it 2. While in it, He will strengthen us 3. While in it, He will teach us the lessons He intends for us to learn 4. Last, in His time, He will bring us out of the crisis. Sisters and Brothers, stand firm and trust God. I leave you with the words of Psalms 66:10-12 For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance. God Bless You Yuri K. Luckette Founder of Active Frontline Ministries THE CUP OFFERING Early one morning as I begin to make me a cup of coffee I gave thought of Jesus in His days on earth so I had a little talk: Lord Jesus if you drank coffee how would you like it? Jesus said dark just as I made the coffee beans rich and dark… so I asked… Lord would you like it sweet with sugar? Jesus - NO! but I made plenty of sugar cane didn’t I? So I asked...Lord would you like any cream or milk? Jesus said - NO! But I made plenty of cows didn’t I? So I said Lord Jesus are you sure you don’t want a cup of this good ole coffee? Jesus said NO MY CHILD I’ve already drank my cup so that you may have plenty of cups!!! I love you...ENJOY!!! Written by: Harry L. Lewis Kyle Unit Confess God’s Word! FAVOR Confess that you are Favored! God’s path is the favored path! As God’s child, you are loved and favored, and His unmerited grace and mercy is yours. His hand on your life can also bring you favor with people. Confess these affirmations based on scripture and draw in the priceless favor of God! Submitted by: Reynaldo Paniagua

WHAT EXACTLY IS A HATER? All Praise, Honor, and Glory to our Father and Lord; Jesus Christ. My brothers and sisters in Christ, I’m writing to remind ach of us that we are one body. There is only one Head in the Body and Jesus alone occupies that position. 1 Corinthians 12:18-26 “But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the body be? But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.” Brothers and sisters please don’t let haters be found among us. A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their time trying to mane you look small, so they can look tall in spirit. They are very negative people! Nothing God has blessed them with ever seems good enough! When you are walking in your calling, you will always attract some haters...that’s why you have to be careful with whom you share your blessings and your dreams with. Some people just cannot seem to handle seeing you blessed...they don’t seem to understand how dangerous it is to want to be someone else. If God wanted them to be like you, He would have given them what He gave you. They will never know what you have gone through to get what you have… The real problem I see with haters is this, they see us walk in God’s Glory, but they don’t care to see or know our story! If the grass looks greener on the other side of the street, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher over there too...Haters will never want to see you succeed! Haters never want to see you get the victory in Jesus! Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be on our side...So, ho do we handle our undercover haters? Knowing who they are and who your true brothers and sisters are is very important for starters. Knowing the purpose God has for you is another important factor. A purpose is having a clear sense or sound understanding of what God has called you to be and do! Our purpose MUST not be defined by what others think we should be or do… Remember what we have in Jesus and who we are by Divine Design and not human manipulation. Thirdly, let us fulfill our dreams. We only have one life to live in our present body of flesh… When it’s all said and done let us declare we have kept the faith, fought a good fight and finished our course. Amen let us hear well done thy good and faithful servant! So, when we are walking in God’s favor and see a hater we can bless them with “Don’t look at me, look to the ONE who is in charge of me!” Let’s pray that they seek Jesus for their position within the Body and that they live a blessed and fulfilled life. But most importantly brothers and sisters, let us not become haters ourselves… ONE LOVE YSIC Yolanda Wilson #1468610 One Love Ministries

BAD CHOICES Sometimes in our lives we make some truly “BAD CHOICES” that affects the people around us. I know first hand what “BAD CHOICES” can do to my life and the lives around me; when you are proclaiming to be a Christian you must walk in the light. For ye were sometimes darkness but now are ye light in the Lord walk as children of light. (Ephesians 5:8) Sometimes even strong believers of Christ make some “BAD CHOICES” in their lives that affects the people around them. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 5:23) The focus of the Bible is God. The essence of sin is a shift from God centeredness to selfcenteredness! The essence of salvation is denying self instead of affirming self...We must seek to view situations from God’s perspective rather than from our own distorted human outlook! You see, I was trying to correct my situation with my “BAD CHOICES”, instead of allowing God to correct the situation. The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good. (Psalm 36:4) The mistake I made with my “BAD CHOICES” is when I decided to jump off the Potter’s wheel and handle it my way. We can take heart that even when we fail, our faithful God comes to us in mercy and compassion that never fails. Being imperfect emphasizes our dependence on God’s mercy. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. (Lamentation 3: 22) There is only one kind of life that truly wins, and that is the one that places faith in the hands of the Savior. Until that is done we are on an aimless course that runs in circles and goes nowhere. Let our light shine - whether we’re a candle in the corner or a lighthouse on a hill. He that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. (Psalm 15:2). Written by: Joseph Junior Evans #604541 Michael Unit Writing for the Lord Ministry

I would like to dedicate this article to Javoni Jones and my brother or sister that have made any “BAD CHOICES”. I want to encourage you’ll to keep striving to glorify God with words and actions. Remember no weapons formed against us shall prosper… He never said they want form. Be Blessed!!!

“I Will Rise” Scripture Reading: Luke 15:11-19 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons.” The younger one said to his father, Father, give me my share of the estate. So he divided his property between them. Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in the whole country, and he began to be in need. So, he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. “When he came to his senses,” he said, how many of my father‟s hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! (I Will Rise) and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men. Let us pray: “Father, like the prodigal son, many of us have gone astray…wasting our lives away in the pool of sin. We thought the grass was greener on the other side, but now we see that it isn‟t. Every corner we turned led us to another dead end. Forgive us for all our shortcomings, and restore us back to that place in You…where we belong. We now give you all praise, glory, and honor- In Jesus Name, Amen.” “I Will Rise” In the above passage of scripture the Bible tells the story about a young boy who we only know as “the prodigal son” The word (prodigal) means “recklessly extravagant; wasteful.” It is also an adjective, and an adjective is a word that typically serves as a modifier of a noun (a person, place, or thing). As I pondered the significance of (why) the young boy was called (the prodigal son), instead of his actual name. It suddenly dawned on me that… “In order for him to have been able to come to his senses, he had to first come face to face with the person he had become – „the prodigal son‟” You see, it wasn‟t until he got to that point, did he then realize he needed to do something about it. “I Will Rise” Like the commercial “J.G. Wentworth” what the prodigal son basically said to his father was – “It‟s My Money And I Want It Now!” But, how many of you know that it can be a disaster to get some of the things you want…too soon? The prodigal son had to find that out the hard way. And, maybe some of us will too! Why do I say that? Because some of us are asking God for our freedom, though we know in our heart that we aren‟t even (mentally) ready for it. And, there are others who are asking God for a spouse – But what good is it for you to be given one, when you don‟t even love and treat yourself right? Oops! My bad. I didn‟t mean to step on anyone‟s toes. But then again, yes I did, because (some of you) need to hear the naked truth for a change. So often do we get caught up in fantasy life to where (it) actually becomes our reality, and reality becomes none other than a distorted view of life to us. “Wait…For…It” And, the Bible says, “Not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” (v.13) Not only did the prodigal son request his inheritance too soon, but he then traveled far away from home. Pay close attention to what I‟m about to say. “When we turn and walk away from the Father because we feel like we don‟t need Him anymore, He (always) has a way of reminding us just how much we do…need Him.” And, the farther away from Him we go the worse off we become! It took the prodigal son having to find himself working for a stranger out in the field of another country – feeding swine – and desiring the same slop he fed to them, in order for him to come to his senses. “What will it take for (you) to come to your senses???” Could it be the death of a loved one; A life threatening disease or illness; The betrayal of someone who you trusted with your life; Your relationship with that special someone falling apart; Or, maybe a longer and harsher prison stint (the next time around)??? Or, will you make that conscious decision today to (surrender) your will over to the Lord…while there is still time? After coming to his senses, the prodigal son said to himself – “I Will Rise…!” What did he arise from? I would say that he arose from “Every Damnable Thing That Once Held Him Down And In Bondage!” But, what I find most interesting is that his coming to grips with his need to (arise) was a direct result of him first realizing that he was in fact…(down). “Until we see our condition for what it is, we will never know what possible changes may need to be made.” The prodigal son, then, changed his location by returning to his father, who welcomed him back with opened arms. Someone reading this message today may very well be where the prodigal son once was. You abandoned God – resorting to a reckless and wasteful lifestyle. Integrity now frowns upon your character, because of how flawed it has become. And, you feel that there is just no way how, the Lord will take you back. But guess what? “He will!” Our God is a merciful and forgiving Father. I, personally, have come to understand that sometimes it takes our world having to be turned (upside down), in order for us to begin seeing ourselves from a more positive and productive angle…and that being who we are in Christ Jesus. My brothers and sisters in Christ, you don‟t have to continue down that forbidden dark road. “TODAY” you can make that important decision to “RISE!” Don‟t let the weight of sin keep you down. “Come to your senses”…get up…and head back home into the arms of our loving Father – because He‟s waiting on you. Be blessed! A Man After God‟s Own Heart, Mr. Antonio Oesby #13350-007 F.C.I Post Office Box 725 (Unit C-3) Edgefield, SC 29824-0725

" AN OUT CRY" Just want to share a little of my recent testimony. I had been going through some things and had not prayed about it to God. Well, you know how men are. We sometimes say, " I GOT THIS!" Oh yes, and always fail! For in The Word of the Lord it tells us," we can do nothing without God!" On July 19, 2013, I wrote a staff related to my S.O.D. Counsel to step in to fix a problem that was going on. Little did I know I wrote a check I could not cash. Yes, I let my flesh get in the way, and said some things I should not have said! Also on that same day I got a lay-in to inform me of my G.E.D Graduation. They keep putting it off and off. So, I am happy only for a little while. Remember now we are men and we said, "I GOT THIS I DO NOT NEED GOD'S HELP!!!! Or am I the only one? Come July 22, 2013, about my daily thing at work I get a phone call to go to the S.T.G Office and get locked up. When I hit that P.H.D cell I hit my knees, why? Because the Captain asked me how much longer do I have. I told him Jan. 14, 2015 and he said, "get ready to do it all." But, I CRIED OUT TO JESUS! One thing my Grandmother and Mother told me is to CRY OUT TO JESUS and He will hear us. Now they said, "He (Jesus) may not always answer right then, but He (Jesus) is an on time God!" On July 24, 2013 I got the case and asked to go to the hearing the same day. BUT GOD! He moved another way. I didn't go to the hearing that day. GOD, told me to read the book of Job. Yes, the whole book! I am a slow reader, but I obeyed God, from that Wednesday the 24th to Sunday night the 28th I read Job. Then I CRIED OUT to JESUS again! I said "if you give me minor punishment, so it will not mess up my F.I. I will praise you. Then I speak it just 30, 30 and do not G4 me, A CRY for help! While, on July 29, that Monday I went to the hearing and that is what I got 30, 30 from S4 to L1. Yes, I praise God! Now I still had to do 15 days in solitary but God is still good, and it did not mess with my parole at all, and I keep GOD first I will be home by the end of this year 2013! Yeah, that is right you can give GOD some praise! Oh yes, and let me back up some about my G.E.D Graduation I got the case on the 24th and on the 25th the principal wrote me to say "they cancelled and it will be at a later time." Man, God is Good! Then God did not stop there when I was in P.H.D my feet and hand began to swell up so bad one of the officers noticed it too, but I just prayed about it and moved on. The same day I got in solitary all the swelling went down! Yea, that's right give GOD some Praise! He keeps on blessing me time after time, when I was at Ferguson Unit Pastor C. Heywood sang a song " I count everything as Joy in Christ Jesus!" and I do. So, as the group Third Day sings "Revelation" and "Cry out to Jesus!" For He cares about AN OUT CRY! Thank you for listening to my testimony and keep me in you all prayers! Elvis Robinson Goree Unit

“WHO WANTS CHASTISEMENT?” HEB 12:5B-6a “MY SON, DESPISE NOT THOU THE CHASTENING OF THE LORD, NOR FAINT WHEN THOU ART REBUKED OF HIM. FOR WHO THE LORD LOVETH HE CHASTENETH”. I give all glory and honor to GOD first and foremost, thanking HIM for HIS mercy and grace. I want to thank GOD for Bro. Virgil & Sis. Shy Wilson truly a blessing from GOD, and the anointing is upon both of you and all that you touch. I also wan to thank all the brothers and sisters in white who contribute every month to “THE DAY OF THE LORD MINISTRIES”, either through stamps, funds, or epistles (letters). Yes, ALL OF YOUR LETTERS ARE A UPLIFTMENT TO ME AND MANY OTHERS IN WHITE, ALSO THE FREE WORLD. My name is Donald “Duck” Ervin and I have been in prison for fifteen (15) yrs., my first twelve years I did me (hustle, gangbang, steal). On Coffield I came into the knowledge of GOD; I have been a PUBLIC CHRISTIAN for three (3) years, I say PUBLIC, because on the outside my steps looked good, but in the dark I was still on the fence. I was a usher in the church of Coffield “Sons of God Chapel”, but during this time I struggled with masturbation, anger, strife, and worry, all evil spirits sent by Satan. On 5/2/2013 my anger was finally brought to the open and in an outburst I cursed a officer out, which caused me to be sent to Medium Custody. The Word of GOD says in Matthew 15:18 “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.” I was so upset with myself and truly felt this walk was not for me, and I wanted to go back to what I used to do. When I got to Medium Custody that is what I did, I was selling on the low. I still did my Bible studies ad still read my Bible daily, but again the Word of God says in Matthew 16:26 “For what a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Here I was losing my soul slowly and daily. One day while in the dayroom after a Bible study meeting a young brother in Christ told me: “Brother you don't belong back here, you are suppose to be in G.P. giving the Word.” those words struck a cord in my heart and I was truly convicted, it was then that I truly understood Psalm 8:2a “Out of the mouth of babes…” GOD let me know that even in my sins, He was using me as a lesson to others. I spoke to GOD that night and poured out and begged Him to forgive me for turning my back on Him, for neglecting His love, for refusing to acknowledge all that He brought me through in life (more on that later). I asked Him to forgive me for not trusting in Him with all my heart and soul and to deliver me from my sins. I asked Him to reveal HIS will to me, and to use me as He see’s fit, teach me to surrender fully to HIM, to lean on His understanding and not mine. I can truly say in my heart and soul that I have been delivered from masturbation, anger, strife, and worry because of the will of GOD and the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. I am fully committed to do the will of GOD, it’s funny, not funny in the sense of laughter, but it took me coming to medium custody and a babe in Christ, to get me back on the true tracks of GOD. Dr. M.L. King said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy…” THE LORD WILL EITHER CALM YOUR STORM OR ALLOW IT TO RAGE WHILE HE CALMS YOU!!! I want to thank all the saints on Coffield who have prayed foe me and stood by me and continue to stand by me, even when I was being hardheaded. Elders Turner (T-Rex), Brown, Freddie, Bro. Salinas, Bro. Angel, Bro. Kewana, Bro. BMT, Bro. V. Brackens, Mr. Dixon, and last but not least Elder Robert over the Ushers, for the tough love. I’m not going to let ya’ll down. Pray for me brothers as I pray for all the saints. Peace. Love. Jesus Christ… Donald Ervin #900559 Coffield Unit 2661 FM 2054 Tenn. Colony, TX 75884

" How God called me to Ministry" - Part 7 2 Corinthians 12:12; Ephesians 4:11 Alonzo D Fuller #60169, Clements Unit 9601 Spur 591, Amarillo, Texas 79107 The Anointing of the Apostle's Ministry During my 13 1/2 years walking with God, I have learned a lot, and it has been a blessing to share and teach what God taught me. In this article, I will discuss and highlight the Apostle's Ministry, and even point out some advantages and experiences in my own personal life while operating under the anointing. The first thing I ask you to understand, there is an anointing of the Holy Spirit upon ministry gifts - an anointing that goes with each office. Anyone who is called to the Apostolic ministry better realize something, God didn't give the ministry of the apostle to minister to the apostle. God gave it to minister to the Body of Christ. This anointing gives The Apostle an ability to start a prayer circle/group a bible study, or even a church service. There are some people who just have this ability (anointing) to begin something for God. It's a mission work. God anoints a man or woman, sends that person out, to begin a work for God. Of course, that person is called to do that. You may know someone in your dorm, cell-blocks, pods, or wherever with an ability to start a bible study or prayer circle, and over a period of time, God gives it increase or He adds to it. There is an anointing that comes upon those whom God has called and separated unto the apostle's ministry. If God called you to this office, there is an anointing on you, whether you recognize it or not, and no matter which office you stand in, or what God called you to do, you have something to do with determining the degree of your anointing. If it doesn't come upon you, it's because you didn't prepare yourself. The anointing can be increased. You can increase the anointing by studying the Word and being prayerful, and you can decrease the anointing by neglecting to study and pray. In my own experience, if you will study and pray, when you get up and start out in faith, the anointing will always come. I will elaborate on this more when I get over into the Prophet's Ministry, because I hold a much deeper knowledge an understanding about the prophet's anointing. The anointing of the Apostle is foreign to me, because I've never experienced it's anointing. I do recognize it's anointing upon the men and women who stand in that office. God's anointing upon a man is recognizable. Although the anointing for each ministry office is different, but it is all from the Holy Spirit. The anointing even feels different. For example, I stand in two offices, the Prophet and the Teacher, and those anointing feel different when coming upon me and in operation. I also want you to realize something else, there is a consciousness of a flow of anointing because it is the Power of the Spirit of God moving with you, through you and upon you to minister to others. As I write this article I am conscious of the teaching of anointing growing stronger upon me. It's a power. It's difficult to explain or describe spiritual things with human words. In now understand what Paul means when he wrote that he knew a man in Christ....such a one caught up to the third heaven. "How that he was caught up into paradise, , and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter," 2 Corinthians 12:2,4. We can have all the knowledge of this world, but there are divine things and spiritual things that human intellect cannot describe. After being baptized in the Holy Spirit, I entered into a greater dimension of the power of God, and so can you. When ministering under the anointing, God uses people differently. The Anointing also works differently either in people's lives and their ministries, and it always serves a divine purpose. I always hear preachers say, "Whew, I feel the anointing." But nothing happens. The anointing does not come nor is it manifested to make the preacher feel good. The anointing comes and is manifested to minister to the church. Many preachers know nothing about the Anointing. They don't know how to come into contact with the anointing They know nothing about the healing anointing of God. They don't know what to do when the anointing is present, nor do they know how to administer the anointing to bless others. No wonder we're still bound and held prisoner to sickness, disease, poverty, fear, worry, inability, defeat, failure, lack and an army of lies from the devil. Believe this, there is a power that is greater than the power of the devil. There is a power that is greater than disease and sickness. There is a power that is greater then a man's prison sentence and judgment. There is a power greater than the powers of this world. It is the power of God and it belongs to the church. It's ours, In the future, I will share what exactly this anointing is, how to come in contact with it, what to do when it is manifested, how to administer the anointing to the Body of Christ, how to recognize it when it is present, and to equip you with a better understanding of the various ways and means of it's purpose. Let me close with this, Expect MORE, AND GOD WILL GIVE YOU MORE. Be Blessed.

First giving honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! “TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN” Acts 17:6b KJV: These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also. As I was studying the 17th Chapter of the book of Acts vs. 6 stood out to me. And, I need to share what God has put on my heart toward us as the Body of Christ. As Paul went around those regions preaching, teaching, and reasoning the gospel amongst the people; certain Jews and riff raff got together and had enough sense to know that Paul and the rest of the body was at Jason’s house; the ones that turned the world upside down. And, just how did they turn the world upside down? They were speaking the death, burial, and the resurrected Christ and turned the world upside down. When I read TDOTL newsletter and I hear all you men and women in white voices sounding like thunder; I hear voices that will turn the world upside down. I want to write my testimony, but God has given me a word. This newsletter gives us all a voice to encourage one another, share things that need to be prayed about so we can turn the world upside down. All of us that have means must send and support this ministry with stamps and riches for this ministry that love & support us (IF YOU CAN). But, whether if we do, or not God is with The Day of the Lord Ministries. We have been commissioned to go and turn the world upside down! We can’t forget our tools we got to keep God first and remember the cross. Luke 10:19 He promise to give us power and nothing shall hurt us! 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 We have weapons in this war that aren’t carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. *Notice how WE is used because it has to be a body to win Hobby, Beto, Ferguson, and all the units here in Texas. Then this same army that God has built up in these prison walls will be free to take down strongholds through letter now and in person upon release with power and the glory fo the Lord shining amongst us (the soldiers of the Lord) read 1 Ch. 12:8. Our commission: read Luke 24:46-48 vs. 47 says that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name (JESUS CHRIST) among all nations. That’s how Paul turned the world upside down. PS: I use to be Santana Gray, yeah that’s right, it’s me Yuri K. Luckette. BUT, Santana is dead he no longer lives. I go by my first name now, Kewana Gray because I’m a new creation! I see you still holding it down for GOD, Solo. Family let’s all keep TDOTL Ministries in prayer if we have faith and be all on one accord we will move mountains! Man of God, Kewana Gray #727002 Coffield Unit 2661 FM 2054 Tenn. Colony, TX 75884



you look like what you been through?”

Men of Valor & Power

(Daniel 3:27b) “….the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them.” Do you look like what you have been through? This is a rhetorical question which by the spiritual eye sees the answer. Let me tell you about three young Hebrew boys who would not fall down and worship the king Nebuchadnezzar golden image. The penalty of not doing this was death by fire. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were commanded to be thrown into to fiery furnace heated up seven times hotter because they disobeyed the king’s command. They were bound and cast into the midst of the furnace which killed those who cast them in. King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished of what he saw (Daniel 3:24b) says, “…did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? …True O King. Look!...I see four men loose, waling in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” Once you realize that whatever fiery furnace you’re in ( whether: prison, divorce, job loss, financial problems, death of a loved one, etc.) with Jesus the fire has no power. Instead of it burning you up, it will loose and purify you; but without Jesus the fire will consume you. The word says, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego was loose in the fire and guess what? They came out not looking like what they had been through a fire. Many of us allow our situation or circumstance to consume us, rather then to let God use it to loose and purify us. We went in bound with a lot of bondage (depression, stress, discontentment, hurt, pain, anger and resentment, etc.) and instead of letting Jesus who has the authority to give us the power to be loose in the situation (the fire). We come out looking like what we been through – alcoholic, drug addict, sex addict, a person having a nervous breakdown, psychologically disturbed person, and the list goes on and on. But if your faith is in God as Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego faith was, you’ll go through your situation (the fire) to burn the bondage of depression off, hurt off, stress off, pain off, discontentment off anger off and etc. and start praising the Lord Jesus in the midst of your situation (the fire) until you walk right out of it not looking like what you been through. I’m here to tell you there’s many brothers and sisters whose been where you’ve been, but truly don’t look like what they have been through…..for someone been through and ugly divorce but, with the Lord God don’t look like what they been through. Someone just out of prison and they don’t look like what they been through, someone just stepped out of losing it all, but by the grace of God don’t look like what they been though. Brothers and sisters listen to Rev when I tell you, I know what it feels like in the mist of the fiery furnace; but His word says, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:20). My wife and I have gathered together in Jesus name and He has truly been in the midst of the ministry, our doing time, our marriage and everything else. So I know we will not come out looking like what we have been through. I don’t care how your situation seems turned up seven times worse! Have faith in God, gather together with Jesus, and watch Him be in the midst of your situation, then you’ll be like: Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, their hair of their head was not singed nor their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them. Well preacher what that mean for me? It means your mind will not be conformed to your situation (the fire), your character and personality will not be affected by your situation (the fire), and you will not smell like, talk like, act like and above all look like what you been through in your situation (the fire)! God bless you and we love you all!!! Rev. Darnell & Amber Johnson

Something To Chew On “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:7 Many Christians gage if God is near or far by the amount of calamity in their life. So many of us profess to be believers but will allow hardships in our lives to cause us, and our faith, to unravel. Paul talks about peace that transcends all understanding. Everyone understands when all is well in your life and you have peace but it’s hard for people to understand when all hell has broke loose in your life and you still have peace.

Peace is not the absence of things going on in your life, it’s trust in the One who controls the things going on in your life. Think about it… Amber Johnson Women of Virtue & Praise Ministries P.O. Box 570023 Dallas, TX 75057

BE A ORIGINAL NOT A CARBON COPY (FOCUS ON YOUR OWN UNIQUE STRENGTHS) I have discovered a profound truth; God does not want copies He wants originals. Don’t struggle to be a carbon copy of someone you admire. You are unique and there is something you can do that nobody else in the entire world can do exactly the way you can. God had to teach me a important lesson of not comparing myself to teach me to “be free to be me” before he could use me the way he had planned. (Psalm 139:13-16) Basically tells us that God carefully made us the way we are. We are made in the image of God. The next time you want to look down on yourself tell yourself: “I am made in the image of God.” that alone lets you know that you are special. God likes variety, He created different types of fruit trees for our choice. Now just think if the only fruit tree we could eat from was a apple tree, that wouldn’t be good because everybody don’t like apples. God also created people different for His unique plan. But so many people don’t like who they are because they fail to focus on their unique strengths. A lot of believers make spiritual comparisons. One person pray for two hours while another person prays for thirty minutes. The person who prays for thirty minutes might think that something is wrong with him because he failed to focus on his strengths where God id using him to minister to thousands of people. Where the person who prays for two hours ministers to fifty people. In the eyes of God neither person is less spiritual they just have different calling of God. Some people have great emotional experiences when they are born again or receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, while others take it completely by faith and feel nothing but both people see fruit in their lives later. In closing remember it is a dangerous trap to compare your walk with the Lord or enter into spiritual competition with other believers. So be the original that God called you to be and not a carbon copy of somebody else, focus on your unique strengths. Michael Unit - Minister of Music David Wayne Brooks #505127 - In the key of “C”

A RESPONSE TO MR. ANTONIO OESBY Mr. Antonio, God Bless You. I found your article about Trayvon Martin’s life very interesting. I understand your anger. I too was disappointed with that situation, - for both sides. Prior to my acceptance of Christ, I was “pro-black”, didn’t consider myself “American”, and actively advocated the separation of the races based on what “white folk” done to “us”. All of that was foolishness! As mature Christian we should understand that the problem of race and violence is the result of humanity’s fallen nature - simple as that. Legislation won’t fix it, President Obama can’t fix it, nor will anything else. Until Jesus Christ returns and usher’s in His Kingdom - things will remain the same and more than likely get worse. Either we believe God’s word or we don’t. Now, a question. Why didn’t the 2 black teens beating the 80 year old white man to death make big news? Or the black teens in Tulsa I believe who shot and killed the white kid just for fun? Where’s the outrage for these stories - like we saw in Trayvon’s? While I dislike what I see, I must take comfort in God’s word and trust that one day, these things won’t exist, until then, I keep my focus on telling others how Jesus Christ can change their lives. That’s what’s important. STAY FOCUSED Eccl. 8: 9, 11-13, Psalms Chapter 73, Psalms Chapter 37, Luke 6:35-36, Revelation 21:1-8. In His Service, Yuri “Solo” Luckette Founder of Active Frontline Ministries

A RESPONSE TO MR. DAVID A. ROE Brother David, upon reading your essay “And life goes on” coming to the end, - I asked myself “does he truly think that’s “the end”? I commend you for sharing your life with us. It is not easy to revisit some of our life’s negative aspects, however, allow me to offer you a word of encouragement. For one, even though you’ve endured hardships and made unwise choices (as we’ve all done) God has sustained you and allowed you to tell others how He can also sustain them. Your question, “Why can’t I get my life in harmony and be like any other person”? - is a good question and here’s the answer: we can’t do anything of our own power - God does it. We must depend on Him, that’s it, and that’s all. I didn’t get myself together and stop gang banging until I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ - and He did it. How has my mother healed from her molestation by my uncle? Jesus. How is my baby sister healing from being raped by our father when she was 14? Jesus. He will and can do the same in your life. Why is there no criminal residue left in me, a former kleptomaniac (a person addicted to stealing)? Jesus. In your life, tell yourself what you want, not what you don’t want. Through Jesus Christ you can heal from the wounds of your past. Trust Him. In conclusion, REMEMBER: In any bad situation we find ourselves in: 1. 2. 3. 4.

God has allowed us to be in it. While in it, He will sustain us and strengthen us. While in it, He will allow us to learn lessons He wants us to learn - which we can later use to help others with. In His time, He’ll bring us out of the bad situation.

God Bless you and know you are in prayer. Jeremiah 29:11-13, John 3: 16-18, 1 John 1:9 In His Service ~Solo~ Active Frontline Ministries


JAMARION WHITE & FAMILY Jamarion White is a 10 year old male cousin of Rodney Potts on the Eastham Unit. The family is asking for PRAYER and any FINANCIAL SUPPORT to assist them in traveling back and forth to UTMB for Jamarion’s treatments for “tumors on his brain”.


To my Sisters & Brothers of Christ “ONE ROAD” There’s just one road to travel it is paved by God’s own hand, it leads to life eternal and it touches every land, no byways, no side lines, no detours along the way. The travelers will reach their goal where peace shall always stay. The roads are straight and narrow, but shines with heavenly light such a joyous way to travel safe through day or night. There is no charge to enter, admission is always free for Jesus paid the price for everyone on the cross at Calvary. By: C.A. Richnow (Angel) To: Vernon Bracken (Coffield) From: Colette Richnow (Angel) Hobby Hello Teddy Bear, It’s Momma Bear I want to thank you for your article you addressed to me. I enjoyed reading it and following it through the Bible. I would like to continue our fellowship, as I walk the path God has laid out for me. I have also shared my insight with fellow sister inmates. When you spoke of our purpose in serving God, it made me think of the gifts God has given me. Those things that I can use to glorify our Father. I appreciate the fact of you writing about how our spirit matures, how we gain insight. It drives me to learn more and spend quality time in the word, with our Father, and spending the time we all need on our knees with our Father. My assignment at this time is to be in constant conversation with our Lord. My brother in Christ remember: “we stand tallest on our knees”.

FUBU (FOR US BY US) First of all I would like to let each and everyone of you brothers and sisters know that I read TDOTLM from front to back. It’s not a word written that doesn’t get read, because I believe that God could be speaking to me through one of you all. He works like that. Today I just want to encourage you brothers and sisters to continue to move towards the prize. If you’ve fallen and your still down, today is the time to get up and get back on that straight and narrow path. Anyone who has tasted the joy, peace and love of Christ knows that He’s the real deal. And no one can tell them different because you’ve experienced it first hand. It’s a joy, peace and love that nothing you’ve did or will be able to do, that can compare. Today I encourage you to make amends with God, tell Him that your sorry for whatever you’ve done. He’s a forgiving God. I would also like to encourage you all to continue to write, those who are able continue to give (time, funds, support). Our blessings is waiting on us, but we first have to obey God’s rules (Read Joshua 1:8-9). I want my blessing, don’t you? The key to unlocking God’s blessing is simply obeying His Word. The Holy Spirit warns up os sin, but it’s our choice if we commit sin or not. Last but not least I ask that we all do more to encourage and lift up one another. I’m sure we all hear more negative things spoken about us (Christians) than positive. Maybe that’s why the Word of God tells us to encourage and edify one another. There should not be a day that goes by that we’re not giving each other a pat on the back, a hug, a hand shake or sending a letter with some kind of encouraging words. How can we expect the world to do it to us when we don’t even lift up each other. If gang members can greet each other everyday, how much more should we greet one another. Love, Your Brother In Christ Butter

Postage Stamp Drive Continues at The Day of the Lord Ministries

For September Newsletter: Andrew & Lori Charlton Vernon & Lora Falls Fernando & Angela Fernandez Michael & Sandra Howard Darnell & Amber Johnson Dionicio & Nanncy Martinez Virgil & Shy Wilson

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Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

The Day of the Lord Ministries, Newsletter: “The Spoken Word” has experienced amazing growth! PRAISE GOD!!! With all the inmates requesting to be added to the mailing list, we’ve reached over 500 “snail mail readers”, our postage expenses have increased tremendously. We do not solicit cash donations, but there are so many other ways that you can get involved and help. Pledging 10 x $0.66 stamps ($6.60) will help us reach more and more brothers and sisters in white. The next time you go to the post office… please ask for an extra 10 x $0.66 stamps and just put it in and envelope and send to: The Day of the Lord Ministries PO BOX 543004 Dallas, TX 75354 Thank you for your pledge. Together we can make a difference. _________________PLEASE SEND BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR DONATION_________________ Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: __________________________ # of stamps donated: __________

REMINDER: 40 DAY FAST DECEMBER 12 - January 20 with one love ministries Yolanda Wilson Drinking all liquids, soup broth, juice, water, saltine crackers and all roasted nuts. it’s for restoration of all that the devil has stolen from us and the breaking down the walls of all strongholds in the system and in our families

Baptist Dog? A Baptist preacher and his wife decided to get a new dog. Ever mindful of the congregation, they knew the dog must also be a Baptist. They visited kennel after kennel and explained their needs. Finally, they found a kennel whose owner assured them he had just the dog they wanted. The owner brought the dog to meet the pastor and his wife. "Fetch the Bible," he commanded. The dog bounded to the bookshelf, scrutinized the books, located the Bible, and brought it to the owner. "Now find Psalm 23," he commanded. The dog dropped the Bible to the floor, and showing marvelous dexterity with his paws, leafed through and finding the correct passage, pointed to it with his paw. The pastor and his wife were very impressed and purchased the dog. That evening, a group of church members came to visit. The pastor and his wife began to show off the dog, having him locate several Bible verses. The visitors were very impressed. One man asked, "Can he do regular dog tricks, too?" "I haven't tried yet," the pastor replied. He pointed his finger at the dog. "Heel!" the pastor commanded. The dog immediately jumped on a chair, placed one paw on the pastor's forehead and began to howl. The pastor looked at his wife in shock and said, "Good Lord! He's Pentecostal!" A FRIEND TO PRISONER’S MINISTRY 1102 SOUTH 51ST STREET TEMPLE, TX 76504


They offer a free 325-page comic book bible in English or Spanish (Texas prisoners only)


Morning Star Ministries Attn: Product Tithe 375 Star Light Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29715

Far Corners Ministry P O BOX 1262 Terrell, TX 75160

(send free Christian books to prisoners)

Send monthly Christian literature and tracts (request Spanish or English)


W.W.I.H. Wives with Incarcerated Husbands

Provide a support group for women who have husbands/ spouses incarcerated. Meetings held monthly to encourage and lift the wives of incarcerated husbands. (Refreshments typically provided) Please contact Shyrolon “Shy” Wilson at the ministry’s PO Box or have your wives to call (214) 462-2009 for more information or directions. NEXT MEETING: 3rd Friday of EVERY month @ 7:00PM Building the Kingdom Community Church



Pastor J. Chism Justice and Prison Outreach 713-659-3237 ext 4020


St. John’s Downtown UMC 2019 Crawford Houston, Texas 77002 Rudy and Juanita Rasmus Senior Pastors

One Man’s Treasure Clothes Closet 519 E. I-30 #211 Rockwall, TX 75087 (888) 433-9826 (For those paroling to the Dallas area only)


The Job Lead Generator: Victor Pratt Criminal B 6011 Harry Hines Floor 7 #112 UT Southwestern (214) 648-1740

BIC (Bound in Christ) BIC is founded by Liz Compton and is a support group for men and women… meetings are held every 3rd Sunday at Saturn Road Church of Christ 3030 Saturn Road Garland Texas 75041 (972) 271-2444


Joyce Ann Brown MASS Inc. - Dallas 3737 Atlanta Street Dallas, TX 75215 214-421-0303


T R I V I A – S e p t e m b e r

A n s w e r s

Trivia Questions & Answers “OLD PEOPLE” 1. 2. 3. 4.

What color hair is the splendor of the old age? (Gray; Proverbs 20:9) What man lived the longest life recorded in the Bible? (Methuselah; Genesis 5:27) Who lived 365 years, but didn‟t die because God took him away? (Enoch; Genesis 5:18, 23-24, Hebrews 11:5) What elderly prophetess met Mary, Joseph & Baby Jesus at the temple and thanked God for the redemption to come? (Anna; Luke 2:36-38) 5. How old was Noah when God sent the flood to destroy the earth? (600; Genesis 7:11) B I B L E

T R I V I A – O C T O B E R

2 0 1 3

“ O ” M Y

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What “mount” was frequented by Jesus? What Greek letter did Jesus pair with “Alpha” to describe Himself? What kind of tree caught Absalom‟s head, and left him hanging? What did Samuel tell King Saul is better than sacrifice? What widowed woman left Naomi to return to Moab?

DID YOU KNOW? Dogs and cats, like people, are either right-handed or left handed – that is, they favor either their right or left paws. The insulin used to treat diabetes in human beings is taken from pigs and sheep. The substance produced in these animals is exactly the same as that found in the human body. A wedding ring cannot be seized by creditors – no matter how much a bankrupt person owes.


QUOTES FOR THE DAY SIMPLY PUT: Worrying will NEVER change the outcome. But, trusting God WILL! Better Days… SIX WORD STORIES: Grow through, what you go through. UNDERSTAND THIS: You’re not being attacked over the tangible things in your life. The enemy is fighting you over the things you CAN’T see. Your Purpose! THE TRUTH IS: The devil lost his place a looonngg time ago, as the apple of God's eye. You took his place! He hates that! And THAT my friend, is why he fights you daily. God’s child…

To: Brother Autry Ray Charles #316149 Brother Charles, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that the peace the surpasses all understanding be in your heart. I would like to give you my personal opinion concerning the matter of the unclean food: I understand your concern, but I think you should be very grateful that you have those 3 meals a day and for free! In Matthew 6:25 the Lord tells us “Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on…” then on v32 tells us “...for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.” just think how blessed you are, you have food, clothes, a roof and a bunk to sleep on, when out there (free world) people have it bad. There’s people, all over the world that are in complete poverty and they don’t have anything to eat. Those people are more than willing to go into the dumpsters looking for something they can eat without caring if it is rotten or unclean. They don’t care for nothing like that, because they are hungry, that’s why. People like them will do anything to be able to get the food you are refusing to eat because you think it’s unclean. I would like for you to meditate on all this, and for you to be grateful that you have food to eat, and to be content with it (1 Timothy 6:3), giving thanks to God for it in the name of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:20). So, brother, if you think that the food is unclean, just bless it in the name of Jesus, dig in and enjoy it, remembering that God took mercy upon you, blessing and providing for your life regardless of where you are at. Keep on seeking God and His kingdom and he will take care of you! One Love Ministries YSIC, Sarai Gomez #1410542 Hobby Unit

Mauricio R. Broomfield

Mrs. Michelle Robinson,

Hey Ronele, Proverb 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. Sometimes in life we don't understand the reason why so much pain and tribulation is stored upon us , however God knows what's best for us. Everything works together for our good. Ronele, God has granted you a second chance, and guess what? “He don't , make mistakes! The storm is passing over! Love Always, Gratefully your mom Michelle

Daddy loves you with all my heart, body and soul forever. You are my angel and so many beautiful ways Yellow Bone. Daily you show me that your love is unbeatable and unbelievable and as-well as special. The greatness of your heart I know God created once in a lifetime. You make me smile when I’m sad. You even cheer me up when my days seem lonely and gray. God gave you to me because He seen a lonely angel “ME” fallen from “Heaven” and needed attended too with care and unconditional love. Someone so very special that care’s about others as-well as their hearts. Mrs. Robinson God brought me you. Michelle you have given me a new life and truly the best years of it. And you alone have opened my heart to love and trust again. And that alone makes you the best wife in my world. Baby no matter what we face along the way of our lives together you and I will always be as one on earth and in “heaven”. Yellow Bone I thank God every single day for allowing me to meet you and love you. And as-well as becoming your husband. Really there’s no better way to express how I truly feel about you than this Mrs. Michelle Robinson I Mr. Michael Robinson love you and your heart for all eternity. Your Loving Husband Michael

Michael B. Robinson -Coffield Unit Keep holding on to God’s unchanging hands, He'll never let you down. When man let you down, God will raise you up and carry you through until the end. Put all your hope in God’s hand and wait patiently for him to turn them around in your favor. We will look back and see 3 foot prints in the sand, you and I, God carrying us both! Victory! Amen Yours forever, Michelle Robinson

To my Beloved Brother Virgil and Beloved Sister Shy, I want you both to know that God is not sleeping, He sees all the work that you both are doing with Love for the kingdom of God. I see the Spoken Word truly being spread nationwide. So, My God shall supply all The Day of the Lord Ministries needs according to His riches in glory. Be Blessed One Love YSIC One Love Ministries Yolanda Wilson #1468610 Tra-Trigga: by the time you get this shout-out you should be moved out of the cell with me, and on your way forward. I hope and pray you have a blessed birthday! Even though we are brothers from another mother we are still brothers nonetheless. PS: Step your domino game up! You ain’t got nothing for me! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (smile) Big Tokyo Tra - City Wuz good with it brotha?!? I know it’s been a minute. But it went from bad to worse. Got your bro up on the ALLRED Unit. Boy! If there’s a hell on earth, this is it! Robertson is a daycare compared to this. Tell your brother Kelvin I send my love & respect as well! Stay prayed up and stand in your faith. Big Tokya TO: BRO. ALONZO D. FULLER (CLEMENTS UNIT) Thank u Bro. for the encouraging words, that GOD has put on your heart to put on paper. I used to be on Clements for ten yrs., I was one of the number one thieves out the kit. they used to call me “Duck”. Let them brothers know I am a new creation in Christ, and that I am praying for all of them, to come to the saving grace of GOD. Keep doing what you are doing Bro., they need it like I needed it. PEACE… Bro. Donald Ervin #900559

“love you babe, lots and lots and lots around the world to the moon and back” ~gloria To all my Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Momma C is still in the hospital recovering slowly. Keep her in your prayers. Also, Papa T for being by her side. Have patience on my correspondence to you. From Colette A. Richnow Hobby Unit

My Beloved Brother Michael Kimmel As Proverbs 24:16 tells us “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.” Brother I don’t know what happened with your supposedly anger issue and I don’t care! Just make sure you get back up. you know something I learned while I was down, was the only reason I am able to stand is because of God’s mercy and grace. A part from that we will not make it. So, it doesn’t matter what happened, how it happened, or why it happened! I trust you repented and dusted yourself off, got back up and about out Father’s business. Keep your head lifted up because that’s where we are storing up out treasures. One Love Always YSIC Yolanda Wilson #1468610 One Love Ministries To All you Brothers on Eastham, A lot of you know me. I did (10) ten flat calendars there. D.H. Chef, K-O, Bro. Dr. Wilson and the rest of you! There has been plenty of days we wished and prayed we were else where. Please believe! Eastham is a blessed unit. There is always some place worse. Boy did I find that out. Give thanks for the blessings you have and stand in your faith and keep it moving. I love and miss you all. I even miss the old Eastham. BOY! You boys stay prayed up! P.S.: Grand Pa Ike Trevino! Miss you bro! Should of listened to you! Big Tokyo

To my brother Alonzo (Sunshine) From Sister Colette (Angel) Keep sending your articles and studies for me to read. My love and the understanding of God is growing through trials and tribulations of my everyday life. They help me deal with and overcome many obstacles. Peace be with you!

To Michael Kimmel Mike, I have prayed for you and would like to encourage you, keep your head up, all things end to the glory of God. This will only make you strong. Write any time I’m hear to listen and write back. Love your friend Angel. Hobby Unit To my Sister Yolanda Wilson (Hobby) From Colette Richnow (Hobby) Keep feeding me the word it’s good for my soul as I grow in my walk. Thanks for being there. God Is Good! To: Danny R. Dean (Goree) From: Colette A. Richnow (Hobby) I have admired all your poetry over the past year. Here’s one for you. Peace be with you. HOPE Hope is the blood of our hearts without hope there’s darkness, you begin to feel like many days are lost away. All you live for is a glimmer of hope. Each night you pray for a way to cope. When hope fades and you feel the darkness reach out to someone that knows your heart look for the spark a glimmer of the light. Someone to help you put up a fight. Don’t give up, just reach out and pray once more. Suddenly hope will open a door, a bright light. Then each day you will become happier easier again for a glimmer of hope out of the dark into the light. You found a friend, me!

The Day of the Lord Ministries celebrates October Birthdays Brandonia Wilson Daniel Ramos Rodney Potts Zikie Graham Victor Hughes Virgil Wilson Sr. Erica Warren Steven Schwartz Bernie Mac Wall GiGi Reynolds J.D. Dawson Toronto "Tra Trigga" Lockridge

1-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 8-Oct 8-Oct 10-Oct 10-Oct 11-Oct 17-Oct 19-Oct

Kris Feuge Ken Whitley LaBunty L. Salone Clayton Autrey Jo Linda Gibson Debra Carter DeMarkus McMullen Byron Thompson James Bowens Debra Brown

20-Oct 20-Oct 22-Oct 25-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct

Happy Anniversary Dwight & Tiffany Wallace Jarvis & Veter Douglas Sam & Shirley Smith

10-Oct 17-Oct 26-Oct

In Memory Of: Harry W. Aguilar Sr.


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Thinking of you on your special day and sending warmest thoughts your way. Asking God to hold you near and bless you with each passing year. God Bless you on your birthday. -Virgil & Shy Wilson

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