1 minute read



It has been a giving time with our teens at TCS. We had our annual Midnight Run at the beginning of February, where we collected hundreds of donations from the TCS community. We sorted through clothing donations. We made soup with a recipe from TCS member, Sheri Warshaw. We gave out many donations to the homeless throughout New York City.

Focus on the Meaning of the Holiday

Passover is a holiday that celebrates freedom and liberation. Explain the meaning of the holiday to your children in a way that they can understand. You can also encourage them to perform acts of kindness and giving to help others.

By involving children in the preparations, telling the Passover story in a child-friendly way, making the seder interactive, and focusing on the meaning of the holiday, you can create a Passover celebration that is enjoyable and memorable for children. Happy Passover!

Our teens helped at the Purim Carnival by running games and serving the food. They had a blast! More recently, we had a group of teens go to It! Adventure Park in New Haven to meet up with the rest of the regional chapter. It was amazing to see our TCS teens leading throughout the New England region. Everyone had so much fun flying through the air!

I am always amazed with how much the community is willing to give and help out. I, as well as our teens are extremely grateful for the TCS community.